I am still narrowing my gaze at you, NE Afghanistan.
Last time I chimed in on what was going on in Afghanistan, things were shuffling around a bit. Has it made a difference? Not as of yet…
The Pakistanis are still meddling, but the Afghans are getting a bit harsher on those abetting it. The Hazaras are still really unhappy with …everyone else (this is not a new thing). The upcoming election has seen the usual spate o’ bombings and such. I do have to give credit to the Afghans…they still get out there and try. (Oh, how depressing a job must the “Executive Director of Integrity Watch Afghanistan” be?)
So how about the war? We still have some NATO members dragged into it. See here for the official line. Oh, and we are still shootin’ away. Some of the “strikes” sound like the British cops when they beat their chests about confiscating a screwdriver or a sharpened toothbrush handle…
• In Helmand Province, one strike destroyed one motorcycle.
• In Laghman Province, five strikes denied terrain.
..wha? TRANSLATION – “hey, we hit something!” and “we missed”
Blood seems to be down, treasure is not. Right now, the Afghans are doing most of the fighting – which is supposed to be the goal. But, I want to see after the October 20th election, if they have any movement toward talking with the Talib. Both sides are really tired, but have to maintain a strong looking posture, for domestic (or foreign backer) consumption. This has been 40+ years of fighting, one way or the other, for many Afghans.
To be continued (and continued, and continued…)
Tough to be those birth-control glasses….or as Drill Sargent Whittlesby used to say, “those scream catch-me-fuck-me!”
Now….hit it !
(special guest sample by Thelonius Monk…the piano is from “Black and Tan Fantasy”)
God that’s horrible. I don’t mind the rap and I dig Monk and I could see mixing the two but this just sounds like someone forgot to turn the radio in the other room off while recording.
Those aren’t BCGs. They’re dope smoking glasses as one of my DS called them.
So, this wouldn’t fit?
Not when you SF it.
Well, fuck me.
Not with BCGs on, she won’t.
I still haven’t gotten an answer (not directed at you Swiss ) as to what a victory there would look like and what we would get out o f it.
Almost two decades of war and instead of an answer I get hymm-hawing, shuffling feet or ridiculous platitudes.
“A stable, pro-American democracy. And also flying unicorns who shit platinum pellets.”
We’ve been putting our dick in the region since the end of WW II, and have never really done anything positive.
We could always look back at history and see what everyone else did there for success.
Get the fuck out?
No, slaughter the fighting age persons, crush any remants of the old faith and enforce a new belief system at swordpoint.
Or there was the other guy who made mountains of skulls as an example.
before the first example, there were more successes, but that was likely because the region was little different from the rest of the world at the time.
? Let’s do it!
Now that’s just a good idea, so you know that’s never going to fly.
Brezhnev has much sadz
We learn the lesson everyone for 2500 years has learned and leave. There is no such thing as Afghanistan, there are just endlessly warring family groups and rocks they hide behind.
We need a president with balls who will just stand up and say,
“We’re completely pulling out of the Middle East and Afghanistan. We’ve tried every approach and we can’t fix this region, so we’re going to stop the senseless waste of human lives and money. Drop us a line if you happen to move beyond medieval times and want to be friends again.”
First two links the same?
Still not fixed.
Hey all, thanks for dealing with me last night. I truly appreciate it.
You’re welcome! I hope things work out for the best.
As much as I dont really care for the Ravens, did Tennessee even bother sending a team ?
This has been 40+ years of fighting, one way or the other, for many Afghans.
It’s hard not to see Afghan culture (for lack of a better word) as irremediably damaged. War yesterday, war today, war forever.
In many ways thats been the story of Afghanistan since Alexander the Great. They only briefly stop warring with each other to repel invaders, hennce the reason it’s called the graveyard of empires. Were like the cops who show up to a messy domestic dispute, the only assurance you have is that they will all turn their wrath on you in the end and your efforts will be neither effectual or appreciated.
“It was gonna be different this time.”
I don’t agree with all of his diagnosis but this captures the essence of what we don’t get about Afghanistan IMO.
There some attempts to modernize/change the country in the 50s/60s, but, well, shit happened.
Given their own culture I am not sure us being there makes much difference. Us leaving wouldn’t make much difference to them either. It would still be looting, rape, murder and mayhem all of the time.
They don’t have a unified culture. They are tribes that periodically ally to kill the last tribe that betrayed them and then betray each other. The only times in history that they have been even slightly unified (and even then there are dozens of betrayals) is when an idiotic foreign power occupied the area. If they do something that you cannot tolerate (911, raiding through Khyber) you go in, hang a few and then leave. Trying to nation build in Afghanistan is epically deluded. They don’t have the traditions you need for democracy, they don’t even have the traditions you need for nationhood.
That’s what boggles me about this idea that “democracy” would make everything better in the Middle East.
What good is democracy if most of the people think that the death penalty is appropriate for homosexuality, or if it’s better for girls to die in a burning building rather than going outside without their ninja costumes on, or that it’s totally OK to strap suicide vests onto children in order to kill Jews?
Most people in that region don’t want liberal democratic capitalism. They’re just bickering over who gets to be the next Saddam Hussein.
Most people in that region don’t want liberal democratic capitalism. They’re just bickering over who gets to be the next Saddam Hussein.
In Iraq that may be true but Afghanistan is more primitive even than that. They simply don’t think in terms of ‘Afghanistan” at all. They are tribal in the truest sense of the word. No matter who ‘rules the country’ if you ask them who is in charge they will point to the head of their clan. They don’t speak the same language; they are ethnically distinct, and they are wholly patriarchal family groups. Some State Department asshole goes in, meets with a few ‘educated’ city dwellers and comes back with stars in his eyes about how we can really make a break through now. Problem is that that city dweller has as much in common with the folk in the hills as a kid in a Seattle coffee shop has with Sitting Bull.
“A stable, pro-American democracy. And also flying unicorns who shit platinum pellets.”
Not platinum pellets; green batteries which never lose their charge and are made of sequestered CO2 and pig manure.
I’m not an expert on foreign policy, but has there ever been a stable republic named after a throw blanket?
Even the dogs are kinda skittish.
No mention of this story?
Taliban say ‘general’ discussion held with US special envoy
Bleeve women
Did she tell that guy in Oregon that Trump was impeached, too?
The story that… won’t… die….
On this note, I recently got into it on derpbook with a real life “believe women because reasons” person. She is an acquaintance from college (never did and would not..too ditsy and dumb). She pulled out all the same tropes (women don’t come forward, when they do they should be believed regardless of evidence, women are oppressed by the system, etc). I told her, basically, that ‘due process’ and ‘innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ are essential to western culture/human rights and losing that would result in actual oppression and destruction of human rights. Also, that our current legal system is designed to serve justice to the accused and the accuser (though application is a bit spotty…). IOW there is no systemic oppression of women and we legally and culturally protect women. I pointed out that hearsay is not evidence and that she was advocating actual oppression by taking the “bleeve women” standard. In response she doubled down. So I decided to have some fun and troll her and I may have said something about how suffrage is destroying western civilization (I later clarified my actual position, which is that ill-informed people shouldn’t vote). I am surprised I have not been de-friended. And, as always, it is intriguing engaging these people in the wild. It is also frightening given what they are advocating (i.e. ending due process bc muh feelz)
Do they really believe in getting rid of due process in all cases – or just this case? I can’t decide which is worse.
From my perspective it seems like just for sexual assault against women committed by men. I provided a pretty clear example of what this principle would mean universally (i.e. “I say you did ‘x’ and your now guilty just because”), but it was dismissed by deflection and, frankly, she seemed to miss the point. Not too bright, that one.
They believe in having the legal shithammer slammed down on anyone that they ‘feel’ deserves it. They are incredibly ignorant as to the history of how that works. They dont know why we have rule of law or the presumption of innocence. They cant believe that they themselves will one day find themselves shivering naked in a dungeon because of course they are a good person.
I used to know a girl who got sucker punched by a dude in a bar because she was mouthing off. When I told her what a really bad idea that is she replied “But I was right!”
“Did being right stop the punch and keep you out of the hospital?” – she didn’t like that too much.
You knew Sarah Silverman’s character in Way of the Gun?
I didn’t see way of the gun and I refuse to watch anything with silverman in it.
No, this was a real, live chick.
I am guessing that happens pretty often if it made its way into a movie plot.
Happens to at least 5/4 women on college campuses. Trust me, I saw the fliers at my old university.
Oh, I assure you, you’ll enjoy Silverman’s performance.
She used to be really funny before the left decided to inject politics into everything.
I’m having a hard time believing you would have stood by and let a girl get sucker punched no matter how much mouthing off she was doing.
I read it that he heard the story at a later time.
You are right, I’ve been drinking in a dive bar and jumped to conclusions.
I wasn’t with her at the time. It happened years before I knew her.
You are correct, I would never do that but then I dont go to dive bars either. Cant stand the places.
Wife’s cousin did ten years back in the ’80s for killing a guy with a beer bottle in a dive bar fight. A couple of years ago he rode home from a wedding with the wife and myself. Half-way home he saw a dive bar just outside of Baton Rouge and asked me if I would stop so we could ‘grab a beer’.
“Hell no I am not stopping there. Are you incapable of learning?”
Come to think of it the wife’s cousin is the same story. He was attacked in the bar by one of those ‘Whut er yew lookin’ at?’ guys. He only hit the guy in defense. To this day he is outraged at what happened to him because ‘he was right’.
Being right didn’t keep him out a fight in a trashy bar or keep him out of prison.
I have a feeling that “dive bar outside of Baton Rouge” is rougher than my idea of a dive bar – which is generally just anywhere that’s affordable and people don’t put on airs.
That isn’t a dive bar, Rhywun, that’s a blue collar establishment. A dive bar is more likely to see blood spilled.
THIS is a dive bar (I used to live by it, never frequented it)
Machete fights are all fun and games, until someone loses a hand.
I believe her. I’ve never met a backpack that wasn’t always on the verge of rape. Jansports were the worst.
Oh, how depressing a job must the “Executive Director of Integrity Watch Afghanistan” be?
Depressing, or lucrative?
Annnnnd……right out the gate, Leslie Stahl goes right to Climate Change
“It’s horseshit. Next question.”
Did she ask him why he hates Gaia?
Cause the marxists are pissed Trump knows they are peddling a bullshit excuse to get more of their marxist agenda enacted?
Let me know if there are any choice audio cuts.
Now she is talking like Trump is mishandling NoKo, while Obama couldn’t stop sucking that little guys cock, and they thought he was such a great guy. Go figure.
Trump talks belligerently and authoritatively to North Korea: “Oh my god, Drumph is going to push Kim over the edge and cause a nukular war!!!!!111”
Trump gets along with North Korea: “Drumph is schmoozing and cozying up with a brutal dictator!!!!!111”
Heads, I win. Tails, you lose. I’m sick of this Orwellian crap.
They are blind to their own bias.
Trump should come out and say marxism is awesome… That he loves it.
HuffPo, Vox, DU, etc., headlines the next day; “Maybe it’s time to re-look at Marxism. Perhaps it isn’t as good as we thought”
Interesting strategy. That’d make Trump a regular R.E. Lee. ///greatgeneral
I hope those mining deals work out. I’m thinking something like that is the only thing (if anything) that could maybe get Afghanistan on its feet.
You cant have shit there. Not wells, not mines, not pipelines. The deal may work out but the mines wont.
I don’t know, there are still operational landmines there from the Soviet occupation…
Silly me. I forgot about that.
Why are they mining for land there? Don’t they have plenty to grow poppies?
First snow fall here, I blame MikeS for sending me this shit weather!
It was all melted here. Then about an hour ago, I looked out the window and it looked like a damn blizzard. I pulled up the radar and it was a small squall going right over my farm. Got about an inch in maybe 30 minutes or so. SMDH
Send it here! I want snow!
You can have it.
Just say no to snow.
I’m thankful there is no snow here yet.
Hear, hear. I for one am not looking forward to the imminent arrival of snow.
Strike Summary: “tactical units ” and “denied terrain “.
In Vietnam it was “truck parks ” and “troop concentrations “.
How many Taliban does it take to comprise a tactical unit?
For how long is the terrain denied?
Fewer than make up a Troop Concentration.
Nonzero time.
Ya know, I was never really a fan of Trump, other than for the entertainment.
But CBS is showing their colors with this hatchet job. And they’re using the eye-filter thingy again, just to make him look like Palpatine.
Are they doing super soft focus on Stahl so she looks younger than 90?
Good god Johnny has let himself go. He looks like the dude who peaked in high school when he was a good basketball player.
And of course, who will never shut the fuck up about it until the day they die.
“Remember that time we almost went to the state finals?”
+1 Al Bundy
Did I ever tell you guys about the time I scored 24 points before halftime?
Oh God, is that who I think it is?
Who is it? I literally have no idea. I live under a rock.
I think it might be Johnny Rotten.
It sure is. Time is a bitch. He looks like he is bloated and bored.
Yeah… I’m not gonna cast stones here.
Johnny No Fun
Who the hell is she?
You’ll hear all about it soon, that red shirt? it’s a MAGA shirt and that “woman” is a “legendary” punk rocker.
Watching legends grow old, debauched, decrepit etc kinda kills the romance. Legends are better when they are dead and we can only see them as we wish in our memory.
Meh, I enjoyed the hell out of seeing Jerry Lee Lewis play piano last year, and I enjoyed seeing the Straycats on stage together again, regardless of how they feel about each other. Having seen the Skatalites, Dick Dale, and Toots playing live, there’s a time when watching them play just makes you realize how old they are.
A training film for Q.
That’s a spoof, right?
According to the channel description all this guy does is clean up old instructional videos, so it would seem legit. That first 3 mins the don’t dos part I guess.
I don’t think he goes for A-cups, but that vid is great nonetheless.
The remnants of the hurricane we got finally brought fall to central VA. I welcome the temperature change and the lower (for a couple months) power bill. Also, the bugs will be gone soon and I won’t have to do yard work, except for dealing with leaves. Perhaps over the winter I will get around to doing some meaningful home-improvement projects I have been considering.
Winter… home improvement projects… does not compute.
/Entombed in snow for the duration
Looks Ike it’s time to get the chainsaw and snowblower ready for action.
I have a neighbors tree overhanging my shed and fence that’s going to be toast. I have to keep the limbs from falling on and damaging the shingles and fence.
Because F-16’s are still awesome.
Oh, and we are still shootin’ away.
Huh. I thought Obama ended the war? What are you going to tell me next? The government lies?
Yeah, He end it right after He closed GITMO, everyone knows that.
Today was a good day. Broke some clays, spent some time with friends, had dinner and drinks.
Finally back home and drinking bourbon with my gf. Living the dream.
*contented sigh*
Stuff like this Afghanistan article is so foreign to my reality. It’s almost like fiction to me. Thanks Swiss for reminding me to be grateful for that.
Yeah? I am still jealous.
I mowed the lawn had dinner at a bar which serves a good Oktoberfest beer.
I am sad Oktoberfest ended. I would have liked to have fewer health problems while I was in Munich for Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest music
My day:
Wife: the kids are invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese
Me: (looks at map) down the street from the party there’s two breweries literally across the street from one another
Wife: ok I’ll drop you off
Me: (happy face emoji) (beer emoji)
Last week Doctor Who was anti-knife. This week is anti-gun. Worse, the way it’s shoved into the script so blatant and ham-handed. It’s not subtle and clever like Jim Rockford.
We’re almost done with the new Who. She’s bad, the writing is crap, and the companions are so bland. Maybe one more episode and we are out.
I’m recording it. Still haven’t watched last week’s.
But… Who has always been anti-gun. It kind of goes with the territory.
True. However, Tennant at least took that Webley from Wilf. And I recall Tom Baker shooting a rifle at least once.
Ahem, there’s a blaster in the nose of that mutt in your avatar photo. Mk II & III models were built by the Doctor and also had nose blasters.
Oh, there were plenty of guns in the show. The premise being that the Doctor eschewed using them personally.
Huh. You liked Doctor Who, Sean? I never would have guessed.
And preachy too. But I can still enjoy those 70’s or 80’s episodes despite that.
Me too, and to me it didn’t feel so much “preachy” as “the Doctor is a weirdo”.
What is this “new Who”? Doctor Who ended in the late 80s with the seventh Doctor.
Seriously, I think I saw maybe three Old Who episodes before Twitch did a marathon last summer.
After seeing it, fuck it, neckbeards are right. New Who is shit compared to 1-4 at least (I didn’t get to see much post-Baker run). Only Eccleston came close to the character, and the scripts are abominable.
Don’t be silly, Doctor Who hasn’t been on the air since the late 80s.
You beat me to it.
What’s this Doctor Who you’re talking about? The shows been cancelled for 29 years.
I remember a few years back? someone here described an English movie about zombies where the heroes eschewed the use of guns to defend themselves?
Shaun Of The Dead had some head-shaking moments regarding the “heroes” and their fear and complete lack of knowledge of firearms.
I have a vague memory that they did use guns in “Shaun of the Dead”, though you might be right about their lack of knowledge of guns.
“Dogs can’t look up”
They found one in the bar in the climatic battle. The bickering over who had to use it and how to use it were pathetic, but I assume very accurate to urban British millennials.
Christopher Eccleston was ok. David Tennant was far superior. After that, the series was dead to me.
And Catherine Tate? Would.
She was the best nu-companion.
Matt Smith had his moments. Karen Gillan super +++ as Amy Pond.
It was well in character and genre. I think Hot Fuzz proved that at least some of the boys (Wright? Pegg?) don’t have a stick up their ass about firearms.
How much must it suck to get your lady Doctor, only to have the progtopia virtue signaling shit it up so bad, it’s the worst season ever?
Probably not really sucky, since the whole point is to feel aggrieved about something. Like Fury Road: the knucklehead MRAs and woman-haters were supposed to shit all over it and make it a cause celebre for feminists, because men are too weak and insecure to accept a strong feminist icon. Except the movie rocked, and nobody cared about messages. And lady Ghostbusters: if it fails, it’s because MRAs and women-hating PUAs are shitting all over it. Not because it’s an instantly forgettable bit of nostalgia cash-in, and the whole feminist angle was drummed up to excuse a box office bomb. So if lady Doctor Who fails, it only reinforces what progressives want to hear about their culture: it’s rife with women-hating MRAs who won’t give lady Doctor Who her fair shake. Which means it succeeds, as far as the feminist message is concerned. It proves the world isn’t ready for lady Doctor Who.
What does it mean that my gf hates the lady Doctor waaay more than me?
Is she hot?
She was a Catholic school girl. She owns many guns. She has an ass I can’t keep my hands of off. Oh, and she’s a raging anti liberal.
I’m gonna give that question a bit ole “yes”.
Not the gf, the Doctor.
I haven’t been in a movie theater since 2006, so I’m no cinema expert, but here’s how I see it: Fury Road was an original story with a lead who happened to be female. Lady Ghostbusters was just a warmed-over ’80s movie with the genders swapped as a ham-fisted attempt at “diversity”. That’s why the former was a popular movie and the latter was an instantly forgettable flop.
I liked Fury Road because Theron was barely human, let alone female.
Meh, I didn’t care for Fury Road, but not because it was a woman lead, but because I didn’t find it a compelling story. ‘We go here, then we go here, then we go back there.’ (along with the fact that the whole Mad Max angle was used terribly, he was in no way like the original character except wardrobe)
And lady Ghostbusters: if it fails, it’s because MRAs and women-hating PUAs are shitting all over it.
Here’s the thing I never got, though. The MRAs and PUAs are supposedly these pathetic loser neckbeards sitting in mom’s basement because they’re so awful that no self-respecting woman would ever even look at them. Yet, they’re so insanely all-powerful that they can tank a film by their disapproval. Something doesn’t compute.
Worst season ever? Let’s not forget #6 or #7…at least seven had Ace…
I don’t know the first thing about Dr. Who. My brother was into it for a minute, when Martha Jones was a companion. I quite liked her. But I never got into the series myself.
That was #10…
She was pretty hot.
She gets naked in Sense8
I keep watching because every once in a while they come up with a fantastic story. Usually one per season. A lot of the new stuff is crap, though. Then again, so was a lot of the old stuff – but at least it was more watchable.
Yikes… I can’t wait to watch. I have to wonder if the British are so far gone they don’t even see the signaling. I mean… did anybody not expect it?
Meh, the Doctor is always hammy brit like that. But the whole episode felt sloppily written and produced, and so far the new Doctor doesn’t have any charisma. The feels like shes rushing through her lines to be excitable like past Doctors, but just sounds like she’s rushing through the lines.
I’ve hated the hell out of that for the entire new series.
A strike, as defined in the release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location against Taliban irreconcilables and Islamic State Khorasan Province, al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations that threaten Afghanistan and the 41 Resolute Support nations and their citizens.
Who speaks like this?
What? It’s perfectly cogent.
Styx ditches the leather for a sweater. Did he lose a bet?
WTF?? First a shirt, and now this.
Hundreds of felony criminal cases – including charges of attempted murder, rape and drug trafficking – are in limbo after a prosecutor revealed a conflict of interest involving a Hillsborough County grand juror, New Hampshire court officials acknowledge.
The grand juror, who is married to an employee of Hillsborough County Attorney Dennis Hogan, sat on the grand jury for four months and voted on hundreds and hundreds of indictments that now could be subject to legal challenges. The unnamed grand juror remained on the secret panel after Superior Court Judge Diane Nicolosi, refused to excuse the person, the court system acknowledged.
“In a one sentence request to be excused from serving, the grand juror raised the issue of being related to a member of the Hillsborough County Attorney’s office and a trial judge denied the grand juror’s request for excusal,” the chief justice of Superior Courts, Tina Nadeau, said in a statement released to the New Hampshire Union Leader.
The grand juror raised the issue in July and then sat on grand juries from September to December, the court system said.
What kind of weirdo does that?
*timidly raises hand*
I would love to. Well, depending on case load, maybe not for 4 months, but being on multiple grand juries sounds awesome.
Someone who couldn’t get out of it?
I don’t even know how they work. Do people get called for grand juries? I never have been.
I can only speak for NH, where I was called for jury duty last summer. Yes, you can get called for a grand jury, which I understand sucks donkey balls. I lucked out and got called for a petit jury where there were only 3 cases on the docket.
Oh, and this was for the county superior court.
I’ve been called three times – once each in Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn – those are counties so I guess county courts? The difference is a little blurry here. Never got into a trial.
At a place I worked a few years ago, one of the middle managers was about the laziest person I ever met. She was summoned on to a grand jury, a nine-month gig, and happily accepted without any thought of trying to get out of it. Because, as a civil servant, she was entitled to full pay for the duration, and her exact protected job back afterwards, while serving on a jury. She was ecstatic — actually much happier to sit on her ass in a jury box eight hours a day than doing her actual job. (Something I just can’t understand in people btw, wouldn’t you be bored to tears? I can’t stand sitting doing nothing for even an hour, much less every day for almost a year).
Of course, given the kind of position she was in, no one even noticed her absence, work continued just fine without her. But she finally came back and was able to resume the position that had since been proven completely unnecessary. And this is one major reason why ‘bureaucracies’ have the reputations that they do.
I’m really good at just zoning out. I would sit and stare at the wall for 8 hours if you paid me. Maybe it has to do with being left alone a lot as a child.
My mind tends to wander and come up with funny shit all by itself. Back when I worked at this factory, I would run my machine and sometimes bust out laughing over some stupid shit that I just though of, and all the other workers thought I was a psycho. Really, I was just surviving in an incredibly dull environment.
I understand federal grand juries are 18 month stints (once a week) and next to impossible to duck out of. And,if a case is open after 18 months, you remain on the grand jury until it is closed.
18 months?! Holy crap.
One of my employees is on a federal grand jury. First Tuesday of every month for 18 months.
Lingerie ladies for your pleasure!
17 for me.
Lingerie turns me off. So man hooks… so many clasps.
Yeah, I’m honestly more a fan of a men’s, white, button-up shirt. Unbuttoned juuuust far enough down.
I like lingerie, but not really for the lingerie itself – more for the idea that a woman would go to such lengths to make herself attractive for me… If that makes any sense.
Maybe that’s what turns me off… doesn’t suspend my disbelief. ;P
37 for me.
18 is a bunny boiler.
21 is in trouble, then.
#32 I went “wow” and then I realized that was the teddy bear’s nose.
I’ll be in my bunk, after work ends.
*insert sad emoji here*
Can we share?
I’m not a big fan of Trump’s persona, but I thought he wiped the floor with Leslie Stahl tonite. Want to bet that some pearl clutchers will be talking tomorrow about how he “disrepected her as a professional journalist because she’s a woman; he would never treat a male journalist like that?”
“Leslie, you ignorant slut.”
Damn. I often forget that SNL once could actually be funny.
Were they in a debate? This is why I don’t miss television or political theater at all, whatever happened to straight forward interviews? Now someone has to “win”
Gotta get fuel to pump those “X ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS Y IN Z TOPIC” headlines for youtube vids and articles /kiff sighs
Ben Shapiro strangles hooker with FACTS then throws her body in a river of LOGIC.
Ya that’s our fault, we’ve been slowly pushing your species towards full WWF (we refuse to recognize the mandated name change) royal rumble but without all the world ending nuclear exchange. Although we’d love to see a few tank battles cut short with a tac nuke, but I digress
Ok, but are you a fan of his fursona?
You know the two of them “yiff” on top of that flag.
Then let them yiff in hell.
Why you do this?
That question assumes that I am not in thrall to Chaos, as manifested by the Outer Gods.
And here I thought you were just a fellow worthy and blessed follower of the Way of the THICC. My hopes and dreams have been shattered. TOP 10 Anime Betrayals compilation worthy.
No, it’s like Asia, where you can be Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucianist all at the same time.
Tzeench best waifu!
Do they shave only the crotch area? Otherwise, dingleberries would be a problem.
A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. Between grunts, the bear turns to the rabbit and asks, “hey rabbit, do you ever have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?” The rabbit thinks for a moment and answers, “no, I don’t think I’ve ever had that problem.” So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit.
Pfft, we read Hat & Hair. This is charmingly mainstream.
If Trump were a furry, what would he be?
10, 37. And yes, 18 is a bunny boiler.
Ya’all just need to feel good .
That was unexpected.
That’s what she said.
I wonder why the photo is of a Juul when they’re not involved.
Because it’s 2018 (and that’s journalism in current year?)
I suppose Time has lawyers to deal with pesky legal issues like “slander”.
Oh and it looks like a deliberate intent to cast suspicion on the entire business to me.
Good catch. The misinformationization of the nation.
It’s the same strategy that the Nazis used in “The Eternal Jew” when they juxtaposed images of Albert Einstein while discussing Jewish involvement in the pornography industry, implying that he had something to do with it.
Why are they putting ED drug/medicine in vape juice?
Why not?
Fun fact: One of my brother’s friends got busted for stealing whipped cream cans from Kroger and huffing the gas in the bathroom, and when the cops detained and searched him, they found a mixture of Viagra and some kind of sedative pills. What was he planning to do, fall asleep and pop a huge boner?
PUAs got to them?
Chinamen are worried about having the next generation of customers?
Someone though it would be hilarious?
It was some company in China.
China, great guy. Friend of mine.
I’m listening to Roseanne’s latest talk with Rogan. “I’ve had large, pendulous breasts since I was four or five.” Cracked me up.
I thought she had a boob reduction during the run of the show? At least, there was a (hilarious) episode about it.
No idea. Don’t think I’ve ever watched her show other than in snippets.
It was probably my favorite sitcom of that era next to Seinfeld so I’ve seen all of them like a million times.
Seinfeld was great. The last sitcom (?) I watched regularly was “My Name is Earl”.
That one wasn’t half bad. Assuming animated stuff does’t count, I haven’t followed a sitcom in forever. Maybe “Arrested Development” was the last one?
I thought Parks & Rec was worth watching, although the later seasons did drop a bit
She’s still funny. Nuts, but funny.
She’s a liar! She had no
cancerbreasts at all! Evidence!Oh, wait, that was Rosie Oenemy of Drumpf, not Rosanne. Never mind.
wait no wiki says :Little Rosey is a Canadian animated television series produced by Nelvana that aired in the United States on Saturday Mornings on ABC. It was Roseanne Barr’s first attempt at a cartoon.[1]
So I stand corrected before I corrected myself
Case dropped against mother whose son died in bicycle accident
Always made me wonder what they are thinking as they ride around town on those electric bikes with an infant strapped to their chests. Stupid, stupid behavior. Criminal? I dunno.
I only see delivery men using those things in NYC. Illegal, of course.
Cool 404 error bro.
Oops. https://japantoday.com/category/crime/case-dropped-against-mother-whose-son-died-in-bicycle-accident
Sounds like a hero to the left; killed a would be rapist destroyer of the earth while not using a CO2 producing car. If she moved to the US she could become a top level democrat.
Tonight’s musical challenge, Best song about porn. First up: Diary of a San Fernando Sexx Star
Entrant 2 is kind of a cheat, same singer, but when he was in a band instead of solo: Lefty
oops, Lefty.
Buckcherry: Porno Star
You can’t make this shit up:
Well, actually I think they are completely making this shit up.
Holy shit, the preceding paragraph!
The smug, triumphant tone is what really baffles me. Do they really think they won and it’s just a matter of making everyone plead for mercy? Cause if you want more Trump, just put this in an ad.
And why did I click on comments?
Fucking hell, you’re not even allowed to raise an obvious truth, even as a member of a protected class (“I was raised by a strong-willed mother and a father who’s gentleness and respect for women knew no bounds. I’m a fervent supporter of the #MeToo movement and have found myself repeatedly shocked and appalled by a behavior in men that I believed, at least a year ago, was a “bad apple” situation.”) without assuring everyone that you in fact still believe that Jesus does, in fact, have two natures, fully human and fully divine and death to filthy Monophysites!
most insisted that they, too, are not guilty of what they are accused of.
Yeah, I wouldn’t be too keen to bet on that one. Innocent people don’t get upset at another person defending their innocence.
@Count Potato I’m trying to use this Liberdon thing, but it’s more confusing than a midget tallest man convention.