Apologies for my absence and things going to hell for a couple of days. SP was studying for her Iowa tests (they tell us that she is eligible for her school’s GATE program because she’s a bright child) and I’ve been occupied with a visitor from Europe, who has been alternately fascinated and appalled by our attitudes about government and politics. This isn’t an excuse, just an explanation. NO MORE THIRD RATE LINKS. Mine are second rate, thank you very much. SP set far too high of a standard for formatting, and I won’t pretend otherwise, but at least I’m not fobbing off links that are late or “hey, one link is enough for those people.”
Today is one of those days where there are too many amazing birthdays to list. But let me hit my favorites: the brilliant-but-personally-flawed libertarian philosopher Albert Jay Nock; Ray Brown, the greatest musician to ever play in the lower register; Margaret Thatcher, whose work in monolayer films lives on (I think she might have done one or two other things, but the Langmuir-Blodgett stuff was superb); Marie Osmond, whom my father directed me to teach oral sex; Jerry Rice, without question the greatest wide receiver in the history of football; and one more person to be discussed at the end.
The spirit of Preston Brooks lives on.
“Governor Wolf, let me tell you what, between now and Nov. 6, you’d better put a catcher’s mask on your face because I’m going to stomp all over your face with golf spikes,” Wolf said in the video.
As American politics descends into complete chaos and has turned into professional wrestling, I am smiling and making the popcorn. Maybe one day, if we’re lucky, more people will get the attitude that these aren’t leaders, they’re the hired help.
And speaking of chaos, the gentleman’s agreement known as “blue slips” is also coming apart.
“I repeatedly told the White House I wanted to reach an agreement on a package of 9th Circuit nominees, but last night the White House moved forward without consulting me, picking controversial candidates from its initial list and another individual with no judicial experience who had not previously been suggested,” [Dianne Feinstein, D-Leisure Village] said in a statement.
Similar outrage from California’s other senator:
“Instead of working with our office to identify consensus nominees for the 9th Circuit, the White House continues to try to pack the courts with partisan judges who will blindly support the president’s agenda, instead of acting as an independent check on this administration,” [Kamala Harris, D-Under Willie Brown] spokeswoman Lily Adams told The Sacramento Bee.
I like my popcorn with a spray of olive oil and some sea salt.
I hope you’re sitting down. This is going to be shocking. Are you ready? ….. Hillary Clinton has given up her security clearance.
According to the letter released by [Chuck Grassley, R- Ethanol Pork], the State Department said that Clinton’s clearance was revoked on Aug. 30. Five of Clinton’s aides, who she had asked be designated as researchers, had their security clearances revoked on Sept. 20.
During Clinton’s run for president, lawmakers and investigators looked into her and her staff’s security clearance as part of the investigation into her use of a private email server.
I’m still astonished that she’s not in jail. I would have been if I did shit like that back in the days when I had a clearance. More astonishing, though, is that it took this long for such a de minimus action. It almost makes you think that government is really Team Red and Team Blue play-acting while they laugh their asses off at the dumb tax cattle citizens.
Department of It’s About Fucking Time:
“Hey, guess what?” [Bill Cassidy, R-Corrupt Swampland] immediately replied after removing his earphones and turning to two young children sitting in a hallway inside the Hart Senate Office Building, near the Capitol. “I know your parents are using you as tools. In the future, if somebody makes an allegation against you, and there’s no proof for it, you’ll be OK.”
Delightful statement, but of course untrue as long as we have our current carceral state.
Did I mention Hillary Clinton? I did? Oh, that must mean I’m not a Team Blue candidate.
With under four weeks until Election Day, Hillary Clinton’s footprint on the 2018 scene has been remarkably light, with her involvement focused on fundraising behind closed doors rather than being seen by voters. She is slated to headline a pair of fundraisers in New York for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Monday, alongside House Minority Leader [Nancy Pelosi, D-Alcoholics Anonymous]. Additionally, Hillary Clinton is set to headline a fundraiser for [Bob Menendez, D-Dominican Fuck Farms], Monday evening.
Who has the over/under of February for the Death Pool?
OK, I need to have at least one non-political story.
Cops charge that Callijas-Gasperin battered his 41-year-old mother after asking her to make him some food around 8 PM Monday. The victim agreed to prepare a meal, but asked her son “to give her a few minutes due to being busy.”
“The defendant stated that he got mad, so he threw the remaining sausages at her.” Callijas-Gasperin contended that he had done nothing wrong, adding that he would not have tossed the sausages if his mother would have “said sorry.”
If you need an excuse for Florida Man AND Winston jokes, here it is.
And for the last birthday, it’s Old Guy Music Time, featuring the pianist who truly created modern jazz piano. Without Art Tatum, there would have been no Oscar Peterson or Horace Silver or McCoy Tyner or Chick Corea or… well, you get the idea.
It’s quality linkage, all the way down.
Tossin’ sausages, definitely not a euphemism
he was mad that he had to wait for his links. I’m sure the glibertariat can relate.
If they flip the 9th to the conservative side, I’m going to laugh heartily.
If they flip the 9th, Trump will get his face on a coin.
Hope there’s a MAGA hat on his head for that.
do you even coins, bro?
The Melania Dollar
I would be happy if they got the 9th to be liberal in a less batshit crazy fashion.
these aren’t leaders, they’re the hired help.
I continue to be amazed how many people are unable to grasp this concept.
I’m sincerely hoping that the craziness will finally make this sink in. It’s not a strong hope, but at least it’s nonzero.
Jerry Rice fumbled.
And Don Hutson basically invented the route patterns we know today.
Jerry Fucking RICE.
Hutson was a fucking Packer, for god’s sake. And though I’m not quite old enough to have seen him play, I guarantee you he would have been far, far behind in a footrace.
I always though Glue Hands Biletnikoff would be the best receiver I’d ever see, but Jerry Fucking Rice changed that.
25-year-old Jerry Rice of 1936 would be far behind 25-year-old Jerry Rice of 1986.
Not being born yet would certainly be a disadvantage, yes.
Supposedly, Don Hutson ran a 9.7 second hundred yard dash. He had 1200+ yards receiving when the team leading the league in passing had 2400 yards. He lead the league in interceptions.
Considering the era Don Hutson played in, I’m fairly certain Jerry Rice could not have done better. They are the two best wide receivers ever to play the game.
If you tell my Packer’s fan friend I said this, I’ll deny it. Yes, he fumbled. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that he is the greatest WR to play. Ever. I also don’t think there is an argument for the second best: Cris Carter
We’ve already argued about this. I don’t know why you guys insist on pretending I didn’t win the debate hands down.
Randy Moss was the greatest receiver when it came to changing games. If Rice had played for Minnesoda and Moss for San Fran, the stats would be insane. Montana, Young, a stable front office? Pulleeeeeeaze.
I agree with Mike that CC had the best hands and ability to work a side line than anyone I have ever seen.
Randy Moss could have been the GOAT, but he wasn’t. He had the natural abilities, but not the things that Rice had in spades: discipline and drive.
Bob Hayes us the ONLY receiver who is responsible for forcing defensive coaches to invent an entirely new concept in defense, zone coverage.
No other receiver has had such an impact on the game.
“I may have chosen a poor metaphor. I shouldn’t have said what I said.”
“Stomp” was a poor choice of words. In retrospect, I believe “tap dance” would have been more appropriate.
Winston’s mom catching sausages. Checks out.
Saturday Morning Quality-Approved Links
Are these six-sigma links?
Can we send a kaizen to make the links better?
*triggered flashback*
We have adopted the 5S system. Sloopy and Brett are chafing, but I’ll bring them around.
Sustain is going to be the tough one.
That’s what she said!
partisan judges who will blindly support the president’s agenda, instead of acting as an independent check on this administration
Isn’t there some sort of remedial “American Government” class for incoming Senators? There should be.
Letters to the Local Rag: Fever Dreams
“This is in regards to health insurance costs: People need to realize premium rates are set by insurance companies, not the government. So you need to talk to your Republican-owned insurance companies to get the rates down, not blame it on the Democrats.”
How the heck do you get through someone that thick?
A 97 Crown Victoria ought to get through that.
We also would have accepted “a Taurus driven by Robocop”.
I’m liking the new residences after the politicans’ names.
Wait a minnit, someone actually reads the links???
Well I was gurenteed quality links
Agreed. Good stuff, you old pederast. I would have commented earlier, but I was into a laundry operation. Which turned into a drink or two at the local early morning dive bar operation. Which turned into a “Hey! Drinking Buddies!” At 7AM operation.
So, to conclude, laundry is done and put away. Serious bourbon buzz going strong. It’s cool, dark and rainy here in Long Beach. Going out for brunch. Steak and eggs, more whiskey, college football. OMWC nice job on the links.
Oops! Didn’t mean to call you a pederast. Didn’t realize pederast referred to homosexual relations.
You sir, are no homo.
Agreed. This was my favorite: [Kamala Harris, D-Under Willie Brown]
Indeed. That there is quality writing.
[Dianne Feinstein, D-Leisure Village]
*Coffee spit
It was a nice touch, felt I was really getting my money’s worth.
Letters to the Local Rag: Quantity over Quality
“We may consider America to be the leading democracy in the world, but we make voting more restrictive and difficult than most democracies. As a result, we have lower voting turnouts than most other countries. Voting is compulsory in Australia and Belgium, and nearly all democracies hold their elections on public holidays which include paid designated election days. As the leader, we should have the least restrictive and easiest, but most verifiable and protected voting system, regardless of states’ rights to confuse the procedures.”
The guy visiting me (who lives in Belgium) commented, “I hate it. You tell me, ‘You have to vote or you throw me in prison.’ No thank you.”
Virtue signal or else
Honestly, I think it’s set up that way so the government can always claim legitimacy. I’m kind of surprised it hasn’t happened here yet.
It’s pretty authoritarian. It’s not far from “you have to vote” to “you have to vote for these government-sanctioned parties”, which just becomes pseudo-legitimacy at gun-point.
Which Belgium already did.
And most of the countries hold their elections on the weekend.
But isn’t that the same crowd that’s against the idea of voting IDs? I don’t know anymore.
What they mean by make it easy to vote is make it easy for us to cast fraudulent votes for the Democrat candidate.
There should not be such onerous obstacles to voting as being a living breathing person
As my daughter is really getting into the Terrible Threes, she argues along similar lines. She wants a popsicle but she doesn’t want me to give one to her, she just wants to already be eating it, and she’s angry that I’d even mention the process of my getting it out of a freezer and handing it to her. So now she doesn’t even want the popsicle. But she is distraught that I’m ok with that.
So she wants you to enact her labor for her.
You’re raising quite the shitlady there.
She wants me to reweave the fabric of reality to suit her whims. On the one hand, it’s flattering. On the other hand, I think, “Can I sit down and have some peace and quiet for ten consecutive minutes? I mean, all I do is work all day, pay the bills, clean up after you ungrateful chimps, lift anything that weighs more than five pounds or doesn’t smell like lavender, and basically do everything around here. It’s not like I’m gettin’ tips!”
I’ve started to learn the healing power of the phrase, “You know where it is, go get it yourself.”
Welcome to being the man of the house. You fucker, you and your male privilege. Now, go change the oil in the car.
The only privilege I have is that I’m a foot taller than the next tallest person in the house, which means that pretty much anything above six feet exists in a world entirely of my own making.
That’s why MY stuff if up there, to keep grubby mitts off it!
Sounds like someone needs a nap.
Yeah, this is typically the precursor to bedtime. She’s actually gone from perfectly content to DEFCON-1 fit pitching because, and I’m not making this up, one of the dogs walked by her leg.
Lol. Yeah, I’ve been there. Two girls. Just wait until High School:) lol
Got a HS one. I swear the girl’s a hypochondriac.
Women are like that.
/This is why there are no libertarian women….
“We may consider America to be the leading democracy in the world, but we make voting more restrictive and difficult than most democracies. As a result, we have lower voting turnouts than most other countries.”
I’d like to see the stats for that statement. The person heard it on CNN? Also, in some other countries, voting is mandatory, so…
And some countries ban the sale of alcohol on election day,
Screw that,
Some countries just ban alcohol. Think how much more voting we’d get if we did that.
Letters to the Local Rag: Whatever, Man
“When Nikki Haley took the job and U.N. ambassador, she always said that she would be out toward the end of this year. So it comes as no surprise that she’s resigned. But I have to tell you, she is a phenomenal woman. She has just done wonders. She has turned the status of America around at the U.N.”
I too, like how she is put together.
There are a bunch of stories about this presumably/allegedly murdered journalist, today. I keep expecting somebody to say, “Murdered by the Saudis at the behest of President Trump,” because Trump is the sworn enemy of Truth and honest journalism.
I heard he was about to bust PizzaGate wide open and Podesta had him killed.
I wasn’t there but I’m 100% sure Kavanaugh did it.
Alternate theory… Team Red and Team Blue are the primary useful idiots of the monolithic bureaucracy (aka Deep State?).
Sir Humphrey would like word with you.
Looks like a cool show. Thanks for that 🙂
I think that’s what it comes down to.
It’s sad that a lot of people are going to write you off as soon as you say “deep state” due to its association with Alex Jones conspiracy stuff.
This is the best version of the universe
I thought that already happened?
I thought his penis totem/thingie kept him safe from vagian magicks, or was SF lying to us?
Vast right wing conspiracy still lives
They don’t even need to keep making South Park anymore….just que up last seasons ‘Witches’ episode
Speaking of, where is Gilmore?
He was around yesterday I think. His commenting has slowed down but he still pops in occasionally.
Those weren’t ‘rape victims-rape victims’.
Calling Q to the white courtesy phone
“HelloCig Fine Electronic Cigarettes® is a manufacturer and retailer of electronic cigarettes and vaping accessories and is headquartered in the beautiful City of China.”
I guess that’s why they only got a warning.
Butts were hurt.
Melania Trump Spends an Hourlong TV Interview Revealing Nothing, and Chastising the Media for Asking
Vanity Fair whines about Melania’s interview. She apparently neither revealed her innermost thoughts nor begged for the media’s forgiveness and love.
What a media-savvy bitch.
By revealing nothing, I thought it meant something else there and my eyes widened. Man, I haven’t felt so baited in so long.
Would you say she is a master baiter?
I’m pretty sure they would have been dissatisfied with anything short of Melania revealing Donald to be the bastard stepbrother of Vladimir.
“she didn’t even sell her husband down the river, what an outrage!!”
It is somewhat rude… really they should just let her be, if she isn’t interested in being in the spotlight.
[Kamala Harris, D-Under Willie Brown]
Heh. Well done sir.
Or, alternatively, Kamala Harris, Under Willie Brown’s – D
The thing with the kids really, really bothers me. Like not quite CPS bothers me, but really, really close. When you’re dragging your kids along to stalk people and yell at them as a publicity stunt, you have skyrocketed into the elite ranks of shittiest parent on Earth. I mean, how self-centered do you have to be to traumatize your children for use as props in your own little guerilla theater production? Is your own vanity, your own fragile ego that important to you?
Plus teaching your kids to hate. Not in the “oh sweetie, there are some people out there that think differently than we do and they’re wrong” way, but the “these are the enemies kids and you must destroy or be destroyed by them” way.
Yeah, definitely. Would these nuts wait outside the workplace of someone on the board of their PTA and do the same thing? And if the shoe was on the other foot, would they think, “Turnabout’s fair play”? These people are irresponsible to put it mildly.
And what message are you sending your kids? “Hey, son. When you disagree with someone, take that shit to 11 and go completely apeshit. So, you know, when I tell you to clean your room and you don’t want to, you should totally lose your mind and yell at me while broadcasting it on Facebook. Oh, and if you’re ever wondering whether or not I’m going to disapprove of something you say or do, just bear in mind that if you pick the wrong thing I’m going to land on you like a ton of bricks. Because this is how we resolve conflicts. Amicable compromise and respectful disagreement is for suckers.”
My prediction: those kids grow up to be good little foot soldiers for the marxists OR give their become conservatives (or event libertarians!) to spite their parents.
Eh, I got ambushed by somebody who trashed me to my kids. I had accidentally bumped a lady’s car door when getting out of my car (for which I immediately apologized) and she screamed at me that it was a new car. I continued to apologize but she kept screaming at me. Finally, I said, “Well, what do you want me to do about it? There’s no mark so good luck with insurance.”
My kids didn’t understand what the lady was trying to say, and she turned to them and trashed me. They were scared of her and discounted everything she said because she was nuts.
I will assume those kids won’t understand what he said and won’t learn anything. Hopefully the “you’re being used” will pop up in their memory in the future.
Yeah, but like you say, you and your kids got ambushed by a goon. And you handled it in a civilized, mature fashion, unlike said goon.
Probably not, but there isn’t a much better response the guy could have had to such a situation. She did ask for him to talk to her kids, even if she didn’t really mean it.
In anticipation of tomorrow’s Bengals-Steelers game, the old Big Ben Warnings from WLW just never get old. For me at any rate.
More political analysis from Vanity Fair:
According to a new Morning Consult/Politico survey, 46 percent of voters said that the Senate “made the wrong decision” in confirming Kavanaugh. More than three in four Democrats (77 percent) say they are “very motivated” to vote in the midterms, compared to 68 percent of Republicans who say the same. And while there are likely regional variations in how voters are responding to Kavanaugh—anecdotal evidence suggests there are plenty of independents who felt he got railroaded—the fact remains that Republicans ultimately got their win, while Democrats are still smarting from a loss that could last a lifetime.
To be sure. There seems to me to be a lot of whistling past the graveyard analysis on the part of the Democrats and their media boosters, post-Kavanaugh. I think they seriously hurt themselves pushing those smears, and it will come back to haunt them. A lot of sensible people were (are) aghast at the ruthlessness and extremism of that shitshow.
I could be wrong.
Maybe, I know this is crazy, but maybe the more people see the Pussy Hat Brigade chasing dissenters down in the streets with wagons full of children, screaming at them about rape, the less likely they are to report to strangers that they’re going to vote Team Red. Brace yourself for incoming shitlordism…for every catlady, L.U.G. liberal arts major, and disaffected hausfrau who sees women behaving hysterically–There! I said it!–and decides to vote D, two to four sensible people see crazy, dangerous people and decide to vote against whatever the unhinged lunatics think is a good idea.
Sure, and then Republican candidate Wagner says something incredibly stupid and pisses off independents and Republicans who are fed up with the nonsense (“kick em” vs. “stomp him”). There are already signs that some Republicans in Penna. are backing off from Wagner (not that he would have won anyway, but his chest beating went national and hurts Republicans in other races.)
Helped by a media that ties stuff like this to TEAM RED everywhere but mostly ignores Maxine Waters’ call for violence.
This stunt by Wagner is cringe worthy, but I’m still voting against Wolf.
Maybe, but I give you one President Donald Trump as evidence that sometimes people will hold their noses and vote against the greater of two evils.
“Hillary Clinton is the kiss of death and she represents the part of the Democratic Party that led to historic losses and that elected Donald Trump president,” said a leading Democratic strategist who requested anonymity because of fear of political retribution.
Even with the Clintons sidelined, I think after the Kavanaugh shit-show the Democrats will again see historic losses.
Would love to see this guy lose.
In Scott Wagner’s defense Gov Wolf really needs a face stomping. He has that smug smarmy Sociology Prof look to him.
And he held up privatization of the liquor stores. Doubly an asshole.
And his justification was that the PA state system reduced prices and increased selection. Perfect logic.
I don’t like the state running the liquor stores on principle, but honestly I think they do a decent job. I shop several of them regularly and the staff is always nice and friendly. Their website is updated with inventories at each location and they run regular month long sales. Being able to search inventory makes it easy to find my CEHT bourbon.
Sean have you been to a Total Wine? Compared to any state store I’ve visited there is much more selection and better staff.
Can’t say that I have.
/scratches head
I guess the Pennsylvania liquor stores changed since I moved out. Back when I lived in PA, the only discernible differences between them and videos I had seen of Soviet stores were the staff spoke English (sortof) and there was a bit more product on the shelves.
To be fair, the NH liquor stores aren’t all that bad. But on the other hand, it’s much easier to go to another state in NH than it is in PA.
They’ve added premium stores too with much greater selections
OLCC does the same thing. The website is nice, however it would be even nicer to just buy bottles/cases direct from the manufacturer or from an online retailer shipped to me. The selection only goes so far and if you want something obscure, tough shit.
Same assholes run retail MJ program and bottle deposits (now expanded to just about any glass/plastic/can drink, doubled in price, & soviet style bottle return centers. speaking of which, I have to take those back this morning).
““I repeatedly told the White House I wanted to reach an agreement on a package of 9th Circuit nominees…”
“Instead of working with our office to identify consensus nominees…”
Yeah? You stupid commie cunts should have thought about that a couple of weeks ago. Now, go fuck yourself.
Any word on when CA is leaving the union?
Can we just keep the state itself and send the idiots to Guam or Mars or something?
Mars. Guam isn’t far enough away and it’s still part of the United States.
We’re going to need a bigger planet.
We can’t pit too many people on Guam. Don’t want it to flip over
I kinda like the pit idea…
Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.
In fact, it’s cold as hell.
Its not like there’s anyone there to raise them.
Guam might tip over with that many crazies, plus it isn’t fair to people from Guam.
That’s why the “pit” part is an important element; ballast, you know.
Yeah, I love this story.
Elections have consequences.
Not when the wrong side loses.
“Instead of working with our office to identify consensus nominees…”
“When we say consensus nominee, we mean ‘We have made our selection. Agree to accept it.'”
Consensus = agreement among the Senators from California. Anyone who disagrees with them is a racist misogynistic shitlord, and hence their opinions don’t count.
I finally got a chance to use it.
Proggie acquaintance said something about Trump being evil blah blah blah…I dont even remember what it was. I was standing in the corner eating a delicious BLT and broke in the conversation while still chewing.
“If you have to tell people you are smart, you aren’t. If you have to tell people you are funny, you aren’t. If you have to tell people you are honest, you aren’t. If you have to tell people you are virtuous…well, y’all get it.”
I’m such an asshole. He will probably never speak to me again, thank God.
I’m already dreading the holiday season. My relatives on my dad’s side always have an extended family get-together and some of his cousins and their spawn are woke AF. Luckily my dad is a conservative, outspoken asshole. If politics comes up he’ll take the bate long before I do. It’s always a toss up if we’ll leave in strained, uncomfortable silence.
I always wonder if people just stop going to family get-togethers when they invariably leads to strife.
My family is mostly simpatico. We have one asshole uncle who is not welcome (especially after the knock-down drag-out my husband and I had with him over non-political stuff) so he stays away. But if the majority of my family were going to be assholes about politics, my husband and I would magically have a prior engagement.
I grew up in a family of “The Japanese are going to take us over” and “they took er jerbs” types, but most of that generation is dead and the family that’s left doesn’t talk politics.
With us it’s pretty much an annual ritual to give token acknowledgment that we share some of the same DNA strands. Nobody is particularly close or really likes each other much. They are all Facebook warriors (to include my dad) that like to dig at each other online but feign pleasantry in person. It’s pretty much done for the benefit of the older generation that’s now in their late 80’s. When they’re gone I’ve no doubt the annual ritual will cease.
On my father’s side of the family there’s bad blood between just about all of my aunts. It’s like some Game of Thrones shit. If you drew a diagram of the various beefs and alliances between the sisters it would look like a Spirograph drawing done on acid. When my dad and grandfather were both alive they were able to keep most of it under wraps enough for us to have the whole family together for holidays, cookouts, etc., but once my dad died that started to fall apart. And once my grandfather died, that was pretty much a wrap. Now, individual sisters might talk to each other or meet up now and then, but mostly the family’s scattered to the winds.
My mom hated her sister for reasons I never understood, although I’d guess it was for being middle class instead of lower middle class.
Their brother’s funeral was all about the two of them trying to make themselves look better.
Two of my aunts have hated each other since they were children. No idea why, and I think neither of them have a reason other than that the other one hates her. Literally minutes after we all got to my grandparents’ house after my grandfather’s viewing, the one, a soccer mom from Montgomery Village, took a swing at the other, an accountant for the IG’s office at the USPS. No trailer parks in my family, but that doesn’t stop the sisters from trying to punch each other in the face across my grandfather’s coffin. And I’m just barely speaking figuratively.
I’m surprised they didn’t take that as an attack on “I’m a stable genius” Trump
Indeed, it seems closer to a dig on Trump than otherwise. Must be missing some specific wording form the people involved.
“Woke-off”: Benioff vs Dorsey
Notably, their beef stems from an issue that’s affected San Francisco for years. The exact size of the city’s homeless population varies depending on the source, but one report by the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing counted 7,499 people experiencing homelessness in the city last year. Unlike East Coast homeless populations, much of San Francisco’s is unsheltered, and the city is cracking down on makeshift tent camps while also dealing with a hygiene crisis. Besides Benioff, those who support Prop C include the San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness and community-based organizations who have led the effort, as well as Nancy Pelosi and some city supervisors. Its opponents include the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and Mayor London Breed, who argue that a cash infusion of hundreds of millions of dollars would backfire, attracting more homeless people to the city. “Our homelessness spending has increased dramatically in recent years with no discernible improvement in conditions,” Breed said in a statement regarding the ballot measure. “Before we double the tax bill overnight, San Franciscans deserve accountability. This is especially true since the Proposition C’s new taxes will decidedly harm our local economy.”
This story has just recently appeared on my radar. It sounds like the Seattle Amazon tax, redux. I am astounded to discover the San Fran mayor might not be a complete moron. Unlike Dorsey and Benioff.
Just nuke it from space.
Sorry, can’t make it past that bit of commie mendacity.
Yeah, hang on. How did an industry that famously generated massive amounts of wealth and revitalized northern California (if we’re speaking conservatively) and that is one of the most important sectors of the American economy cause homelessness? I’m gonna need that one explained in detail. The oil industry didn’t create homelessness around the Gulf. The automotive industry didn’t create homelessness in the midwest. The steel industry didn’t create homelessness in the northern mid-Atlantic.
They just slip that in there like it’s self-evidently obvious. It’s enraging.
The aggravating thing is that if you were to take that premise and reverse it, it makes sense: “The absence of Silicon Valley created economic stagnation that led to homelessness.”
Listened to Carolla’s podcast from Monday – apparently Dr. Drew had a clip about his son picking up Norovirus from walking by a few of the encampments to get to work downtown.
Sounds like an absolutely pleasurable place to visit. I think I was probably safer in the barangays in Metro Manila 25 years ago.
I am kind of surprised it has taken this long, but I guess the dem’s antics with Kavanaugh finally pushed Trump over the edge on this one… not a coincidence it is Feinstein imo.
It looks like Trump might be packing the courts across the board. So far his choices aren’t mine, but they are less than terrible.
The left is really losing its shit. I especially liked it wednesday? when he said at a rally “If you are tired of winning, vote democrat”
I wonder how many lefties screamed and threw something at their TV.
I had a good laugh at that one, and when Trump baldly said he was going to get the black vote because of Kanye. He’s an inarticulate dolt but he’s a hell of a lot more honest than any of the other “polished” politicians in my lifetime.
So, the “pox on both their houses” and “conservatives are just as bad in their own ways” positions are, IMO, valid and true, but I’d like the opportunity in my lifetime to be able to bitch about the problems caused by conservatives. For most of my life, it’s been the left giving me the shit end of the stick, and variety is the spice of life.
There are plenty of shitheels on the conservative side. I’m looking at you, SoCons. But you are right, they aren’t nearly as bad. Who is wearing black masks, running through the streets smashing windows, beating people up and setting things on fire? Who is telling Americans they suck? Who is demanding more of our money? Who is telling hard working people that what they have accomplished does not belong to them? Who is openly proclaiming that unless they have power they will not be civil? Who wants to burn the electoral college, the supreme court and border enforcement to the ground if they cant get their way? The list goes on and on. There are plenty of shitheads on the right but they cant hold a candle to the left.
In a nutshell, we have to plug the hole before we can start bailing out the boat.
Worse is that the Repubs don’t typically end up doing anything that different from Democrats, or endings any of the stuff they say they’ll put a stop to. Especially regarding spending and big government programs. Democrats have managed to be worse on social issues (imo) despite the socons (who I also disagree with) mostly being republicans.
I get tired of the “Pox on both Houses” stuff that was so very common over at TOS. Republicans and SoCons have horrible instincts on select issues but I don’t think there is an honest argument to be made that progressives aren’t objectively worse. I’m not aware of a single issue where they don’t want state intervention. They’ve side-lined whatever civil libertarians we’re left in their camp and are straight up authoritarians on every. single. issue.
Indeed. I usually felt Repubs weren’t as bad as Dems around 2005-ish timeframe but that was based on my mistaken belief they would do something for spending, back then there were decent arguments to be made for voting for either evil (if one had to). People from the left even tried to convince me to vote for them back then.
Now the standard positions of the left are literal totalitarianism.
As I said, we have to plug the hole in the hull before we can bail. Getting mad at the water and shooting holes in the hull to drain it wont work.
The nice thing about SoCons and RHINO’s is that they have double digit IQ’s. They are easier to get rid of. They dont have the feral senses and viscousness of the left.
It isn’t like she should have been blind sided by this. This summer the nomination of David Stras was held up. They nominated him anyhow, despite Franken not returning his blue slip.
Klobuchar tried to pull a Blagovich on Stras’ nomination and turn her support into a green card to pick a few fed posts for her cronies. She eventually was outed and ended up turning in her blue chip, but her antics definitely weren’t in line with her public image.
Finally seems like Fall here. Have a brisket smoking on the grill for lunch. Second try and hoping I can get the texture right on this one. Flavor was better than anything I’ve ever had on the first but way too tough.
I think the stall pysched me on the first. I’m going to try wrapping in foil once it hits 150/160.
Dad winterized our grill already….
Is that moving it closer to the door so you don’t have to go so far?
First frost here this morning.
#globalwarming #we’reallgonnadie!!!!
I already tore out the failed experiment which was a ‘melon patch’ created when I drunkenly took the seeds of a cantaloupe I had just cut up, and tossed them into some dirt adjacent to the Palatial 2X-Wide.
Fun fact- round these parts, cantaloupe is often called ‘muskmelon’.
We’ve been under attack by the damn Canadians and their arctic air. It was 9 degrees yesterday morning. 37 right now. It’s supposed to finally get back to fall weather later next week. (50-60 degrees)
39 but the sun is out. I’m not ready to call this one for Old Man Winter, though. Bring on that Indian Summer!
Racist!!! But yeah, we need one. Hasn’t been much of a fall this year.
Sun is breaking the eastern horizon and it is 77 here.
Ditto. We’re looking at a high of around 60 today, which is great, because I’m officiating a friend’s wedding and I’m built primarily for colder climes.
Exercise in futility
California Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Senator Dianne Feinstein
Haha, that only works the first time.
They don’t say a word about motive, however, they embed a video clip into the article of Trump bashing Feinstein at a rally. Stay classy, Time.
Worse, they tell us the motive all these people:
It isn’t because Feinstein pulled bullshit political stunts, it is because of evil Republicans making allegations.
It’s snowing. The kind of snow which makes me think there will be significantly more than a mere “skiff” when it’s done.
Above 9 grand is covered around these parts. Too damn early for that in my book.
Good thing we have global warming, else imagine how bad it would be.
We only have 10 years left, anyway, before greenhouse gasses cause the earth to suddenly swell like a bloated corpse, then roll gently out of the solar system.
Thanks for the intro to Art Tatum! While not always my cup of tea, Old Guy Music always has some fascinating characters. Dude was pretty much blind and died at 47, but damn did he pack a lot into those years.
And this is just absurd.
Yeah, it’s a challenge to find a bad Tatum performance. So far, after being an avid jazz fan for 50+ years, I have not succeeded.
Seconded. Tatum was amazing.
RE Old Guy Music: Since I am an uneducated hillbilly I don’t really get Jazz, but I can appreciated someone who can move his fingers that fast and hit the spot he intends.
That’s what she said!
Its like we’ve stopped doing phrasing.
I love really, really, really old guy music, as in late 1910s – 1940s. Some of the old jazz legends are great… King Oliver and Fletcher Henderson both had a young Louis Armstrong in their bands in the early ’20s, so there’s obviously some amazing trumpet work there. Jelly Roll Morton was pretty awesome as well, either on the piano by himself or leading a band. Some jazz fans don’t give much attention to the wypipo bands, but there were some good ones like the California Ramblers, Benson Orchestra of Chicago, and Wolverine Orchestra (where Bix Beiderbecke got his start).
There’s also some stuff like James Reese Europe that is at a phase where it’s not ragtime but not quite jazz yet. Very interesting to listen to if you can ignore the terrible audio fidelity (after listening to so much of this music, your mind blocks out the snaps and pops after a while).
Fats Waller!
Did you need another reason to love hockey?
Of course not!
But I’ll give you one anyway!
What can I say? I’m a giver.
Rather unsporting of you to post that while Q is laid up with his post-birthday hangover…but I would definitely crawl on that
Fake news. Only half-naked.
Oh my. I hope she heels up.
She will if she toes the line in her rehab regimen.
My gift to all of you.
Before I get too deeply lost in her instagram page, thanks!
I highly recommend a quick scroll through her Instagram page
Thats a ruskie I wouldnt mind colluding with, IYKWIMAITTYD
She never would have made it in East German women sports back in the day. She is scrawny by comparison and lacks facial hair.
Lawdy hab mussy!
In the spirit of detente, I think it would be appropriate for her team to take an exhibition tour against NWHL franchises. Especially the Twin Cities team in its maiden year.
Just wait until they figure out how to clone lizards .
I don’t think guano will provide the necessary DNA. But you mammals are more than welcome to try
Is there, like, a ban on discussing Pres. Trump’s remarks on Generals Lee and Grant?
Linky? Haven’t heard this one yet…
*Rubs hands together
Basically, Pres. Trump (he was at a rally in Ohio) was saying that Lee was extremely competent, and all the highly educated, West-point generals couldnt defeat him, so Lincoln hired this slovenly drunk named Grant who proceeded to,kick Lee around the countryside.
The MSM’s take? That Trump was praising the racist traitor Lee, full stop.
Lee is generally considered the greatest American General in American history.
Lee was an abolitionist.
Caught between a rock and a hard place he grabbed a hammer.
shhhh. don’t try to confuse the narrative with facts. people might reach the “wrong” conclusions.
And when he was defeated, he surrendered his forces rather than slip away to wage a multi-year guerrilla campaign. His son did similarly, imo, when he sold his returned stolen property (Arlington Cemetery) to the US government.
You’re missing the 11th edition of the official history of the United States. In this version they’ve corrected the facts, anyone who ever wore the grey had cloven hooves and a forked tounge and lives off the blood of their slaves, this is known.
When you said greatest American General I am sure you were speaking of U.S. Grant. Lee was an able tactician who frequently understood his opposing General and had some great tactical victories such as preserving the ANV at Antietam, his masterpiece at Chancellorsville and the first day of Gettysburg. Lee was much less able to assemble a winning operational campaign to achieve strategic ends. Part of that inability was a lack of manpower and logistics, but the part of the issue it was his focus on Virginia and on “pitching in” on what was in front of him.
Grant was an innovator who understood how to weigh operational risk in order to achieve operational and strategic ends. There is a reason his Vicksburg campaign is the only Civil War campaign still studied at Ft Leavenworth. In 1864 his coordinated use of all the Union’s armies played Union strength against Confederate weakness and achieved complete victory in less than a year. Even in the Overland Campaign Grant kept his eyes and mind open and enabled his subordinates to was innovate. Plus he kept his mind on the issue at hand. After the defeat at Cold Harbor he played against Lee’s instincts and kept the ANV focused on the wrong force while he executed the masterful stolen March by crossing the lower James River uncontested.
it got mentioned yesterday in either the afternoon links or the Catalonia post.
Someone did bring it up yesterday.
Except when they did.
Forget it, he’s rolling.
That was more of a case of not having interrupted the enemy while he was making a mistake by accident.
“…I’ve been occupied with a visitor from Europe, who has been alternately fascinated and appalled by our attitudes about government and politics.”
Yours personally, or Americans’ in general?
Why talk politics with your Swedish au pair?
I was so exhausted that I took a personal day yesterday. Instead of going to work, I took 2 Benedryl, chased them with 3 shots of Wild Turkey 101, then slept for 14 hours straight. This is the 1st time I’ve gotten more than 5 hours in a row in 2 years. I feel GREAT!! Getting dressed to schlep up to Long Island City and visit some local breweries to make my final BiF purchases (the Crowler machine is very cool).
No justice, no rent
The initiative drive builds on the growing momentum of local efforts to expand tenant protections. “In the midst of the worst housing and homeless crisis that our country has ever seen, how does a bill that restricts local government’s ability to address it go untouched?” asked Damien Goodmon, director of the Yes on 10 campaign, which is primarily funded by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation in Los Angeles.
The California fight reflects a renters’ rights movement that is bubbling up in churches and community centers across the country, a semi-coordinated stand of low-income tenants against the gentrifying American city. Last month in the Roxbury section of Boston, about 300 people gathered for an afternoon assembly on how to blunt evictions and economic displacement. The event offered free child care and had organizers speaking English, Spanish and Cantonese.
In California and elsewhere, the problem is a lack of affordable housing that has led to cramped households, longer commutes and rising homelessness. About a quarter of the nation’s tenants paid more than half of their income in rent in 2016, according to the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard.
Economists have an almost universally dim view of rent control laws, and a number have supported the landlords’ contention that Proposition 10 could make California’s housing problems worse. Under current law, California landlords can raise their rent as much as they like after a rent-controlled tenant leaves. If the Costa-Hawkins law is repealed, cities could write laws that barred them from ever raising their rents to market rates. That could prompt landlords to convert apartments into owner-occupied housing, worsening the shortage of affordable rentals.
Nothing says tenant protection like hobo jungles. Landlords are evil, especially hedge funds like Blackstone, who bought up thousands of foreclosures and turned them into rentals. If you think the housing market is a mess now, just wait.
One might think somebody at the New York Times would have an understanding of the long term effects of rent control, but if there is, he didn’t get asked to contribute to this story.
I’ll never figure out why “progressives” think that renting an apartment or being employed somehow gives you all these special rights (other than those specified in the contract) that are just inherent in that arrangement.
Because everything is about class struggle with them. Landlords and employers are just more members of the bourgeoisie that needs to be smashed.
Portland essentially enacted a 5% maximum rate of yearly increase for rentals. Beyond that requires approval from the city. You’ll never believe what happens next– property owners apparently are now automatically raising by that amount, or close to it. Who could have imagined that they would try to frontload price hikes? Dumbshits.
Woman calls the cops on a 9 year old boy whom she claimed grabbed her butt. Video surveilance showed he merely brushed against her.
Although the cops, when they arrived, determined that the boy was innocent before the surveilance video was reviewed, since the woman has no butt to grab.
Where is Ed? That story is too perfect.
I’m glad someone is getting to the bottom of this world-historical news story.
You’re getting pretty desperate when you have to accuse a 9 year old of grabbing your butt. Must mean that no men will come within grabbing distance.
Good grief, look at her. She’s right out a pussy hat protest video.
“Upload that to World Star”
“I gotchu, fam”
I believe her. She spoke her truth. She’s a survivor.
A shame, a mere 70 years ago, she could have lynched that uppity lil’ sexually-crazed piccaninny.
Truly, we are living in an age of misogyny.
When I was in 7th or 8th grade, some kid pushed me so I fell into a mostly unappealing girl and slapped her ass with my hand. Of course, this was almost 3 decades ago, and I suspect she wasn’t getting much male attention. She just smiled at me.
It’s gonna get really awkward for the Left when the #BelieveWomen and #BlackLivesMatter start to butt heads.
Flathead Valley, Montana. A region gripped by terror .
These communist cows will be the death of us all!
not-grazing is grazing ?
Florida Man got nothing on Columbia Falls Man.
I went down to the local taphouse last night only to find the place dark and deserted. I guess the place is just too hard to find and they weren’t making money. That’s what I liked about the place. G’damnit, that was the only good thing in this little village. There are a few more restaurants and they all suck. So I called Uber and went down to the harbor in search of a place to just get a bite to eat and have a few beers.
When we were in the bar, I was marveling at the fact that people were just wandering in, drinking, laughing, having a good time, with seemingly not a worry in the world. I compared that to the doom and gloom and 24/7 world is ending narrative that is portrayed every single day at CNN and NYT. How is this possible? Someone is lying to us?
What was the name of that place? Chez Shitlord or something?
Clearly the clientele was un-woke.
If everyone is not miserable 24/7, how are we going to make any progress? Can we just ban fun?
You’re fake news.
*peeks through blinds at global warming that looks suspiciously like winter coming*
The worst thing about Trump is that he doesn’t drink beer. Can you imagine if he liked drinking craft beer? Hipsters would be out a hobby and the WaPo would be righting OP-eds about how free and open brewing is problematic.
Hipsters drink beer? I thought they preferred Pabst Blue Ribbon.
That’s only the “I’m so hipster I’m not even a hipster” crowd…….ya know, douchebags
Sexy Saturday!
Number 30 por favor.
Well look who finally crawled out of bed! How was the bday?
Hips:Waist Ratios that won the genetic lottery but were then blown on ink & body mutilations
Not bad.
Everybody’s favorite communitarian house conservative bemoans the decline of civilization. Again>
In other words, as the editors of the anthology put it, the culture teaches girls not to talk and boys not to feel. Girls begin to say, “I don’t know.” Boys say, “I don’t care.” They’ve been pushed away from honest sharing and deep connection. As one of the characters in “The Breakfast Club” put it, “When you grow up, your heart dies.”
All of this was survivable when religion played a bigger role in national life, with its gospel of mercy, charity and love. But now we have an ethos of detachment and competition all the way down.
A study at the University of Michigan in 2010 found that college students were 40 percent less empathetic than they were in the 1980s.
This is raw carnage, caused by a culture that leads to self-isolation, conflict and a crisis of connection. What bothers me most on campus is not the assaults on free speech; it’s that some students are brutal with one another. They play games of moral one-upsmanship that leave others feeling desolated.
And if you think the crisis of connection is limited to campus, I invite you to the American political scene over the past two weeks, with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder lining up to present their pseudo-masculine, chest-thumping displays to show how much they hate the other side.
Don’t worry, though. Feminists will teach us how to emote.
College students are 40% less empathetic? Ooh, sciencey!
The study, in case anyone is interested.
“Empathy” is a bullshit word.
“A study at the University of Michigan in 2010 found that college students were 40 percent less empathetic than they were in the 1980s.”
Only a study could find something like that.
When we were in the bar, I was marveling at the fact that people were just wandering in, drinking, laughing, having a good time, with seemingly not a worry in the world. I compared that to the doom and gloom and 24/7 world is ending narrative that is portrayed every single day at CNN and NYT. How is this possible? Someone is lying to us?
You’re just like that grasshopper, having fun when you should be racking up social justice credits with the other ants. You’ll be sorry when winter comes.
Wait… I thought that global warming was going to prevent winter? Why are these people always promising all this great stuff and it never happens?
STOP! It’s Hammer Time!
What are the odds my wife unchains the door for me?
Which side of the door are you on ?
That’s about right.
What’s the Japanese equivalent for Wilma?
Better if you’re carrying a present for her or have something she wants.
“What are the odds my wife unchains the door for me?”
How many Asian hookers do you smell like right now? We need more facts before guessing.
That was a great Dodgers/Brewers game last nite. Especially the ending.
Speaking of Willie Brown, the corrupt blue fuckers that run this state actually named the Bay Bridge after him. It takes a great deal of will power for me not to want to stop my car when I pass the sign and paint over his name.
I don’t understand. I thought those are baseball teams.
At least have the good grace to wait for the selfless hero to die.
It is utterly disgusting. They also renamed a street in Golden Gate Park after Pelosi a few years back. When my grandfather immigrated here from Ireland a couple of the first jobs he got was building scaffolding for the GG and Bay Bridges. They were some of the first projects like that to use safety netting. They still had a dozen or more casualties in total I believe. And they stick one of the most corrupt politician’s to befoul our shit stinking city on it.
My city is on a renaming orgy too but at least the Democrats in question are all in the ground. Naming infrastructure after living people is fucking Soviet-era shit.
At least it’s named for a local politician.
Considering the way the costs escalated during construction I think naming it after Brown was appropriate.