When last we left Don Swissxote, he was musing on Spain’s pursuit of Catalan Independence leaders and the narrow election of separatist or separatist sympathizing parties in the Catalan legislature. So what has change these past few months?
Not a lot.
Spain’s government seems to have realized they had waved a meat cleaver at the Golden Goose that is business in Barcelona (though tourism there seems to be just fine). Some futile gestures, demonstrations and the like have taken place…and both sides have realized they are screwed (here is Teh Conventional Wisdom view).
The populace of Catalonia seems to be split between those that just want to go back to the way things were and those that want to passively resist Madrid. The Spanish government is going ahead toward some rebellion trials of Catalan separatist leaders, but has lowered its efforts at outright squashing of Catalonia by force.

Not a particularly helpful look

“Totality of the circs!”
So Spain looks like a pack of shitheels if they come in swinging clubs and dragging people off for trial for “rebellion” when the populace seems committed to a sort of passive course of ….something. Political gridlock has set in, when you look at the Catalan parliament. Federally, the Catalan pro-independence bloc might be able to cause the current PM’s government to stumble…but what might replace it? If the rest of Spain sees the Catalans jerking them around, they could vote in people promising to kick Barcelonian butt a lot harder than the current Socialist government.
So we have a populace that will not use force to free themselves, and is not making too many waves right now, versus a central government that won’t crack heads and is leaning on the economy and votes of …the place that wants to leave. Of course, some silly things will still be happening, around the edges (what, no appeal to mediation by the Dalai Lama, the Commercial Court of the Canton of Zurich and the military junta of Burma?).
It is almost as if two semi-bored chess players see a stalemate coming, and are in hurry to push any more pieces. I sure didn’t see this coming…but it is so very…modern European, isn’t it?
Catalan president Quim Torra has sent a letter to his Spanish counterpart, Pedro Sánchez, as well as world leaders, asking for international mediation to negotiate an independence referendum.
Recipients include the President of the United States, Donald Trump, the President of China, Xi Jinping, and the head of the Catholic church, Pope Francis, as well as several European prime ministers.
So…. Torra expects nothing to happen and is just doing this for show.
He’s got my support.
+1 Quim The Eskimo
It’s spelled “Quim” but it’s pronounced, “Throat Warbler Mangrove”.
“What the fuck is a ‘Catalonia’?”
Oh we can get him interested in Catalonia
It’s somewhere across the Atlantic like Aleppo so who cares.
I guess they’d rather be alive than free. Poor dumb bastards.
Independence =/= freedom. I am all in favor of decentralization of power, so I support independence but when the independence movement is avowedly socialist it cannot be said to be fighting for freedom,
Not a full metal jacket fan?
Meh, as long as they’re fighting for the freedom to enslave themselves (and only themselves) that’s still a kind of freedom.
Freedom is always individual, independence is national. It’s an area of pedantry for me because the frequently deliberate misuse of the words freedom, rights and liberty is one of the weapons used to great effect by the progs. Rights are negative; freedom is the measure of how much the laws and enforcement in a State respect those negative rights.
sorry I stepped on your quote Florida Man, just a pet peeve of mine.
Just clowning dog, don’t sweat it.
“it is so very…modern European, isn’t it?”
As in, no longer has a will to live and thrive? Then yes.
In 100 years when Al-Andalus is comfortably established again, it won’t really matter anyway.
I immediately thought of the American immigration debate. Lots of squawking on both sides but it’s unlikely anything will change.
IRT the chess pic, have you seen this chess board?
Is this supposed to be the……oh, never mind
I think shit heel is underutilized
I’m making chili (so I dont have to in the morning) and 75% into a 12-pack of shitty beer.
Consequently, I’ll just leave this here. .
Sounds likes a lotta carbs…
They’re hollow carbs tho.
The night sweats should work them out.
That’s a good song.
Love that/those guy(s)
I like the opening line:
“god damn….I need a drink”
My new favorite NR&tNS song (not that it’s new) And it’s a humorous video, too.
That’s a good one too.
Catalan fight for independence.
So Spain looks like a pack of shitheels if they come in swinging clubs and dragging people off for trial for “rebellion” when the populace seems committed to a sort of passive course of ….something.
Not sure Franco-era Guardia Civil cares.
Drinking whiskey and watching Young Frankenstein with wife and kids. Top 5 movie if all time. Killer Klowns next.
My kids have been watching the Hotel Transylvania movies. Not exactly the same caliber, but was amused to see Mel Brooks take part all the same.
Abby somthing…
Elevate me.
+1 roll in ze hay
rrroll, rroll, rroll…
Teri Garr was so hot back in the day.
If you take the time to search her image on something like say….google. There’s a couple shots of her nude.
….or so Ive heard
What Knockers!
(Thank you)
My USB hub died.
It’s a 28 port hub… and heavily used. Most of my accessories are unusable due to lack of remaining space,
The hell do you need so many ports?? I use three.
Mine is all wireless
Das Keyboard (2 ports)
Mouse (1 Port)
8 TB External Drive (1 port)
Headset microphone (1 port)
Game Controller (1 port)
External Blu-Ray drive (2 ports)
Flash Drive (1 port) x9
Free ports for Camera, Phone, Kindle, etc (it;s easier to reach the hub than the computer tower)
And there are some ports that didn’t get used yet.
I think the printer is plugged into the tower.
Why two ports for the keyboard?
I don’t know. It does have an integrated 2 port hub into which I’ve plugged the mouse. But I think it might have higher power draw than most keyboards.
Yah, I have a Das. You can use one port but then you don’t get the on-board ports.
The only thing I have left that isn’t wireless is my iPhone and my Juul charger. And I guess flash drives but I hardly use them anymore.
I can’t stand wireless.
I love it. Less clutter.
The wires don’t bother me, the batteries do. I’d rather just plug it in, find a good route for the cable and not have to worry about it again.
Fair enough. Game controller batteries are annoying, I agree. But my mouse and keyboard don’t have batteries – I have to plug them in once in a while to charge them. Worth it to eliminate those particular wires. My backup drive being wireless is nice because it saves one of my 4 ports. Ditto with the printer which I can now place on the other side of the room. With all that I don’t even need a hub.
The pedant in me wants to point out that integrated batteries are still bateries. And that I’d be more stressed over rechargables because when they fail, you have to replace the device (and despite claims to the contrary, Lithium ion batteries do have a memory)
Sorry. I fixed my washer today and discovered when they originally installed it they reversed the hot and cold water lines. No wonder the cold wash was never cold.
Seems obvious in retrospect.
For sure but I never really cared about temps. It was my wife that said something
My car’s taking a couple extra cranks to turn over, so it’s probably the battery… but knowing my luck, the starter and alternator are both shot and all my tires are flat.
I just helped a coworker out last night with a jump. His mechanic replaced the battery and now it’s dead again. He told him 1k for a new alternator. I pulled up Autozone and showed him he could get it for $250. Poor guy was getting hustled.
$1k? Christ, what an asshole. $250 is bad enough. (I know, the new ones have computer shit built in)
Maybe the mechanic was hustling your friend, but when did alternators get that expensive? Computer or no computer, it’s a small electric generator, that’s it. It isn’t the most complex part of a vehicle.
I’ve heard that a lot of the cost of repairs nowadays is the time it takes to get to the parts, gone are the days of rolling under a car and popping off the starter with a couple wrenches, now you have to remove half the engine just to get to the radiator cap.
He drives a merc c300. I had to find his battery to jump him. It was hidden under some plastic cover. I’m sure it’s a bitch to get the alternator out, but the 1k was just for the part.
*looks out in driveway at 1996 Dodge ram*
I may be a bit out of touch about repairs to newer vehicles. I can definitely see labor costs being a large part of it, there isn’t much room in modern engine bays.
This doesn’t make any sense to me. I just went to O’Reilly Auto Parts and without selecting a vehicle, searched alternators and sorted by price, high to low. The most expensive one they have is $390 and they go down quickly from there.
Ahhh…Mercedes. I have no sympathy for anyone who complains about the price of parts for vehicles like that.
1k was just for the part
Oh well, then he was getting well and truly fucked and he needs to find a new mechanic, or at least one that offers a reach around.
My RAM2500 Cummins eats water pumps for some unspecified reason. About every 30K.
Its a $25 part from NAPA, and literally takes me 20 minutes to change. I’ll tolerate it.
Now, the 4 BOSCH fuel pumps its been through….
How is it driven? Belt?
My armchair guess is that the alignment is just a wee bit off and it is putting enough strain on it to wear it out in such a short amount of mileage.
My guess too, but I dont have the knowledge or tools to measure that.
So I just slap a new one on as needed. Next month, whether it needs it or not, as a prophylactic measure, so I dont lay under a trunk in Ohio January.
The injection pump or the lift pump? Dodge used underpowered lift pumps that caused problems with the fuel injection pumps, they don’t provide enough fuel to keep the injection pump properly lubricated.
Check the grounds from engine to chassis. It sounds like you may have stray voltage running through your coolant and eating the bearings of the water pump through electrolysis. Seems to be a Chrysler product thing, especially that era. You can even try and measure the coolant for voltage, ground the negative from a mutimeter on the block somewhere and dangle the positive in your coolant, you may find a volt or two hanging out.
An alternator is the one major component I’ve replaced on a car. $200, took maybe half an hour, plus the youtube videos.
That’s what I said. Do it yourself bro. You got the YouTube.
OTOH…there’s also a convenience issue. If something goes bad the beginning of the week before a long trip, and you need the [one] car daily for work, etc – it’s not necessarily very easy. If it’s Friday afternoon before a long weekend and I’ve got a buddy who can give me a lift to the shop to pick up a part – that’s a different story.
(my last issue with this current car was the battery dying on a Saturday afternoon and needing a buddy from work I knew lived nearby – who was available (thankfully) to jump me so I could drive to autozone for a new battery). Course, now I bought one of those home/travel charging units (also a USB power cell – nice).
That’s a quality repair job. If you are paying for a mechanic to change a battery they should do an alternator test as part of the job. But unfortunately, most don’t.
It’s been wonderful finding a good local independent who has reasonable prices. I don’t miss doing my own repairs or changing my own oil.
The good news is having done them for years you know when you are being fleeced.
I had to replace my car’s battery last October. It died six weeks after the warranty ran out. 🙁
Mine was apparently about 5 years to the day from the original purchase date of the car (I bought it used).
In the recent Windows 10 update, they changed a power setting which affected my own USB3 ports.
I turned off “Fast Startup” and it solved it.
Here’s a bit of explainer what Fast Startup is in win10, and why its sort of stupid to leave on as default
Win 7 here.
And the failure was pretty obvious (the power cable fell apart when I was checking it.)
I would like a word with Manny Machado’s barber.
Spain is a blast. Were there greater economic opportunities there, if take a serious look at going to live there.
Of course there’s the whole EU schmozzle, but I expect that will fall apart within a generation.
The 1000 year 4th Reich will never fall apart!
I spent some time in Tarragona. Loved the area. The rest of Spain can suck it.
Rhywun’s erotic adventure through “the rest of Spain”
are we talking chrome off a trailer hitch or golf ball through a garden hose here?
“This May Be The Looniest Anti-Male Op-Ed Ever Written. And The Washington Post Just Published It.”
She sounds like a peach.
So she has categories of yelling at her husband, who sits hunched, apologetic begging her to tell him what he can do to be better? This is a textbook abusive relationship and this hysterical harridan is a textbook abusive spouse.
Imagine 50 years of that.
She doesn’t even tell us what it is that her husband supposedly said that was so awful. She goes and publicizes some argument in the Washington fucking Post and makes it about her righteous anger towards all men and never fucking states the most basic detail.
I bet he told her to calm down about something.
Calm Down
That music is awful.
Angry woman articulates conflicting wants and desires that puts man in no win position. Film at 11.
Her picture, if anyone was curious.
She looks about as much fun as you’d expect (ignoring the age component).
Is that Elizabeth Warren or her clone?
Yeah, this is the sort of shit I grew up dealing with with my mother.
“I blew. Hard and fast.”
Sadly, not a euphemism.
A little surprised at the erudite Ben Shapiro using question-begging incorrectly.
In all fairness, the amount of stupid he was replying to is damaging. Derpotologist would have trouble maintain composure while wading through that dreck, I’ll cut Shapiro some slack.
It’s not a hill pedants are willing to die on anymore, I’ve heard quite a few people whom I know know better use it in the colloquial sense. Language and usage evolve, it seems that ship has sailed. Begging the question now means ‘raising the issue’ not whatever the fuck it used to mean.
I don’t think I ever knew the official definition. Admittedly, it’s not a phrase I tended to use.
It’s a specific form of circular reasoning, where you assume that a premise is true and then state a logical conclusion. To borrow an example from Wikipedia, if you state that left handed people are better painters because right handed people can’t paint as well is begging the question. If left handed people are in fact better painters, than it follows that right handed people can’t paint as well, but your original assertion is unsupported by anything other than the conclusion.
True, the linguistic drift is far enough along where it’s probably best to either go back to the original Latin phrase, petitio principii, or barring that using either “assuming the point” or just lump it under circular reasoning and give up on it as a special case.
“Assumimg the conclusion” and “begging the question” are different fallacies.
I don’t think this is really pedantic. We already have the phrase “raises the question”, which is what people are confusing with ‘begging the question” and they mean totally different things. This isn’t a minor usage point or grammar issue, it is two similar sounding phrases with completely unrelated uses.
English is so messed up it has the concept of contranyms, words that hold two definitions that contradict each other. For example, peruse has the following two definitions
My point being, that regardless of how valid your point may be about resisting this malaproprism is, English has proven to be very resistant to common sense and you’re likely screaming into the wind.
I always liked “Cleave”
One contranym is a true antonym. My symbolic logic professor hit us with that one and it took me weeks to figure it out. I’d say what it is but let’s see if anyone can figure it out.
Hyperbole I hate you. No posting answers before my riddle
LOL, I think I first heard that as a crossword puzzle clue and it always stuck (Hah!) with me.
Hmmm…is it “cleave”?
I was going to guess
verb [with object]
1 chiefly US postpone consideration of: I’d like the issue to be tabled for the next few months.
2 British present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting: an MP tabled an amendment to the bill.
I just used the ‘adhere to’ meaning in a description I wrote today.
Is Derpetologist on deployment or something? Haven’t seen him in a while
Yes, that’s what he said before he vanished.
Irregardlessly, a good piece.
OT. This is cool as shit.
But why did they pick a Mig? Commies? *narrows gaze* F15 woulda been way cooler.
I blame the Bulleit Barrel Strength Bourbon for this thread fail.
I think it’s the lack that is more to blame.
Best comment, from the original Washington Post article, not Shapiro’s reaction to it:
I love that the Washington Post has the shittest paywall in existence.
It’s like Bezos forgot everything he worked tirelessly to perfect at Amazon about maximum accessibility and ease of use when he jumped into that business. Newsflash: your only real revenue stream in the newspaper business is advertising. Making me jump through hoops to pay you a dollar to even see your content is NOT getting my eyes on ads.
My husband of 50 years did not have to stifle a laugh. He took it dead seriously. He did not defend his remark, he did not defend men. He sat, hunched and hurt, and he listened.
And the man is the evil one here.
I’ve been married to the same woman for 42 years. She’s never yelled at me. She’s been mad, but never lost it like this.
For a moment, it occurred to me to be grateful that I’m married to a man who will listen to a woman.
You should be grateful that you’re not alone with 40 cats in an apartment full of piss-covered furniture.
Think how grateful those 40 cats are to not be trapped in an apartment with her.
More like HyperboLOL
As i said elsewhere…
…i think there’s a strong crossover-appeal between “young, millenial, SJW types who use ‘outrage’ as a form of attention-seeking”…
….and “old, boomer, 70+ year old ladies who have been holding onto repressed anger and bitterness for years and are vicariously jumping into the fray”
this isn’t really just speculation due to the similarity in style btw “jezebel” and post-menopausal-Moms; its more of an analysis of the people who showed up at things like the Kavanaugh rallies in DC. Lots of old ladies like this “Im a victim too” stuff.
“Count Dankula and the fall of liberal Britain
What I learned spending time with Scotland’s most notorious shitposter.”
I mean, do people want their children scared or not?
so I heard a campaign ad – not sure for which race since it was on tv in the other room – but it was some Democrat saying so-and-so was an evil Republican for the tax cut which only helped the richest 1% (a lie) , but then hilariously said “and raised taxes on 60 percent of Californians”. Even assuming that number is correct, of course it elides that the reason for this is because the fed is subsidizing less of this state’s ridiculous taxes now! But do any of these people want to lower the state taxes ? LOLOL of course not.
Heaven forbid. We are just one tax hike away from paradise. I hate the Republicans in California for being spineless liars who cozy up to the socons too frequently. I hate the Democrats for actually doing what they say and then some.
I am stuffed. Grilled t-bone, fried potatoes, saute’d shredded Brussels sprouts. On to the evening digestif from Kentucky.
I had mutton biryan. So spicy, so filling.
I haven’t had dinner yet. Now I have to figure something out.
If you’re off work, something with wine.
Love Brussels sprouts. I had a pork chop with fried apples and potatoes.
Brussels sprouts make me gag – literally. Yuck.
You’re supposed to chew them.
and drown them in butter and black pepper.
^^ THIS ^^
Also, bacon.
And for the love of god don’t overcook them, there’s nothing worse than a mushy sprout (or mushy anything for that matter)
Peas should be mushy. That is all.
I so often get hard pebble-like peas. WTF
Peas should be neither mushy nor non-mushy, peas, like Jimmy Buffet music, should not exist in an civilized society.
Van Damme has a sad
He’s still hot. And Jean Claude Van Johnson was actually pretty good.
I liked it as well.
Treat them like cabbage. Delicious, little cabbages.
So slice them into little strips and pickle them into saurkraut?
Yeah, I’ve mentioned before that I get the same reaction from anything in the cabbage family. Although I’ve learned to appreciate broccoli.
Dim bresych? That sucks, brassica makes up half the produce aisle.
Oes dim!
(Or something. I forgot most of my Cymraeg.)
Paid becso amdani, so has everyone else.
I hated Brussels sprouts until I had them cooked properly. Now they’re a favorite.
Love, love, love my hot tub.
Please tell me you’re sipping a martini and laughing gaily.
Sipping a beer and splashing happily. (Err, I was, now I’m snuggled on the couch with the dog.)
What beer?
Mama’s Little Yella Pils.
That’s an awesome name for a beer.
Sometimes I’ll boil water in the stew pot and dump it in the tub to get a full bath of hot water, showoff.
You either have a small tub or a huge stew pot
/deliberately obtuse
It’s like Spirited Away, only very disappointing.
My sister has a Jacuzzi tub and I used to be jealous. But, it empties the hot water heater, and I’m no longer jealous.
If I were to add something like that, I’d get a dedicated tankless heater for it. That way it wouldn’t disrupt the rest of the house and vice versa.
It also takes a long time to fill. Don’t get one, if you want to soak in hot water with jets, get a hot tub. The maintenance is easy and you’re in the perfect location for one. When I lived in Fargo, I used to date a guy who had one (very nice, with built-in towel warmers.) We used it throughout the year with the exception of January. It was so awesome.
I am dumbfounded that there are still people using tank hot water heaters in 2018.
I hear the tankless water heaters only make sense financially if you have natural gas.
Hey, I do have natural gas (and I think my current heater may be, so the hookup is there)
Then I hear it’s pretty awesome. Go for it.
If you have an older house make sure the service has large enough diameter piping.
There is a calculation they make with all the gas appliances in your house. Frequently on old homes with gas fired heating the tankless water heater can push you over the edge.
The biggest issue with our installation was actually running the air intake and exhaust.
The best ones are actually electric, but they are really really expensive. Honestly I did not switch for energy savings I switched for unlimited hot water when I need it. It takes a few extra seconds to get hot, but then it will stay hot as long as you want.
It takes a few extra seconds to get hot, but then it will stay hot as long as you want.
That’s a euphemism!
*thinks about correcting FM, sees no upside, tries to look smug and debonair, trips over own feet while making odd face that is more Inspector Clouseau than James Bond, gives up.
It came with the house.
I’m not sure what to think of the whole Separatist-Spaniards thing.
I’m not super hip to the context. My backgrounders are basically: “awareness of the 18th-19th century Catalan independence movement via the Master+Commander novels”, and “reading about crazy Basque ETA in ‘histories of 20th century terrorist groups'”
my general feeling is: aren’t like 50% of spanish on welfare? I can’t imagine why they’d want to be independent. It would probably mean having to get a job.
My understanding was that Catalonia is the productive/wealthy party of Spain.
that may be so.
perhaps the idea is that they’re tired of paying the welfare of those damn castillian moochers
I believe that is part of it. They also have a different language and culture, which is the other part.
In reality, it’s probably more like California where the people think the size of their economy means they’re the productive ones and use some bullshit numbers on how much is paid in taxes versus spent to claim red states are the real moochers.
Given Spain’s debt, it’s obvious that no one is actually paying their fair share. Catalonia has the third highest debt of any region in Spain. And, like damn near every European in existence, they demand their free healthcare.
Healthcare, housing and income maintenance are rights! Why do you shitlords always dispute this? Are you so greedy you object to paying just a few score percent in taxes?
Who could own ya
Spirit of romance
Catalonia, Catalonia
Like this .
The Dodgers are playing worse than my co-ed rec league softball team.
The Brewers haven’t lost a game in weeks. They’re on one of those crazy unstoppable runs that makes it seem they could take it all, even overcome the Red Sox in the Series.
The Red Sox ain’t making it to the show.
I thought “the show“ the MLB. Costner lied.
He also has webbed feet.
They’re probably worried about going to jail.
OT: Rainy Friday Blues
Work is going well, everything else is going to shit. Mood music for my mindset/a small handful of some my favorite blues performances.
Please forgive the multiple links on this post, I forget the rules at times
All is forgiven-nice set.
In the BB King piece I’ve always liked the audiences reaction to “I gave you 7 children and now you want to give them back. “
Ha! Yeah, that always tickles me as well.
As far as the double post in the middle, here’s the *intended artist.
*I get a touch excited and spastic at times and bypass the whole editing your post before submitting it thing.
Update on my Dad’s death – It sounds like the people in the other vehicle are going to survive. A 53 year-old woman had leg injuries but the 22 year-old woman and a baby are said to be in fair condition. There is a photo online of what is left of their Lexus after the EMTs got through with it. Not pretty.
Oh, good. It’s bad enough as it is.
Northbound on a Southbound freeway at Alberta speed it’s a wonder that anyone survived. Fucking Old Man.
Sorry to hear, Festus
At least your Dad doesn’t have that on his ledger on the way out. Small consolation I know.
I talked to his sister tonight and she’s pretty torn up. My Dad was the eldest of six and kind of a “Golden God” to his siblings. Even when he fell on hard times they had an open door and a spare bed for him. He used to help them with their homework and stand up to their bullies. Funny that he’s the only one that never got wealthy.
Jesus. Sorry, dude. Glad to hear that the others survived.
Sorry to hear about your dad, Festus. That sucks.
Thanks. He was an aloof and distant Father but he was in the end, still my Dad. I like to think that my tiny Mother’s shade is chasing his around purgatory with a butcher’s knife just like here on earth…
I’m sorry Festus.
Even if you weren’t close lately, you must be in a bit of shock still. Take care, Bud.
I have to draft a letter to the funeral home indicating that it’s fine by me to cremate him. Imma wait til Judi gets home from the horses and let her handle the details. I have no way to contact my elder brother to let him know because I’ve lost his # and anyway, the last time we spoke he called me a Nazi. Hell, he didn’t even know that mother had died three years previous. Same phone call. And yet some people still ask why I don’t do Xmas!
If not too difficult, even the asshole brother deserves to be informed. Shitty burden you’ve got here, but still should be carried out.
Jesus. Sorry to hear. My family is by no means perfect, but we get along enough. I have a hard time imagining having no contact with my family, though I certainly don’t blame you for that given the circumstances.
Damn, my condolences.
Yo, Glib staff, if you read this before you approve moderation of my pending post, scrub the pending post. My blues are a big nothing burger in comparison to this.
Again, Festus, my condolences. That fucking sucks.
Fuck that noise! Post! Post! Post!
Glance up thread, my friend. It went through. Consider that post, while completely our context, in your honor.
*out of
Dammit. Spelling and sentence structuring is difficult enough for me as is. Throw in a smidgen of emotion….
Sorry to hear about your Dad. That is a messed up deal there.
Damn, I’m sorry Festus. Condolences.
Again, sorry.
Sorry Festus.
OT. This is cool as shit.
But why did they pick a Mig? Commies? *narrows gaze* F15 woulda been way cooler.
Yufus would have like that.
*pours some cheap swill on the ground*
I was hoping he’d see it.
This is the second reference I’ve seen to him not being around. What did I miss?
His wife is back in the hospital, among other things.
Ah shit. “Other things” even worse than his wife being in the hospital? That’s bad enough.
OK, well, I reserve the right to re-post this when he is back around.
Not entirely sure but he lost his job and his wife has had health issues so he mentioned that he was losing his internet due to the monetary strain. He has a marketable skill set so I assume he’ll be back on his feet again soon. Best wishes to him whatever the situation. *Pours some more swill but earnestly this time*
*adds to swill puddle*
If you see this Bob; hang in there buddy. Let any of us know if we can help.
*clinks tumbler*
*Glass raised to Yusef*
I hope it all turns out well.
#metoo! Seems an awesome feller and I hope to send only the most positive rays to him and kith and kin!
Yeah, he sent me some awesome beer during my first BIF. Good guy.
Like they’re women, Russia can make some sexy planes. But also like they’re women, you have no fucking clue what’s inside of them making them tick and it’ll probably end up stealing your wallet.
And the pastrami sandwich you drunkenly ordered from room service at 1:30 in the morning.
MSM really wishes Ye kept his fucking mouth shut.
Kanye West>Kanye>Ye. Eventually his name will be silence as he lives in the hacks’ heads.
RE the STALEMATE chess pic. I am no chess whiz but isn’t that checkmate? Or am I not sharp enough to get the wisdom in that pic?
If a player isn’t in check and has no legal move, it’s stalemate a draw.
Well, that is a dumb rule. Would not the statement in the picture depend on whose move it is? Or just for you, who’s.
It has to black’s move, and white had to have just made an extremely stupid move to get it in that situation, in any scenario I can come up with white would have had an easy mate had they not done what apparently they did to get to that stalemate. In other words that’s a highly unlikely end position.
But if it’s Black’s move, it’s checkmate, right?
No. Thought Ted explained that.
Until minutes ago, I didn’t realize this was a (key) rule:
It is illegal to make a move that places or leaves one’s king in check.
Hence why white is just as bad a chess player as black…he didn’t get check by whatever was his last move. I get it now!
In a way, white is worse.
Yeah. That’s what I’m seeing. He snatched defeat (draw) from the jaws of victory.
Aaaaah, so I wasn’t smart enough to decipher the picture because I don’t know the real rules. Whatever. It is a dumb rule. Kind of like property taxes.
How does it have to be blacks move? I never played by that rule, but then again I learned chess from a dude I rented a room from back in FL mid 80’s and he was good at chess but only because he spent a few years in prison. Maybe I only know prison rules. If you can’t move without putting yourself in check, you are checkmate and a loser and have to slam a beer is what I know.
If it’s whites move white has about fifty ways to checkmate black, There is only stalemate is if it’s backs move. hence it was whites move before this scene and white should have mated black then but must have made a very bonehead play to get to this stalemate.
Well maybe it is whites move but the numb nuts who made the poster/meme doesn’t know that and is assuming it is blacks move and thus made up the stalemate slogan to fit his preconceived outlook on life.
Teaching chess
I’m with you; I see checkmate against black.
Except black is not currently in check.
(NB: I hate chess and suck at it)
Ohhh…I think I need to find the definitions of check and checkmate.
Check is when Kanye trolls the media. Checkmate is when they respond.
Chess definitions from Straff?
I joined the Chess club to meet chicks.
Watched about 10 minutes of Ted 2 last night. They’re smoking a dick shaped bong around the campfire. Me: “This is disgusting. Let’s turn the channel”. Daughter: “What’s disgusting?”
She didn’t recognize what the bong was shaped like. She also has no idea what weed is. “It’s like medicine that makes you feel good. Don’t use it because the police get angry”. Being 9, she hits me with, “Why do they get angry?”. Asking the right questions at her age. I’m proud.
Did you explain the penis part to her?
Also, what is the marijuana supply in Japan like?
No idea. Heard many stories of gaijin getting pinched for it and it isn’t pretty.
Probably laced their weed with adderall or sudafed.
One dude I knew dropped his baggy in the convenience store. Idiot had his gaijin card in the baggy. They held him in custody for 3 weeks then deported his ass.
What self-respecting convenience store clerk doesn’t toss the card and pocket the goodies?
And who keeps his ID in his baggy of goodies?
They don’t fuck around here when it comes to da drugz. Gaijin will use, but I keep my distance. Sucks, but that’s reality.
How much of that is American (or international) influence versus native culture? I’ve always found it too coincidental that most every country freaks out about a harmless weed in the same way.
Little fascists.
Too funny. Gaijin card in the baggy. Hah!
So stupid that you could plausibly claim you were framed.
It doesn’t even make you feel good. It makes you feel very uncomfortable about your corporeality, and paranoid to boot.
Then you are doing it wrong. You should just watch old Sci Fi movies like 2001 or 2010.
For varying definitions of “good”…
Last time I had a really good hit, I collapsed up against my buddy’s house and just… dazed. I was dazed.
Other times I’ve been super uncomfortable. Mostly I just hope it puts me to sleep.
Damn, when our government thinks your drug laws are too harsh, it might be time to mellow out.
CNN goes with the headline that Trump praised Robert E Lee was a great general (how offensive!!!).
Ignore that he goes on about how Grant was selected by Lincoln despite his drinking problem, and how it turned things around for the North.
Story tomorrow – more proof that Trump is a white supremacist.
Grant was a cryptoslaver. Obviously should have taken Lee’s surrender and ground it into the dirt, and put the South to the sword.
They’re all running with this story tonight, actually. It’s the headline of his remarks, apparently, even though the entire point of the story was to praise Grant and Ohio.
And it’s fairly non-controversial to call Lee a great general.
Making the South howl never gets old.
Make the north howl while you’re working on the south is the usual operation…
Fairly? God I hate the left. Lee and Stonewall Jackson are American heroes and were universally regarded as such a generation ago ie in Trump’s generation. These were decent men caught in an untenable situation doing what they saw as their duty as honorably as they could. This continual historical revision and ex post fact demonizing of people is straight out of Stalin’s playbook.
That is exactly what they are trying to do. No shades of gray.
It’s unfortunate that so many sheeple are so easily brainwashed by them.
To go back on topic, what will happen if the Caitlyns go independent? Will the EU have to bail them both out or will the Kardashians and Super Man Kanye take care of the Caitlyns.
But seriously that is about the Man on the Street reaction you could expect if you quizzed them about Catalonia”s right to choose.
Go frigging Brewers.
Birthday intermission with a glass of Malbec.
Give us a brief synopsis of your night before you go running back to real people.
Filet Mignon.
Probably video games.
Maybe [REDACTED] or maybe sleep.