How’s your week going so far? Mine has been trying to scramble up the mountain of incoming shit before it buries me. But I can’t complain too much. The mighty Texas Longhorns held on to beat those University of Oklahoma… people. Also, the Texans won me $1. Which, I never bet on the Texans, but my boss is from Dallas, so I kind of had to. It was a pleasant surprise.
Bill and Hillary are going on tour. I look forward to bunches of conservatives showing up at every stop with posters that have pictures of Juanita Broderick saying “#IBelieveHer”
Florida Man sets Florida Man on fire over argument at homeless camp. I’m sure it wasn’t his stable personality that landed him in a homeless camp.
In the water is wet department — scientists have discovered that veterans are more likely to experience PTSD than those who did not serve. Its almost like they are more likely to experience traumatic stress than the broader population.
Friends of Justin Bieber think he’s having an identity crisis. By his recent pictures, it seems more likely he’s dead in a swamp and some Florida Man ringer has taken his place.
Oh man, can you imagine the glorious chaos if Cocaine Mitch were to go forward with a Supreme Court nomination in 2020? Not wishing anybody dead, but just saying, if it was Notorious RBG, people might literally die of apoplectic rage.
Just watchin’ a bad-ass chick play guitar today.
Rufus? Did you hack Yusef’s Account?
Trying to catch you re: your question about the unlabeled billet:
Yes, you will need to heat treat it after shaping.
I did respond. It’s about a quarter inch thick, so it’s going to need a lot of work regardless.
I don’t have the tools to do anything with it. So I’m sad.
There are a lot of knifemaking companies online that will sell you shaped and heat treated blades if you want to learn/practice filework, etching, handle making/mounting and all the finish work that goes into knifemaking.
Leap had a great knife making article and included a very reasonably priced blade.
That’s not the part I wanted to try. I need to find someone with a smithy…
I missed this convo. Shoot me an email (I’m out of here in a few minutes) with what you have and what you need.
If you have a billet of simple steel and want to make it into a knife, I can learn you how to do that with some pretty simple and cheap tools
You could always try going to that guy who burned Cohoes down….
No, Ted, I want to deal with someone who knows what they’re doing.
I want to deal with someone who knows what they’re doing
Good. Between the power tools, the forges, and the red-hot metal, you may have found the world’s most dangerous hobby. Be careful.
Judging from all the missing digits I’ve seen, woodworking might rank right up there.
There’s a reason I fear my table saw.
/still has his body parts
woodworking might rank right up there.
Meh, a missing finger or two ain’t the end of the world, hobbies that could kill you (Sky diving, rock climbing, motorcycling, meth labbing, etc. ) are far more dangerous.
But I like my fingers. I’m kind of attached to them.
Yeah, Hyp, I get it, but death is so much cleaner than losing limbs.
Fair point about hobbies that can actually kill you, Hype.
It’s never a ‘limb’ it’s the tip of a finger or three, and you’ll get used to it very quickly, I’d wager you all know someone who’s missing a phalange or two and may not have even noticed. Seriously if you are ever down on your luck and find yourself in a Twilight Zone ( or was it that Stephen King anthology) situation where someone wagers a bunch of cash against your thumb, jump on that shit, you won’t miss it if you lose.
Just take a second or two to think out your cuts.
You probably don’t want to here this, but learn stock removal first. Even on forged blades, there is still LOTS of post-forgework grinding involved.
OMFG *hear*
I’m pretty sure I would miss a thumb.
Sup Tres! you think I’ll get a First?
or wait for Beer thirty?
Guten Tag!
Howdy Mike!
Bad ass chick playing guitar:
Still more masculine than the original.
I couldn’t get past #1. Oh wait, that wasn’t a gallery, sorry.
A little older but at the time she was as good as anybody out there.
I saw this on a liberal friend’s Facebook page. Ignoring the grammar, it’s still the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.*
* Today. I mean, I see a lot of dumb things.
The left can’t meme.
It’s just sad.
Aren’t they in favor of more government power?
Only for team blue.
Plus it is a paraphrase of a quote by Thomas Jefferson. So now their okay with dead, white, slave owners I guess.
Vote for the TEAM that supports even more massive government expansion than the other TEAM. That’ll scare ’em.
Remember when failure to be subservient to the state was the greatest possible crime against civilization?
Wow did not disaapoint
They do know that “V” was actually fighting AGAINST a socialist, 1984-style, authoritarian government, right? I mean did they even watch the movie?
Reminded me of THIS
I’ll be in my bunk
No, the movie was about a Bush inspired religious fascist state, which would have no relation to the graphic novel, which was based on a Margaret Thatcher styled totalitarian state, which would have no relation to the utopia of a Democrat run state.
Oh man, i should have known it was Bush’s fault somehow lol
Yeah, a 1984-style authoritarian government, just like the Rethuglikkkans!!!11!!
Reminded me of this.
What? using the right to bear arms to protect your other rights? How dare those plebs use the constitution in the exact way that it was intended!
I will vote for the Dems if they would run Thomas Jefferson.
Wow. That has to be the early favorite for dumbest thing of the week.
I like mine better.
I’m still trying to write, ran into a few bumps.
Why are you writing in braille?
My clothes washer broke. Hopefully I can fix it because I hate hiring people.
I took a personal day today so I could lounge around the house with my girlfriend.
My week is off to a good start.
Congrats, excellent thinking.
Speaking of dumb things, here’s the Chicago FOP blaming… the PLO and Weather Underground for Jason Van Dyke’s murder conviction? Really?
I thought it would be a stretch to pin it on the Palestinians but the article cleared it up for me.
Maybe that’s been Trump’s plan all along. Make the liberals die of self inflicted aneurysms.
He has my vote.
Mine as well. I am actually not even feeling sorry for them anymore.
I wish Mitch would have just said “Elections have consequences. Or so I’ve been told.”
The GOP has made a few significant steps recently in showing some balls. Why they feel ashamed to say, “yeah, we have the Senate and that is one of the perks of having a majority of the Senate.” is beyond me.
I didn’t vote for him in 2016 because I thought he was an ass clown. I will probably vote for him in 2020 because I am SURE of it.
I saw someone claiming that the Biden Rule only applies when the President and the Senate belong to different parties. No idea what difference that makes; I thought the point was that a lame duck President due to be rotated out in a few months should zip it up and let the next one have a go with a fresh(er) electoral mandate.
The rule is as simple as the party in power will do whatever is most advantageous for itself.
heart, yass!
Damn, they were cute back then.
I still remember morning DJ’s making cracks about “waking up with Ann and Nancy Wilson”.
PS: I still remember DJ’s.
Saw them in concert early 90s. Not quite as hot but still a Great show.
I was 10 years old when this came out.
*farts dust*
’76. The year I got married.
I was 12. Had a total crush on her. Still one of my favorite tunes.
Dude, a lot of us are old. I’m so old I remember when Ann was the hot one.
Yes, and that would truly mean we are in the best possible timeline.
Inspired musical choice today, Brett!
It’s been a long while since I listened to them. Great version!
I prefer this one.
I’m not sure if we have any Glibs in the Florida panhandle, but good luck if you’re there. Hurricane Michael is looking like it could be ugly.
We never had hurricanes before global warming, so I know this will only get worse.
Yes, I think we have convinced my MiL to go stay with somebody, at least. She’s nearly to GA, so she doesn’t have to worry about flooding, but I worry about her being stuck without power by herself. Anyone needs a spot, let me know. We have a spare room and a couch. And MiL is not using either, much to my wife’s disappointment.
Whoa. Dodged a bullet, eh?
I get along fine with my MiL. She also never overstays her welcome.
You do understand how rare that is, right?
Mine is awesome. I’d move her in with us in a heartbeat.
And yeah, it’s really rare.
I like my in-laws better than my own parents. They treat me nicer. And they, like Brett’s MIL, never overstay their welcome.
My in-laws are better. Competition is easier though since my parents disowned me
Yea. Long story but my parents disowned me. It’s been a few years, so now it’s been normalized.
To my in-laws credit they have tried to fill in.
My wife is in the same boat. My parents are her parents, and she’s happier because of it.
My Mother-in-law has been dead for 12 years. She’s just the best.
My parents are her parents,
I’m guessing you’re from Arkansas, then?
Yes. She’s great people. I got lucky.
I get along great with my MIL too. She speaks no English and I speak no Korean. We smile at each other and then complain to my wife. She mediates everything very well.
My wife and my mother hate each other. So we do have some of that drama going on.
I had the same good luck with my second MIL, until she left this world.
My mother was the kindest lady alive, loved my wife, my brothers’ wives, all the grandchildren, the neighbors’ kids, etc. I had two cereal stepfathers, I couldn’t have chosen better guys for my mom.
My wife’s staunchest ally in our family is my mother. For some reason, Mom thinks I’m a difficult person to live with and that I have excellent taste in women. I’m sure the first is true. My own scars tell a different story about the 2nd. I do wonder if it is in someway trained in, though. My father’s mother was always very good to my mother, so maybe Mom doesn’t know she’s supposed to be a bitch to my wife.
I have the same problem. My mom LOVES my wife to the point that if we have any sort of disagreement my mom defaults to taking my wife’s side. It all started when my mom had outpatient foot surgery a few years ago and neither I nor my brother nor sister called to see how she was doing. But my wife called. And now she’s the favorite. Curses!
“Yes, I think we have convinced my MiL to go stay with somebody, at least. ”
You are doing it wrong. You should have told her to go do a boat ride in the gulf using one of those hybrid baot-busses.
I was kind of hoping that when I finally had a namesake hurricane it would plow right through D.C. Sorry Florida, it’s not my fault.
Seriously, stay safe.
Can one suddenly develop an allergy to lima beans? I just coked up a mess of succotash, and now the insides of my ears feel itchy.
AKA Satan’s anal polyps.
You got lucky, dude.
You’re putting it in the wrong hole.
That’s what she said!
“Well, that’s just, like, your opinion . . . “
Sounds more like a parasitic infection than an allergy tbh. Probably nothing to worry about.
I think that’s the coke.
Um, “cooked”.
You’re more likely to feel it in your mouth or get a rash on your skin.
So…you had some sufferin’ succotash?
Let Mammary Monday wrap you in the soft, warm embrace of simultaneous stimulation and comfort.
3, 5, 6, 17, 21, 25, 26, 33, 37, 54, 57.
Who schedules a damned playoff game for 13:30 on a Monday?
the Military?
Clearly someone who expects the pitching staff to field the ball while half awake?
There could possibly have been four playoff games today, and if they wanted the games not to overlap, there’s not much to do.
Besides, the shits who “work” for the government got today off.
Coastal elites.
Baseball should be played in the afternoon. And taking time off to listen/watch should be a valid excuse for missing work.
Claims of 70 problems found with key temperature dataset used by climate models
An audit of the key temperature dataset used by climate models claims to have identified more than 70 problems which the Australian author said made it “unfit for global studies”.
Problems include zero degree temperatures in the Caribbean, 82 degree C temperatures in Colombia and ship based recordings taken 100km inland.
The new paper will be controversial because it has been released on the eve of the IPCC report on the aspirations target of limiting future warming to 1.5C below the start of the industrial revolution.
Anomalies identified in the McLean paper include at St Kitts in the Caribbean, the average temperature for December 1981 was zero degrees, normally it’s 26C.
For three months in 1978 one place in Colombia reported an 82 degrees Celsius average – hotter than the hottest day on Earth.
In Romania one September the average temperature was reported as minus 46°C.
Sometimes ships would report ocean temperatures from places up to 100km inland.
Settled science.
Pie was Cold
It has never been -46 in Romania since, proving things have warmed considerably.
And the Boats 100km Inland is just proof that the oceans are rising.
I’ll play devil’s advocate. 70 out of how many data points? It sounds like a low percentage.
My bigger objection is how they adjust for the heat island problem. I live about 1/2 mile from the freeway and in the winter the temperature on my car thermometer drops by about 4 degrees between the freeway and my house. If the weather stations are in areas of encroaching urbanity there is bound to be a huge effect on measurements.
Oh, they take the data stations in the hottest parts of the heat island as accurate and Adjust the rurual locations to be in line with them.
If you look at the raw data, the temperatures have been flat over the couple of decades. You have to correct the raw data to get the increase.
Also, they are talking about 70 problems, not 70 data points. 70 data points wouldn’t be a problem. They probably have 70 bad data points a day.
“Bill and Hillary are going on tour”
Are they using a hearse instead of a tour bus?
The setup line I didn’t use was: “unfortunately not of Hell”
Am I evil for hoping one of these finally ends our misery?
Maybe that stupid van she ran all over the place in 2016
By “van”, you mean unmarked ambulance?
Maybe THIS time she’ll stop in Michigan and Wisconsin?
If we are lucky, no.
Going to Michigan, but just to Detroit. Not to Chicago.
Every place she’s going is very deep blue, save for maybe Sugar Land Texas (I don’t know the demographics there, but it’s the Houston area so I’ll assume it’s a blue part of Texas)
Ft. Bend county, where Sugar Land is located, went for Hillary in ’16:
They’re charging money?? (Okay, they ARE the Clintons so I should have assumed this, but I thought it was just some bus tour/townhall thing)
Sugar Land itself is pretty red, but that might be the best hall they could rent in Houston, and SL is fairly easy to get out to from Rice/Memorial, which is the rich liberal part of Houston. And I guess Montrose through the Heights, which are nouveau riche.
So, women are going to voluntarily hand over their money to a man, about whom there are numerous credible allegations of sexual assault, and his apologist wife?
Well now I’ve heard it all…..
I lived in Sugar Land for a few years. It was weird to see Hakeem Olajuwon or Scotty Pippen at the post office.
Who drinks more the Clintons or Kavanaugh
Trick question:
Kavanaugh is too busy raping to drink at all.
Fake news.
I know where the next meetup will be.
There are some good click-thrus on that article:
What happened to believe all women?
This one just went a tad too far…
That headline is… surreal.
Yeah…. with the pregnancy, isn’t that technically a foursome?
“You are NOT to ask for head”
He shouldn’t have to you dumb b*h. Great strategy to keep him from hanging around other girls.
Free speech is most valuable when it tells us from whom to stay away.
I’ll hang out with Keegan if I fucking feel like it.
Yikes! Run fast and change your name, dude.
Only thing I can think of is perhaps the guy in question got caught doing something that she’d otherwise break up with him. Still, it’s pretty stupid. If the relationship’s that shot, it’s better to just give it a decent burial.
Why would he be hooking up with someone else when he has her?
That’s just crazy, right?
The part where he is NOT to ask about certain men… that’s just crazy pants.
In the water is wet department — scientists have discovered that veterans are more likely to experience PTSD than those who did not serve. Its almost like they are more likely to experience traumatic stress than the broader population.
You forgot about women who go to college. 5 out of 4 of them have been raped. Figures the scientists wouldn’t take them into account.
College for all!
I think it’s SCOTUS nominees after last week.
“‘Cultural jail’: Brexit could bring booming industry to its knees
Top UK musicians tell PM in open letter why Europe is so important to their industry”
Not only did no go on tour before there was a European Union, English music didn’t even exist.
“Brexit could cost UK music scene its voice, warn leading stars”
Pink Floyd got their inspiration not from blues musicians but a united Europe. True story.
I think I see the root of their problems.
Kavanaugh barely sworn in and gropeageddon has already begun in DC.
See! More proof that Public Schools >>>>> Charter Schools
Charter Schools are taking all the assault away from Public Schools!
In public schools it’s the teachers who assault the students just like it’s always been.
More disgusting white privilege on display.
Go on…
Best part:
Wooo! D.C.!
Damn toxic masculinity.
But it’s Banana Friday. Sure. Sure it is.
Banana Friday doesn’t even rhyme.
Unlike Taco Tuesday.
Which may or may not have caused an unfortunate incident with the visiting soccer team earlier in the week.
There’s no crying in football. What the fuck? Our coaches would have run people to fucking death if they saw tears over anything less than a serious injury.
Instead of crying they should have turned into Jefferson from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
That’s the local team and aside from that headline, all the news I’ve seen about this has no mention of crying, the accompanying photos even show the players monkeying around (sorry) with the bananas, and they won the game.
Christ, what an asshole.
“Our entire Constitution is up for debate.
The fact that it allows and enforces minority rule makes it illegitimate in my eyes.
If our government does not derive its just power from the governed it is not legitimate and should be abolished.
Read the declaration of Independence.”
OK. I’m going to get 50%+1 to seize all property of the other 49%. Any that resist will be killed. We will also be enslaving their wives and daughters for sex and domestic service. Any that resist will be killed. Majority rules. Totes legit.
What happens when the surviving 51 % turn on each other and you end up halving the population again?
The AGW cultist will be happy Gaia is no longer getting raped?
Man it’s worse than i thought. I thought he was upset about the election. He is litterally saying If the majority of people think something shouldn’t be a right, then It should go that way. I guess the Gays really were wrong up until 2014, before then they just wanted Minority rule, amirite? Or does this only work for those icky people who’s rights i don’t like?
By his logic gay marriage would still be illegal in California, since it was voted down three times by the public and was ‘illegitimately’ legalized by the state Supreme Court.
You’re just a mouth breathing Trumpkin who doesn’t get how this works. Whatever the left wants is by default democratic.
Democrats => Democratic. QED
It is not minority rule. It is majority rule tempered with mandatory minority rights. The best of both worlds, if we can keep it.
This is precisely why totalitarians hate the system we have. They figure they will not be the minority so fuck the minority.
And the same pricks giving him a pass don’t understand why Republicans aren’t all to keen on bipartisanship.
His double, triple, quadrupling down is amazing. Not only that, but his boss makes an appearance and sticks up for him.
Tears of impotent rage.
What’s the over/under on him shooting up his local NRA branch office in the next few weeks?
He also thinks its time we “recontextualize” the Kanye Taylor Swift incident. You know, because Kanye supports Trump and now Taylor Swift has come out as a Democrat.
And South Park is going to actually take on the Kavanaugh hearing. Here’s hoping they don’t go the World War Zimmerman approach (one of the worst episodes in my opinion).
Because this is a thing that’s necessary, somehow Trump is directing Sessions to go to Chicago and reinstitute stop and frisk. I don’t get it.
How the hell are people going to say “Merry Christmas” again, soyboy?
Stop and frisk this!
I guarantee you she never makes it through a TSA line at O’Hare without getting molested. Used to occasionally fly to Chicago with this hot buxom blond co-worker and it never failed.
Speaking pf the TSA, I was thinking with Republicans controlling all 3 braches of the federal government how is there still a TSA?
Just another in a long list of issues used to amp up the base but never be acted upon
I mean, Republicans created the TSA not that long ago.
Ha true. I just thought there was public outcry and momentenum against it with Rand Paul vocalizing its uselessness
Chicago has been pushing for more gun laws for as long as I can remember, so I don’t see how they can complain about the Feds enforcing existing laws.
John Mayer wants to tell you how to be a man.
That’s not the one married to Chrissie Teagan, right?
“His new idea on how to raise boys … teach ’em that the world isn’t theirs, and they’re not definitely not entitled to every woman. It’s worth noting this rant came right after John performed “Daughters.””
Says the guys who has probably fucked 1000 women. But it’s totes ok when he does it, he’s woke.
He has a strategy, and it works for him.
Kavanaugh Hires All-Woman Team of Clerks
This is an historic first for the court, but, after the allegations that dogged Kavanaugh’s confirmation process—along with the gut-wrenching, women-hating vitriol it kicked up from a wide swath of Republicans and their voting base—you’ll forgive me if my only reaction to that “first” is a pained grimace.
The comments? Ok.
My understanding is that new Justices are expected to prep coffee, take notes, and generally act as the Supreme Court’s interns when it’s just the Justices themselves meeting. I’m extremely curious to see if this entitled piece of shit does that or tries to push it off on the womenfolk of the Court.
Satire? Based on the commenters history, doubtful.
Brought his harem with him then? Nicely done.
Splinter readers really show their true colors too. Instead of, I don’t know, thinking these women really were qualified to be Supreme court clerks, they started posting pictures of them in the comments to see if Kavvy really does like ’em hot.
I KNEW it was headed in that direction eventually.
Affirmative Action for the fat and ugly.
Love how fighting against allegations of sexual assault makes him entitled. I mean the guy definitely had a privileged upbringing, but i don’t think he thought at his outset that he would be a SC justice for sure and that it was owed him, would have ever survived a career as a lawyer and judge.
“Brett Kavanaugh is hitting the ground running—following his successful confirmation to the Supreme Court despite allegations that he sexually assaulted multiple women as a young man”
I wish Kavanaugh would sue. I know he won’t, but I wish he would.
And the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case!
Kafka should write that.
“I’d like a beer and I’d like to see something naked” –
Ron WhiteBrett KavanaughLet the pussy-grabbing commence!
if Donald Trump were to name somebody in the final year of his first term in 2020, are you saying that you would go ahead with that nomination?”
Assuming Team Red holds the Senate, why wouldn’t they? In 2016, Team Blue held the presidency but Team Red held the Senate. As such they were fully within their authority to not consider Garland.
Team Blue sure as he aren’t playing by any gentlemen’s rules so why should Team Red?
That’s what I’m saying. Team Blue nuked decency from orbit. And they have exhibited open contempt for the rights of the accused, especially the concept of innocent until proven guilty. As far as I am concerned, they have gone from the slightly greater of two evils to the vastly greater of two evils.
This week is all about #winning. Lord H helped us get through the airports (it’s like herding cats with me and the heir). Then we did steaks and cocktails. Later walking and more food and drinks.
Airport steaks? Hmmmm….
No I tend to leave the airport like it’s on fire. Downtown for the steaks.
Sounds perfect. Have a great vacation!
I’ve been thinking on the Ford/Kavanaugh business a bit. While I don’t necessarily believe Kavanaugh will make a good justice and should have been confirmed purely on a party basis, I do believe very strongly that the events that transpired in his confirmation are shameful and made a mockery of justice and the rule of law, and that moreover several Democratic Senators should be censured, Dianne Feinstein most of all. But I don’t, necessarily, believe Ford was lying, or at least that she wasn’t telling what she believed to be the truth, although I suspect she has doubts she did not voice (probably because she was told not to).
I was not sexually assaulted as a child, and I am very grateful for that. But I do have somewhat traumatic memories from childhood. I am 20 years younger than Ford, so these memories are closer to me now than hers are to her today, but they are still more than a decade behind me. What I note most about them is that the act, i.e. whatever I perceived to be the source of trauma, is crystal clear, but the other details are not. Some details I remember, like where and roughly when, but others I don’t, and it varies from memory to memory.
One of the details that is often hazy, interestingly enough, is the perpetrator. The perpetrators I remember well and with some certainty are the ones I knew well. The less well I knew the person, irrespective of the event or measure of the trauma, the less confident I am in identifying them.
I also am pretty sure that some separate events have gotten conflated together in my mind. I have distinct memories, especially more distant memories, that on reflection seem implausible when taken as a single event. If you were to try to conduct a trial on any of these events from my memory, it would be at best a lot of “I’m not sure”s and at worst a farce on par with what we witnessed over Kavanaugh. There are several characters, and I call them characters because they are more my perception of people than who they may actually have been, I could metaphorically assassinate with those memories. But I would be filled with doubts.
I also find that the emotional impact of my memories has little to do with the measure of the trauma. The memories that can bring me to tears if I dwell on them are related to loss, not trauma. Missed opportunities, lost acquaintances, and loved ones who’ve died give me more emotion than the times I was physically or verbally abused.
So I don’t know if I believe Ford or not. I am not confident either that she was lying or that she was telling the whole truth. I do know that what she told was not enough to impugn Kavanaugh, but beyond that I have doubt.
Here’s something that would have made a lot of difference:
How many people did you tell at the time it happened?
I don’t remember, really. That’s one of these hazy details. In some cases, I don’t think I told anybody, although those were typically in crowd settings (school, mostly).
In my case (what we would now call sexual abuse), none. But I also haven’t let that determine my life, either. It’s in the past, it’s over, and I seriously DNGAF about what ever happened to the guy, where he is, or even if he’s still alive. It’s irrelevant to me today.
/not a kiddie-diddling joke this time
Did he…did he have candy?
No. I didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt.
Well written, magnanimous, thoughtful and clearly reasoned. Sure you’re in the right place?
I’m sure I’ll fuck it all up later.
The best outcome for this is that Kavanaugh, who I’ve always been leery of WRT 4A/due process, will, because of his nightmarish experience, reform his ideas on due process and government intrusion into people’s private lives. In a way, it’s ironic that this happened to him.
Was Ford lying? I have no idea. Like you said, she may well believe what she was saying. Did it happen? Unlikely, though I suppose we’ll never know. Her behavior subsequent to making the allegation, no doubt coordinated and orchestrated with the DNC, torched any sympathy I might have had for her.
But you’re right. The whole sordid circus was painful to watch.
I’d hope the same, although I won’t hold my breath. Empathy is a scarce commodity these days. Even the logical argument that robust application of due process and presumption of innocence strikes the best balance between punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent is not as widely accepted as one would hope.
‘It’s not a lie if you believe it’. George Costanza.
So I don’t know if I believe Ford or not.
I’m at the other end of things. So far, I have no reason to believe what Ford has said. There’s nothing. No corroborating witnesses. No contemporaneous accounts. Nothing. Even the accusations themselves are non-falsifiable, since she won’t name a time or place that we can examine. And every single person she says was there says they don’t know what she’s talking about. Including her anti-Trump best friend. To me, that’s even less believable than claiming no witnesses.
To me, that’s even less believable than claiming no witnesses.
That’s it right there. Four supposed eye-witnesses said this event didn’t happen, including Ford’s close friend. If all four had answered affirmatively in corroboration of Ford, including Kavanaugh’s close friends, most people would have little doubt that at least something took place. Their unanimous negative should provide a similar level of support for this being a fabrication, at least to the extent of Kavanaugh’s involvement.
She can’t even show evidence that she ever met Kavanaugh.
I also find it very interesting that nobody in her immediate family has backed her up. No parents saying we remember something happened- not even we believe our daughter- a big silent nothing from them. That tells me a bunch about what type of person she is and her relationship with the truth.
The kindest I can be about her testimony is stating that in my opinion she is a fabulist.
That’s basically my view.
I definitely agree that this didn’t meet any objective standard of evidence and that there are several factors that weaken the accusation when viewed dispassionately. There’s a very good reason belief is not how we adjudicate these matters.
I understand what you’re saying. I just think it goes beyond that.
I get it. The trauma itself would stick with you, even if the details around it are completely hazy. The thing is, I (and I expect you) wouldn’t expect anyone to believe what I was saying if I couldn’t give anyone any sliver of information that might back me up.
I might well think there’s a gremlin under my bed that steals my cookies when I’m at work or asleep at night. Unless I can provide something beyond just the assertion that it’s true, I wouldn’t expect you to believe it.
My conclusion that she is lying about the assault is based on the following:
(1) Her refusal to share the therapist’s name or notes with the Senate. These were supposed to support her story but have been withheld,
(2) Her lies about her fear of flying and why she put the extra door on her house. These were supposed to be due to the trauma of the assault.
(3) Her willing participation in the Democrat game of delay and demand for her hearing.
(4) The bullshit lie detector test, and her incredibly (as in, unbelievably) bad memory of it.
(5) The way her story changed over time. In some ways, it got more precise; in others, more vague, but always in ways that made it harder to disconfirm in reaction to new information coming out.
(6) Her rather odd claim that the trauma didn’t affect her grades in high school, but did in college. All without releasing the easily available college transcript that would have corroborated.
Her entire story is wrapped in lies. The core of it is both unconfirmable and rejected by any witness. Boil it all down, and I think she lied about Kav assaulting her. Not just was mistaken, but lied about it. I didn’t start there, but the way it unravelled convinced me.
I started out believing that it was possible that she was with Kavanaugh and he got handsy with her.
I ended up believing that she was a will participant in a scheme to slander Kavanaugh for political gain.
For what is is worth, my wife never believed her.
Nor did mine.
Of course, I felt her up on our first date and she didn’t kick my ass or complain. Weird, huh?
Several decades ago, someone did this anodyne thing to you.
You’re right, it was plausible. Also banal and irrelevant.
Even such a banal thing was made-up. But the crazy thing is that the story had and has any traction at all. Let’s cut through ALL the bullshit.
The Left has gone full throttle with the “any means necessary” reasoning ever since Trump got elected. I think they feel absolutely entitled to commit any moral wrong so long as they believe it will hurt Trump or someone associated with him.
I haven’t been beset by zombies in meatspace, yet, so I got that going for me.
The obvious answer here is to not get married and join a convent.
Why not just combine it into one name like Prince?
Meh. I attended the Terry-Heiman wedding, and that was a laminate-the-invite funny wedding. I lived next door to Chris and Chris Smith. Shannon Shannon just sounds like a 80’s 1 hit wonder that opened for Flock of Seagulls.
In my ancestral past Amanda Feranda married Simon Aimon. I guess we know what they had in common.
30 years ago when I was in junior high school, one of the English teachers used Ms. and her maiden name. The reason was that she was married so she couldn’t factually be Miss, and didn’t want to use her married name, since she married a man with the surname Funk and figured the kids would joke about it endlessly.
One of my best friends’ mothers when I was growing up used her maiden name professionally (dance teacher). I asked her many years later if her legal last name was her professional name or her husband and son’s name, and she commented that the only people who called her Mrs. S* were her son’s friends and the phone company. 🙂
Long story short, you can take the husband’s name legally, but use your birth name professionally.
Is there any reason why a Roth 401k isn’t the preferred choice by a mile over a traditional 401k? I can’t think of any reason to go with the traditional besides reducing my taxable income, which I’m not particularly concerned about, especially in light of the tax free growth of the Roth. Am I missing something?
Mistrust of the tax status sticking around?
The real if improbable possibility that the government may, at some future date, apply taxes to it.
Though it’s more likely that they’ll just seize private retirement accounts altogether.
/Roth 401K holder
What happened in Cyprus should have scared a lot more people.
I’m guessing it has to do with company matching. Might be different maximums as well. Certainly you should go with a Roth other than those considerations.
1) Taxes now vs. taxes later.
2) Employer matching
3) Yearly contribution limits
4) Income limits
Ah, that’s right. I forgot about the income limits.
*throws champagne in face*
How dare you, sir!
No income limit on the Roth 401k, and the contribution limit is shared across all 401k accounts (similar to how IRAs work).
Thankfully my employer match is the same across the board, so I guess it comes down to tax now or tax later. The math says tax now.
Here’s my plan. Avoid taxes now and just take loans out against my 401k so no taxes later. Win-win.
You mentioned trying to go debt free. Did you include that in the math?
Not really, my taxable income will modestly grow over the next decade as I pay off student loans and the mortgage, but I didn’t really think of it as a major factor.
As I dive in, things get more complex. Perhaps it’s better to take the tax benefit now so that we have more to throw at the loans. However, given our savings goals, I’m not sure I’ll get much of a tax break using the traditional 401k, so I’d be doing the mathematically worse thing in order to dig out from the loans.
I could easily find myself in analysis paralysis on this, which is why hiring a CPA seems like a good idea.
No income limit on the Roth 401k
There are indeed limits:
but they may not yet apply to you.
I can not take advantage of Roths *adjusts monocle and top hat*
Roth IRA =/= Roth 401k
Whoops. Yes, ignore me.
That’s it. Income reduction in the current timeframe.
I think it’s a same deal as Roth vs traditional IRAs, and I chose Roths for my wife and I. My wife’s employer does offer a Roth 401k and their CFO told her the two of them are the only employees in the entire company who chose it over a regular 401k. My company does not offer a Roth, but I’d switch over immediately if the option becomes available.
You can’t unpay your tax. You can also strategically convert a traditional into a roth later in life in when circumstances align just right. Also, where do you plan to retire?
^^^ Here’s the guy to ask.
Also… How do I get out of paying CA taxes on a large chunk of capital gains? Do I really have to move?
“Do I really have to move?”
Not here to California bash. But yes. Yes you should.
Are we talking stocks? Basically…yes. There would be no way to avoid it on a CA business or real estate.
You can always “permanently” relocate to another state and meet the minimum days living there vs. in CA. Sell everything. Decide you do not like living in the no-tax state and move back. You would just need to make sure to document travel days and do the little things like change your driver’s license, mailing address, etc.
Yeah. LTCGs on stocks, which are taxed as ordinary income here.
I have little experience with the CA Franchise Tax Board, but I hear that they’re pretty ruthless. They’ll do things like check where your kids were enrolled in school for the past 5 years.
Jesus. Just…Jesus
Oh yeah, and even if you say change your driver’s license but forget to update your voter’s registration, they will nail you for the unpaid tax unless the rest of your story is buttoned up tight.
Good point! Another confounding factor (as highlighted by Playa above) is that we’re on a Dave Ramsey debt snowball plan right now, so we’re tight on cash. The reduced immediate tax burden would speed up our snowball (or keep it sped up, since I’m doing a traditional 401k currently)
Thanks to everybody for giving me some thoughts to chew on!
Well, the theory is that your taxes right now will be higher than they will be when you’re retired, when your taxable income is lower due to no/lower wages. So therefore you would want to lower your taxable income now by making pre-tax traditional contributions, and then pay taxes upon distribution in retirement at the lower tax bracket. Roth is generally considered better for those who are younger, as they would still have low wages and be in a lower tax bracket than someone in their 40s-50s-60s who are mid-late career and at peak career earnings. However, I work as a Financial Planner, and I can tell you that old strategy isn’t what it used to be. Many retirees are still working past 65, even well past 70, and so their tax rates are not necessarily (much) lower in retirement.
I don’t think the gov will ever apply taxes to Roth as they do with Traditional, but it is possible they could tax gains in Roth accounts at some point, at which point your Roth just becomes a brokerage account with tax deferral on growth.
I would caution you though, to consider keeping Roth and Traditional savings separate. Mixing both Roth and pre-tax contributions in a company 40(k) plan can end up causing some serious administrative and tax-planning headaches down the road.
The commentariat at this website is astounding.
Crazy and over-informed.
The most impressive collection of layabouts, nerrdowells, and sloths I’ve ever had the honor to be a part of.
+13 reprobates
Hey! You’re insulting Reprobates.
Another factor for some people of this group to consider is the source of your income that paid for the Roth or Trad IRA or even a TSP plan. Your pay from time in a combat zone was not taxed and under the current rules the R/T and TSP contributions made with that pay are not taxed either.
Thank you, sir
If your future tax rate is likely to be significantly lower than your current, there is some math that may work in your favor for a traditional 401(k). Personally, I’m using a Roth 401(K), because my plan is to have plenty of money generating income and I don’t want it taxed.
I don’t even know what you people are talking about. I was told years ago by the head of the IRS himself that paying taxes is completely 100% voluntary. I haven’t paid a dime since.
Ok Wesley Snipes.
Actually, I was hoping Brochetta was Fan Bingbing all this time.
Shorter response: if you are not worried about necessarily paying tax now and you meet the income limits, why not do traditional 401k and take the money you would have sent to the government and put it into a Roth IRA?
Good idea. And as a bonus, the Roth IRA *contributions* are accessible at any time. No early withdrawal penalty as long as you only pull out what you put in.
I got bit on that last year. I was unemployed for a while and was trying to make ends meet before my first paycheck dropped. Thought that I could use the Roth Ira contributions. Turns out I didn’t know about the 5 year rule. Expensive mistake. I didn’t really have much of a choice, but it stung when I did my taxes in February and realized what I had done.
Maybe it wasn’t the 5 year rule. I got bit by something and ended up owing almost $1000…maybe I fucked up my taxes. I really should bite the bullet and hire out for the taxes next year.
Yeah I would look into that. The five year rule is for retirees who have not owned there roth long enough to pull out earnings. If you had only pulled out contribution on the roth you should have been ok.
As a follow up, I did mess it up, which means the third 1040x in 4 years. At least this time I’ll be getting money back.
Maybe this is a sign to hire somebody else for this.
I gotta get out of this God forsaken State
Lefties will support all kinds of bullshit if they think it will harm corporations.
And then project that desire onto conservatives and libertarians vis-a-vis government.
It’s also really odd that they primarily target public corporations, aka those that anybody can buy a share of and have a say in.
That fucking racist Kavanaugh only takes on white clerks!
-1 Amy Chua’s kid.
Oh great, here comes HM with his “Asian people aren’t white” line of BS again. If Asian people weren’t white, then how come Harvard admissions office goes out of its way to discriminate again them? huh? HUH?
Not enough donors for legacy admissions, of course.
2018…. carry the 1….
Shouldn’t some of those legacy donors should be Asian by now?
If you donate to your alma mater, you’re not frugal enough to be called an Asian.
Peaceful protests in Portland ruined when old man gets in the way of protestors’ fists.
That guy was stupid for getting out of the car. Also stupid for not keeping a firearm in his car.
Speaking of actual fascists…
Is there any reason why a Roth 401k isn’t the preferred choice by a mile over a traditional 401k?
When I looked at converting, I was horrified at the haircut I’d take on my existing IRA. In retrospect, I probably should have opened new Roth and not converted the other account, but that might not have been possible. I don’t remember.
I’m attempting exactly that. I have my contribution going to traditional right now, but I changed the contribution to the Roth account going forward. I’ll see if there are any hangups.
See my comment above re: mixing pre-tax and roth in same account. Can definitely cause some problems, so be careful.
Not sure about other places, but in my employer’s system (well, the provider’s system, but whatever) Roth and non-Roth go into separately recorded accounts, even though they’re both “mine”.
Roth contributions are made with after-tax income, regular 401(k) contributions are made with pre-tax income. A Roth might be preferable in some circumstances, having to do with whether you want to lower your current taxable income and whether you think you will be in a high income tax bracket after you retire.
If you have $10K in after tax money you can put into retirement per year, you can put $10K into a Roth, or $13K into a 401(k) (assuming your are in the 30% tax bracket) – the $10K in after-tax money, and the $3K in taxes you didn’t pay on that $10K. After, say, 20 years of pretty normal returns, you will have around $40K in your Roth, and around $52K in your 401(k). That will leave you with $40K of spending money from your Roth, but how much spending money you have from your 401(k) depends on how much income you will have. If you will be in a 30% bracket, you’ll come out behind on the 401(k), but if you are in the 15% bracket, you’ll come out ahead.
All right, which on of you jackasses jerked off in the collection plate and caused this?
My cum is worth much more than cash.
Someone has never been to BC street in Okinawa and seen the hard working lady pick up a stack of 100 yen coins from a bottle and then drop them into a plate without using her hands.
Christ, what an asshole.
Goddammit. Thirty seconds ago, i had no idea this person even existed. Now I want to hunt him down and beat him with a sock full of
nickelspocket Constitutions.Everyday I tell myself that these people have always existed, it just that the Internet has made them visible. We’ve survived them in the past; we’ll survive them in the future.
Yet, I can’t totally convince myself.
I doubt He’s armed, the thinks TOP MEN will save his sorry ass
I think in the past, the dearth of people that crazy probably clued them in that their views were too far down the bunny hole and prompted them to do some reflection – or at least keep that nonsense to themselves.
With the Internet, they can now meet up with legions of like-minded people and reinforce those views. Just look at Democrat Underground.
*shifty eyes*
All 30 of us!!!!
There has got to be more than that, if we count every Tulpa and lurker.
Tulpae are Omnibus!
“CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins apologizes after gay slur tweets resurface”
Struggle sessions for everyone!
Washington Examiner missing the real story here. Did she or did she not room with the lesbian?
+1 pillow fight
Honestly… isn’t that a legitimate concern. The whole point of sex-segregated rooming is to avoid the danger of sexual assault. Rooming with a lesbian kind of defeats the purpose.
OMG this rummaging through old twitters and facebook is so tiring. I don’t care who it was. People need to be more merciful and empathetic.
“People need to be more merciful and empathetic”
Do you even Cultural Revolution bro?
On a somewhat related note, I wonder when Eddie Murphy will be put through struggle sessions. Netflix has a stand-up routine of his from the 1980s that is very not-woke.
Yeah, I was just thinking a week or two ago that I can’t believe his bit about San Francisco hasn’t come back to haunt him. And the Honeymooners. And…
*OK Norton. When I bend ovah…start fuckin’!*
I know that you know…
THAT’S a fire!
Twitter Is Cancer part MCMLXIX
Everyday I tell myself that these people have always existed, it just that the Internet has made them visible.
They were, for the most part, confined to academia, the “salons” and other institutions for the mentally unbalanced, which rendered them ineffectual. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.
I do believe that these people probably have always been around. However, the public education system is so useless and so left-leaning that I think we churn out more and more all the time. Internet echo chambers and confirmation bias then radicalize such people more than they would be otherwise.
I think it’s a little bit what you’re saying and a little bit what Akira is saying. The fact is that there’s a relatively small but influential segment of our culture where, if not this kind of thinking, thinking not exactly hostile to it has taken hold (academia, journalism, the literary establishment, Hollywood, HR, etc.). I’m not saying all these institutions are totally populated by guys like this. Only folks who might see this guy’s comments as distasteful, rather than utterly repulsive. And those institutions have become increasingly incestuous with increasing portions of people who tilt in that direction. And, unsurprisingly, that tilt only pushes the institutions to become more incestuous, as those within the institutions see outsiders as suspect and outsiders view themselves as unwelcome. That, of course, leads to voices like this guy becoming even more prominent in those institutions.
People need to be more merciful and empathetic.
What are you, some kinda hippy?
Portland….Where 18 year olds go to retire.
It used to be Aspen. And they mainly occupied themselves with skiing, fucking and snorting cocaine. I miss the ’70s.
That was more productive and less destructive.
Now that’s the kind of self indulgence that made this country great!
Happy Columbus Day everyone.
On a whim, I decided to read thru my alma mater’s newspaper editorials today. That was a mistake. It’s become a hive of social justice retardery.
Almost makes me wish I had $50 mil to dangle in front of them until they excommunicated that crap from campus. Almost.
I might well think there’s a gremlin under my bed that steals my cookies when I’m at work or asleep at night. Unless I can provide something beyond just the assertion that it’s true, I wouldn’t expect you to believe it.
reminded me of this:
Last night I saw upon the stair,
A little man who wasn’t there,
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away…
Suderman said fuck you Robby! I’m the bigger hack, and I’ll prove it!
The report also advances the idea that the generational transfer of wealth was illegal, accusing Trump in the very first sentence of having participated in “outright fraud.”
I am highly sympathetic to the view that individuals should be free to structure their finances however they please, within the limits of the law, to pay as little tax as possible. But the Times’ reporting suggests that Trump did not merely bend the law—he broke it. The front-loaded description of Trump’s behavior as fraudulent, without any caveat, indicates the Times’ confidence in its work, especially given how litigious Trump has been in response to media reports on his personal life.
Nor should be it be overlooked that the alleged tax dodging was focused on avoiding the estate tax; no less than James Buchanan, an eminence of libertarian economics, has argued for a 100 percent inheritance tax.
The front-loaded description of Trump’s behavior as fraudulent, without any caveat, indicates the Times’ confidence in its work, especially given how litigious Trump has been in response to media reports on his personal life.
Chripes almighty! TOS has reduced itself to publishing people arguing that an accusation is evidence. So much for free minds and free markets.
The front-loaded description of Trump’s behavior as fraudulent, without any caveat, indicates the Times’ confidence in its work, especially given how litigious Trump has been in response to media reports on his personal life.
Would this be the same Times that is (half of) the namesake for the Supreme Court that routinely gets misinterpreted as “you can’t libel or slander famous people”?
The front-loaded description of Trump’s behavior as fraudulent, without any caveat, indicates the Times’ confidence in its work
Sounds legit.
It must be frustrating to be a proggie right now.
Even things that you thought you “won” turn to ashes in your mouth.
The proggies who run St. Paul, turn the new $15/hr law into a sham.
Wait. Wait just one god damn minute. Are these bigoted fucks trying to tell me that the labor of a retard is worth less than that of a normie? That a retard has less need? I’m disgusted.
They’re trying to increase the employment of retards by letting them undercut normies.
If you raise the rates you have to pay retards, think of the drain on the state general fund trying to pay the costs of the legislature.
Back when I was at a startup that did a lot of consulting, one of our clients had a cute little receptionist who I will call ABC.
One day ABC told my partner and I that the company was going to hire a new receptionist and she was in charge of the hire. A big deal in her professional work life. Somehow ABC failed to notice during the interview that the person she hired was “special”. Not too much, but you could tell the new receptionist was off a bit. ABC refused to believe that she had really hired a special worker.
While my partner and I were in the office giving her a hard time about her hire, some gal from an organization that helped place special workers came in and gave her a plaque to thank ABC for hiring the new receptionist. She was so nice and grateful to ABC for hiring the new person for such a visible role.
At the end of the day, the new special receptionist actually turned out to be a great hire. She was pretty much all there and was so enthusiastic and hard working that you couldn’t say anything bad about her.
I’ve seen that episode
Check out this genius:
Bush won by 2 million votes in 2004, and THEN nominated 2 supreme court justices.
If we get really, really lucky secession might become a proggy touch stone in the near future. Oh wait, that would mean NOT crushing their enemies and reorganizing society under the correct TOP MEN. Never mind, I say crazy things sometimes.
Donald Trump won by 77 votes in the election that actually determines the President.
Who called it this morning? Limo crash has led to Gov Cuomo calling for more regulations.
He hasn’t gone away yet?
So how come the regulations already in place did nothing to prevent this…?
*jedi wave*
They just weren’t sufficient.
At some point, there will be so many hoops that nobody jumps through them any more, except for those willing to grease the politicians’ palms.
It was actually mentioned in an earlier article I read. Pre-fab limousines do have regs, but if you take a regular car and stretch it, there are no regulations. The article said a grand jury recently recommended that the governor look into it. And here I thought grand juries were meant to decide whether charges should be pressed. I guess they are also empowered to be little Ralph Nader tribunals.
Cuomo sez it “violated federal law”. Plus the failed inspection and invalid driver’s license.
Not saying what the regs are or there should be more of them – just pointing out that if Cuomo is not lying (yeah, yeah), the regs already in place should have prevented this. But more importantly, no amount of regs will stop something like this because people tend to ignore them.
In the end this could just be a case of “shit happens”.
Only a shitlord would think shit just happens.
A politician knows there is someone to blame and many potential voters fears to be exploited.
Yeah, “no” regulations wasn’t quite right. IIRC, it just said the the extra regulations for limos don’t apply. I’m not sure what to make of all of this, yet. However, Andrew does know exactly what to make of it; political points.
Re: Shit happens. Remember growing up, there were things called”accidents”? Yeah, apparently they don’t happen anymore. There is always some one, somewhere who is to blame.
And the owner was a former FIB informant who helped set people up for terrorism charges.
no less than James Buchanan, an eminence of libertarian economics, has argued for a 100 percent inheritance tax.
That’s nice.
I await contextual clarification.
“I am highly sympathetic to the view that individuals should be free to structure their finances however they please, within the limits of the law, to pay as little tax as possible.”
Somehow I think “Taxation is Theft” is a slogan considered highly problematic in the hallowed corridors of Reason.
Essentially, if it contradicts the law, it’s immoral.
Btw, this libertarian thinker argued for an idea that was in fact not the law. Surely this appeal to an authority’s normative claims will be convincing to you?!
The Atlanta Braves chant is racist as per Adam Schein today.
Can’t be racist. Ted Turner and Jane Fonda both did the chant/chop during the 91 World Series. A few of the local AIM* activists tried to make hay, but no one cared.
AIM = Assholes in Moccasins. Told to me by a Ojibwe kid I went to school with.
IDK about the Braves. FSU pays a hefty, er, licensing fee to the Seminole Nation in the form of free college to their kids to be able to use the Osceola mascot and other Native American imagery. FSU also uses an “Unconquered” motif indicating that the Seminole tribe never formally surrendered to the US Army.* So I guess that’s the University’s tribute to anti-colonialism?
*Their main guy died of consumption in a prison in Louisiana, and there are some estimates that there were less than 100 surviving tribe members. The Army stopped chasing them because they stopped raiding.
Speaking of context, and lack thereof- the ads in the Montana (US) Senate race are all just factoidal blurts, with no context. “Tester did this.” “Rosendale did that.” There must be other people besides me screaming, “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” at their teevees. At this point,
I can only hope they both lose.
Does MT have a libertarian candidate worth voting for?
/too lazy to look for myself
/not that it matters
Went to the MT lib party web site a couple weeks ago to see and the site hadn’t been updated since the last election.
All I can tell about the Senate candidates is that Rosebdale isn’t a “real” rancher. Unlike all those folks in Bozeman and Kalispell.
Montana politics are almost as baffling as WV’s…..I’ve thought about writing an article about very culturally conservative areas that love them some federal pork and government control of markets but as an outsider I still can’t quite get my head around it.
I got an ad in the mail (the third from the same candidate) saying her opponent was a criminal (convicted). While that (may) give me a reason not to vote for him, it doesn’t give me any reason to vote for her. Given the rest of her mailings talk about how generously she has spent my money (she’s the incumbent), I have found none.
On a related note, I do not understand the appeal of political advertising that mostly just consists of politicians patting themselves on the back for spending money. I live in a blue state so I guess that’s what the voters care about but it still doesn’t make any sense to me. I could’ve spend the money on my own. What I can’t do is pass laws or govern this state.
Keep in mind that authoritarians really, truly, honestly believe their political work makes X possible, and no one would have anything even resembling X without them moving those levers of power.
You didn’t spend that.
Even worse here. They drive around in vans with giant speakers strapped on the roof blaring the pol’s name. In a way it’s more honest. “Hey, look at me.”
Vote Mr. Potato!
Re-elected Mayor Goldy Wilson!
/too lazy to look for myself
Florida Man?
Looks like South Park is skewering the Kavanaugh hearing
“like I said, it was a bad attempt”
I laughed.
There’s one aspect of #MeToo that rarely gets discussed. That being the way that every flaw in the victims story or behavior gets explained away. Somehow, we went from the victim not having to be perfect to any issue can not just be dismissed, but should be expected. How many times did we get to hear how Ford had already explained, as a psychologist, the nature of traumatic memories to us! It’s complete pseudoscience and faith masquerading as an argument. We go from understanding that some detail may be off and it doesn’t negate the whole story to it becoming yet another reason to believe the accuser. Of course they don’t remember! Even the flaws in the story become further proof somehow of its validity. It’s not just understandable that Ford would forget some things, but proof of her victimhood and credibility.
It’s not new. We saw it with the Rolling Stone story. That’s one great example where true believers kept plugging away.
It’s attacks like yours that add further proof that #Ibelieveher
There was a time when this would get your ass kicked.
Also, “Comedians”.
Oops. Spelled “self righteous pricks” wrong.
The most objectionable aspect of all this is that this dynamic duo consider themselves to be “comedians.”
Night sights for your carry gun? Why or why not and which ones? I shot the XS big dot on a friends XD and really liked the big front sight. I don’t have much trouble seeing the stock sight on my Shield, but the big front sight in low light was pretty sweet.
My Springfield EMP came with night sights standard. They are quite bright in dark situations. In semi-dark, they do not stand out that much, nor to the iron sights. So I bought a Crimson Trace Green Dot laser grip. It is awesome. Pretty much impossible to miss the target.
Thanks! I’ve not tried one yet, but it makes sense.
I was surprised by the difference it makes in getting the gun on target fast.
I have the EMP (3 inch barrel) and EMP 4 (4 inch barrel). I practice mostly with the iron sights on the EMP 4. But I practice with both pistols out to 25 yards. With iron sights, I am obviously more accurate at 25 yards with the EMP 4 than with the EMP. With the laser, I am more accurate with the EMP. Noticeably.
My laser is sighted at 25 yards. That means the gun shoots high and left of the green dot at shorter distances, because laser is below the barrel and on the right side of the grip. Beyond 15 yards, it doesn’t make any real difference. At 5 yards, the gun shoots about 2 inches high and an inch left of the green dot. If the laser means I get the first shot off 2 seconds faster, I don’t care if it is three inches off the dot. Center of mass is pretty much center of mass.
Thank you. That is helpful!
Another consideration.
I am slightly farsighted. I was legal to drive without glasses until about 5 years ago. Now I must wear corrective lenses.
I am also old, which means my near vision is shit. I can look through the upper lens (distance lens) in my glasses and see three fuzzy iron posts. I can see the target clearly. Even with fuzzy posts, I can put 9/10 in the ten ring at 10 yards. Without my glasses, I can’t see the iron sights for shit.
With a laser, I can see a green dot on the target without my glasses, because out there the world is just a bit too fuzzy to read street signs, but more than clear enough to see a bright dot in the middle of a human figure.
If I need to shoot someone, I can’t be dependent on having my glasses.
Interesting. I got lasik so my vision is quite good, even at medium-near distances. Suthen has recommended lasers, too. Reading now about green v red lasers.
Things were so much easier when I was young! A model 10 with iron sights!
Thanks a lot for the info.
The eye doctor says everyone get cataracts. When I get them and get them fixed, they can fixed the distance vision. That should also help the middle distance (the middle lens on tri-focals that I refuse to get).
Green dots are much brighter and clearly visible in full light at the range. They cost more and require more battery, but go green if you get a laser.
And you are welcome.
I practice weekly in the winter and about every other week in the summer. I almost always practice with the EMP 4 and the iron sights.
I practice with the laser about once a quarter. The only thing to worry about is getting the middle finger in the right place on the grip to turn on the laser. Aiming with the laser is just so easy, it doesn’t take any real practice.
Isn’t the laser more suited for scaring intruders?
The laser is for putting a bullet within 2 inches of the green dot regardless of whether or not you have the gun in the perfect position and all three sights perfectly lined up.
Ted, you watch too many movies.
Night sights are nice. Not mandatory though. Trijicon hdxrs are pretty much the caddillacs of nights sights.
How about lasers?
Crimson Trace FTW.