Local pub out here did a charity dinner for Pipes and Pours. What a fun night with my FIL. Last night was a battle between Scotland and Ireland and clearly the Scots won with their choices paired with the food.
I spent too much money on a silent auction for some 12 yr Balvenie Doublewood. Came with a cool set to include a pour glass and a mini flask they call the Dipping Dog
That sounds great! Where are you to be able to enjoy such a bounty?
Las Vegas. The one Irish pub we actually have that isnt part of the casinos put them on all the time. It is well worth the 80bucks a head
I get stuck going there a lot. You got a name for us visitors that don’t give a shit about the Vegas experience?
Normal people.
I meant the bar.
And by “stuck”…you mean raped?
Asking for STEVE SMITH…
It’s so much fun. Rowdy Irish and Scottish folk lurking in Vegas appear to grace us. Love music and this dinner we had our own personal bagpipes playing with each pour
Good evening mammals, I though I would share some current operations news:
We totally skin-suited Avenatti a year ago.
Wow, I didn’t think Avenatti was a lizard. I’d assumed oversized cockroach.
Astros are beating the Indians, which isn’t my preference (sorry, sloop). But so long as the Yankees lose, I’ll be happy
But so long as the Yankees lose, I’ll be happy
That’s the important thing. Especially if they lose because of fan interference with a fly ball. Justice will be served.
Amen, brother. Amen.
Sloopy is from the other side of Ohio. He’s a Reds fan, I think.
Despite his origins he has betrayed all things Reds n favor of the league jumping Astros.
That guy is not sane. Not even close.
I know right.
How’d you like that second rape-train chick? We had put her on a suborbital assault shuttle to get her and the lawyer agent into this scrum. As you simple-minded mammals can see, our clever reptilian plan worked. We roped the proggies into going full 11. And now The Hat and the Hair passed 50% in the polls.
I am worried some people here would call that a would…
Your skin suits SUCK dude. I assumed he was the start of your open invasion. Protip, when disguising yourselves as human remember we are Mammals:
so next time
1. no scales
2. no forked tongue
3. round pupils
4. warm blooded
“I sleep with a gun underneath my pillow: a Walther PPK/S, the same one James Bond carried,”
Yep MS-13 is coming for you, better get your Bond, Jame Bond on, I need to invest in the ejector seat/dart gun wristwatch market.
Aren’t the hamptons in NY? I guess being rich gets you the connections you need to have that kinda firepower in an authoritarian state.
Yep, the freedom to defend oneself is totally what The Atlantic had in mind!
That picture shows a bunch of guns I don’t think are legal in New York.
I dont remember who it was but someone was pining for a Bug-a-Salt gun recently. I mentioned it to my wife only jokingly and about two days later the UPS man brought me one. It was my early birthday present. That is a lot of fun and pretty effective inside of about 5 feet. I have no flies.
Call my cynical but reading about the Yazidi woman the first thing that popped in my head was ‘Rigoberta Menchu’.
Mad Scientist told me about them. I tried to order from Amazon, and they wouldn’t ship to CA. You just reminded me, so I tried again. The order appears to have been accepted.
I had the first version. It sucked. It appears they figured out the issues in 2.0.
Mine is pretty good. Short range but good for flies and such. It makes a 3″ pattern at 5 feet. Of course now I cant walk barefoot because of all the salt on the floor.
Are you part slug? I’m confused.
I was forced by the other residents of my home to retire my Bugassault 🙁 It is a ton of fun, but after a few flies your floor, counters, and basically every surface start to look like bonneville.
Now you’ll be begging the neighbors’ dog to shit in your yard just so you’ll have flies to shoot.
I’m the opposite. My gut tells me that we have yet to learn of half of the evil shit ISIS did to its populace thanks to a media concerned about Islamophobia.
Oh, I have no doubt you are correct about ISIS. It is just this particular woman that makes me suspicious.
^^this ^^
My rage, on behalf of the Yazidi, has almost burned out. I would have killed every one of the SOBs that did stuff to them, while I was in Iraqi, with my bare hands. I have tried as hard as I can, to let that go… love mine enemies, etc.
but it ain’t easy.
Was it Islamophobia or the Obama admin setting the hush hush tone on it all so they did not look like asshats for doing nothing while thousands of girls where sent to rape camps? Shit like that is where I struggle with non intervention. We should have killed them all dead swiftly.
I mean, then there’s a whole lot of shitholes in Africa we need to think about intervening in, too.
Name one shithole in Africa where there is an army crossing borders enslaving and raping people for religious reasons? Africa is Africa and will always be Africa. The horrors committed there are tribal or power grabbing corruption or both.
I mean, do the motives really matter? The Middle East is fairy tribal, as well, just with the Islam and it’s own divisions slapped on top. But I don’t consider that a particularly significant factor determining intervention myself. I mean, that was part of the problem with intervening in Syria in the first place. Who the hell do you support? Assad or one of the myriad of splinter groups which are largely drawn on…tribal grounds? But even then, religion is a factor in violence in Africa.
There’s evil shit happening all over. We simply pay far more attention to the Middle East.
You’re right (maybe). I also have a personal connection to Northern Iraq so I am biased toward the Kurds many of whom are Yazidis and that adds to my opinion because I have friends there. I worked there for the better part of ten years in my last decent line of work.
The scope of ISIS moving across Syria and northern Iraq doing what they did has no comparison anywhere on the continent of Africa though. There are scales to evil. Like I said I struggle with this and is something I am trying to figure out. I wish someone would send me the the handbook on how to be the best person/libertarian. At what point does the NAP bend toward protecting the helpless against pure fucking evil?
At what point does the NAP bend toward protecting the helpless against pure fucking evil?
I struggle with this one as well. The obvious answer is that since military action is not the people who decide to go to war personally going into harms way, but rather politicians sending others off to die you can’t rightly go to war unless the country is actually threatened. But that seems to end up with us having to just look on as genocides happen which is hard to face. Maybe we need NGO mercs? I’d chip in a few bucks to fund this and a law allowing 6 month ‘sabaticals’ to a MAU or Ranger Battalion would find plenty of volunteers…
We should have killed them all dead swiftly.
“We”? who’s this “We” kemosabe?
If you were over there and don’t mean “we” in the royal sense, but in the “me and my buddies” sense, then I apologize in advance.
Fair point. “We” was not the correct word. I was there, but not in uniform. I was there making money. I said I struggle with this. I am all onboard with no intervention but shit, sometimes I don’t know. Is it moral to watch evil walk on? Would it have been the right thing to do nothing about Hitler?
You know who else didn’t want to stop Hitler?
The Grand Mufti?
Hitler ?
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Did Menendez get any of those girls for his island?
Isis with the Yezidis and Kurds, Boko Haram with the Nigerian Christians, Muslim Brotherhood with the Copts, Hezbollah with the Druse, I really get tired of the Islamophobia dog whistling. Hating theocratic genocidal thugs is not racial or religious intolerance. The people they are butchering, raping, enslaving, converting by force, driving into camps etc are just as brown and just as theologically different from me as the thugs. If your brand of faith tells you to do things like this then your brand of faith is bad, full stop.
This is a good retort. I’ll save this for later…
You’re right. It’s not about their race or their faith. It’s about their murderous ideology.
I know you know this already, but keep her.
Ooooo! I want mine in camo with a laser designator.
Breaking my GlibFit rules for the night.
I got 12 for tonight. The wife is joining in.
Time to start.
Jai Alai for me. Wild are playing Vegas. I think I’m gonna need it…
This, you say to me?!
Listen, pal, you have multiple Stanley Cups to cuddle up with. Spare me the weepy “oh no, we might not win a Cup this year” shit.
Ugh. Even the ‘Canes have a Cup…
The real question is what the hell did Minnesota do to piss God off so much.
Hot Dish
Screw the Knights. I am happy they have a team since I live there, however..the gam base needs a dose of reality
I thought you liked gams.
I’m already through splitting a 6 pack with the Mrs while watching the horns beat the sooners. Maybe another 6 pack is in our future
I had to get the “mix and match”. Wife doesn’t like Stone, so our mixed pack is Modelo, Estrella, Blue Moon, and Stella.
Can we talk about how stupid the Dems handled that?
I mean they coulda had Rand Paul kill the confirmation, with Collins. But they had to go full Bolshlevik and put on a show trial for some unprovable (either way) allegations.
I suppose that wouldn’t have raised as much money.
OTOH, they’re going to try and spend all that money this election cycle and still wind up losing. (probably pretty badly depending how they phrase their ads). Really too bad Booker and Harris aren’t up for re-election this year 🙁
“I’m proud of the Senate for confirming Brett Michael Kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.”
No, goddammit!
They managed to work a surprising number of tits into that sad story.
I’d hit it.
At the risk of giving offence I must say I am not sure I can see daylight under that bar.
I think yesterday’s “icc” response is the final say.
Thank you.
*bows humbly*
And I mean “final”.
Hint, hint.
Ok, fine.
I promise.
Not you, silly.
Has anyone posted Jordan Peterson’s interesting take on the Kavanaugh confirmation from yesterday?
Just a bit surprising and laughably unrealistic.
I don’t know, cause I don’t follow JP, but I think it might be a response to the original tweet, saying “both outcomes with Kavenaugh are unacceptable”
It’s definitely unrealistic, on top of being wrongheaded. I also love the vitriol he receives for posting something his followers suddenly disagree with.
But his logic is rather convoluted to me, especially for the realm of politics:
His opponents have no real self-righteousness. Just the will to power. If he stepped down, they’d simply crow that it’s proof he’s guilty and knows it.
But either way, giving them exactly what they wanted in some way to shame them isn’t going to stop them from doing it again. That’s not who these people are.
Agreed. You can’t shame the shameless.
You’d think Peterson would understand the characteristics of a sociopath.
Yeah, they wouldn’t be shamed, they’d just take the win and then do something similar to his replacement.
And then the Republicans would impeach him.
If Kavanaugh had withdrawn, it just would have validated the tactic.
“Among the home’s many features are nine bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, an 80-foot swimming pool and even an elevator. ”
I’d take the stairs.
So when can we stop celebrating and start bemoaning the fact that our newest Justice is a Law ‘n Order shithead who believes cops should be able to shove GPS tracking devices up your ass at will and the government can disappear brown people without due process because 9/11 nevah forget?
Or is there no statue of limitations on owning the libs?
1. Justice Kavanaugh
2. Overturn RvW
3. ????
4. Own the libs.
Tomorrow. It’s #BeersForKavanaugh tonight.
Ok, duly noted.
He still likes beer HM, He still likes beer!!
If it weren’t for the issues mentioned above, he’d be an honorary Glib.
That was a good reason to oppose him, his 4th amendment positions are not good. We’ll all find out just how bad he is on the 4th soon enough.
I am hoping now that he was personally wrung through the wringer that he will approach the government wanting to diminish the 4A with a more skeptical eye.
I am imagining Thomas greeting him behind closed doors with, “I thought I had to put up with some shit. But Brett, you had to really put up with some horrible shit. Do you want some scotch from my office bar or should just open a pair of beers?”
Captain buzzkill over here. Can you at least wait until we’ve gotten over tonight’s hangovers?
That’s why I keep a hangover rolling all week.
We’ll have plenty of time to be principled after the after the racist holiday on Monday. Now is the time to cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the frogs of war.
Now, we can start now. He is a falsely accused (I think) law and order shithead, which means he is still a law and order shithead.
I am consoling myself with hopes that he is the deciding vote on enough rollbacks of the Administrative State to make up for his fellating of the Surveillance State. That and the fact that the 4th amendment is so totally dead that even a true “Fuck you get a warrant” appointment probably couldn’t revive it.
I commented the other night about this, and I know I have company here, I was very disappointed with the nomination and didn’t become a supporter at all until the witch hunt started. I am still not so much pro Kavanaugh as I am pro due process. I’d support another Holmes if the opposition played this game.
You’re right, we should be sad that a man whose reputation and family got dragged through the mud overcame the lunatics slinging the mud.
Seriously, Kavanaugh may suck on the 4th and 5th amendments, but Team Evil crossed the line by a country mile. I’m glad we still live in a country where those sorts of underhanded tactics don’t win the day.
If Team Evil were capable of anything but mudslinging and brought Kavanaugh’s poor record on the 4th and 5th up instead, today would have a much different feeling.
It’d be a tough sell after their own 8 years of rubber stamping those policies for the Obama administration.
I mean, how many of the justices on the court are good on those issues?
Sotomayor is on and off. Thomas as well. The rest consistently suck on it from a libertarian perspective.
Thomas is probably the best, but he does wriggle some (in his defense the historical jurisprudence on the 4th is a mess of hard cases making bad law so when you look to precedent and historical interpretation you get weird results sometimes) Sotomayor seems to only become pro 4A when a criminal of color is the appellant. It never seems to be so much about privacy rights with her as race.
I may be being too forgiving of Thomas. I started out thinking of him as a nonentity who was important as Scalia’s ally and came around to thinking of him as better than Scalia, with more consistency and better reasoning. Thomas is an all time great on the Court IMHO.
Didn’t he think it was just fine to strip search a 14 year-old for ibuprofen? (Too lazy to Google it)
Yes, he did.
Some of Thomas’ dissents are flat out libertarian. However, not all of his opinions are great.
Not great is terms of being what a libertarian would wish for certainly, but it is not his job to legislate our positions from the bench, it is to apply the Constitution and laws, and in some cases the Constitution and laws of the US don’t get you a libertarian outcome. The case Tulip referenced is one such. A thing can be bad (strip searching a child in school) and not covered by the Constitution.
If you put true Originalists on the Court the good is you don’t get expansive living document rulings, the bad is you get a lot of… Not the business of the Federal Courts, go ask your State Court for relief rulings, since the original intent was that the Federal Gov have no role in these matters (Education being a prime example).
I think the trade is worthwhile; well to be honest I agree that these are not Federal matters and so I’m not sure it is a trade. Saying no Federal relief =/= saying something is ok.
I notice they’re all solid on the 3rd. Nobody gives any credit for that.
You would be wrong.
I don’t think this one ever got to the Supremes.
There is another 3A case from a long time back where a State hired scab prison guards during a strike and was stopped from housing them in the barracks as the court ruled it was the home of the striking guards. I don’t remember where it was, or how high it went or even what the final disposition was but that’s the only other 3A case I remember at all lol.
I was sent down the rabbit hole on this. I had remembered that one case from a few years back. But apparently there was also a case in WW2 where the government forcibly evacuated an island off Alaska after the Japs attacked and then used people’s homes to quarter troops.
WW2 was a time of war, so not really a violation of the 3rd.
I’m not some expert on the case now that I read a paragraph on it, but the third amendment reads:
Not an expert either, or even a lawyer, but I would imagine there was/is some legislation authorizing quartering troops in wartime.
Trump needs to bump the Supremes up to 11.
You’re better than that, I think.
Nah, just busy “owning the libs” or whatever, i guess.
Perfect is the enemy of good, good is the enemy of maintaining the status quo, and maintaining the status quo is the enemy of classless muckraking.
Perfect and good were out the door when Trump nominated Kavanaugh. I choose to celebrate maintaining the status quo because the only other viable option was abiding classless muckraking. I also think Kav is better than Kennedy, so it’s a net gain, even if it’s marginal. If that’s not principled enough, so be it.
What does any of that have to do with your attempt at putting words in my mouth?
It has to do with your condescending implication that any celebration of the confirmation is republican cheerleading (“owning the libs”).
Oh? And just where did I imply that? And in the parallel universe that I did make that implication, what is Superman’s origin story there?
Seriously, you’re being an ass. At this point, it should be clear that I’m not saying what you thought I said.
And just where did I imply that?
So when can we stop celebrating and start bemoaning the fact that our newest Justice is a Law ‘n Order shithead . . . Or is there no statue of limitations on owning the libs?
Right there^^… you put forth an either or, one side of which is stopping celebrating and the other side is your hobby horse “own the libs” thing you’ve been doing for a while now.
My entire point in my prior comment was that you’re implying a false dichotomy that puts the people who are celebrating in a bad light.
Oh my god! Please write a letter thanking your law profs., because that is A-class sophistry right there.
No native speaker of English could read my statement and get “we should be sad that a man whose reputation and family got dragged through the mud overcame the lunatics slinging the mud” from it without uncharitably twisting its meaning into a pretzel. Despite your attempts to confuse, the issue at hand is that you are claiming that I believe one shouldn’t celebrate the fact that the DNC’s attempt at character assassination didn’t succeed. That is patently false. It’s mendacious and pretty shitty of you to claim that I implied that.
If anyone has constructed a false dilemma, it is you. Either you offer full-throated support to Kav in all things or you support libel and slander. Fuck off with that shit. The fact remains that the victory of Kav’s confirmation is fleeting, and what remains are the consequences of a Justice who has amply demonstrated authoritarian tendencies with it comes to the 4th and 5th. If you can’t deal with your cognitive dissonance over that, it’s not my problem – but you sure as hell aren’t going to get away with putting words in my mouth so you can shadowbox a simulacrum of what you want my views to be.
HM and Hyperbole push back when those of us more on the right slip toward Team Red mode. Not sure it is meant as condescension, I read it as more a humorous reminder that Kavanaugh is far from a libertarian dream regardless of the circumstances.
And if you want to push back on my criticisms of Kav, then actually address what I said. Don’t you dare claim that I give tacit support to a vile and public attempt at character assassination as part of political gamesmanship when I said nothing of the kind.
My parents, normally very intelligent, libertarianish-types, were totally caught off guard when I said we could have all argued about his judicial qualifications, case decisions, etc, but the Dems took the stupid route and now we have to back a guy we may not even like. Dad thinks back…”you’re right, I don’t recall ever hearing about his judicial qualifications.”
I’m still not sure there’s any victory here. They’ll just try again, perhaps not so blatantly.
Borking works
Thomasing doesn’t work
Cranking it up to Kavanaugh-ing doesn’t work
Borking it is.
The original borking only worked because the Dems controlled the Senate and they were scared shitless of him.
The only accomplishment was shutting down the Title IX adjudication process for the Supreme Court (temporarily). Other than that, it’s nothing to celebrate.
That’s still worth celebrating.
Is there a statue of limitations on owning the Tories?
And the Glorious Revolution….
I hope no one uses the term “King Mob”…
Yes, when the king enjoys his own again, of course!
The King over the water will come one day.
In case anyone was wondering, Noctua fans are everything they claim to be and more. It is almost erotic.
Here I was hoping Noctua is some eurotrash electronica group and their fans are Molly-popping slutty chicks.
Normally I’m always careful when I click on your links. I wasn’t sure if you were taliking abou the same “fans” that I know.
Yes. I have used them in my rigs for the past five years or so and highly recommend them. Quiet and no bearing failures of which I used to have every few years.
I don’t run ridiculous gamer cases with LEDs everywhere, but I have to say they ugly as sin. Couldn’t they just make the damn things black?
It took me a while to get used to the 70’s kitchen color scheme as well, but it grew on me.
Whoa there. Might be the Dominoes dude at the wrong house. I am not sure we should be shooting through doors with shotguns regardless of what Biden says.
She should be charged with reckless discharge of a firearm. I’m all for Guns, but that means being responsible
Its Kavanaugh’s turn to get doxxed. Angry progs are posting his home address in Chevy Chase MD in various Twitter threads.
You don’t dox judges, unless you’re a total idiot. They’re going to find that out the hard way.
What about posting about a federal judge and their potential proximal relationship to a woodchipper?
As long as you don’t list their residence as a special place in Hell, I think you’re ok.
I think the rule these days is no Cohen movies in reference to federal employees.
Brothers or Sacha Baron?
Neither, just to be safe.
George M.
Tell me about it.
Tell Rhywun everything you fell
Give him every reason
To accept that you’re for real….
God damn I hate that album, ever since I “won” it in a radio call-in thing when I was a kid. Before I developed better taste in music.
I won Erasure’s “The Innocents” in a radio call-in contest. On cassette….
Not bad. I love “A Little Respect”.
Meh, addresses are probably a matter of public record. Let them try shit and see what happens then.
The fact that he lives in a place called Chevy Chase is too good to be true.
Also, yeah, good luck dealing a federal judge’s protective detail that’s probably hyped to 11 right now.
He JUST got sworn in. That’s very dumb. Very very dumb.
Yep. Probably no punishment but the process is going to be very bad for them.
Not a new story, but linked to in one of the Twitter threads on here. Huffington Post writer watches 12 Years a Slave, and wants you to know that it like totally invalidates the entire Constitution.
I read that article and I have a couple of thoughts:
1) A lot of his questions about why the founders did what they did is actually available. I would suggest to him reading the Federal Papers before he suggests changing the document.
2) For all he talks about the founders being imperfect nowhere does he mentions that he too is imperfect. He assumes that (with the benefit of two hundred years of hindsight) he can correct the flaws that impede progress towards utopia or at least what he would regard as utopia. He also assumes everyone will agree with his vision of utopia.
Even two hundred plus years later, I feel the founders have a better insight into humanity he does and maybe the US would be a better place if we hadn’t spent the last two hundred plus years redefining words and phrases in the constitution so we can get what we want instead of working to make the changes in the document as the founders intended.
In a sane and just world, the tarred and feathered corpse of Prof. Galanty Miller would be swinging from a branch of the nearest Liberty Tree.
Who is being “owned” in that scenario?
In this case, a member of the Khmer Rouge who had the misfortune of being born about 40 years too late and 8,000 miles too east.
I’m sorry the correct answer in this case was “Tu Madre!”
Most people rejected His message
“Winston’s mom” is a dead meme.
They hated Heroic Mulatto because he told them the truth. (Gal. 4:16)
There is neither black nor white, neither craven nor berserker, nor is there waiflike and thicc, for you are all one Heroic Mulatto.
Is that person actually a professor? of what? (please don’t say of history, please please please)
Sociology, of course.
He also wrote a horrible article about how to teach college, in which every single point was wrong. Except for not dressing like a piss-soaked hobo.
I like that his first point is no group assignments. Because all students, even the lazy ones, get the same grades.
Which is good training for the world of work, where we work in groups and all workers (at the same level), even the lazy ones, are on the same payscale.
“Decency dies with Collins’ and Manchin’s vile votes
By LInda Stasi
Sexual assault has happened to me too, and now all bets are off
Turning a shameful blind eye and ear to protesters and the cries of anguished victims of sexual assault, cowardly senators Susan Collins and disgusting Joe Manchin buckled to the whims of Donald Trump, an accused sexual assaulter himself, and announced that they’d vote for Brett Kavanaugh, party boy, drunk, accused perjurer and alleged sexual assaulter to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court.
As protesters wailed, Collins disgracefully tried the old boy politician’s trick of saying how terrible she feels for victims of sexual abuse but decided nonetheless to vote for the most sexually tainted man to ever be nominated to the highest court in the land.
You can’t have it both ways, Susan.
Are you so desperate to hold onto your job that you’d destroy your reputation and vote like one of the boys in the face of victimized women?
You know that by voting for this man, you are voting to allow sexual assault to continue to run rampant in this country. Have you no soul? Have you no empathy? Have you no dignity? Have you never been a victim yourself?”
Could you have a more fitting surname?
Has there ever been a point in our history where the public discourse was quite this infantile?
Probably. Nothing new under the sun and all that.
“Murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will be openly taught and practiced, the air will be rent with the cries of the distressed, the soil will be soaked with blood, and the nation black with crimes.”
from an editorial about T. Jefferson in a Federalist Party paper. So yeah, people have been this infantile since Washington retired.
Were the bets ever really on, hon? And now that they’re off, has anything really changed?
“No attack ever fed a hungry child”?
Whoops, this was supposed to be a response to Brochettaward above.
“You can’t hug your children with nuclear arms!”
Linda is a mental midget.
That said, a person’s position on this issue is a litmus test for me. If you don’t oppose what was done to Kavanaugh, you can go straight to hell.
And she used to be a sane writer. This issue has broken a lot of people’s brains.
After yesterday’s nut caress in Chicago, here’s another nut punch. The cop who killed Tamir Rice has been hired as a cop with another department.
If nothing else, you would think the liability policy carrier for the locality would shit that shit down.
It’s tough to shit shit down, isn’t it?
Why? It’s not as if the cops have anything to fear from pointless assaults.
Early Firearms
After a week of hearing how Kavanaugh was too partisan (that was also one of the initial attacks on Kavanaugh, but it didn’t come close to sticking until after the Ford testimony), Kagan and Sotomayor lamented that without Kennedy, the court could lose it’s legitimacy. We need someone who will vote down the middle or else people will lose respect for the court (well, one side might). Ignore for a moment how for much of the 20th century the court was completely dominated by left wing judges who basically pissed on the Constitution, peaking with the Warren court.
What the fuck stops you two bitches from being that center vote? Oh, right. You’re both pretty god damn partisan. And you, Kagan, are the perhaps the most worthless cunt on the court period.
I’m pretty sure if the numbers were broken down, we’d find that left wing judges on the court are far more reliably partisan than their conservative counterparts. They vote almost in lock step. Kagan is probably the single most partisan member of the court. And one with probably the lowest sense of ethics.
Kagan is a worthless party hack. It was shameful that she was confirmed.
So…just openly admitting you’re a partisan shill? That seems like a disqualifier for the highest court in the land…
You know who they’re looking for to be that vote, and it isn’t someone appointed by a Democrat. Hint – it’s Roberts. It’s the slimy fuck Roberts. Who will probably be like a pig in shit in the role. The toast of DC.
+1 Penaltax
He should have been impeached for that.
Exactly. She just admitted she can’t be impartial. That’s not her job, that is someone else job.
I’m pretty sure if the numbers were broken down, we’d find that left wing judges on the court are far more reliably partisan than their conservative counterparts. They vote almost in lock step. Kagan is probably the single most partisan member of the court. And one with probably the lowest sense of ethics
I pointed this out earlier today as being the really funny part of Harry Reid’s screw up killing the filibuster. The filibuster gave the minority a weapon to force compromise/moderate nominees and given how good the left is at getting moderates to vote in lock step with their party and how bad the right is at it getting rid of the mechanism that put moderates on the Court was not smart for them.
This. Every Democratic nominee (that received a vote) got bipartisan approval, including that hack Kagan. Every Republican nominee received far fewer hours from the opposite aisle, and generally received far more opposition, regardless of their credentials.
The Democrats feign civility, but they are cutthroat.
That’s why this was my favorite article on the subject, overall. The mendacity is astounding:
Cool link, bro.
I happen to be aware this link was posted by someone else in some other thread at some point. I also don’t fucking care.
Your just jealous that you’re posting isn’t as crisp as Brochetta’s.
That’s because reality has a liberal bias.
Sexy Saturday rolls on!
I wanna go on a roadtrip with #19.
All of those girls are just asking for it.
To many to list so I’ll just highlight 24 and 40.
If drunk could be equated to ass, I am 85’d.
RE: Isis sex slaves.
That’s nothing compared to what’s going to happen to American women now that notorious gang raping serial killer Rape Rapanaugh is on the SCOTUS! Hide your vaginas!
Buckeye game went long so I’m way behind on my rape quota today.
So who’s more racists? Yazidi women or Hamptonites?
Damn. The internet is killing it today.
So, I don’t know if this one was talked about, but Sasse had an interview a few days ago where he said he urged Trump months back to appoint a female to the court. Why? Because he was worried the nominee would get #MeToo’ed. This mostly went without much notice, though I saw two articles that tried to retardedly claim that this showed the GOP was aware of Kavanaugh’s rapey tendencies.
I mean, how many people here were actually surprised to see Kavanaugh get MeToo’ed? It was more of a groaning moment for me. Like here it fucking is.
The next one will 100% be a female.
Or at least identify as one?
Enh, Trump isn’t that woke.
Blair White for Associate Justice.
Hey I am serious here. If you want a conservative transgendered person Blair is your best bet.
I’m sure there are plenty of republicans that could get behind that.
“Judge Jenner can take a shit wherever she wants.”
Damn. I guess shitlords think alike.
Tranny. 113 Justices in history and not one (openly-looking at you Roberts) non binary on the court yet. Considering trannies make up 18% of the population, there should have been something like 50 of them so far.
The lulz would be beyond epic.
I know few who are very strong on the 2nd.
“Kavanaugh is the 69th judge trump has confirmed. That’s an absolutely insane number.”
Why do you subject yourself to the ravings of crazies?
My God she is an idiot.
She just needs to be spanked. Repeatedly. By me.
I’m deducting several points here for not making a Who’s the Boss? reference.
BP is leaving that to OMWC.
Seriously, Broch? I didn’t watch that crap.
Also, Jarflax, she’s like 45 now or something. fuck it, have some Rainbow.
Great tune
AJB, agreed. Here’s onewith a pretty libertarian message (dependent on the recipient, of course)
But the magic of video keeps her OMWC’s target age forever
“Kavanaugh is the 69th judge trump has confirmed. ”
Coincidence?!?! I think not. This further corroborates the accusations against Kavenaugh.
No, it’s not, all of the past few presidents have conformed an average of 40-50 per year.
But of course…
U mad bro?
Props to the guy who made a fake account and is requesting funds for therapy. Not a bad gig.
That is a riot.
Are TYT’s on tonight? I know there’s going to be some tears shed somewhere.
*buys sugar futures*
“Christine Blasey Ford has no plans to further pursue allegations against Brett Kavanaugh
WASHINGTON — With the Senate voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Christine Blasey Ford has no further plans to pursue her sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh, according to her lawyers.
Ford only wanted to speak with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, her attorneys told CNN on Friday. Ford does not want the situation to “drag on into the next Congress should Democrats end up winning control on Capitol Hill,” the network reported.
When asked about the possibility of impeachment proceedings, attorney Debra Katz told the network: “Professor Ford has not asked for anything of the sort. What she did was to come forward and testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee and agree to cooperate with any investigation by the FBI, and that’s what she sought to do here.”
“She does not want him to be impeached?” CNN’s Dana Bash later asked.
“No,” Katz replied flatly.”
What a shock!
Pussies, true progs would quadruple down
I thought that she wanted justice, and that this was in no way a political stunt.
Why isn’t she barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen making DT a sandwich? He’s clearly failing as the leader of the patriarchy.
Can confirm she’s even better looking in person.
What oppressed people look like.
For some reason I simply cannot read Direct Action as anything but einsatzgruppen
It’s easier just to falsely accused all political opponents of being cads which is worse than being Hitler.
“Clearly, Women’s March supporters remain as upset about “XX” being on the Supreme Court as they were the moment “XX” was announced as the nominee. And since they couldn’t stop him, they need something else to feel good about.”
XX is literally Hitler. If you appoint XX instead of someone else we will be forced to burn this shit down.
Hey guys why does he ignore our dire warnings? It’s like he doesn’t think we are serious people… Must be patriarchy
Um… OK
So femmes aren’t women?
Prine at the Ryman
I always post my concert attendance her for Gilmore review and approval, but I haven’t seen him in two weeks. Bragging is half the fun.
Since the left is going to throw a tantrum no matter who, Trumps next two picks should be John McAfee and Alex Jones.
Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter:) lol. Or Ben Shapiro so we can see their anti-Semitism on display. I would like to see a woman to showcase their hypocrisy as well.
It’s be content with someone who doesn’t suck the government dick.
Wellll that’s never going to happen.
Government will appoint someone who doesn’t trust them?
Ok, I can get behind owning the libs sometimes, but Alex Jones is an idiot.
Insane justice that distrusts government > Not clinically insane statist justice.
This guy gets it.
Surprised the GOP managed to put through Kavanaugh…
This whole shitshow reminds of how politics is a bloodsport and civility is a fool’s game. I mean John Locke was perfectly fine with a shithead like Lord Shaftesbury…
Also if a “libertarian moment” ever happens it will be very tough.
After their impotence regarding overturning Obamacare, this was their last chance to give their base a reason to bother going to the polls for them in November. If their just going to fold to the dems while holding the majority and give up the SC why the hell leave one’s barstoolon election day?
They fought like Samurai in order to get a justice in that will disappoint most of their base for decades.
He only has to not disappoint them for the next few weeks.
Pretty much this.
Just back from Octoberfest in Munich. The beer flowed like a river and dirndls by the thousands teased the eye. Highly recommend.
Like how a leftist court is the natural order of things…
The funny thing is, the make-up of the court hasn’t changed much. Kennedy was still a fairly reliable conservative vote.
Not moving dramatically to the left is moving to the right.
Regular late night tv show in Japan. https://youtu.be/mFzrqDYFB0k?t=122
Japanese people are actually aliens aren’t they?
Although when I spent a week in England I found myself hypnotically watching a 24 hour a day show that basically seemed to be a Keno game with hosts that were recruited from porn so… maybe it’s just TV.
When I first got here internet in your house wasn’t really a thing yet, so I watched a lot of TV. There was a late night show called “Gilgamesh” that was the highlight of my week. TnA everywhere. “Miniskirt Police” was another one that I enjoyed. Then the authoritays “asked” the TV stations to clean up their acts because the Olympics and World Cup were coming to town. They never really made a full comeback. Sad.
“When I first got here internet in your house wasn’t really a thing yet…”
Didnt they invent computers? When were you there? 1945 ?
1995 was my first stint. Internet cafes if I wanted to go online.
The video arcade experience, but with 56K modems connecting…
The video arcade experience, but with 56K modems connecting…
you spoiled kids. In my day we tried to play text based games on compuserve or prodigy at 300 baud. I say tried advisedly since the gaming experience went something like
25 minutes dialing access number after access number to get one that wasn’t busy
15 minutes connecting
5 minute of “authenticating’
start over and repeat until giving up on online gaming.
What are they drinking?
It’s a takeoff of a famous song by a comedian. “Milk From the Nose”. Things like that moment when your mom finds your porno mags. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liFV0pqWDZE
For those of us who require subtitles – did they actually see his dick or was it some kind of gag like a massive dildo or something else?
Who knows. They’re playing it off as it was real. My guess is he actually showed his real dick. They aren’t that squirmish about nudity.
Also, I thought Japs were lactose intolerant.
You’re thinking of their inability to metabolize alcohol due to lacking a dehydrogenase enzyme or some shit like that.
Just really small. After he pulled his shirt up, one of the girls says, “I didn’t see it.” The host explains, “No, that’s it.”
There’s nothing wrong with a small penis. A girl sees a ten inch dong, suddenly she’s too good for us honest eight inchers.
Okay, I really need to study this language harder. I suspect what they’re actually saying is way better than what I think they’re saying.
One of the girls: “I have an acquaintance that is a doctor. Shall I introduce him to you?” The fat guy: “I’m not sick. I’m not sick.”
Yup. Better than I would have thought.
Lesson 1. You’ll not he says “o-chinchin”. Instead of prefacing it with “go” meaning this word is likely of Japanese origin. This is what amazes me about Japanese. Let’s make dick jokes polite.
For the rest of you “chinchin” is fairly mild word for penis. Think about as vulgar as “peepee” in English. But the “o” prefix makes it more polite. So an awkward translation would be “honorable peepee”.
You’ll note…
I’ll note no such thing.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I understand, “お” is often used as a softener when describing children’s body parts. So it’s not even as if he’s calling it a “peepee” but like a “lil’ peepee”.
Honorific. “You most respectable pee pee”.
That really needs a gong sound at the end of it.
This sounds like rape culture! The peepee can never be respectable! Only vaginas can be respectable now!
That I don’t know! Maybe staff will chime in.
It could simply be parents trying to teach children respect for their bodies.
They usually speak in formal/polite Japanese to little kids. I suppose they’re trying to teach them the correct way of speaking. The more vulgar stuff is for friends only.
Better than Thai. In Thai, a boy’s dick is commonly referred to as “กระจู๋” The second syllable of the word “จู๋” (Juu) means “tiny”, the first syllable “กระ” is an intensifier…so a “extremely tiny”…no wonder there are so many ladyboys!
I always assumed the ladyboy phenomenon in Thailand was an unintended consequence of the economic dependence on prostitution in certain areas. Just boys trying to get in on that sextourism money, but your penis shaming theory is much more amusing.
Can we get some kind of translation ?
Whats the deal?
This is now my favorite Japanese AV.
Thanks BTW! Keep them, err, cumming?
Reminder for the movie/music buffs – check out the link in my video for the Invincible Czars touring schedule – they put on a great performance with Nosferatu or potentially “Phantom of the Opera” depending on your location.
Charleston, West Virginia- a city gripped by terror .
There’s a new post up, Tres. No glib left behind.
You’re a solid dude. If you’re ever in SW Ohio, you have a seat at my table.
So I’m driving home tonight and I hear this on the radio:
Trump campaign had 92,000 ticket requests for a rally in Johnsonville, Tennessee this week. They had space for like 7,000. 20k showed up, apparently.
Does anyone know if that is even remotely true? I feel like the non-prog part of the nation is pretty fired up over the way the Democrats acted in the Kavanaugh hearings, but Trump drawing 20k for a small town rally, and having 90k asking for tickets?
Is there any precedent for that in an off-year election? Clinton couldn’t pull in those numbers at the height of her campaign.
If Trump really does have enough interest to start holding rallies in football stadiums, the Dems are in deep doo-doo.