The Yankees brought out the bats yesterday in their wild card win over the Athletics. And now we get a five-game series between them and the Red Sox to decide who moves on to face the winner of Cleveland and Houston. But before those kick off, we get both NL Divisional Series starting today, with the Rockies-Brewers facing off and then the Dodgers-Braves. Enjoy it.

Re-peat! Re-peat!
In the big Champions League matches yesterday, Liverpool fell to Naples, PSG rolled, Athletics did as well. Barcelona doubled up Spurs and BVB got back on track. Now everybody’s focus on soccer can move to Sunday’s match between Man City and Liverpool.
Nobody other sports are playing meaningful games yet, so they get no mention. Sorry, house rules.
If you were born on this day, you get to celebrate it with: Ohioan Rutherford B Hayes, comedic genius Buster Keaton, gun rights champion and emotive actor Charlton Heston, author Anne Rice, twitchy manager Tony LaRussa, idiot (but good actress) Susan Sarandon, wrestling matriarch Linda McMahon, actor Christoph Waltz, rap mogul Russell Simmons, keyboardist Chris Lowe, Stuttering John, actor Leiv Schreiber, and the skinny-fat-skinny Alicia Silverstone.

Nice Uggs, freak!
Its also the day on which the following took place: Mexico became a republic, The Orient Express made its maiden trip, Dick Tracy debuted, Hitler and Mussolini met at the Brenner Pass (and somebody should have bombed it), “Leave It To Beaver” hit the small screen, Jim Brown carried the ball 37 times(!) in a football game, “Thundarr the Barbarian” was introduced to American youth, “Beverly Hills, 90210” hit the small screen, the Oilers traded Messier to the Rangers, and Wikileaks was launched.
OK, to…the links!
The White House says they found no evidence to support claims against Brett Kavanaugh in the FBI follow up report. The Senate is set to look at it today, so expect several “anonymous sources” to contradict those findings with cherry-picked data. Also expect the entire report to never be released to normal people like us.
Is there no statute of limitations for taxes in New York? Can people be forced to pay for the sins (if you want to call using the tax code to your advantage or getting past the auditors for decades a sin) of their father? Well, apparently we’re about to find out.
At the federal level, tax law experts expressed skepticism that the IRS would mount any civil investigation. The main reason, they said, is that the Times account says IRS officials have already conducted extensive audits of the estate left by Trump’s parents.
Earlier on Wednesday, de Blasio, a Democrat, warned Trump that the city will squeeze him for back taxes he might owe on money and other assets he got from his father.
‘The city of New York is looking to recoup any money that Donald Trump owes the people of New York City, period,’ he said during a press conference.
De Blasio claimed a ‘good-old-boy network’ decades ago had allowed Fred Trump to minimize his tax bill and enabled his son to take advantage of the sleight-of-hand without being held accountable.
‘If a lot of people had done their jobs, he would never have been president of the United States,’ said de Blasio, a liberal Democrat.
Oh, so this is about politics. Gee, what a shock.

That’s right. Get $15 an hour and then hand $2 to the union. Suckers.
Congratulations for getting Amazon to cave in to the “fight for $15” nonsense, Dems. Of course, it never really works out the way they expect it to, does it? Actually, in this case it probably does. Those dipshits want to eliminate incentive and performance-based pay to effectively socialize companies. Because removing the incentives to do better always work. What a bunch of dumbasses mendacious pricks.
Well it looks like a Democrat congressional staffer was the one who doxxed the Republican Senators after all. Oh well, at least nobody was killed, right?
Most debates delve into policies and political philosophy. When you’re in Illinois, they are all about pointing out whose scandals were worse. Never change, Illinois. You’re a constant reminded that our elected “leaders’ could always be bigger shitbags.
I’ve seen some really cool marriage proposals. I’ve seen some silly ones. But I think I may have found the one made by the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the earth. This is as dumb an idea as Hillary 2020.

Miss, you have the right to remain sexy!
Damn, yo. Try being a little more discrete next time. Also, Houston is racist against robosexuals. I’m now ashamed to call this place home.
Slim pickings for music, unless you are interested in one of the best electronic songs from the 80’s. Because that’s what you get today.
Now go have a great day, friends! I won’t be around until Tuesday. I’ve got an auction this weekend in Fort Worth (if you want to buy a real grizzly bear or a legit Bengal fucking tiger, you’re in luck!) and also have to catalog another sale of an auto shop while up there.
>> Also expect the entire report to never be released to normal people like us.
As you said it will just be leaked as “sources who have seen the document”
“Sources familiar with this type of report…”
“Sources familiar with the report’s thinking…..”
What the fook would this report contain anyway? A ton of he-said/she-said shit that can’t be verified? Maybe a bad picture of Brett on a bad hair day the morning after a hardcore party? I would suspect that most of the facts the FBI would be able to collect will be that that Ford woman is a team blue activist, but I doubt that will play nice with the desperate douches.
“Sources familiar with the type of word processing software used to create this type of report…”
This is CNN
I don’t think this sort of thing should be made public. FBI background checks are normally confidential.
I’m all for government transparency, but is it really in any way related to transparency to have a bunch of FBI agents run around digging up dirt on someone from their past and then putting it out in public?
I get that this is kind of a one-off situation, but I surely think that opinions on “release the file” would shift if it became “all FBI background check files are public records”.
It’s basically a personnel file, right?
Ohioan Rutherford B Hayes
Judging from recent sports events, his beard is back in style.
>>Damn, yo. Try being a little more discrete next time
Wait is that wrong? ::quickly deletes his personal collection of creeper photos::
It is unclear whether any laws were broken
Ain’t nobody got no time for no law wit Dat Ass
I heartily disagree. Looks like a burrito supreme exploded. Blob does not equal thicc.
…so you can lie and deny?
Touch my the tips of my thumbs together and stretch my pinkies as far apart as possible. “Sorry Honey, you have to fit in this seat to take the ride.”
There was a young lady named Sally,
Who enjoyed the occasional dally.
She sat on the lap of a well-endowed chap,
And cried “Sir! You’re right up my alley!”
Poetry day was yesterday, Lord H.
Then she said with a grin
as she wiped of her chin
Your fat ass reminds me of Pucket.
I feel so honored to be in the company of people able to produce such beautiful homages to the bedonkedonk.
For the record, mine is not original.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself Straff.
Don’t be maligning my guy Kirby.
Kirby is da man and he is a man. Different standards. Knew the Minnesodan contingent would get the Pucket reference. Thumbs up.
@ Straff
? for Pucket
? for your measuring system
Kirby Puckett and the Union Gap?
I don’t know about that. Analog film footage would have been both less discreet and less discrete.
FBI follow up report
I heard Ford’s lawyers were bitching about her not being interviewed. This is the first salvo in claiming it is illegitimate. But there are two things 1) they already have her testimony from the Senate hearing and 2) They are likely doing her a favor because she could easily be caught in a perjury trap.
3) She stalled on an interview
Is this a fact or speculation?
We’ll only answer next wednesday if you pay for a neutral venue in the leeward antilles.
Speculation on my part, but almost a guarantee.
I do know that they had a friend of Ramirez on TV today bitching that he had told the FBI about how he had talked to an eyewitness to the pecker waving incident two days after it had supposedly occurred. His complaint was that the FBI hadn’t interviewed him. However, apparently the FBI did interview the “eyewitness” who disavowed any knowledge of it.
It’s all bullshit.
“Speculation on my part, but almost a guarantee.”
I would not bet against your speculation.
It isn’t even bullshit. It is like, meta-bullshit.
Because phase one should have been “is this at all relevant to the task at hand?”
And for “he pulled it out at a party as a joke back when we were in college” is not at all relevant. Neither is “he mooned the cheerleader bus”, nor is “he gave Steve an Indian burn when we were 7.”
So at that point everyone should have said “thank you very much” and tossed her letter into the round filing cabinet. That’s what responsible adults would have done.
The precepts of total war are to use every weapon handed you.
My understanding, and I haven’t looked this up today so take it with a huge grain of salt, is that her legal team had a number of requirements similar to the earlier ones, including that she be given a list of questions beforehand, that she not be asked any questions not on that list, and that no recording or transcript of the report was to be given to anyone outside of the FBI, or something like that. Basically stonewalling like they did before. But like I say, that’s based on stuff I read the other day, so be skeptical.
“oh this week’s no good. Can we do it after Thanksgiving?”
2021 on the hopes Hillary this time gets a well enough rigged election that she finally does win?
Did you have to get permits from the state wildlife commission to sell the taxidermied animals? It’s required in NC.
Nope, Chuck Testa.
There’s myriad rules and regs I have to comply with. That’s why some items are restricted to Texas buyers. But the TDLR is actually quite helpful in making sure you comply. It’s almost as if they are there to help businesses rather than look for ways to punish them.
It’s not an overly burdensome process here either. You send them a couple photos and a description and they send you back a permit. I’ve never done more than a couple of them at a time though.
Those descriptions are fantastic. Our descriptions are usually more like “look at the photos”, but we do 300-600 lots per sale and most of them are typical estate items.
I’ve done a few estate sales but only single-consigner ones. The thought of a sale with 30-40 people begging for their settlement two days after the sale makes me cringe.
“To Didn’t Long Read”?
Tooo drunk… didn’t…. uh did… oh wait….
Also, the guy I’m selling them for is a licensed taxidermist. He’s been helpful on that end of it. Especially on a lot of the exotics. But fortunately Texas has a pretty robust private game preserve industry, so a lot of those exotics were taken in state, which makes the paperwork trail a lot easier.
*follows link*
Teaxidermied. Makes it hard to populate the villain lair with carnivores if they’re already dead.
Just get your cloning technology up to spec. What kind of evil genius are you?
I spent all my research points on lasers.
For your sharks?
I want to place a bid, but they didn’t specify how the meat is butchered. Like, will we be getting Bengal fucking tiger ground meat, or is it sausage sticks, or what?
I needed some funny, this is funny (in all definitions of the word)
Erm…. OK.
MDMA is a hello of a drug.
That guy has a coke addiction.
Those dips hits want to eliminate incentive and performance-based pay to effectively socialize companies.
Moot point since those jobs will be automated out of existence within the next two years or so. All the work will be done by Wartybots.
The SquatThrust 3000 has the performance and stability of one thousand men.
But I think I may have found the one made by the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the earth.
The look on that woman’s face.
Christ, what an asshole. And I thought the one on Jeopardy! last week was bad…
Are you ready for
HillaryEric?Since stepping down from the Justice Department during the Obama administration in 2015, Holder has led the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a party-affiliated nonprofit advocating for reforms to redistricting that Holder argues rigs elections in favor of Republicans.
“I’m thinking about it. I’m going to decide next year. Right now I’m focused on Nov. 6 and making sure we have a good midterm election,” Holder told CNN, clarifying that he expected to have a decision by the “first quarter of next year.”
“It’d be interesting to see — two guys from Queens,” he added when asked if he could defeat President Trump. “I know how to talk to that guy. I know Donny Trump. I know that guy.”
2020 is shaping up to be very entertaining.
+1 Fast & Furious
Hey, they could arrest him on his outstanding contempt of Congress when he gives his SOTU if he wins.
Fuck, so far we’re likely to have:
1) Warren
2) Harris
3) Clinton
4) Sanders
5) Holder
Are there any I’m missing that are likely to throw their hat in? This is the Democrats best and brightest?
Black Sparticus
Speaking of Spartacus
Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
Where is Biden?
If past actions are any indication, sniffing the hair of a preteen.
He a graduate of the OMWC school of dating?
Clinton strangled the young up-and-comers for the last 10 years to keep the field clear for herself. She’s done irreparable harm to the Dems, and they are only now filling out the ranks with people like Klobuchar, Harris, and Sparticus.
While I know Clinton did that we shouldn’t give that other narcissist Obama a pass either. I think these two made sure we can’t get anyone but a shitshow team blue nominee.
“You’re a constant reminded that our elected “leaders’ could always be bigger shitbags”
Seriously, why can’t “None of the above” be an option in some of these elections? Or even all elections?
That would thwart the douchebag’s class’ hold on power when the uppity plebes decide they would rather not have anyone in charge than one of those inept, corrupt, ineffectual, condescending asshats.
“Choose the form of the destructor!”
Vote for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
>Be the Houston Chronicle
>Publish story about cop taking picture of nice ass
>Show the nice ass in your published photo
Nice ass? That think looks like the afterdeck of the Andrea Doria.
Oh, another brother that can deny?
Speaking on behalf of my anaconda… it does not wish to have any.
So all it likes is Hondas?
I’d need a higher resolution close-up for a truly accurate judgement and I’m sure the dress is doing a little structural assistance, but I’m gonna go ahead and say that not only does Cosmo got nothin’ to do with my selection, but if she’s 36-24-36 she’d better be 5’3″.
The Chiron is all about eye candy. There’s usually about 3-4 slideshows in the main page thy are there solely to show scantly clad women.
It’s a great newspaper.
It’s our very own Daily Fail.
I think Chiron wants to ‘educate’ that young boy…
allowed Fred Trump to minimize his tax bill and enabled his son to take advantage
Was it illegal? Or are you just butthurt?
“How Dare someone we don’t like have taken advantage of our loopholes!”
Funny how this shit can be top news, but when we have democrats nominated to top men government positions (lets just say for example to the Obama admin) and we find out they have really done some unbelievable illegal shit on their taxes, these team blue operatives pretending to be part of an unbiased media are totes cool if the crooks pay the money they deprived the government off and a fine , huh (even when said money comes from others with questionable reasons)?
And why were these fucks not so concerned when the top men at the FBI & DOJ colluded to let that hag Clinton get away with a real crime that compromised US national security to stop that shit from happening?
Fuck them with a rusty harpoon covered in rotting fish guts.
Harry Reid approves
As average lefty says maybe not illegal but immoral
It’s a good thing morality cannot be legislated. Of course, that was said by some racist who wanted to judge people by their character, not their skin color.
“As average lefty says maybe not illegal but immoral”
Only when done by someone without a (D) next to their name, though.
Or the wife of someone with (I-VT) next to theirs. Let’s not forget the bank and wire fraud going on there that seems to be ignored while Captain Socialism buys his fourth house.
I wonder why more people don’t seem to feel worried that we have a legal system where we now have team blue people blatantly telling everyone that there are no rules for their people, while others, but especially team red people, not only have a different set of rules, but the rules might not apply at all, and an accusation should be enough to make them guilty of a crime. I can understand there are people that think that as long as it is their team doing the tyrannical shit, it is OK because they are doing it to the other guy, but are then not smart enough to figure out that once this shit is allowed, it is just another blink of an eye that it will be used against anybody in the path of those hoarding power?
What these people really don’t understand is that public faith in institutions is important. Start trying to overturn the results of elections because you dislike them, or apply laws in an obviously partial way, and you’re picking at the fabric of civilisation.
The long term damage of breaking the laws to stop Trump, or Kavanaugh, is so so much greater than the brief political advantage you might get from doing it.
Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!
More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that!
More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man’s laws, not God’s — and if you cut them down — and you’re just the man to do it — d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake.
“What these people really don’t understand is that public faith in institutions is important. ”
What too many people not members of that tribe miss is that these people don’t give a flying fuck. These institutions to them are nothing more than weapons to be used to achieve their end goal, and whether there is lack of public faith or not, force will be used to get compliance.
Banana republics – and have no doubt that is the change Obama promised and delivered on – don’t much care about what the plebes want when they can simply kill a bunch of them to make them compliant. In our case they don;t even have to kill you. they can just destroy you using the corrupted public institutions. And once they disarm us, they know they have us by the balls.
I’ve seen the NYT reporter on a couple of interviews. They are adamant that it isn’t even just tax evasion. They spent a year investigating it and they claim several felonies.
The biggest kerfuffle is that the Trump kids set up a company to handle supplies for the Trump residential building empire. So they bought all the equipment – air conditioners, mops, lights, etc. and then they marked it up and sold it to Trump senior.
They describe this as a scheme to transfer money to the kids, avoiding inheritance taxes.
Of course, they fail to mention that this scheme would require them to pay taxes on the gain…. which is exactly what they’d have to do if dad just wrote them a check. So I’m not sure what the deal is. But they are sure. It is fraud and a felony. For sure.
That’s well within the law and a common practice.
And I bet the reporters don’t concern themselves at all with the innumerable 8a shell companies out there.
Well, their smoking gun was that they mark up the stuff they sell.
Let that marinade for a moment.
So it’s price gouging then.
That tells me someone has never had a real job and doesn’t understand what “Operating Overhead” is, or how it’s covered.
“They describe this as a scheme to transfer money to the kids, avoiding inheritance taxes.”
Can we ask them what their “opinion” is on the Clinton foundation which pretty much amounts to a that pay-for-play racket? I am gonna hedge a bet and state what you get is them telling you that you have the facts all wrong about that being anything criminal.
That’s something that I really find strange in the modern era. Post Watergate, every reporter wanted to be an investigative reporter and get famous for breaking a big story like that.
Yet sometime during the Clinton presidency, that form of media died.
The Clinton foundation is ripe for a dedicated reporter to expose. Heck, you could easily do a whole series on the corruption that allows former politicians to suddenly amass tens of millions of dollars after leaving office. I think Bill had earned $50 million before Bush ran for his second term. All in speaking fees and consulting fees. Plus you have the foundation.
We’ve all heard about it. But nobody at a big name media outlet has bothered to do a deep dive. There’s a big name to be made there, but I suppose the calculus is that doing the story would be instant career death in today’s media climate.
“That’s something that I really find strange in the modern era. Post Watergate, every reporter wanted to be an investigative reporter and get famous for breaking a big story like that.”
I suspect that had Nixon been a democrat we would never had had Watergate, but I could be wrong. I think that now pervasive political bias favoring a specific political party, that was/is more friendly to the collectivist movement and its agenda, has been around for more than 50 years (the KGB started infiltrating & influencing this bung a decade before). They were just a lot better at hiding it because there was no competition to showcase their bias.
In 1960 John Kennedy won the election with fairly clear evidence of significant vote fraud (like bags of ballots turning up at the wire in Illinois fraud). LBJ was infamous for fraud, dirty tricks etc. The Clintons have left a trail of corpses, stolen debate questions, rigged primaries etc.
So yeah Investigative Reporter = DNC operative.
Well, I know for certain that the Obama administration activities in spying on the Trump campaign and leaking classified information to undermine the incoming administration make Watergate look like a kid stealing candy from the grocery store.
But nobody seems to concerned about that. I suppose it is all OK since they followed procedure. Well, except on the leaking part.
Imagine if Nixon had used the FBI, CIA and NSA to wiretap McGovern’s campaign officials, had FBI spies attempt to infiltrate the campaign and used the FBI to start a disinformation campaign inside the McGovern camp. Imagine Nixon paying a million bucks to a former British agent to obtain information from the KGB to be used against McGovern. Because that’s what’s on the public record for the Dems in 2016, and everyone is pretending like it is just hunky-dory.
“Well, I know for certain that the Obama administration activities in spying on the Trump campaign and leaking classified information to undermine the incoming administration make Watergate look like a kid stealing candy from the grocery store.”
The people that promised us the most transparent administration evah delivered what eventually we will find out was the most corrupt one ever. This is the tip of the iceberg. The reason we know about this is that they were both sloppy in the execution of the setup of the spying and the election rigging for Clinton, and Trump won. I suspect that there are scores of operations (Fast & Furious, Benghazi, and so on) that were beyond illegal and were in the real of downright evil, that were not just condoned by the WH, but called from and coordinated by them.
Hillary got off because she told Obama if he threw her under the bus she would make sure he went down with her. That was the message Bill reminded Lynch of on that tarmac. That is why they basically turned a blind eye to an inexcusable and blatant crime.
Someone should have hooked up jumper cables to Nixon’s coffin. I bet he was spinning in it so hard watching the downright illegal shit that team Obama got away with, mostly because of a complicit media, that it would have generated gigawatts of power.
You know Mattis got ricin in the mail right? No? What? Why not?
*looks at*
An Amazon warehouse worker told The Verge via email that the news was devastating to fulfillment employees, many of whom depend on their RSU and VCP (variable compensation pay, a performance-based monthly bonus program) incentives on top of their hourly wages. VCP incentives, which are dependent on good attendance and hitting productivity targets, could get Amazon workers an 8 percent monthly bonus, and a 16 percent bonus during the peak November and December seasons.
Optics, my boy. Optics.
Fuckers were just making the rest of them look bad.
A low bar is the easiest thing to implement.
Get a better job before the Christmas season goes into full swing. The market seems to be red hot.
Let competition and hard work determine your pay, not politicians or corporate douches.
Unfortunately the politicians seem hell bent on making sure they can pick the winners & losers when it comes to what kind of pay people get, and these pols especially hate merit based systems because those never make the usual suspects that vote for these kinds of pols happy.
I worked in a warehouse during college. I would usually get 150-200% of my normal wage per week by meeting the incentives. While I was actually meeting the incentives, a union employee would be nearby telling me that it was no use working hard because it was too hard to make the incentive.
You are lucky they didn’t threaten you with a beating like one of my buddies was because he was making the union slackers look like shit.
Yeah, I worked in a paternity testing lab before grad school. I would routinely do 3x the number of tests that the career employees were doing. They were not too happy with me. They were all set to run me out of there when performance reviews came up, but it turned out that my “rerun rate” was among the best, while I was doing the work of three. (they didn’t offer to double my pay either) You’d think that management might have noticed and asked me to help streamline operations so everyone could be as productive.
** rerun rate was the percent of samples that had to be re-done. Management (and the employees) felt that this was dependent on technique and attention to detail. I maintained that it was entirely down to sample quality…. blood left sitting on the airport tarmac in the heat for hours or drawn to early just wasn’t going to work.
I did have a rumor spread about me that I was a corporate spy. No joke, they thought I was only working in the warehouse to rat out everyone who was not working hard.
You should have told them you were spying for the competition.
Libertarian Transgender Sheriff Candidate Featured in Union Leader Article
He/She is how I imagine half of the Glibertariat.
Aria DiMezzo made history recently by becoming the first-ever candidate for Sheriff in the United States.
First sentence and I’m already confused.
“Whoah, Sheriffs are elected?” /Journalisting
Cheshire County can then legalize gambling, drugs and hookers and make a fortune in tourism
You forgot Mexican Ass Sex.
That’s my Keene… OK not really but I have family there.
It looks like Hollywood is gonna try for a redo of Blazing Saddles.
It would never work. They are simply incapable of it. Besides, there was nothing that needed to be redone in the original.
Conspiracy Theory Thursday
AIn’t clickin on no DU link – nosireee
You are a smart man.
DU is predictably depressed today.
alleged victim
alleged perp
:clears throat:
I believe the saying was “this is a Senate hearing not a courtroom so those rules don’t apply”
Also if you’re gonna lie bad, don’t be surprised when people call you a liar.
“this is a Senate hearing not a courtroom so those rules don’t apply”
This is a college so those rules don’t apply.
This is a place of business, so those rules don’t apply.
ad infinitum…
This is a civil proceeding, so those rules don’t apply. This is a bench trial, so those rules don’t apply. This is a sentencing proceeding, so those rules don’t apply. This is a plea proceeding, so those rules don’t apply.
even when evidentiary standards differ (reasonable doubt, preponderance of the evidence, etc), isn’t presumption of innocence before all the evidence gets presented supposed to be more or less universal in the American legal system?
If I recall correctly (not a lawyer), tax court starts with the presumption of guilt.
Formally, only sometimes. In practice, no.
interrogated by a prosecutor like she is the one on trial
Because that’s what happened. I have to wonder what world these people live in that their perception is so distorted from reality. I mean, just watch the damned testimony, ffs.
As an aside, my lefty card carrying Dem gf is surely down with the lefty talking points as we tried to discuss this current even last night. -___-
You know, people say “you shouldn’t argue with your girlfriend/boyfriend over politics” but this kind of stuff isn’t about politics.
We’re not talking fiscal policy or foreign policy or even something like healthcare policy. This is a fundamental difference on a foundational principle of American law: that the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. It’s a bedrock assumption of the best legal system ever created: if you are accusing someone of a crime, you have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s not the job of the accused to prove you wrong, he is innocent until you prove he is guilty.
If someone is willing to toss away the presumption of innocence, then what else will they toss away? Well, we already know they want to toss away the right to bear arms, because once they toss that away they can toss away whatever else they want.
I’m willing to go so far as to say the standard of proof here need not be as great as a criminal proceeding, but you gotta have something.
Yeah if the therapists notes from 2012 have Kavanaugh named as a groper, that would be something at least. It would be hearsay, but at least it would be hearsay from six years ago.
They can’t even find a single person who will even put her and Kavanaugh at the party that night, and we have multiple people who are friends of Kav and friends of her both who say that he was not there.
The other day I was watching the 1990 film version. I think that flick is criminally underrated. Great acting (Al Pacino is brilliantly over-the-top), Glenne Headly (holy shit she’s *dead?!*) is absolutely adorable and The Kid is almost certainly my favorite child actor of that generation.
The movie is bonkers and really nails the spirit of the comic and is just stunningly beautiful. The color scheme and the playful, we-know-we’re-silly-but-we’re-gonna-do-it-right neo-noir atmosphere is very fetching. Much like the 1962 101 Dalmatians, I found myself pausing certain frames and and just kind of being sucked in by them. I could happily use screenshots from either film to decorate my house. They did a great job with the practical make-up effects, as well.
It had been a while since I had watched it. It took me back and I’m glad that it holds up as well as it does. Such a strange film. I like that.
I forget the film exists at times. When I’m reminded of it, all I remember was that our cable got shut off while we were watching the VHS, so it ended and the TV was only static.
I forgot. Whore-Era Madonna.
Uh–I wood the fuck out of that. Damn, girl.
I think that is more of an epoch. Or maybe eon.
” I could happily use screenshots from either film to decorate my house.”
About 30 years late. I was a projectionist at a theater when that came out. He used to cut a few frames out of films we liked before splicing the reels together. I may have that bush shot from Miller’s Crossing somewhere.
That is fantastic.
And you should be ashamed of yourself!
/moral scold
There’s been rumors for years that Beatty wants to do a sequel. Hey Hollywood, this is a property that could use a reboot. Fuck, make it a TV series, then you can really lay into the serial aspects of the original comics.
Over/under Beatty has a VD/STD?
I try not to think about it.
If I had his looks back in the day, my face would be one giant genital wart.
Instead of a number of small ones?
Whoa. 12K opening bid for the tiger!!
Good luck, Sloop! I hope it goes well.
How many taxidermied Siberian Tigers are there on the market?
Ask Putin?
It will be receiving a bid today. I just got a call from a graduate of your alma mater who wants it pretty badly.
I’d be interested in what motivates such a person. Where the hell do you put it? Do you pet it? Talk to it?
Unless you killed it yourself, why?
If you check my link (#7 comment) of a guy attempting to woo a drink cooler, all your questions will be
answeredreinforced.I’d use it to troll our dog.
Will you create a mechanical version to scare kids on Halloween? Wait, that would interfere with the reason you want kids to come over. Never mind.
He’d use it to keep them from leaving, obviously.
Ah OK, he is always playing 99D chess and I can’t keep up…
He wants to show his fellow alums that he’s got more school spirit (and a shitload more disposable income) than they’ve got.
That’s my guess.
Well, that’s why I’m wearing my best pimp outfit to the high school reunion next week.
Not my alma mater, btw. I could get by a lot cheaper than that guy.
Like this.
I thought you went to Memphis State. My bad.
His Holiness.
Houston’s City Council on Wednesday updated one local ordinance to specifically ban individuals from having sex with an “anthropomorphic device,” a device that resembles a human being, at a sexually-oriented business.
Get around that by making them all Hillary bots.
So, they just outlawed blow-up dolls.
I guess that guy I know that uses one so he can use the HOV lane so he is less likely to attract attention, is now is in trouble..
You can have my blow up doll when you pry it from my cold, dead, sticky hands.
to specifically ban individuals from having sex with an “anthropomorphic device,”
A dick-shaped vibrator?
Sounds like you can still buy your dildos and pocket-pussies, you just can’t use them on the premises.
No, no, only men’s sex toys are evil, women’s sex toys are good and empowering!
There was a very entertaining thread from Feministing (long deleted) arguing that Fleshlights dehumanizing and awful because it was an example of having sex with a mutilated human body part (and men’s desire to mutilate woman or something) but a dildo wasn’t anything like that because… uh… women.
I always read “Feministing” as “Femfisting”. I blame you.
I would just make it a delivery service to get around the sexually-oriented business. You’re just delivering a robot to their house for entertainment. What they do with it there is up to the individual.
Pet Shop Boys is one of my channels on Pandora. Partly out of nostalgia – I hear West Side Girls and I remember being in my mid-20’s driving my cool Honda Prelude down the Santa Monica freeway after night classes with that song on the radio in the early 90’s.
Suburbia is a masterpiece of electronica. I could listen to that song for hours.
Is that why you called Napoli ‘Naples’? Spaced out on PSB?
Look, that is the proper English name for that location.
Turin it is!
And how do you call Juventus then, eh? Hmmmm?
JEW-ventus? /alt-right joke.
I’m no fan of Northerners myself but it is Turin in Piemontese.
Those bastard Piemontese!
I don’t call those fruitcakes from Turin “Torino” either.
Whenever I hear “Torino” I think of this.
They are really tough in that video, aren’t they?
The one PSB song I would take to a desert island is This Must Be The Place I Waited Years To Leave.
I will never forget backpacking across Europe/Eastern Europe in 1993 with Ace of Base following me everywhere like a lost puppy.
You were probably looking for signs along the way…
Adult hotel with 24-hour Nazi-themed orgy room dedicated to Hitler sparks OUTRAGE
There are Jews in Bangkok? /band name
I though the Hitler thing was a regular motif in Asia
“The Hitler Thing”
/first album
Sure as hell is with Palestinians.
Walking into a “militaria” show in Tokyo about 15 years ago. There was a band out front. A dozen or so Japanese guys with proper musical instraments playing period music from the early 1940’s in black SS uniforms, red armbands.
Murray Head?
“One night in Dusseldorf makes der ubermensch humble…”
Nah, doesn’t work
There are Lubavitchers in pretty much every country I think
Ah-ha! Proof again of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy /Zero Hedge comment
The White House says they found no evidence to support claims against Brett Kavanaugh in the FBI follow up report.
You misspelled cover-up. I guess the FBI will lose their sheen of dispassionate professionalism, now.
It will be fun to watch the same people who proclaimed the FBI and Strozk matchless paragons of purity now slag the FBI as rapeshielders.
It think that it won’t be that much fun when you realize that they have no moral qualms or shame doing this whenever it serves them, and then realize these people hold that much power.
I dunno Sloopy, I may not be able to live without the cowboy squirrel. Also, you owe me a new keyboard.
Banjos wants the set of them. So you may have to outbid me.
A Journalist Has Been Deported From Nicaragua After Being Doxxed By An Online Mob
Last week, Carl David Goette-Luciak’s reporting on anti-government protests in Nicaragua was attacked by US journalist Max Blumenthal in an article published on an American website called Mint Press and British left-wing site the Canary.
The Mint Press article was titled “How an American Anthropologist Tied to US Regime-Change Proxies Became the MSM’s Man in Nicaragua”, while the Canary ran the headline, “Investigation slams Guardian cooperation with novice reporter linked to US regime-change machine.”
if you want to buy a real grizzly bear
Buy? I can just go down the road a ways, and get one for free (except for the cost of a pound of bacon).
Not all of us are living in Nowhere, Montana. In fact you’d probably be annoyed if you had that many neighbors.
How much does shipping a grizzly overseas cost?
I’ll take a quote on both. In the end I will not know if it is live or not until I open the crate
For any predator in a box, there’s three options when you open the box: Live, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
[insert appropriate xkcd here]
I can find out. The problem is importation laws on the other end. For me, it wouldn’t cost much more than a crate and the backing material plus the cost to send it air freight. Shouldn’t be more than $1000.
But what are the importation laws there? They’re not endangered, but some countries are still weird about shit like that.
I don’t know about importation laws and I don’t think I want to
‘I’ve basically made him a sparkly vagina cake!’
Wish that I could get more of a body shot….
But mom is also a VERY solid wood. The cake, not so much.
If that reminds you of a vagina, go thee to a doucherie.
HaHA, STRAFF! *Kirk Gibson arm pounding*
Still got it!
Why did a baking fail make the daily fail?
Scroll down to the 4th picture, “asbigas”.
I was at this party. It was the cake for a friend of mine. Isn’t often you get to see a cake wreck live.
Do could ‘Asbigas’ make it?
I believe Kroger was the responsible party.
Holy shit is that site funny!
I’m dying.
it is one of the few sites I visit daily.
It is not “Certified Family Friendly”
The closest I ever came to dying from laughing was this:
I don’t know why that one set me off, I was already in a weird mood and that pushed me over the edge. I literally hyperventilated from laughing so hard.
For my 40th (a few months after Asbigas had her 30th Bday), my friends made me an “I want sprinkles” cake. They had trouble getting the place to make it … they had to explain that that was the text they wanted, and no, they didn’t want sprinkles on the cake.
Yes, my wife and I have been big Cake Wrecks fans for a long time.
I also enjoy McMansion Hell.
Well Sloopy, I hope your auction goes well, and may the series this weekend be a good one to watch. I was saving this for tomorrow, but since you won’t be here…
Is Indian Fever anything like Jungle Fever?
Worse. Indian Fever is when the woman takes back her consent.
Calling Q to the front desk, Q to the front desk. We need a…*ahem* clarification on this…
‘The city of New York is looking to recoup any money that Donald Trump owes the people of New York City, period,’ he said during a press conference.
Counting interest and penalties, that could run into real money. Good thing Trump has his own printing press.
And army.
The lecturer on this pre-recorded training video is booooorrrring to listen to. I’m falling asleep at my desk. Worse, there’s at least twelve more hours of this guy.
WTF training has 12 hours of boring shit? Is it a sexual harassment class?
Oh, and this is only Module 1 of three in the set, so the at least tweleve more out of the original 20 for this module was “before there might be a change of lecturer”
Ha ha ha. Sucker. You need a different job.
Barbra Streisand Uncovers Bombshell: ‘Donald Trump Has Never Owned a Dog’
You know who else did own a dog, Barbra…
Kim Jong Un?
I heard he owned plenty of them, which is precisely why he is a chubby guy…
Maybe he’s saving getting a dog for a special occasion?
“He’s the first president in 130 years who hasn’t had a dog in the White House…”
Oh Lord that place has to stink to high heaven.
killing wild animals for kicks.
Because that’s what hunters do…
first president in 130 years who hasn’t had a dog in the White House
I’m still an advocate of him getting a cat, and that cat being a Russian Blue
Police dog attack didn’t violate woman’s rights, judge rules
This one is infuriating. Police dog mauls a pregnant woman bystander. The city is immune from a liability due to a statute that I bet was sold to the legislators as only being protection when a police dog bites a fleeing perp, not an innocent bystander. Interesting constitutional gymnastics performed by the judge as well. And by interesting, well I mean sick and twisted.
An Indianapolis woman who was seven months pregnant when a police dog attacked her in July 2015, did not have her constitutional rights violated because she wasn’t the dog’s intended target, a federal judge ruled last week. – so if I have an aggressive dog that randomly bites people it is ok?
so if I have an aggressive dog that randomly bites people it is ok?
Yes, if it’s the King’s dog.
No, it’s not ok, but it’s a civil matter not a constitutional rights case.
True… I think I read directly about Indiana dog bite liability statute. That makes sense
I think there is a constitutional rights case here. It’s along the same line of no-knock raid at the wrong address.
so what if she wasn’t the intended target? how is this not a violation of due process?
Surprised the fleeing suspect did not get charged with some sort of assault charge for the dog biting the women.
When you injure a police dog you are charged as if you injured an officer.
When a police dog injures someone else the same happens as when an officer injures a bystander, nothing.
That’s all kinds of fucked up.
I’m willing to bet (60/40) that the guy the cops were chasing was wanted on a drug charge.
The economy of every state, ranked from worst to best
I am throwing the BS Flag…
33. Illinois
Make us 10 lower, at least, and I might start to agree.
Complete shite – they note the average income and ignore taxes and cost of living.
Come to the coastal Northeast where you can earn like a millionaire and live like a peasant.
Any ranking of economies is useless if it doesn’t include the deadweight loss imposed by taxation.
The Aura of an Enlightened City increases quality of living by itself
So Iowa comes in at 10. Strange.
The photo for New Hampshire is fantastic. Snow & ice covered parking lot with a local reporter getting ready to do a story on the big sale at Shop-Ko.
Florida has a space shuttle, that hasn’t been in operation for years.
As a MS native, I hated even as a child to hear the headline that some new national ranking was out. Something like median school progress would come out, and I’d pray to any god that would hear that please please please let AR, LA, WV, OK, or NM save us this one time from being worst at something yet again….and I would be disappointed yet again.
51st? I didn’t know it could get even worth, but I don’t doubt it one bit.
New law: reporters should be forced to put “economy” in scare quotes every time they use the word. DC is ranked #1, and I’m guessing it’s productivity rate per capita is dead last.
Some employees claim they will make less money after the wage increase
That’s what happens when you reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator.
But they were expecting to be treated differently! If only Bezos knew what was happening, he would say something.
You know that robot prostitutes are morally reprehensible, right?
I have no problem with guys who buy a robot sex doll and make a commitment to it. A good stable society can be built on relationships like that (If you like it, put an O-ring on it dude).
But robot prostitution is going to degrade our society. You can’t build anything good on a system that is predicated on a system were a guy nuts and bolts.
*lights Swiss signal*
An audible groan could be heard across the world.
You’ll have sex with a feminist and like it.
Are you saying that I couldn’t build a robot feminist sex doll because current technology is built on basic boolean logic?
knitting the pussy hat will be a issue
You should try. Call her Oxy Moron.
*narrows gaze*
Boooo! Boooo!
Former ACLU leaders blast ‘appalling’ anti-Brett Kavanaugh ad campaign
The ACLU officially joined ranks with the SPLC after this incident.
Pretty much this.
Except the SPLC and NAACP used to send me racist hate mailers on a daily basis during election season. So far the ACLU hasn’t hit my mailbox with that stuff.
No shit.
former ACLU vice president Michael Meyers
I heard he killed at his last meeting in office.
He sure can butcher a press release.
Meyers said the TV ad campaign, which compares Kavanaugh to famous sex abusers, violates the civil libertarian principle of presumption of innocence and shows the ACLU is increasingly guided by partisanship over principle.
No kidding.
When my employees want me to pay them according to the government’s ‘pay scale’ which is a distortion of what they’re worth, I tell them the trade-off is simple: Less hours and you can forget any health plan you keep asking for.
It’s one thing if I can pass the cost over to the parents/clients (which is very difficult in a cheap skate place like Quebec) and quite another if I have to accept thinner margins or coming out of my pay.
I wonder what Bezos is trying to do here. Is he looking to simply get them off his back (because he is a lefty and wants to stay on their good side. I highly doubt principles are at play here) and then automize? Amazon’s revenues are massive and he doesn’t turn a profit, so maybe he calculated, ‘hey. to get that fucken illiterate, lazy shit head Sanders off my back, I’ll jump on this $15 crap temporarily and fast-track my robot army. Moo-haw-haw!’
It is a failure of the private system if it cannot keep up with arbitrary government wages
Stated in another way: You don’t deserve to be in business if you can’t afford to pay your workers a ‘living wage’.
This is what they believe.
Illiterate, know-nothing twits.
You are the illiterate dumb bastard.
If you need to charge higher prices than anyone can afford, all you need to do is have govt step in and give subsidies to all your customers. The customers keep paying the same out of pocket costs, your employees are finally able to live their dreams and everybody wins.
See how easy that was to fix if you know even basic economics?
Yeh, except I’m under charging by at least $10. But that’s the scheme. To try and artificially inflate costs and to keep my ‘profits’ (ie raping people) low.
Also, I’m about to run afoul with the government. They pushed into law a bull shit website private daycares don’t need or asked for and force us onto it. Then, they stick us with a bill.
How’s that for a scam?
I refuse to pay it. So I don’t know what’s gonna happen.
If the fine is tolerable, I’ll just keep doing that.
How dare you claim to know what your business “Needs” better than the regulators!
It’s hard to see where Bezos is going here for me. If I were him, I’d be doing this to do exactly what you say. I’d say, “Fine, $15 minimum it is. We’ll restructure compensation on the lower-end employees in distro centers to include cutting any PTO they might get, and we’ll start an increasingly draconian set of performance standards to entice people to leave. As they leave, we’ll automate distribution centers and roll the remaining positions into maintenance jobs. Turn ten pickers into three people who make sure the packing tape magazines are kept filled and no sparrows are accidentally included in deliveries.”
Not a bobcat?
Note: This may be the xkcd robc was referring to up above.
Yes, that is it.
I hate you now. I almost made noise at work.
Have you not read xkcd before? I didn’t think a warning was necessary.
There are a lot of misses in there too.
Yesterday’s literally describes my current project:
It’s not funny…
The describes the entire infrastructure I’m supporting.
Of course, no one wants to pay for the right fix, so they spend more propping up the wrong fixes.
Amazon has a huge and extremely efficient delivery infrastructure in place, filled with loads of very expensive automation.
If they succeed in pushing a national $15 minimum wage, any startup competitors will be saddled with much higher labor costs in a very labor intensive business (at the smaller scale). This should be a nice moat around his business model, with only deep pocket competitors having the ability to enter the playing field.
Very good point
This was my immediate thought.
That’s another angle I’d thought of. This is regulatory capture by another name.
dumbest motherfucker on the face of the earth.
She DID say ‘yes’. . .
Second dumbest.
public proposals are a dick move even when you don’t fake your own death. you’re putting the recipient of the proposal on the spot not to embarrass you in front of an audience.
for all we know, she dumped his ass later.
or you know murdered him for real
Well.. since he had already proved he was dead.
And in case anyone was wondering
A direct calculation of the Berry phase in a composite Fermi liquid provides an effective description of the half-filled Landau level, reconciling some previously opposing theories
Martin Landau?
“Yeah Lana, read a book for once in your life!”
The Marion Barry Phase
Landau Roof?
I thought the Landau roof was a half-vinyl roof? One of these things.
I used to think it was those removable roofs some Pontiacs had – the ones that went all the way across, not to be confused with the T-Tops.
That’s a targa top, isn’t it?
That’s what Porsche called it. I thought GM had a different name but could be mis-remembering.
In the 70’s my Dad had a Grand Prix similar to the boat Chipwooder linked to – absolutely enormous on the outside and cramped inside.
Landau Roof is a full vinyl roof.
Brougham Roof is the half or 1/3 vinyl roof.
T-Tops is what Firebirds, etc. had that were removable panels.
Targa is a fuller removable roof (not 2 panels) but the car still has a full roll bar (unlike a traditional convertible.)
*Furrows brow in a vain attempt to understand the word-sequence he has just witnessed*
Well, I half understand that….
That Amazon thing reminds me of what happened at Walmart after Sam Walton died. I had some friends who worked at Walmart, and when the new CEO (Scott, I think) restructured the compensation and stock packages a lot of employees got screwed in a big way.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we learned Adam Smith in High School? Clear up a lot of these foolish ideas.
Ah, who cares, he’s just an old dead cishet white dude. /progs
Fine. How about Sowell?
I have been told by the powers that be that he doesn’t matter cause he is an uncle tom…
Prog treatment of Sowell is the clearest proof of leftist racism there is. You have a black man, from utterly humble origins, who faced actual racial oppression in his youth and overcame it to become one of the top minds in economics and political thought. How do you respond?
1. You laud him while seriously considering his positions
2. You respectfully argue with him
3. You call him a Tom and a race traitor.
I think it was the Dilbert guy who wrote in a book “Any time a company rolls out a new compensation plan, the only purpose is to screw you out of money.” His contention was that no company ever needed a “compensation plan” to simply pay good employees more. All new plans are just some 3 card monte shuffle to distract you from something you are losing.
Was hearing chatter from some people in a discord server I’m in, most of them flipped the hell out that Republicans were “pushing Kavanaugh through” tomorrow. Sounding the alarms and all. There are truly alternate realities people are living in.
This has been and always will be a Rorschach test.
Npr just ran some cherry picked shit on it.
Kavanaugh said the left was spending a bunch of money to cause this shit.
You see, in 3 states with Dems running for reelection, the Republicans are actually outspending the Dems (by how much they didn’t say, so I assume it’s close as fuck)
But he was wrong!
Effects of the replacement of wheat flour with cricket powder on the characteristics of muffins.
Taking into account the slight changes in color and textural properties, cricket powder can be used for the enrichment of muffins with protein without reducing the sensory attractiveness of the product obtained.
What happens when they cut your cocaine with it though?
protein cocaine? nose gainz?
I started drinking when the bruins got behind by 3. I went to bed before the end.
What a shit way to wake up.
Ooof. Not a good way to start the season.
I see that dickhead Tom Wilson has already been suspended for 20 games.
Wild start tonight vs Avs. I’m not optimistic.
My friends are going to the game!
Nope. I hope they figure it out soon
meh. it’s a long season. thanks to the rat for straightening out Eller. i’d hate to see him douche up the ice in the playoffs like that and motivate the other team.
That was amusing.
Yeah. Seeing March say no to that shit was good for both sodesong term.
I wish soccer allowed fighting. The douchebaggery in some quarters is out of control.
Stated in another way: You don’t deserve to be in business if you can’t afford to pay your workers a ‘living wage’.
This is what they believe.
But if newspapers are dying, the government should step in to save them, because justice.
Our local rags that are dying miserable deaths are attempting to unionize, because that will save the journalism.
The house is on fire, but maybe if we take an axe to the water heater that’ll save it.
Government should protect their propaganda machines, now shouldn’t they?
People seem to think that govt should do everything possible to save family farms. Why not save family newspapers too?
The best thing that could be done for family farms is to end the death tax. Farms are notoriously asset-rich and cash-poor.
And fall victim to the arbitrary valuations that localities put on their properties
The Game-Changing Technique Behind an Amazing New Archaeological Discovery
Has the FBI interviewed her to find out what she knew about teen Kavanaugh?
How can we say that a thorough investigation has been done until they talk to her? I demand we delay the confirmation vote until then.
He might have been the Neanderthal that raped her!
But Pratt ruled Sept. 28 that the officers’ release of the dog “intending to seize the fleeing suspect does not mean that the officers intended to seize any other person.”
If she had been hit by a stray bullet, the decision would have been the same.
Justice was administered.
As a big people, I feel othered by all the pictures of little people this week.
So a teenage female friend of Kavanaugh was on GMA this morning to defend him. Stephalumpagus proceeded to badger her with questions like “How do you think Ford feels about her treatment by Republicans?”, as if that were in any way relevant to her character testimony about Kavanaugh.
“do you know how many college women have had breakdowns over this last week? What do you think about that, huh??”
I think they need to grow up.
Or at least do a little more preventative maintenance on their cars so they stop getting stranded.
In fairness, they probably cry over that, too.
But how are we supposed to have our horror movie cliches then? Oh, steal their phone chargers while they’re not looking.
all these gender traitors need to be sent to the reeducation camps
That is some hard-hitting journalism right there.
“How would you feel if Congress and the national media accused you of being a serial rapist for a month?”
Her mistake for thinking Clinton’s mouthpiece wasn’t going to be on the team.
(the sad part is that despite being a bald-faced liar worthy of mention in the same breath as Tariq Azziz, Stephanopolis is probably one of the most reliable anchors on network news. Jeez, stick that in your pipe and smoke it…)
That is unfortunately true.
Stephanopolis is one of the few left-leaning media members who will actually press Democrat politicians in interviews on things they don’t want to talk about.
Wasn’t he in the Clinton White House? I am unsurprised he is a total pos.
Kav has teenage female friends?
Not a good look right now, bro.
Vote today!
It’s the most important election ever! Wait, what are we voting on?
Beer, dear Straffin. Beer.
Call me when we are voting on Bourbon..
That’s for 2020, good sir.
Well I will keep sampling that campaign material then – in large quantities that make my package store owner happy he can afford an ivy league school on my consumption expenses – until the time to vote.
Well soon enough we will be voting on the gay are icky issue here in Romania
“…As of 2016, 10% of Americans own 84% of all stocks. That means that 90% of Americans own 16% of all stocks – a difference of approximately $20.4 trillion in wealth, using 2017 SIFMA Fact Book measure for domestic stocks.”
Oh, oh. No one tell Shithead Sanders. Aka Granpa Gulag.
Given that the stock market is way overdue for a correction, those numbers are probably going to change shortly.
A correction wouldn’t change the ownership percentage.
It would change the valuation obviously. But I guarantee the percentages would change some, the big boys usually come out on top while the retail investor or 401k holder takes it in the shorts. Somebody has to eat those losses.
True, plus its a mix problem. A correction won’t affect everything, so the mix of ownership would change, but that would be small…probably.
And, of course, after a correction, the smart money buys and the dumb money sells. So that changes the percentages too.
$20.4 trillion in wealth – I don’t think that word means what they think it means
Also do these numbers include all the various pension funds?
This is probably old but it amused me
These are the Air Force swords that look like they belong in a video game
Well, the AF is a pretend part of the military …
“How do you think Ford feels about her treatment by Republicans?”
I’d be more interested in how she feels about the way the Democrats used her.
If we ever hear a word from Ford again that is not thru her lawyers, I’ll be surprised.
I wonder how medicated she was during that testimony.
Was she “used”? I’m thinking “complicit” makes more sense.
The Chief Senatorial Doxxer is a soyboy.
hahaha….look at that fuckin’ guy. He looks like he bottles his own farts.
Hey, pencil-neck!
with cybersecurity expertise
apparently not.
Wait, what are we voting on?
Too late. you’re off the island. Pack up your shit.
Holy shit. That photo of the Senate doxxer….
His next best career opportunity is as a dog walker. This is why government exists; to provide phony baloney jobs for people like him.
They really are giving credence to the idea that this is all a revenge of the twerps.
Looks like Trump’s son in law.
Was she “used”? I’m thinking “complicit” makes more sense.
I think she was told she could slander Kavanaugh with that ridiculous bullshit and remain anonymous. Anybody dumb enough to believe that deserves what she gets.
My assumption is that all parties involved understood that the claim to want to remain anonymous was made only so that she could play the reluctant witness. Orchestrated from the start. Conjecture, but I’m sticking with it.
I actually suspect that she was hopping that she could just make the accusation and derail the confirmation process, and then after the fact, come out to profit from that once what she said no longer mattered, but that is not how the shit played out.
someone either that naive or that mendacious is a professor. mull that one over.
*thinks on professors I knew*
Yup, adds up.
Don’t trust anyone who’s spent too long in academia.
all the internal squabbling and politics of the real world with none of the accountability.
I was always amazed at the difference between the academics in the hard sciences, engineering, business & accounting, and schools of medicine compared to their counterparts in the other disciplines. I guess when you really need to know shit you can’t fake you have to work hard at it.
Don’t conjecture, accuse. That makes it true.
Cry a little bit too when you do it.
Just accuse or J’accuse?
Oi! We don’t do Frog-talk ’round these parts.
I think Ford considered herself clever and thought she could use her research background to create a credible case. She used all the tricks she could come up with – many victims had fears of enclosed spaces, brought up the trauma during counseling, spoke with the vocal fry, etc. Cleared her online presence to hide any inconsistencies. Apparently got her husband to back her up (but what about her parents and siblings, who have been silent?). I think her ex-boyfriend’s letter and the true history of her front doors are the beginning of a series of statements/facts that disprove her claims. Like a lot of academia types, she wasn’t as clever as she thought.
The obese Amphibian-woman? That’s the sort of thing that grows in the crevasses of the bureaucracy. I wish they’d replace the glass walls of the conference rooms with real walls, becuase seeing a whole pack of these shoggoth-like creatures having a meeting makes me wonder why anyone thinks we’d need training to avoid sexual harrassment of fellow employees.
Jesu! She does have the Innsmouth look about her.
Both squamous and unnameable.
Sounds pretty damn hot.
Nothing cool about fish AIDS, bro.
Gotta catch ’em all, man.
The new Shinkansen looks a little, well, you decide.
Home pregnancy test kit?
Nose hair trimmer.
Rhywun playing innocent. C’mon, what do you really see?
It’s totally a pen, right?
Is it just me or does the Democrat look like “union boss” from central casting?
Yooz gotta problem with dat?
Fuckin’ right.
Conjecture, but I’m sticking with it.
I cannot refute it.
oh snap
There’s a picture floating around purporting to be that “beach friend” with Avanetti, which I’m choosing to believe is real because it entertains me to do so.
i’m very skeptical. that guy is radioactive and not helping the resistance with his shenanigans.
The Texas Skunk would go nicely in my bathroom
Christ’s blood! Is that bear!? Damn, Texas, y’all aren’t joking about everything being bigger. I’ve seen Collies smaller than that thing.
The head does look a lot more like a bear than a skunk.
I’m thinking it’s the Texas version of a jackalope. A bear cub dyed and bleached and otherwise modified to look like a skunk.
I’d get to giggling over Texas whitetail: they reminded me of the Grinch’s dog with those sticks lashed to his skull.
6am South Rim Trail in Big Bend National Park a buck bounded right into my path a few feet away, easily the largest I ever saw in the state; he might have gone 100 pounds on the hoof.
The charges that guy is facing for doxing the Senators are no joke. Even with a plea deal, I think they’ll try to make an example out of him and he’ll get at least some time in the clink. Play stupid games…
Good, they need to nip that crap in the bud before we devolve even further towards political violence.
I hope he flips and it comes out that it was a direct order from the senator
Doubt it. It’s the sort of low level ‘pwnage’ he probably came up with on his own. If I’m right about the personality type that is.
Yeah. You’re probably right.
I think that would be hilarious though. Or sad.
Don’t discount the raw stupidity of Sheila Jackson Lee. I’d say the odds are an even split.
Like I said last night, progressive loonies like Lee self-select for young, dumb zealots.
>I hope he flips and it comes out that it was a direct order from the senator
Yeah and then after that they find his body in a park with carpet fibers all over his suit, a bullet hole in his head, no car nearby, only half the blood that should be in his body in his body, and a note that says “It was all me nobody else did anything it was all me the whole time.”
+1 “Burglary” gone wrong.
This story, and the guy who kicked the pro-life protester, give me a little hope that there is still some sort of limit to “the ends justify the means”. Even though you see your opponents as Nazis, you can’t go around breaking the law without consequences. At least this is still true sometimes.
I am watching the docu Chuck Norris vs. Communism. One Romanian woman dubbed *every* movie by herself and they black-marketed the VHS tapes throughout the country. The way the people interviewed talk about her is fascinating. They all had different ideas of what she looked like and one guy says that “I didn’t imagine that she had a body. She was just The Voice.”
I’m only about 15 minutes in but this guy just hit me when he was talking. He has such a nostalgia for it. He would’ve been 10 o so when he saw his first movie–at a dude’s house who charged admission and “everyone was breathing together” during the movie. His face just had a quality to it. Humans love to go against The Man and art has a universal appeal for us. I do love TOS’ story on how the show Dallas helped bring down Communism.
That is why I think that all evil and corrupt governments eventually fail. People are engrained to rebel and to do the things that they want to. I know sometimes, or rather quite often, that means doing things that we find immoral or evil. But for now I just want to think about people struggling to seek out art and just enjoying that beauty of creation and being entertained. Exploring a new world through a TV. Be damned that it’s forbidden. We’re still going to create it and watch it.
*Insert freedom-loving tear here*
Stories like that are awesome. I kinda feel a bit like they do when I come here.
Is “Chuck Norris vs. Communism” the name of the documentary?
Yep. I am watching it here.
They just showed a clip from Bloodsport, which all of us know is–indeed–the finest movie ever made. Closely followed by the otherworldly Robin Hood featuring Kevin Costner.
I went to Robin Hood with a girl who wore a short dress on our first date. I missed most of the movie just marveling at her bare legs next to me.
Just some quotes over a 4-5 min period that I liked:
I’m not sure if this Vox gem from Sept 27th was missed-
The rape culture of the 1980s, explained by Sixteen Candles
The beloved romantic comedy’s date rape scene provides important context for the Brett Kavanaugh accusations.
I didn’t miss it.
The retarded hottakes on Kavanaugh are generating some articles for the ages.
from the same liberals who produced this drivel as a counter-culture middle finger to the Bible-banging Reagan admin
John Hughes was a conservative. Ha ha ha.
I still don’t care about Judge K.
But I clearly remember being horrified by this movie. I’m a little older than those kids and grew up in a place that was at least a decade behind, so I had (have) more a Boomer perspective and kept thinking the whole movie through: things have changed, I don’t understand that generation, their motives….this behavior is somewhere between pointless and wrong….why was this movie made?
I’m still out of step and remain culturally mystified. I don’t have any idea if Hughes was representing an age or criticizing an aberrant part of a generation. But he didn’t speak to me or for me. My view is the Animal House standard: if you talk a girl into something, you’re good; if the girl passes out, you’re out of business; there’s always an angel on one shoulder who knows what’s right and wins out.
I’m proud of you Lawrence…
*** NSFW ***
I think Hughes wrote a broad comedy and wanted the ‘nerd’ (in himself) to win with the hot chick. That’s all.
Also, I think her reaction is key — she doesn’t seem horrified but charmed by the entire thing. It’s a weird thing to see now, and could probably have been written to make it appear 100% consensual.
I don’t remember 16 Candles all that well, but the scene in Revenge of the Nerds where the nerd goes into the funhouse disguised as the chick’s boyfriend and proceeds to screw her is pretty creepy and probably rape.
I recall her dragging him into the funhouse. I agree.
You have officially arrived at Thot Thursday!
Whatever did we do before Instagram?
Many fine choices of course, but between the tits and the DSL I’m going with 50.
35 and 53 please. 35’s got a nice back and 53 has some nice curves and tanlines. I liked 20 a lot too, but I think she needs a bit more food.
13 – Photoshop gone wrong? Weird lighting/picture angle?
Trump’s trolling seems to be working.
Unless you’re collecting welfare and eating out of dumpsters or just laughably bad at hanging on to the money you make, it takes some weapons grade mendacity to deny that the tax cuts were beneficial to you.
Well, you could be paying more than $10K in property taxes…
Not all of the top 5% are in teh 1% !1!1!
Dammit, I’m still not in the top 20% of households.
Though I may just be edging into the top 10% individual income… Still not six figures yet.
My salary is regarded as a matter of public record. People can literally look it up on a whim.
Do you actually pay $10k in property taxes?
Hell, no. $1k-$3k somewhere. (I’d have to check my tax forms, since they’re still paid from escrow until the mortgage is paid off)
The laser pointer trick hasn’t failed him yet. And they still keep taking the damn bait.
I like how Trump quoting her testimony is “mockery”. What exactly does that say about her testimony, then?
He didn’t just “believe” her…
Irony Alert: the 4th response down mentions Emmitt Till.
Accusations of purjury by Kavanaugh contain an essential truth: Trump should not sit down with Mueller.
perjury, god damn it
Reminds me of that clip of Clarence Thomas and how he said he would never recommend any of his friends to go for a confirmation hearing if they got nominated. I don’t blame Trump one bit if he never meets with Mueller after this.
Trump would be an idiot to meet with Mueller. You don’t hand people on a witch hunt the torch they need to start the bonfire at the stake they want to burn you while they are telling you all they want is for you to come to dinner and bring that torch…
If it wasn’t obvious before, it’s glaringly obvious now after this “hearing”.
So what? I Was told 19+ years ago that perjury is not an impeachable offense.
Interesting note in today’s news that Ford’s legal team could be in trouble. It seems like her lawyers may not have told her that the Senate agreed to interview her at her home. Her lawyers may have hid that from her to force a public spectacle, which is illegal.
Between the legal shenanigans and Avenatti’s circus sideshow, this whole thing is not working out as the Democrats had planned at all. I would have never guessed this three weeks ago, but it’s looking likely that Kavanaugh gets confirmed and the Blue Wave will be an embarrasingly premature spurt.
Yeah, but they’re on Team Blue, so no real consequences will be forthcoming, other than a possible symbolic slap on the wrist.
Chances are no one will get to speak to her anyway. They’ve got her carefully locked down.
“Interesting note in today’s news that Ford’s legal team could be in trouble. ”
If that were only true. Nothing would please me more than to see people that were part of this shitshow actually have real life repercussions for their attempt to destroy someone’s life and livelihood so they could protect the ideological bend of a totally politicized entity they hope will keep rubber stamping their road to a tyrannical state.
The New Yorker really has the goods on Kavanaugh now!
An “obnoxious edge”. DAGGER
It’s over. Over.
These are grown adult “professionals”. Our intellectual betters. It’s been said here before, but Idiocracy had the idiots of the future all wrong.
What were a bunch of progs gonna do but blame other than progs and other than prog ideas for a future where humanity went stupid? The fun thing is that while they got the reasons and why people went idiot wrong, they pretty much got it dead on how humanity would devolve into a morass of idiocy. It’s not Clevon fucking the cheerleaders that messes things up: it is the two idiot intellectuals in the movie that don’t have kids on their own implementing a political ideocracy on all of us.
He said that he never witnessed Kavanaugh physically attacking another student,
Wow, that is damning!
But why would that matter when it is about character assassination, anyway? so he didn’t witness anything, but he can tell because Kavanaugh drinks that he totes had to assault people!
He shamed them in front of the nation and helped unify his backers, and, hey, you know what? Maybe he was righteous in his displeasure with the clowns empaneled before him. So of course they pivoted to his temperament. “YOU SIT THERE AND TAKE IT WHILE WE CALL YOU A RAPIST AND A DRUNK IN FRONT OF YOUR WIFE AND DAUGHTERS!”
I think that’s what’s pissed me off the most about the whole ordeal sans the violation of due process. They sit there insulting and trashing a man’s reputation in front of the nation, his wife, his children, his mother, everyone. Call him a sociopath chronically drunk serial rapist and just expect him to not once stand up for his own honor like a man rightly should. Are we the crazy ones for allowing people to have the chance to defend and stand up for themselves?
I guess this would not be cool ‘Kavanaugh “stood by and laughed at the victims.”’, but I mean it was 40 years ago and did it even happen? Or is someone just pissed about a shitty high school clique?
I knew plenty of assholes in college. Does that mean I’m going to use it as a measure of how they are now? It wouldn’t occur to me to go on national media to drag out the stories unless they were actually physically violent.
Oh it was college?
My high school was like that. When I was a freshman and sophmore, I got picked on. Then when I was a junior and senior, I picked on the underclassman. It’s something I deeply regret as an adult, but it was “just the way it was”.
There goes your supreme court nomination.
All high schools were like that. Adolescence is a difficult time, who knew! I was bullied and mocked by more popular kids, in turn mocked those I could seeking to somehow improve my status. I am ashamed of many things I said to people at the time and sincerely hope no word or action of mine left lasting harm. But then I grew up, recognized my faults and tried to avoid repeating them. I think there are around 300 million Americans with this story.
I didn’t! I was low (more like outside) on the HS social totem pole but usually clear of the bullying. Bullying ended once I got violent with anyone who tried.
::memories of picking a bully up and throwing him into the lockers::
My older brother, when I was in junior high, said: “If you let people push you around, they will keep on pushing.” I took that message to heart.
^ I was the only boi in my household growing up, but my parents always told me that same deal.
My high school was really not like that. Junior high grades (same building) had some of that going on but by 9th grade or so there was hardly anything of the sort going on. I would have been the target of a lot of it if there was… The geekiest kid in school got some ribbing from the “jocks” but we were all in the same smarty-pants classes and as far as I can recall it never amounted to anything serious. A possible caveat is that from 7th grade on there was never anyone more than one year older than me, as the school was transitioning from a middle school to a high school and they added a higher grade each year. So… yeah, I never had to deal with seniors in 7th grade, for example.
So he went to college
“The New Yorker”
They’re scrambling after printing that Ramirez story that even the NYT wouldn’t touch.
The worst part of the article is them dragging the Renate chicks name through the fucking mud, it’s despicable.
Considering every frat boy back then probably used Bluto from Animal House as a role model it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these stories are true (and these stories aren’t that bad actually). Given that, who fucking cares, it was college and 35 years ago no less.
Kegs at high school parties? Hmmmm…
You have to put deposits on kegs (taps) and return them. Much easier to toss 30 packs of Busch or Natty Light or Keystone.
Sitting in the dick doc exam room, waiting for Fat Fingered Larry and the Furious Five to show up and start the party.
You talking prostate exam? Cause that’s gonna hurt…
Moooooon riveeeeeeer
Make sure you get the reacharound.
Now, how long have you had these pains, Mr. Barber?
“No, that’s Babar.”
Using the whole fist, doc?
Best way to make sure that prostate is erm, well massaged…
Thoughts and prayers.
“One out of ten don’t seem to mind it so much.”
Love that Show
/Buddy Cole FTW!
my urologist was the funniest doctor i’ve ever had. old jew and a big Mel Brooks fan. ugly nurses though.
That’s why I made sure my doc was a woman with small fingers.
My doc is an attractive middle eastern woman with a lovely accent and big eyes.
Me: You want me to do what now?
Her: Remove your pants and underwear
Me: …
Noted for their small women with small hands
My adage is to marry a woman with slender, small fingers. Then, they can’t buy big rings.
(My wife who has tiny hands and thin fingers and I just went shopping for an anniversary band … I must’ve saved $2k on finger size alone!)
Funny you should say that because my last 3 physicals have been with the interns, all three young nubile and cute, and every one of them responded to my comment that I usually get dinner and a movie before moving to “that”, with the comeback that they could go get my primary physician, a dude with huge hands, to do it instead. I then caved, and I wish I had complained cause every one of them ladies seems to have had too much fun putting me through that horrible experience…
So, on the Democratic staffer who doxxed the Senators, I can’t help but notice that there is a lack of coverage and that there’s a stark contrast in how he’s described. The few left leaning sites that covered it, like Politico and Slate, call him an “ex-staffer.” Even though he currently interned for Lee.
But I was unaware of Lee’s own furious and rather shameless denials that any of her people were involved here:
The purportedly in that paragraph bothers me quite a bit, as well. Like the Post hasn’t seen the images. They’re suggesting it may not have been correct information, but it’s still a misuse of purportedly.
Funniest part – people on here guess almost immediately that the staffer was probably one of Lee’s. But more to the point, she blatantly fucking lied and it was swept under the rug. No condemnation on her part needed. No questions of how her own conduct fuels this sort of radicalized behavior from one of her underlings. Nothing.
““Lies, lies, and more despicable lies. I am utterly disgusted by the spread of the completely false, absurd, and dangerous lies and conspiracy theories that are being peddled by __________”
Funny, they were just ridiculing someone for using these same words under the same circumstances
Admit it, she’s one of yours.
Confused…the quotes are from Waters, but the linky part says Lee was making delials.
or denials
They’re so similar that I just lump them together.
The Daily Mail does report things that aren’t tits sometimes:
Keyser is actually sick and Ford dragging her into this makes her a terrible person.
‘Leland was completely blindsided by her name being thrown into it all. The first thing she knew about it was when she woke up on Thursday morning and her name was just everywhere. It was crazy.’
Pictured here for the first time since the news Ford had named her as a witness, Keyser showed the strain of being catapulted into this political maelstrom.
Speaking in her defense Keyser’s loved one noted: ‘I think it’s quite convenient that she named the person who is frankly probably the least physically capable of all of them to stand up and be subjected to questioning or give her account.’
The family member went on to explain that the ‘health challenges’ faced by Keyser have not impaired her memory.
But they admitted that being caught up in the Kavanaugh scandal has proved physically trying at a time when Keyser is not in good health.
classy move, leftist retard:
An open letter to Keyser published on Tuesday in The Daily Caller dragged up a tragedy from her past in a bizarre attempt to cast doubt on Keyser’s insistence that she remembers nothing and push her to confront past memories, however painful.
The letter, written by Sara Corcoran, publisher of National Courts Monitor who knew Keyser in her youth, recalled the day in July 1988 when Keyser’s boyfriend dived into the shallow end of the swimming pool at Columbia Country Club. He broke his neck and died.
Corcoran wrote: ‘I remember how you suffered…. sometimes it seems like it is easier to remain silent, but I also feel you know where the house was and who was there.’
She stated: ‘There was nothing you could have done to save Bill from the fate that awaited him, but you can save Christine.’
that lady deserves a punch in the gunt.
The ends ALWAYS justify the means. What horrible, despicable people.
If I was her, I’d go to the Dems and tell them that I’m willing to do a presser where I “recover” memories and will confirm everything.
Then in front of the cameras on live TV, I’d go postal on Ford, Feinstein and everyone else. I’d make Lindsey Graham’s outburst look genteel. I’d rave about how I’m just a normal person who doesn’t have any info, but that these assholes have made my life hell.
I’d also point out how easy it was to get them to set up this presser and how they didn’t give a shit about how I “recovered” my memories.
What a despicable piece of shit.
Of all the crap that has happened in this retarded fiasco, that has got to be just about the worst.
If you want to accuse her of lying, call her a liar. If you want her to lie, ask her to lie. Either way, don’t pretend you’re helping her out.
No matter how dumb you already thought Karla “She Guevara” Marx was…..she’s even dumber
One of the things the Romans got right with their Republic was the Cursus honorum. Young politicians had to serve in specific offices in a specific order – after 10 years as Calvary officers. This process weeded out the dumbasses and radicals.
She is just the gift that keeps on giving, and validates my belief that her followers must be on the low end of the IQ (or on the way too high without having earned it self-esteem) scale.
What would Emma Sulkowicz have to gain from lying about her rapist? What would Tawana Brawley have to gain from lying about her rapist? What would Nikki Yovino have to gain from lying about her rapist? What would “Jackie” have to gain from lying about her rapist? What would Crystal Gail Mangum have to gain from lying about her rapists? What would “unnamed woman” have to gain from lying about her rapists?
And these were women who really don’t seem to have an upside to claiming rape other than indulging their own bizarre neuroses. Ford’s claim is materially different, given the timing; given her activism; given the precedent set by Anita Hill; given the trend of monetizing grievances through crowdfunding; given a national party eager to pay her way forward; and, perhaps most importantly, given the left’s descent into complete lunacy. To ask, “What does Ford have to gain by lying?” is to answer the question: she got the lie on record. She may have derailed a nomination. She abominated a man she hates, not for any (credible) personal reason, but for his politics and for the man who nominated him. The windfall she’s won as a result is icing.
Another question I always ask myself when this argument is made.
Why would someone rape someone else?
I completely don’t understand it.
Turns out humans do a lot of things I completely don’t understand.
Not to derail, but rape is a valid evolutionary strategy; it’s born into us. Every single one of us has a rapist somewhere in our ancestors. It’s like obesity; overeating has a distinct function that has been perverted in our age of abundant food. Female hypergamy and human tendency toward slight polygyny means that high status men would usually have multiple willing mates. Men with no other options would resort to rape as a method to pass on their genes. This was before law, order or moral judgements. We’re now at a point in which the act is repulsive and condemned socially and legally, but the capacity for it lies deep in the midbrain of each of us.
I’m sure there’s an equally scientific reason people love to be victims, as there’s a pretend racism story once a week. There’s also a fascinating culture of pretend victimhood on the internet where people pretend to have terminal illnesses that I was watching a show on the other week.
The point is, for the average person this seems like extremely odd behavior.
I don’t think it is used much anymore but the line use to be “Rape isn’t about sex it is about power” and I’ve always called that bullshit. Look at the animal kingdom, honey. Almost everything humans do is about either food or sex at some level. Power itself is about sex. Dumb-fuckers.
I’ve never grown an erection while thinking about power.
Well, you’ll never be my Senator.
Ford will take home a lot of cash for her tales.
How many front doors can I add with all … this?!??
Left one out! Why would Lena Dunham lie about her rape?
I do not know why Lena Dunham, the Duke accuser, or Rolling Stone’s sources made up their stories. I only know that they did.
Who is “Ford?” Oh you mean “Doctor Ford.” That’s how all the networks, including Fox, are referring to her this morning.
Whatever institution granted her that PhD should demand it back.
What would “unnamed woman” have to gain from lying about her rapists?
As your link demonstrates, a more appropriate quesiton is “Why wouldn’t a woman lie, if it was at all convenient for her?”
I hate to harp on it, but it is true. Women have absolutely no disincentive to lying about rape. They’re rarely punished. And when they are, it’s usually a slap on the wrist. Media will generally protect their identities, even after they’ve been shown to be lying.
If it were any less onerous you’d be able to e-file it anonymously and have a warrant issued by autopen. And it still wouldn’t be easy enough.
Goddamned fire ants. I cut the grass, hopefully for the last time this year, and the little fuckers ate my ass up. Beds have popped up all over the yard because of the recent frequent rain preventing me from putting out poison to keep them down. I must have stood in a batch I didn’t see. It didn’t take me long to regret that.
I am going to wait until it is cold and they are hibernating and put gasoline on them. That should kill all of them and the eggs. The grass can grow back in the spring.
Just drown them in octane, or a literal scorched earth approach?
I once sat on a fire ant mound in Georgia.
You can imagine the rest of the story yourself, I would just as soon forget.
My gawd. When I read that I literally had a tingle run up my leg. And not the good kind.
Back in boot camp on Parris Island, the DIs would always tell us at PT to look on the ground around us to make sure there were no fire ant hills around us before going to the ground for an exercise. One day, we had a guy not do it. The screaming was intense.
Ouch, hope your bites get better. Burn them all. Let them taste the fires of Hell.
Even old pros are going to lose out to the numbers when it comes to ants and cactus. It’s been six years since I lost my last battle with yellow jackets.
When I was a kid my younger brothers and I were pulling up Jewel Weed (very shallow roots that brought up a clump of dirt) and throwing them at each other in the woods behind the house. All of a sudden my brothers went running up the hill toward the house crying. I, initially and for a very brief moment, assumed they were running in to tell on me (oldest kid is always at fault in any mutual activity that results in younger kid getting hurt). I learned the truth a second late. I had pulled up a weed that formed the roof of a yellow jacket nest. My brothers had a sting apiece. I got the whole swarm up under my shirt, in my pants, and following me up the hill.
This was NOT a good day in my childhood.
>> up under my shirt, in my pants, and following me up the hil
When I was in high school, my family went camping at Blackwater Falls in West Virginia. My father stepped on a hornet nest on the ground. I will never forget watching him slapping at his body so furiously that he broke two fingers, before he went sprinting through the woods to jump into the river to get rid of them.
If you’ve got some molten aluminum lying around…
That is cool AF
100k down votes. Have these people never met a fire ant?
I’ve never met a fire ant and I still support this course of action.
go on…
When I was 3, we moved to LA. My dad went to work and left my mom with 2 kids to unpack. She put us out in the sand box and started unpacking. Five minutes later, me and my baby brother are covered head to toe in fire ants (or so she says, very possible her memory /martyr complex over-states it) and we had to flush them off in the shower.
” ate my ass up ”
If K gets nominated, it will be the greatest Dem political blunder since… well since nominating Hillary. Their opposition is cementing the Senate in R hands, and putting the house in play.
The numbers.
The narrative. (link in reply comment to avoid spam filter)
Have team coke and team pepsi switched again? Are the Dems becoming the stupid party and the repubs becoming the evil party? With Flake and McCain leaving and Graham pivoting from neocon to Trumpalike, maybe we are.
In one week, their odds of Democrats taking the Senate dropped by 7% down to 1 in 4. I haven’t seen their House assessment yet, but I’m sure it ain’t good.
Republican voter enthusiasm now matches Democrat’s.
It’s funny now. Tables have turned. Maybe the Republicans should now keep the Kavanaugh process going and Democrats should try to close it. Things are going swimmingly for the Republicans right now with the stoking of partisan rage.
I don’t think the republicans have built up enough trust. If they don’t close the deal on K, my bet would be that that deflates the enthusiasm to vote for them.
I wonder how many of them are thinking that if they let this nomination fail, they stand to get better angry turnout.. Because they are just that stupid…
“The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies
The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain, according to extensive interviews with government and corporate sources.
In 2015, Inc. began quietly evaluating a startup called Elemental Technologies, a potential acquisition to help with a major expansion of its streaming video service, known today as Amazon Prime Video. Based in Portland, Ore., Elemental made software for compressing massive video files and formatting them for different devices. Its technology had helped stream the Olympic Games online, communicate with the International Space Station, and funnel drone footage to the Central Intelligence Agency. Elemental’s national security contracts weren’t the main reason for the proposed acquisition, but they fit nicely with Amazon’s government businesses, such as the highly secure cloud that Amazon Web Services (AWS) was building for the CIA.
Nested on the servers’ motherboards, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice, that wasn’t part of the boards’ original design. Amazon reported the discovery to U.S. authorities, sending a shudder through the intelligence community. Elemental’s servers could be found in Department of Defense data centers, the CIA’s drone operations, and the onboard networks of Navy warships. And Elemental was just one of hundreds of Supermicro customers.
During the ensuing top-secret probe, which remains open more than three years later, investigators determined that the chips allowed the attackers to create a stealth doorway into any network that included the altered machines. Multiple people familiar with the matter say investigators found that the chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China.
This attack was something graver than the software-based incidents the world has grown accustomed to seeing. Hardware hacks are more difficult to pull off and potentially more devastating, promising the kind of long-term, stealth access that spy agencies are willing to invest millions of dollars and many years to get.”
This shit should scare people considering our military has quite a few electronic systems that have components they got made in China…
I had a conversation with a reasonably intelligent Scotsman in Edinburgh on Monday. He asked how I felt about a “rapist being nominated for the Supreme Court.” He argued with me that it was just more than a drunk high schooler groping a female. I asked how he would feel about someone becoming president who, when a teenager, bought, used and sold illegal narcotics? He said it would be an outrage if such a person could ever win office, even with the entire far right pushing him. I asked how he thought of President Obama. “Very nice chap. ” Did a great job as far as he knew. Said I was obviously mistaken about Obama’s teen age drug use.
All the intelligent Scotsmen got out of Scotland.
At this moment in history, I’m embarrassed to have Scottish lineage. They were once a people to be proud of, now they’re worthless parasites.
Read the “Scotsman” and it is chock full of nanny-ism proposals. Latest is they want to prohibit restaurants from
giving out “bad food” prizes if you buy so many meals. Once you go to universal “free” health care, the state will start telling you what to eat, when, and where. Also, environmental nonsense is rife: a farmer cannot trim his hedge rows before October in order to give habitat to various varmints.
Not only did Jim Brown carry a football 37 times in one game on this date (in 1959), but 22 years later Earl Campbell did (for the record, Brown gained 147 yards, Campbell 182).