Hi guys, how’s it going? My contribution to GlibFit is that I way overdid it Monday after 2 sedentary weeks, and could barely make it up and down the stairs yesterday and today. I went to the gym anyhow today and did as close to my planned workout as possible, but my quads basically told me that squats were off the menu today. After I did a warmup set, they were just one giant cramp. This has happened before, so I know what did it. Power cleans are the culprit, and if I do a bunch right (ie, not pulling them with my arms) my legs are killing me. I guess maybe I should clean more, to paraphrase Warty.
EDIT: Glibfit was due to publish between H&H and this article, but apparently, H&H caused some sort of time-warp and it did not publish. We will reschedule — for 5:00pm Central today. Our apologies for the mistake.
Even farmers aren’t safe from robots. I’ve had my eye on the open source farmbot for over a year now, but it just doesn’t make financial sense. We didn’t eat all the produce we grew by traditional methods this year.
Now men are being oppressed by the shoe patriarchy? Thank the dear, fluffy Lord I am happily married, heterosexual, and committed to my dad-bod lifestyle.
Bees! OMG Bees! Hat-tip to SP
Florida Man tries to buy 8-year old for $200k at Wal-Mart. I’d want to see the cash first, but I’d think really hard before saying ‘no’.
I guess we’ll go with the obvious one here.
Jen Rubin is impossible to parody
She’s also ruining the name of a totally hot actress.
She’s the resident conservative? That place must be a dumpster fire.
She is a whack-a-doodle.
She played the part of one for a while. Big, big booster of Mittens and Rubio.
So, Rubin is now at odds with Lindsay Graham!? Yup, the pretense of any kind of conservatism, even neoconservatism, on her part is now pretty much over.
Now I know why Lindsey Graham is so emboldened and ready for a fight.
What. The. Fuck.
Hey trashy, was there supposed to be a glibfit today?
There was, it says in the dashboard that it was scheduled for an hour ago.
Glibfit by the dashboard light?
Sorry, we honestly don’t know what happened.
Going up at 5pm Central.
No worries! SP was experimenting with giving me access to edit while it was scheduled, so maybe one of the settings got tweaked incorrectly.
Sorry, kids. I’ve never seen this error before.
I just re-scheduled it for 5 p.m. I’ll be around so if it doesn’t post for whatever reason, I can manually publish it.
Thanks SP!!
She actually lost the article and will posting a loop of this.
I have wide feet never really found shoes that held up well along the sides. Am I being oppressed?
Good lord that article.
I always assumed that stilettos were tools of the patriarchy used to oppress women. Now men are oppressed into not wearing stilettos? My pronoun is confused.
And Tool of the Patriarchy would be a great band name.
One of the Man-Kzin Wars stories featured a (pirated?) ship named the Great Patriarchal Tool. Always thought that was a great band name.
Florida Man tries to buy 8-year old for $200k at Wal-Mart. I’d want to see the cash first, but I’d think really hard before saying ‘no’.
Hard-working American orphan miners toil without rest to provide only the freshest, most artisinal orphans, but oh no, let’s go get one that has a parent.
Fucking Trump’s America, I tell you….
You can always have another kid.
Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but it turns out “all you can eat” doesn’t really mean “all I can eat.”
Pat linked to this story in the AM links, so I feel that a hat tip is in order.
You expect the editorial staff to have time to read the comments between all the other site duties we have?
Oh, yeah, and work.
Somewhere, Rufus smiles.
The article failed to show the 8 year old and only had a picture of OMWC.
How am I to judge what a $200K eight year old looks like?
I’ll be in my bunk.
That indoor robot farm looks capable of raising enough food to feed approximately one person.
If you told me that every man, woman, and child would have a robot best friend that would also give us all the food we need, I would call that utopia.
Yes, your farm robot will be capable of raising cucumbers….
Cats hardest hit.
And melons… don’t forget the melons.
You’ve essentially described the plot line of the recent “Lost in Space” reboot.
Picture a sexbot wearing daisy dukes and a tube top, planting by day and getting planted by night.
Go on…
“I’ve had my eye on the open source farmbot for over a year now, but it just doesn’t make financial sense.
Looks more like gardenbot.
Its a fair cop. Tough to raise any kind of grains with only a meter of vertical rise on the arm.
Tough to raise any kind of grains with only a meter of vertical rise on the arm.
You’re still talking about the sexbot feature? Way to humble-brag.
On the farmbot thing, I’ve been seeing a lot of ads lately from Microsoft saying we need to increase our food production by 60% in the next 5 years to feed the planet. They’re touting their AI as the solution to this problem.
How in the world is the demand for food going to increase that much in such a sort amount of time? Are there going to be over 11 billion people in the world by 2023? Plus, I’m not sure I want a Microsoft AI managing the worlds food production. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.
How in the world is the demand for food going to increase that much in such a sort amount of time?
Once Trump has been removed, all the Trigglypuffs who are just Too!Triggered!To!Eat! will have a feast.
It looks like you are trying to avoid famine! Would you like help?
1. Reboot your computer.
Did that fix your famine?
Yes No I don’t know
Yeah, I don’t really trust West Coast tech companies after the kind of crap we’ve seen Google, Twitter, et.al. pull over the past couple years.
I think Africa’s population is supposed to go up to like a zillion very shortly. It’s a silly graph because, if that growth rate is accurate, by 2030 it will be going down just as stteply for many reason.
I mean, what do we pay for the (((CIA))) for if not for population control of Africa via AIDS? If it’s not effective enough anymore, (((they))) need to introduce something new.
Sexbots to the rescue.
Imagine a world where corporations determined who did or did not get food based on good or wrong think. Progressive corporations.
That kind of is the irony of the tech giants, really. The progressives have coopted them, and slowly transformed them into the evil monolithic corporate tyrants that are so heavily featured in Hollywood’s dystopian sci-fi films.
My food processing/packaging plant is currently running a yuge contract for the USDA. The ag products are going to food banks.
It’s too much for the food banks; they don’t want the stuff and don’t know what they’re going to do with it. This is all part of some deal in which at farmers are guaranteed by the gubmint to sell a certain amount each crop year. I’m told that this year there’s so much extra cuz the trade wars are preventing the products’ export.
Such a Charlie Foxtrot.
“Florida woman cuts man’s face after he refuses to have sex with her”
SO she tried to rape him?
“The man was hospitalized after rejecting Nieves-Tavarez’s requests for sex several times, TCPalm reported.”
Serial rapist.
Sounds like she tried to scrape him.
She’s not terrible looking.
I mean, a mid-west 7, but a Florida 5.5.
The quote about dolls eyes does not do her gaze service.
I’d have to take the cut. Florida Man made the right call (that is a phrase I never thought I’d type).
Don’t stick it in crazy, stick it in crazy, either way, you could get stabbed.
Logically speaking, the only rational choice is to stick it in then. If you’re going to get stabbed, you might as well get some first.
“FORT WORTH An employee of Child Protective Services in Fort Worth was arrested Tuesday during a county operation charging men with seeking out children for sex.
Adrian Martinez, 44, of Saginaw was arrested on Tuesday and charged with online solicitation of a child.
A spokesperson confirmed Thursday afternoon that Martinez was a current employee at CPS.
“As soon as we became aware of the arrest of Adrian Martinez he was removed from caseworker duties and placed on administrative leave,” CPS spokeswoman Marissa Gonzales said. “We are cooperating fully with law enforcement.”
RE: The Daily Beast article.
Thanks for the cancer Brett.
Have a chuckle at Ace’s “presidential alerts.”
Ok, that made me lol.
*Edited to link because pic was too big*
*Edited to link WITH image embed because resized*
Wall of pic.
Bolton Air Quoting the word Palestine, Classic ‘stache!
HAHAHAHAHA. Stealing that, fo shizzle.
It’s ALL gold.
but apparently, H&H caused some sort of time-warp
I’m not sure which way the causality goes here, but there are other anomalies which are associated with H&H. I can’t say more at the moment, but my research is progressing.
I wish we got shifted into a time line where I was actually going to hit my GlibFit goals.
Don’t worry, I have it on good authority that we will be doing the time-warp again.
It’s just a jump to the left.
Eh. They blame everything that goes wrong on me.
Are they wrong?
About 10% of the time.
The new Leftist debating style (notice he kicks a woman, not a man).
That kind of violence against women is OK.
She is a gender traitor after all. She should be glad he did kill her; really just an 80th trimester abortion anyway.
Christ, what an insufferable asshole.
What a tough guy.
That’s a different type of aboot than I hear from most Canadiens.
I really, really wish there had been some burly guys there to bash that guy’s face into reconstructive surgery.
He identifies as female so its ok.
“I meant to kick the phone. I meant to kick the phone.”
Good thing no one gives a shit about mens rea anymore.
Which is still assault, so A for effort, I guess?
Which means he meant to kick her hands.
Good job copping to it on the recording, jackass!
That would still be mens rea for assault, since she was holding the phone at the time.
I know.
It’s just the first snarky thing that popped into my head.
We can still charge the hate crime right?
His webpage is already gone.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The Resistance.
So this falls under “hate crime” laws right?
He’s out of a job:
According to a comment in that account he knocked the girl out cold.
But I hear a voice asking people to stop him after the kick and wonder if it was hers.
I heard “get your hands off of me” mixed in with the “I meant to kick the phone”.
So I don’t think she was out cold, because it was too soon after the kick.
But yeah, he knocked her to the ground.
That’s what I think. There was interaction and any possible injuries may be minor. Still. It could have turned bad and the gutless coward needs to face the music.
I love his pre-kick stance and his tongue sticking out. Dude totally knew what he was going to do and enjoyed it.
Talk about telegraphing your intentions.
He doesn’t look like he could knock anyone out.
what a dipshit. enjoy that battery charge.
Holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more worthy of being totally curb stomped than the “man” in that video.
So you’re trying to create a world without Canadians? Racist!
Canadians aren’t a race!
They’re their own flappy-headed species.
Speaking of flappy heads…
I forgot about last week’s all new South Park until my brother texted me. I’ve already tried out some of the jokes on my wife.
Nope. Watch it.
Tonight’s episode is supposed to be dealing with the Catholic church and child molestation again.
I’m sure they’ll push some boundaries. Can’t wait.
Thought it was pretty great. Can’t wait for tonight’s episode.
Gorgeous gals guaranteed to get your gun going!
I do very much appreciate 8’s wardrobe choices, but I think I’m gonna jump in with 12 and then hit up 48 for dessert.
50. Tasteful.
50 was an honorable mention for me.
There’s seven or eight in there.
Ronaldo sued for rape.
Butt-rape, no less. The rape that dare not fart its name.
Come on, nobody is going to believe a female accuser. Now, I can see him doing that to a guy wearing a Man City jersey.
AKA – The Kobe
Check his yearbook. Did he talk about boofing?
I’m surprised Warren Beatty has avoided trouble.
Also, Jack Nicholson
Did either of them bang Meryl Streep?
Well, there was a confirmed ass raping of a 13 year old at his house, so I don’t think he’s going to get a Public Trust clearance.
Enjoy tonight’s opening season!
CR7 said “Fake news”?
Man, Trump is a branding savant.
Michael Bolton won’t say Palestine without putting air quotes around it.
If the media wasn’t so outraged about everything else, they’d be totally outraged about this.
Do you celebrate his entire catalog?
Why? He’s the one who sucks!
It WAS a perfectly good name until that no-talent ass clown came along and ruined it.
For my money, I don’t know if it gets any better than when he sings ‘When a Man Loves a Woman’.
Call me Mike.
If life was a ladder and people at the bottom were the worst kid of pond scum and the people at the top were the most pure souls, this would move Bolton from being underground to maybe being able to reach high enough to touch the first rung with the tips of his fingers.
Talking Point du jour: the FBI investigation is rigged b/c Trump won’t let them interview Kav or Ford
^which has fuckall to do with Bolton
Because everyone knows it was actually Bolton’s mustache that assaulted Ford. It thought it heard her make some sort of hippy “peace” comment and decided a little rapin’ was what she needed to toughen her up.
I’m pretty sure the last thing Ford and her handlers want is the FBI questioning her about this whole mess; this is just chaff to support the “delay delay delay” narrative.
OK…. let me see if I’m all caught up here.
The accuser who claimed that Kavanaugh and Judge ran trains on girls at parties…..
Is now known to have said the she likes it when guys run a train on her?
Just because she likes to be gang banged when she consents doens’t mean that she likes to be gang baned when she doesn’t consent. I mean, we’re talking about two entirely different categories of porn here for a reason.
This is new to me. Link?
“During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time,”
Michael Avenatti
The letter from Dennis Ketterer is garbage – the GOP is desperate. The allegations he makes are false and without any basis. We demand that the FBI interview my client & him, and that anyone found to have submitted false info be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The award for lack of self-awareness and piece of shit of the year award goes to….
Too late, fucker. It’s time to put it to a vote.
“we demand”….hahahaha. Adorable.
Good idea Michael. And we’ll do that right after Kav is confirmed.
You can take the case all the way to the supreme court.
Over under on months until Avenatti manages to do something that gets him disbarred?
We demand that the FBI interview my client & him
Sounds like the FBI didn’t interview her this week as part of the latest investigation. Interesting.
He needs to be careful what he wishes for. The last thing he should be demanding is that the FBI interview his client – all downside, no upside, for her.
Reading his statement is interesting and certainly chips at Swetnick’s credibility big time. One thing I find so odd about that letter is how apologetic, to the point of groveling, the writer is. You almost, but didn’t quite, have sex with someone 25 years ago while separated from your wife? How is that a “more-than-indiscretion”? She’s the one getting gang banged, not you.
Why else do you think she was an admitted regular attendee of such parties?
You know who else ran the trains on time?
Houston (the actress, no the city).
George Carlin?
Sir Topham Hatt?
I preferred his original moniker – “The Fat Controller”.
Claymation fat shaming, that be.
Lionel ?
Thomas the Fascist Tank Engine?
Old news.
Strange, though, because progressives love trains.
Ringo Starr?
Doesnt every woman like a train run on them?
. . .
Its time for #BoobEquality! Lets pass laws mandating that women expose their breasts in public to make up for all the centuries if not millennia of men being the only ones allowed to do so.
Free The Nipple
The new puritans.
And I say this to that.
Well if Dr. FlatAsAPancake says it is so, it must be true.
“Verified account”
Twitter might want to check on that MD claim.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it is true. Some of the fellow docs I’ve met over the years can put the most vocal SJW to shame.
(makes cuckoo display with finger around head while nodding knowingly)
“Boobs are baby milk vending machines”
Not all the time.
Huh. Or, they’re secondary sexual characteristics, and they signal reproductive health and readiness to potential mates, which seems to be the scientific consensus based on over a hundred years of research. But hey, who cares about scientific consensus, right?
So do woman who sometimes find boobs as sexual organs also need psychological help?
Umm, sweetie, boobs aren’t sexual organs, they are erogenous zones. I’d expect an MD to know that.
“I’d expect an MD to know that.”
You must be disappointed often.
Don’t even get her started on the foot fans…
Cool research nonetheless, but I think the headline overstates it a bit.
You think?
Don’t panic.
Where is my towel?
You did not disappoint!
Cool! You all free verse as well as Vogon poetry.
Now I’m thirsty for a pangalactic gargle blaster.
Clearly the two of you don’t fucking love science.
First Reeses merged peanut butter and chocolate. Now Minneapolis has merged Muslims and Unions!
Local muslims and SEIU protest “firing” of airplane cleaners because they took a break to pray.
Well, they won the Cargill lawsuit, so expect more.
Eh, if I were the company, I’d let it go unless it’s truly impacting the ability to get the job done.
Also, bake that cake or something.
The company said the workers took the break at a moment when they had been assigned a plane and their absence caused a flight delay
I think they lawyered up the SEIU and didn’t show on Monday to provoke their own termination and escalate the conflict.
It is with supreme irony that the courts will side with “religious freedom” on this issue, but you still have to bake the fucking cake.
Muslims don’t have to bake the cake.
I mentioned this yesterday. Evidently Uncle Joe was afraid to cut the cake . Seger never addresses if Joe would bake a cake.
Can someone explain that to me?
Sup Tres!
It has to do with homie lomie stuff IIRC, the Down Low as it were…..
Bake that cake and Wax My Balls.
Talking Point du jour: the FBI investigation is rigged b/c Trump won’t let them interview Kav or Ford
The FBI is trying to talk to Ford but she’s not cooperating. She will only agree to a scheduled interview, according to her lawyers, at some unspecified time in the (probably heavily delayed) future. She will not turn over her psychiatry notes or lie detector info.
She has developed a sudden fear of walking and microphones, and thus will be unable to appear anytime soon. Everything needs to be put on hold.
Silly wabbit, the FBI doesn’t tape interviews. An agent writes notes of what he says happened, and if he says you lied you go to jail. Because
Science!Justice!Ford has a limited number of questions that can be asked of her. Kavanaugh has a now almost limitless number of accusers and potential accusers given that a number of his Ivy classmates are just itching to say they tanked him. They’ve been trying to get him for perjury since the start.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if Ford herself declined to speak to the FBI until she had access to the various statements gathered. Because that was her initial demand. She didn’t want to speak publicly until the FBI investigated.
Her initial demand is one of the ways you can tell an accuser is lying. If they want to make sure they know what everyone else said first.
She will hand over her therapist notes and polygraph materials to the press and to the FBI, but not to the Senate. Odd. Doesn’t seem like “full cooperation”.
She’s eager to meet with the FBI, but won’t turn over any materials before the meeting. Odd. Doesn’t seem like “full cooperation”.
If she feels the need to supplement her Senate testimony, she could do so in writing, but she hasn’t done so. Exactly why does she want to meet with the FBI, anyway? He lawyers have to know that an FBI interview is going to involve answering questions about her travel habits, the escape door, the real reason she and her husband went to the therapist, her changing account of the assault, etc. That interview would be nothing but a giant perjury trap for her.
Why, its almost like this back and forth with the FBI is about delegitimizing the appointment and causing as much delay as possible.
David Perdue says all Pubs will vote for Kavanaugh.
Could it be that the Evil Party has out-stupided the Stupid Party this time?
When you play angry, you rarely play well.
Years of Ravens/Steelers games beg to differ.
They’re playing crazy.
Republican voters heading to the polls.
Oh God, please let them think they weren’t tough enough on Kavanaugh.
Data Point: While I was at the gym this morning I saw 3 pro-Kavanaugh ads in 15 minutes while riding the stationary bike, Out of maybe 15 total political ads. My district elected Charlie Crist (Self) to Congress, and probably went for Trump close. I will be surprised if Rick Scott doesn’t win. Especially since Bill Nelson looks like a fucking zombie. Even my very lefty dental assistant yesterday agreed that Nelson looks dead.
stationary bike
Not as gay as the stair stepper.
Is that the Charlie Crist of exercise?
Charlie Crist appears to only use the tanning beds.
Gayest ever.
He’s not dying. It’s just a shitty MK1 skin suit. And yes he is set to loose, the underlying Reptilian Overlord has orders to rotate back to the home world for shore duty.
If my guy was Christ, I don’t know if I’d want to run on the “my opponent looks like a fucking zombie angle” given that he looks the Slenderman. I guess zombies have more scare appeal to boomers who actually vote. But still…it’s shameful.
I would have said the Crypt Keeper, but maybe that’s just showing my age…
Taaaalleeeesss from the Glibs!
“If my guy was Christ”
What an asshole.
CRIST, not Christ.
Don’t tell me what I meant to say.
Crist, what an asshole.
This is what I call charity.
I look forward to the videos of school resource officers gunning down a gaggle of female students who are randomly bitch slapping and pulling hair.
I don’t know if I like that or not. A bunch of jumpy SROs with ARs sounds like a recipe for disaster.
This. The only way I’m giving guns to a group known for behaving irresponsibly is if I want more fodder for a gun control campaign.
Gun control campaigns do one thing effectively.
Sell lots of AR-15s.
Marketing strategy.
“SICSA & the Humane Society also donated lots of shelter dogs, for the SRO’s to shoot when bored.”
Eh, it’s Biscmarck ND. There’s good odds that half the SROs are like “Uh thanks……but the AR I keep in my truck is much nicer than this one.”
The real issue with cops and guns is that they get handed a gun, shoot a box of ammo through it at irregular intervals, and thinks this makes them a seasoned pistolero.
I recently stopped in Bismarck on the Great Montana Road Trip. Sorry, North Dakota, but that is one sorry excuse for a state capitol building.
I haven’t been to that many state capitols, but I think my fave is still Virginia (lower-key, designed by Jefferson his own self). Wisconsin is also high on the list.
West Virginia’s is nice only because it’s in Charleston nestled between the river and 2 hills/mountains.
It must have taken them a long time to find a good angle for that shot. Charleston is a depressing city.
I’ve taken some nice photos of Web Dom at the Charleston building at night.
Web Dom and I started making time to stop and stay in state capitals when driving back and forth across the country, as we frequently do.
To me, they are a cautionary tale. It seems that the states with the most laws and regulations also have the biggest and most ornate state capitol complexes. Huh. Amazing.
The problem with Bismarck is the weird scale of the architecture. The trees are nice, though.
Google Tallahassee State Capitol. They have a 25 story tower behind the old two-chamber domed Capitol. If you drive up Apalachee Parkway from the west, it looks like a cock and balls.
I thought their “Capitol” was 15 guys meeting at the Grange Hall Wednesday night after the Clay Jenkinson presentation.
I hesitate to play the troll game on his level, but what if, I say, what if, Trump were to offer to preemptively pardon Ford for perjury, false statements, etc. in a gesture of goodwill, to put this national nightmare behind us?
Like right after the confirmation vote would be great.
Tweets out
“Congrats to Judge Kavanaugh, he will be great justice, just the best. I’ve also decided to pardon Dr. Ford for all her false statements and perjury during the hearing, in the spirit of moving forward together to MAGA”
Pitch perfect. Perhaps add a “move on” reference, as well.
Sure – in return for her testimony against Feinstein.
Also, for some reason the sidebar for that video is greyed out.
She has about the most poorly-installed breast implants I’ve ever seen.
It just looks like somebody slid a couple of tupperware bowls under her skin in five minutes. Next!
I’m not a plastic surgeon, but I’m thinking she went too big.
+1 Guadalajara
She is transgendered. My guess is it can be hard to make them look natural under those circumstances.
That is a factor, but cis women often have similar problems. Didn’t it take Tara Reid five operations to them to look right?
“Believe it or not, in some countries, young women get boob jobs in order to get a husband! It’s like a rule! Who did this to women?!”
“It’s like a rule!”
*gets out notebook to record future travel destinations*
Please enlighten us as to which countries these are…
“New letter from Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyers to @ChuckGrassley.”
“Whoah…in a letter signed by Judiciary Committee Dems, they suggest that information re Kavanaugh and “inappropriate sexual abuse or alcohol abuse” are contained in his past confidential FBI background checks.”
In other news, Black Spartacus has a stupid signature.
I love the way they chastise the Reps for violating confidentiality by saying what was in FBI background checks, and then go on and do exactly the same thing, only worse.
They will also need to explain how all this bad stuff was in his background checks, yet it has never come up before Ford made her accusations.
Notice that is a big “or”.
What they really want is a bunch of meetings to talk about how to release info from his background checks, blah blah. Just more delay delay delay.
I though the shoutout to the long history of bipartisan cooperation was nice, though.
My reply:
“Ms. Katz, Ms. Banks:
I believe it would be inappropriate for you to have any further contact with my office, in light of the legal ethics complaint we will be filing against you. Elements of your client’s sworn testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary raise questions that we believe need to be investigated and resolved regarding whether you properly represented your client by presenting to her our offer to take her testimony in California, and your statements to us regarding her inability to fly to Washington DC to give testimony. In the event that you did properly represent your client by presenting our offer, and your representation to us regarding her inability to fly was made with her knowledge and approval, additional questions are raised regarding whether her testimony was truthful, and whether you may have suborned perjury.
Have a nice day.”
You forgot: “yours in Christ, RC Dean, ESQ”
I honestly think her lawyers are in a real bind. They either violated ethics by making false statements to the SJC without their client’s approval and by not informing her of the offer to come to CA, or she perjured herself when she said they didn’t present the offer and possibly in her testimony about her fear of flying (and they are exposed for suborning perjury).
As someone that’s absorbed all my legal knowledge through Judge Judy and People’s Court, not to mention a divorce and a couple sundry lawsuits/charges, I feel compelled to agree with you.
I went to the University of Law & Order.
L&O was one of the factors that turned me toward distrust of cops.
I stopped watching it when the Jill Hennessy character was killed and the Benjamin Bratt character cheated on his wife after they’d witnessed an execution.
I dropped L&O after Michael Moriarty left.
To use a poker analogy, the Dems seem to be going all-in with Jack-High.
Anyone who thinks American leadership sucks – the UK will make you feel so much better.
How in the hell is she still in that position? Incompetent, unintelligent, and utterly devoid of personality isn’t usually a combination that rewards politicians.
She was an in-party stichup.
See, she was one of the Remainers, and was a prominent candidate when Cameron quit. Mah boi Gove threw his hat in the ring (and coincidentally Boris Johnson under the bus) as a Brexit candidate. The party got the knives out when a new Brexit candidate turned up, a woman no less. So, the MPs voted (because of course membership doesn’t vote yet), and two top candidates were May (Remain) and Andrea Leadsom (Brexit), and the vote between them would have been among party members.
Oh wait, no need! Because all of a sudden a tearful Andrea had a conference to say how This Is So Hard and she’s immediately removing herself from the race. So May won by the two sweetest words in the English language – Dee Fault!
You still want a Parliamentary system?
(you as in plural general “our system needs to be more parliamentary and we need term limits and no primaries!” crowd, no you personally. Fuck you, English, for abandoning the perfectly sensible “thou”)
So who’s next, Corbin? From what I’ve seen Rees-Mogg would be nice but I can understand the British people having Tory fatigue after the May debacle.
I Am Not A Brit but, I’d expect a minority government, probably Labour. Depends on how much they can demoralize the Brexit crowd, really. If they can sabotage it completely, Tory vote is going to crater as most people stay home and few turn UKIP.
It seems Corbin’s been good about whipping the Blairite crowd into obedience or irrelevance, so I’m expecting him to stick as a leader no matter the outcome.
I just want Question Time.
Just got an email from Gab that says their payment processors have frozen or threatened to freeze their accounts. Paypal hasn’t yet, but has threatened to. So they’re crowdfunding.
It’s getting way out of hand.
“Brett Kavanaugh and the Information Terrorists Trying to Reshape America
The network architecture built in Gamergate helped propel Trump to the presidency and fuel conspiracies like Pizzagate and QAnon. Now it’s backing Brett Kavanaugh.
Since the advent of Donald Trump’s candidacy, there’s been a ton of focus on botnets and sockpuppets—automated and semiautomated social media accounts that use disinformation to manipulate public opinion.
But the spotlight on bots has overshadowed the importance of the people who often initiate the flood and flow of information, and how the narratives they build over time influence how we see politics, ourselves, and the world around us.
Last month, the attorney of Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault at a long-ago high school party, revealed that Blasey Ford and her family were in hiding and had hired private security after Blasey Ford received death threats over email and social media. Among those cheering on the hate-trollers were many familiar faces from the sewers of the modern far-right disinformation metropolis: dandified Republican rogue (and likely Mueller investigee) Roger Stone, his alt-media protégés Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec, anarchist turned Kremlin propaganda employee turned Bernie backer turned Trump backer Cassandra Fairbanks, and breathless Infowars conspiracist-in-chief Alex Jones. And not surprisingly, alt-right super-troll and white nationalist fund-raiser Chuck Johnson had his own connection to players in the scandal.”
Wired.com, the hall monitor snitches of the online world.
The author used to work for Podesta.
Should have stayed on to do tech support.
How far Milo has fallen, he’s not even relevant as ammo in a hit piece.
So do they give any concrete examples of “cheering” from any of the people named?
If they did, they would be complicit in spreading the racist, far-right propaganda.
WIRED is so off the reservation it’s ridiculous.
People are fleeing Twitter so it looks like it’s time to lean on their competitors. What a load of horseshit.
OFFS, there are a bunch of people claiming they were traumatized by the Presidential alert.
It turned me into a newt!
Somehow I didn’t get one.
Do have a phone that gets text alerts?
I think that is built into every phone. Even dumb cell phones. But, as usual, I am prepared to be proven wrong.
Didn’t somebody here say the alarm was way too loud in their ear?
Sounds like UCS.
“Does anyone really think that the same people who called Judge Kavanaugh “evil” long before they heard one word of testimony will be satisfied? It’s time to put this embarrassing spectacle behind us, and vote on this impressive, stunningly qualified Supreme Court nominee.”
“USCP arrest 27 yr old Jackson Cosko of DC for “allegedly posted private, identifying information (doxing) about one or more United States Senators.””
Comment: “Works for Democrat Senator Margaret Hassan of New Hampshire. Shocking.”
Time for another GoFundMe page considering he was fighting the good fight and all.
I thought I saw a comment that he used to work for Boxer, and — wait for it — Harris. But I can’t find it now.
“Which cocktail would you order at the #GWARPUB in Washington DC??? The Pop Up Bar opens at 5pm, 7 days a week. You have until October 31st to show up! #GWAR @drinkcompany”
I’d try a Gathering of the Ghouls.
What the FUCK is this shit? GWAR is ours, dammit, not that hellhole up north’s.