I confess to Almighty Yahweh and to you, the Glibertariat, that I have sinned. My last confession was 50 years ago.
Since then, I have committed mortal sins. See, I am addicted to Food Wishes and Chef John’s videos. And this week, he did Detroit style pizza. Which is almost like deep dish but junkier. And… I gave in to temptation and made one. Oh, no, not with the canonical pepperoni, but still, with the thick crust, the heavily garlic-powdered sauce, the crusty cheese on the edges. And I added some thinly sliced heirloom tomatoes (last of the season) that had been salted, drained, and olive-oiled. I confess that SP and I ate it, and washed it down with some cheap New York wine. I further confess that we enjoyed it greatly. I further confess that we gave bits to the Wonder Dog, making that innocent creature an unwitting party to our grievous sin.

For this and all the sins that I have committed during my life, I am deeply sorry.

OK, with that out of the way, the usual birthdays and anniversaries. It is the birthday of Nevill Mott, whose work on amorphous semiconductors was key to my own past research, Hans Geiger (but he doesn’t really count), and the greatest Jewish drummer of all time, Buddy Rich. It is also the day when Alfred Bester took his last jaunt and Monty Hall chose Door Number 4.

And now the newsy news links.

Jesus H. Christ, aren’t we done with this shit yet? Apparently not.

We can’t just have the committee acting like this. The majority and minority parties and their staffs just don’t work well together. There’s no trust. In the investigation, they can’t issue subpoenas like they should. It’s just falling apart.

“Falling apart.” As a libertarian, I consider this a feature, not a bug. Where is Preston Brooks now that we need him?

Admit it, who among us hasn’t wanted to do this?

“Guys, you’re going the wrong way, my car is here, come,” Lohan is heard yelling at the children who continued to follow their parents as she chases them down the street. “They’re trafficking children, I won’t leave until I take you, now I know who you are, don’t f— with me. You’re ruining Arabic culture by doing this. You’re taking these children they want to go,” she said before yelling at the boys, “I’m with you. Don’t worry, the whole world is seeing this right now, I will walk forever, I stay with you don’t worry.”

Then things got physical after Lohan tried to grab one of the kids and said “give me your hand,” but was then punched in the face by a woman who appears to be the child’s mother.

Lohan for Senate!

And speaking of Run, Baby, Run!, this story has me going, “Please! Please! Please!” The entertainment factor would be epic.

“And then this week, I watched 11 men who were too chicken to ask a woman a single question,” she added. “I watched as Brett Kavanaugh acted like he was entitled to that position and angry at anyone who would question him. I watched powerful men helping a powerful man make it to an even more powerful position.”

“I watched that and I thought time’s up. Time’s up,” she said. “It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government and that includes a woman at the top. So here’s what I promise, after November 6, I will take a hard look at running for president.”

I can’t even make a snarky comment here. This is… priceless.

There’s science and there’s weird science. This is definitely the latter.

Two groups of bettongs were placed in separate 26-square-kilometer fenced enclosures. Feral cats were then added to one enclosure but not the second. Cats killed two bettongs in the first enclosure—and the researchers found that their fellows’ behavior became generally warier over the course of a year. The control group’s did not. Subsequent generations of the test group are also avoiding cats, which indicates parents are passing the relevant behaviors along to their offspring.

I guess this is why I avoid Germans.

Chicago is still the Murder Capital, but Gaza says, “Hold my non-alcoholic beer!”

Seven Palestinians were killed and hundreds more wounded during weekly “March of Return” protests along the Gaza border fence on Friday, which also saw more than 100 explosive devices hurled at IDF troops. The Palestinian news agency Wafa said another 508 were injured in the protests, including 90 from live bullets. Among the injured, 35 were children, four women, four paramedics and two journalists. According to the IDF, more than 20,000 protesters took part in the demonstrations, throwing explosive devices, grenades and stones at soldiers and burning tires. A number of attempts to cross the border also occurred.

Maybe we should get the Australian researchers involved here to teach these folks how to be a bit more concerned with their own survival?

Old Guy Music, though last night should have taught me to stay off YouTube. This is Chapter 7 in my upcoming book, What Dylan Would Have Been Like If He Were Much Better Than He Is. And very much reminiscent of what a folk song lyric would be if it had been written by SugarFree.