Dan, that means no Captain America in this civil war.
Autocorrect changes damn to dan?
Holy smokes, no pottymouth allowed on Android.
(and, psst, first!)
Holy forking shirtballs! What a bench.
/makes sense in the right context.
+1 Eleanor Shelstrop.
I hate this melon farming auto-censor!
We could always apply the fines for the violations of the verbal morality statute.
Heh, he doesn’t know how to use the three sea shells.
So what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps?
You get scrambled eggs?
Jesus, I just passed out on the bed for the last three hours. I won’t be getting to bed on time tonight.
I tried to take a nap but was unsuccessful.
Me and naps do not get along. I already have a hard enough time getting to sleep at night. Naps just fuck up my sleep schedule even more.
Was up early and late Buckeye game tonight. I’ll be getting tired in the 1st quarter.
I’m now considering it a victory if I sleep past 07:00 on weekends. Stupid job that requires me to be up at 06:15.
Yeah, I was up around 6:15 this morning. Did get some stuff done before wife and I went to local park for a short hike around 9. Was a beautiful morning.
Meh, I’m up by 4 on weekdays and usually away by 5:30 on weekends.
Assuming this checks out, this is a pretty impressive story coming out of the Indonesian earthquake: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12134376
“The building began to shake soon after the plane departed and, fearing he would be trapped beneath the debris if the tower collapsed around him, Agung jumped from a fourth floor window.
He was rushed to hospital having suffered internal injuries and a broken leg.”
Yeah, that’s a no shit hero.
Still, this is what I kept thinking about reading the story.
Mr F? I think about her too.
ZARDOZ evening post? It’s barely past 3 on the best coast.
I like how autocorrect capitalizes ZARDOZ.
Must be done playing shuffleboard early.
Plenty of time to catch the early-bird special.
The expanding definition of rape.
The “believe the accuser at all costs” mentality has cause so much damage to real victims, and it’s not just rape. Racism, sexism, discrimination, sexual misconduct, domestic violence…… at this point, if you don’t have notarized video of the incident, you’re lying.
I hate the left for making me feel this way, but here we are. So many people use these as weapons against their perceived enemies now. If you’re using it as a weapon, I don’t believe you by default.
Yeah, and I saw some story the other day about some guy decades ago putting his hand on a girls breast while they were making out in High School. Really? Let’s just abort all boys then.
The crazy girl on my facebook feed (went HS and college with her) told some of the most outrageous #metoo stories. Publicly.
The backlash is going to be severe, and soon.
I don’t think boys get aborted as often as girls do.
/things that make you go hmmm
Well, if your going to be insensitive to those poor non-huwhite cultures and include them in your statistics. You must be a bigoted shitlady to even bring it up.
This is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. *wipes tear from eye*
How do you know the gender until they tell you what they identify as?
In America?
I was referring to America, but I’m going off memory from a few years ago. I don’t have stats to back that up.
That does give me an idea, though….
This is purely a thought exercise.
What if I started a charity that paid women to about their baby girls (but not boys)? How long would it take the State of California to shut me down and lock me up?
Most of those words no longer have any meaning.
I used to keep a list.
“Investment”, “Education”, “Reform”, “Quality”, “Common Sense”, and “Democracy” are on it.
Rhetorical question: If you’re honest about your goals and intentions, why do you need to change the definition of words to persuade people?
What’s crazy is how many people fall for the semantics shuffle.
Our democracy needs common-sense investment in quality education reform, don’t you think?
Now translate it.
“Give the teachers union more money”
That’s the beauty of newspeak. Since it’s content-free, there’s no need to translate it.
But it sounds so important! Here, take my money!
Unfortunately, your translation is more accurate.
And in other brewery news, Founder’s (good brewery, sold part of itself to a Spanish concern) had an employee tweet they were pulling out of a Chamber of Commerce due to who they backed politically. The brewery went with the best comment I’ve seen regarding beer and politics:
Much better then the bullshit going on with Scofflaw.
Founder’s Breakfast Stout is tasty. I remember Michigan gave them crap about having a baby on the label was was retarded. That whole thing with Scofflaw and Brew Dog was stupid. Brew Dog you know is all about love not icky hate.
The real fun was that Michigan didn’t give them crap for years until someone pointed out the label. One of the reasons I’m a big fan of Flying Dog is that they won’t back down on their labels. They pulled out of the Brewers Association because of a change on labeling rules, and they created a First Amendment society out of protest. With so many breweries taking the hard left turn, I like there’s at least one that is a free speech absolutists.
Good beer, no shit:)
One of the pre-requisites for a good food or beverage is a lack of shit in the finished product.
Clean mushrooms before eating them. (They’re grown in horse manure)
So, not a fan of Kopi Luwak coffee?
No. I’m never that desperate for Caffiene.
That is fucked up.
I’ve never tried it myself, but I’ve had some in a beer (that is no longer made). Amazingly enough, once the coffee started selling for large amounts of money, the natives started caging the civets and force feeding them sub-par coffee beans so they could sell the resultant poo coffee for a premium.
Don’t call 911 if you see a coyote unless…
What if they’re engaged in smuggling illegal aliens across the border?
3 S’s apply for coyotes just as much as for humans.
Shit shower, and shave?
What are you going to do with a shaved coyote?
These euphemisms.
Paint spots on it and call it a dalmatian?
I don’t get it.
Yeah…. I started drinking early today. My oldest is camping with my wife, and his absence has left a power vacuum. The other 2 kids have been going at it for 24 hours straight.
I made the mistake of doing something nice for them. Went to the airport to watch planes land, and then lunch afterwords.
While we were at lunch, a little person walked in. I don’t need to tell the entire story, but… yeah, they’re both grounded with prejudice.
They didn’t call them an elf did They?
It was different, but worse.
When I was a wee lad of 4 years old In Chapel Hill NC, I encountered my first midget walking along a strip mall. I got SO EXCITED!!! I ran up to him (he was my size!!) and I talked to him… alot. He was the owner of the hobby shop in the mall. I made my mom take me to thay hobby shop every week to talk to “the Little Man.”
Stop with all the SMALL TALK already
Get to it….
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
The guy took it very well. I, on the other hand, did not.
I have a lot to teach my kids, and not a lot of time to teach it, so I have to prioritize. Unfortunately, “how to behave around midgets” wasn’t high enough on the list.
Have Hank teach em?
Is that the Guam tipping over lack-wit? How the fuck does he put his own socks on of a ‘morn?
HM this morning:
No one here has ever made this claim, or even implied it—it should be obvious that abhorring the politically expedient and dehumanizing slander of an innocent man has nothing to do with an interest in “owning the libs”—yet JB and HM and possibly others keep repeating it as if it’s so. I don’t understand what you guys get out of strawmanning other posters’ arguments that way?
There are some people here who are a bit into team sports. It’s not a big deal, but it exists.
It’s ok Team Green wins in the end…
Actually that Leprechaun 4, In Space movie was eerily similar to an actual incident about 30 degrees around the galactic spiral from your world.
How insensitive. Lepers are no more likely than others to be chaun artists.
Less likely, because when their claims are questioned, they just fall to pieces.
Nika riots?
It’s the same tension that always existed. The “pox on both their houses” clan versus the “progs are objectively worse than conservatives” clan. With the woketarians out of the mix, we can get along much better with one another, but the tension hasn’t disappeared.
Ehh…. some of that is regional. I can probably get away with “progs are objectively worse than conservatives” because I live in CA.
If I lived in Kansas, it would be a little suspect.
I unapologetically focus more on issues that actually affect me. Not that I give them a pass for shitting on other people, but those issues aren’t as important to me as the issues that affect me.
Nuking the economy, taking away my parental authority, whittling away my due process rights, openly plotting to take my guns away, and threatening my livelihood and safety if the wrong person gets a whiff of my wrong think is objectively worse than having a sucky position on drugs (that I don’t use), a reflexive love for cops, a warboner (that is only marginally harder than the progs), and disliking the sexual revolution.
However much people want to cleave to their principles, there will always be an element of “This thorn is in my side now and this knife is at my back, I can deal with that knife and that thorn over there when something has been done with these over here.”
And by the magic of the internet, people with inverse situations can argue about which is closer to home.
What ever happened to agreeing with the Left when they’re right and conservatives when they’re right?
In this situation I have absolutely no idea how conservatives aren’t in the right here.
There’s an emerging trend among some libertarians that you can only ever agree with the Left otherwise you’re just Team Red
Well, the other caricature is that libertarians are just republicans who smoke pot.
Which is the more common caricature which I think some are trying to over correct for
Then there is the current LP who are “democrats who want to smoke pot.”
Then there is Gary Johnson, who just wants to smoke pot.
Some of that is shifting here. The LAPD and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department are run by democrat machine politics. They OWN the issue now. I’m watching with great interest.
As far as the sexual revolution, I can’t tell which side is puritan now.
I have long been a First Amendment absolutist. This has meant that the Dems went to shite for me back in the days of hate speech legislation and the (further) destruction of free association. Before that, the Pubs went bad with the attempted flag burning bans. Comparing those two it makes the Pubs the lesser of two evils, although I haven’t voted for either party in over a decade (this may change in the next election).
Free speech absolutism is why I left Reason and stopped donating. Fuck them.
What we need to do is add a “to be sure” at the beginning of statements.
“To be sure, Kavanaugh is not ideal on the 4A, but this character assassination must be stopped.”
That way we know they’re pure libertarians and we won’t offend anyone, because opposing one team definitely means you endorse the other.
To be sure, I find weasel words offensive, but I’m still a free speech absolutist… most of the time. Fuck people whining about wanting trigger warnings.
There are many legitimate ways to look at the Kavanaugh fiasco if you’re a libertarian. Personally, I’m pissed that the left is trying to set some vague standard where a woman’s word carries more weight than a man’s. Looking at the big picture and how the supreme court has become untouchable clerics, I’m pissed that people don’t recognize the danger involved. Tough to keep your eye on the big picture when you’ve got a clear example of mob mentality unfolding live on TV.
You can’t just ask someone why they’re white.
Namibia? There’s a place you rarely hear about these days.
I’ve always liked their national anthem:
Namibia, Namibia, Namibia!
From your fingers to your toes,
You’ve got just one set of permanent clothes!
And with a little daily care, daily care,
It will last through years of wear, years of wear!
*raises finger, stands*
What’s a Namibian?
A person from German South-West Africa.
Shit boy, you almost made me laugh.
Real-life who? Add “overnight sensation” to the list of words that have no meaning any more.
That is so fetch.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck you @LindseyGrahamSC fuck you fuck you fuck you. Fuck you, Lindsey. Hey, Lindsey! Lindsey, over here! Hey man! Fuuuuuuuuuuck you. Fuck, You. fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou FUCK YOU LINDSEY GRAHAM”
Patton Oswald, Professional Comedian
Interesting how this wasn’t sent when Graham was advocating for war in every part of the world. Graham’s sin here is that he won’t accept slander on faith alone.
Perverse priorities
Replies 95% against.
I assume that’s what he wanted.
What’s got Mr. Forgettable* riled up?
*I honestly forgot he existed until you mentioned him
And somehow that won’t get Oswalt banned from Twitter for hate speech.
Patton Oswald, Professional Comedian
I tried to watch one of his recent specials. He was WAY too overtly political and on the wrong (proggie) side. He is definitely self-righteous in his bad, cringe-inducing beliefs.
Watch Daniel Tosh’s 2016 special. I woke the kids up last night laughing.
He is the only comedian I can think of that did a good bit on pwc’s, which was basically narrowing down until only a few people knew what he was talking about. I like that. So I’ll check that out.
He’s always been overtly political (in a very dumb, unprincipled, ‘judge the people over ideas,’ way), even on his earlier comedy albums, but they weren’t completely saturated by his politics and weren’t so desperately woke and therefore unfunny. But few people are at the top of their game for very long.
Also he killed his wife in a very sketchy way. Hard to compartmentalize that away when listening to him now.
While Senators fling shit at each other, Trump is the statesman remaining quite and deferring to Congress with regards to delays and an FBI investigation
What is going on….
It comes full circle
Kavanaugh is secretly a puppet of Russia, sent by Putin and nominated by Trump to distract Herr Mueller from his pressing investigation just before the election, when he’s clearly on to something.
TW: Mother Jones
The best was when Chelsea Handler said Lindsey Graham was Putin’s puppet. The guy who wants ground troops in Syria and Ukraine is doing Putin’s bidding.
It’s like they don’t even know what the fuck they’re talking about
Perhaps something is getting lost in translation from the voices in their heads.
It’s strange how all these puppets of Putin are people that want the US population to remain sufficiently armed.
Well how else are we supposed to be his mercenary catspaws in tarpit wars he doesn’t want to fight?
Last week my alma mater beat VT in football by two touchdowns. They just lost to ECU and are now 1-4. I don’t even follow sports much, let alone college sports, but I was starting to get into it. As such I am incredibly disappointed by this development. On the plus side ODU is still good at soccer. So that’s something.
I didn’t even know Ecaudor had a college football team.
A group of masked pro-separatists held back by riot police pelted them with eggs and hurled powder paint, creating dark clouds of dust in streets that would usually be thronged with tourists. Scuffles also broke out later in the day with police using their batons to contain the fighting.
Over several hours pro-independence groups chanting “No forgetting, no forgiveness” faced off with unionist protesters shouting, “Long live Spain”.
Spain will still exist if Catalonia is independent.
Given how much Catalonia gives to the Spanish treasury as opposed to how much they get, I’m not sure it would.
This just in: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead
This is a pomegranate:
“The “Pickle Pizza” features thinly sliced dill pickles, a sprinkling of dill, a base layer of homemade white garlic sauce and mozzarella cheese, and some ranch dressing on the side to dip it in”
But Brett Kavanaugh is a monster.
People have found something worse then pineapple to ruin pizzas with? Fucking monsters.
Best part is it looks the same coming out as it did going in.
“Since November of 1992, 26 years, Republicans have won the popular vote of the presidency only once.”
Alyssa Milano, Constitutional Scholar
So? If we had a direct democratic election of kings, that would matter.
won the popular vote of the presidency only once.
And? Them ain’t the rules of the game at hand, darling.
Worse, they’re the rules of an entirely different game. While most people who vote vote for the candidate they support regardless of other factors, tactical voting and pragmatic non-voting happen at the state level, because that’s where the elections are decided. Taking the sum of 50 separate events, each held under its own set of rules, and calling that the real event is intellectually dishonest.
It’s almost like those state-map thingies they keep showing all election night mean something.
26 years? That’s like…. 26 elections?
I also find her choice of cutoff date suspicious.
Yep, the 1988 beatdown of Mondale? Never happened.
1988 was Dukakis.
Mondale didn’t win in 1988 either.
Grumbletarian was correct, though. There was no beatdown of Mondale in 1988
Curse your nimble begloved fingers!
How can you say that? The man got even fewer votes than in 1984!
Yet, they’ve won in the senate, house, governorship, and state legislatures. I wonder why people in the proggy strongholds of CA and NY don’t bother voting in national elections.
I vote…
*shoulders sag and face slumps*
…and my ballot usually ends up the inverse of the results.
Are just writing in Ed Koch?
What do you think I am?
Did either Clinton ever win a majority?
We never got a majority to vote so no candidate ever has.
The irony is that her husband didn’t win a majority in 1992, but she did in 2016. Yet only one of them became president
Clinton did not win a majority in 2016. The only majority wins for the Democrats over the same 26-year period were Obama’s (2008 and 2016).
What’s the margin of fraud?
What fraud?
Voter fraud is a myth.
And yet it still gave us LBJ and Al Franken.
At least, no Americans commit voter fraud, but massive numbers of Russians do.
Impossible to determine because nobody’s measuring it.
“No one’s looking for evidence of it because no one’s seen any evidence of it despite not looking for it, so there’s no reason to look for it” – the argument I get literally minutes after laying out why it’s a stupid rebuttal to “let us actually measure and see if there is fraud”.
Anecdotes aren’t evidence, and we can’t collect any evidence because all we have are anecdotes.
Somehow, this makes sense to some people.
No, she only won a plurality in 2016.
Nope. She only got a plurality.
1992: Clinton, 43%
1996: Clinton, 49.2%
2016: Clinton, 48.2%
Yeah, that could just as easily be rewritten to read “In the past 26 years, Democratic candidates have only a majority of the popular vote twice”
Or “Only one Democrat candidate for President has won over 50% of the popular vote in the past 30 years”
40 years/pedant off
Unless and until the national popular vote decides the election, the sum of the 50 states’ popular votes is irrelevant at best and misleading at worst. You can’t change the rules in the middle of the game.
Oh, they don’t want dynamic rules, they want static results.
This is bullshit. Most of the people in the original 13 colonies were in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts, and the founders rightly didn’t want four states having the power to allow the remaining nine to be ignored.
Yea that’s bs. VA was once the most populace State and carried a lot of clout federally as a result.
Are you telling me Virginia had more people than Rhode Island? *faints*
Even including Providence Plantations?
It is apparently beyond anyone on Twitter to look up census results from the early 19th century. And the imbalance is mostly irrelevant because the House has over 4 times the number of members as the Senate and they are apportioned by population. Every idiot whining about the overrepresentation of Wyoming or wherever never makes mention of the fact that California has over 19 times the representation.
Never mind that California has its own semi-sovereign government that doesn’t have to listen to the people of Wyoming.
California would do better if we stopped letting it govern itself.
Absolutely not. Turning California into a territory would be a disaster for the rest of the country. As crazy as their government has become, it is mostly self-contained. The only real problem for the rest of us is if and when they get bailed out. As for self-government, the maxim that people deserve to get what they vote for good and hard is best when applied at the most direct level possible.
Territory? No, we were just going to give them a collection of laws from other states each year and tell them that’s what the legislature voted for.
Unless you are going to repeal the 14th Amendment, they are still going to get to vote. They already give national elections too much importance, turning every national election into a local election for them would not improve the situation.
Who said anything about national elections? It was going to be a randomly rolled set of laws.
I don’t know what exactly you’re arguing for but I did not think the dissolution of the national government was part of it. Randomly assigned “state” laws or no, there is going to be a national government that erstwhile Californians would get to vote in the elections of.
Turning California into a territory would be a disaster for the rest of the country.
What the the hell do you think they are doing now? Speak to a trucking company or owner operator who wants to move freight through that state.
I would like to employ the newly minted Iron Law:
It can always get worse.
It can always get worse.
No doubt.
Funny how it’s always Wyoming that gets trotted out for this “argument” rather than, I dunno, Vermont, Delaware, Rhode Island, or Maine.
It is the least populous state, and California is the most. Of course, while Texas vs. Vermont would reverse the partisan affiliations, I doubt either Texans or Vermonters care as much as Californians do.
Vermont has 625K vs 575K for Wyoming – not much difference. But nobody ever asks “Why does Vermont have so much power??” It is because lefties are against federalism in principle but they are also hypocrites.
Not many people really support federalism when it comes down to it. Of those who aren’t completely ignorant of its function and history, few appreciate the long-term stability it is generally able to provide over the short-term gratification that bypassing it can deliver.
And furthermore, Senators were supposed to represent the governments of each state, which is why each state has the same number of senators. The House members were supposed to be representatives of the people, which is why they are apportioned by population.
Japan Glibs, any suggestions on apps, books, or what-have-you for learning basic Japanese? I’m away from family for work and figure I better make my free time productive…
“Human Japanese” available on Android and iOS.
It was my start in Japanese somewhere around 8 years or more ago. Slightly pricey, I think closer to $20 rather than the $10 that most apps are, but I thought really well done.
Mind you it’s not phrase based. It starts with rudimentary grammar and vocab. It started me down the rabbit hole that was the Japanese language…
Much appreciated! I’ve got one or two years left here so it’s my own fault if I leave here not knowing much of anything…
Available for Mac and PC too!
It’s a tough language, you’ll need some reason that interests you to keep you motivated.
Good luck!
Well, living and working with their self defense force is enough to keep me interested for the time being!
Recommend to try and speak as much as you can. The ongoing close contact with native speakers is tremendous gift! Far more valuable, imo, than a single app or book.
That’s what I was trying to say, but may have gotten lost in my snark. I’d definitely recommend getting a firm grasp on hiragana and katakana and even the first hundred kanji. By doing that you reach a tipping point where all the written Japanese around you opens up and you get the snowball effect where you start learning more and more. Learning the basics I’ve mentioned only takes a couple weeks max. After that, I’d put in 20% text book time and 80% real world Japanese practice.
I can see that already. Was kind of surprised at the characters simplicity compared to what they’ve been made out to be. Thankfully I’m out and about enough that practicing won’t be too difficult.
I’ve used a course from Attain on Udemy. $10 on sale (sales are often on Udemy if you’ve never used them before). Also, japanesepod101, particularly on YouTube. They’re goal to is to get you on a paid subscription, but they have a lot of free content. I’ve never actually signed for the account on their website.
Books: Local class I’m taking now uses the Genki series (from Japan Times) but I’m not a big fan of them. I picked up Weekly J at a bookstore and like it more. Tuttle publishes a lot of stuff too.
Apps: I’ve mostly only used these for learning/relearning kana: hiraganakatakana, Pastel Kana, hirigana (white あ on dark green background) are a couple of the ones I use.
In my formal classes I’ve used Japanese for Busy People, 1,2 and 3. Minna No Nihongo Elemntary 1, and 2 and Intermediate 1.
The only major Japanese text I haven’t used is the “Genki” books.
If you want to master the language, don’t be lazy like I was and use romaji longer than you have to. I regret not learning more kanji earlier as being able to better read really helped my progress.
I was slow – it took me two plus months to truly be able to read hiragana / katakana without pausing for a long time on each charcter.
I’m even slower. The nice thing about learning kanji is it helps me with my hànzì and v.v.
My Chinese teacher flaked so I’m going back to Japanese to continue forward progress.
There’s this really cool app that I found. It has black hair and can be found walking all around the islands. Grab one and talk to it. Better than siri. Seriously though, are you trying to learn to speak only or how to read and write, too?
It has black hair
I’ve been asked many, many times if I dye my hair. “Yes, it’s a product called bilge water blonde.” It’s cute how naive they are at times.
No, it protests too much, tries to run away, and cries.
I’ve got several of those! Be forewarned depending on where you find the app, the grammar and vocabulary changes.
I can generally understand the Kansai one when not speaking standard, but I always talk like the one from Tokyo. I get more lost with the one from Kyushu. And I don’t know anyone from Tohku which sounds closer to French to me…
Something for GlibFit to aspire to.
They would kill you after having their way with you.
I accept that.
1, 23. End of subject.
I’m old enough to remember when the ACLU wasn’t this blatant about being a front for Democrat politics (yes, people, I know it’s founded by communists, but they still used to do a halfway decent job of sticking to their “mission”) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/aclu-issues-rare-opposition-statement-against-brett-kavanaugh
““As a nonpartisan organization, the ACLU does not oppose Judge Kavanaugh based on predictions about how he would vote as a Justice,” Herman said. “We oppose him in light of the credible allegations of sexual assault against him.”‘
Nice to know the ACLU defends due process.
I’ll give them credit, they managed to get their reasoning exactly backwards. That takes some real talent.
They have a lot of practice
Not until lately, though (excluding the Second Amendment). It is kind of impressive to say “we’re not going to comment on the matters that actually connect with our organization’s mission, but will instead take a position on something that is controversial but immaterial to that mission”.
Then again, maybe they’ve just been taking their cues from the “libertarian” establishment.
That was my thought.
Fucking unbelievable.
Yeah, the whole “the ACLU was founded by communists” bit ceased to matter by the 1960s when the communists weren’t in control anymore. They may not have started with principles, but they found them once. It’s the loss since then that’s the problem not the original lack thereof.
In light of this, I think I have come up with a possibly workable definition of social signaling: it’s when you refuse to stand up for a principle you claim to hold because it is socially disadvantageous for you to do so.
Hmm, still needs more work, but it’s better than the others I’ve seen so far, I think.
I’ve always defined social/virtue signaling as taking a stance publicly that you would not otherwise have except for the public reaction you receive.
I think that captures what my definition missed. Now to find a good combination of the two…
Publicly taking a position primarily for the praise you expect to receive for doing so.
“5 Signs You’re In The Midst Of A Moral Panic”
Moral panics, or instances of mass hysteria, have occurred throughout history. Two of the most notorious are the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 90s. The panics almost exclusively involve women and children and fears for their safety, especially from sexual abuse.”
“New Draconian Policy Affects Books & Mail in PA Prisons
In a convoluted attempt to eliminate drug use in prisons, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) has concocted a $15,000,000 plan that will censor books, alienate prisoners, increase recidivism, and not eliminate drug use in prisons.
All of this began because of an incident involving 57 members of staff made ill by exposure to K2, a synthetic cannabinoid. And while no one would disagree that keeping people safe is crucial, toxicologists have told local Pennsylvania papers, they don’t believe that most exposed were experiencing anything more than mass hysteria.
Some staff members were administered naloxone, also known by its brand name Narcan, in the field after exposure, a medication which reverses opiate overdoses. There is absolutely no rationale given for why it was administered, and only one person administered the drug was unresponsive, which is a major symptom of overdose. Naloxone also has no benefit to those under the influence of artificial cannabinoids.
So the DOC crafted a plan to eliminate books and magazines being sent to inmates from donation groups, like Books Through Bars, and booksellers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble to avoid drugs being smuggled in the books. Instead the prisons will shift to ebooks and digital magazines. The ebooks range in price from $2.99 to $24.99 and can be read on tablets that cost $149. Prisoners can make as little as $0.19 an hour.”
As suggested in the above, there was an article in the Philly Inquirer talking with a ton of experts who all said “This can’t be anything but mass hysteria”, while quoting the union leader who insisted that his corrections officers were totally gonna die, like, serious.
Corrections Officers are the brave men and women who couldn’t cut it as mall cops. They and the state just wanted an excuse to make their own lives easier (and fuck over the prisoners), so they took it here.
CO is a tough job that doesn’t pay well. Besides the banning books thing, my take was that the people in charge want more money to throw around.
The odd thing about that. “Correction Officer Trainee” was perhaps the second most popular Civil Service exam we offer behind “Beginning Clerical Worker”. The reason those two exams were so popular was that there were effectively zero prerequisites. The pay band for the same skill level was higher in the public sector than the private. (The pay is flatter on the base civil service scale as you go up in skill level, so I’m probably shorting myself by staying).
The main issue was turnover. It has a similar washout rate to fast food places.
Did anyone else notice the clouds on a UK weather map look like balls and a tiny dick and occasionally they are depicted in a darker tint and are sweating?
I can’t say that I have.
Well then you are not very observant now are you? I think you should pay more attention. This is not a criticism, but rather constructive advice.
I only watch weather in Spanish.
“This is bullshit. Most of the people in the original 13 colonies were in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts, and the founders rightly didn’t want four states having the power to allow the remaining nine to be ignored.”
I would be curious to see the vote totals if we switched to the popular vote. It might not be as favorable to the left as they think. Currently a large number of Republicans don’t bother voting in states like California or New York.
The primaries would probably also have different results if a single national vote was held rather than 50 state votes/caucuses. Of course, the Democrats would have to give up their antidemocratic superdelegates first.
They fail to realize that people change their decisions based on circumstances. They also overlook that in real life circumstances of 2016 a clear majority of people that voted cast ballots for people not named ‘Hillary Clinton’.
And made a conscious and intentional choice to not vote for anyone named Hillary Clinton. They have a hard time accepting that one. I mean everyone except me. I was influenced by Russian FB ads otherwise I would have voted for her.
This is what I try to tell people when they say Hillary would have won against a ‘normal’ GOP candidate. 3.5 million more people voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 than in 2012 mainly because of who the GOP nominee was. And Evan McMullin got another 750,000 votes simply by running on “I’m not Trump!” Drop those votes back into the GOP bucket if Rubio or (I wish!) Rand Paul got the nomination and Hillary loses like Mondale did.
I recently got an email advertising a new Amazon product… an over the air DVR product. I already have something like that (Tablo), but it’s quirky, the features kinda suck, and it’s tuners are awful.
I’m really tempted to get the Amazon competitor product.
So…. TiVo?
Over the air DVR is much less common than cable DVR. Tivo does have an over the air DVR, but it’s expensive and not very feature rich.
There was a whole lot of litigation over Aereo.
Looks like it’s coming back to life.
The main difference is that the consumer has to own an antenna for all of these solutions, as opposed to essentially renting an antenna from Aereo
Interesting. Is the antenna actually used, or do you just show proof of ownership?
It’s actually used. Most of these boxes are literally just a DVR. The only thing pulled down from the internet is the programming guide.
So… how is the cloud involved?
I have 3 tivos, but now that I think about it, at least 2 of them need to go.
As far as I know, the cloud isn’t involved. You may be able to store recordings on the cloud with some dvrs, but my box doesn’t even do that.
Watching Jack Ryan. So far much better than I expected. Was afraid it would be Jim from The Office. Wendell Pierce is outstanding, of course.
It was ok. Some of the plot/character choices were pretty lame.
Kyle Smith turned me off the show.
He is right it is probably not Clancy’s true depiction, but fuck, it was ok. Alec Baldwin as Jack Ryan was a far greater sin than anything portrayed in Jack Ryan. There have been much more horrible things made and it is just based on a character. I am not sure what people expect them to do with that character. He is a bad ass tuff sumbitch, gets the hot chic, kills bad guys………did I miss something?
That doesn’t sound like the guy from the books. I seem to recall he was a weasel analyst and other people did the killing.
“Jack Ryan: Analyst” didn’t test well with audiences.
“short weasels! The market is about to crash!”
There is a cool scene where he chases a terrorist on the street with the gun drawn, but doesn’t fire because “people were in the way.” To which his boss tells him, if you aren’t going to shoot, don’t draw the gun.
I don’t remember what book exactly but he did some killing of them damn filthy Irish. Yes, he was a weaselly smart guy but still a bad ass when Harrison Ford was Jack Ryan.
He was “just a cia analyst” in the books….. who was a former marine.
That is why he was able to spring into action when IRA terrorists attempted to assassinate a British royal.
Yeah, I can see some of those complaints, and Scruffy above. We’re in to episode 3 now.
I liked it, but then I am a shallow person who likes action movies and not one of the well refined cinematic viewers that seem to inhabit the Glibertariat. I watched Stripes for the first time in maybe 30 years last week and realized I have been choosing underwear my entire life based on that film. That is shallow.
I watch Ingmar Bergman and Dawson’s Creek on the same day…likewise I just picked-up some Great Value pizzas for lunch tomorrow.
Red Baron or GTFO
I’m older and closer to a fixed income.
You can lock in your rate right now for the low low price of $2.
Deep Dish? I give you a gift and you show-up my pitcher?
Deep dish?
I know what I did.
So did you like Autumn Sonata?
I liked the film more than Cries and Whispers, but I didn’t find the script as tight. Wild Strawberries and Fanny and Alexander are still my Bergman favorites.
BTW – I appreciated your write-up on “A Town Called Alice” which we stumbled across on TCM.
Fanny and Alexander is just about a perfect movie. Cheers RAH!
Great Value thin crust supreme is the best pizza to be had for $2.39 in the world. Bargains like that even make old boring movies worth it.
I saw three eps so far and constant “French are to blame for Muslim terrorism” is beginning to wear thin. I was also disappointed in the wife subplot – I thought the point was going to be that Evil Terrorist is also a very good family man, who loves his wife and shit, and she backs him all the way, but no, She’s The Real Victim.
Otherwise, it’s kinda cool but I don’t know if I want to keep watching. But hey, they paid me to (400 Twitch Bits, because corporate cross-promotion).
It is good enough to watch through.
It is almost impossible to make a series or movie without some SJW preaching tossed in.
I’m gonna count it as a bonus that they didn’t change Kathy to Keith and introduce a subplot about Keith’s struggle with gender that will eventually lead to a transition to Kathy that threatens their marriage.
Put up nine pints of dilly beans this afternoon. Now pleasantly watching Boise kick the dog snot out of Wyoming.
Mmmm, bourbon.
I’m not optimistic tonight.
And now, even less so.
The offense should have been practicing in the uniforms all along. New uniforms fuck up reads and split second decisions.
I’ll show myself to the fridge.
Never seems to hurt Oregon, who play in different ghastly uniforms every week.
I assume that they know what their uniforms will look like at least 7 days out, and practice accordingly.
And yes, OU is just a giant billboard for Nike.
UO is NikeU. OU is a bunch of okies.
I never ate dilly beans.
Dilly beans! Yaaas! We grow pole beans every year and when they are perfect they fit just right in a quart-sized mason. We add garlic and other things just to shake things up a bit. Dilly beans!
Crap, the Cartoon Network stopped showing Rick & Morty.
There’s still a catroon network?
Intrigued by the idea of a “catroon” network but afraid that if I google the term I’ll get Kavanaughed. HM links have left me a little, shall we say, gun-shy?
Unintentional lysdexia ruins other persons life. News at never.
It’s on Hulu.
We’ll be lucky if we get Season 4 before 2020 though.
Like the much bandied-about Deadwood reunion. By the time they get around to it the place will have become a ghost town and every principal character would be scattered hither and yon, either dead or sharing pictures of the grand-kids with disinterested strangers.
Lazy cartoonists, the wurst of society.
But then I’d have to buy Hulu.
‘Maury, you don’t buy Hulu, you rent it’
‘You mean like a video tape?’
‘No, it’s a subscription’
‘Oh, so I don’t have to sit through all those kvitching ads?’
‘No, you do’
‘But I have to pay for it?’
‘So it’s like paying for a hooker and having to stare at an ad on her back?’
‘I guess?’
‘Just wanted to make that clear’
[a play I just wrote, now pay me for it!]