I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: there are times I draw inspiration from the audience. This time around…..
…so this is my review of Cigar City Maduro Brown Ale. H/T Ed Wuncler
No, this is not a bizarre reference to our favorite South American dictator. Maduro is a reference to a style of cigar wrapper.
Let’s take a step back. There are three parts to a cigar: the filler, the binder and the wrapper. Each comes from a different part of the plant, and when done correctly will blend together to form what many argue is the perfect companion to a glass of Scotch. On a handmade cigar the filler is made from long leaf; oily in texture and slow burning. The binder is somewhat loose and its purpose is to serve exactly as the name implies. The wrapper on the other hand is made from the silky leaves on the bottom of the plant, shaded from the sun and providing the subtle texture against the lips and much of the flavor.
There are many kinds of wrappers, some are natural, some are darker and some even claim to be grown in Connecticut. For our purposes, a Maduro wrapper comes from the same part of the plant only left to ferment for longer periods of time until the leaf turns a deep brown. Some will take it to another level called Oscuro, but this adds a lot of cost and in the past has led me to clearing out a smoke pit. Maduro wrappers add a nice complexity to the smoke; often giving hints of chocolate and spiciness. Being that I happen to like darker beer than light, it should come as no surprise that a cigar with a Maduro wrapper is right up my alley.
To smoke a cigar, you need to cut the cap clean and plum. Many use a device that simply punches a hole into the cap, others will cut a slit into it, but the more popular way to do it is with a guillotine style cutter. If you have a sharp blade and a steady hand however…
A crooked cut will cause an uneven burn which does affect the smoke characteristics, not to mention make you look like a noob. If you’re going to roll with it my way go slow, and know the cap is paper thin, and held together with a mild adhesive. Nice and easy.
Do not use a lighter, unless you are in a pinch and even then if you are in a pinch why are you smoking? Use a wooden match. Yes, it does make a difference. By the way, Ed…this was good, very good. We can hang out.
Now I didn’t drink the beer with the cigar, before anyone asks. This one is quite robust with the malts but also does have a bit of hops to balance it, therefore it is not a proper Scotch Ale. Like the other from this brewery I tried, and reviewed it is well made and one I can recommend. Cigar City Maduro Brown Ale 3.8/5.
many argue is the perfect companion to a glass of Scotch. – many are wrong. good scotch has its own smoke and a cigar would ruin it
Them be fightin words!
To smoke a cigar, you need to cut the cap clean and plum. -last time i did i used my teeth to remove a few layers from the end but it was not optimal. musta been 5 years ago
Thats…another way to do it.
Once i tried to bite a whole chunk off based in watching cartoons and it did not go well so the next time I tried just the tip and it was not great but better.
Sign ups for the Autumn BIF are still going on, if you’re in this thread, I assume you already know what a BIF is. If you don’t, get thee to the archives. To sign up, shoot me an e-mail at my handle at Google’s mail.
send OMWC some mukuzani
A present for your cat.
Do you know who else liked beer?
Fuck… I may need to order one of these. It’ll be a good shirt to wear to the beer fests.
I may get it just to fuck with my gf and her dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying, leftist Democrat parents. But also for beer drinking bc of the content and circumstances.
The girlfriend just got off the phone with her aunt (who lives in LA). The aunt is strongly opposed to Kavanaugh because (these are repeated from the girlfriend, so the accuracy is questionable):
He’s [Kavanaugh] a neanderthal
He never answered questions
He thinks women are crap
He’s pro-rapist
I ordered the shirt. I will wear it around the aunt every chance I get.
He slits kittens’ throats so he can shower his victims in their blood while he’s gang raping.
Oh, and I may (definitely) have coached the girlfriend to respond to any and all Kavanuagh complaints to ask about impeachment procedures to get him off the Federal bench. So far, all of the responses are that he shouldn’t be fired, but he isn’t qualified to be on the Supreme Court [because he’s a rapist].
Burn. It. All. Down.
Ugh. I was a bit hesitant about the Kavenaugh pick initially. He would not have been my pick but he is strong on the second amendment so I didn’t have any strong objection. I figured he was as good as we were going to get so…OK. But now I am ready to polish the armor, sharpen the sword and fight for the guy. I dont think the D’s are going to get the ending they planned for. I hear an awful lot of people expressing the same sentiment.
I think he’ll be better than anything the dems come up with.
I would almost like to see Kavanaugh voted down, and then Willett nominated instead. The Dems will be spent and we would get a more libertarian judge.
That’s not the way it’d work, though – if the character assassination of Kavanaugh works, that will be the new standard for any R nominee.
It is terribly sad that Judge Brown is retiring (senior status anyway) rather than being of a reasonable age to advance to the SC. I would really love to see the Dems try to work her over.
That would have been wonderful to watch.
Using condiments to show why the FBI investigating Kavanaugh doesn’t matter
Condiments? I do not use them.
hey, i posted in the morning links that I live in Anchorage and have lived/worked/across the state and can give insight on any land you’re looking to buy.
BOOM. Heading out looking today; got a few sites in Chugiak, Palmer and Wasilla I’m looking at. Non-negotiable: road access year round, preferable: electric and gas nearby, nice to have but not necessary: city water and sewer.
I’m looking at it as an investment for the time being, but will probably put a hunting cabin on it at some point down the line.
How’d you come to be living in the great land? Shaping up to be a beautiful day today.
In due time grasshopper…
Yeah, it’s gorgeous today. Much better than last weekend.
The only landscape pics that Q is going to post would be of the Grand Tetons.
First thing I saw in Wasilla was a big sign over a shop advertising interlocks. Around here interlocks are those fake stone concrete blocks.
“Interlock” is Kavanaugh secret code for where that evening’s gang rape will take place.
I had to google it but that makes sense. A friend grew up Belfast, ME and said winter involves a little bit of snowmobiling and a lot of drinking. I imagine that’s common in areas with long periods of tough weather.
Being from NM, I understand how the “long periods of drinking” affect the Indian population (go visit Gallup, most depressing city in the US). It’s quite sad actually. Up here it’s to the point that many heavily native villages are dry.
There’s a major alcohol problem in the villages. I’ve spent time in them and a fifth of the most awful whiskey will go for $150 at minimum.
Sounds like you could come up with a pretty profitable business model.
I moved up here on a whim and spent 6 years and then left for few but came back a few months ago.
There’s really no remote land that has natgas or public water/sewer, so you’re kinda SOL on that front. You can find land that has power to or adjacent pretty easily and the road access won’t be an issue.
Wasilla proper and adjacent fucking sucks, Palmer is nice and the Butte is not as trashy as it used to be. Chugiak is nice. There’s some lots for sale in Butte that are right near the river if you’re looking for a long-term play but make sure its not riverfront as the rivers are always shifting.
Thanks for the tips. Natgas and sewer are optional for me; I’m fine with propane and septic. I have a place up in the Rockies that’s off the grid so it’s a long term project up here.
There’s not much propane heating around here, it’s either natgas, oil or wood. DEC regulates septic systems, but as long as you get a reputable company and don’t put it next to your well or property line then you’re find.
Do you live right in Anchorage or out of town?
Anchorage proper.
Nice. I was about *this* close to going to grad school at UAF, but Mines swooped in at the last second and gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. My life would have taken a drastically different path had I come up here instead.
Fairbanks is the worlds largest open-air mental asylum.
Bigger than DC?
I think that’s why I fit in so well.
Hah. I actually dated 2 girls from Fairbanks (at separate times and while living in Chicago). I believe it. They both turned out ok, I think, after enough time away.
While you’re in Wasilla take a quick glance at the Quonset hut they use for City Hall (or at least they did in 2011 or 2012, last time I was there). That’s where Sarah Palin was once the Mayor.
Check out Cordova. A nice little drinking town with a fishing problem.
Box wine is criminally underrated.
There is quite a lot of decent to good wine in boxes these days. The internal bladder means it’s not exposed to air, so it keeps for quite a long while.
Also good wine in Tetra packs, e.g., http://www.1glwines.com/
I rarely drink wine but yeah I’ve got nothing against boxes – I should go for them next time. More convenient for solo me.
They’re ideal for the glass-a-day folks. e.g., https://www.foodandwine.com/wine/tk-best-boxed-wines-serve-crowd
I should change up my usual vodka routine. I love a good wine buzz.
I love wine but the downside vs. the vodka is the carbs. Delicious, delicious carbs.
But yea, a glass or 3 of red wine in the winter is far more satisfying than some vodka sodas.
Well, I carb the fuck out of my vodka now so makes no difference to me. Probably a net benefit, actually.
Oh, yeah – if you’re drinking vodka with tonic or something you’ll be way ahead by switching to wine.
The local supermarket started stocking egg nog already, so I’ve been buying that and spiking it with vodka.
Just picked up one of the items that happens to be on that list, 3L Vin Vault Cabernet Sauvignon. There wasn’t much to choose from so here’s hoping. (Liquor stores in NYC tend to be tiny due to – take a guess – regulations that require the owner to live nearby.)
Coolio – let us know how you like it.
My wife’s in the wine business, and a company she was with a few years ago sold fairly high-end wine in recycled material boxes. They were apparently huge sellers, in the millions of cases per year. Profit margin which probably allowed the company to have biannual destination meetings where families got to come along, once in Maui, once in the Caymans. For that reason alone, too bad she doesn’t work there any more.
Some of the intra-state airlines up here don’t get TSA screening and the tetra paks are good for mid-flight refreshment.
That Fuoristrada Sangiovese is the house red of a fancy-pants white-tablecloth restaurant here. It’s really good.
Thanks for the rec, I’ll keep an eye out next time I’m at the booze store.
I saw something that made me laugh on my flight out to Denver. A couple of youths (early 20’s), had complied with TSA requirements with the little airplane bottles of booze. They took up to the limit, and put it in a separate clear ziplock bag and that made it through the security checkpoint. The rest of their toiletries were packed into their checked luggage (I assume).
As long as they finish them before getting on the plane, the FAA doesn’t care.
These were getting carried on to the plane.
They have no problem with having the airplane bottles of booze in your carry-on. You just can’t open them on the plane (at least not when the stewardess is looking). With recent announcements I’ve heard prior to takeoff, it may even have some criminal aspect to getting caught drinking your own stuff on a plane, along the lines of tampering with a smoke detector.
I just wish they’d put more of the moderately priced stuff that’s normally in magnums in boxes too.
No beer until GlibFit is fine, but I’m taking notes! Thanks, Senor!
I was gonna mock the shirt, but… Vikings.
I’m off my diet for my trip. Can’t deny myself Humpy’s fish n’ chips.
Don’t forget to stop by Granny B’s for those awesome blueberry pancakes.
I was gonna mock the shirt, but… Vikings.
Meh. Its acceptable, now that its Josh Rosen time….
OT, but I’m late to the game today.
The GOP should be using this pic in every ad they run.
TW: pretty gruesome
Then they should start pointing out that #BelieveHer can go into some pretty dark places.
It would be very interesting to see what would happen to the pound MeToo movement if the GOP started bringing up the stories of black guys who were lynched on the lies of white women.
Wow! That could be like the daisy ad: you only get to run it once but no one forgets.
It’s the left. They have always used the mob. It is what they are doing today just like yesterday and the day before. Why so many people cant see that or understand why we have rule of law is a mystery to me.
They won’t understand that every live person in the photo is a Democrat.
But the parties switched platforms since then! /prog
I decidee Ford is more credible just to mix things up around here. Judge K is a molester.
Looks like someone is on bottle #2
“It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen!”
yes I do have a particularly large wine decanter
“I’ve never done this before”
Hope you picked the Clemson game to watch.
Just switched over.
ESPN’s ridiculous woke-ness has made me largely avoid them, but their college scoreboard is pretty great.
They rushed the field after squeeking by Syracuse. Act like you’ve been there before, Clemson.
The Republicans could always go with Inspector Javert memes.
OBE’s Smoker Menu for Sunday Funday: Its brisket time…gonna throw it on and then off for a hike in the beautiful southwest desert of Nevada. Temperatures are pleasant and we picked up two camel backs for 5 bucks at yard sales this Saturday.
I love this country and fuck anyone who says otherwise. Kav…no Kav…Trump…no Trump. I will live my life in my own way regardless. Besides, I have a FIL that harbors stuff that was probably thrown in a lake at one point…
I am still filling the hummingbird feeders but the air is starting to have that fall feel. I am looking forward to chili and gumbo weather. Beef tips, alfredo sauce spiked with onion and extra gruyere over rice tonight.
You are correct. We can still live our lives as we please here so I wont be wasting that opportunity no matter what is going on in DC.
The personal is political or something. How can you eat when women are being raped as we speak? I am disapointed. Also gumbo has to be some sort of appropriation or other
All American cuisine is cultural appropriation. That’s why it’s so damned good.
Damn straight…we take the best and make it better
My fear if I come to the US is that food will be to sweet for me. But you have good service so i guess i can order a ribeye medium rare without any sugar on it rigth?
Not all our food is sweet. Homecooked meals are typically bland except for salt. Buy some preprossed nonsense and yeah…its sweet.
The rule here is if you use an american desert recipe use just 1/3 of the sugar. The good part about most american recepies online is that they use fairly exact measurements
Makes sense. I have no sweet tooth and sugary items turn me off. Salty items are my crutch.
The only time I use sugar to cook is in long smoked porkdishes. .
I use sugar on the rare occasions I bake.
I picked up muffins at Sam’s Club once instead of the local supermarket, and damn they were so sickeningly sweet.
Stay away from fast food and pre-packaged food, and you should be fine. Of course, it also depends on where in the US you go. You may get the diabeetus if you go to the south and get sweet tea.
Even that’s not bad…but I agree with fast food and prepackaged. That is where we get laden with sugar non stop.
I buy sugar in ten pound bags. I feed it to hummingbirds. Wife and I dont eat any sugar at all. As already said stay away from pre-processed and fast food. The last time I ate fast food the onion rings were so sweet they nearly made me puke.
you and your birds… if i can get good steak with no sugar i am good. all this is theoretical anyhoo
I eat comfortably because the women in my life are strong and secure.
Also if okra is what i think it is bleah. We call them bame I think.
Okra is only good if you pick them fresh, pinky finger sized and cook them with lots of bacon. Otherwise, no thanks. I dont put them in my gumbo. I am pretty certain that in the early days of this site I submitted my gumbo recipe. Actually, my wife’s gumbo recipe. It is the best.
Okra has to be fresh, otherwise as Pie said pass. While most gumbo recipes call for it, it doesn’t make it, the roux does. Make a good roux and the gumbo is sublime.
I would posit okra is best when cut into thick slices, breaded, and fried but YMMV.
Our hummingbirds took off about a month ago. Usually they hang out a bit longer but even the paper wasps are calling it quits early this year.
I can’t think of a bad time for brisket.
When its 6.99/lb is when it’s a bad time
OT: Lindsay Lohan unleashed!
Here Q, have a distraction. From a burlesque show.
Whoa, that is one talented lady.
She had won the competition the previous year. I’ve been going through some old pics from the past, that was from 2016. They’ve since put the burlesque shows in a bigger arena.
NSFW (last one).
Uffda. The rut just started early I think
This story about marriage wreckers on TV made me laugh.
My laughter is a bit bitter though. My wife is a sucker for HGTV. She seems to be completely unaware of any time gaps during the show. She is convinced she can remodel an entire house in 30 minutes (Maybe 52 minutes for a big job).
Our coping mechanism has been to adopt a policy where we are forbidden to comment or offer advice on any home project undertaken by the other.
The only exception to this rule was when I built The Shed in the back yard. My wife and the neighbor wife were rapt spectators as I erected a shed that appeared to have been designed by Escher during a fever dream. There were lots of giggles and snickers as I built it. Didn’t care though because it was my best project ever. It had 4 identifiable walls, a floor AND a roof.
My mom watched that shit all the time.
My understanding is that in the “house hunter” shows, the couple had already picked out a house and signed the mortgage, and then the show went with the couple to that place and the two other places.
Maybe if you stopped drinking 120 oz of malt liquor and passing out in your underwear on the front lawn after pissing yourself, she wouldn’t be so mad.
Hey, dude, you home improve your own way. Don’t mock how we work here in the great state of Minn…
*passes out*
Could be worse. It could be Wisconsin home improvement.
The problem with home improvement in Wisconsin is you can’t ever paint a house.
Any time you try, the local Packer Backers end up drinking all the paint thinner.
If you’re not supposed to drink it, why do they put it in a bottle?
My wife’s first goal is to get me to pass out in the back yard instead. Her stretch goal is for me to still actually be wearing grundies at that point.
Hey Minnesota guys, we’re getting some white stuff falling from the sky. Slightly mixed with very little rain. Global warming skipped us this year. Gardening to snow shoveling in the same week
Oh-0h, looks like the blizzard is over
You know why? Because I was just looking at snow tires.
If you guys want me to make sure it doesn’t snow at all, I could go out and buy a new snowblower.
Pretty sure we’re going to have a solid, snowy winter because I told the wife we wouldn’t need a new snowblower this year.
Don’t you have your orphans shovel the snow for you?
Are you joking, Ted? No way I’d let the orphans cheat me out of an hour or two of John Deere goodness. My neighbors love it when they walk out and find their driveway done. Then they feed me or buy me beer.
The girlfriend doesn’t quite grasp the concept of construction, nor the costs involved. She at one point suggested we make our kitchen bigger by moving an exterior wall (the one which currently has the sink by it) out 3-4 feet. The reason is that I like cooking, and she would like a bigger kitchen.
She has since moved on from this idea thankfully.
My wife loves these kinds of shows too but, since she runs her dad’s roofing company, I don’t have to worry about her having unworkable ideas.
I think she told me that Fixer Upper has ended because the couple decided to have another kid and this, somehow, created a fire storm against them and they decided to retreat back into relative anonymity.
Take a break from the Kavanaugh Kangaroo Kourt. Listen to Jeffrey Sachs explain why that stingy bastard Bezos and his trillionaire cohorts should give their money to a mystical charity which will make all the children in the world healthy and happy.
And if they won’t do it voluntarily, we’ll force them at gunpoint. Because the politics of envy pays Jeffrey Sachs’ rent.
are not most of their money stock? what are these people gonna do liquidate the stock-market? is there even remotely enough money? wont the whole thing collapse?
The Scrooge McDuck jokes aren’t really jokes. Rich people really do have swimming pools full of cash money.
but it is a serious dilemma. how do you debate people who do not grasp the very basic?
i know a lefty who says shit like top 10% have 75% of the wealth and “that is a fact” and i cant question facts… if he thinks that water is not wet what is there to debate?
RE: The “pox on both houses” debate
I live in a small village in the Kingdom of New Atlantis. We’ve got two problems with the local wildlife: tigers and bears.
The bears can be found in the outskirts. One of them killed a guy in 2005. Tigers, on the other hand, often slip into town and take their shot. They’ve killed 4 people this year alone.
But we aren’t fools. We know that bears are every bit the threat tigers are.
Well well well, look what we have here:
Well that’s a surprise.
This is my shocked face.
new right?
Nothing to see. Move along. Nothing to see.
I thought it was going to be a new accusation against Kavanaugh.
Well, the only reason the Republicans were doxxed was because of how awful Kavanaugh is, so it really is all Kavanaugh’s fault.
Burn. It. All. Down.
Depends how they hand out IP addresses.
Could be a shared external IP address. Some more network savvy Glibs would know better here.
The network addresses of congressional computers are routable.
She at one point suggested we make our kitchen bigger by moving an exterior wall (the one which
currently has the sink by itholds the roof up) out 3-4 feet.Neither of those things is a reason not to expand.
But it would make it more expensive, no?
Sure, if the exterior wall is load bearing (not all are) but if your expanding the kitchen, adding new cabinets, countertops, etc…, adding a header and moving the sink will be a very small part of the job.
I’m about 60% sure it’s load bearing, as there was already an addition to the house right near the kitchen to connect to the garage. And they only cut out an area that’s about a double doorway, leaving a lot of that wall up. There’s also the fact the ceiling drops down about a foot at that point as well. Regardless, it would be a large expense for a minimal benefit.
Just do it Neph, think of the poor contractors and tradesmen in your area. Salt of the earth folk with wives and seventy-two children, no coal in the cellar, no polo ponies, have to roll their own cigarettes, wife has no nylons.
Heh… there’s a contractor who lives across the street from me (in the posh neighborhood). Nice guy, but he’s definitely better off then me. It can get strange living on the border of three cities.
Having Big Dog’s Red Hydrant…its okay
From my several trips to Vegas, the best brewery that I’ve had in the area is Banger Brewing. If someone has a better recommendation, I’ll check it out when I’m there in April.
Looks good. Is that downtown? I rarely go that way but will try it.
Yep, on Fremont Street. Right next door to the Heart Attack Grill.
Kkkapitalism is bad
In fact, corporations are free to balance the interests of shareholders with those of customers, workers or the public, as they did routinely before the 1980s, when companies were loath to boost profits if it meant laying off workers or cutting their benefits. Legally, corporations can be formed for any purpose. Executives and directors owe their fiduciary duty to the corporation, which is not owned by shareholders, as widely believed, but owns itself (in the same way that nobody “owns” you or me). The only time a corporation is obligated to maximize its share price is when it puts itself up for sale.
Wut? Five “myths” about capitalism.
Burn, straw men, burn!
Cite fucking needed.
Yeah, that’s fucking dubious…
(In the same way that nobody “owns” you or me)
I own me. Any questions?
“Executives and directors owe their fiduciary duty to the corporation, which is not owned by shareholders, as widely believed, but owns itself (in the same way that nobody “owns” you or me).”
What? I’m so confused by this…Jesus help us all
He’s a professor.
You know who else is a professor?
Russell Johnson?
Ted win’s.
Some nonprofits own themselves. All for profits are owned by shareholders.
which is not owned by shareholders
Which is of course why you just criticized them for maximizing shareholder value over all other ‘concerns’.
Connecticut wrapper refers to the strain of tobacco that originated in Connecticut. I believe the Dominican Republic is where much of it is grown. There is some still grown in the state.
I like Brown Ales. That one sounds good. Had a couple decent ones in Lexington week before last. Bells Best Brown Ale and Monnick King George English Brown Ale. I enjoyed both of them. I can’t smoke cigars unfortunately because I do like the flavor. Lungs can’t handle it. Yeah I know you’re not suppose in inhale but you still get smoke.
I’ve been looking for the Bells Best in my area, and it still isn’t on the shelves, but I can pick up some old Oberon or Two Hearted. I really wish my local stores did better… there’s good beer stores 20-30 minutes away, but I’d prefer not needing to check dates on everything I pick up at the store.
For any aspiring artists out there: How to Draw with Tenacious D
Oh man – ESPN2 just switched to the FSU v Louisville game and it’s the lady who called the MNF game a few weeks ago, Beth Mowins. I’ve no objection to women calling football games but her voice is just awful.
Not just me:
Louisville 14 – FSU 7. Jesus Christ, ‘noles.
Note: former FSU grad. Goddammit.
Not a real woman so doesn’t count.
leftists harassing people going about their business? say it ain’t so!
My friend who is the biggest cigar fancier I know, is fond of lighting them with a propane blowtorch.
I’ve seen that. You really just want to avoid gasoline lighters (ie Zippo, Bic, etc.).
Evidently Lohan’s still on the drugs
I know next to nothing about her but yeah she seems whackadoodle.
Thank you for this cool story i would never have heard about if you hadn’t posted the link!
Third (or fourth) time’s the charm!
Thank you for this cool story i would never have heard about if you hadn’t posted the link!
Hey, have you all talked about this broad yet?
You’re lucky I don’t drink beer, or else I’d send you the worst stuff I could find in the BIF.
Please, like I’ve never had shitty beer.
She needs to be spanked.
And you’re just the man to do it, aren’t you?
I humbly submit myself for the job…
I recommend a biohazard suit and a chemical shower. Duct tape your gloves twice.
Or better yet…. EPA Level A .
Double-envelope, just to be sure.
Apparently an excellent game last night.
For neutrals, maybe.
Yeah, sorry. I was avoiding posting it to your name.
I’ve been watching Collingwood long enough to notice you never know which team is going to show up on any given day.
It’s been worse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colliwobbles
Great. I chose to follow the Buffalo Bills of Australia.