Poor SP. She comes back from her trip and finds that the furniture is broken, the dog has been shaved and painted with spots (“We thought she’d make a cute Dalmatian. OK, we were wrong, it happens.”), the 55 gallon drum of personal lubricant is empty, and the car has a shopping cart and a bum embedded in the front grille. Not that any of this was unexpected. After all, I hang out with Swiss and he’s a notoriously bad influence.
Almost the end of September. And what an auspicious date! It is the birthday of Suzzy Roche (who we met a few years ago after a great show and who patiently posed for selfies with me), Stephanie Miller (possibly the dumbest human being ever allowed to have a radio show), and Les Claypool (poster boy for major weed consumption, amazing bass playing, and all around fun).
On to the news.
Really, there’s nothing more to be said about the Brett Kavanaugh debacle. One fun little twist is that his alkie buddy is now thrown into the mix.
Asked if Judge is also willing to cooperate with law enforcement officials to investigate Ford’s allegations, in addition to those made by Swetnick, [Judge’s lawyer] Van Gelder said he was. “Mr. Judge did not intend his comment to be limited in scope. If the FBI or any law enforcement agency requests Mr. Judge’s cooperation, he will answer any and all questions posed to him,” Van Gelder said in an email.
“Mr. Judge, are you familiar with the term ‘DP’? Which of you took the caboose?”
Of course, actual good news is buried.
The House on Friday voted to permanently extend the individual rate cuts in the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax-cut law as part of Republicans’ “Tax reform 2.0” effort, saying the cuts are needed to keep the economy humming in the future.
“By making the new code permanent for our families and small businesses, the [bill] will keep America’s economy booming and middle-class families growing again,” said Rep. Kevin Brady, the House’s top tax-writer.
The vote was 220-191, mostly along party lines, with only a few Democrats backing the bill and about 10 Republicans voting against it.
It’s just another giveaway to the millionaires and billionaires, amirite?
Sometimes, it just ain’t your day.
Police told St. Louis Post-Dispatch that 20-year-old Charles Wood Jr. pulled up to the drive thru at an angle around 10pm. They say he needed to open his car door and lean out to grab his order. That’s when the car accelerated backward and pinned him against a tree. Wood suffered severe injuries to his head, neck, torso and legs and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
I always said that fast food will kill you. This vindicates me.
I can never resist global warming panic stories. Here’s one with a startling headline.
Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous seven degrees by the end of this century.
A rise of seven degrees Fahrenheit, or about four degrees Celsius, compared with preindustrial levels would be catastrophic, according to scientists. Many coral reefs would dissolve in increasingly acidic oceans. Parts of Manhattan and Miami would be underwater without costly coastal defenses. Extreme heat waves would routinely smother large parts of the globe.
But the administration did not offer this dire forecast, premised on the idea that the world will fail to cut its greenhouse gas emissions, as part of an argument to combat climate change. Just the opposite: The analysis assumes the planet’s fate is already sealed.
Wow! Unfortunately, the lede is, as usual, buried.
The draft statement, issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), was written to justify President Trump’s decision to freeze federal fuel-efficiency standards for cars and light trucks built after 2020. While the proposal would increase greenhouse gas emissions, the impact statement says, that policy would add just a very small drop to a very big, hot bucket.
OK, so: climate ‘experts’ at NHTSA. Draft statement. Career bureaucrats looking for more funding. But that’s the same thing as “The Trump administration.” I think some low level highway engineer is about to get reassigned to studying sled dog tracks in Nome, Alaska. And NYT, please, please, never change. (Note: satellite temp data still show consistently a 0.13 degree per decade rise- but what would actual climatologists know?)
The Jefferson Airplane Reunion Tour has become a bit more difficult.
Marty Balin – the co-founder and vocalist-guitarist of the psychedelic rock band Jefferson Airplane – has died aged 76, his family and publicist say. They did not specify the cause of death of the US musician.
Balin wrote some really memorable songs: Volunteers, Today, Plastic Fantastic Lover… One more bit of my youth disappears. Sigh.
Old Guy Music time. I was tempted to use some old Jefferson Airplane music, but instead got absorbed by birthday boy Les Claypool’s Pink Floyd covers. Especially this one.
We know Kavanaugh is guilty, because John Hughes
Kavanaugh was more likely the kid who brought a gun to school for getting a B.
“In the 1980s, “rape” meant an attack from a stranger in a dark alley, not something that acquaintances did to each other at house parties where everyone knows each other.”
I came of age in the 80’s. Total BS.
Look everyone who went to school in the 80s is a rapist. Therefore K is a rapist.
Whew. I went to school in the Sixties/Seventies. I’m not a rapist, then.
You’re a serial killer.
There is so much bitterness and jealousy in that article.
I can’t believe I’m bothering go serious address the types diarrhea that is Vox, but…
If rape was only something that happened in a dark alley with a stranger in the 1980s, or even just 1980s cinema, then what to make of Biff Tannen’s assault of Lorraine in Back to the Future? Biff wasn’t a stranger at all, he was a classmate, and his actions are quite clearly portrayed as abhorrent. That’s why George is such a hero at the end – despite Biff being much larger, he stands up for Lorraine.
A true MILF.
the car has a shopping cart and a bum embedded in the front grille
Hopefully it wasn’t the one who gave me directions to the hotel at 1am. He was good people.
There is a huge upside to the Kavanaugh debacle, there is a massive over supply of retarded hot takes right now. Stock up and wait for the market to recover.
Clayton Bigsby agrees.
Silly Goats
Airlift costing tens of thousands of dollars or putting out a few mineral blocks from the nearest tractor supply store tondraw them away from the trails for a few tens of dollars?
Odd how the government went with option A.
You obviously want more unemployment
My mistake. We should have the poors carry them to their new home on hand crafted artisinal litters.
They’re goats.
If they’ve become a nuisance – shoot them.
Wow, Kavanaugh’s not even on the court yet and he’s already stolen their birth control.
Rape Culture strikes again.
No, no, no silly. Women can’t rape. This is merely a case of female empowerment and the patriarchy trying to oppress her.
She looks kinda plain…..this one aint gonna walk.
“disseminating matter harmful to juveniles”. Phrasing.
Socrates understands.
“Laura Bucy, a home economics teacher”
So…. she was kind of doing her job then.
I don’t know how progs have been able to maintain such anguish for two years. I’ve only been paying closer attention for a couple days and it’s exhausting and I’m pretty much burned out on it.
A thirst for power and a lust for anger will do it for ya. I’m pretty burned out myself of this nonsense.
They may destroy themselves out of sheer stress before any real conflict has a chance to break out. This has got to be doing a number on their physical wellbeing.
Yeah, I’m not a doctor, but as you said, all this unnecessary stress they’re putting on themselves can’t be healthy in the slightest.
I think the only people who aren’t faking the outrage are the dumbass true-believer far-left. The media and politicians are just keeping oeople watching (it’s dominating the Irish news cycle too)/ drumming up their base.
Sadly, all of the gays and lesbians I know are furiously posting #believeher stuff on social media.
Of course they are, because gay men have never groped anybody.
Precisely why I need to retire – every day in a federal govt office shaves time off of my lifespan.
They’re the Energizer bunny of toddler-like temper tantrums.
I’m not sure about that. For you and I the thing to do if you see a problem is take action. Talking about the problem is just the lead up to doing something to address the problem.
Among my proggie family members and friends, talking is everything. They bitch, whine, and moan and feel good about it.
It’s listening probably exacerbated by groupthink and echo chambers.
After 8 years of telling us what we want, we obviously want it, right? I mean, there’s no way that’s not what we want. It’s impossible. It must be the Russians and racism that caused this to happen.
Someone posted a tweet about that article on the global warming shiz in a discord server i’m in. I just rolled my eyes and kept drinking.
“….investigate claims that he tried to rape a 15-year-old high school girl in the early 1980s.”
While he was also a teenager….
Never change media, you disengenuous fucks, never change.
Also, hello from Dublin fellow Glibs!
Very nice, have a good time, lots of drinks, and take some pics please.
Ahead of you on all counts! That being said my (admittedly limited) experience thus far has shown me that Scotland is the far superior trip. While I’m enjoying Ireland immensly its far more touristy and far less scenic than Scotland.
I can’t wait to go back to Scotland – it’s gorgeous.
Now go behave like a proper Irishman!
Excellent, I do know a few bonny lasses back in Scotland so maybe I should pay them a visit one of these days.
Scotland is fucking awesome.
Yeah, but you’re in Dublin, you haven’t gotten out to Ireland yet.
Indeed. Dublin is one of the least interesting Euro capital cities and not the scenic part of Ireland. Get over to the west coast if you want scenic.
My honeymoon was on Orkney – one of the best places I’ve ever been. Quiet, interesting, beautiful, and friendly locals. Loved it, can’t wait to go back.
Two societies I belong to are having a joint conference at St. Andrews in 2020. I’m starting to save up for it, because I also want to visit the Orkneys and Skara Brae while I’m there, so I will eventually need to buy a jacket.
Plus, I’m going to have to learn to speak Scottish. I’ve heard it’s not something you can do while sober.
Have fun. Get drunk. Get laid!!
I was there in July. We enjoyed the Irish Wiskey museum and the Teelings distillery tour. Samples at both.
I found a great non touristy pub that has live spontaneous music called the Cobblestone.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
And Balin was, as far as I can tell, never part of Starship.
He was a figure in the Hobbit, and a lesser one in The Fellowship of the Ring, however.
Your gaze, in a mirror, please.
He was Lord of Moria, at least for a bit.
Those cell bars are feeble-looking.
“Laura Bucy is charged with sexual battery and disseminating matter harmful to juveniles,”
Well we always talk about throwing it around…
She may be Gary Bucy’s daughter in which case I think she gets a pass…
Gary bucy crazy wouldn’t be genetic . Unless motorcycle accidents can be passed on.
It’s just another giveaway to the millionaires and billionaires, amirite?
An exchange I had in real life, many years ago:
Me- “So, where does he get his money?”
Other person (joking)- “He gets it from poor people.”
Gov. Moonbeam passes gun control laws. So now in California, if you’re 18 you’re responsible enough to vote, but not responsible enough to buy a gun or smoke a cigarette. Oh, and if you have a domestic violence misdemeanor you might have your right to defend yourself taken away for life. I’m sure that won’t be abused at all, and only terrible horrible wife beaters will have their guns taken away forever.
What a tyrant. Seriously. “I believe we have enough mischief…”
Go fuck yourself shitstain.
Meanwhile MS13 just laughs their asses off.
You know, I always find it helpful to ask Leftists, “have you considered the possibility of a disparate racial impact of this policy you support?”
Not that I ever get a straight, honest answer, but it’s fun to watch them twist themselves into a pretzel trying to explain why this disparate impact is totally OK.
What I’ve learned about the GOPe is that they can’t just take a win when it’s thrown in their face. Unless of course it means getting in the middle of some ancient rivalry in some gawd forsaken corner of the globe.
Tinfoil hat me says “Feature not bug”
They just love poking them hornet nests.
Is the global warming bit based on that extreme scenario which not even the ones who though it up belive? Also the oceans are not acidic so they do not become more so
It’s a feature. The fish then are pre-marinated for easy prep.
By 2120, our beaches will be overrun with rotten ceviche.
“…The Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress’s non-partisan tax scorekeeper, estimates that the new bill would cost the government about $545 billion over 10 years, including effects from associated economic growth.”
I hate that phrase. It doesn’t *cost* the government anything.
No, but it will cost us something dear in the future if they don’t spending. FY, cut spending.
Hmm, I cut “cut” accidentally.
Nothing left to cut.
It’s not the government’s future god damn money. Fuck you, cut spending.
Your average voter will read that and nod his (or her) head. There’s the problem right there.
Meanwhile MS13 just laughs their asses off.
The other day, I was listening to some poeple huffing and puffing about the latest spectacularlr stupid stunt pulled in Yellowstone. Details are irrelevant. The solution?
“They should just ban that guy from going to any National Park, FOR LIFE!”
They’ll be able to enforce that ban the day they can keep people like MS13 (or me) from getting their hands on guns without a permission slip from the cops.
TSA at every entrance.
Jefferson Airplane crash.
Too soon?
That joke went over like a…..[takes off sunglasses]…..Lead Zeppelin
Was John Denver at the controls?
the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous seven degrees by the end of this century.
Game over, Man. Game over.
Trump has killed us all.
No, but it will cost us something dear in the future if they don’t [cut] spending. FY, cut spending.
You silly, deluded man. We don’t have a spending problem, we have a revenue problem. We allow too many rich people to keep money which rightfully belongs to the Treasury.
I read that as Stephen Miller and thought, okay, maybe you disagree with his politics, but dumbest human being…?
It’s funny listening to staunch conservatives gradually become reluctant Trump supporters because the left has lost its goddamn mind.
And it’s funny how singularly stupid the left as been. Trump should have been so easy to split from his conservative base. He’s not a conservative, he’s not even Republican, he’s a New York Democrat. He could have been courted by a savvy charm offensive by the left. Instead they turned their retard level up to 11 and just ran with it.
And similarly, a lot of conservatives would have sided against Trump provided a wing of less impulsively retarded Democrats. But they saw the dial goes to 11 and, well, their shit’s all retarded.
That’s exactly right.
“The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.”
Works for political parties too.
JB, Im surprised this gem got past you.
I’m just shocked. I mean, like, completely.
A video link. As if I’m turning off Gilbert O’Sullivan for that.
Sorry….I meant to add TW! Shitty local news auto-play.
Here. I offer this as atonement, via Dave Barry.
The original caption was Soon We Wont Have Any Rights Left! .
Ax-throwing bars are unsafe?
Tres: “I think we should open a bar”
Buddy #1: “Cool.”
Buddy #2: “We should be able to throw shit, like knives.”
Buddy #1: “I got some axes”
Tres: “Guys, I dont think that….”
Buddy #2: “What could possibly go wrong?”
/why Ive never opened a bar
Read in the voices of TPB. Tres is Bubbles.
I’ve left the bar with some pretty nasty hatchet wounds myself.
The bonus is that the entire country already smells like fish, amirite ?
Is that why it’s called Plenty of Fish?
Or School of Fish
⬆ ? ?
I went to an ‘Axe throwing bar’ the two things different from that bsr and the one in the article is that we had to have closed toe shoes “duh” and the bar had an attendant there running some competitions with our group.
Isn’t it a violation of the NAP to throw Axe body spray?
I got thrown out of a bar once for playing darts.
We were playing fast-pitch, and apparently that’s not allowed.
Justice for all
“The only consensus,” declared the Washington Post about Thursday’s Judiciary Committee hearings, “was that the Senate — and the nation — had hit a new low.” In the Weekly Standard, Jonathan Last added that, “It’s impossible to look at the Ford-Kavanaugh hearings and not see America as a nation in decline.” A lot of respectable people believe that. It’s the kind of sentiment you hear from nonpartisan journalists and anti-Trump conservatives, the people who represent the supposedly thoughtful center in today’s Washington.
But it’s nonsense. Claiming that Thursday’s hearings reflect “a new low” and “a nation in decline” implies that, in some previous era of American history, the Senate Judiciary Committee would have treated Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford more fairly than they did this week. In fact, for the vast majority of American history, Blasey Ford would have received no hearing at all. The Senate Judiciary Committee would not have bothered to inquire into her allegations of sexual assault because it would not have pretended that sexual assault was disqualifying for a seat on the Supreme Court.
Reasonable people can question the way Senate Democrats handled Ford’s allegations when she first came forward. But the notion—which is attractive to people in the respectable center—that there was some calm, polite, collegial way to arbitrate her charges is a myth. They could have been buried calmly and politely. But they could not have been arbitrated calmly and politely because Ford’s charges are dangerous. They’re dangerous to conservative hopes of achieving a majority on the Supreme Court and they’re dangerous to the many powerful men whose careers would be ruined were they accountable for their abuse of women. Kavanaugh and the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee know that. And they have learned from President Trump that when women or people of color endanger your status, it doesn’t work to play nice.
On Friday, two women who say they are survivors of sexual assault confronted Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator. Their actions constituted a violation of Senate norms; they weren’t civil at all. But the episode didn’t reflect an institution or a nation in decline. It reflected an institution and a nation in crisis—the kind of crisis that always comes when people long denied justice challenge the well-mannered consensus on which that injustice rests.
Yeah, men are the problem. They should be done away with.
Men who give this idiocy the seriousness it in no way deserves are the problem.
Psycho females and emasculated males are a major part of the problem.
Psycho females and emasculated males
That’s my new band.
Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms. Aristotle
“people long denied justice”
Mythology, unless being unable to randomly accuse and convict men is a denial of Justice.
I have some small hope that this will get the squishy Republicans to wake the fuck up. Kagan was confirmed 63-37, and Sotomayor was confirmed 68-31. Gorsuch was confirmed 54-45, and now this bullshit circus with Kavanaugh. The same people complaining about how bitterly partisan everything has gotten are the ones injecting politics into everything, and calling their opponents Nazi’s, bigots, misogynists, and rapists. Then I wake from my fever dreams, and realize that the Republicans will just keep playing the role of Charlie Brown trying to kick that football that the Democrats promise will be there… this time.
“In fact, for the vast majority of American history, Blasey Ford would have received no hearing at all.”
What she nominated for something?
“it would not have pretended that sexual assault was disqualifying for a seat on the Supreme Court.”
If Kavanaugh had a sexual assault conviction, he wouldn’t be nominated or confirmed to the Supreme Court. 0% chance. ZERO.
It’s so cute that they pretend to not understand what the fucking problem is.
He’d be sleeping under an overpass somewhere.
I don’t want to re-ignite a conflict, but I think some people were overly harsh to Goldilocks the other day. He had a point that in the end Kavenaugh is still horrible on the 4th A. My biggest disagreement is that the left drew the battle lines on this and they decided that it should be drawn on Due Process. Luckily none of us are Senators so the choice between the two isn’t ours. I have to remind myself of this because Prog Tears are so delicious, but that the stupid party can do just as much evil. And they control the government.
Fuck Kavanaugh. I’d defend Cosby if it meant not lining people against the wall for what they look like.
This. Always, always this.
I am too lazy to locate the original thread, but recall some of the exchange which was quite heated for Glibs.
Kavanaugh sucks on the 4th.
That said, I see this as a referendum on the conduct of the Dems now.
Seconded. They have thrown the very concept of due process out the window and I that is more concerning to me.
I revisited the thread. The one who was harsh to other commenters was Gordilocks.
I missed this discussion, but I take it Gordilocks committed the unforgivable sin of pointing out that the raison d’être of libertarianism isn’t merely “owning the libs”?
It’s a fair criticism that some of us can get caught up in Team thinking; ISTR that Gordilocks was just being an aggressive douche for not just say “feh, a pox on both their houses”.
It’s not an endorsement of Kavenaugh (who many here have pointed out isn’t some fire-breathing defender of liberty) or Team Red to think that allowing Team Blue to derail his nomination via straight-up character assassination is a terrible precedent.
“for not just say” -> “because we weren’t saying”
Sure, you reap what you sow. I get that. If he was being a douche nozzle, then calling him out on it is fair game.
“owning the libs”
No one here has this as their driving interest in this matter, and you and JB are being incredibly disingenuous for pushing that claim.
Rhywun had an excellent link yesterday, so I’ll repost:
This isn’t about owning the progressives. It’s about stopping them before it’s too late. Unfortunately, at this point, it’s Kavanaugh or nobody.
Time to tune-up those history books! Seems that someone thinks that confederate soldiers shot & killed…..you guessed it:
I just… I can’t even… Aaaaaaaargh!
Hate Preacher or Comedian? Hmmm…
So i am drinking this
not bad. needs to breath though
I am drinking this.
Full-bodied and delightful.
Does it use fresh Nicaraguans?
-1 Juan Valdez
But of course. No freeze-dried Nicaraguans for me!
Speaking of coffee….this sounds like up your alleys:
I purchased their espresso to support them.
Not bad. I’m still trying to get the right brew in my machine but it makes a nice crema with an overall balanced taste. I expected more flavour (and that lingering after feel you get with good espresso) but good stuff nonetheless. I prefer more of a wallop to my coffee.
A friend gave me some of their Beyond Black. It was decent, but not mind-blowing.
Love their ads though.
My brother is the production manager at a plant in little rock.
If you wouldn’t mind supporting him, drink https://www.westrockcoffee.com
It’s pretty good coffee. He was telling me last week that they are in the process of doubling their manufacturing ability as their business has grown over the past few years.
Thanks! I will check out the Rwandan.
I can’t tell if they ship to Canada but I see they sell it at Kroger so next time I’m in VT. or Plattsburgh I’ll look for it.
SP and I had a Saperavi rose last night. Our first experience with this Georgian variety. Very aromatic, snappy acidity. We’re hooked,
never had rose, just red. for red saperavi there is also a premium version called Mukuzani
We’re trying to find one of the reds here, not an easy task. Same sort of acidity? That was what hooked us.
Try Russian/Ukrainian restaurants. Georgian wine is usually available there.
saperavi generally has good acidity but it can somewhat vary
googlein that totalwine thing which is blocked in Romania seems to have some
This item is not available for in-store pickup in your area. Wine is not eligible for shipping to WI.
Fuck BATF.
Isn’t it really a 21st Amendment issue?
I’ve never listened to the Frog Brigade. I’ve got Live Set 2 going right now and it’s a trip.
Perfect music for a really cold morning. Thanks, OMWC!
Frog ? alt-right confirmed
Oh, man. Good idea!
*goes off to look for Frog Brigade hat*
Their cover art indeed has a Pepe resemblance.
The Frogs
Check out their live cover of the entire Floyd’s Animals album.
I’ll just drag this over from last night: I was hoping the Kavanaugh hearings would go a little somethin’ like this
Used this for Roy Moore, but I think it works better as a Young Kavanaugh.
Not Winger ?
(I hate that I like that song)
Loved that my local strip used that song.
*Sigh* Strip bar.
Three letter words seem to be giving you some trouble today.
Seriously. Getting old.
Here’s one that doesn’t suck.
Setzer always cracked me up, since that gretsch body was bigger than him.
Don’t forget this one on that theme.
All you old guys and no one links to Gary Puckett? That guy was Norman Rockwell-level pedo.
No love for Gary Glitter, either.
I’m very thankful that none of the SJW’s have decided to declare Rockabilly problematic. I mean most of the songs are about young women, dancing, drinking, car racing, and toxic masculinity.
It’s only a matter of time.
It will be fun watching them clash with the Aussies, Brits, and American Hispanics. I’ll put money on the people who know how to change a tire.
Just because I’m in a mood now. More obscure bands for your listening pleasure.
They’ve probably never heard any, seeing how it comes from those icky flyover people.
And here I just bought my tickets to fly out to Viva Las Vegas. This year will be glorious, we scored hotel rooms at the Orleans (where the event takes place). So instead of waiting for shuttles to get back to the hotel, we just need to head up to the room. Who doesn’t want to be around a week of pin-up contests, burlesque shows, live music, girls all dolled up, greasers, and a car show?
Do y’all have any recommendations for rockabilly bands? I feel like getting my americana on. So far nice beats, Neph.
Not really Rockabilly, but Southern Culture On The Skids has the flava and is a lot of fun.
Thanks RC, I’ll give them a listen.
A lot will depend on your tastes, there’s almost as many divisions in Rockabilly as there are in Metal. Big names that I enjoy are:
Los Straitjackets – Instrumental
Reverend Horton Heat – Psychobilly three piece band out of Texas
The Stray Cats are classic (and are the solo bands of Lee Rocker and Brian Setzer)
Hillbilly Hellcats are a fun band
Horrorpops – Female led Danish band who is related to the…
Then there’s always:
Link Wray
Johnny Cash
Jerry Lee Lewis
Then there’s always the option to stream stuff as well (the stream is associated with the Viva Las Vegas show I referenced up thread).
Thanks Neph, you da man, I’ll definitely be having a good time. I do like me some Johnny Cash so that’s great too.
We can get creepy without all the hairspray.
Speaking of hairspray .
Bastard. I love The Cure. That single leg lunge with the despondent look was my only dance move.
The ultimate creeper song. Those were the days.
Hey, little girl, is your daddy home
Jacob Kimble
Jacob Kimble
1 month ago
I wouldn’t have even flinched an eye if I were the dad. I would have assumed it was her lesbian gym teacher Helga from school.
Sam Ault
Sam Ault
1 month ago (edited)
This is the ringtone for Amber Alerts on my phone.
I had no idea that was DJ Shadow.
DJ Shadow & Ice-T are the two shows I’ve been to that probably get me the most hipster cred.
(Ice-T was semi by accident – we were there to see Kool Keith, who was meh and stayed for T as the headliner, who promptly put on an ass-kicking show)
Remember the time Bono asked Captain Beefheart if he wanted to work together?
South Park really did a number on him.
I wonder why CB doesn’t like him. No, seriously.
Nice. That thread is good. . “If you could be in a band with any musician alive or dead who would it be? Bono, dead.”
Brilliant! On a scale from 1 to 10, my love for Captain Beefheart was always a 12. It is now a 17.
Heh, that led me to this comment about Willie the Pimp.
Which was the commented on:
carol mcallister
Sep 24
Replying to @WG_Burton @Ian__Curtis___ @U2
this song is deeply and offensively racist. You realise Zappa was a right-wing libertarian, right? That should be enough to see his oeuvre shunned.
Is that offensive? I dug into the depths of Youtube today and found this song. They won’t let me share to 3:01, so skip to that. How is this still on YouTube? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aadKHB9Xb8E&bpctr=1538232755
YouTube made me click through a “possibly offensive” portal first. And they weren’t wrong, it’s definitely at the intersection of funny and offensive.
Even bigots can be funny. It’s so over the line, I lol’ed.
Oh no, not shunned!
Precious little flower better never listen to Dinah-Moe Humm!
Bonus excellent YT comment:
+1 Sugar Plum
Kavanaugh sucks on the 4th.
Kavanaugh sucks, period, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. The fucking lefty mob has been working on this tactical character assassination gambit since they painted that fucking mashed potato sandwich, Mitt Romney, as some sort of fire-breathing anarchocapitalist Visigoth who would dismantle the federal government.
Giving in on Kavanaugh is completely unacceptable. I am certain he will make a lot of rulings we will regret, but consider the alternative.
Agreed. How good Kavanaugh is or isn’t on a particular issue is now irrelevant. This is bigger than him; it’s about whether made up stories from 36 years ago are enough to destroy a man simply because he was nominated by the wrong Team. It sets frightening precedent and it’s a cynical and evil power grab. It cannot stand.
Maybe if he joined the Illinois Nazi party.
I hate those guys
Nazis. Why’d it have to be Nazis?
A fellow Glib was dreaming about how this process might temper Kavanaugh disdain for the accised.
Thomas have us that sweet dissent in Kelo. So we will just have to see. IMHO, the US Empire isn’t going to last my lifetime, so maybe all this anguish is for naught. The left isn’t slowing down or is there any indication they are ever going to come to thier senses. They are making hot civil war inevitable.
There may be something to that. I hope there is. If a particular political party all banded together to tell lies about me that were meant to ruin my career, it would ignite a white hot hatred for those involved.
Maybe Cavanaugh isn’t like me, but I think most people would feel this way.
Maybe. Another possibility is that he becomes concerned about being biased that he errs in the other direction. I know I have this tendency: it’s not people pleasing, it’s just that when someone really pisses me off, I check myself to be sure I’m not blindly retaliating.
One thing that I’m majorly annoyed at is several Republican members of Congress were doxxed on Thursday apparently from a Congressional computer. And this is not major news.
Initial indications point to the senior legislative assistant to Maxine Waters.
Lovely lordosis.
11 may be the new lobster girl.
i’ll go 19 today
Lordosis? Nah, I had the shots.
I thought listerine was for your lordosis
Lorde’s not all bad.
Fuck it. Since it’s Yacht Rock Night, to you Number 8.
She’s got a strong resemblance to an ex.
*sighs, kicks rock*
I don’t usually comment on a single girl, but damn, #15
Right? Hitting a golf ball toward the wall is just plain reckless!
She should be spanked, By me. Repeatedly.
+1 the Ladies of Castle Anthrax
Lotsa big buts in this assortment
Big butts. Dang autocorrect!
Yesterday in the gym a music video was playing on the TV with Nicky Minaj riding a pony. I seriously could not tell who had the biggest rump, Nicky or the pony.
This trend seems to have staying power. At the same gym yesterday was a slender girl with an absurd ass protrusion, clearly she’d had cheek implants.
I seriously miss the days when tight asses were the look, I fear those won’t return in my lifetime. Oh well, given what happened in the past few days, I probably should never glance at tail anymore anyway, I’d like to keep my job.
#37 has dimples, so it’s not all giant butts these days.
FWIW, in the break room at work this morning, the subject of kavenaugh came up. This is probably the first time in 5 years I’ve seen 20+ people all have the same opinion about something political here.
Based on your place of work, I’m going to throw out a wild guess and say it was NOT: “gee that Ford lady sure is believable and Kavanaugh should step down”.
Am I warm?
Bingo. There is lesbian girl who works at the caster who was here this morning and she shared the same sentiments as the rest of the guys.
Talked to mom about it yesterday. Didn’t want to get into specifics; opined on the sad state of affairs when one seat is so goshdarn important, and maybe devolution is a long time coming.
Talked to dad about it last night: WTF ARE WE REALLY TAKING THIS CRAZY LADY SERIOUSLY?!
Alternate universe exercise. Imagine Kavanaugh took Alito’s seat and it was Gorsuch up for Kennedy’s. Plays out differently?
No chance. Gorsuch would have gone from harmless nerd to fire-breathing rape-dragon in a femtosecond.
I’m stupid and dumb, and also ignorant. Why Alito’s seat, not Scalia’s?
And in any event I think Gorsuch would be a Nazi, and a white supremacist, and also probably literally Hitler.
It’s been a looooong day. That’s what I meant.
Day’s just begun! And I begun it drinking.
Daniel Craig as a tatted-up bleach-haired convict. Kylo Ren as a one-armed bandit. Channing Tatum as a doughy potato-shaped nobody. All of them faking ridiculous southern accents.
I wouldn’t have believed it, but get this, they put it all on film. And then didn’t advertise the fact at all, because I’d never heard of this movie.
I enjoyed it, but I’ve already admitted to being a Soderbergh fan.
Not perfect, but fun enough (though Seth MacFarlane is always annoying).
Of all Hollywood’s sins, their constant mangling of southern accents is one of them.
No shit.
But Brad Pitt’s southern accent military guy in Inglorious Basterds was spot on, amirite?
Republicans don’t want to govern and the LP doesn’t believe in due process. How is it that even when leftists lose, they win? //rhetorical //poweristheendnotthemeans
Strong men good times weak men hard times.
Sweet food after meat?
Like yams after turkey?
em>A fellow Glib was dreaming about how this process might temper Kavanaugh disdain for the accised.
That would be me, I reckon.
Hey, Ya’ll! It’s Lefty. The other day some posters were talking about “active” and “lurker” Glibs. I was never that active to begin with. I would usually do something like post a Wipers video at the end of a dead thread. Anyway, it’s been a strange few months for me. I moved back to PA from MPLS in June to help my ageing parents with some things. I was supposed to be here for a month or so—then get a new job and an apartment. At the end of June my Dad was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer. He had his gallbladder and parts of his liver removed. All the sudden I was the “man” of the house. My folks have kind of a big place that requires a lot of outdoor work. My Dad was recovering and couldn’t handle any of it. So my life went “on-hold” while I cut hay, cleared brush, cut down trees…etc. My Dad is cancer-free now. He should be back to normal in a few weeks. Anyway, I moved from a city where I had lots of friends to my hometown—where I don’t know anyone anymore. It’s nice to have you jabronies to check-in on. Sure I lurk. So what? I am Tulpa, after all! (By the way… right now I’m going through hundreds of CDs that I should have gotten rid of BEFORE I moved. The local library’s music collection is about to get way fucking cooler!)
And by the way, the recall code is…
Lefty! Welcome back!
I’m happy to hear dad is doing well. Scary shit there, eh?
So my life went “on-hold” while I cut hay, cleared brush, cut down trees…etc.
On hold? Sounds pretty fucking good to me.
Ditto the good vibes from Minnesoda Lefty.
PA? Must be some cosmic balance thing since that is where Leap is from originally. You guys know it isn’t a law that we only allow one PA immigrant at a time? (just a recommendation, not actual law).
Remember you are always welcome here. Just let us know and we’ll throw some lutefisk on the barbie.
Lurkers get the bullet, too. Glad your dad is doing better.
Good to hear your dad’s in the clear. You’re a good man.
re: CDs, I”m trying to decide if it’s even worth the effort to re-rip my CDs into something lossless, now that I have plenty of disk space or just shell out for Spotify or whatever. I don’t have too much that’s all that rare.
FWIW, I went through the same process and chose Spotify. I’m done collecting, I have hearing loss and I really like the ability to listen to anything the moment I think of it.
Like Jangle Noise!
Courtesy of EDG.
Glad your dad is doing a lot better, hope the move goes well for you and keep on keeping on.
Good on you for taking care of your parents. I hope things go well for your family.
I have also switched to mostly lurker the past few months. I’ve been looking for a job without much success, while trying to improve my skills and portfolio and be the parent that shuttles my daughter around while taking care of most of the chores as my wife has a very important job and was pregnant until nearly a month ago when our son was born. He proceeded to spend the first week in the NICU for various ailments, but is at home and perfectly healthy now. These days I’m working at about half speed due to exhaustion with extra duties. I swear these kids have already worked out a divide and conquer scheme. I’m sure we’ll get through this, though, and it’s so totally worth it.
Hey Lefty!
Glad your dad is getting better. Who knows what your not-exactly-planned relocation will bring?
You’re where you’re meant to be, at least right now.
Well well well. The clouds are starting to lift, and there is snow in the trees on the ridge above me.
33 degrees when I got up this morning. Winter gods say “soooooooon.”
67 at 5:30 this morning. High in the low eighties today. Summer is not giving up yet.
33 degrees? Sounds like winter gods say “now!” At least, here in FL they would…
Note to Pie and all the Canadians: them are imperial degrees, so about 2 to you. The US is like Burma – we don’t play metric.
My favorite Sloopyism:
Only one country has put a man on the moon. And they didn’t need the fucking metric system to do it.
Okay – that was nice
Only one country??!!
Only two, tovarich?
Well played, although I will point out that the author of the book I cited believes his account is non-fiction.
Holy Hannah! Seems awfully early to be hitting 33.
Must be all the global warming.
It will be 75 on Wed. You know how it goes!
here my bedroom is finally cool enough to cover myself while sleeping. which i like
Want Equality? Make New Dads Stay Home
Mandatory paternity leave would help close the wage gap and strengthen family bonds
The article is as awful as the title suggests.
Hey maybe the mask as an elastic band so it doesn’t slip so easily?
One more reason to be self-employed.
Go fuck yourself Joanne
Fuck Off Slavers
There is lesbian girl who works at the caster who was here this morning and she shared the same sentiments as the rest of the guys.
Ooh, lookit Mister Inclusivity, over there.
And we learned. That Lach really does work at the gay steel mill.
‘The Anvil’.
I’m going to go ahead and say that not only couldn’t be made now, that episode has probably been memory-holed in reruns.
Want equality?
Give up. It’s not going to happen.
Want equality?
Of opportunity? Sure!
thats a trap. i want equality of liberty and negative rights
Back when the rumors about Kennedy’s retirement started, I wished for a replacement who had had a significant career as a criminal defense attorney, who was not a graduate of an Ivy league school. We got Kavanaugh.
I don’t expect to see that in my lifetime.
I would like to see someone who isnt a lawyer and can read.
Forgive me if this take on Ford’s “truth” has been discussed already but I haven’t seen it…
So, if her experience happened, it kinda sounds like the typical behavior at high school parties when I was a teen. I don’t mean sexual “assaults,” but the awkward physical expressions of teenagers’ sexual pursuits. At the parties I attended, there was much rough housing between sexes, all consensual. None of it resulted in rape or anything that would have been considered “assault,” if only because such clumsy advances, by both genders/sexes/whatever-it’s-called-now, weren’t unwanted.
It sounds to me like Ford didn’t like such play, and successfully withdrew from it. No harm done. Move on. But maybe now, in her proggie #metoo bubble, she’s retroactively decided that her experience *should have* traumatized her more, and is now using it as a way to justify however she perceives herself to be psychologically messed up.
… This is not to say I believe anything like her story happened with Kavanaugh.
sounds like the typical behavior at high school parties when I was a teen
So you’re admitting you’re a rapist and unfit for public office! /prog
Haha, I keep telling my male dog he’ll never become a Supreme Court Justice every time he dominates his “sister.”
This sounds like what they want us to say.
It probably didn’t happen at all.
I’d be willing to believe that there was some aggressive fumbling by somebody at some point that resulted in nothing much. I think “it was Kavanaugh” is, at best, something she’s misremembering. At worst it’s a knowing lie.
If she didn’t mention it to anyone until 2012, it didn’t happen.
Based on a personal experience, I think your theory is probably right.
this take on Ford’s “truth”
How about this one? She is a proggie college professor from the same town and time as K who was recruited by Dem senators and handed this fabricated story to smear the guy.
I dont beleive a word of it. Looking back on the Anita Hill farce it is pretty obvious that nothing is over the line for the D’s. They are going to have power no matter who they have to destroy or how much of the world they have to turn into ashes. They have zero credibility. None.
…and possibly some combination of our 2 theories. At the very least, by those politicians who assume her “truth” to be credible, I’d like to hear some public rebuttal to the assumption that such behavior by teenagers should be always classified as assault. After all, behavior deemed sexual assault is only considered to be criminal if the receiving party is not receptive to it.
As it is, the politicians are too afraid to call Ford anything but credible, a survivor, brave, etc.
I think there is a subset of feminists who want to be “survivors” for the street cred it gives them. I have an ex girlfriend in Palo Alto who went batshit with the feminist stuff during grad school at Stanford. It was basically the beginning of the end of our relationship, which was probably best for all involved. She called me up to get together many years after we had broken up. During our lunch she let me know that she had been raped. The way she said it made it sound like she was proud of it. It was very strange. She’s very smart and talented, but with this sort of thing she’s nutso.
Hey QContinuum,
Where are you looking to buy land up here? I live in Anchorage and have lived/worked/traveled across most of state except southeast. I’d be happy to provide any insight. There are lot of people hitting 65-70 and looking to unload land or cabins both on and off the road system.
Q should move to Bethel, now there is a wilderness paradise
Related to plisade’s comment, above:
Attempted rape, or clumsy teen roughhousing?
I think a lot of people might have felt a jolt in their souls when Christine Blasey Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that one of the most vivid, indelible memories she has of the night she says she was sexually assaulted at 15 by a 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh behind a closed door, while his friend looked on, was what she recalled as “the uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.”
Judge Kavanaugh denies the allegations.
It is hard not to be chilled and sickened to hear a woman recall how she heard cruel laughter from two older boys, as they stumbled drunk back to the party, after they had pinned her to a bed and tried to strip off her clothes, sexually assault her, and made her fear for her life by clapping a hand over her mouth to stop her screams. It was a story of cold, brute male force, followed by uncaring laughter. Demeaning and dismissive laughter that, in a way, is its own kind of assault.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I just can’t bring myself to buy that this was an honest to Zod “attempted rape”. More like somewhere on the spectrum between jumping out and yelling “BOO!” and pushing somebody over the guy who’s on his hands and knees behind him.
I see nothing but three decades of festering unhappiness and resentment on the part of Mrs Ford.
“I see nothing but three decades of festering unhappiness and resentment on the part of Mrs Ford.”
I see nothing but *lifetimes* of festering unhappiness and resentment on the part of *progressives*.
It’s kinda depressing ain’t it? All the lovely beer, good times with friends, and stuff one can do nowadays and still it’s not good enough.
Agreed! I love being alive and enjoying all the pleasures life offers. Misery escapes me.
I think she admitted she had no idea what they were laughing about.
Although I’m not sure if that actually matters for some people.
Dismissive laughter directed at her?
Or: Drunken Kavanaugh smacked her ass or something, she slapped him and told him to fuck off, Judge bursts out laughing at Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh bursts out laughing at himself.
She lay admitted she heard laughter through a closed door, and did not know who was laughing or why.
Huh. So now they both raped her?
Was it even Kavanaugh? I doubt it.
Perhaps Kavanaugh is Ford’s archetypal Jake (referencing the 16 Candles post above) and thus the “identitied” he is just as responsible for any and all rejections/offenses to women.
Daniel Craig as a tatted-up bleach-haired convict.
Okay, I give up. WTF?
Logan Lucky
“WOMEN SCREAMING AT FLAKE IN ELEVATOR Were Soros-Funded Astroturfed Activist Leaders! — NOT VICTIMS”
Why use my own words when theirs will do?
Got that? Pretending to be a sexual assault victim makes you a hero.
That is an absolutely disgusting insult to anyone who’s been actually sexually abused.
As is this entire trend of making up stories about sexual assault or rape for the purposes of revenge, personal fame and profit, or politics.
It’s getting to the point where people will immediately put undue skepticism on anyone who comes forward about a rape because Lefties have been pushing this #BelieveAllWomen nonsense.
Yep. All this shit does is hurt more innocent people and creates more victims. I don’t know if my prayers go anywhere in the end, but I just hope to God that these people pushing this get their karma or divine justice in this life or the next.
But it worked. Twice in one week.
*kiff sighs and finishes another can of beer*
I can’t argue with that.
“Lindsay Lohan accused by Twitter users of trying to ‘kidnap’ a Syrian refuge boy after she posts unhinged video of her accosting family in Russia
‘You are ruining agriculture by doing this, you’re taking these children they want to go. I’m with you boys, don’t worry, the whole world is seeing this right now. I will walk forever, I will stay with you, don’t worry. Is he your son? Give me your hand.'”
“Lindsay Lohan wins the most bizarre video of the month … as she accuses parents of trafficking her children and then gets punched in the face.
Lindsay, who was in Moscow, gets out of her car and approaches the family — 2 boys and their parents. She says they’re Syrian refugees who need help. Then it turns … LiLo accuses them of trafficking their kids, as she speaks in both English and Arabic. At one point she says, “You’re ruining Arabic culture.” After tailing the family for a bit and trying to take the children, you see the mother snap and attack Lindsay, socking her in the face. The vid ends with a tearful Lindsay saying she was trying to save the boys.””
from the parent trap to this. sad
Nonsense. As an expert in second language acquisition, I can tell you that accusing random people of human trafficking is a very effective way of practicing your second language.
And possibly getting beaten to a pulp for doing so.
There is a growing body of evidence in the shared area of the venn diagram of evo psych. and psycholinguistics that 2nd language acquisition is tied to survival. I’m off the clock, so I’m not going to find the link, but there is one study in particular that I’m thinking about where participants did better on Stroop test of Spanish vocabulary when the learning was framed with the schema of having to cooperate on a stranded island with Pedro who only spoke Spanish. The words with faster recall were all related to survival.
Makes perfect sense to me. Every exchange student goes through a mild version of this.
Shit. I went through it when we rented a place in Mexico and the housekeeper spoke zero English. It was astonishing how fast my Spanish improved. She even stopped laughing at me after a couple days. I was the only one in the group with any Spanish at all so it was a fun crash course.
Yes, it does have strong face validity to me as well. I think that both the functionalists and evo psych. are correct when they argue that the function of language is communication. That is, we share our inner mental lives with others through language in order to increase our chances for survival through cooperation in the generation of ideas, plans, etc., for mutual benefit.
I’m sure you are right HM. I’m also sure if the second language learner interferes with a family, in a manner perceived as threatening, there is a good chance force will be employed.
She really is a lost soul. When I think about her parents I pity her.
Apropos of nothing, I love UFO’s Rock Bottom.
Apropos of the confirmation process.
And a great music choice.
only UFO can rock me..
I didn’t know self-driving cars were at such a late stage of development.
“What happened Thursday should not prevent Kavanaugh’s confirmation. My column in @nytopinion:”
I guess he is getting fired then.
“Do you boast about your fitness? Watch out – you’ll unavoidably become rightwing”
I’ll gladly boast about my fitness. I ran really far this morning and saw interesting things. https://twitter.com/egould310/status/1046061304400752640?s=21
Cool! Is the pterodactyl some kind of heron?
Yeah. Blue herons. Those two are always hanging around that location. It’s a popular fishing spot, so lots of free food for those guys.
Where is that flare stack?
Pier J. It’s only the second time in 3 years I’ve seen it going like that. Also, there were some pretty decent waves rolling behind the breakwater.
Literally worse than Hitler.
Her head has been up her own ass so long she’s oxygen deprived.
Ayn Rand deserves an apology from all who criticized her villains as ‘too cartoon-y’.
OK college football nerds, which 12:00 game should I, an unaffiliated semi-fan of college ball, watch?
My inclination would be the only game with two ranked teams (#12 West Virginia at #21 Michigan State). But I could be convinced to watch the Clemson game, as Syracuse looked reasonably good kicking the crap out of UConn last week.
Pfft, the clear choice is Indiana/Rutgers.
Apparently I don’t get BTN, so that’s right-out. Plus, I suspect there may be a soupçon of bias in your suggestion.
I’m watching the WVU – Tech game. I’ve also got $20 on WVU to cover and another $20 on the over, so I might be biased. I’ll probably flip between that and the NC State game. They’ve been looking good so far.
WVU-TTU should be a shootout.
MSU’s o-line is garbage.
Apparently I’m illiterate, as it’s WVU v. Texas Tech that are the two ranked teams playing each other.
Michigan State is playing unranked Central Michigan.
My cell phone is giving me problems on google.
Can somebody tell me what Cal is ranked this week?
‘Bama is already at the kicking puppies stage of the game 35-0 at the beginning of the 2nd.
A couple of minutes into the second half, Syracuse is up and Clemson’s star freshman QB is out for the game. Considering the starter from last season (and the first two games) just decided to transfer and claimed he wasn’t given a fair chance I’m betting there are some people loving the game right now.
Dude, obviously the OU Sooners v their next victims.
“Roman Polanski Announces His First Movie in #MeToo Era, Called J’Accuse
Bill Cosby may be in jail. Harvey Weinstein may be in hiding. But Roman Polanski is alive and well, and planning his first movie in the #MeToo era. He even has an Oscar-winning actor attached.
French producers Légende Films confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter that Polanski will begin filming his next movie, the political thriller J’Accuse, this fall in Paris. Louis Garrel will star as Captain Alfred Dreyfus, the real-life French-Jewish soldier wrongly accused of spying for the Germans in the 1890s. The scandal, which divided the country, concluded dramatically in 1906 when Dreyfus was exonerated after spending five years in the Devil’s Island penal colony for high treason.”
Christ, what an asshole!
It’s an allegory for Brett Kavanaugh.
“GoFundMe campaigns to support Christine Blasey Ford raise more than $700K”
Because she would have nothing to gain by lying?
Of course not. Look what happened to what’s her face with Clarence Thomas, who faded into history; like anyone even remembers the name ‘Anita Hill’. There’s no way that Ford will dine-out on this moment for the rest of her life.
Sweet haul.
I’m guessing that with that kind of money coming in, suddenly her lawyers will decide that their “pro bono” claim only referred to the polygraph fees. And their bill will work out to, oh, about $700K.
That would be delicious if after the lawyers dedicated thier fees and costs, they handed her a check for $23.50.
If there was anything I relished from the youtube comments during the livestream of the hearing on Friday, it was when Booker and Klobuchar were saying she had nothing to gain. Chat lit up with, “Ford’s gofundme is up to 500-600k USD, NOTHING TO GAIN”
Don’t forget the book and movie deals.
All of the discussion about the Ford story yet I rarely hear anyone point out that it cannot be shown that she ever even met the guy. Am I wrong about that? Did I miss something?
But he can’t prove that he didn’t do it, so he’s guilty by default. This is the new “progressive” standard of justice.
What fucking disgusts me is that Lefties trash-talk things like “standards of evidence” and “presumption of innocence” when they’re accusing a non-Leftist of rape, but they conveniently resurrect them when one of their own is accused.
When you believe the end justifies the means, your only need for principles is to couch your arguments as if you still had some.
This. If I’d been that lady prosecutor, i’d have shown pictures of high school boys and asked her to pick out her assaulter. Also, a detailed ask of how she 100% knew it was him. How possible is it she later asked a friend about two drunk boys she met at a party, and was told that sounded like Mark and Brett? And then she looked him up in the yearbook, and mentally decided the guy in that picture was the bad guy, and kept magnifying that in her head for 36 years?
Un my ER work I’ve seen people do this about someone from just a few hours ago. What about over three decades?
I didn’t watch any of the shitshow – was he asked if they had met?
I dont know. I couldn’t watch it without flying into a rage and shooting a hole in my wife’s expensive big screen teevee. I am going on reports from others but I did hear one commentator say that no one can show they ever met. They were different ages attending different schools.
“Do you boast about your fitness? Watch out – you’ll unavoidably become rightwing”
“Boasting about your fitness” = fat-shaming.
“GoFundMe campaigns to support Christine Blasey Ford raise more than $700K”
Now she can return to California in a private rail car, instead of some horrific airplane.
With money left over for a whole lot of wetsuits!
Teen Vogue is on the case
When Ford first came forward, many were quick to point out that if she had fabricated the allegation, she surely wouldn’t have placed a third person — let alone a school friend of Kavanaugh’s — in the room. Although this logic certainly still applies, I hope it doesn’t overshadow one of the most disturbing aspects of Ford’s account: Her allegations paint a picture of two young men bonding over the sexual assault and degradation of a teenage girl and gleefully enjoying her pain and fear as they solidified that bond.
Boys are icky. Stay away from them. Unless you want to get it up the ass.