OT already Swiss?
Not at all, I merely join ZARDOZ in his suspicions…
I was looking up a medical term regarding the structure of the skull, realized I’d gotten it wrong and went for the simpler verbiage.
You want accuracy or alacrity?
Let no good deed go unpunished.
Crying, protesting wimmin wouldn’t let me use my keyboard until I promised to delay the Kavanaugh hearings.
I was too busy groping Mare Winningham.
That’s done. What up bros?
Of course, of course.
Flake needs to read. Something about being neither Hot nor Cold, but lukewarm…
That one was Goldilocks. And what we learned from that tale is that it pays: you get all the most comfortable chairs, beds, and just-right food products.
Doesn’t she get raped by bears in the end though or am I misremembering?
You’re thinking of the original STEVE SMITH ending, but it didn’t do well with focus groups.
Don’t look at me!
Flake needs to wake up with the head of horse at the foot of his bed.
I still wonder how that movie producer could stay asleep while a bunch of mafia guys drop a, heavy, dripping blood, massive horse-head into his little bed. Wouldn’t you have woken up? Jeez, I wake up when the cat jumps on to the bed, and that barely ripples the covers. It’s not like someone quietly leaving a note under your door.
OK, so let’s say they chloroformed the guy so they could bring the horse’s head in. That involves yet another step of quietly sneaking in on him, and hoping no one else see them, or perhaps the guy wakes up and pulls a pistol out from under his pillow as they open the door.
I think it would have even been better if the guy had woken up as they were dragging the bloody head along the upstairs white shag carpet, leaving a huge red track. The producer hears the schlepping (his word, not theirs) and goes to the bedroom door, and yanks it open.
Two big mafia guys are standing there, dumbfounded, until the quick-thinker pulls the head on top of his and starts dancing around,
“Look at me! I’m Bojack Horseman!”
Movie producer. Probably took pills to sleep. So drugged out they could have performed surgery on him and he wouldn’t have woken up.
Drugs are hell of a drug.
Booze and drugs leads to sound sleeping?
Sorry, the right kind of booze and drugs lead to sound sleeping.
Zima and meth will make it so you wake up when your cat jumps on the bed.
They still make Zima?
Worse. They brought it back.
He was banging Sarah Jessica Parker at the time and in the dark he thought she was just climbing back into bed?
Are you sad, Sarah Jessica Parker? Then why the long face?
Jack Wolz was a very deep sleeper. Everyone knows that.
That’s not a skull face. It’s missing the upper mandible.
Being jaw-less is acceptable, but nothing below the bridge of the nose? Not a Skull
For a writer your imagination has the flavor of cardboard.
Medicane…but Mother Gaia, the Europeans signed the Paris accords.
If they can’t conqquer all the way to the Indus river, they’re not
GreeksMacedoniansMaybe that’s why they’re bitchy at Macedon so much.
They are just tired of the combat, pain and the glory.
Up the irons!
*opera applause*
The people demand redheads and redheads they will get!
I sit drinking an Alaskan Big Mountain Pale and salivating over these ladies. Life is good.
You did good today.
Just picked up a growler of Lagunita’s Sumpin Easy to take to the tailgate for the kids’ homecoming game. Also grabbed some Frankenmuth Oktoberfest and Short’s Autumn Ale. 45 minutes is going to crawl.
Nice. A Little Sumpin was my go to for a long time. They even sell it at the gas station.
My god, it’s full of stars.
15 kind of looks like Amy Adams. Thumbs up.
32 or 37 for the win
Yeah, Amy’s got that girl-next-door vibe that is my fave of faves. Dress her up as a librarian and I would . . . well, let’s just say I would.
It’s scary how much you and I agree lately.
Next you’ll be making proclamations of universal truths.
Did you watch Sharp Objects?
Remember it’s late September. Don’t get killed by a bear.
Or at least make sure Werner Herzog can film it.
“You must never listen to this.”
Hey. I haven’t killed anyone in days.
Well, OK. Hours.
Lots of quality freckles in that batch. Let’s say 8 & 18, but quality all around.
Need some of that good Greek geometry to square this circle:
Headline: Rare storm called ‘Medicane’ bearing down on Greece
Item: Only about one to two “Medicanes” occur per year, according to a 2011 study, usually during September and October when Mediterranean Sea temperatures are warmest.
What the fuck do they mean by “rare”?
Usually followed by the far-less-rare Medicaids and Medicares in January.
*narrows gaze*
My Grandma’s joke — What’s worse than a hurricane, a himmacrutch…
Trick question!
The correct answer is a Xerchair
I’m going to try very hard to remain a gentleman here and not go into detail about my reaction to this.
That was some nerve grating whining wasn’t it?
Would have been great if had put his fingers in his ears and said “I can see why your attacker put his hand over your mouth”
Or leered at them and said “Going down ladies?” and waggled his eyebrows.
He should have just gotten out and taken the stairs when they stood there holding the elevator door. “Bitch, I don’t know about you, but I’ve got work to do.”
I know, I know, senators don’t actually work. Humor me.
Look at me while I’m talking AT you!
The lunatics are literally running the asylum. I more or less held my tongue yesterday but this ambush bullshit pisses me off way more than yesterday’s scripted nonsense. That woman is just another element of antifa.
that’s what you’re telling all women in America — that they don’t matter
“What about the women who supported him, on the record? Do they matter? Now get out of my way before I have you jailed, you insufferable, immature, little parasites.”
“Oh? What position is your attacker attaining?”
Man, if that were me i would have immediately looked away and just refused to even acknowledge them for the rest of the encounter.
Jesus these people are so entitled, its almost unbelievable. Who do they think they are making demands like that? I’m not even saying anyone deserves deference for being a “public servant”, its more just a total lack of basic human decency and respect for others. It’s like they didn’t even graduate kindergarten
Once again, amazingly, Lindsey Graham has the correct response to “rape victims” – call the cops.
I’ll take “Shit That Never Happened” for $1000, Alex.
I was watching CNN when they switched live to this. Said to myself this looks staged, I think he is gonna cave. Cynical ? Yez.
“I don’t think murderers should do whatever job it is you do, ma’am, and you most certainly murdered me. I remember 100% that it was you that did it, although I can’t recall when or where. Don’t let the fact that I’m standing here telling you that you killed me be some sort of evidence contradicting my accusation, because that means you don’t believe the victim, and are therefore telling all murder victims that they don’t matter.”
Her testimony was widely praised as courageous and credible.
Nothing says courageous and credible like a bunch of people repeating a well rehearsed line.
Zed is 100% loyal and you can trust him. Accusations against him are not credible and are a part of a Brutal plot.
Zed is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever met in my life.
Yes! Please, great Zardoz, cleanse us!!!!
“U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake sided with Senate Democrats Friday to try to force a one-week FBI investigation of the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.”
Christ, what an asshole.
Well, he is a flake.
Born in Snowflake, AZ.
I’ll bet my right nut that the FBI, once this thing begins, starts hemming and hawing about how they need another week…..and then another week…
Speaking of nuts, I have an idea. What if we kidnap him, and inject his scrotum with neodymium, turning it into a powerful magnet. Then wherever he goes, metal objects will hit him in the balls.
This is brilliant. I will happily give to the GoFundMe for your patent application.
I’m not sure. I think I’d feel kind of cheated if I didn’t get to kick him in the nuts myself.
Get that Tshirt cannon from the CU mascot.
Wear steel-toed boots, then you have a defense.
Ocasio-Cortes, Sanders, Hillary, Obama, Ellison….XE SKULL is gonna beat ’em all!
And here’s the thing – an FBI investigation won’t change the vote of a single democrat – they will all vote NO anyways. The only thing an investigation will do is give the democrats more time to fling some other shit to delay the vote. Fuck Flake – hold the vote.
Correct, not a single Democrat will change their vote no matter what is found. If there is anything found, it may peel off a few squeamish Republicans, or further delay the vote until after the election. Either way only the Democrats could possibly benefit from this.
If anything is found? HAHAHAHAHAHA
The whole point seems to have been to flip a few Rs. The Dems could have just voted no based on judicial philosophy.
In their own words:
“How dare he get upset that we’ve been insinuating for two weeks that he’s an unrepentant rapist!”
This ticks me off.
Just because they’re sociopaths didn’t mean the rest of us have to act like one.
They’d have gone after him for being a cold, emotionless, heartless, unrepentant rapist had he kept calm. It’s a Kobayashi Maru situation where the only way to win is not to play by the rules.
What a cock.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have gone for blood. I would have made certain Feinstein, Hirono, and Booker left the room with singed eyebrows.
I still think he should have called bullshit on the Democrats attempt to get him to stall his own nomination instead of just avoiding it.
I don’t think any part of this shitshow has been about changing D votes. The whole proceeding has always been about how to nail down a few dickless R’s.
Unfortunately, it sounds like the FBI investigation is needed as cover for the few who are on the fence. If they don’t get the cover, they won’t vote yes. So in that sense, it’s necessary. But I do worry that prolonging it will give the Dems more time for mischief. Rock… hard place.
You’d think they could just buy them off with some bridge-to-nowhere funding like in the good old days.
I have to wonder what the on-the-fencers think the downside is to voting on Kav without the fig leaf investigation. I suspect that they really don’t know, or care, what their voters think, and this is all about trying to stay on the good side of the Swamp.
Fools. If they vote for Kav, their attempt to help the Dems delay will be forgotten.
Hell, for two hours or whatever it was today, when it looked like it was going to go straight through, Flake was ALREADY boogeyman #1, all his waffling was already forgotten. Why these spineless weasels don’t learn from that experience, I’ll never understand.
although as Razorfist likes pointing out, Flake has absolutely nothing to lose. All he has to do is fluff his ego and that’s what he’s doing.
Oh, I think a group of Senators and Representatives could sit down with Flake and point out to him that, regardless of what his future plans are, if they rely in any way on the goodwill of Republican Senators or Representatives , he needs to sit down, shut up, and vote to approve Kav, or be a pariah from Republican circles the rest of his life for costing them control of the Senate and the House.
Right now, if five of the seven tossup races go to the Dems, the Dems get control of the Senate. Its that simple. Flake fucking the Repubs in the ass on Kav could very well accomplish the task of giving the Dems the Senate in a year when it was almost mathematically impossible.
Again, Flake is having his conniption fits, too. Just let him cry himself to sleep without any dinner.
That map shows only 6 races as tossups, and when it was 7 one of those races was for Ted Cruz/s seat. So Dems would have to pretty much run the table on tossup races. Not going to happen. 4.5 million people voted for GayJay in 2016, and I doubt many of them are going to vote for Team Blue after the two-year temper tantrum they’ve pitched. Many of us here are committed to voting for Team Red just to punish the Democrats.
I assume the delay will give time for another half-dozen women to climb out of the woodwork with crazy claims. The FBI Director should tell Flake that to go to hell.
“A ‘death comet’ with a skull face will pass Earth November 11 about 24 million miles away”
That’s not close enough.
Thundarr or bust, amirite?
+1 Ookla The Mok
Dibs on the warpstone!
Take that Trump!
/drops cigarette from lips mouth agape.
Rich Madaleno GTown Prep classmate of Kavanaugh.
Adopting black kids? Why, so he can neglect their racial awareness and teach them to be white? So problematic…..
If the ever take a family trip to the California coast in a van, I worry were I one of those kids.
What happened during that kiss? Afterwards his smile is totally asymetric. Like one side is visibly drooping.
The husband secrets a paralyzing agent from his lips, like a blue ringed octopus.
Secretes! Secretes! Aaaaah, dammit.
Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman?
Strong enough for a man, pH balanced for a woman.
Trump is so offended by gays and minorities he lived his entire life in New York City.
And was pro gay marriage way before Hillary or Obama “evolved”.
How is that for 32D chess?
I *think* I fixed my fridge. Maybe. The compressor overload protector arrived and I installed. Plugged the fridge in and it tried to start but couldn’t. Unplugged and tried again a couple more times. Each time compressor tried to start but didn’t.
Waited a few hours, just plugged it in a 4th time and it started right up and seems to be running fine.
I have no idea why it failed to start the first few times but it’s going now. Makes me worried, but so far looks like a $15 part saved hundreds on a repairman.
Is your fridge running?
For whatever reason, it just loves the treadmill. How’d you know?
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
How do you stop a rhinoceros from charging?
.375 H&H Mag?
The correct answer, though the nitro express cartridges would also have been acceptable.
Cancel his credit card?
Maybe you didn’t pull the choke the first few times.
Doesn’t sound like you fixed anything 🙂 Glad its working for you. It looks like a case where a hammer to right spot would work too.
No, the compressor overload protector was definitely fried. I had to swap that out.
Not to jinx you, but… Given it was so hard to get restarted, I wouldn’t be surprised that it fries again.
Yes, that’s my thought too. Earliest repair appt I could get was October 9th, so I’ll give it some time before cancelling.
Could be an intermittent short on a sensor.
And… did you check the thermostat?
The control board was going to be my next guess.
You should hire my wife to figure out your problem. She is an “expert” on troubleshooting random things like that.
Back in the day we had a TV that started blowing fuses. I had a bag of 10 or so fuses that matched already but they were all fast-blow fuses so they would last a week or so before they’d blow again. Being the procrastinator I was, I didn’t feel like making a special trip to the hardware store just for a slow-blow fuse. So I just worked my way through the bag of fuses.
During that time, my wife was trying to figure out why they would blow. She changed which socket it was plugged into. She moved other AV equipment to a different socket. She moved a lamp away. She put a filter on the coax cable input (don’t ask). She also did a bunch of other things. Each time she was convinced that she had figured it out. The fact that she knows nothing about electricity didn’t slow her down in the least bit when it came to formulating theories on what was wrong.
I finally bought a pack of slow-blow fuses and the TV didn’t blow ever again. I forgot what the last “fix” my wife came up with was, but if you asked her, she would a) remember and b) be convinced that it was absolutely the reason the fuses stopped blowing.
As an electrical engineer, I tried to explain to her the difference between slow-blow and fast-blow fuses, but with her lack of english skills back then she got confused about exactly what I was talking about and slapped me for talkng dirty in front of the kids.
These are the kinds of stories I want to hear during your confirmation hearing.
That’s funny. It reminds me of when my street light suddenly started turning off whenever my heat pump turned on, even though they were on separate circuits. Theories were formed. Electric company upgraded my transformer at no charge. Nothing seemed to work.
I eventually gave up, installed a new circuit, and ran new wire to a new light. No issue now.
I’d go ahead and order a new start capacitor for your compressor. If the overload was fried, that means the motor was overloaded and the overload failed to do its job. The time when an electric motor hits its maximum current is when it starts. The start capacitor provides the phase shift needed to start a single phase motor and provided the extra juice needed to start it. Yours is probably going bad.
Thanks, that’s good advice. Unfortunately, I’m having a time finding the capacitor or a start relay for my model. Nothing online. Four of the appliance parts stores I called essentially hung up when I told them it’s a Samsung. The fifth, a kitchen appliance focused store, just laughed when I asked for the overload and told me I was shit out of luck.
Finally found the overload online, but can’t find the others. I wanted to replace all 3 at once.
There are only two things that matter when ordering a capacitor. Voltage rating and microfarads.
Any capacitor of the correct voltage and microfarad rating will work. It does not have to be the same as the one you’re replacing if those two things are correct.
All that matters on the overloads is voltage rating and current trip point.
And all that matters on your start relay is coil voltage, number of poles and contacts amperage rating. The coil has to be the same, and the numbers of poles and the contact’s amperage rating have to be greater than or equal to what you had before.
Okay thanks for explaining that. I’ll see what I can find to match up and order. I’d much rather replace those if at all possible.
Agreed. Capacitors and contactors are cheap. If you’re buying a new compressor, you may as well buy a whole new fridge. Between the cost of the compressor and the cost to recharge your coolant lines, it’s not worth it.
Just a reminder, here are some votes that Senator Flake didn’t struggle with:
– Voting for Gina Haspel
– Voting for the most recent budget
– Voting for the re-authorization of the data collection program
The man is a joke
What is it with Arizona Senators?
Well someone has to take McCain’s place, right?
What is it with libertarians who praise Arizona senators? On what basis do they deserve praise?
Goldwater hangover?
I could see that
According to Razorfist, California Monies.
LOOK at me while you are spying on me with borrowed money my kids will have to pay back if the CIA doesn’t water board them first!
But that’s the punchline?
It’s not a very good joke.
what the frick….meant ‘what’s the punchline’.
I’m so useless to my countrymen.
My wife and I recently moved to a new state. She hadn’t registered to vote and wasn’t sure if she would. I registered when I switched my drivers license but wasn’t sure if I’d get around to actually doing it since life is pretty hectic right now. That was a week ago.
My wife is now registered and both of us are itching to vote. We both voted Johnson in 2016 and I don’t think either of us have ever voted for a Republican for national office, but after this week we’re both going to be punching straight tickets.
I’m somewhat disgusted by that fact, but this circus really hits close to home for both of us. I know I’ve never been so angry at the goings-on in DC before, and we both lived and worked there during the Obama years. I hate that its come to this.
“My wife and I recently moved to a new state”
Alaska? Hawaii?
One of the eastern time zone battlegrounds, so nowhere we’d prefer to live.
Puerto Rico was made a state?
It took this comment for me to actually get it, and I LOLed
My wife is basically completely apolitical. However, when she came home from work on Election Day 2016, says to me: “I want to vote against Hillary Clinton. Take me to register at the poll.”
Thanks so much for posting “Mexican Radio” this morning.
It’s still in your head, isn’t it!
Fuck yeah. And I’m fine with that. I’m old enough to remember when MTV was new. It was great back then.
St. Paul to pay $520,000 to bystander attacked by police dog
Ben Shapiro
Assuming the FBI investigation lasts a week and begins, say, Monday, that takes us another week and a half. So now we’re into October. Who wants to bet that Democrats come up with some more allegations the FBI simply MUST investigate next week?
Damn Shapiro is right
When you’ve lost Benny, you’ve lost Establishment Republicans. Bail, you fools!
They’re too far now.
Shit has just gotten real. If Republicans blink, their voters will punish them. If Democrats blink, their voters will punish them. Now it’s a race to the bottom (yes, apparently we haven’t reached the bottom yet)
Alright, that’s it. After the last couple of days, I am officially asking the Founders to add a new Iron Law:
It can always get worse.
There is no such thing as peak derp?
That would be implied by the new Iron Law, and thus redundant.
Oh, there is Peak Derp. Derp growth looks like a Bitcoin price chart. It keeps rising to impossibly high levels, then one fateful day reality sets in and the plunge arrives.
I keep telling you people, get your mid-20th century Russia on!
You’ve already learned Russia Lesson #2.
(#1 is of course, as per Lenin, “Only questions that matter are: Who? Whom?”)
Considering that new allegations surface on average every 3 days, if investigating each one takes a week he’ll never get confirmed, which of course is the whole point.
If we could hook a generator to that cycle, we’d solve the energy crisis.
But it ain’t clean energy.
“But it ain’t clean energy”
There’s no sugarcoating it; it would have been cleaner to shit in a salad spinner and run it at 10,000 RPM in the Senate chambers.
I’m glad I’m the last one here… I nearly laughed up a lung.
Considering that new allegations surface on average every 3 days
But these allegations have a half-life of three days, as in, each new allegation is only half as radioactive as the last one, and each allegation loses half of its power within 3 days as its weakness becomes apparent.
They’ve shot their wad. This is just a pure, childish, venomous temper tantrum.
Call their bluff. All their bluffs. Vote tomorrow morning. If the Senators exposed at the polls this year can’t beat Flake and Murkowski into line, then fuck them all and let the voters burn it down around their heads.
It doesn’t matter. It’s the number of allegations that people will see and respond to, not the details. “It’s three women now! Incontrovertible! THREE women wouldn’t lie!”
I’m seeing some places still pushing 4. By next week it’ll be 10+ and he’ll be achieving Cosby status.
To paraphrase James Carville, drag a Lexus through the women’s locker room at Congressional Country Club and who knows what you’ll turn up?
At-least the WSJ hasn’t wavered:
The real Democratic goal is to push a confirmation vote past Election Day. They can then spare their incumbents running for re-election from taking a difficult vote. If they win the election, they will then try to block any confirmation until they take over the Senate in January. No nominee to the right of Merrick Garland would then be confirmed in the final two years of the Trump Presidency. The Supreme Court would be divided 4-4 until 2021 at least.
Senate Republicans should understand that these are the real political stakes. This nomination isn’t only about the fate of a single man whose reputation can be discarded like some tabloid celebrity. This is about the future of the Supreme Court and who will control the Senate. If Republicans reject Mr. Kavanaugh based on what we know now, millions of voters will rightly be furious.
But as important, a rejection will bring dishonor to the Senate. It will validate the ambush and smear politics that Democrats are using. And it will turn Supreme Court nominations over to the justice of the social-media mob and the politics of accusation. It’s time for Senators to stand up and confirm Brett Kavanaugh.
“Remember George, this is no time to go wobbly.”- Thatcher
The WSJ’s priorities in order:
– Tax cuts
– Open borders
– War
– Judges that will support all three
Support from the WSJ is exactly what makes me squeamish about Kavanaugh. I’ve just come to the conclusion that if he goes down on a flimsy accusation that will be more detrimental than him being on the court.
And you’ll likely see someone worse than Kavanaugh replace him as nominee. It’s not as if Don Willett is on deck.
Agreed on all points.
“Professor accidentally plays hardcore porn for packed lecture hall”
And which video was it?
Georgetown Gang Bang 5
“Sissy professor in hardcore diaper/mommy play”
Check the syllabus. I’m not your enabler!
It wasn’t even really pr0n. It was simply a training video for life guards on how to give CPR to drowning victims.
Unfortunately too many of the college kids saw a guy putting his hands and mouth all over the mouth and chest of a dummy in on a one piece swim suit and thought it was Kavanaugh and Ford getting it on.
Jeff Flake apparently does not know that you get more of a behavior when it is rewarded:
I do so love being lectured about “the destruction of our democracy” by someone who has been throwing a hysterical 20 month tantrum because his party lost an election.
Millhiser lives in Orland Park, IL?
God that places sucks even more than I thought
The South Suburbs is a hive of stupidity.
So glad I escaped
While I do have a hatred for the South Suburbs, at this party in New Lenox during my freshman year of college, I had my first make out/groping session.
#Metoo ????
“There’s no possible way this tactic could backfire.”
Tell me again why we shouldn’t confront Republicans where they eat, where they sleep, and where they work until they stop being complicit in the destruction of our democracy.
Because turning politics into a no-kidding blood sport that puts people’s safety, and that of their family, at risk is how you damn sure destroy a democracy.
When it comes helicopter time, are you really sure you’ll still be on board for the return flight?
I remember when words used to mean things. Do you remember?
I do love how the people refusing to accept the results of the last election are the ones saying our democracy is being destroyed.
You’re baiting me now!
Plot twist: You’re an RC Tulpa.
I am not!
Dammit, forgot to switch accounts!
So they’re proposing that people accost politicians in public and in private to harass or assault them into submission…..but the Republicans are the ones destroying our democracy…..
I’ll take “You know who else encouraged political violence against his opponents?” for $500, Alex
“Projection for $50, Art”.
Art Fleming refused to do the show in Hollywood, believing that being there would dumb the show down. Thus we’re stuck with the annoying Canadian.
Go for it, Ian. I want you personally to adopt this tactic, not just rabble-rouse someone else into it. Walk the walk, bitch.
“Tell me again why we shouldn’t”
Shit, no one except maybe an arthritic old woman would need to be armed to handle Ian Millhiser.
Someone needs to re-tweet this after the Van Dyke trial concludes.
This is the first time I have ever wished Dick Cheney was back in the Senate. This is the man who shot his friend in the fact and got him to apologize! What do you think he’d do to a bunch of yahoos interrupting his quiet private dinner?
Take them quail hunting.
Crusader Kings 2 intensifies
(I’m partial to the “sawn-through balcony” plot, it hasn’t failed me yet)
*face* not fact.
damn. it.
Appeasement with these people never works
Foetal lives?
I’m mildly pro-choice, and I can’t fucking stand those people.
Roe vs Wade is on legally shaky ground. So…. pass a law legalizing abortion. They’ve had 45 years to do it. Instead, they’ve screamed about “reproductive rights”. Look, you assholes: people are against abortion because they believe that it’s murder. They don’t give a shit about uteri.
Or, you know, just kick it back to the states.
Progressives supporting federalism? Snort. Only when it suites them.
That’s a good point. The pro-choice crowd has had many, many opportunities to pass a federal law outlawing restrictions on abortion, thus at least backstopping Roe v Wade. But they never have.
Too useful as a wedge issue
They want to have the ability to flip-flop on the issue without their name attached to a law, should the electoral need arise.
If they actually passed a law, what would they campaign on?
I think you’re on to something.
The Party of Rape.
Laws mean regulations, and regulations are an obstacle to a business.
Yes, this is the one singular instance where they completely get it. And no, they’ll never apply it anywhere else.
Dress like a slut for only $26
Man bites dog
“Bitch set me up”
“SEPTEMBER 28–A Florida man who admitted biting his dog to “establish dominance” over the animal has pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but has avoided prison time in connection with the bizarre incident, according to court records.”
He watched snow dogs with Cuba gooding Jr.
As Jay Cutler would say, I doooon’t caaare about any of this shit. I’m ignoring it.
Doing due diligence when investing is going to be a crime in UK?
MPs demand hedge fund polling crackdown after Brexit claims
Pray for us, St Augusto.
Ms Morgan apparently has no idea what a conflict of interest actually is, and says the words when she wants to make something sound, like, totes superbad.
That line threw me as well – what conflict of interest?
From her word salad, same polling companies that publish polls are also hired to do private polls, and they aren’t allowed to publish public polls the day of, but they can give results to private companies, and that’s bad because they may have used some stuff from public polls, even though these are separate polls, and then profits?
Quick jaunt onto Wikipedia…
See, now it makes sense.
“On polling day, when it was illegal to publicly release opinion polls”
I have a crazy idea that just might fix the problem.
Is it another law?
I bet it’s another law…
I think we’ve got this Jeff Flake thing all wrong. He’s not trying to impress MSNBC. He’s got a much more important target audience
He looked like a scared kid during the committee vote. Some moral spine he’s got there.
That’s the pinnacle of Distracted Boyfriend. Awesome!
No way they kick this out another week.
Fucking a.
One thing that hit me from yesterday’s thread was Viking1865’s assertion that all the guys he knows in his age group (30 and younger) have had false accusations of impropriety leveled at them by women, or know someone who has, and that a large number of women among the younger set have internalized the notion that consent can be retroactively withdrawn.*
If true, yikes. That doesn’t set up well.
*I hope I got this right.
If your depending on withdrawal as your method, you don’t want to do it retroactively… Just say’n
Something something Female of the Species.
Kipling knew what he was talking about.
The worst example from my personal life is a guy I know who is doing a prison term for sexual assault, because the woman he was fucking cried rape to her husband.
But there’s plenty of shit ranging from college mandatory counseling, to social ostracism, to forced transfers or expulsions from school. I used to supervise college aged staff at a summer job, and goddamn when Ben stops texting Katie and starts hanging out with Jen it’s amazing how Ben is suddenly “making her feel unsafe”, even though three days ago I had to reprimand her for public displays of affection on the clock.
I think its an extension of the entitlement mentality.
These girls think they are entitled to awesome sex with an incredible guy. They only consent to awesome sex with an incredible guy. If the sex isn’t awesome and the guy isn’t incredible, then they didn’t really consent to it and were raped.
There have actually been rape accusations made, I believe, because the guy lied to the chick before banging her. This is just more of that.
“Yeah, I love you baby.”
I am so damn lucky my frisky youth ended when it did and I’ve been with the same woman for 25 straight years since. What would have been considered typical back in the day can practically be a life-ending event now.
This. A buddy and I were chatting today about how we would last about a minute in a confirmation hearing.
“Mr. Tundra, is it true that you felt up Ms. [redacted] on the bus to the church retreat?”
“Not just that one time, sir. In my defense, she was really hot.”
Haha. You think 25 years of fidelity to one woman is enough to shield you?
No, but it does put us old guys in less frequent contact with crazed harpies. Believe me, as a group I’ll bet we are the most paranoid fuckers on the planet.
I was having some beers with a friend a couple of weeks ago and he told that I was lucky to be married. From his viewpoint he sees dating as a huge liability because most of the good and level headed women are taken and the ones who are single are drunk off the kool-aid of third wave feminism.
I have a bunch of hockey buddies that are in their 30s. The horror stories they tell about dating is depressing. The fact that they are jealous of us older guys is fucking pathetic, but understandable.
I feel very lucky to have ended up with a chick who, despite being a woman, is pretty damn chill.
Roy Moore will become the prophet of the next crop of 20-something men.
My wife is a reliable Democrat and a feminist (she kept her last name) but she has expressed her disdain towards the third wave feminist tripe. And even though she doesn’t fully agree with my politics, she does respect the fact that my basic belief is that the no one including the government should have the power to hurt or take shit from people.
*VP Pence sweats nervously*
As we have seen with Kav, you’re not out of the woods yet. Some random female you didn’t even touch might level accusations that you gang-raped her every weekend some summer 29 years ago and its on you to prove you didn’t.
If you’re automatically guilty of rape because you’re male, the incentive not to actually commit rape is severely weakened.
“straight years”
Interesting choice of words.
Well, perhaps a Freudian slip, as the last gf before the wife was an insatiable bisexual for whom I defied the conventional wisdom of “never stick it in crazy”. By comparison, the last 25 years have been straight as an arrow.
My wife’s 20 year old cousin is currently awaiting trial for rape. The girl is 17 and cried rape when her parents found out she’d been fucking him. It’s a bad deal and I dont think he is going to win his case.
I was thisclose to getting a guy investigated for rape. He texted me to gloat that he fucked my girlfriend, and when I confronted her, she said he took advantage of her being drunk and raped her.
I was on the phone with the cops when he texted over a screenshot of their conversation. It was obvious that she set the whole damn thing up because I was gonna be gone for a weekend.
I don’t know what pisses me off more: the endless Democrat temper tantrum, or the handful off weaselly Republicans who insist on giving them pacifiers (that they immediately spit out) instead of just letting them scream themselves to exhaustion.
*flashes OK sign at finger*
White supremacist?
Like I said the other day, every time the GOP tries to make some kind of concession or give the Dems the benefit of the doubt, they just shit on their hands and smear it all over the GOP’s face. And then get angry with the GOP when they complain about it.
And then GOP apologizes and waits for more shit.
So shitting on them is a correct course of action.
If the GOP don’t vote on this by Monday, they deserve to lose their majorities in the House and Senate.
Kind of reminds me of this SCTV sketch.
There’s a reason the slur of “cuck” has spread like wildfire. It perfectly describes people like Flake.
Answer: Yes.
Expect more of it, because they’ve got a winner. When the Democrats had the votes, they rammed through Obamacare without a single Republican vote. But they have the Republicans convinced they need to “reach across the aisle.” So. Fucking. Stupid.
I want Swetnick and Avenatti investigated. That should have been part of the deal.
I don’t even care about them because her story is so transparently ludicrous. What should be investigated is who leaked Ford’s letter to the press *coughcoughFeinsteinstaffcough*
True, but I would like to see them scalped anyway. Lying sons of bitches need to feel pain for making false accusations.
The intercept said it was not Feinstein. That leaves the other Democrat rep or the lawyer.
My bet is that the lawyer does not work for Ford and had it leaked on instructions from moveon or whoever is really paying the bills..
We know they are not working for her because she testified that she did not want to be dragged in to public, but her attorney insisted that the hearing must be on TV and only covered by friendly media. They rejected aclosed session.
She testified that she never heard an offer for the committee to come to her to take her statement.
From that I conclude that the attorney was not actually representing her interests, but the interests of the DNC.
My bet is that the lawyer does not work for Ford and had it leaked on instructions from moveon or whoever is really paying the bills.
If so, they are playing with their licenses. It doesn’t matter who pays the bills, the lawyer’s client is the client and the only person whose interests they should consider. If they withheld information from her, did something against her wishes, spoke on something without her approval, etc. then they could be disbarred. Its a shame she is too dumb/naive to see that the lawyers are using her, not protecting her. If she brought a complaint, I think it would be very difficult for these lawyers to stay out of serious trouble.
Trouble from whom?
The state bar that licenses them.
There is no question that their client is Ford, regardless of who is paying them (they claim to be representing her pro bono). If she ever figures out that they used her like a bunch of drunk high school boys playing choo-choo (which they did) and files a complaint, I think they would be very hard pressed to defend the ethics of their representation of her. As noted above, it appears that they spoke on her behalf without approval (“she is afraid to fly”), did not tell her of a material offer (“we will come to California to interview you”), may well have leaked the letter, and who knows what else they have done on the orders of Dem apparats, not their client. That’s all stuff that will get your license suspended, if not revoked.
Aren’t those bars rotten with proggies?
No idea. You’d have to look at who sits on the relevant committees. I wouldn’t want to bet my license, though, on a bunch of people who would only vote for me if I am politically convenient for them at the moment.
I don’t rule-out that Ford is complicit. The fear of flying issue was deftly handled by Mitchell – I haven’t reviewed, but Ford herself confirmed that she needed friends to help her get up the “gumption” to fly; Mitchell noted that she traveled by air to Delaware recently, then mentioned her consulting and Ford clarified that she worked with the SF office of the Australian firm and could “never make it” to Australia. Mitchell then quoted her CV related to travel interests and Hawaii/Tahiti.
Ford came across to me as wholly unreliable/untrustworthy and played the “I don’t understand” card when needed then looked to the lawyers.
Having your license challenged by a fundamentally dishonest and unethical ex-client is probably every lawyer’s nightmare. Kind of like going through a divorce with a fundamentally dishonest and unethical ex.
“I’m going to break into the houses of people who love the 2A, what could possibly go wrong?”
I love going to these people’s twitter feeds. So angry. So prolific.
So evidence-y
“Eat shit.”
These people are broken inside.
And why do they look like sissies anyway?
Lots of soy.
Ask Kennesaw Georgia.
They passed an ordinance that requires every head of household to have a gun.
You know what they don’t have in Kennesaw? Home invasions, breaking and entering…..
Dank’s a good guy.
Wrong, but still funny.
It can always get worse.
This dovetails with one of my rules for living:
Expect the worst. Occasionally, you may get a pleasant surprise; mostly, you’ll derive the grim satisfaction of having been correct.
You guys are missing the real movement that has happened.
We started with a standard of is this guy qualified to be on the court?
Then we moved to is he going to oppose abortion?
Then we moved to is he a teenage almost attempted rapist?
Today the Democrats successfully changed the playing field. You could tell it was one of their potential strategies during the questioning. They kept trying to nail him down on all kinds of ridiculous topics that had nothing to do with anything.
now they have won an extra week to try to find anyone who will contradict anything he said. Anything at all. Someone says he forgot something after drinking. Someone says Boof means anything other than flatulence. It doesn’t matter what.
Then they accuse him of perjury, which is much more serious and obviously he could never be on the federal bench.
They have won. By setting the terms of debate to “every allegation must be treated seriously and investigated by the FBI”, they have given themselves essentially unlimited time to ask inappropriate questions and dredge for any contradictory statement, however old.
Good job Flake.
They have won.
I don’t think so, not yet. I think trivial accusations of perjury at this point will get lumped in with all the other garbage they threw at him, and just add to the overreach and backlash.
The only way they win is when the vote is held, every Dem votes against him, and two Republicans join them. And that is huge win, not because they kept him off the court, but because it will deliver the House and likely the Senate to them next month. I hope the Repubs figure it out, too.
This has become a very, very high stakes game. The Dems and the Repubs are both courting disaster next month, with the Dems in the position of having to constantly double down on what is now a losing hand with the voters (IMO) in an attempt to get two Repubs to crack. All the Repubs have to do is a safe (for them) party line vote.
Did the GOP have Graham break from the prosecutor asking questions because he’s the closest thing to a female Republican on the committee?
Ford’s lawyers just rejected the one week deadline and a limit on scope.
Fuck ’em. Vote Monday.
Who cares what they think?
It just exposes them as partisan hacks and not actually representing their client.
Not that anyone didn’t realize that before.
The client is also a partisan hack, so…
I kind of wonder if Lindsey Graham’s speech yesterday was the beginning of the Graham/McCain’s ghost 2020 primary campaign.
I’m not aware of any law that says a corpse can’t run for office.
Can we call it stand instead of run?
They can vote, so why not?
Chick looks and sounds….off.
Ian Millhiser
Tell me again why we shouldn’t confront Republicans where they eat, where they sleep, and where they work until they stop being complicit in the destruction of our democracy.
Tell me again why it would be wrong of me to donate a can of pepper spray to every Republican Senator.
A conservative on Twitter had the best response: “Because we have all the guns?”
“That we want to and will take!”
Oops. Did I just say that out loud?
You need to donate a concealed carry pamphlet to Rand Paul. The guy was present for the ballpark shooting and was attacked by a neighbor and wasn’t packing heat. I Haz disappoint.
Trudeau freak out. Lol. Liberal MP defects.
Fo those of you who stay up at night repeatedly asking: Why does Andorra exist?
Cheap electronics. Got my first Sony Walkman there in 92.
Years ago, driving back to Barcelona from Arles in the south of France, my wife and I decided to take a detour and check out Andorra, because we wanted to see this little country, what the hell. Even though it was June it was a terrifying drive over winding no-guardrail slippery roads along snow-packed cliffs between overfilled, swerving buses full of tax-free excursion tourists. Finally, we came over the crest into the little snowy village that looked right out of a Xmas miniature display. But rather than gingerbread, the whole town was nothing but high-end jewelers and fashion stores, because all of Andorra is duty-free. No real other reason for being there, except for nitwits like us who thought it would be fun to see a small country that ended up being harder to get to than Galt’s Gulch.
We stayed in a nice hotel and set the alarm early to get up to drive back to Barcelona Airport in time for our flight back to the states. But we drank too much duty-free vodka and missed the alarm, and woke up very hung over and very late for our flight. In my anxiousness and hurry-up mode, I managed to put a huge ding in the back bumper and tail light hitting a support post trying to back out of the tiny hotel parking stall. And then, we finally got out of the mountains and into the north Spain flat countryside on a misty, early Sunday morning, in our little Citroen, and I’m frantically trying to make up for lost time. My wife is screaming that I’m going too fast, which she always does even if I’m idling, but this day, I have no time for it. I pull off to the side of the empty bucolic road, pull the parking brake, looked her in the eye and said, “we can possibly make our flight. but only if you let me drive as best and as fast as I can, and be quiet. OK?” She looked shocked, but weakly nodded OK.
From that point on I drove as if I was in the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and it was truly as much fun I’ve ever had driving. It would make for a great driving video game, zipping around bends with incredible vistas when suddenly castles appeared on hilltops across the glen. And despite the fact that the road to the airport dumps you off in the middle of Barcelona, and you have to go on crazily narrow one-way cobblestone streets for several miles before you’re back on a real road again, we made it to the airport with time to spare. (Bonus: the car rental place wasn’t open yet, so we just left the keys in their mailbox. Thank goodness for their requirement that you take 100% no-deductible insurance coverage when you rent over there. Never heard a word about the bashed in bumper and tail light.)
You’re not supposed to say that Florida Woman.
Attention whore feels left out
The father of a victim of the Feb. 14 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida criticized Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Twitter Thursday for claiming his life has been ruined by sexual assault allegations.
Fred Guttenburg, whose daughter, Jamie, was killed in the Parkland shooting that left 17 dead, tweeted Thursday afternoon attacking Kavanaugh for calling himself a victim of false sexual misconduct allegations during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings Thursday.
.Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual misconduct and assault by four women.
“Justice Kavanaugh your life and family are not ruined. Try having a child murdered by a weapon you refer to as ‘common use,'” Guttenberg wrote. “You will get through this and hug both of your children tonight.”
“Judge Kavanaugh, I listened to you talk of your life being ruined. It is not. I listened to you turn yourself into a victim. You are not,” Guttenberg wrote. “What today showed is that you clearly are partisan and do not have the temperament for the court. Even worse, you are just a bad person.”
Whatever. Take your meds.
He lost his temper and all they did was call him a gang rapist. You people sticking up for this hothead are way off base.
Fred Guttenburg is a tremendous thundercunt.
you refer to as ‘common use’
It literally is… but I know: Feelz > Realz
“you clearly are partisan and do not have the temperament for the court.”
What the fuck does that mean? I guess the appropriate temperament would involve being utterly unprincipled and spineless. Willing to defer to the wind-whipped passion of the mob.
It’s partisan to be angry with people who are attacking you.
Duh, cause only Rethuglicans fight back. Good Dem soyboys just roll over and take it.
Is there a single justice or member of Congress that isn’t partisan?
Thats kinda like saying, you are the running back for the eagles. You have no right to play in the eagles/giants game.
I wish these folks would fuck off. I had an acquaintance use that same reasoning to disqualify him from the SC. Dude is suppose to take this vicious abuse lying down. Someone calls me a fucking rapist, I’m gonna fight back.
I had to get on Facebook earlier today *shudder* and after finishing the one thing I had to do for work made the mistake of scrolling the news feed.
Excluding ads, it was entirely filled with calls for people to ring up their Senator and DEMAND A NO VOTE ON KAVANAUGH or some such, but one thing really stuck out to me.
A guy I used to be really close to (close enough that we still stay in touch w/o Facebook) explained that he believed Kavanaugh believes he didn’t sexually assault Ford, but that clearly he just repressed the memory of doing so, and that this is very common amongst horrible men like him.
The comments were equally repulsive, basically saying that its disgusting that so many men do this and can honestly believe they aren’t guilty because women NEVER lie about this sort of thing.
I really wanted to say something, but anything other than total acceptance of this sort of logic would be very professionally damaging. There has to be something that can be done about the false accusation epidemic.
All of those people would, if ordered by the right people, happily strip you, your wife and your children naked, march them into the woods, and then put bullets into your heads.
Yep. And one of them is depending on my reference to get a job.
Fuck him.
“While Mr. X has all the outward appearances of being qualified for the job, I have heard a rumor that he may have gotten handsy with a girl in high school at an unknown time and place. He has not been able to prove it didn’t happen, so he is clearly not fit for the position.”
Thought about saying that, but the person in question seriously dropped the ball repeatedly and was very bad at his job so simply telling the truth to anyone who calls would be sufficient to disqualify him.
A guy I used to be really close to (close enough that we still stay in touch w/o Facebook) explained that he believed Kavanaugh believes he didn’t sexually assault Ford, but that clearly he just repressed the memory of doing so, and that this is very common amongst horrible men like him.
The guy knows this because he’s a rapist who repressed his memories of it?
Projection, it’s what lefties do.
Vox gets to the heart of it
Donald Trump’s 2016 election is now widely understood among social scientists to be a kind of backlash to social progress. The backlash against a black president gets the bulk of the attention, but there’s also good evidence that a sexist backlash to the prospect of a woman president played a major role.
Yup. That’s it, alrighty. Make America Rapey Again.
Bar’s open. I’m thirsty.
Is there a drug that can completely nullify the thought process? Alcohol just amplifies the negative feelings I have towards the situation before the nation.
Some good meth and the resultant lack of sleep might take care of that for you.
I’ve already been sleeping pretty horribly lately so it seems unlikely.
Anyone want to go in on a GoFundMe to kickstart the Mars colony?
I don’t like coconut.
Quaaludes always did that for me. Good luck finding any though. If you do find some, please don’t tell me.
Apparently you can still get them from South Africa through the darkweb. You might want to use a VPN.
Huh, I had not heard that. I really really really don’t need to go there again though.
Quaaludes always did that for me. Good luck finding any though.
I hear Bill Cosby has a stash.
The scary part is that some of these people actually might believe the horseshit they’re peddling.
Social scientists…
…don’t know shit.
Hillary’s chance to win is 98%!
The science is settled.
backlash to social progress
It seems to me that the actions of leftists since the election are the actual backlash to social progress. They are actively subverting the basic principles (such as due process and freedom of speech) this country was founded on and they are engaging in deliberate efforts to tribalise and divide people based in immutable characteristics.
prospect of a woman president
Yea, sure. It could not have been that Hillary Clinton had WAYYYYY to much baggage and was just generally unlikable. I think Slick Willy, Simple Bush and the Chosen One are pos’s but I could see having a beer with them because they have charisma. Her Shrillness, however, does not.
I’ve have voted for Fiorina. I can’t recall what, if anything, she stood for, but I certainly didn’t oppose her for being a woman.
Jeff Flake is a spineless cunt.
That is all.
We need an FBI investigation to determine why anyone voted for him
You get an FBI investigation! And you get an FBI investigation! And you get an FBI investigation! ….
I think we always say something like that about him everytime he does something. He’s consistently spineless and cunty.
It is known.
Name checks out.
I am more of the opinion that he is mendacious.
This week has me seriously considering doing something that I said that I would never do. Voting for Trump. I’m still having trouble contemplating it but the democrats have proven that they will literally do anything for power and that shit is scary.
Welcome to the party. The Democrats outrageous behavior has crated a lot of Trump voters recently simply because the Evil Party cannot be allowed anywhere near the levels of power under any circumstances, even if it means giving them to the Stupid Party.
Them pulling this crap while completely out of power is atrocious and shows anyone who isn’t a completely blind partisan they cannot be given the keys to the kingdom.
Not to mention the media complicity.
Voting for Trump.
I did and I have enjoyed nearly every minute since. For me, the good outweighs any bad. And the bad is stuff that is to be expected no matter who is president and stuff that has been par for the course for all presidents in my lifetime (90s child). I mean, the guy got the msm and Democrats to drop their masks, one losing any semblance of objectivity and the other showing what power mongers they are. I likely will cast a ballot for him again as I expect the LP to do something stupid like nominate Bill Weld so he can keep shilling for the Democrat nominee.
2020 will be the first time I haven’t voted LP for President, barring Trump getting assassinated, which unfortunately cannot be ruled out.
Would the Secret Service take a bullet for him?
Would the Secret Service take a bullet for him?
Well that IS there job. So I don’t see why not. There is a guy who is on NRATV and FNC a lot now who used to be an agent in the Obama admin. who went into detail about he was fully prepared to do that for Barry should the need have arisen because that’s the job. It doesn’t matter who the prez is, your job is to defend them. He even has said that he found Barry likable and that Barry was respectful to the agents (Hilldawg, on the other hand…). Thus far, I have seen no reason to doubt is sincerity on that.
Yeah, screw Weld
I took a “conscientious objector” sabbatical from voting the past few rounds and have never voted for a Republican in my life, but after this week’s shenanigans I am seriously considering voting a straight R ticket this year and doing the same in 2020.
I haven’t voted for many Repubs basically ever, but I will vote for them this year.
Unless they don’t confirm Kav. And then I will vote for the Dems (my races are actually supposed to be pretty close), on the theory that if the Dems are going to run Washington anyway, there’s no reason for them to hide behind the skirts of the Repub “majority”.
I’m still on the “have never voted in a federal election so I can disclaim responsibility for any of this shit” bandwagon. I doubt I will do any different any time soon.
I’m going to vote in the very next election that isn’t The Most Important Election Ever!!!!.
Medicane? You don’t call it an Atlanticane or Pacificane (and I refuse to use the commie term typhoon). Interesting nonetheless.
How long should I sit here and let my wife try and figure out how to plug her new Amazon light stick into the tv. Nevermind. She gave up and asked.
Trump just ordered the FBI to do a limited scope investigation to supplement Kav’s FBI file, to be completed within a week. I suspect this is just a fig leaf. I don’t know what the limited scope is, but it shouldn’t be a fishing expedition. With Rosenstein’s neck on the block, I wonder if the FBI has the stomach to cause trouble on this.
I would have said three days, same as they did for Clarence Thomas, and would still be in time for a Tuesday vote.
But no, everyone’s got to do exactly what the Democrats asked for, there’s no negotiations.
So what will they pull between now and then to extend things past a week? I’m sure it will be some very minor detail that will ‘newly’ pop up and the chorus will be, “given this we can’t end the investigation after just one short week! Why are you disrespecting all women?”
Also, why didn’t they do the FBI investigation during the week that Ford “couldn’t fly”?
It’s not even negotiating with the Dems, it’s negotiating with fucking quislings like Flake and Murkowski.
Oh, I guess that is negotiating with Dems.
There is no such thing as a limited federal investigation. Of all people, trump should fu king know this.
Perhaps the “limited scope” investigation will be into the many puzzling things she has said or done that might reflect on her credibility. Maybe they can get the therapist notes, look into who leaked her letter, look into why she/her lawyers said she couldn’t fly, ask about the discrepancies between her various accounts of the event, look into that polygraph, etc.
Oh, who am I kidding.
The other thing the FBI should do is get into her social media account archives, which were bleached during the prep for all this. If you want to evaluate someone’s credibility, that seems like an excellent source of material to me.
But can Kav still be seated for the next term then?
Right now I have this fantasy that McConnell will organize the vote over the weekend. “yea, sure. We agree to call the fbi investigation. But btw you need to show up to vote on confirmation on Sunday.” Most people will be enjoying their weekends. It would be like a Friday afternoon news dump.
Whoever agreed to televise the proceedings instead of having a closed hearing is equally to blame.
Even if they were not trying who win the Supreme Court be a smear campaign And Delay tactic, it is clear that Kamala Harris and Cory Booker or very excited to be able to use this platform to forward their presidential aspirations.
Cory Booker was hilarious today. You wrote out a 30 minute long speech that was supposed to end with him walking out in and indignant flourish. But when he finally got cut off after 20 something minutes, he had to Fumble his way towards his walk out. What a buffoon. Plus, he actually used we must end the patriarchy unironically.
he actually used we must end the patriarchy unironically.
For some reason I believe this even without searching for the video. That guy is a fucking clown. I so hope he is the Team Blue nominee in 2020.
The actual phrase was “this pernicious patriarchy”.
Yes, he really said that. And nobody laughed out loud.
I think it was largely because he had been prattling on for nearly 20 minutes by that point.
But can Kav still be seated for the next term then?
Justices can start in mid-session. Basically, if they approve him next Friday, he can move in to his new offices over the weekend and be there bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday.
If he really wanted to set off the snowflakes, he could let it slip that he would be at the Court next week to pick out new drapes for his office.
+1 Nikki Haley. (whom I most definitely would.)
Trump could use his consitutional power to convene the Senate for a confirmation vote.
My wife shipped a few boxes of macadamia nuts back from Hawaii because they wouldn’t fit in our luggage. I got home to find them on the doorstep.
Ripped open by 4 squirrels.
Enough is enough.
Time to burn the damn trees!
Is it…personal this time?
If I recall correctly Granny Clampett used to have some good squirrel meals. Perhaps you can find recipes at
To Boil Squirrel
When you have cased the squirrels, skewer them with their heads straight up, the fore-legs brought down and the hind legs straight; boil them three quarters of an hour at least, then smother them with onion sauce made the same as for boiled ducks, and serve them up.
The title sounds similar to the cookbook “To Serve Man”
I think I’d rather eat man.
Enough with the euphemisms!
It’s from an 1824 cookbook (but for rabbits). Most of the recipes start ‘To…’ and are no longer than three or four sentences with very little measurements.
One of my cookbooks has an explanation in the front of it about why recipes were so different back then. I’ll have to look it up.
It’s mostly simple techniques, more like a Home-Ec text than a modern cookbook but very interesting to read none-the-less.
“My wife shipped a few boxes of macadamia nuts back from Hawaii because they wouldn’t fit in our luggage. I got home to find them on the doorstep.
Ripped open by 4 squirrels.”
This made me laugh. A lot.
I’ve been there my friend. I once had an electric fence charger die without my knowing about it. It was charging a wire encircling a planting bed filled with black walnut seed. They were buried about an inch deep and six inches apart. The bed was about six feet wide and nearly 100 feet long. That is a lot of black walnut and they damned sure weren’t cheap. After I dont know how many days I happen to notice a squirrel running down a power line with something in its mouth. I thought, hey, that looks like a black wal…..wait just a damned minute!
When I checked the bed I discovered that they had dug up and eaten EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. There were a few nuts left but when I cracked them open found that they were no good. Those little fuckers could tell which nuts were good and which ones bad before digging them up…by smell I guess.
If you get into a war with squirrels you will lose.
He died doing what he loved.
I posted something in one of the earlier threads about people publicly shaming their alleged rapists on social media, and one of the responses left me with a question. It seems to me that it would be pretty solid grounds for a defamation suit, but what about anyone that comments supportively of the poster? Could they be named in such a suit as well?
I don’t see how. What might be really interesting, once the “good faith” exemption from defamation laws is disposed of, is whether forwarding or retweeting something defamatory is a separate “publication” of the defamation that could get somebody added to the lawsuit.
That has been claimed before. I think that is a pretty spurious argument.
Even quoting someone, as in Steve said she is a thief, is not defamation if that is what Steve actually said.
I suppose if you retweeted something with your own commentary that said I independently believe this to be true, or something like that…
If you say “Steve said she is a thief”, and Steve actually said it, that’s not defamation because its true.
If Steve tells you “She is a thief”, and you tell someone else “She is a thief”, then you and Steve have both defamed her.
The old paradigms for what counts as publishing defamation don’t fit easily into social networks, though.
What would happen if I tweet “Doesn’t Dr. Blasey-Ford seem like a crazy cat lady?”
Twitter would lock your account, would be my guess.
It’s a question! You’re just asking questions!
‘common use,’
I am Brooksing this because I am interested in reading a discussion on the matter. Even Gorsuch stated that the Scalia test is how he would rule on 2A issues. To me the Scalia test does not leave open the possibility of citizens having access to arms as technology advances beyond what was available at the time of Heller, which betrays the entire point of 2A. I therefor believe that this test is improper and not Constitutionally sound. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Here’s my test:
What’s a ‘the Scalia test’?
I think you’re confusing “originalism” with “textualism”. I don’t think anyone is really an originalist (Thomas says he is), because that would call for the original meaning of the Bill of Rights. A textualist, like Scalia, focused on the original meaning of the words used in the Bill of Rights.
Scalia’s opinion said that all guns in common use (currently) would be covered under the 2nd Amendment
My friend the hotshot criminal defense attorney and insufferable prog (we tend to avoid talking politics as a result) said that if you are an originalist/textualist you want slavery to return and believe that blacks only count as 2/3 human. Oh, and the Bill of Rights shouldn’t even count, because that was ‘added’ to the original Constitution.
He sounds too dumb to breath.
Your friend doesn’t make any sense. An originalist would accept the Bill of Rights (amendments made to the constitution after its passage) but not the amendments that eliminated the 3/5 compromise?
That may be the stupidest thing I have ever heard a lawyer say about the Constitution, and I’ve heard some doozies. In no universe is a duly adopted amendment not effective to change the original document.
Personally, I’d settle for the ordinary current meaning of the words used in the Constitution. All of them. It would be a vast improvement.
I agree completely. Personally, I’ve caught him saying many things that seem to come out of a manual about ‘what to say to counter your reasonable-sounding friends when they are going against progressive doctrine”, and this seems to have been one of those times. He couldn’t believe I thought the idea of an originalist was a good thing. During the same discussion, he also told me the Laffer Curve was bullshit and everyone knows that.
We haven’t talked much as we used to since that discussion, but his wife has been sick, so I’m guessing that’s more the reason. He’s known I’ve been a libertarian our whole adult lives and that’s never interfered with our friendship before — but you know, things are getting more and more tribal recently, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find more of my prog friends keeping their distance. Like the one who told me last week, “Chet, I thought you were much too intelligent to think that Trump has done anything positive.” And when I pointed out the economy to him, he said “Economy! Is that all that matters to you? What about global warming? Trump wants us to burn coal!” And the goalposts kept moving from there.
These are all very old and dear friends so I don’t see losing them entirely, but it’s amazing how this now tribal religion of progressivism has the ability to impact friendships like this. It’s truly like they’ve joined a cult.
“It’s truly like they’ve joined a cult.”
Because they have. I have been noticing the same trend in behavioral changes in the left leaners I know. It really is stunning.
We may as well just call them what they are: useful idiots. How they got brainwashed I dont know, but they damned sure have.
It’s not about rationality or reason. It’s about getting us off of the morally superior position to wade in the muck of postmodernism with them. As soon as it becomes a spectrum of interpretation rather than a right and wrong way to interpret the text, he has won and we have lost.
Libertarian Party tweets support for Ford.
Yes, the party has actually gotten shittier. I thought they hit rock bottom when they were tweeting support to anti-gun advocates, but I was wrong
If we signal hard enough, the people committed to stripping every scintilla of liberty from the body politic will finally love us!
I think there is a newly minted iron law that covers this.
DC dumbasses all the same. It’s all about signaling.
Pretty soon we are going to have to come up with a new word again. Perhaps we can take “liberal” back.
No. We keep the name. Their new name is woketarian
I stopped paying attention to them when they tweeted that North Korea was overall freer than America because POT! I dont see how they can be dumber than that. I dont see many self-professed Libertarians supporting liberty. Most appear to be pinko supporting Quislings. What I have found are people who support inalienable rights and individual liberty are most often conservatives who hate the Republican party.
Not to worry, many here are voting Libertarian on principle.
I just saw a three-year-old with a gold iPhone.
Just got this text:
Hi Cory! This is Ellen volunteering with Indivisible. The election will be here before we know it, and we’re so excited to endorse Andrew Gillum, who’s running to be your next governor. Are you planning to vote for Andrew Gillum this November?
My reply:
I’m voting against him now that you’re texting my personal number.
Their reply:
Sorry about that! We’ll remove you from our texting list right away. It’s possible other groups may still have you on their list. If that happens, just reply STOP to be removed automatically. Thanks for your time.
Hi Ellen, please click this box “I am not a robot” you sexy real woman you. Then we can talk about this guy you like.
Don’t ruin this for me!
Um… it’s not automatic if you have to keep typing STOP.
Get them on the Do Not Call list.
How do you do that? Report the number somewhere?
Can’t you tell what number texted you?
I can block them, sure. I thought there was some national list.
We have a Do Not Call list in NY, and there was just a story on the news bitching at how few prosecutions for robocalls there have been. (Why people answer unknown numbers, I don’t know.) My first thought is always that the politicians are the first ones who should be on the registry, but they’ve probably exempted themselves from the law.
I pretty much never answer an unknown number, I know if it’s something important they can leave a voicemail which gets texted to me, and I can call right back. Robocalls almost never leave messages, and when they do, lately it’s just been some lady chattering in what sounds like Mandarin. I understand that many people have been getting deluged with such calls lately.
Political campaigns and non-profits are exempt from the national DNC list (which you can sign up for here). There are two common trends in the current robocalling “business”:
1) Local number masking – The outbound ANI (what you will get as the number for the CallerID) will have the first six digits match the number they’re calling. People are more likely to pick up a number that is close to familiar to them.
2) Recording and editing – This is what the “charity” calls are aiming for. They try to get a recording of you saying yes, or agreeing. Then fraudulently charge you, and use the recording as a defense.
Blocking numbers will only really stop the rank amateurs. The outbound ANI can be updated in every phone system with a couple of clicks (and there’s reasons for this). The real issue is that the phone system (even more so then e-mail) trusts people to behave correctly.
We now know your real name!
I thought about redacting my name but was feeling lazy. Plus you people are the closest thing to friends that I’ve got.
It would have been awesome if they DMed you using your handle: “Hey Florida Man! This is Ellen . . . .”
Friends? I can barely stomach you people.
Stop negging me because it’s working.
What do you mean by “you people” !?
He was in a lot of movies in the ’80s.
He was dreamy….
The cute one is dead, and everyone saw it coming.
Got to be a name he just made up for the story.
There’s no way that “Florida Man” could be named Cory in real life, it’s got to be Skeeter or Euell or Tiffani-Amber, something like that.
On a related note, here’s some words that rhyme with Cory.
Or Brett.
Was Whorey one?
In the questions that only retards had file, Rachel Mitchell says that she would not prosecute based on the ‘evidence’ presented by Ford.
Jefferson Airplane co-founder Marty Balin, 1942-2018
(NB: It’s Rolling Stone, so it could be completely made up.)
RIP…also RIP the old version of Jim Carrey
I know why Sheila Jackson Lee was sitting behind Ford at the hearing…
Damn if it doesn’t look like she slipped him an envelope of cash.
Maybe the FBI can look into that.
She’s just clocking dollars.
Last man standing returns to tv tonight. I never watched the show until they pulled it. I’ll be watching it tonight.
I generally assume the ads pull the best lines from the show. If so, you are in for a disappointment.
Ewww…The new Mandy. Already not happy.
She came and gave without taking?
Mandy was my favorite. What did they do to her?
Replaced her with an awkward blonde bimbo. Not a good fit. ?
Co-worker was telling me about that show today. Meant to record it.
Anyone catch Hillary’s cameo on the new Murphy brown?
Has anyone determined if the president of the American Bar Association had permission to call for an FBI investigation on behalf of the Bar Association? Or, as I suspect, was that just a Democrat Party hack using the name of the bar association?
Given the past track record of the ABA, it’s a distinction without a difference.
I’m a member of FedSoc instead of ABA. If I’m gonna give my money to a legal activist group, it’s going to be the one that doesn’t shit on libertarians.
Nice and concise overview of what’s really behind the Kavanaugh circus.
Scary shit. Just another thing pushing me to vote for Trump in 2020. I already know I’m not voting commiecrat.
Of course. They have been doing so already with a surprising amount of success.
They appear to be striving for total power and a collapse of the system – no due process, no rule of law, no checks and balances, executive power only by approval from the courts. They are trying to build a totalitarian system. The holy grail is the death of second amendment rights. Aftre that the jackboot is going to come down hard.
Off-topic /personal topic. Since getting on Dave Ramsey’s an 18 months ago, we’ve paid $112k toward debt. A solid $40k of that went to interest, but the needle is moving. Our non-mortgage debt moved from $255k to $185k.
Easiest way to become self sufficient? Pay off all your debt. Even just the handful of minimums that we don’t have to pay anymore take a huge weight off our shoulders. Next goals? Car #1 will be paid off by the end of October, Car #2 by next April or May, and then tackling law school debt.
Way cool, man. I did the Ramsey thing hard about 10 years ago but have since pretty much fallen off the wagon. It’s seriously liberating to not owe anyone anything. Keep plugging.
Easiest way to become self sufficient?
Dont bo unti debt in the first place.
-homeowner @30
Mixing seasoning in flour for my fried chicken dinner and I forget that my Herbes de Provence doesn’t have a shaker fitment and dump half the jar into the flour. It’s a bucks worth of spice and cents of flour, do I start over, F that I’m scraping off as much HdP as I can and soldiering on.
Dump a bunch more flour on, mix it up, then put excess in bag for later use.
In case anyone cares this was not a good idea, uffda, marjoram is a very powerful herb and should be used sparingly.