If this offends you, seek help immediately…or submit your resume to ESPN.
Well it didn’t rain yesterday. But I was stuck inside all day with a daughter who had an ear infection and fever. So I didn’t even get to enjoy it. C’est la vie! Which is what CC Sabathia is saying to himself after he threw at a guy in the 6th inning yesterday and was ejected…two innings shy of a $500,000 bonus. Its also what Ohio State is saying after one of the most retarded twitter mobs ever went after them. And what the Dodgers and Cardinals are saying after sitting idle yesterday while the Rockies won. That was effectively the only meaningful baseball game played yesterday, and with three left to play, the Dodgers travel to San Francisco who would love to rain on their parade, St Louis travels to Chicago (NL) who has a lot to play for and Colorado awaits Washington at home in a series that doesn’t matter to them. Could be interesting.
Elsewhere, the Los Angeles Rams beat the Vikings, who are struggling to maintain defensive focus. Miami drilled UNC in football. And the Ryder Cup is underway with the United States taking a 3-1 lead after the first session. Tiger and Patrick Reed dropped the only point and will sit in the alternate shot pairings that start ups in a little bit.

He probably did actually say this
If today is your birthday, Happy Birthday from all the Glibglobs. And you share it with: Confucius, wife and advisor to emperors Livia, gift from God Himself Arthur Guinness, TV pioneer Ed Sullivan, boxer Max Schmeling, actress and sexpot Bridget Bardot, bassist Nick St Nicholas, actress (who was naked a lot) Sylvia Kristen, musician Ned Lukhardt, idiot Janeane Garofalo, “musician” Moon Unit Zappa, actress Naomi Watts, and Texan Hillary Duff.
Its also the day on which Cabrillo discovered California, Maryland legalized divorce in 1701, Napoleon graduated 42nd out of 51 cadets from the Paris military academy (which is almost as bad as John McCain!), Lou Gerigh made an error after 885 straight games without one, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed, Martin And Lewis make their film debut, Ted Williams hit his final homer (#521), Star Trek: The Next Generation debuted, and SpaceX launched the first ever private spacecraft into orbit.
OK, onto…the links!
You’d have to be living under a rock if you didn’t know what the big story of the day was. Brett Kavanaugh gave an enthusiastic defense of himself as Team Blue attempted to turn his confirmation hearing into a circus. Not to downplay Christine Blasey Ford’s “truth” as it was described by noted groper Corey Booker, but he absolutely crucified the character assassination attempts from the left that included forcing him to explain his high school yearbook entry, to account for diary entries from when he was 16 and attacking him for drinking occasionally to excess when he was a college student.

“That’s where our stock was yesterday.”
The SEC has sued Elon Musk for fraud. They’re claiming he has misled investors and went so far as to peg the “buyout” price at $420 a share because of its significance to pot culture. The suit sounds half solid and half retarded. But my question is this: if he’s committed fraud, why aren’t they criminally charging him? Methinks this is more about stealing Tesla and handing it over to an actual businessman who knows how to run production than it is about prosecuting genuine fraud.

“Now its down here.”
Here’s a story about two of the dumbest people in the world. Just in case you were interested in #metoo infighting. Me-ow!
That’s some good flying there, Lou! At least it didn’t happen in New York so we’d hear reports of heroism on endless loop for weeks on end. Also, that might make a cool reef in a few years.
Gee thanks, Chicago. You guys have almost killed enough of each other to start drifting back toward the mean.
Just as I predicted, President Trump has delayed a meeting with Rod Rosenstein because of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.It will be held someday next week. Enjoy the rampant speculation and plenty of scoops from unnamed sources in the meantime.
Come on, Houston. Stop being busybodies and trying to tell people how they can spend their own money. WinStar can’t have that much pull here, can they?
Enjoy today’s song, children of my generation. Well, everybody else should too.
Now go out there and have a good day and a great weekend. Beat Penn State!
The SEC has sued Elon Musk for fraud. They’re claiming he has misled investors and went so far as to peg the “buyout” price at $420 a share because of its significance to pot culture. The suit sounds half solid and half retarded. But my question is this: if he’s committed fraud, why aren’t they criminally charging him? Methinks this is more about stealing Tesla and handing it over to an actual businessman who knows how to run production than it is about prosecuting genuine fraud. – and here I was long Tesla stock
You can always live in the woods, as a hermit.
You need an occupational license to be a hermit, after approval of a certificate of need by the existing hermits in the region.
You can just inherit your kingdom from your dad.
Wut, the curtains?
+2 huge … tracts of land
You checked into it?
Don’t be silly.
I process the paperwork.
It’s a lot easier to join the hobo union and live a refrigerator box.
The dues are a little steep, but you save on rent.
Here’s a story about two of the dumbest people in the world. Just in case you were interested in #metoo infighting. Me-ow! – this should never be used against women, it is meant to be used against men
Why you always gotta be such a basic bitch?
Kavanaugh to be confirmed?
War on women confirmed.
Kavenaugh = war on women
I jerked off in a pussy hat to celebrate.
Only acceptable if it was a toddler sized pussy hat.
That just disturbing.
Was anyone wearing it at the time?
I jerked off in a pussy hat to celebrate.
Too cheap for a fuckable model of pussyhat.
Ted Kennedy: fighter for women.
That guy really knew how to “entertain” the ladies..
“But Teddy, what if I get pregnant?”
“We’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it, Mary jo.”
Say what you will, but that guy never burns bridges (he’s committed manslaughter on).
Headline from Forbes in my news feed this morning: Well, I Think We Found Our Supreme Court Justice Today…
But don’t read the article… for the love of all that is holy, Do Not Read The Article. Just stick with the headline, and avoid hurting yourself.
What the fuck happened to Forbes? Didn’t they used to be somewhat sensible?
The Forbes website is nothing more than a glorified blog site. Few if any of the writers there are paid for their contributions and there is very very little editorial control over what gets posted. Frankly I wouldn’t be shocked if this place had higher standards
They have a surprisingly-not-bad video game columnist. I have no idea why.
And I don’t mean someone who talks about video games from a business perspective. This guy is going game reviews.
Well, cheer up, the good news at least is I think we found someone today with the right temperament to make a fine Supreme Court Justice.
Her name is Christine Blasey Ford.
Jesus tittyfucking christ…
Damn it people… I tried to warn you. That’s what you get for clicking through the links. Pain and suffering, and possibly a concussion from slamming your head on the desk.
I listened, Neph. I #BELIEVEYOU
Well she did not know the word exculpatory, so she might fit in with some of our more “law and order” justices…
She’s also a psychologist who doesn’t seem to understand polygraphs.
Or memory.
Or honesty…
Well she’s gonna ha e to learn what “exculpatory” means first.
I hear a lot of the Dems shitting their pants now. “He cant be impartial now!”
That’s right dickheads. Now you are gonna have a guy on the court for up to 40 years that hates your guts with the heat of a thousand suns. Maybe you should have thought about that before trying to destroy his family, his reputation and his career with absurd lies.
I am sure the blue wave will fix everything.
Hey, I finally read you article from last night. It made me want to buy a forest so I could cut it down.
Thanks for writing it. The experience and skills of all of you shitlords is amazing!
Thank you Sir. It’s not the cutting I like, it’s the growing.
Also, it’s not a forest. It’s a field and the trees are a crop, just like corn or cotton.
*hides chainsaw behind back*
I did insert an important caveat about being cavalier about dumping waste oil…
Reap the Whirlwind fuckers.
Kavanaugh got red pilled hard
This – amazing to see a guy swallow the red-pill live on national TV.
You mean the Democrats didn’t think through the scenario where they didn’t win? I find that very hard to believe.
Us not win? That’s Unpossibe!
I suspect they see this as a boon. They hope to intimidate the court and others into accepting their view Kavanaugh is now jaded and thus should not be there. Have no doubt team blue will torpedo the SCOTUS now if he gets confirmed, because they will not tolerate having to wait another generation roll by before gaining control of the court, which sets back their deep state/SCOTUS agenda of fucking this country over.
If Dems win in 2020, get ready to see a SCOTUS with 11 or more Justices #courtpacking.
~530 popularly elected justices.
Its also the day on which Cabrillo discovered California
It was right there, the whole time.
New Albion*.
If anyone got raped, it was Feinstein by Cruz and Cornyn
The train keeps running.
also, BARFFF
^honorary member of the Ralph club. You’re never going to be a SCOTUS justice now.
So is everyone exhausted from last night?
Why would doing laundry exhaust me? It’s a chore, sure, but it’s not like I’m washing clothes by hand or anything.
I hear rumors that there are automatic ways to wash clothes. My trip to the village river to bang clothes against rocks are exhausting
Wash clothes? *Takes whiff of undies scooped of the floor. Discards. Tries again. Discards* Yes, it’s time.
Business idea: Dollar Underwear Club
New pair once a month whether you need them or not.
Underwear is good to wear until it is so soiled and hardened that retains its form when removed….
You know all that inflammation and skin lesions? those are not normal.
But I thought chicks digged that???
I haven’t bought any underwear in years. One of my newer pairs is from our honeymoon (5 years ago). Needless to say, there are a few pairs so holy they try to molest altar boys.
Nope, I watched Bright Victory (for those of you in the States, it’s on TCM at 8:00 ET tonight and an excellent movie) and went to bed around 11:30.
(for those of you in the States…)
Are you in Canada?
I’m in the US; I just know we have some readers in places like Japan and Romania who don’t get TCM.
TCM Canada also doesn’t have the rights to every single movie on the US schedule, but I don’t look at the Canadian schedule.
“In the unlikely event of a water landing – cabin staff will lose their composure and panic. This shit has only happened twice in the history of aviation.”
Where a regular aircraft came down in the water cleanly.
It doesn’t count if it’s designed to do that.
Also do the stewardesses on flying boats change it to “in the unlikely even of a land-landing”?
That’s a very good point. Why don’t they call it a watering?
I’m going to nominate “floundering”, combining the nautical term “founder” with the image of a flounder flopping around on land.
At least the first one made a decent movie.
Against my better judgement I just posted a blistering response to one of my idiot acquaintances on Twatbook. The prevailing theme of the day is that Kavanaugh was too emotional and not detached enough for the job.
This pisses me off to no end. If you drag my name thru the mud in front of the country, in front of my kids, in front of my wife and parents and friends with inflammatory, unsubstantiated, uncorroborated, and undisprovable accusations, you better believe I’m going to come out with all guns firing. If he had done otherwise, I would have suspected him of being a sociopath.
If he was perfectly calm, something would be found to be bad in that. Like hes a sociopath no emotion.
It’s scummy, but if that’s what the Democrats are going with it means they know there tactics in the hearing utterly failed. They aren’t saying it
She’s believable.
Still would have been better to never have this, K was used by the Reps as much as Ford was used by the Dems. From what I see, the Republicans come off pretty well. They heard the lady out, they came to the sane conclusion. I think Grassley let the hearing happen to let the Dems hang themselves with their own rope. If no hearing happened we’d always be subjected to how K was rammed through.
hiring a female prosecutor was brilliant. no soundbites of GOP attacking the victim. all of their indignation was reserved for the Dems attacking Kav. brilliantly played. i think they may have saved his confirmation.
Yes, they may have finally learned. I am not so sure now that they were the stupid party this whole time. If they pull off the nomination and managed to get the Democrats to show themselves as totally unhinged before an election (and it was planned), well, credit where it’s due.
Same here, currently posted two blistering responses on Twatbook over the same issue. Not sure why I bothered, because the lefty is too dishonest to argue in good faith anyway.
I am waiting to reply. I need some retarded leftist to tie the Ohio State football tweet in with the Kavanaugh confirmation then I’m ready to strike.
Kavenaugh knew that Urban Meyer Knew that that one guy had been accused of abuse by his ex-wife
I honestly can’t believe tOSU backed down over that idiocy. How have people still not learned that backing down and giving in only encourages more lefty bullshit.
…and an anonymous source has said that Kavanaugh, Urban Meyer, and Jerry Sandusky often met up to have pizza at Joe Paterno’s house….
*Papa John’s pizza
The general thrust of it is that this entire episode was handled with the explicit purpose of turning it into a political hit. It wouldn’t matter if the nominee were from the left (although unfortunately it does to the Democrats), you don’t do this. Feinstein could have brought this shit to closed committee, she could have brought it to the administration, she could have requested the FBI do a report on her own, but instead it was handled for political points in the midterm.
His response was “And if Prof Ford is telling the truth?”
It’s a Rorschach test and that’s the way the Democrats want it. All the witnesses have explicitly denied it so we’re firmly into he said/she said.
The Dems brought this on themselves by nominating the most toxic candidate they could find who was too fucking arrogant to spend a couple weeks campaigning in flyover country.
The party simply cannot stop promoting itself as the party of personal irresponsibility.
When you thought you had rigged the election and herself had no chance to lose because the plebes going all defiant, you make stupid decisions…
Thank the powers that be that is how it happened. Can you imaging a Hillary presidency by this time not basically fucking everyone over?
I am surprised I have not seen anything on mine. Perhaps all my hardcore lefty acquaintances have already de-friended me because ‘tolerance’. Alternatively they know what a shitshow this was.
When Trump got elected, I had a fun time posting songs on FB that hinted at how I felt. You guys got some songs I can put up if Kav gets through?
Oh, yeah…
Fucking right I do!
I see a swastika in that cover. You trying to get me promoted?
Geez, I let that video autoplay and no they’re singing something about homos.
Yeah, Fear wasn’t what you would call PC.
Great band though.
hah….and that’s why I love em. Their segment from The Decline of Western Civilization is so incredible, just ten minutes of pure hatred and mocking the audience. If you asked me to give a definition of punk, that right there is it.
Better not play the Meatmen then
Excellent!!! Love FEAR
I actually went with a couple of Black Flag classics last night while driving home
I have that record. Good Stuff.
Saw Fear back in ’96 (???) at a little hole-in-the-wall bar. Lee Ving is a short dude.
I’ve seen Fear three times. Way back when I lived in LA, we saw them at the late great Foothill in Signal Hill. Went there really early to have a few beers, and who is at the bar but Lee Ving. Funny guy.
Kool & the Gang may help you.
And Flathead, just for the video.
I could do this all morning. Slow day. How about Langhorn Slim and the Law?
Last one; just for Kav. Beer by Reel Big Fish.
Nah, keep going. Only thing I could think of was Crazy Train.
Happy Drunk and Smash Your Fucking Head by the Skoidats could work.
Shots! Shots! Shots!
How about this?
“The prevailing theme of the day is that Kavanaugh was too emotional and not detached enough for the job.”
First I want to point out that people that oppose his confirmation, and specifically those that would not vote for him in any case or have been doing the dirty work for the dnc in what passes for media, now acting butt-hurt, is just par for the course. Second, had he not been emotional, they would be complaining abut how robotic he was (see previous interview reactions). Ford however, which to me came off as a lying conniving shrew not even bright enough to know she was being used by the team blue crime syndicate, however was seen as a heroic figure by the same people complaining about Kavanaugh, I bet.
This guy could find the cure for cancer tomorrow, and they would blame him for not finding it sooner. The only way they will give him any kind of positive coverage is if he slinks away in defeat and becomes a mouthpiece for the left. You know, like a certain senator that recently passed away.
Good morning, Sloop!
I really do wish I was in Tijuana eating barbecued iguana.
(btw, it’s Ned Lukhardt)
I fixed it.
I may need a better source of birthday info. Mine keeps giving me typos.
A weird story in Minnesoda’s Gov race.
A tracker for the DFL (Democrat – Farmer – Labor) party broke into the house of the GOP’s Lt. Gov candidate
The DFL has apologized and said:
I’m sure if anyone from the GOP had broken into the DFL’s candidate’s house, it would totally be totally forgiven with just an apology.
Third rate burglary…
::rousing applause::
It seems as if there are a lot of lines being crossed lately.
How’s your pal doing? Have you spoken with him at all?
I talked with him for about 5 minutes at the State Fair at his booth. Congratulated him on beating that weasel T-Paw.
He was pretty jazzed, but I really won’t have a chance at seeing him until after the election. And some time after that if he wins. I’m always amazed at how much of his life he spends meeting with people. I couldn’t do it.
If only LIddy had thought to use that defense.
should’ve been a DGU
Go Lions!!
Go Christians!
:Golf clap:
They are going to need a hail Mary in order to beat the Lions.
Go Gladiators!
*narrows oculi*
My wife came home yesterday – stepped into the laundry / utility room and found water all over the floor. Hot water heater busted it’s seal on the bottom. The whole thing looked dodgy/old when we bought the house three years ago so no big surprise.
Positive: working from home today as I wait for the plumber(s) to show up.
Negative: $$$ spent that we could be using for our upcoming vacation
“Hot Water heater, What the hell is this? Hot water doesn’t need heating!”
He showers in live steam. He is that tough.
Not just clean, sanitized!
In America, in addition to hot and cold, we also have REALLY hot water taps.
Said from someone from the continent that doesn’t know the recipe for ice.
Hint: You use a cold water cooler.
Negative: $$$ spent that we could be using for our upcoming vacation
Save that $$$ and DIY. It’s very easy installing a water heater. Hardest part is just lifting the damn thing.
I don’t have that much confidence in my plumbing skills – I can solder wire and do amplifiers/preamps/etc – but pipes ‘n’ water meh.
Definitely understandably (I have very little plumbing skill too). Just fyi, they make these pipe connectors called Shark Bites for non-plumbers. Basically flexible pipes with alligator clamps on each end. Cut out existing water heater. Connect Shark Bites to new water and existing pipes. Done.
I had a stem pipe bust and I used those to fix it myself. They worked incredibly well. Just be sure to rough the pipe and put the purple primer on it ahead of time and they won’t leak a drop.
Wire soldering is 10x harder than pipe soldering.
Yeah I can do basic plumbing and sweat copper joints just fine, but I am bad at attempting to solder wires.
Wires are easy – you only have to get one spot. Pipes are hard, you have to have the entire perimeter sealed.
Yeah, but you just have to heat the joint evenly until the the solder melts and flows in to displace the flux. No finesse needed.
I paint sub-milimeter details on plastic for fun.
I know, and that is beyond my ability.
Hot water heater busted it’s seal on the bottom
Congratulations on the impending litter of baby water heaters!
They are so damn cute when they’re that young. ::sniff::
*Reads thread. Looks around nervously*
OK. Am I the ONLY one around here who has legit ZERO hands-on/fix’em/build shit skills?
TO BE SURE, I know how to change a tire, but that’s literally just about the extent of my ability. I know how to fix nothing. Repair bupkis. If it doesn’t involve hitting it or applying duct tape, then that bitch is gonna stay broken until I buy a new one or pay someone else to do it for me.
No woodwork, electronics, computers, automotive, plumbing, you name it.
I also think that this is particularly interesting because I am quite a good drummer and have the good hands that come with it. I guess they are mostly gross (TEE HEE!) motor skills rather than fine. It also doesn’t help that I’m not supposed to be left-handed but stupidly am. That was a bad decision back in the day.
Um, what? How does that work?
I’m fairly ambidextrous, more more accurately am mixed-handed now.
When I was a kid I would write on the left-hand side of the paper with my left hand and switch to my right for the other half. I didn’t show any preference. My mother, being a teacher, couldn’t stand to watch me write like that. So she pretty much had me make a decision over which hand to write with. Knowing no better (and not remembering this, just being told by mom) I picked my left. That was a bad idea.
I do everything pretty much with my left hand–write, eat, shave, brush teeth, carry groceries, shoot, play pool, bow and arrow, etc. I bat and throw right handed, played hockey righty, as well as drumming, punching etc.
Left-handed but right-armed. I can right on a whiteboard better with my right hand (no smearing) and it’s much, much neater but it’s not as fast. This mixed-ness is very beneficial with most sports and definitely helped my drumming.
It’s less fun when it comes to things like ping pong or bowling, where I don’t do them often enough to know which hand to use. I’m the only person I know with that problem.
Yes, I have absolutely terrible handwriting. Yes, I absolutely jerk it lefty.
My week is over and I’m cleaning and cooking at the same time so I can go out to the bars and take the subway in order to save money.
Let us just ignore all of my egregious typos in that comment. There is bacon to be eaten and drinks to be consumed.
I had the same thing. In my case it was my grandparents that felt people that used their left hand were possessed by the devil, and beat it out of me. It was particularly troublesome when pulling my pud cause I could never make it feel like I was getting some strange.
1) Practice makes perfect.
2) research the hell out of it first
3) buy the right tools.
In other words, fake it till you make it.
You seem to be under the delusion that these are skills that I wish to have.
I would lose fingers if I were to try to attain these skills. My mom’s father was could fix anything. My dad doesn’t know how to use a remote control or how to fry an egg. (Neither is an exaggeration.)
You people who work with your hands are weird. I might be a little jealous, as there really is a lovely sense of accomplishment using your hands/labor to make something (I CAN MAKE IKEA SHIT), but it’s just not in me no more, pop.
You don’t have to get to expert level, but being able to handle very basic stuff like changing out a light switch is “literally anyone can do it” level skill and will save you from paying stupid-expensive repair fees for something you can do yourself in five minutes.
I knew a married pair of doctors who would pay a dealership mechanic to replace a car fuse. Don’t be that person.
“In other words, fake it till you make it.”
Yep. My favorite tactic before while determining whether or not I can do something, I go find someone who’s already done it. That usually builds enough confidence. If Jimmy can do it, I can do it. Then it’s off to Amazon for a book or Youtube for some instruction. It’s almost never “hard” it’s usually just time consuming.
Hell I did a Chevy small block build and engine swap by reading a few books, buying the right tools, and doing a lot of internet research. To my surprise – it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be, and the new engine actually worked!
And yes, going from a 180hp 305 to a 370hp 355 really does wake up a 1986 Monte Carlo SS.
Finding the Youtube video is the key to fixing anything.
Well almost anything…
I had the transmission on my GE washer go bad. I sat thru a 75 minute video on how to replace it, and in the last 30 seconds, the guy offered the following advice:
“and that is how you do it, but you never should, because the part costs as much as a new washer and will go bad before a better washer ever would. Throw your washer away.”
Yep, I’ve fixed my dryer, replaced ballasts in my garage lights, rebuilt the carb on a stihl chainsaw i got for cheap, and replaced the water pump and oil pressure sesor on my truck all with youtube.
Meh – I’m not a good carpenter, nor am I good at plumbing.
But if you find something you like doing, and with enough practice, you can get good (or good enough!) at it. I would like to do more woodworking and see it as a potential retirement hobby.
And I can’t play drums to save my life, but I used to be a really amateur and mediocre bass guitarist. Been thinking about buying a guitar and trying to learn some basics, especially with Youtube it’s alot easier to pick up on technique.
Nope. I can teach myself to do simple stuff but probably not anything major. I didn’t learn any of that stuff growing up (no father?) nor have much interest in it either.
“OK. Am I the ONLY one around here who has legit ZERO hands-on/fix’em/build shit skills?”
I feel this all the time.
I need a Being Ron Swanson for Dummies (Esp. Impecunious Ones) manual.
I don’t measure up to the rest of folks around here; really minor electrical work (change an outlet, fix a power cord), really minor carpentry (just replaced the broken wooden rail in the platform bed, put shelves in closet) , that’s about it.
I suspect I could do more, but would want some backup – e.g., if my (very handy) older brother weren’t 700 miles away, I’d attempt some tiling, capping the cement step outside with granite, maybe even kitchen counters, etc. Having someone with superior skills to fall back on would make all the difference. All my nearby friends are effete city-dwellers.
I expect my skills are in a similar level. Surprisingly This patch is holding up despite all the work done being to glop concrete patch into the hole until I ran out. (It was a small ‘mix in bag’ kit where you added water to the bag until you got an applicable consistancy)
Damn… you’re not going to have any piers put in to fix that crack?
Where? That whole section of ground subsided – mostly the sidewalk. I bet in 50 years the house will disappear down a sinkhole in that corner. I just needed my extension cord to stop cutting the mortar under the cinderblock when I was cutting the grass in the sidewalk cracks.
Robby, is that you?
Elsewhere, the Los Angeles Rams beat the Vikings, who are struggling to maintain defensive focus.
Best game of the year so far.
I gotta be honest, I expected a repeat of the Buffalo game. This one had quite a few entertaining moments.
Like Cousins fumbling the damn ball?
Meh. Cousins largely did his job. Not sure what the backfield thought they were doing. Smith just runs around aimlessly.
The youngest Altar Boy and I are convinced that Zimmer fucked himself by underestimating Case Keenum’s abilities.
We had the same crappy line last year, but Case was shifty and did a great job of sliding around to avoid sacks. Cousins doesn’t have that ability. He just sits there and gets hit.
Zimmer didn’t realize how good Case was so he didn’t upgrade the line at all. Now that shitty line is losing him games.
I will totally grant that Cousins arm is better than Case’s arm. But you can’t make pretty throws from flat on your back.
Cousins tends to be skittish when pressured. None of the cool-headed evasiveness of a Rogers or Rapesburger, but all of the nervous energy.
Absolutely. I haven’t been impressed by his football IQ so far.
At a minimum you would think that after being blasted from the blind side by guys speed rushing you would learn to take a step up every once in a while.
I am fucking happy he isn’t playing for the skins anymore.
‘Zimmer didn’t realize how good Case was’
I’m a Broncos fan. Remind me again? Guy plays like a career backup.
The Rams O-coordinator was awesome last night. The amount of times they got the Vikings D to try to cover a receiver with a line backer was insane.
My worry is that they might have figured out how to game the Vikes D and other teams will see it too.
Also can’t figure out what the deal with Tres Waynes was. On two of those TD’s he gave up, he was in great position but for some reason never made a play on the ball.
I also miss Case and his ability to move in the pocket.
So you’re saying the Vikings D was really helping the Rams get their ) on last night?
God damning that is supposed to be “get their O on”
I really need to learn to type one of these days and maybe put my fingers on a weight loss program
I didn’t see the whole game, but I heard there were no roughing the passer calls?
I don’t remember any. And it was a delightful slugfest. I’m not a fan or anti-fan of either team, so it was pure love of the game that got me yelling and cheering.
Meh. It was Arena football, basically. Not a fan. I like brutal defensive wars. It’s my heritage since I grew up watching the Parcells Giants.
The Vikes O-line tried to help the Rams as much as they could. I think Cousins was tackled at least twice in the middle of a handoff while I watched the first half. That is some bad blocking.
How about the Viking’s long snapper losing the tip of his pinky finger and then playing the rest of the game with it bandaged up.
That’s tough!
Also long snapper sounds like a euphemism
The long read
How Robyn transformed pop
Who? I was expecting Robyn Hitchcock
+1 balloon man.
God damn we’re all old.
But still here! ?
Avoid 23 year old Romanian tourists
Freshly turned and needing to feed?
“Uncorrected Personality Traits” is one of the ultimate “would not fly in today’s PC environment” songs
Damn, I thought that was going to be about Robyn Hitchcock.
Fuck The Guardian. Even their banal music articles are offensive.
I’ve never heard of this person in my entire life, and I’m not THAT old.
That’s a lot of words for a fluff piece.
My CO alarm went off and the nice firemen told me it was a false alarm and it’s time to replace the thing. So now I’m… half awake. Yay.
Same thing happened to me last week. At 3:00 AM.
At least it’s Friday.
Also, your AFL team won…
I’m not THAT tired to forget the game is tonight 😛
At least you got to wake up with a NYC fireman
1 out of the 6 (!) that showed up was hot, too.
Relevant ?
I’ll have to introduce you to Spudalicious. That will forever turn you off on the idea of firemen as sex objects.
Is he a young, tall, Asian dude too?
Short squat Irishman with a decided resemblance to an old Mickey Rooney.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s Rooney? Not young or tall, but…
Close enough.
Do old Irishmen look the way they do because of genetics? Or because of the effect of long term drinking on facial capillaries? Oh wait that is probably genetic as well
More like Bill: On His Own Mickey Rooney.
Thanks for the Bill reference; I loved that movie. However, Operation Mad Ball is, IMO, his finest work.
My wife is always buying CO alarms and I throw the package behind the dryer. We had one once several years ago and the thing would go off for no reason about once a month.
I think it’s bullshit anyway. Smoke alarms are a good idea–house fires are real. There are accounts of house fires in the paper all the time. When I was a kid, a house in the neighborhood burned down.
But carbon monoxide poisoning? I read about an incident maybe once every five years, and it’s almost invariably somebody doing something stupid, like running a generator in their house.
You are a monster!
Everyone needs CO detectors. Especially in your boat. And don’t think you can just have a simple battery operated one either. Nope has to be a special hard wired marine grade one.
It’s probably some requirement here to install one. Also, I just assumed all of them are combo smoke/CO detectors like mine. I guess I’ll find out when I get a new one.
Nope, I just picked up a couple of new smoke detectors that are just smoke detectors.
Here in NYC it is required. We live in a newish (2011) neighborhood in homes whose build quality reminds me very much of
trailersmobile homesmanufactured housing. Despite clearly stating that the smoke/CO detectors must not be installed within 36” of a kitchen doorway, ours is 19” away from the kitchen doorway and, consequently, screeches at us when we use the deep fryer, broiler, self-clean feature on the oven, etc.. It’s also hardwired and networked to all of the other alarms in the house, so they all serenade us.I’m usually a dick about music, but Wall of Voodoo is a great choice.
Conservative America: What Do Dollars and Sex Have In Common?
It’s a curious observation that among the American right wing, there is a juxtaposition between financial and sexual conservatism.
in a word, this attitude is described as patriarchal. The men see themselves as being in charge, and the women are there to do their bidding.
Horny adolescents trying to get laid. Just what in tarnation is this world coming to?!
The two of them did their best to get girls intoxicated and, to the extent that their adolescent fantasies allowed, to take physical advantage. – was this clearly established?
seems like 100% slander
Not at all. Just more slander from the left, but they will get away with it because Kavanaugh is a public figure and therefore the standard to prove slander is just about impossible to meet.
Chin-stroking bullshit based on lies du jour. So typical.
Dollars and sex are both awesome. That is what they have in common.
Dollars and Sex is an album name, right?
Apparently by a group called The Escape Club. I had to look it up.
You know, we were always taught someone’s past is off limits. Especially women.
Yet here we are. Breaking that covenant. For politics. How obscene and degenerate.
Assumes facts not in evidence. While conservatives may (in general) be against random hookups, and one-night stands, is there any evidence they’re less kinky in the bedroom? And which side wants a verbal contract for each step forward in a physical relationship?
Conservatism defines itself by its antipathy towards sexuality
I thought the current line was that conservatives are rapists.
They get so repressed it just bursts out violently.
So the argument here is that wanting puritanical laws results from a patriarchial desire to control women? Aren’t the loudest calls for antiporn/antiprostitution laws coming from feminists these days?
On the right the socons are NOT the same folks as the economic conservatives. There is some overlap, but confusing the two groups is like confusing the blue collar labor types (who used to be) on the left with the race baiters. Two party politics by necessity means big tent parties. Something the left seems to be forgetting these days, which is why we have Trump, and why I believe if the R’s confirm Kavanaugh they will hold the house.
We saw what we wanted to see. Our suspicions have been confirmed.
What a study in contrasts: Where Christine Blasey Ford was calm and dignified, Brett Kavanaugh was volatile and belligerent; where she was eager to respond fully to every questioner, and kept worrying whether she was being “helpful” enough, he was openly contemptuous of several senators; most important, where she was credible and unshakable at every point in her testimony, he was at some points evasive, and some of his answers strained credulity.
Indeed, Dr. Blasey’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday was devastating.
Judge Kavanaugh, when it was his turn, was not laughing. He was yelling. He spent more than half an hour raging against Senate Democrats and the “Left” for “totally and permanently” destroying his name, his career, his family, his life. He called his confirmation process a “national disgrace.”
“You may defeat me in the final vote, but you will never get me to quit,” Judge Kavanaugh said, sounding like someone who suddenly doubted his confirmation to the Supreme Court — an outcome that seemed preordained only a couple of weeks ago.
Judge Kavanaugh’s defiant fury might be understandable coming from someone who believes himself innocent of the grotesque charges he’s facing. Yet it was also evidence of an unsettling temperament in a man trying to persuade the nation of his judicial demeanor.
We share the sorrow of every sensible American who feels stricken at the partisan spectacle playing out in Washington. Judge Kavanaugh was doubtless — and lamentably — correct in predicting that after this confirmation fight, however it ends, the bitterness is only likely to grow. As he put it in his testimony, “What goes around, comes around,” in the partisan vortex that has been intensifying in Washington for decades now. His open contempt for the Democrats on the committee also raised further questions about his own fair-mindedness, and it served as a reminder of his decades as a Republican warrior who would take no prisoners.
That “U mad, bro?” bit is priceless. Why wouldn’t that shitlord lie there with his throat exposed and meekly let the “alpha dogs” (I amuse myself) of the Senate piss all over him? Who does he think he is? Anybody who *isn’t* openly contemptuous of those smarmy morons should have his head examined.
We’re fucked. As a nation, as a culture. This ship is taking on water at an alarming rate.
Indeed, Dr. Blasey’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday was devastating. – devastating is overused.
Devastating for her credibility and the people who pushed her, sure.
Yippee, more salty tears!
Wow. We know the editorial mongrels at the NYT are regressive reprobates but even by their standards that’s awful.
It’s a bit infuriating. As many said. I would have liked K not to be confirmed and someone better. But I realized also that I’m on one end and they have to compromise with shitstains like Flake. But then the Democrats wipped these sick and baseless allegations that they sat on for months. When someone drops a Nuke, it’s hard to stay neutral.
GEE? I wonder why the guy has open contempt for Democrats. It absolutely boggles the mind and makes me use all my almonds. Damn these concern trolls.
Have we moved to the ridiculous name-mockery stage yet? Because I’m going with Blasé Fraud.
Mrs. Ford.
How bout never move to the ridiculous name-mockery stage yet?
Ridicule is an effective weapon.
Occasional Cortex, Karla Marx, Josephina Stalina, Hotsy Trotsky, etc.
Block Insane Yo Mamma!
Go fuck yourself.
So they set this circus up and promote it, then feign sadness… But hey, everyone else are the reprobates.
Kav’s no beta leftist.
Cheer up Brooks. Every day the places where they can get elected get smaller and the numbers of people that hate them get larger. In the end, they will lose.
This is precisely why they are doing what they are doing. they have shown their hand, and now, realizing that was a mistake, they are in a hurry to fuck things up so they can’t be taken out of power ever again. And this guy getting on the SCOTUS endangers that whole agenda.
where she was eager to respond fully to every questioner
Wtf interview were they watching? She gave that what she had already given, i.e. nothing of substance.
he was openly contemptuous of several senators
Several senators are retards.
unsettling temperament
He called out peoples bs in an effort to clear his name from baseless accusations. Completely ‘unsettling’…
“he was openly contemptuous of several senators”
Yeah, this is the shit that’s getting old. They’re public SERVANTS: fuck this idea that they’re owed deference. Even the damned architecture of these committee rooms has been built to cater to their arrogance.
I’ll have two scoops.
*narrows gaze*
Big fan of raisins?
Ugh. Please don’t let this debacle turn Klobuchar into a national figure. Pretend conservative Jennifer Rubin seems to think that Kavanaugh was extra frat boy mean to her.
It is rich that Klobuchar is using the fact that her father was an alcoholic to claim victim cred. Her father was a long time columnist in Minnesota papers (and a good one) and that name recognition is the only reason Amy is where she is today.
If talent was all that mattered, she and Mark Dayton would be working the registers at some convenience store.
So, it’s cruelty and disrespect for Kavanaugh to ask Klobuchar if she was ever blackout drunk, but it’s just fine and peachy for her to ask him that?
Must be more of that white male privilege, I guess.
“Pretend conservative Jennifer Rubin seems to think that Kavanaugh was extra frat boy mean to her.”
She’s late to the party and the fat lady has sang. They best be moving on to the next outrage, go back to chasing people and their families out of restaurants for a while maybe.
They won’t move on. They were still pretending they didn’t try to railroad Clarence Thomas.
And of course, Move On was founded to move on from….
Actual wrongdoing?
Believable/true or not, he had already said that he never did. There was no need to keep asking the same questions.
If I were a leftist, I would be embarrassed at the quality of that article that purported to speak for my side. Yet all those rubes are all too happy to be taken in by it.
In his bid to take over the historic British left-wing magazine, The Tribune, Jacobin publisher Bhaskar Sunkara is being accused of reneging on wage deal by employees of the paper, who kept the publication alive during struggling times. Tribune was once the home of such greats as George Orwell and has since become the leading publication associated with the influential Momentum faction within the Labor Party.
The purchase of the paper seemed like an ideal takeover for Sunkara linking his viral socialist publication in America with the struggling legacy British paper.
Whodathunkit, Solcialists don’t put their own money where their mouth is.
Not sure what a solcialist is, but socialists tend to be socialists because they want someone else to pay for the shit they want.
How dare you other lysdexics!
Speaking of the Kavanaugh hearing, thank you Staff for that Clarence Thomas video the other day. It’s crazy how that was 27 years ago.
Hello from Toronto, a place I don’t have much to say about.
Why Toronto?
For the best pizza
*narrows gaze*
Forget it, Swissy, he’s Romanian.
It’s actually kind of interesting. The union here (IATSE local 58) is in a lockout and I’m getting paid 150% of my normal salary to come do what they won’t.
Good on you, Scab. I hope the negotiations take a while.
YYZ not?
I will be up there next month….scope out a good poutine place for me, could ya? Thx.
If I could get a few hours off work, yeah. Maybe tomorrow. There was one with a cutesy name involving poutine.
how’s Tavares looking this preseason?
Toronto is the dullest city in Canada, with the possible exception of Ottawa.
What about Gatineau*?
*or however the Frogs misspelled it.
You mean Hull.
I was asking, because I have a hotel reservation in the city across the river from Ottowa for my road trip next year.
RIGHT across the river. In the sense that they are one city with a river serving as an arbitrary division.
The good thing is that the hyper-touristy market area is right on the Ottawa side, where there is good food to be had.
I’m only staying there overnight. Any recommendations?
I stayed in an AirBnB that worked out well for exploring the city on foot for a few days.
But I couldn’t speak to hotels.
I meant food. I should have been more specific.
Ah. The hipster-food places we went were quite good (Scone Witch, Mad Radish). I really enjoyed http://www.lowertownbrewery.ca also. Everything we had was smoked. Smoked cauliflower appetizer, mixed smoked meat platter. The menu currently on their website is different than the one when I was there, so hopefully that means they keep things seasonal.
There is a purportedly famous diner that was just meh.
So you have never been to London, Ontario then?
Ugh. Or Leamington to kick the shit out of their hockey team.
It has the world’s hottest mayoral candidate.
It’s a rhetorical question, to be sure, but how do you verify an event in an unknown location which occurred at an unknown time, at which unspecified persons may or may not have been in attendance?
You find the straight white male patriarchical shitlord and declare him guilty.
With an FBI investigation. How else would one do it?
The FBI is such a competent agency that they missed all of this in all of their previous peeks into Kavanaugh.
Gotta give them another shot, you know? We need more investigations.
I don’t know, but Kav’s defense of beer moved so much I drank some more tonight.
Same, I just popped opened a can of the seasonal Yebisu in his honor.
Right?! Forget the false rape accusations and 2A concerns. Just try and peel this can out of my icy cold hands.
Molon Beeru? What’s the glib motto we got for this?
Molon Lager
I like that one, A LOT. Someone give this good man a beer.
Come and take it.
That was so fucking awesome I had one for breakfast.
And one in which every person named as a corroborating witness by the alleged “victim” says they have no knowledge of any such event?
Shitlord alert!
US mid-terms: Hackers expose ‘staggering’ voter machine flaws
Get ready for this to become the narrative if the #BlueWave doesn’t materialize.
Yeah, setting up the excuses for when the Blue Wave fails to materialize. Because it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the behavior of the Democrats combined with a robust economy.
Starring Bruce Williams.
I was in the Spokane airport last weekend and I tried to get some cash from the biggest piece of shit ATM I have ever used. Took me 10-15 minutes just to get my card back and wasn’t able to get my cash.
It was a Diebold.
I was in the Spokane airport last weekend
Having grown up in Spokane, I’m so, so sorry.
East Sprague?
Huge numbers of stillborn babies ‘may have been missed’
Hundreds of thousands of deaths a year are not being recognised in international estimates, research suggests
However, while the World Health Organization recommends countries collect stillbirth data from 22 weeks of pregnancy onwards, only data from 28 weeks or more is used for international comparisons and estimates.
Now research published in the Lancet shows this threshold means a huge number of stillbirths that occur earlier in pregnancy are not being recognised, with data from Europe revealing international estimates could be around 50% higher, at least for high-income countries, if stillbirths from 22 weeks are included.
Wapo: Right-wing warnings pose far more danger to America than left-wing violence
Authoritarians historically have gained power by pointing to non-existent violence from their opponents.
“non-existent violence from their opponents.”
“It would be nice if that bike lock you keep hitting me with was non-existent”
-some right wing thuh
Maybe if they weren’t all limp wristed soyboys they might actually get their desired fataility with those bike locks.
Hmm what happened just a couple years after 1992 that would significantly bump the number killed by right wing terrorism…? Something in oklahoma right?
Exactly OKC was terrible, but neither culturally nor politically relevant.
Also leaving out the ’70s helps a shit ton.
Also, grudging props to NYC for not being “Boston Strong”
Was the movie just that good, or were they just that jaded?
Are they still claiming that McVeigh was a right winger?
He wasn’t.
Real threat of violence comes from the right? Please remind me who was behind the senate baseball shooting and the assault and battery of Rand Paul? Tell me who was behind smacking people with bike locks or running around punching “nazis”?
He didn’t murder anyone, so it doesn’t count. So the left is bad at doing what they want to do…
Explains why they want the government to do it all for them.
right-wingers are better shots.
It’s a good thing that guy was incompetent.
“terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing Ideology have killed about ten times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992”
1992? Why pick that year? Oh so you could include the OKC bombing? What we’re talking about are the mobs of antifa beating people, and getting a pass.
Since radical Muslims are now left-wing pets, doesn’t 9/11 count?
Did they interview Steve Scalise for their article?
What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right
And we will provide you those examples at a later date. Nevermind the fact that Tom Steyer and George Soros are responsible for financing about 1/3 of the Democratic candidacies across the country and also contribute heavily to groups involved in fraud as well as violence.
They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities
If the left doesn’t have a violent bone in its pacifist little pasty white body, then what possible confrontation could be provoked by a dozen white supremacists having a permitted parade and carrying legal firearms?
The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.
‘white-supremacist’=’to the right of Karl Marx’
‘Aggression’=’Speech I don’t like’
Press F for respect
Romanian tourist – Romanian women are the best
Great life, but if he had hung on, he would have made the perfect Supreme Court nominee.
He really should have paid more attention to that 23andMe.com report.
Man, yesterday was such a roller coaster. I only caught bits of Ford’s testimony but I heard a few hours of Kav’s questioning. He may have seemed evasive to people that don’t understand that the Dems were trying tk get him to hang himself. How is he supposed to answer questions like “do you wish she had never come forward” or “if you have nothing to hide, then why don’t you recommend to the president we suspend this hearing until the FBI conducts an investigation of these claims?” Luckily, Senate Reps knew what was going on, rebuking him by saying “The Judge does not decide when to suspend the investigation. We do. This is obviously a ploy to delay the vote until you have a majority in the Senate.” And then Lindsey Graham of all people growing a sack and attacking Fienstien for her delaying the release of the allegations.
You couldn’t write better fiction.
“You couldn’t write better fiction.”
I dunno, I am waiting to see SugarFree’s take.
*violently throws up Exorcist style*
It will be beautiful in its vileness. I anticipate simultaneous laughter, dry heaving, and terror upon its viewing.
“When did you stop beating your wife?”
“When she said the safe word.”
Stolen in perpetuity.
in a word, this attitude is described as patriarchal. The men see themselves as being in charge, and the women are there to do their bidding.
And this, right here, should infuriate any sane woman. Get thee to a nunnery. Thou art too weak willed and feckless to run loose in the land.
I remember the good old days (college, not high school) when intelligent, healthy young women were perfectly comfortable with their sexuality and desires. They did not for an instant deem themselves to be the passive vessels of a man’s wants. They wanted, right back. That’s why we like them.
I enjoyed reading the comments from yesterday’s links, it was like listening to a play by play from your favorite announcer.
I watched Kav’s incredible statement and Graham’s jawdropping performance. I have to say, I think the Dems may have severely overplayed their hand. I mean really badly. I think I heard an audible crack in the divide between Democrats and Republicans at the end of Graham’s tirade.
I actually felt some emotion listening to Kavanau,gh, so I think every man (not spineless soyboy) who heard that must have felt some sort of sympathy, if not outright anger, as they put themselves in his shoes. This wasn’t just a political stunt. They dragged a guy who by all (actually) credible accounts is is a stand-up, church every Sunday, gentleman, someone a large portion of the population can relate to, through the mud for an election. I imagine a lot of woman are thinking about if they were the wife of that man being dragged about and how this is destroying their family…forever. I don’t see how this works in Democrats’ favor. Even if he isn’t nominated, they overplayed. I wasn’t kidding about that audible crack…how can you talk to someone who is so far gone that they support this…lynching? The path towards a completely divided country just became a little more clear.
A friend of mine who is a progressive’s progressive, a leader in the university greek life consultant circuit, posted on social media about this. He admitted that Feinstein played a political stunt, to my surprise. Yet he wanted the FBI investigation. I suggested that, somewhat analogous to illegally obtained evidence being inadmissable, her stunt should rule out FBI’s involvement, and the dem’s left on their own to investigate in the confines of the hearing. He didn’t argue, nor did anyone in his proggie bubble. The dem senators screwed up. And at least some of their base knows it.
When’s the vote
It appears Saturday is the full floor, today is the committee.
The war on the Eastern Front isn’t over yet, comrade.
Lenin fails to stop Hitler from contesting election in Peru
See! Right wing Nazi violence is in full swing!
The Good Hitler.
Thursdays on NBC.
Yesterday my coworker got heated in response to another coworker asking him if he’d watched the Kavanaugh ‘trial.’ Later on he said to me, “I bet [coworker #2] watches Fox News, he’s walking around asking people about this shit. The asshole [Kav] has three accusations against him, nominate someone else. The only reason he’s even nominated is that Trump wants someone on the SC who doesn’t believe it’s possible to put the president in jail.(**) That’s it. Everyone knows this. Watch the news, dude.”
So I asked, “So what do news do you watch?”
“I watch CNN everyday.”
I made a face. “Ah.” I started to walk across the room (as an aside, this was a bar, a quiet one, and there were customers in earshot; his lack of professionalism irritated me nearly as much as anything), and he yelled “You must watch Fox News too, huh!” I was too far away to call him out for his absurd false dichotomy, the laughable Devil role that Fox News uniquely plays in leftists’ non-intersecting reality, and the fact that only old people watch cable news.
When I came back he said, “So do you support the president?” This was already so far off track from anything to do with Kavanaugh or what I’d implied (well, to my mind, anyway; I can’t speak for exclusively-binary thinkers), so I just said I didn’t want to talk about it.
He followed me into another room: “OK, let me ask another question: Who did you vote for in 2016?” I said that I don’t vote. Without missing a beat: “Oh, then you have no right to an opinion.”
“Really rattling off those clichés,” I said. “Never heard that one before.”
It was weird to hear someone so proudly cop to watching CNN regularly. I didn’t know anyone took pride in that, even those who tend left. Thing I wonder is, is the claim (**) above a regular belief among people? I’d never heard it before. I thought maybe they were legitimately outraged about sexual assault allegations, or about Kavanaugh’s stance on abortion. But for many it really just goes back to hatred of Trump. And it’s worth ruining a man’s life over it. Crazy.
You would be surprised how many of them take pride in that shit. I’m sorry about your coworker, he sounds like an asshole of the highest degree I’d do everything possible to avoid.
It’s not quite the level of smug that the NPR listeners have, but it’s close. And watching CNN makes them “informed”.
Of course, they don’t get their news from “Faux News” after all. They know absolutely everything.
No…right…to…an opinion?
Shit has me so mad I can’t even spell authoritarian.
To be fair that is a tricky word to type out on a keyboard when you are banging away with hoofs.
But hay, we all make mistakes.
Just accept mistakes? I say neigh.
I don’t think it’s fair to saddle His Holiness with that.
Thanks for baling me out Tundra
I think the mane thing we need to focus on here is that there’s a horse typing puns on a computer.
If we do that, the thread will get put out to pasture.
reign it in a bit, please?
*narrows gaze*
On the other hand, “authoritation” may be useful new word.
“The Democrats immediately proceeded with their program of authoritation upon gaining control of the Senate.”
Same, that was another thing that pissed me the hell off. Just because I live in Japan, a lot of my American “friends” act like I’m ignorant of all of this and don’t deserve to have an opinion, because of course, I don’t live there so I don’t have to “LIVE IT”. I’m sick of all this bs.
Mustang is there/here, too.
So what you’re saying is we should have one of those monocle polishing parties in glorious Nippon one of these days?
Mustang is a helluva a nice guy. Same with Texicano. The one we gotta watch out for is Timeloose. Nice guy, but my liver is still shot.
Aww shucks.
*Kicks pebble*
Excellent, I can get with this. I’ll have to train my liver a bit more in advance if that’s the case.
I’m more of a tourist than a resident. I did feel I had to consume as much Yamazaki as possible while I could.
monocle polishing parties in glorious Nippon
Seriously, are we not doing ‘phrasing’ anymore?
I learned from the best here.
I’m in Japan as well and just in my own little world following it. I give my wife summaries from time to time because she cares about this stuff, but not enough to follow it. Deleted Facebook to get away from this bullshit (and security reasons) and haven’t regretted it for a moment.
Same, cheers man for taking the less migraine-inducing route.
*downs his beer*
If anything, I’d think that’d give you a leg up. You’d not as swamped by the emotional morass of so many people nearby.
I’m fairly certain it’s an emotionless morass BECAUSE there’s so many people nearby. Literally. Shoulder to shoulder sometimes.
*so many people who are that interested in US political goings-on, I mean 😛 I doubt the average Japanese cares much, and anyway, there’s that language barrier (which maybe you’ve torn down). But you’re right that high saturation anywhere helps. Everything becomes noise…in a good way (as long as you’re not too lonely in life).
By the way, I think we are about the same age. Millenialtarians (I just made that up) unite!
We’re Millennials, adherents of the philosophy of JS Mill. Idk what so many here have against us?!
Hey, cheers bois. Knew there were some of the younger peeps here, glad to find y’all.
Here as in Glibs? There’s nothing against millennials that I’ve seen. It’s more like we are the new guy, and the new guy always gets his hair ruffled by the old timers.
The large population of outright retard commies in our age group doesn’t help though.
I live in a generally small town, but everyone mostly just minds their own business up here. I’ve only been asked about Trump or politics maybe…2 or 3 times over the last 2 years.
How many glibs live in Japan?
At least three or four at least count.
They’re starting to outnumber the poutine Glibs.
Tell him only people who don’t vote have a right to complain, because by voting you agree to the legitimacy of the process and therefore have no cause to complain about the results. See how he reacts to that one.
“Only those who don’t fight back get to complain about the lashes.”
Ever since being told that I should just kill myself, in response to the same statement of not voting, that cliché kind of just rolls off me. (This was before the 2016 election, and he said he’d even prefer that I vote for Trump than not to vote, because it was my “civic duty.” (It was a machismo junkie asshole Apple employee (but I repeat myself) living in San Francisco; he was unquestionably not OK with anyone voting for Trump, I’m sure it’s just that he knew Trump couldn’t win.) I laugh to imagine what he’d say now.)
“Apple” and “Machismo” just don’t go together. “Apple” gives off an effete vibe.
Touché. It was a cheap shot that I didn’t put much thought into 😛
Not if you are part of the herd.
Good on you, don’t give any of these assholes an inch and don’t let anybody bring you down.
Yipes – some people take politics too damn seriously. I used to and realized it was just messing up my sleep. And “circle of control” – I have very little impact on national politics. I can vote (which I rarely do) or I can bother my friends and co-workers with my political beliefs, which I also rarely do. I usually just change the subject.
I think what bothers me so much about this latest kerfuffle is that it seems to go beyond politics—it’s about values. “Is it OK to smear a likely innocent man as a rapist, for any particular reason?” isn’t mostly political. I respect lots of people who all sorts of political views, to all sorts of often even intense degrees. I know lovely people who work for top-tier left-wing blogs, and I respect them. But idk if I can even look someone who’s blithely OK with that sort of slander in the eye. I know I’m politically impotent, and so are most individuals qua individuals. It’s the apparent degradation of certain basic-level values that bums me out.
Very well put.
Agreed. I understand you 100% there, man.
Thanks. It’s good to know I’m not alone (not just rationally / in the abstract).
Thanks for the personal blog, SP et al. (kid’n)
Fox News lives in the heads of leftists rent free.
They need it. They desperately need it. Could you imagine the autoimmune disorder they’d develop if they didn’t have Fox News (or the Kochs, or Rupert Murdoch) on which to pin all the world’s ills? They’d tear themselves to pieces.
They would find a different Emmanuel Goldstein.
There’s always the Abstract Jew!
Quite different from the Modern Jew, the Dada Jew or the Art Deco Jew.
Ask him why he voted to put a rapist and his enabler in the White House.
““Oh, then you have no right to an opinion.”
At least you know he’s against the First amendment. He’s a totalitarian and proud of it.
Archaeologists discover ‘oldest prosthetic limb’ – 3,500-year-old bronze and gold hand
The Bronze Age hand was discovered near Lake Biel in Bern, Switzerland, and is believed to be the earliest metal body part found in Europe. – The wristwatch not yet found but must be there somewhere
If you’re going to snag the obvious joke on your own link, I’m not playing.
Uffda. Just because he started with the upper hand doesn’t mean you shouldn’t even try.
The Kingslayer was real?
What? Why are you all looking at me?
Can I sit? it is more comfortable
EU Arms manufacturing is in bed with the bureaucrats and politicians? I’m shocked. Shocked I say that there’s gambling going on in this casino.
“The problems outlined in this report are not simply election administration flaws that need to be fixed for efficiency’s sake, but rather serious risks to our critical infrastructure and thus national security,” the report claims.
Can we vote to nuke Brussels?
She is fifty-two years old but seemed childlike. She speaks in a child’s voice, which rose in pitch at the end of every sentence as though she is unsure about the validity of her own words.
Yes – my wife and I are 52 and look ten years younger than that hag. And the weird up-speak that I would expect from an 20-year-old airhead was bizarre coming from an old lady.
There’s a reason she never got out of college.
My generally conservative but non-political wife had a visceral almost violent reaction against Ford and Feinstein yesterday. We rarely watch or talk about the news. I was very surprised at how upset she was with the whole thing.
My wife was blistering in her venom for Ford, more so than I am.
Crazy, right?
I wonder if this swings some “safe” Democrat seats in a huge way?
My wife read about it in the Japanese papers. They were quite fair, all things considered. She didn’t say it directly, but she clearly was thinking, “And you guys nuked US?!” Yeah, real women didn’t like this shit show at all.
Same here. She was really, really ripping that woman when we talked last night. She also said that the older women who take the senior fitness class she teaches were also dismissive towards Ford, and these are NOT Republicans. They’re almost all black women over age 60 who routinely wear Barack Obama shirts to the class.
She speaks in a child’s voice
I noticed this and the inflection as I listened. But we are supposed to believe she was compelling in her testimony.
bizarre coming from an old lady
She was once a young airhead that bathed in sjw nonsense for decades so now she is an old airhead.
This reminded me of Michael Jackson, and the dubious accusations against him.
Of course, he was the accused, not the accuser.
Norm Macdonald was wrong about one thing: Even if there are many accusers, it doesn’t necessarily make the accusations more plausible. See also: McMartin preschool, et al. It’s a frustrating fallacy to face up to, because it’s so viscerally persuasive.
And the weird up-speak
I didn’t watch yesterday’s shit-show, but I frequently see a female youtuber who does this and it drives me crazy. Literally every sentence? Sounds like it’s supposed to be question? Intensely annoying affectation. It seems like a left over Valley Girl thing to me, and the youtuber I hear it from is indeed from CA… (I’m not saying all women in CA talk that way, thank zardoz).
I want to apologize to everyone. I got a little drunk yesterday evening and got the date mixed up. Instead of answering any questions or adding to the conversation I’m a dummy and fell asleep before my timber article was put up. I really hate that because I was looking forward to it quite a bit.
I read it late last night but didn’t comment. Do you grow Southern Yellow Pine? Seems like all of the pressure treated around here is made from that, and all sourced from down yonder.
Louisiana is west of the mississippi is one of the best places on earth to grow timber. It grows here like nowhere else save small bits of Oregon/Washington. Here is what I have been planting for 20 years:
They perform as advertised. I went recently to check on one piece planted about five years ago and my brother and I thought we were in the wrong place. It was jaw dropping. The trees are already over 20 feet tall and 8-12 inches in diameter. Five freakin’ years old. It is stunning.
It’s OK. We all get drunk here in the evenings.
That is a very good reason though.
Never, ever apologize for getting drunk and falling asleep.
Have you ever blacked out? Have you ever drunk on weeknights? Did you believe Anita Hill?
Did you ever tell a fart joke on high school?
Yes. Yes. No.
So what do I win? Is it a Supreme Court seat? I’d be willing to go through the nomination process, but I wouldn’t be as polite as Kavanaugh.
No. No. and I’m not sure I was old enough to pay any attention.
My response to DiFi’s question about ‘assault weapon; bans was “With all due respect, Ms. Senator, what part of ‘Shall not be infringed’ is unclear to you? Neither you, nor the states, nor the municipalities were granted the constitutional authority to ban any weapons.”
Am I a deplorable for not trusting any guy who has never gotten blackout drunk at least once in his life?
Not once were you ever having so much fun that a drunken binge didn’t get away from you? You always put the brakes on?
To me that says you have something to hide. You know if you let all your inhibitions down, you are going to do something really really bad.
Not once.
Never needed to. Neither I nor my friends were heavy drinkers. Once you reached the point of diminishing returns, there was no need to keep drinking.
Or did you just eat plenty of Chipotle beforehand as a buffer
I’ve never eaten at Norovirus Central.
Well by definition, I can’t trust your opinion on this since you admit that you have never blacked out.
That’s fine. You can cling to your false dichotomy and refuse to admit that some people are just moderate drinkers by nature.
some people
are just moderate drinkers by nature.hate fun.Am I a deplorable for not trusting any guy who has never gotten blackout drunk at least once in his life?
I’ve never blacked out while drinking. I puke well before i would black out. I once drank almost all of a fifth of bacardi rum while my roommate’s went next door to get some McDonald’s. I remember every dizzying, puking, awful moment of that night.
That’s why I drink in moderation these days.
I don’t drink on weeknights.
I start early and pass out before it gets dark.
So you were sawing logs when you timber article needed you?
Then he woke up with morning wood?
It’s okay, thank you for the article, Suthen. I never knew much about dealing with timber (history channel logging shows and cartoon shows aside). It was a good article, thank you!
Hey guys, maybe I’ve missed it because I haven’t been around much, but has anyone here considered Kavanaugh’s absolutely terrible record as a member of The Judiciary? Like, pimping for FISA, NSA, The PATRIOT Act, a very troubling attitude towards the fourth amendment.
Why has everyone got sucked into the left-right culture war sideshow, when on the substance, thus guy shouldn’t be anywhere near any levers of power, much less the SC? What am I missing here?
I don’t care for Kavanaugh, but it’s separate from my concern for the process. He’s pissed off and rightly so. If they can do this to him, what the hell do you think they’re capable of doing to you?
It’s a given that they can crush any of us. I don’t see how taking sides in the culture war narrative leads us to remedies for this situation.
If this guy, this milquetoast inside-the-beltway Ivy League good ol’ boy, is getting railroaded, what in the actual fuck do you think is going to happen to a judge that would meet our lofty standards if they were ever to be nominated? Do you think any sane person would subject themselves to this process from here on out? That’s why people are concerned about it.
This needs posting again.
I get that people are concerned. I just don’t see how screeching about TEAMS is going to help.
How am I taking sides in culture war? This is objectively an unprovable/undisprovable issue, brought up at the last moment possible to derail a normal political process and further polarize voters going into the midterms. If anything, by ignoring the outrageousness of this smear, you’re furthering the culture war because it is precisely this type of thing that furthers it.
My lefty friend only confirms it when he asks “If Prof Ford were telling the truth, how would you feel about it?”
It’s an irrelevant question, because I can’t know if she is telling the truth. No one is going to prove or disprove these allegations, Feinstein and Hirono know this perfectly. Instead, the allegations are going to sit on Kavanaugh’s head for the rest of his life and they are going to campaign on it, and that if is he is confirmed. This is the reward for public service now. Only sociopathic narcissists need apply. If I ever hold out hope for reasonable and rational people to succeed in government, I cannot support what has happened here.
If Ms. Ford were 100% accurate about the encounter, my reaction would be “It was an awkward encounter you should have been over in a week or a month. Get over it already.”
I think you’ve missed it because I’ve seen it discussed. At this point it’s mainly because well, we’ll probably never be satisfied with any nominee from a pure liberty standard, so we are just rooting against the vile behavior from the Dems.
Take your pick: a dog that pisses on everything in your house or a box full of rattlesnakes.
*looks up covered in snakes*
Wait, is that not the correct answer?
Is the blox closed? Do I get to decide who gets thrown in with them?
I have.
It’s one reason why I’m rooting for both sides to lose.
Unfortunately, the Kavanaugh nomination is no longer a referendum on the fitness of his jurisprudence. If he isn’t confirmed, then the Jacobin-style terrorcampaign the left is engaging in (sans the guillotines) will become more normalized. If he is confirmed, and the left suffers a backlash, then they will be more hesitant to engage in the smear campaign.
That’s pretty optimistic. I have no faith that Team Blue will not continue smearing anyone. In fact, I have no faith that either Team won’t do that when it suits their purposes, and I’ve been observing the media for enough decades now that the TEAM mouthpieces on both sides have no principles and no compunction to do that to anyone they want to take down.
I actually agree with you that the political types will continue to smear, smear, smear. I think the attacks on Kavanaugh were particularly brazen in their dishonesty and lack of grounding in truth.
I think that a backlash will only get them to dial it down a bit. It certainly won’t get them to abandon a fairly successful tactic.
I am not so sure they are going to dial it down. They probably think they just didn’t hit it hard enough.
Please cite one instance where Republicans in the senate, or even the right-wing media, character assassinated a Democratic president’s SCOTUS pick with spurious 35 year old rape allegations. Not Kagan. Not Sotomayor. Not Garland. Not Ginsburg. Not Breyer. All confirmed with support from Republicans. No kangaroo courts or televised clown shows. The “hurrr both sides!” cliche couldn’t possibly be more ridiculous in this instance.
That’s not what I’m saying. The Right Culture Warriors spend a lot of time and ink talking smack about all kinds of people on the left for all sorts of reasons. That’s all I can see out here is Culture Warfare bullshit, and not enough discussion about principle; maybe if the media were forced to talk about principle by principled people walking away from their TEAM oriented crap, we might get somewhere.
Keep licking that Red Coloured boot though, it will just leave a different coloured tread on your face than the Blue one.
I think it’s amusing that you think rooting against what the Dems are doing automatically means someone supports everything Republicans do.
In other words, everywhere you look you’re seeing precisely what you want to see and anyone who doesn’t feign your high-minded disinterest is a partisan bootlicker. Go fuck yourself.
Nice NAPing there
Discussions about principle ARE Culture Warfare. The basic principles of the enlightenment are what libertarianism is about. Self Ownership and its resultants such as property rights and limits on government authority. There are absolutely politicians who use the right as a path to power, and some hardcore socons certainly are willing to use the state to enforce sexual conformity, but the notion that the left and right are morally equivalent is nonsense. The progressivism is necessarily tyrannical because it is openly based on remaking man, conservatism is not.
Actually no it won’t.
The left and the right are both horrible from a liberty perspective but there is a HUGE difference between them.
The worst case scenario for the right is something vaguely like The Handmaids tale. Not in the rape and mysogyny aspect but in that it will be a rigid and stratified society in which the government exercises a lot of control over what you are allowed to do. Still you will have plenty of opportunity to just quietly live your life as long as you mouth the right words and show the proper deference to the kings men because they recognize that there are boundaries to the political sphere.
The worst case scenario for the left is literally 1984. A total panopticon state where every move you make, every facial expression, every word you speak, every book you read is constantly scrutinized for evidence of treasonous or “anti-social” thoughts because for them there are no limits to the political.
^This The “both sides” in this instance is objectively bullshit.
What tarran said. I too wish for a better SC than Kavanugh; it’s the Democrat’s Stalinism that bothers me.
I was never a fan of his stance on the fourth amendment based on his actions. I’m just pissed they had to have this whole shitshow circus in an attempt to disqualify him rather than just run with legitimate grievances like what you said.
You’re missing nothing. Criticizing Kavanaugh for his bad record on the 4th Amendment is more than justified (although, his jurisprudence is not any worse on the 4th Amendment is not that different from most other justices on the court). If that had been the level of attack toward Kavanaugh then that should be applauded, instead they brought Title IX to the national level and are daring people to not accept the perverse wisdom of college administrators and their brown shirt cadre on campus.
I’ve mentioned this several times. My ideal SC guy would be Clarence Thomas on 1A and 2A, Sotomayor on 4A and 5A, and no-one I can think of from the past 100 years on 9A and 10A.
Has Sotomayor ruled on any 4A metadata cases?
No. And when she was on the lower courts she actually provided a lot of leeway to federal officials in 4th Amendment cases. There is a myth that is being built around her, primarily because she is strong on the 4th Amendment when it comes to local police, but not so much when it comes to supposed national security concerns.
Don’t spoil my illusions, they’re all I have left.
I share your illusions
How’s willet on those last couple?
How can you overlook the crucial 3A?? You’ll be singing a different tune when they’re forcing you to let redcoats sleep on your couch and raid your fridge in the middle of the night.
Your couch? How dare you deny the use of your bed!
Our founders were wise. They had seen all of the shit we have today. They didn’t put the 3rd in there for no reason.
Cops lately have been trying to force people out of their homes so that they can be used to surveil nearby homes suspected of criminal activity. The third is no joke.
I have to link that whenever the 3A is brought up.
Not the more recent case?
The onion story is from 2007.
Huh, that’s actually interesting. I didn’t know about that. My thanks to you and Suthen for the heads-up that there actually ARE Third Amendment issues I was unaware of.
Goldwater’s corpse?
Kavanaugh will let you speak freely and he will let you keep your guns. As long as we have those two rights, there is still hope for the future. If we don’t have those rights, we’re fucked.
Kavanaugh wasn’t perfect. But don’t miss the forest from the trees.
I can’t wait to get back to ripping into the cop sucking, warmongering team red. Doesn’t mean I’m not happy that we dodge that bullet where every woman has the power to destroy me by spouting bullshit. *Starts singing, “There is a season, la, la, la.*
He is good on the second, that makes up for a lot of failings in my eyes.
He’s far from my ideal justice. Here’s my question for you – if the progs get their scalp, do you think you’re going to get someone better than Kavanaugh or worse than him in his place?
His position on 4A is pretty par for the course from anyone nominated, ideological/political/philosophical affiliation notwithstanding. He is supposedly good on 1A and 2A. Considering that and the behavior of Team Blue, that is enough for me. I find people who are conservative/Republican to at least be amenable to individual freedom. These days it is Team Blue that I see as the biggest threat to freedom. This nomination shitshow only confirms that in that they basically have come out against the foundation of law (due process, evidentiary standards, etc.) and it’s application in our country.
Some black Americans see racial comeuppance in Cosby saga
it does have a certain people-in-glass-houses ring to it.
There may be something to that, but fuck Marc Lamont Hill with a rusty butcher knife. That guy is an utter piece of shit.
“You’re black trash too!!” Whataboutism isn’t a respectable argument.
I never repost my own stuff, but I’m still pissed after hearing this last night. Copypasta’d from yesterday’s open post after the thread had already died:
Patrick Leahy may in fact be the most despicable excuse for a human being on the planet right now. NPR just ran an interview with him to discuss today’s hearing. He insisted that Ford is being truthful and that Kavanaugh is hiding something. He admonished Kavanaugh for not agreeing to an FBI investigation and essentially justified his insistence on it by claiming that if Kavanaugh has nothing to hide then he shouldn’t be afraid. The interviewer asked what evidence he expects to uncover by such an investigation that would delay the vote for another couple of weeks, and he completely danced around the question. She asked multiple times, much to her credit, and he refused to answer. Instead he touted the reliability of his gut feeling and how well it has served him throughout his career as a prosecutor. Did you catch that? In so many words he – someone that has held the fate of people’s entire lives in his hands – essentially admitted that he relies primarily on emotion to guide his decision making.
Fuck this entire planet. I want off.
Wait, so you’re saying a prosecutor was a thuggish totalitarian piece of subhuman shit with no interest in the administration of justice, but only in his own self aggrandizement? Now I’ve heard everything!
I can’t wait to vote against him.
Legit question… if Trump weren’t the president, would Kavanaugh get through?
I lean towards no. Bush (or Romney, Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, et al, in a hypothetical world) would have caved and withdrawn his nomination and nominated a woman, thereby conceding defeat to Dems and intentionally engaging in identity politics in order to get someone on the Supreme Court. And the Dems would continue to play this card against every male judge and every male politician in an important race.
I don’t think they would have kept him either.
hell no. Bush, Romney, and Rubio would’ve folded and nominated Merrick Garland by now. likely Cruz too.
The Cubs still have the best record in the National League. We have a one game lead over Milwaukee and end the year against our bitterest rivals, who would love nothing more than to kick us out of the division lead (we’re guaranteed a playoff spot). This is especially worrisome as the Brewers are playing at home against Detroit, who has absolutely nothing to play for.
I’m very concerned for my gastrointestinal health, as I don’t predict many bowel movements moving forward, what with the strength of my asshole’s puckering. The fecal traffic jam will be Meccan in scope.
Let us pray to JoBu, ensuring the Cubs’ glorious victory–for while Jesus Christ was a good man, he no help team hit curveball.
Fuck the Cubs. Without the streak of ineptness, there is no reason to care a bit about them.
All the decent Chicagoans I have known (and decent by Chicago standards, not normie standards) have been White Sox fans.
That’s nice, dear.
Besides everyone knows that the only acceptable team to root for is the Twinkies (just ask MikeS).
I with you, but what part of “from Evansville” do you not understand?
I know most people from there are Cards fans. Cincy has a share but smaller than you’d think. I guess them sucking during my lifetime has helped that.
My mom is from Chicago and my dad was always a Cubs fan, despite being from southwest Virginia. We were the Plaza Park Cubs for every team he coached me.
I did not take kindly to people bandwagoning during the ’15 and ’16 seasons. Your pride in a team is supposed to be earned and I certainly went through that for plenty of time to be able to unabashedly be a True Blue Cubbie.
I was a Cubs fan until I was 13. Then I realized I was a Cubs fan only because they played day games and I was only allowed to control the TV between 3pm and 6pm. Once I got my own TV I was able to watch both Cubs games and Sox games and since I could watch all 9 innings of the Sox games I just followed them more.
I’m find with bandwagoners, I can’t stand the bandwagoners who get all “nation-y” about it.
The National League *snickering*
You had your turn… time for the Indians to find a new way to drop the ball.
Better than Pickett.
When I think of “Last in their class” Custer comes to mind first.
That’s a bold charge.
He would have done better if he would have studied before the midnight hour.
Great song. That could be added to Straffinrun’s Kav party list.
Boney could fight.. on land anyway. i blame his admirals for all their debacles at sea.
France has ever been a continental power. They had land wars to fight. Other than shin-kicking contests with the Scots, the England’s enemies were overseas, and they learned their lesson after William the Bastard snuck over and assassinated the last king of England.
I think of him like Grant. He was fairly smart and completely willing to incur horrific casualties to win a battle. At 65,000 casualties, Waterloo was a preview of Gettysburg and WWI.
everyone loves a winner until he loses. then those casualties matter.
“You cannot stop me, I spend 30,000 men a month.”
“Only 30,000? Piker”
/Douglas Haig
“Quantity has a quality all of its own”
Grant was a mediocre General whose main asset was a willingness to fight the war of attrition. As Phyrrus discovered, it didn’t matter if you won all the battles when the other side could simply refill its armies and yours kept dwindling.
Like Nappy. Those massive columns he drove into enemies weren’t all that brilliant, just a willingness to accept huge casualties.
I have not studied Bonaparte’s work. I did have a phase where I soaked in as much Civil War minutiae as I could find.
Grant was far from mediocre, and his campaigns in the West are showpieces of maneuver and the indirect approach. Just look at his campaign against Vicksburg.
When Grant came East, he quickly grasped that a general the caliber of Lee, with the interior position, was simply not going to make the mistake of letting himself be maneuvered away from Richmond. He realized that a direct approach, with the casualties that would entail, was the only way to win the war in the East.
There was never a way that a Union march on Richmond from the north would have been a blood free campaign of freewheeling maneuver. The geography dictated a slogging brutal death grapple. Grant was just the first Union commander to accept that unpleasant fact of life.
+1 a whiff of grapeshot.
Graham in his statement quoted the ABA’s recommendation of Kav:
“His integrity is absolutely unquestioned. He is the very circumspect in his personal conduct…”
“harbors no biases or prejudices…”
“he’s entirely ethical…”
“he’s a really decent person…”
“warm, friendly, unassuming. He’s the nicest person…”
so obviously the ABA likely received a shit ton of negative feedback from leftists.
So, if I understand the upside down world that we live in today, the side that is able to marshal shock troops to intimidate elected officials and organizations into agreeing with them are totally not the ones that behave like fascists?
Absolutely friggin hilarious.
Why has everyone got sucked into the left-right culture war sideshow, when on the substance, thus guy shouldn’t be anywhere near any levers of power, much less the SC? What am I missing here?
As I said yesterday, having now been on the receiving end of the inexorable meatgrinder of “justice”, maybe he will emerge from this inquisition with a new appreciation for the rights of the accused, and a willingness to look sceptically at the government’s ever-expanding power to destroy.
It’s a faint hope, but it’s the only one I’ve got.
I was thinking the same thing – is that what his “reap the whirlwind” comment meant? If he’s confirmed, it will be fascinating to watch him on the court.
I think that’s possible. I doubt he’ll go full “fuck you, get a warrant” or something like libertarians would like. But I think it’ll move him closer.
I really don’t think there’s more than 2 or 3 judges that would meet an average libertarian approval. Of those, I put less than one having a solid chance of getting the votes to become a scotus judge.
As I said yesterday, it may depend on an astute-enough attorney making the connection during an SC case.
Halloween decoration or depiction of a lynching? Figure stirs controversy in Lansing
“Take it down” is the wrong answer. “Put up a second one” would be the correct response to this hysterical pants-shitting.
It’s not pants-shitting, it’s hassling whitey. Lansing was 80% white 10 years ago and now it is 60% black.
The mask apparently was stolen at some point, exposing a black garbage bag that was used to create the head, he said.
“There was absolutely no racial intent here of any kind,” Reynolds said.
If the first thing you think when you see this is “black guy being lynched”, you might be the actual racist.
These stories are as much a part of the Halloween tradition as stories about razors and needles in candy.
Dead thread but my best friend’s dad hung a monkey smoking what appears to be a joint from a tree across from a elementary school and it was intended as racist. The cops asked him to take it down and he did. Best friend also recently married my sister. He’s not the racist, abusive, alcoholic his father was though.
Nice article: Those Who Unmake Civilization
Man, that’s powerful.
Thanks for the article, it brings up what Coolidge said about the regressive people who wanted to go against the principles and foundations America was built on.
This. It’s counter-intuitive to think the old money leans left, but it’s in their best interest. It’s how they get hold on to power, protect their wealth and privilege, and control the rubes. The damn right-wingers have those distasteful ideas about equality under the law.
In my experience the aristocracy tends to go one of two ways when confronted with creative destruction that threatens their positions. They either go right Hegelian or left Hegelian.
The right Hegelians try to stop change. They are the guys who commission reports ‘proving’ that factories mistreat workers and must be regulated out of existence because the tenant farmers are fleeing the uncertain life on the farm to the relative security and prosperity of factory work. They are the ones who seek to mandate universal compulsory education to prevent the lower classes from conrolling the education of their children.
The left Hegelians try to embrace change and pervert it to restore themselves on top. They are the Carl Marxes, the FDR’s, the Barack Obamas, the modern scions of the Rockefeller family. They attack both the old, and the parts of the new they don’t control.
The fact that classical liberalism is seen in the U.S. as ‘Right Wing’ has more to do with happy historical accident than anything else.
Excellent article. Thanks!
If the same allegations being used to prevent Kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court were applied to a college student (as is often the case) many people who are blase about the process against Kavanaugh would rightly see the same process on a college campus as an injustice.
A college student has no more a right to attend the college of their preference than Kavanaugh does to sitting on the Supreme Court. So why are Title IX kangaroo courts so horrible on college campuses, but different when used in the US Senate?
The title IX crap comes from the same people the Kavenaugh lynching is coming from. The left is all about the mob and they always have been. That’s why they hate rule of law and due process so much. It is also why they hate the second amendment so much.
I’m encouraged that Devos and Sessions are addressing Title IX abuses.
Without actual reform of the law it’s pissing on a forest fire. The next executive will just reverse course. And strangely, there won’t be 3 years worth of legal wrangling to make it happen.
The main point about this is that the accusations against Kavanaugh could never result in a conviction – in fact they probably wouldn’t even come to court. What this is about is how we react to allegations which don’t meet the evidentiary standards for criminal justice but have enough in them to raise suspicions and create a degree of murkiness about the accused.
The left’s response to this issue has been to create a kind of shadow justice system according to which the defendant can be punished on a lower standard of evidence. Their version of justice is applied unequally, with women apparently being prejudged as more trustworthy than men, and political stances playing a role where they absolutely shouldn’t. Many of them openly state that they are not interested in individual justice, so much as ‘righting’ the (real or imagined) wrongs of the past by replicating them in photo-negative.
The left’s approach is obviously batshit insane. They’ve ruined a lot of lives through Title IX. Many of these incidents have been ignored due to the left’s stranglehold on popular culture / the media and due to the fact that their victims are often slightly too grubby (if not actually guilty) for people to want to defend.
However, the standard right of centre approach – that if someone can’t be found guilty of a crime then they’re squeaky clean – probably doesn’t wash in the face of this sort of approach. It just leaves a vacuum that the left can easily fill with its rubbish.
I do find it sobering that there is no statute of limitations for rape/sexual assault in Maryland.
Do you have any examples of this, because from what I’ve seen, this is exactly the opposite of reality.
The stereotypical title IX process is unverifiable accusation -> male is guilty -> male is punished -> celebration of the protection of women from the same people who are demanding Kav be dismissed.
I think the Dem/Ford plan was to try to run their last-minute smear campaign like a Title IX kangaroo court. Look at what they were trying to get to:
The accused not allowed in the room with the accuser.
The accused has to prove his innocence.
The accuser is not to be questioned or doubted, but taken entirely at face value.
They can’t, for the moment, get their inversion of due process into the courts, but they just tried (and failed) to get it into Congress.
You left off, the accused has to provde his innocence before the accuser lays out the accusations.
It’s exactly this.
We’re one step away from full blown show trials.
Where there cocktails served at the afterparty?
Flake not a flake, apparently.
Spoke too soon.
I was wrong about Flake. My bad.
The guy is a weather-vane.
You weren’t wrong – if Flake had done the right thing two weeks ago yesterday’s spectacle would have been avoided and Kavanaugh would have bee spared at-least some of this non-sense.
Um…. what?
It’s like running a test marathon before you run the marathon.
The Saturday vote may technically be a vote on cloture or some other procedural proxy?
But the story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.
The real threat of violence comes from the right.
Another graduate of the Pee Wee Herman School of Logic and Rhetoric:
“I know you are, but what am I?”
Whoa. Nice shot.
Ohh, shit! That’s gonna leave a mark.
the pics of Kav’s family behind him stifling tears have been interpreted to mean that his family is disgusted with his behavior.
which means they didn’t watch the hearing.
Now that’s what I call a fire.
Julie KZ
Unreal!! All this victim blaming. This is why so many women do not come out to tell their story! If it is so unclear to you, I am not going to waste my time to explain.
They keep promising not to explain, but they never STFU.
Dude, don’t make them enact any labor while railroading some dude to achieve victim status.
Sadly, there is zero blaming of the psycho who brought these allegations forward.
The good thing about not hitting many ‘oppressed’ identity groups is that I don’t have many people speaking on behalf of me. “Every woman’s nightmare.” …is the convoluted face of a closeted gay gasbag politician. HOMOPHOBIA. (It must be the closeted-gay part, since she demonstrably doesn’t have a problem with the other qualities.)
The contempt on the women’s faces. wow
“Contempt” is not how I interpret it.
And whatername on the right is still smokin hawt.
Okay, so a “confronting my rapist” thing is now actually happening on social media wherein “victims” post the profiles of their “rapists” and publicly shame them. I anticipate that we will see the first person sentenced to death via Twitter poll sooner than later.
It bears repeating – I want off of this planet.
One of the more irritating things about this whole circus – I’ve seen a whole lotta proggy types calling Kavanaugh a rapist. Even if you believe everything his accusers have said, he never raped anyone.
Shouldn’t they be doing this at the police station instead of on twitter?
Oh shit, that is not good. That will get out of control very fast.
Yes it will.
All of this shit is spiraling fast.
The bar for defamation is a lot lower for people who aren’t public figures. I hope lawsuits fly.
It may even hasten the demise of Twitter.
Yeah, I’m waiting for the test case on whether Twitter and Facebook are managing content “in good faith” as their exemption fro defamation laws require. If I was their lawyer, these accusations of rape that my platform is publishing would scare the shit out of me. Falsely accusing somebody of a crime is defamation per se, which I believe opens the door to punitive damages?
And yeah, these are not public figures, so Sullivan’s requirement of actual malice or reckless disregard doesn’t apply.
Great… I had a lot of drunken hookups in college. Should I be worried?
Do you have a lot of money?
i did, and then the IRS took it from me
Have you ever crossed anyone in any way? Even lifelong hikkikomori have reason to be worried.
But maybe this is good. Let’s go to excess ASAP, get this over with.
Be proactive – accuse old partners of raping you before they do.
Black Mirror did it already. Why do the progs keep wanting to emulate dystopian fiction? Do they not understand the dys part?
The Orville – Majority Rule…
If you want off, go rape somebody and a subsequent Twitter mob will oblige.
Posting on Twitter isn’t confronting. These people have the brain development of a 4-year old.
My own observation: The Democrats had to go on the offensive against Kavanaugh.
To keep their base riled up is a given.
But with the election of Trump, their one shot of having the SC on “their side” has vanished. Imagine if Hillary had won the presidency. We would now have a SC that leaned heavily to the left. And executive power would have gone even more unchecked. And I can just imagine the hits to the 2A with that kind of power; along with the strengthening of the EPA, Housing, Obamacare, etc, etc. All in Hillary’s hands – yikes. We all know hat a kind, loving and warm person she is.
As much as Trump is a buffoon, I’ll take the uber-troll over unadulterated evil.
“And executive power would have gone even more unchecked.”
Spoiler: The executive will continue to grow unchecked, unless Congress reigns it in which is unlikely to happen anytime soon
There is/will be a little restraint right now, since Trump is icky, but you’re correct that executive power will continue to grow once once someone “suitable” is back in office.
The restrictions imposed on Trump (which have only really been preventing him from ending trade sanctions against Russia, thus preventing him from not being bellicose) will only last through Trump.
Everything is being framed as “look at how much power this baddie has”, rather than “look how much power presidents have to do bad”
Case in point: the more members of the opposition party voted to reauthorize the data collection program than his own party.
Ergo, even with the opposing party in charge of the House is not going to be much of a check on presidential authority beyond concerns that their voters have (every identity politics issue under the sun).
There is no sizable constituency for limiting the presidency.
Congress decided to take the “are you free to sell yourself into slavery?” thought experiment to its reductio ad absurdum as a matter of policy.
Indentured servitude is just another form of employment contract.
The key is that all contracts are breakable. There may be a civil penalty, but you can’t be forced to continue to work against your will.
Which is the difference between an employment contract and slavery.
Imagine if Hillary had won the presidency…
That same thought keeps occurring to me as well. SC hard-ish left for decades, no constraints on executive power, no doubt in another war somewhere.
We (temporarily) dodged a bullet.
Hillary specified that if neither congress nor the courts would take action on the second amendment she would do so by executive order.
Think about that.
Had she been elected we would probably be in a civil war now.
it wouldn’t take long for SCOTUS to write the 2A out of the Constitution by interpreting it as a “collective” right. Garland, Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsburg, vice Kennedy would be enough for a 5-4 decision.
Think if the Democrats had accepted Trump’s win with a bit of grace and taken Rand Paul’s approach. Instead of vilifying him, they could pretty easily co-opted him by flattery.
If they had done that, they could probably have gotten him to nominate a Merick Garland type of justice and we’d be having the same problems. If they had any brains, they would have gone along with some stupid border wall budget in return for a liberal on the SC.
The base wouldn’t tolerate it. They have no comprehension any more about the long game. Just look at the candidates they are vomiting out now. Even the Crypt-Keeper Feinstein isn’t safe from the ‘Democratic Socialists’.
Yep – their refusal to accept the outcome of the election is stupid as well as dangerous.
Indeed, that was one of the better arguments that the NeverTrump crew had prior to his nomination, that he was still the same guy who was a Democrat for most of his life and that the Dems would easily manipulate him by appealing to his vanity and his urge to prove his dealmaker image. Instead they kept getting more hysterical and ridiculous. The Donald is a crude man. His internal processes are pretty easy to discern. He’s not tethered to any particular principles or beliefs, just in what has a transactional value to him at any given point in time, and he has a long history of being extremely vindictive. The man knows how to hold a grudge. They made themselves his implacable enemy, and ruined the very good chance that they could have gotten a lot of the things they wanted out of Trump.
I’m surprised they didn’t go this route – because Trump, after all, is a lot closer to a 1980s or 90s Democrat than a Republican.
His whole being is “deal-maker”. I was sure that the Dems would jump all over this and offer him deals that I was going to hate.
Given how explicitly open to gun control and dismissive of due process he’s been, I guess I should be thankful that the Dems etc. have lost their goddamn minds since his election, since they haven’t seemingly formulated a coherent (and probably pretty easy) plan to achieve their essential goals (by seducing and flattering him).
I’ve been telling people he’s basically Bill Clinton with bad manners. Much of his policy can be supported by running clips of Bill Clinton.
Sometimes, you stumble across something that brings a smile to your face and brightens your day.
what a fucking beta male pussy
Jeffrey A Tucker
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Yesterday underscored the point: the best thing ever to happen to the political right was for the political left to get so stupid, capricious, and ideological that their antics completely leave the realm of normalcy, decency, or morality.
Best Response:
Clay Trainor
Replying to @jeffreyatucker
The Left has gone so insane that I actually found myself being sympathetic to Lindsay fucking Graham yesterday. What in the ever-loving hell is happening?
I hear ya, Clay. I kept thinking “Lindsey Graham, really? LINDSEY GRAHAM???”
He’s still a little bitch
Oh, absolutely, and no doubt he’ll do something very soon that has me cursing his name again. Credit where it’s due, though.
I’m shocked it came from Lindsay Graham, and it doesn’t change my opinion of him, but it needed to be said and I’m glad he said it. Doesn’t really matter who said it.
I know I did some pretty horrible stuff – and was one receiving end of some of it too – when I was a teenager. The “lines” are pretty gray at that age.
i couldn’t defend those things now other than “youthful stupidity”. Too have those events brought back 30+ years later in my life – and used to judge me as an adult? Scary.
Fairly sure any man watching what’s happening is going back through his past and thinking…”you today, me tomorrow.”
Very scary.
Have we reached the point where mooning will now be considered a form of sexual assault?
An eighth-grader flashed her bra to a classroom of seventh graders. Is she guilty of pedophilia? We were just kids, but she’s an adult now.
It’s already enough to get you on a sex offenders registry.
Being an asocial autismo in high school is finally paying off for me in some respects. Although it appears that it doesn’t really matter what you actually did or didn’t do 30 years ago. Unless you’ve got your entire life on bodycam, you could have been a choir boy and all it takes is an accusation.
I would say that, but my high school was weird in a way. It was a small private school (my class of ’94 was 54 guys including me) and by senior year almost everyone went to the same parties, even the dorks like me. You’d go and get drunk but still be kind of segregated in your own little social pod. It was a little like the Omega mixer in Animal House: “Larry, this is Muhammed and Jagdish. Enjoy the party!”
I was an asocial wallflower myself, but the hormones overcame a lot of that. And girls were also very predatory. Lots of my teenage sexual experiences back then were initiated by pushy females. I’m not a super good looking guy either but the punk rock haircut and clothing was enough to get the interest of plenty of girls (with daddy issues).
My youthful sexual experiences, such that they were, were entirely initiated by aggressive girls because I was terrified of rejection in those days.
Not only that, but they are judging past behavior based on today’s #meetoo standards. It’s just like the removing of all those statues. Not to excuse bad behavior, but grabbing a boob in 1980 was at the time was not considered rape as it is by some today.
My wife has complained – even recently – of being ass grabbed at crowded bars. She just shakes her head at the juvenile behavior of these men, and, somehow, doesn’t call it rape or break down into tears.
My wife had the same point. It was not an uncommon experience in high school of the early ’90s. That doesn’t make it a commendable thing, of course, but it was a rather minor annoyance. Teenage boys push girls into sex, film at 11. As she said, she’d smack the guy and tell everyone what an asshole he is, and then just go on with her life. Her exact words: “This bitch is fucked in the head if she expects me to believe that some kid grabbing her tits for 30 seconds when she was 15 scarred her for life”
Who would dare grope Lady Humungus?
People who get blackout drunk.
I can’t be her personal bodyguard all the time – though given her job I wish I could.
Captain Watney
Hatch, Lee and Graham got doxed during the Kavanaugh hearing
The purpose of the edits was also unclear.
Only if you are a fucking retard.
Something about a snack bar?
Yep. Hawaiian.
Also, according to that Twitter bot the government edits Wikipedia all the time.
Feinstein’s driver or Maxine Waters?
I’m so hoping that they can tie it back to Debbie W-S’s Pakistani IT guy.
the end justifies the means.
by any means necessary.
Political violence is a real thing and once you descend into it, it is very hard to come back from.
If it happens in this environment, it’s going to be far, far worse than the 60’s and 70’s because it’s not going to be just a fringe element. They’re attempting to normalize it.
I do worry that Antifa will escalate from intimidation to assassination. That will spiral pretty fast.
*Adds 5.56 ammo and P-mags to online cart*
Bull Shit.
I’m pretty sure home address is public record anyway.
Yeah, it seems most of the information was taken from campaign disclosure forms, although some non-public email addresses and phone numbers were also leaked. There was some initial reporting that the edits were made by a house of representatives IP address.
Everybody’s home address is available on the internet. Publishing it like this is definitely an escalation.
TSLA down 33%.
so i was on a conference call during the early parts of Blasey Ford’s testimony yesterday. Did she describe a groping, a couple of guys in a tickle fight with her trying to cop a feel, or legit rip-her-clothes-off attempted rape?
Being held down, groped, and having her clothes pulled at.
so… tickle fight???
the hand over the mouth was a disturbing recollection.. then i heard her speak and was like, “yeah, okay, i get it now.”
^taking the express train straight to Hell for that joke
Not saying I don’t like it.
The reality of the statement was groping/horsing around in my opinion. She, and her supporters, framed it as attempted rape. Ford also stated that when she screamed and he covered her mouth she was concerned that he would “accidentally kill” her.
And when/how did it stop? Did the boys just decide they had enough fun and that was it? Because if two well conditioned football players wanted to rape a 100 pound 16 year old girl, I’m fairly certain nothing would stop them.
Last I heard it ended when Judge jumped on Kav, so I have to assume Judge raped Kav and Ford escaped during the struggle.
What was so depressing about that Kavanaugh hearing was that my high school years seem rather tame in contrast to what Kavanaugh is accused to have been up to at high school parties. I really missed out on those high school orgy parties.
Ha, I felt the same. Damn I’m boring.
I should caveat that what Kavanaugh had on his calendars is what made me feel boring, not that I missed out on gang rapes.
That’s an important clarification
Same thing. Clearly I misspent my high school years. Zero orgies.
Sounds like something to be grateful for, I’d think.
TSLA down 33%.
So- still absurdly overvalued.
The bomb is about to drop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43mtifsoTQI
BREAKING: Townhall reports that senators Jeff Flake, Lisa murkowski and Susan Collins will vote in support of Brett Kavanaugh, securing the votes required for Supreme Court bench
Game over?
I’d say so.
That ridiculous little goblin Jeffrey Toobin has his panties in a wad over Flake.
“his inability to stand for anything”
He’s not necessarily wrong about Flake there. The dude has no standards or principles. He’s all about social signaling. I’m honestly surprised he’s voting to confirm.
I’m not. The dude thinks he can be president. The numbers must pretty clearly show that yesterday’s shitshow broke Kav’s way.
Oh, absolutely. I just have fun picturing in my head the vigorous tongue bath Toobin would have given him had he voted the other way.
I expect TOS to end its blossoming love affair with Flake today too
Soave’s latest piece is about how Kav was right to be angry and nobody should be surprised by that.
Nick thinks nothing about this confirmation helps the country.
Megan McArdle wants the GOP to surrender.
Soave stuck his toe in the water and figured out it was a little too hot for him.
ENB writing exactly what you would expect a good little prog like her to write
Wow. Surprised by that. I wonder what changed Soave and Nick’s mind. I read Nick write a previous article about how the FBI needs to investigate before the hearing goes forward and Soave noting that the allegations against Kavanaugh were credible.
Eh, Nick hasn’t really changed anything, he’s just writing “This whole thing was an embarrassing spectacle and everyone involved sucks”
Weigel in Drag, however, had this to say:
So Kavanaugh’s a liar, but Dr “I’m terrified of flying” and her bullshit excuse about why she wanted to delay her testimony doesn’t count? The fact that she claims to have no idea who paid for her polygraph? The fact that she refuses to authorize the release of those therapist notes she says corroborate her story?
And I do so love the fact that Lady Sammiches doesn’t lower herself to addressing the fact that Ford has no answer to where or when this happened, how she got home, and why none of the people she named have the slightest memory of any of this, including a “lifelong friend” who Doctor Ford intimated has mental health problems.
Is that ENB?
That doesn’t surprise me.
Soave always tries to walk on a balance beam. Except he has terrible balance. So he’s pretty much fallen off one end, but he gets back on, tricks the refs into letting him try again, and then tries again to walk to the line. Repeat, repeat. Everyone thinks he’s so far gone, but he’s basically a puppy who wants to be loved by everyone, and he sure has diametrically conflicting forces acting on him, just give him a(nother) chance, please love him please
(I’m projecting)
Robby went from ‘tough shit’ about your life being ruined to that article in 24 hours. What a douchebag.
They’re already saying they’re going to impeach Kavanaugh. LOL, they really have no other plan outside of throw on their pussy hats and scream at the sky, do they? You suppose Rosenstein calls for another special counsel and then Sessions dons his own pussy hat and recuses?
They’re already saying they’re going to impeach Kavanaugh.
Impeach Kavanaugh
Game just started.
The campaign ads have been written for the mid-terms. Prepare your butthole for the butthurt.
Here, the campaign ads didn’t stop in intensity or frequency from the primaries. They just changed opponents.
The joy of living in a battleground state.
I am on the state line of two battleground states. Missouri and Kansas. It’s wearying.
From the WSJ:
With any luck they will head East and keep walking.
We’re the adults! We’re gonna take our toys and go home, waaaahhh! You can’t even make this stuff up.
After all that…they just walk out? I think that blue wave just ran out of momentum.
Oh, it’s even better than that:
Silent protest. So stirring. So brave. So CYA.
Silent? Not even a small whispered “I am Spartacus!”?
Hope the door didn’t hit their asses on the way out. Also hope they never bother showing up again.
This is probably me being overly optimistic again, but I keep hoping that shit show yesterday turns into an “ending of Lord of the Flies” moment, where those of us who aren’t hard left or hard right finally see what our government has become. Because the envelope has been pushed and this is the new normal.
I have the same hope, but I know it won’t happen.
Great, more “libertarian moment” stories from The Jacket.
I want to believe. I really really do.
I hope the door didn’t hit them on the way out.
Maybe they’ll run away to another state to refuse a quorum like the dems in Wisconsin did a few years ago.
“Any lawmaker who flees the state to prevent a legislative session has hereby regarded as having resigned. We will be holding special elections for their replacements soon.”
Every former Marine I know has a visceral hatred of Blumenthal. I despise everyone named above, but something about Blumenthal angers me at a deeper level.
Yup. Lying sack of shit. He’s a disgrace to the title Marine.
“Sens. Whitehouse, Blumenthal, Hirono and Harris”
TBH, don’t come back. Ever. The Dems and the country would be much better off.
Speaking of autismos, they finally got Linus Torvalds
At least we’ve still got Norm Macdonald.
“Bullying and rudeness” is what made Linux so wildly successful. People don’t get that what Torvalds did was apply the techniques of the hard ass corporate boss to an open source project. He must have known from the beginning that something like this could quickly careen into abandonment and obscurity without solid leadership just as so many other subsequent FOSS projects have proven. The only thing that diversity, inclusiveness, puppies and unicorns can ensure are too many cooks in the kitchen.
*looks at number of linux VMs in infrastructure*
I’m going to agitate for more Sparc boxes until Larry finishes going off the deep end.
Yep. I’ve often wondered what will become of the kernel once he retires or dies. No one in the upper echelon of the dev community is as hard assed as he is (er, was). At this point linux is far too ubiquitous to die out, obviously, but if it loses that meritocratic developer community in favor of a humanities department approach it’s going to affect the quality of the project.
Jeebus. The shit storms that are FOSS projects that don’t have some hard ass is unbelievable.
Years ago, I tried to contribute to some javascript FOSS stuff and it was even worse than going to a meetup. Too much pointless dick measuring bull shit.
Hilarious case in point:
“stop using my software, fascists!”
“uh, woops, you can’t do that with a FOSS license – reverted and contributor banned”
I had a boss like that once. I gave as good as I got and he respected me for it. And he thought it was funny that I was the only person that wasn’t afraid of him.
My wife has a boss like that. Most of the lab people are terrified of her. She’s mean. But my wife never backed down or showed fear and guess what? Her boss treats her with the utmost respect.
Dude, in the alternate reality your accusers inhabit that means you ARE “in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it’s OK to be a white nationalist Nazi blah blah blah”.
Thinking about the Heinlein quote you guys always post. Just add “And they’re almost always hard-headed contrarian assholes, and that’s ultimately to everyone’s benefit.” This trying to wrangle everyone into a satisfactory (ultimately to no one) box is easily the most troubling trend of the zeitgeist. It’s anti-science, illiberal, luddite. But they think they’re the opposite. It’s fucking bizarre. Only a dumbass looking in from outside can really see it, that it’s fucking insane. “
Don’t be eviloh fuck it” I’m crazy. I’ve gone madWill Wilkinson ?
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A day later, I’m even more shocked by Kavanaugh’s simpering, sniveling, mewling, snapping, ill-tempered, incontinent, contemptuous, mendacious, partisan tantrum. It just beggars belief that a guy seeking a Supreme Court seat should behave this way and not be ridden out on a rail.
A lot of blue check marks are loving some Willkinson in the comments.
Willkinson represents the “Libertarians for Show Trials” contingent
Wilkinson doesn’t still try to maintain the libertarian facade anymore, does he?
Niskanen Center still does. I don’t think he’s dropped the act. I just don’t think anyone believes it anymore
Please if there is any justice, give that man a #metoo moment.
I’m sure the Niskanen Center for the Promotion of the Right Kind of Statism will enjoy using Kavanaugh in their begging for money, though.
Shorter Wilkinson
“Just lie back and think of England.”
“ridden out on a rail”
“see guyz???!! I’m just like you! I’m for mob justice too! Now can I come to the cocktail parties? xD xD xD”
Interesting. If it was a Judge Cynthia Kavanaugh in a similar position, attacking her emotional response to her treatment over the past week when finally given an opportunity to respond would be considered the most vile sexism. Hmm.
well wikipeadia
Vice President for Policy Will Wilkinson advocates a social democracy-style system that incorporates the position of liberal political philosopher John Rawls. This ideal mirrors European states such as Denmark that pair free trade liberalism and labor market reform with heavy unemployment benefits and a public healthcare system.[
so no not libertarian
Why U Mad, Bro?
Thank you for reminding me why I don’t watch televised “news” anymore.
In honor of Brett “Rapin’ the Bourgeois” Kavanaugh, I give you once again one of the greatest 4chan green texts of all time. Enjoy.
I lol’d.
Every few months I go back and read it and I still laugh every single time.
“It was my privilege”
That is some damn fine greentext. 4chan sometimes makes some beautiful diamonds.
Missed in all the Kavanaugh uproar – Google admitted they are working on a censored search app that would be specifically for China and would blacklist any material deemed unfit by the communist regime.
It’s a beta for the RoW update where it censors any material deemed unfit by Google.
“Be Evil AF”
– Google
No TW: Zero Hedge!?!?! Do you not ((((care))))?
Hello glibs, don’t have time to read the links or the comments, but here’s a few thoughts;
1) RC Dean said this yesterday was a real gut punch to him. He’s a guy around the same age in the same profession who’s spent a lot of time building a career he can have pride in, and he has a spotless ethical record. That’s something a lot of folks see, either in themselves IRL, in their aspirations for themselves, or in their aspirations for their kids. To see a career and a family life turned upside down and destroyed based on a few allegations is viscerally uncomfortable, knowing that every off-hand joke can now be taken out of context and turned into evidence of gang-rape. And oh BTW we don’t have 51 senators motivated to save our career.
2) The loudest words unspoken yesterday: “IX” and “Title,” and not in that order.
3) Sounds like both the K family and the Ford family were hounded out of their homes and been attacked by hackers. This is non-partisan and ubiquitous now. Happens no matter what the tempest in a teapot is. Its vile, and it isn’t just a thing that team coke does or only team pepsi does. It happens to everyone now, it seems. the best part of the internet is it gives a voice to anyone. The worst is that it gives a voice to everyone.
4) I hate it when I write out a good comment, hit reply, and get an error that says you must be logged in to reply. the re-write is always worse because i’m pressed for time and I’ve already shot my wad.
I didn’t hear anyone denounce the death threats, the emails, the stalking occurring on both sides to both parties. It’s hard to believe that we are at this point, that we don’t have anyone who will stand up and scream at the nation to stop acting like a bunch of retarded children because the outrage is too politically advantageous for all of them.
Stockpiling ammo has been very cathartic for me lately.
do you stuff the ammo cans with desiccant?
It’s absolutely disgusting and I’m still coming to grips with believing it. It obviously sucks.
There was a Twilight Zone episode called “The Shelter” where a neighborhood party is interrupted by the announcement of incoming nuclear missiles. The erstwhile friendly neighbors quickly become vicious, selfish, hateful people, fighting among themselves to gain access to one family’s fallout shelter. After a number of bridges have been burned, the warning is revealed to have been a mistake. The strong implication is that, despite their superficial attempts to put it all behind them, none of the neighbors can forget how horrible they were to each other.
This is kind of where I am with regard to the political atmosphere of our day. I’m trying to avoid discussion with friends and family because the discourse tends to get extremely ugly, and I don’t want to permanently damage relationships based on this ultimately irrelevant bullshit.
I don’t have supplies of food, water, fuel, and ammunition in my basement, but if I did I wouldn’t talk to anyone about them other than my Mormon friends who also don’t have the same supplies.
*red-faced* *raises hand*
I figure I’ll just eat my Mormon neighbors.
I am waiting for someone to come right out and mock the death threats and anyone who uses them as an excuse.
The reality is talk is cheap, especially on the internet. Over the last 20 years how many people have recieved death threats over internet or media battlegrounds? Several hundred at a minimum. How many of them have ever even been in actual physical danger at any point? A small handful of Republican Politicians and that is it.
Internet death threats and rape threats should be treated as having as much meaning as a 5 year old saying he wants to be a cowboy when he grows up. Anyone who gives them any credence is a moron and anyone who complains about them is a whiner trying to win sympathy points.
Whenever I write a long comment I always copy it before I hit submit just for that reason.
We’d all better be very concerned over this bullshit. We’re dangerously close to going back to a time before due process and equal protection under the law existed. If these insane asylum escapees ever get their way, your entire life and your entire family could be destroyed in an instant based solely on an accusation from some loon, about something that happened 50 years ago.
The GOP should immediately start investigations of Schumer and Biden and go all the way back to Kindergarten.
Not really, but it’s tempting.
Related, I see the ABA is calling for the Kavanaugh vote to be delayed until the FBI can investigate.
Yeah, there’s a reason I’m not an ABA member.
OT: I’m sorry to have missed you in Chicago.
actually Title IX did come up once… because Kavanaugh mentioned that there had been an influx of female athletes at Yale because of Title IX a few years earlier, and that most of his closest female friends in college were athletes. I think he mentioned that because he’s just a shitlord that is looking forward to overturning Title IX. I swear to God a grin came over his face the minute he mentioned Title IX.
” I think he mentioned that because he’s just a shitlord that is looking forward to overturning Title IX”
You suppose he might be a little more leaning in that direction now? If he wasn’t a shitlord before, Thanks Democrats and welcome new shitlord. Probably turned his kids into raging libertarians. Gotta love them democrats.
At this point, the only way forward is for the Republicans to ram Kavanaugh through confirmation. Any other course is just pure insanity. The Democrats are trying to destroy someone’s entire life based on only an accusation, without a shred of actual evidence. If this works, it will only get worse. The Democrats will have proven that they can win their arguments through slander. And the slander machine will be turned up to eleven.
This is one of those issues where, if I were McConnell, I’d make clear that no dissent in the ranks can be brooked. Anyone who deviates might as well switch to Democrats because, from here on out, they’re going to be the enemy of the party.
“I’ve already shot my wad”
Cabergoline can help you with that.
The loudest word unspoken was ABORTION. The only thing the Dems actually give a shit about. It’s too bad they can’t be fired for malpractice.
I just got a postcard in the mail from NARAL about how Kavanaugh is going to take away muh uhbortuns.
Fuck em, the baby murdering cunts.
iirc, she was one of them PAWGs. I still #would though.
You know what is really sad? This thought just keeps lingering, so I have to write it so that it will go away.
When girly man Graham has to be your only set of balls in an entire Senate, you are a sad and pathetic bunch. I did hear that Cruz got in a swing or two though. I would say that Grassley needs neutered for allowing this shit show in the first place, but I’m sure that isn’t necessary, apparently the whole bunch are already neutered.
Grassley had to allow something to get Flake onboard.
I underestimated Grassely’s sublime control of the proceedings.
Chuck Grassley is an 85yo gentlemen farmer from Iowa. I have many problems with his old-school conservative philosophy. But the man is just plain nice. His job is to set the stage so that the attack dogs (Lindsey Graham? Really? I mean Really?) can say the mean words.
As I see it. There will be a vote to move Kavanaugh foward. There will be a vote to confirm. Kavanaugh will be seated on SCOTUS. There will be no campaign adds showing evil old white men abusing Dr Ford over the next six weeks.
It was ugly, but it worked.
Saw a prog tweet that said something like “The Republicans played the long game and it worked.”
I LOLd. Team Stupid couldn’t put together a long game if their lives depended on it.
What the prog meant was ‘The hapless stupid party were totally falling for it, then Kavanaugh and Graham pulled out some toxic masculinity, which is like Kryptonite for Dems, and then it was all over’.
Here’s a translation of Xi Jinping’s Speech at the Ceremony Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Birth of Marx.
100 Million dead Chinese unavailable for comment.
That wasn’t real communism!
the Clarence Thomas hearing gave the world Andrew Breitbart. what will the Kavanaugh hearing spark?
Genghis Hitler the Hun
“Has he never encountered an earnest twenty-something canvassing for Green Peace? Or a student activist demanding that the dining hall workers be given better health insurance? Did he miss the giant immigration rights marches in Brentwood? Is he unaware of Amnesty International? Or the establishment progressive wonks eagerly trying to figure out how to bend the Medicare cost curve?”
I don’t think Freidersdorf understands that he’s making Breitbart’s point for him.
Friedersdorf is a really dim guy. Not conventionally stupid, really, but sort of willfully oblivious.
Amnesty didn’t start off as a leftwing organisation. It went downhill once they entryised it though.
O’Sullivan’s law
Greetings from Anchorage you mooks!
Friday of fabulous fronts!
I would like to know the circumstances surrounding #8.
I’m setting up a food drive Gofundme for 14. 22 is more like it.
There is literally nothing wrong with 14 except that dreadful tattoo.
7, 29, and 32. These pics be making me feel warm inside.
Vacation or work?
Vacation. Also checking out land to buy.
Christine Blasey Ford’s “truth”
I can’t be the only one here who hates that particular turn of phrase. There’s only one truth out there. None of us may have an accurate lock on it in its entirety, but we don’t have separate “truths”. The entire line is post-modernist nonsense.
“The entire line is post-modernist nonsense.”
Yep. All in preparation for a world in which you are judged only by your identity, not by your individualism. A world where engineers are woke, instead of skilled in their trades. Orwell got nothing on reality!
Nope. Sen. T-Bone Spartacus’ blathering about “her truth” makes my skin crawl.
When some metoo loon goes after him, I wonder how he’ll be feeling about ‘her’ reality? If anyone has ever deserved the proverbial ‘lie in the bed you made’ or ‘reap what you sow’, it has to be today’s democrat party.
I hate it. HATE IT.
It reduces us to power being the only yardstick against which we can measure. And that leads to every atrocity ever committed by man against his fellow man.
You are not the only one. The instant I hear ‘my truth’ I discount everything that person says after that. I just stop listening.
It’s a bastardization of the truth itself. This post-modernist crap needed to go away 100 years ago.
I agree. My opinion, great. My perception, fantastic. My truth? Bullshit.
hates that particular turn of phrase
I find it repugnant. “Her” truth is irrelevant. “The” truth is what matters.
Is it just me, or isn’t saying she has “her truth” admitting that she possibly doesn’t remember everything accurately and there is another, more likely real, truth out there?
I disagree.
I think truth is subjective and a matter of perspective. Facts on the other hand are not.
To quote the eternal patriarchial shitlord Dr Jones…
The reality is that Ford is as likely as not being 100% truthful and honestly believes that Kavanaugh raped her. Doesn’t mean he did, given the other gaps in her memory it is HIGHLY likely that her recollection of the events bear little to no resemblance to anything which actually happened but rather were stitched together out of a fabric of half remembered snippets and fancicful creations to help construct a narrative so she could blame her insanity on something and the reason she never mentioned Kavanaugh before 2012 is that he was a name from her past who probably fit into that mishmash of memories somewhere who was not starting to become politically powerful.
For her what she is saying is her truth, doesn’t make it fact however.
This is also what we need to be attacking the post modernists on, sure everyone has their own truth, they do not have their own facts however. So while we should let each persons truths inform how we should interact with and treat them we should not let them have any wider impact on the world. Dr Ford likely honestly believes that she was sexually assaulted by a man who is about to become a Supreme Court Justice and so we should sympathize with the fear and anguish she feels over that, she is also someone who is quite clearly not entirely mentally stable which means we should give her some leeway from responsibility for her actions. However instead of indulging her fantasies with promises of pointless FBI investigations someone needed to gently explain to her that while there was a possibility that what she alleges happened absent some actual evidence that we can verify, which could only come from her and since she lacks any corroborating evidence, even all of her alleged witnesses deny any knowledge of her story officially we cannot grant her story any creedence and it will not be considered for the nomination hearings.
What does this mean for #metoo, it means you get our sympathy unless your story is just rabidly uneblievable like Jackie and and Avenatti’s client Sweetcheeks, and if the allegations are actually criminal in nature and within the statute of limitations we will certainly open a criminal investigation. If not, well sorry but he gets to carry on with his life and career unmolested and publically we are not going to treat him as if your charges are valid.
I agree with your analysis, but the word game being played here is important. “Her truth” may really just mean “she isn’t consciously lying”, but by using the word “truth” rather than “recollection” or “memory”, it is being set up as unassailable. Her truth is still truth, after all, and if its true, its true, period.
Its toxic, intended to bypass the search for facts and a better understanding by terminating the discussion when the version you want has been stated out loud.
Good point.
That is a really good post. Explains a lot of religion, where one seeks the “one true truth” as well as the mentally ill of believing the voices in their head – we all have our truths and the growing factions in the world is largely from substituting truths from fact – or pursuing pushing their truth onto everyone else. Too many people believe that their truth is the absolute truth and cannot see why others might not have the same truth.
Alan Dershowitz makes the most compelling case for why we should have an FBI investigation of this matter.
I was not really opposed to a quick investigation with a 3 day deadline. Just should’ve done that before. I think it would actually have bolstered Kavanaugh.
But it’s too late now.
Rosenstein appoints second special prosecutor. Sessions recuses. Trump tweets. News at 11.
Fuck em. They had their chance to ask for an investigation weeks ago. They waited till the last minute because they thought it would be to their benefit. Oh well, too bad.
They had their chance to accuse him YEARS ago. To hell with them all.
Investigate what? There has yet to be a single piece of corroborating evidence for any of them.
That’s why Dershowitz says there should be an investigation.
From the article:
“The stakes could not be higher both for senators and for our nation. If Kavanaugh fails to win a Senate confirmation vote – or if his nomination is withdrawn – his legacy, his career and his very life will be wounded beyond repair.
No matter what else the judge does in life, he will always be remembered for the accusations made against him by Ford and three other women (one anonymous) publicized around the world in the media. The anonymous fourth accusation by a mother about her daughter seems too vague to pursue.
The same is not quite true for Ford. Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed and seated on the Supreme Court, Ford’s life will go on and she will be a hero to many. That is what happened to Anita Hill, who made accusations of workplace sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas 27 years ago before he was confirmed to the Supreme Court.”
But what will change? An FBI investigation will come up with the same stories the senate just did. Nothing will be different.
It will be different in that it would weaken the Democrats main talking point easily. And probably have only buttressed Kavanaugh’s defense. It would’ve been smart politics.
It would have been smart “optics”, but not smart “politics”.
The whole purpose of the FBI investigation was to delay the nomination until after the midterms. If the FBI provided an expedited one week investigation then Democrats would say that the investigation was too rushed and couldn’t have possibly involved all of the accusations and leads.
So, there would still be “Kavanaugh truthers” among the most faithful to the abortion lobby (which is really the issue here), but the “optics” would have looked a little better and probably would have made the “Kavanaugh truthers” looks more ridiculous and their arguments less tenable.
There’s no sense in weakening the Dems’ talking points because their talking points are only speaking to their base. They’re not speaking to moderates.
It all could have been done behind closed doors weeks ago – including a formal investigation. Dems know they have jack shit, so they took it public to create the biggest circus spectacle out of it that they possibly could.
Nice try Allen. Y’all have fucked around long enough. The answer is NO.
It doesn’t matter. You could’ve easily taken that bullshit talking point away from Democrats.
I disagree. They would have just gone with a different talking point – the investigation was too rushed, the FBI was pressured into clearing him, blah blah.
Remember a fundamental truth about these people: you can never satisfy them.
They’ve been investigating Russian collusion for nearly 2 years now with zero evidence. Just sayin.
Just set a 3 day deadline, as suggested by numerous legal experts.
Democrats: “Three days is not enough time for a thorough investigation!”
That would no doubt be the response. For Democrats and Ford, too, the goal was always to delay until after the midterms. That’s what made Ford look more political to me, the fact that she continued to refuse to testify on the Senate’s time frame and continued to have excuses for why she could not testify. She only finally testified, because Grassley said negotiations are over, you either testify on Thursday or you don’t testify.
She dispatched a letter to the country’s senior-most ranking House Democrat, said nothing while the hearings were ongoing, watched them wrapped up while saying nothing, and then coordinated the release of her risible allegation with her Dem handlers just before his confirmation. It was entirely political.
Ugh. Senate Democrat. I need a nap.
I agree, but so?
This is a weaker claim than that there was no investigation.
There is nothing to investigate. The FBI, despite their many flaws, has standards on what to investigate and why. The claim against Kavanaugh doesn’t reach those standards. End of story.
The thing is, the letter was handled in the usual way. It was sent to the FBI, who included it in their background check information.
That’s the standard approach, as I understand it. The FBI does not launch fleets of agents to investigate every single thing that is said about a nominee, and they do not give opinions or conclusions. They gather information for the Senate to consider. Period.
Investigate whether a high school kid grabbed a tit in the early 80’s at an undisclosed location?
Investigate whether an adult women attending high school parties witnessed multiple unreported gang rapes?
Dems seem to think the FBI is a black box. You toss in some allegations, you empty out criminal charges. What goes on inside? Who knows, who cares?
I actually listened to Scott Adams’ podcast yesterday. His take is that an investigation serves no purpose, it will only waste time and money. 30+ years out, it is highly unlikely any physical evidence will turn up. You might get more “he said, she said” but that won’t clear up anything, either. And the people voting for the confirmation have already made up their minds. (They did even before the candidate was announced). Nobody’s mind is going to change based on an investigation. So, just hold the vote.
Wasting money is right up the Democrats’ alley. Hard to believe 90% of the country still can’t see that after yesterday.
What is there to investigate? Might as well launch an investigation into the identity of Jack the Ripper.
Oh, that was Trump.
There’s the matter of the world’s most prolific murderer who spent a spell in Germany during the 30s and 40s… I bet that turns out to be Trump,t oo.
There’s nothing to investigate. Which is precisely why this has legs for them, they can bang on this shit drum for decades whenever a SC vote doesn’t go their way.
good idea
I need answers
Investigate what?
The story was concocted with unfalsifiability in mind. You cant investigate that. That was the purpose.
How about NO, hold the vote? How about that?
Here’s how long this thing lasts in a real investigation.
“Where did this happen”?
Ford: I don’t remember.
‘”What was the date it happened”
Ford: I don’t know.
/end of investigation
Seriously, it saddens me to no end that half our country has devolved into such retardation
That would be great. Then the FBI could respond “there’s nothing to investigate”. And then anyone still contending that Kavanaugh is a rapist would have to explain in what world would that be true when the FBI couldn’t even find anything to investigate.
It’s all politics at the end of the day, but if I were Kavanaugh I’d wait to get on the court and then insist that the FBI investigate Ford’s accusations. But, on second thought, the FBI investigated Anita Hill’s allegations and found nothing and that never satisfied the “Clarence Thomas Truthers” so maybe none of this matters.
“Were there other witnesses?”
“Yes. [names the people already named]”
*FBI checks, sees they have sworn statements from them already*
Investigation closed.
An FBI investigation would make no difference whatsoever no matter how it turns out. Brett Kavenaugh is going to be a serial rapist in the minds of the left forever.
Couldn’t the police in the state the incident allegedly occur do the investigation? Is the FBI supposed to be scarier?
I would only be willing to see an FBI investigation if it also included investigating the possibility that there was a conspiracy between Dr Ford and others to derail the nomination, not merely for the purpose of clearing K’s name but also for the purpose of prosecuting any lawbreakers
Graham’s speech right now is powerful. I’ve got goosebumps.
Same, I’m still coming to grips with that myself. I never thought a moment like this would come.
“There’s the process before Kavanaugh, and the process after Kavanaugh. … If we take the elections and I am chairman, I will remember this.”
Something like that.
I hope he does remember it.
I hate the fact that Lindsey Graham has become the reasonable guy in this fiasco. God damn you Scarlet O’Hara!
If she’d just kept her legs closed, campy Southern gays would have ceased to exist.
What the hell did McCain have on him?
Or what do Trump and his Generals have on him?
I like the way he is playing this. Its the way I like to play things. Let somebody who is misbehaving just keep on until the moment comes when it is most effective to just completely unload on them, and the history of what they have done makes your scorched earth reaction unimpeachable.
Game over?
*weary chortle*
“Doin’ right ain’t got no end.”
We are now in a world in which objective reality no longer exists. Words have no meaning. It’s never over.
Forget it, he’s rolling.
Radley Balko goes full retard
Oh, that ship sailed a while ago
Nate Silver
Verified account @NateSilver538
They aren’t white lies, either. Kavanaugh was lying about stuff that would establish (i) his propensity to drink to excess, especially to the point of blacking out or misremebering events and (ii) objectifying attitudes he had toward women he had has a young man.
He’s constructing a bubble that even he and his cohort don’t live in. Sorry, but blacking out is not unusual, nor is sexualizing those of the sex to whom one is attracted. (Right, Nate? Or do you pretend not to have ‘objectified’ men in your life?) The summation to contend attempted rape, and then some? Not buying it, asshole.
Also, aren’t people more likely to “pass out” from drinking (i.e., basically fall asleep and be incapable of doing anything) than “black out” and operate without knowledge of their actions?
“blacking out” is something only chicks and bona fide alcoholics do.
Hell, I’m a recovering alcoholic (almost 2 years sober) and the only time I had “black outs” are when I mixed my normal super heavy drinking with pills.
Congrats on the continued sobriety.
I’ve done some pretty heavy drinking at points in my life. I have one single instance of “blacking out”, when I drank an insane amount in a short period of time because we had gone to a club in Daytona Beach early in the evening the night before NYE 2001 and they were doing a 2 for 1 drink special. Had to take advantage, yknow?
The last thing I remembered doing was dancing (which is how I know how drunk I was, I hate dancing). I woke up the next morning sitting in our rental car in a vomit-encrusted shirt. Zero memory of anything that had happened. Apparently I had ended up getting up kicked out of the club for drunkenly flailing around and crashing into tables. We then went to a strip club. Eventually, I got us kicked out of there too because I couldn’t stay away anymore. Walking back to the hotel, I puked all over myself. By the time we got back to the room, I swiped the car keys, went down to the car, locked myself in, and went to sleep. I didn’t believe my friends telling me all this, but many pictures of these escapades were taken. I had to wait until the film was developed (again, it was 2001 – no phones with cameras and few digital cameras at all yet) but yeah, it happened.
This is so weird. Because Kavanaugh was quite credible, we’re now going with the “He did it but does not remember” bull shit.
That is so fucking weak.
Same reason they started yammering on about “temperment”. His testimony was believable, so they have to hit him for something else.
If “Trumpism” just means “standing up for yourself,” a lot of these peeps are gonna be aghast when it doesn’t eventually set with the negative connotation they’ve willed for it……
This is how you get the more extreme elements of the “alt-right”
When being in the Tea Party meant you were vilified as a racist, misogynist Nazi regardless of your actual history or political positions, it drives reasonable people out of the conversation and enables the lunatics.
I’m thankful Kavanuagh stood his ground and got pissed. He should have been pissed. If he slinks away under the pressure, who do you think is going to rise to replace him? Normals are going to say “Fuck all that”
How convenient. “See, we called them Nazis and they were Nazis all along.”
I would say that yes, he did take a lesson from Trumpism. You don’t take the shit these people throw at you lying down or beg them for mercy or clemency. You get right back in their faces and stand up for yourself, cause no one else will.
Exactly. The entire GOP and third parties for that matter need to take the lesson. Romney lost because he was too nice to fight like hell for the job.
It can’t be said enough. They need a spine and they need to be strong.
And lemme just say this much, because I keep seeing this unbelievably stupid point being made: Urban Dictionary has FUCK ALL to do with terms used by high schoolers in 1983. Looking up shit in the fucking Urban Dictionary to see what phrases mean now proves not a fucking thing.
The finer points of youth slang haven’t been this important since the wilding in Central Park.
Balko totally believes in the rights of the accused, unless, of course, it involves something where defending the accused may cost him cocktail party invites. Then that’s different.
If he and Chris Coons put their heads together, they’d look like a pair of balls. That’s the nicest thing I can say about Balko anymore.
Him and Julian Sanchez are utter embarrassments at this point
There was ever a time when Julian Sanchez wasn’t?
Under the Bush administration Sanchez was good on due process and opposition to FOIA Courts (oh the irony).
Now he’s probably the biggest booster for the intelligence community and FOIA Courts to the point of opposing declassification of the underlying evidence for FOIA warrants (but only in the case of Trump’s associates, of course)
Is it safe to assume you mean FISA?
FISA, yes.
Stupid acronyms
I think it has become unfortunatly clear that it was never that Balko really cared about the rights of the accused, he really did just hate cops
In 2004, I went to Cornell for a college visit and stopped in Syracuse to party with a friend who was an old high school friend a year older than me. I had to get my run in (I was an all state runner in those years), so i told her “I’m going to go for a run around campus. Keep your phone handy. I’ll hookup with you guys later”.
She giggled, and her friends were stunned/slightly confused. Where I came from – in 2004 – to hookup meant to “meet up” or “reconvene/reconnect at some point” in the course of things. She explained to her friends that I was a dumb midwesterner. And then she explained to me that int he northeast, hookup literally meant “to have casual sex with someone”. I was like “Oh… that’s odd”.
Anyone calling Kavanaugh a liar based on modern day terminology/urban dictionary definitions is fucking retarded.
Around roughly the same time I had a woman tell me the exact same thing. And I’m like “When did the meaning change?” “Oh, it’s always meant that.”
Yeah right. A week later I came to realize she was a psycho and I was so glad I never had sex with her. (Attractive woman with an engineering degree, although I am skeptical about that last part now but she did seem to make decent money.) And I had completely forgotten about her until today.
How sad. I hope that WaPo gig was worth it.
Alyssa Milano
Follow Follow @Alyssa_Milano
You are a coward, @JeffFlake.
Looks like Fox News offered Jeff Flake more money as a corespondent than MSNBC
I’ll bet she was wearing her “I’m really smart! Take me seriously!” black framed glasses and making adorable pouty faces when she wrote that.
Still might.
Oh, absolutely. Cute but stupid.
I guess Tony Danza was the smart one on that show
Yes, he is.
Yeah, she’s not wrong there. Flake is an unprincipled hack who will go whichever way the political wind seems to be blowing.
“And you’ve ruined the name of the best cookie ever made, Alyssa. Go fuck yourself.”
Uh oh, how did no one else see this.
A solid, great cookie. But not the best ever.
Some flavors are better than others, but I am biased.
You are an ignorant fascist, @Alyssa_Milano.
See, I can signal too.
You are a coward
You are a cunt, @Alyssa_Milano. But I still WOOD.
Ugh. Just thinking about all the sitcoms that will “tackle the issue” of Kavanaugh in the next year or so.
If that’s the way that progressives continue to cope with their losing streak, I’d be OK with it.
Sitcoms, what about the police procedurals?
There’s a difference?
Can’t wait for Murphy Brown’s hot take.
Could the lessons learned by Trump finally be sinking in?
“He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the MORGUE!”
but he was also still considerate of Ford’s plight. considering her a victim of Dem opportunists. his younger daughter said a prayer for her.
Sen. Whitehouse drops in the tautology of the century. “If Ford wasn’t a credible witness, why would she have been here before the committee?” *Slightly paraphrased, but not much
It’s really hard to tolerate stupid.
Looks like Grassley is eating actual popcorn as he chairs this shit show.
Oh god I hope you’re not joking about that. I demand GIF’s on twitter within the hour.
I loved when he went all over the calendar. Youtube comment at that moment “I hung out with my friends one day”.
I strongly encourage them to keep it up. C’mon pinkos, you just didn’t hit it hard enough. More violence, lying and denigration of Americans is the path to victory!
Anyone else assigned their orphans to 24/7 tear barrel construction? Because I just got back from DU and man, it is going to be a monsoon of sweet delicious prog tears.
I don’t want links. But maybe quotes.
I’m holding off until the actual vote but I will FOR SURE be there on DU with a bucket and mop if he’s confirmed.
Whitehouse looks like he’s on the verge of an aneurysm.
I find that enjoyable.
Is he speaking now?
(only kinda listening)
He started that with, “I’m gonna be brief”. Lol. Now Klobuchar is turning on the waterworks and the shaky voice. Ugh.
So help me, with her accent, I keep expecting the next sentence to end with ‘dontchaknow’
If she get’s any more moist over the validity of a polygraph, she’s gonna slide out of her chair like it was just varnished.
Legitimate LOL material there.
For all the talk about “process” she says, it doesn’t look like she gives a shit about “due process”
Good, maybe he’ll do the decent thing and die.
Almost at 1,000, let’s get there.
Nooooo! It has to stop at 999!
You Bastard.
Got to find a little happiness where I can
Rumor is the 1,000th comment on a post wins a free night in Warty’s basement.
Suderman is attempting to thread the political needle.
Yeah, I’m sure Kavanaugh wants to put his friends and family thru that. Every single damned person who makes a statement to one side or another is going to face death threats and harassment.
As to the calendar, are we really going to investigate what is entirely circumstantial evidence that may or may not have anything at all to do with the allegations at hand?
It’s a rabbit hole that goes nowhere. The only that could change it is if Judge changed his sworn statement. Who thinks that is going to happen?
Stupid, just stupid.
Again with this Urban Dictionary bullshit.
in all the dumbness of this entire retarded affair this divining of yearbook entries written 35 years ago by 15-19 year olds is the most retarded.
It’s been really revealing that some libertarian commentators, like Judge Napolitano opposed Kavanaugh for his views on the 4th Amendment, while others opposed him because they feared that he would upend abortion precedent. The latter group has bought into the Ford accusations, while the former group seem to think that the Ford accusations are a distraction from the actual problems with Kavanaugh’s jurisprudence.
Say what you will about the Trump Era, but it has been really revealing. There are some people that I use to respect who I will never believe again. While other commentators I have come to respect even more so.
And tos continues to disappoint.
I know quite a few hardcore Democrats (men) who don’t believe a fucking word of the Ford accusations and are disturbed by what has happened. I’m sure political bias matters a great deal, but there are other things that matter too.
I don’t think of it as “believing” or “not believing” Ford. I think it comes down to “should be label someone a rapist based upon accusations with no corroborating evidence and witnesses who dispute here testimony?”
I thought that this was something that all self described libertarians would agree on, but the divide is pretty astounding. And I still don’t understand how someone can criticize Title IX kangaroo courts, while being OK with the same level of evidence being applied in the Senate.
“You have no right to a supreme court seat”. OK, but you also have no right to attend whatever college you want to, so I’m not understanding the logic here.
Well and I have heard people talk about the standard here for a confirmation. Is it the same standard of proof? Or any standard of proof at all?
I think it should be.
In fact I think due process should apply to every fucking thing. If you’re a private company, you can do what you want. But really? you should still adhere to it preferably.
A motivated accuser who sat on her accusation for months during the process by which the man might be found unfit to serve, and only outed herself when the Dems couldn’t forestall his confirmation. Apparently, keeping him off the bench was sufficient reason to come forward, but not during the hearings, and not the twelve or so years he spent on a lower court, not earlier in his career, and not even the night of the alleged attack. Not even after she left her friends to their fates.
Uh… no. There isn’t. How can anyone be this stupid?
Where are Trump’s rape/murder gangs Suderman promised would be roaming the streets by now? I wont speak to the asshole so one of y’all please ask him.
Suderman’s idea of good governance is the republicans caving to the democrats demands on pretty much every issue. It’s so predictable. Suderman longs for the days when there was bipartiship, ie when the democrats held insurmountable house and senate majorities and the republicans were relegated to a few powerless committee chairs. What irritates me with both his and his wife’s writing is this incessant need to hold the republicans to a level of governance that they won’t apply consistently to the democrats. It’s like the democrats are this childish rogue that the republicans must shepherd around, they routinely deny the democrats of any agency or responsibility and expect the republicans to rise above. It’s so tiresome and hacky. If an investigation is what they want why not get Ford to press charges in Montgomery County? That is far less of an ask than what they are asking for. If he’s found guilty impeach.
is still more we could possibly learn
There really is not.
One thing that would come out if there was another round of this is Ford’s yearbooks, which I understand show her circle to be quite the party girls, and show that she was still carrying on with them even after Kav supposedly assaulted her. Not quite what we have been told about how Kav inflicted lifelong trauma on her.
No one saw this coming
Well, thankfully they banned Alex Jones tho.
And me!!
You got banned?
I guess Minnesota Nice doesn’t translate in the digital age
That’s a myth – like a libertarian women.
I have no idea why they suspended my account, but as it turns out I don’t give a fuck.
Social media is lame anyways. I don’t engage in any of it.
(He says while typing on the comment board)
crackpot theories about gay frogs is a much graver and dangerous threat to our beautiful nation than calling for armed insurrection and guerrilla warfare.
I dunno man, I’m starting to think Jones may be on to something. There’s something in the water turning our boys into feckless twerps.
Good thing I never really drank the tap water growing up.
Discussing “military-minded” strategies on Twitter is peak Millennial. What a bunch of noodle-arm dweebs.
Oh my God is that cringy. These are CS:GO players talking about armed insurrection. I can smell the astringent face wash from here.
It’s hilarious
Twitter’s rank hypocrisy bothers me a lot more than a few hundred basement dwelling retards publicly discussing combat tactics for their imaginary revolution entirely in terms cribbed from Fortnite.
Unless she’s prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, this really doesn’t mean anything.
Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter
And they were summarily banned for violating Twitter policy, right?
I crack myself up.
Chelsea Handler
Follow Follow @chelseahandler
.@LindseyGrahamSC is so obviously being blackmailed by Russia. Accusations are different then testimony under oath. From a credible woman. 35 years time is not argument against an assault of a 15 year old girl. @JeffFlake @SenatorCollins @lisamurkowski
You have lost the damn plot if you think Lindsey “Kill ‘Em All And Let God Sort Them Out” Graham is a pawn of Russia. The man wants us to have ground troops in Syria and Ukraine. In what world would that be doing the bidding of Putin?
Props for threading two conspiracy theories together, though, even if it makes literally no sense
Is this the bitch whose career, such that it is, is based on what a drunken whore she is?
Accusations are different then testimony under oath.
No… no they aren’t.
From a credible woman.
That had zero corroborative evidence because the people she named wholly denied the event in question.
I’d like to see you try you little puke.
Oh, sweetie, you’re outgunned in all of the other regions, too, not just the South.
Someone showed me a video montage the other day of young men playing video games. Emotionally they were infants. If they lost they had violent tantrums, some of them smashing their computers or equipment. It seemed to me that they couldn’t distinguish reality from the games they were playing.
I have no real fear of these people. I suspect they are a large part of that crowd.
After being showered in one of their buddy’s brain goo, they’ll cry for momma and piss themselves. I can’t guarantee that I will do any different, but I hope that I have enough fortitude to not be a coward in such situations.
Sheriff said to me once “Every man has a moment in his law enforcement career when he has to ante up.” We were discussing school shootings and he meant his deputies would be ordered to go in immediately and put a stop to it. I am not law enforcement so I said
“I would amend that a bit. Every man has a moment in his life when he has to ante up. You dont see it coming but when it does, you know it.”
Him – “And you?”
Me – ” I sleep just fine at night.”
I suspect after your moment comes you will sleep just fine trshmnster.
Lol nice LARPing there
On the top of the to-do list: 2 pocket pistols and a tactical shotgun. Rifle is not much farther down the list.
On the pocket pistol side, I recommend Kahr. They make great little guns
I have rented and shot the Sig p238 and p938. I like them both.
I can shoot the p938 accurately, but I can put 7 rounds in a 10 inch circle at 5 yards in 2 seconds with the p238. I can’t with the p938. Of course, that was just the first day of practice.
I will rent and shoot the Kimber Micro 380 and Micro 9 in the next week.
Most likely I will buy Sig p938 if I decide to go 9MM or the Springfield 911 if I go 380 ACP. (I love my EMPs and will stick with Springfield if I go 380 instead of 9 MM).
I have the Sig p938. As a matter of fact I just took it off of my belt and laid it on the counter. It is a great gun. They are a little pricey but you wont regret buying one.
Price is not the top concern. The top concern is performance — mine and my wife’s, not the guns.
I like the 938, but with the little practice that I have had, I find the 238 to be marginally easier to shoot.
7 rounds in a 10 inch circle at 5 yards in 2 seconds with the p238
i like how you can rack the slide with the safety still engaged for 6+1.
Extended magazine. 7+1
Mrs. Dean has a Kahr for her carry gun. Nice little shooter.
When we get done fancying up the Casa Dean and I get a chance to top off my swimming pool full of gold coins, a combat shotgun is my next acquisition. High-capacity, short barrel, probably with clip for a flashlight.
Part of me really wishes they would push it to full scale military insurrection because they would be curbstomped so fast their heads would spin and it would be a minimum of 3 generations before it would be safe to espouse a believe in leftist ideology in public
Chuck Woolery, PI
Id watch that if it was filmed in Hawaii.
She’s a fucking froot loop.
Why is Garth Algar at a Senate committee hearing?
Robert Costa
Follow Follow @costareports
Email just now from @SenDonnelly’s office: “Donnelly Announces Opposition to Kavanaugh Nomination”
Good luck winning Indiana, soon not to be Senator Donnelly!
does not matter.
Kav has Collins, Murkowski, Flake.
^not accurate. Collins, Murkowski still unknown.
The one who sounds like she’s 19, tops?
“What’s ‘exculpatory’?”
/sheepish Gary Johnson look
I posted the link to that up near the top, and I at least had the common decency to warn people not to read the article. And here you go, spreading that derp all over the place. Won’t someone think of the children?
Something something commonsense derp control.
I’m enjoying all the hot takez today from talking heads, leftie journos, and cosmotarian fags like Balko.
I’m also enjoying the fact that the GOP grew a fuckign spine and acts as if they don’t give a single fuck as they continue towards confirming Kavanaugh.
I don’t know why, but I initially read this as “lettuce heads.”
Works for me
I’m very surprised by this development.
Today is great. Looks like Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
This is like the day after Trump was elected. I don’t like Trump, and I don’t even really like Kavanaugh.
But it’s so fucking hilarious and great anyway to see leftists this pissed off.
Balko has been such a huge disappointment.
But yeah, I actually deactivated my FB yesterday because the hot takes from my Lefty friends where too much to bare. I want to still be able to have a good report with them, so the best way to do that was to not see their shit. It’s also amazing how many of my friends could give two craps about due process.
I broached the subject carefully and diplomatically with many of them. Just asking questions. Moving the point along. I think I made headway.
I like social media for precisely that reason, though. I feel the need to keep track of what garbage people in this country believe because it needs to be fought against.
There are some Left friends of mine who are reasonable but the really Left ones can’t be reasoned with at all. Lord knows I’ve tried but their minds are so wrapped up in their belief system, that anyone trying to challenge them are immediately called a sexist, racist, misogynist, etc.
I have no problem with discussing politics with my Left friends but some of them are so far gone, that there’s no point.
True. I still keep those people around but throttled. I change their setting to “only show me their posts when multiple friends comment”. Which is useful if something gets interesting.
I try to not delete folks because I do want to keep them as friends. I just go the unfollow route.
The point is that you’re arguing for the benefit of the third parties who will see the comment.
This is how I picture the Dems reacting to being whipped by Lindsey Graham.
Browsing 4chan right now because the memes are incredible. Thank God I finished up most of my work for the week so I can fully enjoy the liberal salt. I’d go golfing today, but this is much more fun.
Speaking of which… Hey sloop! When are you back in the area? We still need to go golfing!
Tester (D-MT) is a no on Kav. Collins and Murkowski and Manchin still unknown. The prosecutor from the hearing did say she would not bring a case against Kavanaugh, hypothetically.
Of course Tester would vote no. That fat turd needs to be flushed.
Gee thanks, Chicago. You guys have almost killed enough of each other to start drifting back toward the mean.
Ya know, if we just subtract the victims before dividing by capita, murder would end tomorrow. err, well, the murder rate, at least.
*takes last desultory kick at pulpy remains of horse*
It feels, sadly, like we as a nation are losing our way.
Yeah, ever since Obama left, we have drifted, rudderless, toward the shoals.