I barely even know what day it is anymore. All I know is that its a day when rain falls from the sky…every day. Seriously, I don’t know when was the last day when we didn’t get some rain. And the forecast for today is …rain.

The playoffs are almost here!
The Diamondbacks may yet have something to say about who wins the NL West. They dumped the Dodgers yesterday and with Colorado winning, the teams flip-flopped places. With Milwaukee winning, St Louis is now a game back of LA in the wild card with 3 games left. Colorado has an extra game to play if necessary. So let’s all pull for a 3-way tie and the minor chaos that ensues from that. The only other race that matters is for home field for the 2nd-3rd division winners in the NL and the AL wild card slot, although the Yankees have a pretty good hold on that.
Today’s famous birthdays include: Cosimo de Medici, brewer and patriot Sam Adams, Mexico’s first emperor Augustin de Iturbide, the first black US Senator Hiram Revels, “Soul Train” host Don Cornelius, rocker Randy Bachman, rocker Marvin Lee Aday, baseball’s Mike Schmidt, TV’s Shaun Cassidy, moron Gwyneth Paltrow, singer Brad Arnold, rapper Lil Wayne, and Canadian person Avril Lavigne.

Happy Native American Day!
It was also the day on which the following took place: the Jesuit Order was founded, John Adams negotiates peace terms with (a defeated) Britain…on his birthday no less! The James Gang attacked a train and left 150 dead. the equation E=mc^2 was introduced, the first Model T rolled off the assembly line, the first “Native American Day” was celebrated (with much drinking perhaps?), the “Tonight Show” made its debut, the garbage book “Silent Spring” was published, Phil Niekro made his final appearance, and Greg Maddux won his final career start.
Cool stuff there. Now…the links! (Which will not include anything about Trump’s incredibly awesome press conference yesterday because I don’t even know where to begin.
Michael Avenatti might want to use a less crazy person the next time he wants to grab the spotlight. The people who know her seems o think she’s less than credible. Of course, Robby Soave seems to think this is the final nail in Kavanaugh’s coffin (because a college student attending 10 high school gang-rape parties before getting gang-raped herself seems plausible) and said he should withdraw. But that dude can’t even change a tire.

“Willie? About this big.”
Meanwhile, it sure looks like #resisting is a pretty expensive gig. Unless FB are giving her the ad space for free, which wouldn’t surprise me. But serious question: if we are a representative democracy, why would the person doing the representing and one of two people from the state with an actual vote on thew matter be pissing money away running ads to get people to say he should be denied Senate votes? That’s literally her job.
WikiLeaks has quietly replaced Julian Assange with a new editor-in-chief. Not sure what this means for Assange or the organization, but it is definitely an interesting development.

This plane must have taken off from Fantasyland
United Airlines will soon release their new slogan: “At United, we don’t give a fuck!” Seriously, you gotta figure out a better way to handle crying babies on a plane because it is a pain in the ass. But berating the parent of the baby is probably not a good start. Maybe sacrificing a row of seats to build “quiet rooms” would be a better plan on longer flights at least.
It looks like Jason Van Dyke is playing the “look, some of my best friends are black!” card in his trial. Uh, that doesn’t mean you aren’t a prejudicial sociopath that discharged your weapon 16 fucking times at an unarmed dude standing in his own yard that posed no threat to you whatsoever.
Damn, dude. Lay off the steroids next time, ok? Also, who wears white briefs these days? You think you’re Walter White or something?
Lighten up, Francis. Its just trying to get kids to participate in a way that might boost attendance to the Homecoming dance.
With apologies to BTO, this is the only song I even considered playing today.
Now go out there and have a great day!
Sure is quiet around here…
Good song pick, Sloopy. My mom, of all people, absolutely loves that song.
“So now I’m praying for the end of time”
I have an interesting story about this song. Banjos and I were driving across the country with two babies in the car and she did something that made me upset. Or I did something that made her upset or something. Neither of us remember.
Anyway, we drove almost halfway across Utah and Colorado on I-70 without saying a single word with the radio turned down low as shit. It was ugly.
Anyway, about an hour past Denver this song came on and I let it go until toward the end and I cranked it up loud as shit and started singing “the end of time” parts and looking at her until we both started laughing. So now every time this song comes on we crank it up and sing it together.
God, that was a (mostly) fun trip.
Uh no, not even close. You grabbed your phone while you were driving and went onto Apple iTunes and searched for the song, downloaded it, and played it as loud as possible occasionally looking over at me to make eye contact. It eased the tension in the pure ridiculousness of it all.
No, she’s wrong. She’s remembering a separate event years later when I deliberately did it to relieve tension on another long road trip.
We have another he said/she said over here. Someone call the FBI.
That’s it, Sloopy is disqualified from SCOTUS.
Well this is a little awkward.
What’s awkward is me having to research “early onset dementia” for my wife’s condition.
My memory is better than yours, old man.
Oh boo. You get the gist.
Can we just agree that if either of you had anything approaching the “normal” range of cognitive abilities that you wouldn’t be married to each other?
Are you calling us geniuses or retards? Need to know before answering.
One of my favorite bits of Japanese:
微妙 – びみょう – “bimyou” (1) delicate, subtle, sensitive, (2) difficult, delicate (situation), complicated, (3) doubtful, questionable, dicey.
It works so well in situations likes this. Much better than a single word in English.
My head translates it as “Meh”.
Are you calling us geniuses or retards? Need to know before answering.
Uffda. You know what I’m going to do? Just shut up and let ambiguity work for me. Which is what smart hubbies do when they are driving long distances cross country with their wives.
Just shut up and let ambiguity work for me.
Pay attention to this, youngsters. This is how you stay married/employed/alive.
No, really smart hubbies organize their lives so that every summer the woman takes the kids to visit family for three or four weeks and the hustband stays at home playing video games in his boxers and ratty Iron Maiden shirt.
No, really smart hubbies organize their lives so that every summer the woman takes the kids to visit family for three or four weeks …
…and the husband tries to hook up with Marilyn Monroe the entire time.
I always loved that movie.
While this sounds like something I would do, it didn’t happen that way.
Shouldn’t it have been this?
The sound of silence?
Never was much of a Paul Simon fan.
Shit, I SFed the link! It was supposed to be this.
I would play anything for love, but I wouldn’t play that.
+1 Bat Out Of Hell
I had nothing to say, so I was waiting for someone else to comment.
In the video, Karla DeVito is lip synching the vocals of Ellen Foley (Markie Post’s predecessor on Night Court)
Something just doesn’t seem normal about this.
So, when the “pile toppled” you began screaming and others in the house heard you as you ran across the hallway to lock yourself in the bathroom, right?
New 11th Hour claims!
There are at least five judges named “Steve Smith”, those should be Trump’s next picks.
My old high school has a Battle of the Sexes event where girls from other catholic high schools would check out and have shindigs at our school. It was one the best weeks of HS since it was an all-boy school though I wonder if they’ll still be fine next year.
Was holding hands allowed?
Let’s just say it’s hard to what is exactly happening in a large gym with a lot, a lot of teenagers huddled up. Of course, I was the shy awkward kid bravely holding up the wall so I have no idea, good sir! I assume there was hand-holding.
hard to tell*
Hopefully none of them will be nominated for the Supreme Court
You need a decent Romanian Orthodox Judge is what you need
Only if he gets a nice iconostasis behind him when he sits at the bench.
Now please tell me how might acquire one of these…Romanian Orthodox Judges?
The upkeep on a judge is expensive – it’s like a horse but with blackjack and hookers.
Sounds expensive, it better be worth every penny and orphan.
Pre-marital interdigitation? I am shocked!!
Michael Avenatti might want to use a less crazy person the next time he wants to grab the spotlight.
But the spotlight lets you grab it by the pussy.
Is there separation on the Venn Diagram between middle-aged spinsters willing to make up lies about a Judge, and crazy women?
There are more types of crazy out there.
Sounds like a small circle inside a giant crazy circle.
Ms. Harris, who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, had dozens of active Kavanaugh ads up as of Wednesday afternoon, a day before all eyes will be on the committee as senators listen to testimony by Judge Kavanaugh and one woman who has accused him of sexual assault.
The ads are slight variations on the same message, urging voters to sign a petition opposing Judge Kavanaugh. Most ads highlight what she says is his opposition to Roe v. Wade and loyalty to President Trump. Ms. Harris’s petition links to a fundraising page suggesting contributions of $15 or more to her campaign. She isn’t up for re-election this year.
This country will finally achieve true greatness when Supreme Court justices are selected by telephone vote.
“Like if you want him confirmed.
Retweet if you want him denied.”
Man, that’s a great song. Meat looks like he’s about to drop from a heart attack, though.
Best comment:
Can confirm.
It reminds me too much of the (larger) sorority girls from college
Omega Moo?
Fat, sweaty, coked up, and doesn’t give a damn. I miss the seventies
Proto-Jack Black.
Could Meatloaf have made it in today’s music world? I doubt it. He’d have an awesome regional band, but he’s too ugly for video.
To make it in today’s music world he’d have to…
(clumsily pokes self in eye while donning shades)
…start a beef with a rapper.
Nah, he’d be ground up in any beef with today’s thugs
There’s so many puns I can’t ketch up.
*narrows gaze*
He could have Fabrice Morvan lip-sync his music.
>>United Airlines will soon release their new slogan: “At United, we don’t give a fuck!”
And I’ll be flying United in another week or two. Worst part of not living near a main hub airport – usually have to take two flights – with a two hour layover – to get anywhere. Yeah it still beats driving but I really do hate the TSA kabuki theater, the cattle-like “service” and the tiny seats. I’m at the edge of claustrophobia.
The first time I ever took an airline – 1983? – we all dressed in our Sunday best. But I never got to visit the cockpit.
I’m flying for the first time in years in October. JetBlue Seattle to NYC. I bought their version of First Class (I think it’s called Mint or something), though. I am never getting on another plane if I can help it for the rest of my life, and if then only First Class
I assume you’ve never been to a Turkish prison either.
Err yeah They have managed to make flying so consistently awful that driving is the far better experience. Anything less than a 12 hour drive and I don’t even consider flying, the couple of hours it would save me are just not worth the hassle and inconvenience of flying
My mom loved roadtripping until she got too old to be able to drive cross country by herself. She hates flying more only because of the TSA. So now I go with her and no matter how much she loves to drive, I end up doing the majority of the driving.
Which is fine. I love roadtripping too. My only complaint is she does not do straight-throughs anymore even if she is not the one driving. I like to get where I’m going.
Get one of these instead:
World’s first FLYING CAR that can turn into a plane in less than a minute and soar along at 100mph is going on sale in the US next month
Much more convenient.
Big day today. We’ll find out if Congress is still capable of confirming a Supreme Court nominee. Rod Rosenstein will be dropping by the White House to quit or get fired, or just have tea.
This guy thinks Trump will flip Rosenstein. That would be interesting.
Trump said yesterday in his awesome press conference that he may postpone the meeting so he can focus on the Senate hearing. The media went bonkers.
The media take I’ve seen on the press conference is that Trump “barely delivered answers” and that he “kept interrupting women reporters”. So I figured it must have went well for Trump.
He sounded like he was having fun. And the fucking harpies were just absurd. They really have no clue how stupid they sound to the normals.
The best was the NYT guy he toyed with:
“Your paper is popular again. Say ‘thank you, Mr Trump’. Go ahead.”
The Sky News chick was actually speechless when he congratulated her on the deal with Comcast.
“Mr Reuters, good guy. Good outlet. Go ahead.”
That’s hilarious. Now I wish I’d watched it.
When he interrupted a question to go into a rambling missive on Elton John’s thoughts about doing encores and then expanding on it for what felt like 3-4 minutes was pure awesomeness.
Hehe. Reporter: “Do you think the women are liars? Yes or no.”
That takes some balls to frame a question to the president that way. He goes on to say that he’ll keep an open mind and that maybe he’ll believe them. That must’ve driven the reporters nuts having their own tactic thrown back in their faces.
The Shitposter-in- Chief.
“Mr. Kurd” LOL
Holy cow, I think he’s gonna make it!
On Swetnick, I called it yesterday that she was nuts.
But the big news of the day is this.
Taking one for the team?
I thought the whole Avenatti accuser was a 4chan prank he fell for.
*furiously checks /pol/*
Look at the date
Apparently she exists, and she ain’t quite right in the noggin.
Mistaken? Maybe, but it sure is a convenient “mistake”, being that she is an anti-Trmp, pussy-hat-wearing “resistor”.
Have,…have your people skin-suited STEVE SMITH?!
I didn’t think it was possible that something could OUT-PROBE STEVE SMITH AND BY PROBE, I MEAN…
Fuck no, part of the reason for the occupation fleet in orbit around your puny world is to contain the large rapey forest mammal. But I do enjoy making assumptions about how he would respond to this situation.
My guess is, he would show up at the hearings today, and show the everyone involved the proper way to do things.
“On Swetnick, I called it yesterday that she was nuts.”
That’s uncanny. You should play the commodities market.
Do I detect sarcasm in that comment?
*loads up on orange juice futures*
“Looking good, Billy Ray!”
::raise champagne flute from deck of yacht::
They could never make that movie today.
One of the best but underappreciated lines in a movie ever:
Seriously, you gotta figure out a better way to handle crying babies on a plane because it is a pain in the ass. But berating the parent of the baby is probably not a good start.
Keep that damn chicken quiet!
Look, Norks are not flying united (yet)
berating the parent of the baby – not babies but I have been on flights with screaming toddlers and the parent were those just let him do what he want types and made no effort to calm the little bastard down, so I would berate the parents in this case.
Agreed. But this was an 8-month old.
Drug them.
+1 Bill Cosby
Babies love Jell-O pudding!
Benadryl in the baby bottle…
Why I never, only a monster would do such a thing
Rufus owns and operates a baby pound. He probably has some good ideas but the airlines are too cheap to pay for consulting services.
Make them ride in the cargo hold. Or better yet, out on the wing.
Nothing better than a nice sprinkle. What’s your problem?
You know who else (allegedly) liked piss hookers?
That British spy that wrote a piece of fiction for the Clintons to peddle to the FBI whom then peddled it to the FISA Courts?
Dodgers are ch-ch-ch-choking.
/sing to Bowie’s Changes.
::crosses fingers this becomes a reality::
Sadly, so are the Birds on the Bat.
Interesting take. TW: probably paywalled
Hatred is a transformative power. It can make the innocuous into the menacing. So it has become a weapon of choice. The left has used hate to transform President Trump into a symbol of the new racism, not a flawed president but a systemic evil. And he must be opposed as one opposes racism, with a scorched-earth absolutism.
For Martin Luther King Jr., hatred was not necessary as a means to power. The actual details of oppression were enough. Power came to him because he rejected hate as a method of resisting menace. He called on blacks not to be defined by what menaced them. Today, because menace provides moral empowerment, blacks and their ostensible allies indulge in it. The menace of black victimization becomes the unarguable truth of the black identity. And here we are again, forever victims.
Yet the left is still stalked by obsolescence. There is simply not enough menace to service its demands for power. The voices that speak for the left have never been less convincing. It is hard for people to see the menace that drives millionaire football players to kneel before the flag. And then there is the failure of virtually every program the left has ever espoused—welfare, public housing, school busing, affirmative action, diversity programs, and so on.
For the American left today, the indulgence in hate is a death rattle.
I don’t agree with everything he says, but I think he’s right about their desperation to remain relevant, and their inability to act in a constructive manner. Tearing down will always be easier than building.
When everything is subjective and there is no truth and no reason, what can you fight for? You can only fight against. It’s a dead-end philosophy.
I don’t know how they still have all that energy to hate. That shit gets so tiring, man.
These people would have nothing without their political identity and their hatred… that’s how.
Thx. deep stuff. What’s the % of black homicides that are black on black? >90%? Yet racism is the bogeyman.
Quite telling he didn’t put “Medicare” in that list.
Still have to walk on eggshells around the Boomers, I guess.
They paid into that program! Pay no attention to the more than $300K per person overage.
I have to admit, we didn’t take the Spawn on airplanes until the youngest was 3. Crying babies never bothered me, but it always looked incredibly stressful for the parents.
“Just shut up for once…”
*Parent on a plane.
We have flown to Korea/Japan multiple times with our kids when they were babies. It can suck.
Best advice. Fly Korean Air. Koreans are suckers for kids. They spoil them rotten so if your brat acts up, they are a lot more forgiving. Also you kids can play with anyone and being half breeds they utterly fascinate the Koreans.
The main factor is the parents. If they are trying to control the kid I’ll cut them a lot of slack on crying or acting out. If they do nothing and let the kid run rampant, then there are issues.
The difference for me and most people is if the parents are doing their best to soothe kid or seem to care less.
Great for kids, not so fun for Fido.
Korean BBQ?
Baby trshmnstr is serving a self imposed 18 month ban on air travel. As a little baby she’d just sleep, but now we wouldn’t be able to keep her in a seat. She would scream and throw a fit if we tried.
Therefore, were limited to driving distance.
But serious question: if we are a representative democracy, why would the person doing the representing and one of two people from the state with an actual vote on thew matter be pissing money away running ads to get people to say he should be denied Senate votes? That’s literally her job.
I assume that is rhetorical. The goal is to destroy the mans life and destroy his credibility and they have done it. The more people evil cunts like Kamala reach through facebook the more it bolsters their claims even if untrue. Even if he is confirmed, he will be labeled a rapist the rest of his life, and it will be brought up every decision he is involved in. Like I said, these people are evil.
Blasey-Fraud is gonna testify behind a screen. Someone’s gonna walk by and “accidentally” trip and knock it over. Behind the screen will be a crying Hillary Clinton.
Blasey-Fraud – you people and the name “puns”…
We have the best punners, they’re great…you love them. Absolutely great
Plus Switzy gets to exercise his ocular muscles on a regular basis.
*preemptively narrows gaze*
You know, there is still a job opening at the LGBT weight loss center.
Letter: Socialism is great. Here’s why
Well I’m convinced.
I hear she supports everyone getting a free pony too.
I believe that was Vermin Supreme
the right to choose – choose what?
Palestinian rights, including the right to return to their ancestral homelands. -right…
She also supports a guaranteed job for all. – magic job creation ftw
Socialism is a great system that would benefit all. – I am sold
The United States is wealthy enough that we could have free housing and free healthcare. Also, student loan debt would be erased and the U.S. would still not go bankrupt. – sound economic analysis.
People’s needs will also be looked after. – history and present reality may beg to differ.
What about the Prussians? Can they return to their ancestral homes and farms?
Free Danzig!
Of course they can. So can the Sioux, Cherokee, Iroquois, etc.
Everyone needs lebensraum.
I’m sure she will still be down with socialism when she finds out her job is permanent latrine orderly.
Oh? You thought your job would be sitting around some cushy office deciding what everyone else would do?
“We tested everyone thoroughly, and this is the job you are most qualified for”
“Your job title will be Fertilizer Technician.”
“The people using the laterine are the Fertilizer Engineers.”
+1 Phillip Reardon
Speaking of socialists, enjoy this lovely tweet from Uncle Bernie.
If only our healthcare system was regulated…
After hearing it about a billion times in the last decade, I really hate hearing or seeing the word “healthcare”
I feel exactly the same way. However, I couldn’t find the heart to tell my friend who shared the tweet with me that the idea got shot down even in California.
So a foreign rep says Americans have a ‘morally wrong’ system and the world just says ‘duh’.
Trump accurately describes shit hole countries and the world gasps for air.
Funny. I feel it’s morally wrong to be compelled by force to pay for South Korea’s defense.
Meh in South Koreas defense here they are one of our few allies who are making an honest effort to provide for their own. Realistically South Korea would curbstomp North Korea in a 1-v-1 matchup and while they wouldn’t be able to beat China they would give them one hell of a fight. A very good argument could be made that they are about our only ally who does not actually need our help
I went to the comments. Big mistake:
Three Year Letterman
Sep 25
Replying to @BernieSanders
The best way to avoid healthcare costs is not to get healthcare. I refused surgery for a torn ACL and am proud to say I haven’t been to a doctor since the late ‘90s. I also forbid the players on the youth football team I coach from getting non-life saving healthcare.
15 replies 29 retweets 366 likes
Reply 15 Retweet 29 Like 366
Barry McCockiner
Sep 25
When I tore my ACL in 12th grade I told the doctors to donate it to the troops since they need it more than I do. Everybody in the hospital gave me a standing ovation.
Maybe someone smarter can help me, a veteran of two ACL surgeries, you can donate a torn ACL ligament?
They are either joking, insane or playing out the Bad Advice Duck meme.
Poe’s Law might be one of the fundamental laws of the universe at this point.
I just checked the second guy’s twitter. I’m gonna go with joking.
For the sake of humanity I’ll go with joking.
I expend a lot of willpower to not go and troll other websites. It’s a primal hunger in my soul.
If someone’s questionable story includes either or both of the phrases “everyone started applauding” or “gave me a $100 bill,” it is a joke based on tumblr memes.
“Everyone looked at me like I was the monster!”
“You just punched out the bride.”
That ACL? Albert Einstein.
Not to worry, they fixed Venezuela, turns out they added too many zeros to the currency, but it’s fixed now, everything’s under control, situation normal, we’re all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?
Socialism is so awful it even leads to the rationing of numbers.
Those zeros will be back in a year.
This is the modern urban equivalent of authentic frontier gibberish.
Socialism and democracy go hand in hand.
True. Unfortunately.
Also, student loan debt would be erased and the U.S. would still not go bankrupt.
I didn’t know this before. Count me in too LH!
If she’s fighting for women’s and alphabet soup rights, she needs to go to another country, because those groups already have all the same rights as everyone else here, plus a load of special privileges.
The biggest obstacle to palestinian rights happens to be the palestinians who repeatedly elect terrorist organziations and celebrate the deaths of their own children rather than live with the fact that Israel isn’t going anywhere. They could have had everything they needed long ago if they’d let go of the murderous hate.
What about the doctor’s rights? You going to put a gun to their heads and make them provide care?
More “civil rights” than full equality? And Puerto Rico has had multiple referenums on their fate. They chose the status quo. They have self determination, and they determined to continue to be where they were with the corrupt leadership they had.
Legal immigrants have a path to citizenship. There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant, only an illegal alien.
Gulags provided guaranteed jobs. In fact, they shot you if you didn’t work. Be careful what you wish for, dumbass.
As for your opinion – what color are the unicorns farting out free monies in your universe?
This person should look up the video of her unable to defend herself about Palestine because she’s not ‘super informed’ about it – or some such.
One of my favorite opinions on the topic (Eric Hoffer)
That’s good.
Israel is the only country I know of in the 20th century (heck, in history I reckon) that was attacked and won a war but had to return any territory won.
Eh, War of 1812 comes close.
Uh oh. Expect Bob to corpse-fuck this post.
Allow me to preempt….
Bob is still a thing? I thought he would have gotten the Grand Cat Butt by now.
Could we get a clip of Gulag Barbie answering every single interview question that way?
“International Relations class is hard!”
Most of the original “Refugees” hadn’t even been residents of the area long enough to actually qualify (less than a few years) and people have been applying to label to descendants who never even lived in the land of Israel just to keep the aid monies flowing. And to top it off, none of these ‘Refugees’ were ejected by the Israelis, they fled because other Arabs ordered them to. Less than thirty thousand are left alive, and they really should have found a new life in the seventy years that have passed.
Nobody suggests the Sudeten Germans have a right of return.
Well… There was this one guy…
Ok glib mammals, I am hesitantly summoning STEVE SMITH (cuz face it, no one enthusiastically calls him) for a full breakdown of the Kavanaugh mammal and his orbit of gropers, rape squads, and dry-humpers.
Why young Germans are feeling gloomy about their country
It’s a mystery.
It absolutely boggles the mind. We need to fund more studies.
Libertarians Are Marxist Dupes
Damn you and your principles!
John, is that you?
It opens: “…With one of the most critical midterm elections in American history just weeks away,”
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times…
It will cease to be critical when the deplorables vote with their interests along with progressives.
I notice that people like this never really try to sell their ideas. Threats and scare tactics are not persuading.
Instead of calling libertarians ‘Marxist Dupes’ maybe stop to consider why intelligent, successful people spend their own money on candidates who can’t possibly win.
…there will be a time of reckoning and realignment.
Oh no, not that.
*rolls eyes*
Let me know when the Republican Party starts acting more like Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and Thomas Massie. Then I’ll start voting for y’all.
You’d think with a major nomination, maybe the most critical in a generation, hinging on the likes of Jeff Flake and a couple blue-state pretend Republicans, they’d focus more on cleaning house than trying to purge libertarians.
I know we joke about this a lot, but there’s a reason among many why they’re the Stupid Party. I’d consider running for the party but I’m sure I’d get character assassinated just going for a city council position.
They aren’t the “Stupid Party”. They are the “Pretend not to be Democrat” party. At least the Dems don’t even bother trying to get my vote.
Valid point, valid point.
Naïvely principled as opposed to what kind of principled?
otherwise the wrong lizard wins.
I’m certain if Douglas Adams was still alive, he would likely have tweeted multiple things that would have him branded as ‘problematic.’ The bit you quoted was a great little aside on the problems with democracy. My favorite part, “Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happenned to them… They’re completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone’s got to say it.”
Your votes belong to US, you serfs!
“After this November, should Republicans lose control of Congress, there will be a time of reckoning and realignment. For now, libertarians, and their donors, need to understand the consequences of their choices.”
If team red is so worried about the Libertarian effect, why not realign now?
Nononono, it’s up to YOU to align with THEM, not the other way around. How dare you presume to know better than the Republican establishment!
Thot Thursday.
Lots here for ass Glibs.
15, 17, and a nice humble serving of 22 please and thank you, SIR!
16 and 36. There’s a reason why “slim” rhymes with “win”.
The “scientific method” is all well and good, as long as we get the answers we’re looking for. If not….
The fall of a prominent food and marketing researcher may be a cautionary tale for scientists who are tempted to manipulate data and chase headlines.
Brian Wansink, the head of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, announced last week that he would retire from the university at the end of the academic year. Less than 48 hours earlier, JAMA, a journal published by the American Medical Association, had retracted six of Wansink’s studies, after Cornell told the journal’s editors that Wansink had not kept the original data and the university could not vouch for the validity of his studies.
In an internal review spurred by a wide range of allegations of research misconduct, a Cornell faculty committee reported a litany of faults with Wansink’s work, including “misreporting of research data, problematic statistical techniques, failure to properly document and preserve research results, and inappropriate authorship.” Cornell apologized for Wansink’s “academic misconduct,” removed him from his teaching and research posts, and obligated him to spend the remainder of his time there “cooperating with the university in its ongoing review of his prior research.”
The gold standard of scientific studies is to make a single hypothesis, gather data to test it, and analyze the results to see if it holds up. By Wansink’s own admission in the blog post, that’s not what happened in his lab.
Instead, when his first hypothesis didn’t bear out, Wansink wrote that he used the same data to test other hypotheses. “He just kept analyzing those datasets over and over and over again, and he instructed others to do so as well, until he found something,” van der Zee says.
He tortured the data in violation of the Geneva Conventions on Experimentation and Research. Too bad he’s not a “climate scientist”. This would have been swept under the rug.
My AGW believer friend literally told me I trust scientist because they are honest, unbiased and do not have a political agenda. I was speechless…
Scientists are humans.
Humans are fallable.
Scientists are fallable.
Science makes them infallible, like victimhood.
Did your friend have anything to say about the “scientists” who falsified data? or deleted data to prevent people from verify their work? Or lied about what other scientists said? Or had such bad methodology that their work proved utterly nothing but how biased their preconceptions were?
I doubt he has any idea about what happens in science beyond the fact he fucking loves it. He reads almost no science news unless it is on Vox or something (yes he is Romanian and lives in Romania but gets the majority of his information from Vox)
Vox? The same people who complained about the Israelis closing the bridge between Gaza and the West Bank? That Vox?
But I bet they could name two or maybe even three steps of the sciencing process they were taught in middle school. Can you do better, denier?
It goes “Conclusion, hypothesis, modeling, data, press release, grants.”
Mine said that the corporate “scientists” don’t release raw data, but he AGW consensus scientists do. I forwarded links about how that isn’t remotely true and am enjoying the sounds of crickets.
Government-funded science calls fore more government, and nobody bats an eyelash.
But her Mom was hot.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
GIS for Blythe Danner. Ignore the pictures of the 75 year old version, although she is pretty good looking for 75.
Blythe Danner when she played Martha Jefferson in 1776 was pretty damned hot, yeah.
So she was hot 250 years ago. Big deal. Standards have changed.
Socialism and democracy go hand in hand. The people will have a direct say in their government. People’s needs will also be looked after.
Like the “need” for the peace and tranquil equality of a mass grave, for instance.
Don’t have to worry about feeding, clothing, or sheltering people if you execute them all.
*insert the Roll Safe meme with the guy tapping his forehead*
Could it be, years from now, that you will remember where you were and what you were doing when Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford came to Washington to relive their conflicting high school memories?
Will the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing be a where-were-you moment?
Are we on the verge of one of those moments — like, for those old enough, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated? Or when the space shuttle Challenger exploded? Or the twin
towers fell?
Do such indelible moments even happen anymore?
For more than two years American political life has been a rough and ugly storm of debate over gender, power, ego and truth. “#MeToo” swept through the culture. “Me,” says President Donald Trump. “Me.”
Here’s the thing they clearly overlooked.
Those moments used as examples are shocking, sudden and short events that encapsulate a small span of a person’s life and thus can be imprinted. A similarly momumentus event like the moon landing is less sudden, but of greater import in terms of achievement.
Some political smear job is neither sudden nor unexpected. It might be shocking to those less jaded regarding the levels the dems sink to, but it does not intrude into the everyday minds of people not steeped in the political bubble.
I have no idea what I was doing when they Borked Bork and lynched Thomas.
I know that, for me, 1982 is a slide show of blurry mental images. I’m pretty sure I was in college then, because I have transcripts.
I can’t remember 1982.
Could be that I was only born halfway through it.
June 16th
Holy moly that fruit sushi article from the other day is just trash.
I’m sad I gave them a click.
He’d be the perfect mark if you’re thinking of running an extortion scam.
Robby was always a poor writer. ENB may not be that libertarian herself but her writing tends to be better…
ENB is a good journalist.
She’s a fucking moron. She does a passable job of covering her beat, which is the sex trade. Past that she doesn’t do even cursory original research and will republish pretty much anything she gets secondhand as long as the source is on the same political wavelength. To the extent she could be called a journalist rather than an opinion writer, she’s a lazy one. Whinging about having to pay for her own birth control and publishing listicles of what books to keep on your shelf to impress your one night stands over at Bustle was her highest level of competence.
” listicles of what books to keep on your shelf to impress your one night stands ”
Sounds useful, actually. Remember any of them?
My night stands have seen too much to be impressed by anything anymore.
It looks like I may have been conflating this blurb and one of her many other listicles.
That said, you may want to check out her Bustle author profile for many more hip millennial life hacks.
She handles her beat quite ok which makes her better than most journalists out there.
Let’s not forget she has a Nutrition Certificate from Cornell – that makes her a Neil DeGrasse Tyson level scientist.
Being a poor writer doesn’t mean you should have no logical or critical thinking skills.
poor writer I guess I mean overall including style and no logic or consistency…
After this November, should Republicans lose control of Congress, there will be a time of reckoning and realignment. For now, libertarians, and their donors, need to understand the consequences of their choices. A vote for a Libertarian is a vote for oligarchic socialism.
What this Party needs is a good purge.
Donald Trump says he’s ‘not happy’ about Fed’s interest rate increase
President Donald Trump said on Wednesday (Sept 26) he’s “not happy” about the Federal Reserve’s decision hours earlier to raise interest rates for a third time this year.
“Unfortunately, they just raised interest rates,” Trump said at a press conference in New York, where he was attending the annual United Nations General Assembly.
“I am not happy about that.”
Is this the same guy that called Obama’s economy a bubble?
To be fair if there’s a crash it should be after midterms…
Detective caught having loud sex with married lawyer in police station interview room
He s afeared for his life and so took down the lawer…erm…yeah.
Would. Probably wait till after work, though.
Ugh, made the mistake of engaging a leftie friend. He didn’t even know about how no one at the Ford party admitted to being there, including her BFF. Didn’t know about the bogus polygraph. Gave me the ol’, ‘you know a lot about this, why do you care so much?’
Pivoted to “this is why you investigate instead of shoving him through!!!” I asked if there is any chance dems are just trying to drag it out past the election. No, of course not.
“you know a lot about this, why do you care so much?”
A devastating argument indeed.
KO’d me.
He reads a lot of deadspin, so I assume he gets a ton of “news” from splinter.
Sounds like the arguments over guns, too.
exactly the same.
“why do you know so much about guns?”
Gave me the ol’, ‘you know a lot about this, why do you care so much?’
And yet he clearly cares a lot and knows little or nothing. Is this supposed to be a point?
I am preparing for Kavanaugh being a serial grab ass. I will be eating some crow.
In the meantime, based on available information my friend is an asshole.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission twitter account seems to be full of what looks like bad memes. To be fair this is probably one of the less inefficient things they spend money on.
I saw that yesterday — funny stuff.
“Julie Swetnick, Accuser With Jewish Relatives, Says Kavanaugh Drugged ”
What does (((that))) have to do with the price of bananas?
It’s going to be a Debate question.
“Who Is Julie Swetnick, New Kavanaugh Accuser With Jewish Roots?
A Jewish woman who is a longtime federal employee has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct at “train rape” parties when they were both in high school, the third woman to level accusations against him in recent weeks.
Julie Swetnick claims in a sworn affadavit that she was a victim of “gang rapes” at parties frequented by Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge in high school, lawyer Michael Avenatti tweeted Wednesday.
“She reached out to me for representation and yes she is Jewish,” Avenatti told the Forward via email.”
Read more: https://forward.com/news/410977/who-is-julie-swetnick-new-kavanaugh-accuser-with-jewish-roots/”
That’s your headline? Really?
Is it an alt-right website. I’m moving from Avennati is a horrible person to something is dreadfully wrong with his brain.
I don’t think The Forward is an alt-right site.
Ha! Shows how much you know.
It’s a false flag operation!
“train rape”
Definite Sublime album name if they were still around.
Something something only if there’s a buy one get 4 free?
I don’t know.
That’s actually hilarious.
Ham-fisted attempt to either get (((them))) on board and/or signal to the Sharpton vote.
I already said no. See above for the longer argument.
The fucking AP?
If it actually happens, I imagine I’ll be at work.
The last Congressional hearings I remember where I was at was Ollie North. And I was in NAS Memphis and we were all rooting for that dick head.
Same for me, although that was because the hearings were the same time as my grandfather’s funeral.
I don’t even want to turn my radio on to find out what npr can manage to say
Something like this I’m guessing.
DOD Fails to Implement Biosecurity Years after Army Lab Mistakenly Sent 575 Anthrax Samples
DOD is clearly underfunded to tackle a problem of this magnitude.
Mueller’s ears pirk up…
So NBA training camps started we are getting ready for some decent sports… Who here thinks Lonzo will have a breakout season?
“NBA… Decent sports”
Did you suffer a head injury?
Hey, Norwegian-style Boxing is a sport.
I’m still convinced nba is rigged.
But I passively pay attention to it for some reason.
Hockey starting soon has me very excited.
October to June is a long time to just give Golden State another title.
He’s Romanian. He still mad fond memories 0f Gheorghe Mureșan.
Europeans and their insatiable ‘basketball’ love …
The NBA doesn’t matter at all until the playoffs.
He’ll be ok.
Way too early prediction is Celtics Lakers throwback.
Boston should have an easier time to get there, Toronto being the big challenge this time.
GSW and Houston are still top dogs, but who knows.
not this year unless somehow Ingram becomes KD overnight
GSW will get Cousins back just in time for the playoff run.
Lonzo will always have a hard ceiling because he can’t shoot for shit. Great passer, though. Not sure he will mesh with Lebron well.
He’ll come out shooting 38% / 47% this season.
Jason Kidd couldn’t shoot until he was well into his 30s and he’s in the HOF, so Lonzo should be OK.
Jason Kidd was a much better athlete than Lonzo, though. Lonzo’s game is all based on superior BBIQ and passing, and he’s fantastic in that way, but he can’t create for himself and he’s a lousy shooter. He has to be surrounded by great scorers to succeed. He’s not a great fit for Lebron because Lonzo has to dominate the ball to be effective.
Lonzo is 2 inches taller and not that bad an athlete. And the shooting will probably improve… He needs a floater though and those damn free throws.
I would think a guy with a high BBIQ would feast on easy buckets courtesy of back door cuts and Lebron James looking to pass. Lebron is a ball hog, but not a black hole. If you get open, he’ll find you.
After thinking that maybe the T-woofs would be decent, Jimmy Butler goes full prima donna and demands a trade? Yeah, the Vikings look more functional than them right now and they have a star who is literally insane right now.
Besides, until Golden State breaks up, the West is a done deal.
Jimmy Butler goes full prima donna – I don’t see it that way… The guy did not want to stay. He owed nothing to the team. They tried to underpay him.
Bull. They paid him top dollar and rolled out the red carpet for him. He’s playing for his bobo coach. They gave him the team.
I honestly think that he looks at GSW and knows that he needs to get to the East to make a run. And he reportedly is working with Kyrie to find a home somewhere they can play together.
That is the #1 problem with the NBA now. They are letting these jackasses have too much mobility. I can’t see any of the Lakers/Celtics/Bulls pulling shit like this. Could you imaging Magic and Bird deciding that they should jump ship and go play for the Sonics together?
They paid him top dollar – this is wrong.
Nobody. He’s a bust.
The Knicks are actually interesting for the first time in what seems like centuries. Kevin Knox looks like a future star and Mitchell Robinson looks like he’s going to be an absolute steal. Dude is a 7’1″ human pogo stick.
I actually hope Porzingis doesn’t come back anytime soon to ensure maximum suckage and another high draft pick. Get another promising young talent and they might actually be building something.
Mitchell Robinson – yeah huge mistake by Lakers with Wagner… Probably also with Bogna but time will tell…
Got back from Chiang Mai yesterday. I am officially in love. An incredible city and pretty much everything went exactly as I had planned. Scouted out apartments and workspaces. Hung out with elephants for four hours; did a tour of the gorgeous, golden Doi Suthep temple in the mountains; and had a charming dinner on a boat on the Ping River during sunset.
I’m very glad I did the boots-on-the-ground exploration. Moving there early next year now feels much more concrete and realistic.
Will do a Slab City-esque picto-writeup if folks are interested.
As far as I can tell, there isn’t an article topic the commentariat will declare disinterest in.
Is that a challenge?
“How I fixed my tuuk with epoxy; Being a cheap ass by Chipperbot”
“How to turn a $250 one piece into a frankenstick; Being a cheap ass by Chipperbot”
Expect lots of pictures…
In my one short trip to Thailand I visited mostly tourist traps and regretted it later… But I was younger and dumber and with the wrong crowd.
In my unplanned vacation in Thailand, I spent a large chunk of my time drinking heavily. Drove awesome go-carts (both really fast racetrack carts and dirt track 4X4 carts), ate an ostrich burger and a bunch of awesome Thai food, saw children beating the hell out of each other while disreputable looking men bet large amounts of money on them, went bungee jumping. It was a great time even before you get to the hookers.
How’s the salary vs cost of living ratio? Our plan is to retire in Bali in ten or fifteen years.
No idea about salary. I’m going solo and doing projects online and teaching if money gets tight. Street food for a meal is usually under a buck and we had some incredibly fancy dinners for $15 a person including drinks. Very fancy drinks. I had an ‘Egyptian Ale” which..I’ve never heard of at a place called Beer Lab. Was quite impressed. Her drink came with a dry ice tray underneath for further fun.
I live alone so won’t help you much–but I found one (shitty) place that was about $80/month. Much more reasonably is $250-$400/month in primo territory for a classy and furnished spot. I’ll probably look initially at places a neighborhood north to cut back on price and still be close to the action. I met a cool real estate guy that I’ll be relying on as well. Was very impressed with the stuff that I could get at the supermarket that I went to. Lots of shit was cheaply available that I just can’t get here in Korea.
It has finally clicked in my brain that I am absolutely going to do this.
Sounds reasonable. I only work in the city so that we can save enough to get the hell out when the kid grows up. My train fare alone costs $250 a month.
How long will they let you stay?
As an American, you can get a 1 month tourist visa on arrival. You can then extend that to a 3 month tourist visa if you’re so inclined. If you find employment, you can adjust your visa to a business visa, but that requires you to do a visa run across the border, but you’re good for a year. If you maintain residency for 5 years, you can apply for permanent residency, which all-in-all is much easier to do than many other places.
Visa lasts for 3 months but you can get a multiple-entry visa. Forces you to travel out of country to stay current but as long as you’re clean-cut and don’t cause problems the country is pretty cool about everything. My adult life has all been about travel so that to me is a forced vacation that will help me further my exploits and adventures. They recognize that expat workers help the economy and don’t give you shit about your living there without having a permanent visa status.
A visa run to Vientiane can be really really fun.
Vientiane is the most boring city in SE Asia. Vang Vieng on the other hand….
I wouldn’t want to live in a minority area of a Muslim-majority country.
Very nice, I’d be cool with an article about that. Would love some pics too.
Nice. What will you be doing in Chiang Mai?
I’m going to do online proofreading/copy-editing/editing for myself. I will get teaching gigs, online or in-person if I need to make ends meet, but I am very much against doing so. I have a bit of a bankroll and I’ll use that to float myself during the initial stages of building my empire.
I probably will drop down $2k which will be rent for 6 months and just grind away. I reckon if I can make $50 a day I’ll be treading water comfortably and if I get to $100 a day I’ll be making much more than I am now considering the much lower cost of living there.
I’ve tried to get in touch with you about the city. If there is anything specific (or general) that could be insightful for me–hangups or pitfalls–that I can avoid I would really appreciate it. I’m definitely moving there. This trip absolutely convinced me. It’s SE Asia full stop, but with a distinctive Singaporean feel to it. Seems like a perfect place for me to reimagine and redefine how I live and what field I work in.
Excellent. I know a couple who did the digital nomad thing in Chiang Mai. It’s a much better place to do it than Bangkok. Also, I just sent you an email, so you have my contact info now.
Chiang Mai is the second coolest city I’ve ever seen, after HK.
Living there would be a dream come true.
I cannot express the levels of incompetence and pettiness displayed this week by a certain company who shall remain nameless, but whose initials are one letter away from Arthur C. Clark’s psycho computer in 2001. It’s a long story, but they shut off my work email address and access to several systems despite being told very clearly and very often not to do that.
“Why did you shut off KK?”
“We had a ticket to deactivate the user.”
“You were told not to.”
“But we had a ticket.”
And they were told not to IN THE TICKET
I don’t read past the first line.
Most don’t get that far.
“It’s a user deactivation ticket for username KK. *deactivates user*”
Nobody reads the articles, either.
JAL? At least they still do the hot flight attendant thing.
Oh man….I remember having a layover at Haneda and eating lunch next to a big table of JAL flight attendents. Probably a dozen of them, and they were all gorgeous.
Sounds like it’s time to throw some ‘bows.
Ten years ago, I was having difficulty with Verizon and a trunk line for my internet/phone service. So much so that I wanted to transfer my phone service back to POTs.
I called them and stated very clearly that I wanted my phone lines off the trunk and put back on copper POTs. Instead, they entered a disconnect order for the six phone lines that the business had retained since 1984. I spent the next two days in phone company bureaucratic hell frantically trying to get my phones restored. It took some legal pressure at the state corporation commission to finally get it to happen.
Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
All this happened after my boss gave them a very painful figurative rodgering the other day. He may have given them an actual rodgering, seeing how fast they ran out of the office. It’s like my boss is STEVE SMITH or something.
Never underestimate that indifference of slow moving bureaucracies, regardless of what sector they’re in. The large company I support had an issue a couple months ago where they disabled all the accounts approved by one manager. This included all but a handful of people with access to the phone systems and gateways. It took them almost a week to get all the access reinstated. If they had a major issue during that week, they would have been SOL.
Look, the system is more secure when Nobody can access it.
It looks like someone else has read the BOFH. I was one of the lucky few who didn’t have their access purged, so it was a busy week for me.
Nope. Never read that.
Speaking from experience. The system works fine when the users aren’t on it.
My boss is livid
She’s been ranting for 30 minutes
Ma’am–ma’am! Calm down.
“Thomas Sheehy, a tax examiner at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), was caught on camera expressing support for the idea of the IRS targeting conservative groups.
Sheehy, a member of the Austin chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), also talked about enjoying the lavish benefits afforded at his job, which allow him to stay up late and call in sick the next day.”
Listen, the consummate professionals in the federal government would NEVER let their personal viewpoints affect their work
Unless they’re police, of course, in which case they’re animated by white-hot hatred for black men.
My favorite comment I keep hearing about Swetnick is she worked for the government why would she lie?
“Mark Judge’s former girlfriend is ready to talk to FBI and Judiciary Committee, her lawyer says
The onetime girlfriend of Mark Judge, who is alleged by Christine Blasey Ford to have been present while Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, has emerged as a pivotal if hidden figure in this whole affair — and now she’s prepared to speak to the FBI and the Judiciary Committee about what she knows, according to a letter from her lawyer that I’ve obtained.
Judge’s college girlfriend, Elizabeth Rasor, is represented by lawyer Roberta Kaplan, who sent a letter to the Judiciary Committee today. The letter, which was provided to me by a senior Senate Democratic aide on the committee, says that Rasor “would welcome the opportunity” to speak to “agents of the FBI as part of a reopened background investigation” into Kavanaugh’s conduct.”
So, she says she knows nothing about Kavanaugh being involved in anything, and this is relevant in what way, again?
On second thought, I’m convinced. Vote NO to putting Mark Judge on the Supreme Court!
But then we don’t get to say Judge Judge.
Judge Judge sounds silly anyways.
Judge Squared.
The whole point of this shitshow wasn’t present plausible case that Kav was a potential rapist. It was about getting the dog to chase it’s tail and in that they’ve succeed beyond their wildest dreams. They are doing this for the idiot/bigot vote. Even if every single accusation is ripped to shreds, it doesn’t matter and in fact may help the Dems because that would piss off the right even more. This was absolutely a no win game. Only a try not to lose badly game. Depressing.
Plus one guilt by association. Judge has written that he was an alcoholic party boy – Dems have been salivating to get him in front of the committee.
They openly laugh at Kav for having been a virgin for so long, but want to paint him as a party animal, too. Inconsistent moral scolds are the worst.
The number of women willing to be mendacious bitches using alleged sex crimes to destroy a perceived political threat really is disturbing. I guess it’s always been this way but, man, is this eye opening.
Here is a particularly harsh take on it (written by a woman). The bottom line – being a middle-aged spinster is no more enjoyable now than it was a few centuries ago, but now it is actively encouraged and celebrated by fanatics. Everything that would have given these women some happiness and stability in life – family, children, grandchildren, religion, community – has been lost. No wonder they have gone bonkers.
Huh. Gab is blocked at work. Not because it’s social media, like Facebook or Twitter.
Well, they are fans of lactose.
Probably not the chocolate kind, just sayin’.
Browser histories would surprise you.
I wonder whether men would be as afflicted as women if they didn’t tend to kill themselves more frequently.
Linked within the replies:
It paints with a broad brush but has a ring of truth to it.
Sheehy, a member of the Austin chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), also talked about enjoying the lavish benefits afforded at his job, which allow him to stay up late and call in sick the next day.”
Lavish benefits for some, audits for others.
Man builds expensive kiddie porn dungeon
Sure, it’s creepy, but do it at 1/72 scale and suddenly it’s cool.
Speaking of which…..I never see Yusef’s diorama threads in time to comment before people move on to a new one, but I do want to say how much I appreciate them. My son just recently decided he wanted us to do a car model together, so I’m helping build one of those for the first time in close to thirty years. We’re having a lot of fun together, and it’s nice to see him excited about something other than playing Fortnite.
OMWC takes up a hobby…
“Free Speech Platform Gab Flies ‘Investigate Twitter’ Banner over Company’s HQ
Gab.com, the free-speech social media platform and a direct competitor to the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe, flew a banner over Twitter HQ in San Francisco recently. The banner read, “Trump: Investigate Twitter! Join Gab.com,” a photo of the plane flying the banner can be seen below:”
TW: Breitbart
I joined GAB just to read stuff.
Twitter’s HQ doesn’t look quite as glamorous as some of the other tech giants.
You say that as though it were a bad thing: Parkinson’s Law of Buildings
Sounds shaky to me.
I’m just surprised they didn’t splash out for a campus like the big boys. I’m told by all the business porn that’s the only way to attract the top talent in the valley.
And now for the weather. It was a bit chilly in Los Angeles.
Dude in the green shirt got busted.
She’s cute. Also, who is she?
Really? Without the make-up she looks like an average high school girl.
You and I had very different high school experiences.
The daughters of the dude from Clash of the Titans.
Was that the one about football or the one with the kraken?
The latter
+1 Kraken
Wow. Way to go Burgess!
Hm. I had no idea that the DSL gene was a thing. But I approve.
I’ve pimped it before, but The Swamp is a really well done mini doc.
They have some new episodes coming up, so if you haven’t watched the first batch, get on it.
Senate bill would boost AI adoption in federal government
On the bright side this will probably set a Skynet apocalypse back at least 10 years.
Lucky Gunner found an old tape from Shooting Outdoors. Lots of nostalgia for you Fudds.
That was really good. Thanks, Leap!
And, that’s great. I am seriously looking at getting a pair of .380s.
Dual-wielding is harder than it lookes in movies.
One for me. One for spousal unit.
Back ups for the EMP 9MM.
Where is our next generation of bipartisan authoritarians? TW: Max Bootlicker
Win or lose, Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Tex.) has some serious cojones. He is running against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), and running strongly, in a state where guns are regarded by many as a birthright — and he is advocating not just minor gun controls but a complete ban on the sale of semiautomatic assault rifles such as the AR-15. His sensible stance has been predictably attacked by Texas Republicans, who will use it to paint him as out of step with “Texas values.”
There is, on the surface, nothing surprising about the GOP tactics, since Republicans have long been known as the gun-rights party. But it wasn’t always thus. Republicans made the same transition on gun control as on environmentalism, civil rights, immigration, taxes and other issues — from moderate conservatism to far-right fanaticism. Therein lies a tragedy for the Republican Party — and for the republic.
No federal legislation toughening gun laws has been passed since 1994, largely because the GOP has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby. Democrats, for their part, have varied in their enthusiasm for gun control; their support waned after the passage of the assault-weapons ban was blamed for costing them control of Congress in 1994. The Republican Party orthodoxy has become that anyone — no matter how demented or dangerous — who wants a military-grade weapon should be entitled to one.
Economist Mark Gius of Quinnipiac University found that the federal assault weapons ban had little impact on the overall U.S. murder rate, which has been declining for years but is still much higher than in other Western countries. It did, however, have a “statistically significant” effect on the number of school shooting victims. “When the assault weapons ban, state or federal, was in effect, the number of school shooting victims was 54.4 percent less than (when it was not in effect),” he writes. A federal assault weapons ban would be even more beneficial if, unlike the 1994 legislation, it were not riddled with loopholes and if, as in Australia, it included a provision forcing existing gun owners to turn in their assault rifles.
The Constitution is not a suicide pact. We need to aggressively eliminate the rights of the peasantry. Some day they might figure out what we’re up to.
Now, let’s get out there and cherry-pick some data, while we’re waiting for some more dead bodies to stand on. For the children!
“Republicans made the same transition on gun control as on environmentalism, civil rights, immigration, taxes and other issues — from moderate conservatism to far-right fanaticism.
No federal legislation toughening gun laws has been passed since 1994, largely because the GOP has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby.”
Cool story, bro.
semiautomatic assault rifles
I’m effectively barred from being a “gun nut” (not going to happen in New York City). But, even I know this particular turn of phrase doesn’t make much sense. An assault rifle is a gun where you can select between fully and semi-automatic. What Boot sounds like he’s referring to is simply “semiautomatic rifles” or the ever-popular “assault weapon” (compared to the non-assault weapon, but that’s a different story). For a guy who makes his living as a wordsmith, rather than any particular knowledge or insight, Boot doesn’t have a very good way with words.
Bear in mind that the only reason they ever use the accurate term “semiautomatic” is because they think it actually means “fully automatic”, or at least hope their readership will.
Semiautomatic is two more syllables than automatic, so you sound smarter when you say it.
What a farce. Alyssa Milano is at the hearing.
Someone please, PLEASE, call her Samantha during questioning.
No – call her Charlotte.
Doing what?
So far just sitting behind Dr. Ford a couple rows, but who knows.
So brave.
If I were sitting behind Mrs. Ford, i’d be making the OK with just to troll people.
Furiously tweeting profound insights, I would imagine.
Padding her brand
Offering handjobs for roles.
“Alyssa Milano gaggles with reporters. She says she is here as an invited guest of @SenFeinstein”
Serious business.
Of course she is. Because that’s the craziest thing I could imagine.
From the comments – holy shit.
is Tony Danza sitting behind Kav? b/c that would be classic.
Is Scott Baio still alive?
But on gun control, as on so many other issues, Republicans today are immune to reason and at odds with their own history of moderation, because they regard an absolutist position as a political necessity. If O’Rourke manages to win — improbable but not impossible — his success could call that destructive assumption into question.
Vote for the party of rationality and moderation.
Just like that national conversation on race we seem never to get around to yet is all anyone talks about.
“Nobody is going to take away your guns you fucking fanatics!”
+1 Walk Away
I can find no record of either Joe Walsh or Jesse James killing 150 people in a train robbery.
The only reference I came up with is Quantrill’s Raiders killing 150 in Kansas in August.
Frank James was there and Jesse may or may not have been.
Wait, must be this…Bloody Bill Anderson, on 27 Sep, led the raid on Centralia Mo, and killed ~150 Union soldiers, including 25 unarmed soldiers on a train.
Not the James Gang, but Frank and Jesse were very likely there.
Shitshow under way.
Ford looks panicked
She looks batshit crazy.
She is, isn’t she?
I guessed wrong. She showed.
This is an actress
Not sure about that, I think she’s in over her head. It will be interesting if the Republicans bring up the people who called in and said it was them instead of Kavanaugh. I’m certain she’s heard about it, and have to wonder how it’s impacting her thought process.
Fuck Feinstein with this re-victimization bullshit.
If you make an accusation of criminal violence against someone, you have to back it up. It’s never going to be pretty, so suck it up.
And Feinstein is directly stating the burden of proof is on Kavanaugh against a criminal accusation.
Recounting the accusations from all parties against Kavanaugh with no “allegedly” anywhere.
I believe that statements by Congressholes during official sessions are immune from defamation suits.
Diane F: The Republicans won’t produce any witnesses that would contradict Dr. Ford’s testimony. Lol.
“We Call Ford from last week, and then we’ll call Ford from the week before that. Then the week before that.”
They have sworn statements from those witnesses.
Awww shit. She’s about to start bawling.
No way she makes it the whole way. She’s cracking already and she hasn’t even spoken yet.
She’s precisely where she never wanted to be: under oath, running cover for her Dem handlers. I’d be upset, too.
Why the hell are you people watching this shit? Go and enjoy your “beautiful” Fall weather. Accomplish something at work. Read a book. Masturbate. Any activity is more fulfilling and meaningful than participating as a passive observer to this nonsense.
The exception would be if you’re playing some sort of drinking game, but it’s pretty early in the morning for that.
Fair enough.
It’s never too early to drink!
I can drink when I’m awake.
Dude. This is Shakespearean. Or maybe more Days of Our Lives, but still it’s great entertainment.
I haven’t watched a Senate hearing since the McCain/Steroids in baseball debacle.
I want to be able to say I was there when the Senate Republicans ran a train on Dr. Ford after dosing her coffee with Benadryl
Challenge Accepted
You’re a more virile man than I if you can pull that off.
Don’t pull it that hard.
Accomplish something at work.
I’m watching Old Faithful Weather Channel. They tried the ESPN thing of going political a couple years ago, and they’ve backed that off almost entirely. They’re a great escape, even if they show the same shit over and over and over.
I’m watching movies off my DVR since I have two days off.
Andrei Tarkovsky is overrated.
Chuck seems nervous.
Ford has a little-girl voice, which makes me suspect she was molested as a child.
Stefan Molyneux confirmed?
He was molested as a child?
Holy shit that vocal fry teenage voice!!!
I read the opening statement last night. Seems she’s sticking to it word for word.
Has this Leland friend gone back on her statement of “sorry, I wasn’t there and I don’t know Brett. I still believe you though!”?
All these fucking intimate details that ruined her life, but can’t remember WHEN
I still don’t understand how other people the accuser told about the attack, but who did not actually witness the attack themselves, could be considered witnesses. How is it the tiniest bit relevant what she told her husband or friends 30 years after the alleged attack?
Reminds me how reporters have started confirming a story by citing other media reports in a circle jerk fashion.
In a general sense, this kind of thing is done to demonstrate that the assertion is not a strategic decision.
Consider a 17 year old kid getting a job for the firs time and then suddenly deciding keeping the Sabbath is now suddenly very important to them. Sounds like they just don’t want to work on Sundays.
Now consider the same kid who has a long track record of telling people that keeping the Sabbath is important for the last five years and.
Here, the idea is that this person named K to third parties before his name was on the short list, meaning she wasn’t sitting with a form letter just waiting to fill in the right name.
Her supposed revelation occurred in April 2012, a month after Kavanaugh made Romney’s shortlist. I’m not cynical enough just yet to say she was waiting to fill in the blank, but it does seem like a happy coincidence.
it all started in 2012’s Romney vs Obama.
Its not corroboration at all, despite the idiotic misuse of that word.
Probably the best way to look at it is that it supports the credibility of the accuser. Of course, it helps when you tell people about the horrific life-changing attack contemporaneously, and not nearly 30 years later.
What doesn’t help your credibility is beginning your testimony by “correcting” the written statements that you made earlier, which I gather Ford has done.
Especially when she first coughed this up in marriage counseling.
No incentive to lie there. None at all.
Gods damn it BrewDog, roll with the joke. I met the guys from Scofflaw at your stockholders meeting, they seemed like decent guys and had good beer. Including a double IPA that while many here wouldn’t care for it, none would complain about the name: “Fuck Cancer”.
Serve beer to Trump voters? Not at *MY* bar. We don’t serve their kind here. All are welcome!
Not even Trump voters, this was for an event at BrewDog’s 36 UK bars. Scofflaw was shipping beer over, and they offered to give a free pint to anyone who claimed to be a Trump supporter.
Even Worse! Get those people out of this open establishment. Love will overcome Hate, that’s why we need to make a loud, public announcement of our inability to engage in business with this class of person!
I need to stop by scofflaw next time I am in Atlanta. Not that I am a Trump suppoter, but I like the attitude.
I need to get by Scofflaw too. Haven’t seen Fuck Cancer in stores, but everything I’ve tried has been good and Basement, POG and Double Jeopardy IPA’s are frequently in my fridge.
BTW, GABF roadtrip report in the works? If not how’d you like Monday Night and Orpheus?
I don’t believe I took anywhere near enough pictures and notes to do the GABF justice. It was massive. Both Monday Night and Orpheus had some good beers, but I’d be hard pressed to remember which ones I tried without scrolling back through my Untappd history. The next time I go, I’ll be flying in more then a day before to give myself more time to acclimate, and will probably aim for an afternoon session.
It was really funny to be running into brewers from all over when just bar crawling the next couple of days. And there was the time I almost decided to pretend to work for a brewery that I knew wasn’t in attendance to get into a brunch.
People are remembering with intimate detail goings on at boozy events from decades ago. It’s all the rage now. You can do this.
I’m also gearing up for Cleveland Beer Week, which is in a couple of weeks. I may just combine everything into a “So you want to go to a beer fest…” style column. So far, I’ve got tickets for three of the events, and waiting for the bars/breweries to get everything else going on up so I can plan the rest of the week. It’s really interesting to me how much Jameson is pushing themselves into the craft beer scene. They sponsored a huge area at the GABF, worked with a dozen US craft breweries, and are doing special events for them (including one coming up here at Fathead’s).
We on the brown spirits side of the booze community are an invasive species.
I look forward to your missive should it come together.
Question about BIF. Will we know the preference of the person we are sending beer to, like no IPA or loves sour, or is it a random selection?
No IPA — Loves Sour. That would be me.
#metoo, although I have found some IPAs I consider “drinkable”. The jai-ali is not bad.
So, I collect the information, then when we get ready for shipping, I (semi-randomly) provide shipping assignments to people. To the person that will be doing the shipping, I provide the preferences, as well as the address (physical if provided, e-mail if no physical address was provided), and a reminder of the quantities and (hopeful) deadlines. At no point do I want someone to ship out a package of their favorite beers, only to receive a package of beers that they hate.
And I just got to try the White Oak Jai Alai last weekend, one of the few oaked IPA’s that worked well.
Thanks for doing the work. I’m excited.
Do we send you our preferences, or dispreferences, as the case may be?
Mine is no stouts or rauchbier, otherwise anything goes.
I’ll be sending out an e-mail in the next week or so gathering all of the preference information.
“Fuck Cancer” is a great name for a brew but i’m really surprised it cleared the censors.
The labels for the beer are FXXX Cancer (with tape over the letters instead of x’s). And if there’s no distribution, then labeling approval is at the state level. The FedGov only gets involved in approving beer labels if they’re being distributed across state lines (another reason some breweries stick to in state distribution only).
OR…if the state is lazy and depends on FedGov approval.
And Feinstein is directly stating the burden of proof is on Kavanaugh against a criminal accusation.
The Constitution is just a fucking piece of paper!
That’s the beauty of this not being a criminal proceeding. The burden of proof is whatever the fuck you want it to be.
“It’s not a criminal investigation, those rules don’t apply! Now admit to these criminal allegations, rapist.”
Ah yes, the old Juvenile Court dodge: “It’s not a criminal proceeding. It’s a delinquency proceeding. Therefore the accused doesn’t need full protections offered to criminal defendants.”
easier time proving the null hypothesis
Fuck these people.
Wow, that is total bullshit.
Serve beer to Trump voters? Not at *MY* bar. We don’t serve their kind here. All are welcome!
I don’t know all the details, and I’m too goddam lazy and apathetic to find them, but Don Jr was supposed to be attending some sort of event in Bozeman. When the owner/manager of the bar/restaurant found out, he pre-emptively canceled it.
“We’re apolitical. We just hate the Nazis.”
It’s Midtown Tavern? Never heard of it – is it where Little John’s / Mixers used to be?
Where Ferraro’s used to be – are Mike Hope and Ralph Ferraro no longer in the bar biz?
My husband is watching the Kavanaugh hearing – suddenly Ford is crystal clear that “Brent” assaulted her. She is pouring-on the crocodile voice – the world if full of psycho women.
I can’t bring myself to watch it.
I insisted that my wife change the channel. Just the sound of those people’s voices and the fake crying and cracking voice was enraging. What a shit show. Goddamned worthless, spineless R’s let it come to this. They have the house, the senate, the whitehouse and a very popular president and yet the pinkos are jerking them around like they are children. It is pathetic.
So, what happens in the midterms if the Senate holds a confirmation vote tomorrow, and they fail to confirm Kavanaugh?
Dems take the Senate and House, followed by impeachment
That’s pretty much it, the stakes couldn’t be higher.
Senate requires 2/3rds vote to impeach.
i find that unlikely. even fucking Flake realizes a vote to impeach would see his presidential ambitions washed up on the shore of the Potomac.
House impeaches Trump, with a majority, Senate votes to remove with less than the required supermajority.
Also, if Kav isn’t confirmed and the Dems take the Senate, I don’t see how they can leave him in his current position as a federal judge. They aren’t voting against him because he isn’t qualified to be a Justice, they are voting against him because he is unfit to be a federal judge at all due to a sexual assault that they believe he committed. How do you leave somebody you believe committed a violent felony on the bench?
This was my question, but I have have no talk of impeaching him.
Yes, but it’s just a symbolic vote without supermajority. then two years of their craziness pre-election and GOP takes back the House.
#BlueWave baby!
Same if they hold the confirmation vote and do confirm Kavanaugh. Or if they don’t hold the vote and don’t confirm Kavanaugh. At least that’s the scuttlebutt I’ve been hearing every day in the news since March.
Trump will nominate Mark Judge instead.
Suddenly, Ford is all smiles after her overly-theatrical opening statement.
Wonder why they got a prosecutor and not a defense lawyer to question her.
Awww shit. She’s about to start bawling.
How can those mean old honkey Senators torment her this way? Why won’t they believe her? They’re monsters.
“A sequela (usually used in the plural, sequelae) is a pathological condition resulting from a disease, injury, therapy, or other trauma. Typically, a sequela is a chronic condition that is a complication which follows a more acute condition. It is different from, but is a consequence of, the first condition. Timewise, a sequela contrasts with a late effect, where there is a period, sometimes as long as several decades, between the resolution of the initial condition and the appearance of the late effect.
In general, non-medical usage, the terms sequela and sequelae mean consequence and consequences.”
*cue rainbow*
She sounded like a woman trying to make herself cry, not a woman who is trying to stop herself from crying.
Yup. Very theatrical.
I still say that, even if this actually happened, she’s utterly full of shit regarding the supposed decades-long anguish this experience caused. Growing up, we had a neighbor who was a fucking Holocaust survivor, and she never wailed about it like Ford just did when she told me about life in the camps. I interviewed her for a history class project in high school and she was calm and measured, though obviously it was difficult for her to talk about.
This just goes to show you that sexual assault is worse than murdering Jews.
So what you’re saying is .. Chipwooder’s neighbor worked in the camp?
Yeah. I simply don’t buy it.
She claims she was swimming and diving at the CC to setup later in her testimony that her swimsuit offered her some protection when she was being groped.
Who, of that social class, would wear a wet, chlorine-water soaked swimsuit under their clothing? Or change into a dry swimsuit while getting dressed?
Cupid lying stunt.
Any social class, really. Girls wear bathing suits under their clothes from the beach because most beaches don’t have decent changing facilities, but the country clubs I’ve been to have big bathrooms that are more like locker rooms, with showers and changing rooms. The girls on my swim team almost uniformly washed their hair and changed into street clothes after practice. And even if she did dress over her bathing suit for some reason, I can’t believe she wouldn’t change before going to a party.
Nobody seems to care about her country club privilege.
Yeah, I meant to say even us poor ole rednecks swimming in someone’s above ground would change after swimming.
And yes, country club locker rooms are more like a spa. Large comfortable benches, with large lockers for the members.
Question: before her burning desire to have “a second front door” installed in her house a few years ago, did she ever express a need for this? Has she always had second front doors before? If not, why thirty years after her supposed soul-crushing traumatic experience? Does she have some kind of special, very delayed onset PTSD?
Anyone who intentionally has two front doorways (excluding garage of course), is a monster.
Why even have doors at all?
+1 Casque of Amontillado
For the love of God, UnCivilServant!
casque? Isnt that a french helmet or something?
I blame Poe.
She’s a pathological bullshitter, through and through. I’m watching the coverage now and really can’t believe we’ve arrived at this point.
Believe it.
The radical left has always been like this.
What does this fiasco lack? Why, some grandstanding from that self-righteous prick John Kasich!
Does he know he’s not a senator?
In a just world he’d be accused tomorrow.
Oh that would be delicious
He must be on the same e-mail list as Robby Soave.
Of course, it helps when you tell people about the horrific life-changing attack contemporaneously, and not nearly 30 years later.
“I had no idea gang rape was problematic, at the time.”
Hey, how’d you get ahold of Avenatti’s witness statement?
So the two men saying they did it. What happened to them? Not automatically going to be believed?
They could have video of themselves in the act, and still be ignored.
Narrative is gonna narrative.
Of course not. Believe women, not shitlords.
Not credible, according to Lindsey Graham.
Durbin: You’d be a liar if you remembered details.
Interesting that after making the much-touted revelation that she told her counselor about this in 2012, she refused to allow her counselor to release the notes of their session, or presumably to testify at all. See, when you say somebody can support your claims, you generally don’t prohibit them from actually doing so.
What is the prosecutor trying to do here? Set up a Matlock moment? This court of public opinion and not a court room. She’s establishing facts, but are people really going to remember all that when the time is being split every five minutes?
The Republicans really suck at this public theater bullshit.
You nailed it four words in.
Good point – no need to continue the sentence.
Meh, they are avoiding the optics of an old white guy asking Ford a tough question and her bursting into tears.
I would guess that the marriage counseling notes are damning.
Husband wants to know why she’s awful in the sack, and she makes up an excuse.
That was my initial thought too when this whole story broke. She made up a story to tell her counselor because she couldn’t please her husband. *Objection: Conjecture*
Eh, it’s the internet.
Bootless speculation? GIVE THIS MAN A HEARING!
No, no… he’s on the wrong side of this to get any sort of hearing.
My theory, based on a similar experience with my ex-wife:
She had a clumsy/awkward sexual encounter at a boozy house party. For years. it was just one of those unpleasant memories we all carry around from adolescence. Then she goes into academia, and marinates in proto-SJW n-wave feminism, where ideas like “all sex is rape” and “explicit affirmative consent” and “male privilege” etc. ad nauseum cause her to re-interpret/re-imagine that encounter as a sexual assault. She is also marinating in an environment where everything in your life that you aren’t happy about is the result of victimization by the white male patriarchy. Now, that sexual assault is the root cause of any problem in her life.
Change “boozy house party” to “boozy campus party”, and that’s almost exactly what I saw.
I think this explains a lot about her claims, but admittedly not the specific mention of Kavanaugh.
Pretty much the same thing I said below, so obviously I agree with this take.
Don’t forget the part where the newly minted victim becomes a hero and is lifted up as a beacon of bravery.
She also didn’t give the counselor a name. She apparently described the experience but didn’t identify who she was talking about, so of what use is this supposed revelation anyway?
Of course she can’t release that. She is now subject to perjuring herself.
The purpose isn’t to convince anyone that actually pays attention to the details, so it doesn’t matter how persuasive any of this is. The only purpose is to put the other team in a position that looks bad when taken out of context. That’s why the chairman said “you aren’t here to help us, we are here to help you” or whatever.
That is when rage made me turn the channel
Listening to the Kavanaugh hearing…Team Blue is completely absurd. They keep fellating Ford and calling for an fbi investigation when it was established that this is not the prerogative of the fbi per Grassley quoting Biden from 1992. It was also established that Team Red attempted to investigate and get statements and testimony but they could not get the accusers and supposed witnesses to cooperate except for the ones that denied the allegations. Even Difi started out saying things that are the exact opposite of reality. They really need to nip this farce in the bud.
They should have called the vote last week. They have had numerous opportunities to nip. They aren’t going to nip anything in the bud.
This was shared in my facebook feed. By the dumbest person I know.
What a tremendous thundercunt.
i purged all the SJWs from mine. FB is really great at keeping up with high school and college acquaintances.
I went to HS and college with this chick.
She really has lost her mind.
Her #metoo stories are amazing. She was a hardcore alcoholic for about 10 years, and would get blackout drunk and take a different guy home every weekend. She decided after the fact that all of those people took advantage of her.
of course they did.
Top line on Google News this morning:
Senate Republicans spread disinformation hours before Kavanaugh hearing
2 hours ago
It’s a good thing they don’t fuck with their algorithms to favor any particular political ideology.
Speaking of fake news…
Is Kavanaugh going to be allowed to offer testimony?
I’d give Grassley a dollar if he he’d ask him, “Kid- have you rehabilitated yoreself?”
“Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter…”
Oh FFS. I think she believes herself and has worked this whole thing in her head for years. Her poor husband.
Her poor husband is pretending he remembers she named Kavanaugh in therapy six years ago, so he can go fuck himself, too.
I feel bad for her husband, but he had to know that something wasn’t right.
This isn’t one of those “It could happen to anybody” moments. Not even a little bit.
This could NEVER happen to me, because my wife would never do something like this.
Yup. My wife isn’t a fucking hothouse flower. She’s a mean, tough bitch, which is why I married her.
I believe there is an Iron Law that covers that.
May lightning strike me on this very spot….
*steps under tree*
Husband wants to know why she’s awful in the sack, and she makes up an excuse.
Or, conversely, “Kavanaugh knew how to make a woman feel irresistibly sexy, you limp dick milksop. He said I drove him mad with desire.”
That could be in the notes as well. It could also be in the checkout line at the supermarket.
Apparently the crazy bitch wanted two front doors.
I believe her to have some kind of trauma, cause that is nucking futz right there and otherwise what kind of monster needs two front doors? A back and a side door sure…but two doors on the front of the house? That’s some psycho out of touch with reality stuff right there.
You’ve given me an idea – three front doors! and none of them lead to inside the house!
I believe her to have some kind of trauma
In an odd way, I do, too. But I think the trauma was inflicted by the radical campus culture she marinates in, which caused her to reinterpret her life and memories, not because of an actual traumatic event.
I think your theory above is probably correct.
Plus being a personal and professional failure – just guessing.
Up until now. I suspect her fortunes have changed, and all it took was selling her soul.
Yes, I see an endowed Chair with her name on it at an “elitist” (to user her term) school.
Ah, yes. The Anita Hill payoff. She went from the University of Oklahoma (if memory serves) to Brandeis after her testimony against Clarence Thomas.
Plus, the book deals. Don’t forget the book deals.
It’s quite possible that she was the victim of a sexual assault of some kind, but the assaulter is someone she doesn’t want punished. So she is using Kavanaugh as the scapegoat.
I think she was too drunk to remember more than snippets, and she has either decided to lie or has genuinely convinced herself that the hazy face in her memory is Kavanaugh’s
Genuinely convinced herself in a way either she or her lawyer doesn’t trust to risk subjecting to the polygraph they’re touting as determinative.
I agree. I’ll bet she was groped at a party. Not at this one, and not by Kavanaugh, but some guy tried to feel her up once and she reacted the way girls always did then: by smacking the guy and storming out. She wasn’t damaged for life about it or anything. She shook it off and went on with her life……until, decades later, she realized that wait, I was a VICTIM!!! And that’s when she started wailing about it.
The Stoics said that events are never inherently good or bad in nature. They simply are, and what makes them good or bad is how we choose to regard them, something that is entirely within our own power. That’s where I’m going with this – getting groped by a drunk boy wasn’t traumatic for decades, until she decided that it should have been.
Victimhood is power, particularly in academic settings these days. Why wouldn’t she claim that mantle?
Meanwhile, Juanita Brodrick continues to get ignored/vilified.
“the radical campus culture she marinates in, which caused her to reinterpret her life and memories,”
Hammer, meet nail. Every time you access a memory you cause physical changes to your brain’s wiring. Simply by remembering something you change that memory. It is impossible for her to accurately remember something that happened 35 years ago. The environment she works in radically alters her memories of her life experiences.
All that aside, I still think this particular story is a fabrication.
Do two adjoining front doors in one doorway count? Because my house has… uh… nevermind.
Single doorway, allowed.
Phew! I guess I just like big openings.
Something about a hotdog down a hallway?
Pencil in a volcano?
From the Miami Herald:
““In explaining why I wanted to have a second front door, I described the assault in detail. I recall saying that the boy who assaulted me could someday be on the U.S. Supreme Court and spoke a bit about his background. My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.””
– Honey, why do we need two front doors?
– Because I just remembered last week that potential future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me in 1982. Make sure you write this down so you can quote me later. Did I mention his full name is Brett Kavanaugh?
This is just a farce at this point, I mean she can’t be serious, right? But wait, it gets better:
“She said they use the door to host Google interns at her California home.”
lmao wtf does that even mean? They can’t just use the first front door? Fuck my brain hurts now
My husband recalls that I named my attacker as Brett Kavanaugh.
What an odd statement. Why not “I told my husband that my attacker was Brett Kavanaugh.”
Her statement only makes sense if she forgot who she named, and her husband later reminded her.
Right, based on her statement, she could have named no one at all, or she could have named Jimmy Buffet for all we know. But her “husband recalls” that it was Brett Kavanaugh.
I’m no lawyer, but this wording seems to me that she is trying to lie or deceive the audience, but still avoid perjuring herself.
“This format is so awful. Five minutes of actual content punctuated by Democrats grandstanding for five minutes.”
This. I don’t see when the lawyer is going to have time to poke holes in Ford’s story.
This got a large lol from me. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DoHCszyU0AEQpvB.jpg
I’m catching up and listening to Durbin’s dumbassery. Think I’ll skip forward.
I’m surprised at all of you watching the shitshow with expressions of anguish. This is a beautiful moment. Our greatest enemy, the Federal Government of the United States of America, is making what Napoleon would call “a mistake”. Our enemies are at each other’s throats and destroying their reputations and honor. All without us having to lift a finger.
We can go on with our lives, make money, have fun. Leave them to their mutual destruction. 🙂
It’s atrocious what progressives are doing to due process. I thought they’d reached their nadir when they began militating against the First Amendment, but they were only picking up speed.
Due process has been dead for a long time. Its appearance of life is because they were moving the corpse as was done with Bernie’s corpse in Weekend at Bernie’s. They’re merely allowing the corpse to flop to the floor for this moment.
For all of Ford’s sobbing, anyone notice any actual tears? I haven’t. No shiny eyes, no wiping the eyes, nothing.
Crocodile voice sans tears. I love the way her vocal tone and affect change when talking about the alleged incident versus answering questions or editing her previous written statements.
Because I’m a dork who watches a shitload of Investigation Discovery, to me she looks exactly like every guy who kills his wife and then sobs on the stand claimed how much he loved her. Quivering voice, shoulders heaving, but no tears.
And someone will need to explain to me why she keeps stumbling over every possible detail and it gets explained away as “oh, well it was so long ago and the mind doesn’t remember everything when traumatized”, but the one thing that she does know for an absolute fact is Brett Kavanaugh.
I agree. I would love a professional to look at this testimony and provide their POV.
The room is full of professional liars, why do we need one more?
I was a jury foreman on a carjacking case years ago. The defendant couldn’t remember anything or anyone including the names of his roommates, except for the full name (including the maternal surname) of the guy who supposedly actually did the carjacking. Nevermind that he was picked up int he vehicle and pulled out of a lineup by the victim.
Needless to say, he went to prison.
Yep, she appears to be enjoying this thoroughly. And, call me ignorant, but I’ve not really watched CSPAN too much. They seem to be spinning this in Ford’s favor.
I think she’s winning. Republicans are boned.
Confident prediction: Not one single person’s mind will be changed by this hearing.
Nah, but it gives Flake, Murkowski, and Collins their reason to vote against Kavanaugh.
well that is depressing.
/furiously googling Amy Coney Barret’s views on 2A
Flake: Lame duck.
Murkowski: up for reelection in 2022.
Collins: up for reelection in 2020.
I’m willing to assume none of them have any loyalty to their party retaining the Senate majority, any loyalty to their fellow Repub Senators exposed this year if Kav goes down, or any self-respect that would be impaired if they go along with an obvious character assassination hit job.
well, as has been pointed out, Grassley could advance it to the full Senate and then we’ll see if Manchin wants to stay in DC.
Flake and Collins are NO so at least 1 red state dem senator needs to vote to confirm. Murkowski’s just waiting to see the general mood and polling. let’s call her a NO, so Kav only needs 2 dem senators to cross over to the dark side.
All it takes is two.
“your recollections are consistent with known facts…” – Whitehouse
Which ones are those?
Or her, “Sure, i could give more details if you’d provide the dates to me.”
Sweetie, that ain’t how evidence works. You either know or you don’t. if someone has to tell you when it happened, you still don’t know when it happened. It is bullshit.
She doesn’t know what “exculpatory” means?
“Old scalpels have nothing to do with this.”
I have never yelled at a tv so loud before.
Oh shut the fuck up Whitehouse. Grandstanding douchebag.
How do you get a PhD from anywhere when you’re this inarticulate? No commenting on the allegations, but either she’s faking being this stupid or she really is that big of a moron.
What was the degree in?
She’s a psychologist, I believe.
Postmodern feminist basket weaving.
Did you see her attorney’s head whip around when she said maybe her counsel showed the note to a reporter?
The therapist notes?
Oopsie. This gets into a tricky area of privilege and confidentiality.
If her attorney showed the notes to a reporter, then that would strip any attorney-client privilege from the notes. It would not release the therapist from any privilege, and would not necessarily remove the notes from the HIPAA privacy protections. If the attorney showed the notes to the reporter without her knowledge/permission, then the attorney has a problem under HIPAA, and with his license. If he showed the notes with her knowledge/permission, he’s probably safe under HIPAA and his license is safe.
Regardless, the reporter is not barred from saying what he/she saw in the notes.
There’s a +/- 3% chance that the reporter will report on the notes honestly.
Generally speaking, disclosure of privileged information outside of a privileged setting (such as to a reporter) strips any privilege (which immunizes the information from a subpoena). HIPAA does not immunize information from a subpoena. By her own admission, these notes can now be subpoenaed.
Of course, its purely academic.
So, you’re saying there is a chance?
Keep her talking. I think it work.
I can’t stop seeing Garth every time she talks.
She looks like she’s Marie Harf’s mother.
Never judge a pitch and all that, but I think the bad guys are going to win on this one (as usual). Expect to see similar tactics used against anyone the left doesn’t like.
That’s what I think. Disgusting.
Ah, so her intense fear of flying has now been proven to be a lie.
She doesn’t seem to be consistent about who was had the party, who’s seen her records, whether or not she’s afraid of flying etc. etc.. I don’t think any of that will be held to matter by a partisan media though.
Reject that fucking polygraph. Point out it has no evidentiary value whatsoever.
Wasn’t it just 2 questions? “Is that story true?”
Yup, 2 questions. That one, and “Have you made up any part of your statement?”
any part or the whole thing?
What I think is funny about that polygraph test is that it doesn’t really say what “statement” they are talking about. Its implied that its her statement on Kavanaugh, but only implied. They could have been asking her about her statement that she had fruit and yogurt with black coffee for breakfast that morning.
getting to the truth is racisss
Well, yeah – if it could be any statement, then lying is very easy, right?
One of the tricks, I understand, to “beating” a polygraph is mentally rephrasing/restating the question before answering. So non-specific questions are basically worthless.
Of course, the begged question is, why not ask her detailed questions during the polygraph?
It’s obvious, Dean – They know polygraphs are bunk, but a lot of people believe the “Lie Detector” lie, so it was for PR.
That’s some shoddy bullshit even for a lie detector test.
I hope y’all aren’t forgetting the Sandra Fluke fake testimony before congress. Try telling a lefty now that she never testified in front of congress, that the whole testimony was staged. No matter what you say or what documented evidence you show they will not believe you. This is the nature of useful idiots. In ten years kavenaugh will be known in their circles as a serial rapist.
If this works for the Dems…
How can it fail when every major media outlet (save one) will report this as a success?
The only way I can see it fail is they keep kav off the Court, then lose every seat they will win immediately, then give Trump and the Republicans a bigger seat.
Then they put whoever they want on, through the same tactics as this.
How can it fail when every major media outlet (save one) will report this as a success?
The Repub base has pretty much tuned out the DemOp Media. Probably. I hope.
The Repub base has pretty much tuned out the DemOp Media.
They have, but the problem is always the useful idiots in the middle, ‘the Undecideds’.
“Kavenaugh? He’s the guy that raped all them women, right?”
Heh, Mitchell seems to be going after the apparatchik lawyers.
Not watching, of course, but if I was in Mitchell’s shoes, I think I would have only asked a few questions about the actual event (focussing on what she doesn’t remember and her inconsistent statements). I would be spending my time on things like her claimed fear of flying, why she took a polygraph test in the BWI HIlton, why she refused to allow the therapist notes to be disclosed, and mostly on her interactions with various Democrats and Dem operatives in the runup to the hearings.
She’s a prosecutor, and thus zeroing in on the specifics of the allegation. Understandable given her profession, yet also a mistake since this isn’t a criminal trial, as the lefties keep pathologically repeating.
“Relax, nobody’s talking about putting him in jail. But he is going to lose his job.”
This is funny.
Boy, for such a supposedly brilliant, highly educated woman, she sure claims to be completely baffled by a lot of simple things.
*jazz hands*
She has the eyes of the nation on her, and she’s trying to staying on the right side of the whole “Don’t perjure yourself before the Senate” thing. Plus she has attorneys barking in her ear. I can see where that would rattle one’s public speaking ability.
That said, she does seem to have a loose grasp on some basics.
That’s actually incredibly easy to believe, if you have spent much time around academics.
Hey Blumenthal, let’s interview you under oath on your Vietnam service.
Have you ever worked Toys for Tots, man? Those kids are VICIOUS! The man deserves a medal.
Also, while gaps in memory about 36 year old events are understandable, gaps in memory about events that transpired in the last two months are much more difficult to believe.
“I have partial Anterograde Amnesia as a result of my trauma. My recall of recent events is…”
“The witness will complete their statement.”
“What statement?”
This bitch can’t remember something from less than 2 months ago. She expects me to believe she remembers something 35 years in the past?
This is proof that G*d is some sort of prankster to live in this weird of a reality.
She now can’t recall details of the polygraph, apparently administered in a hotel room the day of her Grandmother’s funeral (although Ford can’t recall whether it was ACTUALLY that day or the next day).
Isn’t she like 55 years old? What was her grandmother, 110? I’m almost fifteen years younger than her and my grandfather is 95.
Oh come on, you don’t believe her mother and granmother both had babies at 16?
My oldest grandson is 41 years younger than me. 20 years per generation used to be common. Not as common now, but not unreasonable.
So how many taps should I put in my new kegerator?
How many will fit?
The fridge will hold 8 kegs. But it doesn’t seem likely I will have that many different products at any given time. Plus, it would be nice to have room for bottle storage.
I would go three or four, but in my fridge there would always be a keg of soda water on tap for mixing cocktails. Better to have one too many than one too few.
Three – one for daily drinker (or when friends come over to mooch), one ‘high end’ favorite, and one seasonal.
8 kegs? Are you running a speakeasy?
Yep. Throw your raccoon coat over there, kick off your spats, grab a glass of bathtub gin and let’s listen to some Al Jolson and hit on flappers.
Compulsive brewer.
How long does an opened keg keep for?
Don’t know.
I don’t have a kegerator now. So today, kegs are primarily for parties and beer festivals.
However, I make cider, sparkling meads, and sour ales. I have stored product in kegs for a couple of years just fine (in a wine cellar).
That’s cool.
Depends on how many kegs you plan to put in it, doesn’t it?
That is certainly a limiting factor.
I was thinking in a generic case where you make the effort to build a kegerator — how few taps makes it not worth the while? — how many taps is overkill?
4 seems to be a waste of time {the soup’s too cold}
8 seems over the top {the soup’s too hot}
I’m thinking 6 sounds just about right.
Of course for a few hundred bucks more, I can get a bigger fridge that will hold 10 to 12 kegs. In for a penny . . . . . .
Kavanaugh is not going to get nominated. Poor guy had his fucking life ruined because the Democrats are still pissed off about an election from 2-3 years ago. It’s fucking infuriating.
No point in thinking about it. I hope Amy Coney Barrett is nominated.
And not only nominated but shoved the fuck through. If this a game that the Left wants to play, fuck it. Go nuclear.
Unfortunately, this will be the case, and I think Coney Barrett will be a much worse justic than Kavanaugh, from a liberty standpoint.
But at least the Dems will get what they want, shoved right up their asshole.
“Amy Coney Barrett called me a nigger in 1970s during a Klan rally somewhere in the south.”
If the Dems pull that shit, I think Grassley (sp?) would tell them to fuck off and ram her confirmation through.
That would require cojones. Not sure Grassley has any.
Grassley is a nice man. At 85 years old, civility is deep in his bones. It’s an Iowa thing.
You mean Kavanaugh won’t be confirmed. He was already nominated.
Ah, thanks for the clarification.
Two things:
Nobody’s mind will be changed by this spectacle.
McConnell has guaranteed his approval, which likely means he knows how the vote will go already. Not a certainty, but a likelihood, IMO.
Yup… and honestly, I don’t care if Kavanaugh did some unsavory shit 36 years ago. I care about telling the democrats “fuck you… you’re not going to get away with this shit”as well as telling women “if you were assaulted, step forward now, or shut the hell up”… we have statutes of limitations for a reason.
That said, this chick is batshit insane.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Donks are officially very much against holding juvenile offenses against people for life, right? Wasn’t this some signature issue of T-Bone’s good friend Sen. Spartacus?
His offense was not being handsy as a teenager. His offense was being nominated by Donald Trump.
If Kavanaugh does get confirmed, the Dems are going to try and find (or make up) dirt on Trump’s short list for SC justices when RBG croaks.
Of course, it begs for a bait and switch. Trump announces his short list, and then nominates somebody else, while Grassley and McConnell put the appointment on a rocket docket for approval.
If it was me, of course, I’d do away with the hearings altogether (which are a relatively recent innovation anyway) and do it strictly on sworn affidavits and written Q and As from Senators and the nominee.
You probably know more than I do about why they have the hearings, but I figure they have them for a gesture of goodwill towards the minority party. The issue is that the Democrats are doing all they can to burn that bridge but act surprise when the GOP and their supporters tells them to fuck off and ram some shit through.
It seems to me that whenever the GOP try to give the Dems any leeway or courtesy, the Dems shit all over them and not only that but feigns anger when the GOP calls them out on their dishonesty.
Actually, I think it’s the opposite. If Kavanaugh gets confirmed the tactic will have been successful. It’s only if he doesn’t that the digging up dirt tactic will have proven itself.
2 dem senators need to confirm in the full Senate. #1 is Manchin, #2 is Tester.
I’m checking in on the PJ Media Live blog periodically for updates. Running this through their filter, Ford is a terrible witness whose story just weaker and weaker. A gem: apparently she can’t remember whether she took the polygraph on the day of her grandmother’s funeral or the next day.
hahahaha, the most recent post from Steve Green is golden, with this image.
Well, he’s wrong about this:
He has to pander to the customers. Don’t hold it against him.
also, she isn’t sure if she paid for it or if someone else paid for it (and if so, who).
“I’d just add that I seem to know more about polygraphs than Dr. Ford does, and everything I know I got from walking through the living room while my wife was watching Law & Order.”
I would have shut this whole thing down once she let it slip that they were in couples’ therapy because of disagreements over the remodeling going on in their home.
The woman is batshit crazy. Par for the course for a San Francisco academic.
Having been through a home remodel, I believe the truism that it is second only to the death of your child in the stress it puts on a marriage.
I decided a few months ago that I’m not going to remodel. I’m just going to buy a new house. Not worth it.
That’s what everyone told us when we kicked around the idea of expanding the kitchen a few years ago – if we really needed a bigger kitchen that much, we should just move, remodeling costs much more than any benefit in home value you’ll see and it’s a miserable process to go through.
We have 1 more kid than planned. Space is tight.
If we’re going to go to the trouble, we may as well solve that problem too.
I think getting rid of a kid is a little excessive, though.
I knew you’d read it that way.
I have trouble laying off the high hanging curve.
My wife and I had contractors do our first two renos. The first contractor walked on water, and the second was “meh” and would disappear for days at a time without telling us what the Hell was going on.
It was at that point that I said “Screw this. I can learn to do this stuff, buying the correct equipment is way cheaper than hiring a contractor and his minions, and I can at least somewhat control the resulting chaos. Plus I get to keep the tools.”
We’ve never had another worker or contractor in any of our houses, and amongst other things, that decision has really added to the value of our portfolio.
Also, it turns out that my wife takes to power tools like a duck to water. Gotta love that.
Yeah. Now if only she could learn to do plumbing better than me . . .
If only I had room for the tools.
The place I’m looking at now has a 3 car garage and 3 parking spots, so plenty of room for a router table. But it also doesn’t need to be remodeled.
If only I had room for the tools.
That’s the problem with the house we’re in now. Turns out, though, that I could (and did) sell the tools for about 50% of what I paid for them, so effectively I leased ’em for a year. Waaaayyyyyyy cheaper than hiring a contractor!
When I eventually get good tools, I’m going to keep them.
No more Ryobi shit.
Oh, I kept all the small (easily stored) ones. I went Bosch for everything I could. But the Bosch table saw and 10-inch sliding compound mitre saw (with stand) had to go. If I need to do anything big in the future, I’ll just mosey down to KMS Tools and get a bundle discount. Then after I’m finished I’ll sell ’em again.
It’s pretty easy to go overboard. I recently sold a bunch of stuff that I had forever but almost never used – including a portable table saw. There are a few power tools that are absolute must haves:
– Sliding compound miter saw. I got rid of my 12 and kept my 10. A lot lighter.
– A good cordless drill driver set – I love my Milwaukee 18V brushless
– Corded drill
– Circ saw
– Compressor, brad and finish nailers – you can get a decent combo pack on Amazon
If I ever buy a table saw again, it will be a SawStop. Depending on what you plan to do, a plunge cut saw is really useful, too.
Or you can just dedicate that third stall to tools and set up a complete wood shop (with dust collection).
Tools can be a serious addiction.
the 3rd spot in the garage is going to be for a vanity car.
really??? maybe my wife is just more laid back than most. Or maybe it’s because she’s been through some serious shit in her life so she’s just thankful that we can afford to remodel the home.
Yeah, my wife and I have done a bunch of remodeling together. She doesn’t even give me shit when progress is slow.
Slow because….. beer?
It doesn’t help. But generally slow because of those pesky life things like work and kids.
This house is pretty much done, though. I’m ready to sell and build one out in the country.
How about build one then sell, so you don’t have a gap between homes?
A thing called money.
Only if you enjoy paying two mortgages at the same time.
I only had to pay rent and a construction loan at the same time. As you reach completion, the construction is basically the same as your mortgage. When the schedule slips month by month, you consider killing the subcontractors to be in the realm of not that bad an idea actually.
That’s probably what I’ll do, but it kind of depends where we end up.
The homes in my neighborhood sell really fast.
If you’re doing most of the remodeling work yourself, sticking to a predefined schedule is a good way to end up dead.
@Michael you are exactly right. We have done some ourselves, some projects we hired. We had a fireplace wall done awhile back. Lots of stonework, which isn’t in my skillset, so we hired it done. On the other hand, we re-trimmed the entire house ourselves. It took awhile, but who cares? A room without trim doesn’t affect it’s usability.
Its a truism that I have heard on multiple occasions.
The remodel that I did involved a total gut of the main floor – all drywall gone, including the ceiling, and the walls moved a tad. The floors (maple – who has maple floors?) we kept and refinished. The hard part was that we lived in about 600 square feet in the exposed basement for over 6 months. The easy part was that our contractor only did one job at a time, so he was there all day every day. Mrs. Dean and I got through it fine, although the real worst part was that I got fired two days after demo started, and didn’t get another job until the remodel was nearly finished.
So… your job in the meantime is to remodel.
I don’t get this. Then again I don’t understand most family dramas. My parents always got along and they never had any argument that actually strained the relashionship. Never been married myself but i don’t get it.
must be a first world problem
IMO, it’s a consequence of spouses not having a set method for resolving conflict. One spouse (usually the male) let’s the other (usually the female) make all the shared lifestyle decisions because “I don’t want to die on that hill.” then, when something important, like a remodel, comes along, they can’t handle a legitimate and uncowering disagreement.
my father always told my mom “are we really going to argue over something like this” and it seemed to work. I plan tot ry it if I ever get married
My wife is addicted to those damn remodelling shows. She’s repainted some rooms 3 times already and we’ve lived in the house only 11 years. When she gets in those moods I don’t even want to come home from work. She says I shouldn’t complain because she does all the work, but who gets the scaffolding, who sets up the scaffolding, who will have to move the scaffolding, who will have to climb up the ladder to get the spots you can’t reach from the scaffolding? In what way you doing everything? Aaarghh.
I have repainted all of one room in my house. And that was because hot pink is not a suitable color for a wall.
The house I bought 20 years ago had EVERY WALL IN THE HOUSE painted hot pink. Some were only pained on the top half, but still. My dad called it a “Polish Nightmare.”
loss of children
it’s up there as one of the top causes of marital strife
you Americans are so damn dramatic. In Romania the corrupt government just names whatever lowlife judge that never made a decision without a bribe to the court and he just supports whatever corrupt shit is going on, like God intended
I don’t want to shit up UCS’ fine post above, so this will go here instead:
Looks like someone didn’t like the results.
I’d wager the poll said “No” since so few found her credible beforehand.
I like the proposed revised poll:
Q: Do you find Dr. Ford credible
Not Sure
Fuck You
“We remembered that it is our job to tell you what to think, not the other way around.”
But questions about Kavanaugh’s credibility are A-OK.
Who says victim status doesn’t come with privileges?
I wonder how long this hearing is going to go on, anyway?
Someone should bring them some drinks. Maybe after a few they can reenact the scene
Maybe after a few they can reenact the scene
That would require Dr. Ford to change into her swimsuit and have a beer, and Judge Kavanaugh to be somewhere across town.
Regardless of length, I wonder what it is exactly that they will achieve. Can anything said here really prevent the confirmation vote from taking place? This whole thing is mighty stupid.
Any thoughts on why they haven’t asked her about her good friend who claims she doesn’t know Brett or never attended such a party before?
A couple of possibilities
(1) They are saving that question for later.
(2) Her friend’s sworn statement is just fine as it is, and there is no need to open the door for Ford to try to explain it away.
Or the fact that she can’t provide a single confirmable fact about anything?
Mitchell did. The response was ridiculous. Something about her friends “having health issues”
Interesting thing that came up…. apparently she’s very shaken by this years later…. and has said she’s suffered throughout the years with anxiety and what not…
yet she houses Google interns? What? Is it normal for sexual assault “survivors” to welcome strangers into their home?
They have to use the second door.
Has Donny Two-Scoops heard of the latest fad?
My wife sits in a cubicle with her back to the hall. Several men have learned the hard way to announce their presence and to not just walk up and touch her on the shoulder. Her boss is a slow leaner. She has hit him in nuts on at least two occasions.
This is all because of a workplace incident that occurred nearly 40 years ago.
My wife is convinced that Ford is full of shit.
I love the message this sends ordeal sends: be as credible a man as possible, you’ll still get dragged by a woman with an agenda.
That’s been the metanarative of the alt-right.
Tea party – polite folk forming orderly lines, speaking reasonably and cleaning up their own trash. Get ignored, called racist, and swindled .
Alt Right – so let me get this straight, being not racists, being reasonable, and cleaning up trash doesn’t get us anywhere. But you still think you can tell us to do that or else you’ll call us racist, ignore us, and take our money.
Someone.. someone get me that frog picture where he’s tapping his chin an thinking!
One more circle I haven’t seen squared… why did she wait until now? The guy’s been a federal judge for over a decade. His opinions have informed SCOTUS decisions on numerous occasions. But apparently it wasn’t worth going after him until a few days before his confirmation… despite the fact that she’d had months of opportunity during the hearings, and had set up the stunt in advance with Feinstein as cat’s paw. That reeks of desperation: it tells me she was a last-ditch gambit, not to be used unless necessitated by the proper procedure.
Could Mr. Judge sue her for defamation? Wouldn’t she have to prove her allegations, which is obviously not possible or is he enough of a public figure it wouldn’t really be feasible?
Most sworn statements and/or statements to lawmakers are exempt from civil action.
I thought statements by lawmakers “on the floor” were immune from defamation cases. Got a link on sworn statements and/or statements to lawmakers?
Of course, her polygraph statement was released before the hearings. I don’t think you can retroactively immunize a statement by later putting it into context where it is immune.
It, like most state laws, varies by state. Here’s MN‘s which doesn’t talk about sworn statements but does talk about things that are “in the public interest.” The exceptions aren’t catch all (IIRC, I recall a story of someone convicted of purgery and possibly opening themselves to a new defamation suit), and I think it only applies for lawmakers in their official capacity (like how they can’t be stopped going to the capitol).
IANAL, my memory may be imperfect, and none of this is based on personal experience, so I’m not terribly confident if someone who really knows what they are talking about thinks its crap.
I recall a story of someone convicted of purgery
Illegal vomiting?
Oh, you pedant, you. (That was funny!)
Title track to my new album – “Senatorial Shitshow Sexcapades”
Cypress Hill already took it.
That’s it.
I’m putting on the second season of American Vandal.
Oh man, they made another season? The first one was great.
Just noticed it on Netflix today. Someone spiked the lemonade at a WA Catholic High School and caused mass diarrhea. It’s laugh out loud funny.
The Brow Out is Real. The wife and I watched it and were very entertained. Such a well done show.
Brown Out that is
Someone on the committee should ask Blumenthal if he’s still traumatized by his tour in Vietnam.
Definition of a tough call – who would you rather see a pigeon take a shit on, Blumenthal or Durbin?
Why can’t it be both?
The CBS talking head made the claim that only 6% of accusations are false. Of course, it’s 8-12% of accusations made to the police are later provably false.
Throw in another 5 – 10% for guys wrongfully convicted and you are looking at 10 – 25% of rape allegations made to the cops are false. Now of the rape allegations NOT reported to the police what is the false accusation rate? 50%? 60%?
And note: false does not mean the bitch is lying.
It means anything from she is making the whole thing up to her memory of the events is faulty to the actual events which did happen were emotionally painful to her but do not meet either the legal or moral criteria for being considered a rape.
“it’s 8-12% of accusations made to the police are later provably false.”
And what is the source of the data for this statistic? The police? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I’m reading the tweets from the Reason writers (particularly Robbie’s and Elizabeth’s) and holy shit balls. What they are basically saying is that, “We don’t really know what happened, but she can’t be lying so Kavanaugh should step down.” They are trying to get that job at the NYT and when if they ever do (highly doubtful) we will see an article that states “I used to be a Libertarian, but what changed me….” or something along those lines.
I haven’t visited that page in quite a while. I guess I’m not missing out.
Looks like the prosecutor missed one: Ford says she was hooked up to the lie detector for hours, but the test (at least, the one that has been released) was only two questions. If she was only polygraphed for two questions, why was she hooked up for hours?
Well, they had to keep trying until she got a result that indicated no deception.
It’s her kink?
Generally they ask you a series of control questions first and then they might ask you the test questions several times talking to you about your answers in between them so it takes a lot longer than just how long they ask the 2 questions. That said hours is a bit extreme for a poly of this type
The control portion takes about 20 minutes.
But it appears that there was no control done in this case.
Which means, in a legal sense, it goes from useless to less than useless.
I had a friend that was a military MP. He explained how they administered polygraphs. You need control questions that you know will be answered truthfully and questions you know will generate lies. He said they would explain in very clear language that sodomy was still a crime under UCMJ (back in the 90s), then ask guys if their wife or girlfriend had ever given them a blowjob. This was usually good enough to generate a clear lie in the polygraph.
But it doesn’t matter. Polygraphs are bullshit.
I heard the two question thing, but if that were the case that would mean they would have no baseline and make a charlatan’s device even less convincing.
Do they write the statement while hooked up?
Most lie detection use is just an excuse to put the subject in an uncomfortable environment and expose them to novel stimuli for a long time so they don’t concentrate on telling their lies well, then put a “trained” operator in there to ask them questions and use their expert (but not repeatable or systematic) expertise to announce a result.
There are no objective analysis for lie detectors, just like there aren’t for finger prints, bite marks, or blood splatter. Basically, its on the same level as the rest of forensic criminal investigation – not science, not systematic, and always coming out in the direction of the pay master.
Its still used for secret clearance, but now that so many people getting it are highly educated, its become a joke. It was only there to scare people straight back in the 50’s when good government men weren’t educated on this kind of stuff. A lot less useful when the government is clearing top-flight data scientists and biostatisticians.
A good, neutral polygrapher can catch about 60% of liars. This guy is neither.
The guy who does mine.
He’s pretty honest about the shortcomings.
Will catch 60% of liars however only about 40% of the liars he identifies are actually lying
Science denier!
FWIW, these comments are an interesting perspective.
I don’t know who Paul Sperry is or if he has any credibility, but would this surprise anyone?
Is it just me, or does the fact that Kav hasn’t withdrawn himself tell you everything you need to know about the veracity of the accusations?
Who in their right mind would continue to go through this if there was any chance at all they were guilty? Who would want the job if they knew this shit would never end and there was the slightest chance they were actually guilty of anything even remotely resembling the charges?
Nah, it just shows the power of the cis-shitlord privilege.
Immediately after that thought I figured well, its possible he knows that this is an all-or-nothing deal now. Either he gets a lifetime appointment to SCOTUS or he’s completely ruined for any other position in the judiciary for life.
I saw on MSNBC this morning they were saying he shouldn’t even be allowed to return to DC court of Appeals.
Serial rapists have no remorse. A friend of friend actually stole his diary, and just read the shit this psycho writes: “I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.”
And then he returned some videotapes.
Big fan of Huey Lewis.
No. That sounds like motivated reasoning on your part. These people are making strategic choices based on their goal of getting K into the SC or delaying his confirmation to the SC. None of their actions are a product of Ford telling the truth, and none of the actions are a product of what actually happened or didn’t happen.
Logic like what you have is why we have theater instead of naked application of political force like what was done with the Garland nomination.
In retrospect, I’m surprised the Pubs didn’t wave Garland immediately. The Dems probably regret not killing Scalia sooner than they did.
So you’re saying that we’re getting this circus because people think it shows the accusations aren’t true? And if people didn’t think like that they’d just ram the confirmation through?
That said I don’t really get the second part of your first paragraph so maybe I’m misunderstanding something.
I take him as saying nobody involved really cares about the truth. This is all useful solely for posturing and pushing various agendas.
No, we are getting the circus because people think that they can divine the truth from what goes on in the circus. You can’t, but you are building a narrative where what goes on in the circus just so happens to support your preferred narrative, and then you see your political opponents denying the reality you constructed, which gets you hopping mad and more likely to vote, donate to your team, etc.
Is it just me, or does the fact that Kav hasn’t withdrawn himself tell you everything you need to know about the veracity of the accusations?
Is it just me, or does the fact that Kav hasn’t withdrawn himself tell you everything you need to know about how little shame he has about the way Ford is being treated and run out of her home?
Is it just me, or does the fact that Kav hasn’t withdrawn himself tell you everything you need to know about how Red Team will put up with a rapists if it means overturn Roe?
See how easy that was? Whatever your preconceived notions are, they fit the circus.
Ah, got it.
Friend on facebook: “What does she have to gain by lying???”
Money, Ideology, Ego.
Accolades, sympathy, prestigious university appointments, book deals, advancing her anti-Trump “resist” agenda, etc. etc.
The pity, fake concern, and feel good bravery statements from all of her friends and fellow SJW travelers. Some people would love this.
Basking in glory as the woman who single-handedly saved abortion?
She’s a hero of the Resistance!
Also, note the left is trying damned hard to make this a question of lying rather than a question of her not really knowing the truth of what happened on a drunken night 36 years ago.
And when she’s being cheerleadered by the democratic party, even now every five minutes they keep praising her. Even if she at some point thought this was the truth and later decided not they have been praising her, and praise is addictive.
her GoFundMe page is nearly $210K
so i’d say she has $210K to gain by lying. also what everyone else said.
She’s gotta pay for the rest of those renovations…and therapy.
People are so gullible.
Yeah she’s already gained a ton, including the holy grail: national recognition of her victim status.
There’s something “off” about Blasey Ford… she certainly doesn’t speak with authority. Her mannerisms seem quite juvenile.
She seems like a nutter to me, but then I’m a less than sympathetic audience.
Just saw a bit of the hearing on a TV in the hall by the coffee shop. Mitchell finally got around to the statements from 3rd parties that say Ford is lying. Handled very delicately, but it is the start.
She also clearly showed a pattern of dishonesty related to her alleged claustrophobia and aversion to air travel – Ford lied multiple times during that line of questioning. Mitchell also demonstrated that Ford couldn’t recall basic facts/details for recent activities and also had gaping holes related to travel to and from the so-called event.
It seems like the GOPs investigator was trying to lead us to the conclusion that Ms. Ford is a victim who is being used and manipulated by the Democrat Party. A confused woman with trauma who is a pawn of people knowing that they can use her to manipulate the process which is more important to them than her trauma.
I think that is a smart approach. Doesn’t generate the soundbites the Dems are hoping for. Doesn’t get into the imponderables of what actually happened. Go after the weakness of her claims without challenging their veracity (a delicate balance), and burn cycles on how this was all set up and managed by Dem operatives from day one.
I wonder if Grassley will ask Feinstein, to her face on live TV, why she didn’t bring this forward during the actual vetting process?
Lindsey Graham is giving an interview – he is on a roll with this one – perhaps his finest moment.
Now that he doesn’t have McCain to blow any more….
Corey Booker is such a piece of shit.
He said “speaking your truth”…
I thought Mitchell did a good job, at least in demonstrating Ford to be self-admitted liar and easily confused about basic details. That’s enough to seal it for me that she’s full of shit,
Of course, that professional interview style doesn’t make for good sound bytes or drama.
I’m convinced that Ted Cruz’s dad was the lone gunman
Don’t be silly. It was JFK.
/Red Dwarf
“While Dr. Ford is obviously suffering from a traumatic experience, unfortunately her inconsistent accounts of the events that occurred and her inability to recall relevant details from either the event or from her more recent interactions with various Senators, Representatives, and other Democrat operatives do not provide a sufficient basis for me to vote against a nominee who is manifestly qualified.”
Lindsey Graham quote?
Nah. My statement if I was a Senator on the Committee.
Can you please run for Senator? I will move to your state to vote for you.
FSP has New Hampshire; if all the Glibs moved to Guam and voted for Statehood, could we get two senators?
Nope. It would flip over and drown us all.
since Mitchell is a woman, i fully expect her to be slandered without mercy in leftist media in 3.. 2..
Wow, Ford says Leland denies that party took place under oath because Leland has health problems
I actually saw that bit. Ford is nuts.
Won’t matter one fucking bit to the #believeher crowd.
If I was questioning her, I would have had a hard time not taking that and running with it.
“So, Dr. Ford, you believe that people can make errors in sworn testimony about events from 30 years ago?”
“Could you enlighten us about the health problems that you are claiming caused these errors?”
From what I can tell, Grassley seriously screwed the pooch on the format for this hearing. The choppy 5 minutes on for each side, the inevitable pointless bloviating from the Dem Senators, the apparent lack of a schedule that anyone will keep to; all this seems designed to help the Dems. I would have gone with
(1) Ford makes an opening statement.
(2) The minority/Dems go first and have two hours (less than 15 minutes per Senator).
(3) The prosecutor has an unbroken two hours to ask questions. With a lunch break, we are done with her by 2:30 Eastern.
(4) Rinse and repeat with Kav, only shorter times for questioning (an hour each seems fair) because he’s already been questioned for days. We’re done with Kav by 5:00 Eastern.
(5) Hold the vote at the end of the hearing.
The prosecutor has an unbroken two hours
She did make the point about how to interview in order to get the truth. And she seemed to think that Ford is full of shit.
so at this point, as the saying goes, are you not entertained?
Maybe not you lot seem to take this a lot more serious than me. I blame your barbaric gun clinging
No, because all of this nonsense means that the Democrats are going to continue to do this kind of shit whenever they feel sufficiently motivated.
not entertained. yes cuz guns.
What you are seeing is the bitterness, anger, disappointment of people who cannot, despite all the evidence, quite stop believing that we should be better than this.
Interesting point, that it would have been nice to see followed up.
Apparently, she left the house after this incident (still no indication of how she got to and from a party miles from her own house when she was too young to drive). Her best girlfriend was at the party, and she just walked out on her, leaving her alone in a house full of drunk guys, two of whom had just tried to rape her. And neither one of them had anything to say about it the next time they met. No “OMG, are you OK?” No “What happened? You just left the party all of a sudden.”
Now, I’m not a teenage girl, but I don’t think that’s the way they really work.
Plus, the only secrets teenage girls ever keep from one another are “I fucked your boyfriend”. I don’t buy it for one fucking second that something happened she told no one. Bull fucking shit.
If she had actually been no-kidding rape-raped, I could understand not telling anyone. But a couple of guys getting super-handsy and you making an escape with your virtue intact? Oh, yeah. That gets hashed and rehashed over and over.
my thoughts exactly
Saw this on a friend’s FB post:
“Took the kid to our weekly music date, came home and read about 4 entries into the NYT
live update of the hearing.
That’s enough. He may be pro life (for those of you that that particular designation matters..) but he’s still a republican operative disguised as a judge and a rapist.
(And before anyone says “well due process.” There’s no statute of limitations on rape in Maryland and its a damn job interview, not a trial. Get a different argument and learn some civics)”
I’ve been friends with her since high school, but she’s been intolerable when it comes to politics. They always try to get me in some political debate, but I usually change the subject.
The it’s not a trial canard is getting tiresome. He won’t be thrown in jail but he will be known as the rapist judge and the Dems will try to remove him feom the circuit the first chance they get.
But as long as it’s not a trial unfounded character assasination is AOK.
It’s telling that the friend notes that he’s pro-life, because abortion is really what this charade is all about
The person who posted it is a she. Maybe one day when her son is falsely accused of sexual assault, she will come to her senses.
‘learn some civics’
You know what I want?
I want James O’Keefe to release a new video from some gal who says Merrick Garland had non-consensual ass to mouth sex with her 40 years ago in Jr. High. Claim that she told the GOP Senators all about it, but asked to be kept anonymous.
That is why the GOP didn’t bring his nomination forward.
I won’t be satisfied until each and every fuckwad in DC is trembling in fear about their constituents finding out about their circle jerk in a tree house when they were 12.
And the Warren Commission report needs to be re-opened so we can investigate the very plausible accusations against Ted Cruz’s father.
Since half of what Congress does now is investigate partisan conspiracy theories, why not do a fun one?
Diane Feinstein caused the challenger to explode by rubbing her icy cunt with the o ring from the booster.
Everyone is fair game!
It’s funny how Larry Ellison – a top level DNC – is escaping scrutiny.
I’m sure Oracle Larry Ellison has shit in his closet, but I think you meant Chief Keef Ellison.