Senate Sex Prosecutor: What attendants hath Sarah Goode?
Brettly: A yellow bird and shee would have given me one.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: What meate did she give it?
Brettly: It did suck her between her fingers.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: Did not you hurt Mr Currins child?
Brettly: Goode good and goode Osburn told that they did hurt Mr Currens child and would have had me hurt him two, but I did not.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: What hath Sarah Osburn?
Brettly: Yellow dog, she had a thing with a head like a woman with 2 legges, and wings. Abigail Williams that lives with her Uncle Parris said that she did see the same creature, and it turned into the shape of Goode Osburn.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: What else have you seen with Osburn?
Brettly: Another thing, hairy it goes upright like a man it hath only 2 legges.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: Did you not see Sarah Good upon Elizabeth Hubbard, last Saturday?
Brettly: I did see her set a wolfe upon her to afflict her, the persons with this maid did say that she did complain of a wolfe. She further saith that shee saw a cat with good at another time.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: What cloathes doth the man go in?
Brettly: He goes in black clothes a tall man with white hair I thinke.
Senate: How doth the woman go?
Brettly: In a white hood and a black hood with a top knot.
Senate Sex Prosecutor: Doe you see who it is that torments these children now?
Brettly: Yes it is Goode Good, shee hurts them in her own shape
Senate Sex Prosecutor: And who is it that hurts them now?
Brettly: I am blind now. I cannot see.
I know it was a long time ago, but if you can remember the original allegation against Kavanaugh, I honestly can’t help but think it was based on this:
I mean, it’s got the sloppy drunk guy, the kiss, the boob grope, something that could be called “trying to tear her clothes off,” and then he leaves. She even looks like the girl in the scene!
33 years later, Mare Winningham keeps Rob Lowe off SCOTUS for making fun of her proto-Spanx.
pure SF genius
the worst kind.
This whole shitshow is infuriating.
It reminds me of what happened to Herman Cain.
I was considering voting for him, but hadn’t made up my mind when he dropped out.
If I remember correctly didn’t all that go away after that?
Didn’t what go away?
If I remember correctly didn’t all that go away after that?
It was no longer useful. There is a bright side with Kav, Democrats are not attempting to lynch a black man this time.
You are correct. This is the worst one yet and if they get away with it they will just get worse and the reps will never get anyone confirmed again
Jesus fucking Christ, Robby is a fucking moron.
Robby, if you let them win, they will do it again… and again…. and again.
What a fucking retard.
Jesus Fucking Christ. You know, son of God.
Good guy.
I thought we killed him.
We??? No, OMWC killed him.
*sprints away, hops in car, races off never to be seen again*
He is old enough.
It’s ok, he got better
I am going to hell for laughing at that.
They guy with the hair.
You have to wonder if that’s what he wants.
Related: The Fonz actually, seriously, jumped the shark.
It’s kind of hard to criticize, in good faith, a 40 minute screed in 1500 characters or less.
I’m going to watch that since the beginning of it indicates he’s going to go after Stephen Hicks. I would pay good money to see Hicks dismantle Nicky in a debate.
And he starts off with Lyotard. Apparently Reason has completely and fully rejected any sort of Randian philosophy at this point.
It’s terrible.
It’s 40 minutes of a faux-interview with Weissmueller tossing Nick softball questions designed to allow Nick to pontificate for 5 minutes at a time with his own, idiosyncratic, ipse dixit pronouncements of what postmodernism “is”, which at no time actually responds in any meaningful way to Peterson et al.’s actual points of contention with postmodernism.
PRO TIP: It’s not post-positivism, Gillespie.
The Jacket isn’t the public intellectual we need. But he probably is the one we deserve, on account of the fact that we are all sinners and deserve death.
In the first five minutes, he’s already mischaracterized Lyotard and Peterson.
I get the feeling it’s not going to get better. Is he going to start quoting Dworkin before it’s over?
What’s his endgame here? Is he trying to capture postmodernism for libertarianism? Because postmodernism was exclusively developed by leftists, who although they claim there is no truth, certainly adhere to the truth of the power of the state.
His endgame is “some people who like Peterson are icky.”
Did you see the interview the Jacket did with a professor of queer studies. He (like basically all failed lib-arts PhDs) wants so, so desperately to be acknowledged by lib-arts PhDs that “succeeded” and managed to land a tenure track job. It was pathetic, you could see the light go out of his eyes just a little bit when he managed to name drop a few topical-in-the-mid-80’s names and a bit of jargon and the prof just batted it away because he’s a shitlord conservative (in her mind.)
No, I didn’t. Please supply a link, my good sir!
Can’t find it, and can’t remember the name of the person interviewed.
There simply HAS to be a judge named Stephen Smith somewhere in the US.
“Smith served on the high Texas court from November 2002 through January 2005. He is known for his conservative judicial philosophy and opposition to racial quotas.”
“Message from Steve Smith
I am seeking your support for Clark County’s District Court Judge Department 4 position. I am the challenger to the incumbent.”
There are several. Like Hizzoner, here.
“Steven S. Smith is a judge of the 31st Judicial Circuit in Virginia. He was elected by the Virginia General Assembly on February 25, 2015, effective July 1. His eight-year term will expire on June 30, 2023.”
So at least five.
The fuck is Rufus doing over there???
He always commits blog adultery.
Canadian betrayal? Cuts like a knife!
He’s all over town.
Just like a bicycle.
His behavior (behaviour?) is just…..reckless
It’s like he has a magic power.
But you know Rufus… always in the limelight.
And if I could, you know I would, fly away with you…
I did not know April Wine was Canukian. The more you know…
It’s why I’m here, blackjack.
They were also my first concert. 1982, I believe…
Turn coat!!!
He’s bilingual.
He’s just afraid of being labeled a shitlord.
To be sure…
You’re not even going to help me climb the tree?
Verily, thy words speake a noble truth!
We are not worthy!
However, I have to take points away for reminding me of that shitstain of a movie, St. Elmo’s Fire
Cmon, who isn’t deeply affected by Demi’s attempt at suicide by….um….opening the windows and trying to freeze to death?
Once frozen, won’t be a [wo]man in motion.
Let’s be honest, the worst party of the movie is clearly Ally Sheedy’s hair. At least have a little plausible deniability that the character is straight, sweetheart.
But surely the title song makes up for the rest of the movie?
Senate Sex Prosecutor: What meate did she give it?
Don’t you mean what meatus did she give it?
This is taken verbatim from a Salem Witch trial. (The last link is the whole thing.)
I’ve seen this mentioned in every single MSM story. It’s almost like they have an agenda or something. Nah.
+1 Journolist
I think it was a nice touch to bring in a sex crimes prosecutor, myself. How can someone making accusations about sex crimes object to being questioned by a prosecutor? I mean, without looking like a total fool who made the accusations in bad faith.
More importantly it denies the Dems soundbytes of Republican Senators attacking a rape victim
A female sex crime prosecutor that worked/ran a Special Victims Unit.
This is the ideal person to interview a woman complaining about a sexual assault.
How I wish it would go
I think that the vote should have already taken on Monday. Kav had given a statement under oath and the accuser was levying demands to be satisfied before a hearing? Fuck that. I am sympathetic to the notion that Grassley is giving Team Blue enough rope with which to hang themselves, but he is getting close to the wire. The vote needs to happen tomorrow with or without the first and/or second accuser present. Then or if not, McConnell needs to bring it to a floor vote in the senate.
This. They should have given a deadline of, say, noon on Monday for the accuser to submit some sort of under-oath statement, whether in person or via teleconference or to a Federal official in California. At which point they review all the statements, hold a vote to decide whether further investigation is warranted, and if it isn’t then they vote on Kavinaugh. If the Dems didn’t like that timeline, Grassley should have said to take it up with Feinstein.
Sometimes, you gotta admit you lost. They lost this one. Fortunately for them, the only consequence will be the nomination/confirmation of an equally conservative justice a few weeks from now.
Sure, Mister “Prove Your Innocence!”
Anybody who thinks this is a one-off is either hopelessly stupid, or thinks everybody else is.
His argument that Gorsuch didn’t get this much pushback totally ignores that K represents the 5th vote.
The fifth vote is like the seventh seal.
This is fucking desperation, pure and simple.
Why not both?
If a new justice is picked it would have to be the fastest confirmation in U.S. history to get it done by next year.
So yeah there is a definite huge incentive for Democrats to stall if they believe the blue wave will extend to the Senate.
And maybe if Republican voters are now disillusioned enough, it will.
There is some polling that indicates that indicates that this debacle is really pissing off TEAM RED’s base. So the blue wave may run up again red rage. We will see though.
I definitely could see that happen. Definitely.
There ain’t no red wave big enough to get Corey Stewart elected in Virginia
You can thank the People’s Republics of Fairfax and Loudoun county for that mess.
Fairfax just passed a ordinance yesterday banning loaded long guns in vehicles.
A pro 2A LEO spoke out against it at the meeting, reminding the council that most police are only trained on their own service weapons, and it would create a dangerous situation if they were to start handling unfamiliar guns for the purpose of seeing if they were loaded.
The police representative pushing the ordinance responded that all officers would be given extensive training in a variety of long guns. He neglected to provide the expense of such training, which I seriously doubt will happen anyway.
“To counteract these symptoms, Tituba made a “witchcake” out of rye meal and urine.”
Go on….
The worst thing the Republicans can do is to withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination. That’s tantalum to an apology to the left.
They’re mental if they give him up and cede more of the narrative to the left.
^^^So much this it hurts.
If you let the bully steal your lunch money once, he’s gonna do it everyday.
if you give into your toddlers’ demands every time they have a tantrum, then you’re shitty parent.
It’s time Republicans remind the nation that there supposedly the adults in politics and that they are the party in power.
It would ensure that any nomination will draw similar spurious accusations, because it worked. No matter how flimsy or absurd, if they caved this time, they’ll cave again.
Here is the thing. Even if the accusations are actually factual and accurate this time their flimsy nature proves that they do not have to be. If they get away with this then all you do is prove that this can work and it is a guarantee that every single male justice and probably some of the females nominated by Republicans going forward will see their character assasinated this way. It might be tried on Dem nominees but as bad as the Republicans are they are generally more banal than active in their evil so I don’t see them pulling it off. Especially with a compliant activist media running cover for the Dem appointees
The media will just bury the story as much as possible, as they have with Brother Keith.
It will become a part of the Dem playbook.
Already was part of the playbook. See: Thomas, Clarence.
They don’t have the emotional capacitor to stand up to them.
10^12 farads or GTFO
You mean tantamount, unless you’re expecting the the Republicans to give transition metals to the Democrats.
Are they small pellets, delivered at respectable velocities?
Ask Steve Scalise.
Tantalum capacitors or GTFO
Rufus would have corrected himself sooner, but he’s too busy working.
Yes! Can you believe it? TAKE YOU BABY AND GET OUT! I’M BUSY!
Watching Reason passive-aggressively attack Peterson and defend post-modernism:
“Watching Reason”
No thank you
And off goes the mask.
I think he was right the firs time.
What are you pining about?
The shambling quality of the show is among its central themes.
I start laughing just at the sight of MacDonald’s smirk.
The second show was lame, but the first show with Spade bagging on Norm is priceless. I’d gladly pay to watch other comedians beat Norm up because they all love him in that sincere, exasperated way one loves one’s father: he can’t change, but there’s this charm about him, and, of course, he’s Canada nice.
I’d ditch the desk and just have different folks drop by his man-cave or a ski lodge to chat.
And I don’t agree with all of Norm’s statements: he makes all kinds of mistakes; I’ve long since abandoned any notion that humans can be perfect. But they can be funny and interesting and put new spins on things.
Never gets old: Hillary take-down
Can somebody translate that from pretentious New Yorker lingo to regular English?
I didn’t get that, either: if it were a percussion reference, head and membrane would be the same thing?
I’m usually pretty good at this, and I’m coming up empty. Ham-handed “butting heads” spin? But who calls another head a “tense membrane?”
Butting your glans against her tense membrane?
I read the rest of the article. He never returns to the odd phrase, or even expands on what it clumsily refers to very much.
I guess The New Yorker dispensed with editors as well.
You’re just too stupid to understand their erudite and sophisticated use of King’s English you peasant.
It’s a Redgren Grumbholdt reference.
You dare question the New Yorker?
Ha I was looking for that quote in words but gave up.
Beating his head against a wall (or multiple walls)?
I thought it pretty funny that Spade didn’t fall for his bullshit but Barrymore did. He talks to her for like 10 minutes then pretends the show is starting – then pretends to take a break and tries to get them to say controversial stuff.
While coming up with a clever alliterative statement for these chesty ladies, I was struck by the sheer volume of euphemisms for tits that begin with the letter “b”.
Therefore, today’s tits are brought to you by the letter “b”.
#15 may well have been constructed by an algorithm just for me.
Is #65 thicc?
32 is my kind of THICC.
She reminds me of a girl in high school I dated (which by today’s standards, our consensual sex was rape).
28 is too
Am I just getting old, or does 6 look like she’s about 15?
I didn’t think so. 11, maybe.
#11, that is. I don’t think #6 looks 11 years old.
12, 24, 29, 65, 66, in no particular order.
Day 74 of no fap
As I exited my vehicle to walk into work I caught scent of a female in heat 73.35 meters upwind. Because of the fog I couldn’t see her yet but judging by the scent she was mid twenties, and healthy. My ultra attunated hearing was able to pick up her gait, which put her at about 5’6”. My mind, free of the constraints of porn and indecent imagery, was able to calculate her weight based on the ripple in the testosterone continuum produced by her footsteps as she walked away from me.
Being that I was 10 minutes early for work, I made chase and followed her through the fog still without visual contact. I was like a pilot navigating the white abyss by instrument alone. I was trailing her about 130m behind when I sensed her phone vibrate in her purse through the pavement. Holding my ear to the ground I was able to faintly pick up on the conversation she was having with beta BF. Based on the annoyed tone in her voice I knew now was the time to strike.
I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my vastus medialis muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth.
As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place.
You’re welcome gentlemen
All that and he still ended up with crabs?
Sounds kinda gay.
Trying to read that made my head hurt.
“Kavanaugh’s Summer 1982 Calendars Show Months of Hanging Out, Partying, Sports”
What a dweeb. Who kept a calendar, especially during the summer, when they were a teenager?
He was already faking evidence to get himself off of rape charges!
I know. I was on his side, but now I totally want his nomination torched.
Not only did he have a calendar, he has actually kept it for 36 years.
June 23: 10 am: basketball practice
1 pm: lunch with mom and dad
9 pm: Gang rape party
Why do I get the feeling Kavanaugh’s calendar is like OJ’s legal pad?
Is being a massive nerd more or less a qualification for being on the Supreme Court?
I don’t suppose you get on the Supreme Court without being one, actually.
Alito seems like he used to lay some serious pipe.
That might be my favorite headline to come out of all of this so far. It says nothing, and yet so much.
Zergnet just ran with the headline “Latest Kavanaugh Accuser is a Decorated Government Employee” in reference to the gang rape fabulist.
Anyone else thing that the reason the 3rd accusation was dropped this afternoon is because they were waiting for Kavanaugh’s calendar this morning? They then picked a date which seemed a good one — the beach party — and circled that one.
At this point, I’m prepared to believe anything about the DemOpMedia complex. They are so desperate, so enraged and so unhinged that they will do anything and say anything to try and get their way.
It would explain why Swetnik’s statement includes a rather random mention of Beach Week, which just happened to be noted in Kavanaugh’s calendar.
We were supposed to keep our Summer 1982 calendar? I’m so busted.
I was 1 y/o at the time. I can’t prove I didn’t harass any women that year. No scotus for me.
I have it on good authority that for several months before that you were grabbing tits without consent!
Senate Sex Prosecutor would be a good name for a band.
It would probably be one of the busiest jobs in the entire DC bureaucracy.
That guy would get burnt out and used up in 6 months.
Witches’ Mark
OT: The European Center-Left has completely collapsed outside of the UK.
Europe is returning to nationalism, all of them will be shutting their borders soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them start “repatriating” some of the less desirable imports before long.
Right or wrong, anyone who couldn’t see this coming was a dolt.
George Soros haz sadz.
Almost certain this has been posted already, but Razorfist is always on-topic.
I forgot how they smeared Cain with all that bullshit.
His argument that Gorsuch didn’t get this much pushback totally ignores that K represents the 5th vote.
Trading Gorsuch for Scalia was probably a win for TEAM leftist, in the greater scheme of things. Kavanaugh-for-Kennedy (even if he was hand picked by Kennedy) is a meaningful shift. Anybody less willing to abandon the Constitution for the furtherance of state power than Kagan will get the same treatment.
Oh, it will still be 4 lockstep liberals and 4 squishy conservatives, with the role of swing Justice now being played by Roberts.
Its Trump replacing one of the 4 lockstep libs that has the Dems really worried. And I think that Kav may just be battlespace prep for that one.
And I think that Kav may just be battlespace prep for that one.
Agreed, but if Kavanaugh gets confirmed, the Dems have inoculated RBG’s successor from these accusations.
Same way they blew their filibuster load too early on Scalia’s replacement. Should have saved the filibuster and unsubstantiated accusations for the major battle. Now they’ve lost their two strongest tools on relatively meaningless battles.
Too early to say that they lost their “baseless character assassination” tool. Kav hasn’t been confirmed yet.
The Dems have given every indication that they really, really don’t want Ford to make any public appearance or testify at all. I haven’t heard yet any confirmation from her mouthpiece that she will actually show; they’ve continued trying to “negotiate” such trivia as how many cameras, where they will be placed, and what press will be allowed, which gives them cover for her refusing to appear. This looks like they believe she will be a bad witness and Plan A was to roll the Repubs solely with bad press and no testimony. If they are worried about how she will come across, then they are in a real bind, because if Grassley holds the line on tomorrow being her last chance, and she doesn’t show, then that will give cover for the Repubs to confirm.
And a warning to any potential nominees.
I hope not! I don’t particularly care for Germans in Germany or Turks in Turkey, but Turks in Germany have numbered amongst my most productive collaborators.
1. Syrians and “Africans” would go first.
2. If the Germans really get worked up, getting kicked out is far from the worse thing that could happen.
Ain’t no ethnic cleansing like a Teutonic ethnic cleansing.
“Hey, how about a nice train ride?”
Deutsch Ban for immigrants.
“Last one in the shower is a rotten egg!”
Actually kind of Almond smelling
/Zyklon B, by Bayer, get your’s Today!
“You look sweaty. Are you sure you wouldn’t like to take a shower? I have a shower!”
“Did I hear someone say train?”
B. Kavanaugh
Guided by Voices? How about an on topic music choice?
found its host bouncing a doltish head against tense membranes.
Such euphemisms, that boy has.
Robby Soave
Verified account
4h4 hours ago
Sucks for Brett Kavanaugh, I guess. It really sucks for him, in the possible but increasingly unlikely event he is completely innocent of all wrongdoing. But it’s time to take the L.
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”
1) The game is not over. 2) Increasingly unlikely and consistently baseless accusations are a sign of desperation.
Nice to know that an ostensibly libertarian magazine believes that accusations constitute evidence.
Robby is secretly sending his resume to liberal publications.
Dude isn’t libertarian.
He’s Weigel Jr, just like ENB (Weigel in drag)
You’d think the money would have a guy who keeps an eye on Reason and either reports back or just drops the hammer when the writers range off the reservation?
If that was the case Shikha and Chapman wouldn’t keep popping up.
What makes you think the money wants hardcore libertarianism?
They’re libertarians: You know, the “I’m socially liberal and fiscally conservative” kind.
Common sense sized government.
I think they use Reason as prep school for Cato. Seems like only Julian Sanchez was able to graduate.
Seen Sheldon Richman or Brendan O’Neill article over there recently?
Good God is Soave a moron. Does he really think there’s a chance in hell Kavanaugh was part of a gang rape club?
Newsflash Robby, the left still hates you no matter how far you bend over for them.
He can always become a Fruit of the Loom model.
I say again from Morning Lynx:
How is he going to keep getting all that sweet, progressive DC pussy if he holds to any principles?
“Sweet, sweet DC pussy”….what does Mr. ENB have to do with any of this?
This from the guy who sussed out the UVA rape hoax.
No. He found the whole thing believable.
Original article.
Yes, yes, he technically used the word “unbelievable” as in
but you see what he meant. It’s the commenters who sussed it out
More things change etc.
Let’s not overcredit him on that one. I distinctly remember him latching on to other writers who were doing more substantive work. I also distinctly remember him saying that he was sure something happened in that frat house.
To be sure, Robby. To be sure.
One of the commentariat’s finer moment, IMO. It took most of us a matter of minutes to conclude it was a hoax, and we roundly abused Robby for not seeing the painfully obvious. If anything he owes us, bigly, for setting him straight on what is currently the highlight of his career.
Brett Kavanaugh’s calendars from the summer of 1982, when Christine Blasey Ford has said her alleged assault most likely happened, show a few months filled with trips, sports camps, haircuts, parties, movies, “beach week,” and even being grounded for a few weekends.
A guy who grew up with money spent the summer partying. How the hell is this news?
People without money spend the summer partying. Every teenager (with few exceptions) spends the summer partying.
I worked like a dog during the summer in college because I wanted spending money and hated working during school. High school though, yeah, those were three month parties.
Didn’t Kirk save
the Enterprisehumanity with that stuff?Only if He used a capacitor
Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee — all of whom are men — wanted to bring in a woman to ask questions for them in order to keep the hearing respectful.
“Show us, on the doll,…”
Isn’t Swetnick admitting, under oath, that she ‘knew’ there was a group of serial gang rapists roving all over the DC suburbs for upwards of two years that she was actually at parties where and when said gang rapes were occurring; and that despite this she 1): Never told anyone else; 2) Never attempted to stop any of the attacks while they were occurring; 3) never reported these multiple incidents to the police; 4) Continued to attend parties with the group of boys/men that she ‘knew’ to be serial gang rapists and 5) only stopped hanging out with them after she herself became a victim. Is that correct?
I don’t believe that it’s clear that she stopped coming after she became a victim.
i’ve seen reported she’s two years older than Kav too so he was a serial rapist at 15 or was she going to high school parties after she had already graduated?
I think she’s nearly 3 years older. Her birthday is (apparently) Dec 1962 and his is Feb. 1965.
She graduated HS in 1980 and him in 1983. So in summer 1982 when he had just finished his JR year of HS, she’d already finished her sophomore year in college.
Three years ahead of him in school – she graduated in 1980 and he in 1983. So, yes, by her account she was a high school graduate who started attending parties where 15 year olds were drugging and gang raping girls.
In order: yes, yes, yes, yes, and no. She didn’t stop hanging out with them after being raped herself: she said she was raped “in approximately 1982” yet states that she attended at least ten parties “from 1981-83”.
Ah. Very good point.
Shut up…this survivor deserves to be believed!
Isn’t Swetnick admitting, under oath,
Did she make her accusations under oath?
I haven’t read it (and I’m not going to) but the news flash I heard about her statement or her lawyer’s statement about her statement used the phrase “under penalty/threat/risk of perjury.” Made it seem like she was under oath whatever the exact phrasing was.
Here is her statement.
The last line says she declares it is true “under penalty of perjury”. Assuming she signed it in DC, its not under penalty of perjury. Under DC law, its only perjury if its a lie told to a tribunal after being sworn in, or was given under an oath administered by a notary, or has the following statement at the bottom (which hers doesn’t).
Avenatti is a hack and a liar.
I said I wasn’t going to read it!
And now you don’t have to. I linked it because I had to run it down anyway to see if it was, in fact, given under penalty of perjury. I doubted it, as about the only way that happens is you are sworn in by a tribunal or a notary, and I wanted to see if this was notarized as a sworn statement (which it wasn’t).
Fantastic. The setting, the lynx, and especially the music.
Thanks, SF!
you know who has remained sane through all this? Lindsey Graham. i’m surprised by that.
Lindsey Graham on Latest Kavanaugh Accuser: “If you went to a party once where people are being drugged and gang-raped, you wouldn’t go to the next nine.”
you wouldn’t go to the next nine.
Unless you enjoyed yourself.
Hey, look, who’s turning down a chance to hang out with Rick James?
Unless John McCain dick slapped you in the face and told you to get your ass into that party house.
As I posted on the last thread, she reminds me of the hunter who kept having to give the bear blowjobs.
Punchline: “You aren’t here for the hunting, are you?”
If she kept going to these parties, she was there for the rapes.
I had missed that she flagged she went to these parties from ’81 – ’83, but she was raped at one in ’82. So she was definitely going for the rapes.
Reposting Rufus’ critique of Peterson in support of “Libertarian Postmodernism”.
Gillespie ties himself in knots trying to defend postmodernism as a philosophy by going back to its roots and then insisting that it’s just a form of rational skepticism.
Fuck that. IMO, libertarian postmodernism is an oxymoron since libertarianism relies on basic principles and objective truths, whereas postmodernism rejects that objective truth even exists. IDGAF if you go back to some philosophical navel gazing about how postmodernism applies in a vacuum, the way in which it is applied today is to tear down objective reality and is used to explain away all kinds of evil.
Fuck you Reason, I don’t regret dumping you for a second.
I will inform Penn Jillette, Milton Freedman, Russ Roberts, and Hayak that intellectual humility is no basis for libertarian thought.
I think you can have plenty of wiggle room to tackle the big questions and capital T Truth while still admitting there are some objective truths upon which libertarianism is based; freedom is preferable to slavery, coercion is bad, etc.; those kinds of things. It’s all well and good to get into discussions about what freedom means when applied to a particular situation, either physically, metaphysically or theologically and try to draw conclusions from that.
Postmodernism denies that freedom itself really exists and is only an emergent property of a particular set of non-reproducible circumstances. Which is how you can “reason” your way into freedom = slavery, war = peace etc.
It’s a difficult question for agnostics and atheists in particular. Stephen Hicks goes at the problem directly, which is the acknowledgment of uncertainty and the limitations of human knowledge while simultaneously allowing for objective truth.
That’s one interpretation of libertarianism. It is not the exclusive interpretation of it. In fact, each of the people I cited to have expressed the opinion that libertarianism (or something like it that they don’t want to name other than !conservatism) is a system that calls for acting like you don’t have access to capital T Truth even when you think you do.
Its also telling that if you ask 10 libertarians for a list of the capital T Truths, you’ll get at least 11 different irreconcilable lists.
Fair enough.
That goes to my point, though. You can say you (nor anyone else) don’t have a lock on the capital T Truth and still acknowledge that it is out there. Saying that there is no objective truth means whatever construct you cook up is no worse than any other. Someone who acknowledges objective truth has to caveat their pronouncements with “I may be wrong”. Someone who denies objective truth is fundamentally saying “I can’t be wrong.” (because there is now right or wrong to judge against).
“libertarianism relies on basic principles and objective truths”
“You can say you (nor anyone else) don’t have a lock on the capital T Truth and still acknowledge that it is out there”
These are significantly different statements,
“Saying that there is no objective truth means whatever construct you cook up is no worse than any other.”
That’s not true at all. There are all sorts of appeals to subjective preferences by which we can say that something is better or worse than something else. These subjective preferences (can) have nothing to do with objective truths.
But I’m going to stop talking about this because 1) I’m busy and should be doing other stuff 2) its not my opinion. I think that there are Big T Truths and they underpin my personal philosophy.
There are all sorts of appeals to subjective preferences by which we can say that something is better or worse than something else.
The problem is that if it all comes down to subjective preferences and there is no right and wrong out there, the only basis to judge subjective preferences is power, as Scruffy Nerfherder suggests below. There’s no standard by which people can interact.
I think there’s a difference between believing there’s a fundamental, objective, reality and pretending you know every detail of it. You can know that reason exists while acknowledging you’re imperfect and capable of being unreasonable. You can say that the good exists and still say you’re not the perfect judge of it in all circumstances.
Three decades ago I wandered into some Russell and noted he had his hands full proving 1 + 1 = 2 and didn’t get laid much. Since then, I engineer my philosophy in reverse and don’t have any basics other than some sort of NAP/goldenrule notion.
It’s like sizing a pump to me: I just know the fluid has a viscosity and the system has a load, so so much power is required. I don’t ask myself where the viscosity came from or (much) question the client’s load.
But I’m impressed with you boys who’ve read and remember that stuff; I try to hang on to what I read here.
I’ve read your posts. You’re too modest by far.
You’re kind. I’ve read some and maybe collated the notions usefully, maybe. Mostly I’m a hands-off stay on your own hill sort hillbilly, which I think is honorable.
RLStevenson has Mr Utterson say something like this in Jekyll/Hyde: “”I incline to Cain’s heresy,” he used to say quaintly: “I let my brother go to the devil in his own way.”” That’s okay by me.
One other thing is my backwoods sense of fairness. Markets are wild messes with unpredictable weathers: I don’t think I deserve a leg up or a scholarship or some leveling wind or tide, but I want an even chance to try my ideas in a marketplace where there’s no thumb on the scales, and, if I lose therein, so be it: I’ll try something else.
Bertrand Russell was a notorious poonhound. Is there some other Russell associated with proving 1 + 1 = 2 who didn’t get laid?
Yes sir: that’s the guy, but I only remembered his lukewarm affection for the woman he married and a tryst or two with someone else’s wife; I didn’t notice he held any records in that sport. Rather, I thought I recalled his being the type who merely wrote about getting laid all the time.
Either way, I couldn’t much read him or Wittgenstein and decided to just stipulate that 1 + 1 = 2.
One must admit, wouldn’t you say, that the sexual adventures of the English are hilarious. They can’t be like the French and just bang who they might and apologize for nothing; there always has to be a foppish stumbling about; I imagine the pathetic thrusting struggles of the sort of puppy who could neither load a shotgun or open an umbrella. How is it that the British haven’t entirely died off already from feminine indifference?
Donald Kagan has an anecdote on the subject in one of his lectures on Sparta. He cites A.J.P. Taylor who shows the lack of increase in births after WW1 compared to France and stipulates that there were no major advances in contraception or other forms of birth control at the time. “We have to conclude”, he says, “that we are dealing with deeply frustrated people.”
Believing in objective truth doesn’t preclude humility in our means of getting at it (or having it).
If it did, why search and learn at all?
Yeh. I’m half-way through and scarce believe my ears.
I’m trying to wrap my head around what he’s saying. Post-modernism concerns itself, in part, with the subjective; something libertarians and classical liberals aren’t exactly fans of.
Question. Was Nietszche’s claim there’s a truth beyond good and evil ‘post-modern’ before it was cool?
I suggested in the thread at Reason Reason stop fucking around behind Peterson’s back and interview him already.
He would likely accept. JBP is an Alberta Cowboy that don’t shy away from no fight, but being a Canadian he apologizes after kicking your ass.
“Anything done out of love is beyond good and evil.”
Nietzsche would have sickly amused by post-modernism, picking it apart as a slave philosophy.
That is just silly talk.
Not necessarily in Java
I say these words with the utmost sincerity: fuck Java.
+1 garbage collector
fuck Java
Yeah, I’m with you on that one.
Fuck that. IMO, libertarian postmodernism is an oxymoron since libertarianism relies on basic principles and objective truths, whereas postmodernism rejects that objective truth even exists.
If basic principles and objective truths aren’t the fundamentals underlying existence, the dictates of the man with the gun replace them. If justice is just a scam to impose on the masses, there’s no reason to complain about unjust laws. If responsibility is just a bourgeois construct, then there’s no reason to complain that the irresponsible seize the productivity of the responsible. If reason and logic are just illusions created by the white-cis-hetero-patriarchy, then doing away with them in our relationships with one another is not only forgivable, but a mandate.
We’re talking about people who believe this is a feature, not a bug.
I was thinking more postmodernists, and their love for collectivist authoritarianism via mobs of black-clad teenagers throwing molotovs and turning over cars, but I wouldn’t put it past Reason as well nowadays.
Sad but true.
Power is the only metric for the postmodernists. Everything is about power.
If basic principles and objective truths aren’t the fundamentals underlying existence, the dictates of the man with the gun replace them.
To be fair, even if they are, the men with gun do at least temporarily override most of them, depending on proximity of men and the number of guns.
It would be amusing if Trump floated Barry’s name for scotus, not actually nominated, but say it rhetorically in a tweet like he does with other things that get the press in a tizzy.
Bill Clinton would be more fun.
Why not Hilary?
Trump could have some real fun with Bill. His policy positions are generally pretty similar to Bill’s, so he could talk about how he was a Clinton supporter back in the day, give examples of how policies that the Dems now profess to hate originated with Bill, and say Bill would be a great Justice, just the best.
Then the bimbo parade begins…
I never knew Barry was a rapist. But that would confirm it.
This sounds like the setup for a joke. All I know is Sessions is the punchline.
How about going all out and nominating Judge Napolitano?
“We have hired a female assistant to go on staff and to ask these questions in a respectful and professional way,” McConnell told reporters. “We want this hearing to be handled very professionally, not a political sideshow like you saw put on by the Democrats when they were questioning Judge Kavanaugh.”
That ship has sailed.
the only reason for a facade of civility would be to placate Flake with his presidential aspirations. but fuck Flake. just vote. if Kav’s not confirmed, then nominate Coney Barrett. they’ll get pro-life in spades. Iowa’s 6-week abortion ban? sure, that’s Constitutional. Roe v Wade? written out of jurisprudence.
nominate Coney Barrett
That pedophile?
/Feinstein OFF
“written out of jurisprudence”
But they’ve had decades to pass a law. They didn’t. Whoops.
We may need to thank Avanetti in the end. It’s very possible his “rape train” bullshit sent Fonzi over the shark.
Ra-a-a-a-a-pe Train!
He’s a modern day Clarence Darrow, he is!
He’s got the tiger by the tail. Better hold on tight now.
Avanetti has refused to allow his client to be questioned by the media, apparently, or speak to anyone.
Kavanaugh has already been questioned by the Senate about these new charges, and now they’ve submitted a request to ask her some questions. I’m sure Avanetti will be imminently forthcoming with the Senate investigative effort.
Avenatti will no longer be licensed to practice law by 2020.
If I’m wrong about it, I will let each and every one of you kick me in the dick as hard as you want. Mark your calendars.
Way to make me root for Avenatti!
*laces up boots because I’ve lost all faith in humanity*
Why I have no faith in the seeing the payoff to this bet.
Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense!
He’s like Gloria Allred, only more stupid and reckless.
I don’t think it’s fair to attribute TDS to Avanetti.
My God. I really am a child of the 80s.
It was like looking into a time machine capsule thingy.
Reminds me for some reason of the time we (my buddies and me) went to our first dance club when we were 14. A French-Canadian girl came out of nowhere, grabbed me to dance and proceeded to grope and stick her tongue down my throat. It might have lasted, what, a couple of minutes and then she disappeared. We all giggled at that at the burger place after.
grope me. Jesus today. I’m working! For real!
Something like that happened to me in high school. I presumed she had lost a bet.
American Nerds = Canadian girlfriend
Canadian Nerds = French-Canadian girlfriend
French-Canadian Nerds = ????
Who do they claim to have gotten it on with when they are telling blatantly obvious lies about their sexual conquests?
Eskimo girlfriend?
French-Canadian Nerd = Newfies.
Newfies Nerds = Sheep; also Newfies that are not particularly nerdy = Sheep.
PS – First girl I ever kissed was while I was on vacation and she was visiting from Canada. I was old enough to know it was a cliche, so I didn’t tell anyone about it until I was over 30 and had a kid.
“First girl I ever kissed was while I was on vacation and she was visiting from Canada”
French-Canadian Nerds = northern New England girlfriend.
Jesus, people, you really don’t understand the geographically-cyclic nature of this, do you?
I thought doing that kind of shit was part of being a teenager? I guess I’m a hopeless throwback too.
Having grown up in NM, and with a sister who was going to NMSU (about 30 miles from the border), my friends and I would go down there and cross over to Juarez to party. This was before the drug cartels turned the place into Baghdad. Drunk American college and high school girls all over the place. I specifically remember seeing a couple having sex on a table and it certainly didn’t look like rape to me.
Vegas was wrong, it’s Mexico where everything stays.
I have friends who flew out to meet up with an old high school buddy in San Diego and drove over for a week. On the ride back, one of them took his shoes off and set them on fire at a gas station. He said, “I don’t want what these things have seen to follow me back home.”
set them on fire at a gas station
You’re Derek Zoolander?!?
All the sartorial comments make so much more sense now…
It’s a wonderful part of growing up. I must of been about that age when my dad busted me making out with a girl I met at the resort we were staying at. My little brother was soooooo jealous.
And now the scolds are gonna wreck that, too.
You see the way loveless biddies are now about gender and sex… just imagine that but for girls who were convinced as preteens that all boys are sociopathic rapists.
Except that ain’t how girls work: they are convinced of nothing.
You can train a colt or dog and even beat a boy into your model, but a girl holds her tongue, does her homework, and pretends to obey until she can slip out of the house and become whichever flavor of woman she was always going to be. Sometimes the scold gene persists and a harpy emerges, and sometimes she goes on to a nurturing or gabbing profession, but sometimes she crawls onto the back of the first Harley leaving town. Whichever choice it is, Mom and Dad had maybe 14% to do with it because girls will be girls.
/silly notion but I still like it
Truer words were never spoken.
Source: Am female, have 14yo daughter
I’ve been right about two things today and it’s barely Miller time. I should cash this check and get out of town.
Actually, I treasure fun over facts and have probably overly applied the whimsy today. NewWife touches down in an hour and a long weekend will soon commence to begin, so y’all will hafta steal Kin Hubbard and Will Rogers tropes on your own.
I have a daughter and agree largely with what you say, but it’s not the girls I’m worried about. Boys are clumsy, hormonal creatures who are easily manipulated.
Actually, so are grown men.
My concern is that girls are the same as ever – aggressive and manipulative – but the boys are in a crazy place where they can be destroyed for normal behavior. I hate the idea that kids can’t experiment, make mistakes and move the fuck on. It’s what growing up is, ffs.
Listening to trumps press conference
Goddamn the press is pathetic
They haven’t asked a serious question yet they just keep trying to get him to call K’s accusers liars
He should call them liars. Because they are.
“I don’t think they are lying, exactly. I think they are delusional. You know, cuckoo, crazy, around the bend, nutso. I feel bad for them. I know a shrink who might be able to help. He’s a genius, just the best. I’m rich, so I’ll even pay his fees.”
I don’t know if it’s sad or funny that I can envision him saying exactly this.
He flat out called this whole thing a ‘con job’. It was pretty funny.
I’ll be the first to admit i don’t care for Trump, but he has actually gotten more knowledgeable. When he was running. He didn’t know shit about anything. Now he speaks competently
most police are only trained on their own service weapons, and it would create a dangerous situation if they were to start handling unfamiliar guns
I don’t go to the range at BassPro anymore. I could walk in there with four pistols strapped on and they would never know, but if I mosey in with my EDC cosy in its carry, then some idiot girl on exit door duty has to open it up, padlock it, and then some dude at the range desk gets to unlock it…..etc. Why, because it’s safer to have some untrained girl waving a strange gun around than it is to just trust people to manage their own heat? On the way out that last time, I just strapped on and quietly left to save all the hassle.
“cozy in its carry” meant “in a closed pistol case” ugh
I’m sure its quite cozy in there. All padded and dark and snug.
These euphemisms…
I don’t go to ranges
It’s a hassle
I don’t trust anyone there
I don’t want locals to know I have guns
I really wish that I had enough land so that my only shooting options weren’t:
1) Going to the indoor range
2) Driving an hour to the National Forest to shoot outside
If you lived around here you would be welcome to shoot on my place….for a small fee
6 pack?
Sounds like a deal
Doesn’t everyone know you have guns?
That felon on the run did. Along with some nice dogs.
Around here, I’d say every other house has guns. Isn’t that even higher in your neck of the woods?
Completely OT here, but a few observations from today:
1. Knee replacement surgery sucks.
2. Knee replacement surgery when you are completely resistant to opioids REALLY sucks.
Don’t know what it is with my genetics/metabolism, but most pain meds do absolutely nothing for me. I’ve taken codeine, Tramadol, morphine, dilaudid, percocet, and tilidine, and none of those make a lick of difference to me. I might as well be popping Pez. Same thing with alcohol – I’m not a drinker by any stretch of the imagination, only imbibing a dram of Scotch every once in a while, but it is virtually impossible for me to get drunk. When I came home on a R&R from Afghanistan, my wife made me boat drinks to enjoy by the pool. Went through a fifth of rum in about 3 hours, and didn’t even get tipsy. And now here I am, about 7 hours post surgery with nothing that will kill the pain. Thankfully they have a nerve block that will last the next day or so, but I see a month or two of extreme discomfort in my future…
Knee surgery sucks. I wish I had a pain killer suggestion for you. Good luck!
This is my 4th operation on this knee. First three were 30 years ago, and back then they told me that i’d eventually have to have it replaced. That time has finally caught up to me!
It’ll be uncomfortable, but hopefully this will get rid of the constant pain that I’ve been in for the past decade or so. It was a partial replacement, and the doc told me that I’d have a total replacement in my future, but hopefully that will be it for this knee…
Pain killer suggestion.
Ugg. I am really not a fan of the peat monster Scotches. I’l stick with my 18 year Oban…é_the_Giant#Personal_life_and_death
“Roussimoff has been unofficially crowned “the greatest drunk on Earth” for once consuming 119 12-US-fluid-ounce (350 ml) beers (over 41 litres/72 pints) in six hours.”
yikes, hang in there
You might give kratom a try. Its not exactly a painkiller, but its a moodlifter than actually works.
Careful, its illegal in 4 states.
I work for the federal government in a mandatory drug test position. Don’t think I’ll be trying anything that isn’t prescribed 🙂
I just feel sorry for my wife – she’s the one that will have to live with my whiny ass…
So you’re saying you’re from the government and you’re here to help?
And your happy I’m here?
But yes, exactly 🙂
Not even morphine?
Sweet Jesus, are you dead?
Sorry 🙁
If you can’t dull the pain, my next best suggestion would be to sleep through as much of it as possible.
Or embrace the pain and become a masochist?
I work for the government. Being a masochist is part of the job description!
That’s my plan as well. I’ve got a nice setup for movies/tv/games/reading, and I will sleep whenever I can. Got a long recovery to get through (I’m off work for the next 4-6 weeks), and I really hope to spend most of that time unconscious!
Good luck, man.
Been watching Longmire lately. Might eat up a few hours for you.
My other thought was to try to learn a new language. I have the Rosetta Stone software for German (wife is German, but has no patience in teaching me), French, and Irish Gaelic. Would love to learn the Gaelic – I’d love to be able to speak in a language that you are pretty much guaranteed no random person would know, but would be pretty useless unless the wife also learned it…
I think you’re gonna have to be laid up for a long time to learn Gaelic. I’m not convinced it’s not a made up language, like Klingon.
The hard part about Gaelic is guessing which half of the written letters in any given word are silent.
I laughed out loud….that’s excellent.
“mein verdammtes Knie ist sehr schmerzhaft!” or something like that.
Then, from then on, every time some morsel of Kultur krosses his mind (ich denken!), his Knie will begin to throb.
If you’d ever worked for the Germans for eight years, tiny streams of flashback tears would now be streaming down your jowls!
We lived in Germany for 6 years while I was stationed over there. I took German classes when I was in college, and I can still understand a good bit of it when it is spoken. Just have difficulty formulating sentences on my own. We used to go over to our neighbor’s house for dinner, and my neighbors and wife would speak in German. I could understand enough to follow the conversation, and just add my contributions in English. Worked out pretty well….
Not the same when we went to my wife’s grandparents/aunts/uncles. They all speak Schwaebisch, and I couldn’t understand any of that. Add in her grandfather’s penchant for sliding back into the Russian he learned while in a POW camp in WWII, and I was completely lost…
Sup patriarchy?
Any good train parties?
Things are good… oops gotta go, the guy in front of me just blew his load and I’m up next!
My dad told me about the prostitution lines in Vietnam. My first question was why would you wait ina line for that?
Why not? Everything else in the Army is hurry up and wait.
I can only imagine that poor girl in a hot jungle tent 9-5 with sweaty American teens.
“Soul brother too beaucoup!”
Can someone link me to the Glibertarian “Big Man Tyrone” video? I’m not having any luck with searching.
“About Us” at the top of the page.
Should go to it.
Thanks to both of you. For some reason I thought it was youtube format originally, but I couldn’t find it on Tyrone’s YT page. Was gonna link it again in twitter ;p
Let’s give odds on whether Ford shows tomorrow. I think the odds are 70/30 that she doesn’t.
I’d say 80/20 against.
Her not showing up would be the best possible outcome for the Pubs cause then they can shrug and say “well, she had her chance!” and hold the fucking vote.
But they set the precedent. Ramirez gets to set her time table, then rape train gets to make her demands, etc.
Team Red has handled this as poorly as they possibly could. It really does seem like they’re complicit in trying to poison the well on Kavanaugh. Maybe this is a little, “Oh, you’re gonna drain the swamp, huh, big guy? You think you don’t need the Republican establishment to get things done, tough guy?”
They will be singing a different song in November
So far trump has been doing a good job campaigning for them
They better get their shit together
Paging HM:
Gillespie: ‘…the university is a phenomenon of the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment….is a modernist institution and not a post-modern one….has always been a conservative, backward looking institution by design.”
/stick mic in HM’s face.
TL;DR Gillespie in that entire interview:
“In spite of my publication’s name, rationality sucks! When’s the next cocktail party?”
I’ve got a thought or two.
Imagine Stanley Fish’s adage about postmodernism writ large.
“I no longer have to be right, I only have to be interesting.”
This already describes a large swath of American higher education.
I would agree with him, about 95%. Most progress, be it technological, societal, or whatever, has been driven by entrepreneurs through the market. Think of how much Jeff Bezos and has changed how we buy things. I remember when people were fearful of buying things over the Internet.
That having been said, despite itself, there exist some scholars who have chosen to stay ensconced in the halls of academe, yet have had an effect on the world at large. The university, whether you date its founding from Nalanda or with the medieval European institutions, were monastic in origin.
So what do you make of the politically-liberal tendencies of most academia? Or if nothing else the popular perception of that? I can only speak to four colleges I’ve had direct experience with, and apart from a community college I found most professors who espoused a political belief to lean left. The only openly self-identified Marxists I’ve ever personally met were college professors (UMBC and UMD). This is obviously anecdotal and a very small sample size.
I think academics have this experience of breaking through intellectually just once and get hung up there. They infer that the silly little ideas they learned in middle school don’t hold water or at least are arguable, so they become first order skeptics, a good thing. Somehow, in high school, they are a rung better than their peers and off to better things….okay, nice so far.
But in their breaking through to see, say, the evils of the Industrial Revolution and child labor, they never get past that first aha; they have already triumphed and need climb no more intellectual hills to prove themselves. They actually miss the easy stuff like human nature, history, utility, agency. There are any number of simple and clear Rothbard or Freidman lectures that ask the next question: why didn’t the kiddies stay in the woods and hoe beets if servicing a steam-driven loom is so awful? But they aren’t curious for more answers; they have status and no need of further questioning.
They notch a level, collect a PhD, and then bask instead of continuing to learn more about how things really are, why and how they got that way, and what might happen next. Those of us in competitive professions can never stop learning, but I think academics often do.
Which of you lot has an un-natural affectation with mazdas and all things rotary?
“Jugsy” the girlfriend has been shopping for a 2nd car, and found an RX-8 for sale at a really attractive price. The caveat was “apex seals leaking oil”. Everything Ive seen during my entire 5 minute web research says that’s the kiss o’ death for a rotary.
Anyone care to drop some knowledge on me?
I’ve asked. She refuses to sanction that for public consumption.
There is no oil behind the apex seals for them to leak. They seal the three separate combustion chambers on the magic spinning triangles. That said, apex seals can, and do, go bad. For $3000 you can get a rebuild engine from Mazda with a 12-month warranty.
Good to know. Much obliged.
Mad Scientist to the white courtesy phone, please.
Don’t touch it.
That’s usually an indicator that the engine overheated which burns the oil seals. They are notoriously difficult if not impossible to fix.
Not oil, Apex seals. Sorry.
MS, I had no idea you could buy a rebuilt rotary from Mazda.
Neither did I, unfortunately. I have an RX-8 engine in my shop right now that I took apart for a rebuild. Let’s see, new seals, springs, oil control rings, rotor housings, gaskets, etc., etc., that’s about $3000 in parts. I have spent about 80 hours cleaning that engine. THEN I found out I could get a rebuilt one for the same money, and not have to do all this work. Problem is it’s $3000 if you give them a core engine to rebuild, $4000 without a core, and they want that core unopened. So I may just blow the $4000 and get one anyway. My wife will be delighted to see her car running again.
I had an RX-8. Tons of recalls. I’d pass.
The 2004-05 RX-8s had some issues which made them notoriously unreliable. If you want an RX-8, get a 2006 or later model.
I had the 04
Yeah, I just looked @ her text. Its an ’04
Should be awfully cheap then. I have a pair of RX-8s with blown engines, and I have about $4000 in them combined.
Fuck emissions nazis. Fuck them hard.
350HP in the crate
*feels pangs of regret over selling 1984 GSL-SE, white with burgundy interior*
Nothing sounds like a rotary.
Ha, I had that exact same car a few years ago. Ended up giving it away to a guy who teaches a driving school with FBs because I could not get that damn Nikki carb to work no matter what I tried.
Mine was a 13B, I believe. Definitely fuel injected, though.
God what a sweet car. Believe it or not, I put Pirelli snows on it and drove it all winter.
Im a solid snow-tire fan here after Dec 1 or so. People in SW Ohio dont seem to realize that a front wheel drive with some solid snows will get you through about anything here.
Weird, isn’t it? I’ve always used snow tires, especially as the tire companies started coming out with ‘low rolling resistance’ bullshit tires.
Back in the day, my rwd Volvos would outperform 4wd trucks regularly. Tires are important.
4WD just means you can get even more stuck.
I used to brag how bad ass my S4 was in the snow, until I went through deep packed snow that the car rode up on and lifted all 4 wheels off the ground. ?
I did this at work. My co-workers were very amused.
It’s nice having the fj run through a few feet of light snow. Heavy stuff it’s closer to a foot. Once the axle starts digging in I get nervous in that.
Woohoo! That sounds like a blast! How was it on cold starts?
No problems. The car was also damn near 50/50 weight distribution, so it handled like a dream.
I’ve loved many cars, but that one was special.
You’re supposed to say, “It handled like a dream for a car with a live axle.”
Lol. Not a big deal in the snow!
I’m a small-block Chevy guy, but I respect Mazda designs and durability.
At my funeral, play only a looped wav file of the sound of a 350 with 13:1 jugs struggling to idle at 1200RPM due to some outrageous overlap cam, three inch collectors, no cross-pipe
Then pour some avgas in the coffin and set it off with some Champ plugs pushed by a pre-HEI distributor w/points dinosaur
goodbye, the end
Needs moar Viking
I’m looking at the ej207 for my WRX.
The 255 would be a nice improvement over my 205.
But part of me wants to keep it at 2 liters.
Plan on putting at least one engine in it. Also, plan on changing the plugged catalytic converters shortly after that.
Russian puppet confirmed! Trump is on tv right now complaining about Chinese interference in elections.
The Buzzfeed link includes a deceptive headline, as well as her polygraph results. She writes like a child.
Not included are the questions asked.
I don’t believe a word of it
All three, increasingly absurd, dropped at the last second without any evidence or corroboration are transparently false
Who is paying the lawyers? That’s what I want to know
Listening to the media and they are treating the farce seriously but no one is asking that question
The timing of all this is awfully damned convenient.
It’s freakin’ crazytown. Named witnesses all say never happened
Named participants all say never happened
Gang rapes? What’s next? K is a serial killer that sacrifices babies in dark rituals , roasts them and eats them?
This is the new PizzaGate, only with more tenuous evidence.
Really? Because I see at least 46 citizens, who have not been convicted of a crime nor adjudicated mentally incompetent (SLD applies), who have had their property stolen and Constitutional rights abridged by spurned exes and power hungry officers.
Yeah, it seems that the story itself disproves his statement.
I thought Hawaii tried that and got slapped down?
How is Oregon getting away with it?
Connecticut too.
I dunno. Judge’s order blesses the whole unconstitutional steaming pile with due process so FYTW?
That, and pretty much any challenge to it will be by an unsympathetic defendant.
Also, to throw gas on the fire- it was supported by some Republicans when it was passed by the legislature because common sense gun control blah blah blah.
An interesting story from a few days ago I was unaware of:
Ian Baruma, editor of the New York Review of Books, was run off for publishing an essay by Gian Ghomeshi-a Canadian broadcaster who had been acquitted of multiple sexual assault charges in 2015. It’s a modern-day witchhunt folks.
Just an FYI: New season of Bojack Horseman starts tonight.
Started last week
oh snap.
Holy crap, I made the mistake of going to TOS and reading Robbie’s piece and worse, the comments
If I had any doubts that I was wrong to leave there they are completely annihilated
What a dishonest hack
“Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.”
They have had the smell on them for years
My primary complaint is that they have no principle
I don’t believe for a second that any one of them finds these stories credible
Do they mostly agree or disagree with him or is it more like a typical Dalmia article where no one agrees except for assholes who show up to be assholes?
It’s the usual suspects
I’m convinced Tony is some kind of lefty operative
He is as dishonest as he is predictable
Popped in and saw Palin’s Buttplug is still bouncing around over there and threw him an invite (just kidding). You’re right, it’s a mess.
I’ll go poke him. It’ll be my first comment in years.
Not him.
He got banned (“I didn’t get banned, I can’t recover my password because new PC!”) so he has a new user account.
Whoops, you’re right.
BULLY! Wait, wrong guy.
Dear Bob, Tony is still there? They sent me a letter for a donation and threw that shit in my can.
It looks like someone else is playing the Tony sock, the voice is completely different.
Kasich’s reasonable gun laws
Well if I wasn’t pissed off already
Thanks Don
yeah, sorry bout that
I don’t mind everyone banging on Dems for their stupidity, but TeamRed is in a way worse: they should know better.
as always: a pox on both their houses!
Repeal NFA, 68 GCA, and much of FOPA.
There. That’s common sense gun control.
As a resident of Ohio, Kasich is a colossal douche. The sooner he moves out of Columbus, the better. Sadly, the alternatives don’t offer much of an improvement.
Good thing that asshole didn’t become President.
“The bill allows nonprofits to go to banks and accuse people of serious crimes, while being shielded from liability.”
“GOP leaders put “Fight Human Trafficking” in the title to conceal the bill’s true purpose: to give the government more power to unconstitutionally spy on law-abiding Americans without a warrant.”
So it’s going to pass then? People eat up that anti human trafficking bullshit, it’s for the children you know.
The party of small govt has the house and senate and this is what we get?
I hate them more every day but the alternative is so much worse
If that passes it will be used as a political weapon against the very idiots that voted for it
AHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD IS HE READING GLIBS?! Has the Twitter gone mad?!
Don’t Confuse the Kavanaugh Gang Rape Accusation with the Rolling Stone Rape Hoax
If you ever wondered “But how could possibly people in Soviet Union/1984 buy into the revised histories”, I give you the proof – ROBBY SOAVE, Journalist Extraordinaire and an Early Skeptic!
(I’ve already linked his take on the UVA story above)
(and to be fair to Robbo, he was “early” compared to 90% of his colleagues, some of whom probably still believe it, but fuck that)
One paragraph into the rolling stone story is all It took for me. It actually was less credible but that’s an extremely low bar.
I thought sex-stuff was ENB’s bag.
Has Robby finally transitioned ?
He’s an Expert On UVA Hoax – note he still doesn’t mention Jackie’s real name. ENB far as I remember stayed off it because it was technically a university story.
“There are 3,553 people in the U.S. named Steve Smith.”
There are only 2 of me.
I gotta find that fucker…
There’s one of me.
I found him. We’re facebook friends.
Finally someone you can get along with!
Eh. He’s gay for Hillary.
Nice mug shot though. Real estate fraud.
Real estate fraud.
Ah. Florida man, huh?
Wisconsin man, who (used to) forge signatures. He got his real estate license back recently.
Are you in the market for any properties in Madison?
Other than drugs, real estate must brag the highest number of criminal convictions. It’s amazing.
Clone bone!
There’s 2 of me. I called him up one day, having just started pulling myself out of a “bad patch” that lasted a couple years. He answered, I told him who I was, and he said “Dude- there are a LOT of people calling here thinking Im you. A LOT of people lookin for you.”
I’m the Only one of me
Sup Tres!
Hey Yufus!
Six of me. *considers changing name*
Eleven people in the U.S. have my first and last name. Based on population ratios, that means that either one or zero other people in Canada have my name.
Which makes sense. The only guy I know who had my first, (one of) my middle name(s) and my last name died in an auto accident in the mid-80s, in the same city I lived in at the time. Freaked people out for days, who kept phoning my Mom to offer her their condolences.
Huh. There are zero women in the U.S. with my wife’s name.
239 of me.
Strangely, there’s two of me in my neighborhood and 4 in my county
It does help with alibis
From that other site linked this morning, I found one of me in a town just outside my hometown. Either my niece and nephew (who grew up in the town halfway between) are having kids I don’t know about and naming them after their uncles or… I dunno. I have never lived in either place so it’s not some false match – prolly just a coincidence.
5. We’re a pretty exclusive franchise…
The classiest!
I’m one of a kind.
I am unique, thanks to the virulent anti German sentiment in the 20s, my grandfather and his brother changed my last name to be more Americanized. Only 122 of us, apparently. More than I thought.
“Hang White People: French rap song suspended from YouTube
Nick Conrad’s Hang White People called for white babies to be killed and their parents hanged.
Anti-racism groups called it an incitement to violence and racial hatred, and the lyrics have sparked outrage online.”
Is it a credible threat? If not it should be let up.
Yeah, but can I dance to it?
Thank God for the First Amendment.
Your Brain on Propaganda
“Former Baywatch star Jeremy Jackson’s fitness model ex-wife appears homeless and desolate as she rummages through her shopping cart and digs through piles of trash on streets of LA”
She still looks pretty fit.
Heroin diet works, Raven.
*Note to self…*
What’s she gonna do with what appears to be a stack of air conditioner filters?
Ill tell ya what she’s gonna do- she’s gonna remind me to change mine this weekend.
PMs of course
Its going to be around 45-50º at night here for the short foreseeable future…..time to fire up the boiler and let the accumulated stink cook off
I wonder what would happen in Saudia Arabia or Pakistan if a woman tried these Kavanaugh shenanigans. Stoned to death.
There are no free women to just start spouting this nonsense. If one of them told her husband, he’d probably beat her and tell her to shut up. If she escaped the compound and started talking in public about getting groped while drinking – then yah – they’d kill her quick for embarrassing the family.
In America, that is a lottery ticket.
Stoned to death.
For actually being raped. But it is the west and the US in particular that is an evil, woman-hating patriarchy.
I was trying to explain today’s Kavanaugh developments to my gf. She hadnt heard a word of the “gang rape trains”.
Every middle-aged spinster cat-lady who ever met Kavanuagh is doing her duty to make up shit about him. Now he’s the leader of an outlaw cannibal rape cult.
Wait, the polygraph was administered in Maryland on August 7th….how did Ford get there…drove cost country for an hour long questioning and drove back to Cali?
Maybe they did it over the phone. Either way they’re bullshit.
…ya gotta really want it
August? (and cross-country…) Kav was announced in July. I remember because I was on vaca at the time. They waited months, not to mention years since Kav’s name was originally floated, to bring this forward. I smelled bs at the outset and its stench has only gotten stronger since. Team Red, being the ever so slightly lesser of two evils (mostly because they fail to act on what they claim to believe. Iow they could be decent if they, by in large, were even actually conservative. But I digress…), better grow a pair and at least hold a vote in the Senate (committee vote is bs at this point).
And she totally did not want to come forward, and had “only” sent her “confidential” letter to the most powerful Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee responsible for voting on Supreme Court nominations…
I think the narrative is she sent to some lower Dem functionary who forwarded it to Her Majesty. Not that I don’t have strong suspicions that the whole thing was staged so who cares who she “sent” it to.
Per CNN:
Huh. Am I going senile already? I swear they said she gave the letter to someone else first.
Nah, you probably heard it from one of Blasey’s defenders trying to muddy the facts.
Of course, no reasonable person would conclude that, presuming Dr. Ford is a reasonable person, her letter would remain confidential and she would not be called to testify. The letter, to whom she sent it, and when she sent it are enough to cast suspicion as to her motives and, thus, to the credibility of her allegations.
New Mexico election provides stark choice on gun issues
She’s probably going to win.
… Hobbit
It will totally do… something… this time!
Doesn’t seem like the kind of place people would turn in their “assault rifles”, or even stop carrying them.
Yeah, she’s got to get it through the legislature. Still annoying, though.
Oh, and Molon Labe fuckers.
What’s the overlap between those who cry “Believe Her!” and those who piss on Christians for believing in a Sky Daddy without evidence?
Jesus Fucking Christ…please make it end.
LOL never change, Slate
Wow….HM’s gotta love this.
Almost clicked the link then stopped myself so i could turn off work wifi
Not the link I was expecting with HM’s name being mentioned