Autumn is the best season.
- Beautiful, complex, ever-changing views, that surprise one as one turns a corner.
- Crisp, cool, low-humidity air.
- Leaves to wade through, releasing that wonderful scent and that fun rustling noise.
- Apples and pears to pick.
- The Fucking Hate Birds, the Birds That Hate go away.
- The lawn no longer needs mowing, yet there is no snow to shovel.
- The final burst of ripening vegetables.
- Fewer humans in the grocery store in the middle of the day.
- “Indian” Summer.
- REAL football
- No more mosquitoes.
- Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
- Apple cider and doughnuts.
- The annual visit from a beloved European friend.
- Pressing colorful leaves in wax paper to hang in the window.
- Wonderful deserted lakes on which to canoe and kayak.
- Lower electric bills, because a/c is off and heat is not yet on.
- The return of casseroles, fondue, and heavier red wines.
Do you agree with me, and are therefore correct? Or do you have a different, inferior, opinion?
We don’t have Seasons,
Less Hot
/Cali seasons…..
Ice storm
Hurricane Season
Fail. Not fall. Fail. I feel your pain.
Damn, wrong post. Would that be a Brook’s?
No. Brooks is completely new entry replying to a previous comment
Copy. Dementia then.
There should be a site dictionary that would, of course, define the legendary Gilmore.
I’m rather terrified that something would come to be named after me; I’m trying to remain a third string sort of Glib and just hope not to be traded back to TOS for a bucket of balls and a bag of cement.
Seconded. First entry: Agile Cyborg.
Did you make it through OK?
Almost Winter
Still Winter
First: in seasons
See above. I’m headed to the bottom of the comments now.
There are two seasons here, dry & wet. I prefer the dry season because the fishing is better.
Less hot is nice, shorts in January….
We have X-mas videos of us as kids riding our bikes in shorts and T-shirts.
I used to have a Jeep Wrangler. I’d put the top down in October, and put it back up in April. Love the dry season in Florida!
Wet, not so much. I developed kidney stones twice this summer working out in the yard to the point of bad dehydration. As much as I hate the bastards, the snowbirds have the right idea…
More proof, as if any were needed, that you are a quality woman.
Much like earlier and your understanding of the proper temperature for steak, you are correct, Madam.
Rabbit Season!
Duck Season!
Duck hunting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_dOa0d196M
You are correct sir, in exactly that order.
Too bad fall is brief speed-bump between summer and winter here.
Winter is better than Summer as you head South towards the equator.
Autumn is also my favorite season. I hate snow-shoveling and where I live gets a load of snow so I never look forward to that. It’s also not the raging inferno that is Summer and Spring doesn’t really exist where I live. Autumn is good civilization #changemymind.
First, I believe you took that picture from my pond. It’s one of the major reasons, if not the biggest, we bought our property.
My favorite season is Spring. It’s still cool out,largely insect free, and is a time for new life here on the farm. Fall would be a close second though. Summer is too hot for doing much, though I greatly enjoy having a few drinks in the pool. Winter doesn’t have much going for it besides gloom, frozen water troughs, and expensive bales of hay.
Preaching to the choir SP. Still waiting for that crisp air though. The humidy hanging around late this year.
Expecting thunderstorms in a couple hours here that are supposed to blow that shit out. ????
Yeah, we had storms this morning that cooled things down. Was still pretty humid today but forecast looks better. Planning a nice long walk at the park Saturday AM:)
Love autumn – if it doesn’t rain every damn day.
As I am a ginger, Autumn.
I am so sorry. But even gingers are welcome here at Glibs.
Yep 🙂
Fall, winter, summer, spring.
Fall is the best for the reasons SP mentioned. Fall Is cool not cold, winter is great as I love bunding up, summer is great in short doses, spring is only good after winter gets too long.
Spring’s biggest flaw, like fall, is that it’s way too short.
Spring only sighed
Summer had to be satisfied
– Townes Van Zandt
Texas in eight words
I had that experience as well with a few south TX winters. The cool air blows in for a few hours, then blows out, and the heat and humidity return. I used to love going to the HEB in shorts while everyone got out thier long coats, hats, and gloves.
Fall, Spring (till it gets warm), Winter, Summer.
Cause its time to plant stuff.
I’ say:
The woman with whom I’m this close *holds thumb and forefinger 1 cm apart* to convincing to becoming Mrs. Pi votes:
She really likes Fall. Oh also says, “and where the he’ll is the pumpkin up in this joint?”
Well, clearly, the hopefully-future-Mrs-Pi is a good woman.
Not only is Autumn the best season of the year, September is the best month of the year. Warm days, cool nights bright blue skies and the beginning of the fall colors. I live for September.
Plus it’s one of the best songs from Earth, Wind, and Fire.
And Crazy Ken Band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mk0AFh2JXY
Sorry, but I forgot about this one. Their best by far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlFMvPAg0YQ
In Loouisiana September is still summer. I still have hummingbirds eating me out of house and home. 16 lbs of sugar this week and it is only wednesday.
Cheer up (?), Suthen. Here in Mizzery ours left a day or so ago. Probably only a week or two more.
God I hope so. They are so fat they are flying sluggish. Surely they are ready to go. My stove has a pot of sugar water on it around the clock being cycled from pot to jar to feeder constantly. We put a gallon out at a time and it lasts 3 or 4 hours.
The last few are headed out of Memphis now…should be there in a week.
Location really makes a difference. In the SF Bay Area, it was October. Although I have to say that I was shooting ducks in regular pants and a t-shirt last October. I even got a sunburn in the blind.
I feel your pain. I go through a bag of finch food every 3-4 weeks.
No. October.
Don’t put any stock in horoscopes, but I’ve always liked being a Libra.
Libra’s rock. Just ask us.
My Dad is a Libra, which is why I am mostly MIA from Glibs this week. One of our best gal pals is also a Libra. I love Libras.
No. September.
*rolls up sleeves*
*nonchalantly examines favorite ban hammer*
That’s just plain mean, right there.
I’m resisting the patriarchy.
Yes! October! Autumn, Summer, Winter, Spring.
When I lived in Australia, it was always summer I looked forward to, no matter how hot.
Now, it’s fall: the weather in this part of the country is at its best; football, hockey season on the horizon, Thanksgiving (that’s still fall, right), the quintessential American holiday.
And fall also brings the beautiful, innocent optimism of freshman students before they encounter my first exam of the semester.
What part of Australia? My understanding is that the weather there is more or less the flip-side of the US – which for me means worse as you approach the equator.
The Outback where he drank Foster’s and ran with the blue tongue lizards in a Hawthorne jersey.
*spits on ground *
Mostly around Brisbane. Summers like New York, winters more like Cali, autumn usually wet & chilly.
And, yes, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I can’t believe I missed that in my list.
Winter: No bugs and no yard work. Perhaps something to do with being of Slavic descent. But I like spring, summer, and fall for beach and water-sports from boating to pwc’s to fishing to boogie-boarding.
But I live in VA. We are prone to experiencing all of the seasons in the span of a week.
Yeah, same in NYC.
MD, right on the bay. Basically the same weather along the coast from Norfolk on up through your neck of the woods, give or take a degree. Except, ironically, we get no breeze. Every other building is a sail loft, and we get zippy wind. Nada.
There is something to be said for winter. After New Years everything seems a bit quiter for a while.
When i was young, summer = swimming and bikinis
I am not young anymore. Fall now.
The image of you in a bikini is truly frightening. :-p
OMWC would probably look better, what with his man titties and all.
Scary white boy indeed.
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
OHFERCRISSAKE, I’d forgotten. It’s been years since I lived anywhere it mattered. And campus is right near the park…
Autumn. The temperatures suit me better, and there seems to be a better mood all around.
Yup. Hot, humid weather makes me miserable.
Yeah, I wasn’t born with gills, I prefer breathing air to water.
Does anybody have a recommendation for online spirit retailer? I want to get a bottle of Michtner’s 10 year old single barrel rye.
I picked up a bottle of Two Stars Kentucky bourbon ‘cuz it was on sale. I’m more of a scotch guy, to the extent I’m anything besides a drunk, but this is inoffensive and clean. Mellow forward, buttery finish. I also bought a six-pack of Jim Beam Bud someone mentioned here.
I haven’t had that one. The last bourbon I had was Elijah Craig single barrel. I’m a big Rye fan and the reason I want a 10 year Rye is to celebrate my 10thanniversary of grad school graduation.
‘Grats! I don’t know anything about rye. What’s an okay bargain brand you’d recommend?
Bulliet’s is easy to find and usually around $25. It’s 95 percent Rye and good straight or mixed. If you primarily mix your whiskey Rittenhouse is less expensive and mixes well. If you want to go higher end I like Angel’s Envy for sweet and Sagamore Spirit for Spicy.
Michter’s is good, I would recommend Knob Creek Small Batch Rye.
I’ll put on the list. I’m a sucker for trying new whiskey.
Cool nights
Pleasant days
Mostly bug free
Generally dry air
My downstairs reaches an excellent temperature to make ales and hard ciders.
And, yet, we have received no hard ciders from you. Hmm.
Speaking of fall, over the years I have had a few requests for photographs of our timberland. This fall after the frost kills off the red bugs I will bring my Eos along with me and get some photos. There are some fantastic trees with shooting, one in particular is a magnolia right on the creek that must be ten feet in diameter at the base – If it is still there. The creek had begun to encroach on its roots the last time I saw it. There are also some trees I had cut the tops out of when they were young because they were bent so badly by vines. By trimming the tops out they will sprout a limb that takes over as the main trunk. They are full grown now and you can barely tell unless you know what you are looking at. I will get some examples of that also.
Anyway, fall photo shoot coming up.
Looking forward to that.
Woohoo! Can’t wait!
Speaking of autum it’s time for me to fire up the smokeless fire pit. These suckers are great. They are made of welded SS and have two walls. The fire in the inner wall heats up the fresh air in the outer wall that is then blown across the top of the fire. This hot air is O2 rich compared to the fire so it burns up all the smoke and ashes. No Smokey fire and no clothes covered in ash.
Made by Amish with TIG welders.
Neat. Makes me wish I had an outdoors.
I was reading whiskey advocate this morning and I saw they make a small box you can put your cocktail in to smoke. Pretty cool, but pricey.
Fall means sleeping with the windows open after a summer of conditioned air. So where the hell is fall this year?
Finally the correct ranking. Looks like most everyone here agrees fall is the best, but winter sucks. February in particular, sucks the most.
Late January through February is the starving time. There is nothing left to eat in the woods besides sweet gum seed. That is pitiful. I always feel bad for all of the skinny critters trying to pick seed a quarter the size of sesame seed out of those cursed balls. How they make it through to march is a mystery to me. No sun, grey sky, cold pissy rain.
It is rough on everyone else but I look forward to it because it is planting time for me. The seed are just starting to fall so I am collecting as many as I can.
Weird face, but cute
Disappointed. I was expecting a Q like post.
With a growing family I’ve found the time between Halloween and Christmas to be the most enjoyable. So I guess late Fall early Winter.
“The lawn no longer needs mowing, yet there is no snow to shovel.”
Euphemism? Also, you forgot rainy season. Comes twice a year here and we’re in the second one now. My undies never dry out.
Spring. New planting, very little other yard work, bird song we haven’t heard since late October. I’d pick Autumn for first place except for raking leaves and the lousy good for nothing ^)##!* sweet gum balls. Sweet gum trees are God’s joke on urban humanity.
Is that like the halls Sycamore trees drop?
Nope. These guys are about the same diameter as Sycamore balls, but they’re covered with little spikes. You do NOT want to walk barefoot on a lawn one of these trees craps on. Unless you’re into masochism.
*tubs chin* masochism you say…
I really need to keep a better eye on my phones autocorrect.
Not just urban humanity. They are weeds that crowd out the trees that are worth something for food, lumber and shelter. It wont make lumber, it wont burn worth a damned and makes a pathetic amount of food for wildlife. I kill them with prejudice. I leave one large sweet gum per acre for birds and squirrels when everything else is eaten. The rest get cut in the fall and the sprouts again in the spring.
It seems women are doing a lot of.the raping nowadays
Flores even bought condoms and taught him how to use one.
She’s an educator. What’s this? sounds like education to me.
Don’t something something in crazy.
But probably would.
Definite bunny boiler there.
Still…nigga gotdam.
The rule’s age divided by two, right? She nailed it.
What HM said.
And people are complaining we’re not doing enough for sex-ed.
Holy Would Batman!
As a big fan of flat tummies, I’m a bit put off by the beer gut.
Uffda. She bought him acne treatment? So some zit face managed to pop that? The world just aint fair.
and boobs. Don’t forget the boobs.
Wow I walked away from the news for a breather and now there is one more anonymous claim and a fake boat claim. This is insane.
Boat claim?
Gay Hart is back with the “Monkey Business” ?
Keeping in mind I don’t do well in heat. But I hate taking 5 minutes to get dressed to go outside. And darkness for most of the day.
Yeah, I enjoy the odd cigarette at home, and going out back to smoke turns into like a hobo costume party: gym shorts, flip flops, Carhartt/hoodie. There are a lot of things that don’t get done because I don’t feel like putting on three layers of clothing.
Favourite months?
1. May
2. October
January & July
July in Florida? Please elaborate.
4th & Fire works, family reunion, beach, river, pool, lakes, water skiing, cookouts, fishing, water parks, wife is off work, cold beer, that’s off the top of my head.
Fair enough. Do you have a spare room?
You know it!
Hibernation season? I can’t imagine getting anything done in that swelter.
You forget I’m a 4th generation Floridian. I know nothing else but heat.
1. October
2. August
October is great. Especially the surprises.
October, September, May, November, June, December, July, April, August, March, January, getting your testicles caught in your zipper, February.
Winter – Skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, or just running around in the snow. Driving in the snow is fun too.
Spring – Skiing or snowboarding without having to really bundle up against the cold is so exhilarating. Late spring is great for kayaking before it gets too hot.
Fall – Eh, not yet winter, but at least the foliage turning is pretty when you’re hiking in the mountains.
Summer – Fucking humid as hell, hot as hell, bugs, instant sunburn, periodically broken up by days where it’s not godawful hot.
I love all four seasons. Even winter is amazing.
Autumn, though, is special. After the heat, humidity and mosquitoes, the first few cool mornings really fire me up. We have a lot of colorful trees, so the foliage is spectacular. Mosquitoes disappear, evening fires smell awesome and the dog acts like a puppy. Wearing a quarter zip, jeans and flip flops makes me happy too.
Yep. Autumn is my fave.
Minnesoda is an interesting place. You have a different coat for each season. What’s a quarter zip? If one of your grandparents is from Osaka?
Lol. No.
Quarter zips.
Never owned one.
You are on the way to redeeming yourself.
Don’t tease me.
Yet no mention of having to rake stinky, smelly, moldy dead leaves.
Sorry, SP, but, into the trash you go…
When I lived in SoCal, I had an odd conversation with my Dad:
“What did you do today?”
“Blew the snow out of the driveway. What did you do?”
“Cut the grass.”
The only reason to rake leaves is to have piles of them in which to jump or throw one’s kids or for the dog to run through and scatter. Why else would one persist in this madness?
Snow mold.
Snow mold wreaked havoc on our landscaping a couple of years ago. The lawn recovered just fine, but I had to rip out a number of mature shrubs.
When I first got my pesticide license, one of the first jobs I did was spray mercury on all the golf greens and tees at a CC where I worked. Some of the insecticides we used to use back then (late 80’s) were not much different than nerve gasses. Insecticides and fungicides have mostly gotten much safer since then. Very few products bring on raging headaches, clammy cold skin, and profuse sweating with chills nowadays.
There’s a lot of truth in that movie. Practically the entire grounds crew smoked weed, including the bosses, and the mechanic was our dealer. We drank beer to excess almost every day after work, even on the weekends starting around 8:30 or 9 am. It was by far the funnest job I ever had.
It’s a lot like when I started waiting tables. Fun, but not sustainable.
Leaves are to be mulched with the mower. They are fertilizer and future top soil.
Preach. There’s nothing that says a lawn mower can only be used to cut grass.
September-October in New Mexico is the best place on the planet to be.
Mild days, mild nights, the smell of green chile being roasted and pinon being burned. And the sky. A blue that cannot be reproduced in the USA. High desert, no humidity. Aspens mingling with the oaks and the Virginia Creeper. Orange, yellow, red, green.
^^^THIS guy gets it.^^^
You need to return!
Springs here, only because I’ve always liked summer better than winter. That’s starting to change. Then fall, obvs. Then summer, because, I mean, honestly, you’re mostly indoors, and when you’re not it’s not like you’re in Tuscon, right? So winter last.
Drinking a mini of Millstone Oloroso Sherry whisky. Not really my flavor.
Thomas Sowell – Congressional Testimony
When I first started watching this (along with Biden’s comments on the FBI in Thomas’s hearings), I was starting to think that he was once a sane, reasonable person capable of getting past partisan politics. I was quickly disabused of this notion as I realized he was just better at hiding it then.
Thomas Sowell was carved from a solid block of pure awesome.
I grew up in New Hampshire. No argument here.
BTW, HM – if the moldy leaves bug you that fucking much, 1) rake more often 2) pay someone else to do it or 3) get some fucking nose plugs
Why do you think I reproduced?
Because you had a hot Korean wife or whatever, and who’s gonna resist that?
“Chinese skyscraper which ‘looks like a penis and testicles’ is mocked online before it opens – with one suggestive viral video showing fake fireworks erupting from the roof”
Biig ah penis
“Meeting scheduled for Left Testicle East.”
Submitted w/o comment.
We Will Rock You
Me on FB: “If Kavanaugh is guilty of these allegations, he obviously shouldn’t be appointed and possibly be charged. If the ladies are lying, what should happen to them?”
Some lady that is a friend of a friend (Never met her before): ” If you don’t try to understand there is no sense wasting my time explaining this to you. Just know you are fortunate that you have not experienced what so many of us have experienced. This attitude adds fuel to the fire and makes the pain all come back. I am 57 and I am finding I am re-living something that happened to me when I was 15 that was incredibly painful. And again, when I was 19. These wounds are deep. Those of us who have lived these abuses totally get why the pain re-surfaces so many years later. None of us would wish this on anyone. We are glad for you who have made it through life unscathed by any sexual abuse. But please don’t demean what we have gone through. Stop making us victims again.”
Why would I delete my account when I get delicious stuff like this?
Mine is scheduled for deletion tomorrow. They so very graciously gave me a week to reconsider. Nah.
Damn, that’s tempting. The only thing I use it for is party reminders and the very occasional blurb from family.
I think i made a burner account once sheen somebody gave me a link I couldn’t read unless I was a member. Never actually posted anything to FB, though.
Did you send her the article about that football player that went to jail on a false rape charge and couldn’t prove it until he got out and the girl asked to be FB friends?
Not gonna engage her. Just letting that mess of crazy sit there for all non crazies to read is good enough for me.
Why would I delete my account when I get delicious stuff like this?
I don’t because I enjoy this stuff. But I get less and less of it as people de-friend me because I challenge their illogical premises.
I’ve noticed they get more pissed when you just ask questions.
Simple questions, like, “Why?”.
Or how
Judge Nap approves of this approach.
Thank you for reminding me I only keep facebook to talk to my sister on the messenger app.
Ha. My sister is worse than that lady. She’s already deleted me. We got into it when she told me that supporting free speech is protecting neo nazis. “You have a half Japanese child. You have to vote against Trump!” Told her something about going, fucking and herself.
One presidential candidate called young black men “‘superpredators” who have “no conscience, no empathy,” and needed to be “brought…to heel,” and the other candidate was Donald J. Trump.
Good point. I didn’t even vote for Trump, I just made the sin of not letting that be known.
I am sorry you got a sister like that. I’m glad mine is at least more concerned about getting her own life and her kids’ lives in order along with paying her bills rather than all this brouhaha.
“The pain resurfaces when politics don’t go my way”
Fall, spring, summer, winter.
Fall for all the reasons mentioned – cooler, less humidity, fall colors, football, October is the best month, and Thanksgiving is the best holiday weekend. It’s also time for my annual Musky fishing trip in Mercer, WI in 8 days. Things should be close to peak fall color up there by then. Having a landscaping business, it’s also the time of year that work pressures slow down and I can take some weekends off without worrying about things. I also love doing fall cleanups and cutting back trees, shrubs, and perennials.
Second favorite time of year is April to early May. Those first few days that I can smell the soil after thawing is rejuvenating after winter. Also watching plants come back to life and bursting with new growth, spring flowers, and all the different shades of green in spring. I love doing spring cleanups also.
I’ll grant you that.
Of many things, it is the thing that Americans do WAY better than Canadians.
Fall because Halloween time, Cannibals and torches…….
Fall is best. chilling outside can actually be enjoyed without bugs and humidity.
Y’all be smoking crack. Fuck the fall. It is the bringer of death that is winter. Sure it draws you in with the pretty colors and ya, it is not hot anymore but soon you could be dieing a slow death passed out in a snow drift. This would never happen if there was no fall. Fall is evil. Evil like your first wife sort of fucking evil. Summer is the season god intended had not the tree of life been eaten and we all lived in paradise. Summer is glorious and brings life!
Says the Guy with Heat stroke,
Heat stroke? Had it before, not this summer though thanks to my pool. We tied a record of days over 90F and I went no AC all summer. AC is for pussies too.
at 90 sure, but you can’t work in a modern Office building without it, especially not in the hot lands, or Atlanta, or D.C. or Huston or……..
Why the hell would anybody want to do that? And we were at upper 90’s or low 100’s by my thermometer for most of the summer It was near perfect for months.
Yeah, but you don’t have any humidity. On the rare NYC days that are 90+ with no humidity I can go without AC too.
True that. We are now entering the season when it gets even lower and I have to bathe in lotion for the next five months. Hands crack and bleed. It sucks.
I remember that from upstate NY – colder and much less humid than NYC. My knuckles bled every winter. But the summers were glorious. Fair trade, IMHO.
This guy gets it.
The rest of you are fragile-ass, whiny ice people.
I will not tolerate this insult. I challenge you to drinking hot coffee, in the noon sun on the first of August in Gainesville, FL. Navy rules. First one to die, loses.
All. day. Long. Bring me all the Coffee you got, then after you die, I’ll drink all your Beer
I ate somtum during the hot season in Bangkok.
Bring it on.
I had the Korean fire noodles from here:
Well, I know where I am taking my daughter this summer. This will probably be her favorite part of the trip. Even more than Disney.
Get there early because there is a line out the door. Everything was really tastey. They warn you, no refunds on the fire noodles, if you can’t handle spice don’t buy it. I’m sure you’ll have no problem.
The best Szechuan place in Orlando closed.
I’m still upset about it.
Ive been vaccinated against yellow fever.
It turns out your lincoln log fits in that orthogonal slot.
There are new strains coming out all the time.
Some of them thicc.
I made the mistake of drinking hot sake outdoors in Florida. #NeverAgain
I did drink a bottle of port in the sun once. It was a bad decision.
Yes, I was (still am) a foolish young adult
When I lived in Puerto Rico, everyone drank pocillos (little cups of coffee with milk) all day, and it was always humid but rarely reached 90 degrees. Nobody drank iced coffee.
Summer is the eater of worlds. It’s the arena. It’s nothing but bloodsports during the summer months. Spring is fine and gentle, fall is acquittal, but summer is life and death.
Not where I live. Spring only gets warm so it can fool your ass with a blizzard the next day.
‘Sloper is obviously triggered by nice weather.
I bet Kav’s favorite season is summer. The season for gang rape trains
Mr. Mojeaux agrees with you.
“Senate probing new allegation of misconduct against Kavanaugh
Supreme Court Nominee has been asked privately about an accusation of physical assault, sources tell NBC News.”
“Another accusation against Kavanaugh that he was asked about by Senate staffers this week: an alleged rape on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985. Kavanaugh denies.”
The length of the boat was exactly 36 feet.
The length of the penis is still unclear.
“Transcript notes that the guy who made the accusation is fairly deranged. He tweeted, “Dear Pentagon, please save my country from the parasite that occupies the White House. Our you waiting until Russians parachute in like in Red Dawn? Please help!”
He has also accused Trump of murder.”
He has since recanted.
Either Kav is a serious sexual predator or they are going to keep coming out with a new girl a day until the Dems get their way.
Kav raped 5/4 women every day. These are the facts, friend.
Done did it Dave Brubeck style!
golf clap
The need to switch it up. Kav the Cad totally raped dudes, too.
Those 1 in 4 women raped on campus? That’s all Kavanaugh.
“Seven Questions About the Avenatti/Swetnick Story”
“Dr. Ford’s polygraph letter contradicts letter she sent to Feinstein. Polygraph letter says “4 boys and a couple of girls” were at party. Letter to Feinstein says “me and four others.” No way to reconcile the two—irrespective of whether she’s counting herself in polygraph letter.”
“Ah, that’s why they didn’t want to release it. There are two general questions, and the written statement contains a host of corrections (made when?).”
Also, she didn’t really take a polygraph.
No baseline, no polygraph.
They asked her 2 questions. 2. An actual baseline takes about 20 minutes.
“Do everyone who is going crazy about what I had said I have recanted because I have made a mistake and apologize for such mistake”
“OK, hold up a minute. NBC News didn’t pursue it because the accusation “was close to impossible to pursue because there were so many questions about its origins” — and yet, as Twitchy also reported, NBC News on Wednesday night ran with the story that Kavanaugh allegedly physically assaulted a woman in 1998 while he was drunk?
And what were the origins of that accusation?”
Fall is the best.
I like mornings, I’m just grateful to wake up, regardless of the season.
Nice. That way you’ll never feel ungrateful.
Great, now I feel shitty for bitching about the weather 🙂
Well, it means you are still alive, so there’s that.
Here, have a Church song..
+1 on topic
-1 You must be logged in to post GAAAHHAHHAAHHHH
Thank you for not going with Pearl Jam. Two friends and I got mugged at gun point one night as we were cutting through a park in Denver. We lost about 30$ in total. When we got back to our car “Alive” was the song that was playing on the radio. I remember thinking, “Wish he would’ve shot us.”
Fuck off, man! Pearl Jam is pretentious shit but it’s not bad!
No, it’s bad. And I say this as a person who shelled out money for a couple of their records.
They’re no Coldplay, but…
Everything about Pearl Jam sucks.
Yeah, I had one of their CDs.
Me: How are you doing, gramps?
Him: Kid, every day above ground is a damn good day.
I forgot all about old @Instant_Sitcom on Twitter. It’s one of my accounts. The basic idea is that you tweet a made-up sitcom title @ me and I respond with a premise/logline in 140 characters or less. So feel free to @ me your dumbest or funniest potential sitcom names!
Police Cops.
The lawn no longer needs mowing
Our lawn needs mowing.
And it’s extra fun because of the numerous land mines left by a certain very large dog.
Fall has always been my fave, but in Tucson, Winter and Spring are really nice.
Brett Kavanaugh molested me in college. We played together on the Yale basketball team. One day after practice, I was taking a shower in the locker room. Brett Kavanaugh walked up behind me and started giving me a reach around, his smallish Caucasian penis nestled between my butt cheeks. I was too shocked to tell him to stop, and I didn’t turn around to see who it was, but I know it was Brett Kavanaugh who was giving me a reach around, with his smallish Caucasian penis nestled between my butt cheeks.
When I, err, he finished, he walked out without saying a word. I kept it to myself all these years.
No, I didn’t go to Yale, and I haven’t played organized basketball since 5th grade, but I know that Brett Kavanaugh gave me a reach around in the Yale basketball team’s locker room shower, with his smallish Caucasian penis nestled between my butt cheeks.
Rescue 21, call Rampart
Engine 51 Station 51 see the man at 2216 4th with hand stuck in garbage disposal
/real episode of Emergency! tv show with dreamy paramedic Randolph Mantooth
The Winter of Discontent
aka late February
It was the best of times, it was the best of times.
Seriously, if the dumb fucks don’t think it could get a whole lot worse, I don’t know what to say.
It’ll get worse before it gets worse.
Fall is best
Yep. Totally would Autumn.
Sorry, SP, but this is really funny.
<a href="here“>Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser
You don’t say…
They’re going to roll out Glen Close next.
She’s only crazy because of the trauma of being gang raped! Just get over it! Kavinaugh is a serial rapist, and I was told by a friend of a friend that he sits outside abortion clinics and chloroforms innocent women attempting to make a choice for THEIR OWN body. He then takes these women to a shack in the woods and has his way with them for weeks at a time before dumping their bodies in a ditch.
Uh oh.
Fuck you for that link. Now I gotta listen to David Lee.
Replying to @WiredSources
Is it really just me? Everytime I hear the name “Kavanaugh” I immediately hear “Panama” by #VanHalen ??
Fuck now I am going to hear Panama with Kavanaugh
Well, it is a rather catchy tune.
Yeah, I don’t see the problem.
It is not just you.
He reached down in between her legs…eased the seat back…
I like that one day in spring where everything is green but it’s not too unGodly hot and humid.
Those high 80’s Northern Wisconsin days too much to handle?
It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity. I’ll take 111 in Las Vegas over 85 here.
Wake up at 7 am, slip into your cutoffs, yell at mom that you’ll be home at 7 pm, head to the local garage and buy a patched up inner tube for a buck, ride your bike down to Duncan creek and hop in. The ice cold water shrunk our balls and we loved it. Age 8~12 every summer vacation. Great place for a kid to grow up. We even had a pervy Catholic priest in town to keep us on our toes.
The Vatican has a water park now?
As a kid I remember my gramma bringing us to the Apple river to go tubing. I swear it was brand new thing at the time. They had one outfit running tubers up to the top of the river. My cousins and I couldn’t have been more than 10 but no one thought anything of letting us float that river by ourselves for 3 hours.
Went back as a drunken lout in my twenties and couldn’t believe what an industry had sprung up around the Apple river by then. Had a great time being a drunken lout and harassing young ladies. That one trip alone cost me a SC seat for this and about 20 more lifetimes. (still worth it though)
I was a swimming instructor/lifeguard at a local pool in high school. In the summer a bunch of college kids came back to work while they were off. It was very social and always included a trip to the Apple River where the college kids would buy us all the beer we wanted and made sure we didn’t die. I have very fond memories of that stretch of river, girls in bikini tops and Daisy Dukes, and throwing empties at the on-shore targets.
About halfway to the twin cities from where I was. Lots of people went there for tubing back in the day. Those helmets with the two beer cans and a tube connected to your mouth. Wonderful.
No. The best day of the year is that first day it is sunny and 45-50. Just going outside and soaking up the sun in shorts and a t-shirt.
Putting a case of beer in a snow bank and playing with your buddies/kids all afternoon. Smelling/feeling moisture in the air!
That is the day when you can let go of the last winter (and go quietly slip the axe you’ve been hiding under your bed because if your wife sniffles one … more … time)
Well now….a couple of points of interest about Contestant #3. First, she sued an employed for sexual harassment a while back, like 10 or 15 years ago. Her attorney in that suit just happened to be……Deborah Katz, Ford’s current lawyer.
Also, she apparently is a nut whose ex-boyfriend had a restraining order against her.
Well, shit, I guess I should refresh the page more often.
I happens to me all the time.
Respect my authoritay!
Respect from thee, but not from me?
I listened to one of his podcasts about the progressive church. This just confirms the vibes that I was getting that he was the bizarro version of the orogressives he was railing against
Yeah, fuck those Jehovah Witnesses and Quakers!
I love Fall best.
Its the only season that Brett Kavanaugh didn’t rape me
Maybe your memory is just a little hazy?
You’re right. It was in at least 5 seasons.
He raped me in my bikini season.
I was in the washroom today and I thought of the best band name: Hate Fart
Hate Fart: (n.) flatulence delivered with animus or derision, typically within the general direction of another
Eg: Jimmy expressed his anger at his roommate by delivering a hate fart in his general direction
“Brett Kavenaugh hate farted in my general direction and I’ve been re-living the trauma every day since I remembered it two weeks ago.”
BREAKING: Anonymous victim alleges flatulence assault by Brett Kavanaugh on alt-right troll website
The opposite would be the Love Fart which can musically enunciate people’s preferred pronouns.
The Love Fart,
Soon will be making another run,
The Love Fart,
Promises something for everyone.
The Love Fart
Is a little old place to get together!
*Love Fart Baby!*
Love wont hurt anymore
Its an open smile on a friendly shore
Its love…
Its love…
Its love…
Its the Love Fart
Its the Love Fart
Can hate farts be considered hate speech?
No its assault
Well, you can’t spell “animus” without “anus”.
OK, you can try, but it’ll be all messed up.
Were you doing laundry, or are you one of them Canadians. I never took you for a Canadian.
Never confuse me for my sworn enemies, the dastardly Canadians.
The thought occurred to me the next day after drinking too many Old Styles the previous night
You didn’t think of anything.
I’ve been hate farting for a decade. With malice.
Mostly in staff meetings and family car trips.
Anyway, as far as seasons go, I’m a winter lover. Mainly because I don’t live in arctic type places like Minnesota or upstate New York.
Fall. The only thing I miss about Massholeistahn
I enjoy the two weeks of Spring that we get in the Upper Midwest. The only other holidays that I’m aware of are: rain, snow, Christ Why Is It So Hot Outside, and Kill Me Now It’s Too Cold To Live
*the only other seasons
Once again, advertising New Mexico’s superiority: it’s rarely so hot or cold you’ll want to kill yourself, our springs and autumns are lovely, and our local politics is fucked but at least it’s low-rent.
There’s a new Mexico now?
Nuts to that. I got 48 stars on my flag and I’m not buying another one
47, I mean, of course
“Don’t tell him about the other 10!”
We’re as American as a spaghetti western.
Today’s weather in Chicago was fantastic – I’m for the 10-days of good Fall weather in the Midwest.
I hate the abrupt changes from 80 degree weather to 50s overnight. I do like our brief fall though.
I really want to like fall when it is dry with comfortable temperatures, but my on-again-off-again seasonal allergies go absolutely apeshit bonkers around this time of year. Spring is also nice for the week and a half that we have it in this part of the country. Winters get inhumanly cold here and therefore suck, so I’m going to declare summer my favorite season. Please, please, PLEASE do not ever let Daisy Dukes go out of style on women.
Also, please, please, PLEASE do not ever entrust me with any mission critical HTML.
At least you didn’t use the blink tag.
Very imporant, if there is something I still find good about this world (besides y’all and family), it’s Daisy Dukes. Please let them stay forever.
“In case you’ve lost track, Christine Blasey Ford was the first to accuse SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, and she’s allegedly set to testify Thursday morning; Julie Swetnick is the third accuser and is being represented by celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti.
Rebecca Baulhaus of the Wall Street Journal has found an interesting link the two women share, in the form of lawyer Debra Katz.”
Swetnick gets around.
It’s amazing. She seems to get harassed everywhere she goes.
Next your gonna tell me they were all spotted talking about their grandchildren on an airplane tarmac.
It could have happened. *runs away with fingers in ears*
Living in the mid-Atlantic we get the variety pack, and I’ve got to say I like all the seasons. The only one I don’t get sick of eventually, however, is fall.
Summer’s awesome for awhile. It’s in the high 80s, low 90s, you get long, sunny days with periodic showers to cool things off. You can go out on the water and it’s actually nice. Patio drinking. You can go outside in shorts and nothing else and be fine. But then there’s the humidity, the mosquitoes, you’ve got to mow the lawn twice a week, the yard goes nuts with every weed you thought you dug up last year, and you get days that feel like you’re being braised in a swamp without a breath of air.
Then fall comes and saves your ass. The leaves turn, there’s that smell in the air, it’s perfect camping weather, you can wear pretty much anything, You can put a fire in the firepit or fireplace and it’s still mostly for ambiance. Halloween happens, which is my favorite holiday next to Christmas, which, really, is the end of fall rather than the beginning of winter IMO.
And then, winter hits, usually around January for us. Now it’s cold. Probably won’t snow, though, so it’s just cold for no good reason. Now, there’s some mileage to be gotten from a fire in the fireplace and sitting around all cozy with the fam, sure. And if you do go outside the air is crisp and clear. But, it’s cold. And if there’s one thing I hate, it’s that feeling you get when you haven’t been warm for a week straight. Like you’re not going to die of hypothermia, but there hasn’t been a part of you that hasn’t been cold for days. It wears on you.
Spring starts to come around. You can tell because one day it’ll be 50 and sunny with a light breeze and people will be out in short sleeves and flip flops, as if dressing that way will make summer happen faster. It’s a pretty season around here, but not quite as good as fall or even summer for plants. There is that smell of plants waking up, though, which is nice, and it’s starting to warm up without the bugs noticing yet.
Hey Tundra, if your still around, have you ever been to Amsterdam Bar and Hall for a show? How is it? I’m going there to see this really good young guitarist and his band tomorrow night. Hoping to do a little recording of the show if they’ll allow it.
Hey Pud!
Nope, never been to the Amsterdam, but I’ve heard good things. That kid is really fucking good! Nice space to see him.
When I cross the river (rarely), it’s usually the Turf Club.
Where in the Cities are you?
I’m in La Crosse, but I go to a lot of shows up in the cities. I love all the great venues up there, especially the Zoo and Pantages. A few of my favorite regional bands are from the cities – Circle of Heat, Soap, White Iron Band, Big Wu. Not sure if it’s your thing, but Circle of Heat does a great Allman Brothers Tribute 1st Wednesday of the month at Bunkers. They also occasionally do a great Rage Against the Machine Tribute show. Their own music is really good too – funky.
Yeah, looking forward to seeing Marcus King. I’ve seen him a few times in All Star jams, but never just his own band. I’ll have to let you know whenever I’m up that way and maybe hit a show sometime. Now through winter is my live music time of year after work slows down. Mostly a lurker here, but been around reading for many years going back to TOS.
Hah! I used to duck hunt this time of year in La Crescent. I spent more than a few nights in your insane bars during Octoberfest!
It’s a small goddamn world, man. White Iron Band’s keyboardist is Eddie. He’s also a goalie I’ve skated with a bunch of times. So funny! I’ve never seen them, but I sure as shit would watch the Allman Bros. tribute.
I love Bunkers. Back in the day, I lived walking distance from there and saw a lot of shows and had a lot of fun nights there.
Definitely shoot me an email at minnetundra at gee mail.
Funny. Small world. A friend of mine, Cheech, used to be in White Iron Band with Eddie J. They put on a hell of a fun show. I call it foot stompin’, honky tonkin’ jammin’ music. Cheech is my favorite La Crosse musician. He’s a journeyman who plays with everyone and puts on all kinds of cool shows around here.
Yeah, La Crosse is a fun town to party in, with a fantastic little live music scene. Pretty soon all the gas stations will be filled with duck hunting boats at 6 am getting ready to go out.
The Brothers Allmanac is definitely worth it to check out. They really do the band justice, and I’m a huge ABB fan. I’ll send you an email and maybe hit up a show sometime.
Fall wins hands down. Summer is too hot, Winter is too cold, and frankly most of spring is pretty crappy with the emergency of mosquitos, frequent rains, and mud. Also spring weather tends to be more variable (more extremes of heat and cold) than fall everywhere I have lived. Plus while the spring flower bloom is pretty it cannot compete with the fall foliage as it only fills a tiny part of the scenery at a time and there is nothing like the availability of fall harvest veggies.
That said you need a musical selection for a post like this, I recommend…
Mrs. G. says Spring. No reason given.
I am Winter’s child. I grew up in L.A., never knew winter as anything other than wet season. After I got married we moved to Utah. Snow brings with it silence – a rare commodity.
“The former Misfits singer Michale Graves’ sold out shows were cancelled because he retweeted Paul Joseph Watson (me). God forbid musicians should try to express diversity of opinion. That’s just not progressive!”
Danzig hardest hit?
Adds to punk cred.
Fall is the best!
Hunting! Slinking through the woods and the fields chasing prey. It doesn’t get any better.
The summer heat is over. The bugs are gone. No more mowing the grass.
The trees are beautiful.
On the other hand, I have to waste a weekend looking at stupid leaves with my wife. And she has a rule about not bringing a shotgun along when we go on our leaf walks.
Shoot and then you have to rake the leaves up. And don’t get me started on the winterization chores.
That is why Winter is the best!
Everything is so beautiful when it is covered with snow.
Nothing is prettier than being out on a frozen lake on a clear night with a full moon reflecting off the snow.
The silence outside during the first big snow storm is also great. And ice fishing is fun, fun, fun.
Granted, it would be nice to have more than 6 hours of sun light in a day.
Frozen boogers aren’t for everyone either.
And even with a snow blower, it can be pretty tedious to always be snow blowing.
Don’t even get me started on being trapped in your house with the wife and a pack of kids (the result of engaging in ill considered home hobbies during previous winters)
That is why Spring is the best!
That fucking glorious day when it it gets to be 45 and sunny after a winter stuck inside is truly the best day of the year
Insanely cool watching the world come alive again. The new green buds on trees and the grass make your eyes hurt after a winter of white and grey.
The glorious optimism of starting your garden again.
A new fishing season begins. Catching big bluegills when they are spawning is one of the great pleasures in life
Putting away the snowblower and taking out the bikes.
Of course, you have to pick up a winter’s worth of dog crap from the back yard
Don’t forget about spring cleaning too
And everything is wet and muddy. Your kids and dog will trample about 3″ of topsoil into the house on any given day and your wife will blame you for it.
That is why Summer is the best!
When the living was easy.
If you slow down and look around at the deep green all around you, it is hard to imagine that winter ever existed
You can take you shirt off and not die.
Sitting on the deck and having some beers during the long sunlit evenings watching the kids and the dog run around like idiots in the backyard sprinkler
Fishing and swimming at the lake.
Being able to leisurely walk somewhere and not have to scurry to get inside where it is warm.
Sleeping at night is tough when you are sweating like a pig
The constant whining of the kids when you tell them to mow sometimes gets so bad it drowns out the hum of mosquitoes who have exploded due to the warm weather
And is there a worse month than August to fish? Even the fish are so lethargic that they stop biting.
Sunburns caused by falling asleep on the deck after a few too many beers also suck
That is why I love and hate each and every stinking season. When I lived in places that really didn’t have all four seasons, I really missed them.
Accurate as always, Holiness.
The silence outside during the first big snow storm is also great.
I feel sorry for those who have never experienced this.
During my first visit to NYC (before I moved here), a storm dumped 26″ of snow overnight. The next day wandering around Manhattan without any traffic was lovely. There’s something to be said for a big (non-deadly) weather event that puts everything on pause for a day or two.
Just as good are the nights when a blizzard is trying to blow your house down, but you and all your family are safe inside. You just listen to wind howling outside while wrapped up in a blanket and staring out the window (bonus points if you have a kid or wife wrapped up in the blanket with you)
I agree. The silence and sound dampening of a snow storm is beautiful
This should be it’s own post. Of course, this is a shitlord’s life. Do one about the South Side of Chicago.
This was beautiful.
*mumbles thanks to family and third grade teacher*
Now this is what I call poetry.
Are you saying I talk like a fag and my shit is all retarded?
And here I was about to call you the next William Shakespeare. I am as the French say, le wounded.
They employed Kafka?
the country that gave us Lord Nelson, Churchill, Wellington, and American colonists had its gene pool depleted beyond salvation in the World Wars.
“Officer Too Friendly”
Swetnick had a 62k lien on her house from 2015 and another lien in 2017 for failure to pay taxes.
Bitch has a clearance?
Public trust.
It means she passed a drug test with advanced notice, and was born in the US.
Yah. Public Trust isn’t really even considered a clearance. It’s handled by a completely different office.
And they still fucked it up.
If the IRS has a lien on your house…. maybe you shouldn’t be working for them.
Clarence Thomas had the greatest mic drop in history when he was finally given his moment to speak. If you want to have the clank of metal to reverberate through the entire hall, you have to command utter silence from the crowd. Kav has the opportunity to humiliate the scumbags that are pulling this hit job. I just pray that he has it in him let it rip.
I hope the Senate Stupids watch that.
Hatch played that perfectly. When they scan over the Dems on the committee, the expressions are priceless.
At issue is the Pubs’ “have you no decency?!” response. The answer is no, they don’t. They don’t care about what it does to the nominee. They don’t care what it does to the process. They don’t care what it does to the country. They’d rather burn the country to the ground than cede power.
They don’t care, but some of the people whose votes are up for grabs care. Gotta have that in the front of their heads. People have a hard time sorting out the evidence, but they can read body language and facial expressions. Elicit involuntary winces and cringes from the Dems on the committee and he has a shot.
Powerful stuff.
I’ll have to give this a proper watch back at home.
Michael Avenatti, ace attorney:
When asked if the allegation of a restraining order were true, Avenatti said: “I don’t know one way or another,” adding he would research it further.
So basically, he’t gonna ignore the question and just pretend it never happened. Why so many people I know salivate when they hear this guy’s name tires me.
Jesus keyboard, it’s only noon.
The new question I have for Swetnick is why she didn’t come forward with her information that Kavanaugh was running a rape gang before this week? I mean uffda, you are watching TV and there is a guy you know who has been a part of traumatizing a lot of high school girls and he has just been nominated to the SC. You don’t come forward back in July?
Of course, she didn’t warn any of those girls at the parties either. Maybe she just doesn’t like to make waves.
“Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta”
We’d get a day off school every year to go.
Seasons in descending order:
1. Winter
2. Autumn
3. Summer
4. Spring
Though they all have their highs and lows.
Spent the day uploading all the Hat and Hair videos to bitchute in case I somehow cross a line at youtube and to perhaps expand the audience a bit.
You da man.
This song came up on when my mp3 player was on shuffle today, made me think of you.
I’m flattered.
Thanks, also I’ve been enjoying your H&H vids. Thank you for the many laughs so far.
Well, with bitchute you can now donate right there on the page! I’m always willing to take money for doing things I do for free anyway. It’s like getting paid to write false accusations against GOP SCOTUS picks, I was going to do it anyway, might as well get paid.
lol at the end.
Yeah I totally just called some guy I don’t know a rapist and made up a story about him during his Hearing, but hey, I’m sorry.
What a bullshit apology.
#believeitall! #everythingIbeleiveistrue #evenliesaretruewhentheyareagainstafascist
OT: SP thanks for the tech advice for the new computer. Oddly (to me) Tampermonkey appeared in Google Chrome when I signed in but not Monocle. I installed it, as you suggested, and the problem was solved. Thanks again.
The Senate committee has heard from TWO men who claim that they groped Ford and not Kavanaugh
I hope they have some sort of reverse police line up tomorrow if Ford shows up. Each guy will get to grope Ford and put their hand over her mouth. Then she can tell which one was the mystery man so many years ago.
Too bad Cochrane isn’t still with us to say “If the hand does not fit the tit, you must acquit”
This is getting silly.
People be crazy. This is a fucking circus, we better have elephants an motorcycles jumping through flaming hoops tomorrow on the senate floor.
I just want Ted Nugent playing a guitar that shoots fire.
Well, if the senate hearings don’t deliver that, it’s going into the next chapter of ‘A Path To Wellness’.
well, not the next one, because that’s already written and scheduled, but soon.
Fonzi Jumping a Shark!
We really need to get Ace Frehley if that’s what you want.
” September 24: Committee staff have first interview with a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982 that is the basis of his complaint. He submitted a written statement earlier in the day.
September 25: Committee staff have a second interview with a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in the summer of 1982 that is the basis of her allegation. He described his recollection of their interaction in some detail.
September 26: Committee staff receives a more in-depth written statement from the man interviewed twice previously who believes he, not Judge Kavanuagh, had the encounter in question with Dr. Ford.
Committee investigative staff spoke via phone with another man who believes he, not Judge Kavanuagh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982 that is the basis of her allegation. He explained his recollection of the details of the encounter.”
WTF indeed.
If this is true, I don’t understand why they’re doing anything tomorrow other than just holding the damn vote.
Also: Hey McConnell, bypass the committee and have a full Senate vote. Force those red state Dems onto the record. End this.
What in Sam Hill is even going on over there? Is it me or do I feel like I’m taking crazy pills?
As others have said, I’m pulling up a chair and getting some popcorn. I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow. I really want to watch this on TV.
Due to political silliness/elections, I have decided that Fall cannot be the best season. It has been DQ’ed.
That is all
Who the hell drinks that shit?
I’d rather drink ass coffee.
I insist.
Ah, a Starbucks fan……
Ass coffee you say. I’m pretty sure that’s a set up for you to post a porn video.
Gotta admit, I love Braum’s pumpkin ice cream. Only available in a few states tho.
I make a devilishly good pumpkin pie too. I’ll submit the recipe.
Always appropriate
Billy and Adam: AKA Snakes: AKA The Guys That Played Hyek and Kaynes For Econtalk: Czechoslovakia!
I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thks!
Best two parts were the hockey reference and the mention of Somali roadz
I once slipped and called a friend of my wife ‘idiot’.
Tonight my wife had ladies night cocktails with that friend. When she came out for me to drive her home she admitted that the friend is indeed a moron. Apparently the friend is a solid believer that Brett Kavenaugh is a serial rapist.
Fall is the best. The blood-wind calls. It’s time to hunt.