Let’s say you’re on board with tracking your intake, and that you’ve established the habit of tracking your calories. Some of you are there, some of you are a few days into a new habit, some of you couldn’t give two shits. The next step is to dive deeper into the numbers and track your macros. I know a few of you already do this, but I want to extol the virtues of macro tracking. For the longest time in college, I tracked my calories on a daily basis. I’d hit my calorie goal most every day, but I wasn’t feeling the way I thought I should feel. I was constantly hungry, and I wasn’t seeing a ton of improvement in the gym. I had plateaued, and I couldn’t break through. It turns out that I was way heavy on carbs and too light on protein and fat, resulting in me losing traction for my fitness goals.
Carbs – These include everything from fiber to sugar to starches. Carbs are fuel for your body, and despite the media and the fad diets out there, carbs can be your friend. Different types of carbs have different effects and purposes. For lack of a better description, some carbs are more potent than others. Simple carbs are a quick hit of energy for your body. They’re easy to break down, and they’re quick to take effect. This is the traditional “sugar high”. Simple carbs include refined sugar (pastries, candy, etc.), simple sugars (fruits, vegetables, etc.). Complex carbs are more difficult for your body to process, but provide a steadier source of energy over a longer period of time. This is why distance runners carb load prior to their runs. Complex carbs include starches like found in grains, potatoes, etc. As you are fully aware, spiking from sugar high to crash all day long is miserable and ends in morbid obesity after a while. Most of your carb load should be in complex carbs.
However, it isn’t as simple as choosing complex carbs over simple carbs, you want to balance the amount of carbs you get with the other nutrition you receive, including fiber, minerals, and vitamins. One of the easiest ways to balance your carb load in comparison to other nutrition is to focus on using whole ingredients in your meals rather than processed ingredients. Next week, we’ll go into more detail.
Protein – Ahh, meat! Protein can also be found in legumes, some grains, some vegetables, eggs, tofu, and hemp (for those of you in CO). Protein is your foundation for successful fitness. Working out, whether cardio or strength training, involves tearing down your muscles and rebuilding them stronger. How does your body rebuild your muscles? By pulling protein from your food and incorporating it into your muscles! If you wear down over long periods of working out, a protein deficiency may be the culprit. If you struggle with inordinate soreness and fatigue after strength training, protein may help with recovery. Timing can play a role in recovery, and we’ll cover that in a few weeks when we talk about post-workout eating.
Fat – Ignoring the screams from all those who have been taken by the ’80s and ’90s fad diets, fat is a very good thing, and it’s very important to long term success of your fitness goals. If you want to be miserable, go on a low-fat diet. Fat helps you feel satiated at the end of a meal, and it helps stave off hunger throughout the day. However, one temptation with fad diets (including Keto) is to jack up the fat consumption to insane levels. Mrs. trshmnstr is skeptical about the health of going to insane in the opposite direction and eating tons of fat. As always, a balanced diet is the recommendation.
Overall, a good baseline ratio is 35% carbs (mostly in high-fiber whole foods), 35% protein, and 30% fat. We’ll talk next week about adjusting those ratios to account for body type, fitness goals, etc.
HIIT workout of the week
As always, Mrs. trshmnstr recommends trying this out 3 or 4 days this week. As always, don’t kill yourself and modify the exercise where you need to based on your fitness and abilities.
3 rounds of:
- 50 jumping jacks
- 10 pushups
- 20 squats
- 20 bicycle crunches
- 1 min rest
- 50 high knees
- 15 side plank crunches on your right side
- 20 squat jumps
- 15 side plank crunches on your left side
- 1 min rest
- 50 mountain climbers
- 15 lunges each side
- 20 plank spidermans total
- 15 situps
- 1 min rest
This is a 30 minute workout, so the goal is to do 2x for a full workout.
Recipe of the week
Trashy’s daily breakfast. Mrs. trshmnstr says this isn’t a healthy breakfast, and that I’m an idiot for posting this, but I’m gonna do it anyway!
- 1 piece of multigrain toast
- 2 fried eggs
- 1 sausage patty
- hot sauce
I used to struggle with mid-morning hunger and fatigue issues when I ate a granola bar or nothing for breakfast. This breakfast is a good mix of fat, protein, and whole food carbs with enough flavor to get going in the morning. I think the eggs are the most important part. I could probably sub out the toast or the sausage for a fruit if I wanted to be super healthy, but I’ve found that I can lose 2+ lbs per week with this breakfast if I’m good about my other meals. I’ve also found that it doesn’t take me an hour or two to get ramped up for work in the morning. I’m firing on all cylinders the minute I open my laptop.
Weight: 148.5#, HR: 43bpm.
Today: 13.11 mile run, 40# pack, 2:25:49, 130bpm, 11:07 min/mile
Friday was: AA50k: 33.52mi, 7:54:58, 106bpm, 14:10 min/mile
Was my slowest AA50k (of six). I ate more than half a box of Oreos during the race and drank a Founders KBS on the final loop. It hit me surprisingly hard. That and AMRC Brewfest the day after were not good for my weight, so I’m surprised I didn’t gain weight this week.
Hovering at 157.
I’ve been bad at breakfast. Needed to come to work early a lot recently because someone decided to lose a very important key.
Reading that HIIT makes me want to puke!
Pound me too
So I’m guessing the picture at the top is Trashy after his GlibFit efforts?
I don’t see a top-hat or monocle…
And the third is after the surgery?
For those looking for a shortcut:
Will work, guaranteed. However: Paraesthesia, Bradyphrenia, Expressive language disorder and decreased orgasm sensation are real things.
decreased orgasm sensation
Hard, err, pass.
I was on that shit for two weeks. Did you know that paraesthesia can be debilitating? I had it so bad I literally (like literally literally, not like just literally) could not stand up.
That’s a big blue ball.
Doing a rowing thing now, with a different workout each month that you post your results for. This month was “How far can you go in four minutes.” Turns out I can go 1,030 meters.
Is someone going to cook that steak?
It’s as cooked as it needs to be.
Suthen is Trump?
Of course not. Suthen would never put ketchup on a steak!
Heinz 57 only.
I like Heinz 57, it drives my wife nuts I put it on steak.
I used to order my steak medium rare as a kid, that was the only order I knew. One time I shortened it to ‘medium’ thinking that was short for medium rare. The things you learn…
Biology was my undergrad minor. I took an invertebrate zoology class that changed my life.
If it aint cooked, I aint touchin’ it.
That steak is perfectly safe to eat. I’ve been in the food industry for the better part of my career. A cut of beef only needs seared on the outside to be safe. There are no micro-organisms inside of it to be worried about. Pork can be eaten medium if it is domesticated as we have eliminated trichinosis. Poultry is the main meat that needs to be thoroughly cooked. Don’t destroy the flavor of your steaks by overcooking them. (IE: past med. rare, or med if you absolutely must).
Fortunately, 132 in the sous vide will result in both a perfect medium rare steak that is also pasteurized if you are lazy enough. Unfortunately, the lack of oxygen keeps the steak from developing a proper rose color.
One of the exercises for the lab for that class was to find mealy beef in the grocery store. It was remarkably easy to do. Trichinosis is not eliminated. It is rare in domestic pork but the wild pig population is keeping it around just fine. The fellow that owned Tunk’s restaurant on Kinkaid lake contracted trichinosis eating venison that wasn’t well cooked.
Maybe I am just paranoid but I cook all of my meat and wash all of my veggies.
Well of course, vegetables grow in the dirt!
That steak is perfectly cooked
Squat jumps
Prety sure that’s how the army gave me three herniated disks.
They added the ‘bender’ touch your toes. Not something you want to do rapidly In cadence.
I’m winded just reading this.
I used to run 10 miles a day. My exercise regimen today is curling a large can of cider up to my mouth. Repeat many, many times.
Unfortunately that is true for me too. I used to be superman. Now I just drink and I am in terrible shape.
This february I have 85 acres to plant by hand. I put a flag on either end and try and walk a straight line from one to the other, then move the flags over 10 feet and repeat. It will probably take me a month if I dont fall over dead first. The plot is about 0.5 mile by 0.35 of a mile. I had gone and looked at it and guestimated 60 acres but I just measured it on google earth…nope. 85ish.
Seed or small plants? Either way, I hope it goes well. I had a small watermelon patch as a kid, and I found even that to be a lot of effort.
I rowed 9k yesterday, lifted today and shooting for a 10k row tomorrow. 5’8” 170lbs, resting HR 52. If the primary gives me any crap Friday he/she is getting throat punched.
Down to 211-212. Pants I bought at the beginning of July that had gotten tight are now loose. That’s 12-13 lbs since I started the keto. I’m on track. I also added in the 100 push up challenge starting Monday. I do it again tonight. My start was 7 good form push-ups.
Up side – I’ve lost about 3 lbs of fat since last week (after holding steady for a few weeks.)
Down side – none of my cardigans or flannel shirts fit me any more 🙁
Howm I supposta Minnsoda without my cardigans and flannel shirts?
Woot! Good job, Leap!
I had a shitty week. This one will be better.
Well, I gained back almost everything I lost in week one. Going to a swanky conference will do that to a man. So many carbs!
Anyway, back to reality and back to tracking my food. I’m gonna try this workout either tomorrow or Friday.
I hope at the very least on a supplier’s or service provider’s plastic.
Very much so. One law firm did a bourbon tasting. Another sponsored a big catered shindig on Navy Pier. So many after parties that went late into the night. Genuinely fun experience.
I’ve been having what you’d call a “maintenance week”, so I’ve been off the books. Nothing terrible, but I know my macros are all off. On the positive side, I’ve been dry and the wife’s been nauseous so we’ve spent zero money on going out and saved a ton on booze, in monetary terms and in one drink magically turning into seven and a bag of Doritos terms. I’ve been keeping up with exercise, though, so that’s something. Running on the regular, close to 3 miles a day, and making slow but steady progress lifting.
Down to 272 as of today. Had a doc appt and cholesterol is significantly improved and all within healthy levels, versus horrible a few months ago. Been tracking what I eat and mostly keeping below calories, and overnight oats has been amazing for giving me a good breakfast and start to the day.
Very late to the party, but great post Trashy. Thank you.
I’ll join in on this. Currently hovering around 270 pounds. Need to lose at least 40 pounds to get back to where I was when I lived in Germany. Put on a lot of weight when I came back to the States and went a bit crazy on all the junk food I had missed out on for the 6 years overseas. My wife called it the “Freedom 40.” Kidney stones earlier in the summer made me reassess my diet, and I’ve cut out a lot of the junk I was eating, and I’ve dropped about 10 pounds in the last two months. Very limited in my exercise right now as I just had a partial knee replacement yesterday, but hopefully it will reduce the pain that I’ve had that was keeping me from exercising. Plan to pick up with rowing/biking once I’ve recovered from the surgery.