About freaking time, man.
We’re up and running at full speed this week. I had to spend most of my day dealing with the Nissan situation yesterday, but I managed to resolve it if not amicably, then at least favorably. Its was a typical trip for me to a car dealership where everyone at the end of the experience is exhausted but I drive away with a better deal than I should have. So now I can put that clusterfuck to rest. Thanks all for your prior advice on the matter.
Hey look, the Steelers won a game. They sure needed that. And on the diamonds, the winners were: New York (AL), Washington, Boston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Colorado, Los Angeles, Anaheim, Oakland San Diego and the world champion Houston Astros. Colorado is a half-game behind St Louis for the last wild card spot. Everything else is settled with 5-6 games left. So get your popcorn and watch the NL Central and West scores as we come down the stretch.

Aside from “Corvette Summer,” his finest performance
Let’s see who was born on September 25th: Genius writer William Faulkner, communist “spy” Ethel Rosenberg, baseball play and sportscaster Phil Rizzuto, jazz musician Sam Rivers, TV personality Babbawa Wawlters, writer of children books Shel Silverstein, bluesman Booba Barnes, Sec Def Robert Gates, actor Michael Douglas, guitarist Onnie McIntyre, supermodel Cheryl Tiegs, actor Mark Hamill, equestrian novice Christopher Reeve, bassist Steven Severin, actor Michael Madsen, another supermodel Heather Locklear, actor and “rapper” Will Smith, and the ageless beauty Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Its also the day on which the following occurred: there first printing press in North America went into use, Benedict Arnold turned, the US Congress proposed the Bill of Rights, Congress created the first all-black university (Howard), Columbia’s school of Journalism was founded…and has gone downhill ever since, Henry Ford announced an 8-hour a day-5 day work week…before there was a UAW, Germany firebombed Warsaw, “Doc” Duvalier won the Haitian presidency, Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” hit #1, “Evita” opened on Broadway, Nolan Ryan threw his fifth no-hitter, Antonin Scalia was appointed to the Supreme Court, Bruce Jenner changed his name, and Anthony Weiner was given 21 months in jail for being a pervert…but received nothing for having a shitload of classified information on the computer he was using to sext a kid pictures of his junk.
And that’s it! Now to…the links!

Nothing says “tolerant” like accosting a man and woman in a restaurant over politics.
If the GOP needed an event to rouse up the base and make TV ads with about how intolerant the hard left can be, then yesterday was their lucky day.
Gee, who couldn’t have seen this coming a mile away? I suppose someone refreshed her memory on what can happen when you lie under oath to a congressional committee.
All those soft-commie rags in the EU that loved the Pope are starting to turn on him. Yeah, you can commie as hard as you want, but even (most of) those bastards will turn on you when you start ignoring and actively covering up child sexual abuse, as he has been accused of doing.
I’ve seen some frivolous lawsuits, but this one takes the cake! But since it is filed in California, I assume she’ll win a fat judgment or at least get a hefty settlement. (Had to use this link since the one cited isn’t in English.)

Punk-ass, piece-of-shit murderer (allegedly)
When your defense is “well sure my client fired sixteen rounds into an unarmed person in his own yard doing nothing actionable, bit only one of them technically mattered”, you might be fucked in a sane and fair legal system. But let’s not forget that this is Chicago and the shooter was a cop. And let’s also take a moment to remember that this “expert” testimony is contradicted by the actual dash cam footage of the killing.
Remember when those cops on the New Jersey shore were caught on video beating the shit out of a woman on the beach? Well after months there’s finally been an arrest in the case. You’d think that is a good thing, except…well you know.
“Listen kid, there’s only one way to get an A in my class.” And the Pythagorean theorem ain’t gonna help you get there.
The Trump White House is staying mum on Rod Rosenstein. Meanwhile, the media are reporting the following:
- Rosenstein has verbally quit
- Rosenstein will quit on Thursday
- Rosenstein has been fired
- Rosenstein will be fired on Thursday
All of those claims were floated throughout the day by “sources with knowledge about the situation.” So you can count on them all being true, I suppose.
Enjoy a great song from a generation of great songs.
Now go out and have a great Tuesday!
The mystery of what happened to Ken’s manhood solved.
Heather Locklear was supermodel? She’s 5′ 5″
Sloopy might be 4′ 4″ for all we know
I heard he was 9″
Sloopy Weekly is not the most reliable source.
It was a Penthouse letter.
In the early 80s, she sure was on a lot of posters on the bedroom walls of teenage boys. That counts in my book.
To paraphrase Steve Martin, “all those year I spent holding up her poster with one hand, she could show some appreciation!”
The superior Heather will always be Heather Thomas.
I hope she got mentioned on September 8th.
Update: she didn’t because it was a weekend day and I didn’t do them. Blame somebody else. I would have mentioned her.
The superior Heather will always be Heather Graham.
Concur. Further, a quick google image search shows that she did tons of magazine covers. Definitely qualifies.
Genius writer William Faulkner
You’re killing me, Sloop.
Then my work is done here.
But then the musical selection revived me! Now that’s genius!
As Tundra Lays Dying
I remember throwing that fucking pretentious shitpile The Sound and the Fury across the room several times while slogging my way through it.
Fuck, we had to read that and As I Lay Dying. Sweet zombie cheebus I hate Faulkner. The only book worse then that I had to read was Ethan Frome.
You want pretentious shitty books from school?
The Jungle or GTFO!
Oh Fuck. Yes takes the cake. I listened to that for “fun” because I was living in Slovakia just before digital books and audiobooks and Overdrive took off, so I listened to a lot of stuff on Gutenberg.
I had at least one teacher say or suggest the book was non-fiction.
I went to NYC piblik school and was given the impression it was non fiction. Progs today refer to it and the Zinn fairy tale as the TRUTH
Same here. I think they must have mentioned it as fiction, but based on real events. Kind of a false but accurate before that became a common theme of interactions with lefties.
Read that one as well. I’ll see your The Jungle and raise you Zelda. The only assigned book through High School I didn’t finish. I based my entire paper on it on the dust cover of the book, and got my highest grade of the year on that paper. If I still had any faith in my High School teachers, that killed it.
I’ll go in the opposite direction and say that I actually liked An American Tragedy.
Class warfare bullshit aside, it was a good read.
I was given that book by a writer friend about 16 years ago. after about a half hour I decided there was no way I was going to continue reading this POS. Prior to that, I was a voracious reader. I have not picked up another book since.
A college prof described Ken Kesey as “Faulkner on acid. Which makes him easier to read as Faulkner was drunk.”
Sometimes a Great Notion is still one of my favorite novels.
Aside: the fact that the film was released under the name “Never Give An Inch” shows that someone involved in the production completely missed the point of the novel.
“Gee, who couldn’t have seen this coming a mile away? I suppose someone refreshed her memory on what can happen when you lie under oath to a congressional committee.”
I figured that once they got the desired delay they would do something where she wouldn’t testify.
I felt agony yet urgency and a civic duty to let it be known, in a confidential manner, prior to the nominee being selected.
Not being able to slander someone from the shadows is Stalinesque. Wait, am I doing this right?
Funny that she’s not mad at the woman who didn’t find her credible until the last minute and then threw her out there to dry. Honey if you wanted anonymity, you should have ensured it yourself, cause no politician is gonna protect you.
Diane wasn’t ever going to vote for any Trump nominee regardless. The plan was to get Diane to convince Rep Senators to vote no based on an anonymous tip? TBF, some Repubs probably would change their votes based on that.
The plan is for Feinstein to prove how woke she is to the millenials. Cuomo in N.Y. has been doing the same thing. All these old white Dems are in trouble and they know it.
The plan was to smear the process and hopefully prevent the vote. At any and all costs. Lies? Check. Cheating/ Check. Feigning indignity when called on it? Check.
They’ll keep dragging it out, they have nothing to lose.
And The Stupid Party will keep letting them do it. Because they are spineless shitweasels.
The Coward Party God damn it.
They were counting on Kavanaugh to roll over and withdraw himself, which happens in 90% of these cases. The target usually gets tired of all the press and just gives up, or tries to clumsily defend themselves, which makes it worse, then they give up. They didn’t count on him having a set of balls and standing up for himself effectively.
She is not going to lie under oath. If she testifies at all, every statement will be so carefully qualified that it won’t be possible disprove a word. Further, nothing will be said that hasn’t already been said, it’s not like she’s going to come forward with new, specific information.
I also predict that Grassley will not allow continued delays beyond this week. Not saying it couldn’t possibly happen, I’m just betting against. I think he’s done enough to convince Joe Average LIV that reasonable accomodations were made, and the base is going to really lose their shit if it goes on longer.
They have two objectives. One is to scuttle the nomination until they control the senate.
The other is obvious from this quote about having an attorney do the questioning:
In other words, IT’S A TRAP!
Even if they lose, they hope to get some nice, juicy footage of republican senators questioning a woman about her allegations. All to be used as evidence of the war on women.
That quote is completely “up is down” world, but everyone in the media is just going with it as if they believe it too. Having politicians ask questions IS the circus. Putting the thing on TV *is* the circus. Demanding that Politicians do the questioning on live TV is 100% designed to guarantee the circus.
So now we know who her lawyers really work for. They are not representing Ford. They are representing the DNC, and the Soros constellation of groups.
Toward the end of a video, a restaurant employee can be heard asking the protesters to leave because the area is a “private space.”
The dude finally sold out and got a job?
In a few days we will learn that that employee was fired for making a dangerous and uninclusive environment.
>>refreshed her memory on what can happen when you lie under oath to a congressional committee.
Well based on Comey, and other Beltway cretins… nothing?
CAN. What can happen.
That’s the beauty of raw power. You can use it arbitrarily against the peasants and ignore it when it’s a person you have a relationship with or might need down the road.
Ain’t our system grand?
Makes my leg all tingly…
A third woman, even less credible than the previous two has come forwarded. Or will come forward. She’s so credible that the mouthpiece if truth Michael Avennati has firtold her coming.
“LOS ANGELES – A third woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct will come forward in the next 48 hours, according to Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for adult film star and alleged President Donald Trump mistress Stormy Daniels.”
So everyone should wait another 2 days?
The best way to deal with Creepy Porn Lawyer is to give him as wide a platform as possible.
Until the next woman gets trotted out, only to be discredited within a couple of days…. Rinse, repeat…
That’s the strategy right now: hope that the preponderance of false accusations accompanied by massive pants shitting by the dnc operatives with bylines and then absolute silence on the topic once evidence emerges to prove the whole thing scurrilous, leaves a lot of people thinking there is any validity to this whole thing that amounts to be nothing more than character assassination.
My guess is that while it gives the team blue base a boner, it is likely to really piss off anyone else paying attention. I hope it backfires to the point where this shits ends up causing the same effect and producing the same results that accusations of racism now do after the 8 years of Obama where everyone that pointed out how much of a moron he was got accused of being a racist: a detriment to the team blue crime machine.
They did the same thing to Trump for their October surprise. Amazing how many of those women were unattractive leftist activists too. The statistical probability of getting sexually assaulted by a conservative/Republican while being an unattractive leftist activist is really high for some unknown reason. Or having a memory of being sexual assaulted reemerge decades later, also really high amongst that group. Strange.
I was not going to go there for the obvious reasons Banjos, but my experience has been that the women usually screaming the loudest about male abuse tend to be the ones no guy with options would touch with someone else’s dick. It’s usually projection. I once told one of these real ugly women that had been complaining to a bunch of us about how men always harassed her that she had to come back to reality because she was so ugly I couldn’t see anyone but the most desperate of men or some other ugly lesbians seeing her as an object of sexual desire. She was furious when everyone else laughed or nodded in agreement. Not one of my proudest moments, but I think if we did this more often, we would have less of these crazy ugly people pretending all dudes want to rape them.
Ugly women do often get harassed by
mensewer crab-people, though.Wealthy billionaires who’ve never shown interest in ugly women, though? And those ugly women just happen to be leftist activists? The word is credible. Totally credible.
I assume you’re excluding Slick Willy from your analysis. Guy didn’t seem too particular about where he stuck it and I doubt that he lacked for options.
The key credibility differential is that His accusers didn’t go away, even today when he’s effectively a non-entity.
See, I hate having to defend that horndog Slick Willy, but he didn’t do real uggos. At least I feel these women might have been good looking when he went after them but didn’t age well. Sure, he liked himself some chubby ones, and I suspect he was/is a believer that women that are not real hot stuff might be easier to bag because of they would be floored by the attention, and used that to his advantage, but that was his game. Even Hillary had her charms. granted, you & I might not go there, but I can see some guys saying if it moves, I am plowing it.
They did the same thing to Trump for their October surprise
And they all vanished, like dew in the morning sun, on Wednesday morning. Funny, that, almost as if the sole purpose of bringing these claims was to influence the election, and nothing else.
“It will relate to how they behaved at countless house parties,’’
Avenatti also told reporters the woman, whom he did not name, has multiple security clearances and will “literally risk her life’’ by coming forward.
She will literally not be risking her life…
He called her “100 percent credible,’’
Sure she is…
saying she has multiple witnesses to corroborate her story and would be willing to take a polygraph if Kavanaugh does as well.
I’ll believe when I see/hear it and polygraphs are bullshit. Either way, hearsay is hearsay and you guys have destroyed your credibility thus far, which make me inclined to not believe any new accusations, no matter the corroboration.
Hey look, the Steelers won a game.
Here’s a silly question: why wasn’t that stiffarm called as “illegal hands to the face”? If the cornerback had come in knee high, he would have been penalized. Defensive players are being forced to pull back, which allows running backs and receivers to take advantage. What will happen when Clay Matthews says, “Fuck it, I might as well just piledrive those quarterbacks, if I’m going to get called for it no matter what.”?
I can’t recall the player, but a defensive player blew out his ACL on Sunday trying to twist during a fucking tackle. So messed up.
Garappolo, 49ers QB, in Chiefs game, and he had already gone out of bounds, so was totally unnecessary for him to do that. One more yard isn’t worth it, kiddies.
It was William Hayes of the Dolphins. Here’s the video.
Two torn ACLs this week. Yikes.
As long as he does not actually grab the facemask the ball carrier is allowed to touch the facemask because he is not trying to tackle the defensive player. For defensive players touching the ball carrier it is a penalty to keep them from even accidentally grabbing the facemask and using it to pull him down
Yet offensive lineman are not allowed to put hands on face masks when blocking, even though they are not trying to tackle the defensive player.
Why did they put that handle on the helmet if no one is allowed to use it?
Why can a runner stiffarm on the helmet – because it rarely leads to injury.
Why can’t a tackler or blocker put hands to the face – because it more often leads to injury.
(that’s the rational. I don’t know the actual numbers, but it seems reasonable)
The NFL is over. Roughing the passer every other down. No kickoff returns. It had a good run.
GOP ads so far have been pretty good, and incredibly cheap to make. The footage just exists!
Are any of them actually using the free footage?
I think so?
Oh yeah.
Here’s another.
That one has a little smattering of antifa action, very nice.
I can’t see that first one. What’s it from?
Try it now.
There it is. Thanks.
That’s awesome. For all the talk of bundling lefty insanity into a little highlight reel, that’s one of the first times I’ve actually seen it done. (Admittedly, my media consumption habits have all but eliminated commercials anyway, that could be part of it.)
Here you go.AFAICT, only on YouTube.
Tard Tuesday: Strained Metaphors Edition
“Rattus inebrius enjoys a symbiotic relationship with the powerful, beady-eyed species Rattus ginormus, commonly referred to as Mitch McConnell . If Rattus ginormus doesn’t like a Supreme Court nominee, even an impeccably qualified one, he refuses to budge for a year. If he likes a nominee, even one accused of sexual assault, he says “We’re going to plow right through it.”
He is the biggest rat of all.”
I wrote better stuff in high school and that is definitely an insult
I agree that a lot of this is about Abortion, but I think even more so it’s about the Dems feeling that they are losing control of the SC (a sentiment that itself is an issue). I think they are going to try to keep anyone from being confirmed until 2021
They won’t keep anyone from getting confirmed past October 1st.
This is a done deal after his tv interview and the fact that these women are going to disappear when the threat of the bright light shining on them under oath looks like a reality.
Your trust that any amount of ill would come from false testimony to Congress is quaint
Lying to congress to bolster government power is given a pass by both teams because even if the lies work against their current agenda they appreciate the solidified power base that they will be able to use in the future.
Unfortunately for these women the lies will really piss off one of the parties and do absolutely nothing to increase government power
Dana Milbank, Shining Pillar of Truth and Decency.
“When your defense is “well sure my client fired sixteen rounds into an unarmed person in his own yard doing nothing actionable, bit only one of them technically mattered”, you might be fucked in a sane and fair legal system. But let’s not forget that this is Chicago and the shooter was a cop. And let’s also take a moment to remember that this “expert” testimony is contradicted by the actual dash cam footage of the killing”
Everyone deserves a chance to defend themselves and SLD. With that out of the way. The fact that this piece of shit most likely will walk is further proof that there is no justice in this world and there never was. And it’s not just prosecutors and judges, 12 regular Joe’s and Jane’s will vote to aquit this person because he wears a blue suit.
Blue Lives Matter (more than yours).
“And it’s not just prosecutors and judges, 12 regular Joe’s and Jane’s will vote to aquit this person because he wears a blue suit.”
Normies deserve it good and hard. When your average Joe can get the pig’s cock out if his mouth and get 8ff his knees, I’ll start to feel some sympathy
You say that, but I’d imagine reasonable doubt becomes a little more common after you sat in a jury box with an entire gallery of uniformed cops staring daggers at you and taking notes of your appearance throughout a trial of one of their “brothers”.
Argumemtum we-is-a-nation-of-cowards is pretty weak sauce.
When me and my psychopath brother are about, We eyeball pigs. Pigs hate it when you eyeball them
“there is no justice in this world and there never was”
I’ll drink to that
If I were the prosecutor, I would place sixteen bullets along the edge of the jury box and ask them “how many of these are enough to kill a man in cold blood?”
“Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford told Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley that she’s concerned she won’t get a fair hearing Thursday when she’s due to testify against Trump’s SCOTUS pick.
In a letter from her attorney Monday, Michael Bromwich says his client may not get a ‘fair and credible’ hearing after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s claim that her accusations of sexual misconduct are ‘a smear’ against the Supreme Court judge nominee.”
Then Christine Blasey Ford did not tell Chuck Grassley anything. Her lawyer did. Until DiFi released the letter she allegedly received, it was all hearsay since no one heard directly from the accuser. Even that letter looks suspicious. The fonts are all screwy, the tenses are mixed, and it doesn’t read like it was written by person, much less someone with the verbal skills of a psychology professor.
“it doesn’t read like it was written by person”
Are you saying the Dems have a random #MeToo generator?
Woops, “written by one person”.
>only 1-2 pictures of this person
>only lawyers speak on her behalf
>unbelievable convenient story
>only speaks with anonymity
>won’t agree to meet anyone anywhere anytime
And where is all her social media? Who in academia doesn’t at least a blog or twitter or something?
She took it all down when she made her accusation.
She removed it all in the weeks before her info was “leaked”. It’s a hell of a coincidence. Not on the level of “Seth Rich happened to be killed in the tiny parcel of land in DC without security cameras near it”, but it’s pretty fucking odd timing.
“It’s a hell of a coincidence.”
I know you are being sarcastic, but I feel stuff like this was not hammered home with more fervor to give people that are only paying peripheral attention to this shit some needed perspective. You do this sort of shit only if you know you have stuff that will harm your narrative if it stays up.
I thought fake people were described as being from Canada?
Thats just girlfriends.
George Glass was a red-blooded fake American damnit!
Of all the talking heads on TV and mainstream columnists out there making the “What if he’s guilty?” argument, I haven’t seen one telling us what should happen to Ford if it’s shown that she lied. Someone, FFS, make a Dem politician answer this question directly.
Has she already lied? She said that she can’t fly, but that she traveled from the mid-Atlantic to California in three days.
I don’t think you’re taking me seriously.
I dunno about that. I’ve driven from DC to Burning Man in 38 hours, which is roughly the same distance as coast-to-coast. It seems plausible to me.
Well let’s just say if the FBI did investigate this — and there is no reason they would — I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they found a record of her flight.
One interesting thing about this case is that while her allegations against Kavanaugh are utterly unprovable and utterly unfalsifiable in general a full FBI investigation into HER could very easily prove of she is in fact lying.
There are 3 basic possibilities here…
1) She is telling the truth and Kavanaugh actually did what she alleges
2) She is telling the truth and honestly believes that Kavanaugh did what she alleges however her memory is so faulty that she has many basic facts wrong and the events she recalls did not happen in anything remotely resembling those memories. Maybe it wasn’t Kavanaugh, maybe it was an the interaction was quite different but either way she is wrong about what happened.
3) She likely was assaulted as a teenager and did mention it to a therapist in 2012 but leveraged that and fabricated the charges against Kavanaugh from nothing for political gain
There is no way we can ever learn whether 1 or 2 is accurate here but we can prove 3 because she would have had to coordinated pretty closely with someone to manufacture this story and have it come out just the right way and a criminal investigation of HER would either reveal that or go a long way to proving that it is not what is happening.
So really she should be demanding a full FBI investigation with her and not Kavanaugh as the target, after all that is what an innocent person would do right?
According to what I have heard, she should be let off without any repercussions because that might affect other women from coming forward in the future. And that argument is the main reason I immediately assume any woman coming forward with accusations is lying her ass off until prove otherwise. When there are no consequences to being an evil, vindictive, conniving, manipulative, lying bitch, then these sorts of women will use this as a means to punish and destroy those they don’t like. Fuck that.
she should be let off without any repercussions because that might affect other women from coming forward in the future
This argument has always made no sense to me at all. Why would prosecuting false accusers discourage actual victims? Just because insurance fraud gets prosecuted, it doesn’t in any way discourage people from filing legitimate claims.
They don’t care about actual victims, they care about having ammunition in their political fight.
I’m firmly in the camp that a false accusation should carry the penalty of the crime being falsly accused.
Again,. Women have little to no moral agency. Giving them the right to vote was stupid.
That’s the absurd corollary of the political opportunists’ and useful morons’ soft treatment of slanderous actions done by women, and of those women themselves, but are you arguing that in earnest?
“Think of a man, then remove reason and accountability.”
One only has to look at the accusations of paternity that women try in order to get someone/anyone to pay for child support.
Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford told Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley that she’s concerned she won’t get a fair hearing Thursday when she’s due to testify against Trump’s SCOTUS pick.
Um, it’s not your “hearing”, you stupid asshole. You’re a witness in Kavanaugh’s hearing. You’re free to attend or not, barring a subpoena, and answer whatever questions the committee deems pertinent to his confirmation. Period.
Jesus, how has Team Red let these assholes steal the narrative on what the scope is here and who deserves what?
To be fair, she turned a common phrase, as in “won’t get a fair shake”. I don’t think she was literally referring to the hearing.
Until DiFi released the letter she allegedly received
Has she released the unredacted letter? The last I heard, she had only given it to the FBI for the background file, which is heavily restricted.
it doesn’t read like it was written by person, much less someone with the verbal skills of a psychology professor
As a professional wokester, Dr. Ford spends her time debasing and abusing the language, so I don’t know that you can presume she has any verbal skills.
Where is Dr. Ford, anyway? Is she in DC yet? If so, how did she get there? If not, how is she planning to get there without flying?
“Has she released the unredacted letter?”
Yes, if you trust Dianne Feinstein.
Here is a transcript:
There are photocopies online as well.
I am currently vacationing in the mid-Atlantic until August 7th and will be in California after August 10th.
Interesting. The timing is consistent with not flying.
I thought the letter was originally sent to her Representative, not to Feinstein.
As revealed by both the Washington Post and the New York Times, Ford originally sent a letter to her Representative, Anna Eshoo. With the congresswoman’s help, the information was sent to one of her senators, Dianne Feinstein.
Is the letter to Feinstein a different letter? Why send a letter addressed to Feinstein to her Representative? Is this the letter she sent to Eshoo?
More questions for Ford if she shows to testify. Also, what were the discussions between Eshoo and Ford between the time Eshoo got the letter and one was sent to Feinstein?
The letter was sent to Eshoo because she is not a member of the comittee, thus, Ford was not lying to the comittee whenEshoo invariable passed it on, she was merely lying to the nobody Eshoo. It’s part of the “But I don’t wanna get in the path of a perjury cahrge!” strategm.
If she really sent a letter addressed to Feinstein to Eshoo, then its pretty obvious that this was nothing more than an attempt to get this out from under the False Statements Act.
If so, then I don’t think she wants to be sworn in and questioned by an experienced prosecutor.
I wonder if there are any odds out there on whether she actually appears on Thursday.
Since the letter has not been released, we don’t know how it was actually addressed.
The transcribed versions of the letter show it addressed to Feinstein.
A quick google didn’t show any images of the original letter. A link to it would be appreciated.
The Jersey Shore bitch obviously scraped up the Officers’ knuckles with her face.
That case is so fucked up. Those officers wanted her to bow and scrape, so they made sure she did.
Imagine you are a police officer and your greatest bout of heroism is trying to nab drunk beachgoers.
Mark Hamill’s greatest role is easily the voice of the Joker in Batman the Animated Series. He is the Joker, and the only better interpretation of the character is Heath Ledger’s.
No love for the Cock Knocker?
But did Heath ever laugh? I’m having trouble remembering an instance.
You call that a laugh? That’s mostly giggling.
Christopher Blair or GTFO.
There’s a story I remember reading years back (when gaming magazines existed and the internet was in its infancy) where Mark Hamill got jealous of Tom Wilson getting an award for his acting in Wing Commander III. The story was based on Tom saying that Mark kept claiming the trophy was fake and Tom made it just to get back at Mark.
“I didn’t think this video game fad would actually take off. No one was supposed to know about that.”
Although, it would be a bit sad to be the only male lead to co-star with Ginger Lynn and not get a blowjob out of it.
Caesar Romero.
Now get off my lawn.
The man who painted his moustache?
This is a defensible claim.
Jack Nicholson’s Joker is the Joker that all modern Jokers are judged against. Since him they are all trying to out-Jack, Jack…and none have.
Fight me.
I’ll let the joker sum up my reaction.
I think we’ve established that The Joker has been better played, by better actors, than Batman has.
No surprise really, he’s a better character.
I would but there is no victory possible when you are fighting a retard who thinks Jack Nicholson’s joker was anything but an abomination.
Hell the only thing I can think of that Nicholson was even decent in was a Few Good Men (The Shining was a good movie but his acting in it is severely overrated)
Well, that’s just like, your fucking idiotic opinion, man.
Words of wisdom.
I find actors of that era (Nicholson, Pacino, DeNiro) rarely play anyone but themselves.
I think DeNiro is more willing to branch out, but keeps getting type cast. Check out his couple of scenes in Stardust and Brazil as examples.
DeNiro definitely showed some range in Stardust
This is the problem. Jack Nicholson can only play Jack Nicholson, which is basically some kind of chaotic evil. The best range he’s demonstrated was in As Good as it Gets.
He was really good in “Missouri Breaks”
People seem to forget that Batman is a comic book. I also liked Ledger’s performance.
i didn’t realize male cops are allowed to punch women like that.
Where are all the feminists?
I thought there was no difference between men and women? So cops shouldn’t even be thinking about gender during a beat-down.
And it’s now socially acceptable for cops to not think about gender when they have consensual sex with a perpetrator handcuffed in the back of their car.
So I found a Steve Smith shelter… I wasn’t willing to risk testing it though.
Have some argument-by-assertion to go with those Cheerioats
Democrats will almost certainly receive more votes than Republicans in the midterm elections. But gerrymandering and other factors have severely tilted the playing field, so they would need to win the popular vote by a wide margin to retake the House, and a huge margin to retake the Senate. I don’t know how it will turn out — or what will happen to the perceived legitimacy of the federal government if all three branches are controlled by people the voters rejected. Neither does anyone else.
One thing we do know, however, is that Republicans have decisively lost the battle of ideas. All of their major policy moves, on health care, taxes and tariffs, are playing badly with voters.
In fact, Republican policies are so unpopular that the party’s candidates are barely trying to sell them. Instead, they’re pretending to stand for things they actually don’t — like protecting health coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions — or trying to distract voters with culture war and appeals to white racial identity. The G.O.P. has become the party of no ideas.
In short, the American public seems to have wised up; voters seem to have recognized the G.O.P.’s reverse Robin Hood agenda of taking from ordinary families and giving to the rich for what it is.
Of course, Republicans aren’t giving up. If they can’t win on the issues, they’ll try to win on something else — and we know what that something else is. Across America, voters are being barraged with Republican ads showing scary dark people. In Texas, Ted Cruz thinks even a clip of Beto O’Rourke saying perfectly reasonable things to black churchgoers will help his flailing campaign.
And it might work. After all, studies of the 2016 election clearly show that racial resentment, not “economic anxiety,” was what put Trump over the top.
Studies show- people agree with me, but those slaveholding rapists in the Republikkkin Party have stolen democracy and won’t give it back.
I’m surprised he didn’t toss in that new talking point about how, “People regret voting for Trump, and would unanimously vote for Hillary if we could just have a do-over.”
related: Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years
And I suspect that after this shit-show around Kavanaugh the voter turnout to go after the team blue political machine will be much higher.
Didn’t Trump do worse than Romney among white voters? I thought I read that somewhere. He did a point or two worse with whites and better than Romney with other races.
Is there any recent polling on the tax cuts? I’m certainly happy $200 less is being stolen from me every month.
You, like me I admit, are a shitlord for feeling those “crumbs” – to quote Nancy Pelosi – is your money and not that of the nanny state’s purveyors, and thus, theirs to distribute according to whatever scheme/scam buys them the most votes.
“After all, studies of the 2016 election clearly show that racial resentment, not “economic anxiety,” was what put Trump over the top.”
What studies?
“We asked CNN Anchors how this could have happened.”
I clicked on the link and saw ‘New York Times’ and said “Aww shit” and clicked it off.
Um, correct me if I am wrong but last I checked we do not have a parlimentary system and the total national vote means diddly squat
Never mind, it’s Krugman-town.
It proves that Trump is illegitimate because Hillary should be president. QED, ipso facto, lorem ipsum dolor.
I regret that I had but one vote to cast against the Democrat Party.
You’re doing it wrong.
One thing we do know, however, is that Republicans have decisively lost the battle of ideas.
The majority of governorships, state houses, both federal houses and the presidency disagree with you, as does the Hilldabeast winning a plurality in the last general by a couple percentage points. There was nothing “decisive” about that.
After all, studies of the 2016 election clearly show that racial resentment, not “economic anxiety,” was what put Trump over the top.
Yes, that’s it. Keep calling your opponents racist. That is sure to draw them to your pov on tax policy and the like.
This is just all the left’s talking points collated. Krugman is just here for the paycheck. (I assume it’s Krugs. Not gonna click.)
In Texas, Ted Cruz thinks even a clip of Beto O’Rourke saying perfectly reasonable things to black churchgoers will help his flailing campaign.
Oh, the “You people are too lazy to hold a job, so we need to let illegals take them.” That “reasonable thing” to say to black churchgoers?
Socialists and Libertarians Need an Alliance Against the Establishment
U.S. foreign policy is ripe for disruption—but only if the left and right get their act together.
Trying to spread democracy at the point of a rifle barrel didn’t produce stable, flourishing democracies or advance human rights
There are no rifles in socialism, apparently.
Devil’s advocate. You can’t point a gun at someone and go “Be Free and Fair!” But you can use the same threat of force to impose a Socialist Totalitarian state.
There are rifles, just not enough for everyone. So if you’re not issued one you have to follow you comrades into battle empty handed and pick one up when one of them is shot down. Assuming you’re not shot down first.
Even at war the Soviets practiced communism, with entire squads holding a rifle in common.
Trying to spread
democracysocialism at the point of a rifle barrel didn’t produce stable, flourishing democracies or advance human rightsTrying to spread democrac
yic socialism at the point of a rifle barrel didn’t produce stable, flourishing democracies or advance human rightsYou know who had the motto “Socialism in One Country”?
No, not Hitler. Geez, you people. It was Stalin. Yet again, “democratic socialism” shows itself to be Stalinism, reskinned.
They turn them inward on their own population.
As long as we are talking about topics that we agree on, I have no problem saying I agree with the socialists. But an alliance would mean compromising on principles, and I see no reason to compromise with someone who is antithetical to our principles.
Exactly. What planet are they on? One side doesn’t believe in personal agency and voluntary action and the other does. The calculus ends there.
Plus….Foreign Policy. Ugh. The place that gave Chrystia Freeland a fricken diplomat of the year award. /Lionel Hutz shudder.
“anti-war progressives”
“For the democratic socialists on the left, liberal hegemony simply didn’t deliver as promised.”
I more so get the impression that they don’t like that we intervened against communists (allegations of CIA plots against Allende, and others) rather than that the effects on the US were bad.
Also, didn’t we just get a (small) shakeup in foreign policy with the ‘right’? Why risk gains at home by aligning with the slaver left?
Hey, there are definitely 2 or 3 of them out there. I mean sure the media had been steadfastly ignoring them for the last 10 years but they did exist
Rothbard tried this already and got burned badly.
For the democratic socialists on the left, liberal hegemony simply didn’t deliver as promised. – not the right top men. So they are not ideologically against war, just believe the war did not achieve what they wanted…
Most people that use the label ‘libertarian’ are anything but.
Well we need to get our act together and finish that purity test.
No, he’s correct, but only by about half.
“Libertarians”? I thought this was a place for “Librarians” No wonder there is so much shouting.
We already spend three times as much on social programs as we do on the military. If our social spending is insufficient as is, paring back the military isn’t going to make a difference.
Don’t tell them, just og “We will bring the hard cap on social welfare spending in line with the military budget”.
The most horrifying thing I’ve seen in a long time (not kidding).
China’s digital dictatorship – being built with help from American tech companies. Just keep scrolling down.
Seriously – shoot those fucking cameras or put on a mask and smash them with hammers.
“I think people in every country want a stable and safe society,” she says.
“If, as our government says, every corner of public space is installed with cameras, I’ll feel safe.”
My God for the whole thing. A progressive’s wet dream for sure.
What’s that sound? That was the sound of Justin Trudeau splattering his jizz on the screen reading that.
I think people in every country want a stable and safe society, – this is so insanely stupid.
I suspect that the issue here is that the usual suspects’ idea of what constitutes a safe and stable society is them deciding what others are allowed to believe in, think, or do, and to use force to make sure the mob behaves as they want it to.
Not to worry–much like the British police, the cameras won’t be used to prosecute crime, only “hate incidents.”
Yes and just like with the British systems they will focus on the false negative identification rates and ignore the false positives and at the end of the day who cares about a few people who get unlucky and have their lives ruined over something they did not do because the system incorrectly identified them as the one who carried out a negative act
Only a matter of time before it launches here.
Brian K. Vaughn made a short comic book series called, The Private Eye, about a society after it rebelled against this very thing. The citizens all wear masks, don’t carry cell phones, don’t use computers…
Vanishingly few people are willing to actually “sacrifice everything,” including many/most of us and esp. me. (Thank God for people like Colin Kaepernick.)
I’d say the same thing as her. What’s the alternative? Telling the truth and getting tortured?
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
Genius writer William Faulkner
Haha, good one, Sloop.
After I was forced to read Light in August in college, and listen to a bunch of precocious nonsense about Faulkner and the South, I came to the conclusion that Sherman didn’t go far enough.
Is the dropping Google article pinned? I think I’m going to take as much of the leap as I can. It just hit me how immoral their support if the Chinese regime is.
Wojtek: The bear who fought Hitler’s Nazis
It’s a great story.
I saw his memorial in Edinburgh.
Hmmm I just saw the cemetery dog statue, less obscure I suppose. Then again I was in Edinburgh for 12 hours some of which were spent drinking malts and I plan on going back for a few days sometime
Greyfriars Bobby. The Wojtek statue is in Princes Street Gardens (beautiful, by the way). We stayed across Princes Street so we passed it every day.
Awesome city. I was only there 5 nights, but I will definitely go back.
This was a brilliant strategy by the Poles and helped the nation save face after the disastrous debut of their submarine festooned with a screen door
Better than the glass bottom boats the Italian navy rolled out so they could more easily see their older ships..
/I am a guido, so I can say this.
“Oh, no, no, it’s for looking for enemy submarines!”
If you wondered whether the gods favored you in the war, the fact that wild animals have joined your enemy to fight against you might be ursine.
second day in a row with excellent bear puns
Frankly, I think they’re pooh.
Forty-five percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party
What the fuck do they know? That poll was gerrymandered. Nobody on the Upper East Side gives a fuck about what those dirt savages think.
Editor’s change: Forty-three percent of Americans simply hate the Democrat Party.
What they don’t consider are that there are a lot of people who don’t like the Republican party, but end up voting for them because the Democrats are fucking terrifying. I am one of them.
Barn Burning: it’s like reading about my dad and his dad. I know everyone in that story and have seen every mistake it tells.
As I Lay Dying: the book only makes sense if you know this one simple trick; I figured it out half way through and had to then completely start over; then only then it made complete sense.
Light in August: at least the Nazis banned it.
The Sound and the Fury: signified a great deal, but it’s theme, not plot, and, in that way is extremely Southern. I encourage everyone to pick it up, turn to any chapter to read first, then to any other chapter to read second, and see that it doesn’t matter at all.
Libertarian notion du jour: “We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.”
I think I might put on my bucks, my straw fedora, pocket my flask, and go for a quiet stroll through a lovely stand of old growth forest a mile or two over the bluff.
We believe survivors!
Two things: 1) One is not a “survivor” of an action that was not an attempt at murder. 2) You do not have evidentiary standards for judgement. That is void of intelligence and it is dangerous.
!) You can survive an accident or disaster, but the prerequisite of threat to life still exists.
prerequisite of threat to life
That’s what I was getting at, just applied more directly to threat from another person.
*lights Noodlez on fire*
I have no problem with calling them survivors, seeing how the psychological trauma does lead to increased rates of suicide.
It’s the characterization that if we require a woman to prove it in court, we are somehow being oppresive. It’s the same standard that anyone who accuses anyone of a crime faces. It’s contingent on the person bringing the claim to convince everyone.
The idea that we should believe and then have the accused prove their innocence is so backwards.
I have a pretty big problem calling a lot of the survivors.
1) Outside of obvious violent rapes it is not clear that these cases of “date rape” or borderline rape have anywhere near the immediate trauma impact. Rather it is their incessant dwelling on the events that builds it up to a traumatic memory
2) Focusing on their “surviving” the trauma makes it effectively impossible for them to ever truly get over the trauma and therefor you are locking them into a cycle of perpetual revictimization. I would much rather see the focus be on getting victims to recover their agency and get over the trauma then celebrate them for surviving an attack
Everyone presently alive qualifies as a “survivor”.
+1 David Hogg
+5/7 Lynyrd Skynyrd
+3 Destiny’s Child.
I survived the Obama Presidency.
Ditto. And barely..
You survived the direct effects, the indirect ones may still kill you.
We believe survivors!
Begs the question of who is a survivor and who is not because they are lying.
Obscures that the only survivors you believe are the ones claiming to be attacked by Republicans.
“Enjoy a great song from a generation of great songs.”
I liked the Steve Churchyard extended mix of that. I think I have the 12″ somewhere.
Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford told Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley that she’s concerned she won’t get a fair hearing Thursday when she’s due to testify against Trump’s SCOTUS pick.
In a letter from her attorney Monday, Michael Bromwich says his client may not get a ‘fair and credible’ hearing after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s claim that her accusations of sexual misconduct are ‘a smear’ against the Supreme Court judge nominee.
The letter obtained by NBC’s Frank Thorp suggests the process has gotten out of hand as numerous people chime in to have their say ahead of this week’s proceedings.
By “fair hearing” of course, we mean complete, uncritical credulity. The “process has gotten out of hand”? This was supposed to be a nice clean head shot from a thousand yards, not hand to hand combat with jagged rocks and broken bottles.
“You’ll get as fair a hearing as you’re trying to give Justice Kavanaugh”
“It is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a ‘circus,’ as well as Dr. Blasey Ford’s repeated requests through counsel that senators conduct the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.”
This is the money quote.
They want their campaign footage of Republican Senators questioning a woman who claims she was “nearly raped and could have been killed!!” They need their tearful moment, like Anita Hill breaking down at the mere thought of someone asking “who left this pubic hair on my coke?”
The whole thing is a trap. If they can’t kill the nomination, maybe they can get a few extra hours of TV news anchors opining about how evil the republicans are, backed by footage of innocuous and ordinary questions being asked, but spun so as to seem misogynistic and insensitive.
“SAN FRANCISCO – A former Facebook content moderator is suing the company on the grounds that reviewing disturbing material on a daily basis caused her psychological and physical harm, according to a lawsuit filed Monday in a California superior court.”
SugarFree and HM need to lawyer up.
Plot twist they are the Facebook moderators!
I’m covered by satire and parody; HM just sprays and prays.
This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.
“I don’t want someone making relevant inquiries into my malicious, non-credible accusation!”
I have returned from the GABF, and am still accepting requests to join the next BIF (Beer it Forward). If I’ve responded to you via e-mail, you’re good. If you still want to sign up, please post here, and e-mail me at my handle at the Google’s mail.
BIF – Beer it Forward, shipping a package of local beer to a random recipient somewhere else in the country, while having a (usually) second random person shipping a package of beer to you. It’s a way to try new beers that you can’t get while exposing someone else to your local favorites.
somewhere else in the country – discrimination
Hell, I know how fucked up our alcohol laws are. I can’t imagine how much fun shipping between countries could be.
Also instead of beer you would get plastic bottles of plum brandy
Since I’ve been outed, I guess I can join up. Expect an email tonight.
I will be in this time, email sent.
That makes like 6 people on here who know my name now. Ugh.
I too enjoy random beer. Sending email now.
exposing someone else to your local favorites.
Now I have second thoughts about joining.
Is the dropping Google article pinned?
That’s not my project, leon. I think Q is the one who is working on that. It’s a damn good plan, though.
I had not heard about this until now, but it’s a great idea for an article.
Plus, if Q writes it, I know there will be a thorough assessment of which alternatives provide the best image search.
Morning Glibs, don’t know if anyone has posted this but yet but it’s hilarious…
That’s a lot of stupid in one post
Indeed, and contrary to this womans assertion there are a whole lot of women who hate condoms and find that they decrease sexual pleasure for the woman as well
Women have little to no moral agency. Giving them the right to vote was stupid.
Crazy eyes.
Someone was dumb enough to fuck her six times.
If it is the same guy I say he deserves her. If it was a bunch of others, then they deserve her too.
Don’t stick it in crazy, and if you must, make sure she never gets pregnant.
Yep, because that shit just crawls across the floor and up the nearest females leg. I’ve seen it.
Man, my prostate needs to up its game.
Terminator sperm, brah! Never gives up, and has one purpose only…
Would watch porn parody.
Niven did it already Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex.
And as I said, he overlooked the simplest solution of created a “Red Sun” chamber which imitated the illumination provided by the Kryptonian star – a solution for removing power from the super-family without crippling or killing them that was repeatedly used elsewhere.
Man this circus just keeps getting weirder
Not the first person to make this comment, but it’s really true that no sane person would want anything to do with power, due to the political process around it. This means precisely the people who shouldn’t be allowed near power are the only ones who get it.
That’s why there should be a presidential lottery instead of voting
This is only a viable option if the prize for winning the lottery is the same as the short story “The Lottery”
“GodDAMMIT! I got called for President Duty – I DON’T have time for this shit!”
It’s as though everything the left believes is the polar opposite of reality.
Solid music choice today, Sloop. That’s my favorite song from that record.
I get it’s a joke, but holy fuck would the world explode if he suggested we cut off Ginsberg’s prehensile clit. Jimmy Kimmel.
Is it though? :/
I just watched form where you bookmarked, maybe some of the lead in would have made it make sense.
There is a lot to hate about that joke. But not of you are a proggie. Still, I’m shocked that Jimmy Kimmel would do such a joke. That guy isn’t exactly the worst dude every, but he also definitely has plenty of skeletons in his closet. There’s no doubt that he has at least a dozen incidents in his life that are way worse than anything they’ve even accused Kavanaugh of.
Plus, the premise is just awful. Not the problematic misandry, but the underlying assumption that he’s some kind of deviant who just runs around molesting women. The vast preponderance of the evidence weighs in on the exact opposite side, that he’s a devout christian who does not believe in sex outside of marriage and has lived his whole life that way. Hell, even the two accusers best friends are saying they don’t believe it happened, or at least that they have know knowledge of anything even remotely like that happening.
So jumping from that to “cut off his pesky penis…” Holy crap!
Plus, it is a terrible setup. First he makes fun of him for being a nerdy virgin. Then he says his dick is such a problem that he needs to be rendered a eunuch.
He might as well have just stood up there and said “don’t you just hate republicans? Wow, republicans are evil! Doesn’t everybody just hate republicans?”
What studies?
You know, Studies. They’re everywhere. Just pick one and read it. They all agree.
What are you, some sort of social science denier?
Anyone post how a company that went all woke, is now going broke? Can’t happen to a nicer bunch of assholes IMO, and I hope it starts happening with a lot more frequency.
“We must increase the velocity of innovation that is relevant to our customers, inspires our partners, and is meaningful to our business,” Chief Executive Officer Kevin Johnson said in a memo to employees viewed by Bloomberg News.
I don’t know what went wrong. People love the smell of a public toilet as they talk about race with strangers.
Velocity of Innovation sounds like an Art of Noise tribute band.
Are there any unwoke video game companies left? Would be hilarious to slip that in as a unique weapon name.
He should be fired just for that pile of gibberish.
Is that it or is it just that their products suck?
Overpriced Burnt Water?
After making Star Wars into Woke Wars, I seriously doubt Disney will ever recover the $4B they paid Lucas.
Once a major company heads down woke road, it’s usually a safe bet to sell them short.
And yet other companies keep following that stupid example…
“We must increase the velocity of innovation that is relevant to our customers,”
Dudes. You fucking make coffee. I can do this with a $3.00 coffee maker from Goodwill How about some inexpensive coffee without the expensive side of smug? See, i.e. The Waffle House.
The Starbucks innovation was the high prices that kept enough riff raff away. Their next innovation will be to open a Starbucks with exclusive bathrooms across the street from the Starbucks with public bathrooms.
Or something.
But all the cool people work at tech companies, so if the people at Starbucks start chattering in tech-like cant, maybe some of the cool will wear off on them.
Brexit: Theresa May backs new immigration system that allows some low-skilled workers into UK
A new system will create a specific route for low-skilled workers to come into the country for specific sectors
I mean as long as they come work integrate some and don’t take welfare…
Looks like they’re looking to fuck over the working class, aye guvner’?
They probably have to do this because of the welfare class….
You know, the people that feel some jobs are beneath them but taking money a political class stole from the productive however, is totes cool for their self esteem and not at all damaging to their sense of shame.
The Poles and Ukrainians have to work and pay taxes so the Pakis can collect their benefits.
In honor of Barbara Walters’ birthday.
SNL was funny once.
Fixed that.
The original cast, Eddie Murphy, and Norm MacDonald made me laugh many times.
“I think people in every country want a stable and safe society,” she says.
“If, as our government says, every corner of public space is installed with cameras, I’ll feel safe.”
“Take me in your warm embrace, Big Brother.”
How does she possibly imagine cameras in every corner make her safe? The camera will stop the mugger or rapist in his tracks?
No, but it will catch the next person who draws a poop swastika and means it!
“If the GOP needed an event to rouse up the base and make TV ads with about how intolerant the hard left can be, then yesterday was their lucky day.”
Only a religious fervor could animate such ignorant people to behave like wild animals. That faith being abortion.
The sister site of Jezebel is not above slut shaming: Brett Kavanaugh and Friends Boasted About Their Alleged Conquests in Georgetown Prep Yearbook
The “story”: The word “Renate” appears at least 14 times in Georgetown Preparatory School’s 1983 yearbook, on individuals’ pages and in a group photo of nine football players, including Judge Kavanaugh, who were described as the “Renate Alumni.” It is a reference to Renate Schroeder, then a student at a nearby Catholic girls’ school.
Two of Judge Kavanaugh’s classmates say the mentions of Renate were part of the football players’ unsubstantiated boasting about their conquests.
And what does Renate say?
Dolphin was one of 65 women who signed a letter attesting to knowing Kavanaugh in high school, supporting his nomination and their belief in his good behavior. Now, Dolphin says she was unaware of the jokes Kavanaugh and others made about her when she signed the letter.
“I learned about these yearbook pages only a few days ago,” Dolphin told the Times. “I don’t know what ‘Renate Alumnus’ actually means. I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue.
“the jokes Kavanaugh and others made”
The extent of Kavanaugh’s involvement seems to have been that he was in a group photo that used the phrase. If he’d used it himself you can bet they’d be talking about that.
“I learned about these yearbook pages only a few days ago,” Dolphin told the Times. “I don’t know what ‘Renate Alumnus’ actually means. I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue.
*hardest possible eye-rolling*
Thanks a lot MSM, for outing me as a HS slut in front of my spouse and kids. Good work. Raises all around.
Renate Schraeder Dolphin?
This whole thing is just a weird dream I’m having, right?
HA. Yeah the stories are so out of control I didn’t even pick up on her ridiculous name.
Renate is also Latin for “rebirth”
Your fun thought for today: This past weekend I attended a friend’s wedding. I spoke briefly with another friend of his that happens to be a Chicago firefighter. Over the course of this conversation I learned that he will be on-call 24/7 for the next few weeks. Essentially the CFD anticipates that the city will burn regardless of what verdict is reached.
“Trial? What trial? I’m just here for the riot.”
But will they salt where it stood afterward?
No. The people burning it live there.
They have the best reason, then.
*Parts* of the City will burn down, egged on by another part of the City. Guess which part of the City that the firemen and police will be fully deployed to protect?
The Woodchipper factory?
Certainly only some parts of the city will burn, but it could still very well be the event that finally does Chicago in. A very significant chunk of our economic base consists of young professionals that work in tech and similar contemporary sectors. These people have been gentrifying neighborhoods like Humboldt Park, Woodlawn and even Garfield Park which was considered completely off-limits just two decades ago. If these people get scared enough and suddenly decide to hightail it to the suburbs en masse, the city will be truly and royally fucked.
Ah, but it is those young professionals that have been the biggest instigators of this ever more radical politics. If the looting occurred in Wicker Park or Lincoln Park, I’d shrug. Most of that property was originally subsidized with city dollars to begin with, so if they burn down the hip new bbq restaurant, I could care less, because TIF dollars subsidized its construction (which is often the case in these communities).
And the economy of the City is pretty piss poor, otherwise the City wouldn’t be experiencing a continued population loss. The riots won’t change the already consistent downward trajectory of the City. It may aggravate it, but I doubt it.
Either way, be safe and stay armed. I won’t be heading outside the day they announce that verdict.
Yeah, I plan to stay locked indoors on that day. I’m pretty sure things will get crazy.
You’d think that is a good thing, except…well you know.
Did you see the size of that girl? She couldn’t way 90 lb soaking wet. Of course those 160+ lb officers rationally feared for their lives requiring her to be beat up, then charged. Lest we forget she committed the ultimate offense of insulting them.
South Park to tackle school shootings in 22nd season premiere
The title is “Dead Kids.”
The official description is typically cryptic: “Sharon is overreacting to everything these days and Randy can’t cope in the season premiere” and “Randy is desperate to help Sharon get her emotions under control and Cartman unexpectedly fails his math test.”
As you can see from the above clip, the reason Cartman — and Stan in the above clip — didn’t do particularly well on the math test is because there was a school shooting. Stan’s business-as-usual reaction speaks volumes and suggests the show will comment on the issue by having the kids underreact due to how common they’ve become
I’m not really sure how South Park will go from here, but I am betting it may surprise EW.
That show’s still on the air?
It is. And the current advertising campaign for the new season calls for #CancelSouthpark. From hazy memories, both Matt Stone and Trey Parker have said they’ll keep doing the show until Comedy Central cancels it. I have the feeling they’re getting tired of doing it at this point, and will be pushing as far as they can to get the show cancelled in the next couple of years. As for why they don’t just quit? My guess is either integrity, or there’s some clause in their contract that if they quit, Comedy Central can replace them and keep the show going. And they don’t want Woke Park to exist.
The later seasons have still been solid, with an episode mocking people getting DNA tests to claim oppression, and an episode all about Safe Spaces. PC Principal (a frat boy jock SJW) has also worked quite well.
It hasn’t been as good, but last season still had some moments. Tweek freaking out about North Korea while Mr. Garrison kept tweeting at Kim was good, and then the Columbus Day episode (which I think is the DNA test you reference above).
Protests promised if ‘deep state’ thwarts Jeremy Corbyn premiership
I blame the Russians myself
Charleston teacher used grades to pressure student into sex
She needed to ‘F’ so he could earn an ‘A’.
‘F’ him*
So they compromised and he “F”d her in the “A”?
Well played…
She was only teaching him Latin; quid pro quo.
Photo unclear; could be pig latin.
He graduated magnum cum loude.
Isn’t that considered ‘Greek’ in the trade?
“Gimme the D, and I’ll give you the A. And a good grade, too.”
Weight Watchers has unveiled a slimmed down version of its name, rebranding itself WW, in what it says marks “the next stage of the company’s evolution”.
The company says the new name reflects its development from focusing on weight loss to overall health and wellness.
But the chief executive was unable to explain what the letters WW stood for.
Mindy Grossman said they did not stand for Weight Watchers or “Wellness that Works”, a phrase the company has trade marked, but were simply “a marque”.
It really stands for Workers of the World, and it’s a proven diet plan.
“The Maduro Diet Works!”
That sickle isn’t for wheat.
Sexually provocative women ready to lead you down a dark path of misery and degeneracy.
29 certainly has a pleasing distribution of adipose tissue.
“Vegan advocacy nonprofit People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is demanding that the University of Nebraska at Lincoln part ways with its longstanding tradition of releasing party balloons at university football games.
PETA started an online petition to ban the balloons, alleging that they are “an environmental hazard and can travel vast distances before finally bursting and falling to the ground or into bodies of water.” The school has released thousands of balloons after its first touchdown at home football games, for the past 50 years.”
TW: campus reform pop-up crap
PETA? That financier of domestic terror? Fuck them.
Compromise: how bout the team starts sucking enough they never release balloons?
Have you seen Nebraska play this season? They’re already there.
Obviously no. It is US College football. Who the hell would watch that?
If balloons aren’t vegan, then why is PETA eating them?
Are they filled with a white powder we should tell the drug warriors is baking soda?
Who’s in charge, around here?
A federal judge has restored Endangered Species Act protections for grizzly bears living around Yellowstone National Park.
In his ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Dana Christensen said the federal government didn’t use the best available science when it removed the bears from the threatened-species list last year.
Christensen agreed. In his decision, he said grizzly bears don’t roam everywhere in the West like they used to. Instead they live in isolated pockets, and the federal regulators can’t delist those isolated pockets until the grizzly populations start connecting together.
“The Service cannot abuse its power to delist an already-protected species by ‘balkanization,” Christensen wrote.”
If some random judge knows more about the “best science” than all those wildlife biologists on the federal payroll, I guess it’s time for some right-sizing.
I’m sure the widow and orphans of that hunting guide in Wyoming will be relieved and gratified to know somebody’s keeping the grizzlies safe from harm.
Let me fix that ruling for him.
“The Endangered Species Act represents and un-compensated taking from those who run afoul of it and is unconstitutional on its face.”
Instead they live in isolated pockets
Good. They’re monsters and they will eat you. (just ask the grizzly man who met a grizzly end…)
“Yale Law Professors Cancel 31 Classes So Students Can Protest Kavanaugh
Professors at Yale Law School, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s alma mater, cancelled class on Monday to allow students to protest Kavanaugh’s confirmation in light of sexual assault allegations made against him.
One professor, James Forman, cancelled his Criminal Law class in an email to his students, writing “I just received a request to cancel class on Monday. I understand that some students want to go to D.C. to protest or otherwise engage with the Kavanaugh hearings. Criminal Law is cancelled””
These people are smart enough for an Ivy League law school, but too stupid to understand the presumption of innocence.
But don’t you know, it’s not about learning, but making a home there.
/Dumbass Yale Student.
Criminal Law is cancelled
This seems to be true in a general sense as of late.
“To make up time, we will skip the sections on Presumption of Innocence, and burden of proof.”
Mens Rea, The first casualty
The irony…. too much…. can’t… take… it….
We don’t need Criminal Law. We need criminal law.
Raze every Ivy League college to the ground and use that land for more productive purposes, like a new McDonald’s or a parking lot. I’m not even trying to be flippant
So there was something with raising the voting age to 30
Are they giving students a partial refund? Because if they are cancelling classes I paid for, I want a refund.
College/University seems to be the only super expensive, over priced commodity so many people try their best to get the least value for. I remember being pissed whenever I had a teacher that was trying to cut corners and let us off easily. Then again, studying AE & EE meant I really needed to know what the fuck I was doing unless I wanted to build bricks that would fall out of the sky once employed, so I had a reason to want to learn the most I could get. It seems most of these educational tracks not only allow, but encourage you to remain as ignorant and uninformed as possible, so once you become a professional, you are nothing but a fucking SJW pusher.
The leaves are falling. Temps are mid-60s to low 70s. Slight, sweet breeze.
If it were drizzling, it’d be perfect.
It’s been lightly drizzling here for about 72 hours straight.
Started here early in the AM when I left for work/gym (5 AM), and it is supposed to rain until Thursday AM. It’s in the 50s here too. I am loving it.
Bucharest had quite the weather shift from 12/30 degrees on Monday to 3/17 today.
A fraction of a degree to a different fraction of a degree? You know you can reduce that first fraction to 2/5ths
Those are min/max temperature, obviously.
Next you’ll tell me you’re still using those unconscionable metric degrees.
87 degrees and party cloudy currently.
A breeze is blowing and the Canadians are starting to arrive in droves.
Well, none of them work.
It’s raining frogs.
I just realized the computer I’ve used at work for going on three and a half years doesn’t have a disc tray. And now that I’ve noticed, I can’t think of the last time I used a CD.
Look, just because most of the software is now digital delivery and I can do my actual job from anywhere in the world is no excuse to leave out vital hardware componants… Oh my ogd, you took away the floppy drive!
I still have a bunch of dvds with movies I pirated more than 10 years ago… Back then the internet was not as fast and instead of re-torrenting as needed I use to burn them to dvd. This also helped sharing with friends. Now realize I have technically illegal things in my house that I don’t use anyway.
My shredder can process optical discs. I’m sure that technology has reached the Eastern Bloc by now. If not, there are manual alternatives.
I can’t shred them what if I want to watch something on one of those dvds? I mean I could by a cheap external drive and move em there but that is to much work. Also my brand new laptop has a dvd player.
I used to carry around floppies with old documents I didn’t want to part with but couldn’t bear reading again (high school crap, mostly). When CD-RW became a thing I had loads of discs. Then it was hard drives from old computers. Now I haul around a 2011 iMac because I need to scavenge the drive from it. And I’ll probably keep hauling around physical media given the progressive lilt of the corporate tech world.
I am also a data hoarder but I got all my old stuff transferred to a 1TB external drive. It’s half full.
I have copious backups of the data I can’t replace.
That seems to consist of about half a gigabyte of text documents (mostly fiction)
I have a MyCloud personal backup server to halfway replace Dropbox, and I have my external hard drive, but I finally broke and got Carbonite. The backup server, hard drive, and computer may not be able to be snatched if we have a fire. I can afford to lose the hardware. I can’t afford to lose the data (what I use on a day-to-day basis, I mean).
Yeah, I can replace my audio files, my videos, the games library, the hardware.
But I’m the only one who has copies of my drafts in progress. I need to make sure I don’t lose those.
I can afford to lose the hardware.
No $1200 founder’s edition GTX 20 TI card in your future?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
I have an external USB DVD drive plugged into my home docking station for listening to music.
CD Sales Reach Thirty-Year Low
I buy CDs at the thrift store, mostly re-buying CDs Mr. Mojeaux accidentally threw away when we first got married (yes, they looked like they were trash–my fault).
Funny story: I was at aforementioned thrift store sifting through CDs when this old man came through browsing beside me. He struck up a conversation and I told him about re-buying.
Him: “If I had a woman do that to me, I’d divorce her on the spot. There’s nothing worse that she could do.”
Me: “If that’s the worst she could do, you’ve got bigger problems.”
He moved along after that.
See, his first mistake was striking up a conversation. Shopping is no place for casual conversation. Nor is anywhere else, but that’s not the point.
You are correct, sir.
You should buy a Macklemore CD.
Earlier this year I tried to play a CD in my car. Apparently it doesn’t have one, and I hadn’t noticed in the previous 2.5 years.
My car is from 2003. It has an AM/Fm and CD player, that’s it. As a result, I get to know the CDs I have rather well, which leads me to be able to memorize the lyrics a lot.
I took dad to the airport this morning and sat in the lot for a few minutes trying to get the Bluetooth system to recognize my phone. No dice. Never had a problem playing CDs on a CD system.
My junker daily driver has a cassette player in it.
I fear that car is not long for this earth.
One of my joys in life is making mix CDs with my kid for the car.
“Amidst the YouTube Junkies of MythCon, I Witnessed a New Kind of Radical Centrism
The idea of radical centrism is not new. The label was claimed by a variety of theorists and politicians in the late 20th century, including Anthony Giddens, an advisor to then-British prime minister Tony Blair who championed a so-called “Third Way.” In 2010, comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert capitalized on public exasperation with polarization by staging a “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.” The well-attended Washington, D.C. event was supposedly aimed at skewering both sides of the political divide. But having covered that rally for a Canadian newspaper, I can attest that, hilarious as the satirical signs on display may have been (“I may not agree with you, but I’m sure you’re not Hitler”), these weren’t true centrists. They were bemused upper-middle class college-educated leftists who loved watching late night news comedy. The demographic I saw at MythCon was poorer, angrier and more ideologically disenfranchised.”
They were inspired by the Muses?
/Yes, I know that’s not the dictionary definition
//Fuck the dictionary cocksucker fucks, they’re not the boss of English
///Alexander Pope 4 lyfe
They really like the band.
Radical Centrism = slightly slowing down on the march to socialism
The idea of radical centrism is not new. The label was claimed by a variety of theorists and politicians in the late 20th century…
The idea certainly is not new. In fact, it is older than the late 20th century mentioned – it was, for a brief time, quite popular in the early to mid 20th century, when many political leaders advocated a middle way between capitalism and communism. The most prominent of these, of course, were the fascists. I’m sure things will go better this time around.
BREAKING: Jennifer Rubin Is A Complete Hack
Another pretty woman selling herself to the Patriarchy, betraying the Sisterhood. Sad. Tragic, really.
I’m genuinely curious as to what definition of “evidence” Rubin is using, or “corroborating witness”. In tribute to JB’s mention of The Princess Bride, she keeps using those words but I do not think they mean what she thinks they mean.
“corroborating witness”
The accuser’s vagina and herself. They are separated entities.
She’s right that victims can provide evidence, including testimony. She’s wrong, of course, about everything else.
Its one thing to have no corroborating witnesses. Its another to have witnesses who not only don’t corroborate, they contradict what the victim claims.
“ALL the victims”? I count two. Neither of which has yet said anything under oath, and one of which went to some rather odd lengths to prevent her claims from being subject to the False Statements Act.
Sloopy, you missed today’s most important anniversary: On this day in 1987, the greatest movie ever, The Princess Bride, was released.
Second greatest after Jaws, but the point still stands
The greatest movie ever filmed was the first half of Full Metal Jacket. I will accept no counterarguments.
It was, however, attached to the second half of Full Metal Jacket.
Sadly, you are correct, although the second half isn’t THAT bad. Were it expanded into its own movie, it would be decent. It just looks like shit when it is viewed immediately following the tour-de-force first half.
Part of the problem is the adaptation of the source material. The Short Timers is kind of a weird, disjointed book. It has three sections. The first one is boot camp, which is portrayed mostly faithfully in the film. It’s the best section of the novel, too. The second half of the movie takes bits and pieces from the second and third parts of the novel and lumps them together. The plots in those sections are kind of sketchy and they are more of a stream of consciousness type of thing, which lends them poorly to film adaptation.
I feel the same way about Saving Private Ryan.
Talk about a front-loaded movie.
Yes, that is what I was talking about.
Also, Stripes.
Seems common for military themed movies.
This seems common:
“Lets write an entertaining movie”
[1 hr of screen time later]
“That was fun, what else do we need?”
“Shit, a plot!”
Yeah, other than in the theater, I don’t think I’ve ever watched any of that movie after the D-Days scenes are over.
Back to FMJ – a fun fact is that the character Daddy DA (much more prominent in the book than in the movie) was based on military advisor to the stars Dale Dye, who served as a combat correspondent with the author of The Short Timers, Gustav Hasford. Which is kind of funny since Dale Dye wasn’t the military advisor for FMJ, R. Lee Ermey was. Initially, that’s all he was. GySgt. Hartmann was supposed to be played by the guy who had the brief role as the door gunner early in the Vietnam part of the movie, but Kubrick wasn’t thrilled with how he was playing the role. He asked Ermey to make a video where he did his DI act as a guide for the other guy. When Kubrick saw it, he liked it so much he decided just to give the part to Ermey instead.
My own senior drill instructor used to play sound clips from FMJ on his computer in the DI house with the volume on the speakers turned all the way up. “Disappear, scumbag!”
I wonder if Kubric was responsible for the “I’m Sparticus” scene? What a genius. Today, you are lucky if a movie merely doesn’t suck.
I’ve heard of it. Wasn’t it like a less funny version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail ?
The scum of the NHL has adopted a suitable mascot which apparently is a meth addict who had an abusive father.
I wish all the Philadelphia teams (except the Eagles, I love Swoop) would get together and just share the Phanatic, San Diego Chicken-style.
Very glad none of my NY teams has a mascot, although the Yankees briefly flirted with this monstrosity in the 1970s.
Fact: the Eagles are a relic of our fascist past.
See? I knew they were truly evil.
In Chicago we have Tommy Hawk, who actually looks like something, and might peck your eyes out if it came down to it.
Teacher fired for refusing to give students a 50% score for assignments they didn’t do.
She wanted to give them a zero, which makes sense since, you know, they didn’t do the assignment. But the school has a no-zero policy, so they fired her.
She’s wrong about that. Those kids don’t expect to have to show up.
UBI, bitches! I’m set for life!
The American Empire cannot collapse fast enough,. IMHO.
This is actually very common policy (at least for NC). The reasoning is that kids that don’t do assignments are lazy or stupid or both, thus it’s unlikely they can score well enough on the other assignments to get a passing grade and dig themsleves out of their hole.
While the makes some sense. It teaches the kid nothing about responsibility, ownership or consequences.
In reality, it just shows the folly of compulsory ed and creates a huge carrot for social/grade promotion (you don’t Li’l Shit to be stuck with you again next year/semester do you?)
It would make sense if we wanted a three-tier system (fail, adequate, good), and it makes sense since we do in fact have that system (if you turn in anything at all you’ll get a D at least), but in theory we’re trying to encourage better than just showing up.
For all their talk about giving students the keys to the future, they seem to expect the future won’t require much effort. Almost like teaching jobs are make-work for certain voter blocs, on par with the TSA.
There need to be consequences for failure–not punishments, but the response to your failure to meet particular educational metrics should be that you don’t progress to a higher grade. If that means remedial classes, as was the case when I was in school in the 90s, then great. Giving kids mercy grades doesn’t help them improve. I also agree that compulsory education is part of the problem. It’s a one-size-fits-all system, and the result is that kids who might be successful if they focused on a vocational track or a more specialized technical track are shoehorned into what amounts to a college prep track.
“Fight for Fifteen!!”
No Child
Left BehindTaught a Damn ThingShe could have recalibrated the grading. 50 is the lowest grade and 150 is the highest. Kind of like turning up the amp to 11.
Not disagreeing with the overall opinions here, but making a single assignment worth 50% is not really a good way to go.
I think it’s a 50% per assignment. 100 points available, kid gets 50 points worth for not bothering to do it. The overall grade for the class may be 1000 points for all tests, homework, etc.
So being unwilling to cheat is what it takes to get a teacher fired.
Pretty cringe-worthy when someone has to delve into the fact that he was a virgin through high school and college to “prove his innocence” (something which is anathema to our system of justice already).
Ya, I am listening to NPR at the moment and this was mentioned. This whole thing has gotten cringe worthy. It is embarrassing the judicial confirmation process has taken such a sick twisted turn with baseless accusations spurred on by the Dems in congress and the media. It is almost unbelievable. Almost.
He has thrown out several claims that would be easily disprovable if they weren’t true.
Never had sex, Never went to a single party in the area at all mentioned in Ford’s claim, Never got blackout drunk. These are pretty strong statements.
That was my thought regarding the virgin claim. I’m inclined to believe it because he would be one helluva reckless idiot to say that if it weren’t true, because all that would have to happen to discredit him would be to find whatever women he nailed.
You don’t think they can produce an abortion activist to lie about him banging her in High School? I expect she will be named by the end of the day.
Sure, maybe, but a definite if he were lying.
Would have been better if he came out as gay. That gives you some oppression points. Being a virgin don’t cut it
His family would be totally cool with it, I’m sure. 😉
A gay Catholic guy with a wife and kids is not exactly a rare thing.
Yeah it is. The gay Catholics go into the priesthood.
Hey, now. Don’t be a bigot. Priests rape little girls too.
That’s just keeping up appearances.
From the Bretibart link above:
Girl rapists have to get it cleared with the homosexual network first.
Their policies don’t prevent living in or traveling to Florida.
SCIENCE, motherfucker!
The US national park service is home to 417 protected areas, showcasing some of the country’s most beautiful sites, like sandstone formations in Arches National Park, the lush rainforests of Olympic National Park, and the towering granite walls in Yosemite. The parks preserve delicate, unique ecosystems, and the natural resources they harbor.
But as climate change progresses, it appears that national parks are particularly vulnerable. Over the last 100 or so years, the average temperature in national parks has increased at double the rate of the rest of the US. Rain and snowfall have also decreased at a faster rate than the rest of the US.
According to a new analysis, that trend is set to continue (pdf): In the best-case scenario, more than half of national park land could experience warming of more than 2°C (3.6°F). In the worst, temperatures could increase a whopping 9°C (16°F)
The study, published this week in Environmental Research Letters, is the first to examine climate-change trends over all 417 national parks. In their analysis, climate scientists modeled how temperature and precipitation would change over the next century according to four scenarios. The worst-case scenario is one in which society does nothing to address climate change; the best-case assumes we’ve implemented the terms of the Paris agreement, and global temperatures still rise, but less dramatically. The other two scenarios fall somewhere in between the two. (The way things are going currently, we’re closer to the worst-case scenario than the best, by the way.)
According to my model, WE’RE DOOOOOOOMED!
Unless you give me more grants, so I can tweak my model and terrorize you into giving me more and bigger grants.
These people are utterly fucking delusional.
Just take away their park designation. Problem solved
Honest question: If I wanted to find unbiased information about this kind of stuff, where would I even begin looking? This is why politicizing science is so sinister; I have no idea who to trust and/or where I can find information related to a particular topic that isn’t tainted by politics.
The IFLS crowd apparently had to kill science in order to save it.
Brooks’s link doesn’t work so I’m not sure where to start, but I doubt you can find the temperature records in question online. The claim about temperatures rising twice as fast in national parks as the rest of the country over 100 years is rather dubious. I doubt they have methodologically consistent records over that time frame, and of course most of the parks are not that old anyway.
It’s not possible.
First, the highest temperature rises are in the fucking cities. It’s called the Urban Heat Island effect, and basically it’s all the waste heat from all the energy we use.
What they are arguing is that these national parks basically heat up at more than twice the rate of the arable farmland and privately owned forests that are nearby.
They are as full of shit as an economist claiming that raising the minimum wage increases employment. Their argument is utterly nonsensical.
“We moved the temperature gauge closer to the volcanic geyser”
basically it’s all the waste heat from all the energy we use.
Also, significantly, reflected/radiated heat from concrete, asphalt, etc.
You can’t really find unbiased information on anything, let alone something so politicized
With the working link (Brooksed below), you can find out their data sources from their supplementary materials. They’re using PRISM and CRU models of temperature, not actual recordings, which means it’s the same crap in-crap out “research” you might expect, but this time “localized” to the proleptic boundaries of national parks and other currently protected areas.
To say that it is of questionable validity would I think lend more credence than it’s due.
I put “localized” in scare quotes because no actual local research was done. The map of Yosemite on page S2 of the supplementary materials is a good indication of how ridiculous this is. Nobody was keeping accurate temperature measurements of each square mile of Yosemite from 1895 to 2016. You can’t accurately measure a deviation from a baseline you don’t have.
If National {Parks are more susceptible to global warming than developed regions of the country, we should encourage more development and building. A Trump Tower overlooking Old Faithful will save the planet.
“Evita” opened on Broadway
And for that, in any sane world, Andrew Lloyd Webber would have been exiled to Argentina. It’s literally a musical glorifying a fascist dictatorial hanger-on. Prior to the Perons, Argentina’s standard of living was roughly comparable to the U.S. or Canada. They destroyed the country and turned the government predatory. And that’s what Weber thinks is glamorous.
And yet they never made Eva….go figure.
I’m waiting for the Isabel Peron broad way play.
Stalin: The musical. Make it happen celebrity comrades.
The chorus to “Wreckers, Kulaks, and Trotskyites” is to die for.
It’s weird how every major political party in Argentina still bills themselves as Peronists. Their “Dirty War” was waged between two sides that claimed to be following the erratic political principles of a narcissistic political leader.
In fairness to Argentina, in 2015 they finally elected their first non-Peronist president. But their congress is still dominated by Peronists, so your point still stands. It’s a weird country.
Your thought criminal of the day.
A puppet technician with the Broadway production of The Lion King was using a 3D printer to print a gun at the theater, police say.
Officers were called to Manhattan’s Minskoff Theater on Friday, where they say they found 47-year-old puppet technician Ilya Vett in the process of printing a handgun.
New York City police Officer James Taylor says that when he arrived at a production and prop room for the musical, he saw a 3D printer producing a hard black plastic object “shaped like a revolver in that the object has a hand grip and a pointed, snub-nosed nozzle” and “an empty space where it is customary for a cylinder holding live rounds of ammunition to be placed.”
Vett was arrested and charged with attempted criminal possession of a firearm. According to the criminal complaint, he told a detective that he was making the gun as a gift for his brother, who lives upstate and has a firearms license. Vett said the 3D printer was his own and he had brought it to work because his own workshop was too dusty, the complaint says.
The defendant reportedly explained that he found the plans for the gun online and downloaded them to a memory card. The card was inserted into the printer, which police say was powered on, moving and in operation when they arrived.
The New York Daily News reports Vett was losing his job at The Lion King and that security found the printer and partially printed gun while assisting him in clearing out his things.
Obviously, he was printing out that gun so he could murder everyone in the theater.
So… a 3D-printed gun may in fact have prevented murder.
This actually might end up being a good test case.
James Taylor says that when he arrived at a production and prop room for the musical, he saw “Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground”.
So it was obviously a terrorism attempt.
In late July, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a series of actions to prevent distribution of 3D-printed guns, including issuing a state police notice of the relevant statute.
“[T]he production of pistols and revolvers is also illegal in the absence of a license to own one,” Cuomo’s office explained in a news release. “Even a valid pistol permit does not in and of itself authorize an individual to possess a 3D-printed pistol or revolver, since there is no guarantee that a local firearms licensing officer will allow a 3D-printed pistol or revolver to be registered on a pistol license.”
Andy wants you to feel safe. The best way to do that is to keep guns out of the hands of
criminalscivilians.What’s with all the Catholics and JOOOZ on the Supreme Court? It’s the country still majority (or at least plurality) Protestant? If we’re all about proportional representation, they are way underrepresented.
The Left has already beat you to the talking point about too many Catholics being on the court. Progressives have hated Catholics ever since Chesterton was railing against their eugenics policies and Justice Butler was the only dissenter in the Buck v. Bell case (“two generations of imbecile is enough”) at which point Justice Holmes remarked that Butler had put his “faith before the law”.
Who better to separate church and state, when the state is mostly Protestants? Sounds like checks and balances to me.
We all got real jobs and left the shystering to those people.
Also, where is the public law school representation?
And the night school?
The Left has already beat you to the talking point about too many Catholics being on the court.
There are literally hundred of these very thoughtful and totally legitimate articles on this topic
You can delete the comment currently under moderation. Separating the links is faster
Goddamn papists will have us bowing and scraping to Rome.
Progressives have hated Catholics ever since Chesterton was railing against their eugenics policies and Justice Butler was the only dissenter in the Buck v. Bell case (“two generations of imbecile is enough”) at which point Justice Holmes remarked that Butler had put his “faith before the law”.
This is my favorite Japanese AV.
Why do Darth Vader and Palpeteen sound like Japanese porn queens?
“Henry Ford announced an 8-hour a day-5 day work week…before there was a UAW”
But all of the pro-union folks say it was the unions that gave us the 40 hour workweek and no way they would lie.
That original National Parks are being killed by global warming link, I hope.
San Francisco hardest hit? Now tell me the downside.
Why start in 1985 when AGW started in 1950? What is the difference from 1950? How adjusted is that temperature?
It’s the start time of the temperature model they’re using to cover the contiguous 48 states.
Here’s hoping for the following:
(1) If Ford doesn’t show on Thursday, there is a vote and not further delay. Depends on what that goatfucker Flake does, I suppose.
(2) If she does show, she gets some questions about travel and flying. I’m pretty sure she is lying about that, and since this is all about credibility, let’s find out if she really is a liar. I expect a phone call to the TSA to get a complete list of her flights over the last few years.
“The TSA pat-downs were giving me flashbacks to that awful event”
by then, Avennatti’s client will have scrubbed her social media of all rabid leftist propaganda and will release a statement about how she overheard Judge and Kav bragging about how they used girls shamefully. she will name a dozen corroborating witnesses. after a week of investigating, zero witnesses corroborate her story.
this will happen six more times between now and the election. the GOP base will see them for the cowards they are and not turn out. it will be a slaughter. both houses switch majority. Kav is shelved for Merrick Garland who sails through confirmation despite having a crawl space filled with children’s shoes.
This has never even remotely been about credibility. This is about getting white privileged shitlords of the patriarchy to grill her in front of a national audience.
“Witness has rejected our efforts at accomodation. We will hold the vote, then see if we can’t work something out.”
Not even that. At 10:01 sharp (or whatever the time for Ford to appear is), if she isn’t there:
“The witness has declined to appear, so we will move on to the next item on the agenda. Do I hear a motion to forward Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the full Senate with a recommendation for approval?”
“while we’re here, let’s go ahead and acknowledge the inevitable, shall we?”
The comments from Cornyn and Graham come after GOP members of the Judiciary Committee meet in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) office on Monday night to discuss the details of Thursday’s hearing. Grassley, leaving the meeting, said senators “just discussed the general situation.”
i think maybe the GOP is letting this play out to see just how insane the Dems are. then if they lose the Senate at the midterm, they can push through Amy Coney Barrett. they don’t need that twit from Maine to confirm 51-50. Collins only sits on the Committee on Aging but they still might need her vote so no need to strip that one paltry assignment from her.
Naw, they need to save the chick to be Ginsburg’s replacement.
I hope they are getting the sense that if they don’t approve Kav pronto, their base will punish them next month.
i worded that poorly. i meant force Kav down their throats now. and even if they lose the Senate, they could still reasonably expect to get Barrett through a hostile Senate b/c she’s a woman.
““Listen kid, there’s only one way to get an A in my class.” And the Pythagorean theorem ain’t gonna help you get there.”
Why on earth is a woman teaching math?
NBC news is on the story, too.
Joshua Tree National Park in the Southern California desert could lose almost all its joshua trees. An adorable alpine mammal, the American pika, might disappear from its favorite roosts, like the high country of Lassen Volcanic National Park. Montana’s Glacier National Park could even find itself glacier-less.
These and other severe outcomes are projected to be coming to America’s 417 national parks, monuments and preserves, if the worst impacts of climate change are not staved off by massive reductions in greenhouse gases, according a new study from researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Wisconsin.
The environmental scientists looked at historic temperature increases from 1895, into the 21st century and then projected temperature hikes through the year 2100. They did the same for rainfall totals over all of the 50 states.
There is a link to the study in this one.
I’ll take “Shit That’s Made Up” for $500, Alex.
If the pika are to disappear, it will happen because they spend all day exposed on rocks making a high-pitched chirp, as if asking area raptors to come eat them.
And yes, they’re adorable.
Are they also tasty? Or might their fur be put to some use? We could save the species were there some utility beyond looking cute on rocks.
I think it would take the fur of twenty of them to make a hat.
BREAKING: That Der Speigel Article linked above was actually just Steve Bannon, so says truly disturbed NYT columnist who thinks climate change is more important than sexual abuse
Correction: she is not a NYT columnist, just an idiot. I often confuse the two
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. – Mark Twain
“Journalist, Adventurer, Polymath”
Journalist = check your brain at the door
Adventurer = no one wants to hear about the time you let the offensive line run a train on you
Polymath = sorry babe, you don’t belong in the same category as DaVinci no matter how special your teachers said you are
“Oh, no – I am a polymath. Algebra, geometry, calculus…that’s lots of different math!”
Brace yourself: more of the supposed evidence against Kavanaugh is bullshit manufactured by a Democrat
I think this might be a new low for American politics. I mean, the 2016 campaign was pretty bad, but this is absolutely nuts. The NYT, a “paper of record”, printed what amounts to a hit-piece using anonymous sources. If you’re a reporter at a newspaper with any integrity at all, and you turn that story in to an editor, you ought to be handed your walking papers.
A hit piece which is entirely concerned with nearly four-decade-old yearbook quotes.
+1 FFFFFFourth of July
“Democracy Dies In Dumbness”
I’m sorry, but when the mainstream media all behave like propaganda outlets I’m not being overly paranoid for not trusting their reporting.
damn. that is cold. the NYT really came down on that woman for being a friend of Kav and his high school circle. how can this not be an impeachment of her character? is this not defamation?
A writer for the Atlantic wanted to find out what high schoolers think about the Kavanaugh accusations, and…. Shazam! They all feel the same way the writer does.
How many responses were “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
Whenever I want astute and intelligent commentary on current events, I look to children.
(NB: pretty obvious why these people want to lower the voting age to 16)
Look, the cemetary vote isn’t delivering enough to cover the spread anymore, so they gotta harvest somewhere.
If you want to see the future plans of progressives just look to SF. They managed to pass illegal alien voting (but only for school board, we promise!) and have put on the ballot a couple times now a proposition to lower the voting age to 16. I’m shocked it hasn’t passed yet.
The Atlantic is, like the New Yorker and Salon, one of those sources I can feel pretty confident in ignoring and not missing anything worthwhile.
Because the uberwoke pussy high schoolers of today have some sort of relevance when speaking of high school culture in 1982, apparently. I went to high school in 1990-94, and these shitheels would all die of acute anxiety attacks if they were transported to that time. Fuckin’ non-hackers who do not pack the gear to make it in 1990s high school.
Not saying it was better, but I remember a buddy getting a gun pulled on him in the bathroom outside the cafeteria because he’d gone in to smoke a cigarette and walked in on a deal. He just showed them his cigarette and said, “I’ll come back later.” No harm, no foul.
Our student class VP senior year got clipped for murder.
Argued self-defense and managed to get out of it, though it was pretty bogus.
Damn. Your school was truly hardcore.
I suppose it was. I didn’t really realize it until I got to college and started talking with other people about their high school experiences.
About six months before the VP incident, three guys from my school (1 of which I played soccer with) were executed, as in on knees bullet to the back of the head, in a drug deal gone bad.
Yeah, we’re definitely talking about very different levels here. I went to a school kind of like Kavanaugh’s – Episcopalian not Catholic, and not quite as wealthy and privileged, but maybe in the same ballpark. I just meant that it was a pretty wild scene compared to kids today – a lot of those kids were mean as hell, no one gave a shit about your feelings, the school administration thought that social conflict amongst the student body built character and didn’t remotely care if the seniors beat the shit out of freshmen, etc.
Definitely no drug deals gone wrong leading to an execution, though.
I went to an “inner city” public HS on the border between a decent neighborhood and the ghetto, in the 80s, and nothing even close to that happened. Holy shit.
That’s some shit though. Happened to a friend of mine in high school. There was one friend (there always is) who’s parents were always out of town and we all used to hang out at their place on the weekends, pretty much a constant party. One morning a friend of mine woke up to this girl ridin’ him like a cowgirl. They weren’t together or anything. They were friends, but not like anything particular. He didn’t make a big deal about it, and she thought she was the shit for waking some guy up by fucking him, but can you imagine if the roles were reversed? As recently as maybe five years ago I doubt your Rose McGowans would give it much thought–maybe they’d have the grace to look a little sheepish–but even today I think most people who’d have a guy who had sex with a sleeping woman lynched by sundown wouldn’t think the opposite situation was nearly as bad.
Hell, there are fembotz out there claiming that waking your *wife* up with sex constitutes rape.
To be fair, when someone is half asleep, it’s hard to tell “Dont, stop” from “Don’t stop.”
Why’d he send his Dear Penthouse letter to PJ Media?
It worked.
Not the best fap I’ve ever had, but it was ok.
Something like that happened to me once and it is a very pleasant memory. Hard to beat getting woken up by a girl’s mouth on your dick.
Pretty infuriating video of Jersey chick, I hadn’t seen that one before. I was also busted at age 20 for minor in possession with two buddies, one of whom was three weeks away from his 21st birthday. Luckily we were on Federal land and it was by a BLM cop because state law was that you lost your driver’s license for a year for that. We had just finished an unsuccessful hog hunt morning and had put our rifles away and were having a beer at a picnic table when he rolled up. We had a loaded 9mm on the table in front of us, but somehow dufus didn’t notice it. I had to mail a $75 check to someplace in Atlanta six weeks later.
Black Lives Matter have their own police force? How ironic!
Then he stole the beers from our cooler. Luckily it was the smaller one and he didn’t check the truck for the big one.
When was the last time anyone was charged for lying to Congress? Obama administration officials did it at least once a week, it seemed. Hell, they continued to do it even under Trump.
On the “questions the committee ought to ask front….
I would ask the husband about that claim that his wife mentioned Kavanaugh by name way back in couples counseling.
Here’s the line of reasoning…. Does he know who the guy is? They live in California, so I would wager not. It isn’t like he was all that famous.
So here’s the question…. If I had asked you in March of 2016 to give me the name of the guy who your wife said attacked her in high school, would you have been able to do it?
Because I can guarantee that very few people would be able to remember a name that they heard once or twice several years ago.
So if he says “Oh, yeah. I would never forget that! It would have been right at the top of my mind for all that time!”, then you can continue: Does he remember the name of the property manager at the apartment he used to live in back in the 1990’s? That’s someone that he would have interacted with personally on a regular basis. But that’s not exactly the same. He didn’t just hear a name. So we need something more directly parallel.
How about the first guy his wife had sex with? Surely she mentioned that at some point…. but maybe that is a guy from her social circles, and it might come up again and again in other contexts…. so maybe he has heard it regularly enough that he’d remember. So how about this…. just name them all. Let’s see how many you can get right, OK?
Yeah, wouldn’t happen because of the “smear the accuser” angle. But unless he already knew who Brett Kavanaugh was, there is absolutely zero chance that he would have been able to produce that name at any point before this allegation came up in response to this nomination. Yet apparently he is set to tell us that he totally remembers her naming him by name.
Yeah. Didn’t happen. Even if she named someone by name, there is no chance that he can remember if it is the same name, any more than he can remember what he had for dinner the next Tuesday after that counseling session.
If the event was so traumatic that even her husband knew the guy’s name, why didn’t she bring it up until now? Why didn’t he?
So how about this…. just name them all. Let’s see how many you can get right, OK?
But first he has to enter the Isolation Booth while his wife sets up the game.
“Where was the first place that the two of you ever made whoopie?”
Host: “Where is the strangest place you have made whoopie?”
Bride: “In the butt.”
Those were better times.
Indeed. That’s some testimony that I can get behind.
Interesting. True story:
My first wife had an unfortunate encounter in college, basically some guy came to her room late at night and pressured/coerced her into sex. She later came to “understand” (while she was getting a graduate degree in English Lit) that it was rape – who knows, it might have been. She told me about it, and it was somebody who I knew distantly, so the name was familiar at the time. The encounter would have been in the early ’80s, and she would have told me about it in the early ’90s.
Now, though? No frickin way could I remember the guy’s name. I doubt I could have recalled it a year or two after being told.
Democrat candidate lies about hardscrabble childhood, film at 11,
Wealthy, American former anti-abortion activist turned poor immigrant progressive wants her made-up life story back.
hah…..I thought of her too, but that chick is downright pathological. EVERYTHING she said was total bullshit. It appears Sinema did grow up fairly poor, but that ordinary poverty wasn’t good enough for her so she turned her childhood into The Grapes of Wrath
Unfortunately, the local Repubs have decided to run weak, stupid ads against her (at least in my opinion). I still think McSally should win, but it should be a blowout and I suspect it will be close.
I’ve met both of them. Sinema is a lightweight, a hack, the kind of person who wears glasses because they think it will fool people into believing they are smart. McSally has a lot more horsepower, even if she is pretty much a go-along-to-get-along Repub.
The fact that she went from a Green Party Naderite to the Blue Dogs (who knew they even still existed?) is pretty convincing evidence that she’s full of shit.
You have those?! The worst of our progs mostly run unopposed.
Arizona. The Dems run the gamut from stupid and corrupt to a handful of lunatics. The Reps run the gamut from stupid and weak to blithering morons.
My ex used to love telling stories about how hard she had it as a child growing up. One of the tales was about how her mom had to make soup out of ketchup while her dad was out of work due to an injury. It was a real tear jerker until the realization hit me that she very likely cribbed it from this classic PSA:
I never realized it at the time, but in hindsight she was a conniving sack of shit that loved gaslighting people around her for her own personal benefit. It’s a real mystery how people like this would be drawn to such altruistic world view. Surely it can’t be the appeal of raw power and prestige.
That’s a big lefty thing now – if you’re parents’ household income wasn’t in the top qunitile, you get to claim “white trash” credibility. Double-bonus if your old working-class hometown is now a blighted shithole because property taxes ballooned while property values didn’t.
TFW this guy is the same guy whose career was launched via this.
I would ask the husband about that claim that his wife mentioned Kavanaugh by name way back in couples counseling.
What was the context of this shocking revelation?
Was it, “I don’t want to have sex with you anymore, because I was traumatized in high school, and besides, what have you done for me, lately?”?
Was it, “I should have married that Kavanaugh guy, because he’s DC big shot now, but he didn’t even like me. I’ll show him.”?
Was it, “Why can’t you take me like a real man, you milksop?”
It was “I’m so pissed that she keeps calling me the wrong name in bed. Who the fuck is Brett anyway?”
Question: How did the discussion move from “sexual assault” to Kavanaugh’s sex life in general? This is absolutely sordid and embarrassing. It’s clearly designed to chill good, Constitutionalist candidates from even accepting nominations. Even if Kavanaugh gets confirmed (I’d say 50/50 right now), the effects of this circus will be very damaging.
Because it’s supposed to indicate that he’s some kind of sex-crazed monster who totally probably did it.
Tough sell. He comes across as somebody who won’t even watch porn unless its missionary position only.
I’m feeling more optimistic about Kav getting confirmed. Call it 60/40. My sense is that the Dems have overplayed their hand, and there is a backlash against their grotesque spectacle.
That’s where I’m at currently
If your opponent doesn’t fold, eventually your bluff gets called and everyone sees that you’re packing an 8-high hand.
“I’ve got a deuce, a trey, a five, a six, and an eight. In all four suits. That’s a diverse hand, so I win, right?”
I like 1984 better.
Drop Dead Legs *is* rock n roll.
If he gets confirmed I’d say it will make other (ostensibly) Constitutionalist more incline to follow his lead or go further in telling people to fuck off.
So from now on the candidates will look a lot more like Trump himself — egotistical, callous douchebags who don’t mind going through a total shitshow and can just grin and tweet their way through it the whole time. Hope that’s what you had in mind Democrats.
Brett Kavanaugh, enemy of the (regulatory) state
The point, however, is not that Kavanaugh is an aggressive invalidator of government action. He does not think, for example, that the Fourth Amendment curbs the National Security Agency’s ability to engage in bulk, warrantless surveillance of Americans.
But where a progressive judge might see judicial intervention as primarily warranted in order to protect the powerless against assaults from the powerful, Kavanaugh and the conservative legal mainstream see it as a tool to protect business owners from majority rule. If one is a sufficiently unprincipled liar — which Brett Kavanaugh certainly is, as we saw in his remarks after Trump introduced him to the nation — one can dress this up in the language of democracy or originalism or whatever else.
But in truth, the clash of constitutional visions represents not a disagreement about originalism or novelty, but an ongoing disagreement that dates back to the founding of the Republic.
Is the Constitution a charter of self-government that allows the people’s elected representatives to try to find reasonable institutional solutions for the varied problems of the world? Or is it a charter for property owners that allows them to craft a state that’s well-armed and capable enough to defend their rights but incapacitated to govern the economy in any way?
If Kavanaugh is put on the Court, plutocracy will be the order of the day. Workers will toil unlimited hours, for gruel and breadcrumbs. The unions will be broken up, and their leaders imprisoned, if not disappeared. Senatorial votes will be auctioned off on Amazon.com. The New York Times will be seized, and turned over to Rupert Murdoch for a dollar.
America will be a smouldering wasteland. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!
So, if Kav is confirmed, kind of a mixed bag, I guess.
to protect business owners from majority rule.
He wants to protect businesses from mobs? THE. HORROR.
Is the Constitution a charter of self-government that allows the people’s elected representatives to try to find reasonable institutional solutions for the varied problems of the world?
Um…it’s a document that defines the powers of the government, granting it authority to do certain things.
a charter of self-government
Not bad.
allows the people’s elected representatives to try to find reasonable institutional solutions
Since when does “self-government” mean “governed by others”?
find reasonable institutional solutions for the varied problems of the world?
Yeah, that’s actually not in there. Maybe you should think about reading the actual document Matty.
To be sure.
The headline, above:
The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fight is also about the future of the economy
His jurisprudence would render economic and environmental regulation nearly impossible.
They aren’t wrong that a Justice who would render economic and environmental regulation nearly impossible would definitely affect the future of the economy.
You mean it would prevent people that believe government should pick winners & losers from crippling the economy while they implement illegal and bullshit regulations intended to favor the people they want and crush the ones they don’t favor, while crippling economic growth?
Everyone remember the dnc operatives with bylines telling us members of the Obama admin were correct when they predicted we would never again be any GDP growth above 3% and we should believe we have a real great economy when we get 1% or so? Yeah, fuck these people with a rusty chainsaw.
It’s such a horrifying prospect that I’m seriously considering taking the power to regulate the economy and the environment away from the supreme court.
Let’s hope Cruz is smart enough to make an ad out of this.
Maybe set it up by asking Beto if he condemns disrupting private businesses and attacking people and their families in public for their political views. Puts Beto in a box – piss off the proggies by condemning them, or piss off the voters by not condemning them.
the owners of that restaurant should be angry at their manager for allowing that.
I’d tweak that a little bit – Cruz should flat-out assert that Beto supports this kind of stuff. If he denies supporting it, there goes his base. If he does support it, there goes the swing vote.
O’Rourke’s comments on Illegal Aliens and Guns should already have cost him the swing vote.
See, it’s things like this that strengthen my belief that they don’t actually have anything here. Someone tracked down Kavanaugh’s freshman year roommate at Yale, and we get this headline: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Yale roommate says he believes second accuser. Damning, huh?
But the story itself is bupkis.
Despite our living conditions, Brett and I did not socialize beyond the first few days of freshman year. We talked at night as freshman roommates do and I would see him as he returned from nights out with his friends,” Roche said in a statement.
So you barely knew him, actually. Which is hardly uncommon with freshman year roommates. I didn’t like mine, and we both did our best to stay away from each other.
I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.
So, again, absolutely nothing of relevance to add to the story other than Brett Kavanaugh, like most college students, was a drinker.
Roche says he became friends with Debbie Ramirez. “She stood out as being exceptionally honest, with a trusting manner. As we got to know one another, I discovered that Debbie was very worried about fitting in. She felt that everyone at Yale was very rich, very smart and very sophisticated and that as a Puerto Rican woman from a less privileged background she was an outsider. Her response was to try hard to make friends and get along.”
Guy believes someone who was a good friend over roommate he wasn’t friends with. Stunning.
Roche says he does not consider himself to be a political person and went on to say he has no political agenda.
I would bet my last cent that some cursory research on this guy would indicate that he’s a Democrat.
absolutely nothing of relevance to add to the story other than Brett Kavanaugh, like most college students, was a drinker
He was in college from ’83 – ’87. The drinking age was 18 until ’84, and I think anyone who was 18 when it was raised was grandfathered. So it was perfectly legal for him to drink in college (I, too was in this blessed age cohort, which is why I remember it).
I knew someone that spent 3 years complaining because he missed the cutoff date by a couple of days…