About freaking time, man.

We’re up and running at full speed this week. I had to spend most of my day dealing with the Nissan situation yesterday, but I managed to resolve it if not amicably, then at least favorably.  Its was a typical trip for me to a car dealership where everyone at the end of the experience is exhausted but I drive away with a better deal than I should have.  So now I can put that clusterfuck to rest.  Thanks all for your prior advice on the matter.

Hey look, the Steelers won a game.  They sure needed that.  And on the diamonds, the winners were: New York (AL), Washington, Boston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Colorado, Los Angeles, Anaheim, Oakland San Diego and the world champion Houston Astros. Colorado is a half-game behind St Louis for the last wild card spot. Everything else is settled with 5-6 games left. So get your popcorn and watch the NL Central and West scores as we come down the stretch.

Aside from “Corvette Summer,” his finest performance

Let’s see who was born on September 25th: Genius writer William Faulkner, communist “spy” Ethel Rosenberg, baseball play and sportscaster Phil Rizzuto, jazz musician Sam Rivers, TV personality Babbawa Wawlters, writer of children books Shel Silverstein, bluesman Booba Barnes, Sec Def Robert Gates, actor Michael Douglas, guitarist Onnie McIntyre, supermodel Cheryl Tiegs, actor Mark Hamill, equestrian novice Christopher Reeve, bassist Steven Severin, actor Michael Madsen, another supermodel Heather Locklear,  actor and “rapper” Will Smith, and the ageless beauty Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Its also the day on which the following occurred: there first printing press in North America went into use, Benedict Arnold turned, the US Congress proposed the Bill of Rights, Congress created the first all-black university (Howard), Columbia’s school of Journalism was founded…and has gone downhill ever since, Henry Ford announced an 8-hour a day-5 day work week…before there was a UAW, Germany firebombed Warsaw, “Doc” Duvalier won the Haitian presidency, Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” hit #1, “Evita” opened on Broadway, Nolan Ryan threw his fifth no-hitter, Antonin Scalia was appointed to the Supreme Court, Bruce Jenner changed his name, and Anthony Weiner was given 21 months in jail for being a pervert…but received nothing for having a shitload of classified information on the computer he was using to sext a kid pictures of his junk.

And that’s it! Now to…the links!

Nothing says “tolerant” like accosting a man and woman in a restaurant over politics.

If the GOP needed an event to rouse up the base and make TV ads with about how intolerant the hard left can be, then yesterday was their lucky day.

Gee, who couldn’t have seen this coming a mile away? I suppose someone refreshed her memory on what can happen when you lie under oath to a congressional committee.

All those soft-commie rags in the EU that loved the Pope are starting to turn on him. Yeah, you can commie as hard as you want, but even (most of) those bastards will turn on you when you start ignoring and actively covering up child sexual abuse, as he has been accused of doing.

I’ve seen some frivolous lawsuits, but this one takes the cake! But since it is filed in California, I assume she’ll win a fat judgment or at least get a hefty settlement. (Had to use this link since the one cited isn’t in English.)

Punk-ass, piece-of-shit murderer (allegedly)

When your defense is “well sure my client fired sixteen rounds into an unarmed person in his own yard doing nothing actionable, bit only one of them technically mattered”, you might be fucked in a sane and fair legal system. But let’s not forget that this is Chicago and the shooter was a cop. And let’s also take a moment to remember that this “expert” testimony is contradicted by the actual dash cam footage of the killing.

Remember when those cops on the New Jersey shore were caught on video beating the shit out of a woman on the beach? Well after months there’s finally been an arrest in the case. You’d think that is a good thing, except…well you know.

“Listen kid, there’s only one way to get an A in my class.”  And the Pythagorean theorem ain’t gonna help you get there.

The Trump White House is staying mum on Rod Rosenstein. Meanwhile, the media are reporting the following:

  • Rosenstein has verbally quit
  • Rosenstein will quit on Thursday
  • Rosenstein has been fired
  • Rosenstein will be fired on Thursday

All of those claims were floated throughout the day by “sources with knowledge about the situation.” So you can count on them all being true, I suppose.

Enjoy a great song from a generation of great songs.

Now go out and have a great Tuesday!