Football Sunday is usually a boisterous day around these parts. SP is an animated and knowledgeable fan who won’t hesitate to scream at the announcers, the refs, and the fluffball sideline “reporters.” With her preferred hate-targets Jeff Triplett and Ed Hochuli gone, her ire now focuses more strongly on Joe Buck and Beth Mowins. “Please make her shut up. Oh my god, she’s awful. Why the fuck do they let this woman talk? Jesus christ, Joe, you’re a dummy! Who did you blackmail to get this job?” It livens up the games quite a bit. With her out of town, the only verbal excitement comes from the Wonder Dog, who barks constantly to protect us from anyone who might potentially urinate in our yard. And so far, it’s worked- none of the neighbors have dared burrow under the fence and let fly on one of our trees.
Today has two auspicious birthdays, one of them being the delightfully-named Hippolyte Fizeau, whose name has been tragically excised from the Doppler Effect. Maybe it’s because he was accused of groping a French teenager at a wine party? The other will be mentioned below.
And now the news, which unfortunately is totally dominated by the election Silly Season.
The Kavanaugh circus continues, now occupying all three rings. Team Blue promises to take action if Judge K is confirmed.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., said that “as soon as Democrats get gavels”, the party will investigate the Kavanaugh allegations even if he is confirmed and sitting on the Supreme Court.“This is such bad practice that even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as Democrats get gavels we’re going to want to get to the bottom of this,” he said on CNN.
“If the Republicans rush through a nominee where you have unanswered sexual assault allegations, I can promise you that Democratic senators will be interested in going and looking at those allegations, and if Judge Kavanaugh lied under oath, you could see a judicial impeachment, and that’s not good for anybody, so we should try and avoid that,” Eric Swalwell, D-Calif, said on “America’s Newsroom.”
What the saddest part to me is that any real objections to Kavanaugh (like his apparent disdain for the fourth and fifth amendments) have been totally ignored in this shitshow. It’s the equivalent of the Black Lives Matter bullshit appropriating the real problem of police abuse.
As part of the circus act, the PR machine is now spinning a more comprehensive narrative: Ford wasn’t just drunkenly groped one at a teen party, she was traumatized for life. Every professional and personal move she made from that time on was dictated and defined by the intense psychological trauma caused by that grope.
But after high school, and after the alleged assault, Ford left the Washington area and never moved back. She took up surfing. She dressed in jeans when she wasn’t in a wet suit atop a surfboard. Colleagues mistook her for a native Californian. Quietly, she garnered a reputation for her research on depression, anxiety and resilience after trauma — telling almost no one what she herself had endured.
Years later, Ford would describe college as a time when she “derailed,” struggling with symptoms of trauma she did not yet understand.
It was during Ford’s junior year when Goldstein, who now works as an English teacher in Japan, gave her the advice that would change the course of her life. “He said, ‘You’re really smart, and you’re just like totally [messed] up,’ ” Ford recalled. She remembers him saying, “ ‘What are you doing? . . . Everybody’s getting it together but you’re like not.’ It was kind of a harsh talk.”
In other words, the PR machine says that she’s a mentally unbalanced snowflake. Therefore she must be unquestioningly believed.
Team Blue’s #metoo moments still don’t seem to be getting much traction. But I guess it’s different if you’re a True Progressive.
Ellison, who serves as deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), decried Monahan’s story as “not true” and assured that an “ongoing investigation” will conclude that Monahan’s claims are false. He dismissed the medical record, saying it was written a year after his relationship with Monahan ended.
When pressed whether the investigation will be done before the election, Ellison said it’s an independent investigation and he remains uncertain about the timetable.
So if a medical record is written a year after an alleged incident, it’s no good. But if it’s twenty years after, it’s utterly reliable. Got it.
Thanksgiving dinner with the Gosar family promises to be entertaining this year.
Six siblings of U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar have urged voters to cast their ballots against the Arizona Republican in November in an unusual political ad sponsored by the rival candidate. The television ad from Democrat David Brill combines video interviews with Gosar-family siblings who ask voters to usher Paul Gosar out of office because he has broken with the family’s values. They do not elaborate.
“It’s intervention time,” Tim Gosar says in the ad, endorsing Brill. “And intervention time means that you go to vote, and you go to vote Paul out.”
“My siblings who chose to film ads against me are all liberal Democrats who hate President Trump,” [Paul] Gosar said. “Stalin would be proud.”
OK, I’ll admit that there are some entertaining aspects to this election.
Here’s a delightful video of our Real President, someone who totally eschews the bombast, self-promotion, and narcissism of Trump. Watch it if you enjoy being scolded for disappointing Big Daddy yet again. It’s inspiring and uplifting. Don’t you miss those wonderful eight years? Shouldn’t we get serious about repealing the 22nd Amendment?
OK, as you might have expected, today’s other birthday of note intersects with Old Guy Music. And even the title intersects this weekend. It’s intersections all the way down. Happy Birthday, Mr. C. Your art left this world a more beautiful place.
Can’t link on my phone, but the last person at this small party, the other woman, does not remember being there nor does she know Kavanaugh.
She told WaPo though that she still believes Ford though.
I like the word though.
This is what useful idiots are for. Usefulness. They will swallow anything they are told no matter how baseless or ridiculous. They will do anything they are told no matter how absurd.
So if a medical record is written a year after an alleged incident, it’s no good. But if it’s twenty years after, it’s utterly reliable. Got it.
This is why I stopped giving a shit. The game is rigged, and the outcome is determined ahead of time. Except for a few rather rare upsets, everything hums along as scripted. The ratchet of totalitarianism constantly tightening the noose around our necks.
Just remember the outcome is all that matters: let go of silly things like ethics and critical thought and you’ll get along just fine in the current paradigm.
I’m re-watching ST:DS9 and interestingly, last night I arrived at the episode that revolves around the Cardassian “justice” system. They really nailed it. All that’s missing from the current circus is putting K’s wife in a chair and watching her squirm as the pre-determined verdict is handed down.
There’s a quote in that episode that I’m gonna botch, but I’ll paraphrase.
Obrien (I think) asks what the whole point of the rigamarole is, and the cardassian attorney responds that it’s about strengthening morale. Everybody likes to see the look in a bad guy’s eyes when they realize that they’re being held to account. It cements the government as the arbiter of justice.
How times change. If they wrote the Cardies today, the characters would be droning on about the wonders of their health-care system and bragging about how many females are in positions of power.
The cardies often bragged about how well their govt provided for the people. Made possible through the Sheer Will of their military.
If I ran for office, I’d have a hard time winning a majority of my siblings, too.
I always joke none of my friends or family would vote for me.
I remember working on commission in my last attempt to stay in the financial world. One of the tactics used was to first solicit family and friends. The first guy I went to was a closed friend. He didn’t sign. I told him, as a friend, don’t go with a bank product even if you don’t sign with me. This is a better one. Not only did he not come with me, he signed with a….bank. Although, I wonder how much of it had to do with his wife – who I knew very well.
Either way, I took that as a sign and left the business. I didn’t take it well.
I could never do sales.
It takes a certain kind of personality that I just dont have.
To your points, I do admire those who are good at it. Another one of my close friends is a pharma rep. He makes a lot of money doing it but the stuff he has to do to earn it is something that I could never do even if I tried.
I was trying to avoid pointing out the obvious. Yes, one must have flexible principles. I dont have them. I just cant make myself talk someone into forking over money for something they dont need.
If I were a door to door steak salesman I’d use the Homer Simpson tactic.
EXT. Rufus rings door bell.
Customer (opens door): Yes?
Rufus (holds raw steak up): Steak?
Customer: I can’t afford steak.
Rufus: Steak?
Customer: I just told you I can’t afford steak.
Rufus: Steak?
Customer (sighs): Fine. How much?
you could see a judicial impeachment, and that’s not good for anybody, so we should try and avoid that
“Nobody move, or the nigger gets it.”
Geez. Talk about an empty threat. Now lets watch the spineless party cave.
“Ohhh lawdy, he’s serious, better do what he says!”
(moves to top of watchlist due to assuredly mangled quote)
“Her appearance will come amid continued attacks on her truthfulness across social media and by the president himself. Death threats have poured in. Her email was hacked.”
Too bad she doesn’t have a kid with Down’s syndrome to mock. The comparison would’ve been complete.
…and aliens abducted her. She was abused by Satanists at her daycare and the evil Republicans won’t let her bring her emotional support panther with her into the Senate rooms.
“Death threats have poured in. Her email was hacked.”
Could be bullshit.
It could, but people are nuts
No, I believe that. Happens all the time to those on the right. The right has as many goons as the left.
“…Democrats get gavels we’re going to want to get to the bottom of this…”
Knock yourself out, dickhead.
C’mon OMWC, you dont actually expect me to click on a link where I will be subjected to that narcissistic prick’s voice, do you?
Well, by “narcissistic prick,” do you mean the current narcissistic prick or the last narcissistic prick?
Take your pick
PASS. Both of ’em.
YOU take your prick.
also, mmmm, narcissistic pork.
because he has broken with the family’s values.
If he had become a junkie, or a child molester, or an embezzler, we could find it in our hearts to forgive him; but a Republican? Oh, the ignominious shame of it all.
Democracy Dies in Dementia.
“Strong bubble gum and ….thirty million, billion children healthcarehutbimble…”
/Pelosi press conference
Cornell tells students if they are ‘privileged’ or ‘oppressed’
According to the document, if you speak “accented English” you are marginalized or oppressed compared to “‘proper’ English” speakers who are privileged. If your parents are married or “in a heterosexual relationship” you are privileged while “divorced; LGBTQ parent; domestic partnership” and “single parent” individuals are oppressed.
And have all the moral standing that comes with.
Multiple times, I’ve read proggies state that privilege does not mean blame, or carry some punishment, but it is a bold-faced lie. Otherwise, what is the point for them? It is purely a way to shut down opposition. It’s “white guilt” redux with extra fixings.
Victimhood as a moral and logical positive is evil.
Help, help, I’m being oppressed!!!
Bloody peasant!
something something violence inherent in the state
Does someone with a coal region accent at Cornell or a yankee at Tennessee count if your white?
What part of “white niggers need not apply” don’t you get. Now get out of my shop, cracker.
My thick southern accent is finally going to pay off.
About that, I’ve got some bad news…
“Tell me, exactly what qualifies you to make that judgement about me? How about you fuck off instead.”
This will get complicated when folks start pulling their DNA proving they’re “passing” for privileged. Despite my strawberry blonde self being unable to think about the sun without getting burnt, it’s possible I have more than a few drops. If I had proof, I’d whip that out in a heartbeat just out of sheer frustration.
You’re still six shades duskier than WebDom. If you even use the word “sun” around her, she burns. The only object whiter than her that I’ve seen is Los Doyers’s penis.
Don’t ask.
I don’t envy her. Regular exposure to sunlight helps keep me sane.
How’s the light reach you through all the lead-white and black patent leather armor?
This is my evening look. By day I am a mild-mannered middle-aged matron.
Utterly Sensible, retracted.
I can relate. If I don’t get regular sun I go slightly nuts. I might be part fern.
I don’t like the sun and it doesn’t like me either. ☂️
So…they’re saying that if you aren’t raised by married straight couple, you are at a disadvantage. So it’s advantageous to be part of a typical nuclear family. I’m sure if this was pointed out they’d just blame the systematic discrimination and disadvantages these familial arrangements face or some shit. Everything reaffirms their worldview. It’s like arguing with someone who believes in the Illuminati or Mr. Lizard. They see the evidence of it everywhere.
Which of you commenters wish to question my existence?!?!
Oh sweet, I have a bit of Southern accent and my parents were divorced, I win the opress-
Oh wait…I’m white hispanic and straight. And not liberal. Welp, it was a good try.
So what’s the over/under on Ford actually showing up to testify? The Reps need to grow some stones and just schedule the vote, their supporters would stand up cheer if they did, but they’ll fold on the delaying tactics because they’re spineless. At least the Dems give their people what they want.
30 ford show up. 60 kava is done for
I’m a bit confused. How would you calculate the over/under on someone showing up?
You know, that confuses me too but you get the gist.
I like over/under bets on College football games. You don’t have to like either team. You’re basically a fan of defense or offense in general.
Finally, intersectionality worth something.
Unbelievable. He really is pushing taking credit for the economy.
What a POS Barry is.
I couldn’t watch the whole thing.
Which of his policies exactly can take credit for it? All I know is he passed the TRA and that had mixed results and he complemented that with his green policies that contributed to keeping GDP lower.
The economy managed to climb out of the toilet in spite of Obama’s policies, not because of them. People think presidents have far more influence over the economy than they actually do (they can break a good economy though).
He deliberately did everything he could to make sure we had a run of ‘bad luck’. No one is buying his ‘the boom is because of me’ horseshit except the useful idiots who will believe anything he says because reasons.
Well, FWIW, I know two very successful people (a doctors and businessman) who have used the ‘the economy was expanding’ angle on me.
It baffles me.
Probably because they’ve seen the charts that show the GDP rising and Unemployment falling throughout Barry’s term. They’ve probably also heard that 2014 and ’15 had higher annual growth than ’17.
Personally, I think presidents get way more credit or blame for the economy than deserved.
Beat me to it – was trying to find charts for 2014 & 2015 but couldn’t. Didn’t know about 2017 though
NPR did a story on this last week and did say there was a growth trend under Obama. They did have to admit though that most of the growth in the jobs market was service sector positions. Obama got a bunch of people employed at fast food jobs and now growth is in construction and manufacturing. Manufacturing jobs Obama said would never come back and we had to get used to the new economy. No NPR did not point that last part out. And agreed, presidents get more credit than they deserve for the economy but they do influence it. Obama helped (along with natural gas) kill the coal industry and Trump and his idiotic tariffs effect growth as well.
You can fudge stats and all, and I haven’t checked the raw data but…Manufacturing jobs bottomed out in 2010 and have been steadily and slowly coming back. So O has 6 years of growth in manufacturing jobs, you might be tempted to say T is bringing them back faster, however, he really has only had one full year and O added more jobs in ’14 and ’11 then T did in ’17. Trump may well end up far outpacing anything Barry did but by most of the metrics people use to praise Donny’s economy, Barry supporters can show equal or better numbers.
Are they counting part time and full time equally under “jobs created”?
Like I said I haven’t gone through (nor am I going to) the raw data. My point isn’t to defend Barry’s nor knock on Trump’s economy, just showing that I can see how Rufus’s friends might believe Obama ran the economy well.
My mind chances questions of minutae like that.
1. You conveniently left out 2016. Which is kind of an important one. There’s also all those years before 2014. And then there what’s happening so far in 2018.
2. Jobs created – it’s not really a surprise that presidents who take over at the end of a recession and then are there throughout the recovery have continued job growth. Net jobs gained for presidents is one dumbest metrics for this reason. Unemployed was stubbornly high for the first 6 years of the Obama presidency despite continuously adding jobs.
3. Typically, the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. This was the weakest since the Great Depression. Some may say that’s because it was just so bad. Others may look at the fact that Obama viewed himself as a little FDR junior.
4. Which is probably why workers saw their biggest pay increase in a decade post-tax cut, and why they’ve been on the rise for a year and a half after lagging under Obama for 8 years. Not being hostile to business and lowering taxes works. Who would have thunk it?
People who are wealthier and didn’t feel as much pain in the Obama years don’t get it. The people at the bottom who the progs supposedly care about? They are feeling it.
There was improvement under Obama but not at the pace he expected and it certainly didn’t lay the tracks to the numbers we’re seeing across the board.
They can cite all the stats they want but it doesn’t mean that trend would lead to the numbers we see here. You don’t go from 1% to 2.1% and then claim your policies are what gave Trump’s 4.1%. That difference clearly comes from whatever Trump did. It’s actually laughable given Obama a) said to get used to low growth and b) the famous magic wand quip. So clearly his administration did not think they can achieve these numbers.
I’d add government policy CAN impact GDP.
The other stuff is debatable. So I agree leaders take too much credit or criticism particularly when it comes to the stock markets.
Here’s some raw data:
By the time Obama was leaving office GDP was at: .4%, 1%, 1.5%.
If these are the numbers they use to support their claim of a ‘trend’….bah.
There is a statistically significant inflection point right around the time of the election in 2016 though. Almost as if knowing barry’s policies were on the chopping block encouraged people.
Look at the video. That’s exactly what it argues.
Knowing what we know about how the Obama economic framework worked and what Trump has done, to me, it’s self-evident as it can be.
Hype, and they’re wrong.
We can, for the most part to me anyway, demonstrate it statistically and not all stats are necessarily ‘open game’.
Well, by “narcissistic prick,” do you mean the current narcissistic prick or the last narcissistic prick?
It’s narcissistic pricks, all the way down. The road to Hell is paved with them.
It’s a very bumpy road.
+1 Jimmy Hoffa burial
It is definitely fall. Wife and I are having to refill the hummingbird feeders (3 quart sized feeders) 3x day. The birds are out there now lined up shoulder to shoulder all the way around the feeders and about 30 of them hanging in the air waiting their turn. I am pretty sure most of them are layovers on their way to their tropical vacation.
I will try to get a little video of them.
Yeah, we had our first actual chilly night last night. Swiss and I were ensconced on an outdoor patio and needed to fortify ourselves with numerous grain-derived alcoholic beverages in order to stay warm.
And it worked! My walk home was quite pleasant.
Damn. Every time I try to sit still and video them the damned cat comes over and starts meowing and rubbing my legs and scares the birds away.
She took up surfing. She dressed in jeans when she wasn’t in a wet suit atop a surfboard. Colleagues mistook her for a native Californian.
Obviously, these are indicators of a deeply rooted mental imbalance. That poor woman.
Glossed over: the two or three years she spent in high school after the alleged attack in which she still “moved easily among the privileged and popular”.
So fucking predictable. Alleged victim’s story starts falling apart, wave it away as residual trauma.
“- Brother Ralph Blasey the 3rd – works for a Fusion GPS Linked lawfirm + Russian Don Jr Trump Tower setup meeting…
– Father Ralph G Blasey Jr – 1960s-1974 CIA Deep State Black Budget banker who hid Secret monies.
— Linked to the 1985 assassination of CIA Deak who oversaw Secret Black Budget monies… Reagan learned of a illegal $100s of millions dollar bailout of CIA Black Budget monies and started a investigation – hench Ralph ordered wetwork hit on him to cover their crimes.. BY WHO?
—- A Stanford Professor of MLKULTRA that her very daughter now sits in! Get it? She brainwashes CIA.
– She is a Stanford Mental Health Professor – yet she was in seeing a “Therapist? in 2012? The very job shes does?
– Her dad TODAY IS THE VP of Red Coats Inc. — Which DOES ALL PUBLIC SECURITY FOR COMEY, CLAPPER, MCCABE, RICE, LYNCH… Imagine that… Her dad is under contract for all their Deep State security until 2023… And being a CIA Black Budget Secret Banker since the 60s… No connection here hey?
– Husband is a Sr Director of a drug company that exclusively makes Mind Altering Drugs?
See the connections? Remember, – don’t look at ther MAIDEN NAME WHEN GROWING UP!”
I want to believe
Needs more Illuminati
I dunno, there’s plenty of them down near the end of the article.
Still, there may be a few grains of truth, especially near the top of the article, before “Paul Revere” goes into full batshit mode. I would not be surprised if her family was well-connected to the DC establishment in ways that are relevant, but not yet fully revealed.
The Charlie Kelly school of conspiratorial relationships:
After what I have seen over the last ten years I dont find that unbelievable. Really, who thought Ford wasn’t connected to some lefty nonsense? She didn’t just fall out of the sky like they want us to believe. The Dems solicited her and concocted her ridiculous story.
Operation Northwoods…Gulf of Tonkin…some conspiracies are true.
There are people who think that she doesn’t even exist, a fully made-up character
You can see them on just about any YouTube comment thread about a tragedy. It’s a fascinating psychosis those people have.
I have no doubt she exists but the whole affair is an obvious set up for character assassination of a guy who is squeakier than squeaky clean. They couldn’t get anything on him so they invented something. They are desperate to keep Trump from pushing the court to the right with constitutionalists (as much as they can be considered that). They are going to fail.
It occurs to me that their squawking about abortion is cover for what they really want – to gut the second amendment. If Trump picks get on the court that will never happen. They will lose ground like crazy. A court like that could set precedents that will set the gun controllers back for a hundred years.
I disagree. In my proggy Twitter timeline, it’s abortion all the way down. Granted, that’s not exactly a credible sample size, but to me, it’s a damn good barometer.
The illiterates all believe one man, by himself, can overturn Roe v Wade with no prompting or reason whatsoever.
It’s whatever is useful in the current election. Whatever they think will get media traction.
Oh, they do care about their eugenics program but every tyrant’s holy grail is disarming the people. That opens the door to everything else they want to do. With Kavenaugh on the court no gun grabbing cases would stand a chance and they would probably set precedent to roll back god knows how many bad gun laws. I think that is what is making them panic.
‘would not stand a chance’
“it’s abortion all the way down”
That’s what I’ve seen too.
MLK Ultra?
*narrows gaze*
Hey, don’t judge me by the color of my comments! It was in the original above.
that’s not how you’d abbreviate Michelob.
I think they’re menthol cigarettes.
I mean, no one questioning him cares about the 4th or 5th amendments. It’s like the Sessions confirmation becoming all about him being a secret Klansman.
Shouldn’t the questions be about the qualifications of the nominee rather than if they’ll rule in ways politicians like? I don’t think anyone thought RBG would be a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment, yet she was confirmed by a vote of 96-3.
It’s a political process. And always has been. RBG was still asked endless questions about how she’d rule on specific topics. Her views on specific topics. Her refusal to answer besides the point. That she was confirmed despite the questions and her refusal to answer them shows just how moronic the entire process of hearings is. The hearings don’t matter. I can’t recall any of these nominees being sunk because of them. It’s about whether they can dig up dirt on the individual (or get someone to lie their ass off) or paint them as just too ideological (only works on Republicans).
Did Harriet Meyers ever get to questioning or was that sunk before we got that far along?
Sunk before….even Boooosh eventually realized he had f’ed up.
Sure, but even if that were the case then Republicans would have voted against her en masse and she would have been confirmed with only 60 votes or so. The last three or so justices were all confirmed pretty much on party lines. or with only a handful of ‘defectors’.
Do-Over. We wants one.*
A survey shows that if the 2016 presidential election were held today Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote. The American Barometer was conducted by Hill.TV and the polling company HarrisX.
Based on the responses, the poll found that 36 percent of voters would vote for Trump again while 44 percent would vote for Clinton.
During the 2016 election, Clinton had won the popular vote with 48.2 percent. Trump still managed to win the Electoral College and land the presidency.
“In 2016, I think a bunch of Americans thought to themselves “let’s just blow things up and see what happens,’” John Podesta, Clinton campaign chief, said to Hill.TV regarding the poll. “Now that they have actually seen what happens, they wish they could get back to the strong, steady leadership that Hillary has always provided.”
Sure, John. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
After reading that pathetic delusional screed by Herself in the Atlantic, I think she should be forcibly institutionalized as a danger to herself or others.
*SP is either a benevolent edit fairy or a control freak who likes her site to conform to basic code niceties. You decide.
Let me guess, if the election were held today Hillary has a 97% chance of winning.
*rolls eyes*
Also, popular vote = jack shit
Guess what Dems? In 2020 barring some disaster Trump is going to mop the floor with your asses. There is a good chance it may happen this november also.
Sure, John. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Closing tags would.
Polls updated the days before the election had Hillary winning. Now forget that, and pretend that this single poll two years later is the truth.
Just her alone as Secretary of State practically destabilized our relationship with Russia and set North Africa ablaze. God help us if she was president.
During the 2016 election, Clinton had won the popular vote with 48.2 percent.
Another way to put this would be: During the 2016 election, a clear majority of 51.8% voted against Clinton.
I may have neglected to close my link tag properly. I blame Trump and/or childhood sexual trauma.
I love how you even Brooks yourself.
It is Brookseseseses all the way down.
Babbling Brooks.
I mean, no one questioning him cares about the 4th or 5th amendments.
Only as speed bumps on the road to Utopian Authoritarianism.
“Let us help you become a better citizen, Citizen. Embrace the collective good.”
We live in a society where people lie and everyone knows they’re lying but they get away with it. And other people defending the liar with their own lies is considered virtuous. Like, you improve your own social standing by doing it. I’m looking at Matt Yglesias types here. Discussions about rape/sexual assault allegations in the public sphere now are almost entirely political and excuses for people to engage in theater. It’s actually easier for me to believe this at least. I mean, evil is actually better for my sanity than the breathtaking stupidity I’m seeing here. But then I remember these same people have spent like two years crying about Russian hacking so…
The Post lies in just that little snippet. She didn’t tell almost no one about her trauma. She told no one. At all.
The story has every indication of being a pure fabrication. It reeks of lie because it is a lie.
Even her alleged witnesses don’t know what she’s talking about.
If the Dems have their way and get the FBI to investigate (on what grounds?) those witnesses will either suddenly have it all come back to them or end up in prison. A smart person would zip their lip and only have a lawyer talk to the FBI.
We have an assault allegation where the accuser can’t even prove that she was ever even in the same room as the accused. She can’t show she’s ever even fucking met Kavanaugh. She can’t prove that she even mentioned Kavanaugh to anyone until 2018 because sans her husband’s weak claim to the contrary, the therapy notes supposedly from 2012 don’t even mention him.
With this standard of proof, you could find anyone from the same town as some politician or celebrity and make any allegation you want to ruin them. Even if they have no actual connection. A lot of people have been making jokes in this nature online, but it’s not a joke. This is no different than some random asshole saying Maxine Waters raped them on Twitter only they didn’t write and send a latter to a congressman/WashPo.
I’m wondering if crazy lady was so stupid that she actually thought she could remain anonymous when she sent a false accusation to Frankenstein hoping that alone could derail him. Now she’s caught in this lie. Question is will she bring a mattress to the hearing.
The Dems are threatening an investigation to ‘get to the bottom of this’. When I hear that term these days I interpret it to mean fuck around endlessly and ‘make shit up’.
Well, they did say they wanted to get to the bottom.
Hope you guys are having a good Sunday. Had a nice distraction from the Kavanaugh shitshow by going to the local festival. How long is that goldfish going last in a bucket of tap water?
Whats’s the food? Looks like burritos and tacos
Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki. Not vegan, but gaijin friendly food.
Nice, Japanese festivals are always a good time. Nothing like strolling down the stands with some takoyaki, yakitori, yakisoba, and all the good stuff.
And a draft beer. Last one of the year. 🙁
Welp, hope you make the most of that one. All I got are my canned yebisus and whatever I can scavenge in the inaka.
Is it being banned in Japan, they ran out, or are you engaging in abstinence?
Last festival not last beer. I would be on a plane outta here if they went dry.
OK…I was a bit alarmed on your behalf!
Looks like fun
Just throw it on a mound of rice.
How long is that goldfish going last in a bucket of tap water?
That bag of water, opened to the air, it’d prolly be fine for a week or two without water changes. An actual 5gal bucket, if you keep it topped up, it’d be fine till the bucket overgrew with algae. Some surface agitation wouldn’t hurt. And you said tap water, but make sure to dechlorinate.
Goldfish and Koi were the first pet fish because they’re some tough sombitches in regards to water quality.
I love how you even Brooks yourself.
Somebody’s gotta do it.
It’s Brooksing all the way down.
I’m watching the game solo as well, OMWC. Here’s to sitting in a room for three hours alone while drinking and screaming at an inanimate object in alternating turns of rage and joy…nothing crazy about, no siree bob.
Oh, go Ravens, fuck the Donkeys.
NPR digs deep.
During hurricanes like Florence, many people find themselves trapped and needing rescue. Sometimes volunteers step in to help — but emergency managers say some may be creating problems of their own.
This week while visiting eastern North Carolina, President Trump thanked the first responders who sometimes risk their own lives to help, mentioning traditional government officials like police officers and firefighters – and “our great Cajun Navy.”
That group is one of several volunteer organizations who’ve stepped in during recent storms to fill what they see as a gap in the services available from government agencies.
Emergency responders say they sometimes work with good Samaritans, but worry that volunteers are jumping in without proper training.
Coast Guard Spokeswoman Amanda Faulkner said agencies like hers have plenty of boats – and know when it’s safe to take them out on the water.
“At what point do you become a liability? And when do you create an unsafe situation where you are putting your life at risk and a first responder has to come out and help you?”
But Gallagher, the contractor from Charlotte, said of course the Cajun Navy is doing dangerous things – that’s the point.
“Because we’re not under command, we don’t have to ask; we don’t have to wait,” he said. “We just go. Even when it’s too dangerous we still go.”
Despite the volunteers’ zeal and the president’s praise for the Cajun Navy, a spokesperson with FEMA said in a statement that the agency “strongly discourages” people from showing up to disasters on their own.
Public spirit and voluntary assistance sound good, in theory, but it would be better to stay behind the lines and let the trained professionals on the government payroll do their jobs. They have credentials.
“How dare you show us up and make people doubt the effacacy of financing our office parties!”
/Red Cross
The plebes might realize we’re unnecessary and become self-reliant, can’t have that.
The best thing FEMA can do in a disaster is stay the fuck away. The vast majority of activities that gave relief after Katrina were performed by private parties. The govt agencies that ‘helped’ were a disaster and actively made things worse.
Wal-Mart and the Salvation Army got there as fast, if not faster than my Guard unit…
After one of the numerous earthquakes in Japan, the yakuza deployed vans full of blankets and bottled water long before any government agencies showed up.
You mean, one organized crime syndicate got there before another one?
Better to let 500 people go without rescue than to allow others to do it and risk one or two of them getting into trouble themselves.
Our government at work–and they wonder why everyone hates them.
This is why I hate the term “first responders”. They want to set themselves up as a special class of people who get beneficial treatment above normal people.
what they see as a gap in the services available from government agencies
“Who you gonna believe, me or the people on their roof in view of your lying eyes.”
North Carolina is an open-carry state, and outside, several young men were milling around with pistols on their hips, waiting for instructions. Fontenot said that while volunteers need protection in tense situations, he’s seen that go too far.
“We had that happen here, they came in with Texas plates, they were open carrying, carrying around assault rifles for no reason,” he said.
Openly displaying guns without a badge. How horrifying.
What is too far?
I had to go to NO after Katrina. I armed myself to the teeth: mini-14 w/ 4 twenty round mags, My 1911 with 4 extra mags, J-frame 38 with five stripper clips. No way in hell was I going there unarmed.
If somebody’s saving my ass I don’t care if they’re carrying a pistol or a baseball bat or whatever.
Phased Plasma Rifle, in the 40 watt range.
If somebody’s saving my ass from potentially croc or snake-ridden flood waters, then I definitely care if they’re carrying a pistol.
Cause a bat ain’t gonna cut it.
Now, those of you who have met me, does it really seem likely I would call Joe Buck a dummy?
No, it does not.
I believe the term I have, on occasion, uttered, is “idiot.”
What really gets to me, of course, are unpleasant-sounding voices. I have ruled out otherwise acceptable (and wealthy) life partners based on their voices. OMWC gets a pass simply because his Balmer-accent-that-crops-up-when-he-is-drinking amuses the hell out of me.
PS: Go Pack!
Joe Buck? Obligatory.
Also, if anyone ever invites me anywhere, this is basically how you can expect me to behave.
*makes note to invite Brochettaward to all his parties and special occasions*
First time I’ve seen that. Nice.
I think the exact phrase you used was, “Fucking dummy!”
And your criticism of Mowin indeed started with the voice but went on to the quality of her analysis, observations, and phrasing.
No, I have never called anyone a “dummy.” It’s not a word I use. So fake news, like all your made-up stories about me.
But, “moron” might have been employed. Like, you know, many are.
When I holler at bad announcers, I usually go straight to “asshat”.
I hate my fucking voice. I’m 43, still sound like I’m 14. Occasionally (though it hasn’t happened in some time) I’ll be ordering at the drive through window and I’ll get a “ma’am” in reply. I’m still trying to get insurance to pay for an elective laryngectomy.
I know a guy who’s 93 with the same complaint. On the other hand he’s 93 and still pretty sharp and healthy. Your feminine voice will still be chattering away long after most of us have shuffled off this mortal coil.
does it really seem likely I would call Joe Buck a dummy?
He looks like a ventriloquist’s assistant.
You misspelled “Easter Island Statue.”
…with moss for a hairpiece.
any real objections to Kavanaugh (like his apparent disdain for the fourth and fifth amendments) have been totally ignored in this shitshow.
Particularized concerns about specific shortcomings or oversights of the nominee are quite beside the point. Their central, overriding objection is that he’s not a superlegislative progressive rule-maker. They want monarch-judges who will legislate by judicial fiat, since their actual legislators can’t win at the ballot box.
He is strong on the second, that is their objection. Make no mistake – disarming the American people is their holy grail.
*finds bottle of booze in fridge I’d forgotten about*
*pours shot in glass to remember what it tastes like*
Mini Review: “I’ve had worse”.
*turns liquor bottle upside down*
Not a drop left here. Dammit. You cant buy before noon on a sunday in Louisiana.
Same here. But instead of being in church like they think I’m supposed to be, I was just sitting here thinking I need to head out for my next bottle of vodka but can’t.
Doing exactly the same here. Just watching the clock. It is sunday dammit. I dont go to church. It rained earlier so the grass is too wet to cut, and it will probably rain again later. I have nothing to do except pop my mouth off here or doodle around the house. Both of those are better done when drinking.
Oh, I don’t drink during the day. Now is just a convenient time for me to go out and do some chores before the rest of my day ramps up.
Done! Shit, I’m getting too old to schlepp to three different stores just to get a “few things”, especially when just “walking” is making my back hurt for some f’ing reason. My god, I’m going to break out the shopping trolly soon and I’ll fit right in with all the little old Norwegians and Italians who kids moved away decades ago.
I bought a handle of Beam yesterday for regular drinking. The store had gotten in a case of Buffalo Trace that manager had lost his shit over. Swore up and down that it’d be best bourbon I’ll ever have that costs less than $300 and it makes 4 Roses fit for nothing but dogs in comparison (his words).
I passed but am thinking about going back and trying.
I have been to the Buffalo Trace distillery, your store managers statements are quite accurate
So Mr. Mojeaux won a trip to Kentucky to tour a bunch of distilleries. Buffalo Trace was our first stop. As teetotalers, we could not make it through the tour without gagging, but it was a beautiful place and I got a bunch of knickknacks to remember the trip. We bailed on the rest of the distillery tours.
/bad Glib
By Glib standards I drink very little. (As in my yearly consumption might be a weekly or monthly value for others here). The only strong aroma I’ve yet encountered was the hops fridge at Troegs (which made me want to stop breathing instead of gag). Do you remember what part of the process generated this reaction?
The first stop, where the corn mash was cooking.
Okay, I can see that.
They took us there as tweens and made us inhale the mash smell to turn us off from drinking.
Buffalo Trace is good. Perhaps Very Good, but not that great. But when I do get a bottle, 2-3 times a year, it does vanish fairly quickly.
“Vanish very quickly” is also what happens to a bottle I pour down the sink, so that’s not the best approbation.
UCS does not enjoy drinking, so out of idle interest he tried to see whether his p-trap takes more pleasure.
What do you do with a bottle too vile to drink?
I have a bottle of pumpkin pie flavored vodka. It’s horrible, I still can’t hear to pour it down the drain. It sits there almost full and collecting dust.
It’s not going to get better with age.
*bear, not hear
Get your friends together and have a crappy booze party. I had one a couple of years ago and I actually managed to get rid of a bottle of Arak Razzouk.
What makes you think I have friends?
Mixed drinks, with other stuff to mask the taste.
“Why did you break out the terpentine?”
“I had to mask the taste of rancid pumkin spice.”
It wont get better with age, but it probably won’t go bad for some time either. Who knows, someone might come over one day who loves Pumpkin Pie vodka and you can hook them up.
I received a bottle of Fireball under similar circumstances. Dustiest bottle I’ve ever been in possession of, including that Very First bottle of Canadian Whiskey from my buddy’s grandad’s shed that nearly killed us.
Hmm, I have regrets now. I’ll ask my wife to pick a bottle or two up tomorrow. The liquor store is conveniently next to her work, but she hates going in there alone to buy me liquor while very obviously pregnant. I kinda find it amusing.
“The baby wanted some Bourbon.”
“If you’ve got a better remedy for washing out the taste of morning sickness, I’d like to hear it.”
we also would have accepted “It goes great with dill pickles and chocolate-peanut-butter icecream.”
She’s a real sweetheart isn’t she?
I made potato soup friday (red potatoes-skin on, sour cream, chicken stock, salt and bacon) and had a little left over this morning. I added an egg for binder and cooked it down in a skillet. That makes a pretty tasty breakfast patty. Yum.
Quiche or Custard, you make the call!
Patty Murray is on Meet the Press, blathering about how we need to “get this right”.
What does that mean? Get a rope and pick a tree.
These people are going to destroy this country over butt-hurt.
The goal is to destroy the country, so the pretence does not matter.
They are going to be in power or they are going to burn it to the ground. It is exactly that. Power is an end in itself for them.
It means her gun control bullshit will be shit-canned if this guy gets on the court so he must be terminated with prejudice.
It means that they need to string this along until after the election when they’re positive the blue wave can reject him outright.
But consider how low-stakes this really is: even the most lefty-friendly projections for the Senate elections don’t show them winning it back. AFAIK they stand to lose seats. Plus they lose Flake, and they’ve most McCain. They have no hope but to push Kavanaugh’s confirmation into the new Senate, or, barring that, they take down Kavanaugh only to have another, possibly even more conservative judge nominated. So they’re willing to trash Kavanaugh’s reputation, not to mention Ford’s rapidly deteriorating credibility, and beclown themselves in the process, not to mention the immense damage they do the Court and the process, just to ensure defeat in a couple months. Mostly because Feinstein is terrified of being torn apart by her constituents. They’re lunatics.
I think the proper comparison would be a cornered animal.
Chris Matthews: “If Ford had not come forward with this decades-old undisprovable accusation, she would be guilty of a failure of citizenship.”
Boy, they really have themselves cranked up over this. The whole left is focused on it and utterly consumed by it. If the Stupids let them get away with this they will never get another nominee confirmed.
I’m doing my part!
“CNN’s Jake Tapper: “Doesn’t Kavanaugh have the same presumption of innocence as anyone else in America?” Sen. Mazie Hirono: “I put his denial in the context of everything that I know about him in terms of how he approaches his cases”
“Committee source says they’ve contacted five people alleged to be at party. 4 deny any knowledge of the party and allegations. 5th person – Dr. Ford – is the only one who has not provided them a statement. ”
There are some real doozies in the replies. Good God.
The left has become a full blown howling mob.
The latest talking point is that by not asking for the FBI to investigate, Kavanaugh is showing that he’s guilty. I mean, Ford wants the FBI to investigate. What innocent man doesn’t call for the FBI to exonerate him?
What is there for the FBI to investigate?
Assuming what she has claimed in 100% correct, then we have the following issue: A: It’s a State, not Federal Offense. B: It’s at most a misdemeanor. C: The statue of limitations ran out decades ago.
So even if she were not a lying cunt, the FBI has no grounds to even run an investigation.
Investigate what? Not one aspect of the story can be corroborated by anyone. None of the witness know anything about even the party much less that incident. The whole story was fabricated to be unfalsifiable.
I keep forgetting if the left has complete faith in the FBI on any given day.
“Doesn’t Kavanaugh have the same presumption of innocence as anyone else in America?
What Hirono is really saying: “Well, he’s a a conservative, white male… so no.”
She already made her position clear. “Shut up and do as you are told!”
She is the worst kind.
For some reason, this showed up in YT under “Heavy Metal Music – topic”. Regardless of the whiffed-on category, it’s a very cool fan work.
It’s a TRAP!
The timing may have been coincidental both times, but the suspicion that philanthropy distracts the public from questionable conduct or economic injustice is a familiar worry. Since the days of robber barons like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, social critics have charged that philanthropy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
This cynical view holds that magnificent acts of generosity are nothing more than cunning attempts to consolidate power. Like dictators who use “bread and circuses” to pacify the masses, the super-rich give away chunks of their fortunes to shield themselves from public scrutiny and defuse calls for eliminating tax breaks or raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans.
Good intentions are not enough
Today, political theorists who study philanthropy — like Emma Saunders-Hastings and Rob Reich — tend to think the problem is more complicated. They accept that many philanthropists are sincere in their desire to help others, and the solutions donors develop are sometimes remarkably innovative.
But they also contend that noble intentions and strategic thinking aren’t enough to make philanthropy legitimate. And my own research reaches a similar verdict.
That’s because massive donations can perpetuate inequality and threaten democracy in several ways.
Dramatic acts of charity by the ultra-wealthy may reduce pressure on governments to tackle poverty and inequality comprehensively. Depending on private benefactors for access to basic necessities can reinforce social hierarchies. And when the elite spend their own money on essential public services like housing the homeless and education for low-income children, it lets the rich mold social policy to their own preferences or even whims.
In other words, even if Bezos has great ideas, no one elected him or hired him to house the homeless and educate kids before they enter kindergarten. Great wealth is not a qualification for all jobs.
Nobody elected Jeff Bezos. You can’t argue with that sort of logic.
The politics of envy will always be with us.
Run a search for ‘disparity in charitable giving by democrats’ and you will get more studies than you can read showing that lefties are very stingy with their money plus a lot of pretzel logic to explain that away. All that article is doing is giving them cover and justifying the evil position that only government should be allowed to ‘help’.
I vaguely remember a study showing that of every tax dollar that goes into government welfare programs the recipients only receive 7 cents. The other 93 cents are soaked up by the bureaucracy. It is worth mentioning that the same is true of many charity organizations. The charity circuit is largely a scam. If you are going to give money, choose carefully.
Me: Shriners Hospital, St. Judes Hospital, Salvation Army. <—I have first hand experience with all of them. They are legit. I understand from one of us Glibs that the Ronald McDonald House program is solid but I have never given to them. I might put them on the list.
Us: St Jude’s, Kiva, IJ. Unfortunately, because of the politics of me working for a megacorp with “special arrangements,” we also give to United Way. I consider those dollars wasted.
Ugh, I worked a union job (supermarket) with the same “arrangement” long ago. Donating was “encouraged”.
Local battered women’s shelters and Habitat for Humanity. I may add a freedom think tank.
This must be one of the first times I’ve seen philanthropy called a bad thing in in of itself.
I have heard this tripe before. It isnt something they crow about much but the left has been saying that for years. I think that POS Tony at TOS used to argue this.
Oh hey Suthen, I was going to try making your pork over rice dish with the pineapple/vinegar sauce you were talking about a few days ago. Do you have exact amounts for it if I was trying to feed probably3-4 people with it? Thanks.
Sure. Let me go get it.
I cup chicken broth – I use 2 cubes of chicken bouillon in one cup of water
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon cider vinegar ( or white)
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons corn starch
juice from the can of pineapple
Mix those ingredients in a bowl cold
Sear about one to one and half pounds of pork chops or country ribs in oil and sprinkle generously with black pepper – 3 to 5 minutes per side. Remove the chops and set aside. Put the mixed sauce ingredients from your bowl in the pan and deglaze the pan. Put in One large bell pepper cut in strips. Put in the pineapple fruit. Simmer until the bell pepper is soft. The corn starch will have thickened it nicely by then. Put pork chops back in the pan with the sauce and simmer on medium low for half an hour or so to make sure the pork is tender.
Rice – 1 cup basmati rice, two cups water, two cubes chicken bouillon, 1-1/2 tablespoon of butter and a generous dash of sweet basil. I have, in the past, made coconut rice for this dish but not this last time.
Serve the chops and sauce over rice then sprinkle with fresh cut green onion. It is not difficult to prepare and does not take very long. It is delicious.
I should say, this last time I went a little heavy on the brown sugar and drizzled a little honey in it as well. I think that might be why it was so good. I also went a bit heavy on the soy sauce as there was only a tablespoon left in the bottle so I tossed it in as well.
*I have to fix this dish secretly when only my wife knows if we want to have any of it. At least once when I let it slip some relatives ‘just happened to be in the neighborhood’ and dropped in to check on us…”Hey, what’s that smell? Whatcha cookin’?”
Oh, I forgot: Just for fun I sometimes use pineapple rings, place one on each chop and then put a sweet cherry in the center of the pineapple ring. Kids love that.
Thanks a ton. Gonna cook this up next week once we get some more pork.
Look at any Leftist analysis of the Koch Brothers’ philanthropy.
Fair enough, I heard all about the outcry when they wanted to build a new building on UM’s campus.
They get pissed when the government can’t rake off the vig.
When the water problems in Michigan became a national story and private corporations sent truckloads of bottled water into the state, Lefties were arguing that it’s a bad thing because it makes people think that private corporations are better at getting things done than the government is. No explanation of why this perception is bad when it’s obviously true.
Dramatic acts of charity by the ultra-wealthy may reduce pressure on governments to tackle poverty and inequality comprehensively. Depending on private benefactors for access to basic necessities can reinforce social hierarchies. And when the elite spend their own money on essential public services like housing the homeless and education for low-income children, it lets the rich mold social policy to their own preferences or even whims.
But remember, govt handouts in no way impact private generosity, and public schools are not trying to mold social policy to their own preferences or even whims.
Members of the public have a vital interest in being able to oversee the provision of goods and services that support their most basic needs. This kind of accountability is possible only when these needs are served by democratic governments, not rich benefactors operating in their place.
Yeah, whatever, dude. take your meds.
I wonder why no one has thought of this before!
“can’t wait for credit card companies and banks to start banning people for rebellious opinions. “sorry maam you can’t sleep at our hotel tonight, your card declined and we don’t accept cash. did you accidentally question the government on your social media last night?””
Well, Alex Jones got banned from Paypal. So it’s already happening.
Credit card companies started denying the sale of cigarettes to residents of my state more than a decade ago.
s/b “online sale of cigarettes”
That’s probably because the state wants tax money. Banning people because of their opinions is way worse.
Two sides of the same evil coin.
Keep talking trash and I’m going to report you to Visa.
BUT IMMA GET DEPORTED THEN!!111oneoneoneoneleventy
This must be one of the first times I’ve seen philanthropy called a bad thing in in of itself.
This has popped up on my radar several times, recently. It’s obviously a new talking point.
It boils down to “Capitalism is bad, and charitable spending should only be directed by government bureaucrats, because otherwise, it won’t be fair.”
The presumption of fair, equitable and efficient government spending is adorable. If you find baldfaced lies adorable.
I am currently working on a submission that deals with the concept of ‘fair’. It’s slow going.
Followed-up by a piece on ‘love’. Estimated release date c.2055
Plus, how are government sector labor unions supposed to extract cash from bureaucrats’ paychecks and funnel it to the Democrat Party if they don’t keep expanding the government??