Buenos noches Glibs!  Tonight, I am the only one left sober.  Which I guess is okay because at least in Latin America there is something else to talk about besides allegations of grab ass at a party in the 80s.

Speaking of grab ass–Somebody at CNN pointed out there are technically two Popes, and I assume both would rather tell me I’m going to the hell of my own creation over my antipathy over climate change.

Los partidarios de ambos papas analizan su silencio en términos espirituales, formas de disciplina y fe en que la verdad se revelará, eventualmente. Otros dicen que Benedicto y Francisco son reacios a caer en una pelea de lodo con un exempleado. Algunos se preguntan si también pueden estar en juego estrategias más mundanas, como la autopreservación.


The supporters of both popes analyze their silence in spiritual terms, forms of discipline and faith in which the truth will be revealed, eventually. Others say that Benedict and Francisco are reluctant to fall into a mud fight with a former employee. Some wonder if more mundane strategies, such as self-preservation, may also be at play.

You think?

Food prices are going up in Argentina, by 33% compared to last year.  There is one reason in particular that come to mind, however it doesn’t appear to be mentioned in the article.  *cough* socialismo *cough*

At least they do compare to a few neighboring countries, a few of which might have a few differences that jump right out.

En su último informe, de junio de 2017 con datos de abril a mayo, Argentina era el país de América del Sur con mayor tasa de inflación alimentaria: un 1,2%. En el lado opuesto se situó Perú, que presentó un decrecimiento de precios de un 2,1%, de acuerdo con este reporte de la FAO. En Colombia el costo de la canasta básica alimentaria mostró un pequeño aumento de 0,1%.

Por su parte, los datos del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) de Colombia muestran que, entre agosto de 2017 y 2018, el aumento del Índice de Precios de Consumo (IPC) fue del 3,1%, una subida inferior a la experimentada en el mismo periodo del año anterior.


In its last report, from June 2017 with data from April to May, Argentina was the country in South America with the highest rate of food inflation: 1.2%. On the opposite side was Peru, which presented a price decrease of 2.1%, according to this FAO report. In Colombia, the cost of the basic food basket showed a small increase of 0.1%.

On the other hand, data from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia show that, between August 2017 and 2018, the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was 3.1%, an increase lower than the experienced in the same period of the previous year.

You know what?  I’ll give AMLO this one.

López Obrador se queda cinco horas atrapado en un vuelo comercial
Tras el incidente, el presidente electo reafirmó su postura de que nunca viajar en el lujoso avión presidencial, “me daría pena”, aseguró


López Obrador stays trapped for five hours on a commercial flight
After the incident, the president-elect reaffirmed his position that never travel in the luxurious presidential plane, “I would be sorry,” he said.

Finally!  Did your team win?  I didn’t bet on mine today and lets just say SAM.BRADFORD.HAPPENS.

Need a suitable tune for Sunday?  Escuchen.

Translation services provided by the Alpha Beta Corporation, who totally aren’t in the business of filtering the totality of human knowledge in a manner to suit their political biases.  No sir.