Hey, Glibs!

I’m on the road this week, but that doesn’t mean you can escape me. You know that webcam that mysteriously turns on when least you expect it? Guess who’s really watching you!

OK, not really, because SugarFree stories scare me enough.

So what’s on tap for next week? Of course, there are always links–by Sloopy, Brett L, and OMWC, a beer post from mexican sharpshooter, (hopefully) the return of Vegan School from Web Dom–assuming she whipped those websites into shape, a Wednesday night poll from yours truly, your star forecast from Not Adahn, and perhaps SugarFree will be tempted by the sociopathic tendencies of the current White House residents to grace us all with a story. And, drumroll please, the ever popular What Are We Reading post!

Also coming your way is another week of magnificent Glibertariat-contributed writing: Suthenboy’s much-anticipated post on how to sell one’s timber for fun and profit; a subscription service review from A Leap at the Wheel; a possibly-depressing-because-plausible piece from trshmnstr (in addition to what will be for me a depressing GlibFit check-in); BakedPenguin’s NFL Pick-’em; the first in a Kitbash series from UnCivilServant; and an update on Omaha Beach from Yusef Drives A Kia.
(Ugh, sorry Yusef. Posting from my phone is hard!)

You may now proceed to a Saturday Night Open Post in an orderly manner. No pushing, shoving, name-calling, or line-cutting. See you next week!