Hey, Glibs!
I’m on the road this week, but that doesn’t mean you can escape me. You know that webcam that mysteriously turns on when least you expect it? Guess who’s really watching you!
OK, not really, because SugarFree stories scare me enough.
So what’s on tap for next week? Of course, there are always links–by Sloopy, Brett L, and OMWC, a beer post from mexican sharpshooter, (hopefully) the return of Vegan School from Web Dom–assuming she whipped those websites into shape, a Wednesday night poll from yours truly, your star forecast from Not Adahn, and perhaps SugarFree will be tempted by the sociopathic tendencies of the current White House residents to grace us all with a story. And, drumroll please, the ever popular What Are We Reading post!
Also coming your way is another week of magnificent Glibertariat-contributed writing: Suthenboy’s much-anticipated post on how to sell one’s timber for fun and profit; a subscription service review from A Leap at the Wheel; a possibly-depressing-because-plausible piece from trshmnstr (in addition to what will be for me a depressing GlibFit check-in); BakedPenguin’s NFL Pick-’em; the first in a Kitbash series from UnCivilServant; and an update on Omaha Beach from Yusef Drives A Kia.
(Ugh, sorry Yusef. Posting from my phone is hard!)
You may now proceed to a Saturday Night Open Post in an orderly manner. No pushing, shoving, name-calling, or line-cutting. See you next week!
Now hit that sweet (cover-song) mother-fkin’ Theme Music !
Good choice Tres. What ever became of them?
They released an album 2yrs ago I think.
They still have an active web presence. Other than that, no clue.
I mean, you have to respect that PM5K worries about not being stale so much as they canceled their 3rd LP after the single was released because they thought it sounded too much like …Tonight The Stars Revolt and didn’t want to repeat themselves ala Godsmack.
I think its apparent that Rob Zombie is Spider One’s brother, just by the music. However, unlike Rob who tends to stick with 1 genre, Michael Cummings moves around and tries new avenues, much like Del .
Yeah, a Rob Zombie song is recognizable because it sounds like a Rob Zombie song, a Spider song is recognizable because it’s good and Spider is singing.
Now let’s see — Deltron Z
Art avenger, let’s start the adventure
Hit ya with nerve gas, absurd blasts
Crashin space craft, I’m bio-enhanced
Hiero advanced series, monstrous evolution
Headed, tooth and nail, scoop the trail
Super-sleuth, a new race
Mad creator, savage nature
World Wide Web, the ebb and flow
Light years from watchful eyes while my thoughts
I know I post alot of white boy guitar rock videos. But Del… that’s theshit right there. Thanks for posting.
In case you’re still paying attention, this live set is better:
Yeah. I’ve seen that alot.
Back in 2002, I was negotiating with Dan the Automator to be the officiant/dj at my wedding. We were set to go, but my wife balked. She regrets it. Back then, she thought if The Automator married us, it wouldn’t be a legal wedding. So we had a guy, a Christian minister from Las Vegas, marry us in the wedding chapel at the Flamingo. He was drunk.
Still married after 15 years.
New album was last year.
Big deal. Vivaldi wrote only one concerto, but he wrote it 400 times.
A cover I can agree with.
Darnit, now I have to finish the series…
Damn! I cleared my cache, so I had to log back in.
Despite what people like to say, excuses are NOT like assholes.
You cant cram your dick in an excuse.
Damn straight.
Well, it depends.
It’s almost like caches exist for a reason 🙂
To stock up on suplies while hiding from your enemies.
Shame we’re moving towards a cache-less marketplace….
No pushing, shoving, name-calling, or line-cutting.
Well, there goes my social life.
I only have an antisocial life.
We’ve had a Social Education https://youtu.be/fgMGH_XCePg
“Suthenboy’s much-anticipated post on how to sell one’s timber for fun and profit”
Looking forward to this! I also have another project almost near completion and hope to have another “Working Your Wood” article ready to submit in the next couple of weeks.
I can build cars and electronics from a pile of parts, but I can’t grok wood. I can hammer and screw basic things together. I can put up shelves and doorways. But show me a piece of furniture without any metal fasteners, and I’m like “Are you a wizard?”
Ha! One of my “if I had more time” projects is to build a table without any fasteners. It can be done…
Screw government shenanigans. I am truly sick of all of them. It was an absolute pleasure to watch Tiger play at the top of his game today. He and Rory in the final group tomorrow could be epic, or he could blow up. I don’t think he will but it’s an added dimension to watching him play Sunday golf.
Glibs are producing so much content to post the last Hat and Hair cartoon they had to bump my next chapter of A Path To Wellness, so I guess it’s a busy time round these here parts.
Drink in this time of plenty, as these things are cyclical, and there will be another span of drought again.
When forty winters shall besiege thy brow,
And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field,
Thy youth’s proud livery, so gazed on now,
Will be a tatter’d weed, of small worth held:
Then being ask’d where all thy beauty lies,
Where all the treasure of thy lusty days,
To say, within thine own deep-sunken eyes,
Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.
How much more praise deserved thy beauty’s use,
If thou couldst answer ‘This fair child of mine
Shall sum my count and make my old excuse,’
Proving his beauty by succession thine!
This were to be new made when thou art old,
And see thy blood warm when thou feel’st it cold.
That Geddy Lee sure can write moving lyrics.
Too bad he can’t sing ’em worth a damn.
I’m absorbed in watching hickock45 videos. I can’t stop watching.
Yeah, those are pretty good.
That 1886 is just gorgeous.
Not hard to do.
So it’s not an acceptance letter, it’s another stall tactic.
Yep. The whole goal is to get this pushed past the midterms.
There’s also an opinion piece that provides an overview for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention and includes some interesting details about the Soros-funded background behind all of this (and not just Kavanaugh) that were new to me.
Oh, Soros is reveling in the fact that his investments are finally creating the chaos he’s been hoping for. He’s been working towards this for many years.
Accept all of her stipulations, get her on the next Amtrak to DC, and hold the vote on Kavanaugh in the interim.
I think Trump should withdraw Kavinaugh’s appointment, name someone else (read better) and ask McConnel to say they will skip the committee hearing because it has turned into a ridiculous circus and go directly to a vote of the full Senate.
I know it’s been stated previously, but were the Republicans pulling this on a black leftist nominee, can you imagine the screams of outrage?
The full text of the letter, from MSNBC:
OFFS! They “knew” she couldn’t fly when this shit started.
And what do they have to negotiate? Grassley should just state they haven’t received anything but vague hearsay — which is true — and tell them to pound sand.
Yeah I would call the vote. Murkowski and Collins are going to do whatever they do regardless. I don’t think Abigail Williams pointing at the witch in kangaroo court will change their decisions. Media will eat it up though.
Of course she can fly. She interned in Hawaii. She didn’t take Amtrak to Honolulu.
It was a Musk prototype underground hyper-loop!
I love the dripping passive-agressiveness.
And the projection.
“Although many aspects of the proposal you provided via email, on September 21, 2018, at 2:33 pm, are fundamentally inconsistent with the Committee’s promise of a fair, impartial…”
That’s like, your opinion, man.
The charge that not making the defendant testify against a charge before he’s heard exactly what he’s being accused of being presented as ” inconsistent with the Committee’s promise of a fair, impartial investigation” shows this isn’t about anything other than extending the precedent of title 9 trials to the actual realm of law. Reality doesn’t matter to them, just perception. I wasn’t in this camp of thought until this. I was naive enough to think they were merely stupid and not evil, but they just had to prove me wrong I guess.
Oh I’ve always known that they were evil and stupid.
The leaders are evil. The sheep are stupid. So it has always been.
^This^ I get a tish uncomfortable when all liberals are labeled evil. Most are just uniformed, or stupid, or mentally unstable.
Yes, I wasn’t implying malice on the foot soldiers, just the leadership.
And my comment wasn’t intended to “call you out.” Many here do it, I may even have before. I think it’s something all of us should be cognizant of.
Or not. You fuckers do whatever you wanna do!
Fuck that. I will do more than imply malice toward the foot soldiers, I will state my malice. Fuck them and their horses. These are people who disregard our form of government, have no interest in any of the constitution unless it is “interpreted” in the way they believe and will pull any sort of horse shit to ruin someones life for political gain. Do you think the evil ones at the top could get away with what they do if there was not the evil fucks at the bottom rooting them on? Fuck them all.
This clown slow will never end. She’ll be doing the talk show circuit until 2021 if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
“In #MeToo, which began in the predations of Harvey Weinstein, Democrats and progressives finally have found a weapon against which there seems to be no defense. It can be used to exterminate political enemies. If one unprovable accusation doesn’t suffice, why not produce a second, or third? It’s a limitless standard.”
Yes, anyone can say anything.
Issue a subpoena to appear Monday, transportation provided. She can sit in the web seat of a C-130. Plenty of room in that thing. Fuck the spineless weasels of the Criminally Stupid Party. If she fails to appear, next round will be for those aiding and abetting her in this farce.
They can give her a parachute and fly with the back door open. Not very confined then. Or better yet, send her a helicopter.
I hear the choppers coming
They’re coming overhead
They’ve come to take the liar
and forget about due process
Suuuuupreeemmmmee Coooooourt
His buddy’s at a party
Holding down a girl
The witnesses said it never happened
But the polygraph says it did
Suuuuupreeemmmmee Coooooourt
I sent a letter to Feinstein
Something she could hold in pocket
A grenade to be thrown
Before K could be robed
Suuuuupreeemmmmee Coooooourt
Negotiating with Grassley
while really running out the clock
who’s writing the checks?
who’s going into hock?
Suuuuupreeemmmmee Coooooourt
I went to the hearing
I found circus proceeding
When I rolled the RINOs
I found that they had no spines
Suuuuupreeemmmmee Coooooourt
SPIES or sling load in a cargo net? Nothing but open air for her in either case. Good ventilation too. STARS would work as well, don’t mind that it was abandoned due to its tendency to cause spinal injuries.
You know that webcam that mysteriously turns on when least you expect it?
To whoever out there who turns on webcams, if you try me and it is already on, know I am in the kitchen naked drinking white wine and holding a raw chicken. Chicken stock doesn’t make itself and good stock making should be a live feed.
*adds chicken, celery, carrots, and onion to shopping list.
I have electrical tape over mine.
Over your what ?
to wit.
Wendy O Williams and electrical tape https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2002/238/6723819_1030469314.jpg
without the tape
Taylor Momsen
To drag over something from the other thread-
Yeah, Jim McMahon was/is a colossal douche. But I think it’s eclipsed by Brian Bosworth.
QB beats linebacker, imho.
that’s just….*dons sunglasses*……Stone Cold
A local mormon, who was at BYU at the same time as Jim McMahon and got kicked out for drinking has seen no end to the people making fun of him, I mean if Jim McMahon could make it through without getting kicked out…
FWIW….when I was a freshman at Pepperdine (1994-95), I went to a physical therapist in Malibu rehabbing my back and neck after a car wreck. One of his other patients was Brian Bosworth. He was actually a really nice guy. Chatted with him several times in the waiting room.
Should I call it a day after 5100 words? I have thrice nearly killed my narrator today (once in battle, once in a duel and once in an assassination attempt) he might need a rest.
Unreliable narrator?
Not really. the battle was becoming a slog, so it was agreed to decide the contest with a duel. Then someone tried to poison him.
The whole book is at 68,650 words, out of however long it will get when the story is over.
So 18,651 words longer than a novella?
Are they good words, well put together?
I have no idea.
“after 20 minutes, I give up on a poop”
-Larry the Cable Guy
I mean, I could easily write 5100 words:
My most recent scene:
You be the judge.
Ack, that should be a “small folding table”. I’ll fix that in the final version.
And “leather” and “I heard her say”. (Sorry.)
And the surgery was in the same tent as the drinking?
I’ve added the line “When I was finally freed from his ministrations I was summoned to the central pavilion.” for now. I’m sure I’ll think of something better later.
Right now I think I’m getting tired.
And “Vogel held it out to her lips”.
Look, I haven’t proofread it yet.
Yeah, I’ll wait for the Kindle version.
Fine by me. I mean this is well into the story by the time this rather mild scene plays out.
You won’t believe the poor writing in my hat and hair scripts, well maybe you you will, but most of what you hear is just bad improv, not bad writing…
“malaise of fatigue”
Arent those kinda the same concepts ?
No. Adjacent concepts, but not interchangable.
I understand the distinction, but as a writing device it could seem heavy-handed.
Thats neither negative nor positive, just my 2 cents.
I’m in love
I see you used the CRISPR kit HM sent you….
I’m not bragging, but if .50BMG size impresses them, I can show them a larger projectile.
Bringing a dildo on a date is not advisable…oh so I hear…
*sticks 20MM dummy round back in pocket*
it goes in the FRONT pocket!
I love my house and my land, but the severe lack of asian and black women around here is really starting to make me miss ‘the city’…
That was full of euphemisms, fail and hot Asian chicks that needed something naughty to be done to them. I’m surprised there were no NDs and I think the last girl that shot off the bench had an orgasm when she pulled the trigger.
That video made me feel like a pervert, which is a feeling I am usually ok with, but I was afraid those girls would knock their arms out of their shoulder sockets so it took away from my perverted enjoyment until the prone shooting and then I was back in mental form.
Yeah, I was waiting for a dislocation or somebody getting “scoped”. The last chick was fun though.
Fuckin’ Tachikomas.
I nearly pissed myself laughing when the first chick shot.
UThis is just lame satire, right? Can’t possibly be real, right?
Having been burnt a couple times by 4Chan, I like to think they’re trying their own trolling.
Endgame – another supposed “witness” Ford named says nothing happened, and this time it’s a woman who is a longtime friend of Ford who is married to Bob Beckel and, thus, is in no way a GOP stooge.
She ain’t testifying.
Wow. I’m amazed that CNN published that. Bluff called by Team Red and Team Blue is trying to salvage whatever talking points they can. To that point, CNN is publishing any comments they can from her friends and family about how traumatized she was by the incident. No facts, so let’s smear him with innuendo.
If it’s a different ‘friend’ than this one who made the accusations on FB but backed off when NPR interviewed her it’s looking like the hack job it seems to be.
Yep, different woman entirely.
I’m late as usual, but how about this cover?
If you like metal bands that stopped being metal 15 years ago, I can see how you might like it.
I mean Nonpoint did a cover that wasn’t metal for the Miami Vice movie, but it’s still at least ‘heavy’.
I’m not a Disturbed fan…at all…but that seems a little harsh. How “metal” can you make a song like that without completely
changingwrecking it?For the answer to that, let’s ask these guys.
Fred Durst. Shaggy2Dope w/o the make up.
Or the appeal.
My comment wasn’t so much about the song, as the band, as they went from Down With The Sickness to leme shirt wear pop rockers so fast most people didn’t even see it happen.
I don’t do metal, and I don’t know the band. That song popped up in my feed a while ago, and I enjoyed it.
Fuck all of this Kavanaugh bullshit. I actually registered to vote in Lake County (IL) today and going to vote for (sighs of sadness) Peter Roskam simply because the way the Democrats acted with regards to the confirmation hearings are criminal and disturbing. I know Roskam is in the House but shit man, I don’t want the Dems to win or gain a huge majority in the House.
Living in Wisconsin I seem to have the choice to Vote for ‘EVIL Republican’ Scott Walker who is on the news every night with a new give away to win votes or Tony Evers who promises to spend EVEN MORE.
The Scott Walker thing is interesting. Back after he was first elected, I was getting regular “blow by blow” reporting from a Minn Libertarian called “MovieLib” at the dvdtalk.com forums on the “detailed” progress of each recall and all the stupid protesting from the teachers unions, etc. Haven’t followed much since the 2016 primaries, but I’m interested to hear if anyone has a detailed article/rundown on his gradual (apparent) liberalization.
The House creature in my district is also a Republican – the only one in NYC. And given that it’s a whopping R+1, it probably won’t stay that way for long. If I decide to vote again, maybe I’ll throw a vote his way. I have no qualms voting for them in any other office since it’s always just a protest vote anyway.
Lake County (IL) is one of the few counties in Northern Illinois near Chicago that is somewhat Republican. They are usually squish establishment GOP but their Democratic opponents are usually nuts. In my Congressional district it’s a close ass race. I generally do a protest vote but out of pettiness I’m voting (sigh) Republican. The pettiness is somewhat due to the whole Kavenaugh bullshit but also because some acquaintances of mine told me that if I sit out this race or don’t vote for Sean Casten (D), I am willingly letting Trump ruin this country.
I grew up in Lake Forest and remember our squishy GOP Lake County congressmen who were that way even back in the 60s and 70s. One of them, the milquetoast Bob McClory, came to our high school history class one time. He had sat on the Nixon impeachment hearings and dutifully supported Nixon. So when I got the chance in 1976 to ask him a question during his visit, what did I ask? “What are your thoughts on the legalization of marijuana?”
I’m not sure how the Roskam district is drawn but my congressional district in Lake County shows part of how badly gerrymandered we are here. My congressman is Randy Hultgren, yet I live east of highway 94. That’s almost as bad as the letter “C” they’ve built in Chicago to unite Puerto Rican and Mexican voters behind a single Latino candidate (Luis Gutierrez in recent history.)
This one is fun – it runs through a tunnel.
I can’t remember who mentioned it before but I too have Corey Stewart vs. Tim kaine coming up. For the house I have a Democrat bobby Scott running unopposed. I don’t have anyone available I want to vote for mostly just people who I want to tell them to fuck off.
I have Dave Brat vs. the prog spook bitch. Don’t like Brat but I will vote for him.
Corey fuckin’ Stewart, the diehard Confederate from Minnesota. Can’t believe we’re stuck with that clown. Kaine’s going to win by 40.
That fucking blows. Nick Freitas was the shit and wished he would have won.
Yes. I’ve met Nick Freitas and he’s a good guy with decent positions.
My sister, who has worked in VA politics for a while, thinks it’s ultimately for the best for him. Thinks he never would have beaten Kaine but is going to be strong for gov in 2021.
Westernsloper, I am thinking about that more and more every day. Don’t want to do it because my family is all here, but VA gets more proggy by the minute.
People tell me the same thing about Illinois but it’s where all of my family lives.
I would not shit sell my house and move if I lived in a state with with people who voted Tim Kaine as a Senator.
I’m probably going to vote for the GOP candidate for the House, despite him being what appears to be a swamp-creature in the making. Smaller government rhetoric, but keep the drug war going, expand bennies for veterans, and build that wall! Typical GOP-derp.
Despite that, fuck the Democrats until they can manage to be slightly less insane than the GOP.
Yeah, my GOPe representative is running on a “I’m encaging people who alter their brain chemistry in a way I don’t like” ticket against Democrat on a “The government will have total control over your health care” ticket.
For you Glibbies with the spare coin and availability, I highly recommend the Knob Creek Cask Strentgh Rye. A really nice dram and a little dab’ll do ya.
Hey Gould….Ill drag this down from up top:
Time to touch on a controversial subject, courtesy of this:
‘You can’t count on a black quarterback‘
Daily Mail didn’t post the stats Redden used, but I assume considering the tone of his comment his statistics are probably cherry-picked at best.
However, it’s undeniable that black quarterbacks have not had a ton of success relative to other positions. Most of the best WRs, RBs, and DBs are black. Nine of the top 10 in QB sacks are black. But if you look at many different QB measures, black QBs are lacking.
Passing yards? Warren Moon is the only one, in at #10. Career TDs? All honkies. Passer rating? Russell Wilson is actually #2 all time, but this is after six seasons and two games. He’s got an entire decline phase ahead of him. So why? Black athletes excel at other aspects of the game.
The following reasons are not ranked, only listed as I think of them:
1) Racism. The view expressed by Mr. Redden was widely believed for decades. I don’t believe blacks were seen as viable QBs until the 1980s. I can only think of three black QBs who made their name before 1980: Joe Gilliam, Doug Williams, and Warren Moon. And Moon started his career in the CFL because NFL teams wanted to play Moon elsewhere.
2) Early onset skills. It’s hard to identify good QB talent in childhood, but it’s a lot easier to identify speed. Blacks are faster as a group than whites, and since you need speed at RB and WR, blacks on offense will be put in those positions. And since future pros generally dominate their peers up until college, they will be playing RB and WR from a young age. And if you have a young Barry Sanders or Randy Moss and you stick him at QB, the temptation to use him as an option-style QB will be too great to pass up.
3) Culture. Do young black kids even want to play QB? I have no idea, but if we see ourselves in people that look like us, do black kids get to the sandlots trying to play like Jerry Rice and Adrian Peterson, or Brett Favre and Peyton Manning? Similarly, do white kids grow up hoping to become QBs, OLs, and punters? How many athletes disqualify *themselves* from playing a position that is traditionally played by the “other” race?
4) Nobody can play QB. Not literally, but the percentage of men capable of playing QB on even a decent NFL starter level has got to be very close to zero. And since the black population remains a lot smaller than the white population, and since blacks tend to dominate at other positions, the number of black players who might have played QB is tiny to begin with. The vast majority of that number will fail, as will the vast majority of the white pool.
Any thoughts? Other factors I might have missed?
I dont buy #2 because a lot of the best college RBs and WRs were QBs in high school.
Example off the top of my head…Michael Bush.
He was a great HS QB and tried to play QB at Louisville before finally switching to RB.
The KY HS championship game between him and Brian Brohm has amazingly stupid stats.
The one turnover in the game was at the goal line to end the game.
Both of the Steelers’ starting WRs in the mid-2000s, Hines Ward and Antwaan Randle-El, were college QBs. And their starting TE, Heath Miller, was a high school QB who outgrew the position in college.
Randle-El played every postion at Indiana, it seemed.
But it was Indiana, so he was probably the best nose tackle on the team.
You know who was a badass HS QB? Allen Iverson. Seriously. There are a few YouTube clips you can look up.
He was a badass. Fearless running the lane.
Other than I couldn’t care less – I got nothin’, sorry 🙂
The NCAA is just a farm-team for the NFL, subsidized with licensing agreements and ticket sales. These kids are playing to get played.
That is all.
I do think it is due to athleticism. Michael Vick had the skillset to outperform anyone before him, but all his coaches before Andy Reed saw him as a ‘running quarterback’ and let him rely on gimmick instead of skill. At the lower levels under the NFL being a better athlete can win you the game, but in the NFL where all of the best talent is pooled someone like Reggie Bush who was more athletic than most of his competitors was able to excel, where as when he came to NFL he wasn’t tat much faster than everyone else on the field. ‘Running’ quarterbacks rely on their knees, just like running backs. If that is the fall back when that one advantage gets taken away they have nothing. But if you have a quaterback who can run but also knows how to throw from the pocket, then you can have a performance like Aaron Rogers has done every time he hurts his leg, which feels way too often but thankfully less often than when he breaks a collar bone.
Oh, and fuck Russell Wilson. He played for my high school’s archrival.
I always liked Russel Wilson. Dude can move when he wants to.
Easy, if we are going down the road of racial stereotypes. Black NFL players, on the average, are better athletes than their pale compadres. There may be some top notch QB’s in the WR, RB, and DB part of the game that are black, but they are better at what they do than at being QB so that is where they get slotted. Most white bread isn’t as good at those positions as the bruthas and therefore some white bread become great QB’s because they can’t catch a pass. It is not “blacks” aren’t good at QB, it is mostly “whitey’s” aint good at WR.
*I tried to work a QB is near joke in there but I have had too many beers tie that together.
I have been working on part 2 of my beer history series. It is getting split into 2 parts, the first of which will get submitted this week. Part 2B (which will get renamed to 3) will be coming shortly after.
I missed the cover song fest earlier. Here is my contribution.
Type O negative Cinnamon Girl and Summer Breeze.
Have you ever seen the re-release of of Nosferatu scored by Type O Negative?
I’ll have to watch that when I get the chance. The little I sampled is pretty cool.
If you ever get a chance to see the Club Foot Orchestra do a live soundtrack to a classic silent film, do it. Example https://youtu.be/b_cBzuFyx-c
Remarkably rock, with great orchestration, and just a cool rock n roll vibe. In a movie theater. Watching some weird ass old silent film. Take drugs.
I was able to see Metropolis in an old Philly arts theater. It was such a good film for the time.
The look of that film is so cool. I’m not a silent film nerd by any means , but that one is awesome
I’ve only seen the Giorgio Moroder-ized version. Still awesome.
Georgio Moroder version sounds good.
Well, it’s mostly Moroder-written and arranged songs by 80s rock/pop artists – Freddie Mercury, Bonnie Tyler, Adam Ant, and the like. But not actually performed by him. Still, good stuff.
My wife got my MIL to start listening to them when she was in high school based on the summer breeze cover.
You gotta use the banned version
Gah, un-Gilmored? Brett’d? That was supposed to be a response to Timeloose.
If we’re doing metal covers, here’s my pick
The Melvins are never a wrong choice.
This is true.
Nope. I’ve been a fan for a long time, and since recently discovering that King Buzzo is a libertarian, I like them even more.
Here’s the Melvins playing the Butthole Surfer’s Graveyard in front of a bunch of Chicago kids eating free ice cream.
Very cool, never seen that before.
I don’t remember free ice cream.
Nevermind. I thought it was going to be from 1990-1991.
Ever go on YouTube and find yourself in a video of some punk rock show from the late 80’s-early 90’s?
My entry in metal covers
I wonder where I put this CD
That actually works lyrically as a bluegrass song.
The second cover of this today but bluegrass and not white trash washing machine
The more I think about it, this Kavanaugh business was never actually about Kavanaugh. Not really, anyway. Oh, sure, if this actually sank him that would tickle the Dems, but they knew all along that this story was weak. That’s why Feinstein sat on the letter – not because the Dems are such diabolically brilliant strategists, but because they knew all along how bullshit it was. No, this is about DiFi getting panicky about losing her seat to a challenger from the left. Prog groups had been raking her over the coals because they said she wasn’t doing enough to stop Kavanaugh, so she releases this stink bomb that she had previously ignored because it was obvious bullshit, and now she becomes a prog hero.
Yeah, I don’t know what recourse there is in the senate but they ought to shit can DiFI as hard as they can.
Despite lots of talk, nobody actually seems to have a genuine interest in bringing back norms or decorum. I doubt that what remains of the filibuster will even be around in ten years time, and to the extent censure and/or impeachment get used, it will be for the wrong reasons.
If the Republicans would’ve just accepted an anonymous accusation against a man as perv, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.
When it became known that her driver was a Chinese spy for decades and she then made him retire she should have been expelled from the Senate. The assholes do not live up to their duty and expel incompetent and or untrustworthy members. They cover for each other because it is the most exclusive club in the country. Fuck that. Throw the moronic evil bitch out.
I expect her to testify. The entire world will hear her describe how the assailant allegedly placed one hand over her mouth as he groped her body with the other. Grassley’s time to question the witness comes and he will take a long pause before this: “I see, Mrs. Ford. And how did he accomplish all that when his left arm is useless from a cotton gin accident as a child?” The Dems, out of shame, vote to confirm Kavanaugh and Harper Lee writes a new book which becomes an international best seller.
The Dems, out of shame, vote to confirm Kavanaugh and Harper Lee writes a new book which becomes an international best seller.
The latter is more likely than the former, and that’s accounting for the fact that Lee is six feet under.
You’re right CW. There has been reporting that her staff told her this would be impossible to prove since the supposed event was over 30 years ago. That’s why nothing happened initially. But as Feinstein gets savaged by the left she had to do something. This is something.
Thanks MS for the prompt that led to a day of covers. I have spent way too many hours on Youtube because of this. I now must eat Calzone.
Let’s see what happens if you say the thing that no one is allowed to say. Maybe the universe will fold in on itself. I’m willing to take that chance just to test my hypothesis. I’m not gonna say that maybe Dr. Ford has mixed up memories or that she is embellishing an event that really wasn’t that bad. Nope. I’m not gonna say even if Kavanaugh had done what she claims…. Nah. I’m just gonna say what is the logical assumption that can be made after seeing how this played out over the last few days. Here it goes: She is fucking lying. She made the entire story up. My reason for believing that is that if it were a flat out lie, it would’ve played out the exact same way.
Just because you’re cynical, that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. TM
To everyone without political careers on the line, you are spot on I believe.