Can we get a countdown timer to when the GOP cave on this demand bullshit. I’m going to call it here…in 1hr 50mins the accuser will say she will testify
Her conditions are that Kavanaugh has to testify first, and then can’t be in the room when she testifies. It can’t happen until next Thursday at the earliest. Senators can ask questions of her, not counsel, and she wants that Judge guy subpoenaed so he’s forced to show up and say he doesn’t remember jack happening.
The GOP should tell her the hearing is Monday and she can show up then or shut up for another thirty years.
that Judge guy subpoenaed so he’s forced to show up and say he doesn’t remember jack
The point of having him testify is to get on record the blackout drinking that he has written about and to tie that to Kav and then put the seed of doubt that yes this happened but Kav was so drunk he doesn’t remember. I’d do it if I was on her team. It’s a solid strategy.
Here’s what they told her.
Wednesday hearing
He goes first
No other witnesses
They will use outside counsel to question her. They’re looking for a woman to do it.
They will provide security
Kavanaugh will be out of the room while she testifies.
Vote should still be monday. Her ‘demands’ are a farce.
I should turn in my keyboard and go back to lurking. I left that out. She has till 10 pm to accept. If she doesn’t the vote on Monday goes ahead.
I guess we should find out soon.
Aaaand she needs another day (or her lawyers do) to make up her mind. No word of a response by Grassley.
I think they refused her demand that he goes first?
No fair, Kavanaugh wanted to come first last time.
Oops. You’re correct. She goes first. Is there a friendly edit fairy around?
Steve Smith can edit and by edit mean…
“Grassley said he’d consented to several other Ford demands, including that she be provided security and that Kavanaugh not be in the hearing room when she testifies.”
How can re respond to testimony he hasn’t heard?
There are cameras all over that room. It’s unlikely he won’t hear what he says.
They are also demanding that the number of cameras be limited.
Probably to ensure that their side remarks and coaching are not captured, and to ensure that we don’t see Democrats being coached up or not paying attention while she’s testifying or while team R is on the clock.
Because a big part of their strategy is to get video footage that can be used in a “war on women” campaign this fall.
Otherwise she would have demanded a closed hearing.
Like I said, a farce.
“We’ll let you testify Wednesday, but the vote is Monday” is my stance at this point.
I think she goes first, as is right and just and proper.
He’s not kidding.
She actually made those demands, including that the accused answer the accusations before they are made.
That’s actually perfect. She works in academia, where that is the standard. Male students have to answer accusations without actually knowing what the accusations are, so to her this must sound perfectly reasonable.
And they don’t have the right to face their accuser, or even question her. So of course she wants that same “protection”.
That a grown woman with a successful professional career would be afraid to meet a grown man with a distinguished law career in a public building in front of dozens of people after not having laid eyes on him for 35 years is pretty telling. She doesn’t want to face the accused, and I’ll be damned if it is because she is so terribly afraid of him after that brief encounter that she doesn’t even allege was violent or violated her “virtue” in any way. But it probably isn’t that easy to stare at someone while you make claims that you might privately not be so sure about, particularly in light of the harm you are causing him.
I actually don’t think she’s afraid of facing him or cares about the order. All of these demands sound as if they are scripted dream list from the Dem leadership. Appearing to be afraid makes her a more sympathetic figure to Flake and Collins.
That’s the thing that gets me. These demands are blatantly, over the top, hyperbolic partisanship without even trying the slightest to disguise it. The Dem leadership don’t give even the slightest shit about how obvious it is.
That’s not the worst thing about this though. The worst is that many in the GOPe are going along with it.
Yeah. I blame every single person who is treating this like it is serious.
All those talking heads on TV who opine about what a rapist the guy is. And all the talking heads who are opining about his virtue, while treating the allegations as if this is a very weighty matter and if he really did such a thing he should be thrown out of society and maybe publicly flogged and castrated – but it wasn’t him so we should confirm him immediately.
And I blame the Anderson Coopers who interview her attorney but never ask the salient questions, like who is paying her fee? Or how long had she known Kavanaugh? Or did she think he was cute before he pushed things too far? Or did she ever see him again? Or have any leftist organizations been supporting her or offering advice or been involved in any way? Or any one of a thousand questions I would have if someone came forward with a claim like this.
But mostly I blame Jeff Flake for saying that if you believe her you have to vote against his nomination. What an ass-clown. He is being played like a fiddle, and he is screwing with everyone’s right to live in a just society as a result.
Or did she think he was cute before he pushed things too far?
And that’s where you lost me.
If you were doing an interview with the person who said “this happened when I was 15”, would you avoid asking what kind of relationship she had with the other person?
It isn’t much of an interview if you don’t establish their relationship.
Are they total strangers? Did his behavior come entirely out of left field, or had you been talking earlier? Did you almost have a “thing” for each other?
All of that matters if you really want to construct a picture of what happened.
Two teens wrestling around on a bed and a girl leaves upset that the boy pushed things too far and got too grabby is not exactly earthshattering news. If they had been flirting all day and this was a bad attempt at kicking off a romance that ended up backfiring and going wrong, that’s one thing. If she didn’t know him at all and never even made eye contact and suddenly he is pushing her into a bedroom and jumping on top of her that is an entirely different scenario.
Also, “did you know each other from before” is an important setup question. There is a question as to mistaken identity.
If I get in a fight with my good friend Steve, I am going to remember that as the time I got in a fight with my good friend Steve, and there is not going to be any question as to identification.
But if Kavanaugh was just “that guy over there from the other school” at the party, exactly the same as the other 3 boys she doesn’t know, then mistaken identity is suddenly very much on the table. If this was their one and only encounter, “that wasn’t even Brett Kavanaugh at the party” is back on the table.
I had a memorable incident about 30 years ago where 5 young ladies showed up at my dorm room drunk off their butts as my roommates and I watched Monday Night Football. One ended up sneaking into my bed while everyone else was in the other room. When I went to climb in bed that night, there she was, naked as the day she was born. I covered her up and went down to the lobby to crash on the couch.
It is a story I’ve told many times. My friends also have told the story – there were lots of memorable and funny moments about that night. I could name probably 3 of the 5 or so guys there. I can’t name any of the women off the top of my head, and I knew them for at least a couple of months (casually, as acquaintances, not as close friends). But I could probably dig out most of the names given a yearbook and some time. I barely knew the one who jumped in my bed naked at all, and I certainly couldn’t producer her name today, even though she probably was guilty of several crimes, including a sex crime directed at me.
Yet Ford can quickly produce the names of two guys she didn’t ostensibly know well, if at all. This despite telling us that she didn’t retell the tale for 20 years. But she can’t produce the names of those close to her – like the person who brought her, or the person who took her home.
These are questions that a competent interviewer would attempt to open up. Because it beggars belief that you remember the names of the people you knew the least, but don’t remember the people you knew the most.
That’s why “what did you think of him before this happened?” is an important question that an interviewer who hoped to get at the truth of the matter would ask. But Anderson Cooper never touched any of that. He just asked over and over if she was going to testify. Which is a decent question…. but hardly the only one worth asking.
Your question wasn’t just about ‘estblishing their relatonship’ it was setting up a “she was asking for it’ defense. Which is where you lost me, I find “she was flirting with me, and I’m a horny teenager so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ” not a valid defense.
I wish I had your power of deducing what people really mean (according to you)
Notice in his long defense of the “was he cute” question he never repeated the ‘was he cute” question. suddenly it was the more sterile ‘What was your relationship’ and ‘did you know each other before’ and ‘what did you think of him’ If “did you think he was cute’ was such an innocent no connotation question why does his defense of it go out of it’s way to avoid using that phrasing again? Also nice get on me ‘mind reading’ after I bitched about that yesterday, keep me honest, it may seem like it but I’m not infallible.
I’ll give you that it was worded poorly. But even though he didn’t repeat it in his defense, I think it was covered. And he probably regretted the wording he used, although, I will say that I am not a mind reader. 😉
She has a few more demands that just came out:
1. All Republicans must wear their underwear on their heads
2. Kavanaugh must be strapped down like Hannibal Lecter.
3. The polygraph machine will be given a polygraph to prove it doesn’t lie.
And they must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with….a herring!
A boneless herring.
As long as it’s read.
+1 Ni!
+1 Holy Fail.
“Free advice to Republicans: Don’t ask any questions. Whether it is sens or harsh outside counsel the result will be the same. They say it doesn’t matter what she says so why conduct a third-degree espec when they have no idea how she will answer?”
Lawyer lingo that I don’t get aside… she may be right in the sense of “It’s a trap!”
I’m surprised at how much more worked up I am about this than most people. I have no love for Trump, no real interest in Kavanaugh.. basically no dog in this fight, really.
But I came to Libertarianism from a “that’s not right” point of view. Mostly it was stories on magazine shows like 60 minutes and 20/20 about petty abuses of ordinary folk by the government. I remember one particular story about a Maryland man, a US naval officer if I recall, who had his daughters taken away. Someone made an anonymous complaint, so the child welfare folks showed up one day. He looks out the kitchen window and sees someone in his back yard grabbing his daughter who is holding on to the chain link fence for dear life.
He runs outside and confronts them … there was a deputy Sheriff around front who came when he heard the commotion. It has been .. surprisingly probably about exactly 35 years ago… so I don’t remember all the details perfectly, but I remember that he argued with the Sheriff and they ended up arresting him. They just showed up out of the blue and started snatching his kids right from the fenced in back yard. And then had the nerve to arrest him over resisting them.
Anyway, this created a grudge, so even though the kids insisted that he never abused them and they were fine, the couple didn’t get their kids back. Month after month… months dragged to years. Finally the couple got a divorce so the kids could live with mom. (they only legally divorced, still considering themselves man and wife)
Holy crap, did that story piss me off. I was just a teen, but injustice really got me riled up.
And this story pushes those same buttons. We have a bunch of lawmakers just casually screwing this guy over without a single second thought. Just to score a few political points. The ease with which they attempt to trample his reputation is both galling and terrifying. It is sociopathic in nature, completely lacking in empathy for another human being. So I’ve had my hackles raised from the jump on this one. And once again I end up jumping to Trump’s defense even though I don’t support him, simply because his enemies are so over-the-top terrible that I feel compelled to take the other side.
This was bound to happen given the way the #metoo drama played out. Even before that, the trend was going towards “I believe her”. The inherent stupidity of that should’ve been confronted years ago, but no one (in a power position) wanted to look like a shitlord. Now we know exactly what jettisoning rationality in favor of feelings leads to.
It is literally a battle of the sexes as some of the more honest lefties will admit. The specific issues here are incidental.
This has been a “justice” hot button issue since I was in college back in the early 80’s. Women complain bitterly about being labeled “sluts” if they sleep around, while men are heroes for having a list of conquests.
But women’s “unfair” complaint doesn’t carry criminal charges with it. Before “new wave” feminism, a guy grabbing some woman’s butt could expect a slap in the face. Now he can expect charges for sexual assault and a lifetime on the sex offender registry.
With sexual harassment in the workplace being such an issue, a man who tells a woman that her new hairdo looks nice is risking his job. Back in the early 90’s we got EEOC training on sexual harassment from an actual federal government rep. She gave us the government mandated examples of behavior that warranted termination… included was this example:
“Hey Suzie, we are having a party this weekend, do you want to come? ”
“No thanks.”
“Are you sure… everyone is going to be there. It should be a great time!”
“No, I’m busy”
“Ok, see you later”.
That is a firing offense…..
Because she said no once. At the point she says no, asking again is harassment, even in that context. And you could be fired for creating a hostile work environment. (her words.)
Yeah, battle of the sexes is about right.
“Hey, Suzie, do you want to come to my party?”
“Hey, Suzie, do you not want to come to my party?”
I was thinking about this today, when did Disclosure come out, that was, in essence, a #metoo themed movie like 30 years ago. It flipped the roles, but that shows just how long this a has been going on, the issue and the reaction were a thing in 198-whatever. This ain’t new.
Book 1994, movie 1995, I think.
Okay – twenty, twenty-five years, whats a decade or two amongst friends?
It’s a false sexual assault accusation to prevent the SCOTUS from reversing a decision based on a false sexual assault claim. Not that I think the court would overturn Roe v. Wade, but enough people either believe or pretend to believe it would.
Just take a look at the big picture. You have 50 senators on side, and 50 senators on the other side, perfectly split along party lines. That’s not logically possible if this process is about the the appointee being qualified or not.
Which only happens because Supreme Court Justices don’t believe it is their job to interpret the law.
They believe they are there to decide right and wrong. In other words, to set policy.
Then they back into a legal argument to support their position.
That was the root of all this evil.
And they all do it. If you listen to oral arguments, you’ll hear all sorts of questions about “what happens if we rule this way?” Meaning, what are the consequences of this policy. If they were really simply interpreting the words, this would rarely happen. Wickard and Raiche definitely would not have happened. None of the campaign finance laws pre- Citizens United would have happened. None of the federal weapons restrictions would have happened…(how could you possibly square a federal ban on automatic weapons with the second amendment?).
No. They are setting policy. And that’s how they want it. And that’s definitely how team D wants it, because they think they can stack the courts. That’s why this turn of events is so scary to them.
It almost makes me root against RBG making it another couple of years, just so I can witness the spectacle of 20% of the country spontaneously bursting into flames as Trump gets a third appointment.
“CNN asked women if they believe Judge Kavanaugh. This was not the response they were expecting. Wow.”
“Why would she lie?”. I keep hearing this as if it’s some defense for Ford. Being intentionally stupid is no way to go through life.
People lie for a lot of reasons.
Gaining Proggy cred is monetizable.
They asked five Republican women and they let them speak their minds, they had to have known what these women thought ahead of time, the host didn’t have a conniption fit or start screaming at them, The idea that CNN own goal-ed themselves is nuts. If CNN didn’t have on five Republicans the Trumpsters would be screeching about how they only show one side, what exactly should CNN had done?
“CNN asked women if they believe Judge Kavanaugh. This was not the response they were expecting. Wow.”
Wow, those women are making sense. CNN bimbo got bitch slapped. I actually agree with 100% of what those women said. LOL, for a moment there I saw sanity come back to society. But no worries, CNN will find the right WOKE group next time, they didn’t do their homework.
“It includes photos, addresses and fingerprints, in addition to names, and DNA samples, but it is only accessible to law enforcement agencies, not the public, and will be used for “investigating and monitoring” without compromising “any individual’s privacy,” the Home Ministry said in a statement.”
I guess I don’t speak Indian English.
Am I the only one who thinks Ronald McDonald is totally McCreepy?
Not John Wayne Gacy scary, more repulsive like the thought of Lena Dunham body sushi makes me never want to eat again.
And what’s the deal with the Hamburglar? They didn’t have Swiss people back in the 70’s?
Yes they did!
But back then they all were clockmakers or were cobblers with wooden boy toys.
Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love – they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
*Turns off snark for a second* Just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your push back on stuff. *Snark back on*
No, you don’t.
You clearly don’t think very highly of yourself.
Same here.
The appreciation part, not the thinking highly one.
Well, if you are ever go to El Camino Memorial Park you need to narrow gaze Ray Kroc’s grave. Unless you are being buried there, because that would be a good excuse.
All gingers are.
And was never interested in any of that crap when he was little? Nope.
“We have already filed an appeal for his release to a higher court and we will go to the Yargitay (appeals court) afterwards,” Ali Bilgin, a lawyer representing Golge in Turkey, told Reuters.
Good luck working your way through that byzantine system.
Perhaps there was a time it was a Byzantine system, but now it’s nobody’s business but the Turks’.
One Canstopinhopel.
*narrows gaze*
You feeling OK STEVE? I’m a little worried about you.
Just read the alt-text on the picture…
Oh Good, I’ll sleep much better now. And by better, I mean with one eye open.
That doesn’t look like a pile of books to me.
Baby trshmnstr has started developing abstract fears over the past week or so. A thunderstorm passed through one night about a week ago, and ever since then she is afraid of the dark and of shadowy figures.
It’s amazing how fast those come on. One night she’s fine, the next night we practically have to sleep in her room because she can’t handle being alone in the dark.
Get her one of those Ronald McDonald dolls and put it in her crib to keep her company at night. That should help.
She needs to harden the fuck up.
When my kid was two or three, she’d freak out during thunderstorms. It was the sudden sound. By age 4 or 5, she was fine.
My dog will cower with her and Baby trshmnstr will be calmer because she’s soothing the dog.
My 3 year old is terrified of grass right now. She refuses to walk on it. Hopefully this phase passes soon.
You traumatized her by always screaming, “Get off my lawn!” from your front porch.
But those damn kids have no respect for their elders these days! Maybe I went too far firing a warning shot?
Baby trshmnstr is like fucking Rambo compared to your kid.
Tell her I told her to harden the fuck up.
Hope STEVE SMITH knows those leaves in the Treasury will brown and crumble without being preserved.
Celebraring with this tonight http://www.sideprojectbrewing.com/framboise-du-fermier/
Got a call at the end of the day, just landed a new job! Paired with the fact that my second daughter is set to be born within the next week(hopefully). It’s time to party!
WOOHOO! Congratulations on both counts!!
Congrats on both!
Congrats on both!
But mostly the daughter.
Your party may be postponed for a year or two but I am happy that you are happy!
Sadly, no.
I… wow.
Yes, we overlook all those smashing success stories like Cuba, Cambodia, and Albania.
no love for Venezuela?, they are almost finished, just a little more…….
It’s like, “for most people”, Václav Havel and the like never happened.
Let’s please expand on that:
“In the first two chapters of her 2012 book The Communist Horizon, Dean surveys the contemporary political landscape and notes the persistence of anti-communist rhetoric more than twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.[5] She says that capitalists, conservatives, liberals, democrats, social democrats, and “radical democrats” all embrace the idea that 20th century experiments with communism were an unqualified failure, and in doing so, limit the ability to discuss political alternatives to liberal democracy and free markets (a fusion of democracy and capitalism that Dean calls “neoliberalism”).[6] Dean asserts that when people think of capitalism, they do not think only of its worst excesses (war, imperialism, slavery, robber barons, the Great Depression, the global financial crisis, etc.). The history of capitalism is allowed to be dynamic and nuanced. By contrast, Dean writes, if one utters the word “communism,” there is no dynamism or nuance. A single story emerges, which links the word “communism” with a fixed and simplistic historical narrative.[7]
Dean argues that “communism”, for most people, equals the Soviet Union. Communist experiments in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, or Latin American are never mentioned. Second, Dean asserts that the entire seventy-year history of the USSR is collapsed into the twenty-six years of Joseph Stalin’s rule. Third, Stalin’s violence – the purges, the great famines, the Gulags – are the only events allowed to represent the ideal of “communism,” ignoring the modernization of the economy, the successes of Soviet science (including the Soviet space program) or the general increase in the standard of living for the once predominantly peasant society. Fourth, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the triumph of liberal democracy and free markets, follows directly from the totalitarian nature of Stalinism and its political and economic rigidity. Thus, the singular experience of Stalinism in the Soviet Union becomes the basis upon which all discussions of alternatives to neoliberalism are silenced. Stalinism serves as the “proof” that communism can never work in practice, because any challenge to the political status quo will inevitably end with purges and the Gulag”
Could you imagine the type of pretzel she becomes twisting herself like this?
Dean asserts that when people think of capitalism, they do not think only of its worst excesses (war, imperialism, slavery, robber barons, the Great Depression, the global financial crisis, etc.)
War: I’m pretty sure war is not strictly a capitalist phenomenon.
Imperialism: That was largely a government initiative, often times under the guise of helping the poor savages. Also, private entities that established trade with indigenous peoples had a far better human rights record than government forces.
Slavery: Once again, this cannot be laid at the feet of capitalism. Slavery was just the norm for 99% of humans for most of history. And it was actually capitalist England and Northern USA that first abolished slavery on a large scale.
Robber Barons: Largely a school textbook myth. The Industrial Revolution was a period of great advancement in living standards for all classes of people.
The Great Depression & Global FInancial Crisis: These are more crises of government management of the economy than of capitalism. At the time of both, the government had a huge hand in running the finance sector of the economy.
Exhibit eleventy billion on why trust in and prestige of going to college continues to decline.
Quick question for Animal or anyone else – since Japan is like Europe for limited firearms, etc – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm0JehVQ6ls&t=3s – linked to my “I am a Hero” review – from the clips shown, is that more likely to be a 16/20 GA shotgun or an over/under 12 GA? Presumably mostly for skeet/trap in Japan.
Well, it’s an over/under shotgun. It’s hard to tell what gauge; I’d guess 12 because my extremely limited experience with the firearms scene in Japan consists of a translated conversation through a door with two gun shop owners (you can’t even enter a gun shop in Japan without a permit from the gubmint). I could see the ammo rack through the open door, and all I saw were Winchester 12 gauge shells, the one price I saw was what amounted to about fifty bucks a box for AA trap loads. I pay about ninety bucks a case in the States for AAs.
It’s hard to tell from the video but it’s not unreasonable that the gun could be a Browning Citori; those are made by Mikoru in Japan.
Cool. Always figured 12 in general, but with some of the discussion more recently about different bores, thought I’d ask. Wasn’t sure how much things varied from country to country.
And I do talk a lot slower on my newer reviews – revisiting that one was almost painful. Good lessons learned though.
Also, highly recommend checking out that movie if it ever becomes available stateside.
Looks like it is finally available for viewing on amazon at least: https://www.amazon.com/Am-Hero-Original-Japanese-Version/dp/B07FB4NW2V/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1537581857&sr=8-2&keywords=i+am+a+hero
I would say 12 ga. The most popular chambering in Japan.
God damn, I’m glad this week is over.
Hi Steve!
Moon flew separately to the region before joining Kim and taking a cable car together to Heaven Lake, a caldera at the top of the mountain, and walked around the area along with other officials from both sides, Moon’s office said
That’s a rather generous use of “climb” in the headline.
I love the bit about the volcano being the magical birthplace of the Nork dynasty. Moon should have hawked a giant loogie into it.
Never talk to the cops
That video is one of the evergreens. I never tire of it.
The Better Call Saul character Howard Hamlin reminds me somewhat of that lawyer.
I get the hit detection in “Fallout Shelter” being shit on a phone, but why couldn’t they have fixed it for the PC release?
Here’s a Japanese word that explains how this Kavanaugh fiasco is playing out. 逆切れ. Gyakugire. I’m surprised that there isn’t a single word that it translate into English as.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said Thursday: “I believe her because she is telling the truth and you know it by her story.”
“Judge Kavanaugh has not asked to have the FBI review the claims,” Gillibrand added. “Is that the reaction of an innocent person? It is not.”
When Sen. Duckworth (D-Ill.) was asked about Kavanaugh denying the accusation, the senator responded, “Well, I have heard, you know, many, many predators say and refute allegations against them.”
That’s a good example of 逆切れ. You get angry at someone who is rightfully angry with you to turn the tables. I heard it being used by my Japanese friends when they described Serena’s meltdown.
What are innocent people supposed to do?
Christ what an evil hitch.
If they were innocent, why would they have been accused? They have been accused, so clearly they are not innocent.
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said: “I believe Dr. Ford as I refer to her because she makes a very credible case. It is really difficult for someone to come forward in this way. Why should she destroy her life? Already there are efforts to cast aspersions on her credibility, to look into her family, all of that. This is really very much like what happened with Anita Hill where she was vilified, she was called names. This cannot happen to Dr. Ford.”
Credible means “believable.” However, because something is credible does not make it the truth. Ford’s allegations would be “incredible” if she said the incident happened on the alien’s mothership and that Elvis, Steve Smith, JFK, and Kavanaugh attacked her. Or if she named some date where it could be demonstrated Kavanaugh was vacationing in Spain that week. She’s alleges enough “facts” that make her story credible but not enough to prove them true.
Surely, “打っ掛け” would be more accurate.
You’ll hear some older people that still use it the original way. “I had some bukkake soba last night. It was delicious.”
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.); “I hope that she does [testify], because I’m afraid that what the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee really want is they want her to go away. They don’t want the country to hear from her, and they certainly don’t want the country to hear from her live and on television. She’s absolutely right, the FBI should do a thorough vetting of these allegations. The Senate shouldn’t simply rely on hearing two conflicting accounts and decide, ‘Well, we’re OK with not knowing. We’re OK with the fact we might be putting a — someone who committed attempted rape on the Supreme Court of the United States.’ They should get to the bottom of this. And it wouldn’t take that long to do. This is the same crowd that waited a year to fill the last vacancy during the Obama administration on the Supreme Court, so why this rush? And I think they realize they have a very imperfect candidate, in fact they may have a candidate who has committed attempted rape.”
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.): “Well I can tell you it really does have a ring of truth to it. The fact that she can refer to therapist notes so that she did bring it up before. I am skeptical of polygraphs, but those who believe them, she has passed a polygraph test.”
Sen. Blumenthal (D-Conn.): “Let me just say right at the outset I believe. Dr Ford, I believe the survivor here, there’s every reason to believe her. She has come forward courageously and bravely knowing that she would face a nightmare of hostile and vicious scrutiny and challenge. And there are plenty of reasons to disbelieve Judge Kavanaugh after his evasive and seemingly misleading testimony before the Judiciary Committee.”
The same Blumenthal who made up shit about being a military hero?
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.): “I believe Professor Ford. I think she’s credible and I think when the investigation is finished and when she testifies and Judge Kavanaugh testifies, I think a majority of senators will find her credible.”
I will note that as far as I know, not a single one of those good Senators has ever heard her speak a single word. So the fact that they are able to so expertly weigh her veracity based on a proffer to the media by her lawyer is truly remarkable.
Partisan hacks hack parisanly. Story at never, because it’s the media’s hacks.
I’ve spent the last week, maybe thirty hours total, helping out my brother with his house before he leaves the state for his new job. At some point he mentioned he and his wife had bought some tickets to a show, and would I like them since they couldn’t go? I took them because I know a little about the act, but would probably give them away since I have no one to go with. Flash forward to tonight, I’m back over there painting, and he mentions how much work I’ve put in and he feels like maybe he should compensate me for more than just the tickets, “like we’d discussed.” Now, all week I figured I’d been putting in the work gratis, maybe as a going-away present since I can’t afford to buy them something substantial. But when he made it seem like these two $35 tickets were my payment, plus whatever gratuity he felt obligated to throw on top… fuck that. The tickets are a fucking burden! I’d either have to scare up company, and I’m not that keen on the show anyway, or find a couple who’s interested. He’s given me a chore as payment for the week of work I put in. A heartfelt thank-you would have been kind. This was just insulting and belittling. So I packed up and left.
One of us! One of us! Gooba-Gabba, One of US! Overthinkers of the world unite!
Here’s a question – Did he know you regarded the tickets as burdonsome?
We’d lived together for several years. He knows I’m mostly a shut-in.
Unless there’s a longstanding pattern of condescention and belittlement, I still think there’s a communications disconnect rather than an intentional insult.
Our family doesn’t really do long-term anything. It’s mostly intermittent sparring and grudge-holding, or at least the assumption that the other party is holding the grudge, but pretty genial feelings anyway, or at least not overt hostility, with a lot of apathy, torpor, and resignation mixed in.
Right now I’m realizing I used the pride and indignation of being bought so cheaply as an excuse to get off the hook for his final all-night push to have the whole thing done with by tomorrow morning, when he intends to leave. What I lost in dignity I made up for in getting the night off. So I can’t really carry that grudge for long.
Yes, I’ll suck your dick if you ask nicely enough, I’m a complete bitch and will agree to anything if it’s not too confrontational.
Dad wonders why our family is so prone to drinking.
‘Twas a cunty move to off-load tickets to an event that he did not want to attend. I’d take a dump in his front yard and wipe my ass with them but that’s just me. Because I’m a shitlord.
How the fuck is giving someone tickets burdensome? Throw them away if you don’t want them, any burden Commodious placed on these tickets was self-imposed.
I suggest that Commodious and possibly UnCivSer find a copy of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World and read it if that’s not too much of an imposition.
Yes, it is. I have a stack of books I actually want to read that I haven’t gotten through yet.
At least I’m not painting your house or hauling away garbage or digging grout out of tile for it.
Howsa about people being such passive-aggressive cunts in their day to day lives stop doing shit like that? What does it take? A shot to the neck? Fuck that shit.
As for “how can it be burdonsome” – it’s the implied social obligation to not waste them.
Again that is an entirely self-imposed obligation, seriously UnCiv read Harry Browne’s book.
You don’t human very well, do you?
Look, I have a copy of the book that I’m not using. Let me send it to you, after you read it you can send it to one of your friends and instruct them to send it to someone else. I’ll even throw in my copy of Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia just to sweeten the deal, but you have to promise me that you’ll watch it at least three times.
No thank you, I don’t want your obligations.
And now my feeling are hurt, I hope you can deal with the implied social obligations that hurting my feeling will undoubtedly inflict.
Given that, before I wandered off, I was close to calling for actual physical hurt, I’m fine with that.
I hate it when people push books on me, be it prostelytes, internet randos, or family members.
Thx. I’ll read it! Found it free in .pdf
It’s been a while since I read it, it may fall short of my youthful recollection but that book and Peter McWilliam’s Aint Nobody’s Business if You Do more or less led me to libertarianism.
Ain’t Nobody’s Business was great. The emphasis on”consensual crime ” vice the more commonly used “victim less” crime is a key libertarian concept. Also the idea that nothing should be a crime unless you’d be will to lock your grandmother in a cage over it is great.
Led me here after the Rand detour got me started.
Link, mikey?
Link is on this page
It’s your brother, right? “What the fuck are you talking about?” That’s what I’d say to my brother in that situation.
Or just punch him in the nuts.
I see your point. The tickets are not even a gift, it’s just trash to him.
Literally trash: one of the last couple things they had left hanging on the fridge. Either they go to me, or he finds someone else who wants ’em, or they go in the bin and so much for the price of them
If they truly already had the tickets for themselves and were not going to be able to go, then I think you are reading too much in to the “I want to give you more than the tickets” comment.
Read it as “I want to give you some money, because it was a lot of work”.
To which you reply “please…. You’re my brother! Cut it out, knucklehead!”
except you don’t use the word Knucklehead. You use whatever form of profanity is appropriate to your relationship. Probably something homophobic and very obscene.
Well, yes, he is a faggot, he’s the faggoty-est faggot who ever faggoted, and it’s not because he is in fact gay, it’s just because he’s such a faggot that he takes cock in his ass as a straight man, he makes gay love because he’s such a faggot that he can’t make straight love, he makes gay love, not that there’s anything wrong with gay love, it’s just that a faggot like my brother is so gay that he’s straight while making homosexual love with other men, who are gay.
When my brother knocked up his chick, I told him he’d done the faggoty-est thing that could be done by a faggot of his faggoty caliber: he’d knocked a chick up. There is nothing gayer than knocking a chick up. It’s so gay, even gay men won’t do it. He’d taken the cock of matrimony straight up his formerly not-gay ass, and he’s now a faggot. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. But knocking up a chick is gay af.
There’s nothing wrong with being gay, and faggot isn’t meant to offend gay men. Unless you knock up a chick and have a child with her, in which case you’re a huge faggot. I don’t get where the confusion here is.
You lost me, what does any of that have to do with post-processed trees?
“But when he made it seem like these two $35 tickets were my payment”
Not that I don’t trust your intuition, but you may have misinterpreted something. What exactly did he say?
He said I’d put in a lot of work, and he feels like he should pay me something more than the tickets.
Yes, I’m a bitch and I’m bitching over nothing. Frankly, I’m gratified to see him gone. I hope to visit him out there. Hopefully not as hired help.
Oh, uh, you. botched that. I had coworker that would put novels in my drawer at work. “I thought you may want to read that.” I just left them there. “You can pick them up whenever you want them back.” She wasn’t happy, but I don’t trust many people not to be assholes to hold unsolicited favors over my head.
I blame the crowded train for that heap of gibberish.
I’m bored. I’m the Chairman of the Bored.
Here, enjoy a marching band.
Marching Band
And I hate how the site logs you out in the middle of typing a comment.
Your authentication lasts for a given span of time. it can happen that the term expires between loading the page and hitting “post comment”.
Which is really obnoxious.
It *always* happens when I’m ready to type a comment. Which makes sense because I think it’s a two-week period? So it expires at the same time every two weeks – exactly at times you’re likely to be commenting.
I was expecting this:
Holy crap… that’s a pretty amazing high school band.
and double holy crap – we don’t make woodwind players wear skirts like that over here.
American marching band:
In american style. Great music was meant to be played LOUD!
Here’s the entire audio..
Apparently you have to buy the DVD if you want to watch 30 year old DCI finals. Anyway, that was my favorite DCI show. Live, it was just amazing.
Like I said… play it loud! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDYZesh9jok
Ok, you sent me down a rabbit hole with that Kyoto HS band. They are absolutely amazing. They have some of the best-sounding brass high school players I’ve ever heard. Huge rich sound. Really amazing that they are that good at that age. That must be a school for the arts for girls. Yeah, I watched 4 videos of them and didn’t bother to google that tidbit. Lazy is as lazy does.
I assume this a set-up for this
Well here’s something you can’t unsee.
And of course, some music to go along with that.
Nah, the trombones lacked rust and there was nary a skin flute to be seen. Sigh. Guess I’ll go back to my languid posteur and overwhelming sense of ennui and malaise… *cracks another beer*
That’s got to be a book title for someone around here.
I’ve been snickering about “skin flute” longer than I’ve been an alcoholic. Forty fucking years!
What you did there….
Plus, that IS long–for a skin flute. OK, a skin flute snickering.
Where’s Gilmore been recently? Is he back at TOS?
Gilmore says for you to SHUT UP!
*Slightly drunken rant about to commence in 3…2..1.
Hello, all. I haven’t been around too much recently aside from the occasional lurk and remark about some trivial topic now and then so please forgive me if this topic has already been covered(which it most likely has).
I have to ask: Why the(generalization here, just my read on the tone via lurking) overall positive/accepting view for Kavanaugh? Look, I get that the Dems are using the flimsiest of accusations to railroad somebody who seems to be not only squeaky clean from the traditional perspective but also, despite my personal objections to his interpretations, at least seems well studied enough on the subject of constitutional law to pass the litmus test of qualification be legitimately considered for the post.
All that aside, the man was instrumental in the behind the scenes pushing forward of the Patriot Act. So much do that a statement from him was quoted in the bill emphasizing its necessity. Over the years here and at TOS I’ve read numerous comments from the regulars here and there about how much they disdain this constitutional violation of our rights to privacy and against the obtrusive search and seizure of our personal records and affects.
With that in mind, I again ask: Why like Kavanaugh? The idea of having somebody who is already contemptuous of select sections of the Constitution owning a seat on the SP for the next twenty-five to thirty years is abhorrent to me.
I mean, I get the spite towards the Dems. Not only in general but, towards their behavior during this entire process. But despite the immediate gratification of schadenfreude and political expediency, do we really want this guy in the Supreme Court for decades to come?
My impression was that he wasn’t liked around here at all when Trump released his list of nominees. Personally, I wanted McAffee.
I would also love to see John McAfee on the Supreme Court. But only if he can have a loaded gun in his hand at all times during arguments.
JB has been openly hostile to him and I think some of the others just don’t want to see a new weapon added to the demo arsenal. I don’t know enough about jurist to have an opinion.
I will clarify that my hostility is due to my distrust of him on the 4th amendment, among other constitutional issues. There were a lot of judges on Trump’s list that are far more libertarian than Kavanaugh is. Even among the three people on Trump’s final shortlist, he was the worst from a libertarian point of view.
It has nothing to do with the accusations against him, which are looking more and more to be politically-motivated bullshit.
I didn’t mean to misrepresent you. You have been very clear you don’t like his position on the 4th.
I know. Just explaining in case anyone else here didn’t realize.
And therefore most acceptable to the idiots in Congress. Sucks, I know.
See, this is why the left is driving me nuts. They keep attacking Trump on the most ridiculous topics. So even if you are not a Trump fan, and I am not, you end up taking the opposite position simply because they are completely wrong.
This is just such a case. Nobody has bothered making the appropriate arguments about judicial philosophy and 4th amendment protections. First they wanted to talk about buying season tickets. But what they really wanted to talk about was abortion. And for some bizarre reason they took that discussion to birth control.
So now we spend all of the hearings talking about his position on Stare Decisis. Nice job, dip-weasels.
The problem with exploring his support of the Patriot Act is that the Dems were all on board too. And then Obama came along and super-double sized the Patriot act. So dang! We can’t be partisan hacks and go after him for that!
I think the libertarians online have been pretty clear – this guy is kinda OK on most topics, but pretty mediocre to bad on 4th amendment issues. But the stuff I’ve read has all been “well, he is a republican nominee, so it is about as good as you might expect. At least we get some stuff we agree with”.
It’s just the way that the Dems are rubbing against the grain and have been doing so for a very long time. Kavanaugh may well be a teen-aged rapist but by this point I think that anything that cuts those fuckers down a peg or two is better than the alternative. If there is one thing that I absolutely loathe, it is the sanctimony. Rub Kitteh the right way and he might befriend you.
What I have been able to verify has been positive. I don’t support the use of fabrications and character assassination for any reason, less so as a partisan delaying tactic, so it’s a combination of “good enough” and a double middle finger to the people who have been throwing a constant tantrum for years.
This here. I’m meh on him, but I fucking loathe what the Dems are doing.
I only “like” him as far as has been evidenced by the left’s visceral loathing of him. Not very considered, I know, but my opinion doesn’t count so I will take that shortcut for now.
Seconded. He is supposedly good on 1a and 2a, not so good on 4a. I can accept that given the histrionics of the left, and that I consider the modern leftist dominated Democrat party to be a far greater threat to freedom than the modern Republican party.
I don’t remember what Kennedy’s stance re the 4th was, but that one has an odd split (relative to the typical partisan axis). Stong on 1st and 2nd would be a gain in my ledger, and maybe some of these ongoing “ban by any other means” suits will get cert.
I think it’s because we all think those handmaid outfits are super sexy and can’t wait until Kav forces all the womenfolk to wear them, amirite guys?
They might be hiding a small barn yard animal under those voluminous skirts so that’s hot.
I’m chomping at the bit to start grabbing asses and pulling my dick out at work again. What are these sassy broads gonna do about it once Kavanaugh is in there, huh?
I’ll tell you what they’re gonna do, they’re gonna go make me a goddamn sandwich.
I get that and I have heard that. However, they are not going after him because he played a roll in drafting the patriot act. If they were, I would support them loud and clear, but they aren’t. They are going after him because of some bullshit three decade old allegation that he has no way of defending himself against made by a political activist who is being coached by the opposing party and other activists and if that shit is accepted as normal behavior and is just okie dokie then the patriot act is small potatoes.
Just so we’re clear.
You don’t get to care about that, YOU’RE A WOMAN.
No such thing as a libertarian female.
If anyone shouldn’t care, it’s me. I do lean one way but it doesn’t inform my entire life the way it does most of the creatures in DC.
I always forget whether Rhywun identifies as male or female… doesn’t matter in any event, the “female” libertarian is a myth perpetuated by the alt-right.
All male, baby.
Indeed the whole ‘let me kill my baby crowd’ instigated this, but holy fuck it has gone next level idiotic and that is my point. The fact anyone is giving this horseshit any sort of credibility is very scary and proves they have control over the US Senate even when they don’t have a majority. If they don’t tell this woman to fuck off you have zero provable facts and allegations like this cannot be taken seriously in a free society that honors innocent until proven guilty, I fear our government and any semblance of due process will have taken another giant last step to irrelevance. The screaming mob will eventually rule.
I can’t say I’m surprised. They’ve been setting the stage for this for decades.
That’s what fires me up about this entire situation. The guy could be Solomon/Jesus/Buddha combined and the Dems would try to find out if he he ever face-farted his little brother. They don’t care. They want to regain power at any cost. That’s what irks me the most about this whole circus. The Dems don’t care about your Republic, they shit on the Bill of Rights and democracy is a term that is sometimes handy but mostly not.
“owning a seat on the SP”
*Butt-head laugh*
I wouldn’t say I like or support Kavanaugh as a judge for his legal opinions. He’s decent on the 2nd Amendment, but otherwise he’s very much a GOP swamp creature. But I am vehemently opposed to the sort of modern day witch hunt the Democrats have initiated simply due to partisan butthurt. I’d like to think I’d hold the same position of Merrick Garland had gotten a hearing and after the hearing concluded some GOP senator brought forward a vague accusation of wrongdoing from over 30 years ago with no other evidence or corroborating witnesses.
Achievement Unlocked: Reading glasses
I’m sorry for you. People who only need glasses to read have a higher tendency to lose them than people who need glasses to see at all.
I wear contacts too. I now cant see distance or up close.
I can’t stand the idea of contact lenses, let alone actually wear them.
I’ve reached the same point. I wear contacts and I now need reading glasses for up close seeing. If I am wearing my glasses, I only need to take them off to read up close.
I can confirm this. I can’t find the floor without my glasses. My wife should wear them, but only occasionally does — either for reading or distance. I never lose mine — unless they fall of the nightstand. She can never find hers.
My Wifey and I have at least a dozen pairs of reading glasses scattered around the house and it’s a small house. As stated above – “One of Us!”
I’ve worn glasses since I was about six years old, with a brief interlude for contact lenses in HS and college until I couldn’t stand them any more.
One of the most annoying things anybody ever said to me is when I told my eye doctor I was starting to need reading glasses and he said “oh good, you are right on schedule”.
Darwin Award runner up
Still in a shit mood. Bah.
Here’s an example of a kid growing up. Good for him.
That’s pretty impressive.
That makes a total of one person who’s had this kind of epiphany in public in the last 35 years.
That’s long enough for basketball to have produced Michael, Kobe and LeBron.
You you could say he’s the MJ of self-aware “media flavor of the day” people.
He was used and abused by the msm like a cheap whore. I am glad he (apparently) learned something. I hope he continues learning things like how guns work, how gun laws don’t work, and what it means to be a free individual.
He was more abused than Professor Ford.
WW2 – OverSimplified
India launches sex offender database amid outcry over rape
Lion made it seem as if there are many sex offenders in India.
As an aside, does STEVE SMITH even have a passport?
Well, there’s about 1.2 billion people in India, so there’s a lot of any type of person there.
Are they all as dreamy as the (probably) non-Indian playing the Indian lead?
All the women look like Bollywood actresses and all of the men are like Sabu in customer service. Don’t you even American?
Dreamy Indian.
Well, American.
And OH HELL YEAH. My friend and I called him “Mohindude”. How terrible of us!
Nom nom nom.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in cleared a top item off his bucket list on Thursday: Climbing Mount Paektu in North Korea with its leader Kim Jong Un.
Like with the US economy, progress with DPRK is obviously the lightbringers doing.
Close. Korean people come from mysterious vaginas. Not mythical.
The sideways harmonica-like vaginas.
“You must be logged in to reply”
WTF? It was bad enough every two weeks, now it’s every other day.
Did you check “Remember Me”?
Pretty sure before. Did just now. Will see how long it lasts.
“You must logged in to reply”
I haven’t logged out in days. Need more fiber.
I can’t even remember my password even though it is surely one of the passwords I have floating around for different things. Luckily my browser remembers. It allows me to log in while hammered, not that said scenario ever happens.
The one big takeaway I’m getting from this whole Kavanaugh debacle is a lot of Democrats don’t care for due process and that’s terrifying.
Well, that’s true, but I’m not sure that applies in this case. He’s not under trial, he’s just applying for a job. The Senate can refuse to hire him for any reason they want, as far as I’m concerned.
I think the Democrats are wrong about the reason they’re using to deny him the position, but that is their right.
The follow ups the left are using to bolster their case is absurd. “He went on panty raids in college!” “Julia Louise Dreyfus believes her!” etc. All of these piggy backed on an unfalsifiable allegation. Fruit of the poisonous reeeeeeeeee!
But due process should apply in our day-to-day lives as well. Not believing gossip without proof or not taking one person’s word as to the character of a new acquaintance are things I think most of us at least strive for.
I guess I’m going with some legal definition (is there one?).
But otherwise yes I would agree.
Watched John Cusak’s Singularity last night. Starts out promising. The premise is that AI finds that humans area a cancer to the earth. A refutation of the eco psychopath. Boy o boy did it go down the shitter quickly, though. Cusak is awful in it.
Too bad, I like him. The extended plot summaries I just read sound ridiculous.
Cusack was great in High Fidelity. Singularity is so bad it’s almost good.
*adds to wish-list*
/not really
Though I’m sure I’ll check it out some day.
Cusack is great in many movies, more than Chevy Chase I’d wager.
His performance in High Fidelity and The Grifters almost make up for what has been a lackluster career.
Eight Men Out, Ice harvest, Grosse Point Blank, The Raven, Con Air, the one where he was the fat bald serial killer the entire time but we didn’t know till the very end? now that I think about it he may now be my new favorite all-time actor, fuck off Steve McQueen.
Identity. That and 1408 are two terrible movies that he makes great.
No mention of One Crazy Summer or Better off Dead?
Identity that was it and mad props go out to the bald fat guy, although I kinda suspect that his entire career is based on being able to make one eye look in the opposite direction of the other.
One Crazy Summer gave me a fear of mortarboards.
What about Hot Tub Time Machine? That is one of my favorites. As it should be everybody’s.
Ha it is unsettling, isn’t it. He’s pretty great.
No love for Being John Malkovich?
I do give Singularity credit for providing us with this scene.
Glibbies are triggered over Kavanaugh. I have to agree. After following politics and current events for over 40 years, I have to say that I find this whole episode one of the most despicable things I’ve ever seen. That includes Bork and Thomas. Dianne Feinstein is a deplorable human being, much worse than I ever thought she was.
On the positive side, I think Grassley has done a masterful job navigating the minefield. It remains to be seen if he caves to the request of another one day extension. I would give them half that. They have until ten am tomorrow to answer. And fuck Merkowski, Flake and Collins if they defect. A no vote based on a vague 36 year old accusation with no factual evidence would prove beyond all doubt that they are spineless weasles with no more integrity or honesty than the Democrats.
*thumps desk* Agreed! This is the most blatant bit of political theater in my lifetime and I remember the riots of ’68 even though I was a wee feller at the time. As an aside Spud, you always choose the same girls as I do on Q’s links. Solidarity Forever!
Great minds think alike, Festus. Great minds.
This nomination going down in flames could turn out a ton of Trump supporters in November. Be interesting to see how this plays in the midterms.
Sex offender arrested in Coburg had porn, rope in his van, police report shows
Porn in the van! And rope! Nice of the cops (and the willing reporter) to frame it as though the guy was five minutes away from abducting and raping someone. Not to worry. The Feds are on the case and are going to prosecute him for failing to register as a sex offender.
CSI is a documentary series. Every little boy that pulled a cat’s tail is a potential sexual predator, dontcha know. I seen it on the TV.
That guy, while deserving his constitutional rights, sounds like a giant dirtbag.
Much like Illinois Nazis.
Exactly what I thought as I typed that.
I hate the Illinois Nazis.
But we all know, all Illinois Nazis only get there because Indiana has lax nazi laws.
And now, Chicago is the Nazi-related death capital of the US.
I hate Illinois Nazis.
Well, yeah, because the state has ensured that he is unemployable and unshelterable.
Is this the guy?
The live-action Tick is still being produced by Amazon, or whatever.
I loved their production of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. Not sure what I think of this happy horseshit. The Dirk Gently series is great.
I only watched the first two episodes, but boy did they nail the tone of the books.
Weird…amazon did a series 6 years after the last BBC version? Oh well, it’s not on prime ATM…I can wait.
I am going to do something I never thought I would stoop to. I’m going to vote Republican. I’m in Kansas, Kevin Yoder’s district and from the sound of it the race is a toss-up. My district has swung back and forth over the years and I would either write in or vote Libertarian. However, the Democrats are now officially bat shit crazy, I can’t bear the thought of them taking over.
I’m across the state line from you and I’m voting for not-McCaskill. I voted for Petersen in the primary, but there is no way in hell I’m voting for McCaskill.
Yessss! Let the Dark Side flow through you!
Hell, I was gonna vote Feinstein to block De Leon (I get the choice of awful vs awful, only Dems) as the lesser of two evils since De Leon’s a marxist, but after her performance in this, my decision got harder.
In other barf-worthy news, election tv ad season has already begun. It’s only September.
Here, the election ads didn’t skip a beat after the primaries. No breather at all.
omg I would start writing bad poetry in a padded cell without a gap.
At least I got a few months without the teacher’s unions scolding me for supporting “out of state billionaires who want to ruin our children for profit!” oy
Our primaries were only a couple weeks ago so yeah it’s been non-stop.
There was a national election here, evidently, and I didn’t even notice.
That sounds heavenly.
They don’t let me vote and I don’t care. Win/win.
Razorfist had an interesting spec in his rant on Kavanaugh that — seeing how far the Dems are willing to go against Kavanaugh, is it possible they torpedoed Herman Cain in 2012 with those accusers? Because he’s right, Cain terrified Obama much more than Romney as an opponent, and we also know from Trump that trying to arrange the ‘appropriate’ opponent was something they did in 2016. And not many people were interested in Cain’s accusers, preferring to drop him like a hot potato.
I don’t know, I’d never even thought it before, but now I wonder.
It’s not like Cain was running a great campaign though.
That ending song. Bet that is the bg music in hell.
‘Tis a cornucopia of skullduggery, a veritable horn-o-plenty of lies and brazen falsehood that would make the Red Imp cringe in supplication!
Forget Net Neutrality, we need Net Affirmative Action! Then people will be forced to watch Hat and Hair videos, and since that would benefit me I see no downsides at all.
Government mandated libertarianism. I’m conflicted.
From today’s Yomiuri (my loose translation) of the advice column:
Husband in his 80’s still playing with other women.
I’m a housewife in my 80’s and am writing about my husband who’s in his mid 80’s.
Ever since he joined his company, he hasn’t stopped fucking around on me. I worked full time because of our house loan and did the housework and raised the kids. Despite that, he’d go on trips with some skank once or twice a month.
My eldest child, when he/she was in uni, told me to leave his ass. I told myself, “I’m outta here once the kids graduate uni, but I stay with the selfish loser.
He recently admitted that he’s in love with our neighbor. I snapped and kicked him to the curb, but he kept coming home at night and told me to make him a sammich. *Editor’s note: I’m not embellishing much.
What should I do?
F子 in Saitama.
Dear Doormat in Saitama,
It is too late to do anything but murder him in his sleep. You’re old, plus this is japan, if you turn yourself in and say you’re sorry, you’ll probably get to to go home. In any case you won’t serve much time in prison, and he’ll be dead. So, win/win as the gaijin say.
Ah, ヒ素サンド!
Please send this to ZARDOZ.
Wait, let me check with my wife. She knows about 80 year old ladies (and men).
しょうがない。。。 There is no ginger.
(Sorry Glibs – horrible bilingual pun.)
She should start sleeping with her male neighbors.
Mrs Fourscore says “Good answer ! Good answer! “