Hope your week has gotten off to a good start. Mine’s been hellish already. Although I’m still relishing the Buckeyes game against TCU over the weekend that I went to with my daughter.And speaking of sports, the Bears beat the Seahawks last night. And your baseball winners were: Toronto, New York (NL), Pittsburgh, Minnesota, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, Tampa, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Big match today
UCL group play begins today. Some compelling matches on the slate. Enjoy them if you’re lucky enough to catch them today.
Famous 9/18 birthdays include: Roman Emperor Trajan, actress Greta Garbo, hockey coaching legend Scotty Bowman, comedian Fred Willard, singer/actor Frankie Avalon, guitarist Kerry Livgren, hockey goon Darryl Sittler, Doobie Brother Mike Hossack, scumbag basketball coach Rick Pitino, baseball legend Ryne Sandberg, the late, great James Gandolfini, uniballed steroid aficionado Lance Armstrong, actress Jada Pinkett Smith and the lovely Aisha Tyler.

“Here you go world. You’re welcome.”
Big happenings on this date include: George Washington laid the cornerstone (he was a mason after all) for the Capitol building, the New York Times started its run (and I’m sure they were spoiling for some kind of war in their first edition), Booker T Washington gave his “Atlanta Compromise” address, “A Streetcar Named Desire” hit the silver screen, the first Visa cards were mailed out, “The Addams Family” hit the small screen, Momofuko Ando marketed the first Cup Of Noodles (and should have won the Nobel Prize for it), the FBI captured Patty Hearst, the disgusting human being Mao Zedong’s funeral was held, KISS appeared on MTV “unmasked”…and still sucked, Hurricane Hugo landed in Puerto Rico, and Ted Turner pissed away a billion dollars by donating it to the United Nations.
That all for that. Now…the links!
As she prepares to sit before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford’s attorney says its not up to her to corroborate her own claims. And since nobody else seems to be coming forward to recall the smallest of details contemporaneously, then I guess the left will just have to take her at her word.

Trump to declassify tons of documents…media predictably goes into a rage.
President Trump ordered the federal government to declassify most of the FISA documents, text messages and other correspondence related to the Russia “probe”. Many in the media decry the release of the documents. You know, because they …wait, what? The media are upset that more information is being released to the public about an important news story? Yeah, that makes a lot of fucking sense.
A Japanese billionaire will be the first tourist to travel around the moon. He will also be the first non-American to do so. Because 24 Americans have already done so. Without the fucking metric system, by the way.
Americans commute times to work keep getting longer. Yeah, you’d almost think people are willing to drive further in to work just to not have to live in an urbanized place. Wow, what a shock. Meanwhile, progressives are attempting to herd everybody into cities by ruining infrastructure for drivers and replace as much of it as they can by mass transit and idiotic cycling lanes.

Piece of shit murdering bastard
It’s starting to look like there might actually be justice in the Jason Van Dyke trial. Several other cops played down the threat Laquan McDonald allegedly posed Van Dyke yesterday. Let’s hope the jury were paying attention.
Not sure why the “unlicensed” part of this matters at all. But I sure hope they fry this sonofabitch if he’s guilty.
Well, so much for personal responsibility. This is completely fucked up. I have nothing else to add.
I may have played this in the last year, but here it is anyway.
Have a great day, friends.
::looks around::
::wanders off::
I’m not here either.
You were early today.
>>commute times to work keep getting longer.
I spend maybe 12-15 minutes each way. ’tis nice compared to the days when I drove 45 minutes each way.
Speaking of, how’s the search coming along?
I’m holding off on the job hunt until I get back from vacation (in three weeks). Want to spend the time off without fielding calls / doing initial interviews when I’m down in Charleston.
Just under an hour.
But that is driving ~50 miles, so it’s about what it should be.
About 5 seconds here. Double that if I put on pants.
10 minutes by bike. Quicker than driving alas it won’t last. We can afford to rent here but not buy. So when we do start looking for a house the commute will go up.
I had the opposite thing occur – I was renting in a neighborhood where I couldn’t afford any of the houses, but the rent kept climbing every year. I was lucky enough that my real estate agent found a house for sale that was only a few blocks over, a residence that had been a rental for over 25 years. So I was able to get into the area at a low entry cost – but I’ve been spending a lot of extra $$ on fixing this house up. Landlords being landlords, they bought the cheapest everything and also painted over all the ac outlets. And put cheap carpeting over the wood floors, and got the cheapest roof installation possible.
My mortgage, however, is actually cheaper than what I was paying in rent.
That was also my motivation to buy. (Though I deliberately pay more to get rid of the loan in short order.)
And put cheap carpeting over the wood floors,
A blessing in disguise.
When i test drove the route to work from my new place, it was ten minutes faster.
During the actual drive time, it’s two minutes longer.
…unless I leave six minutes earlier in which case I miss all the school buses.
Can’t wait until snowplow season.
Even when I leave outside of rush hour (8:45am, 2:45pm), the traffic is bad. 30 minutes if there’s no traffic, 45 minutes outside of peak traffic. 1:15 if I commuted during rush hour.
This is what happens when they tell you they’re moving offices soon but don’t tell you where. I guessed South, they went North.
My commute on foot to work is about 4 minutes each way. No traffic and next to a park.
My commute in Singapore was 1:20:00 or so each way, and involved two busses and a subway. That’s when I got hard into podcasts. I worked second shift Wed-Fri. Then first shift Sat-Sun. Getting off work at 9pm and getting home at 10:20 or so on a Friday….to tackle that commute and be ready to “teach” kids as young as 2.5 years old at 9 in the morning…and then teach for 8.5-9 hours that day (not time at school—that’s classroom time) was pretty remarkably shitty.
The ex and I had lots of “sick” days on the weekend because of it. And to see concerts. We had Mon-Tues off. Also sucked that in a country renowned for its food, lots of restaurants were closed on Mondays.
1 hour in. Usually an hour and a half out – sometimes more. That’s why I generally go to the office twice a week.
A couple of years ago our CEO decided we needed to be closer to NYC (where he lives). When he made the big announcement to the headquarters, he paused for an applause break – absolute silence. He didn’t realize he had fucked over 90% of the employees.
5 minutes or so (doesn’t matter if I drive or bike). I work about a mile from my house.
I think it is outrageous though. My old commute was walking down the stairs to my home office.
So I guess it is true that commute times are going up.
About 18 minutes.
I have just about a long a commute as possible in Bowling Green. There are only a couple of places to live and a couple of places to work that would make it worse.
When we were building our house, I looked at some land that would have cut my commute in half (and would have put me very near, but outside the gates, of Rand Paul’s neighborhood). We ended up moving 2 blocks instead.
About 45-55 minutes each way for me. There’s a reason I was happy when I finally got my remote access enabled and could work from home at least 1 day a week. Thankfully, most of it is against rush hour. There’s only a couple of miles that I’m stuck with the herd.
20 minute walk, if I’m not working from home. Looking to trade that in for about a 30 minute drive, provided the first two or three minutes is leaving my property to get to a public road.
35 minutes. about 30 walking and the rest two short subway stops.
I’m not going to be a sissy and read the article, but I wonder if the metric is avg time per day, or just total time for one trip.
I’m thinking of how telecommuting might have made living far away much more attractive. If my commute goes from 20 to 45 minutes, but I work at home 3 days a week, my travel time goes up, but total commuting time goes down.
That’s the boat I’m in. I would rather have a 10 minute commute and go to work more often.
Typical commute for me ranges from ~25 minutes to ~45 minutes each way but the trip home in the summer can sometimes take 2 – 3 hours to go the same 22 miles thanks to the bottleneck that is the Chessapeake Bay Bridge
I was a lucky son of a gun when I started out at my current place — the office was a mere three-minute drive away. But we eventually outgrew the old place and had to move somewhere a little more upscale, so now it’s gone up to about 10 minutes.
Hour + 5-30 minutes each way for a 43 mile commute, but there’s a ferry ride in the middle.
1 hour going in, ~45 minutes. But that includes walking near a mile and a half round trip to the bus stop + me not minding waiting for the bus in the morning while the weather is nice. I could drive to work and my commute would be about 25 minutes each way, but then I’d have to actually drive, and I couldn’t read while I work. Plus I usually work from home once a week or so.
30 minutes is typical in the morning once school starts. 20 or less on the way home if I split before 4:30. The abomination of “artprize” has begun this week however, which can mean 1 hours to get home, and 40 minutes of that spent in the same 2-mile-radius.
I’ve had commutes for a big chunk of my working life of 20 – 30 minutes one way. I actually like the air gap that puts between home and work – gives me time to spin up and spin down.
Many in the media decry the release of the documents.
Name seven.
Varies between sneering and “OMG, spilling secretsss!” and Adam Schiff admiration:
Martina Stewart, NPR
Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC
Charlie Savage, NYT
Jeremy Herb and David Shortell, CNN
Ken Dilanian and Mike Memoli, NBC
Mary Clare Jalonick, Eric Tucker and Deb Riechmann, AP
PBS, unfortunately, was un-bylined
It seems like there’s a common thread in those names. I wish I could put my finger on it, but I just can’t quite…
I thought all these journalists believe “sunlight was the best disinfectant”. Have I been misled?
They worry that Trump will bloom with more sunlight.
Ha, that’s not seven.
The fact Trump is releasing those docs unredacted tells me he knows there was nothing to start the investigation to begin with.
He’s taking all the ammunition away from the pundits who would say the redactions give context and are selective.
This is akin to a climate scientist giving all his raw data and letting people makenup their own mind. In other words, it’s unprecendented.
And all of the pantshitting the media are doing tells me that they know damned well the Dems/bureaucracy is crooked as a snake.
Media wants less transparency, more government secrecy. Unbeleivable. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
What pantshitting? seriously, I’m not working this morning so I am actually reading the news for a change and I’m not seeing it.
Twitter from what I’ve seen. MSNBC talking heads for the most part.
Andrea Mitchell had a meltdown on Twitter last night. Maddow and her male twin have called it borderline treasonous. WaPo called it unprecedented and said it would likely compromise sources. CNN we’re collectively apoplectic.
Funny coming from ‘L’Etat, c’est moi’ types. In their worldview if the government does it it can’t be treasonous, as long as that government is run by the DNC
Maddow and her male twin have called it borderline treasonous
Someone is not familiar with what article 3, section 3 actually says.
Andrea Mitchell
Verified account
17h17 hours ago
This is unprecedented during an active investigation – and by a President under investigation
One tweet constitutes a meltdown? Or did she delete a bunch of tweets?
Translation – let people know we just make shit up as an excuse.
I can’t remember, which branch are they part of again?
He’s technically telling the truth. It will reveal sources and methods but the source is reporters and the method is leaking to reporters.
NPR is calling it a “transparent distraction” from the Kavenaugh is a Rapist narrative.
I don’t listen to seven different news sources on the drive into work, so I can’t get you the rest.
“Kavanaugh is a rapist”
With no corroboration, no evidence, and apparently recently coming to light because of a “recovered repressed memory”. Which scientific studies have shown is bullshit: False Memory Syndrome
Is that what she is claiming? I thought her claim was she been hiding the secret from everyone, rather than it was a recovered memory. I haven’t followed closely, so I certainly might be wrong.
This is best I can find real quick, there have been other reports as well.
Military Tribunals for all of them
Q ?
>>Well, so much for personal responsibility. This is completely fucked up. I have nothing else to add.
Wait – wut? Why aren’t they jailing the makers of the alcohol? Or the car maker?
Capitalism? Kavanaugh?
Net Neutrality…or lack of it. Not sure which, but I know it’s one of them!
What I want to know is whether the bikers had any lights or reflective clothing.
One of my pet peeves when I go to the “urban” areas of Mpls is all the idiot bikers riding at night (in dark clothing) with no lights and no reflective clothing. Sorry, but you almost deserve to be run over then.
But knowing how MADD and the nannies work, a guy who hit one of those stealth bikers and had .001 bac will still end up as an alcohol related fatality.
When I worked in bars this was definitely a thing we got warned about, but I’ve never heard of anyone actually getting a charge for it. The worst-kept secret in bartending is that if you stopped serving people in bars when they appeared intoxicated you’d go broke. Oh, and you wouldn’t need designated drivers or taxis or Uber.
From the article: Weberlein was later found to have a blood-alcohol content of 0.103, well over the state’s legal 0.08 limit, police said.
That is less than one beer over the state limit for the average sized woman, and probably a total of 4 beers during a meal.
If she was swaying and stumbling on camera as they claim, then she was likely on something in addition to alcohol.
^This. Or she was sleep-deprived, which can have a similar effect and would be exacerbated by alcohol.
So six kids? Is this what the prep school crowd calls a “party”? Lame
Those bartenders made her drink. Who was she to refuse their sweet, sweet libations?
And she was barely over the limit. So she had agency. It wasn’t as if they served her after she came in blitzed and she blew a .20.
This. She was a .10 in a .08 limit state. Based the description of her behavior, it’s either way off or her BAC was much higher.
You may laugh, but the Japanese are going to make the moon smaller and more reliable.
But with only two trim levels.
Nobody needs more than two trim levels for their moon. And anyway, there will be aftermarket supliers.
Don’t even get me started on the rocker panels.
You misspelled boring and predictable.
Besides, the moon already belongs to the United States ??
Besides, the moon already belongs to the United States
If you mean the studio where the moon landing was filmed in the US. Then yes
Nuh uh! There’s a movie of the moon landing and they never planted a US flag!!
By this logic, the moon belongs to France since the flags we planted have all turned completely white from solar radiation. And we all know how them frenchies love to wave white flags.
The Japanese?! those sandal-wearing, goldfish-tenders?
bosh, flimshaw!
The media are upset that more information is being released to the public about an important news story
Just when you think you got him by the short ones, he changes the news cycle to something else.
the Bears defense beat the Seahawks last night
As long as the defense can let a mediocre offense get more time…
That’s what Seattle was doing for years.
Now they don’t have that defense.
If you score, you might win. If the other team doesn’t score, you will win.
If the other team doesn’t score, you
will winwon’t lose.Hot chick doing yoga.
I dare not click on this.
You really should
Yes, it was definitely worth it.
+1 Nutsack
You should, it is funny.
Why should we trust you? You glare at puns!
She’s actually cute, it’s not Hillary Clinton or something.
Hot chick, hot chick, *gets all sweaty* hot chick…. ballz. Sorry Rover, but you gotta bend over.
Oh, nuts.
*narrows gaze*
And that’s not even my best one today.
But it did take some balls to put that out there.
A little testicular fortitude?
Downward facing dog.
Not sure why the “unlicensed” part matters? Seriously?
This sort of thing would never happen in a licensed facility with properly credentialed people.
No more Champions League on TV here.
I worked with the Special Prosecutor who is doing the Van Dyke trial. He is a good guy. He is taking this dead serious, and realizes that this could limit what he would be able to do in the future…not that there would ever be any blowback from politically connected FOP types, nosiree!
…and still sucked
Yeah, never got the appeal.
Good morning, Sloop!
…uniballed steroid aficionado Lance Armstrong…
Good morning!
Just so you know, I almost played Human League today.
So if anybody was disappointed…Here you go.
Never a bad time for the Human League.
excellent choice
if only the SD1 wasn’t a steaming pile of British Leyland garbage, they look so nice!
Sooo classic. Certainly a big influence on the direction my interests would take.
If he had been using Serena’s doctors, he’d still have his TdF wins today.
Yeah. And probably both of his testicles.
The U.S. sports media protected Lance like they do Serena. That’s not a good look.
Just like they cast a blind eye on steroids in baseball. To this day I don’t believe for a second they didn’t know. If they didn’t, then they’re horrible at the job. With all the access they have it would take a complete bumbling naif not to see it. Yet, they still want us to believe ‘whoops! We saw nuffin!’ Worse still was how they bashed bloggers and anyone who started to raise any flags. You know, the Wilbons of this world and other so-called ‘gatekeepers’.
Which makes think could Serena ever experience a spectacular fall from grace like Armstrong if it was to ever be discovered she juiced?
Only if the doctors could turn him into a black woman.
I dare not click on this.
At least it wasn’t Hillary Clinton.
Not sure why the “unlicensed” part of this matters at all.
Everybody knows that such a thing would never happen at a government-licensed facility because of the comprehensive system of standards and rigorous compliance checks.
Oh, you mean the coverups and liability immunity.
You say tomato…
I say caprese.
… I say edible nightshade.
Netherlands prosecutes its own citizen for calling Turkish dictator a “Goat F*cker”
So this Dutchman sent Erdogan several angry emails, comparing him to Hitler and calling him a “goat fucker”.
This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either. Two years ago, a German comedian read an offensive poem on German television about Erdogan, calling the dictator a goat fucker.
That’s offensive to Welshman everywhere.
I mean, can Erdogan prove he has, in fact, never fucked a goat?
Sounds like we need Mueller to bring him in for questioning. Sources with knowledge of the facts say Trump may have been with Erdogan when the goat was fucked.
Can Erdogan prove he is, in fact, not Arthur Alan Wolk?
You know who else got in trouble for hinting that a certain person had intimate relations with livestock…
My friend Cletus?
Ned Beatty?
Officer Brett Farva?
Why are Europeans doing this stupid shit? Dutch could have ignored the guy and it would have disappeared. Also seeing what Erdogan is doing I see no reason to defend his feelings.
His only hope now is that some goat comes forward and claims that back when she was just a kid and going to 4H parties, Erdogan once jumped on her and clumsily tried to pull her collar off.
This is b-a-a-a-a-d.
No need for kid gloves, Bob.
Goats lie.
Tard Tuesday: Would you please dumb down the intersectional systems of internalized oppressive vocabulary so I can fight the man too?
be inclusive of the disabled, the traumatized and the broken, and we will see a revolution in our lives, for we have always been the heart of every revolutionary movement.
You’ve been the first ones offed in every revolution since the French revolution you daft cunt.
“The liberation of neurodiverse folk is inseparable from opposition to capitalism”
Read any one of these idiots and it always comes out.
So the truth comes out. Stupid people are against capitalism.
Wait a minute. I thought Obama was the smartestest person ever, that his IQ was beyond measure.
The way I read it, he was supposedly the smartest person in any room he walked in to. And since most of the places he went, most of the rooms he walked in to were full of his fellow Democrats, well… er… not a very high bar there.
“Please, don’t interpret this as an opposition to those who write more detailed analyses of leftist theory,”
I read that like someone prostrating themselves before a Soviet commissary.
Or Chinese…
That is a heapin’ helpin’ of gibberish right there. Last night someone described academia as largely a make-work program for the mentally ill. I agree with that assessment.
That’s some sublime language. Truly magnificent derp.
Far too often, I am labeled as ableist and classist by leftists for bringing up how common needlessly dense language is in leftist theory pieces which are portrayed as learning tools. There is an issue with the way people with processing and focusing issues, such as myself, are accommodated for and treated by leftists who claim to be for the liberation of neurodiverse folk which we’ll be dissecting in this piece and critiquing the medium we have been made to use under capitalism. The liberation of neurodiverse folk is inseparable from opposition to capitalism; you can not dismiss our troubles and need to make an active attempt to be inclusive. This essay should not be taken as an argument against academia, the use of academic language, or of obscure jargon. Please, don’t interpret this as an opposition to those who write more detailed analyses of leftist theory, but more as a critique on what your real role is in the revolution. I’m Tea Jerrica Comrade, and this is a call to arms to my neurotypical, trauma-free, confident leftist friends: be inclusive of the disabled, the traumatized and the broken, and we will see a revolution in our lives, for we have always been the heart of every revolutionary movementRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, you DID simplify it quite a bit.
“the medium we have been made to use under capitalism”
Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, said that it is not her client’s job to corroborate her claims.
It’s all hearsay anyway. So what do they hope to accomplish here? //rhetorical
Only guilty people don’t have alibis for every day of their lives.
Where were you at 8:00 pm on September 24th, 1988? Don’t lie now (I don’t recall indicates lying by the way).
Sucking on some boob in suburban Indianapolis.
An actual date, down to the time of night? LUXURY! Account for every day of an unspecified year, or you’re a rapist.
“We don’t want to convict him, just keep him from being confirmed before the election. Fuck evidentiary standards”
Good translation
But she told her husband. That is evidence enough.
Debra Katz? Vice chair of the board of the Soros funded Project On Government Oversight – anti-Kavanaugh organization? That Debra Katz? What an amazing coincidence.
Merely coincidental, like Kavanaugh’s mother ruling on her parents’ foreclosure case. Just a bunch of happy coincidences.
As far as I know that is not true.
Hmmm it seems the claim “ruled against” is false, the mother ruled in favor of the accusers parents …
The media are upset that more information is being released
It’s not the “right” information. And they know it is going to prove, in detail, what a farce this has been since the beginning.
Nice musical choice. Thank you for not foisting Kansas on us.
I’d say it was…just alright.
You’re goddamned right.
I may have played this in the last year, but here it is anyway.
Last year? Heck it was only last month. It is, however, a different YT link though. So you’re good.
This one was awesome, although I would have e liked to see a dinosaur-riding savior in there at least once.
Here’s a good one.
About 5 seconds here. Double that if I put on pants.
Pretty much.
If I “worked” that is.
A Blue Wave is Not Enough: Progressives Need to Win the Long War for Democracy
Their idea is to incrementally crabwalk the public toward a radical revolution in American social and political affairs, a kind of libertarian Social Darwinist utopia where the government has been shrunk down to the size it can be drowned in a bathtub á la Grover Norquist.
In such a brave new world, the rights of the economic elite would be protected from the “collective gangsterism” of labor, civil rights activists, environmentalists, and all others who might seek to redistribute wealth through taxation or impose on the prerogatives of the privileged with onerous regulations or legal restrictions of any kind.
IOW, the type of government outlined in the constitution and supported by the people who wrote it.
They can’t destroy the constitution by amending it because they lack the votes to set the stage to do so. They have been relying largely on judicial activism for decades. Hence why they are hysterical about scotus being staffed with ostensibly constitutionalist justices.
”historian Nancy MacLean”
Alleged. It’s easy to make an argument if you found it on unsubstantiated claims that have been discredited and disproven by those in the field.
Then 51% of the country can vote for a communist dictatorship.
That is the endgame.
Ha! They’ll never get there from the 49% they have now!
I MacLean reference, thanks, I can stop reading at that point.
FIFY, you lying sack of shit.
If they’re going to be pretentious bastards, at least get the accent on “à la” right.
A headline so brazen in its bias that it earned a chuckle. Well played, CNN, well played.
“Courage” is the official party-endorsed word for Ford. I’ve already heard or read its usage four times today.
So brave.
But they totally don’t coordinate their messages.
She is claiming something happened 36 years ago for less than a minute but cant say when, where, how, who or why. No one corroborates her story.
Wow. If the stupid goddamned worthless republicans let them get away with this they will never get anyone confirmed again.
Because it never happened. I read that she is claiming “recovered memory”, which is bullshit.
Um, wouldn’t it only be painful if it were you know, actually true?
I mean at this point there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe her and a whole lot of reasons to believe her allegations are more than a little self serving and inaccurate to say the least.
Also it cannot be stressed enough, what she is alleging, IF IT HAPPENED, would be serious, absolutely a crime but it would only be misdemeanor assault no more and honestly you need to be seriously fucked up in the head for a very minor assault that lasted less than 60 seconds and caused no actual injury or violation of your person (ie you were not actually raped) and took place more than 30 years ago to still be traumatic today
Seriously. I had a fucking gun pointed in my face on my first day of a job once 30-something years ago. Not only did it not traumatize me (much), I kept the damn job.
This “I’m traumatized 35-years later” crap is BS but nobody will call her out.
You downplay how traumatizing it is to have to make up these detailed fantasies and relive them over and over again until you believe them to be real. Your male privilege means that you’ve never had to invent a childhood assault in order to justify your cheating on your husband to a marriage therapist. Your shitlord politics means that you didn’t have to find someone politically relevant to add to the story so that you can destroy their career at some future date. So privileged!
I had a fucking gun pointed in my face on my first day of a job once
Do tell.
Night audit job at a hotel in seediest Buffalo, I was being trained by the current occupant of the position. When a guest of a week or so decided he didn’t want to pay his bill so he and his buddy thought it would clever to rob us instead. They didn’t get far from the cops.
intimate, painful details
He may have (but looking less likely by the hour) grabbed your boob/ass for a sec. Totally traumatizing.
Which is a wrong thing to do, but people used to be made of tougher stuff.
“honestly you need to be seriously fucked up in the head ”
And this is a point I would not argue against. This person is seriously Fucked Up in the head but I do not expect it was a result of a 52 second interlude which happened almost 40 years ago.
“Day of reckoning looms for Kavanaugh and his accuser”
The Left are the new Puritans.
Morning Glibs, just a little something to get the blood flowing
Am I the only one who doesn’t care about Presidents’ cocks? Who would want to read that?
Well since the media is typically sucking presidential … They might be interested.
Every leftist you know? They will be tittering about this all day.
All he has to do is use the Emergency Broadcast System to post a dick pic
Truly that would be the highlight of the year
According to idiots that don’t understand how things work, he could send a dick pic to everyone with a cellphone.
This is how we end up with President Wiener.
Good grief. If ever it was appropriate: If you cant answer the argument, attack the man.
Stay classy Daily Beast.
I knew he was really one of (((them)))
Toad from Mario Kart and not Toad from any other game? His penis has it’s own transportation?
Toad has always looked like a little pee pee ever since he first appeared in Nintendo. Just sayin’.
Didn’t stop that whore from sucking it
Daily Beast can’t even include a picture? Like I’m supposed to know what that character looks like?
The same with the NYT that can’t be bothered to show me the $53K curtains.
Is the Daily Beast one of those news outlets that gets upset when the integrity of the journalism class is questioned?
Celia Barquín: European golf champion murdered in Iowa
More violence against Hispanics undoubtedly stoked by Trump’s incendiary language.
Well that is pointlessly random… I will avoid political jokes
Thank doG it wasn’t another illegal alien doing the killing. Now the campus feminists can make hay on her death.
I am taking my daughter to the range tomorrow to teach her how to shoot.
The driving range?
They are going to get ride of the gophers.
My daughter hikes, bikes, and kayaks. Apparently, the Mollie Tibbetts event has made her nervous.
I imagine she will get a permit to carry in the near future.
This is quite the item here. The wife of my wife’s colleague had to identify the body.
Side note: in the Iowa city of Ames is weird phrasing, especially since Iowa State’s in-state rival U of Iowa is in Iowa City. Why not just say police in Ames, Iowa?
Should have stayed of the drive…
*dons sunglasses*
by range.
Trump Orders Declassification of Cherry-Picked Documents Aimed at Discrediting the Russia Investigation
I didn’t link to the actual story, because why bother? It writes itself.
First we couldn’t see even the redacted copies because the information was so top secret and sophisticated it would expose our intelligence sources and methods and l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y get people killed. Now it’s cherry picked nothingsauce.
Remember that time the media told people it was a crime to look at the leaked Hillary emails…
That was Cuomo the Lesser, right?
That made me laugh.
Tard Tuesday: If you believe that I’ve got some beach property in Oklahoma you might want to take a look at
Are there no lakes in Oklahoma with beaches?
There are no natural lakes in Oklahoma.
There may be some that have artificially created sand beaches, but none of the ones that I’ve been to did.
*shrug* I’m unfamiliar with the area. (I drove through the state once) I did not know it was devoid of proper lakes.
*is incredulous*
*heads to Wikipedia*
Well, I’ll be dammed.
Wait I though Paul George liked the fishing near Oklahoma city. How can you fish without water?
Well when my father wanted out of the house bad, but it was too windy or cold to actually fish he would bring me to a local road house where he’d drink with his buddies and I’d get some quarters to play arcade games.
When we returned home, we would tell Mom that we had been fishing and that we hadn’t caught anything.
That is how you “fish” without water.
Good ol’ Midwestern sense. I have to fake genital warts. “You don’t want to catch them, do you? I’ll be back in three hours.”
Fucking rivers, how do they work?
I don’t know. I never took one apart to see the mechanism.
They’re like big lazy rivers. Except the mean oil companies are ruining them.
Oh, there are plenty artificial lakes, and they’ve been well-stocked with game fish. Lots of good water-skiing.
I think they are all sleazy and corrupt – but find it hard to remember such an openly unethical act by a Senator. She is real slime.
Let me take a stab at this hypothetical game that’s so popular. Ford is having marriage trouble because she’s a looney lefty that believes in the patriarchy or whatever and can’t/won’t satisfy her husband. She goes marriage counseling and makes up/ridiculously embellishes a story in a pathetic attempt to gain sympathy from the counselor. The counselor scribbles it down. Realizing the potential value of a hit job, the counselor and Ford hold off on the story until the right time. Years later, aided by Feinstein, they go public at a moment that, just coincidentally, is crucial to getting Kavanaugh through the process. It’s my guess anyways.
Once the first hearings on Kavanaugh failed to damage him, Ford spent every minute of the last few weeks scrubbing away her social media accounts that would show her to be a raving leftist lunatic. She can’t scub away the fact that her fabricated / embellished story involves other people who know she’s lying. It’s also going to be hard to hide the fact that Kavanaugh’s mother was the Judge when Ford’s family house was foreclosed on.
Feinstein should be censured for this stunt.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
By 2012, I think it would be fair to say that Kav is already known to be on the right path to be a SC nominee at some point in the future. Given that there seems to be bad blood between the families, is it really that crazy to think that she might be planting that seed for exactly this moment?
*takes off tinfoil hat and peers nervously around*
It to mention Romney said he’d put Kavanaugh in the court in 3012 when he was doing well in polls against Obama. So she decides that’s a good time to bring it up to her counselor. But then it all goes up in smoke as Romney’s campaign fizzles,, so she doesn’t mention it again. Until now.
Yeah, that seems legit.
That is what I call planning! And it was my conspiracy theory too.
“the accuser had asked her to keep them confidential. ”
How fucking naiive can you get? You can’t legitimately call yourself a “reporter” if you take that seriously.
If you parrot simultaneously the idea that this was a serious incident and that Feinstein was right to keep quiet about it until the politically opportune moment, then you are not a journalist, you are a Democrat lickspittle.
I think that the definition of journalist could safely be defined as Democrat lick-spittle by now.
What I do when I want to keep something confidential is forward it in writing to a sitting US senator.
She could not possibly have believed that she would remain confidential unless everybody she told just circular-filed her accusation. You’re accusing a Supreme Court nominee of a felony and you think its going to affect the nomination process as an anonymous accusation? No way.
The “confidentiality” was cooked up to justify doing nothing until the strategic last-minute dump of the accusation to derail the process.
The circus continues
Denying a baseless allegation is the same as viciously attacking the person making the allegation.
Sounds legit.
Only if there’s an “R” after the accused’s name.
That link makes some claims that are not backed up by the article. Also war? Really?
Christine Blasey Ford found herself the subject of an emerging smear campaign on Monday
A smear! What did they do?
It started in earnest with Sen. Orrin Hatch, the Republican from Utah, who told CNN that Kavanaugh had assured him that “didn’t do that, and he wasn’t at the party” where the alleged assault occurred.
Total smear!
This is the same shit as the Russian collusion shit.
Your opponents make crazy claims with no real evidence. When you get pissed about it and respond, you are then accused of bad manners and “attacking” your opponents.
Fuck that shit. Any normal person accused of BS by someone is going to call them on it.
Spiders blamed after broken siren played creepy nursery rhymes randomly at night to UK townsfolk
Creative alarm system.
Sounds like a coverup for a government psyop if you ask me.
*adjust tin foil hat*
“Ahhh creepy nursery rhymes are playing at night!”
“Be calm, citizen, that’s just the SPIDERS”
Kevin Drum: Religion and Racism Still Go Hand-in-Hand In the GOP
We just *know* that the people who don’t attend church are actually the most religious, because they’re the most racist, and religion is the source of racism. QED.
Have we been able to actually quantify racism in order to determine which wing is exactly the most racist? We need more studies.
Chicken wings
I’m betting you like yours with WHITE Ranch Sauce don’t you?
It’s like there aren’t whole books in the new testament dedicated to explaining how ethnic minorities* are equal to Jews.
The entire idea of racial/ethnic equality in the West was a religious construct.
*okay, they weren’t minorities by number in the cities the letters were sent to, so sue me.
It was the progressives that formed abolitionist organizations and fought against segregation, Jim Crow, etc. wasn’t it? I am sure it was.
Real Flamethrowers vs. “Not a Flamethrower”
Spoiler: Musk’s doesn’t live up to the hype.
I need a military flamethrower… you know, for burning underbrush… and removing Japanese soldiers from pillboxes.
Once they start building pill boxes in your yard they’re really hard to get rid of. Then the bonzai attacks start.
I think I can fight off tiny trees.
Haha whoops autocorrect made a funny Banzai*
I had no idea which you had spelled, I was making the joke either way. It makes me look smarter that I happened to get it right.
They’ll be on the moon in the near future it seems.
I’d rather have one of these than Elon’s stupid cigarette lighter.
I had version 1 and it absolutely sucked. It practically had to be a contact shot to kill anything.
It’s my understanding, though, that this one is greatly improved.
Tundra, it say’s 2.0 right on it. Of course it’s better!
I used mine the other night to to wound and incapacitate the biggest horse-fly I had ever seen. My dog was there to deliver the coup-de-boop.
She used her frog stomping skills.
*Adds Bug-A-Salt 2.0 to Amazon wishlist*
I would note that there is now a Lawn&Garden model that fires a bigger load.
To be fair Musk practically admitted his flamethrower is a glorified weed whacker
Still banned in England, I assume…
I thought it was made relatively weak so that it could skate under the regulatory radar, so I’m not knocking it. Still wish I had one.
I don’t think so, given that the flamethrowers sold by other companies are relatively powerful.
This is much more impressive than Elon’s toy and probably significantly cheaper.
Also, the ones from WWII are perfectly legal in 48 states.
Without the fucking metric system
Commie units are for losers.
The local rag came out full force for believing Ford.
Funny, I don’t remember them believing Ellison’s accuser with no proof. In fact, they said the fact that she wouldn’t turn over the alleged video was a point against her. (which to be fair is a mark against her)
Fuck, Trump could nominate a bisexual muslim woman in a wheelchair and the Dems would find someone who would claim that they were sexually assaulted by them. “He did a wheelie with his chair up my ass crack while shouting Allah Ackbar”
How can one determine the truth about this? This is a serious question. it could have happened. What proof could there be?
Well she admits that there was at least one other witness who could corroborate her story and 2 other people present who could at least corroborate that she in Kavanaugh were in the same place at the same time
While the witness is not an unbiased source he has categorically denied the event happened and neither of the other people have been willing to corroborate that a gathering at a home with all of the elements of the story ever occurred. This does not prove that it didn’t happen, it was after all a long time ago and the event was apparently only significant to her so it is possible the others do not remember the incident but it is far more likely that the story as she is reporting it never occurred. Maybe she was assaulted by someone but spent so many years in denial over it that she cannot recall key details and in attempts to recover them misidentified the principals, maybe her mind made up the story out of nothing building it slowly over the years so she never noticed what she was doing until she had an entire narrative in her mind to explain all her neuroses, or maybe she is just flat out lying for the cause or attention (or likely both as no no matter what happens with Kavanaugh she will be propelled to national prominence and called a hero of the #metoo movement)
You can’t, really. The war (and the consequences of defeat are huge) is over the consequences of that fact. Traditional justice says that unfortunately this sort of thing sometimes happens. Social justice (its antonym) says that you can short circuit reality by importing extrinsic facts (“groping is common at parties”) and by playing identity politics.
Oh man y’all that trusted sources is under attack again
I feelt bad for the guy. Standing in a wind blast is significantly harder than walking with the wind.
Croydon Council allocates £10,000 for ‘sex toy and toilet’ performance art festival
I’ve been on the internet long enough to know that vore porn and butt plugs can get by just fine without government subsidy.
Republicans will be scrutinized for any sign that they are bullying Ford or not treating her with the utmost respect, despite the doubts many of them appear to have about her allegations.
The sight of 11 middle-aged and elderly men ganging up on a woman at the most exposed, vulnerable moment of her life would be a disaster for a party already in deep trouble with female voters.
Why is this guy working for CNN? He should be writing
bodice-rippersromance fiction.the most exposed, vulnerable moment of her life
More exposed and vulnerable than when she was getting gang-raped by Kavanaugh and his he-man woman hater buddy that one night at the one place some time in the ’80s?
the most exposed, vulnerable moment of her life
Only if you assume the allegations are true. For which there is no evidence, no corroboration, and no assessment of the woman’s credibility.
If you assume the allegations are true, wouldn’t the attempted rape be the most exposed, vulnerable moment of her life, rather than the moment at which she takes very public and devastating revenge against her attacker? Isn’t #metooing supposed to be empowering?
Oh, not, it’s traumatic, because they’re re-victimized while they’re destroying whoever their finger is pointed at.
“already in deep trouble with female voters.”
You mean all the white ladies who voted for Trump?
Can you hear the 2020 campaign ads yet? I can
That’s exactly what this is about.
Kamala Harris raped me 2-4 years ago. What do I have to gain? Nothing so it must be true.
#metoo, leon. #metoo
No, I am Spartacus
Wait wrong senator
Oh you…
Hell, if I were anywhere near the right age and had per chance lived in the area at the time I would step forward and claim that I was the guy who (with the understanding of consent from her) had been making out with Ms. Ford and did fondle her breasts (through her blouse/bra). Counter her whole story and take the “blame” – knowing full well that 1) no assault had happened anyway, 2) popping up out of nowhere with the same 36 year gap to explain away all the uncertainties I would sound at least as credible, and 3) it would take the winds from her sails. Statute of limitations long passed who cares what happens after that?
You too? Damn, that woman is a serial predator
It’s typical of the modern world that the hard left has been able to paint its extremism as “just what nice people believe”. In terms of ‘believing women’, there’s the world of difference between treating anyone who makes an allegation as kindly as possible in the circumstances, and trampling over due process.
The (largely unhistorical) position of a lot of left-wingers is that the past was a sink of iniquity, where women were routinely raped and the callous patriarchy did nothing. There’s an implicit denial of the idea that traditional justice and due process have any place, and an assertion that feelings and gerrymandered statistics are more important that the facts of any given case.
If the left genuinely, full on got its way (and given its control of education, it still might) then the consequences for society would be catastrophic. But they’re rarely forced to confront the consequences of their idiocy by the clowns in the media. People who trumpet the fact that they “believe women” should be forced to follow that thought to its logical conclusion – do they think that we should in that case even bother with a trial; if so should the burden of proof be reversed, for allegations of sexual misconduct alone?
Every so often the mask slips, as it does here. I find that tweet fascinating – it’s as clear a statement of the modern left’s depravity as you can get. You have:
– The unsubstantiated claim that the past had no redeeming features – hence we need to Year Zero everything
– The unsubstantiated belief that what the shithead left is offering is better
– The utterly absurd belief that individual justice is unimportant
– The utterly absurd belief that you can atone for the sins of the past, real or imagined, by replicating them in photo-negative form.
God I hate lefties. Ultimately they always win, though.
Good post.
I was on facebook yesterday for my quarterly check-in (it was a mistake, but I was checking out bourbon pages). One douche put up the “believe women” image, and was dutifully showered with praises, including “This is why you are one of the good ones.”
commute times to work keep getting longer
And Leon’s getting larger
Came here to make exactly the same comment. Well done.
‘No evidence’ high levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol cause heart disease, doctors claim
So what you are saying is that I should include bacon in every meal.
You weren’t already? What is wrong with you!?
A lot of researchers have been suggesting that for 30 odd years now.
Still in the Army Reserves. Every year I have my Army physical which shows my “high” cholesterol (usually about 260 or so) which leads to the doctor pointing this out as a problem. I always bring my last APFT (Army physical fitness test) scoresheet. Last time I ran the 2 miles in 15 minutes, 04 seconds – at 59 years old. I ask them if they believe there is any way my arteries could be clogging up if I can still run like this at my age.
Unfortunately, I take any study from the NHS which, when applied, would lower their operating expenditures with a grain of salt.
That said, I’m not inclined to start taking that crap.
My daily bacon grease
smoothies are finally paying
How many sticks of butter do you put in yours?
I though this cholesterol thing has been weakening for years? Keep you HDL high and watch you triglycerides…
Good news everyone!
The Jews did it
But of course. They used one of their Jew missiles with top-secret Gentile tracking technology on it.
There is no escaping a circumcised missle.
Looks like Toad from Mario Kart?
You know who else shot down Russian planes…
Humor. I recognize it.
Good god it is hands-down the worst airline I’ve ever been on. And that includes United.
I once worked for a boss that was a metalurgical engineer for a bolt maker. He visited the factory that made planes of Aeroflot (Ilyushin?). The damned wings were held on by four bolts, not eight like, say, Boeing would do, and were ordinary steel bolts, not titanium, like Western manufacturers would use.
Said he would refuse to fly on any plane made in Russia.
The Expendables?
I thought he just crashed his own. Oh, that Maverick.
Would you say he was entering a zone… of danger?
Some older but hilarious non political news
Police officer hailed a hero for staying calm while suspect yells the N word at least 50 times
Black cop doesn’t summarily execute belligerent white guy who said “nigger”. YAS QUEEN!
Words are weapons, sharper than knives.
I have no love for racists but I do find it interesting that someone uttering certain hateful words 30 or 40 years earlier seems to be more socially unforgivable than someone commiting murder 30 or 40 years earlier.
Makes you wonder how the other half die.
We are all old.
This is a pretty damn low bar to set to be a “role model”.
So just to be sure it’s not racist to assume she would have shot the guy, then rewarding her with hero status for not doing so?
Twitter called the arresting officer a “queen”
Way to marginalize the black chick by claiming she’s actually a gay dude. Geez, twitter.
At least the RACIST EPISODE received an appropriate level of coverage. (I will hereby not bother to check if it’s splashed on all the front pages because I bet it is).
I am really hating this work proxy. zScalar might not have been great, but at least it was consistant. Palo Alto intermittamtly blocks me from everything.
Something that delights me to no end is the occasional progressive inadvertently using questionable metaphors to describe socialism. I imagine someone at the central committee screaming, “DOESN’T ANYONE EVER READ THE FUCKING MEMOS???”
Trying harder than the Soviets would be impressive indeed
Go form a commune with like minded commies and show me how you got it right. If you try your socialist experiments with me, there will be gunfire.
Some pretty good comments
Nobody cares how beautiful the souffle is if the appetizer is turds in a blanket
Using a food analogy for Communism. GOLD!
“A lotta people on here seem to have never had a good soufflé. Luckily part of the recipe is literacy and free education so you can read the instructions and make your own!”
What a retard.
The State-Approved Instructions that you MUST follow are the only way to make said soufflé. Damn them and their terrible argument to the depths.
You know where I leanred to read? At home, from my parents.
The “Free” “Education” actively tried to crush any interest in reading or literature from the students.
I also learned to cook from my parents.
This. I had exactly two classes that ever stoked my fire to read. One was remedial composition class (read a book of your choice and write a 5 page essay on it). One was English 11 (spent 3 months reading Mark Twain)
Three if you counted AB calculus (understood the material well enough that I spent the entire class reading for fun instead of listening to the lecture)
Diane Feinstein sucked my cock when I was passed out in a truck stop restroom in 1988 or 1989. I only found out when her driver tried to sell my jizz on ali baba.
Please share your stories of how Diane assaulted you. Find your courage. #Metoo.
In ’79 Diane Feinstein pulled her concealed pistol on me. She tied me up and buggered me with the barrel.
*takes a deep breath*
Well, It was in a hospital in Daily City, CA in early 1972. She was on the San Francisco board of commissioners and was at the hospital for some ribbon cutting or something. She was with a group of other “dignitaries” on a tour, and their route took them through the maternity ward. She was walking by me as a nurse was changing my diaper. She paused, looked quickly into my eyes and then her eyes slowly went down and locked on my infant-hood. Her lecherous gaze held for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, she broke her stare, looked at the nurse, and said, “he’s quite the cutie, isn’t he?”
*breaks down sobbing*
This really calls for a SF story.
don’t know about that, but Feinstein needs to resign because her failure to come forward in July has allowed this groper and rapist to circulate in polite society for another two whole months. Why does she hate teen age girls?
That’s the same thing with the Mueller probe. If he actually had anything on him, how dare he expose the world to his lunacy for his entire first term?
In 1975 Diane Feinstein came on to me wrapped only in a confederate flag. She thought I was Jimmy Carter (because our first names were the same) and was trying to seduce me into putting her on the ticket as VP.
Even though I was only 8 at the time, I knew I didn’t want that hag touching me, so I tried to run away. She put one of her claws over my mouth to keep me from calling for my mom. She then clumsily tried to remove my onesie PJ’s.
I only escaped because a drunken Jim Jones jumped on her back and knocked her down.
I didn’t tell anyone until I was in couples therapy trying to find a reason to excuse my loutish behavior away.
Church of England should avoid only calling God ‘he’, Bishop says
Okay Rachel, we’ll get rid of the woman “Bishops” so you can start a gofundme with your victim points
Truth? That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Republicans put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court decades ago despite Anita Hill’s credible claims of sexual harassment, and he is still a Supreme Court justice. Which means that if Republicans confirm Kavanaugh, the highest court in the land will be a living symbol that the law does not treat women as full citizens.
That’s simply unacceptable.
What I’d like Senate Republicans to say: They cannot know whether this accusation is true, false or somewhere in between. They do know such an act would disqualify Kavanaugh from this position and from any high office if were true. Kavanaugh (they believe) was otherwise a perfectly acceptable nominee. But the injustice to the entire nation of confirming him if the claim is true — and the message that confirming him would send if it is — outweighs the injustice to him personally if he has been wronged. Kavanaugh can still return to serving in the high office he currently holds, and Republicans still have plenty of time to nominate and confirm a (conservative, partisan) replacement while the current Senate remains in session.
Some stories are too important and precious to be subjected to icky verification. Somebody needs to climb the stairs to that guillotine, and he just happens to be right there. One more head in the basket, and our nation will be redeemed.
Republicans put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court decades ago despite Anita Hill’s credible claims of sexual harassment, and he is still a Supreme Court justice. Which means that if Republicans confirm Kavanaugh, the highest court in the land will be a living symbol that the law does not treat women as full citizens.
non sequitur (ˈnɒn ˈsɛkwɪtə)
1. a statement having little or no relevance to what preceded it
2. (Logic) logic a conclusion that does not follow from the premises
What is the point of that fucking Russian secret code that dictionaries always put in parens after the word? Cause it sure the fuck has nothing to do with helping you understand how to pronounce the word.
It’s IPA pronunciation. Which I think means you have to be raging drunk for it to be useful.
If Republicans back off the nomination without any further evidence, it will merely validate the method of derailment and ensure that the tactic will be used again.
They will never get anyone confirmed again. Ever.
Forget that.
Even if true, what value does this information contain? The only possible relevance would be to tell us what kind of person he is.
But we already know that. He has a 35 year body of work since that time that shows that he’s not the kind of guy that goes around raping people. So, contrary to this author’s assertion, it isn’t disqualifying.
But there are not many people who believe this. Because an accusation of jumping on a girl at a “party” and grabbing at her boobs and covering her mouth (which, if it actually did happen, would probably have a different interpretation by the other parties involved) is exactly the same thing as raping someone.
Nobody sees it the way the small segment of libertarian type guys see it. They see “actions have consequences”. They are not the least bit concerned about “how in the world could you possibly defend these charges?”
“He has a 35 year body of work since that time that shows that he’s not the kind of guy that goes around raping people”
A HS dude copping a feel isn’t cause for disqualification.
Unless he’s a Kennedy.
But the injustice to the entire nation of confirming him if the claim is true
See, that’s how you assume the conclusion. Bonus points for wrapping it in a crispy crust of hypothetical.
The Dems and their operatives in the media and the Deep State have been engaged in a years-long campaign to destroy the lives of anyone associated with Trump, with the goal of making association with the duly elected President so toxic that no one is willing to work in his administration or be nominated by him. Even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, this character assassination will have advanced that goal.
Did someone mention Chairman Mao?
UFOs on Mars?
Mr. Lizard, you have some explaining to do
Mr. Lizard’s people(?) are setting up forward operation bases. Jeez, it’s like you don’t know interstellar warfare strategies.
As if, you guys just saw some flight ops. They practicing in a gravity well with a harsh atmosphere
Has anyone used CBD on their dog to control or reduce inflammation?
Yes, kind of. One of the Dean Beasts has valley fever in his lower back which was limiting his mobility and depressing his energy level. We started dosing him with CBD and he seems pretty much back to normal.
Thanks RC. Is there anything to look for or avoid in a particular oil?
Not that I know of.
Mrs. Dean also uses CBD oil and has found one that she likes for managing anxiety/stress (which I am sure has nothing, nothing at all, to do with the fact she is married to me). We noticed a lot of variation before she settled on the one she uses, but how you know if a particular formulation is better or worse for a dog is a complete mystery to me.
The Dean Beast is just under 50 pounds, and I give him a dropper of 300 strength pot juice twice a day. Can’t recall the brand, but it seems to help.
I read that as dong. My mistake, carry on.
Not that it wouldn’t make a great article… but I’m concerned about my dog.
Get the dog high first, they won’t notice the strange taste.
So as an anti-circumcision libertarian, what is the most prevalent libertarian position or circumcision?
And yes I know it is an old debate but I don’t remember the conclusion, so if someone can give me the short summary?
I dunno about doctrinaire libertarians, but this certainly falls under “none of the government’s damned business” for me.
Deep dish.
So you want to cut off all the background context on this debate? Just jump to the exposed end?
You are a monster!
Oh no, puns…. I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Hey lets just cut to the chase, this is clearly a very sensitive issue for some people
Is that Nikki? Really is the worst.
The most common position is probably about the same as abortion. No legal prohibition and do what you want.
I’m not a libertarian, and I wouldn’t let my principles be deterined by consensus.
That said, I don’t know what other people think, I just think that foisting a permanant, unncessary surgical alteration upon an infant is immoral, and such things should wait until the individual is old enough to make an informed decision for themselves.
I have noticed quite a few people against circumcision that have no problem with abortion.
*ducks and runs*
I don’t have a position on it besides that it shouldn’t be the government’s business. It’s largely a cosmetic alteration these days, as I understand it, outside of religious custom. If my wife and I have a son I’ll probably leave him with a turtleneck, but I don’t feel any particular way about my having had the clip as a newborn.
To me, it’s barely more weighty of a decision than getting an infant’s ears pierced.
Pierced ears heal. foreskins do not grow back.
Thus why it’s “barely more weighty”
So you’re okay with infant tattooing too? It too is a painful procedure causing a permanant, cosmetic change. Though the actual functional difference in lopping off a mass of nerve endings and part of the protective system of what is supposed to be a quasi-internal organ is more than cosmetic.
Actually, what I really meant to say was “fuck off slave”. The religious and ethnic choices of a family are for the family to decide. Radical individualism is a blight on libertarianism.
I’m just trying to get a handle on the scope of what you regard as insignificant with regards to permanant modification of a child’s body before they are able to comprehend the ramifications.
Sure, on a spectrum from “don’t give a shit” to “government should step in”, it goes like this:
Ear piercings – > circumcision/fgm – > tattoos – > gender reassignment – > neglect – > malnourishment – > beating the kid – > murder/abortion
Oh, and kiddy diddling is between beating and murder
I stand at the line of “anything that is not trivially reversable (such as piercings which close up and heal on their own) is the choice of the person whose body it is and must wait until they are able to make that choice for themselves”. Abuse/assault and murder are already their own categories of crime even among adults and clearly something that is in the agreed-upon banned status. For neglect, it has to be well defined, because some people (not here as far as I can tell) have been abusing its definition. (ie, it’s not neglect to let you child play outside or walk around the block, etc)
I stand at the line of “anything that is not trivially reversable (such as piercings which close up and heal on their own) is the choice of the person whose body it is and must wait until they are able to make that choice for themselves”.
I wish I had the time to sit down and finish my article on this subject. It’s about 1/3 done, and I don’t want to do it injustice because I think it’s a very important libertarian topic.
I’m a believer in the idea that rights don’t exist in a vacuum. I’m also a believer in the idea that family is the core unit of society, not the individual. Skipping over all of the article length justifications for that position, I’ll get to the punchline. I believe that a family has a different sort of authority over a child than the government does. The family can do things to the child that would be a violation of rights if the government did them. Religious cosmetic body modification falls in that category.
Not remembering what having one was like, I couldn’t speak to the foreskin being a mass of nerve endings, but my understanding is that it’s not anywhere near as significant as a clitorectomy, for instance. Aside from religious reasons, the big deal with circumcision was that it was thought to stave off infection resulting from stuff getting in the folds between the head and the foreskin, which apparently was a significant issue in armies in the field from antiquity into the 20th century and is why it became so common among American Gentiles of recent generations.
I don’t remember having a foreskin, so to me it is irrelevant.
We circumcised my son but to tell you the truth there is no real reason why.
Keep government out of it.
You the Momofuko’n man noodle guy.
Republicans should be holding themselves to an especially high standard on this, and not only because they have nominated and elected a president who has had serious accusations of sexual harassment and sexual assault leveled at him. Politicians of both parties have, over time, been guilty of terrible crimes. But Republicans have a particular obligation here because their public-policy positions have put them on the side of those who oppose equality and full citizenship for women, and because they nominate far fewer women for elected office. To be sure: Many Republicans (including many Republican women) strongly dispute that they are in any sense anti-woman. This, then, is an excellent time for them to demonstrate that they really do consider crimes against women to be major offenses.
I, uh…
I would need a ball peen to the frontal lobe 3 or 4x to understand that drivel.
Does anyone want to remind the lovely person what happened the last time Republicans nominated a woman for Vice President alone?
They also want women to wear those incredibly sexy red nun outfits and keep them chained up in the kitchen. And they really should stop violating the young females before their 5th birthdays as part of their ancient Republican sex rituals. And the forced blood donations from young women to keep the elderly GOP men alive really has to stop.
Who opposes equality and full citizenship for women? Where is this boogeyman?
If you can’t murder your babies, youre not a full citizen.
They usually go by the label “Feminist” and don’t want to be brought down to parity and equality.
Andy Knutson?
He’s dead, but he sabotaged his progressive wife’s political career.
It is also funny that her own party didn’t back her up because they were mad at her because rift had also formed between Knutson and Democratic Party officials, who were angered by her support for rural-minded politicians over DFL-endorsed candidates.
You need to get out of Minnesota more.
Bloomberg should be holding themselves to an especially high standard on this, and not only because they were founded by a person who has had serious accusations of bestiality and animal cruelty leveled at him. Journalists of all outlets have, over time, been guilty of terrible crimes. But Bloomberg has a particular obligation here because their public-policy positions have put them on the side of those who oppose leaving goats and other livestock unmolested, and because they leave far fewer swine sexually intact than their competitirs. To be sure: Many Bloomberg empliyees (including many of the livestock kept in the Bloomberg offic) strongly dispute that they are in any sense bestialists. This, then, is an excellent time for them to demonstrate that they really do consider crimes against animals to be major offenses.
/just as logically coherent as the original.
Dianne Feinstein could have demonstrated that she really does consider crimes against women to be major offences by revealing the accusation in good time for it to be investigated. The Democrats could demonstrate that they really do consider crimes against women to be major offences by abandoning the pretence that this is a federal crime.
they have nominated and elected a president who has had serious accusations of sexual harassment and sexual assault leveled at him
They did? Then why did all those “accusations” that came out, surprisingly, in October evaporate after he was elected?
These people shit-canned any credibility they had on the issue back in the Bill Clinton years.
To normal, rational people, yes. To brain-dead partisans, not at all. You can see the accusations against Clinton being relitigated as a sideshow to the Ford kerfuffle, and there are plenty of people pivoting seamlessly from #believeher to flyspecking the details and background of the women who accused Clinton on the road to saying, well, #don’tbelieveher.
Just noticed the pic for today’s links on the front page. Very PETA unfriendly, but funny.
“Liberalism” is a hoax and a scam. Also, Steve Bannon is a white supremacist poopyhead.
It is imperative, as the losers of history revolt, that we reexamine liberalism, an ideology preferred by the winners of history — what Cruise O’Brien, reporting from Africa in the 1960s, called the “ideology of the rich, the elevation into universal values of the codes which favoured the emergence, and favour the continuance, of capitalist society.”
Liberals cannot hope to combat white supremacism and open up the future with self-flattering fables about liberalism’s past. Interrogating Bannon seems a distraction from the main task of those who rally under the banner of liberalism today: to subject, first, their own assumptions to “rigorous questioning and debate.”
Warmed-over anti-colonialist blather, served up in a shiny new dog dish.
Capitalism wrecked Paradise.
I mean people live to be 1000 before capitalism
Capitalism wrecked paradise, yet the inhabitants of all of those former paradises want cars, clothes, refrigerators, blue jeans, and a steady reliable supply of food.
Capitalism is literally just letting people choose how to live their own lives without government interference. Most of the critiques of capitalism are really just critiques of the homeopathic fascism and socialism baked into all Western democracies.
Didn’t you read Piketty’s book? Capitalism is only about accumulating enough capital until you can sit back and let the interest roll into your coffers. Then you’re ancestors are set forever.
Capital does not magically crap out additional monies. It requires careful management to see a return.
They never define what they mean by capitalism. I dont think they know what the word means.
California’s poverty rate is still the highest in the nation, despite state efforts
Despite… yeah…
I think the only way to get that number down is a cull. They should raise the minimum wage some more. Mandate some more expensive employer-paid benefits. Increase land use regulations. If they do those things diligently, more of the poor will just give up and inject fentanyl into their veins.
Personally I think more regulations on homeless shelters would help.
Make sure those soup kitchens have to pass a few more rounds of inspections.
more of the poor will just give up and leave the state. FTFY
Most of the matches I want to see appear to be Spanish-only. The one depicted will be on TNT (?!). We’ll see….
faint coys! Vorm in goal again when he sucked against Liverpool, no Dele Alli, sigh.
But yeah, I do get to watch the game in Spanish at least.
Re: The weather reporters faking it, this is what popped in my head.
Why do they do this?
Every time, they trot out racism and sexual assault/misconduct charges. why?
Because it works.
Call a white guy a racist and 90+% of black people will immediately believe it, and more – they will be motivated to personally dislike the person and agitate against them. Anyone wishing to avoid being “part of the problem” or a “racist sympathizer” had better get with the program.
Claim a man did something inappropriate sexually and you’d better believe me! He’s a creep, and should be shunned. And most women will believe it. Because they’ve either had a similar situation or they’ve had a time when people didn’t believe them or poo-pooed their claims. So by simply making the claim, you can get close to half the population on your side – and angry about it. So anyone who takes the opposite position isn’t just wrong… they are evil. They hate women. They want women to be raped. They are probably rapists themselves.
The wife and I are far on the opposite side of this issue. Every time one of these cases comes up (by ‘these cases’ I mean Mattress Girl, Duke Lacrosse, UVA) she gets angry – because I “always think the woman is lying”. Well, only in the cases when she’s lying. But those are the only cases that anybody talks about. Nobody is worried about the guy who raped 3 old ladies, other than opining that they should have just shot his ass and been done with it.
Because she’s a woman, she is completely blind to the “it could have been me” aspect for the accused. She thinks “it could have been me” of the victim. I see the successful, upstanding family guy with a record of unimpeachable character who is instantly branded guilty by an unprovable and worse, un-disprovable accusation, and I see myself. That could be me.
I’m as clean cut as they come. A family guy who waited until marriage, never did drugs, doesn’t drink, always acted the gentleman, volunteers extensively at church and with kids. Nobody is going to give a rats ass about any of that if anyone comes out and makes some sexual accusation. Women don’t have that hanging over their head. As a guy, you know that at any moment you could have one crazy person that intersects your life and ruins everything. One mentally ill woman who you turn down could call you a rapist and that’s it for you. One paranoid mom could say you touched her toddler and you are done.
Women don’t have that hanging over them. Even proven child molesters don’t carry that much of a stigma. Teachers who slept with their middle school students sometimes get prosecuted and they can’t get a job as a teacher any more. But they are not social pariahs.
Guys with false accusations against them often go to prison, even if nobody actually believes the accusation. The “little rascals preschool case” was one such case. Frontline on PBS did a series of documentaries on the case. The charges were unbelievable… literally. It included half of the preschoolers being systematically molested, including being sodomized with butcher knives and infant sacrifice. But no physical evidence. It included claims that the owner and a worker had sex on a table in the storefront window on the main street in town at lunchtime. They asked the jury if they believed each of the claims. They all said “no”. So, why did you vote to convict him?, they asked. “Well, there was just so much…. so we felt like we had to err on the side of protecting the children”. So they sentenced someone they knew to be innocent, or at least “not guilty”, to life in prison.
That is the world a few of us who are men and are aware of these things live in. No woman lives in that world. They live in the world of “always believe the woman” and “most women are assaulted or have had an attempted rape at some point in their lives”.
So if you express concerns about due process, you must be guilty.
In the case of Kavanaugh, I think the Senate should say “there is nothing of value here” and decline to give a hearing to this woman. Even if every word she says is true, there is no way she can prove it. And even if every word of it is made up from whole cloth, there is no way he can possibly refute any of it. So the honest thing to do would be to punt the whole thing.
But nobody is going to agree with that. Almost all women are going to say “that could be me” and “actions have consequences” and “if he didn’t want her to come forward, he shouldn’t have tried to stick his dick in her”. They are not even going to be able to see that “there is nothing here that could ever possibly be refuted”.
Nobody would seriously entertain charges of “this woman vandalized my car 30 years ago when she was drunk at a party and I turned her down but I didn’t tell anyone at the time” (something that actually did happen to me). But because “rape is so serious” we have to treat it differently. Even when it isn’t rape. Because he totally would have raped her. Totally.
This is not going to get resolved. This goes to the nature of who people are. This is tribalism intersecting with the vastly different life experiences and vulnerabilities of men and women. Men can sympathize with what it would be like to be a woman and be attacked like that even if it is different for us, because we could imaging being attacked by a much larger man. Most of us have not been raped, but we have been at the unfortunate side of a physical mismatch. It isn’t the same thing as walking around all day, every day as a potential target, but it gives a frame of reference. But women for the most part can’t even sympathize with what it is like to live under threat of a false accusation.
They immediately go to “why would someone make up something like that?” They can’t empathize with any fuzzy boundaries where two people might see the same interaction differently. They don’t see a world in which someone might call the police because they are taking pictures of their own kids at a local park, because it doesn’t happen to them (also something that has happened to me).
Like most men, I’ve been in situations with women where I was – uh, not as into it as they were. I had a woman from work show up drunk one night at my apartment because she had a thing for me. I politely turned her down and I let her sleep it off while I slept on the couch. In a “you always believe the woman” world, that could have been my Mattress Girl moment. Because I was kind in a moment of someone’s vulnerability, I could have been done, lost my career and maybe my freedom if she had decided to make some claims about what happened while she was too drunk to remember. What possible defense could I mount?
And, possibly like Kavanaugh, I’m more immune to these charges than most because I have led the life of a boy scout. I never slept around, never had one night stands, etc. So there isn’t a “we got drunk at the club and hooked up at her place” moment that could turn in to an accusation of rape. Many, maybe most guys have those moments in their life.
That’s the world most of us guys live in. A world where Brett Kavanaugh could be us. A world where, even if you live a conscientious life where you try to be an honorable person and a gentleman, there’s still the potential that 5 minutes of your life could come to define your entire life. Even if you didn’t actually do anything wrong.
And add on top of that this new standard… that the accusation can come at any time for the rest of forever. Even long after any hope of getting a true picture of events is long past.
So I see Kavanaugh and I see someone who is not being treated fairly – even if everything happened exactly as she described. (which we know is not possible.. memories are notoriously fallible, and a 20 or 30 year old memory that was “traumatic” would likely be even more fallible, as it is revisited and embellished over time)
And most women see Kavanaugh and see a woman who never received justice.
And yet this same group of women can’t understand why they are having trouble finding male mentors at work.
A family guy who waited until marriage, never did drugs, doesn’t drink, always acted the gentleman, volunteers extensively at church and with kids.
What skeletons are you hiding? You murdered brevity, for a start.
It’s gonna take chaperones and notes of consent for every interaction in triplicate to get through this isn’t it?
It is the return of Victorian era mores. Look at how they got through it and you will have your answer.
Well said – and I just wanted to add my 2 cents. Because of this fear of being accused, I rarely talk to children or women when I’m, for example, running on the streets.
My wife and I were walking one time, pulling our own kid in a wagon. Near a church we came across a toddler who was playing by a busy street with no parent in sight. My wife took the kid in hand and brought him into the church to find his parents. Turns out the toddler had run away from the church daycare without his disappearance being noted.
Me? I stayed outside with my son. If I had come across the same situation if it had been just me I didn’t know what I would do; afraid of being called a kidnapper or who knows what else. Something like this:
True story, I used to attend a Unitarian Church. I hated the proggie politics of it but the religion itself if you pay attention to it is actually pretty libertarian friendly and unlike most atheists I do not think that the church is something that should be casually discarded, the community building aspect of the church is something which plays an important role in societies and nothing else we have tried really seems to fully replace that. That plus my wife was a paid nursery worker at the church at the time.
Anyway, week in and week out the preacher would get up during morning announcements and ask for volunteers to work with the youth group, especially male volunteers and specifically with the high school group because at that time there was just 2 women and no men working with a group of about 10 teens. So I figured I would step up and help out.
It didn’t take 3 weeks before the whispers started, behind my back and more importantly directly to my wife about how I was taking an awful lot of interest in those teenagers, isn’t it weird how much time I spend with those teen girls? and so on.
The church was literally begging for some man to step up and assist with the teen group and the minute some man did the hints that his motivations were impure and he was at best a little creepy started
It didn’t take 3 weeks before the whispers started, behind my back and more importantly directly to my wife about how I was taking an awful lot of interest in those teenagers, isn’t it weird how much time I spend with those teen girls? and so on.
That shit needs nipped in the bud really fast. That is extremely toxic, and that’s a great way to drive off legitimately positive contributors. I’ve had the conversation with our youth pastor about that kind of stuff chilling male involvement with the kids, and he said it is a real problem. In this culture, men are seen as creepy if they take an interest in kids.
Holy shit that is sick. Classic sign of our tailspin into a “low trust” country – literally.
Let it burn. Not my problem. I look out for myself. This is the world “they” created, “they” can enjoy living in it.
Preach. In previous incarnations of this debate with my wife she’s come at me with, “Why do you assume the woman is lying?” and my reply is “Why do you assume she’s telling the truth?” There’s a very good reason that our system of justice is at least theoretically based on the idea that the accused is assumed to be innocent and must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. And yeah, like you say, without getting too dramatic about it there is absolutely a double-standard regarding men and women and accusations like this that women cannot relate to. I guess that’s the “male privilege” bit; since you’re probably bigger and stronger you get to start with an extra 50% on the Guilt-O-Meter.
This is why I despise being put in a position of working alone with women at work. Not that anything would happen, but there are a few female attys who already bitch about patriarchy and not being able to climb the corporate ladder (maybe because you’re an absolute pain in the ass to work with, bitch!), so im not about to give them the opportunity to level an accusation. Not saying they would, but I only trust them as far as I can throw them, and that’s not very far.
I almost wouldn’t mind if I got to enjoy some of the perqs of shitlordery, but I can’t even expect the laundry to be done correctly. I have to cajole my better half to put a plate under things instead of just plopping a used spoon right on the counter. I do all the cooking. Shit, I’m my own goddamn housewife, and I STILL don’t get to boss anybody around.
You get to shut up and do as you are told. That should be enough for anyone.
I am gonna brag. My wife is a little older than I am and thus raised in a different time. Everything at our house is 50/50. She gets upset if I try to cut the grass or clean the house without her. Our activities, even chores, are bonding experiences for us.
I wouldnt have it any other way.
Also, she has seen enough of these cases now that she, like me, immediately assumes the woman is lying and has some ulterior motive.
color me jealous.
I have (mostly) jokingly told my wife on several occasions that while she doesn’t need to worry about me straying because of some 20-something with daddy issues I’d leave her in a heartbeat for Rosie from The Jetsons.
Somehow it’s misogynistic to believe that women have agency and may be driven by unsavory motives for personal aggrandizement, just like men.
Being an upstanding man in the community means you’re hiding something and must be a perv. Being a creep means you’re a perv. Not a lot of options left for us guys.
Maybe them herbivores over here had the right idea. *kiff sighs but remains optimistic*
Or go Sharia.
There is…that option, yes indeed. *strokes beard in contemplation*
Not to sound all Roosh/Manosphere/Amateur hack psychologist, but I think there is something to this. There are many very solid and deeply ingrained reasons why women want powerful and dominant men. Methinks that the Left’s obsession with Islam is a subconscious expression of neutered males’ and masculinized females’ longing for more traditional roles, but in the most dysfunctional, extreme way possible.
The psychology major graduate in me (yes I made mistakes in college) is greatly intrigued by this theory. *jots notes*
Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC.
So you may as well return fire.
I’m going to add another level to this. We’ve come to a point where we can no longer discuss ideas. Especially in the political arena (but also elsewhere in life because politics is now being injected into everything), if someone doesn’t like what a person says or believes, they don’t challenge the speech or belief. They launch into a full on character assassination. I think the discussion of Kavanaugh’s cases lasted maybe 10 minutes, and very quickly went to “He’s a RAPIST!”
This is why I’m really pessimistic about the direction of the US. Because how to you come back from that? How do you get back to people actually discussing things?
Kevin, I postulate that the level of discussion has never been as high-minded as you wish for, especially among the average person. There were always pockets of people willing to hear opposing points, and echo chambers. It is just that due to the poor design of the internet, we have greater visibility to the patterns.
In 80’s and 90’s I met plenty of unpleasant people including feminists. Back then, I could say “no thanks” to their nonsense and walk away. Now they’ll literally hunt you for sport.
May as well link to a manosphere site on this one.
We can no longer discuss ideas because we are already in Civil War II.
The shooting and pogroms haven’t started yet, but I doubt they are far off.
I do wonder what “Globohomo” is supposed to mean….
This is almost worthy of being it’s own post
Almost all women are going to say “that could be me” and “actions have consequences”….
Except if you’re a woman. And the accuser. That’s the thing that bothers me about this issue to no end. A woman can get caught lying through her teeth to destroy the life of an innocent man and the there will be no negative repercussions for her whatsoever. I’ve actually read news stories where a judge actually said he wasn’t going to do anything about the woman’s false accusations because he didn’t want to “discourage women from coming forward:”.
And the truth is, whether anyone, including me, likes it or not, whenever I hear an uncertain accusation, “she has license to lie with impunity” is one of the first things to go through my head.
Well, this, in a nutshell (a rather large nutshell 🙂 ) is why identity politics is simultaneously so pervasive and so destructive. It’s pervasive because, as you point out, it works. Plain and simple. It’s destructive because it kills logical thought and divides people into tribes. Once such an accusation is leveled, it’s not about weighing the facts and evidence of that individual case, it’s US AGAINST THEM and a microcosm of every historic (or even hypothetical) incident of this group against some other group.
Dems are by no means the only ones who do this, but they do it the most and they do it best. They have built their political model on cobbling together various identity groups and then appealing to the worst aspects of human nature. Tribalism, fear and the tendency toward summary justice by the mob are just part of their model.
Going further, there are several flaws with this case that are big enough to drive a semi through; and most of them make the Dems look far worse than Kavanaugh. For starters, no one seems to be asking the question of why Feinstein sat on this since July. The answer is obvious (she wanted to make the maximum political impact), but if she’s a true “advocate for women” or whatever such bullshit she brands herself, shouldn’t these accusations take priority over petty partisan bickering. Furthermore, the fact that this accuser is just now coming forward 36 (!!!!!) years later seems irrelevant to the #metoo squad as well. At some point, this “movement” is going to have to reckon with the fact that if these allegations are so terrible and serious, why does NO ONE seem to do anything about them until decades later. There’s a reason that we have statutes of limitations; the longer between a supposed crime and the investigation, the less reliable are people’s memories, the more difficult it is to gather evidence and the less likely it is that the accused will receive due process. Not that any of this matters. The Dems have successfully turned #metoo into a political weapon in which a mere accusation is a guilty verdict. This circus is showing just how powerful and far reaching it is. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad; you have an incident from 3 and half decades ago, when both parties were minors in high school that, even if it occurred exactly as she describes, rises to the level of sleazy high school boy being a sleaze. The proper punishment would have been for her big brother/friends/father to kick his ass and be done with it. On top of that, her stories have contradicted themselves and the only supposed eyewitness claims it didn’t happen. If this is enough to derail someone’s career, we all might as well just give up now because the next stop is destroying someone because they played doctor with the other kids from the cul-de-sac at age 8.
Yeah, I’m not laughing either. It’s getting very ugly and I don’t like where we’re headed full-steam ahead one bit.
I think there’s a certain amount to the idea that nobody took groping very seriously back then, and that the police wouldn’t have done anything about it. Doesn’t explain why there’s no contemporary evidence (e.g., comments made to friends) at all though.
You are right Q. The left isnt the only group that does it but they do it in a deliberate, calculated way and the goal is exactly to kill logical thought and divide people into tribes.
It is one thing to accidentally be evil or lack self awareness to realize you are being evil, but another thing entirely to actively seek to be evil with full knowledge of what you are doing.
It is the American Progressives version of ratting out your fellow citizen to the Stasi. I did not fail to notice that the same people get ratted out: wrongthinkers. You are absolutely right about sympathy falling on the ‘that could be me’ person, but nearly everyone who does that is wrong to think they couldn’t be the other party.
I’ve seen friends jailed for days when the soon to be ex-wife decides to file rape charges (luckily for him he had an alibi). It happens.
My son and his High School friends are suspicious and cautious around girls in ways that never would have occurred to be 35 years ago. This bullshit has gotten seriously out of hand and I am highly doubtful of any women now until I see some evidence.
The Senate should haul her up for questioning – and publicly embarrass her in every way possible – then censure Feinstien for this fraud.
“The Senate should haul her up for questioning – and publicly embarrass her in every way possible”
It’s as I said yesterday, the only way this stops is if the Pubs start fighting just as dirty. They need to hire investigators and lawyers to tear this woman’s history apart. Unseal her couple’s counseling. Drag every embarrassing thing that she’s ever done and question her relentlessly about it, outcries of victim blaming be damned. Humiliate, destroy and humiliate some more. Drive her to the brink of suicide. Make the cost of being one of these anonymous accusers so high that someone would only do it if they’re really serious.
Never gonna happen since the Pubs are utterly spineless.
Exactly. Right now, there is no downside to playing this game. The only way its going to stop is if some sort of cost is imposed on it.
That’s the problem though…. that isn’t the way it works.
If they attack the “victim”, then they are guilty too. That is the trap. Make an accusation and you’ve won because the rules are: Believe the victim, Perps always deny it, lying about it (denying it) is just as bad as doing it, expressing sympathy or support for the Perp is exactly the same as raping the woman, it is about the seriousness of the charge, her history is irrelevant, no victim shaming, absence of contemporaneous evidence just proves that she was afraid to come forward, everything is just as bad as rape.
The only way out of this was to have the committee act in good faith. If they were acting in good faith and looking to vet a candidate, they might have met secretly about this woman’s accusations, but they would have determined that it had no relevance to the current discussion and put it to the side.
But they are not acting in good faith. This isn’t about truly vetting a nominee. It is about teams and scorekeeping. Defeating a nominee is an end unto itself. None of the Democrats give a rats ass about this. They barely even care about his position on the bill of rights. They are going to vote on party lines. Very few of the Republicans care about the judicial issues at stake. They are going to vote along party lines. A handful seem to be thinking about the constitutional issues we are concerned about. But mostly they seem to be worried about how “accused rapist” is going to play in their election campaign.
Which is why nobody is going to stand up and say “this is all BS. Even if it was true, it doesn’t mean anything because we have over 3 decades of his adult life to go on and we know he’s not some violent perv who goes around assaulting women, and he’s not the kind of jurist who will go around freeing rapists because ‘she had it coming’. “ Instead they are going to pretend like this is all very serious and important and we have to seriously consider these allegations, because doing otherwise would paint them as monster rape apologists.
I agree with all of this. It’s a witch hunt that means nothing to the actual process.
What I’m saying is that IF anyone wants this to stop, in a practical sense, there has to be a cost imposed upon the accuser. Like Bill says above your post, there’s no downside at the moment. Someone makes a bogus claim, the worst that happens to the accuser is a collective shrug. This goes beyond this particular SCOTUS confirmation, it’s the sign of a much larger sickness. People who make false accusations must face some kind of consequence.
Used to be a time when the Ninth Commandment would give people pause.
That’s the thing about this case (which cannot be discussed). She doesn’t have to be “lying” in order for it to be false.
Memories are fallible. People see things differently. Memories change over time.
I could posit a perfectly reasonable story where she actually went to a party with some friends and met some boys from another school and they partied together. She actually did go to a bedroom with a couple of guys and “something” happened. Let’s say she was flirting with the boys and nobody had the guts to move in for the first kiss, so they flirted and tussled around. Because they are boys and are therefore probably stupid, they pushed things too much and pissed her off. She stormed off and they were left laughing and not understanding what just happened.
Just as she reports today, she doesn’t say anything. Not because nothing happened. And not because it was so traumatic and terrifying. But because she was upset about the boys not turning out to be what she hoped they’d be and not wanting to start anything at the “big kids party”.
so far, sounds reasonable.
Then she has this story. And it takes on more significance over time. When she hears about date rape at college, she analogizes her story to the examples they are giving. Hey! I was almost date raped!
Fast forward 20 more years. She’s had this as a touchstone in her life. The time I was almost raped. And they were characters from a movie plot – the rich kids from the snotty, uptight boys only school. And she’s talking with her couples counselor about why she has trouble with intimacy. So she says it is because she was almost raped.
Fast forward another decade… and Kavanaugh and his buddy are becoming notable. Their story gets attached to her story. She begins remembering details about how they were the guys.
Fast forward another few years. He’s the evil guy who wants to outlaw abortion and birth control! Of course, he is!! I’ve always known it.
So now she has a couple of decades of revisiting this story in her mind – as an attempted rape no less, even though at the time maybe she didn’t consider it as such.
So she’s going to believe every detail of her version of the story. Including the identities of the two guys. (perhaps that detail even changed – or maybe the therapist got it wrong).
So now when she tells the story, she is going to believe it completely. She’s going to be even more confident in her memory and the details than she would have been two days after it happened. Because that’s how these memories work. Even though she’s changed the details of what happened to make them worse than they were, added in a positive ID from two guys who she forgot their actual names 25 years ago and embellished their motives and actions to fit her perception. All delivered convincingly, because she experiences it as a perfectly accurate memory.
So it could be a completely false allegation and she might not even have the slightest clue that her memory isn’t accurate.
(it is also entirely possible that her entire story is accurate, but it isn’t required that it be accurate for her to believe it, particularly after all this time).
cyto, that is the most likely account of how we got where we are today that I have read.
One question:
Including the identities of the two guys. (perhaps that detail even changed – or maybe the therapist got it wrong).
I thought the therapist’s notes had no names, and that the therapist did not recall Kavanaugh being mentioned by name.
I was unclear there… I was referring to the therapist writing down “4 guys”..
It could be that she told the therapist 4 guys and has since revised her memory. Or it could be that the therapist simply got it wrong when writing it down. Either one is plausible, but 4 guys colluding in a rape is 4 times less plausible than 2 guys colluding in a rape.
“They are not acting in good faith.”
They are too busy being Spartacus.
If they attack the “victim”, then they are guilty too. That is the trap. Make an accusation and you’ve won because the rules are: Believe the victim, Perps always deny it, lying about it (denying it) is just as bad as doing it, expressing sympathy or support for the Perp is exactly the same as raping the woman, it is about the seriousness of the charge, her history is irrelevant, no victim shaming, absence of contemporaneous evidence just proves that she was afraid to come forward, everything is just as bad as rape.
That only works if all parties agree to those rules. It only works if everyone involved agrees that the values encapsulated in those rules are, in fact, the right ones. That’s why the entire Clarence Thomas / Anita Hill rigamarole played out in the Democrats’ favor. As much as the pubs got accused of “attacking the victim”, they were mostly just politely questioning glaring inconsistencies in her story. If they really had gone the route of character assassination, “Anita Hill” would be a slang term to describe a woman with an over-inflated ego and psychological issues. And Ford is playing the same game. When her attorney is out-and-out saying they don’t have to corroborate their claims, they should have made themselves fair game for the wrath of God. Instead, the GOP is going to tip-toe about any inconsistencies and wind up getting just as attacked as “pro-rape”.
The left’s game of political intimidation only works with victims who accept their premises. The son-of-a-bitch who doesn’t give a damn about leftist “morality” is immune to their attacks. Just ask Donald Trump.
Excellent post, Ken.
She thinks “it could have been me” of the victim.
In the cases you mention, my question is “what victim”?
Great rant! I feel the same way.
Please share your stories of how Diane assaulted you. Find your courage. #Metoo.
Don’t let her try to give you a hand job on an airplane. That’s all I’m gonna say. That, and, those wizened claws are like an eagle’s talons.
Titty Tuesday.
5, 18, 36, 40. 7 is just slightly suggestive.
2 and 11 looked like nice beach fun, and 18 was just classy oof. 29 looks comfy too. Nice lineup, Mr. Q.
Ogling girls in swimsuits on this of all days.
Call it #resistance to #metoo. Resistance is cool now, right?
Not loading, oh well.
Q, with all this SCOTUS sexual harrassment business, how can you keep posting these pics?
[Looks at #1] Never mind.
Consider me standing in front of the tank of #metoo in the neo-Tiananmen Square of modern political debate.
That is priceless. You’re the man.
Well put, Cyto.
And this Because she’s a woman, she is completely blind to the “it could have been me” aspect for the accused.
Is a good point, but it seems to me that the thing which really started to put the brakes on the campus rape hysteria is when the mothers of students accused of misconduct started speaking forcefully against it, and other mothers started asking themselves, “Oh my god, what if this happened to my son?”
Except for the sociopaths who express regret for even having sons because their sons will grow up to be rapists.
The thing about a moral panic is that you can’t reason your way out of it, because you didn’t reason your way into it. The most destructively emotive voices win out. The women who realize the harm they’re doing their boys will be shouted down and silenced by childless biddies screaming about curfews for men.
That does not seem to work for very many women. They just assume their boy would never be subject to a false claim because women don’t lie and their boys are angels who would never be caught in that situation.
That is absolutely the way my wife thinks
Yep, yet I know a woman who reality gave a hard slap to. Her son was accused and nearly prosecuted despite the fact that he was literally in church at the time of the alleged incident with a hundred witnesses.
She no longer thinks that way.
Which is why this current accusation is so perfectly framed.
She alleges an assault… but only so much. So there is a believable grey area where you might not have reported a crime, but you could believe that there was an intent to commit a crime.
And she gives specifics… it was these two guys and he did exactly this and that. But only those specifics.
The details that could be verified…. they don’t exist. When? Probably this spring, maybe another year though.
Where? In a nice house somewhere, probably over that way.
Who else was there…. not really sure. Maybe these folks, maybe not. But definitely the accused and his buddy who has publicly written about how they are buddies and how he used to party.
How did you get there? How did you get home? Don’t know.
So anything that could even theoretically impeach her version is absent. And it happened more than 3 decades ago. So even with specifics, how could you verify anything.
As a smear job, it is really well constructed. You have an irrefutable claim. And it relies on “why would she lie about this?” combined with “always believe the victim”.
And the details are a trap. She has constructed an interaction that – were we having this discussion 35 years ago – could be defended. She claims attempted rape – the boys could easily claim they were just horsing around and having fun together. Both could actually be telling the truth as they perceived it. But if you try that argument, you are a rape apologist. Because, after 35 years, she not only knows he was trying to rape her, but she was afraid that he was going to “accidentally kill her”.
So there is nothing here do discuss. She tell us how horrifying it was to be almost-raped and how that made her into a trauma victim for the rest of forever. And we listen. And you either say “I believe you, poor victim!” and vote against Kavanaugh, branding him forever as a rapist. Or you say “you are a liar, and I rebuke you and claim all women who are raped are liars by voting to confirm Kavanaugh”.
This exact reason is why we have so many protections for the accused built into our criminal justice system. Of course, our political elites have been working long and hard to get rid of those protections, especially WRT to the wimminz. The only thing I disagree with here is “why would she lie about this?” It’s obvious why, for political gain (she is a liberal activist professor for Christ’s sake), however that’s irrelevant because “why would she lie about this?” is not the narrative; the narrative is “women NEVER lie about this.”
The only thing I disagree with here is “why would she lie about this?”
To derail Kavanaugh’s nomination. Duh.
She mentioned it to her therapist years ago, you say? Indeed she did, but did not name Kavanaugh (according to her therapist). I find it odd, also, that he was a sitting federal judge for years and years, the kind of thing that high school friends and acquaintances tend to know about, and she never said shit to anybody.
Her defense, of course, is that she was so traumatized that she couldn’t say anything about it. Two problems with that:
(1) What she says happened is frankly not that traumatizing to anyone who is remotely normal.
(2) Her total lack of recollection of any details is inconsistent with being brutally traumatized. Normal people recall the details of a traumatic experience.
My wife doesn’t believe Ford.
She says you don’t forget the details.
“To derail Kavanaugh’s nomination. Duh. ”
Also, fawning praise from her fellow lefties, victim status, possible book deals, speaking arrangements, etc.
As with Anita Hill, this will help, not harm, her career. And don’t think she doesn’t know that. I would expect that she has been given very direct assurances by the Democrat operatives who infest the media and academia (where she works) that she will be taken care of.
Don’t forget – Hill got multiple book deals and a tenured slot at Brandeis, a big step up from her previous position at the University of Oklahoma.
thanks, Cyto. that’s a good take on just how perfect this smear is.
I had the same thought – the lack of detail, while it should undercut her credibility, makes it that much harder to refute.
I mean, seriously “I was almost raped and it was so traumatic that it permanently affected my life, but I don’t recall any details like when, where, or even who (other than the accused)” just beggars belief. Yet here we are.
It’s almost as perfectly irrefutable as a time travel story.
Judge should come out and say, “oh yeah, I remember you. We DP’d you in that bedroom. Oh man, that was classic Kav. He kept punching you in the back of the head. Wait, that wasn’t you? Then you’re a liar because the only time Kav and I tackled some Holton Arms ho into a bedroom was at Mikey’s dad’s place and we used her shamefully.”
the only time Kav and I jap-tackled some Holton Arms ho into a bedroom
Edited for Glibness.
I had that exact conversation with my wife. She said “what if that happened to one of our daughters”. So I replied with “what if that happened to our son”.
She said “I hope our son doesn’t grow up to be a creep as a teenager and trying to rape young girls. But if he does, he’ll have to face the consequences, whatever those are.”
Most women have a really hard time imagining false accusations. Even more difficult, they really can’t wrap their head around two people experiencing the same event in different ways.
You think they’d be experts on recognizing the manipulative lies that some women tell. It’d be like me not understanding why another dude was scratching his balls.
Most women have a really hard time imagining false accusations.
Because false accusations are treated as a non-event. A woman gets caught making a false accusation, and the entire event is treated as passive voice. The narrative is “the guy got wrongly accused”, rather than “she wrongly accused him”. That’s because there are no consequences for falsely accusing. If there were actual repercussions for false accusations (and, no, the cursory slap on the wrist is not a repercussion), false accusations would be a real tangible thing, rather than a theoretical construct to women.
there’s a consequence. but it’s more like a boy-who-cried-wolf consequence and best no spoken of in polite company.
“they really can’t wrap their head around two people experiencing the same event in different ways.”
Ironically these are the people I find that experience events most differently from other people, or at least remember them differently. I know someone that has that problem in spades. She scares the shit out of me and I spend as little time with her as I can.
There was a movie about that once.
But if he does, he’ll have to face the consequences, whatever those are.
I have to say, I find this somewhat disturbing. I don’t have kids, but it seems to me that most people aren’t willing to abandon their children to their fate when they do something wrong.
the actual explanation for that is “I ain’t losing this argument, no matter what you say.”
That’s part of the “being married” dynamic.
In reality she would momma bear all over anyone who dared to cross her little boy.
Define abandon them to their fate?
If I believed one of my sons committed a sexual assault you can be damn well sure I would turn his ass over the the police to receive the punishment he so richly deserves.
That does not mean I would abandon him. I would be by his side every step of the way urging him to own up to what he did, accept responsibility for it, take his punishment and spend the rest of his life trying to make up for what he did, if not to the victim directly then by making the world a better place in whatever way he can and when he got out of Prison I would be waiting at the gates to pick him up and drive him home and then help him rebuild his life (presuming he actually did all of the above) . If he doesn’t, well as much as it would hurt he would be proving that he was rejecting me and everything I stand for and so he would be no son of mine.
Like I said, I don’t have kids.
Would you pay for a top-flight defense attorney to try to get him off, or at least get a non-prison sentence, or would you let him go to court on felony charges with a public defender (or, if you believed he actually did it, encourage him to just plead guilty as charged, no plea deal)?
If I believed that they committed a crime that libertarians would recognize as a crime (that is a crime where an actual human being was harmed in some significant way) I would expect and very strongly urge that they straight up plead guilty and fully admit exactly what they did
It would be nice if we lived in a world where that was a viable option.
But the justice system does not work that way. Actual example I witnessed while sitting in a Marietta Georgia courtroom waiting to fight a ticket:
Dude comes up to the DA with his attorney. I’m sitting about 5 feet away, so I can hear it all. Dude is up for DUI. His 5th such charge. He blows somewhere over double the legal limit. He hit a van with a family, injuring several. Attorney and DA talk for a while, he agrees to a diversion to an alcohol treatment program and to pay for the family’s damages.
He is the 6th DUI of the morning, all of whom appear with attorneys. All escape a DUI conviction with a plea to lesser charges.
Fast forward an hour or so. A college girl is called up. She does not have an attorney. She is charged with DUI, having been stopped at a checkpoint. Her file says she was just over the legal limit.
And she does not have an attorney. So the DA begins working her. She says she doesn’t know what to do. At the beginning of court they covered the “you can have an attorney if you want one, just ask” bit. I don’t know if she was there, or if she understood. But she doesn’t ask.
The DA says “well, you did it, didn’t you? ” She nods. “So you have to plead guilty. If you did it, you just plead guilty”. So she says OK. They march right up to the judge and he asks her how she pleads. “Guilty” she says. “Six months in jail! Two years suspended license. Bailiff, take her away.” And she is immediately marched out the side door and off to jail, confused and in tears.
That’s what happens if you plead guilty and trust that they will treat you justly.
There is a word in our language for what happens when you ‘believe the victim” without requiring proof and affording the alleged perpetrator the right to due process. That word is lynching. This whole #metoo movement is the most recent manifestation of the same impulse that created the second iteration of the KKK. It is the same mindset that murdered Emmett Till.
I also have to point out, once again, how fucking rich this is coming from people who denounced Mike Pence as a backward prude for being unflappably faithful to his wife. The party of “lay back and think of abortion” when it comes to Democrat indiscretions.
The unrecognized genius that is Mike Pence…
Mary Jo Kopechne unavailable for comment.
The people who forgave Gary Studds and reelected him.
bUT wHat aBOuT rOy MOoReEeeEeE, the guy who wasn’t elected.
And the guy who we were ready to lock up for life, but once he lost the election his transgressions (along with his accusers) disappeared completely.
I never saw this coming.
But what happens when these ever-more technologically advanced vehicles crash? Experts say the cost to repair all that technology could be hefty.
John Van Alstyne, CEO and president of I-Car, a nonprofit focused on vehicle repair education, recently provided a jaw-dropping figure during an appearance on Autoline, an industry-focused program, to repair a “left front corner hit” on a Kia K900: $34,000.
“The Kia K900, for example, has a ton of technology around the front and the corners of that vehicle,” Van Alstyne told host John McElroy, who sounded, not surprisingly, stunned by the figure to repair a luxury sedan, which lists for about $51,000.
Repairs that might have cost a couple of hundred dollars in years past can now cost substantially more. Fisher referenced the once relatively modest cost of replacing a headlight.
“With LED and xenon and then adaptive headlights, where it actually turns a corner with you as you’re turning … those headlights can move in the range of $800 to frankly $2,000,“ Fisher said.
Expanding use of materials such as high-strength steel, magnesium, aluminum and carbon fiber in vehicles, as well as design changes to better safeguard occupants during a crash, such as crumple zones, can also complicate the repair process or require full replacement of vehicle sections to meet automaker recommendations.
Disposable cars. Krugabe will be pleased.
My auto insurance jumped up a little bit going from the 2016 A3 to a 2018 GTI. When I questioned my agent about the increase, he specifically cited this as the reason. The GTI has all that new tech in it and minor fender benders are way more expensive to repair as a result.
“Scarlett Johansson flashes a massive back tattoo – her FIFTH inking – while in a stunning strapless gown at Emmy Awards”
Maybe she should knock it off?
I miss the old days when tats were for sailors, pirates, and outlaw bikers.
hookers have always had tats too.
Hollywood people try to give the impression that they are classy, sophisticated, smart people. They’re not.
^This X a zillion.
You know, I’ve always found her attractive, but, like a lot of starlets, she’s like normal people pretty until her highly-paid team of artists gets to work on her. In an alternate universe where ScarJo never gets her big break, she’s that cute girl at the coffee shop you make a point to go in and chat up.
Pretty much this exactly, but then I always preferred the normal person pretty girl next door types to the bombshell knockout types.
Maybe that is just a recognition that some are out of my league and not to bother but even back when I was a kid I was more into cute than I was into sexy
“It was a nice face, a face you get to like. Pretty, but not so pretty that you would have to wear brass knuckles every time you took it out.”
That’s just about right.
I knew this knockout blonde in college. She and I were friends but going anywhere with her was a pain. I mean complete strangers would come up to hit on her, or grab her by the arm to talk. She knew she was good looking and would smile in return but shrug the wolves off. Leading a life like that must be odd.
Its a stupid business decision, is my objection. She’s in the business of having people look at her, and big tattoos like that don’t add to her brand value since they limit her opportunities (somewhat, I think) and appeal to some market segments. Why she, of all people, would want to have more “look at me” is a mystery.
Razorfist on the Norm MacDonald stuff:
Norm talks to Ronnie B.
___________________Gives White House Another Pre-Midterm Mess With No Good Way Out. Anyone wanna play fill in the blank?
Starts with a T, ends in “rump”?
Zombie Hitler?
Winston’s Mom?
The leftist media, including the Huffington Post?
I’ll go with “Lying Liars Who Lie” at this point. The worst thing about the DemOp Media Hysterical Hissy Fit is that they have successfully trained me to disbelieve everything they say. So, even when Trump really steps on his dick, it just gets lost in the screeching and REEEEing and lying.
This put a smile on my face.
I don’t think the situation is that women can’t imagine making a false accusation. They damn well know women lie. It’s that they do not want to give up this powerful super-weapon, where they can ruin any man’s life without repercussion.
I think that is crediting the overwhelming majority of women with far more rationality than they deserve.
Our resident unicorns aside women in general are not rational thinkers they are emotional thinkers which makes it easy for them to deal with cognitive dissonance (they basically do not experience it as long as the things they think satisfy their current whims).
So they have no trouble at all squaring believing both that women are lying manipulative hateful bitches, and simultaneously believing no woman would ever lie about rape or sexual assault
A review of the filings shows that Judge Kavanaugh signed an order in 1997 dismissing the foreclosure after the Blaseys refinanced their home.
Interesting. I never thought for a second this was long-delayed revenge against the son for the sins of the father.
“For comparison, consider how Juanita Broaddrick knew the exact day, time, and place that she was violently raped by Bill Clinton. She told two friends the day it happened after they found her bruised and bloodied. That is what a “credible accusation” looks like.”
If there were prop bets on how various people would react to particular tweets I could retire in lavish splendor by this afternoon. No good comes of Twitter.
Ugh… what’s left of Flo has just dropped by. There go my plans for today.
Ah..*pauses*…you know what, I don’t want to know.
Just thought I would share. ?
Sharing is caring, so thank you for that
Well, OK, then.
“The media are upset that more information is being released to the public about an important news story? Yeah, that makes a lot of fucking sense.”
Pay close attention to the people who are upset about disclosure in this case and remember to never trust them again
The same people who wished the dumb rubes hadn’t found out about the DNC’s sham primary.
(Granted, people voting for Bernie really are dumb rubes.)
“We need to take the intelligence community at their word”
Is literally what a “conservative”, in the true sense of the word, would say. People wrongly view some progressives and libertarian defenders of Russia fever dreams as leftists, when they are better described as “conservatives” clinging to the status quo and fiercely defensive of institutions
The same people who complained about the country finding out the truth about Hillary via her leaked emails.
“Weirdly, no one at The Tonight Show cried when Donald Trump went on the show (even though, you know, Trump’s the guy that put Mexican kids in cages) or Barack Obama (drone strikes guy). But a comic saying he feels bad for his friends? That’s really upsetting, obviously.
If Norm Macdonald went on a drunken tirade and spewed, “All the women of #metoo deserved it and what are you going do about it?! Nothing you FOOLS! I made Dirty Work! THE GREATEST COMEDY OF ALL TIME!” then blocked a door, whipped it out and started masturbating… then okay! Don’t book him on The Tonight Show to follow Jimmy Fallon juggling. But that’s not what happened. What happened was a comic was giving his opinion on his friends and that opinion doesn’t fit into the liberal mainstream talking-points bubble.
Shit, there will be people who are mad at you for sharing this article by me defending Norm, who got in trouble for defending Roseanne. I may even have to apologise myself, and then some other comic will write a piece defending me… and it will go on and on forever like a version of Groundhog Day that takes place in hell.”
SLD and all, but if you cry because of something like that I should have the right to invade your home and enslave you, Mongol-style.
Forget all of that…..
They put on actual rapists. Like, convicted in a court and go to jail rapists.
Mike Tyson. Convicted of rape. Went to jail for it.
Not too traumatic for the Tonight Show staff.
Kobe Bryant. Lauded as a hero on the Tonight Show many times. Settled rape claims out of court. Not too traumatic for the Tonight Show staff.
Bill Clinton…. credibly accused of rape and sexual harassment. Definitely guilty of abusing his position of power over an intern to get creepy sex where he didn’t even return the favor. Not too traumatic for the Tonight show.
Chris Brown… beat the crap out of his girlfriend Rihanna. So excited to have him on the Tonight Show.
R Kelley peed on middle school girls. He’s a valued guest. Nobody too upset about that guy.
Norm MacDonald actually said he was glad the #metoo movement was slowing down. He ACTUALLY SAID THAT!! OMFG! So, so, so problematic. The Tonight Show staff is in tears at the mere thought of his presence.
I think they’ve had a couple of actual murder-murder type murderers on too.
As I said earlier, this weapon is meant to be used against wrongthinkers. The progs have their own version of the Stasi.
I have an alternate fantasy universe in which Norm eventually goes on Fallon and breaks with protocol and brings up the “staff in tears” bit. He asks Jimmy “who is it that was actually crying?…. Let’s bring her/him out here so I can apologize.” He then questions them about what they were so upset about. And when they say it was so traumatic that he didn’t condemn Louis CK unconditionally that they just couldn’t stand it, he asks them how they were able to be in the room when R Kelley came on. Or any other guest with an actual crime in their background.
And then he goes on to ridicule them about how horrible it is to be confronted with the presence of people you disagree with.
Yeah, ain’t gonna happen. But I would pay money to watch it.
In the ‘Stupid people dont know they are stupid’ department:
I was reading over the comments from last night and someone was expressing curiosity about what kinds of test score spread the commentariat has. We have had that discussion before, years ago at TOS. I expressed extreme skepticism about the value of IQ tests mostly based on my having taken one. I scored what I thought was far above what I should have. I didn’t tell my score because I didn’t want to sound like I was bragging. As the conversation went on some others began to give their actual scores at which point I was glad I had not given my score not because I would look like I was bragging but because I would have felt like a dunce. *facepalm*
IQ tests are a reasonable proxy for academic achievement and ability to assimilate and recall facts. It has nothing to do with your value as a person and, if I recall correctly, it is only a fair proxy for career/material success.
There are quite a few studies also linking exceptionally high IQ to psychiatric and personality disorders. Not sure if the tradeoff is worth it.
The intelligence as self worth cult is obnoxious. It pushes a bunch of kids (myself included) into a track that isn’t necessarily the one they’re cut out for.
Some of the stupidest people I’ve ever met had high IQs, on the other hand there are plenty of low IQs in that mix too.
Really smart people who lead sheltered lives seem prone to applying their intelligence to convincing themselves of some really stupid shit that, for whatever reason, they want to believe.
Not leading a sheltered life is where the reality check part comes in and protects you from doing this.
Intelligence =/= wisdom
We’ve replaced ancient titles of nobility with modern IQ tests and collegiate diplomas. All of these tests and new titles of importance are as meaningless and predicative of a person’s value as the monikers of “duke” and “prince” from the ancien régime. And often exist just to create a defined class of people who are of little value in the economic realm, but command more prestige in society due to the addition of suffixes to their names.
Tests are pretty worthless. A better measure of intelligence is vocabulary. The more words a person has the more concepts they understand and the finer they can distinguish between similar concepts. Just talking with someone is the most reliable way to gauge their overall intelligence. In specialized areas it is a different story. I have also noticed that the dumber someone is the more pre-programmed phrases they have. I worked with a couple of rocks disguised as humans who would literally have whole conversations composed entirely of habitual, pre-programmed phrases and responses while not one single bit of actual information passed between them. God, those guys were dumb.
A better measure of intelligence is vocabulary.
I tend to agree, as do these folks.
BTW, they are in the business of aptitude testing, and are really good. I would definitely recommend that anyone with teenagers send them in for testing, or even anyone who is unhappy with their career and looking for a change, but they don’t quite know what. Bro Dean went there in high school, and they pretty much nailed it. They also did an excellent job with Mrs. Dean.
I scored 194. I would have done better but Christine Blasey Ford proctored it and it was super distracting the way she was mutilating rabbits the whole time. I don’t recall when this took place but it was definitely sometime in the early to late eighties.
I believe you
#metoo #believehim
I’ve always associated intelligence with paranoia. ie – you’re a slightly cleverer monkey than the one next to you and are thinking about where that tiger is while the other guy goes blindly forward.
It’s a blessing and a curse.
I’ve never taken a “real” IQ test. One I did online years ago was 125-130ish?!?! Which feels about right.
I’ve known guys – and gals – who are smarter than I am, but I wouldn’t want to walk in their shoes. They’re all pretty messed up.
Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is arguably the second best member of the House of Representatives (from either party) and certainly the best looking. She was on Joe Rogan’s podcast
The Tulsi who endorsed Bernie? That Tulsi is the second best member of the House? I don’t get it.
It’s a low bar.
It depends on what you prioritize. If you prioritize a representative for taking a bold and unpopular stand on an issue such as our overseas foreign policy in Syria (like Gabbard did on the floor last night) then she’s infinitely better than a representative who will take a bold stand against a “9-1-1 funding bill”, but will demure and recite the status quo opinion on issues such as Russia and Syria.
If you think that the most offensive part of big government is murder overseas than clearly speaking out against our support for ISIS in Syria is more important than cosplaying about opposing spending by taking a bold stand on an obscure bill.
She maybe wrong on other topics, but if you think that foreign interventionism is the bread and butter of big government then she’s actually more helpful to the cause than others. So, I guess its debatable
Fair points. I tend to put more weight on corruption and abuse of power here in the US, and believe that the weaponized administrative agencies are a bigger problem than our current overseas adventures, but I can see reasonable minds differing on that.
Yeah and that’s a fair point. Some might say that the US wouldn’t be able to afford the current level of debt and spending if it weren’t for the fact that the dollar is essentially the world’s reserve currency, by default. Our military prowess overseas helps to keep the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Or that’s just what conspiracists say, obviously
“I tend to put more weight on corruption and abuse of power here in the US, and believe that the weaponized administrative agencies are a bigger problem than our current overseas adventures”
I am going to lean toward you on this. A government less dangerous at home would be less dangerous globally. I wouldn’t use the word ‘problem’, instead I would use the word ‘threat’.
It’s rare for Democrats to ever espouse anything that is not party line, and I give her credit for stepping up on that and showing some individuality. It’s rare to see a Dem show something that looks like real principles, rather than just mouthing the talking points of the day. That just tells me that she may be redeemable on the loony economic shit she peddles, if only shown the way.
Well, aren’t we optimistic.
IQ tests are a reasonable proxy for academic achievement and ability to assimilate and recall facts. It has nothing to do with your value as a person and, if I recall correctly, it is only a fair proxy for career/material success.
If I understand/recall correctly, pattern recognition is a big part of the IQ test. That “What number is next in this series?” stuff. I suck at that.
*I think I took one in junior high(?) but I have no recollection of how I scored.
The more this #metoo, political correctness train keeps rolling, I can see only two ways out:
1. Return to Victorian social norms in which women are treated as delicate flowers on a pedestal.
2. Some kind of secular Shariah in which women are relegated to the level of property, ostensibly for their own protection.
Aliens observing such a change would no doubt find amusement in the extreme irony that such changes were brought about by people claiming to be “feminist”.
I suspect a lot of this will evaporate within a decade when the higher ed bubble bursts.
Not just feminists, a lot of them ushered in the sexual revolution.
Which, due to a fundamental error in premise, resulted in a reduction of happiness and satisfaction for the group they were claiming to liberate. Hoo-up culture creates a great toll on a physiology geared towards providing for the resource intensive task of gestation and rearing. The mental feedback processes in the underlying wiring are screaming ‘you failed again’, or a similar dissatisfaction signal.
Women are not men. Trying to make them the same culturally rather than the mutual complementary realms and roles resulted in drastic reductions in happiness and stability.
I think a fair amount of the current nuttery from woke women is intense dissatisfaction with the neutered soy boys who make up a big chunk of their dating pool.