Hey guys, how’s your day going. Mine went to “Microsoft doesn’t support native data integrations for a very key feature of one of its flagship products” hell just after the swag post. So… it looks like I’m pulling an all-nighter to write something that should already exist. Hoofuckin’-ray. I mean, this is literally why they pay me good money, but goddam I’m ready to not make a living in the “our shit works 90% the way it should and 10% in the most fucked up manner possible” space.

Also, its a pretty slow links day.

Somehow, in the action movies, it never quite ends like this when you drive a car out onto the runway.

Los Angeles, having solved all of their other problems and being a perfect city, has turned their attention to a ban on fur products. Hey, we haven’t had a good cop beatdown in years in LA, so… progress?

Is it really sexist that Apple made an iPhone too big for Trump’s hands?

Good news, comrades, now we will combine “living in your car” with “autonomous vehicles” to produce the “self-driving home”. I feel like medium-famous bands have been doing this for 50 years.


I can’t help it, I’m angry again.