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And 1st.
I’m Second, so Nyaa……
Oh yeah…cue my theme music…
*waves at Tres*
The Glib Theme Song!
Another contender
I like it!
I knew it it was the Hat! Fun times!
Woo hoo!
I’m MAGA Prime, bitchez!
also, so glad this got posted after work hours.
That made me ALOL. Good stuff. Glad to see the
cartoonanimated version back.CPRM, you aren’t so bad for a fucking Sconnie.
Thanks. Had to take a short break, got sick and it was affecting my voice.
Got sick? You need more Leinie, cheese, and Sheboygan brats.
Leinie is too expensive for me and I prefer Polish sausage to brats. But I could blame the illness on the fact I haven’t had cheese curds in quite a while, that must be corrected forthwith.
On my recent vacation to the UP I made sure to stop in Ashland and get a sampler of New Glarus. Very, very good. I really like “Stone Soup”. Had to stop again on the way back home and get two sixes of that.
But, New Glarus makes Leinie look cheap. Normally I’m a Buschhhhhhhhhh Light kinda guy.
And if “quite a while” is more than a few days, I’d say you have a severe vitamin cheese-curd deficiency.
Hey! The Cleveland (on the far west side) just got our first Culver’s. And Ohio pretty much invented fast food.
Culver’s cheese curds are pretty fantastic. Especially for fast food. But there’s nothing like (as with all food) some homemade curds breaded and deep-fried at some mom-and-pop joint.
Had a deluxe bacon butterburger for lunch today. Good burger for fast food.
You snow people have your own language.
Ya think so? You should come up here in the winter. We’ll take you out on the hard water. We’ll take our sleds out to my buddy’s Ice Castle and jig for ‘eyes. Personally, I prefer the taste of snot rockets. And even hammer handles are more fun to catch than a big log. But, to each their own.
Anyway, after the day’s fishing is done, well finish off the 30 rack of Busch Lattes we broke into at 11 (can’t say you drank all day if you don’t start in the mornin!) and head into shore and go the the Legion. Dave will probably do nothin but watch the jars, but the rest of us can drink more beers (or pop if you’re the DD) and tell stories about how we damn near killed ourselves on our snow-cat when we were 16.
My parents went down to Atlanta to visit a friend who had married a local around the time Grumpy Old Men came out, so they watched that movie and one of the southerners asked my parents if people build bridges out to those little houses during the summer.
I’m guessing “eyes” are walleye pike. No idea what snot rockets are hammer handles are.
Watch the jars?
Snot rockets and hammer handles are Northern Pike. Hammer handles is a term for the young ones; they’re long and thin like a handle…and all of them excrete a mucus-like substance (snot) when stressed.
Eyes are indeed walleye, as well as logs. (they don’t fight very hard relative to other fish species, especially Northerns). They can sometimes feel like your are just pulling up a dead, heavy weight.
The “jars” are the clear plexiglass containers full of pull-tabs at damn near every bar in the Upper-Midwest. “Watching them” is just an amateur gambler working out the odds based on who is playing, what is being pulled, what hasn’t been pulled, and how many pull-tabs are left. Of course, they are almost always incorrect, but damn if some people don’t think themselves to be the Annie Duke of pull-tabs.
I had to google what pull tabs are. It’s like another country.
Damn Gustave, do you need to know what the Legion is, or the Eagles are? I’ve heard some great stories from my dad about the regulars and their pull tabs here in Ohio.
As for cheese curds, there aren’t many places that hand make them around here. I have a feeling that Culver’s will spread out. I have also seen a Taco John’s on the freeway between Cleveland and Columbus. It’s become a running joke between me and the girlfriend.
The pin-up girl is a nice touch.
“US surgeon and girlfriend suspected of multiple drug rapes”
“Bravo TV reality show surgeon, 38, and his girlfriend, 32, are charged with drugging and raping two intoxicated women while filming the assaults – and police say there could be up to 1,000 victims”
“Grant William Robicheaux, 38, and Cerissa Laura Riley, 31, were each charged earlier this month with rape by use of drugs, oral copulation by anesthesia or a controlled substance, assault with intent to commit sexual offense and four counts of possession of a controlled substance for sale.
Robicheaux, who appeared on the Bravo reality TV show “Online Dating Rituals of the American Male,” was also charged with possession of an assault weapon, and faces a special enhancement of being armed with a firearm during a health and safety code violation.
Riley faces the special enhancement of being knowingly vicariously armed with a firearm, according to the District Attorney’s Office.”
What? Some man from a reality dating show is a creepy rapist? I’m shocked!
being armed with a firearm during a health and safety code violation
being knowingly vicariously armed with a firearm
the fuck
Name 7 people from that network who aren’t rapists.
I can’t name seven people from that network, regardless.
I probably could but I don’t watch “dating” shows – just Top Chef. Their rapeyness is not relevant to the content.
Tell that to the poor watermelons.
I would have said the pies, but your mileage may vary.
Hmm, rapeyness isn’t part of the show, but the chef world definitely has problems with sexual harassment.
Yeah, after a couple very brief restaurant stints myself I don’t doubt it.
Show me on the watermelon where the chef touched you.
“‘Inside Edition’ crew gets gear stolen while reporting on crime
In an effort to report on rampant robberies in the area, “Inside Edition” employees filmed themselves planting GPS trackers inside items that were placed in a car parked in an area well-known for theft.
The trackers were placed inside a $250 speaker and a purse just before reporter Lisa Guerrero explains that “for [their] last trick,” they also placed video cameras throughout the car in the event the products get stolen.
Sure enough, two people were soon spotted robbing the vehicle. A man was seen in the segment smashing open the car’s back window, pulling out the handbag and throwing it to a woman sitting nearby before removing the speaker.
The “Inside Edition” crew then tracked down the speaker and confronted the duo as they walked into a train station.
While the crew was interviewing the man captured on camera in the initial theft, their actual crew car was broken into via the “smash and grab” method, and “thousands of dollars worth of equipment” was stolen.”
I laughed!
That’s beautiful.
My dog is now on rimadol (sp?) for arthritis. She is so much more active. Like she is years younger. I feel so guilty for not doing it sooner. She actually played with the neighbor’s dog!
That’s Cool! Puppy Science For the Win! She loves you, feel no guilt, but Joy! 🙂
She’s also much more cuddly. Back to thinking she’s a lap dog.
Try “glucosamine” (sp) also.
It worked wonders for my old Golden.
I tried that first. I think it helped, but not enough.
She’s a retired racing greyhound. Her joints took some punishment.
Good on you for adopting her.
They are the best pets. They’re made of love. I’m lucky to have her.
That’s awesome, Tulip! Good for your girl! We had a Greyhound/Lab cross. 90lbs and wanted nothing more than to be a lap dog…and to run. And boy could he run. Our Steele would, every once in a while, just bust in to a full on run and just run circles around the house or garage or all of the above. We always assumed that was the Greyhound in him.
Once we saw him chasing a deer across the field around our house. He just kept up behind it…didn’t want to catch it. It was like he was just so damn happy to find a friend that could run as fast as he did. I was pissed at the time, but it was a sight to see.
I sure miss that guy. We lost him this summer to probably lung cancer and old age (12). He also got arthritis in his spine, so keep an eye on that…I think it’s a Greyhound thing.
How old and what’s her name?
Sorry to ramble. I started typing and it was a bit cathartic. He was such a good boy.
Babs is 7. She doesn’t like the dog park anymore, since she crashed into a great Dane last fall, so it’s very exciting to see her running again. Just tears around and spins and is so obviously happy. I almost cried.
I am genuinely so happy for you and Babs.
And now my alcohol addled brain remembers when you wrote about the dog park incident. I’m so very glad she’s better.
I’m so sorry. Greys are really susceptible to cancer, although usually healthy otherwise.
Do you mean tramadol? That’s what our older dog is on, and boy it really does help. We call him our stoner dog.
Stelle was on Carprofen. It seems to be the entry-level pain med for pets. I recommend it for anyone who wants to start with a more mild, Ibuprofen-like med for their furry pals.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I don’t even play one on TV.
I’ve got a more-or-less standing Caprofen prescription from my vet; my hound had her CCL repaired in her right hind knee a couple years ago and will come up slightly lame on her left when she over does it these days (since she’s overcompensating for her right).
My vet has said just to feed her a half pill twice a day for five days or so when the hound gets limp-y. It is, indeed, essentially doggy Ibuprofen.
There’s an excellent chance she’ll need her left knee done, but trying to at least put that off as long as possible. Most glibs here would blanch at the cost and would likely have put her down the first time. Yes, I’m a soft-hearted sucker.
I’m MAGA Prime, bitcheths! got a hearty LOL. Nice work CPRM.
OH NOES! Poor Hat!
Titty Tuesday rolls on!
Any. All.
I’m going with the Canuck in 47 due to her outdoor kitchen and I have big applause for a girl who tattoos INSPECT just above her bikini line.
@Tundra. Answering your question in the last thread.
A 3/0 hook hanging from some brush overhanging a local lake. I was training him on retrieves, he swam under the brush and next thing I know he’s flailing, yelping in the water and not moving. I thought his leg was stuck on a submerged branch.
I waded out, hoping I wouldn’t drop into a hole and saw his ear sticking straight up. I cut the line, put him in his crate and headed straight to the vet. On the way, he kept shaking his head. Every time he did that, the hook got hung up on the crate and I had to stop. Fortunately, it was only about ten minutes to the vet.
That was one of his first introductions into being a hunting dog. The hotwire was the second.
Poor pup! I’ll bet it never stopped him from going out, though.
Not for a second. Although he did have to wear the cone of shame for a couple of weeks.
Dale Jr. is really hurt, his Brain is fucked, He’ll tell you,
This is one of many from the interview, very sad, but He’s alive,
I don’t follow Nascar but is the new battle field of “oh no, people do things that are dangerous or will effect their bodies later and if they have had concussions it is someone elses fault”?
People are always trying to stop the Isle of Man TT motorcycle race. It’s insane and deaths are not uncommon. It’s on public roads and the only thing they do to make it a racetrack is clear the traffic. The racers (the one doing the dying) are the strongest supporters.
The thing I don’t get from the interview is Jr there is glad they have a Neurosurgeon on the crew. Ya ok, so he can tell you if you have a concussion. Great. WTF is he going to do about it? There is nothing to do. If you want to stop Nascar drivers from getting concussions, they have to end Nascar. Same goes for NFL. Shit. You hit your head hard enough you have a concussion I don’t care what head gear you are wearing. I raced motorcycles in my young and stupid days and I could not even tell you how many concussions I have had. I knew it was not a safe sport and I loved it. When I die young or have mental problems later (or now depending on who you consult) is that the 80’s era manufacturer’s of Bell helmets fault? We all make our own choices for christs sake. Quit being a finger pointing pussy and live and or die with them.
He quit, that’s what he did
Good thing wet nurses are a thing of the past, can you imagine a supreme court nominee who had a wt nurse? “His parents paid this poor woman less than a living wage so this freak could suck on her tits! He’s a fucking monster!”
I just stole my own post to put on twitter, is that breaking the rules? Did I just plagiarize myself? Can I sue myself and make Mexico pay? Trumps America raises so many questions.
Depends if the wet nurse would have been Mexican. But then again, that wouldn’t have mattered now because Trump would have already deported her.
I’d say living in a haute home and allowing someone to suck on my tit (that being the sum total of my skill-set) is/would be a cushy gig.
/james caan welcomes you to the Playboy mansion.
Says who?
Anyone know what that part I bolded means? It sounds very Orwellian. The NHS sounds Orwelian? Shocking, I know.
It’s all very…
very…what’s the word? Precise…sterile…bureaucratic…
Horrible? I don’t know. It just gives me the creeps.
Fuck. I may have signed myself up for a cruise. The girlfriend’s grandmother wants to do a final trip (she’s 95), and has requested a cruise. Her doctor has advised her not to travel. I told the girlfriend, to fuck them, it’s (essentially) her last wish, let her do it. There’s a non-zero chance she’s already got cancer, her husband died three years ago, and the other option is a hospital or hospice (she’s been in assisted living for longer then I’ve been dating the girlfriend). Based on my statements, I may have been drafted into going on the cruise.
Set a course for adventure, dude.
Just went on my first because father in law is dying of pancreatic cancer. I was drugged up the entire time because I get sea sick.
If you can, do it, She’s Old, I would take you M,
A supposedly fun thing you’ll never do again.
(DFW aside, I know some perfectly fine people who enjoy cruises – but cruise experiences vary wildly)
My office cube overlooked the Hudson and we would frequently watch cruise ships heading out to sea. My boss – a married man (and naturalized citizen*) younger than me – was a big fan and kept nagging me to go on a cruise. I was like enh maybe some day…
*I have never met an American male that wanted to go on a cruise
A family friend who’s a legit bon vivant has good things to say about Windstar (I think), but the idea of a generic “cruise” sounds awful.
I took a three-day cruise from LA to Ensenada with my then-gf. Not terrible, not terrific. The winery tour on shore was much more enjoyable than the time aboard. Any longer than three days and I’d have been tearing paneling off the cabin walls.
We just took our second one this summer. Wife’s idea both times. It was OK, but nothing I’d do if it were entirely up to me.
On the plus side, we liked visiting Maine so much that I’ve already convinced her that we should just rent a cabin up there instead for our next vacation, which will be 1)much more enjoyable 2) MUCH cheaper.
I’ve fallen in love with Maine over the last few years. The little cabin we got in Boothbay Harbor, hanging over the rocks was amazing.
We were also all the way up in Belfast a few weeks ago. And we had an off-season place in Rockland that was fantastic, plus Primo was a just about walking distance.
I’ve never thought it fun. My idea of a fun vacation is trying to blend in with the locals, which appears to be the antithesis of a cruise. I offered myself up if the daughter (the girlfriend’s aunt) complains about the idea too much. The grandmother likes me, and thinks I’m a good influence (how little she knows…). I figure if it’s a wish of someone who is most likely (probably being cruel here) dying anyways, you fucking let them do what they want. If she dies on the cruise, it’ll suck for the workers, but the grandmother will die where she prefers, instead of stuck in a terrible room watching CNN.
Yep, that’s “suck it up, buttercup” territory. If it makes the old lady happy, do it. It’s not exactly mining coal.
It’s not exactly mining coal.
It’s not exactly mining coal.
That phrase is from NBC Premier League commentator Lee Dixon; Lee is from Manchester and was complaining to his father about having to call two games in a single day that were something like 3 hours apart.
His father is/was a proper-hard Mancunian; unimpressed with his son’s complaints, he replied with “It’s not exactly mining coal.”
I love that story.
I’m just generally bitching about it. If I have the vacation days available, I’ll go and not gripe in earshot of the grandma. I figure here is my safe space for complaints…. and I know how fucked up that sounds.
I always scroll past those GILF videos myself, but good luck.
Fucking brilliant!
Thanks, CPRM!
Thank you.
Apropos of nothing, I finally got a chance to watch Deadpool 2 – laughed out loud repeatedly, but the biggest laugh was right at the end, with the Ryan Reynolds “cameo” (?)
The woodchipper moment made laugh because of this place.
I think it was Paul Wernick (Maybe Leitch? one of them) was on the radio to promote 2 and he admitted that the group of them – director and writers including Ryan have changed Deadpools jokes in both movies up til the picture’s locked (so, like a week before the premiere,), and they can do that because of the mask. They don’t have to worry about matching lip sync so they just screw with different quips in audio until the very last second. I appreciate their devotion to keep looking for the best jokes.
I was disappointed. It was no where near as good as Deadpool.
Eh, the first was somewhat lightning in a bottle – the first really funny, hard-R superhero movie. Deadpool 2 was a fine sequel, but it’s rare for a sequel to measure up. It was a perfectly well done piece of work, better than many sequels.
I beg to differ, most superhero sequel movies are better then the original. The old joke with superhero films was the first was the origin, the second was the good one, the third one was bad, and the fourth killed the franchise.
I wasn’t thinking about superhero movies per se but, upon reflection, you’re right – with superhero movies, there’s so much foundation-laying in the first one that the second one is where they can really settle in.
There’s got to be some sort of generalize-able rule there: off the top of my head, movies that are sui generis are rarely followed by superior sequels, but movies that bring some existing story really hit their groove on the second movie.
(or I could just be talking nonsense. This rye is good, btw).
Which rye is it?
Catskill Distilling. A late birthday gift from my BIL (his hunting camp is near them).
It’s on the light-side for a rye – not overwhelmingly spicy or hot – but it is going down really easy. I could drink a lot of this.
So, TOS had a Robby article today. Not an interesting one. He condemns Rubio for supposedly doxing a steakhouse in Miami. He says doxing is never ok and that Twitter should ban him. I couldn’t care less about that. The only reason I know about this is because I still ‘like’ them on Facebook.
Yet, nothing about how one of his co-workers attempted to dox someone random guy on Twitter for a sandwich joke. And not one person in the comments called him out on it. And I’m willing to bet that at some point Robby has “to be sured” a leftwing dox of some right winger. The articles going to hell is one thing. But what the hell happened to the comment section?
How does one “dox” a business? Publish their phone number? Their address?
“Please, Br’er Fox, don’t fling me in dat brier-patch”
Yes. He posted that the owner supports Maduro, and posted their address and phone number.
Doxing a steakhouse?
Yes. Robby’s take is that retarded. Rubio was calling the owner out for supporting the Venezuelan regime, of all things. Boycotting a business/calling out an individual is a take that Robby himself has been willing to condone or handwave away at various times when it once again comes to the left.
That is, indeed, retarded. Publishing the address and phone number of the business is in no way “doxxing” them. Publishing the owner’s home address and number would be, but it doesn’t sound like that’s what was done.
Hah! Great work CPRM, even if you ripped off the last episode of Homeland for the ending.
Never watched ‘Homeland’, so sure, I ripped them off, somehow, I guess. I never had a dream come true either.
ESSsss Clubbb!
There ain’t no party like an S Club Party!
Having just watched Deadpool 2, I now can not hear Do You Want To Build A Snowman and not hear Yentil.
Homage or rip-off? Who can say?
Breakin’2 is in TCM on demand. It’s.. awful.
Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo is on TCM???? They have the Jerky Boys movie too?
I miss The Jerky Boys. Phony phone calls are near and dear to my heart.
Pre CallerID days..
It’s easy and cheap to get around caller-ID. It’s basically half of Howard Stern’s show these days.
Jerkey Boys gives me an ‘in’ to shill for Collective Soul, since Gel was on the soundtrack.
My man!
Plus, the Jerkys always make me laugh. Good times hanging out with friends, listening to a new album of theirs for the first time.
I wasn’t a Jerky Boys fan, I was a Collective Soul, don’t remember any Jerky Boys. But to put in the ‘did you know’ category, Collective Soul took their name from the The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, they claim not for political reasons, but because it sounded cool.
I was/am both.
You know, on a whim I looked up the original Jerky Boys album on Amazon Music the other day. Hadn’t listened to it in probably 20 years…..and it was oddly disappoining. I remember it being hysterical, but a bunch of them just weren’t that funny, certainly not as funny as I remember. Maybe it’s just something that gets less funny as you get older?
It’s part of TCM Underground, the weekly slot where they show so-bad-they’re-interesting movies like The Baby or Roller Boogie.
Breakin’ 3: Turbo Gets #Metoo’d is hilarious.
Electric Boogaloo. The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films Is a great Doc.
Sweet – on Netflix and on my list. Danke.
Same director as “Machete Maidens” and “Not Quite Hollywood” IIRC – both solid productions with great pedigree! (NQH is amazing[ly NSFW] – caught it in theaters originally).
For those Glibbies with the coin and access to Knob Creek Barrel Strength Rye, highly recommended.
FACIST! (mad you didn’t compliment me on my cartoon, I like totally worked kind of a bit to make it!)
Honestly, I have no knowledge about how to put something like this together. I look at this as the 2018 equivalent of Yusef’s dioramas.
I have both (I think) – it’s on the list. I find their regular rye unbalanced, with the high alcohol content overwhelming the taste, but I’ll give that a whirl. But, dang, 120 proof is really pushing it.
I never understand people ordering mixed drinks who complain they are too strong, I always complain they’re too weak. *guy who orders the spicy food at the Mexican restaurant and pours hot sauce all over it*
If you want something just for the alcohol content, order shots – it’ll be the same price. Mixed drinks are mixed for a reason – there should be a balance between the ingredients. Order a Long Island Iced Tea if you don’t like the taste of alcohol but just want to get drunk (“the drink of cheapskates and drunks”).
A Manhattan is as basic as you get, but there’s a world of difference between 2 ounces of rye as a shot vs. 2 ounces of rye, plus a 1/2 ounce of sweet vermouth plus a couple shakes of bitters, over ice, stirred for a minute or so then strained into a glass.
That sounds like a stupid distinction just written out, but the first is just a shot and the second is a proper cocktail.
Pump up the alcohol in the rye, and it it can throw the balance off.
I’m not complaining that the 100 proof Knob Creek is “too strong” from an alcohol point of view – g*d knows I can handle that. I’m saying it makes a bad cocktail.
It’s high alcohol but isn’t particularly smooth – it just burns. You can have high-alcohold spirits that don’t sacrifice flavor, but the Knob Creek rye isn’t one of those.
Mmmm… Long Island Iced Teas… 2 1/2 weeks to beach time…
A stone jam that mentions Long Island Iced Teas, suitable for head-nodding on the beach.
I’m just bitching to bitch. Last time I drank hard liquor I vomited to no end. I just do beer now, but when I did hard liquor, the liquor is what I wanted, not the mixer, but it’s more socially acceptable to have a mixer, and when I ordered the mixer I was always disappointed I couldn’t taste the alcohol. Just my personal peeve.
Try some of the classics – Manhattan, Negroni, Old Fashioned, Whisky Smash, etc.
There’s (mostly) no “mixer” – they’re just booze. You’ll taste the alcohol. Negroni, in particular, are a great summer drink (it’s still summer, dammit!), but oh-so-dangerous – equal parts gin, vermouth, and Campari.
I’ll note that you have to pick your battles – your local shithole isn’t going to make a good Manhattan. Some times, beer in a can is the right choice.
Find a place that makes a good double mixer. My local dive makes the double captan and coke in a pint. Two of those and you are feeling it.
I didn’t find it too expensive, of course, I bought it at the Jim Beam distillery in Kentucky. It’s solid, but it needs some water to open it up.
Great new H&H episode. I really liked the bit where the mole MAGA hat started to eat the incriminating memo.