Alles klar?
Your Linkings will be Swiss this morning. All in order and timely. The content will be interesting, but not too interesting. Neat and orderly. Pleasant and comfortable.
Sports were played yesterday. Sports will also occur tonight. People were born on this date, and various events happened.

Which one of you Glibs is this?
So – here are your morning links:
- Perhaps it was just looking for a pineapple and ham deep dish? Now if we only knew it’s stance on abortion and which Star Trek captain it thought best…
- I would be shocked, shocked, I tell you…to find gambling at Rick’s! I do have to wonder what internal controls Amazon has in place to combat this obvious risk.
Amazon Chief Compliance Officer depicted
- Crazy president wants to close entire sector of economy. No, not Obama and energy…No, not Trump and importing. Look here and see.
- Remember, you need to listen to your moral betters in the entertainment world!
Musik Linkings are self service this morning. Good day to you.
Musik Linkings are self service this morning.
I got this.
Sampled drums bother me. Especially early Monday morning. How about a band with actual humans?
Does not compute.
A band with hot humans.
And one more.
How about something more recent than the biblical flood?
What if there’s only one actual human?
I’ll see your techno-pop angst and raise you
That’s a string raise.
Great choice, BTW.
All creation has the promise of heavenAnd still you travel the road to hellI’m saying nothing for the good of myselfBut I’m still talking and you’re not listening
Have we figured out what music that #1 is dancing to? My guess is Once In a Lifetime.
We’re gonna need a bigger suit.
Blue Monday, OMWC version:
That’s fantastic.
That’s not Blue Monday, This is:
Why is linking so challenging for me here?
I want roesti for breakfast, not muesli.
Who wouldn’t?
Lets not get too hasty. I make a pretty kick-ass pear and cinnamon granola that will make you regular as a Swiss pocket-watch.
This is not the quality of service I’ve come to expect for my $0!
Here ya go UCS
They’re in the colleseum and no one is killing anyone?
What?!?! You get a free subscription?
It’s the reward for contributing more than ten posts.
They say the reward for 100 posts is a brand new toaster and a weekend trip to Flint, Michigan
Don’t do it!
/tears welling in eyes
(actually I only have 50 some articles)
Don’t forget to pack an extra set of rims.
“She came to me, and she threw her arms around me to give me a big hug. I’m standing there rigidly, thinking, ‘Who is this woman, and can she get her hands off of me?’
Same thing happens to me when I visit the parents.
What an ungrateful bitch. From eating soap in the streets of Seoul to getting hugged and bathed in a mansion.
What a group of assholes all around.
That was some poor phrasing. Sorry but it’s Monday and I’m a Giants fan and it’s still fucking muggy.
That’s fine. No worries, but is she really better off in the long run. Korea had a rather robust run of economic growth in the meantime and maybe she would have made something of herself. Hypotheticals are very tricky.
I’m not a hugger, generally, so I can totally sympathize. I appreciate a firm handshake until we’ve known each other for at least two to three years. And then, let’s not go overboard, here. I mean, we just survived happy hour, not the landing at Omaha Beach.
It was late last night when I mentioned this, so I’ll repeat it here so the people I’m talking to might have a chance of seeing it.
I’ve reserved the Canadian leg of my road trip. I expect to be arriving in Duluth on May 30 and leaving June 1. To make it back home and return to work I’ll probably have to leave Milwaukee on the 5th. That leaves the time in-between for meeting Glibs who actually care to meet up in person.
I can reach East Dakota, large parts of Minnesota, and Milwaukee on a reasonable timetable. Working out what that timetable would be does require input from those people I would be saying hi to.
PS I was looking at the ferry, but I’m asking if it’s really worth >$200 (passenger plus car) to avoid the Chicagoland metro area. on my way east.
The way you phrased it, you alienated at least 2 glibs. Mpls/St Paul>Milwaukee. There is something between there, you know.
The Wisconsin Dells! Wait…Fort McCoy!
Leinie’s and teenage pregnancy.
Wegner Grotto
Routing from EastDak to Milwaukee means I can reach a lot of that state, including the twin cities.
Now you just trollin’ me.
Well, it’s not like I can drive to Tokyo.
Given we got a Woody Allen link, check out where Keaton was from in Annie Hall and you’ll know what I mean.
I’ve never looked into the ferry. But when I traveled regularly to the east from msp area, we drove around Chicago and it was well worth it. South through Rockford and head east from Bloomington and go through Indianapolis. After that, it’s all gravy.
Also, I am in Ely. I see you are going to Soudan. Very close. I’d be willing to meet up here or hit the Duluth scene if it works out.
I echo what pistoffnick said. There is a pretty diverse group of things to do around duluth and the arrowhead region of MN. Maybe no great Broadway shows or anything, but that certainly doesn’t bother me. I assume I’m not the only one. One nice thing is the famous mosquitoes and sand flies haven’t hit their peak yet in late May but they will be getting started.
Sign me up for a visit. Not sure how far this direction you want to come, so let me know as you flesh out your itinerary and we can find a good spot to meet up. If there are any specific sights you’d like to visit in eastern NoDak, let me know. I mean, other than total flatness and a complete lack of trees.
I would suggest meeting in Detroit Lakes, MN, but everyone I’ve met from there is a moron.
I just thought of a possible meet-up spot. If you don’t want to come this far west, and want to see the headwaters of the Mississippi, we could possibly meet at Itasca State Park.
As long as it’s not more than eight hours from Duluth and Minneapolis, I can fit it in. I don’t have an specific sights I’m trying to see, as this is usually the stage where I look for recommendations by people with local knowledge.
I have a couch in Duluth if you need a place to stay.
As a resident, here is what I find interesting about Duluth
1) Lake Superior
2) 1000 foot long boats passing under a lift bridge
3) Hundreds of miles of hiking and biking trails
4) Vibrant music scene
5) Dozens of beer breweries
What I don’t like about Duluth:
1) The potholes
2) The taxes
4) Too many tourists doing unoriginal, touristy things and driving slow while doing them!
I have already budgeted for and reserved a hotel room, so I will not require your couch. But thanks anyway.
How thick on the ground are the tourists at the end of may?
Late May is the beginning of the horde migration.
Ah. Well I extend a meetup invitation to Duluth area glibs. On the 31st I plan to drive up to Soudan and come back, but that won’t take the entire day.
When I was 16, a buddy and I did a week long trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. Didn’t bathe other than daily swims the whole week. We toured the Soudan mine. I felt sorry for the rest of the people trapped on the elevator next to us.
UCS; if you like trains, check out the Lake Superior Railroad Museum in Duluth. It’s really cool.
Also, the William A. Irvin ship museum is very interesting. However, I’m not sure if it will be back in it’s slip by the time you are there. It’s being moved to dry-dock for repairs over the winter, and I’m not sure on it’s scheduled return. I would assume it’ll be back by late May.
What are the city streets like in the winter? I love the North Shore, and the big ships, and all the breweries, but I look up those hills and shudder at what it must be like to drive there in the winter.
PS: Did they move the Irvin yet? I’ll be there next week and I’ve been hoping I get lucky and they move it while I’m there.
PPS: I’m not 100% sure of my schedule yet, but would you (and any other Glibs in the Duluth area) want to possibly meet for a beer or two next week? I’ll be getting to town late Tuesday afternoon and leaving either Wednesday afternoon or possibly Thursday…not sure yet.
MikeS wrote: “and any other Glibs in the Duluth area”
There are more than just me? (shudders at the thought)
The hills aren’t too bad as long as you have AWD/4WD and the city plows and sands the streets. Our alley only gets plowed every 3rd snowfall or so it seems. We NEED 4WD to get out
I don’t believe the Irvin has moved yet. This article http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/4487670-city-lays-out-details-delicate-relocation-william-irvin says late August/early September. So they are behind schedule – surprise. In the forground you can see the fucking bridge that the city just sunk $7 million into to fix. They can alway find money for shit like that, but when it comes to paving streets or fixing sewers, there is no money. Another article says it will be moved by the end of Sept.
I’m up for meeting. lucky_nickel at protonmail dot com
That’s the last article I’ve seen on it, too. Hopefully they do it next Wednesday. It would be cool to watch.
I’m wondering who the brain trust was that decided to build that bridge so as too leave a total of 14″ for the Irvin to get out. Did they think the damn thing was just going to sit there until it rusted away to nothing? SMDH
If you draw a line from Duluth to Fargo you’ll go through my garage at the 1/2 way point. There’s a cabin there with all the amenities that stays empty and waiting. You can see the hole in the ground where the big giant balloon lifted off in 1958 to go a 100K feet into the stratosphere. Only other local thing is to kiss the moose head at the Log Cabin Bar.
When did you upgrade me Mike? W00t! My winning personality is starting to break you down.
If you do meet up there AND you want real culture, I would suggest the Cornfield Cafe. Half cafe, half hardware store. Get the hashbrowns and gravy (my father swears that he invented this).
They have a laundromat, too. UCS could wash his clothes, break bread with me, and buy some work gloves all in one visit!
It is also a semi-secret local hangout. Every time I go there I run into people I grew up with or their parents.
That’s well within my travel radius. This would be either saturday the 1st or Sunday the 2nd. But I would certainly be up for it. What say you Mike, shall we meet his Holiness at the Hardware store?
If he would deign to meet us there, I would be honored.
Don’t they have legalized brothels somewhere up there Now? Toronto?
*shrug* who knows.
Are you coming up I87? I can buy you a meal in Saratoga Springs.
Saratoga Springs is all of a half an hour from me – unless it’s rush hour when 87 is a parking lot. I don’t think waiting for a road trip is all that necessary.
Yes, but a major Glib-visiting road trip is an excuse (for me) to overcome my anti-social tendencies.
Plus, if you get out early in the morning, we could have breakfast at my favorite diner.
All right, I’ll pencil that in as a first stop.
It will be Saturday May 25th.
We are getting pretty sociable here in Minnesoda. We almost have the hang of the whole human intereaction thing. Tundra still doesn’t quite get the concept of agreeing to meet and then showing up, but he is a work in progress.
If you get near the Twin Cities, I’m sure we would probably be up for a meeting. Leap is or organizer.
Another person you might want to get in touch with is FourScore. He is up near Crosby, MN. Sort of on your way to Mike depending on how off the beaten track you want to get.
In fact, FourScore was nice enough to let my family come to his Honey Fest yesterday. It was a lot of fun. Meeting 4×20 was great, he has a great place and a lot of great friends. Watching honey get made might be the only example of finding out that something you like doesn’t require a bunch of gross stuff to make it happen.
Well, once you accept the fact that it’s Bee Vomit, the rest of the process is downright benign.
As for the Twin cities, they’re more or less right there after I turn around and start headed for home, so it’d be stupid to not at least see who’s up to meet.
Drop me an email with dates/times that works for you, and I’ll put something together.
If your path cuts towards Green Bay let me know.
Meanwhile, she and her adopted siblings were treated like “domestics,” Previn said.
They were orphans, after all.
Well this no longer makes any sense
A shame you don’t have edit powers, guv’nuh.
You won’t be able to keep us down forever. Cat-butt one and 5 tulpas will replace xer.
We are all Tulpa – we could never replace ourselves.
“Perhaps it was just looking for a pineapple and ham deep dish? Now if we only knew it’s stance on abortion and which Star Trek captain it thought best…”
Which glib set him free?
In this case it sounds like it was a medically necessary procedure rather than an elective one.
I’m asking if it’s really worth >$200 (passenger plus car) to avoid the Chicagoland metro area. on my way east.
No price is too high.
I was thinking the same.
I agree with this message. 4700 mile road trip this summer, 4650 were relaxing, the 50 around Chicago added back all the stress the 4650 took away.
Crazy president wants to close entire sector of economy. No, not Obama and energy…No, not Trump and importing. Look here and see. – mining is just foreigners stealing your stuff. I say ban it
Keeping it in the ground is like saving it in the bank. But you don’t have to pay any fees. It’s Free!!! /Economic illiterate
In the Soon-Yi/Woody pic she looks like a man dressed as a woman and Woody looks like a chick dressed as a guy.
He looks like another woman?
Walking through the lobby this morning with CNN on the screen – they are really trying to get a good Borking going.
It will be a major screw up by republicans if they don’t get a nomination before midterms
GOP is predicted to pick up Senate seats.
bad doggos
Seems more like the Clarence Thomas strategy, but six of one, half a dozen of the other I guess.
Just a “hair” different!
*narrows gaze*
+1 high tech lynching
I’ve completely tuned out. I get all my news from the links and commenters here, and occasionally from TOS because I still get their emails for some reason.
Oh, one more news source: the Trump nazi ravings of friends and acquaintances that I zone out on.
I’m interested only in the comedy of it, and so I hope the blue wave is a complete failure.
Yeah, I’m in your boat. Traditional news sources have let me down enough that even when they’re just giving up unvarnished facts I’m suspicious, and overtly biased sources are obviously not enough on their own. Since I don’t have the patience or interest in reading the far ends of the spectrum and splitting the difference, I mostly just ignore it all. I’m less informed, but I’m happier, largely. I’ve got my own shit to worry about.
^ This, and I don’t give a shit what people think about it. If there is information that I need to conduct my life I go and look for it, but I don’t give a shit about “news” anymore. I don’t think any of it is real or meaningful anymore. It’s just people pushing agendas.
Depends on how you define “informed” I suppose.
Ronan Farrow seems to have found an occasion when he doesn’t ‘believe women’ and when it’s acceptable to claim that allegations of abuse are malicious. Just fancy that.
We can agree that whole family is screwed up and move on?
Black British actor Cynthia Erivo has been cast in the lead role of an upcoming biopic of the iconic abolitionist Harriet Tubman but not everybody is happy about it.
Dem brits taking all the good movie jobs.
Brits are supposed to play Villains in Hollywood productions. Everyone knows that!
I thought that was Germans?
Alan Rickman agrees.
Wait till they find out that Tubman was a gun-toting Republican. If that part makes it into the movie.
Oh, no, she’ll be prograyed as extra-proggy and sumsuch
I look forward to the scene where she lectures the runaway slaves on the evils of capitalism.
“Another Brit playing a black American historical figure ?. This has to stop. It’s beyond disrespectful to black Americans to have others telling our stories.”
I don’t get this attitude. At all. Should certain roles be reserved for only people who share every characteristic with them. HT was born in Maryland so only black marylanders should be allowed? When does acting ability come in. Or is it not as bad if the person portraying the character can’t act for crap.
It’s simple – Nothing is ever enough.
Once you remember that, Identity politics is easy.
A) Very alt-rightish, eh?
B) We wouldn’t have The Fonz if they had their way.
Alexander Hamilton agrees.
The woman
accusingmaking stuff up about Kavanaugh is, shockingly, a Super-Prog California Professor.I was off line for the last three days. When I left it was anonymous, but the story has evolved into this. I honestly don’t think I need the internet anymore because this is getting predictable.
Meh I do not think this is that relevant…
If it is true, I look forward to holding the entire population of the United States responsible for actions taken during their teenage years.
Dear God no!
I would have liked hearing about the teenage adventures of William Jefferson Clinton.
That would probably be like reading the STEVE SMITH CHRONICLES.
“Feinstein released a statement via The Intercept”
“Via the Washington Post”
All that’s missing is Gloria Allred.
I might as well start claiming JB Pritzker diddled me 40 years ago.
Here is the thing I don’t get.
The actual allegations against him if true, even in today’s world would be unlikely to result in more than a misdemeanor assault charge and likely there not even a conviction but rather a youth diversion program. In the 1980’s? Yeah there is no chance that results in criminal charges unless she is the Sheriffs daughter.
I’m sorry but this is bullshit of the highest order, we’re supposed to wait for an FBI investigation of what? There is no crime here, certainly not a federal one and any state level crime would be FAR past the statute of limitations. Literally the only thing they could investigate is if this is a hoax and even if it proves to be 100% accurate there is no rational person who thinks that it should bar Kavanaugh from taking a place on the court because by this standard there is literally NO human being alive who could ever be qualified to hold the office.
If people dug up stuff I did in HS – yikes – and in college – double yikes.
But yeah, people do stupid shit when they’re young and the body is blasted with high doses of hormones. I’m not excusing something like rape, but there were plenty of awkward moments in my teenage-dom. And some of that was on the receiving end by overly aggressive girls!
The entire goal is to delay the vote and/or convince enough Republicans to vote against him. Whether it actually happened or not is beside the point.
I lost. No fair!
In a Sunday Op-Ed published in The Observer, Khan said the British public has the right to “take back control” of the issue after U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s “abject failure” to negotiate a good Brexit deal for the country.
“I’ve become increasingly alarmed as the chaotic approach to the negotiations has become mired in confusion and deadlock, leading us down a path that could be hugely damaging,” Khan wrote.
“The unfortunate reality is that Theresa May has failed to negotiate a Brexit position with her own party ― let alone agree a deal with the EU,” Khan wrote. “With time rapidly running out, we are left with two possibilities ― a bad deal, which could end up being so vague that we leave the EU blind to what our future relationship will be, or a ‘no-deal’ Brexit.”
“Both these scenarios are a million miles from what was promised during the referendum campaign, only further exposing the lies and mistruths sold to the public,” Khan continued.
Without the benevolent guidance of the Top Men from Brussels, England is doomed. I wonder if Mayor Khan would be willing to put some of his policy preferences up for a general referendum. What with that “wisdom of crowds” thing, and all,
On top of the original referendum, we had an election last year. Parties proposing to “accept the referendum result” (per the Labour manifesto) polled 82.4% of the vote. If Khan doesn’t like the fact that his party takes this stance then he should have the bollocks to leave it.
I’ve really no idea what these idiots think would happen if they succeeded in “reversing” Brexit. Do they think euroscepticism in this country will just disappear? Do they think that millions of people would go “oh, fair enough then”?
There’s an infamous line here in Quebec the Parti Quebecois uttered after losing the second referendum on leaving Canada. When asked about if they’d accept the result and not revisit it they said they would keep trying until they get the result they want.
Meanwhile, the unseen hand of the negative impact this has on our psyche and economy is pretty much incalculable and a non-entity now. Montreal was once the unchallenged alpha-male city in Canada. Since the arrival of the PQ and their election in 1976, the slide has been quite astonishing and effectively left the city as permanent second dog to Toronto. We’re now a beta city.
Nationalists, obviously, take issue with this position but I can’t see how it can be interpreted otherwise.
I know people who aren’t British only have limited interest in this, and I go on about it way too much. But whatever – it’s nice to vent. The Remoaner argument is basically: “Britain’s entire existence is now predicated on membership of the EU, therefore Brexit is stupid”. To any rational person, this raises two questions:
1) What further political developments are we now powerless to stop, since we apparently no longer have the option of walking away?
2) Did the political decisions that put us in this position have sufficient democratic legitimacy?
What Remoaners can’t and won’t face up to is that the EU is an extremely ambitious, and unexampled political project that we are at best ambivalent about and at worst actively hostile to. They persist in pretending that it’s politically neutral and all criticisms of it have been got up by the Daily Express.
Ah. Sorta like how people in the USA or Canada scream: FAUX NEWS! TORONTO SUN! BREITBART!
Well, as an American I don’t have a direct interest, but at the risk of waxing hyperbolic I see the UK and the Brexit movement as no less important to the future of the West than the UK’s resistance of the Germans at the beginning of WW2. The EU represents a genuine threat to human liberty and self-determination, and it’s even more threatening than the Nazi, Fascist, and Communist movements of the 20th century because it’s not primarily driven by the threat of military force.
Hopefully the EU never gets an army to prevent states from leaving their federalist project. The sort of economic threats they’re using against us at least have the benefit of hurting them too.
Doesn’t he mean that both scenarios are 1,609,344 km from what was promised during the referendum campaign?
Very tasty alt-text in the Casablanca photo.
Swissy always brings the alt-text. He sets a good example that sadly, is seldom followed.
I don’t always contribute articles, but when I do, I have (bad) Alt-text.
A for effort.
I always think I’ve added alt-text, but sometimes it doesn’t show up.
In the article markup you need to call it title instead of alt . At least that usually the issue when I don’t see what I expect.
Apparently they are going to start the boar hunting season early in Romania cause they want to cull 28000 units due to a spreading African Swine fever. Fuckin Ukrainians gave it to Romania. The bastards
Are you saying Ukranians were engaged in carnal relations with your pigs?
I would not put it past them. Damn Slavs who knows what they are capable of?
Maybe if your wimminfolk were a bit more feminine the Ukranians could tell the difference between them and wild pigs?
Please our wimminfolk would not go near a Ukrainian
Why not? They get near (really near) Romanian men. How much worse could Ukrainians be?
Stop fucking Ukranians. Or at least the fat ones.
Why dont they just let the swine fever do the culling?
Because they are trying to top it spreading. The swine fever is not fast enough and boar travel. Also they prefer, Ia assume, not to have infested carcasses in the woods…
And I assume it can jump over to the domestic livestock.
It has already. Probably tens of thousands of pigs lost and growing.
My God, all that bacon… just gone.
Fuckin Ukrainians
There are 3 things you don’t mess with: mother nature, mother-in-laws and mother freaking Ukrainians.
Another tech billionaire turns media mogul
“30 million people a month, while its current owners put that figure closer to 100 million.”
Tip to the Beniofs, I’d check on those numbers…
They don’t really care if it’s actually 5% of the lower number, it’s a vanity project.
A vanity project that they will have no editorial control over? I think one of those things will end up not being true. I can certainly see a situation where they buy the shitty socialist rag so that it can continue to be a shitty socialist rag that no longer has to care about people paying for it.
Anybody who believes that generous benefactors like that have no editorial control is a dupe, but even if it were true, it’s still a vanity project in the second sense you mentioned. In the social circle of which Benioff is a part, being seen as the savior of beloved progressive institution carries maximum social clout.
the esteemed title
Words have no meaning anymore.
“esteemed title”
Some one hasn’t looked at that rag lately. Also, 30M or 100M are just the number of people bored to tears in a doctor’s waiting room.
Seriously. Cut out the middle man and rent a case of iPads or Kindle Fires to every dentist’s office in America.
the “KindleSmile” program.
Disturbing new strawberry needle discovery in Western Australia
THE terrifying strawberry sabotage has now spread the length of the country, as police confirm two disturbing new cases.
Well this is a weird one
See, this is why I don’t mess with fruit. Tomatoes, sure, but only sliced or as part of a sauce or stew. Everything else should only be part of a mixer, and then just as reference for the artificial version. For example, I have yet to eat a real blueberry that tastes anywhere near as good as a blue Fla-Vor-Ice.
It’s Australia, I assume they just started growing that way.
I call hoax – place your bets
Religious fanatics force dietary restrictions on government buildings.
God save us all from these damn control freaks.
Or they could just cut out the food service entirely and the city council could brown bag it like everybody else.
brown bags are racist, remember?
The Khmer Vert tried this in Brighton in the UK. It didn’t go down well with the ordinary proles.
‘Central services cabinet member Jason Kitcat said: “We are not looking to force this on staff which is why we talked to union representatives before it was introduced.
“The idea is to find ways to get staff and people to talk about the issue.’
They certainly found a way to talk about the issue.
Also: Jason Kitcat?
will provide only plant-based foods
All food is plant-based. The cow eats the grass. I eat the cow.
What about Salt?
Pretty good for an action flick, but the part at the beginning where they poured the gasoline down her throat really squicks me out.
I had entirely forgotten about that movie until now. All I remember about it is that they closed down a road I needed for my commute to do filimg, and it pissed me off.
I would read your movie reviews if they were all like this one.
Well I think we can be fairly certain they would all end with “…and it pissed me off.”
Why not do it on Friday instead? Too Catholic?
Behold ye mighty and despair!
I wasn’t going to be the one to link to that.
It’s the tits. Best derp ever!
You lie! There were no tits at that link!
It always is when the wrong people win.
This. I’m pretty sure I could find a similar article written in early 2001
That’s their new shtick. Everything is ‘under attack’ or ‘in crisis.’
Fucken shitheads.
It’s been focus tested for maximum impact.
Just in case any of the 200 people subscribed to The Atlantic hadn’t already read her book.
The Atlantic publishing that corrupted idiot is absurd.
She’s the last person who should be talking about fricken democracy.
“She’s the last person who should be talking about fricken democracy” – I assume that is her plan exactly.
I liked that.
The light on the hill that is America is fading, please allow me a moment to get on my fainting couch at this travesty.
Shorter Hildebeast: “I didn’t win”
That is *insufferably* bad. Such pettiness—can’t even admit that he won the election.
Opening graf:
It gets even worse. Wow. I’m *almost* shocked at how fucking stupid that is. God damn did America ever dodge a bullet when they chose to elect His Cheeto-ness.
Congratulations, bitch, you didn’t forget what you learned in your high school civics class.
This oughta be good.
John Adams wrote that the definition of a republic is “a government of laws, and not of men.” That ideal is enshrined in two powerful principles: No one, not even the most powerful leader, is above the law, and all citizens are due equal protection under the law. Those are big ideas, radical when America was formed and still vital today. The Founders knew that a leader who refuses to be subject to the law or who politicizes or obstructs its enforcement is a tyrant, plain and simple.
The nerve of this woman…
So they support prosecuting Hillary and the entire Clinton Global Initiative?
“Wiped? What, like with a cloth?”
She’s got balls so big she can barely walk.
Democracies are rowdy by nature.
But the US is not one.
That’ll do, pig, that’ll do.
Reading that makes me physically ill. Everything she says in there about Trump’s corruption and disregard for the rule of law can be tied directly to shit that she has done. The thing that sickens me is that if I were to breakdown, with citations, all the bullshit in that article and how she has committed those crimes, a progressive would just ignore it and see it as a reason to not associate with me. This is why the country is likely doomed.
Only one sentence in and I’m already laughing.
Which of you Glibs is this?
Trick question. It is none of us. Wrong end of the horse to be a true Glib.
It’s Monday morning, right? Here’s a tune to ease you in to the work week.
Nice song, hopefully this week goes by quickly.
It was nice having the day off, though. Short week FTW.
That part was mighty true. I didn’t get to relax much during this Day of Respecting Elders, but hope you did!
Washing a geezer’s back really takes the edge off a Monday morning.
The only way to start Mondays to be quite honest. All jests aside, I’m sure the old man appreciated it. I’ll be drinking a beer or two in respect for the both of you.
Oh, you actually did it? Cheers. Finishing up the leftover whisky from the camping. Wiped out.
Has anyone posted this yet?
My guess is that they inadvertently intercepted a government radio signal.
I think Q called it as kiddie porn on a computer.
Evacuated a PO and the observatory. I am guessing some shithead tried to mail a bomb or some such to someone at the observatory.
There’s a Jeff Goldbloom running around in there warning Generals about the aliens.
The high point of his career
Greatest non-sequitur in film evah!
Such drama, much stupid
I say just close down the Supreme court
Who’s going to interpret the Ee’d Plebnista?
Sons of Chiefs…duh!
*nods and grunts in agreement*
Is there any way out at this stage? If the whole thing is brazened out and Kavanaugh is confirmed, Democrats will spend decades shrieking about the incident as if he’d been convicted of something. If Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed then the Democrats will know that they have a powerful weapon against anyone they dislike.
Introduce some unprovable allegation during the hearings/election, wail and shriek to no avail, and then continue to harp on it for the duration of their career as a tragedy and use it for fundraising and get out the vote efforts.
It’s their standard playbook now.
We hit that point with Bork and then Thomas, this is just the slime continuing the tradition.
I don’t think there’s any way out that does NOT involved Democrats shrieking for decades, if that’s what you mean. They’re going to shriek no matter who it is.
It also sets him up for impeachment down the road. Not that they would ever get the necessary votes in the Senate to actually remove him.
Alright all, this involves beer. So while off topic, it should avoid the wraith of the Swiss. I’ve started collecting the names for the fall BIF (Beer it Forward). If you don’t know what that is, you will be shipping 72-90 ounces of beer to another participant, and (usually) a third person will be shipping the same quantity of beer to you. Swag is optional, but always appreciated. If you’re interested in participating, please drop a note here, and shoot me an e-mail at my handle at the mail of Google’s empire. If I’ve already replied to an e-mail you sent, you’re on the/another list.
Isn’t it illegal to ship beer across state lines?
Only by way of the postal service.
UPS, FedEx, etc can carry it just fine.
Seems you’re right, although you have to jump through some hoops even with UPS and FedEx.
Both FedEx and UPS will generally accept packages without question as well. The other (non-lying) answers as to what’s in the package include things like “liquid yeast samples”, and “glassware”. Shipping with USPS is a crime, not likely to get you prosecuted, but why risk it for inferior tracking and delivery?
Another option is to find an accredited alcohol shipper in your area and order local items from them to be delivered to your assigned partner. That will limit the number of states you can ship to in most cases, but I can be accommodating.
Just for the record btw, getting rid of ridiculous restrictions like this would be a good, actually legitimate use of the commerce clause rather than, say, criminalizing abstaining from selling wheat or purchasing health insurance.
The states invested in draining cash from such ventures would argue that the 21st superceded the earlier commerce clause in giving them control over booze.
Thankfully, a lot of the states are starting to see the light about this, albeit focused more on wine and liquor. Beer, while sold online, is expensive as hell to ship. Water is heavy, glass is heavy and fragile, and growlers are right out. Expect shipping a six pack to cost more then the six pack of beer itself. Off the top of my head, in Ohio, only BrewDog offers online sales and shipping (only within Ohio), but they’re coming from the UK, where it appears that’s more common.
I have a customer that ships beer. They restrict themselves to Truckload carriers, LTL and Parcel carriers are not worth the hassle.
I’d do it but you know….Canada. ‘Free trade’ has never been healthier.
Normally, when I’m logged in to Glibs and commenting like this, I have a bar at the top of the screen that lets me go to my account information, etc.
Right now I’m not finding it, and the page is acting like I’m not logged in, except it’s letting me post comments normally.
Woman, 19, who accused four Trump-supporting teens of slashing her tires and leaving a note that said ‘Go home’ on her car is charged for ‘fabricating the story’
A New York woman has been arrested after police say she made up a story claiming to be the victim of a hate crime.
Adwoa Lewis gave detectives a written statement on Friday, in which she said she was driving home in Long Island September 2 when four teens confronted her.
She claimed they yelled ‘Trump 2016!’ before telling the black 19-year-old she ‘didn’t belong here’.
Lewis said the following morning she found her tires had been slashed and there was a note that read ‘Go home’ on her car, which was parked in front of her home in Baldwin.
After an ‘extensive investigation’, Nassau County police determined there hadn’t actually been any confrontation between Lewis and the teens.
She later admitted to having written the note herself.
Seems counterproductive to tell someone to leave, then prevent them from doing so.
Another false flag? Say it aint so!
Whether it happened it is not important. What is important is that it raises serious questions about racism and hate crimes in Trump America.
The issue is not the issue, and all that.
This right here. Now we can have a DISCUSSION about the big issue once again.
False but accurate?
it’s 2018. We are post-truth
If it doesn’t start a conversation then it wasn’t successful.
Hey! None of this ever happened under Obama but it is happening with Trump on office. You don’t see that?
Don’t worry. These guys will take care of it.
They’re gonna spin stories like this and find a way to blame conservative radio hosts in every episode.
You know, I do have to ask, are entertainment executives even interested in making money anymore? It’s blindingly obvious that this isn’t going to be a successful show. Someone, somewhere, you’d think, would raise their hand.
So she’s going to be charged for filing a false police report, right?
I don’t get why people think they can just make shit up. I mean sure if you’re a ‘good’ politician, no one will call call you out. But otherwise, it’s going to come crashing down.
It’s one thing to bend the truth. It’s another to make crap up.
This happened in Toronto not too long ago and that turn of a PM jumped all over it only to find out a day later it was fabricated.
No discipline for the little girl. Because she’s 11. Dumb.
What does, “that turn of a PM” mean? I’m guessing nothing very nice.
I think he was calling the Prime Minister a turnip.
stupid spell check as I type. It sneaks one by me.
I love that she’s like, “What would racist white teenagers do? I wish there were some around here I could ask. I guess I’ll just have to make it up based on my wild-ass imagination.”
Why would they yell “Trump 2016” ? It was very believable up until that point.
She meant to say “Trump 2020!”
When the facts come out we will find out the same applies to the one accusing Kavenaugh of misdeeds as a teen..
Has anyone posted this yet?
Just that one guy, who’s a terminally ill Lou Reed fan from Cleveland.
Something something Holy League
WARSAW (Reuters) – Poland, the biggest former communist country in the European Union, said it will oppose any sanctions imposed by the bloc on fellow member Hungary, accused of flouting EU rules on democracy.
It’s been absolutely fucking delicious watching the people who spent the last 50 years whitewashing Stalinism and defending Castro turn into McCarthyites.
It’s pretty great.
Getting the band back together to fight off the Golden Horde, Ottomans, and Tartars.
They just might manage to lie us into a major conflict yet:
Let’s bomb Assad, for the children.
I really think we are on the wrong side there.
We’re by default on the wrong side for being involved in the first place.
the only winning move is not to play
This – all the sides are wrong. A strong-man non-jihadist is as good as it will get there.
Agreed. Nothing in it for us. As a matter of fact I cant see any winning or advantage in any of the shitholes we are mired in. What the fuck are we doing there?
Well, some people are making bank…
Yeah, like when we were strong with the Mujahadeen against the Soviets. We had that guy, Bin Laden, fighting for us and that never caused a problem, right?
Idlib is full of Al Qaeda affiliate fighters so, yes, we are.
Womp womp
I was with him for the first couple of paragraphs, then he went completely off the rails.
I have only one way to react to that paragraph there.
God damn. Karl Marx’s ghost says, “Take it down a notch, comrade.”
I view the spectrum in a way that actually has opposites. Left is authoritarianism and right is anarchy. The isms all fall between (communism=>socialism=>Democracy=>Republicanism=>Minarchism). So idk what this person is blathering about right-wing “authoritarianism”.
Poor stupid prick thought the people he was protesting with in 2004 were sincere.
Some Things That Evergreen Could Not Take Away
“I have long held that the low bar that should be set for Evergreen faculty is that they a) fundamentally respect students as real human beings and b) have something real to offer, know something true about the universe. Apparently, it’s harder than it seems. It takes real time to have actual compassion for the differences that make us human, and the differences that reveal us as individuals — our varied developmental histories, our wounds and scars, our triumphs and confidences. And it takes some of the same compassion to not descend into tribalism, in which we judge each other on the basis of demographics.”
Something true about the universe? What, like physics?
Math is hard. Fizics is harderer.
FAO Florida Man:
E-mail me at widcatlh (at) gmail (dot) com. Have lawyer recommendations for you.
Mistyped email.
wildcatlh (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks JB. I sent the email. Hopefully I typed the address correctly.
Kavanaugh’s Accuser Has Now Come Forward
She admits she doesn’t remember key details like exactly when the incident occurred or where specifically, and she says the first time she told anyone about it was when she was in couples counseling with her husband in 2012 — 30-some years after the night in question, but the woman at the center of the decades-old allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has now come forward.
Christine Blasey Ford told The Washington Post that she didn’t want to be thrust into the spotlight and endure all that goes with that (the disbelief and personal attacks). She said she just wanted to send her allegation to her member of Congress and sit back. But since The Intercept revealed the allegation — which quickly snowballed into absurd theater in the days following — she said she felt she needed to come forward.
I’m starting to think she is less than credible.
The most damning thing about her is that she went into psychology/psychiatry. That seems to be a pretty reliable indicator of damaged goods.
Damaged Goods
That’s released in 1978, just after Mao’s death. Is that band a reference to that gang of four? Pretty cool if it is.
It would only be really cool if it were ironic. They are commies, though, like many of my favorite bands.
There’s a whole spectrum of commie bands in 80’s Brit-Pop. I don’t think there’s be anything left to listen to from that era if you censored them from your library.
David French had a good article about it in the National Review, expressed my same feelings as to why I think it’s bullshit.
Still think she should testify before the Committee, but it shouldn’t change things unless there’s some drastic amount of new evidence we don’t know about. Which seems unlikely at this point.
They purposefully withheld her nonsense until the committee was done.
The left seems to use Advise and Consent as a manual for scripting these nomination fights. And with our new believe women always rule of evidence you don’t even have to find a credible smear.
I don’t think it should matter even if it is true. So what if he did some stupid shit when he was a teenager?
So I don’t know if this was covered buy was she hot back then?
When you’re a 17-year old, most 15-year olds are pretty hot.
(source: was a 17 year old male)
Can confirm, once spent an entire summer day in 1994 calling every girl I knew to see if they’d make out with me that afternoon.
actual LOL
Reportedly they were all wearing beer goggles so,…yes?
She kinds of looks like Mare Winningham from St. Elmo’s Fire. So about as sexy as a glass of skim milk.
Oh Jesus, you’re right.
What the fuck. How, exactly, was she expecting that to play out? She made the decision to throw this fucking bombshell out there, knowing that it had the potential to be ruinous to his professional and personal lives, and …. then what? Hopefully the guy is ruined without you ever having to get any dirt on your hands? Everyone laughs and goes out for ice cream?
That’s bullshit, because she got a polygraph beforehand.
a pineapple and ham deep dish
Now you’re just trolling me.
More ‘n just you.
*resumes whittling*
Alright- that Hillary Clinton thing is just too special for words. It’s what I can only imagine the warmup for a bum fight would be; get your bum all liquored up and then stoke her resentments and pick the scabs of failure until she is in a blind, weeping, flailing rage. Then give her the
glovestypewriter.He’s profiting off the business of the presidency.
As we all know, the Clintons barely had two nickels to rub together when they were evicted from the White House. If not for the kindness of strangers, they might have been forced to live on the street. God knows how they managed to put food on the table, or clothe their precious vulnerable young daughter.
Too special for words describes it perfectly
Facebook is hiring a director of human rights policy to work on “conflict prevention” and “peace-building”
Sounds like a job for Bono! Yeah yeah yeaaahhhhhh!
This is what was missing. All those long years of war and conflict are coming to an end! We shall cherish this moment forever!
“Censor” is a shorter and more accurate title.
I thought they had lobbyists already.
Herbie the Toxic Bug? How the fun went out of the VW Beetle
::Looks at the MINI and Mustang in his driveway.:: Say what now?
It’s the Guardian, LordH. This writer probably things ‘motoring’ is commuting from the metro edge to the metro offices in parking lot traffic.
The irony is that VW was begun under the same utopian auspices now ostensibly necessitating its demise.
God the Guardian sucks so massively.
The future is electric, with simple, non-polluting boxes probably operated with minimal human involvement (sentient cars!) getting us from A to B.
I doubt it.
*revs dinosaur burner*
If you fill your car up with batteries made in Asia, and link it to a coal-burning power plant with a very long copper cable, it is not in any sense of the word “non-polluting.”
Everybody wants to look like the Russian Mafia?
You assholes cant have my gasoline powered Wrangler. Electric cars are the worst idea ever. Now fuck off.
My ex-BIL showed me this video of an interview with Dan Pena the other day talking about electric cars, among other things. Now, Dan Pena strikes me as just this side of sane, and that’s being a touch generous, but he said something to the effect of, “The first electric car was made in 1828. Do you seriously fuckin’ think that if people wanted electric cars we wouldn’t all be driving electric cars right now?” The technology has been there. Between electric, steam, and gasoline, gasoline won, at least for automobiles. Stop trying to make fetch happen, watermelons.
I wonder how many of these people ever drove a car on something other than steel-belted radial tires. Motoring used to require the ability to plan ahead and be prepared for the occasional mishap. That kept a lot of women and other stupid people off the road.
I only hope that 50 years from now, when people understand what these idjits thought was happening when they plugged their electric cars into an electric outlet, that these descendants laugh at the spectacle of stupidity (meaning that somehow humanity dodged that bullet) and not seethe with rage over the sentence it passed over their generations.
Also umm.
And, of course, the problem may not be that nobody likes cars any more. It may be that the cars on offer are generic tripe, intechangeable commuter boxes, and people are getting their gearhead on with older cars or modded cars.
Britain’s oldest person is celebrating her 112th birthday today and has revealed the secret to her long life is a dram of whisky every day for the last six decades.
“Oh, and regularly voting for the correct party. That will keep you alive well past your 120th birthday!”
Facebook is advertising for a human rights policy director to join its business, located either at its Menlo Park HQ or in Washington DC — with “conflict prevention” and “peace-building” among the listed responsibilities.
After reading two or three of those applications, I’d be ready to handcuff myself to a chain l;ink fence and set myself on fire.
Oklahoma Police Chief Resigns Over Neo-Nazi Ties, Gets Job in Neighboring Police Force
“And this town says he’s there to stay”
If I offered your proggies the keys to our orbital bombardment cannons I bet they wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger.
Border agent shot 4 female sex workers in the head
Dude is obviously a white supremacist emboldened in his hatred of Hispanics by Trump’s incendiary rhetoric. This is the sad reality of living in Trump’s America. Wake up sheeple!
+1 white hispanic
The US needs to secure its border agents.
I thought once they’re dead, they are just “hookers”.
The future is electric, with simple, non-polluting boxes probably operated with minimal human involvement (sentient cars!) getting us from A to B.
Keep telling yourself that.
They are outsourcing the pollution.
Eat shit, fans of the other team!
The boy and I watched the Packers/Vikings game on tape last night and I’m amazed. The new NFL rules actually made me feel bad for Clay Matthews. No way that roughing penalty should have been called. The Vikes also got dinged for one just as bad on Rogers, but it was forgotten because it happened earlier. Vikes safety also got a horrible penalty for hitting a “defenseless receiver”.
They have to do something about these rules. In no universe, should I have to defend that horse’s ass The Claymaker
Can your kid kick? He might be able to pick up some extra money.
The rules are a travesty. I suspect, though, that it will get worse before it gets better. The edict came down: keep the stars on the field, no matter what.
No he can’t kick at all. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t be employed by the Vikings. His biggest problem will be deciding if he wants to kick or be Treadwell’s replacement (he can’t catch either).
Yesterday was a bad day for kickers. The Clowns and the Viqueens both failed to win due to their kickers and a number of other kickers missed PATs and FGs.
. . . . attempted suicide after the game
. . . . missed wide to the left
Remember that Green Bush also lost because their kicker choked on the last play of the game (after making the first attempt that was nullified by the Vikings timeout)
Did y’all see that one play where IIRC the defensive tackle had gotten through to Cousins, put his hands on him, and just stopped? I guess he thought Cousins might have thrown the ball and obviously was thinking about not giving up 15 free yards, but Cousins held onto it and was able to make a throw.
I actually agree with the greater aim of making the game safer and all that, but if guys are going to have to change how they play to that extent, there’s a problem with how they are calling the games.
That explains that play perfectly. I was trying to figure out what went on there, it was so weird. but yeah, if he continues the tackle and takes Cousins to the ground and Cousins didn’t have the ball *ding* 15 yards.
A new fan game to play is to figure out the justification for throwing the flag.
The War for the President’s Mind
From the headline I was expecting another 25th amendment impeachment puff piece.
The collapse of integrity at CATO may actually be worse than at TOS.
That is a high bar. TOS had 500ish, 10+ year contributors and commenters walk off in a week and start their own site. I am actually proud of being part of this group.
I agree. But, two examples, CATO wholeheartedly accepted the Russia meddling narrative whereas I think TOS hedged their bets. And, more recently, CATO has been interviewing self-identified conservatives and libertarians who argue that Trump paying hush money to Stormy Daniels was interference with a free and fair election and therefore an impeachable offense.
The Niskanen Center only exists to make Cato look good.
Reason was always intended to be a pop culture outlet though. Cato was supposed to be their serious publication/think tank. Of the two, it’s sadder to see Cato reduced to a Center For American Progress annex.
It is my considered opinion that trying to live by a consistent philosophy is a bad idea.
In that vein, http://slatestarcodex.com/2018/09/12/in-the-balance/
Wealthiest GOP donor in Ohio says he is ‘no longer a Republican’ after Obama visit
Mr. Me Me Me?
“After Obama stopped briefly in Columbus before making an appearance in Cleveland, Wexner said he “was struck by the genuineness of the man; his candor, humility and empathy for others.”
If there was ever a steaming pile of horseshit big enough to leave me speechless, this is it. This Wexner fellow is a stroke victim, isnt he?
Wexner was never a conservative. He may have been affiliated with the GOP, but I don’t believe that his views and the views of most party members were anything like close to one another.
He was at an event in 2004 where Howard Dean And Bob Dole debated on various issues ( this was while I was at tOSU, and sponsored by the College Democrat and Republican clubs), and he asked them a few questions, that were bog standard establishment GoP ideas. The radic left students had more insightful questions than he did.
With gullibility like that, one wonders how he got so rich.
“was struck by the genuineness of the man; his candor, humility and empathy for others.”
One might say “you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,”
They have to do something about these rules.
Oh, come on. Those empty seats just prove how much better the game is now than it used to be.
Speaking of Time Magazine:
‘I Work 3 Jobs And Donate Blood Plasma to Pay the Bills.’ This Is What It’s Like to Be a Teacher in America
Different teacher from headline:
“Utility companies do not care that you had a great day with one of your students. They don’t care that you’re coaching the soccer team. They want you to pay for the services that they provide you,” says NaShonda Cooke, a teacher and single mother of two in Raleigh, N.C. “I can’t tell you how many letters I got this summer that said final notice.” Cooke, who makes about $69,000, often skips doctor’s appointments to save the co-pay and worries about paying for her eldest daughter’s college education. “It’s not about wanting a pay raise or extra income,” she says. “It’s just about wanting a livable wage.”
Non-sequitur, something something, I make $69k/year, something something, I am poor.
They used to at least bury the actual pay information when they busted out these ridiculous sob stories. Are they literally so motherfucking out of touch that they think anybody is going to feel sorry for some stupid bitch who can’t budget 70 grand a goddamn year?
In Raleigh! Or am I wrong and Raleigh now has some crazy cost of living?
I have previously lived on $24k/yr. By the time I passed $69k/yr it was less a case of “how do I pay the electric bill?” and more a case of “which loan do I most want to be rid of?” I cannot feel sorry for someone who suffers self-inflicted hardships from failing to exercise proper fiscal controls.
I was the same way. Started off making 24k/year on the bottom rung of the IT ladder, and felt like I was pretty well off when I was making 70k/year 7 years later. It’s about choosing to live within your means, which these people don’t want to do. They want to have a family and a nice house, while working at exactly the job they want. Life is about making trades; you have a to give up some things to get other things, unless you are incredibly successful. Even then, there are opportunity costs that are unknowable.
Seriously though, you shouldn’t have to be sacrificing much to live on $70k a year. The national median household income is $58k. There’s a lot of people living in nice houses with families pulling in $70k combined income and this abject fucking retard can’t keep her lights on with two kids? I hope she isn’t teaching arithmetic, that’s all I can say.
I was making under 70K/year when I bought my first HOUSE, and I wasn’t behind on any bills or eating out of dumpsters.
She must be like my aunt, who my cousins have convinced to go all no GMO, all Whole Foods and high end bulk from Costco. She and my uncle make decent money, but she didn’t budget well for years, and my uncle had to keep moving jobs, because he works in IT, but his first big job was Circuit City.
I was making ~$44k when I bought my first house. Of course my wife was pulling in $36k.
Once she became a stay-at-home mom, our income almost halved. There were many lean years there. But yeah, we never starved – vacations and extras were thin on the ground though.
I was making $40k. And was single.
The first year was moderately tight (I had to pay attention) until I got a raise to $48k.
Then I felt like I could do whatever.
Yeah I’ve seen that story passed around like a ¥2 whore. It doesn’t elecit much sympathy, more like, holy crap you can’t make ends meet with that income? Why are young teaching then?
Yeah, those people busting their asses in the call centers at $12-$15 an hour will really feel your pain at not being able to make ends meet making double their income, while you give their kids a shitty education.
“They don’t care…..They want you to pay for the services that they provide you,”
“I am a commie. Give me what I want for free.”
I have a better idea, why dont you give me what I want for free? No? One way street, is it?
who makes about $69,000,
I make less then that and I somehow manage all utilities, a mortgage, a car payment, student loans (that are more than my mortgage…), and I have plenty of money for food and fun. And I think cost of living in/around Raleigh is similar to where I live. So I’m gonna call bullshit on this person. Try being more frugal.
Did you see the piece I linked last week about “luxury socialism”? It’s no longer a question of providing for essentials–“basic income” and a “living wage” are so passé. The new hotness is providing the means to live well beyond your means. It’s about universalizing the student experience without the bother of workout out how to pay for it afterward. Why do you think they’re pushing this dreck during a period of growth and low unemployment?
I made less than that as an engineer and managed to cash flow a wedding. Fuck you lady!
$69k/year, with the summers off.
Even with my higher income, I would take that deal. I’m at that point in my life where time is more important than $$.
I make $56K a year. My wife works part time and and makes around $20K. We live in a slightly more expensive area than Raleigh. Somehow we get by fairly comfortably despite having spent insane amounts of money on veternarians for two (now one) elderly dogs over the past year. Not a luxurious life by any means, but we still go out to eat from time to time and just went on a cruise for vacation (our first vacation in 4 years that wasn’t just visiting relatives). This article is a joke.
Simple and delicious little dish I learned this weekend. Take some shiitake caps, fill them with cream cheese and top with a splash of soy sauce. Cook over flame for about five minutes. Took one bite and I almost cream cheesed in my pants. Yummy and easy.
Submitted without comment
i know if my kids don’t stop flossing, then i’m going to divorce them.
Which states are letting 12 year olds get married?
Asia Argento Publicly Threatens Rose McGowan With Legal Action
Democracy is in the shitter. How do we know? The losers say so.
In a sign that America’s two centuries-old democracy is under strain, nearly 2 in 5 American voters do not believe elections are fair, according to a new NPR/Marist poll. Nearly half of respondents lacked faith that votes would be counted accurately in the upcoming midterm elections.
Race, gender and partisan identity are all a factor for those who question the cornerstone of the democratic system. Nonwhite voters, women and Democrats all report substantially greater doubts about the fairness of elections compared to Republicans, 91 percent of whom believe elections are fair.
Natalie Adona, a senior research associate at the Democracy Fund who studies election data, said that may have something to do with the fact that Republicans currently control Congress and the White House, as people generally have more faith in the electoral process if they have been successful in winning recent elections.
President Trump was elected in 2016 with a majority of electoral college votes, but he lost the popular vote in the U.S. by almost 3 million votes. That could also be having a disillusioning effect on Democrats when it comes to the “fairness” of American elections.
It’s bizarre. If you harp incessantly on racial, economic and other stratification, it apparently has some sort of divisive effect on the electorate.
What they are not saying, now that they aren’t in power, is that they hate democratic elections and want to seize total power and keep it by force. As I recall, when the Chocolate Jesus was in power and they had both houses and a fair number of judgeships there were earnest calls to make Obama emperor for life. Now the calls are for re-education camps for Trump voters.
Worst. Kind. Of. People.
Race, gender and partisan identity are all a factor for those who question the cornerstone of the democratic system. Nonwhite voters, women and Democrats all report substantially greater doubts about the fairness of elections compared to Republicans, 91 percent of whom believe elections are fair.
The party that routinely finds boxes of ballots in the trunks of cars at the 11th hour thinks elections are unfair, and 91% of the party that routinely loses elections based on boxes full of ballots in the trunks of cars at the 11th hour thinks elections are fine and dandy. It’s hard to figure who is dumber.
Evil but stupid vs. stupid but evil.
America’s two centuries-old democracy
but he lost the popular vote
So did the Hilldabeast. No one running achieved a majority of the vote, not that it has any relevance because that is not how our 2 centuries-old system works.
Just rewatched some clips from last night’s game. This one sums up the Giants offense perfectly:
I miss that guy. Parody come to life.
Of the Penn State Alumni in that game, Sean Lee proved to be the better player.
Not pie. Cake.
New York congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defended an ambitious slate of policy proposals Sunday, casting the various planks of her Democratic Socialist agenda as long-term investments that would pay dividends for future generations of Americans.
“What we need to realize is that these investments are better and they are good for our future,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“These are generational investments,” she said. “They’re not short-term Band-Aids, but they are really profound decisions about who we want to be as a nation and how we want to act as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world.”
“These systems are not just pie in the sky. They are, many of them are accomplished by every modern civilized democracy in the Western world,” she added.
“That’s society’s money, and we (by which I mean I) should get to decide where it goes and how it gets used. From each according to his abilities, to me.”
Whaddya mean by “We” white woman?
You missed an opportunity.: “Who’s this ‘we’,
kemocommiesabe?”“These systems are not just pie in the sky. They are, many of them are accomplished by every modern civilized democracy in the Western world,” she added.”
Wait what does national health care have to do with a guy in Romania?
Wait what does national health care have to do with a guy in Romania?
Mandatory blood donations?
These are generational investments,” she said. “They’re not short-term Band-Aids, but they are really profound decisions about who we want to be as a nation and how we want to act as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world.”
How about we act the way that made us the freaking wealthiest nation in the history of the world and NOT allow socialist grifters to steal the seed corn?
We didn’t build that.
I’m not sure the *world* can afford a socialist US. The Scandi economies lefties think are so great don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re able to take advantage of everything that the American economy produces. If that got hamstrung by the sort of high taxes and red tape idiots like Ocasio-Cortez favour then the planet as a whole would suffer. The USA is really quite important as an engine of the world economy.
From the comments
“Bernie describes Scandinavia as socialist when it is a market based economy, not socialist. I have relatives in Scandinavia and when they hear “socialist” in reference to their government, they think we are really crazy and not too bright. BTW they have shorter school holidays, one full year more of secondary school and longer school hours. They have a world class education and due to their strong secondary education and a college degree takes three years instead of four. In Norway, oil revenue was invested so well by the government, each household gets $200,000k per year as a stipend. Alaskans only get $1,600/year! Norwegians do not want to live in the United States, because they are all very rich!”
btw, 200,000 Kroner = $24.4k USD
Call me crazy but I am a bit skeptical of those claims.
Their sovereign wealth fund is worth approximately $195,000 per citizen. Not per year.
They left out the best part where she bitched about the possibility of any of that $40 billion dollars going to the private sector. In her fantasy world, everybody does as she directs and out of the goodness of their hearts.
billiontrillion“Imagine that everyone in America can be moved around like chess pieces, and that you get to move them as you see fit” is the unspoken assumption of almost every Vox article.
– Charles CW Cooke
I know we’re not talking about Vox, but I think it’s the same of view.
how we want to act as the wealthiest nation in the history of the world
We should start by not squandering it with socialism and hyper-welfarism.
This is the only football I saw last weekend.
It was well worth the 5 minutes I spent rewatching it several times.
It’s pretty interesting how they put it all together. Everyone had to be involved. If their sideline didn’t know he was faking it they could have trotted out on to the field negating the return. I’m sure they had to say something to the refs to keep them from blowing the whistle. Apparently one of the Arkansas players near the ball stopped and said “why aren’t they blowing the whistle?”
This page has an extensive write-up on all the practice involved and how “everyone” including players on the sidelines was involved in selling the fake.
huge coverage fail
It looks like the defender closest to him (#31) almost didn’t bite. He stood there and seemed to look at the ref and then finally walk away. It seemed like his “little voice” was telling him he to wrap him up. He should have listened.
Ah yes. Read the damn article…
What happens if he calls a press conference on the steps of the Capitol and tells everybody in America to go fuck themselves? The look on his face in the two or three clips I saw from that flea circus in the Senate looked to me like he was really really close to just getting up and walking out.
Then what happens? Will the Supreme Court just limp along, dwindling into impotent irrelevance until the last justice dies of old age, because no replacements can be confirmed? You can’t say nobody is dumb enough to want the job. There’s always somebody willing to eat a big shit sandwich in exchange for power and glory. But I think we may actually be on the precipice. Kavanaugh seems pretty bland, to me, but he’s being treated as if he is going to somehow or other be personally responsible for the creation of death camps. If this smear from the left forces him to withdraw, I think Kennedy’s seat could be vacant for years, subject to a bombthrowing guerrilla war between “interest groups” from both sides.
>> I think Kennedy’s seat could be vacant for years, subject to a bombthrowing guerrilla war between “interest groups” from both sides.
Well until Trump is impeached and the true winner, Hillary gets in power /s
The sideshow will only continue as long as there’s a Republican in the white house, and that’s regardless of the composition of the senate. In my lifetime the Republican party has never once failed to confirm a Democratic president’s SCOTUS nominee. Ginsburg was confirmed 96-3.
Yes, love ’em or hate ’em, they haven’t stooped to the Democrat’s level.
I think it’s time they do. If only for the entertainment value.
Merrick Garland has a different point of view.
Interesting hypothetical.
Possibly the Republicans would gut the confirmation process, after a short but appropriate waiting period so that it didn’t seem to be a knee-jerk reaction. 3 days notice and then some kind of pro forma vote or something to get majority support on the record. And they’d be able to defend the decision to the public as eliminating a worthless shit-show that does nothing except put decent people through muck-raking. Like a lot of other congressional proceedings, I think “advice and consent” has been morphed far, far, far beyond anything the constitution envisioned or required.
I mean, they could do that if they weren’t Republicans. Actual Republicans, who knows, they’ll find some way to tie themselves in knots trying to play by the Democrats rules.
I played spin the bottle when I was 11. This disqualifies me from any public position.
How about we act the way that made us the freaking wealthiest nation in the history of the world and NOT allow socialist grifters to steal the seed corn?
That was just dumb luck. A bizarre aberration. Just think how rich we could be with the right minds managing the economy. They’ll tune it like a fiddle. Full steam ahead, boys. Next stop, UTOPIA!
Funny how luck changes.
Path is closing its private social network for good
I never even heard of Path.
Me neither.
“Christine Ford’s Parents Paula K Blasey and Ralph G Blasey were the Defendants in a foreclosure case in Maryland in 1996. Guess who the Judge was America? None other than Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, Martha G Kavanaugh.”
Although I don’t see how that’s relevant, even if it’s true.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
There is some kind of bad blood or resentment between the families. It is just a coincidence that a 40 year old accusation of sexual misconduct pops up just before K’s confirmation?
Then wouldn’t she come up with a better lie, and much sooner?
The point is to derail it at the 11th hour, not drag it out long enough to expose her for a fraud.
So, like the rest of it, that seems more like a stunt orchestrated by a PR firm. Although the revenge thing could be another reason why is a willing participant.
Orchestrated with a highly motivated individual, yes.
Remember, Feinstein sat on that letter for a while (1 month? more?) before bringing it to the FBI’s attention. It was about enough time to line up all the sycophants and talking heads before the accuser outed herself, right on cue.
I literally don’t see where this is going.
Sins of the mother?
A) The curtains on my sliding glass door – all 10 feet of them – fell down
B) My overhead kitchen cabinets – all 10 feet of them – fell down
C) Dampness got in and behind my circuit breaker panel, rendering one circuit unusable until the electrician comes. The one that controls my central HVAC.
D) My tablet won’t charge
Sorry 🙁
I feel your pain. Wishing you a better day from here on out, and a week of good things to make up for it.
That’s shitty even for a Monday. Do you know why the curtains and cabinets fell down? Curtains I can sort of see, but I’ve never heard of cabinets just coming down. Is there something weird going on in the walls?
Hope your week improves.
Poor construction + dampness. Most of the cabinets were properly anchored to a substantial piece of wood attached to the wall. The point of failure was the range hood/overhead stove cabinet, which was apparently only attached to the drywall. That fell down, and pulled the rest with it.
Only a year and a half til I can move here (that’s the DCA runway 19 approach right outside the window)
Wow, nice view! Looks like something to look forward to indeed.
My overhead kitchen cabinets – all 10 feet of them – fell down
The hell? Are you this guy?
You need to get that dampness situation addressed with a quickness. Mold is no joke, and will cause you major issues with air quality and property value if not addressed. Make sure you get to the root cause the dampness so it doesn’t return.
Air quality is surely a concern, but property values are irrelevant. Already sold to a developer, minimum price locked in.
Yikes. I understand that curtains alone can run $52K.
Also, I echo the advice to get on the potential moisture/mold thing. I’m out of my house for a year because of it.
That dress is almost as bad as her politics.
Yeah, no. That looks like hell. The proportion is wrong for her body and her legs, the material looks like it came from the Dollar Store, and it doesn’t seem to have been at all tailored.
Is there a Cake Wrecks but for prom dresses? Because hers belongs.
Never get hammered and go dress shopping with Bjork.
Welp. You guys have kept me entertained for the last 2 weeks while mollycoddling my shoulder, but it is time for me to get back to work. Other than you, I am bored as all get-out.
Also, go Chiefs!
Them romance novels ain’t gonna write theirselves!
You got that right. Generally, if I can’t get to a pen or keyboard, I can keep a scene/concept in my head long enough to get it out.
Beautiful babes ready to #metoo you and lay waste to your life.
24 is a repeat, but she’s still my pick.
8. But 76. But also 8. Definitely 8.
Well now – my wife (the beloved Elspeth Flashman) has a job interview this afternoon. I won’t put too much hope on anything, and this firm will probably make an insulting offer, but ya never know. If she works full time, it would drastically change how our special needs son gets to his appointments and sports, etc.
Do I work part time? Or get an au pair to help with
myhis needs?Yes!
Yes! x2
You’re thinking small. Time to retire and be a stay-at-home dad. Go ahead and do it pre-emptively, just so she’s appropriately motivated during the negotiations.
Good luck to both of you!
just so she’s appropriately motivated during the negotiations
re: Time Magazine’s new owners, above-
Pat on September 17, 2018 at 9:25 am
Anybody who believes that generous benefactors like that have no editorial control is a dupe, but even if it were true, it’s still a vanity project in the second sense you mentioned. In the social circle of which Benioff is a part, being seen as the savior of beloved progressive institution carries maximum social clout.
See, also: Laurene Powell Jobs
The Atlantic has veered hard(er) to port in the past year.
I did not know about her. That does explain a lot.
The Atlantic is a pseudo-intellectual version of HuffPo that consistently uses 5 times more words than necessary.
To think that just 20 years ago outlets like Time, The Atlantic, Newsweek etc., while usually nominally Left-leaning, had at least half-decent editorial standards. Now they’re prog propaganda smear rags.
OT: Seriously, how the fuck do people watch The View? Those women are dumb as bags of hammers. If aliens were only acquainted with the species through The View they’d just go ahead and invade for our own sake. It’s like watching Twitter as a TV show. I think just from the limited exposure I’ve had I’ve actually become measurably less intelligent.
I dont think you are in their target audience.
OT: Seriously, how the fuck do people watch The View?
Like this
You want even dumber than The View? Try The Real. Holy fuckballs.
Wrong. they’d use crust busters. Despite the rarity of planets with livable conditions, it’d be the only way to be sure the plague didn’t spread.
I’d respect bored housewives watching Soap Operas a helluva lot more than shitty daytime talk shows. The View is just one of a bunch of retarded shows; The Doctors, Wendy Williams, Oprah (of course), Dr. Phil.
In between the commercials for Slip and Fall Lawyers and Medalert of course.
Let me tell you. After 2 weeks of watching daytime TV, the only decent programs are aliens (I’m not saying it was aliens), American Pickers, almost everything on HGTV, Storage Wars, Extreme Couponing, and Hoarders.
House Hunters and Chopped are my go tos if I’m actually watching live TV (something that happens less and less frequently all the time).
Extreme Couponing?
TLC show. I don’t even care if it’s fake.
Needs moar snowboards and Mountain Dew
There are dimensions to women’s viewing habits that guys just don’t comprehend. Half the time they’re not watching, they have it on for background noise, and half the time it’s a form of hate-watching where they don’t like or agree with what’s on the screen, but they like being able to judge it and talk to their friends about which on-screen persona is the biggest jerkoff.
I’ve mostly given up on trying to puzzle it out.
You’ve made me realize i hate-watch lots of stuff, where I criticize the logic of the writing or accuracy of the physics etc.
Hags of bammers?
Where do they dig these people up?
I don’t know anyone who flat out doesn’t brush his teeth. Maybe not going to the dentist as often as necessary, but not brushing? Stupid.
That talks about women saying it took years to get boyfriend to brush his teeth. Why did you date a man that doesn’t brush his teeth? WHY?!
Box punch, anyone?
“The doctor deemed him stable and notes show the diagnosis was, in fact, a cough. However, the recommendation was that the patient should have stayed. Weber took him home.
“After waiting, I had asked to leave because I wanted to put my kids to bed and I had my three-year-old with me and I asked if there was anything else that had to be done,” said Weber. “They said ‘No, there was no other testing or anything that needed to be done.'”
In a couple of days, police were at her door and took Zayvion to the doctor.
“She checked him out, all his vitals were stable,” she said. “They already had a foster parent in the room, in the room to remove my son before they ever proved … before they ever proved there was an emergency situation.””
Kind of makes a mockery of that whole consent thing doesn’t it?
“You are in charge of your children’s medical care, but if you make a decision we disagree with, we will take the child away from you. But you are the one in charge.”
What does that remind me of? Oh yes! The taxation system in futurama!
So the punchline is never take your kid to the doctor I guess.
Doctor, yes. ER, no. Unless there are life-threatening illness or injury.
And there are plenty of horrific tales of CPS doing nothing despite knowing full well there was abuse going on, and covering up that they knew about it after the kids die.
While the Minnesota group would like CPS to shut down immediately on the grounds that its practices are unconstitutional, there are, of course, horrific tales of children truly abused by their caregivers. In those cases, CPS can save lives.
But, of course, like gun grabbers going after brick-and-mortar sellers rather than pursuing illegal traffickers and straw buyers (to take KDW’s frequent example), it’s much more convenient to go after the sort of mother who bothers taking her child to see a doctor. She leaves her address on file, see.
“there are, of course, horrific tales of children truly abused by their caregivers. In those cases, CPS can save lives”
To be sure.
Something happened at a dinner party in the Hamptons 9 years ago.
So what is everyone’s predictions for the upcoming November election?
Do the Dems take a house in Blue Wave? Eek out a bare win, or blow it?
Senate? I see the Repubs picking up a seat?
seat or two or three that is.
I’m going to use the 538 framework for my predictions: 79% chance that the blue wave sputters and they don’t take the house.
And in answer to your question, I think the Dems will take the House, but Pubs will keep the Senate either +0 or +1.
Furthermore, the Dem/Op/Media Complex is really trying to turn this into a referendum on Trump. I don’t believe that.
If the Pubs lose, it will be because of their own cowardice on Obamacare, the budget and the wall. Trump has done everything he is Constitutionally permitted to do in keeping his campaign promises. Congress has, predictably, done jack shit.
Repubs eke out a win, and Dems go batshit. Cannot wait!
There are signs McCaskill could be in trouble.
If it’s any indication, the Dem running for GB’s congressional district doesn’t even say he’s a Dem in his ads and he only talks about term limits and how he wouldn’t vote for Pelosi.
Reds take additional seats in the Senate.
Blues take seats in the House, but not enough for a majority.
Trump views this as an opportunity to accelerate the demolition of the Federal Government.
Reds freak out and work with the Blues to thwart Trump’s efforts.
“I’ve yet to see @robbysoave have a bad take and this is no exception”
“.@robbysoave’s points on where we go from here in the Kavanaugh allegation strike me as particularly well-taken:”
Remember the Duke Lacrosse case? You wrote a book about it.
“I’ve yet to see @robbysoave have a bad take and this is no exception”
I don’t know anyone who voted for Nixon and all those Armenians died because it was during a war and there wasn’t enough food to feed everyone.
“President Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is in turmoil after the woman accusing him of high school-era sexual misconduct told her story publicly for the first time.
Democrats are calling for a delay in a key committee vote set for Thursday. And a Republican on the panel, Arizona’s Jeff Flake, says he’s “not comfortable” voting on the nomination without first hearing from the accuser.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa is trying to arrange separate, follow-up calls with Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford before the vote, but just for aides to top members.
The panel’s ranking Democrat, California’s Dianne Feinstein, is rejecting that plan, saying there’s more that senators don’t know.”
Then why didn’t you bring it up weeks ago?
Democrats are calling for a delay in a key committee vote set for Thursday. And a Republican on the panel, Arizona’s Jeff Flake, says he’s “not comfortable” voting on the nomination without first hearing from the accuser.
Mission accomplished. Good job caving Jeff flake
Flake’s not really caving. He staked out a position as an anti-Trump man of principle so this is just one more chance for him to beat that drum.
TBF: some of his criticisms of Trump are decent but the whole package reeks of “look at me, I’m a good Republican.”
Which is exactly why the Democrats get everything they want – they are playing the long game and the Republicans are incapable of that. You would think after sixty years or so of getting completely owned they’d figure it out.
It must be nice to know your opponent is so weak that they’ll fold like a cheap suit the instant you impugn them even a tiny bit.
Giving in to this will be catastrophic and set a precedent that will undermine the judicial confirmation process forever. This is worse than Bork. You have an allegation from 36(!!!!) years ago, from an accuser with credibility problems (she’s a liberal activist professor) who has given conflicting versions of the story and a witness claiming it didn’t happen. If this is enough to derail a confirmation, you might as well just start paying people to straight up fabricate accusations and no one will ever get confirmed again.
The statute of limitations on forcible rape is 15 years in most jurisdictions. This is more than twice that and she’s not even claiming a rape took place.
Words cannot express how bad this is.
Ah, more reason to repeal the statute of limitations on sex crimes!
Flake should have said, “The accuser will be here on Tues. at 9AM to testify under oath in front of this committee for as long as we see fit. Otherwise, we can safely conclude she is simply a political hack attempting to thwart the Constitutional powers of the President and the Senate with a ridiculous and false accusation. Failure to appear will be considered contempt of this body and will be pursued as such. Bring it, or shut the hell up.”
I read it as a “let the accuser come forward and say this in front of the nation and Kavanaugh” kind of thing. The left does not want that.
You’re more optimistic than I. The dems are 100% trying to get the final vote for Kavanaugh to happen after the midterms 1) because they can make the midterms about overturning Roe; and 2) because they’re banking on the Blue Wave. Jeff Flakes complicity in delaying the process shows that either he’s too stupid or too evil to thwart them.
“Jeff Flakes complicity in delaying the process shows that either he’s too stupid or too evil to thwart them.”
Or, like his late co-Senator, he’s so blinded by hatred for Trump that he’d rather burn the country to the ground than let him have any success.
^This^ He’s just carrying the torch for McCain.
That was lumped in the too evil side. Not to say that Kavanaugh’s appointment is good, but the Epublicans are uniquely evil with their conservative campaigns and reflexive leftward movement when in office.
Generally, I’m not optimistic. I admit I engage in wishful thinking (perhaps even magical thinking) on occasion.
Like I said yesterday, this is about giving cover to RINOs for their predetermined opposition.
Oh look, the power struggle in the politburo continues. Big deal for people in the party. For the rest of us… we have no influence on the outcome and are screwed either way… so why even watch the theater? Spend your time on worthwhile things, and when they post the final score in the game, you then can adjust your plans/activities accordingly.
This has become my take on politics too. It infuriates the shit out of me but I realize that at the end of the day, my vote nor my views matter in the bigger scheme of things. I’ll still vote or support the candidate who espouses liberty friendly views but overall, folks have gotten used to using the government as a weapon to bring on their version of utopia. And it doesn’t matter that the same boot that they use to crush their opponents will eventually be used against them, so as long as their opponents are defeated.
“there’s more”
and Flake is going along with these shenanigans?
fuck that guy.
Jeff Flake
Other than Anthony Wiener I cannot think of another more appropriately named politician.
“A law lecturer and feminist lawyer say the cause for the rise of women arrested for violent crime are due to sexist police and judicial officers.
Sydney University Associate Professor Dr Rita Shackel and Principal solicitor at Feminist Legal Clinic Anna Kerr have accused cops and judges for having a gender bias, which is why the numbers of women arrests have increased.”
So she’s an Australian, talking about crime, and her name is “Shackel”?
a Republican on the panel, Arizona’s Jeff Flake, says he’s “not comfortable” voting on the nomination without first hearing from the accuser.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa is trying to arrange separate, follow-up calls with Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford before the vote, but just for aides to top members.
Fuck that. Get her under oath, in an open on-the-record meeting of the judiciary committee.
And? The point of the accusation is to get it out there. So what if there’s no supporting evidence that it happened? There’s really no supporting evidence that it didn’t happened plus Republicans are evil, #believeher, etc. Even if the Ds don’t prevent the nomination, they want to tarnish his record forever just like Thomas.
Well, Thomas isn’t going to have an asterisk after his name on every decision, so “tarnish” is in the eye of the beholder. Does “Anita Hill” come to my mind every time Thomas is mentioned? Sure. But “Anita Hill” to me means “lying liar who lies.” So long as he does good work, whether I think of Anita Hill or not is irrelevant.
They do this stuff because they know they have nothing to lose. Even if their efforts ultimately fail, they know they’ll face no backlash, censures or other consequences. The Dem/Op/Media complex will provide cover to the ends of the Earth and the GOPe types have no spine so the cost-benefit is always to behave as badly as possible and keep throwing shit against the wall to try and make something stick. If it doesn’t work this time, oh well, there’s always next time. It’s really easy to pick fights when you know for certain you’re never going to get hit back.
^^ This ^^
There is no downside for slinging all sorts of shit – if it sticks, awesome, if it doesn’t NBD. There will be no repercussions.
I learned something valuable in college when I debated someone from the Left in class. We were discussing universal healthcare and of course I stupidly chimed in that I think it’s the wrong thing to do. The class of course erupted and the girl who I was debating with accused me of being heartless and wanting folks to die. Instead of debating the merits of universal healthcare, I ended up debating why I am not a heartless person thus accepting her premise that her side was right and good.
I’ve learned after that whole shabang is to never ever accept their premises. Most of the time that shit is faulty anyway, so now when someone says that to me, I laugh right in their faces and outright call their logic bullshit.
The Left will never play by the rules because the ends justify the means. The only way to fight back is to fight as dirty as they do.
My analogy is that the referee isn’t calling anything and the other team is winning by playing dirty as hell. You can stew about the ref not calling anything, but keep playing by the rules and lose honorably, or you can start playing just as dirty and try to fucking win. I’m tired of losing with class.
“never ever accept their premises.”
Words of wisdom.
Not for you, but it’s a way for those who disagree with his opinions to blanketly do so on who is writing or joining the opinion, rather than debate the merits of the case itself.
I look at it this way: the SCOTUS is the last word. If they disagree with his opinions…so what? What are they going to do?
Secondly, I *personally* have been awash in lefty propaganda because I choose to know what the enemy is doing/thinking. I think both the lefty activists and I are convinced that the general public sees things their way, when that is likely not true.
Does the general (voting) populace even remember Anita Hill, and if so, how much does it care? Trump’s success didn’t surprise me after a while because I saw the general populace going, “Yeah, I like this guy” and understood why.
This is harder to get a read on. Does the general populace care about Kavanaugh at all, much less this last-minute, last-ditch, desperate effort to derail the proceedings? I don’t know, but I bet it’s a lot less than I’ve grown accustomed to believing.
It’s all a question, I think, of how much influence the traditional Media outlets still wield. That, to me, is still an open question. They were 100%, full-court press, in the tank for Hillary and it failed. They have now turned up the hate machine to 11 so we’ll see how effective it is. There was a time when I think the dead tree/alphabet soup outlets could swing an election by 3 points. I’m not sure they have that power anymore, but I suppose we’ll see.
FWIW, I don’t believe the polls, but I still think the Dems will narrowly take the House.
As far as Kavanaugh goes, this is a debacle of the first order. I outlined above why I think this is a crisis. We have not had a healthy polity for quite some time, but it has crossed over into moribund.
I also think that we’ll see how much bullshit the general populace is swallowing when the election rolls around, and I get the feeling the Trumptrain is alive and well, and that it will translate marginally toward Team Red.
I saw a poll in Missouri that 32% of persuadable voters will not vote for McCaskill if she does not confirm Kavanaugh. That was before this business, so who knows if that’s true now. But 32% of persuadable voters is significant, so losing a few points off that metric isn’t going to help her.
The MSM has been a non-stop circus of puff-pieces celebrating the new wave of lefty Democrats rising to positions of power. If the Trumptrain is indeed alive and well, it will have overcome every effort of theirs to put a stop to it and then some.
he’s “not comfortable” voting on the nomination without first hearing from the accuser.
Then you should talk to DiFi about why she intentionally withheld the letter until after the hearings were over.
Seriously… he’s willing to get played by that crone because… why?!
Because he’s in on it. Even Susan Collins questioned the credibility of this accusation considering the timing of its release to the public. Flake is a shitstain who deserves ignominy; his “retirement” can’t come soon enough.
the GOP is projected to pickup Senate seats this midterm. FWIW
The point of the accusation is to get it out there.
The point of the accusation was to *anonymously* smear Kavanaugh. Like leaving an IED in a parked car along the parade route. Fuck it. Make that smarmy bitch sit there squirming, with the cameras rolling as she says, “It probably happened.”
“Do you remember how you got there?”
“uhm, not exactly”
“do you remember how you got back home that night?”
“not really”
“so you’re telling me that you had a 10 minute window of pure lucidity in the middle of a blackout bender?”
*squirming uncomfortably*
Hey, she still has scars on her back from the shattered glass coffee table she was raped on!
And a bruise where Kavanaugh’s friend grabbed its fucking leg!
Maybe get a set of five different blonde guys she went to school with and their photos from the year book (none of which are Kavanaugh), then ask her to identify which one is Kavanaugh. Require her to sign a waiver allowing her psychologist to testify and dig into every session she’s ever had and find all the crazy things in her head and parade it out. The Rs on the committee ought to make it their job to destroy this woman as a object lesson. But because they are the Stupid Party of Pussies, they won’t.
^^^This. The way to stop this is the eviscerate the accuser. Unseal her couple’s counseling sessions. Find every embarrassing incident that’s ever happened to her and shout it from the rooftops. Humiliate, destroy and humiliate some more. Drive her to the brink of suicide. Only when the cost of being one of these anonymous accusers becomes too high will this nonsense stop.
Sadly, this is likely true. The Iron Laws are immutable:
You get more of what you reward, and less of what you punish.
Of course, I hate anonymous accusations with the fiery heat of a thousand suns, so . . . .
It is hard to believe she actually thought that she could lob this over the ramparts and remain anonymous. What an idiot.
I don’t think she intended to stay anonymous. How would she make millions on her book deal that way? The PR team is playing Nth dimensional chess.
I would say yes, but with the caveat that the female Repubs do the evisceration.
Oh, indeed. Cause women can be far more vicious about this kind of thing then men would be. You want to see someone destroyed psychologically, no holds barred? Get a woman to do it or a team of women. With the added bonus of it makes it harder to sling arrows at them. Let the men play good cop trying to “restrain” their colleagues. But again. Stupid. Party.
Yeah, if they make the massive error (IMO) of delaying the vote to have her testify, it will be all kid gloves and #believeher, with the Repubs too gutless to do anything by try to look concerned and empathetic.
No, not because they are vicious, although we can be, but because it’s better PR than a bunch of men piling on. Speak the left’s language. The worst they can accuse women of is internalized misogyny and self-loathing, which is a non-starter.
I get what you meant Mojeaux. Simply seeing them being both willing and from a PR perspective able to go harder at her than a bunch of men piling on would be able to.
That would be a great move.
the GOP is projected to pickup Senate seats this midterm. FWIW
From what I have seen, the simple mechanics of the Senate elections make it extremely unlikely the Democrats can gain seats. There are significantly more Democrats than Republicans up for re-election.
American TV, You Can Do Better
worst case scenario is what, they move the vote back a week to early October?
/gotta protect muh gunz
Worst case is his nomination is withdrawn, Dems somehow win back the Senate and some lefty squish is confirmed early next year.
I think the chances of that happening are slim, but that’s the worst case as I can see it.
if it’s withdrawn, then Flake should just move to San Fran and seek refuge.
Flake isn’t running and will be replaced this fall. He’s the honey badger of the Senate – he just doesn’t give a fuck.
AZ is also gun country and probably not a great place for him to retire if he joins the Dems in blocking Kavanaugh at the committee level.
I’ll be very surprised if he’s still living in AZ in a year. The last couple years or so of his Senating have looked to me like somebody trying to set up a lucrative post-Senate career as a swamp creature.
hey he could write for Cato or Reason.
yeah okay. point ceded.
I wonder how the #metooing of Kavanaugh is going to affect voter turnout. I would expect at most a marginal increase in turnout by Dems, who are already in a frothing rage regardless. I wonder if Repubs are going to be pissed and turnout, or be depressed and stay home.
This is harder to get a read on. Does the general populace care about Kavanaugh at all, much less this last-minute, last-ditch, desperate effort to derail the proceedings? I don’t know, but I bet it’s a lot less than I’ve grown accustomed to believing.
That’s why there are so many people desperate to politicize every fucking thing under the sun.
“How can you not care? Every day, those evil heartless Rethuglikkkins are stealing food from the mouths of babies and killing the elderly and infirm! If this Kavanaugh guy gets confirmed to the Supreme Court, Trumps storm troopers will round up millions of homosexuals and transgenders and ship them off to the forced labor camps!”
Hmm. I see a potential shift in our labor market. How do orphans compare with homosexuals and transgenders, on both cost and output?
is the homosexual coming off a coke bender or currently in the throes of?
I’m sure some Trumpanistas would find that to be perfectly okay.
Where are these millions of transgenders anyway? I guess this is code where days might seem like hours?
Trans is the new goth.
This is so accurate it’s not funny. The only transgender people I’m directly aware of have goth parents.
instead of terrible makeup and listening to The Smiths and The Cure, the gender dysphoria kids are all on hormone blockers… and still listening to The Smiths and The Cure.
Listen to their parents’ music? I doubt that.
The Rs on the committee ought to make it their job to destroy this woman as a object lesson. But because they are the Stupid Party of Pussies, they won’t.
“Destroy” might be a little overboard, but it must be made plain that there are consequences to character assassination as a tactic to pursue political policy goals. That’s why she should absolutely be under oath; in order to aggressively prosecute her for perjury.
Destroy her credibility and career. Perjury should be the start of it. Sic the IRS on her. Do to her what she is trying to do to Kavanaugh. I have some disagreements with some of his jurisprudence around the 4th Amendment, but he’s a decent man that doesn’t deserve this. Wreck her life.
it’s like the penalty for a false rape accusation should be the same prison sentence the accused would have received if the accusation were true.
weaponizing the IRS and stooping to Lois Lerner-depths of depravity would be a bridge too far for me.
Wouldn’t happen anyway. I would expect the IRS to be all #Resist and shit, so they wouldn’t go after somebody on Their Side.