The Hyperbole’s How-to Handbook Chapter One: Pizza Sauce
Is Libertarianism inherently self-reliant? Is Self-reliance inherently Libertarian? To many Glibs the answer to these questions may seem self-evident, obvious, redundant, repetitive even. We are, after all, a hardy lot of DIYers, homebrewers, self-defenders, sausage makers, board-gamers, reloaders, backyard mechanics, at least one diorama-ist, and cranky old get-off-my-lawners. Rugged Individualism, In the original Herbert Hover sense, is the antithesis of governmental paternalism. What could be more Libertarian? However there is another side to self-reliance and libertarianism, most libertarians hold capitalism and a free market in high regard. Comparative advantage, Division of labor, and Economies of scale are prized concepts. Certainly, it is great fun to shame grown men who can’t change a flat tire but is he any less a libertarian because he relies on his cell phone service and the roadside assistance supplied by personally purchased insurance. You may be thinking “okay Hyp, maybe libertarianism doesn’t require strict self-reliance, but self-reliant people are going to lean towards libertarian, its a common characteristic” Possibly, but it’s not that hard to imagine an off-the-grid, self-composting-toilet-using, chicken-raising, self-sustaining hippie-type that would be more than happy to have the government force the rest of us to live by their rules in a misguided attempt to save the planet, some endangered timberdoodle, or what not. Self Reliance while noble and to a point worth encouraging is not inherently libertarian and vice-versa. So take heart whether you Angus MacGuyver your pizza sauce from homegrown maters squeezed through the casing of a Bic pen and simmered over a solar oven made of used tin foil and roach clips, or, like Al Czervik in the Brushwood pro shop, (or should that be Thorton Melon at the Grand Lakes University bookstore) you use your vast wealth to buy the finest of the 23 types of pizza sauce that no one needs for yourself and all your friends, you can still hold your libertarian head high. As for me, when I can, this is how I’m gonna do it.
The Hyperbole’s Unaliterated Pizza Sauce

Steps 1 – 4
Step 1. Plant and harvest 4-5 lbs of San Marzano Tomatoes and 4 or 5 large chile peppers of the ‘not melt your face’ variety. (For more info on growing said fruits see Chapter Four: Gardening) Rinse and slice tomatoes lengthwise, check for nasty stuff, these were pristine.
Step 2. Heat over low heat, stirring for about 10 minutes, or until the skins start to loosen up.
Step 3. Run tomatoes through the food mill that you use once a year, use a medium-sized sieve.
Step 4. (not shown) You’ve got enough to clean up already so put your milled tomato sauce in the fridge, wash up then walk down to the bar and grill for a mushroom bacon swiss burger, a few Strohs, and to ineffectually and awkwardly chat up the waitresses.
Step 5. The next evening get your shit together, tomato sauce, onions, mushrooms, garlic, peppers, red wine, and chicken thighs some sausage and some chunks of pork.
Step 6. Brown meats in oil in your heavy duty stock pot.
Step 7. Slice up about this many onions, mushrooms, and peppers.
Step 8. Mince up this much garlic.

Steps 5 – ?

Steps 9 – ?
Step 9. Remove your meat. add Onions and Mushrooms (add more oil if needed)
Step 10. When onions and mushrooms are soft, stir in garlic
Step 11. Before garlic burns add enough wine to deglaze the pot, return your meats.
Step 12. Add tomato sauce and peppers, simmer til meats are done or longer, just don’t let the chicken get to falling apart stage.
Step 13. Make some pasta.
Step 14. Remove your meats again.
Step 15. Reserve sauce
Step 16. Serve up meats and some sauce on pasta with grated parmesan. Eat with bread used to ‘clean’ pot.
Step 17. Stick your stick blender in the sauce and stick blend it to pizza sauce like consistency.
Step 18. Divide sauce into ~6oz. portions and freeze what you’re not going to use right away.

Steps 14 – ?
Time: 3 months 2 days and 45 mins give or take.
Difficulty: Meh
Yield: 1 Mushroom swiss burger, 2-4 servings of cacciatore, 48-60oz. pizza sauce.
Et voilà!
Looks Wonderful! but too much work for me, and my Kitchen is too small anyway
my Kitchen is too small anyway
HA, that first picture in the second set of pictures? that is the entirety of my ‘prep’ area, my ‘kitchen’ is a 7′ by 7′ nook off my living room. You don’t need a lot of room to cook, butchering a pig may be another story but for cooking you got plenty of room.
Mmmmmm pizza!
(And mmmmmmm mushroom Swiss burger.)
No pineapples?
Only in deep dish.
Don’t you have a Cowboys game or some such shit to watch?
Nice arms.
Some of us are afflicted with a crippling inability to get plants to grow. Step 1 is beyond us.
I am definitely on the “money exists to pay other people to do all this shit for me” side of this discussion.
When you have to DIY everything because you don’t have the money to pay someone, then it doesn’t feel so voluntary or satisfying. It’s like the shabby chic fad. If you can’t afford pretty new things, shabby chic is just old and worn out. It’s tiring trying to keep up.
THAT SAID, my home did not just get destroyed, we have our health more or less, and a tight-knit loving family.
Sure, and I’ve been there. But I’m not talking about being poor – that is a different circumstance that clearly changes the equation. I’m talking about a situation where I have the choice or not to DIY.
Yes, I was agreeing with you. Didn’t make myself clear.
That’s the thing about money. It gives you the luxury of choice. I DIY things I enjoy doing, like basic auto and home maintenance. Things I loathe doing, like housekeeping, I pay to have someone else do. For someone else with the same resources, the calculus might be different just based on how they enjoy spending their time.
I’d pay for housekeeping in a heartbeat.
The price tag is anywhere from the advertised price to the entire contents of the house.
One of my work benefits is a free subscription to I found a pair of really good and affordable Brazilian housekeepers.
“I’d pay for housekeeping in a heartbeat.”
My grandfather saved his change for decades. He had a 5 gallon bucket full of silver coins. He was planning on giving them to my brother and I when we got older. Then he got old and hired a housekeeper.
I bet y’all know the rest of that story.
See UnCivil’s comment.
Yeah, I dunno if I want strangers pawing through my stuff. But damn if it doesn’t sound like luxury to pay someone else to do that drudgery instead of my current practice which is “do as little as possible to allow the place to be sort-of respectable”.
Yeup. That’s us.
I have no desire whatsoever to have a stranger in my house.
Hell, I dont even like going out and seeing them. I dont get out much and every time I do it reminds me why I dont get out much.
I get along well with…trees.
Enough with the euphemisms!
There is no way that is the end of that story…
My wife is absolutely unbelievable with kids, and she manages doc appointments and stuff like that way better than I do, but I swear to God you’d think the woman grew up with live-in servants because it’s as if she doesn’t actually know how a vacuum cleaner works, and she manages to screw up microwave macaroni and cheese. I’d pay someone to come and help me clean if I didn’t think they’d get scared off by the dogs.
This site is certified as family friendly, Lack.
Not a single one of you can afford to pull a few orphans from the mines to tidy the place up a bit?
I’m disappointed in this entire sub-thread.
I didn’t have San Marzanos planted this year, but had nice Amish paste heirlooms and Romas, along with all the other slicing tomatoes.
That looks great.
Herbert Hover?
Ya’ know Hyperbole, for a contrarian you write pretty good articles. Also, a damned good cook.
The editors deserve credit for cleaning it up a bit and syncing the photos, although why they changed Hoover to Hover I’ll never know.
You are right about that. They can even take my writing and make it publishable. They deserve a lot of credit. Running a website that publishes multiple articles per day is no small feat.
At least you’re half right.
There’s the Kirk Cousins we know and love.
That was completely on the receiver. Cousins threw a good pass.
Should have been another INT.
Vikes are working hard to lose this one.
Carlson to Treadwell: “Hold mah beer!”
You’re high.
He’s been amazing.
OT for the Minnesodans: Treadwell is now officially a disaster.
The Browns would LOVE to have Treadwell.
Holy crap, icing the kicker actually worked.
That looks really good.
I should probably give some credit to Marcella Hazan, while this is my personal take developed over many years, most of the techniques and rough outlines come from Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking.
Notwithstanding that fumble, the ol’ KC Chiefs are tearing up the warpath.
Herbert Hover?
“I’m not *on* your lawn, nyaah nyaah nyaah.”
My problem is that my lawn keeps getting bigger.
I am forwarding this on to one my my friends
Huh. You can’t just leave Rothelsburger unattended like that. He might accidentally wander into the end zone.
He’s going to rape the end zone?
He’s going to rape the end zone?
“I just went in there to ask for directions, honest!”
Mahomes is a beast! Sadly the Chiefs neglected their defense. So he is going to have to throw 6 TDs per game just keep up.
‘I’m Assuming I’m Not Going to Get an Answer’: Ocasio-Cortez Pressed on $40T Policy Plan
Hon, you’re not supposed to tear off the mask until after the election.
Gotta love the hubris of people who have never been in the private sector telling everybody else how to run their business.
Hey, you didn’t build that.
That doesn’t look so hard… let me show you how to do it. /Dunning-Kruger Victim
She has no intention of delivering on any of that. It is so far removed from reality that no sane person can take her seriously. It is pure magical thinking.
Goddamned commies. Never mind touching, they fuck up everything they even look sideways at. How are we ever going to be rid of them? Cant we deport them to some other commie utopia?
It makes me sick that this moron will be a congress critter.
I tried to get a list of the most idiot people in congress, but every search result is so biased I can’t figure out where this POS ranks.
The incumbent is still on the ballot – so we will see.
The socialist who just won Boston’s primary will be unopposed.
For fuck’s sake.
It hasn’t been that long since the word ‘socialist’ was a dirty word. People didn’t admit it if they were one. All of that was for a damned good reason.
How did we get so many shitweasels so fast?
Because they got very good at explaining away any failures as not “true socialism”.
Plus they took control of academia.
…and the media.
…and the bureaucracy.
I believe that the end of the cold war and USSR has a lot to do with it. We lost a blatant example of a communist shit hole that couldn’t be ignored or easily explained away and it also tainted socialism.
Well that was some ending.
Damn. Special teams was a disaster.
Yeah, Crosby missed the game-winner.
0 for 3 is gonna get you fired.
That was ugly. Over shadows Cousins and his awesome 2 TDs.
Browns kicker might have it worse, 2 missed field goals and 2 missed extra points.
Better than 2 broken kneecaps, I guess?
If Crosby made his at the end of regulation, Carlson would only have been 0 for 1.
That call against Matthews? Total BS. Apparently one can no longer tackle any QB, not just Tom Brady.
There was one earlier against the Vikes. I agree. So retarded.
Totally ridiculous rulings, because it’s a totally ridiculous rule.
It’s a rule made by lawyers and accountants. I’m not even sure how you could possibly comply.
Coming soon to the NHL.
Now I know what “game manager” really means. *gives Alex Smith the side eye*
No herbage?
I’d add bay leaf, and at least one other herb such as basil or oregano.
Also, if your tomatoes are fresh, and you don’t have a food mill. Then you can throw them in boiling water. The skins will split. So you can peel off the skins. Cut them open and dump out the seeds.
See alt text in picture #3, I usually add a bouquet garni of oregano, basil, and parsley but due to circumstances beyond my control I got drunk and forgot. I do the boiling water thing for one-off recipes but for larger jobs, you can’t beat a food mill, and they don’t cost much, mine goes for $22 on Amazon, and I’ve only done it once but you can use them to make really smooth creamed potatoes.
Since everyone is talking football… my Bills did it again.
I only hate them because I feel like my wife would actually like football if we didn’t lose every time she watches.
I think I am going to quietly root for every team that plays against the Falcons.
Thats what I told my wife… if you want your team to win, just root for whoever we’re playing. 😛
That looks great and very similar to what I do. I am a failure at gardening and those toms look awesome. I have always par-boiled and skinned my toms prior to saucing. Is this not a required step with your tomato breed?
The food mill separates the skin and most of the seeds depending on the size sieve you use.
^^^This a million times. Saves a ton of work on smaller tomatoes for those of us without the super fancy saucing systems.
Aaaah. A food mill is not something I am familiar with.
I also use it for applesauce/apple butter and various other purees and pastes. The fine disc also makes it easy to get all the delicious goodness out of the vegetables I roast then cook down in water for homemade vegetable broth.
I have discovered (again) the wonders of a blender stick. I no longer try to remove the skins from the tomatoes before cooking ’em down. Just whiz the little buggers right in the pot and the sauce is silky smooth.
There’s nutrition in those skins.
Absolutely. Ours (about 30 years old) doesn’t do a good enough job. I would love a Vita Mix for this kind of thing, but just can’t justify the cost.
I see the Broncos have yet another QB who likes to throw to the other team.
4 INTs before halftime in week 2.
Pork butt is still smoking. It has been in there since 11am, and I temped it at 153 about 15 min ago. I really wish my wireless thermoprobe didn’t crap out on me, because I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that even though the grill thermometer reads 300, the meat isn’t even in 250 heat.
The ever infuriating “stall”. This is why I sous vide the butt now. It is nerve racking smoking big pieces of meats the traditional way.
Lunch today- turkey and guacamole sammich on Oatnut bread, accompanied by Ruffles-have-ridges and Oreos, washed down with cold milk. Yum.
“The Hyperbole can beat any of you chumps at Galaga, the best arcade game of all time.”
I agree best ever. What’s your high score?
If any of you happen upon the arcade at the Santa Monica pier yours truly has the high score – and it’s not ever my record!
I will literally drive there this week and snap a photo of the high scores on the Galaga machine at SM pier. I gotta be in downtown LA tomorrow, and will finish my audit early. I could get there probably around 2:30. Snap the photo and an hour drive back home. No problem-o.
Look for ALE or something. Near the gun game. It was in the 83 000 mark. Which doesn’t say much about the competition. When I was younger I routinely hit well over 100 thousand.
What were you doing playing Galaga in Santa Monica?
Because I’m a degenerate.
What’s your high score?
No Idea, my alcohol soaked brain can’t be arsed with such trivia, however, there is a Galaga machine at an establishment in Rochester NY, which is halfway between Ohio and Quebec (more or less), name a time and date and I’m there with a fistful of quarters.
I accept. Tomorrow. Say, noon?
Fuck, outplayed by a muppet. I’ll change my bio.
“‘Online closed groups are normalising extremism and hate.’
Labour’s @LucyMPowell wants to tackle online hate, fake news and radicalisation by introducing a new bill to stop people using closed forums on social media.”
Good thing we aren’t in England.
Or Canada:
England? Hold my hockey stick.
Cute how they constantly conflate legal immigration and illegal immigration.
From a link further down on the page.
WTF? Is Ontario Canada’s Florida?
I always thought that would be Saskatchewan.
They’re past the tipping point. Orwell would blush at modern day England
Oh, good. Then all of the deplorables and wrong-thinkers can air their awful beliefs on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc where their ideas will be utterly defeated by better ones.
.That’s not what she has in mind, is it?
So, my recreational softball team can no longer use a private Facebook group?
Every year we used to jar tomatoes but haven’t done so the past couple of years because my father isn’t well.
We tried this year but again….father.
Good grief. They just showed a Murphy Brown promo. I thought that was a joke. What’s her name looks like a down-on-her-luck tranny lounge singer. She makes Bruce Jenner look like an attractive woman.
You mean Charlie McCarthy’s sister?
Top search result:
“Inside the New ‘Murphy Brown,’ Which Still Has Plenty to Say”
So… another voice of the Resistance. Hoo-ray.
Next up: Webster reboot. Webster in Washington.
Watchoo talkin ’bout Barack?
You mean Charlie McCarthy’s sister?
She looks more like Mortimer Snerd.
No catch? It’s like the NFL is trying to self-immolate, and drive their customers away.
Speaking of which, it looked like half of the seats were empty for that Pittsburgh – KC game.
Nice recipe! I typically can pints of tomato sauce to cook down for pizza sauce, as needed. I have enough tomato sauce canned from this year, so as the season winds down, the last several batches will become paste.
I didn’t do any canning this year. Just had no time nor an inexpensive source of enough romas for my usual 100+ quarts. I’ve done a few from our paste tomatoes, but Just freezing those.
Produce is silly expensive here.
We spent an entire weekend sweating over the stove canning tomatoes every summer. After our last canning session a couple of years ago we decided to go to Sam’s to buy dog food. Right inside the door was a palate of canned tomatoes.
On sale.
1.99 for one gallon cans.
Yeup. Much as I’d like to do and be self-sufficient in the old ways (ones I grew up on), the opportunity cost is too high.
We do it for quality and the self satisfaction of having done it ourselves. I only grow three plants for canning, so I typically can a couple of quarts at a time once a week, or so. There’s only two of us so based on carryover, we won’t start eating this year’s harvest until next spring.
“1.99 for one gallon cans”
What kicked butt this year was green beans, and they came on late. I have 20 packs in the freezer and a full gallon bag in the fridge. We’re already beaned out.
It was a weird year overall.
Maybe, but I liked Defender better.
TOS on the Kavanaugh accusation. To Be Sure, it’s a good’en!
Of anything I’ve see that sack of shit write, this is by far the most offensive.
Watch me dismiss it right now. I don’t give a shit about the awkward drunken passes Brett Kavanaugh made at some prog woman during high school.
*Glad I never gave those fuckers money*
The evidence supporting the accusation are at best flimsy. No physical evidence. Memories from 35 years ago are at best hazy and multiple events can be mixed into one memory. Lie detectors by themselves are worthless because the accuser may actually believe the accusation, even if there is definitive evidence it isn’t true. Kavanaugh and his supporting witness are regarded as unreliable because they drank in high school.
Most people are probably susceptible to accusations like this. Probably at least 50% or more.
There is no actual supporting evidence outside a lie detector test. And I have no clue who actually administered that one.
Everything else isn’t evidence of any kind supporting the accusation. “Bart Kavanaugh” puking on a car or drinking heavily in prep school does not support a seual assault allegation.
The FBI conducted the lie detector test. The fact that all they did was deliver the information to the WH to include in his background file is telling. What is also telling is that in a matter of a few days, she went from wanting to be completely anonymous to doing a sit down interview with the Washington Post.
Polygraph, not lie detector. The former exists, the latter is a fantasy.
“Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser is a registered Democrat who contacted The Washington Post months ago.
“She does not remember some key details of the incident.””
And this is why I would never run for public office. I was pretty uncouthed and a little less tactful during my college years and some girl who I said a comment to about getting laid could years later come out and say that I tried to sexually assault her.
I don’t condone sexually assault or sexual harassment no matter what age you are, but to get your career derailed by a 35 year old accusation that can’t be proven is bullshit.
Which is why the left runs through this scripted accusation theater over and over. I am with trshmnstr. Difficult, my ass. Whooops! I just dismissed it. I dont believe a word of it and even if true what a drunken HS kid did 40 years ago means Jack Shit.
I find it hard to believe that anyone is buying into this or any of the other outright lies they are telling about this guy.
We know the name Jackie Coakley, and can dismiss that accusation.
What these idiots have done is put me firmly on the side of ‘I dont believe you’ for nearly every one of these accusations I hear.
I default to “I don’t believe you” until and unless evidence is produced to show that the so-called victim attempted to go to the relevant authorities at the time.
She’s admitted that she didn’t tell anyone for 30 years. I’m willing to bet she was drunk and doesn’t have a good memory of the event either, but hey, let’s destroy this guy.
I am betting the D’s got in touch with her and fabricated the whole thing out of thin air.
Bills are so bad they had a player retire at halftime.
I’m late but fookin’ Browns. Had that game won and the kicker fucked up 2 FG’s and 2 PAT’s. The Defense more than do their part and the offense wasn’t terrible.
Its the Browns. Did you expect more?
Sadly, yes. The team looks pretty decent but damn it, they are trying to find a way to fuck things up.
From Soave’s article:
Ford told The Washington Post that the incident probably took place at a house party in the summer of 1982
That word caught my eye also.
in the summer of 1982
And in the movie version, Ford will be played by a teenage Jennifer O’Neill.
“Should the GOP decide to go down this road, they will need to ask the accuser under oath which Democrat firm has helped her. Because the timing of this story has all the characteristics of a well timed PR effort.
The Washington Post just so happened to learn about this in July via the accuser calling a tip line.
The accuser then reached out to Dianne Feinstein who held on to a letter until after the hearings had concluded and a vote was scheduled.
Then the accuser came forward right before the vote and had helpfully had a polygraph done “by a former FBI agent” in early August.
But the accuser said she did not want to come forward and wanted to be anonymous. But she helpfully reported herself to the media, lawyered up, and got a polygraph.”
If the accuser wanted to remain anonymous, why would she get a polygraph?
This is just a political assassination attempt. Nothing more. There is no evidence this occurred beyond a 30 year old memory. I’m sure more people will “remember” the accuser saying something at the time. Kavanaugh’s friends will defend him and some may remember the accuser saying something different — 30 years ago. Of course they will all be of a specific political leaning.
Politics is a blood sport played by psychopaths.
I was just reading a whiny article at The Hill about how “Boys Will Be Boys” is not an adequate defense. The real underlying premise of the screed (written by someone who apparently presents as biologically male) was, “Stop letting men run things. They are all a bunch of hateful sex crazed bullies.”
I’m pretty sure it was a group of white men who composed the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution. What a bunch of monsters. Why would they want to thwart the wishes of the howling mob?
“How Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist
These protests, intended to shut down the proceedings — and the fantastical social-media charge that one of Kavanaugh’s former clerks displayed a white-power sign during those hearings — showed how academic identity politics is transforming the non-academic world. To be sure, there were differences: the Capitol police actually intervened to restore order and the Judiciary Committee is ideologically balanced. But the long-term prognosis for reason and civility is not good.
The key feature of academic diversity ideology is the assertion that to be a member of an ever-growing number of favored victim groups at a college today is to be the target of pervasive bigotry on campus — despite, well, being favored. Taught by a metastasizing campus-diversity bureaucracy to believe that they are subject to an existential threat from circumambient bias, students equate nonconforming ideas with “hate speech,” and “hate speech” with conduct that should be punished, censored and repelled with force if necessary. This victimology fuels the efforts to shut down speech that challenges campus orthodoxies. Dozens of times in the past several years alone, classrooms have been invaded; professors, accosted and even assaulted; and outside speakers, silenced.”
At DePaul when I was there, the Black Student Union accused the school of being biased towards students of color despite the school bending over backwards to make sure black students felt welcomed on campus. This was in the mid 2000’s when students where starting to catch on that being a victim gains you some morality points and power.
A professor I worked with on campus was accused of being a racist (she’s Chinese-Canadian) because she gave a black student a low mark on a term paper. The student would harass her in class every opportunity he had and the school did nothing to help her and even told her that she needed to understand how her biases might have made this student act out. It’s fucked up.
I wouldn’t last a week at university today, neither as a student or a teacher.
Last night we watched the 1950s Hitchcock movie “Dial M for Murder”, set in London and starring Grace Kelly (still the most beautiful actress in history).
The amusing snippet about “how times change” was when a policeman needs to take Kelly’s purse outside, which he’s carrying over his bent arm. The other policeman says — “Hey, what do you think you’re doing? If anyone sees you you’ll be arrested.” Because he was a man carrying a lady’s purse, of course, and thus clearly an illegal poofter.
Have you seen Dirk Bogarde in Victim? It deals with the blackmailing of homosexuals in early 1960s Britain.
“Senator Kafka (D-IL)
Senator Durbin (D-IL) highlights the problem with the Democrats’ rhetoric on Kavanaugh:
If the #MeToo movement has taught us anything, it is that we must respect and listen to survivors of sexual assault, regardless of the age of those involved or when the alleged attack took place.
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) September 15, 2018
Two of the words in this sentence are incompatible with one another: They are “alleged” and “survivor.” We say “alleged” in order to acknowledge that we do not know if a given accusation is true. To subsequently use a word that can only be applied when we know that accusation is true — in this case, “survivor” — is to flatly undermine that acknowledgment. Worse still, it is to push on into the realm of a common logical fallacy known as “begging the question.” That the topic here happens to be sexual assault — and that we are in the midst of a reckoning with that crime — is immaterial. It is logically preposterous to (1) recognize that a charge may be entirely false, and (2) demand that we treat the person making it — and the person on the end of it — as if it were proven. Alas, Senator Durbin, and many others, are doing just that.”
Of course that is what they re doing. It is deliberate and calculated. To say they have forked tongues is an understatement.
Denver’s trying to make me watch this game.
Keenan, on the keeper.
Grace Kelly (still the most beautiful actress in history).
I probably wouldn’t fight to the death over it, but “Thin Man” and “Mr Blandings” -era Myrna Loy was pretty awesome.
I’ll fight you, reluctantly. The correct answer, per Dan(?), is threesome.
Marshawn Lynch is earning his money, today.
I am betting the D’s got in touch with her and fabricated the whole thing out of thin air.
I don’t think it’s necessary to assume a conspiracy. The current atmosphere of contagious hysteria and presumptive slavery and oppression of women in Trump’s America, festering in this woman’s mind commingled with, “Hey, I knew that guy back in school. He was kind of a jerk. He thought he was so special,” could easily erupt in a fever dream of drunken teen boobygrabbing.
I have just seen this movie too many times. They did exactly the same thing to Thomas and to Moore and probably a dozen others i cant remember. It is the exact same script every time.
“NEWS — Grassley and Feinstein jointly working on scheduling follow up calls with both Kavanaugh and Ford, per spox”
Hey Suthen,
A friend of mine went to the range with me this weekend.
His self reloaded ammo (9mm & 5.56) both jammed in the chamber. Multiple times.
Any thoughts on why he had this issue?
Loading too hot or too low can both cause jams. Look at the brass and see if it has soot on the outside of it. That is a sign of loading too low. Improperly sized casings can do it. For semi-autos I prefer a full length sizer. Look at the cases and see if they are fully sized. If they have a slight bulge near the base they aren’t sized properly. Over worked brass can harden and cause jams. Without looking at it I cant say. It might also be the guns and not the ammo. It only takes a small rust pit inside the chamber to make cases stick or not eject properly.
Over the years I have found favorite powders based on them being cool burning and clean. For mid-sized rifle I really like IMR 3031and 4064. For pistol, Bullseye, Red dot, Accurate #5 and Unique. Clean burning is important for semi-autos. Also, if he is shooting an AR he might need to check the gas cylinder for soot and crud.
Now that I think about it I have loaded tens of thousands of 9mm and I cant remember ever having a jam. I had a batch of 45acp that didn’t feed properly because I didn’t seat the bullets to the right depth and 10mm that somoen else loaded, but I dont remember any 9mm. It is a high pressure cartridge and works the action well. He might have loaded too low or maybe his springs are crapped out.
“Last point: It appears the accuser is a liberal activist and Democratic donor. This does NOT “prove” anything about her veracity. It is simply one piece of context to be considered alongside the emerging timeline & its v questionable handling by Sen. Feinstein…
In other words, she may be telling the truth—or she could be making it up/misremembering key details. We don’t know. But IF you wanted to detonate an 11th-hr, unfalsifiable smear & strategically leak it for max impact, this is how you’d do it.”
Denver extracts the rabbit from the sombrero. With a suspenseful flourish.
“I hate to make this political.”
If they dont get Kavenaugh, who exactly do they think they are going to get? Is Trumputinhitler going to nominate their favorite lefty? This whole thing seems pointless. The R’s might be nutless but Trump is doing the nominating and he is most decidedly not nutless.
They want to delay until after the midterms, hoping they win control of the senate. Then they’ll just vote down everybody Trump proposes.
I suspect they are going to have a nasty surprise in November.
I hope and pray that you are correct.
^&*$#* Broncos. So it is going to be another one of those years.