One that sized is barely worth eating.
Where’s the mute button on my girlfriend? She’s so chatty tonight I’d swear someone gave her a line.
Did she lose her phone?
It only gets worse.
I’ve always heard “you don’t try to catch a falling knife”. Maybe the Chinese have a different saying.
It has been my experience, limited as it is, that China likes to add extra knives to any falling situation if they can score a good deal. They prefer the highest markers on the shithole scale.
I like that everyone just ignores him. Why no security Greyhound?
I would have had a difficult time ignoring it.
Right?!? Dude acting a fool round me, I’m liable to Molly wop his ass.
Whatever happened to hanging spies?
CHINA HAVE NEW COLONY, oh yea, the Monroe Doctrine should be put into effect, the Gulf is Ours, everyone on those little Islands are under Our protection,
Fuck Off China!
In other news, I haven’t smoked tobacco in six months.
Congratulations. That’s a tough habit to kick.
Thanks. Although I haven’t quit nicotine, I’ve significantly reduced the risk of cancer, lung disease, fire, etc.
Eh. I don’t even know if nicotine by itself is bad for you. There’s got to be a reason we have nicotinic receptors.
i looked for something Bad about Nicotine, other than being Highly Toxic, Not a Carcinogen,
so they can fuck Right off!
Hell, I probably could have saved at least one relationship if this shit had existed back then.
“Save the E-Cigs
The FDA has given five brands — Juul, Vuse, MarkTen, Blu, and Logic — a mere 60 days to come up with plans to combat teen use of their products, according to NBC. If they don’t comply, the agency says that it might pull products with flavors that appeal to children from store shelves.”
As if those flavors don’t appeal to adults.
I use Vanilla @6 Mg, Blueberry is nice too, what a lot of people forget is you can get vape juice in any strength including 0 mg. Nicotine
Good thing I only use the tobacco-flavored Juul. Oh, and the FDA can FOAD.
They are already illegal to sell to teens, you assholes.
Funny how they completely gloss over that.
For fuck’s sake, please step in Golden Orange God King and stop this shit!
Way Cool!
For you football fans wondering about Manziel. He got injured, lost his starting job and has been MIA.
So he hasn’t been spotted going on benders?
They found him in a Motel Room,
Just stretched out on the Bed,
With a Handful of Pringles potato chips,
and Ding Dong By his Head,
Shit, does Pringles need an apostrophe?
He’s had the flu for three days.
Congratulations! That’s awesome.
Thanks 🙂
Seriously, I knew a guy who kicked a years-long heroin habit cold turkey, but he was not able to stop smoking for a LONG time after that. It’s tough and people should be celebrated for managing it.
Well, quitting smoking is easy now that there are good-enough alternatives to get nicotine. At least, for me it has been. I still need the fix, I just haven’t had a cigarette in 5 weeks.
Good on you! I plan on quitting next week. I have cut back by half this week and plan on hitting the Vape shop on payday so I can ween myself off of it. (any advice on a budget vape thing?) I really like smoking. Like a lot. I was smoke free for years before I re-started this last time but always have been one of those gross people who are Copenhagen aficionados so I never quit nicotene. I can have a small dip and nobody knows because I am not a spitter.
I tried the budget vape thing, but found it was unsatisfactory and went back to smoking. Regardless how much you spend, if you stop smoking, it will pay for itself.
For quitting smoking, I recommend a Mouth-To-Lung tank, with a box mod that uses a single replaceable battery.
I use Aspire Nautilus and Nautilus 2 tanks (around $25 each), with a Vaporesso Swag mod (around $35). (I do not use the Direct-To-Lung tank that comes with the Swag starter kit.) Then you need some juice (get a few different small bottles to figure out what works for you), a couple batteries (around $10 each), and a battery charger (a Nitecore D2 is around $16 on Amazon).
Also, beware of bullshit 18650 batteries, Amazon and Ebay are rife with frauds and counterfeits.
Oh holy hell Amazon sure is. I went looking for insulated tumblers the other day and all of them seemed counterfeit. WTF?
As for budget vaping… I dunno if it’s “budget” but I’m happy with Juul and it’s less than half the cost of cigarettes.
Well, my set-up is more “budget” than Juul over time. It’s just more of an initial investment.
I got a cheaper version of a Yetti cup for the wife on Amazon last year. I was going to recommend it to you but it no longer exists on Amazon. It was great, but they must turn over companies fast enough to stay away from patent issues
Holy moly, that is like over 100 clams worth of vapeing stuff, if my math is correct and it usually isn’t. I need to quit for a hopefully upcoming surgery so I am pretty motivated. I will give the budget route a try but if I fail fully expect me to hit you up for recommendations again.
If you quit smoking a pack a day, and cigarettes are $5 a pack, you’ll pay off $150 worth of stuff in a month.
LOL not where I live. More like $12.
A Juul-pod is in fact about $4.50 to $5 and is approx. equal to one pack of cigarettes.
I’d be surprised if I use more than fifty cents worth of juice a day.
Nice. If I get more motivated, I’ll look into that stuff.
Tree fiddy a pack here my friend. And they aren’t that bad. Not quite as cheap in some places I have been when I was buying a carton of Gouloise for 5 bucks but not a bank breaker.
Wow, that is a low price!
Regardless, it will pay for itself eventually.
I’m not sure if I would have made the move off cigs if it cost more.
Congratulations! Keep it up! I’m going on about a year and a half (thanks to the miracle of vape pens), and I feel better now than I did when I was in my twenties.
Goodnight Sweet Prince
When did we start to get hit and run (pun not intended, I promise) idiots who post hours after a thread dies to spew stupid shit like TOS has had?
This is from the Thursday morning links (on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn being an anti-semite but still having written a very important and true book in The Gulag Archipelago)
Who the Fuck is Bob? Besides half the Glibertariat?
80%? Seems a bit high.
Is he new? It took me a while to get the ebb and flow of alive-dead posts.
Bob is pretty much our only one.
A White Buffalo, if you will.
We are Legion, we just use names like Yusef ,
Nah, we know who our real Bobs are.
How are you, Yusef? Decent week?
The Wife is Home, and Bella and Her are having a Love-a -Thon, So even though I’m broke, it’s just fine, thanks for asking
I’mma do a poll on how many Bobs we have
Excellent. Broke is temporary and way less important than love.
Not a Bob, but my middle name is Robert.
SEE! A conspiracy of Bobs!
Bobs of the world UNITE!!
*except the anti-semitic Bobs…..and Bob Woodward…..and Bob Barr…..
Hey, we’ve got that in common. Family tradition is that the oldest son has father’s first name as his middle name, so my dad is Bob.
*except the anti-semitic Bobs…..and Bob Woodward…..and Bob Barr…..
Bob Shrum
Yeah, my dad, grandpa and great grandpa were all Robert. I’m very grateful I wasn’t Robert the Fourth.
What? You don’t want a name that allows you to go by Robert, Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, and the rarer but still legitimate Bert?
Plus you’ll never know the joy of hearing people enunciate “Baaawwwbbb” when they first meet you because t’s fun to say.
My mom was the daughter of one Bob, the sister of another, and married to a third Bob. We’re a very Bob-centric family.
We’re a very Bob-centric family.
So that was just my Dad’s side. On my Mom’s side, my grandpa and uncle are both Bob as well.
Yeah, I dodged the Bob bullet!
One of the nice things about being a Ted is that it’s easy to pronounce, but not overly common.
SEE! A conspiracy of Bobs!
Actually, I believe the correct term for a group of Bob’s is a “throb”.
Look, some of us actually go by Robert, okay?
Whatever, Bobby.
Never enough.
Jews: Is there anything they can’t do?
Not according to God…
Play hockey?
Well, you learn something every day – did not know Mathieu Schneider was Jewish.
Ill just leave this here, labeled relevant .
Man that never gets old.
Or football. Throw pretty much any manly sport in there.
Sid Luck man would disagree
Wasn’t Kawika Mitchell jewish?
Hmmm not sure….Mike Rosenthal is, Kyle Kosier, Harris Barton. Andre Tippett converted when he got married. FIrst round pick in the last draft Josh Rosen.
Let’s not forget Joe Montana (nee Moscowitz).
It’s my understanding that Montania is the old-country (Italy) spelling of his surname. I believe he’s 100% (or close) Italian.
OMWC is triggered.
Your greatest fear- a Jew with guns.
I knew your inner David Duke would emerge. Took 25 years but it was inevitable.
The safest place to be when you have a gun in your hand is right in front of the target.
Hank Greenburg could fuck you up
except on the sabbath
Sandy Koufax could shut you down
except on the Sabbath.
Eat bacon cheeseburgers?
Solzhenitsyn was an ant-semite?
Solzhenitsyn wrote a book about Jews in Russia. I read probably a third of it before I got bored. My understanding is this book is one of the major reasons behind these accusations. I don’t recall anything particularly objectionable though.
From Cathy Young and TOS
He’s done that before.
When did we start to get hit and run (pun not intended, I promise) idiots who post hours after a thread dies to spew stupid shit like TOS has had?
For a second I thought you were talking about me because I way late commented on Pie’s article today ( Which was awesome btw!) and I am self aware enough to know most of my comments could be classified as idiotic and or stupid. Bob is Bob. He has made snide remarks to my idiotic comments but he is easy to snide back because I am immature and don’t really care what he thinks. Others here I am truly interested in what they think.
*narrows gaze at SP*…*and then runs out of the room*
Bob got a stern but polite warning the last time he corpse-fucked a thread to call Tulip an asshole.
He won’t be treated as kindly this time.
+10 Banhammer? I’ve had to use that one a number of times on a site I administrate.
He was on SP’s shitlist already. So I’m expecting an actual beheading.
Maybe lock threads after a certain amount of time? I doubt anyone looks back to check responses after a day or so.
yeah: so many hours after the next thread has started
I think about chatting before morning linx…nice theory: but it’s never happened for me.
You’d be surprised.
It’s not the corpse-fucking; it’s the being a fucking asshole that’s the problem.
But how far back do you want to have look for people being assholes?
I don’t care about Bob corpse-fucking threads, to be honest. I think it’s pathetic that he thinks his esprit d’escalier somehow matters. However, his slow-drip racism, misogyny, and out-and-out bigotry against Jews has already raised a few eyebrows. If this were the first time he posted something like that, it would be one story, but he’s a repeat offender. An offender who already got a warning about his behavior. By definition, he is trolling now.
:Looks at clock:
Yeeaahhh…. About that….
Right behind you brother.
Sometimes, I’m an F5 slave when I’m lurking.
He’s been around for a while, but he doesn’t comment often. When he does, it seems like the majority of them aren’t worth reading.
OK, this is getting uncomfortable
Brookings. Has the TDS virus infiltrated this fine think-tank?
“Underneath every beret and Che Guevara shirt is a top hat and monocle trying to get out.”
BRIEF ON BIRCH BARK. To get a Birch to bark you yank their briefs forcefully in an upward motion and force the waistband over their head if possible.
fuck. tag fail.
I just want to mention that I had a great time last night at dinner with our temporary IL residents Animal and Mrs Animal, the visiting RC Dean, and, of course my beloved OMWC, and the also-beloved-but-not-in-that-way Swiss Servator.
If you get a chance to meet up with Glibs in your travels, or when they travel your way, do not hesitate. All whom I have met have been delightful.
I am jealous.
I am also too far out of the way and in the middle of nowhere.
every one Hates me, so that makes it easy…….
Not everyone Yusef. You will always have Tres.
I’m outta they way, too. Still managed to meet 3 of you degenerates.
I’ve only met 2 of you degenerates. One that suggested I take the morning train not the late night one.
I never saw the pic from that meet up.
I only took one.
That is what I remember. Those chips were the only solid food I ate that evening.
Then you remember more than me. That night is a hazy blur.
I remember sleeping till 5:00 pm the next day and eating the shit out of some Ramen the next day. I also remember that you had to work the next morning you poor bastard.
I have one rule I’ve stuck to religiously over the years when it comes to drinking: Never miss work due to a hangover. That morning really tested my faith.
You work from 9 to 5 and then you take another home again?
It was more like a 5-9 the song was not my guide that night.
There are a couple of other Glibs in Richmond, but we’ve never met. Well, either that or they hang out together all the time and just don’t tell me.
I’d really like to do a Glib meet-up but so far as I know I’m the only WV Glib…….I do travel for work quite a bit so I should put out Glib calls when I go to other states
We’ve vacationed in WV. Lovely state. We intend to go back again some year. The next time we go, we want to stay at the Greenbrier.
I second that. I got to meet the New Englanders and the SoCal group. Fun times were had.
I wish I could have met you guys when you made your quick traverse of NoDak a few months ago. Next time!
I can vouch for Mike. He’s groovy.
Thanks buddy!
Tundra and Hayeksplosives are really cool people. And despite the vibe Pope Jimbo puts out here, he’s actually a pretty OK guy in person…I mean, for a half-wit.
I’ll be going through Minneapolis this winter with the wife and kid. I’ll mention it when the dates are set.
I can’t vouch for you because you blew us off. Or the tranny hooker blew you off. Or something. It’s all very confusing.
We expect a discreetly-passed envelope next time.
Of course!
In my defense, I’m the only Glib that has shared the company of Hayeksplosives twice! So there!
You guys and family are welcome on Sunday, Sep 16th, for the Honey Harvest, central Minnesota, Pope Jimbo is gonna stop by. Lots of food, lots of old people and maybe learn a little about how we handle our bee biz. Central Mn, 1/2 way between Duluth and Fargo. Mostly too old to be groovy.
Two days to get out to Minnesota without prior planning?
In a emergency, but I think I’ll end up missing this one.
I was hoping to make it down for that, but won’t be able to make it. Hopefully next year.
I can’t make it. Which sucks because my buddy has a cabin in Emily, which I believe is where you are.
Don’t turn your back on the Pope.
I have met three Glibs and I can say it was a fun night and we were all well behaved for the most part. None of us puked in the bar like that one chic we didn’t know. Not that it matters but even after she puked she was still a would. I drank too much that night but I have been known to do that even when I don’t know anybody and the Glib’s never chastised me for being a drunk so it was a good evening in spite of me not being able to find my Uber and getting bitched at by the driver for making him wait. I was a virgin Uber user and that shit is hard to figure out after a few pints and then a few pitchers of free beer on top of drinking all day. It’s not my fault the others showed up sober.
I like you more all the time. Let me know if your ever in Iowa or Chicago-land.
I wish this site had happened back when I had a good job, could walk ok and traveled all the time. I would have been routing my travels through a Glib hub each trip. Now I am broke, semi crippled, never travel and broke.
I’m sorry to hear that. Thanks to you, I literally LOL every time I see a funky pool float – most recently a peacock raft in Chicago.
Tomorrow may be the last day for the pool and the float. This afternoon when I got home I was sitting admiring my deflated pool and a ground squirrel (I think) came and had a drink in its deflated side. Had I ready access to a firearm there would have been gun fire. I think the cute little vermin have inhabited the empty prairie dog hovels on the hill above my house. They are all disease ridden rodents in my book and will die if I have anything to do with it which I will. The pizza float I will save until next year but the pool is going to the dump. I hope my next pool won’t deflate so much and hold water as it should.
I was noticing that the proposed circumnaviation og the freat lakes would bring me near a goodly number of glib loci. Not quite montana or Dakota way, but Minnesota and east until back to my home base.
I just need waypoints to work out the route. They need not be anyone’s actual location, neutral ground works fine.
I am sure anyone here would give you lat/long of a bar. Most seem to be social drinkers if not full blown alcoholics. I have not voiced my disappointment yet, but I understand Tundra probably drove past me on his way to Moab and never let me know he was going to be in the best part of our great nation. He probably had his reasons though. Grand Junction is full of Tranny hookers.
Nah, I flew to SLC.
Where on the WesternSLope are you?
I am under an hour south of Grand Junction in the land of peaches, apples, cherries and the best sweet corn and green chilies grown on the planet.
That’s too far west for me to add to this trip.
Which state are you in?
Right now my “draw a quick circle” rough draft runs Home – Montreal – Sault Ste Marie – Thunder Bay – Minneapolis – Milwaukee – Indianapolis – Home.
I picked noticable cities because it’s easier to draw the quick circle that way.
Here’s a guide to circumnavigating Lake Superior, if that helps.
I forgave the first popup asking if I wanted to join their mailing list – but after it came back, I now want to burn the website to the ground.
Milwaukee is our usual hangout. Keep us posted, please.
There’s a few Glibs in the Duluth area, but their handles are escaping me right now.
You mentioned your interest in mining earlier; there is iron ore mining in northeast Minn. to see that wouldn’t be much of a detour on your proposed route. In the Ely, MN area.
Here’s one highlight: Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park
Stillhunter is near Ely.
The Tower Sudan mine is awesome. It is near Lake Vermilion, where I spent 15 years or so of weekends. Truly God’s country.
SP – Will Do. My usual road trip time starts Memorial day weekend and runs into early June.
MikeS – Thank you. Which end of the Dakotas are you at?
Eastern edge, only about 10 miles from Minnesota. If you end up doing this, make sure and give me as much heads up as possible. I’ll do my best to try and intercept you along your route. It would be fun to meet you IRL.
This reminds me, two things that are still fermenting in the back of my mind:
1) GlibShoot for DC area Glibs in Manassas sometime this fall
2) Potential Indy 500 Glib meetup next May
Rob Schneider
Your cancelling @normmacdonald appearance on your show was cowardly! I will never again go on your show unless I’m promoting
2:44 AM – Sep 12, 2018
They are indeed cowards.
…unless I’m promoting…
There’s Hollywood in three words.
Right? That’s the only reason they go on.
And when is the last time Rob Schneider did anything to promote?
I can only think of the South Park spoofs. Like “Carrot”
He’s taken over for Jenny McCarthy as Hollywood’s premier promoter of anti-vaccine bullshit, does that count?
OMG. The brain-dead leading the retarded.
It takes bravery to schedule Rob Schneider but, I have to admit, the man has a point.
I’ve never been sure about how I felt about Seinfeld, but in light of all the shit-piling on Norm, this cracked me up.
I know a lot comedians are staying out of it, but what other comedians have come out in support of Norm?
If they don’t come out in support of him, they’re worthless.
Di Paolo is obviously on his side.
Norm will be fine. He hast to wait a week until Some other entity says the wrong thing to the children running the outrage machine today.
I’m guessing Fran Dresher makes a insensitive comment to her nanny about being too ethnic.
Yeh but his presence on The View made me sick to my stomach.
This appearance?
Here he mentioned that Bill Clinton murdered someone
Martin Short is possibly, next to Norm, probably the most naturally funny man in the world.
Hey, and they’re both Canadians!
Which makes sense since I’m the funniest muppet around here.
How about Bill Burr?
When he’s on, damn is he funny.
He’s funny but not like those two.
The last bit where he’s tearing into awards shows in his acceptance speech was pretty awesome.
Suppose I should check in since as a few of you know I live in NC. My area seems to be getting just a tickling from Florence. Although the power went out an hour ago.
Thankfully, I am 2 miles from the hospital and can make it for my shift tomorrow no matter what.
Say safe any of you lurking NC glibs
Hopefully the power comes back soon. Stay safe.
Seconded. Gonna be busy there for awhile.
Can make it to work? So you have a boat. Wise purchase. I have been listening to the news on the radio and they make it seem like all of NC is under water. I am kidding of course but not much. be safe.
Far West NC here, hardly any rain yet, still have power, and only stored water for toilet flushing (well pump without a generator, yet).
Just my dumb luck, I decided to schedule my “Grand Western Adventure”™ for the very moment this happens. So naturally, I’ll be fine, and most of my most valuable stuff I’ve been able to take with me. But at this point, all I can do is pray for the home (and the gaming rig).
And by SEE WHAT UP mean…
Hey y’all no main tonight. This my deck I’m currently drinking Thirsty Miner IPA on.
No rain that is. It’s been like Monsoon in Laos this past few weeks.
Un taco, por favor
404 Pagina no encontrada
But is Taco Bell going to shut down for sensitivity training and is it time to have a national dialogue?
Also pretty certain nachos bell grande is the same in English and Spanish.
The last time I was in Miami three years ago (?) I was staying at an “Extended Stay” because they are cheap for a week or more and I wanted to hit the old haunts and eat Cuban sandwiches for a week or more. Most of my nightly beer purchases were made at a CVS across the street. One night I encountered a girl (20’s?) behind the register who did not speak one word of English. Maybe she was pretending to piss off white bread, I don’t know. It didn’t really matter because we were able to make a transaction even with a language barrier, but that kind of blew my mind. Here where I buy sweet corn and fresh veges the parents struggle with English as much as I struggle with Spanish but their kids sound like any other kid around here when speaking English. America might be unique were you can migrate and never have to learn the native language now. I might like to live full time in another country one day but I would fully expect that I would be expected to speak the native language if I did. I am not really making a judgement with that comment, I am just making an observation. Times have changed, or maybe I am just ignorant to how things were in the past because I was never exposed to it.
I live in a city that is like half immigrants and I have never encountered something like this, even at shops that cater to “them”. I too would never consider living somewhere I couldn’t be bothered to learn the “dominant” language and I expect the same in reverse.
The current political climate has much to do with this, methinks.
I’ll say this. The US has no official language and I don’t think it should not do I think it should be a requirement for employment. At the same time I think it’s a good idea to learn the dominant language if you’re going to live somewhere for an extended period of time.
Agreed unless Taco Bell decides it should be a requirement for employment. Which they would be wise to do IMHO.
I’m curious if corporate has a say or if it is up to the discretion of the franchise to require English.
Of course.
That having been said, I remember as a kid, it was still possible to get by on the West Side of Manchester, NH with only French. Many of my friends’ grandparents pretty much only spoke French, and why would they need to speak anything else? Everyone in their neighborhood was French-Canadian, they had no desire to move out of their neighborhood, and they hated the Greeks and Irish anyway until their kids started to marry them.
It should also be noted that while there is no national language at the Federal level, many states have legislated an official language or languages for state business.
As someone who grew up in the same area, I can corroborate this.
Mais oui!
It could be a bone fide work requirement depending upon the job. I don’t think it is unrealistic for a customer service position to require fluency in the majority language.
But Americans travel the world as tourists and don’t learn every dialect. It’s totes the same.
I’m telling you, Welsh is not a language.
As a tourist no we don’t learn every dialect. When I went somewhere though, even passing through, I made a point to learn how to say please and thank you in the native language. I figure that is just being polite when I asked for a beer or coffee or food. The bartender/server/wait person always smiled at my hillbilly pronunciation of their language but even us hillbillys have good manners sometimes.
I seriously doubt that these Taco Bell employees couldn’t understand enough to to complete an order. I think they were just being assholes to this particular customer for some unknown reason.
She was definitely making a point with her video and I am sure the girl with the headphones understood what a “number 6” was.
The city of Miami is ~70% Spanish speaking, and the businesses cater to that. And yeah, some clerks are assholes. When I moved down here I had to learn at least enough Spanish to order at a restaurant.
Once (this was 20 years ago) I was out shopping at a mall with my girlfriend (now wife) and the clerk at one of the stores started talking to me in Portuguese. That created problems for me. Luckily she had thought I was part of a Brazilian tour group and started speaking English once she realized I had no clue what the fuck she was saying.
That it’s some and not all means it is still better than Montreal.
So I should avoid stopping there?
Unless you are going specifically to drink at 18 and visit a strip club, anything Montreal can do, Quebec City does better, imo.
Quebec city is in the wrong direction. My road out of New York heads straight for Montreal, and I’d be turning west in that general area.
Though if I go directly towards Ottowa I can cross near Ogdensburg.
Nearly 40% of stores in Venezuela have closed due to the hike in the minimum wage. Damn wreckers and kulaks.
The government said they should be able to absorb those increased cost. Obviously the business owner is lying.
The isn’t-going-to-end-well stage is approaching faster than I expected. What a shit-show.
It’s too bad. I have a close friend from Venezuela. I hope all her family is safe.
Do you know who else needed white safe spaces?
Ah, identity politics…
It’s dumb when white people do it too.
Damm thing sounds like a SJW indoctrination meeting and it is still being shit on because it is exclusive to the crackers.
African albinos?
They wouldn’t if they didn’t keep casting the evil eye on innocent people.
One side of every chess board?
Those torpedoes keep circling back around.
What’s with those autoplay ads?
Welp, we’re at the campsite, so I gotta set up the tents and rain tarp. In the darn rain no less. Have a good night!
Night brother.
I don’t think I’ve ever made camp in nice weather.
Good luck and have a great time!
You don’t “volunteer” the kids to help? That’s the way it worked when I was a kid and we went camping.
I always like to say I don’t need any practice being twelve: already aced that during Carter; let someone new have a crack at it.
Have fun!
I am Spartacus
There are a couple things worse than being a US de facto vassal State, and being a China vassal state would be one of those
We wont help, but We will take your money
For any guitarists who want to learn, y’all should check out this guy’s channel-a damn good guitar player and a good teacher who keys in on the old stuff:
The old guitar stuff
Old relative to now but, yeah, that’s damn good.
She has bony knees.
Wow, that video is even better than an actual lesson. It must take work to get the camera angle and hand position perfect for someone to pick up how to play the song.
Yeah, he’s great and he has a shit-ton of vids.
/heading down a black hole…
You’re still up? Found a bag of coke, eh?
/looks up with white Hitler mustache
What you talking ’bout?
Meh, get off my stage!
C’mon Yusef, there’s room enough for all of us.
So there is, there is also Opinion
I agree, absitively.
Yusef! Thank you very much for recommending the Soviet Storm documentary the other day. I’ve been binge-watching the hell outta it and man the Eastern Front was one helluva ride.
They got beaten bad, but the vengeance was terrible…..
Watching Longmire.
I like it.
Starbucks looks great in wranglers.
Lol. I had to look that up.
And yes.
You know you’re not a Millennial when your first thought was “GAY!”
I’ve read all the books, so when the series came out, I was curious. I was happy it was really well done. It was filmed literally in my old stomping grounds in Northern New Mexico, so it’s fun to watch for locations I know well.
My wife just commented on the scenery.
I need to get the books.
I spent a weekend once in the thriving metropolis of Mills, NM (population: 9) and saw the most spectacular sunsets I’ve ever seen. Nothing before or since has even come close.
+1 Continual Soiree`
Longmire is the only reason the spousal unit and I subscribed to Netflix.
My spousal unit and I got her dad into it. Shame that it ended, as watching it with them when we visit was a pleasure, but, it had an excellent run.
I had to get a Red Pony cap, myself, with the “Continual Soiree” stitched on the back.
RPG with Leap as gamemaster, Good Fun! 1 hour? Ha! We rolled for 2 hours and had great time,Kudos to Leap!
/Long Pork Yu
Seconded! I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. Thanks to Leap for putting it together!
I’ll have video next,so you can laugh at the only Blonde guy!
I missed it. What did you guys play?
It’s a kung-fu themed game set in Leaps’ world, running on the Fate system.
Wait, what?
Taking a break. I got these for the boys in our group. They’re fighting over the Messerschmitt.
those are great for young minds, My Daughter loved them………..
The Spitfire was the last one chosen. 🙁
No Zero?
Sold out, maybe. Or maybe nobody wants a rice paper plate protecting the pilot’s head.
Oops. Missed that one still on the rack.
It’s ok. They have a tendency to fly into the ground.
‘member those balsa and elastic-band toys that we could buy at the corner store? Festus ‘members…
Mike ‘members, too.
You can still get them
That’s awesome, the only model plane I’ve bought was a Mitsubishi Zero. Model planes are great.
The Zero was my first model plane as well.
P-38. Amazing plane.
I built a U2 with a 6 foot wingspan and Camera A long time ago and it had counter rotating props, a very cool machine til the Elevator Servo failed….
Raphael’s avatar I confuse with HM’s.
HM makes me think of Dappa from Quicksilver.
I fly 3D R/c planes, they ain’t no models, this my Big Boy,
I have an engine and some servos in a box in the basement. The plane itself was in about 1000 pieces after having an elevator servo flip on takeoff.
I learned from a Pro, Don’t skimp on anything, and Buy quality, PA Planes are Ferraris, good motors, good servos etc. mine is Number 5470
With the IPS Pro, gotta go big for 3D,
Time for a new Article….
I have been influenced a lot here but how does monicle work?
I was trying to link to this
I love those guys! Suthen’ first turned me on to them.
Me too. I had never heard of them until Suthen linked. Hence my “influenced” comment.
So, OMWC music,fucking Hicks…….
Gross content, won’t listen again, music is fine, I am a Music Critic, Fuck You!
I just dredged a memory from when I was a kid. I used to cut apart 1/35 figures and make their poses just so with putty. Too hard to do with 1/72. I had random torsos laying about my model table, all prepped for the big asplosion… My parents had me checked and aside from the doc giving me sleeping pills when I was ten, I turned out juuuussst fine.
Ooh, Yusuf, you said your family is from Kentucky so I am sure there is a sister/aunt in your sparsely limbed family tree. I say that jokingly as I assume the Dead South were singing that song.
That was good. Sounds a little like the Avett Brothers, who put on a great live show.
So weather dude taking the wind strength as two people stroll by. First..its noted right on the screen wind speed of 29knts. Second..he is leaning with the wind of you look at the shrubs right by him…
What a fucking joke. Along with the lame excuse it’s because he is on grass and has been reporting for hours.
This is why we have Trump, because even the weather news is so desperate to make things dramatic.
Holy shit, he couldn’t even face into the breeze?
Clarence Thomas will always be known as “Coke-can pube” so will Kavanaugh be henceforth be known as “Finger-fucker”? It has a good beat and the kids will dance to it.
Dance /MotherFucker!/ points gun Drunkenly at Festus’s Feet
Stands ground. You’ll miss anyway. Motherfucker that hurts! Good one ,Bob!
The People in Charge of Glibs are something like 80% Jewish. It’s natural to feel affection for people who lovingly wreck your bussy.
Right, The Beatles?
Sure thing, Bob.
Glibs Overlords are (((these people))). The ones you are referring to are )))those people(((. Y’Know, the cool Hebrews!
+1 Lipton’s Cold-brew tea.
/Sorry, I couldn’t resist
Whats a “bussy”?
All I know is that if you get hit by one, you can get pregnant.
Perhaps, but if that is what he meant then he would have clarified he was Australian because they are the ones who add a “Y” or ie to a word to make it slang. See “bikies” as it where. Biker gang is too much of a mouth full.
I’m torn between wanting to know, and cautioning about asking questions you may regret having answered.
According to Festopedia a Bussy is what happens when a strap-on adventure goes awry. Do not, I repeat try this at home , People!
What’s a bussy?
I’m Poppy.
Accurately speaking, it is (((7.5%))).
Is this the sort of dead thread adventures we were talking about?
You don’t know the half of it , Don. It gets worse. Much worse.
Ah, so the weight of an infant’s foreskin X the number of orphans that are toiling = Bussy! Fuck, I thought particle physics was pretty arcane.
The Beatles are gayer than Demi Rose is thicc
The Beatles want me to be the pallbearer at their funeral so that I can go down on them one more time.
They were a great band but after listening to them for fifty years, I wish they’d just go away.
I love The Beatles, it’s just that they’re a little too gay for me now. I prefer more masculine groups like Coil or Pet Shop Boys.
A “Bussy” is the the new hire that the Flamboyent Gay Waiters chase around the tables after hours like Ms.Pacman. Run, young Festus, run!
Classic slapstick scenario
Heads-up for you late-nighters still hanging around. This is the time when I usually do site maintenance. So, if something doesn’t work for a while, or there are glitches, don’t panic. All will be well.
Someone had to do it. https://youtu.be/zDAmPIq29ro