3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 13, 2018
…..This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 13, 2018
This is one of those times where I really like to imagine the future looking back on us. Will there be this confusion that there wasn’t a real death toll available? Will there be a lively debate over who counts as a hurricane death and who doesn’t? Are we going to have a wave of Puerto Rico trutherism? Or will history just encyst around a received truth like so many other things?
Teens Are Protesting In-Class Presentations
For many middle- and high-school students, giving an in-class presentation was a rite of passage. Teachers would call up students, one by one, to present their work in front of the class and, though it was often nerve-racking, many people claim it helped turn them into more confident public speakers.
“Coming from somebody with severe anxiety, having somebody force me to do a public presentation was the best idea to happen in my life,” one woman recently tweeted. According to a recent survey by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, oral communication is one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace, with over 90 percent of hiring managers saying it’s important. Some educators also credit in-class presentations with building essential leadership skills and increasing students’ confidence and understanding of material.
But in the past few years, students have started calling out in-class presentations as discriminatory to those with anxiety, demanding that teachers offer alternative options. This week, a tweet posted by a 15-year-old high-school student declaring “Stop forcing students to present in front of the class and give them a choice not to” garnered more than 130,000 retweets and nearly half a million likes. A similar sentiment tweeted in January also racked up thousands of likes and retweets. And teachers are listening.
As a smartass, smartmouth, loudmouth and all-around disruptive student, and would have had the excuse of anxiety to get out of doing a presentation in front of the class… but I might have faked it if I could have gotten out of it. But at the same time, I don’t get how something making you “uncomfortable” is a way to get out of doing things. All of school was uncomfortable, seemingly designed by sadists specifically to be so. Maybe instead investigate this crippling anxiety that these students are feeling and treat it? Nah. Let’s create an intricate series of exceptions and carve-outs and set-asides for teachers to juggle for every individual student. That’ll work out fine, I’m sure.
Norm Macdonald finally gets it right in the apology for his apology
Once again, the third time appears to be the charm when it comes to just saying some words about a controversial topic without making it sound like something everyone else at Thanksgiving dinner would just silently, awkwardly cringe at without wanting to acknowledge.
Norm Macdonald has had the kind of week that makes publicists find a back-alley doctor to supply them with a triple prescription of Xanax. First, it was some jarringly tone-deaf statements about how the victims of sexual harassment and racism don’t have it as bad as the comics who had to publicly account for their appalling behavior—statements that got him booted from a Tonight Show appearance. Next, he made an apology for those comments that got him in trouble all over again, because he chose to use people with Down Syndrome as an example of what it means to have no empathy. And while in between there were some other not-so-great takes that seem well-intentioned but still really missed the mark—in part because he thought apologies were a good time for more outdated jokes about gender—Macdonald seems to have finally just realized a simple and sincere apology is the best route at the moment.
The protracted auto-da-fé of Norm McDonald might finally be over. But he better watch his step. The Internet of Rage never forgives. The Internet of Rage never forgets. Squirrel!
Beluga whales adopt lost narwhal in St. Lawrence River
An unusual visitor has been hanging out in the St. Lawrence River for the past three years: A narwhal, more than 1,000 kilometres south of its usual range.
But the lone narwhal is not alone — it appears he has been adopted by a band of belugas.
The narwhal — thought to be a juvenile male because of its half-metre-long tusk — was filmed in July playing among a pod of young belugas, thought to be mostly or all males.
The video was taken by the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM), a non-profit group dedicated to whale research, conservation and education based in Tadoussac, Que.
“It behaves like it was one of the boys,” said Robert Michaud, the group’s president and scientific director
Aww. So adorable.
No, my black, dead heart! Do not dare to love
The lonely narwal. Back in your cold cage!
One beat, two beats, three–a rush of warm blood.
Save me, Alien Sex Fiend! Save your true son!
We Dare You Find A More Thursday Set Of Links
This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Norm might as well apologize for existing at this point and then retire. There is no more room for comedy in this world.
Only Nazis enjoy comedy…
i figured Norm was doing the apology thing wrong on purpose.
Yes. He is a really smart guy. It was just a protracted troll.
Auto-da-fe what’s an auto-da-fe?
An auto-da-fé or auto-de-fé (from Portuguese auto da fé [ˈaw.tu dɐ ˈfɛ], meaning “act of faith”) was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics and apostates that took place when the Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition or the Mexican Inquisition had decided their punishment, followed by the execution by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed.
I’m like 78% sure that execution didn’t always follow auto-da-fe, either because confession would be enough for some crimes, but also because the executioner and the church would conspire to make the execution non-lethal to show that those who deserve death can be delivered by the righteous power of submitting to the Church (and God, they guess, if they were really pressed about it.)
Then something on Wikipedia may be wrong. I suggest you go burn those fuckers to the ground.
Don’t you think living life as a wikipedian is punishment enough?
I wrote a bit for Wikipedia for a time in the early days, but the infighting and nitpicking wore me out.
Ditto, it was like everything bad about academia and everything bad about organizing volunteer organizations combined then turned up to 11.
^^Absolutely this.
Wikipedia is actually quite an interesting study in how human societies organize. It starts, in theory, as a free-for-all, self-correcting information clearing house and ends up being a fiefdom in which a few gatekeepers control the flow of knowledge.
Its also a powerful challenge to our world view. It was explicitly set up based on Hayekian principals of local knowledge and learning-by-doing. And in about 3 years it turned into a dystopic, despotic, bureaucratic hell-hole. But a hell-hole that never-the-less is *effective* at producing a product while completely grinding under foot any suggestions about fair-play, egalitarian protections, due process, or personal rights.
Burn the heretic.
Where the spanish inquisition sentences you as a heretic or apostate and forces you to undergo public penance. It is public, ritualized, and involves the accused making a big show of confessing how wrong and terrible they are. They are mainly a tool used by the power structure in power to dominate their enemies, scare off potential future challenges, and to establish orthodoxy. They aren’t really about the guilty, so much as they are about sending a message to everyone else that they could be next.
I was expecting a Mel Brooks reply, this place sure has gotten classier since I have been gone.
No no no, totally different. These involve funny hats.
Fine will you take Monty Python?
Bring out the big comfy chair.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
A religious version of a struggle session?
Basically. You were forced to explain the reason for your own execution. And they were often given after extensive torture.
It’s what you aughtn’t to do but you do anyway!
Thank you! At least there’s one person here who is well educated!
He gets a +1 David Lee Roth
Maybe he’ll win a buck…
Narwal: Where da white beluga women at?
I like big humps and I cannot lie
You other whales can’t deny
That when a cow swims in with an itty bitty baleen
And a round hump in your face, you get sprung
My prehensile phallus don’t want none unless you got blubber son.
You fuckers need a real job….
What is it with you and Rufus thinking that work has some intrinsic benefit?
Get your puritanical butt off my lawn.
Blow me.
Did you see what I did there?!? Whales? Blow?
Ha ha ha ha ha. Suck it!
The narwal’s horn is not a horn at all, but rather a huge, mutant tooth.
You know who else had Mutant teeth?
British people?
Appalachian folk?
Evil genetically engineered chickens?
Just… why?!
Toothed chickens might taste better?
Painful euphemism.
Maybe if mouse teeth are made of bacon.
So they’d chew their food better?
They were too busy with whether or not they could…?
The X-Men?
A mutant comb?
The Correct answer is Pie’s people, VAMPIRES!!!!!
Careful with the apologies Norm, the left won’t forgive no matter how sincere you are. Never apoligize and if you actually do feel sorry keep that to your damn self.
Related to the midday post:
They just unlocked the kegerator at my office so I am enjoying a Dale’s Pale Ale at desk as we speak.
Sometimes I dig being a white collar corporate drone.
What kind of bullshit technical workers do you work with that they don’t get that lock sprung within 12 hours of it going in?
That was the best thing about working at the brewery. Every conference room had 2 kegs, and every office (large rooms shared by 4-8 people) had a min-fridge stocked with beer. It was a miracle anything got done some afternoons.
On occasion, a narwal may have two teeth develop into tusks.
Double penetration?
One of those is actually SF’s baculum.
No clever preface needed because of #1…
#1… erhm… I’ll be in my bunk.
Also, these pictures have some odd fashion combos. #61 somehow thought “I’m going to 7-11, so I better put on false eyelashes and a ripped t-shirt.”
If you want to talk fashion, let’s talk about #51
She’s just trying to make your life more convenient by offering easy access.
True, those are the wrong shoes. But I assume she is just trying things on for sex work.
Sounds like every female in the 215 area code between ages 13 and 48.
As a neighboring 610-er, I concur.
As a fellow 215er I can attest to this being true.
59. Oof.
Yep, I’d be pretty much powerless against that.
Dianne Feinstein refers a Brett Kavanaugh matter to federal investigators
She declined to make public what the matter involved, but two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school.
Like I said in the midday post, he felt under the bra.
7 minutes in heaven ?
Statutory rape! They got him!!
I predict much shedding of tears on 9/24/18.
OMG another week and a half of this shit?!
You think it will stop then?
You sad, sad optimist…
Every time I think that we’ve gone full retard, there’s proof that “not yet.” In high school, referred to the FBI…
When he was two he would run around naked in front of women and try to grab their tits!
^^^ LOL
“when they were both in high school”
How long ago was that?
born February 12, 1965
So turned 18 in 1983.
Somehow this is Ronnie Reagan’s fault.
It was the trickle down economics that did it.
Betty Sue, tear off that bra!
This is much funnier than anyone is giving you credit for.
4 days older than me.
Maybe I was the victim?
Around the time Sexual Healing was a hit.
Marvin Gay!
I believe early 80’s. She may have deterred him with Aqua Net in lieu of pepper-spray.
“This just in…. We may possibly have some actual news in a couple weeks. Stay tuned for the latest development in this breaking possible story.”
“Letter came from someone the woman knows and was sent to a California congresswoman, who shared it with Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein”
That sounds about par. Maybe the NYT wrote it.
An anonymous submission, from someone with insider information…
Coming soon to the hearing room– Long Dong Silver II: The Next Generation.
Why hasn’t the mob gone after Diane Feinstein yet?
After all she committed one of the most grievous sins possible: she flew the confederate flag when she was mayor of San Francisco.
In the Middle Ages, narwal tusks were often sold as unicorn horns.
There were suckers even in the middle ages?
Would you like a holy relic? The Holy Grail, perhaps?
GIven that the Printing Press was invented to make up for debts related to an Indulgences scam gone bad absolutely
Anyone else getting an error when posting a comment
Yes 🙁
What kind of error?
Usually between the seat and the keyboard…
Sort of like the computing equivalent of the taint.
The Math of Jeff Bezos’ Astounding Greed
Trinket magnate Jeff Bezos, America’s richest man, has made a very public charity donation of a $2 billion. The number sounds big, doesn’t it? In fact, it is a disgrace. Let us demonstrate:
Jeff Bezos’ approximate net worth: $163 billion
Jeff Bezos’ largest-ever commitment to charity: $2 billion
Percentage of Jeff Bezos’ net worth charity donation represents: 1.2%
Median net worth of an American household: $97,300
Equivalent charity donation by an average household: $1,168
Ounce for ounce, narwal skin has as much Vitamin C as an orange.
I have many questions.
That’s how the ice people survived.
I thought Odin killed them all?
Just don’t let ’em touch your balls
But I could never eat a narwhal. T’would be a sin.
That’s why you don’t peel them before you eat them?
Thankfully a one “hit” wonder that disappeared.
The Math of Jeff Bezos’ Astounding Greed
Trinket magnate Jeff Bezos, America’s richest man, has made a very public charity donation of a $2 billion. The number sounds big, doesn’t it? In fact, it is a disgrace. Let us demonstrate:
Jeff Bezos’ approximate net worth: $163 billion
Jeff Bezos’ largest-ever commitment to charity: $2 billion
Percentage of Jeff Bezos’ net worth charity donation represents: 1.2%
Median net worth of an American household: $97,300
Equivalent charity donation by an average household: $1,168
Jeff Bezos has given to charity the same portion of his wealth that an average household would give by donating less than $1,200.
The may be the most misleading headline I’ve read all year.
Unlike most species with tusks–where they appear in both sexes, only 15% of female narwals grow tusks.
Is that how many are lesbians?
Tonight OMWC, Swiss Servator, and I are meeting RC Dean, Animal, and Mrs Animal for dinner. We usually can’t go out on a school night, but it was the only night that worked for everyone. Much caffeine will be needed tomorrow.
Drink recommendation: Rusty Nail.
Sex act recommendation: Rusty Trombone
Is that what you, Tundra, and Pope did?
Don’t you remember, Tundra couldn’t make it.
Sad (butt rusty) Trombone
He knew what was in store
One more time Leap.
I didn’t say Tundra couldn’t make it. I said he couldn’t cum.
He’s such a cheapass that he wasn’t going to waste a gob of hand lotion and a kleenex just to come see us.
That pun was right there, and I completely missed it.
*hangs head in shame*
You misspelled Donkey Punch.
Drug recommendation: MDMA and airplane glue.
Throw in some whippits and you got yourself a nice little party.
Like this?
Great, I’ll have to miss another Chicago meet up. Have fun.
Come up to Kabul House in Evanston, look for the group with orphans on leashes.
I have my kids tonight. I’m unable to get away. At least not until late when I drop them off at the ex’s.
I wonder if he prepared Mrs. Animal for what lies ahead…
Couldn’t be much worse than What Lies Beneath.
Was there a rubber fish in that?
Ghost movie starring Han Solo and that chick from Grease 2.
So yes.
Librarians are the fucking worst.
New St. Paul mayor decides that library fines are double plus ungood and wants to do away with them.
According to him library fines are extra discriminatory and no poor person should ever be stopped from checking things out. Personally, I think that libraries are wonderful and wish more people would use them. On the other hand, if you manage to rack up crippling debt via late fees, you have too many issues to be trusted with resources that others would like to use as well.
What really got me riled up was this video of librarians telling sob stories about late fee scofflaws. . Holy shi-ite, they made me start wishing St. Paul would just close their libraries so they can fire every one of these idiots.
Sounds like “Tragedy Of The Commons” test #1,356,236
They are just trying to do something, anything, to justify doing something, anything other than mopping up after homeless folks watch porn on the public computers.
I’m sure they’re going to excuse the poor from having to pay parking tickets next, right?
I love the operating hours of this public library.
Riverdale is a real place?
Man, that really illustrates the genius mindset of government types.
“We have a budget shortfall and will need to reduce our operating hours to compensate.”
“Okay, how about we limit them to weekdays?”
“Isn’t that when most people are at work?”
“Look, unless you have a better idea you should shut up and get to posting the new schedule to the website.”
More like this.
“Our budget has been cut.”
“Yes, we must determine what services to cut back on.”
“I have made a list of our services, from least popular to most popular. We will cut services starting at the top of the list to the bottom so that this budget cut has the least disruption to our patrons.”
“No, we’ll never get our budget back that way.” *flips list upside down* “Lets do it in this order.”
+1Washington Monument strategy
Nice of them to include their old hours in the Gofundme page
M-T 12-8
W-Th 12-6
F-S 12-4
New hours
M-Th 10-6
So looks like they took the opportunity to rearrange the hours to be more convenient for the employees. Also interesting that they’re only open 32 hours a week. Must only be part timers, right? Two full time employees would give 45-50 hours (depending on the length of lunch) of coverage a week.
“According to him library fines are extra discriminatory and no poor person should ever be stopped from checking things out. ”
According to him library fines are extra discriminatory and no poor person should ever be asked to be responsible for anything..
Fines are approximately $0.30/day up to a max of $10. So if the woman who made her daughter choose between paying a fine and eating (actual sob story from video) that means mom had something overdue for a month.
If they approve this, I’m sure all the DVD (which can be resold) will be stripped from the shelves within a week.
Isn’t SF a librarian?
Yes, but in the evening he lets his hair down and becomes a giant slut.
Huge slut.
The most tremendous slut.
So my opening point is completely validated.
Also by Michael Moore: It’s ‘Absolutely’ Possible This Will Be ‘Last’ Doughnut I Eat Today
You will be made to care: Aspen Skiing Co.’s new ad campaign is all political and stuff…
“People say, ‘You’re bringing politics into skiing, and I don’t like that,” Kaplan said. “‘I’m not going to go there because of that, and I’ll spend my dollars elsewhere.’ “But honestly, those were very few and we really heard from a vast majority of longtime customers and millenials who hadn’t been here before saying, ‘That’s cool you stand for something.'”
Note that a big portion of the campaign is about climate change, which makes it hilarious that this is in the other newspaper’s coverage of the ad campaign (somehow Aspen supports multiple newspapers):
“Kaplan earlier in the meeting advocated for improvements to Pitkin County Airport, and said that it wasn’t in conflict with the environmental stewardship advocated by SkiCo.” ….. “A runway expansion to accommodate category 3 planes with 118-foot wingspans is part of the proposal that is currently wending its way through the public approval process.”
Pitkin County zillionaires lecturing me on how I should spend my ski money and (not so subtly) calling me racist if I don’t go there.
It would be harder to come up with a better example of virtue signaling.
They had a similar ad campaign last year, with the CEO saying basically “Hey, we’re not being political here, we’re just promoting our company’s values” or some such nonsense. If your values compel you to go out of your way to smugly rub the noses of the unenlightened in your ideology, you might want to reconsider your values.
So, basically, this guy is the worst sort of hypocrite.
Well, I’m off to a meeting of my department with a mediator because two a-holes have managed to destroy dept. unity in the space of two years. I may or may not return this evening depending on how drunk I decide to get afterwards.
We have a new VP of Whatever that is attempting to do that as we speak (the destruction of dept. unity, I mean). Good luck.
it’s called Inclusion & Diversity
Exclusion & Divisivity.
Extinction and Divinity.
Who all has tenure?
(I seem to recall you work in academia…)
Get drunk before the meeting.
Today’s fun music!
I also may or may not be on my second work beer.
That link won’t work for me, but this was always a fun drinking song.
Probably don’t play it loud at work…
“NEW VIDEO: The video I’ve wanted to make for almost a year but I’ve been too much of a pussy.
The dark side of political commentary & the truth about many commentators that you trust.”
She doesn’t name names, but I’m not surprised either.
Care to summarize? I kind of hate video (can’t skim).
She talks about her and her family receiving threats. She also discusses how a bunch of people in alternative media say what they think their audience wants to hear, rather than what they really think.
I don’t mind video, but can’t abide a talking head for more than 1 minute.
I’ve been too much of a pussy.
I see what you did there, Blaire White!
Mike Bloomberg is going to run for President in 2020.
I’m completely convinced that the Democrats *want* Trump to win again.
Do it Mikey!!!
But he will have a good chance in the northeast where Trump was…. oh, never mind.
“At least it’s not Hilary(tm)” – the slogan that is for everyone!
I thought that was Trump’s slogan?
Not anymore!
I think his slogan is going to be “BAN EVERYTHING”.
He doesn’t want to run, but he doesn’t want to disappoint his legions of fans, who behave like teenage girls at a Beatles concert whenever he steps out of his towncar. With great charisma comes great responsibility.
Gunshot does seem to be the most common method on this list:
The guy’s a nanny stater, but I don’t see how a billionaire businessman gets the Bernie Bros/Dem Socialists excited, and I don’t see how he gets the lunch pail union guys excited, so how the hell does he win?
Murder charge, not manslaughter, best fits Botham Jean case because officer intended to shoot, experts say
Wasn’t there another case where a cop got away with murder because the judge said he should’ve been charged with murder and not manslaughter (and acquitted him of manslaughter)?
It sure is a puzzle why she was only charged with manslaughter when murder is usually charged under similar circumstances. It’s because she’s white, right?
Papa Smurf approves of this message.
The real message.
The Message
Too slow. 🙁
Yup. I think it was the case of the cop shooting into a crowd from his car.
That’s the cop treatment. For the rest of us, if you’re aquited of one murder charge they retry you for murder in a different degree as many times and juries as it takes.
Wasn’t there another case where a cop got away with murder because the judge said he should’ve been charged with murder and not manslaughter (and acquitted him of manslaughter)?
Not that I’m aware of. Usually, the boxes of manslaughter are checked if it was a murder.
Found the case.
It’s why I think Officer Van Dyke in Chicago was charged with first-degree murder rather than manslaughter or even 2nd degree murder. The idea is to charge him with effectively the wrong crime and hopefully from the point of view of the prosecutors to get him a not guilty verdict.
You’re maybe thinking of Ray Tensing, the University of Cincinnati cop.
Thursday nut-punch: Cop starts fight at Little League game and has road-rage issues.
The woman started filming him after he passed her across a double yellow line, and when he started harassing her, he tried the “don’t you know I’m a cop” routine.
Won’t someone think of the
childrenpoor saps with difficult-to-conceal boners???Braggart.
Why bother concealing it when you can show it off to the ladies?
I never understood that. I was proud of mine, and it pays to advertise.
That’s pretty horrifying.
PA “elk cam” live stream
I see some deer & turkeys…no elk.
I don’t see anything. The page does not exist. 🙁
That should work
Also, I did actually see several elk after @ 15 minutes
Huh? I’m so confused.
I thought our Canuck brothers loved face offs. Why did this guy to a face on?
Uffda. This was supposed to be a reply to Q’s story above.
Maybe this is one of those “errors” that Leap always blames for his problems posting?
Or you just outed yourself as Brooks, Tulpa.
I could watch that for hours.
That is absolutely mesmerizing.
Agreed. I saw that and, mentally, this started playing.
“Stop forcing students to present in front of the class and give them a choice not to”
And stop with the grades, homework, and attendance. High school should be a time for individual experimentation. We need non-participation awards for those unwilling.
My slacker child self would have appreciated that option. Older dumber self wishes he could go back in time and kick younger self when it was so fucking easy to put in a little more effort and sail through those years. What a dumbass I was (and am still).
*shrug* or screw off, go to CC for 2 years then transfer to Uni.
Scientists do not know the purpose of narwhal tusks. They are not used for fighting or hunting. While it has been shown that narwals can sense the salinity of surrounding water through their tusks, no definitive theory has emerged to explain the evolutionary advantage of such a characteristic. While it has been suggested that the sexual dimorphism of tusk growth makes it likely that the tusk is a mating display, no use of it in narwhal mating has been observed.
Isn’t it enough that it looks cool? I guarantee you those belugas are jealous as hell.
I am 78% sure they are for Harry Potter cosplay.
Probably a health indicator to display to females.
Except they don’t seem to “present” them like a lot of other species do when they court.
I am now mentally hearing Randall reading your narwhal facts.
“The eggs are known as ‘sea grapes’ by people who like shitty wine.”
A reminder that cuttlefish are clearly an alien species deposited on this planet.
Female Beluga whale:: Tell me, schatze, is it twue what they say about the way you people are… gifted? It’s twue, It’s twue.
Like Irish Elk and their massive antlers, their tusks are primarily for purposes of copulating.
It’s for battling orcas for control of the seas, duh.
Finally, someone around here who know how to science properly.
I’ve been peeking at the Frying Pan Ocean Cam livestream from time to time today – that poor flag isn’t going to make it.
The angle has also changed – I think the wind actually shifted the camera to the right.
I thought that was just going to be a picture of a bunch of scallops.
There’s an underwater cam there too. Some crazy lights are floating by right now – no idea what those are.
Looks offline now.
I think it’s just dark there now – you can still hear the wind blasting through the audio.
Speaking in front of a class in school is the perfect time to get used to the fact that many people will have to do that sort of thing at some point in their lives. Even if it’s not a part of their job, you might have to give a speech at a relative’s wedding, give a eulogy, propose a toast, etc. To say nothing bout the people who do that sort of thing for a living. Best to try it out when the stakes are low. The worst thing that can happen is you stammer in front of a bunch of children. If you fuck up, you won’t get fired, you won’t cost your company millions, and nobody will declare war over it.
Frigging kids.
Speak for yourself, it was the end of the world, man.
Also, frigging kids.
“I’m sorry you are anxious Billy, but if you get over it now, it will be easier to handle when you’re given fifteen minutes to prepare for a presentation in front of a man/woman who controls your employment, livelihood, and could bury you if you fuck it up. There now, getting a B in sixth grade doesn’t seem so bad, does it?”
No, the worst thing that can happen is your voice changes while giving a presentation on War of the Worlds.
No, the worst thing that can happen is you get paired up a cute girl you have a crush on, and the day of the presentation she goes off script and says “And now Leap is going to to talk to you about the important impact of Bofa.” And you say “Bofa? What’s Bofa?”
Is Bofa Minnie-sodaspeak for uncontrollable boner?
Bofa deez nutz?
I was on an communications evaluation team many, many years ago, we had the Spain, Italy and Africa area. As a rule each evaluator gave a synopsis of his findings to the team chief for presentation at the exit briefing. On one trip, the team chief gave the intro and said “And now I’ll turn it over to Cpt Fourscore”, who had a hangover and was totally unprepared, since I only knew my part. I gave my part, started calling on the other individuals, one by one. It went great but I was pissed at the team chief who also was my rater.
Bank OF America
Much like the libertarian, the narwhal does not thrive in captivity. All attempts have resulted in the death of the captive animals within a few months.
I there a Somalia of the Sea? Maybe They needed to get back there Roots Man….
I observed my Google news feed regarding a story about a study on active shooters the past couple days. I found it interesting that the first story was fairly accurate, with a boring headline and correctly pointing out that “assault rifles” are used less than any other type of firearm in mass shootings. Something like %25 of shootings use these rifles, whereas the rest are primarily handguns, shotguns, hunting rifles, and everything else. I believe handguns we’re the majority. Most of us here probably knew this. The article did note that those shootings that happened with semiautomatic rifles had higher body counts.
Every headline since that one was buried has screeched about how semiautomatic rifles are the deadliest guns, and this one study proves it, and completely glosses over the part about how they aren’t even the weapon used most frequently in these shootings.
I hate the media so damn much.
Molon labe you motherfuckers.
And kids with anxiety need to go seek out some adrenaline rushes. Reprogram the brain to enjoy that surge rather than be freaked out by it and enjoy the ride…or stop being afraid of stupid shit like speaking in public.
Norm is king.
Fuck all of them.
Norm is a funny guy. He’s also got this way about him that makes the audience… uncomfortable? As in, you’re not sure if he’s high or having some sort of stroke.
Also, I think he should be the host of The National.
Norm is a great man, considering his natural disadvantage as a Canadian
Absolutely he should be host of that CBC taxpayer sucking show.
At least we would be entertained.
I was pretty much that. Disruptive….but I was well-dressed and cute in an Otter sorta way so I did get away with some – wink – stuff. Definitely had undiagnosed ADD.
School was torture and presentations were no different. But I did my best and faced my demons.
Some people – like my wife – just LOVE being in front of people talking. They have no fear and shine in those moments.
I come out looking like Nixon.
A crook?
Flopsweat and dog abuse.
A ski slope nose?
I’ll cop to this.
++ #metoo
Yeah, just don’t ask me to talk to someone from the audience after the presentation – I’ll just freeze up.
Show of hands who here has ADHD (diagnosed or otherwise)?
I’m not sure about myself. It seems as I age it gets alot harder to concentrate on stuff. But, it would explain a n bunch of stuff earlier i in my life. As would Asperger’s.
Not really ADHD or anything, but if it doesn’t involve working with my hands there was/is about a 0% chance I’m using more than 2/3 of my focus on whatever it is, and you’ll be lucky if I focus that much.
If I’m working with my hands I get so focused I forget to eat or sleep.
That’s totally ADHD… the flip side of which is hypetfocus.
Eh, then I’ve had it my whole life.
Sorry, what?
“Yeah, I total- ohh, shiny!”
My problem isn’t Deficit, it’s that I pay too much attention to details, so I had to learn to look at the Big picture, then break things into manageable tasks, and complete things that way, things like life…
Substitute “not hands” for “hands” and that’s me.
What are you showing?
The Impact of ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders on Temperament, Character, and Personality Development
I very likely have ADHD, but no formal diagnosis. I may or may not be classified as on the spectrum if I was to get tested.
My wife made me do a test she examined.
Totally ADD.
And left-handed.
Were you unaware that you were left-handed before the test?
*raises hand*
My doc gives me adderall xr.
Does Jesse know you were an otter?
I thought bears were his thing?
Hey, whatever happened to that guy … a Glib … lived in Southern Colorado maybe?… 30-something. His Avatar was a picture of himself on a dirt road, I think. Regular commenter. Then just … disappeared.
I seem to remember that his wife was having a kid, which might answer my question.
You left because of you. He didn’t say much, I just remember that his last post was something like “I’m not coming back here because of Chipping Pioneer” or something lol that.
So, you tell us what happened
**Internal paranoid self-critical monologue goes into overdrive**
This guy?
I don’t remember the lumberjack getup, but, yes.
Stop denying that you posed in that getup, Tulpa!
Derp Hat! love it
DoomCo, he works at a College in Vermont last I heard….
That’s it! Thanks, Yusef. It was bugging me that I couldn’t remember his handle. Hope he’s doing OK.
Did you check Discord?
“A vampire facial is when a small amount of a client’s blood is drawn and then spun to extract its plasma. That plasma is then injected into the face with a needle.”
So, totally worth it.
So if I tell a woman I’m a vampire I can give her a facial?
Police responding to “multiple gas explosions and fires” in Lawrence, Massachusetts
Seems to be an accident and not anything more.
Also, the Scanner Radio app is great, and has let me know of multiple major incidents (even the Las Vegas shooting) before they hit the news. Gives an alert if more than 3500 people are listening to a particular scanner (usually there’s 500 at a maximum (usually Chicago PD) on any police/fire scanner)
We need common sense gas, fire, and explosions control.
No one *needs* three pounds of pinto beans.
NICS check for any purchase of Hormel Canned Chili from a FFL (Federal Flatulence Licence) dealer.
Close the cafeteria loophole! Anyone can walk in and get a big plate of broccoli!
Did you guys already discuss how many of you would the brunette in the picture for the last article or did I miss that?
Because would
With a beer in my other hand.
Just acknowledging her true evolutionary purpose.
Just out of curiosity from those that know, if she was a dude that fraternized and married a subordinate woman, would he be facing OTH discharge for sure?
UCMJ prescribes it, however I don’t know if it would be enforced differently.
I don’t know about marines, they tend to be more segregational than the other forces even whithin the enlisted ranks. The Army only seems to care if it’s between officer and enlisted, and only if the two aren’t married
The Army will now kick out an officer who marries an enlisted that was a subordinate and may even go after an officer who married an enlisted that was not.
Seems to depend on how it affects the unit. Running around making a show of it and negatively impacting unit cohesion? Done.
Keeping it quiet, out of sight, out of mind. Tends to not be hammered as hard.
If she was a dude that fucked a subordinate, he’d be facing more than mere fraternization. Court martial for sexual harassment, possibly sexual assault or rape because the of the superior rank.
The only thing shocking would be if she was only boning the one dude.
“We Dare You Find A More Thursday Set Of Links.”
We used to have em, they were THICC.
Now I’m hungry for some meatloaf. Not the musician, though. He sucks ass
You would do anything for loaf, but you won’t do that.
Strangely, I just made one.
Can I come over?
Sup Tres!
He just took a shit and you want to go see it? That’s sick.
I still request that the two of them get a room.
I’ve seen him live. He was great.
ColoradoMan requires holster & belt recommendations.
Fuckin’ Aurora.
Fucking Mark Levin taking up the need for a federal communications commission to oversee social media and data giants… because when you can’t trust corporations to behave ethically, and you can’t trust the media to cover their misdeeds, you can always trust a bunch of bureaucrats to hold them to account.
He strikes me as the type that once in power would put progressives into camps.
There is no remedy to this situation. The market can’t sort this out because it will not be allowed to. Tech giants control the Overton Window now and for the foreseeable future.
We have to violate free market principles to save the free market?
Anyone got lyrics and riffs for the Burqua Brawl?
Burqua Brawl!
Dianne Feinstein’s letter about Kavanaugh is probably from the same person who clued Harry Reid in that Mitt Romney never paid income taxes, like, ever.
Does Di have the pee tapes? Someone HAS TO have the pee tapes.
Michael Moore and Tom Arnold do.
Yeah, so they said, and then they GOT HIGH.
She has them. She’s the star.
Nobody wants to see that.
It looks like she gave it to the FBI just to update his background check. She had the letter for months and apparently didn’t share it with the other Dems. My guess is that the other Dems started to threaten to make a big deal out of it, so DiFi said fine, I’ll send it to the FBI. The background check angle is the only thing that makes sense as to why she sent it to the FBI, because otherwise it would be a local issue.
Local po-po just walked down my driving, doing a job I heartily approve of, for once – they’re chasing some scumbag tagger who hopped the back fence (unclear if was my fence or the neighbors).
One of the little shits full-on tagged a big plate-glass window at a local business last month.
Given the large, white vinyl fence at the back of my property butts up on a parking lot, I’m shocked it hasn’t been tagged (maybe vinyl won’t hold paint well?)
K9 unit out now. Doesn’t look good for local scumbag.
Does this mean Kesha and SugarFree are the same person?
What a bunch of squares. Everyone knows its spelled “Ke$ha”.
In the same style as A$AP FERG , for those with any interest.
[throws down smoke bomb, disappears]
BREAKING NEWS: They found Marijuana in Botham Jean’s apartment!
Nothing to see here, people. Let’s give the cop who shot him a raise and a promotion.
It’s her story now that she was executing a search warrant? Why were they searching his place when she’s the one under investigation? Does having a unionized Monopoly mean that the police only serve to protect themselves?
Police unions should be illegal.
“Police unions should be illegal.”
We may have eventually gotten there, too, except that shithead race baiters like Al Sharpton managed to make it all about race instead of police brutality.
Then why did she say she entered the wrong apartment?
I re-read my comment and saw that it looked like I was stating a fact, I was more joking about how her story keeps changing, and she gets a pass cause “cop”
If I were a PI on the case, first thing I’d want to know is how she knows the guy? Check his cell phone records.
“Attorneys not involved in the case say they believe that specific language about contraband and narcotics was included in the search warrant request because it is something that may have been in plain sight when in Jean’s apartment after he was killed by the officer.”
Yeah, thats a solid reason to put 2 rounds in his chest. Specially when it was dark.
And Id be willing to bet that there’s an evidence locker somewhere in DFW that’s missing about 10.4 g of weed.
So, she saw drugs lying around and that’s what convinced her she was indeed in her own apartment? This things stinks to hell and I hope for once, some justice is done, but we all know better.
I knew that was coming. Several of us predicted it a couple of days ago. I’d bet $1000 that the cops went back afterwards and planted it. I mean that’s never happened before except the several times cops here in Balmer were caught red handed at it.
I want to know WTF she was going in his apartment to start with.
To get money for an abortion….
OTOH….looks like she was trying to get her shit back:
1 black backpack with police equipment and paperwork
1 insulated lunch box
1 black ballistic vest with “police” markings
Where’d she bury the body of that blonde bitch who was trying to steal her man?
Nah, she was coming home from work, right? She dropped all of those items inside the apartment because she thought it was hers.
“because she thought it was hers.”
Right after she saw him and the blonde whore naked and smoking her weed.
So the ignorance of proper modern farming methods used to prevent erosion is over development? I don’t get it.
You’re not fooling me – this is from the Onion circa 2005.
Oh, what a piece of work:
“Asked whether he would release any of the interview tapes, Woodward told “CBS This Morning” on Thursday: “Well, if somebody really wants to challenge me, of course. Of course. But I — again, I’ve made agreements with people that these sources are going to remain confidential.”
So essentially, it’s “I told these people they could remain anonymous, unless you piss me off, then everyone gets outed. Nyah ! “
Dinner tonight was leftovers, but it was delicious so I feel like sharing.
Roast beef roll ups
Take thick sliced deli roast beef and lay out flat.
Add 1 slice Copper sharp american.
Add 4-5 slices of pepperoni.
Add a slice of mozzarela.
Roll up tightly and secure with a toothpick.
Brush on evoo and top with garlic, salt, and Italian seasoning (to taste)
Bake at 350 for @ 8 minutes.
The left overs were topped with some marinara & parmesan cheese when reheated. Delicious.
Followed by dessert IYKWIMAITYD.
Glass of bourbon.
I nuked My pot of Beans from last night for Lunch, always better the next day, Damn good, and Cheap!
The meatloaf I made earlier was for Jugsy.
I got diet beers, cheese slices, and pepperoni. And veggie dip for the game.
Go Ben-girls !
Have a Good Time!
I like the Violet eyes, Dusky, and sensual
Violet eyes, they’re watching you.
They see your every move.
*earworms self*
No, not just self.
Eh, could be worse.
I think most people would assume the death count is something like counting all the deaths between the time the hurricane arrives and left that were directly related to the event. Events like drowning or injurees in a collapsed building. Contracting diseases that aren’t treated sufficiently and dying months later may be related but saying those are people who died in the hurricane strikes me as a dishonest presentation.