Find out what you were doing wrong previously. And the time after that.
A while back there was a post where someone referenced the Digital Time that was proposed by the French Revolution. Well, arguments about our calendar are really useless.
Or are they.
Your calendar: The changeover of the day occurs at midnight. The changeover of the year occurs on 1 January.
Status: WRONG
This one is similar to the seasons example. Looking at the daylight as a sine wave (negative light? work with me here), starting the day at the peak of the negative is the same as starting winter on the day of the Winter Solstice. Again, looking at history, day used to begin at daybreak.1
Make 6AM the start of the new day. While we’re at it, start the hour count at that time. Noon is 0600, nominal sunset it 1200 and midnight (“middle of the night”) is 1800. Suddenly makes much more sense.
Oh, yeah. Notice the 24-hour clock notation in there? Who decided that we need to reset the clock again in the middle of the day? Why are there two 8 o’clocks every day? If you’re going to have 24 hours in a day, count them all, dammit!2
By the same token, the year starts at perihelion? Our time, human time, is based upon the days of the season rather than some arbitrary orbital milestone. Again, looking at the previous post’s graph (reproduced at right), the logical start of the new year is the Spring Equinox, the positive-going zero-crossing. Interesting that this date was used as the start of a new Presidential term in the early days of the Republic. The Romans (among others) used that date to start their year.
So again, there is a historical precedent.3
I can’t help but to be an engineer whose job is to “fix things.” Here’s a fix for something that you never knew was broken.
Now get off my lawn.
1. I think the Romans used this. No citiation.
2. Of all of my crackpot ideas, this would be the easiest to implement and the most certain to get the most screams; i.e.“Military Time!!” (the elimination of the BC/AD would be a very close second)
3. Well, I’ve gotten this far without a citation so you’re on your own.
I’ve always felt that my job as an engineer was to explain things to others in their terms.
The problem is that their terms end up with heavy objects falling faster and friction increasing with surface area and a host of other myths.
But I still try.
I…uh…I liked your motorcycle articles. This just confuses me. Though I maybe a lil drunk.
Sounds like a challenge.
Merely a way to coordinate activities, I wake at Dawn and sleep after Dark, unless I have an appointment Who really cares What time we even Call it?
One of the first things I do on a computer I’m using is set it 24-hour time. AM/PM is fine for casual speech but it sucks in every other instance.
^^^This times 1 million.
I date everything ISO8601: YYYY-MM-DD
I date military style DDMMMYYYY
YYYY-MM-DD is better for sorting.
Very genealogical of you.
GMT is another iffy thing. It’s good to have a baseline for the rest of the time zones, but it can be a mess because lots of military operations work in local time (zone appropriate) and then other references (sometimes in the same documents) will throw out Z – and if folks aren’t all on the same page one way or another, things get really complicated really quick. Even going back and looking at legacy documentation.
Make 6AM the start of the new day. While we’re at it, start the hour count at that time. Noon is 0600, nominal sunset it 1200 and midnight (“middle of the night”) is 1800. Suddenly makes much more sense.
I’ll have what the Hobbit is smoking because that makes no fucking sense in my current state.
“8 bells, Time for Supper” now you can be confused
Is he saying we start the new day at the time the sun is at its apex and call that 0600? So the date would change in the middle of the day everyday? And when did bells get into it?
Bells are a sailor thing, like sodomy and rum.
I have actually collected a pay check as a sailor and I know nothing of these bells. Sodomy and rum I am familiar with.
Here you go.
My favorite watch was the 4-8’s. You got to see the sunrise and the sunset. We did not ring bells and rarely blew a boatswains whistle although I still own one that was a gift when I made SNBM.
Don’t forget the lash, although I’ve heard that goes along with sodomy.
If you’re doing it right, anyway.
That goes without saying.
*gives BP the lash*
I think he’s saying just subtract 6 hours from the current reckoning. 6am becomes 0:00, noon becomes 06:00, etc.
aaah, I see you are smoking what the Hobbit is smoking.
Does anybody really know what time it is ?
03:35 or 03:54?
either 25, or 6 to 4
46 and 2 just ahead of me….
As long as I dont have to answer questions 67 & 68
Sup Tres!
/ Tall Cans! Forever!!!
Questions 67 and 68 show just how ancient Chicago (aka Chicago Transit Authority) the band is. Over 50!
I have no idea what those lyrics mean.
Don’t play with guns
/Terry Kath
Look around, leaves are brown.
And the skies are gray. Wait, what?
I’ve been for a walk, on a Summers day…..
or did I?
No, the sky is a hazy shade of winter!
You mixed two 60s songs up.
It took six comments to get to this?
I am disappoint.
I don’t really care.
It’s 4:30
So is 6 AM 0000 in your system? Does 0000 change with sunrise throughout the year?
Is noon 1200 no matter what? We would need some complex clocks.
For self-taught golfers, it is known:
a/ one sweeps the ball off the turf with a strike that passes the club-head through the ball on a line to the target
b/ this ideal sweep is achieved by the club-head bottoming out precisely as it hits the ball
c/ therefore, the hands, belt buckle, and club-head will pass under the nose precisely at strike.
Which reminds me: the eye cannot see what the mind does not already know;
which is why “golfers” can watch a pro swing, even in slow motion, and still not realize that the correct swing is violating all three points above.
I was grandfather-taught, and I know that’s not true. If there’s an axis passing through your feet, and another axis bisecting that such that it passes through the middle, you might position the ball somewhere between that intersection and the axis bisecting your leading foot depending on the club and the kind of shot you’re trying to make. Then again, the best swing is the one that works for you, and some pros have unorthodox swings that nevertheless get the job done, so who knows?
I chip with my Left leg waaay out, and come Around my body to land the ball left of my Left foot, and I’ll chip or put for dough to this day, even though I stopped playing 20 years ago…..
/Weird swings
How ’bout some brown sugar for your Tuesday night?
#6… imagine the possibilities.
never got past 6
packing for Jalisco now
I was expecting black.
#7 has eyebrows like she’s the offspring of Brooke Shields and Groucho Marx
I imagine… no possibility.
5, 9.
The Best models in the World Come from Zvezda in the Ukraine, with Tamiya from Japan in close second, followed by Hasagawa, also Japanese.
Who’d of thought the Ukrainians could do such masterful work.
/Disclaimer, Wingnut Wings out of New Zealand, does the most incredible WW1 planes I have ever seen, and you will pay through the nose for one
Wait… what kind of models are we talking about?!
Army Men, tanks, Artillery, you know me, I spent an hour trying to figure out how to assemble an AAA model from Poland, and decided to just blow them up, the instructions are worthless
“Who’d of thought the Ukrainians could do such masterful work.”
Have you seen their churches and Easter eggs?
True, and the molding Details for the plastics are the Best in the World, Details that i can paint because of the clarity of the mold, no lines, and instructions that make sense to a Westerner,
Man, it was pretty much all Airfix when I was a kid.
Too many mold lines, sanding little men is Stupid, I found Italieri to be pretty good
Don’t doubt it but stores in Australia were very Anglo-centric
I don’t have any experience with Zvezda, but I’ll agree with you about Tamiya and Hasagawa.
I’ve been building mecha and kaiju-kritters for >30 years and have seen amazing improvement from Bandai; their Perfect Grade line is top-notch.
So should there be 13 months?
Only one month but it will have twelve weeks. Each week will have about 4.3 days and the days will be 7 hours long each hour will be 24 minutes, minutes, of course, are 60 seconds, it’s really a no-brainer.
Fun fact:
“Originally, Mick Jagger wrote this as “Black Pussy.” He decided that was a little too direct and changed it to “Brown Sugar.”
My Brother always tought ” I bet your Mama was a tit show Queen”
I bet your Mama was a Tent Show Queen, is also the same, but tamer
Color me doubtful. See what I did there?
Speaking of Ukraine, do you know how many time zones there were in the Soviet Union?
no looking, 13
Guessing off the top of my head I am going to say………13?
That’s ridiculous.
it’s true
I think he said, “That is fucked”
That’s ridiculous.
10 megawatt transmitter, that’s YUUUGE!
The USSR was so far North, the distance between the time zones was not that big — maybe half the width of the time zones in the US which is still pretty fucking big.
Russia is a European country with Pacific islands.
13 seems appropriate.
You wouldn’t believe what fits into Russia .
Good thing I refreshed the page, now I have have to find some other amusing on point video.
SCTV was the best
It was Hey Giorgy!
I thought it was going to be a scene from IT.
I started that movie, but never finished it.
The original or the new one? I like them both.
Uzbek’s have drank your battery fluid !
I am so happy to know this board contains so many other SCTV aficionados. Here I thought I was the only one!
It is nice to dream about settling in a wilderness area anywhere in NE Russia….but it’s Russia…not the US. Geography/location/setting is great, but everything else (esp gov’t type stuff would probably be a nightmare). Logistics would probably be a little more inconvenient too – from initial construction to network, anything else.
I know trolling when I see it.
Pineapple deep dish?
I for one welcome year one in this the month of Thermidor
Lobsters, however, would likely disagree.
So would anyone with good taste. Lobster thermidor is an abomination.
It’s for people who don’t like lobster.
People who don’t like lobster are the pedophiles of people.
Gay pedophiles at that.
Did you know Helen Keller wasn’t just blind, she was color blind, too?
Color blind? Helen Keller could feel your face and tell if you were Mongoloid, Negroid or Caucasoid.
By the way, Helen Keller is my second cousin, twice removed.
So…the Vatican ?
People who like lobster thermador are the Catholic Priests of people.
Fromaire FTW, you Heathen
Sunrise and sunset change continuously through out the year. Local noon and midnight stay the same (fuck time zones) so they make better markers for starting a day. Starting the day at midnight makes more sense than starting the day at noon.
You’re not going to get the trains to run on time with that attitude.
Local noon and midnight stay the same
No they don’t. They drift (in a regular pattern) by about a half hour throughout the year. If memory serves, the earliest noons are in November and the latest in February.
Look at this graph of the sunrise and sunset times of Quito, Ecaudor, and note it’s a wavy line, not a straight line.
Boss: I know your shift ends at 11, but how late can you stay?
Me: …….. 11.
Why even keep to a 12 hour scheme then? Thailand uses a clock that divides the day into 4 periods of 6 hours each.
The valiant, glorious and true Mexicans are taking on the evil, colonialist oppressors and their racist Nazi leader on ESPN.
May the hateful, illegitimate, nation of bigots be struck down just as they were on this day 17 years ago.
/too much?
TL;DR – Commieball, US vs. MEX.
You noticed that Russia and China chose to initiate their joint wargames today?
The emergent Sino-Russo Empire gingerly takes its first steps toward world domination.
I thought the Russians have been trying to subjugate China for 500 years. Seem like odd allies.
It’s all part of Trumputitler’s master plan.
At least the crowd is a little more balanced than usual.
Red card for Mexico.
Fuck Yeah
I came for the article but stayed for the citations.
/befuddled reader
Kinky. Or keeper.
In honor of 9/11 I would like to celebrate the patriot act, the AUMF, never ending wars in the middle east that now have a semblance of co congressional approval, NSA spying that will never end, FISA courts, drone bombing of an American citizen, a destabilized Iraq, the creation of ISIS, and my brother spending a year and a half in Iraq getting traumatized and disillusioned. Yeah team America! We really stuck it to those Saudi terrorists who flew planes into our cities.
Fuck Yeah
Team America ??: Fuck Yeah!
The Yemen conflict is tight, yo.
What the fuck you talking about? There ain’t no genocide in yemen.
The turning point was invading Iraq. I think most people were on board with the retaliation against Afghanistan (even though we continued to give Saudi and Pakistan a reach around). But when the invasion of Iraq was announced I definitely scratched my head.
As the Afghani conflict has worn on forever, the Iraq war was a failure from the start and we’ve continued to give Saudi and Pakistan a reach around (not to mention all the domestic spying you mentioned et. al.) it is disillusioning.
Our “leaders” fail and fail and fail, yet we keep sending them back. I always thought Bush missed a huge chance to actually bring the nation together by striking a blow against Afghanistan, coming home and focusing on rebuilding domestically. Instead his cabal of nation-building, war-boner assholes fucked everything up.
9/11 certainly was a watershed moment; a completely different country emerged from it. I suppose I’ll reserve judgement on whether it’s better or worse.
It’s worse.
Also, I was 13 years old and locked in juvenile prison when it happened. I don’t really know what I thought of it at the time, but I know that anyone who knows now what should have been known then knows that every war America is fighting right now is based on bullshit.
Damn. That sounds like an article….
I was standing one block away from the WTC smoking my pre-work cigarette and looking up at the one tower on fire when I saw the second plane hit and bolted.
“This is fuckin’ war” also occurred to me.
Holy shit, you witnessed the second plane?
I saw it on TV, but you were a block away??? That’s crazy.
Yep. Could have been worse 🙁
If I wasn’t late to work I would have been trapped in the office for hours. Instead, I walked home to Queens.
Damn, dude.
Also. Had a debate at work this afternoon about what round is right and proper to kill hogs with.
My opinion.
Are 7.62 x 39 or 300 blk?
Looks like 30-06 in a Garand clip
Pomp knows
I only shot a Garand one time and I won’t forget it soon. Garand was the finest Canadian inventor of all time.
Get one.
Mine is a 1943 model Winchester. It was rebuilt in 1964 at the red river army depot in Texas. It has a damn near brand new LMR barrel, original walnut stock, half minute of angel iron sights, and a beautiful time appropriate bayonet.
Buy you one. If for nothing else, it’s a good conversation piece after you research where all the parts came from.
Beautiful choice if you are going to eat your kill. Otherwise I suggest:
When you want to job done overkill call the FA.
Wide meplat, 45-70, 45 LC, 475 linebaugh, etc.
OT: bah ha, tonight Bernie Sanders’ loser son got an embarrassing 2% of the vote in his bid for Dem nominee for one of NH’s US House seats. Maybe next time, slugger.
I’d like to thank the good people of New Hampshire for recognizing a socialist when they see one.
The Dem nominee ran TV ads hyping a need for universal healthcare and fighting climate change.
He goes against an Afro-American Republican fella that opposes bump stock bans, isn’t afraid to carry scary black pew pew murder rifles in photos, and pays lip service to the 10th amendment.
Should be interesting.
Fire up the popcorn maker. I’ll be over for election night.
Stop with the Auto downloads please, I have enough Bullshit on my PC as it is………
Alternate Mrs. Chafed.
Yeah linked downloads aren’t cool. I can only blame it on kid so many times
I’m not clicking anymore,to me, it’s worse than an HM link, no warning, not cool at all, and my Wife knows what I look at, so find another excuse,
How did you get my wife’s photo.
Sorry I wasn’t able to reply to your comments sooner. Been caught up with events leading to daughter #3’s wedding on Friday.
My intent with these rants was to try to make folks think about common things a bit differently. Someone decided when Spring starts and someone else can certainly change it. Thinking about things “outside the box” can be a fun mental exercise.
… Hobbit
I enjoyed the series!
Thanks Hobbit. Good read and made me smile.
Good stuff Hobbit