But what about the roads in Libya?
Roads? What are roads?
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
I couldn’t get my car to run on banana peels and aluminum cans. Maybe next year.
Did you try turning it off and then on again?
Check the thermostat
One of those things we can only do together, under the guiding hand of government.
Libya, the new leader in modern prison reform?
Libya! Come for the prison, stay for the modern-day slave auctions in downtown Tripoli!
…you can thank Hillary later
I have no doubt she’d win the popular vote there.
I have a meeting to possibly fire my contractor Wednesday. What kind of contractor is your cousin?
He does general reconstruction work.
So updates and renovation type stuff? I don’t mean to be indelicate, but would you hire him to work on your home?
I’d personally trust him, but then, he’s my cousin. I can give you his contact info and you can ask about work examples.
Cool. The admins have my email if you want to send me his information through them. Thanks.
Congrats on your Demons
Thanks. I was honestly a bit surprised
I was surprised by the margin. And hawthorn looks beatable
Of course, they still have a ways to go yet…
Also, sorry about your Blues. I hope they get a few players who can add to their team.
Here’s hoping
Go Pies! I will not be awake at 6am to watch that.
I have always maintained that slavery will never go away, even when manual labor is less efficient than automation, simply because of the status symbol and power trip of owning another person.
Also as long as so many countries proudly resist “western” values.
So Biden was right?
Hundreds escape jail as fighting rages in Libya’s Tripoli
Do you know who else fought in Tripoli?
No, wait, that was Tunis.
Card players?
Jason Bourne and that dude on the scooter?
That was Tangier, Morocco
The United States Marine Corp?
From the revenge of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli…..
William Bainbridge?
The United States vs The World – Who Would Win?
Haven’t made it all the way through, but this paints our capabilities in a very positive light. It seems to leave out a lot (like weapons we may have, as suggested by people connected to people I know who are in the know…and, of course, armed populace) because it sticks to modern conventional and known weapons and professional military and, of course, presents an overall strategic viewpoint discounting everything that can (and will) go wrong. But interesting scenario nonetheless.
How many divisions does the Taliban have?
How many provinces are there in Afghanistan?
It basically discounts the ability of any nation or coalition to even bring an attack to the U.S. borders, so really there is no need to discuss an armed populace.
The big flaw in this scenario is the assumption of no nukes. If “the world” were to attack the U.S., it would have to consider nukes in its plan. Even if nukes were verboten at first, it would quickly become apparent that nukes would be necessary to stop U.S. forces from gaining controller of certain areas or to threaten the homeland and intimidate the U.S. from exerting extended power.
With the rules of the wargame precluding sneak attacks, the world’s best chance would be to embroil U.S. forces in low intensity conflict around the globe, stretching domestic support for fighting such regional and relatively (taken individually) unimportant conflicts to the limit.
It basically discounts the ability of any nation or coalition to even bring an attack to the U.S. borders
I do no think this is discounted as much as it is shown to be not necessarily likely.
The big flaw in this scenario is the assumption of no nukes.
Except that nukes would be our downfall, as well. It precludes the possibility of a non-nuclear conflict because a nuclear conflict could easily mean world destruction. Within current conventional war, I think the premise (US military superiority) is at least plausible. I do NOT support military adventurism or constant military intervention in foreign conflicts, but I can acknowledge that this activity by the powers that be has resulted in relative military superiority of our country.
On the radio this morning an Afghanistan war expert said we are pretty close to a “peace with honor” (i.e. surrender) end with the Taliban. To update Stripes, it sounds like we soon might be 16-2.
IOW, we can lose without having to fight the whole world.
I have a narrator marching with an army inland from the coast to meet up with another force at a site where a plot battle will happen. I have no idea how far inland the battlefield is, how fast the army is marching, or, most importantly, how long they have to march.
I only have to decide on the last value that works reasonably. I have no idea why it’s making me think too much about the issue.
Are they wearing their marching gloves ?
Look up Stonewall’s foot Calvary.
Where are they marching? Will they be stopping for say… fried chicken or to rape, pillage and loot? What season is it? Do they have enough cigarettes? Did anyone forget there phone charger cord? Details, we need details.
*their……jesus, I am not even drunk yet.
@ Last American Hero
Costco occasionally runs a $150 discount on the generators. Save another $50 by picking the one without the generator cord included (exact same model generator) and pick the cord up at HF instead. At least that was the pricing a couple years ago.
If there was a research grant involved they would have counted the toes and divided by eight to confirm and then blamed it on global warming.
It’s like an F-111 had a baby with an F-16. And the F-111 is like the retarded cousin of the F-14. So it was probably rape. ///AIRSMITH
That’s definately a plane out of the 70s/80s.
They all are…
It’s not like they did any original design.
It’s easier to steal 40 year old technology.
Actual footage of it landing
Great movie.
I don’t see the F-111 in it.
Zardoz knows not of AirSmith or SpaceSmith, the latter becoming ever more relevant.
No, it’s just a slightly uglier Mirage F-1
Star Trek: The Libertarian Edition
That was SO misleading. I thought Nintendo was coming out with a version of Quake!
I got a Switch for the kids, but it’s mine after they go to bed.
US men’s soccer v Brazil… more farcical than usual. I get the deliberate manufacturing of an anti-US atmosphere – happens every time they play in the US. But gifting Brazil with a blatantly bullshit penalty – that’s carrying it a little too far.
Did Neymar dive?
They have to upgrade the Python skit to ‘what has America ever done for us?’
No, someone else did. But of course Neymar took the penalty.
(One of my rule changes would be the fouled player has to take the penalty kick.)
Who’s the fouled player if it’s a handball in the box?
I’m still working out the kinks…
I thought that was Creosote’s job.
That’s the most complicated gay porn plot I’ve ever heard.
“there are two types of nations: today that care about soccer, and those that have landed men on the moon.”
*those not today. Jeebus stoopit fone
Trump does Trump.
“As a fellow citizen, not as a former president, but as a fellow citizen I am here to deliver a simple message,” Obama said. “You need to vote because our democracy depends on it.”
Obama went on to take multiple shots at Trump, saying that not voting this November will result in “dire consequences.”
Trump responded during a campaign rally, saying that he “fell asleep.”
“I’ve found he’s very good, very good for sleeping,” Trump said.
Trump took another shot at Obama while reading off some of his accomplishments to the crowd, asking the audience, “Isn’t this much more exciting than listening to President Obama’s speech?”
“Because we get things done,” Trump said.
Can he idk… die quietly, peacefully, but suddenly?
Which one?
Libya burns meanwhile that piece of shit Obama is putzing around talking about divisiveness (which he contributed to) and speciously taking credit for a solid Trump economy.
This guy keeps forcing me deep into the nether-regions of my soul to find new ways to loathe him – and Trudeau.
As far as I can remember in my lifetime, no one has done more to reignite racial division than Obama. I mean I really believe that racial divide and racism was almost an afterthought until this divisive asshole got the helm. What a detestable piece of shit.
People will say it’s not him it’s white people who couldn’t accept a black man in power that just brought the racial divide back into the spotlight and he couldn’t do anything about it.
Right, noone accused GWB of let NOLA sink because he hated black people, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson haven’t been race-baiting since the 80’s. Where do you live that racial tension was a thing of the past until 2008? I’m 48, racial issues have been a thing my entire life Barry didn’t reignite anything. He might have thrown some gas on the fire but come on, it’s like the Brennen’s a commie or McCain blew up an aircraft carrier schtick, you undermine any argument you might have with the hysteria.
The point, I think, is for a guy depicted to be a uniter, he didn’t rise to that occasion when the opportunity presented itself.
I don’t think he purposefully was divisive (I don’t agree him brining his pals to the White House to be a bad thing given, you know, he earned that right) but he sure as hell was no Lightbringer.
Just my impression from afar.
I don’t think he purposefully was divisive
Ask the so-called bitter clingers about that.
That is all true except that Brennan IS a commie so that negates the rest of your point.
And I will expand on that since The Hyperbole won’t take the bait. Did Brennan vote for Gus Hall? Yes he did. Do I believe it was just a youthful transgression because he didn’t identify as a Republican or Democrat? Fuck no. People who make a career of government have been paying attention their whole lives and I won’t believe otherwise. He knew what he was doing and knew Hall was the USSR’s backed man in the US. Does John Brennan love big government and a surveillance state that can do what it wants like in the former USSR? you betcha. He had his CIA spy on Senate staffers for Obama. Does Brennan support liars and political hacks in the Justice Department? He loves them. Was Brennan the one pushing the Steele dossier around the beltway? Yes he was. And he pushed it to another person of the same ilk. One recently buried John McCain. The ones who want a heavy handed unconstitutional surveillance state unaccountable to anybody are all commies and throw in voting for Gus Hall, ya, Brennan is a fucking commie.
All right I’ll take this bait. If Brennan was ‘paying attention his whole life’ then he would know that voting for the commie would be a career killer. Was he playing Trump Chess™ before Trump? If he knew what he was doing he would have pretended to be a god fearing upright conservative, that’s how a commie would have acted in the mid-seventies. He may be an asshole and politically aligned with people you detest but as I’ve said before labeling him a commie lessens the meaning and the slur against actual commies.
I’m kind of between Hyperion & Hyperbole – I think he did a lot to diminish race relations and absolutely nothing to help them. All he had to do was point out that he never would’ve been elected without a fair amount of white support to at least shift relations a little, but even that was too much.
On my drive home I heard a bit of his speech. I especially liked the jabs at Trump about harming the media. Nobody was a bigger shit bag toward anyone who printed a negative thing about him or leaked anything out of his administration than Obama. He let loose the FBI on them. The man is a world class pos but the true believers know nothing of it and or would believe it if you told them. Obama worshipers are scary people. They are the kind of people who shoot up congressional baseball practices.
Can I just ask some you gun nuts out there… what’s the best home defense pistol? I don’t currently own one, but am looking into it. What do you guys recommend? Price is not an issue. Quality is.
Deep dish with avocado.
Seriously, though. Get a short boom stick in 12 gauge. Pick the load that’s most appropriate for your living situation. I remember you saying something about a condo, so be mindful of that.
Are you being serious? I’m not actually in a condo, it’s a flat, so the entire 3rd floor in the building. I was just thinking because I’ve always only owned rifles, but was wondering if I need something I just lay on my nightstand and grab immediately.
You can rest a shotgun against your nightstand. With the right number shot over penetration is not an issue.
Years ago my dad was flying out of the country regularly and was nervous about mom being alone. Answer was a 12 gauge w pistol grip.
Yep. Pistol grip and folding stock.
Fist time I’ve got my wife talking seriously about this. My first thought was a pistol, never even thought about shotgun. Myself I’ve always thought of home defense as max rounds like AR-15 or other rifles with magazines.
Why? The army isn’t going to invade, it’s gonna be a punk with a Saturday night special. Seriously, what you want is twelve gauge shotgun. With pistol grip
So, I hear. I guess I just always thought that Bumfuckistan is going to invade me and I need at least 15 shots in 10 seconds or less and then replace my magazine. Haven’t you ever watched Bruce Willis movies? Really, the point is that wife is afraid of scary rifles, and I need something for her that can fend off a home invasion. You guys are the best on this stuff, and that’s why I am asking. I’ve just now in the last week gotten her to come around to how Americans view self defense. And it seems she can get free training at work in firearms, but I think it’s going to be handguns, as she’s security, not top level active shooter.
If her work is giving her handgun training look at the lady smith line of revolvers.
If it’s just a bedside gun, I’d go heavier than LadySmith for dampening the recoil. Like a 686 or GP100 with a .38 load.
I lived with a 686 for years: it’s too heavy for most folks to bring to bear easily. My wife’s six foot and can barely handle it (meaning: hold it up; the recoil is negligible on the huge L-frame).
Maybe the new .327Mag with a four-inch barrel or the LCR would be better; that would jump around a lot more, but at least someone with little upper body strength can point it in the right direction.
Forgive my indifference to recoil; once you decide a semi is too risky or complicated, the extra recoil (and the delay between rounds) just becomes part of the equation.
I have this:
Are you assuming that you will always be home, or is your wife going to handle it too?
If you have the entire floor, there’s less of a problem with neighbor casualties.
FWIW, I’d rather not have my wife handling a handgun in a high stress situation. Plus, a boom stick is far more intimidating. One shot, one incapacitation.
Hell you don’t even need ammo with a 12g. The sight of it alone usually wins the argument, and if nothing else you can club the other guy to death with it.
*You should have ammo*
Yes. I’m assuming she might use it when I am not at home.
Depends. Do you have a dish on the side?
Would that be a deep dish?
“Would that be a deep dish?”
No. And if it was, it would not be a deep dish. It would be a THICC dish. But, no.
this shows #4 can get through a stud wall, so #6 is implied
I wouldn’t figure it to spread much across a bedroom, though, even from a short barrel
That’s what I have… #6 loaded in my mossberg 590
Man, that’s like a ‘vi vs. emacs’ question.
The correct answer is butterflies.
Personally, I’d prefer something that with an ample capacity but not enough power to blow your eardrums out (since you may be firing it inside, after all). I think a 9mm semi-auto fits the bill.
The only ones I can attest to myself are the CZ-75 series and the Taurus PT-92. My brother has a SIG P226 and loves it, also.
I like automatics if you are proficient with handguns. If not, keep it simple.
I was thinking 9mm.
Handgun take more skill and provide less power. Unless you’re going to carry on person, seriously look at a shotgun.
“My brother has a SIG P226 and loves it, also.”
I was looking at that one. Experience wise, zero, I only own long guns. We had a home invasion in the hood a couple days ago, and it turned out well for the homeowners, but sort of made me start thinking more about home defense.
For reliability, easy of use and cheap ammo I would recommend the Ruger gp100 or Smith & Wesson 686 in .357 mag. You can shoot cheap 38 special for practice and load it with magnums for defense. A pump 12 gauge is always good for HD too, mossberg 500 is what you want.
Moss 500 is perfect. Or a Mav 88, if you want to save some coin. Same platform, but without a cross bolt safety.
And, if you’re not familiar, there’s a term in electronics and gun forums. WAF, or Wife Acceptance Factor. I’d rather my wife come downstairs with a 12 gauge, although I’ve trained her well with a 9mm.
True. If you need a WAF shotgun a youth model 20gauge is acceptable
Mossberg 590 Shockwave in 20ga, if your state allows it.
Also, for handguns generally. The one you can accurately fire.
Do you know anything about the chinese knock off mossbergs? I don’t remember the brand but I have seen them at gun shows. They are cheap as chips and wondering if they were worth a shit.
i Don’t, but I do know mossberg is a standup company and their shotguns legendary. I own a Remington 870, but understand their quality has dropped.
I don’t like the stock config on the 870.
Sometimes, my friends and I go skeet shooting with street sweepers, just for the fun of it. I hit every time with the Mossberg, but there’s something about the way the 870 lines up on my shoulder. And I’m not the only one.
I converted mine to a collapsible stock for HD and put a short barrel. Now I use an AR15 for HD so don’t really use to shotgun for anything now. I want to get an O/U for skeet.
The Maverick 88 is the value version of the Mossberg. Same manufacturer, though. I’ve never seen the Chinese shit, and I wouldn’t touch it for a number of reasons, including ATF import laws.
Perhaps that is what I have seen. I know nothing of ATF import laws and assumed a shotgun that looked like a mossburg 500 for super cheap was chink. Everything I buy super cheap is. This was a legit gun show and they would not be selling anything that was not legal. Hell, in CO you have to get a background check at shows even for purchases from a private seller. It works out well for the dealer putting on the show charging $25 for a background check.
Getting a recommendation for a gun from a friend is like getting a recommendation for a wife from a friend. After you have narrowed the recommendation for a gun go to the range and shoot a few different ones. I keep a hidden S & W 629 .44 mag. Hope I never have to use it in defense.
How many wives did you shoot before finding the right one?
Right gun or right wife? Stuck with the first gun, changed wives though
Your loyalty is in the right place.
Get the one that doesn’t run off and shoot minorities while you’re sleeping.
My wife never ran off to shoot minorities.
Why not take home defense advice from the expert himself?
LOL, I’d like to shoot that guy with one. Not saying you should to that, but it would be immensely enjoyable. Probably lead to the best orgasm ever.
Ask this guy.
I can’t find the video I was looking for. But he does have one where he submits that the AR or something similar is the best home defense firearm because of its precision.
Less so because of precision then of the bullet less likely to kill your child after it penetrates a drywall sheet.
Fuck. “Then” s/b “than.”
Precision? How big is your house where you need precision? Might be handy if you are shooting them in the front yard from the second story I guess.
STI double stack in .45 or if you like more “stock” firearms, a Glock 35.
Also, handguns are great but pistol bulets (even 9mm) tend to go through walls retaining a lot of energy, potentially endangering inhabitants on the other side. 5.56×45 will lose a lot more energy through drywall. Also lighter shotgun shells are good.
But if you are good with a handgun it cannot be beat for maneuverability and accuracy indoors, not to mention time to first shot on target is much faster with a handgun
Deep dish pizza w/pineapple
Are you trying to start a war?
Pineapple on pizza is an abomination but this….this is just….vomits.
Little Seizures has its place. And that place is that it never seems like a sound decision until way past midnight, and Tres is really drunk.
Also, Ive never been to one that wasnt behind like 4″ of laminate glass.
Little Seizures.
“petit mal”
I could go for a petite moll.
I will agree with Joe Biden and the gang here, a shotgun is a damn good home defense weapon. I like the pump action because if you awaken to the sound of someone trying to break in a pump from a 12 gauge in a quiet house is an immediate notice to get the fuck out, if they want some after that come and get it. A number of years ago I was living in the downstairs room of my grandma’s here in SF and I woke up to noises at the garage door at 3am. Sure enough I walked out to the garage and I could hear someone trying to pry the door open. One shell rack from the Mossberg ringing out loud and they took off.
My father in law has a German drilling rifle. That would be fun for home defense.
Biden is a retarded moron.
Retard Joe: “Just get a shot gun and shoot them through the door!”.
Mrs Retard: “Joe, what was that noise? Where’s our pizza?”.
Retard Joe: “Oh, shit, that was the pizza guy? Let met see… the pizza doesn’t have any shot in it, no worries, I’m a former senator and VP, let’s eat this pizza”.
So that’s what happened to Seth Rich?
If that means that Hillary had him murdered, then yeah, I’d say it’s that.
Talk about “go away already”. He’s got a commercial going non-stop about voting the D slate or some shit.
Even retarded morons are sometimes right.
Thank you.
IMHO? A big dog. Seriously, I’m sitting next to a locked cabinet full of guns, but if I’m upstairs in bed and hear someone kicking the door in it’s doubtful that I can get to the locker, unlock it, and get a weapon out in time. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure that the sight and sound of two 80+ pound scary-lookin’ dogs has had an impact on ne’er-do-wells in the neighborhood. Over the past few years we’ve had houses on our street broken into and shady characters are always doing the “free window estimate” shit to canvas houses, but we barely get Jehovah’s Witnesses.
For that matter, a small yappy dog is a living alarm system, and just the sound of a dog making a racket will convince some people to pick another target.
I don’t get it. Why? I have a rifle standing against the wall, safety off, near my nightstand. For the last 40 years.
That being said, I’m ready to install cameras and motion detector alarms all over the house.
My wife got me one of those Ring motion-activated cameras, and it’s fantastic. The range is actually good all the way to the sidewalk from my front door and covers the entire width of the yard. My neighbor across the street has had two cars stolen in the past two years, and the camera actually will activate as far out as his car in the street. I have the app on my phone and it sends me straight to the live feed whenever the motion sensor trips, and I paid for the 30 day cloud storage for the video. Shoot, I use it when I’m home as much as when I’m gone because I can immediately see if I should bother answering the door.
Also, with Halloween around the bend, it’s got two-way audio, which opens up a world of possibilities.
My buddy was extolling the virtues of his Blink cameras a couple weekends ago. Waterproof and wireless (battery-operated) is a tempting combo.
I’ve heard good stuff about them. This one I’ve got has a proprietary battery, but they make models that either go into regular plugs or can be wired directly. For the price, I’m considering getting two or three more to cover the whole house.
Well, for one thing, people who break into houses tend to avoid houses that have dogs. For another, the dog’s there when you aren’t. For a third, I don’t know what your layout is but in my bedroom, with a window unit running and my wife’s white noise machine going, I can’t hear shit downstairs. The dogs can, though, and I’ve rarely if ever been able to get up to my front door never mind inside the house without at least one of the dogs barking like I’m trying to kick the door in.
So, my point is that, setting aside that for reasons of wife and toddler I can’t keep guns in our bedroom, even if I had a pistol in my nightstand I might not hear someone breaking in. Having two huge, territorial, high-strung biting machines means that I know when someone’s in my yard (or on the sidewalk, or down the street sometimes) and, if worst came to worst, the dogs can buy me time to get to a weapon. And I can’t stress enough that if you think the psychological impact of hearing someone rack a shotgun is dissuasive, imagine two angry dogs losing their minds on the other side of the door.
Damn, I’m sold. We had always had two or three dogs when I was a kid. An indoor ankle biter and an outdoor big dog (Golden retrievers, labs, collies). No one would’ve been stupid enough to break into our house. That and the fact we had deer carcasses hanging in our open garage every fall.
Yeah, sure, totally different situation. We’re the only ones on the third floor of a building. We mostly go to bed at the same time and when we don’t, it’s me up. I do not want dogs in a flat. It’s creepy dead silent here when we are in bed with all the TVs, everything off. I’m getting ready to install cams and motion alarms, but I most definitely want a gun at my side. Also, didn’t mention, only wife and I, no children. I almost always sleep light, like the slightest of noise will wake me. I remember years ago when my son was out after just reaching his age of majority 18 years. I had given him his first key. I heard someone come through the front door and I had my rifle in hand and up on my feet in seconds. My current ex GF was like ‘Hey, Mr. Hyperion, it’s your son, don’t shoot him!’. I’m like that. Still have not shot anyone and hope I never have to.
If you don’t want dogs, then I understand. I just find the whole self defense thing interesting because I don’t really worry about. The only home invader I have to worry about is a drunken salary man mistakenly passed out in my genkan. Hasn’t happened to us yet, but it certainly happens.
This guy gets it. The dog has been with man since the very beginning. I’ve read papers that posit that, while man domesticated the dog, the dog also domesticated man. If you look at homo sapiens sapient, it becomes obvious: we sleep all night and have lost sensitivity in all the major senses except touch.
Did you know that canines and humans are the only two species on earth that have evolved to be long distance runners?
“I have read papers…”
Sounds familiar
Speaking of which, what are Glibs view on distributed gun lockers/cabinets/safes? Thinking about satellite locker in the bedroom closet.
I’m not a gun nut. I’ll have one when living where I think I need one, can’t stand the discomfort /weight of CC or even open carry, etc. So maybe I’m not the guy to answer. But it seems to me that if you feel the need to have multiple stashes around the house, you’re either more pessimistic than I, or need to move to a better neighborhood. Of course, I am physically able to defend myself, many people can’t. I also carry, 24/7, a rather nasty one-hand opening knife that I use for work so am well practiced and quick with.
Pshaw, we’re libertarians – our stately manors mean that having just one gun safe could involve quite a bit if traveling.
*grumble* – stupid closing tags
Not a bad neighborhood, but a bit rural so random yobos is more of a concern. Single level ranch style house with a B&E able to come in anywhere makes the single safe possibly inaccessible.
I’m in a similar situation. The home defense gun is in the master bedroom. My carry gun is locked up in the master bedroom whenever I’m not wearing it. Everything else is stored unloaded in the basement. If there’s a break-in, I’m concerned about life and limb, which means protecting the back 2 bedrooms. If somebody breaks in during waking hours, we’re in a bit more of a bind.
I can just leave loaded guns laying around. The toddler would be into them in an instant. The only unlocked gun is the shotgun, and it’s well out of reach for her (and a tough reach for my wife). This is a quiet enough area, and we don’t have nice stuff, so we’re playing the odds that there isn’t going to be a daylight home invasion.
Can’t *
The joke in my house is that my wife and I live in what amounts to two separate worlds divided by height. I’ve got about a foot on her, and while my daughter is a climber and has mastered the concept of dragging things over to stand on them, I could probably mount some of my long guns and know they’re safely out of her reach. In my case, my wife is the stumbling block. She’s in a “guns are bad” phase, so even “good” guns like my Enfield can’t live outside of the locker.
I have a somewhat similar issue. My wife isn’t anti-gun per se , but she doesn’t really like them. I put two bicycle hanger hooks in the wall above the closet door and that’s where the shotgun lives. I put a piece of plywood down like a shelf so that it obscures her view of the gun, which seems to make her less uncomfortable.
I like that idea. On the inside of the closet I assume?
I’m for it, but growing up my dad always had a few loaded pistols stashed around the house. His bedroom of course, but also the TV room, which was a finished basement with those ground-level windows type of thing. He had a pistol hanging on a nail in the back of a This End Up chair he’d sit in. He had a perfect view through those windows of anyone coming to our actual front door. Everyone who knew us came in through the kitchen door on the side.
I’ve got a kid, so having guns not locked up isn’t really an option, and since I’ve only got one locker that means if I were in our bedroom and someone broke in they’d be between me and my guns. I’m interested in picking up one of those disguised single-gun lockers, like the ones that look like a shelf but if you flip a catch it opens up and there’s a pistol inside type of thing. I’d thought about one of those boxes you mount on the wall with a keypad or something like that, but that wouldn’t fly with the wife, and I’d prefer something that looked like actual furniture.
How about the old smith and Wesson in the hollowed out Bible trick?
I like the Bond element of having a shelf with a secret pistol drawer. Also, there’s the chance that I could install the thing and not tell my wife what it is, and then one day when she goes on an anti-gun rant, pop open the drawer and say, “It’s been here the whole time and nothing bad happened.” And, really, she’d think it was less weird that I’d just get really excited about a floating shelf in the bedroom than if I showed up with a K-frame-sized Bible with a lock on it.
Yea if you’re trying to ease her into the idea and aren’t super religious the Bible might be weirder than the new furniture.
I think she’d see the Bible and say, “Why do you have a Bible? What’s going on? Is…oh my God, did you buy another gun?!”
“What?! No, no, I’ve owned this gun for years…”
No kids, except for visiting relatives, but wifey is convinced that not locking up firearms is unsafe. My personal feeling is that unless you’re building a disguised bank vault, it puts all of the eggs into one very large steal me basket.
Something like this
I like that there’s a key backup. That’s pretty small, but if you’re only stickin’ like a shotgun and a pistol or two in there, maybe spare mags and some ammo, that seems like it would be a good option.
My wife is the same way, and I tend to agree with you. I’ve got a cheap Stack-On locker that I had to get real quick once Princess Naptown started figuring out how to open the closet, and I’d like something bigger and sturdier but I’m limited by space and, frankly, funds. Once we move out of this place and into the next long-term house, I’ll probably invest in a nice safe.
Not if you install it correctly – e.g., properly lag bolted into the wall and floor. They’d need a Armored Recovery Vehicle to steal it if it’s installed that way.
Free-standing, yes, you’re asking for trouble.
. I’d thought about one of those boxes you mount on the wall with a keypad or something like that
This is what I have in the closet for my carry gun. In a pinch, I could probably have it out of there in 15 or 20 seconds, but I’m reaching for the shotgun when I hear a bump in the night.
I was thinking something like this.
Ooh, that would be nice. Mine isn’t quite so fancy
Quite a bit more overhead than a shotgun or AR but, yes, a good-sized dog will see off anyone looking for a casual target. If someone is truly targeting you a dog won’t stop them, but that’s a far different, and less likely, scenario.
For your bedroom nightstand or your wife’s when your not home I would choose a revolver. Smith or Ruger at leat 38sp. You need simple to operate, effective, and reliable. The shotgun is much more effective than almost any pistol, but they have issues with size and appearance day to day and are hard to keep close because of this. If your wife or you are concerned about moving a loaded double barrel or pump around every time you clean the bed room it might be a problem. A pistol can be in a drawer next to the bed until you need it.
My situation. I have a pistol next to my bed to get me to my 45 in my drssser in case I need to sweep the house. I have a 12 ga pump in my closet for my wife to take to the in bedroom bathroom to call the cops from if I’m away from home.
This assumes that Lemmy doesn’t get them first.
Having a Lemmy attack intruders would be sufficient, I imagine. I hear that’s a war-crime in some jurisdictions.
His bark and bite are impressive and he loves his mommy.
Awww! He looks like he’s mastered the art of cute-ing his way out of trouble.
I saw it, Bill
Behold, defender of the realm:
Man there’s some character in that face.
What are the other 3 visible in that picture for?
Dog walker, twice a week, for when I go to the office. Those are other members of her walking pack. The walker sends pics, which are often great.
What a camera hound. 😉
Last one, I promise, but maybe my favorite:
I’ve buried too many dogs. Just can’t go through it again. Beautiful pup.
I will be a mess when she passes. Hopefully in quite a number of years. Hybrid vigor FTW.
When Lemmy goes my wife will be a mess for a very long time. He is 8 now so I hope we get 4-5 more years at least.
Well, shit, dog pic time:
Those are some good looking pups. Is Carmen’s shirt just fashion or something else?
Don’t forget a mini mag light next to the pistol.
There isn’t a best pistol of any kind. But for general defensive work, it’s tough to go wrong with a Glock 19 or a Smith and Wesson M&P9.
Mother ‘tried taking blame for son’ over fatal hit-run
Gee, I wonder where that kid learned not to take responsibility for his actions.
“Sam Sing Street” ?
“Wallagong” ?
Tie me kangaroo down, mate….
Pineapple (or any other fruit) does not belong on pizza. That is all.
Tomato is a fruit, by definition.
Technicality correct is the best kind of correct.
Without getting into the entire tomatoes are fruit business. No hot banana peppers? that’s crazy talk.
I wont countenance any cooked pepper on my food. Raw pepper served as crudites with some dip is fine. Cooked ones have no place in Chez Tres.
Must suck going through life without chili, my condolences.
That’s crazy-talk. Roasted red peppers are fantastic.
Anchovies are fruits de mer.
You are wrong, and you should atone for your terrible sin before you meet your maker.
We all have our likes and dislikes. I happen to like The Avett Brothers and pineapple w/Canadian bacon pizza. I may not agree with what you eat, but I shall defend unto obesity your right to eat it.
Sword of Damocles
The accused murderer finds himself in the extraordinary position of being sentenced to death but free awaiting a possible retrial.
Very interesting Gilmore
Exhibit up-there-somewhere why the death penalty is BS.
They obviously aren’t sure he did it but at least they hedged their bets and ruined his life anyway.
Getting railroaded here is a very low possibility if you’re just an average Joe. If you’re on the fringes of society, the police and prosecutors will absolutely fuck you over. This guy was a boxer and boxing is as shady as it is anywhere else, so he was clearly guilty in the popo’s mind.
So… Wifey and Daughter #2 are driving five hours to a horse auction tomorrow. Daughter #2 is enroute from Vancouver as we speak. Vancouver is an eight-nine hour drive from here. D2 saw pictures of foals on the interweb. Daughter #1 got into horses in a big way after she snagged some poor sucker with property. D2 and D1 have always competed. D2 lives in a fucking condo in the city but she really, REALLY wants a pony! These are grown women with families and mortgages. Imma sit back and crack beers and continue my “Code of Apathy” on this one. Smart girls, just not sensible.
Good luck. Expensive hobby, especially if you have to board them fulltime.
Horses might be the most stupid-expensive hobby I can think of… Auto-racing, maybe?
SJWing has a higher opportunity cost.
Boats can get stupid
Boats are a good contender. Boats and pools – the best ones are somebody else’s.
We have a pool but so rarely use it anymore, yet the expenses continue, of course. And today we just found out the skimmer– the water intake to the filter device that’s built into the pool wall — has a major leak and needs to be completely replaced, which will include having to pull up part of the custom wood deck and hopefully not fuck that up too. Sigh $$$$
You ain’t kidding. I do track days, which aren’t inexpensive, but my buddies who race spend anywhere between $10K per weekend to $10 per hour in wheel-to-wheel racing.
Of course, if you want to raceyour horses, or your yacht, or your airplane… better get those orphans workin’ boom-boom overtime.
Yacht racing. Tundra approved.
This is the thing, Gustave. Said foal would be living with D1. The moolah isn’t a concern because those girls can make it rain. D2 would get to see it maybe 3 times per year. Who trains it? Wifey is a wrangler but she might get out there once or twice a week to see her own horse. It’s just sibling rivalry writ large.
Just give them some Piers Anthony books and be done with it.
If you need one let me know. I think the wife owns them all
I find him hit-or-miss. Some good sci-fi, especially early on. Don’t care for the funny fantasy stuff. But yeah he does like his horses.
Her collection is all fantasy.
Then she really is missing out Bio of a Space Tyrant is great stuff, if ou like rape and murder and rape and incest and rape and torture, oh and rape.
Don’t forget the incest.
And the rape.
Sounds like Heinline mixed with Ayn Rand
Also, Chthon is a goddamn weird book – and won both the Hugo & Nebula.
I was 13 or 14, had been burning through the Xanth novels, so my folks never looked twice at what I was reading it was quite an eye-opener. I’ve been amused ever since at the concern over r-rated movies, magazines, etc when any kid old enough to bike to the Barnes and Noble can buy some really graphic shit and no one blinks an eye. Not that I think they should, blink an eye that is, kids should read all the fucked up shit they can, it’ll prepare them for life.
Look at this old man, thinking kids still bike and that book stores are a thing. LULZ, U kant b4realz grandpa
I get them confused because it was so long ago but Piers wrote a couple stories for Dangerous Visions and also for a short story anthology of his own, some very dark and sexual stuff, I don’t remember exactly what was Piers’ and what was other authors but needless to say it was quite enlightening.
He wrote a short story about men keeping women as cows that was in a collection of his early short stories you might be recalling. One of the good earlier things I was alluding to.
But yeah, my mom let me read all her paperbacks after she was done with them. Lots of Stephen King and other R-rated horror stuff. At the same time she wouldn’t let me see Jaws. Go figure.
I read some weird shit in my early teens. R-rated moves were tame by comparison.
Switzy’s left & right eyes would switch places from the furious narrow gazing of Anthony’s fantasy work.
Oh, don’t get me started.
Wasted! that is all,
Hey Yusef! Grooving on the new diorama. 1/72 is tough to work with because it doesn’t stand up to close scrutiny. Your esplosion idea is masterful, wish I’d thought of that when I was into the hobby. Mind you, I did stand-alones rather than dioramas for the most part. Anyhow, good job and I enjoy your play-by-play!
I have Depression, My Wife is stuck in a Rehab 4 blocks away, i see her every day,but I miss Her still.
You never know until they aren’t around,
/Sad Bob
That’s a bummer. Meds or alcohol? My wife out drinks me and it’s a bit worrisome as she gets older.
Now I’m Crying, thanks to all of You!
Sending positive vibes, Bob. You are not alone.
Sorry Bob. I hope we are a suitable substitute until she gets out. Her being so close is harder in some ways.
Bud, I feel ya. It must really suck. Hopefully short term?
Fuckin A! short term. I’m Crying now for good reason, I miss the Wife, but I have the skills, We will make it!
Sorry hear that Bob. I know that the major reason that my Wife has so many and varied interests is that she needs to be away from the black dog nipping at my heels. I hope that you both get better.
I’m having a real Crisis I don’t talk about, very near the big S, I need to stick around for the Wife, but otherwise, I’m done, I’m Pissed about my Life
I’ve been there before. Spent a week in an inpatient facility. Still have scars (physical and mental).
Don’t keep this shit inside. Reach out, like you’re doing here. Reach out to whatever suicide hotlines there are there, if you have to.
Email me if you want to chat. wildcatlh (at) gmail dot com
Really man? I mean, it’s your choice but a lot of people would miss you. Do you think maybe things will get better if you just ride out this current bad situation, or do you feel this all the time? You should share with someone close and maybe see a doctor. There’s a lot of life to live out there for you.
Seconded – you would be missed.
Thirded, hang in there and I hope you and the wife get through this okay.
Well that’s just silly Bob. I have those thoughts from time to time but you seem better equipped to deal with them. Fuck those fucks that fucked your life up! They are already missing you now that you’re gone. Fuck them with a big shiny stick of your own design!
My uncle killed himself 6 weeks ago.
I had to clean up the mess.
Don’t be a fucking asshole.
I miss, the Earth so much,
I miss my Wife,
it’s lonely out in space……
I’ve been through things. I know how much it hurts. It’s ok to cry. It hurts man, so let it out.
Thanks Denver, I did, and I’m done crying, now it’s time to Kick Ass!
Good. You know we all got your back here. Be excellent.
There was some talk of cover songs I missed out on, but I like CoLd’s cover of Space Oddity.
Way too thick, the Mids Kill the whole thing IMO
I just love the detuned acoustic sound. I don’t know nothin bout music other than what I like.
Ripple as sung by Janes Addiction with Zardoz visuals.
Don’t know the original, so I can’t really compare, but I will say the ‘speed up, slow down’ visuals in the video gave me a Jane’s Addiction meets Zardoz meets The Monkees vibe that was pretty cool.
This is a great cover as well. Chris Cornell covering Nothing Compares 2 You.
Another one I love that yall might not dig, Slaves On Dope covering Look What The Cat Dragged In.
I like it. I like the band name as well.
One interesting thing is the band is actually anti-drugs, the lead singer has been sober for over 25 years. Their first album used a soundbite of Bill Clinton talking about his brother for the intro.
Hang in there Rocket Man.
Missed all of it. Spent the day hiking and driving through the Sawtooths and the Stanley Valley. Spent the evening drinking bourbon and making s’mores at the fire next to the river.
Fuck civilization.
Uh, civilization = bourbon.
Cobra= Good enough
I mean, yeah, I could have just gathered the fermented water from the grain bin but…
I’m glad You escaped, good on you!
I have some serious hiking coming up soon. One more week.
The Braggs and Andrew Heaton continue (along with Remy and Stossel) to be the only redeeming qualities of TOS.
This was fun,several hours ago, Just Say’n
Hey, just got home.
Indeed, linked earlier and properly admired.
It’s fantastic.
“We can drink in here, right?”
The reaction to “the indignity of equal treatment” is gold.
i saw that earlier.
‘Ham Bone!’
Thousands of cases,
“You got super bald!”
[Shrieking Continues]
I missed it earlier too, so thanks for the repost.
Update fWIW, Wendy needs to Se Dr. Oh before She can be released, so he can verify Her foot can Go home.
She already lost one foot, so we are trying to save the other one,
IMO, just take them both and start over, but they aren’t my Feet so I can’t really say…
She’ll be home before you know it!
Lonely= Bella and my Kittah sleeping on me, I am loved :0
Yes, you are.
Awwwww. So sweet.
We met some of the MPLS Glib contingent tonight and our pup made new friends. She was in heaven.
Pets are such a gift.
The left is truly becoming unhinged.
(I’m not sure when the right was ever hinged. so at least it’s now a level playing field)
‘Member when Ronald Reagan was President and we were all gonna die? I ‘member that. I’m not even sure that unhinged is the right qualifier for most of the hysterics from the left, more like “hinge-worthy”.
‘member when John McCain was ‘literally Hitler’? They’ve been laying this groundwork for almost 20 years, and it doesn’t matter who the person is, as long as they have an R behind their name. It fucking pisses me off that these shitbags are using such fucked up tactics that I have no choice but to defend someone I loathe. But I will admit, whether despite or because of the opposition, he has done more things I agree with in office than any president in my adult life. (I’m only 35 so Reagan might maybe be better, but I don’t have the first hand knowledge, and the histories are murky)
The histories are indeed murky. Ending the Cold War was, in fact, a really big deal but don’t rely on the usual suspects to sing you the tale. He did a lot of shitty things that we are still paying for but he was better then his predecessor by leaps and bounds. Remind you of anyone we might have seen in the media lately? Hmmmm?
The most amazing thing about touring Berlin last year was the endless museums, tourist attractions and memorials about the Wall, and none had the slightest mention of Reagan. The uninitiated might only believe that the wall came down as a result of plucky graffiti artists and the long-term residuals of Kennedy’s “ein Berliner” speech.
Ha! Not surprising in the least.
Reagan talked a good game, and was demonized worse than W, but didn’t carry out most of his small government/liberty promises and ultimately expanded government. Point#1 his selective service flip flop after getting elected and his administration’s criminal prosecutions of refuseniks.
I remember the left flipping out during Reagan. It was no were near the current nutty level. I was in college during Reagan and it was my first exposure to the left. I was more conservative then, before life experiences caused me to recognize the importance of individual liberty. All the presidents after Reagan have sucked, but I bet most of them did.
I was on the left when Reagan was in office. Mostly it was my naive belief that he was increasing the likelihood of war that made me dislike him. I’ve learned that’s it’s not party that causes war. It’s money and power. Fuck team blue. How they convinced people they were the anti war party is a master stroke of Machiavellian politics.
Jesus Christ. I was a dyed in the wool Lefty and was actually institutionalized during Iran-Contra. It’s like a near remembered nightmare that never fades away. I wasn’t crazy, just look at these other folks.
I find it is ironic that the end of the cold war has unleashed the commies in America and probably gotten us involved in more hot wars. (commies, socialist, enviros, whatever their end result is all the same)
I was ROTC in college and had some of “peace through superior firepower” feelings so that affected some of my attitude towards Reagan. I still believe it is true, but there needs to be some parity with the “opposition” or we just end up getting involved where we shouldn’t.
Oh, they still flip out. Pretty much any piece of entertainment that is set in the ’80s, or, references it, absolutely has to mention how much Reagan was bad for the Black community.
Shit, I remember when that came out.
Same here.
At least, that’s what she seems to be implying. Or, it’s a parody account–it could go either way.
At this point, what difference does it make?
Well, if I knew it was parody, I might muster up some respect for the person’s cleverness.
Other than that?
………………………..Not a friggin’ thing.
I just have a hard time imagining someone having such a cartoonish world view. (and I was kind of making a HRC joke)
Oh, you don’t have to make an HRC joke. She IS the joke!
THANK YOU!! I’ll be here all week.
/I dig ya.
I keep trying to be a nicer person only to backslide after talking to other humans.
Well, at least you try.
I know its cheesy but when “Chopper Doug” lifted us out of a worksite in the mid-winter sunset, it was perfect.
A festival.
Is that the feats of strength or airing of grievances?
Where the fuck’s the tar and feathers?
That really needs to become a thing again. It should be used on any politician that proposed an unconstitutional law.
We’ll save the “Baby Ride” for the likes of Booker. Obama and GWB get the whole nine yards, scalding tar included.
This one’s for Bob/Yusef wherever you feel. Buck up, Buddy! You know that we are all pulling for you! (euphemism alert)
Was looking through the town code.
Carrying an air pistol or rifle can get you 3 months in the pen. Unlawfully discharging a firearm gets you 15 days.
Was thinking of getting a BB gun for little critters (esp. rabbits), but I guess I’ll not do that.