Happy Friday, frens. I hope your day is going smoothly. I will be working late tonight to try to avoid working on the weekend. So I’m making up by mixing my first drink at, well, a pretty early hour. My Seminoles look to rebound against Samford. Here’s hoping they found pads for some of the bigger flag girls and get some blocking on offense. tOSU takes on conference powerhouse Rutgers. UT plays Tulsa, and we’ll hope for only one fourth quarter interception after the game is out of reach. Oh, and pro football starts. Texans will find a way to lose to the Patriots. I’m hoping Clowney/Watt/Mercilus combine for a lot of angry Tom Brady yelling at the refs. And that all three survive Week 1 without injury.
Florida Man gives “rough trade” a go, ends up stabbed in neck.
Hey look, U niversity of Texas may have lost to Maryland, but they seem to have superior heat stroke treatment.
Florence looks like she’s gonna take a big dump on the East Coast next week. Glibs from GA to NJ may want to start watching the weather, buying ammo, and polishing their looter-shooters.
Let’s all roll our eyes at this one. Cincinnati shooting could have been a bloodbath because the shooter had “over 200 rounds of ammunition”. Okay, so like, what? He packed his usual range bag? I can only imagine what would be said about my friends who buy ammo by the case.
and polishing their looter-shooters
That might make it premeditated.
Or at least euphemized?
That’s a cooter-shooter.
The hurricane should be interesting. It’s too far out to be worrying about yet.
That’s what I’ve been saying about the midterms for months.
Stop invading my privacy!
We’re pretty tolerant of kink here, but you need to talk to Creosote Achilles about better consent contracts.
That is taking the knife play beyond RACK, in my opinion.
Do you have something against snuggling afterwards?
Need to know if snoring was involved before I render judgement.
And pics would be helpful.
Relevant to the picture on the main page
Hosted by Larry David.
Cincinnati shooting
Ammo three ways?
Did the cop’s AR jam in that video? Looks like it seized up on him, he yelled “fuck” and dropped it.
Go find a mirror and give yourself a proper gaze.
Hurricane Florence to East Coast: “KIss my grits!!”
You stow it!
Pick up dingy!!
RE: Stabby gay guy.
Down-low gone wrong?
I’m assuming there’s some self-hatred and/or drugs involved.
Me too. I was thinking some bad meth.
Nobody expects the Cunanan!
Fine Friday Females.
1 is THICC. 19 looks expensive. 12 is cute as a button. 33 is the perfect wife.
Bootay edition, yay!
If I want to make a dark side joke for #7.
1 for sure. 8/34, too. Throw 32 in there as well.
33 is cleaning the shower with toilet bowl cleaner. That’s…unorthodox.
That’s the first thing I noticed… well, almost the first thing.
Have you ever gotten that stuff on bare skin? I would be wearing a bit more than that.
7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 21, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 39-41
Do I really have to choose?
“over 200 rounds of ammunition”
Just emptied a case this week. Down to two full cases of FMJ and half a case of HPs.
Just 200 rounds?
Down to two full cases of FMJ (2,000 rounds) and half a case of HPs (1,000 rounds).
So I am good through this quarter. Will order 2 more cases of FMJ mid-December.
I was surprised at how little the Cinci shooter had.
I didn’t read the article. Did he have 4 boxes on him when we was shooting? Or 4 boxes at home in his stash?
I’d be panicking if I was that low!
I just ordered another case of 7.62×39. I didn’t need it, but it was on sale.
200 rounds = 4 boxes of ammo = 0.5 to 1 hr at the range. It’s nothing if you shoot a few times a month
I emptied a case of Oktoberfest this week.
*Hoch fünf*
12 is a Woman, not a Girl, Yummy
Check out OMWC over here.
If there’s grass on the infield, it’s time to play ball?
I don’t look at women much younger than my 30 Year old daughter, it creeps me out,
Nothing that everyone didn’t already know
Yes, ok, Obama did the same thing, but he did it with a sonorous voice and without being all icky and gross.
Related: https://twitter.com/brianstelter/status/1038108281515008002
When you’re a bag of dicks, but you insist that your name is “Brian Stelter”
Stephen Gutowski wasting no time giving that tweet the ass-kicking it deserves.
And Stelter promptly goes to the “my statement is technically correct” defense. Nope, not giving cover to Obama, just randomly spouting a fact. Douche.
I am grateful to them for having so thoroughly shredded their own credibility, no point in stopping now.
I am never listening to that fucker again. Him or anyone in his orchestra.
But he’s got cat class and he’s got cat style…
I loathe CNN’s resident soy-boy beta-male and human cue-ball. Nice to see Gutowski take him to task. Sure, Obama didn’t call the press “enemies” of the people, but his actions outweigh any of Trump’s rhetoric. Actions > words.
Pssssh. No one on the Left isn’t going to care because in their minds he was force to do that stuff because of GOP standing in his way towards Utopia.
He did it to root out bad people doing bad stuff, Trump wants to root out good people doing good stuff.
Big difference!!!
If human history could be boiled down to one sentence, this is it.
Pretty well got his ass handed to him in the replies. But, as noted, the bubble is impermeable; even a listing of (a) bad things Obama said about the media comparable to the bad things Trump has said about the media, plus (b) bad things Obama actually did to the media, compared to nothing Trump has actually done to the media, won’t change their minds.
Progs are all about intentions, never actions or results. Dozens are getting shot every weekend in Chicago, and no one is doing anything about it, but a prog would tell you Rahm Emmanuel is a great mayor because he has made passionate speeches that “this has to stop”, and he’s inclusive and his heart is in the right place. Why, just look at how hard he’s worked to prevent Chik-Fil-A from opening a store in the city!
It is like the NFL is too fat and sassy to even try anymore. FCC swamped with thousands of fake letters begging them to ‘save’ the blackout rule.
RUSSIANTROLLLLS! Also Hobbits and attempted child murderers. The alt-right must be #resisted!
The two-tone army is still strong!
And his mentor, Rudy Wan Kenobi
Luke Skawalker: Jedi and HUGE Mighty, Mighty Bosstones fanboy
I just want to see the robe and skinny tie combo.
I’m seeing the front man for a cover band that does Ska version of 2 Live Crew songs.
That. Is. GENIUS!
Tricksey Baginnses!
Anger. Rising.
Did she not notice the fucking furniture and decor was different? This sounds like just a fucking murder.
Dallas cop barges into wrong apartment & kills resident
You can’t second guess these highly trained hero’s split second decisions in the line of duty unless you’ve gotten wasted, broken into someone else’s home and executed them.
She’s been charged with home invasion and first degree murder.
No, wait, she’s a cop, so she’s been charged with manslaughter, which will likely be pled down to something with no jail time.
Did she go home safe that night?
No, she’s going to need some time off for therapy from those groups who help you cope surviving a deadly shooting situation.
She’s probably going to have to retire on disability because of the trauma. Can’t leave her without that full pension.
Apparently not.
So far they have drawn the officer’s blood and they are in the process of getting a warrant for manslaughter.
I am honestly surprised they were able to get a blood draw past the union.
Oh, I expect they waited long enough for a fair number of drugs to clear her system.
warrant for manslaughter
Fuck right off with that.
It’s better than intentionally overcharging so that the jury will acquit.
How’d she get in? You don’t just whoopsie through a locked door you don’t have the key for.
Apparently she was fucking around with the lock and the resident answered the door and got murdered for his trouble.
Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago – some drunk asshole was trying to mess with my locks. Had to get Judge Judy out of her case.
This is why we need Dunphy here. I’m genuinely interested in hearing how this cop – once you understand the totality of circs – is not only innocent, but should actually get a medal for the restraint she showed in only plugging him a few times.
Yeah, no thanks. One “he had a gun when he answered the door after people were screaming incoherently while banging on the door so he deserved to die” tirade is enough for me.
Evidently some of my wife’s family knew this kid from when he was at Harding… definitely didn’t deserve to go the way he did.
By the way, fuck the reporter who wrote that article up. It has nothing to do with race and gender, and everything to do with poorly trained gorillas being indoctrinated with paranoia and then issued badges and guns.
I had a drunk guy slide/crash his car into my driveway get stuck because it was iced up, and knock on my door at 3 am. I answered with a gun in my hand. Nobody got shot – I let him hang out in the living room (it was close to zero real American degrees outside) until the cops and the tow truck came.
But according to that asshole Dunphy, shooting someone who answers their own door at 3 am with a gun in their hand deserves to be killed.
That’s something that worries me about the possibility oh answering the door at night. It could be a cop (unannounced) and I’d definitely have a pistol in my hand. He/she could freak out and shoot me.
Don’t you people have glazing, peepholes, sidelights, security cameras? who blindly opens the door at 3 am. armed or not.
I have a peephole, and I use it. But II hate that I have to stand directly in front of the door to see out of it. If I can, in my next place, I’m-a see about one of those Ring thingamajigs.
Always use a magazine or book or something to block the peephole for a few seconds while standing to the side before looking through it. Oldest hitman trick in the book is to watch the peephole til it goes dark then blasting away.
In a place I lived in years ago, there was a shutter built into the peephole, so that there was never any light coming out of it.
Until you move the shutter to look out, the theory works in reverse as well, gunmen are not stupid, in your case they start blasting when they see light, use a ruler or something to open shutter form the side first.
The control was a little lever above it that slit it to the side much in the same way as your magazine – but it doesn’t require remembering to pick it up.
You’re still placing your arm and hand in harm’s way to work the lever, seriously if you got people after you use a yardstick or dialing wand or sommat.
Look, if the hitman has enough information to be at the front door, you’re dead. Not because they’re shooting you through the door, but because a little more observation finds the flaw in your routine.
Your paranoia is wasted effort, man.
A number of years ago, some dude tried to drunkenly enter my 70-year-old mother’s house; he was stymied by the locked door and then the police showed up and hustled him away.
No charges were brought – I’ll let you guess why.
He was a known felon and this was all part of their plan to take him down quietly without anyone getting shot?
Well, that certainly could be true. Likely, even.
A number of years ago my brother, mother, and father were waiting to make a left turn when then were rear-ended by a drunk in a van at 50 miles an hour. No charges were brought. Same reason.
Guaranteed the bootlickers in MADD didn’t give two fucks, either.
Different rules for the king’s men.
Many years ago my apartment in NJ was broken into and burglarized. A week later, Sat night, a pounding on the door at about midnight. I opened the door, 12 gauge behind me, bolt open and finger on the bolt release. Drunk? dunno, looking for his buddy, ‘Charlie’. Ought not to be ‘looking’ for someone at midnight unless you are certain. Fortunately, nothing else happened and he went home safely.
A couple months ago, I came out of the liquor store and opened the back door to my gray Honda Pilot to put a case of beer in the back seat. Turned out that it wasn’t my Honda Pilot, but an identical gray Honda Pilot that belonged to a very nice guy who was sitting in the front seat.
He was just as surprised as I was once we both figured out that there are too many gray Honda Pilots in the world. Somehow we managed to not only not shoot each other, but to laugh about it.
*He might have shot me if I didn’t have such terrible taste in beer.
“What can I say, man? I had to stand my own ground didn’t I?” *cracks open 4th can of free beer*
Cops going to the wrong house is standard operating procedure.
Coming home at the end of her shift….I’m thinking alcohol or something else was involved (uniformed or otherwise).
/looks under rock.
Still a shithead.
Holy shit!
He got an ‘ethics award’?!
…from Illinois…
It’s like Al Capone giving O’Banion a citizenship award.
They left out an N in that award.
Wow. I… wow.
Bravo? I think?
A Naward?
The sheriff is near!
He got an ‘ethics award’?!
Yes. He has successfully ruined the words “peace” and “ethics”.
10 of us signed up for the RGP Games, so far, pretty cool!
It might be getting a bit crowded. Too many people and you start to have troubles.
Teams? I can be on the Dark side,
That usually works better with two GM’s working together, and having the teams play in completely different sessions working against each other. But it’s a huge time commitment, and a lot of work for the GM.
5 is ideal. Set up 2 games.
Screw that, just keep the hot chicks and send everyone else packing.
/cracks self up
We are going to spin two groups, I’ll run one and gbob will be running the other. That will give us two groups of healthy size, and the ability to fit everyone’s schedule I believe.
I’ll have an update for everyone later this evening.
Out of idle curiosity, what are you playing? Or TBD?
I’ll be running the Monday night game. It’ll be a variation on a super hero game V and V that I devised for my podcast. Set in 2000 it’ll be a kind of prequel for a V and V podcast I’ll be launching in November or December with my podcast co host and some other comic book podcasters. If anyone from the Monday game wants to guest star on that pod, it’ll be a natural fit. (Obviously, you don’t have to if you don’t want to!)
More narrative heavy than rule focused. Going for a light comic book feel to it. It’ll probably start a week from Monday.
V and V?
Viscounts and Vixens.
Villains and Vigilantes. It was one of those games from the early eighties. Not a great system but nostalgia for me. It has its charms.
So no lizard people disguised as hot chicks?
Don’t be so hasty, that still falls within the bounds of the genre.
VnV is only other system I poked around in as a kid other than DnD. Oh wait, there was another one that took place in post-apocalyptic Pittsburg – don’t remember the name.
How would you tell the difference with regular Pittsburg?
It’s cleaner and there’s less crime?
Set in 2000
“Doc…are you tellin me…..we’re in THE FUTURE?!”
I’m trying to remember the RPG we played at my buddy’s bachelor party – some post-apocalyptic thing.
[Yes, we played an RPG at his bachelor party; his choice. Of course, we went out for steaks and looked at some tiddys after that, but that’s how we started]
I only played it one single time at a friend’s house. I don’t even remember the friend, but I have fond memories of the game.
That looks right; we ended up starting late so we cut it short, but it was fun while it lasted, and nobody but the groom was or is any sort of gamer. It was a good choice.
His gaming days are on hold for quite a while, as baby #2 arrived not long ago.
Just heard about it now – sounds like fun if there’s a round 2 in the future – esp if we’re doing it via discord or something else. Keep us posted how it goes! (never done PnP but always wanted to try one – had the Fallout fan RPG printed up from 2000-ish).
Probably still space this go round. Would dig having you on Monday crew.
Cool. Need more scheduling details, but Mondays are normally good.
Awesome. Still planning out campaign but my thought is a privatized for profit hero team. At first.
Email my user name at g mail with no spaces tonight, and we’ll add you to the group
Noting Trump’s efforts to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin while U.S. intelligence has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election, Obama asked, “What happened to the Republican Party?
“Its central organizing principal in foreign policy was the fight against communism and now they’re cozying up to the former head of the KGB, actively blocking legislation that would defend our elections from Russian attack. What happened?” he asked.
But Democratic Socialism is totally cool, and all. Because dreamy.
“Its central organizing principal in foreign policy was the fight against communism and now they’re cozying up to the former head of the KGB, actively blocking legislation that would defend our elections from Russian attack. What happened?” he asked.
Says the guy who told the Russian PM he’d have more wiggle room to do deals after his second election.
It’s totes different because the GOP wouldn’t let him do what he wanted.
“The 1980’s called, they want their foreign policy back.”
“This is my last election. Afterwards, I will have more flexibility.”
“I will carry your message to Vladimir.”
Verbatim. But no big deal, wingnut.
Nothing happened. Politics is all about scoring cheap points against the opposition. Principles can go to hell when the goal is power.
Let’s not forget who was in charge when all of this wicked interference was taking place. While that same leader was using the state apparatus to try to drag a preferred candidate across the finish line. I guess a ladling of incompetence on top of all the malice makes the whole thing go down easier.
Noting Trump’s efforts to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin
By killing their soldiers and blowing up their airfields in the Middle East, cranking up sanctions, and seizing assets of oligarchs?
That’s a funny way to “improve relations”.
And somehow…talking to Putin one on one – like KJU – in an effort to defuse things – while giving up nothing – is a sure sign of treason…..
What happened to the Republican Party?
Well, they have always been the party of mercantilism and remain that today. Democrats used to be the party of free trade. Leftists co-opted the Democratic Party and turned it into the leftist party. Republicans are now palatable by comparison as they are still somewhat amenable to the concept of freedom, despite still being the party of mercantilism.
amateur weather forecaster time again.
There are two really important models when it comes to long-range hurricane forecasting. The GFS (Global Forecast System), which is run by the US Navy, and the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts), which is based out of Sheffield, England.
Right now, as of the latest runs, they both hit the Carolinas. The GFS as a 110 MPH storm hitting the central NC coast with wind speeds around 110 MPH, somewhere around 8 PM on the 13th. The ECMWF has a slightly weaker (80 MPH) storm hitting near Charleston, SC around 8 AM on the 13th.
The rule generally is that weaker storms move with the westerlies (e.g., westward) and stronger storms move poleward. Given its current location, a weaker (relatively) storm might hit near Georgia or South Carolina, while a stronger storm might hit near North Carolina or Virginia.
Incredible stat of the day: A buoy near the mouth of the Delaware river is reporting a sea surface temperature of 84 degrees — the same as the sea temperature currently off Miami Beach.
Hopefully it’s all wrong and nothing hits anyone. Still plenty of time to do that, but the models are really starting to zero in on an east coast hit.
(There’s two other storms out there right now. One is “Potential Tropical Cyclone 8”, which may be Tropical Storm Helene by 5 PM. It’s hitting the Cape Verde Islands and is going to swing off to sea a long long way away. The other is just about to be initiated as Tropical Depression Nine, eventually Isaac, which … no clue. Half the models make this strong and turn it out to sea, and the other half barrel a tiny, weak storm westward, eventually into Mexico)
The potential spread is pretty large, with the tiny chance going all the way from about West Palm Beach to New York City (though at the top and bottom it’s a less than 1% chance)
Boston area looks safe, especially north of the city. Suck it, rest of the East Coast! Also, stay safe.
I hoping the disturbance west of the bahamas spins a little and both of them push off north and then east away from the coast.
If my crappy iPad train connection is working and I got the right chart, it looked like all the historical storms on this track made a right turn out to sea.
What is different here that the models are picking up?
High pressure to the north.
Ugg dont need a strong hurricane comng to nc
What happens then? Don’t they usually barrel up the coast at that point?
Go out to sea and cooler water and dissipate. See above for my discussion with Brett.
When I used to cover P&C companies I used to have to track the storms. The probability tracks are the way to go and the error is really bad beyond 3 days. But that doesn’t stop the local new screaming chicken little along essentially the entire eastern seaboard.
The Glibs are approaching this rationally.
The Glibs are approaching this rationally.
watching the weather, buying ammo, and polishing their looter-shooters.
I concur.
Well, I could really use like a Cat 2 up my way. I had some roof damage from wind a while back but it’s not enough to get past my deductible.
DoD version I saw this morning had no landfall – guess I’ll see if anything’s changed by Monday. Just glad it’s a high of 72 tomorrow and 70 on Sunday. Weather here has been such trash the last few weeks.
Being that I’m well inland and well above any potential high water, I am kind of looking forward to it. IIRC, Isabel in 2003 ushered in some lovely weather a few days behind it.
It’s already down 20 degrees from a couple days ago here. W00t
*steps out into carport*
*glares menacingly*
*wipes brow*
A buoy off of Laguna Beach, CA, recorded 82 a few weeks ago.
I find it very hard to believe. We don’t have water that warm in CA.
Krugabe swings for the fence
After all, if Kavanaugh is confirmed, we will be trying to navigate a turbulent era in American politics with a Supreme Court in which two seats were effectively stolen. First Republicans refused even to give President Barack Obama’s nominee so much as a hearing; then they will have filled two positions with nominees chosen by a president who lost the popular vote and eked out an Electoral College win only with aid from a hostile foreign power.
Beyond that, what will happen if we eventually get a Democratic Congress and president, who try to move forward with a center-left agenda? What I mean by that, by the way, are things like expanding health coverage and raising taxes on high incomes — things that aren’t radical, and in fact have broad popular support.
There’s every reason to believe that a court including Kavanaugh would strike down everything elected officials tried to do. Policy substance aside, this would destroy the court’s legitimacy, making its naked partisanship — based, again, on two stolen seats — clear to all. But it would probably happen anyway.
In a sane world, Krugabe would be biting the heads off pigeons in a carnival sideshow.
“But the Patriots had more total yards than the Eagles!”
(and I say that as a Pats fan)
304-227 is “eking out” a win?
The Russian Electoral Votes shouldn’t count.
Christ, what an idiot.
With this foaming-at-the-mouth level of crazy, surely he’ll be banned from all social media platforms by sundown.
Yes, how exactly is that worse than Alex Jones?
People weren’t trying to set policy based on Alex Jones’ frothing.
“who lost the popular vote”
I guess they don’t teach Ph.D economists in the Ivies jack squat about civics. The popular vote means dick in our system, so stop using that as some sort of way to de-legitimatize the results of 2016.
“effectively stolen”…..ok, I’ll give you Gorsuch, though you might want to take that one up with Slow Joe Biden. The other one was “stolen” because….the Electoral College?
Well if they come right out and say that any government not run by Democrats is by definition illegitimate, they won’t be taken as seriously.
They basically did the same thing to G.W. Bush. Called him an illegitimate President because of the whole Florida fiasco and they are trying to pull that shit again. Every time a Republican wins, it’s because some nefarious is going on but when the Dems win, it’s the will of the people.
And that’s why I like Trump. He’s not my cup of tea but he doesn’t play by their rules and refuses to accept their flawed premises.
Good point regarding GWB.
I also love Trump’s refusal to play along, but I do wonder how long he can keep it up before he finally starts to cave. I’ll give him this, his ego is a real asset in this regard.
ok, I’ll give you Gorsuch
I wouldn’t. Nothing says that the Senate even has to consider any particular nominee. And comparing the situation under Barry with that under Trump is dumb. Barry’s party did not control the Senate at the time and it was during the midst of a presidential election. On the other hand, Trump’s party does control the Senate and it is in the midst of a mid-term election.
“…chosen by a president who lost the popular vote…”
I refuse to understand how the system works! [dumps a third jar of maraschino cherries on naked torso]
“…eked out an Electoral College win only with aid from a hostile foreign power.”
^Shit that people continue to believe.
only with aid from a hostile foreign power
Mueller needs to get him in front of the grand jury, because he apparently has evidence that nobody else has seen yet.
It’s common knowledge so it must be true!
They posted stuff on facebook ffs, how much more evidence do you need?
It must be true. It wouldn’t be repeated 50,00 times if it wasn’t true.
God, please let that happen.
who lost the popular vote and eked out an Electoral College win
No one *won* the popular vote. No one got a majority of the votes cast. And that doesn’t matter because the EC is rule of the game. And at that, he won by a lot. Get over it.
Krugbe on football: “We got more first downs but they eked out a touchdown win.”
It’s like you don’t even _read_ my comments.
*runs off like like Red in Friday*
*In a sane world, Krugabe would be biting the heads off pigeons in a carnival sideshow*
Today’s little-known fact: the person who bites off animal heads in a carnival sideshow is called a “geek”. Yes, that’s where the word came from.
That’s like…the number of rounds a cop has in the trunk!
No one needs more than
2310 rounds!More like six shots…or five.
40% of the rounds in each .22lr brick?
Wait, guns can shoot bricks now? Nobody needs a gun that shoots bricks!
“So I’m making up by mixing my first drink at, well, a pretty early hour. ”
It’s 5:00 am somewhere.
Florida Womandoing Florida Woman things.
You know who else was named Justice?
Metallica’s best album?
Multiple multiples, or started early?
That mug shot, whoa.
So…would? //jk
That store that supplies every piece of clothing my child wears when she’s not in her school uniform?
So much Florida Woman about that story:
– 22 years old
– 5 (!) kids
– all younger than 5 years old (!)
– gets it on with 14 year old with husband and 5 kids sleeping in room
The list goes on.
I’m guessing uncle-daddy introduced her to the mysteries of sex at least that young.
Somebody in a Mellencamp song?
Dammit, I was going to say that.
Even grading on a “Florida Woman” curve that is a debacle. Wow.
No one needs more than
2310 rounds!Andy Cuomo would like a word, you bloodthirsty anarchist.
So when your done,
with things to do,
I guess it’s time,
For Tall cans at 2,
CO Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Milwaukee’s Diet Beast 16 oz’rs!
I hoped to light the Tres Signal,
*re-seats monocle, stirs up Manhattan*
Our hurricane turned out to be a dud. It dissipated to the point where I got not one single drop of rain out of it. All that prep for nothing.
Oh well, seed gathering season has begun. I just spent an hour opening redbud pods and sweet pea pods. I wish the nuts would start falling.
My macadamia tree is a squirrel magnet. The little bastards eat the nuts before they’re ready to drop, and I get maybe a handful every year.
I wish I could grow macadamia here.
All that prep for nothing.
Nothing? I thought you said something about bacon chips.
It’ll rain here all week-end because of the remnants of that.
You know who else agonized over “fallen nuts” ?
My parents?
That last kid in class to go thru puberty?
The UnCola guy?
I wish the nuts would start falling.
Paging ‘Old Woman With Candy’.
Seriously… are we not doing “phrasing” anymore?
This is how you wind up with gay cruise ads on your web pages.
Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days prison for lying to the FBI. Luckily for him, he got suspicious and didn’t fall for the
real trap they laid for him with the foreign cash and left it with a lawyer.
Oh Papadopoulos. He went to my alma mater in Chicago.
The school that I went to is mentioned in the Carter Page FISA application. Take that!
Well… did your university chase Milo (Long ass Greek name) off the stage and out of the building?
Wrong school. I was actually invited to the event mentioned in the FISA application.
This guy has been making a play for Neil MacDonad’s King of Derp crown for a while now, and if he persist, he just might make it
Nike’s Colin Kaepernick campaign a sign big brands think the future is liberal
Here’s the Nike Commercial MAGA Deserves.
That may very well be true, in terms of companies whose target demographic is people willing to overpay for shoes because a sports celebrity endorsed them. Not sure that demographic is representative of the entire country or of “the future”, whatever that means.
All the idiot kids that are liberal now, lets see where they are in 15 years.
I’ll have you know that my idiot kid is a libertarianish conservative!
You monster. You failed as a parent.
Mine voted for Paul, still an idiot……
“In extreme cases, aligning with the wrong causes can kill a company,”
How about not aligning with a cause at all and just selling me stuff?
“The target demographic group is younger, urban and definitely liberal.”
So, narrowing your consumer base to one that has no money.
As long as they have access to credit, they don’t need money. And if they don’t have access to credit its because Trump won’t steal the money from the productive and give to the unproductive, like Robbin Hoodlum that preceded him.
“Nike’s Colin Kaepernick campaign a sign big brands think the future is liberal”
No, Nike knew the controversy would result in a massive amount of free advertising.
What better way to get a bunch of commies and anarchists to turn capitalist….?
Being in the Midwest, I guess I’ll just wax my flavor-saver instead.
Florida Man gives “rough trade” a go
polishing their looter-shooters.
Euphemisms aside, time to go stock up on bread and milk. Or is that just for snow storms? //jk
In all seriousness though, I probably should have a generator on hand. Does anyone have any recommendations? (not that I’ll be likely to need one for this particular storm.)
If you’re looking for a portable unit to power a fridge and a few other devices, I can’t praise Honda generators enough. They’re incredibly quiet and will run all night on a few gallons of gas. I have an EU3000is and you barely notice it’s there.
Nice. Everything else I have is a Honda or has a Honda motor (car, lawn mower, etc.). There’s a reason for that.
My recommendation is to figure out what and how you’re going to be able to power by running extension cords, and how your going to route the main power cable from the outside generator to the inside of the house. Because unless you’re a more capable or more suicidal electrician than I am (in which case we should talk), you’re not going to be hooking into the house wiring.
I’ve got a Honda 5500 watt generator that’s been flawless for 15+ years of very occasional usage (few times a year), still starts on the first pull. I did not research extensively when I bought it, just bought a trusted brand, and I’m sure there are others that are equally good.
Civil Engineer, not electrician and not electrically inclined. So no house wiring for me. I suppose I just need to find out how much power I would need continuously. Shouldn’t be much as my house is >1100 sf. Probably just need the fridge and a couple appliances at a time, and perhaps a heater for winter power outage.
Before I bought my generator I ordered this $20 kill-a-watt meter to actually measure the consumption of the devices I intended to power, it worked great.
If you’re in a place where you might regularly need it, get your panel wired so that you can plug the generator into it and use the house wiring. Video on installation.
And figure out how many watts you need to stay healthy to figure out how big a generator to get.
Make sure to install/have installed an interlock or transfer switch so you don’t backfeed your generator to the electric utility.
I am dying to have a switch like that, but no way am I screwing with the wiring at the fuse box. So, not literally dying I guess. And it happens *just* infrequently enough that I haven’t been willing to cough up the bucks for a pro to do it right. Yet.
Yes and Yes.
I have an outlet on my house for a generator that feeds into my panel. It’s protected by an interlock so there’s chance of backfeeding. Both the outlet and interlock are very easy to install yourself if you are comfortable adding a circuit to your box.
I have a 7,000 watt running, 9,000 watt peak champion dual fuel generator. $500 from Costco. I use propane and so there’s tons of available fuel even during the worst blackout. Generator is large enough to power my whole house as long as I don’t run everything at once (run the fridge/freezers for a couple hours, turn breaker off and run A/C or Heat for a few hours, other breakers can run continuously if desired). All from a single cord. I was playing XBox, doing my online course work, and enjoying hot water during our last blackout.
How-to on the genny setup will probably be my next article submission.
I definately look forward to that one.
How the hell did you get that for 500 bucks from Costco?
I haven’t seen them for less than about $700-$800.
$650 minus the $150 sale discount. Might have been $700 so $550 after discount but I think $500. They offered two choices, exact same model, but one was an extra 50 bucks and included a generator cord. I just picked up a generator cord at HF for maybe 20 bucks.
“Hey, you inbred bumpkins! Trump privately referred to certain people as ‘dumb southerners’! You should disavow your support for him immediately and instead pledge fealty to those who have been openly mocking you in public for decades!”
Those comments. Ew.
So Barry is back in the news.
“And speaking as a Democrat, that’s when the Democratic party has always made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people,” Obama said. “When we led with conviction and principle and bold new ideas. The antidote to a government controlled by a powerful few, a government that divides is a government by the organized, energized, inclusive many.”
“You cannot sit back and wait for a savior,” Obama continued. “You can’t opt out because you don’t feel sufficiently inspired by this or that particular candidate. We don’t need a messiah. All we need are decent, honest, hard-working people who are accountable and who have America’s best interests at heart.”
Yea, ok. Look in the mirror, asshole.
Ben Shapiro’s take
Headline alone cracked me up.
Holy shit. Did he say anything in that quote that wasn’t the exact opposite of the truth?
Has he ever?
The one time he said, in reference to Kanye West, “The guys a jackass” was I think the truth.
Obviously, he meant to say we don’t need another messiah.
“Thou shalt not have any gods before me!” – Barack Obama
More Barry.
“We’re supposed to stand up to bullies,” Obama said. “Not follow them. We’re supposed to stand up to discrimination, and we’re sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers.”
“How hard can that be? Saying that Nazis are bad,” Obama continued.
Christ, what an asshole.
You know who else thought it would be easy?…
Me in the late 80s, when I got my prom date drunk ?
The Bride?
Check out der Schokolade Fuhrer.
You tell me, Barry. You’re the one that enabled actual Nazis in Ukraine instead of the American Nazis that exist in the Democrat hive mind but do not actually in exist in reality.
The state is the biggest bully of them all.
Much brave. Such noble.
Obama’s alternative was straightforward: “As a fellow citizen, not as an ex-president, but as a fellow citizen, I am here to deliver a simple message, and that is that you need to vote because our democracy depends on it.” This is not merely an abstract proposition. He has endorsed 81 candidates nationwide so far—many of them in state-level races—with more announcements expected.
The former president laid out a detailed case. It was vintage Obama: earnest in its belief in the power of democratic action; carefully caveated and circumspect; and determined to steer a middle course. His example is important for the Democratic Party, because since Hillary Clinton’s loss, there’s no clear leader who sets a tone for the entire party. Some Democrats have recommended an all-out assault on Trump, focusing on his outrageous behavior and violations of norms, but others have worried about outrage fatigue and pushed for a greater focus on kitchen-table issues, from health care to taxes.
Obama, as is his wont, has landed somewhere in the middle. Although he criticized many specific policy choices of the Trump administration, he did not hesitate to present the current presidency as an existential threat to the basic assumptions of American life.
Any disagreement with these fucking thin skinned idiots is an existential threat, because their crypto-religious fanaticism is incapable of comprehending an honest disagreement based on substantive fundamental philosophy. You’re with them, or your their goddam sworn enemy.
Arent ex presidents supposed to go away and not be seen or heard? Not get in the way of their successor? Everyone else has, but not the chocolate jesus. What a fucking asshole.
Stay classy Barry.
I am hoping he will start insulting voters again. Please do that.
The was a gentleman’s agreement not to shoot your mouth off after you got out of office. Carter strayed over the line a bit but the others have mostly stuck to it, even Bubba, during W’s administration.
Barry’s too much of a narcissistic asshole to have a dignified post-presidency and just cash the checks from the speaking gigs, like the rest of them.
“a gentleman’s agreement”
Ah. That explains it.
Bubba didn’t stay out of it, he had a well-known proxy getting her face out there doing his dirty work 95% of the time.
Fair point. But Barry has any number of proxies he could use too. But that wouldn’t get his face out there.
James Carville?
george snuffalufagus?
AL gore?
hill dawg?
Obama is too dense to understand that his reappearance on the national stage to issue forth delusional, inflammatory speeches is exactly the sort of thing that will drive the bitter clingers and deplorables to the polls, and perhaps even expand their numbers.
During office he was quite successful getting people to vote GOP. He has the federal congress, majority of State houses and majority of Governorships to show for it.
I’m sure that if Trump ever makes any passing mention of political matters in his post-presidency, the Left will scream that premise from the rooftops (while getting all misty-eyed and reminiscing every time ex-president Obama opens his trap on national TV).
From what I understand, whenever Boehner or McConnell tried to negotiate and compromise with him, without any hesitation would shit all over them later in the press or offer them something so objectionable, they would shoot it down and make himself out to be the moderate one.
He refused to negotiate in good faith but were perplexed at why the GOP would do whatever they could to stymie his polices.
Yeah. That Obama. Always charting a sensible, middle course.
Between Leninism and Stalinism.
Leon Trotsky intensifies
“Oh my lack of God! IS THAT AN ICEPICK?!”
Never mind
It was an ice axe. Totally different implement.
You might have a need for an ice pick in Mexico City in the 1940s. An ice axe isn’t something you need in the subtropics.
Way to deny global warming you shitlord. Mexico City was under three inches of ice 80 years ago.
You’re with them, or your their goddam sworn enemy.
Do you know who else?
Pretty good (TW – tos)
“We can drink in here, right?”
I laughed at this visual joke:
Roll that back a second:
Thousands of Cases
Also, I think he’s drinking a Notch ?
Almost as bad as the Booker charade is the Warren charade. Her ‘invoke the 25th’ attempt at a coup makes it sound like all that has to happen is for some cabal of faceless bureaucrats to toss Trump out. She fails to mention that a majority of the cabinet and the vice president have to sign off on it as well. There isnt going to be any impeachment. There isnt going to be any 25th amendment invocation and Trump is going to be re-elected.
I heard this morning that Trump has already started the process of declassifying much of the documentation of these banana republic fuck-nuts plot against him, including the FISA applications. I will be unsurprised if a few of them end up wearing orange.
I will be. But if that happens, I’ll vote for his re-election.
(Pro forma: Warren sucks, and she’s my senator)
I really don’t think she was pushing to invoke the 25th:
I can’t read that as “invoke the 25th”; to me, that reads as “if you’re serious, invoke the 25th, otherwise shut up”. Which I agree with.
“I will be unsurprised if a few of them end up wearing orange.”
Unfortunately, I don’t share your optimism.
We can drink in here, right? Cool.
That would totally be me if I was a Senator.
I don’t think Teddy even bothered asking.
Now I’m wandering around the Twitter feed of one of those dudes (the one who played Kavanaugh:
When I test drove cars looking for a replacement for my Focus, they actually didn’t get into the car. They just let me drive off. With three different cars!
A guy from Spain let me test drive his Protege alone when I was in the market for a car in college. Another guy with an Acura CL did the same. I ultimately bought a Civic from a guy that did the smart thing (as I have done when selling cars.) and rode along on the test drive.
Oddly, they did when I bought 3 different Chevy’s and a Subaru. Then I went to test drive a Mazda, family in tow, and they had to accompany me.
I’m sorry I missed this until now:
Game of Thrones: Libertarian Edition
Those guys are good.
It didn’t take long for me to remember why I hate selling on craigslist. I got the classic low ballers and no shows. But a new tactic is to state an hr before meet time that you’re traveling from an hour away can you get a gas discount. Or day of meetup say we agreed upon a lower price right. No you shit we did not, and now after I gave you my address I have to worry if changing terms was purposeful
Pretty sure you’re supposed to meet them at the 7/11 a few blocks away…convenient, safe, and security cameras.
When i can yes, but a video game console needs to be shown working
Although i think i’m going to do the 7/11 meet up for the console and say the picture showed it working
Next time
“How about I give you $13 and this valuable aluminum scrap I have? Deal, right?”
No shit. Those cretins are the worst. “I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask! LOL!” Fuck you, man. You and 80 other assholes have been offering me your garbage all day.
Whats weird is my wife doesn’t have these problems for her baby stuff. A seldom few no shows, no bonkers offers though or other bullshit
I would hope that mothers are on less drugs. Not no drugs. but less drugs.
A gas discount? Well, bye.
I nearly told him to fuck off even though he was halfway here when i got the message
I ended saying price was agreed upon take it or turn around. He came to the meet up and didnt even mention the gas discount in person
I had some wheels and tires on Craigslist once. Guy texts me and wants to talk me down in price about 25%. OK, fine. Then he says he’ll show up in an hour, and can I put them on his car for him? Ugh. I don’t really want to, but I have a floor jack and and impact gun and can do it pretty quickly, so OK. Then traffic is worse than he thought, so he isn’t going to get to my place until 10 pm. So I tell him I’m going to bed and if he’s not going to show up at a reasonable hour, come tomorrow instead. Then I get a message from him around 9:30 saying he made it to a shopping mall about half an hour from here and got a flat tire. Would I bring all four tires down and change them in the parking lot for him right away? I told him to call a tow truck, and the response was pleading followed by vitriol for not helping him out when he has kids in the car. Complete idiot.
The next day a different guy showed up on time and paid the asking price.
That’s nuts
The other one I get is, “Would you spend an hour in traffic bringing it to me so I can decide if I want it or not?” No way in hell, man.
My last mattress I bought off Craigslist from some old man, sounded New York Jewish, who waddled out of his house irate and complaining about a girl who’d come to look at it earlier. “She wouldn’t make up her mind! She left without buying it! I said, Get the fuck…!” Kept repeating that, “Get the fuck…!” But he never clarified what the fuck was meant to be got. Irascible old coot. Now my brother and I say it.
Eh. I was cheap about things like that. I went for a Prime Day deal on a decent mattress this time around. Very firm!
I thought you were studying parasites of humans.
no Shit, wanna Borrow My steam Machine? you’re gonna need one……..
I did that once, in college when I was dead broke. Never again.
Oh, it was great. Did he have it sitting on a frame indoors? He did not. It was on a tarp on his driveway. Nothing like the cleansing power of UV.
So… rained on a mouldy too? Ugh.
I guess it could be worse the early days of ebay were scam central
It still is.
Child. Bearing. Hips.
You sure do post a lot of links to her.
Proportions leave something to be desired, IMO And i am the new John, or is it Tres?
LOL really, laughing right now!
Maybe you’re not the new John. Maybe John, you, and Tres are the new Benny Hill.
Last summer, I banged a broad so big she split the side-rail of my bed. Its still held together with wood screws, hope, and gorilla glue.
John is a mere amateur.
Always was, a piker when it comes to the Thicc, that red head was awesome fun looking IYKWIMAIKYD
No one likes a braggart.
I’ve been inside more fat women than SlimFast.
Right, do it the humblebrag way. “I’m still not sure what to do about my bed frame. Right now it’s held together with wood screws, hope, and gorilla glue. Banging big broads can be really abusive on furniture.”
Are we jealous? or maybe you want what you have been afraid of trying?
C’mon, you know you want to taste the Thicc
/Only under a Doctors Supervision your Mileage may Vary
Never did a Thicc Chick that wasn’t “vigorous” They love to play…
I’ve already addressed it. That’s not classical THICC.
That right there is PAWG.
Thicc, but Sexy as Fuck, also would Fuck with great vigor……….
Sup Tres!
See also
Nope, Big Girl, Massive Titties or GTFO
Her hips are way, way too wide for her body. I don’t believe that there isn’t surgery or something involved. Not down with the pear shape, personally, but I guess some people dig it.
I’ve seen people with fat asses like that. They never get thinner, the lower half just expands until the upper suddenly balloons up as well. It’s not a good sign of health at that ratio.
This is delicious:
Private school, a waterside home, luxury boats, a jet-ski for four and a maid – Democratic Socialist Julia Salazar’s brother reveals truth about the childhood she called ‘hardscrabble’
I especially like the last one.
I would also note that pharmaceutical reps make anywhere from good to very good money; if you aren’t moving enough units to make a nice living, you get fired.
Dave Weigel, ladies and gents.
Linda Sarsour: American Muslims shouldn’t “humanize” Israelis
I mean, I know the woman’s associated with Hamas, but this … I never thought she’d go that far in admitting it.
And as far as I can tell, everyone’s ignoring it. She was so strong and brave getting arrested at the hearing on Tuesday, after all.
And of course she has a blue checkmark:
If she didn’t exist, the right would have to make her up.
How many complaints about her compared to others who have been banned?