Simply an amazing match
Ooh look, the Nadal match finally ended. At 2 in the morning or something like that. In a fifth set tiebreaker, which is just stupid in my opinion. And he somehow got it together and won. Good for him. Especially with Federer being bounced the night before. John Isner failed to advance, by the way. And on the ladies side, Serena kept cruising while Sloane Stephens was sent packing.
Elsewhere Trump chimed in on Nike’s latest (terrible) decision. Phil, Tiger and DeChambeau were picked for the Ryder Cup team (I would not have chosen Phil at this unpredictable point in his career), the Mariners are in freewill, and the NHL is not too fond of keg stands.
Meanwhile, your MLB winners were: St Louis, Pittsburgh, Tampa Bay, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Boston, Texas, Detroit, Milwaukee, red-hot Colorado, Arizona, New York (AL), Baltimore, Los Angeles and the world champion Houston Astros. If your team was not mentioned, they lost. Get over it.

Rest in peace, you magnificent bastard
Louis XIV was born on this date. As were the outlaw Jesse James, baseball player Nap Lajoie, economist Paul Volcker, dry comedian BobNewhart, actor and silver pitchman William Devane, almost-forgotten Bond actor George Lazenby, hot actress Raquel Welch, one of the five greatest musicians of all time Freddie Mercury, rocker Clem Clempson, acting genius Micheal Keaton, offspring-of-greatness Dweezil Zappa, and off her meds-actress and activist Rose McGowan.
Its also the day the following happened: Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards (molon labe, fucker!), Sam Houston was elected President of the Republic of Texas, the first legal forward pass in a football game was made, “On The Road” was first published, “Dr Zhivago” was as well, “The Huckleberry Hound Show” hit the small screen, Cassius Clay won a gold medal, AJ Foyt won his first Indy Car race, Jerry Lewis hosted his first ever Labor Day Telethon for MDA, the first ever cricket ODI took place (and made the game fun to watch), the Camp David Talks began, and Voyager 1 was launched into outer space.
And now I present…the links!

The (half-Jewish, half-hispanic) hand of white supremacy emerges.
Retard Amy Siskand and other morons accuse woman behind Brett Kavanaugh of flashing white power symbol during confirmation hearing. Oh shit, she works for Trump too. Oh my God, it must be true!!!! Only, she’s a Mexican immigrant and the granddaughter of people who escaped a Nazi death camp. LOL, way to go you bunch of dumb bastards.
But they still found their social-justicey bullshit to glom onto, because Kavanaugh didn’t shake hands with a complete stranger who rapidly approached him and stuck his hand in his face. Because with a room full of nut jobs who are being ejected one-after-the-other all day long, you should only expect the strangers who approach you to have the best off intentions. Also, fuck that guy for climbing on his own kid’s dead body to grandstand.
The war of words between Trump and Bob Woodward escalates as Trump says he never called his Attorney General retarded while Woodward stands by his work. The media goes bananas while 99% of the rest of the country couldn’t give a flying fuck.
Now that Elon Musk has said he’s on ambien, I suppose he figures he can say whatever he wants and just apologize later. I’ll grab some popcorn and let you know what happens next.

You dirty boy.
The Nutty Ninth does it again. Because, you know, a public pedestrian right of way amounts to a bed (and place to shoot up and take a shit) even if it impedes on those using it for its intended purpose. This will not end well as the hordes of homeless swamp cities and overwhelm their services and push out tourist dollars.
A cop that shot two people under questionable (at best) circumstances a few years ago and who was just acquitted on battery charges was once again caught on video getting into a drunken fight. But don’t worry…even though the taxpayers are still paying him a salary, he’s been resigned to desk duty…until he qualifies for that sweet pension. Way to go, Chicago!
Get a room, you two. No seriously, go get a room. You’re in public. Have some decency. Also, who the hell rents a VW Beetle?
Boy, talk about a bit of bad luck. I mean, what are the odds that these two things would happen at the same time at the same place with the same color truck?
You will get a quadruple-play today. Starting off smooth. Then we move on to something with a little pace (that’s also NSFW), then I’ll regale you with a song that’s actually made me cry before, and finish with one of the ten best songs of all-time. Enjoy greatness this world will sadly never see again.
Now go out there and have a great day. I know I will.
Worst first ever?
It’s existential.
Like Zoso.
/soft, subtle air guitar gesture.
Ooh look, the Nadal match finally ended. At 2 in the morning or something like that. In a fifth set tiebreaker, which is just stupid in my opinion. And he somehow got it together and won. – has anyone blamed global warming yet ?
I just noticed that the K in ‘sky’ is captialized in your handle.
Why is it capitalized?
Because of a typo when I made the account. I have no idea if I can change it
You probably can. I was just trying to figure out if there was any secondary meaning.
K as in KKK – duh
Why am I not surprised that Sloopy has the terrible taste to be a Nadal fan?
I’m not a Nadal fan. I don’t care for the guy. But he’s a hell of a player.
How are the gulf coast Glibs doing with the storm rolling through?
Sams today-
bottled water
D batteries
catfood and dogfood
peanut butter
ritz crackers
3lb bag of freeze dried bacon chips
fill two gas bottles (I have six full already and fantastic coleman stove)
cases of canned soup – tomato, potato, beef stew, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken
case of spaghetti sauce
fresh gas for chainsaw
top off both cars
make sure ice chests are clean…which reminds me I need more bleach to soak them with.
If the power goes out we will be eating a lot of meat from the freezers. I hope I dont end up having to feed any neighbors but I will if they need me to. It hasn’t gotten here yet so I am prepping now before the crowds hit the stores. I am guessing this one wont be the last one to hit us.
Everyone else – stay safe and I wish you the best.
Uh, I don’t see any beer on that list.
Get your shit together, boy!
(Oh, and good luck – I hope it misses you completely).
I’ve heard it said that beer is currency during an emergency.
3lb bag of freeze dried bacon chips
I dunno. Sams sells them. They keep at room temp for a year-ish? I keep them in the freezer.
great for adding to the potato soup and various other dishes. If we get stuck with no power we will eat well.
Bacon is essential. Guard it well.
Some people would even call it magic.
Good luck, brother
what are freeze dried bacon chips?
I’m not sure, but now I want some.
After I get the bag i will report back
If they’re potato chips but bacon, I’m in.
Special recipe. I can ship to you but it’s gonna cost ya.
Good luck and stay safe. I haven’t followed it too closely, but are you in the path? Last I checked it looked like it was cutting up through Alabama.
A bit grey here in the Florida Big Bend, but that’s all. I do have to fly to New Orleans tomorrow though…
Retard Amy Siskand and other morons accuse woman behind Brett Kavanaugh of flashing white power symbol during confirmation hearing. – ableist slurs are no longer OK. Please use though-challenged
This debacle is just people racing each other for the title of most paranoid lying idiots possible.
My grandmother seemed to be fond of, “that precious child”, kind of along the lines of, “bless your heart”, or “she has a great personality.”
It’s actually pretty brilliant what the media is doing ( by design or otherwise). Keep pushing for peak derp until people tune out. When they do, you just complain and assert there’s now an apathetic population that must be guided by….who else?
But when they’ve tuned you out, who’s going to listen to your calls for control?
The state will force you to listen, and then only to approved outlets! No more fake news… or something.
The war of words between Trump and Bob Woodward escalates as Trump says he never called his Attorney General retarded while Woodward stands by his work. – you complain about people not reading the links and when we try to read em they don’t work good
After Mattis and Kelly came out and said this book was full of shit, I recommended on Amazon they change the book’s category to fiction.
>> Also, who the hell rents a VW Beetle?
Gay men?
Bicurious. If they were gay, they’d commit to the bit.
I saw the film clip of Ms Bash and her secret space lizard pitching sign. It looked to me as if she was surreptitiously popping a zit on her forearm, or something.
Go on…
Now that’s a weird fetish…
More common than you’d think
What I find most off-putting is how large an audience that sort of content seems to have.
They are off the rails. I really dont understand what the average dem voter has invested in the party that is making them so crazy. Were all the audience hecklers ex-fed employees from the EPA etc?
Pimple/boil popping and lancing are all over YouTube but I never thought it was a sexual thing.
The whole thing was a 4chan pol prank shitpost that brilliantly forced it’s way into a national media pants shitting.
It’s a bit of genius. I hate to give 4chan credit but kudos for this one.
I also give them credit for the “It’s ok to be white” troll.
I’m with you Brooksie. That is what I thought it was too.
I have to admit that I would vote for that woman as dictator for life if she shows up today and reveals that she has one of those frog things tattooed on the inside of her forearm.
It would also be acceptable if she went Charlie Manson and carved a swastika on her brow.
Since I can remember I’ve done this thing with my hands where I’ll use my thumbnail to press in on the side of my cuticles. For obvious reasons, when I get the thumb, it’s more like pressing my thumb against the end knuckle of the inside of my forefinger, kind of like the “I got your nose” move. No idea why. It’s not a nervous tic, it’s just like how some people will scratch their noses or something like that when they’re not doing anything else with their hands. But for sure, if someone was filming me and conspiracy-minded, it would look like I’m flashing gang signs or casting hexes or something.
Actually it’s funny you should mention that cuz yes we do have a form of baseball (it uses a spicked ball). And that is in fact the sign to not steal second.
Get a room, you two. No seriously, go get a room. You’re in public. Have some decency.
That’s how I feel about about UnCivil and Sloopy when their discussions seem to degenerate into excruciating ephemeral details of daily life objects.
But I love it, too. Because it feels like a prank, but I can’t tell.
I think of as kind of own private version of Kenny vs. Spenny.
Good thing the Catholic Church doesn’t have a big problem with homosexual priests right now.
Right now?
Right now being somewhere in the last couple of millennia?
Jim Brown on Kaep from a year ago:
Class act
Send this to Kellerman and Stephen A. Smith for commentary.
And that is from Jim Brown who didn’t take shit off no one back in the day. If a guy who fought bona fide racism calls you out, it is time to fold your tent and go home.
Trump says he never called his Attorney General retarded
Lamentable if true.
I’m going to have to side with Trump, that does not sound like the phrasing he would use when insulting someone.
Neither does “kill the lot of them”.
Retarded no.
Goddamn worthless yes.
Worse, I think. I believe he is a snake in the grass never-Trumper
He was among Trump’s earliest supporters. He campaigned for him. He’s a shitty AG but let’s not rewrite history.
His actions after Trump won however are baffling, and going by Occam’s razor, the simplest explanation seems to be that the guy is a deep stater.
I think he thought he was gonna be able to use Trump for his own purposes, and like a lot of Trump’s other early cabinet picks, was sorely mistaken.
“His actions after Trump won however are baffling”
Not at all. One of two things or both. He’s a loyal deep stater above all and he’s mad because all he really wanted from that job is to go after states that legalized weed. I suspect Trump told him no and he’s been pouting since then.
Good cop, mentally challenged cop. They did that already with Cagney and Lacy.
Pssst. First two musical lynx are the same!
Fixed. Stupid YouTube and their NSFW prudery.
Great song!
I love Queen, but “one of the ten best songs of all-time”? You’re trolling, right?
I’m not sure that’s even one of the top ten Queen tunes.
Sure “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “We will Rock You” have been played to death, but there is a reason for that. They’re classics.
He wrote: ‘Just walked up to Judge Kavanaugh as morning session ended.
‘Put out my hand to introduce myself as Jaime Guttenberg’s dad. He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away.
‘I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence.’
Or, maybe, as a federal judge, Kavanaugh has a more finely tuned sense of what is appropriate any a given set of circumstances than some random psychotic.
I’m going to go with the video evidence of “Security immediately stepped in and blocked contact before the Judge could even register what was going on”.
That’s what the video showed, Jaime’s Dad never got close enough for his described exchange to even happen.
The picture the media shows is the closest he ever got.
That isnt what I heard over my shoulder last night. The guy didn’t introduce himself, he immediately started out with some gun-grabber bullshit.
Exactly. I’m sorry for his loss, but that doesn’t give him carte blanche to be a loon and then lie about it later. Also, I’m with Sloop on this; don’t stand on the body of your dead child to push an agenda. SC nominees are inside baseball; if you actually feel strongly about gun control then start up a political organization, campaign in your area, etc., but bum-rushing an SC nominee smacks charitably of some Team Blue ops steering someone who isn’t thinking clearly in a direction and lighting a fuse.
Exactly. How does one get to be inside the hearing room anyway? Ticket from a senator or 1st come 1st served or some other limiting arrangement that an insider would have to get otherwise random asshole into.
word is DiFi provided the ticket in.
He could’ve also tried to set up a meeting with Mr. Kavanaugh in private or what-not. But no, let’s just show up when practically all the news people are rushing at him to answer their questions as well and security is pulling him out. Perfect timing.
There’s never enough Queen.
Queen is a little overrated. Freddie Mercury is colossally overrated. Nobody would give a fuck about Queen or Freddie Mercury anymore than they do the other 10,000 bands of the same vintage if he hadn’t been sainted as a gay icon. That is all.
I fucking hate that band
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for thee.
Slammer and his pals.
and Beavis and Butthead accurately captured my childhood/teen years like no show ever has
May Ming the Merciless have mercy on your soul.
You just said he was Merciless. Heck, he calls himself that. Why would he have mercy?
That’s the joke.
I always thought it had more to do with their songs being used at arenas.
Though I do like the Bowie/Queen song Under Pressure
I loved their music in Highlander.
No love for Flash (Aaaah-ah) Gordon?
That was a fun, campy movie.
Yeah, I’m gonna have to say you’re insane.
Wait, we actually agree on something?
It’s shocking, but Pat is also going with a very bad hot take.
There is literally nothing distinguishing about Freddie Mercury other than his flamboyancy as a frontman, which was far from fresh as a shtick even when he adopted it.
And there’s literally nothing distinguishing about Queen’s brand of rock other than Freddie Mercury’s flamboyancy as a frontman. Every stadium rock act of that vintage was doing bullshit rock opera wankery. Join the queue, collect your t-shirt.
I can appreciate that you’re old enough to have been a fan when they were recording and performing, but literally the only reason anyone 40 or under knows or pretends to give a fuck about Queen is because it’s part of the LGBT-chic Millennial culture.
Quite untrue. I down’t even remember Freddie was a poofter until someone like you brings it up. Half the time I don’t even remember his name. Just the music.
You should have your hearing checked. They weren’t exactly my cup of tea but the guy does have an incredible voice
Okay, all due credit to a professional vocalist with a good voice. Brad Delp and Axl Rose have comparable range and don’t get their nuts ridden in the same fashion by 20-something born-in-the-wrong-generation pseudo-hipsters.
Axl wasn’t smart enough to die before he got fat. Also, even for the music business, he might be able to win the asshole of the year award each and every year.
How good would GnR be with Freddy Mercury instead of Axl? Take that Pat!
I agree.
Dude could sing and I’m not even a big fan. #whatyoutalkinboutWillis
I would put Queen easily top 10 bands of all time if not top 5 so I don’t see them overrated
Europeans – as far as I can tell – seem to love Queen even more than Americanos.
Queen’s arrangements can be quite good; I’m not getting the tattoo, but they are easily one of the top 50 bands to happen in the 1980s.
Pop that follows I-IV-V progressions endlessly is mind-numbing. Shifting modes and exploring complimentary tones (trying to not get all music theory so early in the morning) makes for delightful, longer musical experiences.
Mercury was a space cadet, but his vibrato was unique, and he was more than competent on piano.
Brian May made the arrangements possible. As a guitarist, there’s no amount of flash or speed he can’t present, but, again, using the full range of tones, speeds, attack, and toys (to say nothing of the fact that he plays a guitar he made as a kid), he’s both warm and exciting. After four decades of noodling around admiringly, I know I can’t touch his tone, speed, presence, or clarity.
Re Bash: This is what insanity looks like. No exaggeration, it’s indistinguishable from listening to a schizophrenic.
Re Kavenaugh: Yep, I would have walked away too. I imagine the hair on the back of his neck was standing up. I wouldn’t put it past the lunatic fringe to try and smoke him.
Re Woodward: Pure fiction. The guy is an unabashed liar.
Re Musk: Ambien only makes you do loony things if you mix with alcohol. By itself all it does is erase your memory but your behavior is normal.
Re SF: Foreseeable consequences are not unintended
Re the Priests: “as the car was parked next to a playground” Having sex while watching porn? Seems legit.
Re the wanker: Now that all of their names are in the news maybe this guy can get in touch with those priests
Hot Take: The problem with Twitter is that there’s not enough censorship
I’m going to propose a very simple approach to the social media censorship issue.
If you do not engage in censorship or curation, you are a platform and are legally protected from liability for what the users do. The users bear sole liability for their content.
If, however, you engage in any censorship or curation, you are now a publisher and are equally liable for the content your users post.
Enforce equally. The companies can then choose where they want to stand.
I like the way you think (and you’re right).
Don’t tell him that! He’ll get a big head.
Where is the opportunity for graft & grandstanding with a law like this?
You can grandstand while you’re being led to the guillotine for graft. Though there’s a schedule to keep, so the executioners won’t let you stop and stump until after you’re a stump.
What’s an example of curated content for which a publisher could be held liable?
I genuinely don’t know and need to explore this….I’m not ready to agree yet.
I’ll still stand up for /.’s old moderation system (and in a similar vein BoardGameGeek’s). Both have user initiated moderation, on /. certain users would randomly be given mod points (usually 5), they could assign 1 point either as a positive or negative to any comment, along with a tag on it. The comments could have a score range of -1 to 5, and by default the threshold for seeing comments was a 1 (I think, it’s been a while). Registered users with positive moderation in the past would start at a score of 1, anonymous and new commenters started at 0. However, each individual user could set their own lower threshold for comments, so that you could always read all of them, and you could see how many comments were below your threshold in the thread. You would still have groupthink, and people getting highly rated comments that were trollish, but you could make sure you read everything.
BoardGameGeek does a thumbs up/thumbs down for all posts for all users. If a post hits some hidden threshold/ratio (the part I don’t like is this being hidden), then the post is collapsed with a message. You can still click through to read it.
To keep this on topic, both of these would be curated content for which the website couldn’t be held liable, as it was all done by the users. If either of the sites just started manually going through and dropping posts to a -1 score/hiding posts, that would be curation by the editors of the website, and they would then be able to be held liable.
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!” Josh explained
Which totally explains the blue check controversy last year.
Twitter is reluctant to ban Nazis, hate-mongers, and other trolls
Two of these are so broadly/arbitrarily defined as to be meaningless, and the third is non-threatening and innocuous. Stop getting your panties in a twist.
SJWednesday: Give Me a Minute to Figure Out What That Means Edition
Sounds like someone trying on buzzwords to compensate for a lack of spine. I’m also guessing henpecked might be applicable, but we know nothing about his wife beyond inferences of the sort of woman who’d settle for a guy like that.
Russell O’Connor (not his real name)
His real name is Herbert Garrison
Oh. So he’s a cuck?
He’s a word salad cuck.
Judges would also accept, “Little Bitch”.
He’s taking Ambien?
Xe likes to get corn-holed at truck stops while taking Ambien.
So a hermaphrodite missing a set of bits, who only likes women? So… a straight guy?
I’m just going to make my assessment here. Anyone who talks like that has mental health issues.
Translation: Pegging ok, the real thing no.
But it’s also validates criticism of why Twitter is reluctant to ban Nazis, hate-mongers, and other trolls that harass people on the service: It makes money off of them.
Oh, horror, not that.
We must not allow people to exploit those with whom they (secretly or not) disagree, just for evil profiteering. That would be wrong, and should be stopped.
So no more Nikes, no more shopping at Dicks where I used to buy my Nikes, and now – no more Levis. They hate me so much they even hate my money.
Wrangler Pro Rodeo or GTFO.
Pro-rodeo sounds fancy. But really, the basic wrangler jeans are surprisingly comfortable and look like any other pair of jeans. And if you ruin them, you are out less than $20.
“Recently, we had an incident in one of our stores where a gun inadvertently went off, injuring the customer who was carrying it.”
I fail to see the problem here.
Charles Darwin strikes again.
I’ve been wearing nothing but Carhartts and Duluth Trading jeans for years anyway. No loss.
Looking at the website Carhartts are kinda ugly
I’m too old and too ugly to care about what jeans look like. Durability is all that I’m concerned with.
Carhartts are great but they sure like to charge a lot. I get Walls and Dickies, just as good without the price premium.
I like Duluth Trading’s underwear. I get my jeans from LL Bean.
Meh I find not buying anything Nike to be a bit of an overreaction…
This. How did a guy kneeling during a phony act of patriotism get so out of control?
What will happen is I’ll be shopping for new shoes – Nike, Saucony, and a few others will be real close – this will be the tiebreaker.
For Levi’s Its actually worse
They are sponsoring Bloomies prohibition group
Two years ago I picked up some 511 tactical. Hands down the toughest pants I’ve ever had. I can’t go back to jeans of any kind.
511 makes some great stuff, but the price is a little more than I’m willing to pay. There’s a pair of crosstrainers they make that I always keep an eye on during sales.
Try Firehose pants from Duluth Trading Co.
Guys who buy them swear by them. I don’t own a pair because they are a bit pricey for my needs.
Bought some of those about five years back. Yeah, they’re expensive compared to some, but I may will them to my grandnephews. They stand up to most anything.
The Levi’s hurts, haven’t decide my stance on that, but I have pretty much worn Levi’s and Dockers exclusively for longer than I care to admit.
Don’t really do Nike a lot anyway and like Pie says above, not sure that would be enough to throw me off. Jim Geraghty at Nat. Review had a good hot take on the Nike Kaepernick thing, tl;dr Nike screws over plenty of poor minorities and women, but SJW’s are gonna fall over themselves to buy their shit because they gave a millionaire brown guy some money.
Buy one or two high quality pairs of raw denim and you’ll be better off. Before I started losing weight, I had one pair of STF 501’s that only saw the inside of a washing machine twice in a year and I wore them most days after work and on weekends. As I’m losing weight, I’ve been back to cheap disposable jeans and they suck.
If you don’t want to get Levis, there’s a very sizable industry of good jeans out there. But don’t fool yourself, any corporation is liable to pull something like this. You will basically need to withdraw from the formal marketplace if you don’t want to do business with a business that spends money on stuff you disagree with.
That is horrifying.
I’m generally with you regarding getting too wrapped up about a company’s politics, but if they are anti-freedom particularly with regards to 1A and 2A, I evaluate how much it will cost me to not do business with them. For instance, REI – buh bye, Firstbank – buh bye, Dick’s – I’ve never been in one anyway, Delta – I have a decent amount of points, an easy way to accumulate them and live in their primary hub city… I’m not gonna shoot myself in the dick over them dropping the NRA.
, Dick’s – I’ve never been in one anyway
I think it’s supposed to work the other way around
Levis Shmevis. I’m a big fan of Lee, particularly the “Modern Series Straight Leg” variety. I get them in real dark blues and the dye lasts for years. They start out as “nice jeans for dinner with reservations” and then by year three they’re in the “regular jeans for happy hour” category. Sturdy, too.
Providing a safe environment to work and shop is a top priority for us at Levi Strauss & Co. That imperative is quickly challenged, however, when a weapon is carried into one of our stores.
The gun is sentient?
Recently, we had an incident in one of our stores where a gun inadvertently went off, injuring the customer who was carrying it.
The gun is sentient?
I wish someone would sue these fuckers (any of the places that proudly proclaim their gun free zone status) for not providing for the safety of their customers. You know, since that is always their stated number one concern when they make a decision like this.
Musk is unraveling. He pictured himself as that billionaire asshole from Die Another Day who parachutes into his press conference to announce some over the top scheme.
Turns out he’s just the mentally ill dude sitting in the coffee place talking about how he could’ve changed the world if it wasn’t for ‘them’. Just don’t make eye contact with him (or give him money) and you should be cool.
“Ha Ha, suckers! All my work in electric vehicles, space transportation and solar power was just so I could put a ginormous SPACE LASER! into orbit! Bow down before me or be destroyed!”
He’s no Jonathan Pryce-portrayed villain. He’s more of a grifter.
Uncomfortable Truth Time: Tomorrow Never Dies is a fantastic Bond film, except for the title. HOWEVER, the title was a mistake–it was supposed to be Tomorrow Never Lies, which considering Jonathan Pryce’s newspaper is called Tomorrow, is actually quite clever and fitting. I also think the villainous plan to secretly start a war in order to get exclusive media coverage is a pretty brilliant Bond scheme
Michelle Yeoh is a great sidekick. Teri Hatcher is *spectacular* IFYKWIMAITYD. The torture-enthusiast henchman is also a solid addition.
*Rips shirt off to reveal artistic wounds draped over this jacked canvas of human form*
Come at me, bro.
I don’t know about fantastic. It was good. I feel like the premise was better than the actual execution. Same could be said for Goldeneye. Of course, those are both Oscar-caliber in comparison to The World Is Not Enough and Die Another Day.
Die Another Day is sooooooo bad. I remember seeing it in a theater and the entire audience was laughing their collective asses off at how preposterous it was.
I was 15 when that movie came out.
Even I knew it was abject bullshit.
Best Bond movies: Goldfinger, From Russia with Love, Craig-era Casino Royale, Thunderball.
Favorite: You Only Live Twice— Fuck. Yes. Both boy and adult Evan were/are enthralled with the secret volcano base, briefcase helicopter, Kissy Suzuki and
a shirtless Connery in a hot tub drinking sakethe most failing-over-guardrail deaths before Space Mutiny.Space Mutiny!
Still, it was Citizen Kane compared to The World is Not Enough. Denise Richard’s tits playing a nuclear scientist still cracks me up!
Never saw that one, it looked ludicrous. So did Die Another Day, but I went to that one because the girl I was trying to fuck (last girlfriend before my eventual wife, actually) wanted to see it. Not only was the movie awful, but we never had sex.
I was also 15 when Die Another Day came out. Also saw it in theaters. Also remember hysterical laughter. Particularly during the tsunami surfing scene. Brosnan deserved better material, honestly.
I have also forgotten about and rediscovered the erotic charms of Akiko Wakabayashi
Yeah, but the idea of Britain going to war with China is pretty preposterous.
Best Bond movies: Goldfinger, From Russia with Love,
Craig-era Casino Royale, Thunderball.Bond movies post- Roger Moore belong in their own separate category. And that category is called “fake Bond movies”.
Roger Moore sucks.
What are you trying to Hitler?! Trying to be literally….Stalin?!
Roger Moore sucks.
A few months back I binge watched every Bond movie. The Moore films were almost as painful to watch as the last two Brosnan films.
Its a shame they only did two films with Dalton.
I’m a bit more sympathetic.
I think he was a pretty good entrepreneur who got caught up in his own schemes. He created a cool electric car that fit into a niche, the SJW fuckers started bugging him about “doing more” to save the earth with a Tesla for the masses.
I’m sure he figured, he’d float some trial balloon to placate them. Surely investors would shoot down such a hare-brained idea, but he could at least tell the SJW’s that he tried. Then the stupid investors gave him a shit ton of money. What the fuck can he do at that point?
This whole downhill slide is sort of a reverse Producers situation.
A successful CEO never becomes a household name. The pressure of maintaining celebrity compounds the pressure of steering the ship. Musk was an ego driven bozo from the very beginning who desired both. He gets no sympathy from me.
Unless they are also the chief salesman for the company A La Steve Jobs, or are a founder whose name is on the company, as in Henry Ford, or hit the ‘richest man alive’ list, or…
I should have expanded that a bit. A successful CEO never becomes a household name through self aggrandizement. Jobs became a household name by selling Apple products. Musk became a household name by selling himself.
Eh. The dude’s been working and living at his desk for a year now. He absolutely promised something he couldn’t deliver, but he’s killing himself trying not to fail. I guess I respect that part. I mean, yes, egomaniacal, but nearly everyone who makes a billion dollars does so by willing something into being nobody else believed was possible.
“Musk is unraveling. He pictured himself as that billionaire asshole from Die Another Day who parachutes into his press conference to announce some over the top scheme.”
To be honest, that dual rocket landing thing SpaceX pulled off is the most impressive thing I’ve seen since the Apollo moon landings. Musk is just the type that is so obsessed that it’s driven him over the edge. The entire thing with that diver rescue guy seems just pure lunacy. Out of all the people in the world you could start a fight with, why pick that one? He could have been like normal guys and started a Twitter war with Trump. Then he’d be a hero like everyone else who does that.
Hotter Take: The problem with social media is not enough government meddling
Just nationalize it already sheesh
Everyone will have a FB account to maintain based on their SSN.
Funny how the government meddling they want always goes in one direction though, doesn’t it?
from financially motivated troll farms to sophisticated military intelligence operations
I’m trying to figure out which one we are.
Sophisticated, financially motivated military troll farm.
A sophisticated troll operation.
I thought we were an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
Don’t be silly. We’d never be a commune.
TW: Salon
Are Trump supporters evil, or just wrong? Political scientists struggle with morality
So priests of the cult struggle with peddling marxism. Yeah, who cares?
you might think that they would then want to liberate others (like liberals want to do)
Reminds me a bit of Randy Newman’s Rednecks
like liberals want to do
Funniest fuckin’ thing I’ve read all morning.
I think SVT reveals characteristics or a flavor of libertarianism that cuts away the veneer and gets at something closer to the actual set of values motivating libertarianism.
Goddammit, they found us out!
It was fun while it lasted…
These woke fuckers always say they know what we truly believe better than we do. I wonder why…
False consciousness, man…
Yeah, yeah, the all libertarians are libertines argument again.
There seems to be a large conflation of personal identity with political leanings in that article. The brilliance of libertarianism is that it allows you to pursue your life in the manner you see fit as long as you don’t interfere with others. Every other system requires the imposition of values on everyone else.
Hedonistic is nearly an opposite description of most libertarians. It’s a middle and upper class white guy club.
Libertarians complain about laws and taxes but they follow laws and pay taxes.
Hedonistic is a better description of inner city gangs, or flamboyant homosexuals. Both groups containing approximately zero libertarians.
>>to liberate others (like liberals want to do)
Maybe – just maybe – libertarians have a different definition of liberation than “liberals” do.
It’s the arrogance of liberals (and socons) that gets to me. They’re going to save you from yourself even if they have to kill you to do it.
“I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.”
How ‘bout a Fresca?
Mmmmm? Mmmmm? Hah hah hah…..
My go-to movie quote in any corporate ice-breaking exercise.
Didn’t know that a political thought about minding your own business, not using the law or big boi government to screw other people because they like things you don’t, and trying to get by with your own abilities was so damn selfish. I’ve been bamboozled.
You’ve been had! You’ve been took! Run amuck! Led astray!
+1 Dave Chapelle in Men In Tights
We didn’t land on Sherwood Forest. Sherwood Forest landed on us!
And, my favorite line….
Crowd: A black sheriff??
Chapelle: Why not? It worked in Blazing Saddles!
That movie was a comedic gem. Now you’re making me want to rewatch it for the 20th time.
A’Sneeze: I am A’Sneeze, father of A’Choo.
RH: God Bless You, sir.
Oi, Blinken!
-Did you just say “Abe Lincoln”?
Bless you sir for making me remember that.
“Wasn’t your mole… on the other side?”
If you don’t want to jail people for buying soda it shows you don’t care about them.
Wait, so is SVT that cancer that you get if you have genital herpes? Because I thought the deal is you get a shot for that in high school but it has lead in it which makes you insane, which is why people don’t want their kids getting it, or something.
Because I’m against lead and madness, but I’m also against cancer and herpes, so I really don’t know what to think.
Wait, so is SVT that cancer that you get if you have genital herpes?
So you’re a Chevy or Mopar man?
I guess if you asked me how I feel about par, I’d say I usually want mo rather than less…
Empathy is the ability to put ones’ self into another’s shoes. Libertarians can generally do that, but progressives generally cannot. Progressives usually put everyone else into their shoes.
¡Zapatos! Recuerdo zapatos!
/ Venezuela
If I kept a little file of stolen quotes to use in future discussions, this would go into it.
Hah! I have such a file and ES’s remark just went into it.
“So at face value, you might think that they would then want to liberate others (like liberals want to do).”
We do. The problem is that ‘liberate’ doesn’t mean ‘make a slave of the state and steal my hard earned stuff at the point of a gun and give to you’, like you think it does.
(like liberals want to do)
Modern self-described liberals say some things to this effect but what they actually want is to enslave individuals to the collective. The problem with modern self-described liberals is that the are not liberal. Another problem is they attribute malice those that disagree with them. Conservatives and libertarians think leftists are wrong. Leftists think conservatives and libertarians are evil. Conversation is, therefor, largely a nonstarter.
nom nom nom
Arrested Development Narrator: What he forgot to mention is that self-described libertarians donate more to charity every year in both actual dollars and share of income.
I was worried, then I read “Political Scientist”. So now I know it’s authentic academic gibberish.
SJWednesday: Remedial Pronoun Lessons Edition
If they’ll push to make every German noun “das,” I’ll get behind this. That part of their grammar just fucks me up every time.
Humankind instead of mankind
Ahem, “peoplekind”
I told Trudy to go fuck himself when he said that, and I stand by that assessment.
“I am going to tell you what you are allowed to say”
“Yeah? I am going to tell you to fuck off, Sunshine.”
I’m with Peterson on this. I, now that I’m being bullied and forced to use this language, refuse to do so specifically because Fuck Off, That’s Why. You don’t get to tell me what to do. This irks you so I’ll keep doing it just to irk you.
Like when I was a kid I’d get spanked. My mom says I would always shout back “Didn’t hurt!” just to not give them the satisfaction.
I’m also with Peterson on the irony of it all—honestly–some of these things I would agree to heartedly if the language weren’t being compelled. Congresswoman? *Shrug* It’s more accurate. I like it. Firefighter? Sure that’s what I already use. But now, nope. Fuck. Off.
Also problematic? Nibling. What the fuck. I have two nephews, not two hafling woodland elf creatures.
Guys, unless it’s an all female group, whereapon ‘girls’ becomes acceptable.
That’s just plain stupid.
Fun fact, ‘Man’ wasn’t the masculine term for a person, it was the generic.
Congresscritters is the most polite term they get.
No. It’s almost as if you’re willfully ignorant of the meaning and origins of words.
Humans are natural, and a great many things we make don’t involve machines.
You’re high or trolling now.
There’s a reason we have three different terms. Context matters, and specificity is often required.
That makes you sound like a child. Grow up.
See the son/daughter comment, above.
Fuck your trolling.
Hostess or wench.
Bagering Shill.
So you want to degrade these people with an even lower title than they have now?
Cue the video of the ‘firewoman’ unable to bust through a door.
I go with “sup bitches” no matter the composition of the group
“What you cunts up to?”
I didn’t realize you were Australian.
“Y’all” works. If you’re from a “You’uns” part of the country, I suppose that’s fine, too. But I’m definitely married to my wife, because we’re not in a law firm nor are we co-owners of an LTD. Also, when I was young enough to be called “kiddo”, nothing would’ve made me angrier. “Young man” was acceptable, but anything even vaguely patronizing set me off. “Kiddo” would’ve gotten you thrown over the side.
It’s weird how they’re so high on eliminating “sex” from everyday language while at the same time encouraging people to have as much of it as possible – and consequence-free.
The “folks” thing was a tic of Obama’s that always annoyed the shit outta me.
If my daughter ever refers to me as her “pibling” it better be over the goddamn phone, that’s all I’m saying.
“You’re out of the will!”
Unemployed Vagrant instead of British didactics expert?
Am I doing this correctly?
gendered language
I wonder how this person copes with Spanish.
I’m so triggered right now. People who add a superfluous s to a word that is already plural, folks I’m looking at you, really make want to channel my inner Itto Ogami.
Calm down peoples.
When I was a wee Spec-4 in the Army, my squad leader was a jolly old E-6 from Baton Rouge who would constantly pluralize every 2nd or 3rd word in a conversation (very similar to Squirrely Dan from television’s Letterkenny ). It was quite enervating.
It’s collective, not necessarily plural. You can for instance, if so inclined, give entire ranting speeches about how your One Folk requires more living space which must be taken from the neighbor folk.
If you do that, make sure it’s in one of those fancy european languages used by philosophers and such.
OOOH maybe use one with some extra curly letters added in!
Thanks. Plural didn’t sound quite right but I was drawing a blank as to the correct term.
Your inner libertarian didn’t want to even think the word collective.
Finnish and Farsi among others don’t have gendered pronouns. How has it worked out for the ladies there?
We operate in hundreds of stores across every state in the U.S., and laws are different in each one. We know that the presence of firearms in our stores creates an unsettling environment for many of our employees and customers. We also know that trying to enforce a ban could potentially undermine the purpose of the ban itself: safety. With that in mind we’ve made this decision as a business – a request not a mandate – and we sincerely hope responsible gun owners will respect our position.
It boils down to this: you shouldn’t have to be concerned about your safety while shopping for clothes or trying on a pair of jeans. Simply put, firearms don’t belong in either of those settings. In the end, I believe we have an obligation to our employees and customers to ensure a safe environment and keeping firearms out of our stores and offices will get us one step closer to achieving that reality.
Oh. no. Will Levis stop selling their wares to Murdoch’s farm and ranch stores? There is a whole gun department about fifty feet from the shelf where I grabbed my most recent pair of 501s. Guns! THOUSANDS of rounds of ammunition, right there in the same store. It was horrifying.
keeping firearms out of our stores and offices will get us one step closer to
achieving that reality.making our customers sitting ducks in the even of an attack that is now more likely since we have announced that we wish to be ‘gun-free’.Devon town has rude awakening after vandals rearrange huge Tour of Britain artwork overnight
If there’s an opportunity for a graffiti artist to work in a… phallic shape… interacting with the artwork, it will happen
“Elon Musk has said he’s on ambient”
I like a lot of electronic music, but please don’t lay his flakiness on Nils Frahm.
Brian Eno claims another victim.
ps- I will continue to buy and wear Levis 501s, because I like the way they fit (if you buy the shrink-to-fits, they last a long time, too).
I can’t help it if the CEO is confused. Hell, as far as that goes, I’d keep on wearing Nikes if I liked them (I don’t).
I generally take that attitude, but not where gun-grabbing is concerned. You fuck with the 2A, you are dead to me. That’s where I draw the line.
I’ll continue to wear the Levis I have, but will look to another brand if I need to buy some more jeans.
Hah! I have such a file and ES’s remark just went into it.
Damn, that was supposed to be a reply to EvilSheldon under #23 above.
Same here, I’ve been wearing 501’s for most of my adult life (40+ years — same size too!). Don’t really want to change. My not buying them will have a miniscule effect on the company.
Maybe I’ll write them a letter saying that I will not buy their jeans if they continue that policy, but go ahead and buy them anyway. They’ll never know the difference.
Man sentenced after leaving child sex cartoons at library
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
Right age, but I have an alibi.
Is this this a cave in?
“In a letter to President Trump’s lawyers, special counsel Robert Mueller’s office said they will accept written responses from Trump regarding whether his campaign team colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman and Michael Schmidt report, citing two people briefed on the letter. The letter was sent on Friday.”
I say the WH should tell them to sod off.
It looks like a desperate attempt to get conflicting testimony between McGahn and the rest of Trump’s team.
There is no Russia collusion. This has been from the start a witch hunt where these fucks hoped to somehow torpedo the Trump presidency and cover up how they not only let that criminal Hillary walk, but spied on her opposition candidate. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
And others are seeing this is a coverup as well:
“In reporting the latest developments in the case, the mainstream media quickly latched onto two sentences in Papadopoulos’ memo to push the dying Russia narrative. The language the press proffered as supposed evidence of collusion came in a passage in which Papadopoulos’ attorneys sought to portray the Trump advisor as out of his depth.
As his legal team explained to the court, at a March 31, 2016 “National Security Meeting” with Trump and Jeff Sessions, “eager to show his value to the campaign, George announced at the meeting that he had connections that could facilitate a foreign policy meeting between Mr. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. While some in the room rebuffed George’s offer, Mr. Trump nodded with approval and deferred to Mr. Sessions who appeared to like the idea and stated that the campaign should look into it.”
The press predictably played up this exchange as a gotcha moment, while it was nothing of the sort. There is nothing nefarious about this discussion, and it has absolutely no bearing on the question of whether anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the presidential election.
In addition to playing up the irrelevant, the press passed on the noteworthy: Papadopoulos’ sentencing memo reveals new evidence that further indicates the FBI’s goal in Crossfire Hurricane was to investigate Trump—not Russia’s interference with the presidential election.”
Read this article. Damning to the FBI and the people screaming the hardest about Russia collusion.
Exactly. I would give them Jack-shit. Trump is not accountable to the special council. He is accountable to the voters, period. The constitution provides for one way to remove a president. Do it that way or fuck right off.
Can he write his response on a pink slip?
The WH should just send him a brown paper bag with burning dog shit.
Maybe collect some of that San Fran art and use that instead? Should make them mega-woke…
I’m not sure why they can’t tell them to fuck off. At the end of the day any order must be enforced by the threat of arrest. Something they can’t do to a President. I’m sure they’re worried about everyone getting the vapors but it would be a great show.
Libertarians emphasize self-direction and self-determination. So at face value, you might think that they would then want to liberate others (like liberals want to do).
How very, very droll.
The non-application of force is violent.
You are free to do anything you want – except refuse to bake certain people cakes, or own a gun, or add on to your house without going hat in hand to the city, or use terminology that makes people feel bad. Free, comrade, to do only what a Good Progressive would want to do. What other freedom do you need?
Liberals never wanted to liberate others per se, they believed that individual liberty was important in and of itself, both on moral grounds and on the basis of the long-term success of a society, and believed that government should reflect that.
So why do people calling themselves liberals believe the exact opposite and act on that belief at every opportunity? Do tell, Salon.
We may have started out way behind the rest of the coastal urban elites, but we are catching up fast.
Our homeless camp is up to 200 people now. I wonder why? Can’t be the gushing stories the local paper keeps writing about our new mayor passing out goodies left and right to the people there.
BTW, our new mayor is a poor man’s version of Trudeau.
I wonder if he will resign his office because the Dakota didn’t elect him. I mean he wouldn’t want to be mayor of a city built on stolen ground would he?
Homeless camps in Minneapolis? How in hell do they survive the winter?
I think that is exactly why the boy mayor is so desperate to get them out of there by the end of September. It will look really bad if some junkies die in the first blizzard of the year.
The Skyways. The library. Atriums of office buildings. They seem to be quite creative.
And the Lutherans run a shit ton of shelters for the worst of the weather.
To be honest, I sort of admire some of the homeless. I respect their decision to strip their lives down to the bare minimum so they can spend all their time using the chemicals of their choice/addiction.
The first dozen people in that homeless camp were dedicated heroin users who decided that they were going to live in a tent so they’d have more money/time to shoot up.
Generally, they don’t. Minneapolis is one of the least generous cities as far as locals donating to charity go. There are a few shelters, but they are really hard to stay in for multiple days in a row. There are a few local shelters that have emergency numbers, and when you call a van will show up and usually put the person up for a day or two to detox but its not long term. Basically, they get the Minnesota Nice treatment, which is akin to the ‘wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.’
All of this, combined with an out-of-doors that will kill you dead 5 or 6 months out of the year means that we don’t really have much of a homeless community. Without a safety net or the ability to vagabond, people surprisingly don’t vagabond. Those that do usually travel to California, Oregon, or Washington via rail.
Homeless people are like stay cats. Start feeding them and you’ll never get rid of them.
Even if you evict them three times, they keep coming back.
This family was the sob story that was the focus of the story. Huh wonder why no one will rent to you. Given how hard it is to evict someone (especially in wintertime) it really says something that it has happened to you 3 fucking times already.
Not much, that’s true. The problem is you want everyone else to pay for it.
Yup. I thought of posting that quote too. This was the other one that I liked: “On Aug. 23, Sonny Deer’s mother dropped the family off on the street in front of the encampment, leaving them with little more than the clothes they were wearing.”
If it isn’t that much, why did her mom drop her and the kids off at the tent shelter instead of letting them live with her? When your own family kicks you out, you are a real shit heel.
Especially on the rez. It’s not like the standards are very high.
Have a mentioned how much I hate the reservations? Fucking embarrassment.
Funny how the staunchest feminists, the ones that start any conversation with a guy about how much they don’t need men, always are the most hardcore about government fulfilling that role of provider so they can keep role-playing the strong independent woman.
Feminism isnt about women. It’s just marxism with tits. Think about it like that and everything they do makes sense.
Well said.
NBC Orders ‘Law and Order: Hate Crimes
What percentage of their investigations will involve fake hate crimes?
It will be all white supremacists, deplorable Trump voters all the time.
So 100% fake shit?
Soon to be followed by the riveting spinoff series Law and Order: Microaggressions.
Replacing the gavel sound with SJW cries.
My wife used to joke that L&O would eventually resort to Law & Order: Meter Maids and Law & Order: Municipal Code Enforcement.
Nothing more entertaining than a lawyer breaking down a contractor getting him to admit he failed to file for the proper permit.
Oh that’s funny satire right there.
…oh wait, it’s real.
There was a
hyuge insect chilling on the screen on my window this morning. Turns out it was this cicada (one on the far left). I am familiar with the ones like the small one on the far right, but the large one surprised/startled me a bit. I hate bugs.I havn’t seen Cicadas recetly, but I’ve seen a lot of dragonflies this year – even in areas they didn’t show up in previous years.
Yes, we had one of those monsters on our deck the other day.
Comletely harmless. Pay no attention to it.
Seven Year Locusts — We get those fuckers by the thousands on certain years, but I haven’t seen any this year.
This is a test
Bublik – Circular Apartment Building In Moscow Is The Pinnacle Of Brutalism
Hey you can change your name to not have an unnecessary capitalized letter. Who knew.
I did, obviously. That’s why I changed it for you.
I actually like brutalist architecture.
Some of it is well done (DC Metro, Dulles Airport). A lot of it is just shitty, particularly the office buildings.
See: J. Edgar Hoover Building.
It’s… okay.
My first preference is Art Deco architecture. Followed by Palladian and Neoclassical.
Although I do find the Brutalist government buildings to be apropos
Living with I I hate the fuckin thing
Stupid open tag…
I can’t really account for it as it is the embodiment of many things I find objectionable politically and culturally. Damned if I’m not drawn to the aesthetic though.
My god I hate that building. The inside is even worse. Old City Hall is a beautiful building. I will give them credit and say they’ve made the surrounding area much more pleasant by planting numerous trees instead of just red brick everywhere. Now if they’d only change that problematic General Hooker entrance at the State House.
There’s something not horrible about that.
Obligs – https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/016/925/498ed76be651cffb6bb9bac6a9bb75c3.png
Here is a more capitalism-friendly version.capitalism-friendly version.
I have a fond memory of the ex and I hanging out in that neighborhood. Great food and fun shops. I got my badass “MALACCA AT HER APOGEE” classroom-map from a junkshop near there. I also got a fun depth chart of the Jurong Point port in Singapore thrown in.
I’m not sure I would call that Brutalist. The interior is filled with trees instead of a concrete plaza with random raised concrete benches.
It’s also circular which lends it a bit of gentleness not found in the best Brutalist buildings.
Donald Trump’s Latest Immigration Outrage
IOW, WaPo made up some figures, and now we’re Nazi Germany.
Kudos to Heather Nauert.
The WaPo showed up on her doorstep demanding that she do their home work for them. She declined and they scribbled out some half assed shit on a wrinkled up piece of notepaper. Then she gets to show the rest of the class how bad their work was.
“despite the fact that they possess birth certificates”
Do they also possess the other requirements necessary to obtain a passport?
This is what is actually going on here: there are shady midwifes in border areas who will, for a fee, claim that they delivered a Mexican baby in the US. Kid gets an American birth certificate and is a citizen. Midwife eventually gets busted for this. People whose birth was attested to by said midwife apply for passports. Government asks for more documentation because of the link with the fraudster midwife.
Not sure if this article states it, but the crack down started during Bush II and continued in the Obama admin (which given two terms jammed up significantly more individuals than the Trump admin has to date).
Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the State Department began denying the passports under the Obama administration. The denials began during the George W. Bush administration and continued under the Obama administration. The story has been corrected.
holy crap what garbage
Children’s nursery in China welcomes back kids with pole dancer, leaving parent shocked
Pole dancing, machine guns, AND mortars? School in China sounds amazing.
The US Army is developing drones that can be charged by lasers in mid-air
“We decided that the best source of power would be the Chinese laser guns when they inevitably tried to shoot down the drones.”
Looks like a solution in search of a problem. They fly for many hours now. Running overlapping shifts is simple and nets the same coverage.
General Mattis Calls b.s. on new book
Living up to his “Mad Dog” nickname, General Mattis released an unfiltered statement on Tuesday afternoon denying the accusations and slamming Woodward for his “uniquely Washington brand of literature.”
“The contemptuous words about the President attributed to me in Woodward’s book were never uttered by me or in my presence,” says the general’s statement. “While I generally enjoy reading fiction, this is a uniquely Washington brand of literature, and his anonymous sources do not lend credibility.”
Continuing, Mattis says that real-life policy making is messy and requires thorough debate — debate which has led to Trump administration successes like “the near annihilation of ISIS caliphate, unprecedented burden sharing by our NATO allies, the repatriation of U.S. service member remains from North Korea, and the improved readiness of our armed forces.”
“The idea that I would show contempt for the elected Commander-in-Chief president Donald Trump, or tolerate disrespect to the office of the President from within our Department of Defense is a product of someone’s rich imagination,” concludes Mattis.
I, for one, am shocked at the mendacity of people with “anonymous sources”.
Who would trust a mad dog to deep throat?
A friend told me so!
Woodward’s source!
I survived the Warsaw ghetto. Here are the lessons I’d like to pass on
Stanisław Aronson
It’s not at all what he’s saying, but his article reminds me why we say molon labe.
well, i took away the same lesson so maybe it is what he’s saying:
If disaster comes, you will find that all the myths you once cherished are of no use to you. You will see what it is like to live in a society where morality has collapsed, causing all your assumptions and prejudices to crumble before your eyes. And after it’s all over, you will watch as, slowly but surely, these harshest of lessons are forgotten…
SF Court: Cities can’t prosecute people for sleeping on streets
So cite and prosecute them for destruction of public property.
What about defecating in the streets?
That’s part of the art projects there. You can’t just make art a crime.
Yes, you can.
You can ‘art’ all you want on your own property, but when you ‘art’ in public, or one someone else’s property, you are damaging that which you do not own.
I was trying to be a clown. I failed.
Add a single, well placed “f” and you’re fine.
Nope, only seppuku can save me now. Will you be my second?
“What about defecating in the streets?”
From each according to their ability . . .
A few years ago, when I was in Washington DC at a business conference, they stuffed a bunch of us drunken IT folks into a bus to be taken to the National Air and Space museum. I saw a few homeless tents created by stringing tarps across sidewalk/park benches.
I thought to myself: If any homeless dude in my town did that, the police would be on him in less than an hour.
From the article
Ridiculous. Almost completely left out of the article are the homeless activists & lawyers, furthering this as an acceptable lifestyle. No, not just acceptable, but must be supported by the full weight of the welfare state & embraced by the general public.
It’s really too bad what the 9th Circus is doing. Fifteen years ago when I first started going to Boise regularly, there was very little graffiti or trash, no begging at intersections, and no visible homeless camps (unless you really went looking for them).
You are required to do penance by witnessing the visible results of your shitlordism.
How much of that “inequality” is created by zoning laws that make new construction impossible and drive the prices of the currently available real estate out of the range most normal people could afford?
Zoning, land use regulations, and building codes.
Once again, government breaks legs and hands out crutches.
Shocked by Brexit, we launched the first pan-European progressive movement
On the morning of Britain’s vote to leave the EU I was on the phone to my partner, Andrea Venzon, and felt devastated. I grew up in France and studied law in the UK. Andrea and I had always planned to move to London some day. It just made sense: I’m French, he’s Italian, and we’d first met there. We represent the generation who have been able to study across Europe as part of the Erasmus scheme. Suddenly we had to rethink everything. I was 22. – well you have plenty of time to rethink everything
Our policies and programmes are first created at a pan-European level and then adapted to the national and local level, in keeping with our priorities. These are: building a smart state (states should adopt new tools to earn trust through accountability and transparency); initiating an economic renaissance, aimed at providing decent living standards for all; social equality, to guarantee equal rights and opportunities; striking a global balance, in which Europe takes on international responsibilities; empowering citizens to influence politics beyond elections; reforming Europe by offering a clear path towards a federal EU. – I have to admit I like a political movement with policies that are clear, measurable things not random feelgood bullshit
In a rarity for the guardian the first comment amused me
A suggested slogan for the new party: VOLT
“Resistance is futile”
“Wah, wah, I’m entitled to subjugate a country I don’t even blong to because their soverignty might inconvenience me.”
Wait, two French guys want the Brits to change so they can move there? Didn’t we go through this with a couple of Normans nigh on 950 years ago?
I still lament the passing of the last rightful King of England, Harold Godwinson.
Fun fact, because William the Bastard refused to be buried on English soil, by the time they got his carcass to Normandy, he’d bloated up to the point that he exploded when they tried to force him into his sarcophagus.
Okay, I lied. He died in France.
Long live Hereward the Wake.
“reforming Europe by offering a clear path towards a federal EU”
There’s an honesty to this, at least. The current trend amongst Europhiles is to pretend that the EU has no such intention and is just UEFA to the UN’s FIFA, or something.
not random feelgood bullshit
Except that’s what your entire platform is.
How ‘Democratic Socialism’ Wreaked Havoc On My Native Sweden
At least they are not slaves to extreme unregulated capitalism and do not live in fear of being shot every minute of their lives. Also the women are tall and blonde.
I’ll take “Features not Bugs” for $1000, Alex.
I find this whole string of emotional essay boring, especially when there are easy balls and strikes to be called.
Here’s how I score Sweden:
a/ AstraZeneca, Skype, Ericsson, Electrolux (good stuff that I use, so something over there must be okay enough for now)
b/ Ikea (others seem to care, I don’t)
c/ Volvo car (sold to Ford, now a Chinese toy, will be ruined soon)
d/ Volvo truck (shame it was sold to Renault, but it’s still the safest and most cost-efficient truck out there)
So Sweden is easily a B+ country for me today; I can’t say what their arc will be, much of their philosophy is broken, and I share these concerns, but I could say the same about Illinois.
As for the work ennui, there is no substitute for a big pile of liquid assets, some lake-front property, and knowing that your wife’s mom aged well. I’m a shameless mercenary, and I can stand in your shit all day if you hit my number; lots of firms in Sweden can hit my number though it be inflated for the local tax rate. And that’s the rub here: will a man be able to master his destiny while wearing the millstones of Swedish theory and overhead?
This is how I walk muh commie mom through these discussions: what goods and services have you ever bought from that country? What did they invent, create? What are their prospects for continuing to perform thus?
Meh, I mean, California has produced an order of magnitude more goods and services that I enjoy on a day to day basis than probably any of the Nordic social welfare Utopias, but I similarly think it’s a basket case and don’t want it serving as a model for any place where I have to live. Geographical and historical advantages can make up for a lot in terms of abysmal government and cultural bankruptcy.
“It slowly suffocates the individualist spirit.”
That is the whole point of it. Geez.
Everyone but the top men need to be drones.
Mum creates rose gold…
The single mum-of-two has plans to launch casting parties where friends can get together over a bottle of wine and have…
I’ve heard it suggested that a particularly good piece of poon should be bronzed before, but that might be a little too much.
Kavanaugh is one of the least popular Supreme Court justice nominees a president has ever chosen. He has the lowest approval rate among the public since Robert Bork’s nomination by President Ronald Reagan in 1987 and fewer than three in 10 women support Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
Kavanaugh is no harmless family man who will uphold the law from the Supreme Court bench. He is a direct threat to our fundamental civil rights, and particularly the rights of communities who are disproportionately impacted by the behavior of reckless corporations. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) called Kavanaugh the “Forest Gump of Republican politics,” claiming that he would “show up at every scene of the crime.” Kavanaugh has done plenty of damage to the country already. Every member of Congress who cares about the country should stop this man from getting a starring role in the demise of our democracy.
Molly Dorozenski is Greenpeace’s USA Democracy Campaign director.
Say, that gives me a terrific idea. We should elect Supreme Court justices, with a nationwide vote. Because why wouldn’t we?
What could possibly go wrong?
our fundamental civil rights, and particularly the rights of communities
Communities don’t have rights, asshole. Individuals do. Please remember to suck my ass on your way out. Thanks.
Wow that is an impressive amount of claims with an equally impressive amount of supporting evidence…
I will remind everyone that the democrats are stuck with this shit show because Harry Reid torpedoed the old procedure that required a 60 vote Senate confirmation threshold. The thing is that these assholes figured they could change it back or never end up being on the receiving end of that shit, and now they are going to just have to take it.
They bought into their own bullshit about a permanent Democrat majority.
1000 year Reich?
That was the fascists, and I think the democrats after 8 years of Obama fascist socialism are now saying they want full blown Bernie marxism. After all, nobody needs fucking 23 choices of deodorant, and everyone should get free college where they get brainwashed but really learn nothing that will allow them to go out in the real world and do anything more difficult than fast food servers/baristas at a woke $25 minimum wage and/or work in government/HR.
They’re Roperites, willingly tearing down the foundations of civil society, and then wondering why they too are up against the wall.
“Greenpeace’s USA Democracy Campaign director”
I am sure there is someone out there with less credibility but I cant think who it might be.
I am calling bullshit.
Just remember, if you give money to Greenpeace it is NOT a political donation.
least popular Supreme Court justice nominees a president has ever chosen
If true, I wonder why. Could it be the constant stream of propaganda from the “news” media?
All you Queens haters can go eat salads for the rest of your lives.
The new She Guevera – free college, medicare for all, open borders, abolish ICE. No Republican running, so she will make it to the House.
All things considered, it won’t be much of a change from the previous holder of that office.
Yep, mentioned last night. She’s my new congresscritter. Yay :-/
More evidence that the D’s plan for the midterms is “prog harder”. We’ll see how that plays out.
There’s a curious lack of detail on her website about how all the freebies are going to be funded. Funny, that.
My bad. Sorry for the repeat – I missed your post.
I’m curious whether Amazon may rethink Boston.
The R’s should consider making a run in some these places where the super progs have won.
The original SheGuevera won the primary because only 3% of the registered voters bothered to show up for the primary.
Well, the district went 84% FOR Hilldog, so I don’t know why anyone would bother.
So once again we find the commie who wants free shit for everyone, but has never held a real job. Nice gig if you can get it,
And is a carpetbagger to boot.
Free shit brings out the envious freeloaders on vote day.
The Theranos shitshow is officially over
Another woke company that enjoyed a cozy relationship with government entities finally ends up getting what it deserves because their products suck.
PT Barnum would be proud – so many suckers. Everyone in the industry knew it was a scam from the start.
Pickup truck rams into Dallas FOX affiliate, driver rants about “treason”
I blame Trump!
/stupid prog agitator.
You know who else ranted and screaming about treason…
Captain Kidd?
That’s a gimme….Brennan
The Rosenbergs?
Cobra Commander during the later seasons?
Patrick Henry?
The Duke of York?
Temple misreports data to boost MBA ranking – this is why we need to shut-down for profit schools!
When Temple University announced in July that its business school had misreported student data for U.S. New & World Report’s annual M.B.A. rankings, the school disclosed another troubling error: It had understated the debt load its typical business student carried after graduation.
U.S. News ranked the online master’s in business administration at Temple’s Fox School of Business as the nation’s best for four years running, including in 2018, before Fox admitted in January to reporting inflated standardized-test scores. Since then, the university has found Fox staff submitted other incorrect information for six additional Fox programs, and in some instances did so “knowingly and intentionally.”
Some of the inaccuracies concern student-debt records. Fox told U.S. News & World Report that 40% of its online M.B.A. students who graduated last year had loans, owing an average of $16,275 apiece. According to the July report, Fox had included graduates with zero loans when calculating students’ debt burdens from 2016 to 2018, which lowered the average amount. Temple declined to say how much debt its approximately 100 online M.B.A. graduates who had loans last year actually held for the $60,000 degree.
Co-opt educational institutions – check
Shut down any competition that pops up – working on it
Work update: well now this will be interesting (but not really). I’m meeting with the VP tomorrow to discuss my job position.
I really don’t care on so many levels since my current plan is to start job searching once I get back from my October vacation.
Ask lots of questions and take lots of notes; offer nothing (about your plans or situation) they don’t already know.
This is my version of taking the Fifth at work.
WaPo digs for the truth
The controversy over Bash’s hand placement started on Twitter in the midst of the hearing. A few liberal-leaning accounts with large followings who do not work for traditional news media outlets had noticed that Bash had been making an “okay” sign with her hand as it rested on her arm as she sat behind Kavanaugh at the hearing. The symbol — yes, that everyday hand sign with thumb and forefinger arranged in a circle and three fingers splayed upward — is not considered a hate symbol by organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League, but it has been the subject of a campaign by Internet hoaxsters and trolls to be converted to that use to inflame the sensibilities of well-meaning people online.
Popular Twitter personalities and accounts such as Amy Siskind, Eugene Gu and the Palmer Report tweeted that Bash had flashed a “white-power” symbol, drawing a flurry of engagement on the social media platform. By the evening, Bash’s name was trending on the service. The video Gu tweeted out that focused on Bash’s hands, originally published by another Twitter account, had been viewed more than 2 million times.
Siskind continued to sow doubt about Bash’s intent into the evening on Twitter.
“Inflame the sensibilities of well-meaning people” you say? The imbecilic mouth-breathers frantically re-twatting that nonsense are not what I would describe as “well-meaning people”. But don’t let that derail the narrative.
We played that game when I was a kid. Bash gets to give those Twitter personalities a Charlie Horse.
no flinching, else she gets to hit them twice.
Its the WaPo, so after a fairly reasonable debunking of the whole thing, they just hafta do this:
Good grief. And if a Democrat attends a conference that is “popular” with communists, there will be similar outrage. Right?
TW: Vox
Why our individualistic culture makes us less happy
Swedish researcher Carl Cederström on how corporations redefined happiness and turned hippies into Reagan voters.
I thought happiness was a warm gun.
Somebody just got around to reading American Psycho. (Or more likely watching the movie).
Yes, the collectivists seem very happy.
Besides being bullshit, that statement makes no sense.
Brian: Look, you’ve got it all wrong! You don’t need to follow me. You don’t need to follow anybody! You’ve got to think for yourselves! You’re all individuals!
Crowd: [in unison] Yes! We’re all individuals!
Brian: You’re all different!
Crowd: [in unison] Yes, we are all different!
Man in crowd: I’m not…
Crowd: Shhh!
To Raise Confident, Independent Kids, Some Parents Are Trying To ‘Let Grow’
Gee those gradual “experiments in independence” I had were hanging out with my friends and getting into trouble. I feel like I had a Tom Sawyer childhood compared to many kids of today.
Let Grow is Lenore Skenazy’s new organization. She’s written at TOS about the bullshit that is shaming (and arresting!) parents for letting their kids do stuff all of us did when we were kids.
(Yes, it says that in the article. But how many here actually click on the article?)
My mom was a little too overprotective, as moms are wont to be. To be fair though, we lived in a really, really shitty neighborhood for a substantial part of my childhood. Like, we had to flee the local park because of gang fights on more than one occasion, and the tavern a quarter mile up the road was the site of at least a dozen stabbings, two of which resulted in deaths. Thankfully my dad had a mitigating influence and we eventually moved to a better area. From 9 or 10 on I was pretty free range. Never got into much trouble just because it wasn’t really in my nature. Compared to now, my parents would have been risking arrest. It’s fucking insane.
1970s: I grew up in a safe and quite boring suburb. Behind the street there was an empty parcel of land that was slowly being consumed by condos. But for many years, we ran through those woods, found rain-soaked porn magazines, visited an abandoned place called “Charlie’s Dump,” which was also a great place to go sledding, biked all over, fought, made camp fires, and lived like wild indians. Good times.
Same here except no suburb and our property was adjacent to 50,000 acre abandoned WWII army camp with another 50K acre of wilderness behind it.
Even better!
Very similar for me. We also had three busy hockey rinks within walking distance. My mom just expected us home for dinner, otherwise we were on our own.
And nothing bad happened.
Here’s a good book about growing up at that time. Sting-Ray Afternoons: A Memoir
By coincidence, the author grew up in the same suburb I did. We likely crossed paths on baseball diamonds or hockey rinks. It’s a fun book and will definitely take you back.
Lord H, that sounds like my childhood, only “small Texas town” instead of “boring suburb”. It was pretty great, really – there were always a decent number of kids within a few blocks who were close enough in age, and we all got thrown out of the house in the summer and told not to come back until lunch/dinner/when the streetlights came on. We roamed in a semi-feral pack, played army, tackle football, whatever.
At least something worthwhile has come out of the Kavanaugh shitshow.
Is she tryingto get people to support Kavanaugh?
I didn’t realize Kavanaugh was part of the anti-white woman shock troops.
Can we vote on this?
Yeah, I’d like my ballot ASAP please.
*Smashes the Yes Vote Button*
What the hell is she talking about?
Special bonus: the hilarious Oregon Trail photoshop was flagged as “sensitive material”. What a joke.
i’m assuming that’s a tranny and xer’s referring to Kavanaugh’s public statements on his willingness to legalize execution of trans persons which he has espoused literally never.
I’m going to be honest here. I don’t know that woman, but I do have a sudden urge to kill her. Is this the Kavanaugh effect?
OT: I rarely log into Facebook, but when I do, there are a lot of ads for ED and hair loss.
Targeting that Generation X crowd, eh?
I’m proud to state that my erections would make STEVE SMITH proud. And though I’m not as hairy as everyone’s favorite Rapesquatch, I still have a full head of hair.
My is filled with ads for dental implant services. Weird, but accurate. You too?
“my erections would make STEVE SMITH proud”
They don’t call him Lord Humungus for nothing amirite?
Isn’t that how the world proffered in the movie Ideocracy happened? Every scientist was too busy working on ED and hairloss products, and the crazy/stupid people ended up outbreeding the others?
Alright, we’re talking about boners now!
Shhh. We always do. Most of the time we use code, euphemisms and dog whistles.
Count me in for the orgy
dog whistles
Euphemism confirmed.
I rarely log into Facebook, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis.
You’re going to need something stronger.
Man who threatened to kill Ajit Pai’s children pleads guilty, faces prison
Prete Bahara wept
I believe the words you’re looking for are “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”.
RE: Zina’s magical subliminal Nazi symbol.
The fact that such a write up exists in the Washington Post shows what a joke it (and the rest of the legacy media) has become. I guess they banned Alex Jones because his style of reasoning was stepping on their toes.
It’s interesting though. The mainstream media numbers suck. Without the hate-clicks, wouldn’t they just shrivel up and die?
Once could hope so. No group of people I can think of deserve life taking a giant dump on them like these douchebags do.
I think frogs turning gay are pretty rational compared to their thinking.
More facts in evidence for gayified frogs than for whatever insanity these people are peddling?
Surprised WaPo didn’t have the red lines forming an Illuminati hexagram overlaid on the picture.
Fruit Sushi isn’t cosmo-ing right
That chart is excellent.
I’m going to be honest here. I don’t know that woman, but I do have a sudden urge to kill her. Is this the Kavanaugh effect?
I wouldn’t necessarily want to kill her, but bombarding her with flaming bags of dogshit sounds like a good way to while away an afternoon.
I am half-convinced it is some kind of false flag. Please tell me it’s a false flag
Lindsey Graham was born to play Scarlet O’Hara in Gone with the Wind.
His Rhett Butler just died of brain cancer.
So I guess whichever one fucks him first, he’ll marry?
Or best?
Isn’t there supposed to be a kill in there, too?
What do you think this is, cable?
Yeah, I’m sure he’ll find the “right one” – this time! – among the next batch of harpies. Poor fame-whore sucker.
Hear, hear. The fifth set is supposed to go until someone wins by two games for a reason.
Now they’re agitating to move the slams to best of three instead of five. Fine. Then make the slams 1000 points instead of 2000 and cut the winnings in half.
That’s almost as dumb as Nascar doing sprint races within the actual race distance.