This game was over in the first quarter
Monday college football always feels weird. Obviously FSU felt like the game was at the wrong time. They’d have preferred a Saturday…in 2013. Jeez, they were hopeless on offense last night, as they fell to VA Tech at home. Other big winners of the weekend were: Bama, Clemson, THE Ohio State University, Georgia, Nicholls State, Auburn and just about everybody else who played with the exception of That Team Up North, who lost their 17th consecutive road game to a ranked opponent (dates back to 2006) and have now officially gone an entire year without a touchdown reception by a Wide Receiver. Shit, I bet Georgia Tech and Army have at least one in that span. It also caused the (probably alcohol-fueled) meltdown of one of their own...and many laughs in Buckeyeland.
In tennis, Federer got bounced last night as Joker-Man won. Serena bounced Venus in what seems like an eternity ago and has now moved to the quarterfinals with many of the top seeds having been taken out already. I expect her to win it all now. And Bryson DeChambeau won the second FedEx Cup tourney in a row to put a bit of a stranglehold on the chase for the $10m prize and all but assure himself of a Ryder Cup spot.
Elsewhere, Some of those red-hot divisional/playoff races in baseball are cooling off. As you can see here, half of the races are locked down. And the AL teams are just playing for postseason position. There’s still some action in the AL West and the NL divisions could tighten up (obviously the west is already a dogfight). I’d like to see that.
OK, on to birthdays. British automaker and founder of Jaguar William Lyons was born on this date. So was TV’s Paul Harvey, so was the first Darrin Dick York, economist Clive Granger, hater of fried chicken Raymond Floyd, drummer Gene Parsons, golf great Tom Watson, another drummer Martin Chambers, the hilarious Damon Wayans, guitarist Kim Thayil, convicted sex offender and Clinton pal Anthony Weiner, baseball player Mike Piazza, and big-assed singer Beyonce.
Its also the date on which the following happened: Henry Hudson discovered Manhattan Island, Halley discovered the comet named after himself, Los Angeles was founded, Edison’s light bulbs illuminated Pearl Street Station, Geronimo surrendered and ended the last Indian War, George Eastman patents the roll camera and name “Kodak” (which later enables Paul McCartney to accumulate the rights to a shitload of music), Man-O-War won a race by 100 lengths, Darlington hosted the first 500 mile NASCAR race, Ford introduced the Edsel, “The Price Is Right” made its TV debut, Yes performed its last concert, Google was incorporated, “Xena: Warrior Princess” debuted, and Mother Teresa was canonized.
And now…the links!

Expect to see a lot more of this
Nike makes the unemployed Colin Kaepernick the face of its 30th Anniversary campaign. The slogan says “Believe In Something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” A lot of people are tweeting about it. Pat Tillman was unavailable for comment.

A man prepares for his interview to head NBC
NBC are starting to fess up to the coverup of the Weinstein story. I wonder how long they can hold up as a credible news source when their hypocrisy in this matter is so obvious.
Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing starts today. Expect a lot of very pointed and specific questions. And expect a lot of noncommittal answers, which is standard practice in these settings but will be presented as evasion by the people who hate the process now that the other team is in charge.
Trump makes what I consider to be his dumbest comment since his swearing-in. You cannot tell your AG he is carrying out politically-motivated prosecutions. Especially when they’re pretty blatant (alleged) transgressions. Stupid comment. Dumb. The worst comment.
No wonder China are pulling away from us in education. They’re keeping their kids more engaged with exciting new teaching techniques. I, for one, would like to see this employed in the Houston area on a political program.

Get out of the fucking road, assholes!
Hotel workers break laws and aren’t arrested in Boston. I wonder how much longer these types of protests will continue before someone plows through it because they are trying to get to the hospital or something. And police will be partially responsible for not doing their damn jobs.
Hey dumbass, don’t leave your car running when you pick up a hooker and leave her in it. I’m curious how he’s gonna fare when the grand jury is done with this.
I had a couple decent choices from the 80s and 90s, but I went a little further back today.
Go out there and start the (short) week off well, my friends.
Morning Glibs!
A quick question… Have any of you smelled moth balls?
If so, how did you ever get them tiny legs apart to do that??
Paging Swiss to Aisle 9…. Swiss to Aisle 9, Code NG please.
That makes me wonder. Does dichlorobenzine have repellant effects for other types of bugs as well?
I hear it is killer if you swallow a few of those with some hard liquor..
It is extremely poisonous across the board. People use them to repel all kinds of critters in their houses and gardens.
All bugs, snakes, mice, armadillos, etc
The problem is that it is very poisonous to you as well. Extended exposure is not a good idea.
Damn. Just covering the areas of the house I don’t live in* would drive the handful of bugs into the part I do. That’s even worse.
*(basement, storage, etc)
That’s when you hunt around with a flashlight and a flip flop inspecting walls and ceilings for lazing mosquitos.
Ask me how my Friday night went.
During my ongoing fued with my neghbors over their insistance at using my trash can, at one point I failed to make sure I’d washed it out and dragged the thing inside, dragging with it an unwelcome cargo of fly pupae. They finished their metamorphosis and were quite confused by the lack of anything to eat in my house. I, however, was pissed off at having a bunch of flies in my house. Noting that they tended to cluster on the windows, I bought a bug zapper. A few evenings with that as the only light in the house – problem solved.
I hear they work for mosquitoes too.
(I had a backup plan involving insecticides if that didn’t work, but I wasn’t particularly enthused about flooding my house with poison.)
I’ve had mixed results with mosquitoes and zappers, but then again my area is heavy with mosquitoes. We’re on a small peninsula, lots of wetland interspersed through the neighborhood, and we back onto a park with a creek that feeds into one of the nearby rivers. Lots of slow-moving or standing water, IOW.
The best way to use bug zappers for mosquitoes is to give them to all your neighbors.
*narrows gaze*
No word on the Chemical weapons incident in Texas?
That shit smells like Axe anyway…
“NBC are starting to fess up to the coverup of the Weinstein story.”
What’s the most recent excuse? They needed more time to verify the details?
Wish they would apply the same standard of accuracy to their slew of recent made up stories about the whole Russia collusion or Clinton is not a crime syndicate boss bullshit that they wanted to pass off as news.
At least Weinstein believed in something, even though he sacrificed everything.
So did Cosby.
So did the Aztecs.
You know who else believed in something, sacrificing everything?
Was it Jesus?
Pol Pot?
Bobby Fischer?
George Bailey?
BTW, great pics of Manassas. Makes me want to re listen to the podcasts while I look at them.
And thanks for linking those podcasts; they made last night’s overnight shift fly by.
Suicide bombers?
Hey now, he only sacrifices HALF of everything.
And like all Top Creatures it doesn’t happen to be him
Ain’t that the benefit of being a top guy? Someone else gets the shaft?
Billy Beane?
Billy Beane would never call for a sac-fly.
About that story you so wisely commented with: “Hey dumbass, don’t leave your car running when you pick up a hooker and leave her in it. “. I go read the thing and see the following revelation… The 63-year-old woman injured in that crash is expected to survive her injuries, according to police.
Does this mean the economy is now so good that 63 year olds can hook, or are we looking at a lack of good hooker choices and people have to settle for grannies now?
It appears the hooker was not 63, but that the driver of the vehicle the hooker crashed the stolen truck into was.
Wait wut..
I am confused.. Did they just jumble the facts in that story and you are guessing at that, or was this some kind of weird shit with a triangle or something I simply am too uncool lo figure out?
While avoiding the use of names makes it less than fully clear who is who, you can actually follow the events in the article as written, and the difference between the “63-year old wounded in the crash” and the “shot woman” is made fairly clear.
Strange, I have represented a hooker charged with hooking and unauthorized use of auto (UUA for short).
That’s the “I was going to give it back” version of auto theft, right?
Is it theft if you just “borrow” it to let your pimp drive around town for a few days?
Yes, in her case it was “borrowing” her aunt’s car, probably to turn tricks.
Football has bigger problems than the Kaepernick Klowns
I just went to a packed High School game last weekend. It still feels like the premier sport of most schools.
I have lost all interest in the NFL and much of my interest in over hyped FBS football. I’d rather go to a High School or Division 2 or 3 game at this point. There I can just enjoy the game without being bombarded with high volume music, virtue signalling and constant advertisements.
I still watch NFL.
I DVR the game, I watch zero pre-and post-game, fast forward the commercials and halftime
When I bother I watch NFL Redzone. I care very little for anything else related to that shit show these days.
Red Zone FTW! It’s revolutionized the NFL experience, to be honest.
Red Zone FTW!
Can we get off the hookers already?
just give me a second…
I hate RedZone because good defensive games get ignored.
I watch but it’s not the marquis experience that it used to be. Typically, now I’m either at a bar with some people watching a few games in the background or on my boy’s porch eatin’ brisket with a TV or two (depending on the schedule) on the deck, and in that case it’s mostly about the fantasy football aspect. Well, if I’m being honest, it’s mostly about smoked meat and beer in the nice fall weather.
Just switch to rugby. Much better
This is true. And I grew up a die hard NFL fan.
Good idea.
I played a little in highschool, lots of fun, fewer commercial breaks.
Meh… participation in youth sports is down across the board.
It used to be that people like my brother – undersized and not very athletic – would still join the football team in order to have something to do with their friends and enjoy the feeling of working towards a common goal, even if they rarely if ever saw the field. Now those kids stay at home and play vidya all day.
Also, more kids are being pushed to “specialize” in sports earlier and earlier these days. It used to be that the best athletes in the school played football in the fall, basketball or hockey or wrestling in the winter, and baseball or track in the spring. Now the baseball and basketball players are pushed to give up football to specialize in said sports. As a former track coach, I have seen it first hand.
Ironically, the multi-sport kids have way more success in college than the kids who specialize. I have the stats because I was always trying to get the football kids out to run track, but here’s a nice anecdote relevant to this past weekend: there’s a former 4+* kid at a big time university whom I always tried to get out to run track and he always refused. He’s in his fifth year and has never seen the field. Then there’s a 3* kid at another major university, came out to long jump and sprint when he wasn’t playing AAU basketball, and he’s already starting as a sophomore and will probably be one of the Big Ten’s leading rushers on a team that won 10 games last year and will probably win 9-10 games this year.
Sloop should be able to guess who the 3* kid is since he knows where I’m from. He might be able to get the 4+* kid too, but it will be a little tougher since the kid has faded into irrelevancy on a roster down south.
Jeremy Larkin?
Damn… did I make it that obvious?
Some of those video game players can be part of a team as well.
Correct, youth participation is down because most youth doing the participating are participating in fewer things, and diving head-first into it. And its not just youth, its parents too. Arnold Kling calls it a move toward “narrow and deeper” communities, with his personal experience being in Israli folk dancing.
Yeah, I see it even here in nowhere MN. Parents think there kid is AWESOME and should play every minute. They send their kids to multiple camps in hopes of getting the ‘edge’ on the other kids. Yet, I don’t see a single kid on the ONE outdoor ice rink all winter long, or any kids at the ball field in town playing a pickup game all summer long. I even have to watch it. It’s really easy to send your kid to the local sports gym where they can play all morning long (sports daycare I call it) during the summer. We tried it this summer, but never again. Kids need to experience life unsupervised on a regular basis. Helicopter parenting is still a thing and it is going to ruin humanity.
Now get off my lawn!
It’s tough not to get sucked into that trap. I swore I wouldn’t and before you could say ‘chinook’, the kid was playing (and I was coaching) year round hockey. Thank God he quit and I came to my senses.
After that it’s been a lot of different experiences. Much better.
IIRC, Bob Gibson put out a theory as to why more pitchers are getting injured in more recent decades, in spite of pitching fewer innings and getting more rest. Basically, his theory is that these kids just didn’t play enough sandlot ball growing up. They didn’t go out and throw 200 pitches in their backyard with their friends everyday for years on end. Instead, these kids are put on pitch counts when they’re 10 years old, and they never really test their arms or push any limits as they’re developing. They never “callous” their arms.
I do think there is some truth to it. We used to have a plethora of hard throwers in the Majors that would pitch complete games every third fourth night, and now – even though the talent pool is now global – literally no one can do that.
Yeah, pushing kids to specialize in ANYTHING is stupid. Better for a kid to take in as much as possible and decide ON HIS OWN if he wants to specialize or not. They all come to that conclusion soon enough, no sense in forcing it sooner than necessary.
Of course, the whole reason it’s done is so either a) the coach improves his own networking which mean money in his pocket, or b) the parents improve their chances of junior getting college paid for by someone else. The kid isn’t even a secondary consideration.
the parents improve their chances of junior getting college paid for by someone else.
We had this conversation last night. Every parent thinks their kids is going to play d1 sports. The coaches egg this shit on if they don’t have the “none of these kids are going to be on scholarship at a d1 school” talk. Unless the kid is an above and beyond talent, they’re doing it for fun. Stop yelling at the refs and bitching at the coaches I a glorified rec league.
It makes little difference what the coaches say. They can be the voice of reason every time, but when you run offseason “camps” and show favoritism for the attendees, athletes and parents figure it out quickly.
I love sports and I think they can be hugely valuable, but we may be hitting peak sports.
“but we may be hitting peak sports.”
We’ve passed that up and are on a downhill roll. ESPN and the rest of the woke media will be down at the bottom. celebrating. Sports are racist and shit anyway, good riddance.
A couple of years ago some loony group of protesters tried to block the George Washington Bridge during rush hour. The cops had to rescue them from commuters with tire irons.
Why couldn’t the cops have ‘given them space’? Some people just need common sense beat into them.
That was a few years ago before the police got all woke?
There’s a lot of space for them in the Hudson.
+1 Jim Nabors
I thought the push was to clean up the Hudson. Dumping a load of dirty protestors in there can not be good for the river.
We had something of a fizzle yesterday in the planned massive shutdown of the expressway leading to O’Hare, protesting gang violence on the West side. Which is a much safer place to protest than, you know, the West side.
I wish that were the norm.
Once upon a time, groups would do nice things for the neighborhood in order to gain support among the populace. Hell, even the mafia would hand out steaks and candy from time to time. Just fuckin’ with people all the time is not all that persuasive.
I work near the Lincoln Tunnel but luckily don’t have to take into Mordor. People are pretty fucking stressed and edgy in that morning drive. Blocking their way and getting in their faces will escalate into violence as fast as anything I can imagine.
Dammit, I’m torn between compulsions to make a joke at the expense of New Jersey, and to make a joke at expense of the city.
Exactly. People are already plenty pissed trying to cross into Manhattan during rush hour. Some idiots deliberately making things worse will never end well.
Just ask those Christie aides.
Police reports indicate the 14-year-old didn’t know either of the people he shot, but he might have been frustrated with protesters blocking the roadway and banging on the car he was riding in as he and Hunter tried to make their way across the bridge about 1:20 a.m., said Hunter’s defense attorney, Alicia Hercher.
Yes performed its last concert
Apparently not the last concert. Big promo ads last night at Ravinia for a Yes concert.
BTW, Jethro Tull last night was an interesting show. Ian Anderson’s voice is totally shot; it was actually painful to listen to. But he’s playing flute with far better precision and intonation than in the old days. And he has a reasonably good young guitarist to replace the lamented Martin Barre.
I’m seeing Tull on Saturday. I feared that Anderson’s voice would be shot, but I have to see them once before he joins Lemmy and Bowie. Good to hear that he’s got a strong band behind him.
You’ll enjoy the interesting visual thing they do with the big screen on Heavy Horses and Aqualung.
Was your favorite part of the concert when Anderson sang, “Sitting on a park bench,
Eying little girls with bad intent!”
More croaking than singing. But he actually had another singer doing that part…
Did any of you see the most recent call to arms by the fable tellers? They are angry that someone has exposed them for the dnc operatives with bylines that they are, and now want to double down on their lies to make sure people know they are not just going to let their grip on the stupid uninformed masses be taken away.
Delusional and a liar.
The bias doesn’t bother me, it’s the pretending the bias isn’t there.
And then feigning indignity when called out on it. I think Fox News is a shitshow as well, but at least they come clean about their bias and don’t pretend to be above partisan reporting.
I routinely get the phrase “just because FoxNews says *insert mischaracterization*” from my lefty acquaintances. I have to politely inform them that I don’t even watch cable news. Getting profiled in that way gets annoying. Everyone to the right of Karl Marx is a FNC sucking neocon Republican to them.
Coming from Chuck Todd makes this extra rich.
When he replaced David Gregory as the White House Correspondent during the run-up to Obama being elected, I thought he was a DNC operative working for the Obama campaign.
“Why does NBC keep giving this guy so much time? Isn’t fairness doctrine suppose to give some time to Hillary or McCain?”
Bingo. That is the difference between opinion and lie.
They already are “advocates”.
Remember when the Atlantic wasn’t the equivalent of well written toilet paper? Pepperidge farm remembers.
(More likely I was just more naive)
No, I only ever heard of it after it reached the skinsuit phase.
No, more likely it was that we often lacked alternate sources to see how fucking biased these entities were, and they were able to sound less desperate in their pontifications and propagandizing, but with a very few exceptions, these once vaunted news publishers have been shilling for the marxists and one specific political party for over 5 decades now…
This is correct.
No. you weren’t. The Atlantic has a long, long track record of meandering between extremely well-written iconoclast takes and far more standard NYC/DC opinions.
I thought Atlantic had taken a hard turn into the ground before, but Steve Jobs’ widow bought it last year.
Right after the election they had the worst TDS I’ve seen anywhere. Every article they were cranking out was nothing more than foaming at the mouth shrieking lunacy.
It seems to be on about a 20 year cycle. Remember, they tried to get KDW, and then chickened out.
. Figures such as Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, and the trio of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham have attained wealth and power by exploiting the fears of older white people.
Those old white people need to die quietly.
Because old white people never vote Democratic and they never fear someone taking their Medicare, especially not granny-murdering Paul Ryan.
Surprised Trump’s ascension to presidency didn’t kill them all already. I could’ve sworn the country was on fire and everybody dying or in a camp by now.
A nearly 50-year campaign of vilification, inspired by Fox News’s Roger Ailes, has left many Americans distrustful of media outlets.
Because THAT’S why people don’t trust you. FNC and the NRA are the boogeymen of our time.
Damn that’s a great song. Love me some Rickenbacker.
It’s just wonderful. They don’t fuck around with much of an intro. Two notes and then WHAM. And it just goes on from there.
That song is a masterpiece.
Dylan could sure write. Interesting that he appears to have at least some self awareness with regard to the ’60s protests. Sounds a lot like the youngsters today.
Another fun version.
At least until Clapton solos.
*rolls eyes*
Hey, Tundra, I’m thinking of picking up a ’71 Spitfire from a friend of mine. I drove it yesterday, and it’s a hoot. It desperately needs brakes and, of course, the electrical system is a mess. Any advice on what else I should watch out for?
Aren’t the strut towers notorious for rusting our on those? And the frame rails. And the firewall. And the bumper mounts. And everything made of metal…
That being said, I saw you mention that somewhere else and started my own search for an old Triumph, MG or Alfa-Romeo.
Yeah, I put up a photo of it in the gizmo last night after I bombed it around mu buddy’s property. I didn’t see much rust, but I wasn’t particularly looking for any. I whacked it over some pretty big bumps, so if the suspension was going to bust through it had the perfect opportunity and declined to do so.
We each buy one and next year we take them to the USGP together, deal?
I like where you’re going with this!
Sweet! The body, then the body and finally the body.
They are notorious rustbuckets. Pull up the carpet and check the pans. If it’s a CA car you may be ok.
Plan on inspecting/replacing the front trunnions. They are supposed to be oiled and almost no one does. That can be bad.
Any sag in the back? It’s a single transverse spring, swing axle arrangement and the spring often needs replacing. No big deal, though.
Brakes are easy and cheap. I was gonna convert the rears to discs and the old timers told me not to bother. They were right, stock setup is great.
They are simple cars. I fixed my electrical gremlins by cleaning/lubing all the grounds and re-grounding the taillights to the body. In 1978 they had really started to cheapen things.
I believe yours is the 1300, no? The original Stromberg carb has likely been replaced (mine was replaced with a Weber). No real pollution control issues on your, either.
Super fun cars. Let me know if you do it. Also, my email is minnetundra at the evil place. Feel free to drop me a line.
Awesome, thank you! I did notice it sat lower in the rear. I have no idea how long it’s been in California, but it sounds like I’ll need to check it for rust pretty thoroughly. I think it’s the 1300, yes. It’s an adorable little thing, and I really like the idea of having a car in California that’s exempt from smog controls. Suck it, Prius drivers!
Oh well.
I must be missing something about Kaepernick.
Now they’re building an image of this guy.
I don’t buy Nike so….whatever.
How dare you not praise and respect a man who stood up for what he believed in and sacrificed…well, not much.
If I recall, he didn’t stand up for anything.
It takes a bit man to kneel down for what he believes in.
Welp, typo. Joke’s ruined.
Golf clap for UCS.
I don’t buy Nike so….whatever.
Nike shoes run small on the width and I have duck feet. However, my entire stay-at-home wardobe consists of Nike athletic shorts and a mix of Nike and store-brand cotton t-shirts. If I ever have children I’m pre-transitioned into dad mode.
I’m a mixed bag of Champion, Diadora, Kappa, Russel Ath., New Balance, Asics and Saucony.
I buy whatever will fit the need and isn’t overpriced crap, and I could give a rats ass about the brand. I don’t think I have bought shit from overpriced Nike in decades.
Basically this.
I always shoot online or outlets for discounts.
I forgot Puma.
Duluth Trading Company, Walmart, Costco, Red Wing and Hush Puppy.
Mizuno. That’s all.
Oh and Sugoi.
And Fredrick’s of Hollywood for special occasions?
I’m half Nike and half Adidas attire (from when they equipped OSU). And all my golf shoes are Nikes except for one pair of Footjoy Icons. All my fitness shoes are Nike. They’ve just mastered the lightweight, egenerative shoe, so it’s hard to go elsewhere. Especially since I have narrow feet. And since I don’t run much in the way of distance anymore, NB are out.
I’m not happy about this marketing gimmick. I think it’s an insult to people who genuinely have sacrificed when they promote someone who wore a fucking Che shirt and promoted socialism. But I will continue to buy their team apparel.
Odd that a socialist would take money from a large corporation for an endorsement.
Never did like Nike sneakers. Asics are the best by far, been wearing those for 20 years now. So far as I’m concerned, Nike can prog as hard as they want, doesn’t affect me.
Dude, it’s about time for a new pair.
My stay-at-home wardrobe consists of former work clothing that is a bit worn and no longer professional but not too threadbare to use. My shoes are steel-toed sneakers from new balance because A: I can get them in all-black, and B: steel-toed sneakers. I’m sure there are other brands that offer similar products, but I haven’t worn through this pair yet.
I’ve never heard of that… why?
Why have you never heard of that? I don’t know.
Why do I wear steel-toed sneakers? Because. I have no bone-fied requirement for them, I just have a personal preference.
You prefer shoes that constrict your toe movement to an uncomfortable level, are horribly unbalanced weight-wise and are heavy as shit (causing body fatigue unnecessarily)?
That’s really odd. And I’m not trying to be a dick, but it’s really odd. You should abandon that footwear for something with some regenerative properties. Your knees, hips and back will thank you.
I sit in a cube all day. The weight distribution of my shoes makes zero difference. I am more likely to inflict problems by kicking the metal frame of the cub wall (something that happens with regularity)
As for constricted movement – you’re just plain wrong about that.
Unless they’re steel-toed clown shoes, they’re going to restrict toe movement. I don’t know how they wouldn’t unless they’re some sort of new-fangled steel that moves when the wearer wiggles his toes.
I have a few pairs of steel toed boots. I wouldn’t wear them unless I was forced to by a job site’s rules.
Where are you finding pre-crushed steel toes? You know they’re not actually supposed to be biting into the tops of your feet when you put them on, right?
I have a pair of Tony Lama steel toed pull-ons, a pair of Red Wing lace up boots and a pair of New Balance sneakers. I can’t wiggle my big toe freely in any of them. And they all fit properly because I bought them for their intended purpose.
Might the problem then be with the toe and not the shoes?
It’s by design. Steel is less flexible than leather, canvas, rubber or any of the synthetics most casual shoes are made from. Steel toed boots and shoes aren’t meant to offer a lot of wiggle room and certainly not the relatively free range of motion regular sneakers offer. They’re meant. To protect your toes in case something of
Moderate weight is dropped on them.
If you are getting as much toe wiggle room from your steel toed sneakers as ty are a pair of normal running shoes, you either have paralyzed toes or you’ve bought shoes that are too large.
Sitting here trying to figure out what sort of nervous tic has you writhing your toes about all day, I’ve decided that you probably don’t, but have glommed on to any excuse to go “you’re wrong” or “you’re doing it wrong”.
So lets see what the response is to “I like breathing air.”
I’ve never worn steel toe sneakers, but I’m wearing these right now:
Super comfortable and a great amount of toe room.
PSA: don’t kick the copier while wearing them. My foot went right through the plastic drawer base.
I’m enjoying these bouts of corporate suicide. I have 3 pairs of Nikes in my garage all bought at Dicks. The last of a breed.
I buy New Balance for general sneakers, Puma and Adidas for lookin’ cool, and Asics and Brooks for running shoes. Never owned Nikes. No reason, just always thought they didn’t really stand out and the ad campaigns were always annoying.
My current sneaks are New Balance 517s. They come in extra wide width. I still had to go up a half size.
New Balance are my go to, because they actually make shoes that fit me and are consistent in size (15EEEE). The pickins are pretty limited at that size.
Really, I’m the only Doc Marten person here? 1460 For Life model, when I wear down the tread or damage the leather, $20 gets them replaced/repaired.
Looks like they quit doing that this spring. A little too successful maybe?
That would be a good guess. The shoes only cost ~$40 more then a regular pair, and were a bit more sturdy. I’m on my third pair since 2011, and I’m about ready to send these in for repair. So instead of buying a new pair of shoes, it’s shipping to them, plus the admin fee. And then they come back with a tub of the Wonder Balsam and some spare metal aglet laces.
Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a sustainable model. Although it sounds like they have at least one very satisfied (and probably more likely to be loyal) customer, so maybe it was what they planned all along.
Docs don’t make boots in my size
Slobs! The lot of you!
The ad reads: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”
How about, “If you cannot be successful at one thing, try something else.”?
Yeah, Kaepernick didn’t sacrifice shit. He was riding the bench and in danger of getting cut when he started his kneeling bullshit, which I always saw as a cynical ploy to make it politically unpalatable for the NFL to let him get cut, and have a built-in excuse for why he wasn’t playing other than his own failings as a QB.
I don’t think he’s that smart. I think he was into SJW crap and he focused on that rather than becoming a better player. Only later, and by luck, did he realize he could use it to his benefit.
He has an agent, no? I imagine his agent was smart enough to ride the #BLM wave and keep his commission going awhile longer.
Point taken. Though I am less inclined to attribute most of these things to 4-D chess. I am unconvinced most of these folks are really that savvy. Maybe they have some inkling of a plan, but if they are really intelligent they will understand that once they are in the whirlwind they are no longer in control and need to calculate that risk. I think they are just out to grab 15 minutes and hope it turns into a lifetime of whatever it is they call success.
If Aaron Rodgers dumps his contract in order to protest something, that’s a sacrifice. Colin Kaepernick wasn’t playing when he pulled a “You can’t fire me! I quit!” move by kneeling as if anyone gave two shits what he did. And because his name isn’t Chad Whitstone III the usual suspects got all woke about it. Of course, no matter how woke it gets, there are enough coaches who are interested in winning football games that he still can’t get a gig other than wearing shoes to not play football in.
Hey, there were teams who hired that scumbag Michael Vick when he got out of jail just because they thought he might be able to help their teams a little. They would have no problem hiring Kaepernick or anyone else, no matter how reprehensible, if they thought it would help them win.
The NFL very obviously has its own version of the crazy / hot rule, the good / headache rule. He wasn’t good enough to be worth the headache. Vick… well Vick wasn’t good enough either, but he has a reality distortion bubble that made people think he was much better than he really was.
Vick had the talent. If he had gone to a coach who taught him to be a quarterback when he was young he could have put up Warren Moon numbers. Kaepernick was one read with a middling arm and his ability to beat Dom Caper’s terrible defense is what made him famous, too bad every other D coordinator figured out if you spied him and covered Vernon Davis his game fell apart.
Vick had skill but from his own accounts he had no work ethic and was last in first put. He also had no interest in being told anything. Nothing coaches could do with him
Well done, Naptown.
He opted out of his contract. That gets glosses over a lot by his fans.
Indeed. He made the decision to go to market, and found the market wasn’t buying. Every team needs a backup QB who can run their current offense. Anybody in the backup QB market is going to have a very limited number of teams who will even consider them regardless of whether they have any baggage. Kapaernick was exposed as having pretty limited range for a QB, which means his options as a backup were very limited indeed.
The little bit I’ve seen about the case makes me wonder who prepped the owners, because they are killing themselves.
He was going to sign a contract with the Ravens, correct? And then his SJWGF basically called Ray Lewis a House you-know-what.
It’s a shitty slogan. You shouldn’t just “Believe in something”.
Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, and Mao all “believed in something”. That doesn’t mean it was a good thing.
You can’t lump all those villains into one villainy pot. Hitler mass-murdering Jews was totes different from Stalin mass-murdering Ukrainians for Castro mass-murdering gays.
Too many damn Disney kids. How about: “The world is more grey than it is black and white, don’t get used, think.”
Meet Morales.
Like Chavez, Castro and Maduro.
Put ’em altogether and it spells ‘Death, poverty and destruction’.
I find it sad to see South (and for that matter Central) America’s late embrace of collectivism playing out. It is not as if these people had no clear historical examples of what would come to pass and how these things would play out to go bye, but they all seemed to rush to embrace the politics of envy. Look how well that has worked for them. In the mean time the two countries with the most sordid past and whom everyone figured would be the basket cases – Peru and Colombia – have both done far better because they pushed back against the marxists and their peddled “revolucion”.
-And Chile. And for that they can, ahem, thank Pinochet for knocking out Allende – so it’s been asserted.
-That’s because Anglo-American political philosophy never took root there.
I blame the Iberians.
I specifically didn’t mention Chile because then you get people that go all “But Pinochet was evil”. They tend to get real fucking furious when I point out that Pinochet was a socialist too, just not of the marxist bend, and had he not fought the marixsts, Chile would likely be just as fucked up as (if not worse then) vaunted pro-socialism Bolivia, Venezuela, or Brazil today.
I’m always amazed at how few people Pinochet and Franco killed, yet how much flack they catch for it. Those guys were basically benevolent dictators*, and stepped down when their time was done, allowing for a transition to civilian democratic government but i guess leftists have always dominated the ‘narrative’.
*Compare to Mao et al.
“I’m always amazed at how few people Pinochet and Franco killed, yet how much flack they catch for it. Those guys were basically benevolent dictators*”
They stood in the way of the marxist and their ability to really produce a serious body count, which makes them the worst people evah!
Yeh. My Chilean friend likes to say ‘Chile is socialist and successful’.
Cool story bro.
TOS has assured me that they totally won’t vote for leftists if we open our border to millions more of them.
It’s not incidental that the party claiming anyone against the horde of illegal immigrants is evil and heartless works so hard to blur the distinction between those coming to America legally and the fact that most of those coming to America illegally these days don’t do so seeking a better opportunity than that provided in the marxism peddling shitholes they were unfortunate to be born in, but coming here for the free shit they are getting promised by the party that wants to fundamentally change America from a successful melting pot of can-doers, to another socialism embracing shithole where the credentialed inept elite upper class maintains their hold on power by throwing scraps at the disarmed and indoctrinated masses with their hands out demanding free shit.
A Facebook friend had a post from a family member (not my friend) that read, “we came thousands of miles through terrible hardship to get American welfare … said no immigrant ever!” They got lots of “likes” from the typical social signaling crowd.
we came thousands of miles through terrible hardship to get American welfare … said no immigrant ever!
Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Well, they wouldn’t be, but Trump took their jobs.
Right, mainly because none of them can speak English!
America isn’t a very successful melting pot. It was a pot of over 90% Europeans until 1980. Fiscal solvency has been decreasing.
“TOS has assured me that they totally won’t vote for leftists if we open our border to millions more of them.”
They absolutely will.
It is not as if these people had no clear historical examples of what would come to pass
Yes, but those examples were not REAL socialism, this time it’ll work for sure!
Morales was a highly effective president. If it wasn’t for the wreckers and economic warfare, Bolivia would be like Switzerland.
*arches eyebrow*
If Bolivia is going to hit bottom it doesnt have far to fall.
Of course it will be another case of ‘not real socialism’.
Google and Mastercard Cut a Secret Ad Deal to Track Retail Sales
Google is about as evil an entity as one can create, and yet they continue to be seen as something special.
You are wrong. It is right there in their motto “Don’t be evil”
I thought they dropped that.
No, just the “Don’t”.
God is with US!
I’m taking the day off. Stretches, yawns, considers nap. Have fun at work!
I hate you.
Blows kiss
Say hi to Gene Simmons for me.
I am at work but don’t much feel like working…
What makes you think I work at work?
I’m doing the same, but it’s because my daughter’s home with croup. It’s a mixed bag.
NYT commenters rise to the occasion:
Brooklyn9m ago
Times Pick
I don’t totally agree with Mr Kaepernick view. He was born in the wrong generation. He would have been perfect in the 1960s-1970s.
What I mean by it, is he mixes up two issues, police mistreatment of minorities which is real and our national cultural abuse gun sickness, suffered by all Americans, especially minority youth in the inner cities. That is real too. They are two separate issues and he is only fighting one. They are many more youths of color killed by guns among themselves than those killed by cops. If we solved our cultural gun abuse sickness, police would only be roughing up black youth and not killing them.
However, leave it up to a ego maniac demagogue like Trump to use it to stir up hate instead of letting Mr. Kaepernick express his first amendment right.
The conservative Justice Scalia before he died voted to let people burn the flag in protest, why can’t somebody like this man protest it in a much more dignified way?
“Our cultural gun abuse sickness” you say? Those guns and their nefarious mind-control powers lead otherwise peaceful and serene individuals down the path of mayhem.
It would be funny if Trump owns a lot of Nike stock
I saw that too.
I can’t figure out the sort of person who reads NYT.
A stagnant 60 year-old mind?
A hipster-doofus who reads it because it claims to be a ‘paper of record’ and is perceived to be a titan fighting off the ‘extreme right”?
I’m almost convinced no one believes what they’re writing over there and no one believes what they’re reading.
Those guns and their nefarious mind-control powers lead otherwise peaceful and serene individuals down the path of mayhem.
Everybody of high breeding knows that the darkies are peculiarly susceptible to the madness brought about by guns and reefer.
Pointing that out means you really don’t want to solve the problem our leaders want to solve which is an uppity plebe population that can’t be put in their place because they are armed and might fight back.
they are SUPER CRIMINALS after all.
instead of letting Mr. Kaepernick express his first amendment right.
1A is not in question here.
Yes it is, the owners chose to freely disassociate with a subpar player.
Nike makes the unemployed Colin Kaepernick the face of its 30th Anniversary campaign. The slogan says “Believe In Something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” A lot of people are tweeting about it. Pat Tillman was unavailable for comment.
I’m gonna go and say it. You know who else believed in something even if it meant sacrificing everything?
You’re half right.
St Francis is Asissi?
Robert McNamara ?
Jerry Sandusky?
‘Shame on you’: Man interrupts Washington archbishop at Mass
Everybody to your corners. Traditionalists vs Reformers.
I blame Martin Luther.
Reformation 2.0?
Higher intelligence comes with a cost – Volume 1,561,773
He was smart enough to do it near water.
“Believe In Something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”
They think that Kap is the face of “sacrifice”? Are they trying to go out of business?
Go woke, go broke..
Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of virtue signalling douches.
“how long they can hold up as a credible news source”
Who says any of them are a credible news source?
Remember this? https://hotair.com/archives/2009/08/19/unreal-msnbc-edits-clip-of-man-with-gun-at-obama-rally-to-support-racism-narrative/
Remember this? https://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2018/08/28/cnn-stands-by-story-lanny-davis-admits-is-a-lie/
Remember this? https://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/02/16/the-list-lies-and-disputed-stories-nbc-news-let-brian-williams-tell-for-a-decade/
Remember this? http://thefederalist.com/2017/01/11/abc-news-reporter-okay-us-lie-trump-lies-sometimes/
Remember this? https://www.alipac.us/f12/nbc-cbs-caught-lying-about-trumps-north-carolina-rally-325958/
Any one of these outfits would take an unreadably long article to catalog a tenth of their lies. Anyone who thinks these lying pinko shitweasels have any credibility, I have a bridge to sell you.
They have credibility of their viewers so… Although for many those viewers are dwindling.
So if I can get the a retard to believe that 2 + 2 = 5,. That makes me credible?
No. But if you get 10000…
The Costanza law….
They sure miss the days people were fooled into thinking they were objective outlets of truth, and they are pissed we now have alternative means to find out about their bullshit & propagandizing, and then call them on it. After all, we are just supposed to shut the fuck up and do what they – our betters and members of the intelligentsia – tell us.
Yeah. Like who the fuck right of Chaiman Mao would believe that any these fucks were or ever have been credible? Especially since 2016.
You misspelled 2008
“I missed this yesterday at Newsbusters but Treacher, rightly aghast, tipped me to it this afternoon. Never will you see a starker example of MSNBC getting away with the sort of deception for which Fox News would be pilloried, especially in the context of race. If you missed Monday’s post about this, go watch the footage (or look at this photo) and see if you can deduce why they wouldn’t want to show the guy with the rifle from the neck up during this particular segment.”
I was looking for that yesterday, but it looks like video and photo have been deleted.
Also, don’t forget the Travon Martin hoax, editing the 911 tape, showing pictures of him when he was a little kid, etc.
Hey, remember when NBC was caught having edited and published George Zimmerman’s allegedly racist 911 call? An utterly disgraceful act of journalistic malpractice, and for what? To further stoke racial tension. Was it a cynical ploy for ratings? Or more sinister still, to push the social justice narrative a fraction of an inch further? And over such small-potatoes stakes: at best, they’d get one honorary white guy crucified in the press and maybe tip his trial in their favor. They showed themselves willing to beclown themselves when their distortion was discovered over a racial incident they cut from whole cloth.
Yet we’re supposed to revere these hucksters as unflinching crusaders for the truth.
US, UK and others push for mandatory access to encrypted data
And the people will not tell you a hearty go fuck yourselves, sadly…
Wonderful, just wonderful…
Huh. This story is pretty sketchy. I hope for the little boy’s sake that the mother is telling the truth. At least there’s a chance he’s alive then.
Police said Antwan, who is black, is thought to be about 26 years old with dreadlocks and gold teeth. He was seen wearing black basketball shorts and a white tank top.
That^ is the stranger she accepted a ride from? Surprised the kid made it to two. *Still, best wishes the kid is ok.
Casey Anthony 2: Electric Boogaloo.
That story’s been sketchy for a while.
The chances of the mom’s story being true are about equal to the chances of the ZARDOZ/STEVE SMITH ticket sweeping the electoral college in 2020.
I mean, it was Largo, so I was going to give it a day for “mom had a fight with dealer or boyfriend and he drove off with the kid”.
If there were details on a couple of things, it might not be as sketchy. Like where was she walking to and why did she accept a ride from some dude she doesn’t know? Also, on Sunday morning did she appear to have been beaten unconscious?
Unintentionally (or not) creepy music entry
I think I have decided to have the septoplasty.
I visited two private clinics cause I do not want to go to a public hospital for this. Now I need to decide which one.
One of them is twice the price, but has the new technique of septal sutures instead of nose packing after the surgery. The second one uses packing, but it has some advanced sponges that are not as bad as the classic, although everything I have read online said the suture part is better at least short term with less side effects.
One is 3300 lei one is 5800 lei. The procedure cost is not that relevant because my private insurance covers 16000 lei. The cheaper one has an advantage in that my insurance has a contract with that hospital and they pay them directly and I have no need to do anything. The other I will have to pay myself and then get my money back from the insurance, which will take a little time and require me to do some paperwork. I am not sure it will cover the 3-5 post op consultations. Nut I hope it will. I will have to make sure there are no downsides to the suture technique, cause I am leaning towards that.
Decisions decisions… Never liked decisions…
As Marco from Tropoja told that other guy: Good luck!
I’m of the persuasion that the risk of death has to be approaching 50/50 before I’d opt for surgery, but if you’re going to do it, I’d say opt for the one with the easiest recovery.
My right nostril gets probably less than half the flow of my left, but it doesn’t bother me that much and I’ll happily die that way before I voluntarily put myself at the mercy of a fresh-off-the-boat third world anesthesiologist and surgeon in a MRSA-petri-dish of a hospital in this shit hole where I live.
It didn’t bother me untill last year when things got worse… Now I actually have longer periods where I am uncomfortable and it affects my sleep quality I think….
Do the one with less side effects.
So is 3300 lei like $20.00?
Oh, no three thousand of those hawaiian flower necklaces costs way more than $20.
I know where you can get a cheaper lay.
There was some article linked about a 63 year old hooker or something up above…
I think it’s about 4 to 1, so 3300 lei is about $825.
Figures such as Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, and the trio of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham have attained wealth and power by exploiting the fears of older white people.
We, on the other hand, would never stoop to exploiting the fears and prejudices of our readers. We’re just deeply concerned for the welfare of the victims of white capitalist oligarchs.
Expect a lot of very pointed and specific questions.
I expect a lot of ranting and moral grandstanding about the right to
kill babies in the womb up to and including the point they pass the birth canalprevent pregnancy.I think I see someone who needs to visit the the Utureus Pedestalization Re-Education Camp.
Is the McCain death tour over? Every damn time I walked past a TV last weekend they were pulling his carcass somewhere or his sycophants were praising that asshole to the heavens.
I mean, it would be fitting if they Leninized him.
“Is the McCain death tour over? ”
I think that as long as these opportunist cunts think they can use that to bash Trump, they will keep at it. This freak show will make that whole “Weekend at Bernies” series of corpse jokes and abuses look tame by the time they are done.
I’m zombie John McCain, and I support this message.
I happened to catch a little of Megan McCain’s “eulogy”. I had to pause and listen a little because I found it hard to believe she was actually using her own father’s funeral to do some political bashing. The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, I guess.
In a way, that was the best eulogy she could give for him. It really honored his life’s work.
You had to go and mention that. It’s now fall(*) and time to move on.
(*)I know that astronomical fall doesn’t begin until the autumnal equinox, but civil/cultural summer ends on Labor Day.
Hey, so, I think Maryland and Texas played a game Saturday…
Seriously, though, that was a class act on the part of the Longhorns to turn down the penalty.
The Durkin thing is going to be interesting. Apparently the investigation isn’t turning up any actionable evidence of wrongdoing on his part, so they won’t be able to fire him with cause. Some of the students who offered to testify have recanted. That means if they fire him they’ll be in the hole for $7 million for his contract, plus probably another $4 million for the other staff that would most likely be on the chopping block as well. On the other hand, since the victory against Texas nobody wants to get rid of the interim coach, especially for a guy with a middling (and that’s generous) record who’s going to be a major recruiting liability.
God knows how much the McNair family will get in a successful lawsuit, but estimates are between $10 million and $20 million, and so far they’re making any settlement contingent on the firing of Durkin. Well, Loh, the university president, already met with the family and publicly assumed legal responsibility for their son’s death, and that’s got the Board of Regents absolutely furious since he did it before the results of the investigation, which are starting to make it look like it wasn’t as much a function of a “toxic culture” as it was a combination of one training coach being a meathead and a perfect storm of bad conditions. At any rate, this is starting to look like Loh’s gonna lose his job and the university’s going to be stuck with a bill it can’t afford.
Huh. This wasn’t supposed to be a reply.
A Chinese kindergarten principal has apologized after allowing a pole dancer to perform on the school’s opening day.
Why? She is just promoting health and fitness.
And good paying careers?
And unlike those pussies in the NFL, they don’t wear helmets.
Got caught in the tail end of this storm today. Can’t imagine how bad it was in Osaka. One heckuva a picture to the article.
I saw that wave and my first thought was “That looks like a humpback whale rolling over in the water.”
Are you sure the spirits of dead whales are not punishing Japan?
Jesus. Glad you’re okay.
I’m way far away from Kochi. Western Tokyo just got reamed this summer with rain, wind, typhoon and mudslides.
*Western Japan.
Pfffttt, just a pond ripple
Amazing photo…thanks
Disasters bring out the best in these little people.
Wait a minute…
That’s a satirical site, isn’t it?
42-year-old salaryman Shintaro Nobuhiro risked his life so he could sit on the Suzuki file all day without actually doing any productive work.
Not sure, to tell the truth.
The fact that they have an identical page layout to the Babylon Bee and a similar writing style was actually my first hint. Then I went and looked at the ‘about’ page.
Heh. Japanese satire. Thanks for the link.
Typhoon Jebi
“Please crap.”
What in the fuck?! That doesn’t look possible.
The *cough* typhoons we got last were the weakest shit I have ever experienced. This was the most appropriate meme that I saw attached to it.
There’s another object behind the main wave that’s creating the vertical spray when the water hits it.
Japan is Korea’s nutcup when it comes to typhoons.
Plenty of Koreans were forced to cup Japanese nuts, so don’t think that this is a one-way street, sir!
Apparently strongest in 25 years or so the news says
Uffda. I better call my sister in law in Rokko Island. From all the shit going on in that story, she has to be right in the middle of it.
Germans are totally loving their new multicultural paradise.
Those comments are a cesspool
Well… the article kind of is too.
Wow, I had not heard anything about the heart attack hoax with the Charlottesville shitshow.
I have been saying for years it will come to a messy, ugly end. They are one step closer. There will be blood.
And snappy uniforms, I’m sure they’ll be nice.
This Nike boycott will work about as well as the Chick-Fil-A and In-n-Out boycotts.
There is a difference that needs to be taken into account. With the fast food places, the companies themselves did not do anything to alienate the customers. The closer parallel might be Dick’s sporting goods, though Nike does have a more diversified customer base, pissing off half or even a third of the people who buy your product is not good marketing. It’s not going to make the remainder buy more.
The majority of the people threatening to boycott don’t buy Nike products in the first place, and it’s a calculated business risk that it’ll bring over enough new customers to even out the ones that do.
The problem with political-related boycotts is that 98% of people don’t give a shit.
That and the people who are pissed at Nike aren’t going to go all out mob in front of the stores selling them.
That’s primarily because they’re employed.
Not sure that’s true. Dick’s numbers last quarter were definitely down. CEO even acknowledged that their gun stance was part of it. I think what they forget is that there are many options for the consumer. I don’t need to make a bunch of noise to not shop at a particular place or skip over a certain brand.
I think your take shows the fundamental difference between the type of person that says, “I don’t like X’s stance, so I won’t buy their product and neither should you and don’t worry I will keep reminding you” vs. the type of person that says, “I don’t like X’s stance, so I won’t buy their product.” I think there are many more of the latter group.
Count me in that group.
I had a Dick’s frequent shopper card. Consequently I got marketing emails from them.
During the kerfuffle, they sent me one that proved to be the final straw. I no longer remember the details, but something on it pissed me off to the point where I filled out the unsubscribe form giving as my reason their hostility to civil rights.
At this point I just pretend they don’t exist. I doubt I’ll ever set foot in one again.
Nike is first and foremost a brand, rather than a product. They selected Kaepernick to bring back their fading cachet and make them hip with those who spend far too much money on their sneakers as a fashion statement.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I wonder what the other high recognition athletes that are sponsored by Nike think about this? (To be honest, I have no idea who any current Nike players are).
If I was Michael Jordan and being paid by Nike, I might be a bit worried because my association with Nike is going to hurt my other endorsements and what if Nike loses a shit ton of money? Did my endorsement deal have any sort of a mechanism that adjusted my payout based on Nike sales?
It would be really funny if LeBron lost money because of Capernick.
I’m excited about how FSU played because they can do one thing and fix all of their problems.
Block somebody. Get any offensive lineman to block any defender.
You could’ve probably pulled 5 random fat kids from the crowd and they would’ve blocked better than that.
This is the first time both Miami and FSU have started the season 0-1 since 1975.
Replace FSU with Meatchicken and the statement is probably equally true.
Germany Has Had Enough
The last time Germany “had enough” things got a little out of hand.
And they will again
The time before that too.
The shit-flinging howler monkeys are at it again.
“I’ve re-considered,” “New Yorker” editor David Remnick announced Monday in a lengthy statement. “There is a better way to do this,” he wrote, noting that Bannon has been interviewed for “The New Yorker” previously by its journalists. He said that should he interview Bannon in the future, it would be in “a more traditionally journalistic setting, and not on stage.”
“It’s obvious that no matter how tough the questioning, Bannon is not going to burst into tears and change his view of the world,” Remnick concluded. “He believes he is right and that his ideological opponents are mere ‘snowflakes.’ The question is whether an interview has value … to a reader or an audience.”
In an email statement to the Associated Press on Monday, Bannon wrote: “The reason for my acceptance was simple: I would be facing one of the most fearless journalists of his generation. In what I would call a defining moment, David Remnick showed he was gutless when confronted by the howling online mob,” he added.
Bannon’s participation had been revealed earlier Monday and quickly denounced. Filmmaker Judd Apatow and comedians Jimmy Fallon, Jim Carrey and Patton Oswalt, among others, tweeted that they would not attend if Bannon was interviewed.
“If Steve Bannon is at the New Yorker festival I am out,” Apatow wrote. “I will not take part in an event that normalizes hate. … Maybe they should read their own reporting about his ideology.”
Bannon says, “Sure, I’ll come talk to those idiot.” New Yorker rescinds invitation to Steve Bannon because celebrities’ butts hurt.
“My hatred of people who do not think as I do is unbounded. I cannot bear the thought of someone who disagrees with me being in my exhalted presence. And don’t call me a snowflake.”
The “comedians” are terrified that Bannon might win the argument. Otherwise, why wouldn’t they want him to be there?
Mind you, the guy who was going to show up to a place he was invited to exchange ideas is the l-i-t-e-r-a-l Nazi here.
Deplatforming. I wish I hadn’t lived long enough to see something so blatantly evil in my lifetime happening in the US. Precursor to authoritarianism. Fuck these people
Those comedians seem to have quite the taste for blackballing and censorship when it’s done to the right people. They really should be ashamed and would squeal like stuck pigs if something similar was done to them.
Comedians are know for their foresight. When I left the states, Jerry Springer was still on the air. Pretty sad that Springer’s show is turning out to be the golden age.
Springer or Seinfeld?
Maybe they read about him in The Hat & The Hair and that’s why they flipped out.
Judd Apatow and comedians Jimmy Fallon, Jim Carrey and Patton Oswalt
That is a regular Algonquin Roundtable right there. Why would anyone let these fucking lightweights dictate anything?
That’s what I don’t get. Why do people care what celebrities think? I mean, it’s cool if Aaron Rodgers likes Ford trucks like I do, but it’s not why I prefer them. I also don’t give a fuck what he thinks about Trump or foreign policy or anything else. I like to watch him play a game at likely the highest level seen to date. Period.
Filmmaker Judd Apatow and comedians Jimmy Fallon, Jim Carrey and Patton Oswalt, among others, tweeted that they would not attend if Bannon was interviewed.
Way to prove Bannon right, fucking idiots. Idk about the others, but I know Oswalt likes to tout his proggie credentials and virtue signal in his act. I find it rather off-putting. Idk any non-proggie entertainers that do this.
‘Everybody fits in’: inside the Canadian cities where minorities are the majority
When she arrived, the city’s population was less than half what it is today, and just 14% was Chinese. She witnessed the city transform with waves of immigrants: Cantonese-speaking Chinese from Hong Kong, Indians, Sri Lankans, then Mandarin speakers from mainland China. Today, just 22% of the city’s residents are of European origin; 46% are Chinese, 18% are south Asian and the rest are from a variety of other backgrounds such as Iranian, Italian and Filipino.
Canada and the U.S. used to have fairly limited immigration and an expectation that the immigrants would quickly integrate into the society. Now they just dump huge numbers of Third World immigrants into a ghetto.
You should get in a time machine, travel back a hundred years, and tell that to the residents of Poletown, Corktown, Greektown, and Mexicantown, in Detroit. When you get done, you can swing by East Dearborn and chat with the largest concentration of Arabs outside of the Middle East.
Poletown, Greektown and the rest are all gone. I bet if I get into time machine and go 100 years forward, East Dearborn will still be Haji-town except it will have spread like a cancer.
So, Italians don’t count as European? How very Thomas Nast of them.
‘Diversity’ – I don’t think they know what the word means. The article describes something more like ‘segregation’. By choice it seems in this case. But when the whiteys do it it’s evil…
If Chinese immigrants work then obviously middle eastern and African will be exactly the same because all immigrants are the same.
Thanks for the Tillman reference in regards to the Nike campaign. A couple of years ago wife, kids and I were out for lunch and in the group of guys next to us, someone had on a Tillman Jersey. My wife asked me “who’s Tillman? I’ve never heard of him.” I explained how in my estimation, Pat Tillman is one of the few real heros/Patriots to emerge from 9/11, alongside the United 93 passengers. Of course she responded something about police/firefighters, to which I responded that they were doing their job, and have gone on to milk that cow for more benefits than I could have ever imagined. Tillman quit his millionaire spotzballz position to serve his country and was given a round of friendly fire for his efforts. Other than the military trying to turn it into something it wasn’t, very little has ever been said of his true sacrifice in the media since.
Who am I supposed to root for when it comes to Trump yelling about Sessions? Sessions is the second worst Attorney General in my lifetime (nobody will ever beat Janet Reno for that title), but the whole demanding that long-standing investigations be cancelled because elections doesn’t sit well (and no, just because it’s happened before, two wrongs don’t make a right).
Root for neither of them. Simply laugh and mock both of them.
Trump’s complaining about the wrong thing. Not the investigations into Republican Congressmen – I have no idea if the charges are legitimate or not – but the obviousness that Rosentein is exclusively investigating Republicans.
Remember that anything the left is flinging around as an accusation is 100% projection
The problem is that you’re not supposed to be investigating people to try to find evidence of a crime, you’re supposed to investigate evidence of a crime to bring the perpetrators to justice. Simply investigating with unlimited time and resources every aspect of an individual’s life until you find something allegedly amiss is third world banana republic bullshit.
Eric Holder was no prize either. I’d call that a three way tie.
Holder was awful, but he didn’t murder 76 people (including women and children) like Reno did and he at least didn’t think it was a good idea to try and restart the drug war.
They’re all awful, but there are degrees of awful.
The justice department claims to avoid investigations close to campaigns. Bringing them to the forefront 30 days prior when they’ve had plenty of time to do it before or after looks like a political move. We already know the DOJ operates as part of the Democratic Party so calling a spade a spade is fine. Sessions obviously either wants it that way or is too inept to prevent the politicization of the DOJ.
The justice department claims to avoid investigations close to campaigns.
Well, except to rush a statement (or two!) clearing a Democrat candidate.
It will be interesting to see how much these announcements actually affect the outcome of the elections. Likely it will damage the Repub, but it could actually motivate some Trumpistas to go to the polls to stuck their thumb in DOJ’s eye.
Hey so I’m considering dipping my toe into the world of computer programming. Not necessarily as a career move, but just to maybe pick up a new skill and see if I have any aptitude for it. Although I wouldn’t be averse to making a career move if it goes well. I know quite a few of you do that type of work in various capacities, so I was wondering if anyone might have any recommendations for books or courses of study along those lines. This being a test-the-waters kind of thing I’d like something that will expose me to the basics without going whole hog on the fundamentals of computer science and/or software engineering.
Given the bredth of the field, what sort of hobbiest level code are you looking to write? What do you want it to do when you’ve made something?
I don’t have any particular project in mind, I’d just kind of like to get a feel for the syntax and structure of a language and how things get made. Maybe some DIY RPi projects, like a video doorbell or automating my window blinds.
If you are going to be programming on a Raspberry Pi, then Python is the language of choice. Here are some resources from Python dot org.
You can get some great courses at Udemy.com. Just never, ever pay full price. They have a sale at least every few weeks. I’ve never paid more than $15 for a course.
IMO, there are two types of programming you can learn. You can learn black box programming, where you take everything except for your program for granted, and learn the basic logical skills necessary to write apps, webpages, etc. The more valuable skill is white box programming, where you understand what is going on in the OS, the hardware, etc. If the latter is what you’re going for, start here. Learn a low level language like C to get a handle on memory management, hardware interaction, etc. Once you establish your skills in C, you can go “up the stack” to web dev, app dev, and the like, or you can go “down the stack” to a raspberry pi board and the like.
I wasn’t familiar with the terminology, but I was leaning more towards black box, I guess, just because white box seems like it would require a pretty substantial commitment and possibly some prerequisite background in CS that i lack. Am I correct in that thinking, or is it doable to take the white box approach if you don’t have a CS background?
It’s absolutely doable, and it’ll make you a better programmer. The book I linked walks you through it all from “hello world” to some fairly advanced concepts. It’s a little boring to start out doing homework problems, but if you spend 3 or 4 months working through the book, you’ll be able to do just about anything a hobbyist would want. From there you’ll be able to move with ease to python (which is a versatile language whose syntax is based on C) or just about any other language.
Personally. I wouldn’t bother stopping at Blackbox learning unless I wanted to be a dime a dozen app developer. Whitebox is a bit more of a time and effort investment, but the result is a full knowledge of what you’re doing. So many programmers these days are Blackbox trained, and they churn out shit code because they don’t understand how a computer works.
Interesting. I’ll definitely bookmark that link then.
Thanks, yo
Python is free, a useful language to know, and probably has a bazillion “how to write your first program” websites.
And you get to learn what a dunder is!
I was leaning in that direction, because I also have a few RPi boards I could noodle around with, but then I’ve heard you can pick up some bad habits that way and short yourself on a real comprehension of what you’re doing, so I’m not sure.
Python does a lot of the work for you. Its compiler/interpreter is extremely good and often optimizes your code into what you should’ve done rather than what you actually did. Python also abstracts away most of the detail, which is great for productivity and ease of use, but less than great for learning how things work.
Yeah, ideally I’d like to actually get a little bit of background in how things work. I’m actually more interested in that than banging out any particular project that I’m working on. Little concerned whether I actually have the discipline to do it the hard way though. Now you’e got me leaning more that direction.
Not to mention that they have one of the most extensive libraries/fwk offerings you can get for any type of software…
Well that settles it.
Was Warren on the agenda because, as her critics say, she had decided to self-identify as a Native American woman and Harvard saw a chance to diversify the law faculty? Did she have an unearned edge in a hugely competitive process? Or did she get there based on her own skill, hard work, and sacrifice?
The question, which has hung over Warren’s public life, has an answer.
In the most exhaustive review undertaken of Elizabeth Warren’s professional history, the Globe found clear evidence, in documents and interviews, that her claim to Native American ethnicity was never considered by the Harvard Law faculty, which voted resoundingly to hire her, or by those who hired her to four prior positions at other law schools. At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman.
The Globe examined hundreds of documents, many of them never before available, and reached out to all 52 of the law professors who are still living and were eligible to be in that Pound Hall room at Harvard Law School. Some are Warren’s allies. Others are not. Thirty-one agreed to talk to the Globe — including the law professor who was, at the time, in charge of recruiting minority faculty. Most said they were unaware of her claims to Native American heritage and all but one of the 31 said those claims were not discussed as part of her hire. One professor told the Globe he is unsure whether her heritage came up, but is certain that, if it did, it had no bearing on his vote on Warren’s appointment.
I suppose she needs to get this monkey business out of the way so she can run to be Big Chief and de-throne Squatting Twitter Rant.
Is the relevant part of this whole issue whether or not Harvard cared if she was Native American, or whether Warren attempted to use the claim to her advantage?
This has always been a commentary on her more so than a commentary on the colleges.
“We hired her for her vagina, not her ethnicity. What kind of people do you take us for?”
“The question, which has hung over Warren’s public life, has an answer.”
It most certainly does.
I notice that she didn’t take a 23andMe test. Wouldn’t that really be the most transparent move she could make?
I so hope she runs and wins the nom so Trump can call her Pocahontas to her face and toss her a 23andMe test packet on the debate stage.
Did they go further back – like when she initially applied to attend college? Did she claim “native American” ?
Or are those records “lost” like Obama’s (which might show he claimed he was Kenyan)?
the Globe found clear evidence, in documents and interviews, that her claim to Native American ethnicity was never considered
Seriously? They expect us to believe that they found clear evidence that something never came up? And, of course, it defies all reason and logic.
We all know, for a fact, that universities were doing affirmative action hiring to get more “diverse” faculties. IOW, this was part of their process for evaluating applicants, and they touted their hire of a “minority” woman after she joined.
Warren claimed Amerind heritage on her application for a reason. Her own account of that “heritage” shows that it was nothing more than family lore, at best – no tribal membership, no participation in any Amerind community (which, BTW, means it wasn’t enough heritage to be honestly claimed on an employment application). She went out of her way to claim it. Why? For the very good reason that it gave her a leg up in the competition for a job.
Finally, more subjectively, Warren was a middling legal scholar, not at the very top of the profession by any measure. Yet she got a job on one of the premier faculties in the country. Gosh, what could explain that?
Of course since the college later promoted her Amerind heritage when showing off how wonderfully diverse their faculty is was just a coincidence.
So, those Germans who have had enough, are they Nazis? Just like these guys?
“Support for the Sweden Democrats, which have their roots in a neo-Nazi movement”
I mean I’m just starting to assume that anyone right of Mao and everyone who do not wish to see their culture destroyed and turned into a 3rd world shithole, is a Nazi. That’s what I keep hearing.
Yolo1 hour ago
fake news by real jews
there is nothing far right about SD
I mean who knows at this point? Just assume everyone is a troll and that no one is…
Except Nazis are socialist and therefor leftist. They need to own that. I intend to make them own that.
That sort of blows their entire deal of making everyone on the right out to be a Nazi. They’re not giving that up anymore than they’re giving up the race card. You’re trying to take away half of what they have.
Malaysia Canes Two Women for Same-Sex Relations Amid Growing Concerns Over LGBT Discrimination
That fine is only about the cost of a septoplasty in Romania… This proves Malaysia is quite a modern and moderate Muslim nation.
Coming soon to a Minnesoda near you?
Where do I sign up to be a UN Lesbian Spanking Overseer?
Six strokes for lesbian sex? There’s a joke in there somewhere, but it’s too early here.
Hmmm, wonder if the car was CLI Taurus.
“So, more strokes for good sex, or fewer?”
“Is Malaysia a country with public judicial punishments?”
Thanks, folks, I’m here all week. Tip your waitress.
If you made it six licks…
I forget, where does Malaysia rank on the “unsafe for women” scale? At least they aren’t as bad as ‘Murica where a woman is raped every 39 Jiffies.
The descent into madness continues apace. Marketwatch reports.
In ongoing litigation, Kaepernick alleges the league and all 32 teams colluded to keep him unsigned because of his outspoken political views. He was one of the leaders of player protests, signified by most by kneeling during the national anthem, drawing repeated criticism from President Trump.
Kaepernick, who last played with the San Francisco 49ers and who many NFL analysts believe has the ability to be a present-day starter somewhere in the NFL, has gone unsigned since March 2017. Court documents from his collusion case reveal most teams considered him good enough to be a starter.
Title is, “Nike Takes on Trump.”
Of course we get the obligatory “many expert analysts agree” on the likelihood that Kapernick would be a starter.
And, as an added bonus- there are comments. Read ’em and weep.
Question: how good was he before the protest?
Unsigned. That says it all.
Not great, maybe he would have been fair back up talent but that’s about it (if that).
In fairness, he is absolutely better than some of the backups in the league. The problem, I think, is that backup QB’s are interchangeable and usually don’t help you win any more than others (yes yes I know a backup just won the Super Bowl, point still stands). Your starter goes goes short term, you hope to go .500 and tread water. Starter goes down long term you start assembling your draft board. So do owners want to piss off their fanbases and not really help their win probability?
You’re correct, I overstated that. The notion that he was obvious starting talent for most of the teams in the league and was was politically blackballed is nonsense though.
He was in the wide swath of starters that fall into the “looks great in a system that fits him, looks like dogfood in a bad system.” When Greg Roman was his OC, he was putting up legit stats. There’s maybe 5 guys in the league at any time that can transcend a bad system. Brady, Ben, Rodgers, etc. Then there are a good dozen in this swath.
Looking back at the last 10 superbowls, there its about 50% transcendent talents and 50% guys in this swath (including Kaep.)
The problem with the NFL is that there’s not enough true competition to make each team rational actors. So they keep plodding along doing things the way they have always been doing it, leaving $20 bills like Kaep on the ground.
That’s not collusion. That’s just the way any small, insular league works. Tradition trumps efficiency.
He was one of a class of quarterbacks who came into the NFL as read-option play specialists. The problem, in my opinion, is that he’s not accurate enough to be a passer, not fast enough at reading coverages to do the read-option effectively, and not big enough to just power through. Cam Newton is probably the best IMO, followed by Russel Wilson, but with Wilson being sort of the exception that proves the rule as his strengths lie in being more of a traditional quarterback with enough speed to do the run from time to time, where Newton is a massive human being who also happens to be a pretty decent quarterback.
He was in the first wave of the read-option offenses. It worked great for a year or two and then the defenses figured out how to handle it. Once the defense was ready, Capernick didn’t have the skills to go to the next level and make D’s pay by passing accurately.
Like Bill said, some QB’s came out of that OK, but they were the ones who could pass and had way better skills.
I put that phenomenon right up there with, “The wildcat offense is going to revolutionize the NFL!”
Wilson might be the smartest QB in the league.
Well, Nathan Peterman is starting for the Bills and he threw 5 interceptions IN A HALF last year.
Not good. He had several bad years and was benched. The NFL will show patience with young players but after 5 or so years if you haven’t improved, or like Kaepernick regressed it’s assumed your potential is met.
No team is looking for the 20th best QB. Once they know you’re not top 10 or 15 talent they will bring in someone younger because QB talent is necessary for winning.
He showed his ceiling was met and would forever be just a backup if lucky. Protest or not there’s no chance of him ever being a starter again unless injury forced it.
Maybe he could be a backup but the expectation that backups shut up and not be a nuisance is not a unique standard to Kaepernick.
“Kaepernick alleges the league and all 32 teams colluded to keep him unsigned because of his outspoken political views”
That, or he sucks. It must be one of those.
It’s the latter, but the NFL owners that have been deposed are dumbasses and have done an awful good job making it look like the former.
You know who had a better case about being blackballed in the NFL? Duante Culpepper.
During his last years in the league he realized that having an agent didn’t really do anything for him contract-wise, so he negotiated for himself. I think that the agents made sure that other players didn’t try that shit themselves.
There is also a very good case to be made that Duante (like Capernick) just didn’t have the skills that would make putting up with his sideshow worth it.
Where do these fucksticks get the idea that free speech means they have a right to use their employers property and time as a platform and damage their employers bottom line?
Fire every goddamned one of them
You see, this is exactly the thing. If these NFL players want to protest, fine. But if I’m helping to pay their very large salaries by watching the NFL, then fuck no. Go protest on your own time, but that 3 hours out of the week I’m wasting valuable time to watch you, then you play the foozball or GTFO.
Where do these fucksticks get the idea
Government schools?
Kaepernick alleges the league and all 32 teams colluded to keep him unsigned because of his outspoken political views.
And? Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, moron.
The CBA does expressly forbid collusion, with each other or with Russia. But he’s acting as if not being signed is proof of collusion per se, when it might just be that he’s not good enough to outweigh his distractions and the teams all came to the same conclusion independent of each other.
The chances all the teams had a meeting to hash out plans to ban Kaepernick are zero.
This Kapaernick realizing that the only way he will ever cash another check from the NFL is via a lawsuit.
And I fully believe the NFL is stupid enough to settle with him, creating a precedent for other washed-up players to get “controversial” so they can claim that the end of their careers was due to collusion, not sucking at their job.
Millions of people need urgent help to stave off famine in Lake Chad basin
More than two million people have been displaced and five million regularly do not have access to enough food in Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon, where the armed group Boko Haram has waged a nine-year insurgency. The insecurity means people who are used to supporting themselves have no access to the land they farm or waters they fish in, making them dependent on outside help.
The question is what is the long term solution? Aid that may or may not come will not solve the problem.
“The question is what is the long term solution? ”
Angela Merkel has them covered. There’s plenty of food in Germany.
Bratwurst und streudel for everyone!
Ja, ja!
“Are you saying ‘Yes’ in German?”
“No, I’m laughing in Spanish.”
/stolen from somewhere
Also, the government will look the other way when you do bad things, because…. reasons.
Nature is going to impose population control on Africa.
Isn’t that what Boko Haram is doing? Using the law of the gun/might to acquire and hold assets while starving out their competition?
Nature… it’s not very PC.
So, Boko Haram is ZARDOZ?
If you’re looking for a Final solution, a find and replace on that plan would technically end the problem.
Sounds like we need another hashtag campaign – who’s with me?
TW: Raw Story. Remember that it’s not the crime, but the cover-up (Judge Napolitano. The good Napolitano, not the bad one.)
there can’t be two standards: One for members of Congress — Republican members of Congress — and one for others.
I wonder if that’s Trump’s 5D chess move on that tweet. Get everybody all riled up about filing charges against Congress members during election season, and then circle around with slow-walked investigations into Dems and/or statements from DOJ muckety-mucks in the past about being careful with the timing of these things.
Or, it could be another brain shart. I do struggle with the idea that these tweets amount to any kind of obstruction or other interference with DOJ.
My candidate for Best Worst Idea.
We need to tax people who propose taxes.
What, Global warming not working?
Bingo. They couldn’t get international socialism by glorious revolution so they tried getting it by the back door. That didn’t work either so now they are just demanding it.
If I was Trump and I thought they were going to impeach me, I’d start lighting some major fires, like throwing the UN out of the US.
Just tax the recipients of the foreign aid. With the multiplier effect they will get a 3:1 return on all monies taxed, and hence triple their total benefits.
I like this idea. I like it a lot
Let no crisis go to waste!
Japan’s foreign minister champions international tax system
And what is the authoritative body to enforce this? The US is sovereign. Fuck off.
The U.N. Peacekeeping Forces of course.
I struggled to not laugh as I typed that out.
Can anyone else smell the shitty britches of all the Democrats in DC right now? I hear they’re already losing their minds over this confirmation thing.
It only barely covers the stench of the recent Limp Biscuit party both sides had at McCain’s funeral.
Check Senator Soshanna’s twitter feed. She’s at the hearing. It’s hilarious.
It sounds like Kamala is the ring leader of this circus. Wait until we get that blue wave, then you’ll have about another dozen Kamalas and we’ll have this every fucking day 24/7 for the next 2 years. Oh joy. Apparently someone released some documents to kick this thing off and that’s their excuse.
If the Democrats nominate Kamala in 2020 I’m voting for Trump.
That is absolutely the only thing in the world that could get me to vote for Trump.
Clinton didn’t? At this point, the only thing stopping me from voting for him again is if he doesn’t shitcan Sessions.
^ This. He was and is the protest candidate.
This thing is live on C-SPAN right now. I’d highly advise you do not watch it. I’m not going to anymore than I was going to watch McCain’s luv fest.
Democrats go on rampage, blue wave coming
Blecht. The sound of estrogen being poured into acid.
“We get what we want or we will have a tantrum and disrupt everything.”
Remember when the D’s were cooking up Obamacare and they chained the doors so that the R’s couldn’t be there? Literally put chains on the doors.
Fuck them.
If only there were a fire.
I’d ask how much they paid those rabble-rousers to protest the hearing, but then I’d be forgetting that they are not Private Contractors, but Useful Idiots.
The question is how long will this charade be allowed to continue. I am skeptical of Kavanaugh, but I would not be the least bit offended if Team Red sacked up and confirmed him tomorrow.
What do I care, as long as I get my pony?
If Sanders won’t explain what socialism really is, perhaps we should listen to what America’s largest socialist party, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), has to say. Like the “old” socialists, the DSA unabashedly enunciates its electoral strategy to lead the Democratic Party to electoral victory under a socialist platform.
Like the Democratic Party, the DSA proposes to focus on grievance groups — minorities of all stripes, the LGBT community, immigrants, women, seniors, students, etc. Each group is to be promised free stuff and special benefits — free medicine for all, tuition-free schooling through college, a guaranteed income and a right to housing and food.
With respect to the economic system, the DSA openly propose to do away with capitalism via a number of measures. Municipal authorities or worker collectives will replace private ownership and management of enterprises. These socialized enterprises will produce for the needs of society, not for private profit.
Sounds legit.
“These socialized enterprises will produce for the needs of
societydear leader and a few of his oligarch freinds,not for private profityou can eat cake”Fixed it.
Needs of Society
Sure, that one bureaucrat who got in good with whoever is in charge of the socialist paradise will be happy the rest of us fulfill their needs.
And people thought I was being hyperbolic when I said they are just straight-up old fashioned commies
I don’t know why anyone would think that since they frequently will contradict the “democratic socialism is not communism” spiel they yammer on about to reporters.
Exhibit A
They’ll have real top xen in charge! You won’t need to think, they’ll do it for you.
openly propose to do away with capitalism
And, therefor, freedom. Socialism is the opposite of freedom. Socialism means holding your fellow man at gunpoint to subsidize your existence.
will produce for the needs of society, not for private profit.
Something something profit motive something something good produced. I exist for myself and mine, not for your benefit.
Pics from the holiday. Hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready to get back to secret-drinking at work and running craps games in the supply closet.
I also knocked together a kydex press, but haven’t had a chance to use it yet…
You’re lucky the cops didn’t show up to the park…
Minneapolis is a hot bed of ‘mmocking
I’ll try to find it, but Spawn 1 sent me a pic this weekend of a series of hammocks they strung some forty feet up a couple big trees in the mountains. Of course he was in the top one…
The police regularly and visibly patrol in my neighborhood, especially on holidays. They don’t give a shit about people peaceably laying in hammocks. They drove past me at least twice before I nodded off.
They don’t give a shit about people peaceably laying in hammocks.
Clearly underfunded and in need of tactical training.
In all seriousness though, it’s nice you live some place where the cops aren’t total scum of the earth.
Well, its a little more (or less) complicated than that. I live in a very idealic suburban community full of, you know, nice families and parks with trees. It is also ghetto adjacent. So every local politician (including the local chief) knows that their job is to keep the police visible and ubiquitous to keep the ‘wrong sort’ from invading and causing problems for the ‘right sort.’ If there’s a non-emergency, I text the local councilman not 411 because I get faster response that way.
Ironically, I don’t mean white / black. Many of the right sort are people that moved out of the ghetto and are thus black. Its 100% class-based. A black man in a clean oxford and chukkas would get treated as the ‘right sort.’
Ironically, I don’t mean white / black. Many of the right sort are people that moved out of the ghetto and are thus black. Its 100% class-based. A black man in a clean oxford and chukkas would get treated as the ‘right sort.’
That’s fairly ubiquitous. It’s the clothing, the mannerisms, and the number of tats that trigger sidelong glances, not the skin color.
Oh no, ten years ago, it was 100% about race. Since then, the many greatest-genrationers have moved out (aka died,) the ghetto has gotten worse, and we’ve had a large influx of minority families (both escaping from the ghetto and other places). Took the police a little while to catch up, but the local pols helped illuminate the issue after a few upstanding citizen-voters with dark completions got treated like the wrong sort.
A perfect day! Nice job, Leap.
My father called me last night to ask if I was watching the “RBG” movie on CNN.
I somehow managed to tell him no without breaking down laughing.
Let me know when they get to the part when she keels over.
They’re going to prop up her corpse Weekend at Bernies style until a D gets into the White House.
That’s the plot for RBG 2: Electric Boogaloo right?
When will the RBG corpse look into the McCain corpse and realize that it isn’t just the Trump hate that they both enjoy, but that they truly love each other?
You’re going to work Lindsay Graham up into a tizzy, a tizzy I tell you!
Again, paging Dr. Sugar Free to the white courtesy phone. We need our novella chronicling this glorious love triangle that transcends the grave.
Don’t encourage him. Please.
Don’t distract him, we still do not have SPACE SMITH.
We can make it a deal. If we get SPACE SMITH, we can also have SUE SMITH. Now that we’re all gender equality SMITH, let’s get on with it.
Don’t dilute the brand, or before you know it, ‘SMITH’ will be generic!
I didn’t realize CNN had produced that film.
Next up, Fox News production of Cheney, A Retrospective
Fake film?
Georgia Tech had a TD reception by a WR on Saturday.
It was a broken play.
@Akira and Naptown Bill:
I saw your copy-editing talk on Yusef’s (FUCKING AWESOME) D-Day post. (Seriously, how do you make the filament structures to make the bomb blasts? They are etherially beautiful and very impressive.)
I’m also trying to get into that field. I have no doubt that my move to Thailand is going to be largely based on online/offline teaching but the copy editing/proofreading/editing field is really what I want to get involved in. I’m boning up on the Chicago Style Manual and have some other resources, but I’m more interested in the forums and contact groups that you guys are exploring. I’m quite sure that my first gigs, given where I am and my experience, will be with students and businesses here putting out English copy.
My saving grace is that my cost of living will be so low that I will have a lot of leeway breaking into the industry. I also have retired newspaper parents that are perfectly thrilled to help me for free by looking over my edits before I send them out. I still have four months on my contract and don’t plan on making my move until next March or so.
In either this thread or another, I’d love to hear what you guys have to say on the matter. This also goes out to anyone with experience with either editing or teaching online.
I’ll add a sending-feelers-out post-script, but I am very nervous about how y’all bad ‘uns will flock to such filth…
I was recently wondering if we’d ever wrapped up the started discussion regarding the piece I’d sent you. I was just going to send an e-mail to see, but this post reminded me.
We never did, but I had a great time working on it.
You had mentioned that you were going away for a while and I just assumed that life got in the way and you needed to address some times to get your house in order. It’s also true that that moment in my life was the peak of my “I’m actively being gaslit by my employer/coworker” phase.
I really enjoyed the project and the writing. I think it’s both beneficial that I don’t have experience with the rest of the canon but also that it helps keep my eyes fresh on the current writing.
I’d love to continue and work on some chops.
Ever decide what your rates will be? “Prince of the North Tower” rounded 55k words last night and it is really looking like I’ll finish it. (I forget what your opinion on editing fantasy was)
I’ve looked at a lot of per-word/per-page rates. I’m trying to price myself in the category of “someone without a lot of formal experience but who takes the work very seriously.” Definitely lower tier to start with. Normally I see 3-5 cents per word.
I am absolutely willing to bid lower in order to get experience and feedback. I really enjoyed it, and if you appreciated my comments and corrections I’d be thrilled to continue.
My cost of living in Thailand will likely be about $800 a month. With that and my nest egg, I can afford to work for cheaper in order to get contracts. This is one thing that I think will help me set apart—I am a native English speaker and have taught English for 9 years….but I can absolutely afford to take less than someone based in a more expensive country.
It’s my selling point, the way that I see it.
Pages are way too variable, so I’d recommend a per-word rate. While “An antidisestablishmentarian” is only two words, there’s a lot more variance in words per page than characters per word. And this has nothing to do with any personal propensity for using five-dollar words.
This makes perfect sense to me.
Another aspect that I have seen to be so variable is how the authors intuit corrections and how they like things to look. I used a red/green/blue system with your work but I realize that individuals certainly will have preferred ways of gleaning the edits.
Fiction/non-fiction/genre don’t concern me. My brain is hardwired now to view it as language and to make sure that nothing goes through the cracks. Being able to give advice and to potentially give the author insight into the clarity of ideas and storytelling is such a big bonus for me. I really like letting people have their own voice so I can back off of that, but giving a close reading so the author can know when maybe things are unclear or don’t make structural sense is also very fun for me.
I would fucking love to see more.
I have no experience with soliciting editing work or writing content for others’ blogs, but I have written other people’s high school and college papers, usually in trade, not cash, or as a favor. I certainly have never worked for a service, but I read this long ago: In case you didn’t see my reply to Akira, here it is again: The Shadow Scholar. I have other work-at-home skills and can pick up a gig anytime, so I haven’t done this. Google “professional paper writing services.”
I tried to get mom to swallow her moral objections and get into term paper writing. She’s wicked smaht with that sort of thing (twenty-some years teaching high school English), and very, very familiar with the English canon.
But this was a few years ago, when she retired, and I doubt even a stalwart second-wave feminist has the familiarity with postmodernism to write A-level material for Marxist professors. And with the Canon being burned out of post-secondary education, her knowledge may be irrelevant. Sad.
I know moral objections to a lot of things I do/like/partake in, but don’t care. I could probably justify them but the objections are valid so why bother? I own my immorality. “And…?” is the great argument ender.
I also wonder whether, having spent three decades between college and retiring, recognizing how tragically low the craft had fallen, she decided she couldn’t handle the heartbreak of writing to the modern level of inadequacy. The essays even her AP students turned in (and by the end of it she was mainly instructing AP) were mostly awful to borderline unintelligible, but the school was dedicated to funneling every student possible to the university, so anyone with a whiff of talent or ambition was directed into advanced placement. And if a student with sufficiently motivated and clueless parents received a C for C work, administration was nothing but eager to haul her into grueling PTCs.
I have story about that but am currently locked up in an immobilizer. tl;dr got good advice from bitter cooperating teacher about getting out of teaching while I could.
“I tried to get mom to swallow her moral objections…”
Jesus, man. You know what these animals around here will do to you!!!
*Cleans self off with a rag on a stick*
I got enough of that from high school friends. One of my buddies years later even took a six pack to the house. She had a beer with him and then politely showed him the door. At least, afaik.
politely showed him the door
Euphemism confirmed.
One avenue may be an English language editor for medical journals. Medical journals usually publish in English regardless of location, so international journals often promote English language editors on their submission pages for prospective authors. I’d try reach out to some Asian publishing companies and offer your services to their submitting authors. They usually offer such services at something like a 10% discount.
Like I say, it’s been a very long time since I’ve done that, so I couldn’t really tell you where to look. I don’t even remember the websites I used, honestly. And, also, I’m more of a counter-example, since in my case it was the impetus to get back into web development as a serious career. SP posted in that thread with some solid advice that has the added benefit of being part of her own successful efforts in that regard.
With that enormous grain of salt, I guess the main thing I learned is that when you consider how much you need to be making per job and how that fits into your overall budget, don’t forget to factor in the time you’re going to spend finding gigs and time that you need to spend doing favors or freebies to establish long-term working relationships.
I have to go back to work right now, but I’ll post something on this evening’s thread when I get home.
Computer predicts the end of civilisation (1973)
Worth the 10 and a half minutes.
Would at :30.
Never trust a computer that prints shit out on a dot matrix printer. I could just ask my cell phone this question since it’s probably at least 10,000 times more powerful.
Don’t bother.
That’s what your phone told you?
It took Deep Thought 7.5 million years to find that answer!
A poor architectural design combined with bad code.
Quality of life peaked in 1940? Maybe for Nazis.
How are they defining ‘Quality of Life’?
No idea, but I’m guessing not globally.
“How are they defining ‘Quality of Life’?”
The right to shitty free healthcare that you pay half your income for and the right to identify as one of the 72 genders?
Those two have to be high up the list.
This was 1973, there were still only two genders (one for each sex) then.
Well, you see how bad it was? We weren’t even woke.
They may have a point re: superior QoL when societies reinforced the gender binary, and didn’t indulge the sort of unmoored identity vacillation encouraged by lefties. Stultifying? For some, sure. Much more tenable an arrangement than Choose Your Own Adventure, Baskin Robbins gender bending? Absolutely yes.
Beyond parody.
It’s amazing how many people see convenience murder as core to their being.
My sister is a one-issue voter (abortion). So whenever she brings up politics, I just remind her “You;re a one-issue voter. That’s OK, so am I. We can easily compromise here: I’ll let you have unfettered abortion access and you let me have unfettered gun access. After all, we essentially want the same thing.”
It always shuts her up. For a few weeks anyway.
After all, we essentially want the same thing.
More dead people?
you both want dead children.
“Democrats plotted a coordinated protest strategy over the holiday weekend and all agreed to disrupt and protest the hearing, NBC News reported”
Full disclosure: I have almost no knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, but can’t Grassley just put an end to this immediately? “There will be no more statements by committee members and we’ll proceed directly to the Q&A of Kavanaugh.” Furthermore, can’t he bar members of the public if they’re unable to be there without causing chaos and disruption?
The senate doesn’t follow RRO exactly, and if you think any of them would be on board for any rule that would prevent them from talking into a camera with stern moral scowls, you got another thing coming. Nuclear option? Sure. Fail to balance the budge? Sure. Give up on meaningless grandstanding? Have you no decency sir!
I listen to and read a lot of legal-news from across the political spectrum. Its amazing how out of touch the left is with the priorities of the right. They are convinced the right is just dry-washing their hands and salivating at the chance to overturn roe. That’s not even on the top 3 for the right’s wish-list. Expanding the 2nd amendment, protection of religious beliefs expressed in business and civil society, and overturning Obamacare are way, way more important to the right than Roe.
The way they speak, I wouldn’t be surprised if they think the court can sit down and without a case say “We were wrong about this prior ruling, it’s no longer in effect” as if they were the legislature.
They want the court to be able to rubber stamp their unconstitutional agenda. So they want it using unauthorized power, just for their goals only. Likewise they want a dictator as the exec, but it has to be their dictator. Hence the freakout about who is elected president and the concentration on the executive office.
“as if they were the legislature.”
No need, the lower courts in deep blue states already have this legislature thing covered. I’m expecting some judge in Seattle or DC to rule the Bill of Rights unconstitutional any day now.
“The second Amendment was not ratified by thirty-five states, and thus is void” /leftjudge
Like someone else famously said, do not disrupt the left’s wish to abort themselves to extinction.
I thought their priorities was the same as the Dems:
1) Paying off their lobbyists and donors so they can continue to be invited to the cocktail parties with all the right people
2) Getting rich by exploiting the loophole on insider trading they carved out for themselves
3) Fucking their interns
The left is bad at understanding the right.
Never ever assume Team stupid will stop trying to charge the same hill they died on for 20 years straight.
Granted they seemed to have shut up about it enough lately. Unlike team prog who crawl all over themselves to self-sacrifice on hill GC
They’re trying to rile the base up. The fact that their base is basically morons with no idea what the right wants is to their advantage.
Briefly listened to the Kavanaugh hearings on the radio today during my commute.
Our elected officials are approximately as intelligent as a special education class in Middle School. At least the kids in Middle School are usually good natured and trying really hard, these moronic fucks are not only stupid, but mendacious, rude, annoying and arrogant.
Also: if Trump hates Sessions so much, why doesn’t he just fucking fire him!?!
I don’t think Trump actually hates Sessions. I think Trump runs off at the keyboard when action would cause more problems than it would fix.
I think I lost the very little respect I had for Congress and their grandstanding ways during this idiocy.
Stop reminding me why I hate that douchebag so much. I want him to just stay dead.
I would never insult the mentally challenged by comparing them to a sitting US Senator. I’ve never met a mentally challenged person who was self-absorbed lying ass. The same cannot be said for any politician
I have met those that randomly grabbed the arms of people walking past in the supermarket hard enough to bruise. Where does retard strength come from anyway? This one did not look like they would be able to apply that much force.
You want to have a conversation about where “retard strength” comes from?
No, not really. My supposition was that an impairment of fine motor control meant they tend to use full-force when not strictly necessary.
It’s the cake, innit
“NBC FAKE NEWS, which is under intense scrutiny over their killing the Harvey Weinstein story, is now fumbling around making excuses for their probably highly unethical conduct. I have long criticized NBC and their journalistic standards-worse than even CNN. Look at their license?”
Don’t forget the hatchet job they did on the white Hispanic.
When it’s obvious that instead, we should be abolishing the first and second amendments and imprisoning deplorables who won’t vote the right way.
Look, only properly credentialed experts should be allowed to print news or carry guns.
Man, he just can’t help himself can he? When you’re opponents are committing suicide, etc.
Also, the first responder to that tweet is also an idiot.
“Our founding fathers would literally shit if they knew what was going on.”
I’m not some kind of “medical expert” but I’m pretty sure they took shits regardless of any political goings-on.
When you’re opponents are committing suicide, etc.
Yea, you’d think he’d be familiar with this aspect of the art of war. Except he has done this type of thing before then not acted on it. It is rhetoric that drives his detractors in the media into even greater hysteria at which normal people point and laugh because they understand Trump’s empty rhetoric.
probably highly unethical conduct
I love the “probably highly”. What a card.
Look at their license?
The local stations have broadcast licenses. I’m pretty sure the network itself does not.
Sometimes a tweet is 5D chess. Sometimes its just a prolonged brain shart.
I think the parentheticals are in the wrong place. It sounds like you read that as “(probably highly) unethical conduct”. I read that as “probably (highly unethical) conduct”.
Or I completely missed your point, and you read it the same way I did and were making a remark on some other outrageous aspect of their weaseling.
You’ve put way more thought into it than either me or Trump.
This is from the Daily Mail article.
A protester says:
“‘Brett Kavanaugh is an extremist ideologue who, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, will take away women’s basic rights,’ they said in a statement to The Hill newspaper.”
Please call the vote now, no more wiminz drivers!
they said in a statement to The Hill newspaper
I’m sure the statement was heavily footnoted with examples of his extremism.
will take away women’s basic rights
Interesting perspective. The court is not supposed to grant or remove rights. If it is doing this that means it is activist and operating outside of its authority.
I thought he was against killing female fetuses.
I thought he was against
killingliberating women from femalefetusesparasites.https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1036975758642700291
Harris: “Mr. Chairman, this nominee hurts my feelz. And I’m going to hold my breath until his nomination is rescinded”
Grassley: “The Senator can hold her breath all she wants, but we are preceding with this nomination”
Harris: *starts holding breath*
Durbin: “Mr. Chairman, I believe the Senator is serious. If she dies from lax of oxygen, you will have blood on your hands.”
These are grown-ups
“It is physically impossible to simply hold your breath until you suffocate. When you pass out you will resume breathing again. The process will proceed. No one disturb the Senator should she pass out.”
They are having a Kamala love fest over at DU that the McCain love fest pales in comparison too. It even exceeds the Stormy love fest.
McCain love fest is the most disingenuous love fest.
Too bad all those dead Iraqis weren’t able to mourn the loss of that great statesman
It’s hard to even come up with a politician who is/was worse than him over the last few decades. Feinstein? Biden? Schumer? Seriously, the dude was one mendacious nanny state, war mongering asshat.
Not sure how Hillary’s name didn’t make it in that post.
Harris is a very dangerous person. Talk about an iron fisted dictator wannabe, she might even make Clinton look like a kindly grandma that bakes cookies. I haven’t forgotten what she did with the Backpage prosecution.
wow that is some childish behavior.
a few days of that and Grassley will just hold the vote to confirm.
Sen. Blumenthal again renews his motion to adjourn the Kavanaugh hearing.
More Democratic senators seconding his motion, demanding more documents on the nominee.
They already have more than they could possibly read. Sack up, end this shitshow and take a vote.
Although Kavanaugh is a bit of a squish, I’m thinking he was a good choice for this point in political time. The Dems are going absolutely apeshit over the most innocuous, inoffensive, reasonable appearing nominee.
And I gotta give McConnell credit – scheduling this right after Labor Day, at the beginning of the real campaign season. Keeps the Dems exposed in elections in DC, makes the vote on Kavanaugh an election issue, and kicks off the real campaign season with a televised Dem temper tantrum. Its apparent the Dems are using the hearing to audition Kamala Harris on the big stage, which is probably going to backfire – nobody’s rise through the ranks is helped by taking point on a losing issue.
I’m sticking by my original evaluation of this. Roberts will just replace Kennedy as the swing vote and basically the court will stay about the same as it was. And Democrats are going apeshit over this. I can’t even imagine what they would do if I could make the pick. Hopefully all do a communal bridge jumping.
Roberts will just replace Kennedy as the swing vote and basically the court will stay about the same as it was.
We still have 4 pretty consistent leftists (Ginsburg, Kagan, Breyer, Sotomayor), two of which are the oldest Justices on the Court. Its the next nomination that will make the biggest difference.
Trump nominating Ginsburg’s replacement would be terminal levels of schadenfreude.
That’s what I keep thinking. But of course, if they get the giant blue wave, it will never happen even if Ginsburg and Breyer leave. I mean the appointment could happen, but they wouldn’t get confirmed with the dems in control of the House. If that happens, all that Congress will get done over the next 2 years will be to introduce impeachment motions and have them dismissed in the Senate. Hmm, maybe that won’t be so bad.
Why not? The House doesn’t confirm SC justices.
I’m skeptical that a Dem shitshow in the House will lock up the Senate as well. Of course, the window for nominating a new Justice closes sometime in early 2020 (per the Garland precedent). So RGB just needs to hang on another year and a half to have a chance of a Dem appointing her replacement.
This. The lunacy now will pale in comparison to what will happen if either Ginsburg or Breyer drop.
” The lunacy now will pale in comparison to what will happen if either Ginsburg or Breyer drop.”
I’m not sure we’ll have to wait of that. If the blue wave fails and/or Trump is re-elected we’re going to get peak stupid anyway.
Yes and no. Kennedy was swing, but it was because he was conservative on some things and left on some other things. Average in net, but not on any one thing. For example, I don’t think Kennedy would have been as squish on any kind of gun-rights case. Roberts is more of a go-along-to-get-along squish on most things that don’t involve electronic surveillance or the 1st amendment.
I think he’ll be an easier pick up on narrow, populist positions by the left wing on random, idiosyncratic issues.
I have a feeling it was Roberts that was the 5th vote for Heller/McDonald that wasn’t there for future 2nd amendment cases, and that we won’t see any advancement there. On the other hand, I think 4th amendment protections on new tech is safer with this court if K follows the Scalia / Gorsuch trespass mode of thinking.
And if there is no blue wave? If Trump does nominate RBGs replacement? How much more histrionic can the left get before they resort to violence and illegalities? At the rate they are going now I can see them trying a good old fashioned coup or an assassination attempt.
a good old fashioned coup
Yeah, the Deep State coup isn’t really going that well.
a double tap ‘robbery’ gone wrong.
At some point there will be wholesale efforts to import a more reliable electorate, a la Germany but for political rather than economic imperatives. The trial balloons being floated by lefty cities or states to enfranchise illegal voters is just the start of a movement to dilute the American votership.
I have this feeling that along with all the other places that have millions of the eligible, South Africa will be exporting their own freshly starving hordes before long. This is exactly what motivates Democrats support for open borders, it’s not about concern over anyone’s well being, except for the politicians. They know that if you import uneducated hordes and tell them they get free stuff for a vote, they’re going to get what they want. Look at Cali for an example. If you overload the entire country with illegal aliens and let them vote, you can turn the entire country deep blue in no time.
At some point there will be wholesale efforts to import a more reliable electorate
Given the logistics, at least our new electorate will be from the profoundly dysfunctional Latin American societies rather than the profoundly dysfunctional Middle Eastern societies.
Well, the media are 100% guaranteeing a blue wave now. Violence from that side isn’t far off regardless. When you start sending out thugs (antifa) and chasing people out of restaurants over politics, it’s not far off.
they only pull that shit within their enclaves. the balkanization will continue.
the balkanization will continue.
Indeed it will.
Yeah, I think Roberts is breathing a huge sigh of relief. Now he can move centrist and be the bigwig swing vote that’s invited to all the cocktail parties from both sides of the aisle.
Exactly this. He may even be able to create new penaltaxes, now that the old one is dead.
I just sent the following to the Mayor of Robbinsdale, MN:
To the Mayor,
Good day. On Saturday, I went into the McDonalds downtown. While there, I went to use the restroom, specifically the urinal. And guess what? If you are using the urinal and someone opens the door, people in the restaurant can see you. Even people seated at the tables by the window. How can this not be some kind of code violation? Seriously, I have never encountered anything like it an any restaurant anywhere in America. It’s downright crazy. And rather embarrassing. Please do something to correct this. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
When I started reading that, I was sure you were going to say that the urinal had been replaced by a free tampon machine.
You’re flouting your penis privilege. Some people need to sit to pee, Hitler. Nice hate speech letter
Yeah, he should have been outside protesting those urinals, symbols of toxic masculinity that they be.
“Mommy, why is that man in the bathroom with tweezers and a loupe?”
Now I get your embarrassment.
If you would have stood further away and long shotted it in, you could have shown the kids what “golden arches” really mean.
Why would you send that?
I was driving home from work one day and got hit with the most urgent need to take a shit. I pulled into a McDonalds, but found that the door did not fucking lock. Nope. I got back into my car (and keep in mind I was already prairie doggin’ at this point) and pulled up to a car dealership. I walked inside with clenched buttcheeks, sweat running down my ghost-white face, and desperately asked the salesman where the bathroom was. I went in there and fucking cut loose.
If that salesman would have said no, I literally would have shit my fucking pants in that goddamn Ford showroom.
PS: My house is built in such a way that if I take a crap in the downstairs bathroom with the door open and the dining room window open, people on the sidewalk can see me.
“Radical open-access plan could spell end to journal subscriptions
Eleven research funders in Europe announce ‘Plan S’ to make all scientific works free to read as soon as they are published.”
if “Plan S” doesn’t involve a box-car-sized laser canon, a weather dominating machine, or a team of highly-trained special operation soldiers with psychic powers, I’m going to be very dissapoint.
Their attempt to destroy the world with artificial black holes failed, I think that was Plan R, though.
Look, here’s one with some 3D printed gun plans.
Who’s going to pay for replication, then?
Hah! I keed, what replication?
The market is already heading this way. Most scientific journals are now Open Access where authors pay a fee to publish and the article is immediately and freely available to everyone. The legacy journals still have a subscription model, but almost every one offers an Open Access option. Even then, the legacy journals are starting to start Open Access sister publications as well.
Hard to beat SSRN or arvix
Published where?
Some things are just necessary.
Although Kavanaugh is a bit of a squish, I’m thinking he was a good choice for this point in political time. The Dems are going absolutely apeshit over the most innocuous, inoffensive, reasonable appearing nominee.
And then, one day, the wolf really did come. The boy screamed his lungs out, but no one came to save him.
The wolf ate the little boy. And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
I thought the wolf ate the grandma.?
No, no, the wolf pushed grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair.
I thought that was Ayn Rand’s biggest fan, you’re just confusing me more.
When Ahmadinejad is supporting you, you really know you’re “on the right side of history” (gag).
“former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad weighed in, tweeting: ‘The #NFL season will start this week, unfortunately once again @Kaepernick7 is not on a NFL roster. Even though he is one of the best Quarterbacks in the league.'”
That’s a nasty little cliff on Nike’s chart. Bit of a bounce today, so we’ll see.
Dick’s Sporting Goods chart looks decent this year – basically back to where they were when they stuck their dick into the gun control debate.
“Even though he is one of the best Quarterbacks in the league.’”
I think Ahmadinejad best stick to stuff he knows about, like calling the USA the great Satan and beating ankle showing women in the streets with a stick.
What’s amazing is that Nike gave somebody who doesn’t even have a contract a top-level “star” deal.
one of the best Quarterbacks in the league
his 3rd down efficiency is in the shitter. a born loser. a reeeeeeeal Munson.
Kingpin is one of the more underappreciated comedies of all time.
Why has ZARDOZ never mentioned his cousin ZONTAR??
Good news (relatively speaking).
Cindy McCain will not inherit her husband’s Senate seat. Gov. Ducey will be sending Jon Kyl back to the Senate. Kyl will almost certainly not run for re-election, which makes him a little bit of an odd choice, but at least he’s not la McCain.
My reply to the news over at Legal Insurrection was: