Djoker and Cilic move on. Venus and Serena will face off today, and the fields will continue to wilt in the heat in Flushing. A few college football games on the slate last night had Purdue (where Neil Armstrong, who to the consternation of Ryan Gosling and the other dickheads involved in a recent film, planted a US flag on the moon, went to college, lost to Northwestern in a hell of a good game. Some big games coming tomorrow and through the holiday weekend. And on the diamonds, the winners were: Milwaukee, Cleveland, Detroit, St Louis, Chicago (NL), Boston, Anaheim, Seattle, Arizona and San Diego.

Damn! Look at all those names.
This date’s birthdays include: Roman emperors Caligula and Commodus, the original schoolmarm Maria Montessori, comedian Buddy Hackett, actor James Coburn, frog sports legend Jean Beliveau, baseball legend Frank Robinson, musician Bob Welch, music legend Van Morrison, (alleged) rodent-afficianado Richard Gere, rocker Rudolf Schenker, lousy prosecutor Marcia Clark, singer Glenn Tilbrook, once-adorable singer Debbie Gibson, and hilarious actor Chris Tucker.
Its also the date when the following occurred: Jack The Ripper’s first victim was found, Thomas Edison patented the Kinetiscope, “The Threepenny Opera” hit the stage, the Young Plan was agreed upon, Foghorn Leghorn made his screen debut, Malaya gained her independence, the first solar-powered car debuted, Trinidad & Tobago gained her independence as well, The stupid Dept of HUD was established, a computer beat Garry Kasparov at chess, Sinn Fein declared a cease-fire in Northern Ireland, and (former) Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were killed in a car crash in Paris.
OK, now on to…the links!

This happened. In SAE too, metrictards.
Just in case they were worried about large crowds flooding theaters, moviemakers ensure they piss off the largest audience for the film. Oh, and enjoy your metric system, rest of the world (yes, I know there are a couple of other exceptions). We will enjoy being the only nation to send men to the moon.
Well it looks like NBC might have some explaining to do. I mean, sure, they had to dedicate a team of reporters to dig up such groundbreaking stories as what Trump had for dinner and how it causes mental illness in some lab animals. But you’d think they might support reporting on the biggest sex scandal this side of the Catholic Church.
That boycott of In-N-Out isn’t exactly going as planned. Not surprising. They’re good burgers, their staff are friendly and efficient and they take good care of their employees. Their fries still suck though.

Now, drive me to the cemetery.
Fuck John McCain. This is how you do a damn funeral.
When teachers unions say their only focus is on the children, you might want to remain skeptical. Good job though, kid. You can literally tell your kids how much harder you had it when you’re older.
Chicago is a powder keg ahead of the Jason Van Dyke trial. I, for one, predict shit going very, very bad regardless of what happens. And this being the crookedest city in the nation when it comes to cops getting special treatment, I’d bet on a not guilty verdict and some nasty riots.

Duhhhhhh. Uhhhhhh. Duuuuuuhhhhhh.
The Papa John’s shitshow continues. You know, all of those dumbasses are gonna be out of work until they realize that airing your dirty laundry in public is a bad idea.
Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling is out of prison. Jeez, I wonder how many people are gonna be looking for that asshole to exact some revenge.
Something for everybody today. The birthdays are just too plentiful to narrow it down to one person. Although if I had to give top billing, this would be it. But these guys had their shit together too. And if you don’t like this last one, then you just don’t get my generation.
Go have a hell of a (long) weekend friends. I’ll be spending part of it watching football and the rest with my son, as he departs Monday night for basic training. Many tears will be shed.
“Well it looks like NBC might have some explaining to do.”
You think so? Meh.
A spokesperson for NBC News, speaking on the condition of anonymity, vigorously denied those allegations. “Absolutely false,” the spokesperson told The Daily Beast. “There’s no truth to that all. There is no chance, in no version of the world, that Susan Weiner would tell Ronan Farrow what he could or could not report on.”
An anonymous vigorous denial. Well that’s certainly believable.
Why do these media sources trying to pretend the media should have credibility have to be anonymous? If this is false they should come out and say so publicly.
Exactly. Have them put out an explicit denial. Either corporate or attributed to a person representing the organization.
Of course when that is proved false it makes for an interesting lawsuit plus shareholder lawsuit.
“When teachers unions say their only focus is on the children, you might want to remain skeptical.”
Only a fool would think these people see children as anything other than means to appeal to the emotions of stupid people and rake in the cash.
So the kid walked 2.6 miles home.
Was it uphill?
Did it blizzard?
The Public Pronousement of Progressive Piety by the CEO made me decide to never even think about doing business with them. They declared their intent to hire and promote based upon racism instead of merit.
Sounds like people like us boycotting Papa Johns and other virtue signaling idiots is going better than the attempt to punish in-and-out…
Don’t worry, all you’re missing out is on is the most mediocre fast food pizza imaginable.
Yeah, their original tag line was “better than Pizza Hut.”
The name over the door means nothing. Who’s in the kitchen? That is what counts.
There is a Pizza Hut in Kingsville, La that makes the best thin crust ever.
the most mediocre fast food pizza imaginable.
::pulls up chair and grabs popcorn::
That’s accurate. It’s not as terrible as Gatti’s (my dog refused to eat that), not as good as Sarpino’s (which reaches the level of “ok, not great,” a real accomplishment for chain pizza), so… mediocre.
There are plenty of candidates in that space Pat..
So you haven’t had Dominoes or Little Caesars? At least Papa John’s gives you the garlic butter and pepperoncini. They were also one of the first to do online ordering, so you could make sure that the order was at least written down correctly. Locally, I go with the regional chain that is Drew Carey’s favorite, I don’t argue with a fat guy about pizza.
When I can throw together a better pizza in less than twenty minutes, most of that cooking time, I don’t bother doing business with the purveyor. And when I’m doing that it’s literally “Throw ingredients on pre-rolled dough, bake for 14 minutes at 350”. Whil only mediocre in terms of pizza, it’s still better than the entire field of large chain suppliers.
I haven’t wasted my time with Domino’s since they handed me a puddle of burnt grease and claimed it was a pizza.
When it’s 90+ degrees out, my desire to get my oven hot enough to cook a pizza approaches nil. Last time I ate Domino’s or Papa Johns was when T-Mobile gave me free pizzas from them. Considering both are under 5 minutes away from my house, I took advantage of free food. There’s also a sizable Italian population here in Cleveland, so you can’t go a quarter mile without running into some mom and pop pizza shop. Some of which are good, others appear to work as a money laundering front. And for cheap pizza in an old mob safehouse, you can’t go wrong with Mama Santas. The place the local papers got pissed at because it won best pizza every year in the readers poll. The pizza wasn’t good, it was just dirt cheap, and near the downtown colleges.
When it’s 90+ degrees out, I seek out food that’s meant to be served cold.
Why would you do that? You’d miss out on all kinds of good stuff.
That’s one thing the Basques in Bakersfield got right. A nice, big hot lunch in the 110 degree summertime.
Does that mean you never grill steaks and corn in the summer with baked potatoes and some delicious bacon-wrapped jalapeños stuffed with cream cheese?
You’re missing out on living, dude.
There are plenty of 80 degree days, Sloopy.
Yeah. We call them “spring” and “fall”.
It’s not my fault your address is in “Hell’s Asshole, USA”
sloopyinca: You could always come back up to where there’s four seasons. This weekend is looking to be perfect weather, partly cloudy with highs in the mid to upper 80’s. Tonight shall be interesting, the girlfriend has expressed interest in seeing an Indians game, so we’re heading down to catch the game tonight.
We’ve thought about it. But a six month annual golf window is not something I’m willing to consider when I can virtually play year-round.
In for steak, corn, taters and poppers at Sloop’s.
mmmm…. potatos and bacon.
Dominoes is for Cinnastix, Pizza Hut is for pepperoni personal pan pizza, Little Caesars is for frat boys moments away from projectile vomiting, and Papa John’s is for annoying corporate or religious team building exercises.
I will miss their garlic flavored hydrogenated palm oil or whatever that stuff is.
It tastes like there’s 3 or 4 cups of sugar dumped in the crust. It’s way too sweet
Don’t you live in New York? I could understand if you ordered Papa Johns here on Hoth where our pizza sucks. The closest pizza place by me literally has a banner that says “Loaded with sweet, mild sauce!” but you can get real actual good pizza where you live can’t you?
I was at college. They were open til 1am and you could order online.
Ah well, lots of people experiment in college and then move back home to an utterly conventional pizza-life.
Glad I refreshed before I posted that the title was missing on the main page, that could have been embarrassing.
You’re telling me!
Is that a picture of Smokey up there? What’s he doing? Telling Craig he needs to hit it?
It’s his birthday! He’s gonna get hiiiiiiiiigh!
He has not aged as well as his character in that Friday movie did..
Hmmmmm perhaps you mammals will finally set a precedent that your Enforcers should not pants-shit their magazines every chance they get.
Maybe put two rounds in center of mass and then do a 30 minute safety sweep prior to letting in paramedics. It looks better on body cam
“Fuck John McCain.”
Absolutely. All the usual assholes are calling him a maverick, but have you noticed that the democratic party has no maverick?
Well, you had Lieberman, who declared himself an Independent. Other then that, everything within the party, nothing outside the party, nothing against the party.
The media does not see Lieberman as a maverick, and I remember them calling him a traitor to the progressive movement because he would call democrats on their bullshit (real bullshit, not the half or wholly made up crap McCain was used to do) every once in a while.
Ron Wyden. Only one on Team Blue I can recall who was critical of Obama for drone killing, non-defensive wars, and domestic spying.
Corey Booker showed some promise by working with Rand on a lot of things. Then he realized he had national aspirations and went back to the TEAM huddle.
Still doing some good work. I saw recently where he presented evidence that the cell beacons the cops love so much actually interfere with 911 routing. That’s right, if you happen to be next door to some guy the cops want and you call for an ambulance, so sorry. The price of freedom and all that.
Story here for you.
Fuck the third senator from NY.
I would have said Ocasio Cortez but she gave McCain a good post mortem fellating too like a good little trend follower.
Joe Manchin sort of – although I think he’s just trying to save his political skin.
Jim Webb – who got about about 3 votes in the primaries last time around.
When I turned on the radio this am, NPR interviewing the co-author of McCain’s book (I think, I mentally tuned out) the tone of sorrow was so dripping with sadness and loss it literally made my stomach turn. Literally. This fact the progs have nobody that crosses party lines enters my head every time I hear them praise the bi-partisanship.
I have always told team blue people that they don’t really know what the word bi-partisanship means, because when they use it they mean that they still get their way.
They compromise like a wife or gf. (We compromised and did what she wanted to do.)
Yup. I realized eventually that wives/gfs keep bringing back up the same arguments you thought you had resolved, because what they really wanted was not to have a discussion resulting in some agreement, but getting their way. As someone that hates fucking games like that I can’t stress how much easier life has been when I simply can refuse to participate in that game.
WTF. They had 8 years of the Lightbringer. Wasn’t that mavericky enough??? You know, the one what defeated this racist Hitler in 2008. The McCain no one could stand, not even the weasels in his own party. So they tried to pull a Geraldine on the loyal Republicans…and failed. No, don’t fuck John McCain. FUCK ALL THE LYING SYCOPHANTS WHO LAUD HIM!
The same with Obama; it’s not him that is the problem. Sure, he is a supreme narcissist and a drone-warrior. But he didn’t build that on his own. It is his adoring flock that is the problem.
The swamp is even deeper than I imagined.
This made me laugh hard,
Have some Cosmopolitan UK, Glibs.
When your tattoos of people are actually life-sized.
You saying you would?
The “Is Success An Illness” headline really sells it.
I’m trying to unsee that.
That’s just putting moose shit in a bowl and calling it chocolate ice cream.
That explains European ‘Chocolate’.
Hold on a second. Ar…are you saying European chocalitiers make an inferior product to Americsn chocolatiers? Because if so, I genuinely feel sorry for you.
I’m saying you can replicate the taste by taking a tablespoon, pulling a can of baking cocoa out of the cupboard and sovelling a spoonful into your mouth. It even matches the texture.
Do you smell burning toast? Because I’m convinced you’re having a stroke.
Oh, I forgot, there was the Cadbury’s (Of the UK Formulation rather that what gets sold over here under that label) which you replicate by subbing out a bag of powdered sugar for the cocoa.
Yeah, I’m gonna pile on you here as well UCS. America makes the best of many things, chocolate is not on that list. We make chocolate like Soviets made cars.
Wait… it sounds as if UnCivilServant is referring to British chocolate. They never really did recover properly after the war rationing. FFS, when I was over there they put artificial sweetener in aspirin.
Now if he’s complaining about Belgian or Swiss chocolate…
Until the UK leaves the EU, Whatever that crap was they served me in Nottingham was still counts as European.
One small, and not as popular, regional variant of a product defines an entire continent’s production of it!
That’s like saying “Asian restaurants suck. I got a bad order of orange chicken at a Panda Express drive thru, so all food from Asia is awful.”
You. Are. Insane.
Well, there was also the German chocolate, where I was baffled at how they made it too sweet to eat given the purported ratios of ingredients. But that was also not pure choclate, so I left it out of the dicussion. The ‘Artisinal’ european brands acquired by Hershey tasted like overdone coffee, but the common retort to that woudl be “See, that’s Hershey’s”.
Name me a brand and point me to a source for this purported authentic superior eurochoc. I’ll give it a fair try if I can get it delivered. I’m not flying to Geneva for this.
Teuscher, which you should be able to find. Toblerone, Godiva nd Lindt for excessively commercial brands.
I’ll look for Teuscher.
My main memory of Godiva is that it wasn’t worth the mark-up. That memory is twenty years old, so I can’t recall the actual flavor.
Unless Lindt is near the bottom of your list, I don’t think we’re going to find common ground here.
Do you like Hershey’s, UCS? I bet you like Hershey’s.
Their product is a baseline neutral with regards to chocolate quality. Though most of the chocolate I consume comes from the local place across town that only has the one location. I don’t know where they source their materials, but I doubt they make the base choclate there.
And thanks for reminding me that I need to edit together the video of the ‘Make your own candy bar’ machine from Hershey’s Chocolate world. The audio is no good (large crowd, lots of background noises) so I’m debating trying to record a voiceover with my godawful voice, or doing text overlays.
That’s some quality trolling right there.
Asher’s makes some damn fine chocolate.
They even make sugar free versions.
Chocolate sucks. White ‘chocolate’ or one single Hershey’s Kiss and I’m all chocolated out for over a month.
Real people focus on sour and salt.
Come at me, bro.
No need. The fact that you mentioned “white chocolate” in a discussion about chocolate invalidates everything else you’ve said. Ever.
⬆️He’s right, you know.⬆️
When you are so wrong that Hitler successfully invalidates you that is some hardcore wrongness. I think the rotten death cabbage breakfasts have damaged your taste buds.
You’ve been in Korea too long.
My local wegmans has a 70% dark sea salted chocolate and almond bar. Bitter, salty, rich, slightly sweet, with a nutty crunch. Get that Hershey kiss bullshit outta here!
It. Doesn’t. Taste. Good.
I can get behind a little bit of dark chocolate (huh. These euphemisms are getting more literal…) incredibly rarely. Like a half the size of a Hershey’s rectangle. Let it melt and cover my mouth. OK. I think that’s fine. One every couple months.
There are so many confections that taste better. I don’t get people’s *literal* addiction/obsession with how Purely Divine chocolate is. And how I find it very odd that the cheaper the chocolate the better it tastes. I get the obsession. Cheese is my mistress. I get the varying flavors and sensations. I don’t get it with chocolate, or with wine for that matter. I’ve never dived too deep into wine, admittedly, but it’s because it all tastes the same to me.
It’s why I hate Korean food. It’s all gochujang–spicy pepper paste. I can’t taste the difference between cabbage and chicken in dalk galbi because Everything. Tastes. Like. Gochujang. Keep flavors simple.
Fairly certain that I’m a ‘super taster.’ I savor individual kernels of corn and beans. I take the skin of them in my mouth and get a lot of delight with the subtle-but-there different flavors and textures.
OK, I admit that I sound crazy. But that’s how my tongue/brain works. I eat unseasoned beans individually and relish everything about it. How do you think I’m going to deal with kimchi or chocolate?
Calling John on the white courtesy phone.
Local news: Jail mail opened and shared with police.
Friend of mine is representing the defendant. He was a top student with me when I graduated, and he is totally passionate about criminal defense.
Coincidentally, I also have a Lovily Johnson.
I see what you did there…
Can we get a confirmation? Preferably from SP and not one of the Glib guys…
“Earlier this summer, while Johnson was in jail, a letter she sent to her attorney was opened by jail staff, copied and then sent to Wyoming police.
“The last thing we want to do is violate anyone’s rights and by breaching that attorney/client privilege, we are doing that,” Kent County Chief Deputy for Corrections Chuck Dewitt said.”
Yeah, I am kind of finding those two adjacent sentences clashing..
Yes. The contents of the mail were also shared with prosecutors, though the article doesn’t mention that.
My policy is I only share notices in jail mail, as a reminder to the client. As in “hey, we are due in court next week, remember? Here’s the notice.” And I only talk details of the case in a jail visit, not in mail or video visits.
How the hell is the state’s case now suddenly not totally compromised because of this blatant violation of the protections citizens have against this sort of abuse?
Because FYTW, of course.
I thought Mueller got rid of that pesky attorney-client nonsense?
Google the term “parallel construction”, which is the great legal fiction that as long as one lawyer doesn’t know about the illegally obtained evidence, he or she can build a clean case out of existing evidence as long as their fellows who do know about the illegally obtained evidence only drop hints about where to look.
Sooo… evidence laundering?
Yeah, this is just wrong. There is a reason I can never be on a jury, because I simply don’t trust a system that allows stuff like this. I certainly hope I don’t need to end up in court for anything, because I doubt justice is anything our legal system delivers these days (especially when you are up against the state).
My friend made motions to recuse, etc. but was denied. This discovery of evidence makes her appeal (if necessary) available to her based on tainted evidence.
I should hope the defendant is passionate about criminal defense.
Didn’t Springsteen write Pink Cadillac? Just sayin’.
Aretha’s was Freeway of Love, not Pink Cadillac.
And this:
What is it? Dress up the dead queen day? Creepy.
Anyone wanna take a bet that the lessons our credentialed elite class will take from this revelation is that the plebes don’t know how to stay in their place? After all, the elite care about their power while those pesky plebes, to the chagrin of the credentialed elites, care about their own welfare.
The false consciousness of the proles has always been the biggest hiccup in transitioning from late stage capitalism to the glorious revolution.
I can’t imagine a better to stop the natural pendulum swing than to do what these people are doing.
I thought using the word ‘elites’ is proof you’re an alt-right conspiracy nut.
I’ve read that said several times.
It’s totes cool when you call them our intelligentsia, though I bet. The fact that they are inept and downright stupid believers in marxism is what makes them special though.
‘The learned man, as is appropriate, has also maladies and faults of an ignoble kind: he is full of petty envy, and has a lynx-eye for the weak points in those natures to whose elevations he cannot attain…”
How did he know so much about the modern illiberal dip shit?
He stared into the abyss.
There is a reason that today’s psychology/psychiatry movement don’t like Nietzsche these days and like to speak ill of him…
Tertiary Syphilis…
I didn’t know a football player could be so philosophical.
My problem isn’t really that “they don’t understand the problems I face”. My problem is that they think it’s any of their fucking business, let alone thinking that they can manage my life better than I can.
You are too stupid to know what’s good for you because you are not as credentialed and woke as they are.
Weekend news prediction: John McCain’s hearse driver wet-starts limo, crashes…casket ejected
So no “Weekend at Bernie’s” scenario?
Larry Fitzgerald was a fan I read.
Shane Doan too.
Athletes. So cute when they talk up a shit stained shit head like McCain.
Hey! Crashing planes regularly until you get caught by the commies makes you a hero!
Aretha may have her pink caddies, but McCain’s hearse is sharp, too.
Oh my. That’s problematic.
Gay dating app Grindr to sell shares
The Chicoms are stealing our queers!
Oh oh…
Will that make the frogs gay?
No, it’s designed to allow those that have transitioned to hook up.
It’s going to make the… wait? They’re already… oh. Never mind.
“…The eatery was founded by Harry and Esther Snyder in 1948. The company has a reputation for maintaining strong Christian beliefs and puts references to Bible verses in its packaging.”
“…Customer Justas Jodele, 23, said he didn’t believe a boycott would be effective in the long run, “but it’s a good way to show that we are displeased with Trump.”
He said he was willing to join the boycott — after he enjoyed his Thursday lunch.”
Aaaaannd there perfectly describes a progressive and their ‘principles’.
As long as someone else pays for it, be it with money or effort, they are all hardcore and willing to virtue signal to the max!
I’m not sure I’d realised that it was the head of the California Democratic Party calling for the boycott – I thought it was just more blue tick idiocy.
Trying to get people to boycott a business for the sin of donating (a nugatory amount of) money to your political opponents is banana republic stuff, particularly in view of that top-two primary rubbish.
Wrongthink must be PUNISHED, Charlie.
Isn’t that one of the big reasons we got Trump?
Kaepernick’s collusion case moves on. Do you think he can win?
He was working with the Russians too?
Alright….credit where credit is due.
*opera applause*
I heard there was a waitress working with them too.
We already sent the Lawyers, Guns, and Money.
*Note lack of editorial abuse here*
Well, the shit has hit the fan.
Say, you wouldn’t have any spare lawyers, guns or money, would you?
As a pro QB or as a litigant?
As a whiny mediocre QB douchebag…
That boy ain’t right.
He’s an activist who happened to play football it turns out.
Neil Armstrong biopic leaves out the moment the astronaut plants a US flag on the Moon – with star Ryan Gosling saying it’s because the achievement ‘transcends countries and borders’
Um…countries have borders, and some countrues are better and achieve more than others… ///’Murica
Yeah, that statement was just incandescently stupid. It was an achievement by the USA, and no one else.
Cue Kate Smith’s God Bless America
Take that, Canada!
Historical rewrites are important to the marxist movement. How else are you going to get people like Cuomo saying America was never great and people not realizing they are fucking idiots?
Nope, that achievement belongs as much to the Central African Republic as it does to us.
It belongs to the people of the new global marxist earth alliance!
It actually does, but the white devil stole it through Tricknology!
Wakanda Forever
Haha Davis is hilarious. Ever seen the prison compilation?
No, I haven’t, but time for this boi to learn today. Thanks!
Cultural relativism is a bunch of bullshit.
It just drags us all down to the lowest common denominator.
Did these transcendent countries, without borders pay for this? Did they send materiel or people to work on Apollo? No? Screw ’em.
I will give an iota of credit to the Soviet Union for spurring the program into gear, but none more or elsewhere.
+1 Sputnik
Britain provided Newtonian physics, which were probably relevant on some level. Therefore you didn’t build that and the film should show Armstrong (good Borders name, like Nixon) planting the Union Jack.
There are borders. And on this side of the American border, we sent people to the moon. And on the other side they didn’t. Period.
It was an achievement that transcended national boundaries. Just like slavery.
That’s code for “Can’t make a profitable movie without Chinese box office sales.” Its why every action movie team has a hot Chinese woman on it now (not that I’m complaining.)
They can absolutely make a profitable movie without chinese box office sales. It requires two things – control spending, and don’t shit on the audience. You could even get some leeway on the first if it’s a good movie. The problem is they can’t help themselves with the second.
Well said UCS.
I don’t think that’s correct. The Chinese box office is larger than the US, and growing, while the US box office is shrinking.
The criteria was “Profitable” not “biggest haul eva”
What recent profitable movies are you thinking of that haven’t done well in China?
I know there were at least a couple, I’m just not a big enough movie buff to remember them.
(I haven’t watched a movie in years, and the last time I was in a theater was when I made the mistake of seeing “Crystal Skull”)
Not that it didn’t do well, but that it didn’t need the Chinese market: Black Panther made $700M in the US and just $105M in China, showing that pandering to US audiences is still a box-office winner.
The real problem is they have no idea how to do the first.
Technology has made the production of almost everything cheaper, save movies.
Maybe put two rounds in center of mass
A t-shirt I saw at the Indianapolis gun show:
“.45- Because shooting twice is just silly.”
I didn’t get one, because the graphics layout sucked. I also didn’t get a “Black Guns Matter” shirt, because it had an AR on it, and I don’t even own one.
I got a loaner for you if you ever want to do the Florida Man safari in the inland portion of the state.
Python hunt?
Floridaman on the I-5 corridor. The deadliest game in the deadliest environment.
I have a t-shirt from a Gun Shop where I went to grad school in Arizona (long ago): “(Name of shop) Guns – Guns for every occasion”
There’s a place near me — I think SP may have posted a picture when she came through — called Girls Gun Wild. They advertise themselves as a “gun boutique for women by women”. If I can ever get the wife comfy around a gun, I’ll send her to check it out.
Do they have any marketing material you can share? A calendar, perhaps?
All I can find is a FB link and I don’t have the book of faces.
So the Neil Armstrong moon flag plant never happened twice?
They should have used Denzel Washington and put the Rainbow flag.
Why not?
Ok I know about the extra ‘s’.
Pipe down.
Strother Martin!
I thought it was Stuttering Stanley and Starven Marvin?
They should have used Denzel Washington and put the Rainbow flag.
If someone doesn’t take this and make it into a youtube video, I will be got-dam disappointed.
He can seek refuge with his brother, beloved Chicago TV and radio weatherman, Tommy Skilling.
Wasn’t that all overturned and the prosecutors formally rebuked for hiding evidence?
I remember the fallout well. I had worked for 18 months on a multi-million dollar capital improvement proposal which got scrapped because after the Andersen debacle, Ernst & Young wouldn’t sign off on any of the financing proposals. They were scared shitless.
That was shortly before I quit and left corporate America.
On a jet plane? Did you know when you’d be back again?
One way ticket, no more middle management for me.
Yes, and one of the lead slimeballs is lead investigator for Mueller, who he goes way back with.
Yes, this is what I was thinking of thanks.
My first job out of college was with Andersen Consulting (the tech consulting arm, AA was the accounting arm). The money all those bastards were making was astounding. Then they had to elect a new managing partner for Arthur Andersen World (the parent company of both) and the fallout from that election was for them to break up.
I helped do a lot of the separation of infrastructure for that breakup in the late ’90s. At one point, the rumor was that AC offered AA $1B to be allowed to keep the name Andersen Consulting and the offer was refused. About a year later the Enron shit hit the fan and the AC partners all of a sudden were very happy to be named Accenture.
AC was a crazy/fun place to work. I still don’t think I’ve ever worked with as many smart and ambitious people since.
My first job after my 9-year Air Force career was with KPMG Consulting. Worked my way up from Consultant to Senior Manager over 7+ years. I agree about the “smart and ambitious” assessment of the consulting environment. As I moved up my role changed into more of a salesman, which I wasn’t comfortable with – they wanted me to sell anything to anybody. I didn’t fit and left.
Inmate: What are you in for?
Skilling begins to explain the nuances of energy markets, shell companies, requirements for consolidation, and GAAP revenue recognition.
Inmate: zzzzz
A great article about the climax of perhaps the greatest baseball game in a movie, ever.
I miss Leslie Nielsen.
Him and Phil Hartman.
If it’s a Cadillac you want…
I was expecting The Clash.
Chapel Hill police chief told officers to ‘stay way out’ as Confederate monument was toppled; one officer put on leave amid concerns over tattoo
Police Chief Chris Blue instructed Chapel Hill officers to stand aside last week as protesters pulled down a controversial Confederate monument on the University of North Carolina campus, a review of Blue’s text messages and emails shows.
Following a public records request, WRAL News obtained about 400 pages of emails and texts sent to and from Blue on Aug. 20-21 – before, during and after the protest that led to the toppling of the “Silent Sam” statue.
Blue’s texts show he was closely monitoring what unfolded at McCorkle Place on campus on Aug. 20 and was relaying directions to his officers. It remains unclear who sent some texts to Blue and received his messages in return….
Some emails to Blue noted that one Chapel Hill officer at the scene of the protest had a tattoo on his arm for the Three Percenters, a militia group that pledges armed resistance to any effort to curtail constitutional rights.
The officer, identified as Cole Daniels, “expressed regret that his tattoo has been associated with groups that perpetuate hatred and violence,” Blue said in an email sent Wednesday to WRAL News by Chapel Hill spokeswoman Catherine Lazorko.
“We understand the concerns regarding the negative interpretations of the tattoo and regret it was displayed. This will not occur again,” Blue said. “We also want to emphasize that the negative interpretation of that tattoo is inconsistent with the values and mission of our department. We expect employees to abide by our values in the performance of their duties for the Town.”
So, resistance to any effort to curtail constitutional rights is considered inconsistent with the values and mission of our department?
Good to have it out in the open, I guess.
Did you not suspect that without an order like this this rabble would have had their asses beat for vandalism?
Hello lawsuit…
A 3% cop……irony is lost on most people. I saw a pick-up recently that showcased a Gadsden Flag and a thin-blue line flag in the back window; that’s a confused individual right there.
It’s a couple that hate fucks once a month.
My neighbor across the street has flown both flags under his American flag on his flagpole. I can’t really get a handle on him, but given his love for guns, and general antipathy to criminals (we had a string of car breakins on our block not long after we moved in, as everyone was outside talking about it, you could just see him getting more worked up about it), I’m glad to have him as a neighbor. Same with the married Sheriffs deputies down the block. They mind their own business when they are at home, and park two cop cars in the driveway. Not that it stopped the kids from the HS from stealing shit from unlocked cars.
It’s the majority of my family in a nutshell. No use for bureaucrats or regulatory non-sense but they have a “law-and-order” streak a mile-wide. They don’t like their cognitive dissonance challenged.
To them, cops are still Andy Taylor and Barney Fife. Upstanding members of the community who have stepped up to defend their town from MS-13, Middle school meth dealers, robbers, and drunk drivers.
They wholly fall for the line that cops reluctantly have armed up and changed tactics because society has become a very dangerous place where people daily try to kill cops at traffic stops and get into firefights in drug houses.
^This. The crime-wave war-on-cops narrative never gets challenged because if you do your are a Black-Lives-Matter Libtard who hates guns and Freedom. It’s almost like that dichotomy works in the state’s favor or something……….
It’s Chapel HIll, what did you expect?
80’s Debbie Gibson
She was a friend of a friend. He gave me her phone number. I chickened out.
Also, she was probably 17 by then, right? A little old for you even as a superstar?
If there’s grass on the field, pack it in.
Didn’t she eventually appear in one of the mainstream nudie mags?
Internet says yes.
Only in my dreams
Trump to Sign ‘Retirement Security’ Executive Order Friday
It will ‘promote programs that enhance retirement security and expand access to retirement savings plans’
Is this armed security, or rent-a-cops with pepper spray?
Why does my brain always interpret this phase as “just let it happen” whispered hoarsely in my ear
Assume the proper position, fellow Taxpayer.
That’s a purdy mouth…
*squeals like pig*
Here you go
Is this a good thing? And more importantly….does it over turn something Obama did?
Not that it can over turn naming streets after him.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING CRACKDOWN: Houston police arrest 68 people for engaging in prostitution
Blah blah human trafficking bloop blorp day care…
What a load of nonsense.
Harris County has a hardon for prostitution sting. I think they own (I’m not kidding here) all of the rub’n’tug massage parlors in the county. And then just run stings about every week.
Got to keep the competition down…
*narrows gaze*
+1 Vice cops paying out taxpayer funded tips after *investigating*
Are you saying they rub people the wrong way?
I’m actually interested in where they get the 50-70 year old female Asian cops to be the sting operators. Anyone under 40 — definite sting operation. Er, so I hear.
OT: What do you guys use for internet security (along the lines of virus/hacking prevention programs not VPN)?
My subscription to Norton is ending in a couple days, and I thought I’d ask before renewing. There’s a lot of IT professionals here, and my knowledge is limited to Google searches.
Avira free version works well.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Honestly, if you’re running Windows, the Microsoft Security Essentials is fairly solid. I used to use AVG and Avast, but both had some major issues (such as flagging essential files as infected causing crashes) and went the nagware route. Use a browser with a script blocking tool and an ad blocker, whitelist cautiously, prevent anyone from installing random applications from the internet (kids, SO, wife, girlfriend, yourself, etc), and you should be good.
Looks like I have Windows Defender instead. Norton has taken over and prevented me from changing the settings, but I’ll give it a try after I remove Norton.
Windows Defender is the new name for MS Security Essentials. Its installed in Win10 by default, and disabled by other AV software.
I use Windows Defender, mostly because every other AV software I’ve ever used is an incredible resource hog.
I use Apple computers and willful ignorance.
Apple’s attitude towards security vulnerabilities is to shut up and refuse to admit to their existance, even when evidence of their exploitation comes to light. Until the patch is release, which they do quietly and avoid telling people about it.
I am a fan of Unix, but never Apple.
You too?!
/high five.
My subscription to Norton is ending in a couple days
Thank fuck for that. Only problem is now you’ll have to buy a new hard disk, recite several incantations, make sure it never touches the old hard disk, completely reinstall Windows, then copy over all of your old files in order to get Norton off your system.
Don’t forget the resanctification of the CPU and the hundred ‘Ave Machina’s
‘Member when Norton Utilities was good? I ‘member. Ahhh… the times when even your undelete commands didn’t do everything for you, and printed backups of directories were important.
The best thing you can do is get a good firewall.
I used Sophos endpoint security for my business and combine it with the Sophos firewall. It’s not cheap for a home solution, but it works. I’m considering installing it at home because I can get granular control over the kids internet access with it as well.
Thanks, I’ll see what I can find. Looks like Windows has a built-in firewall too.
You don’t want the kids coming here, or you want them *only* coming here?
Well, we are a Family Friendly Website*, after all.
Get an apple and you’ll immediately be about 10x more secure than if you use a Windows PC.
Sorry, this hasn’t been true in about five years.
And yet they still haven’t offset their failings by being even a fifth as useful as a real computer.
The best comparison I heard between Macs and PCs is that Macs are like tricycles & PCs are high end racing motor cycles. There is very little chance you can get hurt going around on your tricycle, no matter how bad you are, but make one mistake on that 300 mph motorcycle, and you are gonna get hurt.
lol. That’s been my experience using both.
For dummies like me Apple is user-friendlier.
And for those of us use to working on machines the safety railings are infuriating. Stop hiding configuration options from me, those are what I need to get to.
I tried the Apple thing, but the never ending battle of making accessories like printers and scanners work with it turned me off to them permanently.
The last thing I want to do is go back to the good old days of the mid-90’s when you had to hunt down hardware drivers on the black market.
Huh? I haven’t had trouble making anything work for years. I was getting an oil change the other day and used the dealership’s printer. Took me 5 seconds to connect.
I bought a Macbook Air a few years ago because it was the lightest laptop I could get. I’ve been fine with it.
Network printing has come a long way so that driver issues are not as big of a problem as they were in the past. Shit, even CUPS on my linux systems is fully plug’n’play with every printer I’ve owned in the last 10 years.
What is useful to you and what is useful to me are two totally different things. I have no need or desire to write code or mess around with the goings on of my computer. Turn it on click an icon and it works. Even this ancient Mac mini I am on now. The slightly more ancient Compaq I have took twenty minutes to boot up the last time I tried.
In fact you are far more likely to be compromised and just not have a clue it happened.
Compromised in what way? NSA? Ad ware? (honest question, like I said I am willfully ignorant about these things) The companies I voluntarily interact with already know everything about me. I am more worried about them being compromised.
lol…..thank you for your assistance. Maybe I am just an idiot, but as far as I understand the NSA will find you, track you (regardless of how many VPN’s you utilize) and have access to your machine if they decide they want to so what am I supposed to do about that? There is nothing to do. You don’t think they have back doors into Norton and everybody else in the anti virus game? As to adware and spyware maybe I have been compromised but amazingly my life goes on. I used script block for awhile but it required more effort than I was willing to expend to see something I wanted to see such as a news story. I have also used Mac based anti virus in the past. Maybe I need to look into that again, but this computer can barely handle todays internet.
I use script blockers to remove a lot of the added clutter that makes it harder to see what I’m trying to find online.
The main point in malware now is for bot nets. Either to launch DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks, send spam, brute force potential targets, or to mine for cryptocurrency.
Wouldn’t something like that seriously effect the performance of any machine you are on?
There would be a performance hit, but how serious it is depends on the bot net, and how well it’s being managed. Considering most people expect their machines to get slower as time goes on, even if there are no software/hardware changes (which shouldn’t happen, if there’s changes, that’s another story). Some botnet operators have realized this, and figured out that infecting 50k+ machines and using 5% of their resources will last a lot longer then infecting 100k machines and using 95% of their resources.
As for NSA/Fed’s/Police, here you have to hope for the anonymity of the herd as the best defense. Yes, you can encrypt everything, but that’s not a rational step for most users to take. Now, if you’re a CXO of a big company, a politician, or working with classified materials, then it may be worth it.
Precisely why all my PCs run Solaris
Minor hijack of the OT post. I’m considering picking up a cheap little tablet/chromebook/laptop for travel purposes. Only things I’m looking to do on it are e-mail, web browsing, light turn based gaming, etc. Does anyone have any recommendations in this area?
I have an Erickson X-10 that runs nice, it’s also called a Dragon touch
MacBook Air.
Allow me to point out the cheap qualifier here. If I’m going up into that price range, I might as well get a lower end Windows gaming laptop.
I’ve had great luck with Chromebooks. Samsung, ASUS and Acer.
I’d say chromebooks are the way to go.
I recently grabbed an Acer Chromebook R11 for my wife.
Its in the 200-300 range.
Main thing with a chromebook is to make sure it has 4GB of memory, and personally I’m partial to those with an Intel chip instead of ARM as they seem like they would perform better over the long haul.
Why not a Kindle Fire 10? $150
That’s what I use at home for exactly what you described.
Install smallworld 2. I’ll add you to my games.
I’d picked up one of the cheaper Kindles, my issue there is that I’m already involved in the Steam and Google Play store, and really don’t feel like adding a third store to the list. I know you can hack the Kindles to get the Google Play store installed, but that’s defeating the purpose of something I don’t need to worry about too much.
As for Smallworld 2, I’ve got it already on Android and Steam. Same username as here. If you weren’t aware, there’s a Humble Bundle going right now for digital board games. Three android ports, and the rest are Steam based. Six games, and a bunch of expansions for $10 or less (depending on what tier you want).
Thanks for the link. I was not aware of these. I do searches for time fillers/wasters for android/Steam but nothing seems interesting to me. Plus, I’m trying to get my wife away from Elevenar. I don’t mind it. but it can be tedious sometimes.
Humble Bundle will help you build a giant back log of games if you’re not careful. Of course, I think the most expensive bundle had a top price of $25, so I usually find it’s worth taking a flier.
Ha. I already have a sizable backlog of Steam (and Origin) games for my PC. I might as well build one for android too. I’ll be blind before I play them all.
I’ve searched for your name on amazon version, but it didn’t find it. I guess the different platforms aren’t connected.
AVG Free
Malwarebytes Anti-malware for me. A few times within the last 10 years the free version was able to remove some very pernicious malware from family member PC’s, so I upgraded to the paid version.
They used to sell lifetime subscriptions but sadly they have quit doing that (although to give them a little plug, they still honor all the lifetime subs I bought 5-10 years ago).
Real Libertarians use McAfee. If someone hacks your computer, the CEO will track them down and
McAfee kept causing my network stack to crash if I left the computer running overnight.
Realizing that it’s a joke recommendation, I still refuse to use McAfffeee just because java installers keep installing McAffffeeee’s internet protection app unless you explicitly opt out during the install, so I’m constantly having to remove it from family member PC’s. I’m not supporting anti-malware that distributes itself like malware.
“We also want to emphasize that the negative interpretation of that tattoo is inconsistent with the values and mission of our department. We expect employees to abide by our values in the performance of their duties for the Town.”
Shorter Chief Blue: “Fuck the Constitution. We’ll make those peasants OBEY.”
The negative interpretation of an American flag tatoo is inconsistent with those supposed values too, just sayin’.
Gosling: Lol.
Man oh man..
Best wishes to you and the boy. It’s been weird not having mine around, but they need to grow up and move on, right?
Oh, and you forgot Glen’s band!
I was really close to playing that, but … Debbie Gibson, dude!!!
You are a PrimaryContributor!! You can link as many good songs as you like!
Express yourself, man. Don’t let the squares hold you back.
And yes, Debbie was an absolute wood.
The Papa John’s shitshow continues.
He should start a new pizza business and call it Pizza John or something and compete by making real deep dish.
Zio John’s has a nice ring.
He should start a new pizza business and call it Pizza John or something and compete by making real deep dish.
A pizza business serving deep dish? Why not a burger joint serving tacos while he’s at it?
Several successful pizza outfits laugh at you…
What, like Jack In The Box?
Mmm. I miss that.
Pineapple John’s
Apologies for Wall of Text.
Regarding yesterday’s Hyperbole toilet situation, it is time for me to take off my I’ve-Lived-in-this Apartment-for-Nearly-Two-Years-and-I’ve-Gotten-Used-to-It Hat and replace it with the Hat of Righteous Indignation!!!
I live in a one-room shoebox. The bathroom isn’t just adjacent to the kitchen (pansies, all of you!). They share a wall…that doesn’t go up to the top of the ceiling. There is about an 18 inch gap that connects the air between them . I can see my shower head from my kitchen sink. I can throw things between them. If I’m cooking for the Lady and she has to drop a deuce, we are shitting and preparing food in the same room.
If you wanted to assassinate George Costanza, all you’d have to have him do is show him this bathroom and watch as his heart spontaneously explodes and Budd Dwyer’s out his nose.
It isn’t a Korean thing. It’s literally like that wall was the last thing that they built in the apartment and they just ran out of money to build to the top.
“Fuck it, close enough.”
“No, it’s not close enough you little fucksnot. A wall that doesn’t bifurcate rooms is not a wall! It’s a fucking glorified fence, you…you…*cunt-struction* worker! HaHA! BIG ZINGAH!”
That is all.
/Looks at post. Slowly shrinks away. Puts on Cone of Unending Shame./
I’d take one look at that and go “Hell no. Get me a completed apartment or I’m living elsewhere”.
A big problem in my personality is that I absolutely don’t do confrontation. Makes the panic attacks come.
I am also reaaaaaaally good about learning how to just deal with it. Sometimes this is great and it pisses me off that I see people around me freaking out all the time over what I consider to the be the tiniest shit imaginable. Fucking chill out, dude. It’s just not that big of a deal.
On the bad side, it means that I get used to shitty situations that I *should* be trying to fix or to get out of. The line in The Departed where MATT DAMON!! is talking to his smokin’ hot fiance and is asking about whether they should stay together hit me very hard. “I’m Irish. I’ll deal with something being wrong the rest of my life.”
That doesn’t make me happy, but 95% of the time being chill is very good for one’s mental sanity.
There are a lot of things I’ll just put up with, but a bathroom that never completely closes just isn’t one of them.
I used to be like that. Then I found God and learned game. No sarcasm.
Korea is one of the worse places I’ve ever been in terms of public shitters (and I had to use A LOT of them while I was there). The stir-stick to compensate for their weak-ass plumbing is among the nastier experiences I’ve had in foreign travel.
Stay out of Central Asia.
Recalls tourists beheaded in Tajikistan……”Will do!”
Hole toilets and no plumbing for hand washing in early 90s China was an eye-opening and nose-holding experience for young Brett.
The weird thing about it was the dislocated expectation for me. Here is South Korea, a modern country at least in the metropolitan areas, yet they still can’t make a toilet that flushes correctly. It seemed like about 50% of them had been used about 6 times since they’d clogged up too.
I’m so glad I spent that $600 (Parts plus labor) to swap out the toilet that came with the house for a new Kohler.
I realized “I’m going to have to live with this – I’m not going to put up with a seat that’s too small and a mechanism that clogs every other flush”.
(And yes it was the mechanism, the replacement doesn’t suffer from the same problem and the user hasn’t changed.)
Yeah, it’s very unfortunate but it’s gotten a lot better. There’s actually a law to get rid of trashcans in public bathrooms and that they have to be able to flush dissolvable paper.
Public toilets are still decrepit, vomit-infused hell holes. Fun fact! Great friend of mine was talking to me about him and his wife. The conversation started getting juicy–especially as the cool-as-hell wife had a very cute, librarian-ish look.
He tells me that they like to have sex in public. Then I found out that they would fuck in the public bathroom stalls that the bars/restaurants use.
I am not a squeamish man. I got shit on my dick just *thinking* about that. Ugh.
Knowing what I know about Korean bathrooms that’s nauseating.
My worst toilet experience was in a government office on the Mongolian-Chinese border – at night – and my last match (no illumination) went out as I surveyed the abomination which was the stall I had to use.
You could always duck tape a sheet of plastic up there if it bothers you that much.
*Audience Applauds*
If you’ve never tried to pee over that wall from the kitchen into the toilet then what even are you doing with your life?
Ah the transition from single guy with no dating life to in a relationship. You also don’t have enough cabinet space in the bathroom for all her stuff, let alone yours.
AHA! She lives about an hour north of me.
You and you…PEOPLE…LIVING with your significant others….*shudders*. I get cabin fever very quickly and need a tremendous amount of alone time to function properly. So we see each other on weekends and only get the good stuff. It’s not like our apartments actually have the capacity to hold more than one person for more than a weekend anyway.
And Pat…you know me too well. I can get it over the ledge but no chance of getting in the toilet. I gave myself a mighty high five.
One of the few benefits of the shower, toilet and sink all being the same little space. Clean-ups a breeeze.
Fuck it, close enough – some idiot will lease this place anyhow.
Purdue (where Neil Armstrong, who to the consternation of Ryan Gosling and the other dickheads involved in a recent film, planted a US flag on the moon, went to college, lost to Northwestern in a hell of a good game.
And where a young trashy went to college and helped foment a revolt to remove an ugly ass papier mache moon from the campus that didn’t have an American flag planted on it.
This one time, at band camp I got kicked out camp for pulling a knife on some douchebag. Only time I ever visited Purdue. Spent the rest of the week sleeping in my car, buying pizza slices, skateboarding in west lafeyette. Summer of 86.
The sportzball roundup failed to mention that the Golden Rodents won last night with a true freshman walkon at QB. I’m sure this is the first step towards their 7th national championship.
Yes, they sure showed those Aggies! Then next week they’ll beat Fresno, and probably MiamiofOhio the following week. Then, in true Gopher fashion, they will proceed to lose 8 of the next 9 games (always have to win one against a better opponent) and we’ll start all over next year.
/disillusioned former Gilded Rodent
Listen to you whine…there’s a 50/50 chance Kansas will lose its opener at home tomorrow vs. Nicholls State.
I was watching U. of Boone Pickens vs. Missouri St last night. Fox Sports was sucking Jimbo Fisher’s tiny dick for all they were worth. Also, some poor kid got ejected on a great hit in the flat just because he got his arms up a hair too late and made contact first with his helmet, even though all the force came from the arm check. That’s some bullshit.
USC should be interesting this season. They are starting a sub-freshman. JT Daniels graduated high school a year early.
I read that as “UCS should be interesting” and snorted. I always think he’s interesting, even if a bit strange at times.
Due to the volume of typos I make, I have a mental autocorrect that made the same mistake the first time I read that statement. I reread it because it didn’t make sense.
Professor Who Worked On Common Core Tests: Math Education Needs To Downplay ‘Objects, Truth, And Knowledge’
Clicking thru to the conference, it seems that the entire thing is political.
I think it’s a bit of a stretch to call unmitigated bullshit “research”.
When is this shit not political?
I am starting to think that in a generation or so, because of this shit, it will not be safe to operate any machinery, trust any transportation or other infrastructure, or consider any engineered item a dangerous thing when they all get put together by people more concerned with social justice than the realities imposed by math, physics, chemistry, or biology.
Uh, wasn’t there a bridge collapse in Florida recently. IIRC the group responsible was woke AF.
Yes indeed Tundra. I remember how these woke fucks had a ceremony a few days before it came down, touting the virtues of injecting progressiveness in their efforts, all while they started seeing the beginnings of the cracks. But they chose to ignore it all, because of political reasons. If it was not the tax payers footing the bill for the lawsuits, I would be praying that the victims rake the fucking assholes behind this travesty for tens if not hundreds of millions in damages.
The graduates of those programs simply will not gain employment as one of the people that design, build, etc.
Not until government mandates it, which I am sure will never happen…
OK, I failed at my attempt at sarcasm.
I don’t know. When I see heads of tech companies saying they are on the ‘left’, basically turning against the capitalism that made them so wealthy, I think it’s time to get worried.
They are not turning against capitalism as much as virtue signaling to the government bureaucracy that they clearly see has rigged the system in such a way that it allows them to picks winners & losers, want to take advantage of that to keep their monopolies, and thus, because said government bureaucracy favors this progressive bend, head that way.
The relationship between humans, mathematics, and the planet has been one steeped too long in domination and destruction.
I don’t know man, but in my 17 years of schooling, the only dominating that went on was math tests kicking my ass.
That is precisely what he means: math being hard is unfair because it doesn’t allow everyone to reach the same equality of outcome…
What a clown. Everyone has different abilities and motivations, as much as the professor wants to deny it.
That’s the progressive movement in a nutshell though, isn’t it? We will simply do whatever it takes to maintain the illusion everyone is a fucking drone.
But the public education system is not all about Marxist indoctrination, nope!
And people mock Rand’s writing. She was a freakin prophet.
It frightens me how these people took Orwell’s “1984” and Huxley’s “Brave New World”, and decided they would be instruction manuals…
We live in a dystopia. I think a combo of huxley and Orwell. We have the survelance state of Orwell and the hyper-hedonism, alienating atomism of Huxley.
That we (and I mean Glibs) have this little corner of the internet where we can speak freely is proof.
Remember to register your kids as being homeschooled in the next few weeks!
This sparked a thought.
I’ve recently seen a number of articles about how schools should stop sending homework home with kids.
When you consider crap like “argue for a movement against objects, truths, and knowledge” one has to wonder if the move to ban homework has anything to do with keeping parents in the dark about what exactly is really being taught.
It absolutely is. You can’t indoctrinate children when an engaged parent catches whiff of your BS.
Exactly, when you are being scrutinized it is harder to fill the kid’s head with mush without it potentially causing a major and costly problem for the school.
Homework in grade school and high school basically has no impact on learning. We just do it because we’ve always done it.
So, someone is actually going to get paid to teach this non-sense and someone is also going to be dumb enough to get taught it? People like this would get laughed off the planet when I was growing up. We’ve really sank so low that rock bottom is in sight now.
Lots of great comments here.
I got back to the tradeoff triangle – quality, speed, and cost (control).
You can only ever move toward two – the third will be where you have to sacrifice. And there are shitloads of hucksters out there that will try to tell you you can work toward all three – and they are evil and completely full of shit. No exceptions.
And this tradeoff concept can be – and should be – taught in the home at the earliest possible age. It’s the greatest bullshit detector one can ever have. Apply it to any speech or essay and you can easily tell if the writer or speaker has any clue what they’re talking about.
More winning.
Trump Plans to End U.S. Funding to UN’s Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency
Is that why they are praying to Allah for a blue wave and Trump’s impeachment?
We’re cutting off tin pot dictators and funders of terrorism all over the place. Trump needs to be stopped.
FYI for the next
suckerscity looking to host a Super Bowl. There may be unanticipated costs that come with it.Who am I kidding? Screw the tax payers. They can pony up that extra money. The Super Bowl was awesome. Police got $$$. City leaders got to go to all sorts of SB parties and other junkets.
I also like how they say “likely”. Suuuuuuure.
Your buddy wants to axe the Met Council. This is why I will vote for him. It’s only a start, granted, but I am so fucking sick of these dickheads fleecing us for light rail, stadiums and events while simultaneously chasing businesses to other states.
The Met Council is an abomination. How they are able to levy taxes despite not being elected still puzzles me.
I’d vote for anyone who promised to axe that group of political hacks. The fact that the GOP doesn’t make a much bigger issue out of it is proof that they really aren’t small govt folk. They don’t want to get rid of the Met Council, they just want to pack it with their own cronies.
Precisely. Even when we supposedly had republican leadership (Carlson, T-paw) it was just a shuffling at the trough.
I’m inside of 10 years left in this state.
They don’t want to get rid of the Met Council, they just want to pack it with their own cronies.
That is most of the current GOP in a nutshell.
Team red sucks too.
A U.S. professor who teaches future public school teachers will “argue for a movement against objects, truths, and knowledge” in a keynote to the Mathematics Education and Society conference this coming January, says her talk description.
“I find reality unnecessarily constraining,” says Education Scholar Barbie.
Overheard the gf talking to her mom on the phone last night. Eventually they got to politics as they are wont to do. Trump was referred to as “the asshole”. The gf commented on the freeze in wages for federal employees. The mom said “that’s because they don’t like him”. I thought, correct, and I doubt if they like anyone with an ‘R’ next to their name. And I commented to the gf that Barry did the same thing for a couple of years. She rolled her eyes. My red-pill efforts may be futile, but I like to think I’ll get through eventually.
I hope you do, unfortunately my experience in dating left-leaning girls has gone…..poorly. Politics is a silly reason to make/break a relationship IMO. However, in my experience their politics are often informed by their world-view which when it comes down to it is fundamentally incompatible with my own. I wish you the best and hope you make some headway.
However, in my experience their politics are often informed by their world-view which when it comes down to it is fundamentally incompatible with my own.
Yeah, for better or worse, your politics is usually a reflection of your fundamental ethics, and there’s certain ones that just ain’t compatible.
It’s not “just politics”. Progs are slavers. They believe “you didn’t build that”, that “at some point you’ve made enough money” that “we’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good”.
I’d rather share my bed with a viper than with a woman who thinks the government is a positive moral force.
What’s really frustrating is the lack of depth in thinking and following ideas to their conclusions. “We” get characterized as the cold-hearted monsters that would let people starve and die but they cannot see the immorality and danger of making collective decisions for individuals. My most recent failed relationship is a good example, I forget the context but I was trying to get her to understand the concept of all laws having an attached death penalty:
Her: That’s extreme and they don’t
Me: I’m not saying they have a ‘direct’ death penalty, I’m saying, lets use a parking ticket for example, if you refuse to pay it long enough and refuse to comply with whatever punishment the state hands down as a result, eventually the state will justify itself physically detaining you and if you resist that it will justify using physical violence, up to and including death, for no complying. I’m not saying “all law breakers get killed,” I’m saying the state has agency in enforcing the laws but we have no agency in complying.
Her: Well that’s still ridiculous, nobody ever got executed over a parking ticket.
Me: You’re missing the point, what I’m saying is the government gets to play by different rules and they can take our agency on any pretext and we have no recourse other than appealing to the government.
Her: Well if you just followed the law you’d have nothing to worry about.
Me: {mentally jumps our escape hatch]
“What’s really frustrating is the lack of depth in thinking and following ideas to their conclusions. ”
That shit is harder than the math they hate.
Besides, this isn’t about logic, facts, or reason with these people, and more about finding some form of justification – preferably one based on emotions so it can’t be argued against – to mask the base reason they think it OK to take from others: greed.
Well put. So much of it simply boils down to human avarice
So… hate fuck night?
So glad the missus is apolitical. She listens patiently to me rant and rave and never interferes with my Shitlord indoctrination of the kids.
You are a lucky man.
The girlfriend claims to be libertarian, but she’s softer on it then TOS. She’s coming at it by preferred outcomes, rather then principles. The real painful thing is trying to keep my mouth shut when we’re visiting her grandmother, who watches CNN non-stop, and believes that Trump is the worst man since Hitler (she’s Jewish, and old enough to remember Hitler). The grandmother’s at home nurse has approximately the same politics, and started a conversation with me that assumed I was a prog. It was… interesting to watch her come to the realization that I was a shitlord.
There are people around me who have heard me complain about wasted taxpayer dollars, regulations and the need to discard huge chunks of the state government – and still somehow think I’m a default prog. I guess they assume I’m just griping about work.
My wife is a hybrid conservatarian who doesn’t care about politics. She occasionally helps with the indoctrination, but mostly just tries to make sure my kids know what kind of talk stays in the family (guns, etc.) Its a pretty great set up, but storm clouds a commin. She’s a biblical literallist, YEC, thinks evolution is a lie, etc.
My wife does not intentionally pay attention to politics. But she does work really hard and gets incredibly angry at anyone who suggests she doesn’t pay enough in taxes or is wasteful with the money stolen from her paycheck.
^That’s all you need right there! Implicit understanding of property rights even if she can’t articulate it.
I’ve seen her articulate it in a stream of venom at people who think they are entitled to her stuff and too lazy to earn their own money – I just stand back and grin like an idiot.
My wife is more conservative Republican than libertarian, but over the years I’ve gotten her to come around to more libertarian thinking.
“My red-pill efforts may be futile, but I like to think I’ll get through eventually.”
Takes a while and lots of patience.
Anytime I want to get the wife on board with a more libertarian POV is mentioning government run healthcare and how they screw over parental rights.
*fuse lit, and run for cover*
Nothing worked quite as well for getting my wife to come around to libertarianism as the Charlie Gard horror show. Want to make a woman a libertarian? Tell her the government will prevent her from getting her child medical treatment on the basis of it not being worth it.
Her bio says Gutierrez specializes in teaching future K-12 teachers “forms of creative insubordination” and the importance of infusing math with politics.
Sounds legit.
I can already see the success of that high rise those insubordinated architects end up building…..
*pokes site* is it back? For a moment I was getting the “Website blocked” message from my work proxy. I don’t know how I’d have made it through the workday.
I don’t get it… half the time I’m fine, half the time I get blocked.
Sounds like the proxy is load balancing between two outbound pipes. This doesn’t bode well for the future though.
I haven’t seen it block again in a while, but I’m not comforted by that.
The block category was “Uncategorized” which raised an eyebrow.
Re:.NBC News. God-Emporer Trump was right, the MSM is the enemy of the people.
my comment on Enron: you cant lie about dividends.
I am starting to think that in a generation or so, because of this shit, it will not be safe to operate any machinery, trust any transportation or other infrastructure, or consider any engineered item a dangerous thing when they all get put together by people more concerned with social justice than the realities imposed by math, physics, chemistry, or biology.
They want to build a 200mph bullet train through Palo Alto and San Jose; what could possibly go wrong?
They want to
buildfund and grift off a 200mph bullet train through Palo Alto and San Jose; what could possibly go wrong?Actually building something that got to the trial stage would be a pure accident.
No, they want a train between SF and LA, but they don’t want it to go through their neighborhood. It should just somehow magically move around.
Hunter was quietly awarded a $5 million settlement with the city just days before a 2015 mayoral runoff that resulted in Emanuel’s re-election — a move that some criticized as a “hush payment” to try to stave off the release of the dashcam video.
Hush payments prior to an election? Isn’t that grounds for impeachment? Or only if it involves sex?
Albemarle County, VA: Activists arrested outside of scool board meeting, fail to realize the irony of the situation.
“Board Chairwoman Kate Acuff opened Thursday’s meeting by remarking on the division’s proposed dress policy, which has been criticized by the Hate-Free Schools Coalition for not explicitly banning Confederate images.”
Albemarle county surrounds, but doesn’t include, the city of Charlottesville.
Albemarle is a proggie shithole filled with DC expats.
I do not like that place.
My dad grew up in Albermarle on farm. They got by but didn’t have extra. A couple years ago, we drove by near his childhood home after burying grandma and it was all multimillion dollar estates. Sounds like those DC expats. Unfortunately, his parents retired to FL 20 years ago so I think missed out on that sweet prog/taxpayer lucre.
Why I’m not commenting tonight:
Wife: “I put it right that important paper right here”.
Me: “OK, but I didn’t see it when I cleaned the house today.”
She: “You were the only one home. It didn’t move by itself.”
Me:”Ugh.” *Searches house for 45 minutes*
She: “You lost it! I need it for tomorrow. Oh, nevermind. It’s here in my purse.”
I’ve been on both sides of that conversation (except we call it my “man bag”). 🙂
Bet you apologized when was your fault. I’m still waiting.
It’s because there are so many ways to do it in Japanese. ?
The same as pronouns, best to avoid using them, even if there are so many versions of them.
We both do. It’s one of many reasons why our relationship is so strong.
I’m sure you did something to deserve. It was misapplied but not undeserved.
Basically this^. She’ll apologize tomorrow. She always does.
“Umf! Well, you didn’t get a lick amiss, I reckon. You been into some other audacious mischief when I wasn’t around, like enough.”
Bingo! When you lose this fight make a new one.
Nope. I just demand that she reveal how she used her tricknology into getting that paper into my purse.
Women don’t use tricknology, they use wiles.
Doh! That is why I never catch her moving my glasses or putting important things into my computer bags. I’ve been looking for the wrong things.
Yes, a purse! I carry a purse!
Tarran’s man bag.
Tarran’s wife’s purse is also very cool.
I had a similar conversation recently with my wife but opposite. I was missing the handle to a kitchen tool I sent aside on the counter after washing. Looked everywhere, asked my wife is she had seen it.
“Are you sure? It didn’t walk away on its own”
“Absolutely not”
After spending 40 minutes digging through every cupboard and drawer, I finally found it in the bottom of the trashcan.
“Does this look familiar now?”
“No” *shrugs*
I should give up even asking.
The last time the wife and I had a similar “discussion” it didn’t help that my cute little kid walked up and told my wife “you know he’s right mom, you do put stuff away in strange places where we can’t find them.”
Since she can’t be mad at her own kids she got extra mad at me.
Oh God, yeah, my wife “puts stuff away” and then it can’t be found until I stumble across it months or even years later in same random place that has no logic to it being there.
“some” not “same”
Take it easy X 100.
“She: “You lost it! I need it for tomorrow. Oh, nevermind. It’s here in my purse.”
You still haven’t learned that women are always right? And when they are actually right, this will be brought up every time you have a disagreement until forever. ‘Remember that time…’ Uh no, I don’t. ‘Well I do!’.
You know the thing that bugs me the most about the McCain funeral jackassery? Watching the poor non-rates who have to parade out onto the tarmac and stand at attention for this sort of bullshit.
I may be oversensitive to this BS because of my service. My technical training took almost a year to complete and the local CO of our training squadron used to love to volunteer us to go participate in dumb ceremonies like that. You just want to be fucking around like any normal kid, but no, you have to get your dress uniform squared away and then get bussed somewhere so you can march out into the sun or rain and stand there like a dolt while these fuckheads tell each other how fucking great they all are.
The reason they love a military detachment is because they are a natural crowd. If it was all voluntary they’d only be speaking to their own staff of asskissers. And it isn’t just the time you spend doing the actual parade. That is just the tip of the ice berg. Those poor bastards have stood at least 3 inspections to make sure their dress uniforms are sat. Then they have had at least 4 dry runs of the parade in some back hangar to prepare.
Sorry for the rant. Just really pisses me off to see the poor bastards in the armed forces used like props for this.
And to top it off, the guy wasn’t ever president.
Hmmm, that might actually be a good reason for a proper send off.
Trump should should tweet something about him not getting to be president because he was so awful back in 2008.
I’ve never served, but I’ve often thought of that and wondered how the guys that get assigned to those duties feel about it. I guess that’s one mystery solved.
See my comment below, excepting by a small minority of boot-lickers they are almost universally despised. The only people who don’t resent them are the same type of people who intentionally wear their uniform places so they can get thanked for their service.
I will give every boot a six month grace period for traveling with their uniform. You are still pretty gungho at that point and aren’t thinking clearly. After that? Yeah, you should know better.
Of course, I served pre-desert storm so no one would thank you. But you did get some cool old timers say “Semper Fi” to you and that made your day.
Yeah those are about the only people whom I even care to talk military with. Every once in a while you get some old man who is desperate to tell you stories for hours but usually those guys are pretty cool and it’s humbling to hear about what it was like back around WW2/Korea, it was a real sacrifice, my experience has felt more like “jobs program.”
There are some billets that are explicitly for shit like that. The people assigned to the Marine Barracks in DC for example have signed up for crap like that. It can be a way to pick up some rank quickly (mostly because it is all about ass kissing), but at least you volunteered for it.
But I’m sure that those poor saps out there you saw on TV the other day are just cannon fodder.
When I was enlisted, I HATED parades, mass formations, Pass in Review, etc. I enlisted as a Scout/Rifleman … I didn’t join the band.
Hey you and Leap should talk. He’s big into Scouts too.
Ugh yes. Let tear apart our LBE so that everyone can be uniform and then as soon as it’s over, put it all back together to go back to the field.
^This. I’ve resented every formation I’ve ever been apart of (excepting a couple for funeral processions) because ultimately your only purpose for being there is some TOP MAN’s ego.
Just remember, anyone who clashes with Trump or criticizes him is an instant hero of the left. Here you go.
Leave Poor Jeffrey Alone!
“So it was not just ironic, but absolutely mind-boggling, that only six months later, we found ourselves defending Sessions when Trump hinted he might be fired. And today, we’re doing so again.”
Yeah, mind boggling.
There’s got to be some kind of way out of here, said Djoker to the thief.
I’m sorry, there’s too much confusion.
Ugh, I can’t get no relief.
In my haste to get the links up, I forgot to get into the UCL group draw.
Groups B, C and H are stacked and some good teams are going down to the Europa League early. Group D looks like a JV tournament relative to them.
First Trump gets elected President.
Then the ACLU backs the NRA?
They then turned around and virtue signalled about gender-neutral pronouns. I was left wondering if there was going to be a schism in the org.
““Although public officials are free to express their opinions and may condemn viewpoints or groups they view as inimical to public welfare, they cannot abuse their regulatory authority to retaliate against disfavored advocacy organizations and to impose burdens on those organizations’ ability to conduct lawful business,” the brief says.
Gov. Cuomo has made targeting the NRA a central plank in his campaign for governor, and, as GunsAmerica has reported, he’s weaponized New York’s regulatory agencies to dry up the NRA’s financial services in the state.
As the ACLU outlines in its brief, in April of this year Gov. Cuomo and Superintendent Maria Vullo issued a press release directing insurance companies and banks to “review” their relationships with the NRA and other “similar organizations” due to potential a “reputational risk.” In the weeks that followed, insurance agencies began terminating their relationships with the NRA, and the pro-gun organization sued Gov. Cuomo on First Amendment grounds.
The ACLU reviewed the facts of the case and concluded that the state’s motion to dismiss the NRA’s suit should be denied.”
I love articles like this, because it shows the mask has been slipping off and true motives have been discovered:
For the elites, mass immigration has always – ALWAYS – been about funding their precious welfare state. They fucked up social security, won’t dare risk standing up to the AARP, and so their solution has been to import an underclass of feudal workers to keep the ponzi scheme going.
They don’t care about people looking for better opportunities and escaping economic hardship. They need some serfs.
The interesting thing will be 20 years down the road when the now-amnestied underclass begins collecting rather than contributing.
There are some 6 billion others they can import before they die, and then the problem is someone else’s to solve…
“In the long run, we’re all dead.”
– John Maynard Keynes
I am sure they will figure out a way to tax the corpses just like they figured out a way to have them vote for the democrat candidate…
+ 1 estate tax
Yeah, but… their solution to fund an entire generation of retired boomers and Gen-X (I’m a tweener seems), only works if it is ‘legal’ immigrants and most of those become next tax payers. A lot of illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes on income because they work for cash. Some do pay income taxes. I have no idea what the split there is. But they are mostly working in low income jobs, so I’m also unsure of how many of them make enough through payroll to actually pay something in. Maybe democrats should stop pushing abortion and lifetime welfare if they want more tax payers.
“next tax payers”
NET tax payers
Yoga pants, like beer, are proof that G-d is exists and He wants us to be happy.
16 has the T&A and is a soccer fan. Another future ex-Mrs. Q.
Yoga pants, like beer, are proof that G-d is exists and He wants us to be happy.
As a frequent Wal Mart shopper, I beg to differ. Yoga pants are like nuclear weapons. Awe-inspiring, until they fall into the wrong hands.
1 and 41 can visit my yoga studio any time they wish.
It’s like you think of all the pretty Latinas sneaking across the border and you think this is a good thing, but that’s not what’s coming in.
‘They’re sending drugs, their sending rapists, their sending murderers… they’re sending muffin tops who need to get a size bigger t-shirt’
It depends on color too. A sloppy fatty in black non-see through yoga pants does look better (slightly less fat and disgusting). But if it is gray? Oh God, OH GOD MY EYES!!
Even if they return a guilty verdict I’d still bet on the riots.
Kid’s meet-the-teacher night was last night. Spawn 1 is starting 4th grade, and kind of shy. New teacher asks him what his favorite thing he did this summer was. Spawn buries head in my hip and looks up at me. “Was it starting fires and playing with knifes?” Spawn 1 dumbly nods. Teachers eyes get big and gives the “I think your must be joking because I can’t process this” grin and half laugh. “Yeah, it was the fire.” Spawn 1 says.
“Cub scouts! He’s in cub scouts and he cuts vegetable for dinner!” my exasperated wife exclaims, because she has to worry about her reputation as a sub and PTA marm at this school.
Teacher quickly recovers and starts asking Spawn 1 what kind of books he read.
You forgot to tell us if the teacher is hot or not
Eh. Acceptable bilateral symmetry. Fit, but skinny like a runner. Had a real calm, patient manor that probably works really well for the kids, but I don’t think he’s going to catch the eye of any of the single moms.
He’s a DUDE!?!
*Storms out angrily and slams door*
They still let men teach gradeschoolers?
He identifies as a schoolmarm.
Eunuchs only.
You will be turned in to the child services now for letting your kids engage in behavior the left doesn’t approve of.
and he replied “Murray Rothbard”?
*Teacher shrieks in horror*
-just kidding, she’d have no idea who that was…..”The Art of the Deal” would be a better troll
Stuff like that is the reason that my wife liked it better when I missed those conferences. It also didn’t help that I would start arguments about the best way to teach (I’m a proponent of lots of repetition in basic math, fuck that “whole math” bs they are pushing).
Speaking of shyness. Every year with my youngest, the first conference the teacher would show concern about how quiet he was. I’d tell her to enjoy the lull and that there was nothing that needed to be done. Later conferences would all be about how maybe we could work to make him a bit less vocal during class.
If my son doesn’t know you, he won’t even acknowledge that you exist at first. As soon as he figures out who you are and what your weaknesses are, you can’t get him to shut up or leave you alone. He’s gotten better as he’s gotten older, but he has always approached new things with caution.
Actually, the curriculum at this school is pretty great. Math is influenced by Singapore Math, which is repetition heavy, with a focus on demonstrating a wide inventory of mental tricks to see what sticks for each kid. Science education focuses on the scientific method with minimal memorization of trivia. Social studies and history is taught as a by-product of reading. All assigned fiction so far has been really good. Looking at the novels on the shelf in the room last night, I found Lord of the Rings, Tam Sawyer, and Harry Potter. Didn’t see a single copy of THUG or The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.
“My bf was asleep in the window seat, I’m in the middle, and the man is in the aisle. I had no idea what to do, I couldn’t get up bc I didn’t want to go anywhere near him,” she tweeted about the incident that gave her the “worst panic attack of [her] life.”
Dixon went on to say she couldn’t alert the attendant without the man finding out, so she had to wait until he left his seat.
Or, you know, you could have been like “AHHH This dude’s jerking off over here!”. Worst case scenario is nothing changes, except now he’s jerking off in front of the whole plane instead of just you.
Which inevitably made me think of this
Was that “AHHH” a shriek like you had seen a snake, or more like a contented sigh as you get in a hot tub?
Inquiring minds want to know, right Jimbo?
As if you weren’t thinking the exact same thing Alex.
Guilty as charged sir.
I had intended the former, but the latter works even better.
West Virginia meteorologist accused of shoving news anchor, fracturing her skull in fight. No it didn’t happen on air unfortunately, it happened at a bar.
I blame the husband, missed the perfect opportunity to intervene and say “Girls, girls, no need to fight, lets all go back to the house for a night cap and work this out”
*que 70’s funky base-line*
Was one of them a denier?
Beyond parody.
“That’s not a computer, that’s a laptop” -Journalist with Columbia Degree
Even… even if that’s true… Is that something we should care about?
Yes, because you know who else didn’t use a computer?!?
Eerie, isn’t it?
Genghis Khan?
Wasn’t he asian?
He used old wang technology.
I think we should care a lot more about the fact that the idiots that posted this actually felt they could tell this lie and the rubes would just accept is as a fait accompli.
“Even… even if that’s true… Is that something we should care about?”
How’s he doing all that Tweeting? Is he writing those on paper and mailing them in?
Also remember the Woke One said he didn’t even know how to turn on one and get on one of them internets.
“A phone isn’t a computer *millenial uptick*” – random slate reader.
They say that like it’s a bad thing.
I can see a CEO who never uses a computer. Never has to worry about the security vulnerabilities that a computer causes. Reduces his inbox and outbox to one set of queues. Focuses his attention on what he wants to focus on.
You can see that because you’ve been in a business environment and you know that the CEO’s job is to coordinate huge volumes of assets to make them more valuable than they otherwise would. This author, on the other hand, has never been exposed to anything outside of Academia and Media, where such things are important, and thus don’t exist.
And good CEOs hire good information gatekeepers who keep him informed but not overloaded.
Focuses his attention on what he wants to focus on.
Just stay out of trouble.
Are you still publishing your blog? I lost the url to it when I changed computers.
… Hobbit
No. I retired a few years ago when there was a shakeup to try to revitalize it.
Sadly, the effort didn’t go well. Several of the founders are going through some pretty serious personal struggles with health issues in their families. As a result the blog is largely stagnant.
But, FWIW, here it is:
Test comment!
Now with a link!
Sorry about that everyone! I had a problem where all my comments started generating errors…
I blame Tulpa
Thanks for the info. I’m always looking for reading info and I enjoyed the essays on that site. Sorry to hear that it’s idle.
You’d be hard pressed to find a Fortune 500 CEO who was constantly logged into a computer.
I use it because it’s necessary for a small business owner to perform multiple business functions, not because I want to.
OK, sure, he had a laptop on his desk, but he was just streaming the Gorilla Channel.
How dare you remind people of this shit?
To be fair if someone was putting up “Never Forget” posters with Matthew Shepard’s picture on them they’d ban those too because it ‘others’ rednecks.
“‘If I want pizza, I’ll eat pizza’: Jennifer Lawrence dishes on her ‘not very strict’ diet and fitness regimen”
I see thin crust, and no pineapple.
In other Emma news,
That’s different.
Fact, all democrats are totes woke and so never racist.
Fact, all republicans are racist, this is known.
When dems say monkey it means a monkey, not a human. When repubs say monkey it means a black person.
So much for your ‘facts’.
Must be awesome to be able to not just mind read but to be the ultimate authority on who is evil and who is not. Sure as hell will help you mask the fact you are just projecting.
“ultimate authority on who is evil and who is not”
Well, they do have the moral high ground here. They said so themselves. If Obama could have just ran again, we’d have world peace and utopia by now. Everything would be free and we’d all have a pony. But see what happens? The devil sends in his chosen one. Now we have the Trump devil putting kids in cages, denying women healthcare, and consorting with our Russian enemies.
“Police Report: Beto O’Rourke Tried to Flee Scene of Drunk-Driving Crash
It has long been a matter of public record that Beto O’Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1998, but a police report recently obtained by the Houston Chronicle reveals that the Democratic Senate candidate crashed and tried to flee the scene before his arrest.
O’Rourke, then 26, was driving at “a high rate of speed” on a Texas highway roughly ten miles from the New Mexico border when he crashed into a truck and spun across the median into oncoming traffic. A witness whom O’Rourke passed shortly before crashing later told police he personally prevented O’Rourke from fleeing the scene. The unnamed witness “turned on his overhead lights to warn oncoming traffic and to try to get the defendant [O’Rourke] to stop,” according to the report.
The rising progressive star, who blew a 0.136 and a 0.134 on police breathalyzers, did not address the witness report that he tried to flee the scene in a statement released on Thursday.”
Twenty year old issue? I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say I think it matters.
Besides, he’s not got voter support as it stands.
Last poll says he’s 1% behind Cruz, although it’s hard to believe.
Only one poll counts, and that’s on November 6.
Besides, given the track record of these same pollsters with people like Wendy Davis and such, I don’t think they’re even trying to be accurate. They seem more like trying to push a myth of momentum to sway the electorate rather than measure their mood.
How close did they say Wendy Davis was?
The funny thing is in the primaries (that had no meaning for Cruz and a great deal for Democrats), votes for Cruz exceeded those for all Democrat candidates combined. That couldn’t have been a good sign.
But the polls are now trending up for Beto. He seems handsome and nice and has those cool signs.
The polls are trending up for all democrats. So much that I do not believe the polls. I still think, conspiracy theory or not, GOP voters are probably not being polled as much or are just not talking to pollsters.
That’s really when I was convince Beto had no chance. Add in the fact that all of his fundraising is done in California, and that he has just decided to blow off a debate to appear on Ellen, he’s really not connecting with a huge chunk of the Texas electorate. If they’re not donating, and he’s avoiding having his views discussed where they can hear him, Beto is running away from the voters rather than courting them.
You see news like CNN confronting a Trump supporters on her doorstep, or threatening to dox someone over a meme, or trying to ID jurors in case they render an unacceptable decision, and then someone claiming to be a pollster calls your house to ask you about your intimate thoughts on politics.
“and then someone claiming to be a pollster calls your house to ask you about your intimate thoughts on politics.”
Exactly this, and I have even read several posts on other sites when people were saying stuff like ‘Fuck pollsters, they’re all democrats, if they call me, I hang up on them’. So I don’t think it is entirely my imagination that it’s happening. Blue wave seems to be the consensus being fed to us. I just find it hard to believe considering how many far leftists the Democrats have nominated and with the economy being this good. It’s not like the polls have not been terribly wrong before… I mean the last election for example.
I think they were less than the PB margin. (closer than 8%)
Fuck drunk drivers. Hard.
Yeah, well, Ted Cruz isn’t dreamy, so, you know, whatever.
Agree to disagree.
I think it doesn’t matter, it was 20 years ago. There needs to be some type of limit, like there used to be, instead of everything being a life time sentence.
That being said, he was probably running off to save a baby, or some whales, or the planet. We can know this because he’s a democrat.
He did recently say there’s nothing more American than kneeling for the anthem, which is something that does not poll well in Texas.
Is that the basis of all the Kennedy comparisons?
Nope. No 90s today. Only 77.
They don’t call it sex, drugs and rock n’ roll for nothing.
Yeah. I don’t have sympathy for that shit. She knew damn well what the deal was and she loved it. Until she didn’t and got out.
Cool story, gal. I’m sure monetizing your fucking many famous musicians is really traumatic for you. I had to pay for my own coke and didn’t get to bang star(let)s.
“Yeah. I don’t have sympathy for that shit. She knew damn well what the deal was and she loved it. Until she didn’t and got out.”
That’s the gist of it and why I have zero sympathy for these cunts crying foul now.
Agreed. Now she’s trying to cash out again with a memoir to exploit #metoo! despite her admitting that she was living her dream and loved it.
“The Power Play Driving the Latest Vatican Crisis
An explosive letter calling on the pope to resign may say more about its author than anything else.”
“What’s really driving Archbishop Vigano and his ultra-conservative cabal is an abhorrence of gay Catholics and a desire to return to the dark ages.”
What’s really driving Archbishop Vigano and his ultra-conservative cabal is an abhorrence of gay Catholics and a desire to return to the dark ages.
“Conservative media move to front line of battle to undermine Pope Francis”
Leftist media continues to ignore child rape to defend the Pope, because politics.
I wonder if they know he’s pro-life?
Hey, you’ve got to
break a few eggsrape a few kids.What he is railing against is not gays in general, but a group of Catholics in power who actually are gay and practice that homosexuality and don’t take their vows seriously.
Woops! forgot link:
“I Sold My Soul on Twitter. Now I’m Trying to Win It Back
Back in the day when I was (what grandly might be called) a Twitter activist, my life was falling apart. I never thought about the consequences of my Tweets. I never thought that my targets’ families might see what I’d written, or that they may lose their jobs, or that even though we had massive disagreements politically, that these people were still human beings with feelings. All I cared about was getting validation. All I cared about was getting to bask in the negative energy of someone else’s crappy life, so that I didn’t have to confront my own. My marriage is falling apart, but at least I’m not Justine Sacco! I haven’t called my Dad back in weeks, but John McCain’s a dead asshole! Ninety percent of social media is projection.
And if someone died—for real Twitter addicts, that’s Asshole Christmas. If you could make a facile point that reinforced your team’s political stance on the day someone collapsed in front of his wife and kids—you were a true hero, the Twitter version of a captured pilot resisting torture in a POW camp. Except your prison was your mother’s basement, or your half of a Brooklyn apartment covered with Cheetos.
I’m only 36 years old, and so my memories of the pre-Internet world are dim. But it strikes me that when a public figure died 20 years ago, we didn’t run to the rooftops to scream stupid jokes about the guy. If, on the day of Nixon’s death, I’d have posted a note on a middle-school bulletin board declaring “#RememberWatergate Rot in Hell!” my classmates and teachers would have thought I was insane.”
It occurs to me that assholes from the Westboro Baptist Church have a leg up on the cretins who infest Twitter: at least they have the confidence of their convictions to show up and be assholes in person, rather than hiding behind internet anonymity and thousands of miles of copper cable.
When you’re a moral weakling relative to people who hold up GOD HATES FAGS signs to protest soldiers’ funerals, you may need to reconsider your hobby.
*sips coffee and continues posting smug, condescending shit anonymously*
That’s not True!
Most of it is fiber optic these days.
Also, the width of the U.S. is 2,680 miles and since it’s the edges firing into the middle, it’s only 1,340 miles of fiber optic, not “thousands”. PWNED
So you think Kansas is the datacenter to the world and the world doesn’t extend past the coasts of the US?
I remember thinking 256kbps DSL was mind-blowing. I could download an entire CD in a few hours! Now I have a 20mbps connection and nothing to download. Stuff your fiber, Google.
I remember being annoyed earlier this year that it would take over an hour for a download.
Nevermind that download was 40Gb, and my average speed was 7 megabytes per second.
The number of times since building my computer a couple years ago I’d start a download on Steam and think, “Well, that’ll be fun in a couple hours,” and a week later I still haven’t launched the damn thing.
This was a reinstall of either Fallout3 or New Vegas. I spent way to much time in New Vegas lately. I still hate the DT mechanic, and forgot how fucking fed up I got with the DLC locations the first time around. I’d get to about 75-80% of the way through the main plot of the DLC and go “I just want to go back to the Mojave already!” and rush through whatever was left in frustration trying to get away from the place. If you could leave and return, that’d be different, it was the whole “trapped there and no coming back when you leave” storytelling that drove me batty. I’d need a change of pace from their new annoyances after a while.
I have 1 Gig internet and the speed and quality on pornhub is unparalleled.
Close, but no cigar.
“Critics say Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can’t hang with the intellectual heavyweights … in Congress
Male politicians aren’t told to put training wheels back on after a fact check.”
By Laura McGann, Garbage Human
She’s stupid even by the standards of Congress, which is saying a helluva lot.
These idiots persist in thinking her views had anything to do with her primary win. It’s astounding.
“They both energize the left.“
Didn’t all the candidates she endorsed lose?
“Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum calls for a “confederation of states,” aka a confederacy. CNN’s Chris Cuomo responds: “I like that confederacy of states. I haven’t heard that before.” Imagine the media’s reaction if GOP candidate Ron DeSantis said this.”
That…. just can’t be real. It just can’t.
The memes. My God, the memes.
I (bigly) look forward to Trump’s version of The Gettysburg Address…should it be necessary.
I, for one, am not joining any Union Army designed to march on these confederated states and drag them kicking and screaming back into the United States. Let’s all say “Buh bye. Have a nice day.”
This. #letemgothistime
“Southern Democrat, with help of sympathetic newspaperman, floats Confederacy of sympathetic states to overcomr federal government’s inaction on divisive issue”
Need an answer within 1 minute: Change to express train or stay on the local. Local I can sit. Express faster by 10 minutes. Thx, Dr Z.