I’m rich, bitch!

A Cleveland Brown can’t even win with insider information. Courtney Smith has been lying about police reports (and Brett McMurphy should have done some research). Liverpool are sent to Pot #3. Aaron Rogers gets paiiiiiid. College football is just two days away. Andy Murray is bounced. And Venus will face Serena in the third round at the US Open (go Venus!!!).

And on the diamonds, your winners yesterday were: Arizona, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Tampa Bay, Milwaukee. The MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS, Philthadelphia, Chicago (AL), Baltimore, Boston, San Diego, New York (NL), Kansas City, Chicago (NL) and the world champion Houston Astros won with Tyler White’s walk-off homerun to win the important series with Oakland and get a little bit of breathing room.

The greatest hitter of all time.

Let’s see who was born on August 30th, shall we? They include: author Mary Shelley, father of nuclear physics Ernest Rutherford, politician Huey Long, co-designer of ENIAC John Mauchley, the greatest hitter of all time (and better pilot than a recently-deceased Senator) Ted Williams, boxing trainer-extraordinaire Angelo Dundee, rent-seeker Warren Buffett, Fritz The Cat cartoonist Robert Crumb, terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah, the attractive yet stupid Cameron Diaz, singer Aaron Barrett, and slap-head Michael Chiklis.

Its also the day William Penn left England, Handel completed “Jepthra”, Melbourne Australia was founded, so was the great city of Houston Texas, Jack Dempsey wins his first title with boxing gloves, Ty Cobb made his major league debut, the siege of Leningrad started, McArthur landed in Japan, Casey Stengel retired from baseball, Jimmy Carter was attacked by a rabbit on a canoe, Yassar Arafat left Beirut (for the millions he had hidden in France probably), and Ken Griffey Sr and Ken Griffey Jr were the first father-son combo to play a MLB game together.

And now on to…the links!

Police officer who murdered teen given 15 years in Texas. I would have preferred a longer sentence, but the convictions alone are progress.

Thanks, John. You’re a true friend and honorab…oh, nevermind.

John McCain proves that one can be as petty in death as he was in life. Or: his family are a bunch of assholes.  Take your pick.

There’s nothing suspicious about a case at all when prosecutors conveniently forget to do their job…shortly after the entire place where physical evidence was located happened to be razed by government officials and the other defendants were released on bail reserved for traffic offenses.  Yes, nothing suspicious at all.

I sure hope a decent country or a president with some courage to face down criticism (hello, Donald Trump are you listening?) doesn’t let this happen. Because it would be a travesty if the good work he’s done would go away in order for the deep state(s) to further imbed themselves.

Not if the outrage mob have their way.

The leftist outrage mob goes after In-N-Out. Come on, people. Their real crime is those French fries, not their political donations.  Also, this is why anonymous political donations need to be made legal. Companies should not have to disclose who they make donations to other than to confirm them on their tax forms at the end of the year (which Dem operatives in the IRS will leak anyway, but at least then it would be a crime).

Well, I guess I can laugh at Chicago about this. Especially since I’m not one of the taxpayers being screwed to pay for both parts of the story. Ah, fuck it. Even if I was being forced to pay for it, I’d still laugh.

And the (in my opinion) greatest golfer of all time comes out in support of the third greatest golfer of all time. And now he can be pilloried on ESPN and the other SJW-led media outlets and his courses can be boycotted by people who never play golf anyway.

Damn, I could use one of these today. But I’ll wait until Saturday since that’s when football starts.

Have a great day, friends. The week’s almost over.