I’m rich, bitch!
A Cleveland Brown can’t even win with insider information. Courtney Smith has been lying about police reports (and Brett McMurphy should have done some research). Liverpool are sent to Pot #3. Aaron Rogers gets paiiiiiid. College football is just two days away. Andy Murray is bounced. And Venus will face Serena in the third round at the US Open (go Venus!!!).
And on the diamonds, your winners yesterday were: Arizona, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Tampa Bay, Milwaukee. The MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS, Philthadelphia, Chicago (AL), Baltimore, Boston, San Diego, New York (NL), Kansas City, Chicago (NL) and the world champion Houston Astros won with Tyler White’s walk-off homerun to win the important series with Oakland and get a little bit of breathing room.

The greatest hitter of all time.
Let’s see who was born on August 30th, shall we? They include: author Mary Shelley, father of nuclear physics Ernest Rutherford, politician Huey Long, co-designer of ENIAC John Mauchley, the greatest hitter of all time (and better pilot than a recently-deceased Senator) Ted Williams, boxing trainer-extraordinaire Angelo Dundee, rent-seeker Warren Buffett, Fritz The Cat cartoonist Robert Crumb, terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah, the attractive yet stupid Cameron Diaz, singer Aaron Barrett, and slap-head Michael Chiklis.
Its also the day William Penn left England, Handel completed “Jepthra”, Melbourne Australia was founded, so was the great city of Houston Texas, Jack Dempsey wins his first title with boxing gloves, Ty Cobb made his major league debut, the siege of Leningrad started, McArthur landed in Japan, Casey Stengel retired from baseball, Jimmy Carter was attacked by a rabbit on a canoe, Yassar Arafat left Beirut (for the millions he had hidden in France probably), and Ken Griffey Sr and Ken Griffey Jr were the first father-son combo to play a MLB game together.
And now on to…the links!
Police officer who murdered teen given 15 years in Texas. I would have preferred a longer sentence, but the convictions alone are progress.

Thanks, John. You’re a true friend and honorab…oh, nevermind.
John McCain proves that one can be as petty in death as he was in life. Or: his family are a bunch of assholes. Take your pick.
There’s nothing suspicious about a case at all when prosecutors conveniently forget to do their job…shortly after the entire place where physical evidence was located happened to be razed by government officials and the other defendants were released on bail reserved for traffic offenses. Yes, nothing suspicious at all.
I sure hope a decent country or a president with some courage to face down criticism (hello, Donald Trump are you listening?) doesn’t let this happen. Because it would be a travesty if the good work he’s done would go away in order for the deep state(s) to further imbed themselves.

Not if the outrage mob have their way.
The leftist outrage mob goes after In-N-Out. Come on, people. Their real crime is those French fries, not their political donations. Also, this is why anonymous political donations need to be made legal. Companies should not have to disclose who they make donations to other than to confirm them on their tax forms at the end of the year (which Dem operatives in the IRS will leak anyway, but at least then it would be a crime).
Well, I guess I can laugh at Chicago about this. Especially since I’m not one of the taxpayers being screwed to pay for both parts of the story. Ah, fuck it. Even if I was being forced to pay for it, I’d still laugh.
And the (in my opinion) greatest golfer of all time comes out in support of the third greatest golfer of all time. And now he can be pilloried on ESPN and the other SJW-led media outlets and his courses can be boycotted by people who never play golf anyway.
Damn, I could use one of these today. But I’ll wait until Saturday since that’s when football starts.
Have a great day, friends. The week’s almost over.
Police officer who murdered teen given 15 years in Texas. I would have preferred a longer sentence, but the convictions alone are progress. – seemed a pretty clear case to me not even the partner was on his side
Saw the guy that shot that kid whining this morning that he had only done what he was trained to do… I wondered why police training was using the “Shoot first, ask questions later” approach..
If anyone is interested, I wrote about my tenuous connection to the case in yesterday’s evening links thread.
Since I’m an over-nighter, if anyone has questions for me, go ahead and ask away here, and I will check back tonight.
Now, bed time.
*monotone* yay */monotone*
I got 2,500 words written last night. Which is a lot for a weekend day, let alone a weekday after the day job.
are any of them any good?
*shrug* I haven’t had anyone give me a second opinion yet.
All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy X 250?
Luck is shining on me.
“All work and no play makes jack a very full boy”
There’s more before and after, but posting several pages of prose to a comment isn’t all that productive.
In a spark of epiphany, I realized the inscription was in pre-runic dwarfish, but the verbiage was modern.
Did he learned that in pre-runic dwarfish classes in elementary school?
He has a knack for languages, and his aspirations to study the arcane led him to study rather obscure ones.
Glad it became useful for him. Why not provide us the inscription in pre runic dwarfish and letting us share in his epiphany?
Because it doesn’t matter. And he never got to finish reading it anyway.
It was an epiphany that didn’t matter?
The fact that it was that script was the epiphany. It wasn’t a profound moment, but it struck in the same manner.
Fair enough, but I still want to read the pre runic dwarfish inscription. I’m an expert in pre runic dwarfish, as you may already know.
That never stopped Tolkien.
The thing about the classics is you can also learn from their mistakes. I am not going to interrupt the build-up to a significant scene by going off on a long tangent about an irrelevency.
You don’t have to put it in the buildup. Or even in the book at all. You just have to develop the language. It can be published separately or in a end note or after your death. Whatever. Thats what I learned from the classics.
Also, I consider Cryptonomicon a modern classic, and the tangents are what make it great.
I only read UnCiv’s tangents, so that may tell you something.
You don’t read the sines and cosines? I’m hurt.
He’s being obtuse.
That’s how I feel about Japanese kanji…
might have been cotnained within were lost on me
her valuminous raiment
HAHA typo
It’s a first draft. It hasn’t even had spellcheck run against it yet, let alone been proofread.
When I write something I usually have spellcheck active… Although I write in word I assume you use writing software
The squiggles only distract from thought patterns and reduce productivity. Typos are corrected in proofreading. If I can’t tell what I meant to say, the sentence needs to be done over anyway.
I must be spending too much time here, because as I was reading the hag became Hillary in my mind and this sample became part of a SugarFree story.
That’s your own issue.
“With a heavy sigh she moaned ‘Hillary will awaken the awoken then be chumped by the Trump’ then collapsed to the floor”
What is wrong with you people?
What do you mean, you people?
Least I can spell sucka.
The ability to spell one Swedish verb is not a significant achievement.
The leftist outrage mob goes after In-N-Out. Come on, people. Their real crime is those French fries, not their political donations. – first they bankrupted chick fil-a now this? when will it end
Bankrupt? And Chick-Fil-A is bringing more. I’m annoyed that the spicy grilled sub is online ordering only though.
*puts conspiracy theory hat on*
In-N-Out donated to the GOP to purposefully create a boycott and in effect a buycott, bolstering their sales.
*leaves conspiracy theory hat on, who am I kidding, I’m always wearing it*
“If Julian Assange used WikiLeaks to willingly affect the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election on behalf of a foreign power,” a onetime supporter, who asked to remain anonymous, told ABC News, “then we are in a whole new ball game.”
Someone somewhere said something about someone. Newz.
Anonymous source = I am making shit up
Stop calling us fake news!
a onetime supporter, who asked to remain anonymous
That is so vague it could be the office intern or maybe the guy selling bagels.
It was Brad.
Fucking Brad.
I hate that cocksucker
Or the writer of the piece. Or Lanny fucking Davis.
“If Julian Assange used WikiLeaks to willingly affect the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election on behalf of a foreign power”
Because it wasn’t a benefit for any if the 300 million souls she was trying to rule. This is what outrages me the most HRC is a fucking criminal, but we successfuly changed the narrative to ‘das ruskies’.
I am not sure it is all that successful. I think most people know a snake when they see one.
I have no faith in the people I work with. And this is in Utah. No one talks about HRC but I hear about the Russians all the time.
These are the people who voted for Evan McMuffin.
I’m in far north Utah and fortunately don’t hear much about Russians, but everyone is silent about HRC. I do have a university in my vicinity, but I don’t make it up there often anymore. There probably is a more squaking about election hacking there, though.
So every time a news outlet publishes something concerning an election, it’s illegal?
That is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a long time.
By their standards all news media is “meddling” in every election as is anyone who has a political conversation.
John McCain proves that one can be as petty in death as he was in life.
OrAnd his family are a bunch of assholes.Good point. I’ll lleave my error up top, but your correction is noted.
Andy Blunders, Accidentally admits the truth.
Literal OUT LOUD.
Nixon, straight up commie, might just have been handed the election by retard.
Andrew Cuomo – Super Genius
These people in NY seem to all be racing each other to the finish line trying to out-Fredo Corleone each other…
The only way the Fredocons can stay competitive in politics is if there are also Fredocrats.
CUOMO: Can you stop interrupting?
NIXON: Can you stop lying?
CUOMO: As soon as you do.
When I read that, I was fully expecting the next line to be “I’m rubber, you’re glue!”
Doesn’t matter, he will be re-elected by a huge margin.
I’m still going to hope for a Dem/Working Family split that divides the blue base and lets someone else slip into the office.
Not gonna happen… The people that count the votes will make sure of that.
The Republican candidate is critical of the labor unions that run NYC and make everything so expensive to build and run. He’s toast.
Andrew’s father was not a particularly handsome man but had much gentler features than his crimelord-visaged son.
Who knows (other than the Chinese) if this is true or just 2 stories with a big coincidence.
Chinese Govt. Killed and Imprisoned 18-20 CIA Spies After Penetrating Hillary Clinton’s Private Server
Definitely wasn’t us, but we totally knew the deal and we’re laughing our tails off.
With one source, you don’t know if the emails were false flags. Fortunately, they had a second source in Feinstein’s driver to corroborate everything.
The CIA, NSA, DOJ, and FBI all know it is true, but they chose to not talk about it because it would mean they had to admit that the Obama not only let Hillary off easily for a crime that caused the deaths of agents, but seriously compromised national security (for real). Basically our political elite credentialed class has shown – yet again – that they would put their own interests ahead of anything else and expect to get away with it, even though they are the most inept, ineffective, corrupt, and stupid group of assholes.
No need for an “IMO”. The Golden Bear is objectively the best of all time.
There’s at least one person here who will refute that. That person is not me.
True, but he’s kind of a dick. #ArniesArmy!
There’s nothing suspicious about a case at all when prosecutors conveniently forget to do their job…shortly after the entire place where physical evidence was located happened to be razed by government officials and the other defendants were released on bail reserved for traffic offenses.
FBI lost control of another operation and needs it buried before they come out looking like inept dickholes, is my guess.
Hey now, there’s only one dead kid. And He’s brown, and totally not burnt to a crisp so that’s like a 800% improvement
That’s my take. They were working on yet another entrapment deal and a kid died while they were dicking around. Now they’re trying to cover their asses.
There seem to be a lot of these CYA ops these days, and all seem to come down to the fact these agencies were politicized and weaponized to help one political party, in the process making their usual mediocre performance levels drop to some now low where ineptness is an understatement. But they demand we let them pick the winners and losers…
Agreed that this reeks of coverup.
We need a mechanism where citizens can convene grand juries without prosecutor involvement and those grand juries can subpoena, etc.
Pay close attention to what the deep state is doing to anyone connected to that upstart orangeman that dared to upset their apple cart. Cause that tells you how like we are to get a system that would actually hold this bunch of assholes that see themselves as an aristocracy and above the system they use to keep the plebes in line to allow this sort of thing to happen.
Ah yes, America’s finest investigators.
Feds Scramble as Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly Listed FBI as Place of Employment
Works for me.
The page loads fine for me.
Better check your lines WTF! The’ve hacked you and are blocking you from reading the truth.
*passes the tinfoil*
Huh, works now.
If you go to True Pundit and then click on the YouTube video link, guess what?
The leftist outrage mob goes after In-N-Out.
I remember the good old days when the outrage mobs hated in-N-Out for printing Bible verses on their cups.
I had forgotten about that.
I wish we had In-N-Out here. I’m over Five Guys.
Mooyah’s is decent though.
I just looked up locations – the closest is about 2,000 miles away. Used to go there regularly when I lived in Vegas. I’m liking BurgerFi these days – just don’t try the grilled chicken.
The thing about BurgerFi is it is really expensive.
I can get their lunch meal for under $10 although I’m trying to avoid those damn fries and onion rings that have more calories than the double burger.
Only Mooyah’s in the Cleveland area went under. However, we do have an awesome non-chain place that’s similar: Brown Bag Burgers… and looking at the page, it appears they’re looking to expand.
It’s 8:30 in the morning, I’m craving a Double Double, and I am thousands of miles away from the nearest restaurant. *sigh*
Uffda. I didn’t think it could get worse, but each new day the media seems to lower the bar.
The new fad among the ink stained wretches seems to be to glom onto one word in someone’s speech and then run screaming for the fainting couches. They ignore all context of the rest of the speech around the bad word because otherwise there would be no outrage at all. They are like 3 year-olds who think that everyone around them isn’t laughing at their histrionics.
There was the word “monkey” in Florida. Now Trump said “violence”.
How dare he intimate that his opponents are violent! What he actually said was “will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently”.
Violence?!?! Why they never have been violent before!
That is the other funny part of that story. How they pretend to be so offended that any president could call his opponents violent goons after a couple years his opponents bashing people with bike locks or sucker punching them during interviews.
Let’s not quibble about who killed who. Let’s focus on the huge
land tractsthe offensiveness of calling people names.Hey, remember when the main talking point of the 2016 election was whether Donald Trump would concede when Hillary Clinton inevitably won, or whether he was going to stoke his white nationalist supporters into a 2nd civil war? Like, remember when the fucking debate moderators actually asked Trump if he would concede… during the debate… before the election had taken place?
I think there is going to be a blue wave…of tears. And Trump will win in 2020 easily. I also fully expect worse violence than we have seen so far from the left.
They are going down in flames and have chosen to double down on the stupid.
I like dire warnings, especially in news print. It’s like “alarming rate”. My brain automatically creates the background music.
I like that song that Dire Warning sang back in the day:
Don’t forget the “that little faggot” line, or you’ll be branded a cuck.
Plays well with the perpetually aggrieved and fits the narrative. Like I said, the english language itself is under assault by these people whom are willing to project their own biases and shitty ways onto others.
the convictions alone are progress
Hell, the charge and prosecution is progress.
Don’t you feel special?
Back in the late ’90s/early ’00s, there was a popular bar in downtown Minneapolis called the Pickled Parrot. The guy was doing great but suddenly closed doors and moved out. One of the main reasons was that he didn’t want to pay a special tax that was put into place to pay for the development of an entire block downtown that would be filled with bars that didn’t have to pay the tax.
I remember him ranting about it back when I would stop in for a drink. He was pissed he would be collecting taxes from his customers and giving it to his competition. So he sold it off and ran another version of his bar out in the suburbs for years.
Saw an ad for brand spanking new condos in Philly, priced north of $1 million, bragging about a 10 year property tax abatement.
Must feel great for the guys and gals who bought up rundown townhouses and renovated them, improving the neighborhood, and now have to pay the city’s heavy property taxes on existing properties.
‘White People Food’ Is Creating An Unattainable Picture Of Health
Exercise is rascist too. So are the laws if thermodynamics.
It’s all shit honkeys invented to oppress people?
Good habits are racist.
I am going to buy this woman a gift certificate for Burger King.
Wait, they have burger king gift certificates?
White people food here is (in no particular order)… Brats, cheese, beer, pizza, deep fried cheese, hamburger, cheese curds.
I don’t think that is winning any healthy eating awards
Does it count if it’s something we appropriated a while back but is now strongly a part of our cultural diet?
That would be every food there is.
Deep fried
cheeseeverything.Fixed that for you…
I eat a lot of Asian.
My wife and I visited the States about 10 years ago and went to some place called “Gunter’s Tooties” or something. My mom ordered the oriental salad, I got a burger and my wife some pasta dish. The person who delivered the food (not the same as the waitress who took the order): “Who’s the oriental?” I waited a second and then, “Who do you think?”. Poor, young lady panicked. “That’s not what I meant!”
Gunther Toody’s. God damn I never imagined I would see that name again.
Waddup King Sooper’s?
Is that only a Denver chain?
As far as I recall, yes, and relatively new in the late 1990s. Haven’t been back to Denver metro in 10 or 15 years. I reckon it’d be like a foreign country returning today.
They’re owned by Kroger now, but King Soopers has been around for years.
My favorite grocery name, well behind Piggly Wiggly, is Harris Teeter. Makes me giggle when I see it for some reason.
King Soopers is broadly metro Denver/Front Range for a really long time. Gunther Toody’s is much newer. Both are chains.
Gotcha, thought you were referring to King Soopers.
My Colorado grocery moment was seeing both Best Foods and Hellmans mayo on the same shelf at the same time.
My wife had one of those moments at a party. She brought an cold “oriental salad” – named after the ramen noodle flavor that is made with i.e. oriental flavor. One of her friends who is Chinese complimented the salad and asked what it was called.
My wife was flummoxed – and explained the name and that it was an old recipe.
At least it wasn’t called “ching-chang / ching-chong” salad.
Oh you rascal.
Wait… aren’t quinoa, sweet potatoes, lamb, curry, and greens all considered healthy food?
Lamb not so much. It is just as fatty as beef
Someone’s just punking HuffPo. That’s not real.
Do Cheesesteak sandwiches also count as White People food? Cause if they are, that is a true work of art.
I can’t imagine the clusterfuck that is having women in combat arms. I wonder how many soldiers have had thier tours extended because thier relief got knocked up.
Having them in support roles in ’90-91 was a spectacular clusterfuck. I cant imagine how bad it would be with chicks in the field and supposedly in charge,
Congress has already demanded the more intense infantry communities lower their standards so a woman could finally make the cut, and they are even demanding the SF community do this. I can’t see what goes wrong with them being able to claim a victory for social justice as more men are fucked over and even end up dead. I guess that is what equality really means to these assholes.
In the Marines the men’s training was completely separate from the women through Boot Camp and MCT (basic infantry school). When we got into schools / units with women it was really shocking how little they could do physically, Some of them literally couldn’t carry a their combat gear into the barracks in 1 trip – we had been marching 30+ miles a day in that gear at MCT.
I hear that women who really do try to keep up with the Infantry end up destroying their hips, knees, back, and ankles. They just aren’t built for it.
I have heard this story repeated in practically every service branch. The worst is when you have people demanding the standards be reduced into the programs for officers in these special roles, because those programs tend to have unbelievable harsh standards to make sure those who pass are going to be able to lead their troops by example. Our political class is determined to get a woman into the SF community – even when that means putting everyone that now have to work with this person that only qualified because of lower standards at risk – and some of the crap I have seen they have been trying to pull is just outright disgusting.
The reaction of men is to try to protect women – which is really bad since combat is an organized team sport. That’s why the Israelis shut down most of their mixed combat units.
But, if I have to carry Suzie’s gear as well as my own for 30 miles and she isn’t putting out, I’m going to develop a real bad attitude and start hoping she hurries up and gets hurt or dies.
My son went through Marine Corps boot camp 3 years ago and MCT is integrated.
He said all the humps (hikes) were ridiculously easy and a lot of the girls (and some guys) couldn’t manage.
Well that’s a kick in the balls.
My last day of MCT in ’89 we humped 40 miles (in August in NC) rifle, armor, packs – everything except ammo.
I went through January of ’90
Another Geiger Tiger! MCT is for me – ain’t no place I’d rather be.
August of ’92 for me. Hot as a mofo
Pater Dean tells the story every year on my birthday that he decided to keep me because Mater Dean went into labor just in time to get him out of the night compass march, in the pouring rain.
As far as I can tell this is just officers cheating. Unfortunately this is fairly common these days.
So like, if we faced a real and determined enemy, say the Russians or the Chinese, we are gonna get our asses handed to us? Cuz I am guessing thier militaries don’t do SJW
I’m guessing all the PC shit goes away after 1 real battle.
In today’s world by then it might be too late against a near-peer enemy, let alone a peer enemy.
Doubtful. Or at least doubtful during the military phase. They’d be soft targets during an occupation, but by the time these people set foot on contested land, we will have decimated their organized forces.
I’ve found that most female mammals have no clue about cardinal headings let alone using them to reference the position of landmarks.
New battleground for working women: air conditioning
Cynthia Nixon made a simple request as she prepared for a crucial debate in the race for the governorship of New York: ensure that the temperature in the hall is a balmy 76F (24C).
Ms Nixon was thinking not only of her own comfort. The actress seeking the Democratic nomination was striking a blow for women shivering at their desks in office environments designed around the metabolisms of men.
Rebecca Katz, her top strategist, said that the temperatures of working conditions were “notoriously sexist” in an email to the television station that was hosting the debate.
This was not just about the temperature in one particular room but rather an entire system of air conditioning that creates chauvinistically frigid workplaces.
76 degrees! What!?
Oh fuck off.
It was not that she wanted it that hot, she just knew that it would leave her besuited opponant sweating like a pig while she could still be professionally dressed in a cooler outfit. It was a cynical request.
This quote from NYT (because my first link sucked…well NYT too, but anyway):
But, L. Joy Williams, an adviser to Ms. Nixon, insinuated that her request was part of a strategy. She posted a GIF and wrote, “Maybe you say 76 degrees and get 65 degrees, instead of freezing at 50.”
Ok, yeah she’s not serious. No office is set at 50 fucking degrees.
My office is set at 73 degrees. People have desk fans because that is too warm, even for the poor, oppressed women.
The young women who dress like they are going to the beach complain about the office being too cool – the menopausal women have the opposite complaint.
Ms. Nixon has clearly read Art of the Deal. Shrewd operator too.
The cube farm where I work feels like 50.
Mine felt like about 80. Partly from the thermostat wars and partly from being adjacent to a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows facing east and overlooking the Hudson.
Everything is racist, everything is sexist
Hey fuck off warm-bloods #reptileswithher
I am terrified in the summer when I am down to wearing a pair of khakis to work. I have definitely sweated enough to leave a nice wet spot on my ass. My khakis would be soaked at 76.
My species is still a bit sluggish at that temp.
For some reason, the first thing I thought of was that she didn’t want women’s nipples to be showing all the time.
I have never, ever worked in an office where the temperature wasn’t controlled by women.
The thermostat here is locked in the electrical closet. None of us can adjust it. If we could, it would not be seventy three degrees.
Once in my life I have. Of course, the company was four guys in a tiny office. So it was probably just even more sexist.
Ding, ding, ding.
Women won that war a couple decades ago at least.
We’ve done placebo thermostats that aren’t connected to anything. That way folks can set them to whatever they want.
I’d keep putting in trouble tickets for a broken thermostat, because I keep a thermometer at my deks and I’d notice that the number wasn’t changing.
Yeah, but those would go to a system that we (Engineering) could blame outsourced IT for not working, so we’d never get them. And we’d empathize deeply. And occasionally have one of the guys go mess with dampers in the ductwork.
Where you at Pine?
Georgia, so it does get pretty warm inside sometimes. Messing with the system is a mix of good-faith effort to help and exercise in futility when you know it won’t really solve system design/capacity issues or personal differences.
You win a prize! Women are dumb, so are the stats they use 😉
Put a sweater on, Skeletor.
You need warm bodied animal to make that work.
That’s what we have it set to at home. Year-round.
Hmmm, lets think this through for a second.
If you are cold you can put on a sweater or jacket and even gloves
If you are hot you cannot take off any layers of clothing and it does not help that the dress code in many companies requires men to wear multiple layers (suits) wheras women can get away with a dress or blouse/skirt combo
It seems to me that it is far easier for women to adjust their behaviors to make the men a little more comfortable than it is the reverse here.
Oh, no you will sweat and swelter for their comfort, and bear the barbs regarding the persperation.
Try making that argument out loud in the office and see where that leads. (Hint: nowhere good.)
This kid is going to have an awesome story to shame his own kids with when they try to stay inside and play video games. Unless he dies of embarrassment first because of all the euphemisms in this story about him getting “sucked into” and “sticking his fingers out of a manhole”.
A story with a good ending and a lot of people who worked hard to make it happen.
Hey, Your Holiness, could you and/or Tundra drop me an email? I’m in TC next Friday night (50% chance that SP will be along as well) and we’d like to make some arrangements for drink, food, and in-person abuse.
omwc at Proton Mail.
What? Do I get to fill out a list of special Chicago candy or something?
Sent you an email. Let me know if you didn’t get it. (I included Leap and Tundra too) (Leap because he is probably the nicest of us and Tundra because I’d never hear the end of his complaining if I left him out)
BTW, technically “next Friday” is tomorrow. I’m assuming you meant weekend of 9/7.
One of my first jobs was working on an airline reservation system that had a voice recognition component. I remember the raging arguments that would go on about the meaning of “Next Friday”. Of course programmers wanted to define Next Friday to be the very first occurrence of a day named Friday. But all the normies (and the devs deep in their hearts) would argue that Next Friday doesn’t mean tomorrow. It means the Friday 8 days from now. The problem is when does that skip happen? We seem to know somehow, but the poor dev who has to code that voice command of “next friday” to an action is truly fucked.
You’re one of the bastard responsible for trying to make me talk to computers?!
I hate those bullshit voice recognition machines, especially the ones which won’t let me just push a button instead.
ProTip: If the service is prompting you to say x, y, or z. Then those are generally mapped to digit inputs as well (1, 2, or 3). So if it says: “To get billing information, say billing; to make a payment, say payment; to speak to an agent, say agent”, most systems will also accept 1 for billing, 2 for payment, 3 for agent. If it’s one of the ones that just asks for a description of what you’re after, you’re boned and need to talk.
I know, but there are some which don’t do that.
Not me. This was mid ’90s so you can imagine how bad the technology was. I was just around for the discussions.
I was considered the gold standard of testing. If I could mumble my way through a reservation, they had something ready for release.
Still wake up some nights with horrible dreams of me trying to enunciate my way from “Dallas NOT Dulles you fucking piece of shit!” because of my chronic mumbling.
The problem is when does that skip happen?
It’s weekly, this Friday is tomorrow next Friday 8 days from now this Wednesday was yesterday next Wednesday 6 days from now.
changes every Sunday.
The immediate weekday in the past is “last [weekday]. The upcoming weekday is “this [weekday]”. The one after that is “next [weekday]”.
As of today, 08/24 is last Friday, 08/31 is this Friday, and 09/07 is next Friday.
Yes, yes, yes.
Applies to weekends as well. Last weekend (8/25 & 8/26) — this weekend (9/1 & 9/2 with bonus 9/3) — next weekend (9/8 & 9/9).
Wait, shouldn’t people be working on Labor Day?
Nope, if on a Tuesday I say ‘That was done last Monday” nobody’s going to think I meant yesterday. It is really very simple if you put the word ‘week’s’ between the modifier and the day i.e. This week’s Monday or last week’s Thursday.
Granted, if you say “that was done [day]”, everyone will understand you mean the immediate past [day]. Of course, if you say “that was done last [day]”, I think they will understand you mean the immediate past [day], also. The “last” is basically for emphasis, although it does sound a little odd when the day is still in the current week.
“I did that on Monday”
“I did that last Monday” – could need clarification if last Monday is still in the current week.
For future references, though, I think “next” and “this” work just fine, although future days that are in the current week are generally understood without “this”.
It’s worse in UK English where they say “Friday week”.
Fritz The Cat cartoonist Robert Crumb
Not your fault for this, it’s common, but it really chaps me that arguably the most creative American artist of the 20th century is categorized by a minor throwaway that happened to get made into a really shitty movie.
If I were forced to just choose ONE thing of his to note, it would be Zap Comix.
I had never heard of the movie, the comic or the artist until I read Philip K Dick
It gets very, very bad after this. Worse than HM bad.
Does he ride on the woman’s back?
Fritz The Cat is not a shitty movie. But imagine if someone tried to make it today?
The documentary released in the 90s is very well worth watching. He ends up coming off as the most normal, well adjusted person in his whole family.
McCain was reported to have said that he regretted choosing Palin instead of Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-VT)
In hindsight he would want to lose by a larger margin?
Exactly. A lot of conservatives held their nose to vote for the motherfucker because of Palin.
I seem to remember some people arguing that McCain wouldn’t last through the term, so the vote was actual for Palin for President.
I cant think of a single reason to hate on Palin and can think of a million reasons to hate that shitbag McCain. So of course they are lionizing McCain and spitting on Palin.
What’s with the Palin hate? What the hell did she ever do?
Successful Conservative woman with a high profile.
I never got the Palin hate either. But I also never got the gushing praise she got as well.
To me she seemed like an empty suit that sort of stumbled into the governor’s office in a small population state. Nothing wrong with that, but she wasn’t any giant intellect or visionary leader. She also wasn’t a drooling rube or idiot either.
To me she seemed like a normal person who happened to get thrown into the sausage grinder of big time media/politics.
Easiest way to troll the far left is to refer to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez as the Palin of the left. It sets them off like you wouldn’t believe.
“I can see Puerto Rico from my tenement!”
Palin may not have been the brightest, but she is not in Ocasio-Cortez’s league of derp.
I watched the Lynyrd Skynyrd documentary on Starz. Pretty cool.
I was smiling like an idiot when they described writing Sweet Home Alabama – the guitarists were jamming in their swamp house while Ronnie was listening from a distance, fishing in a creek, and making the lyrics up in his head.
And like all the great songs of history, it was probably written in 20 minutes.
Freebird was a guitar song they had played in shows for years – then their roady (who happened to be a classically trained pianist) sat down and said “here’s how I’d play that song”.
I’m shocked, a Jezebel article where most of the comments are shitting on it:
A Recap of Vulture’s Now-Deleted Recap of an Aziz Ansari ‘Comeback’ Show
In case you need a reminder as to what Ansari is attempting to come back from: An anonymous photographer detailed a date with the comedian/actor, in which she alleged that he harassed her, coerced her into sexual activity, and overstepped her boundaries in a shoddily executed post that ran on Babe.net in January. In a response released to press, Ansari said the sexual activity “by all indications was completely consensual.”
To address the elephant in the room, Vulture reported that Ansari did not address the elephant in the room Saturday night.
So he didn’t address it because he already did. Also, why is Jezebel letting a white man write an article for them?
Warty lost one again
I’m subscribed to a Facederp group that colourizes historical historical WWII photos. Some of those photos are of Nazis and the Wermacht. Recently it’s come under attack from leftists(American Nazis). Only a matter of time before it gets Zucked. They have a sister group that does WWI that is seeing the same.
In-N-Out donates $25,000 to California Republican Party, angry Twitter users call for boycott
So what you are saying is that their popularity is about to increase.
College football started last weekend. You got a problem with Hawaii and Colorado St (and a few other teams)?
Also, there are games tonight and tomorrow.
Any real college football fan will be watching Wake @ Tulane tonight (actually, I am not sure I have CBSSN, so I might not be).
I flew back from Hawaii once on the same plane as the U of Hawaii women’s volleyball team. I will always have a soft spot for the U of H because watching those young ladies walk around the plane made that long ass flight fairly enjoyable. My oldest altar boy who was just figuring out that women might be special at the time probably has an even deeper love for the UofH.
Are the women in women volleyball teams of the same inclination as the women of the softball teams? The fact that these were eye candy tends to tell me that is not so, but what do i know.
I have no idea, but volleyball > softball in both looks & uniforms.
My wife was a Div 1 Volley ball player. I assure you they are not of the same inclination.
Good to know..
I dated a Div 1 volley ball player at Memphis State a couple times but she was too smart to fall for my BS, so I can’t personally testify one way or the other.
Wait. Who am I kidding? She turned down the opportunity to get up on me? Total dyke.
Careful there brah. I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body and I wouldn’t do you either!
Northwestern at Purdue tonight on ESPN.
Go Boilermakers!
Black women on mags: A step forward or tokenism?
It’s never going to be enough.
Two tragedies in life, and all that.
They still print magazines?
Heads we win, tails you lose.
Where do they find attractive black women? Same place a female libertarians?
*whistles, looks at watch, walks away*
Uh, yeah, I got a thing I gotta get to.
My Lady’s fine as hell, but you call her black she’ll cut yo ass.
Is this the young lady that’s from South Africa?
Just that he’s an Olympic gymnast and it’s the best sex she’s ever had.
I gather that she is mixed-race. What does she think about the land reform situation going down there?
Yeah, she’s “coloured.” She is…not as upset about it as I would like but she is concerned. I thought she was moreso but she clarified her position to me recently, which changed my opinion of how she actually feels.
She, by her own admission, is not at all political and is quite naive. She just keeps saying “It isn’t happening” and when I brought up the “But…they want to. It probably will and there’s a law on the books…” she got a bit heated and I dropped it.
I’ll carefully probe her for information (these euphemisms are no longer euphemisms) when she comes down this weekend.
My white Afrikaaner SA friend here is absolutely losing his shit. He has openly and confidently stated that he’s fucking bolt the first chance that he can. He’s more reasonable
I tied to find the study I was looking for where they asked men of several races to score beauty and black women came out on bottom.
So, white women on every cover is not diverse, but black women on every cover is diverse?
“Diversity” == “More Melanin”
SocJus to realperson translator, 2018 edition.
Diverse means non-white. Get with the program.
I think I’ve told this story before. I was on a plane back to the States and I’m sitting next to a young, Korean college kid. We start to chatting, which I never care for but whatever. I forget exactly how it came up but he started talking about white people. I told him I couldn’t tell the difference.
“Wait…you can’t tell the difference between white people from different countries?”
“Not really. I mean I might get a Mediterranean or a Jewish or a Scandinavian vibe, but not really. At least not in America where everyone is so mixed.”
Koreans will regularly test me if I can tell the difference between Koreans/Chinese/Japanese people. I’ve gotten pretty good but I certainly strike out. (DEAR KIDS THAT DON’T PARTICIPATE: You are all Korean. You all have black hair and black eyes. The government *MANDATES* that you wear uniforms and have identical haircuts. You bet your ass that I don’t remember your name if I can’t attach some personality to it. *Flips over desk*)
He was absolutely gobsmacked and was completely convinced that I could look at a lineup and just say “Brit, French, German, Canadian….” I find it baffled (not really) and hilarious that they think that “all white people look alike.” Fucking racists. (Preaching to the choir.)
Another fun one is guessing age.
If I’m being forced to guess, all women are 21.
“They” in the second sentence refers to SJWs and not Koreans. I totally understand Koreans not understanding.
Change My Mind: Trump Is Not A Fascist
Define Fascist
“Something I don’t like”
He uses the Merriam-Webster definition.
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Uh. No.
That’s not too far off from Mussolini’s definition.
The issue with defining fascism is that in practice it was a “blood and soil” socialism, while in theory, it was mythical nationalism. The fascists opposed the communists vehemently even though they shared a lot (but not all) of the same governing principles. Because they were in direct, violent competition with each other, they could not admit that in reality there wasn’t much difference between them.
Narcissism of small differences and all that.
Nowhere in that description do I see the word socialism, which leads me to believe the people that wrote this description are creating a cover boogieman for collectivists to use so they can distract from the evils of the marxist ideology they peddle by claiming it is capitalism and right wing.
Fascism doesn’t have to be explicitly socialist. It’s merely a form of collectivism aimed at ordering society for some social purpose. Those purposes can be socialist. They can also be conservative (to preserve the culture). The implementations of fascism invariably adopt a lot of socialist ideas because of the fascists’ collectivist ideas, and because of the inevitable reactions they are driven to take when their economic interventions don’t work.
A fascist society will become increasingly socialist.
“Fascism doesn’t have to be explicitly socialist. ”
Mussolini and Hitler would disagree with you.
Instead of continuing our argument I will make a joke:
So Nicklaus is Bacon and Tiger is shrimp?
I guess that makes Bobby Jones steak. I am okay with that.
I just got back from the gym. I did my 5 mile hike indoors on a treadmill this AM because of the heat & humidity, and was watching the new on and off. They had a segment on California’s new political mandate that all publicly traded companies would now be compelled by law to put women on their board of directors (and I even recall hearing the mandate – not to be confused with two guys on a date – is that 50% of the board be female). A female interviewer was asking a couple of ladies – one for this idiotic idea, another against it – to explain their stances. The one that was against it pointed out that she loved the idea of females being on these board of directors, but she wanted it to be because they earned it: not because government said they had to do it.
The one for this dumb idea then had the temerity to claim that companies with female board members made between 20 and 30% more profits than those without (something I am certain is pure bullshit, especially when a SJW is arguing profits are suddenly good), so forcing companies to put females on their board of directors would make the economy stronger. Both the interviewer and the person against the dumb idea told her she was full of it and pointed out if this really was the case, companies would be scrambling to put women on their boards. After all, how could a SJW make the ludicrous and contradictory claims that companies – whom SJW types tell us all are driven purely by greed and the all-mighty profit (which the SJW tell us should then be taxed heavily to balance that out greed out) – are completely driven by profit but shun women on their boards even though that (according to the SJW) would raise profits. I was stunned to hear the SJW then simply say she didn’t care about facts or logic, because she believed this sort of idiocy was needed since America was a racist and evil country, and thus, government had not other option but to legislate equality (obviously of outcome).
If one needed more proof these SJW types were not about anything but letting government pick winners & losers in order to force equality of outcome favoring people that could never do it on their own, stuff like this should leave one no doubt.
Same sort of logical conundrum you run into with the “women are paid 73 cents on the dollar for the same work that men do” line. If true, what possible incentive would there be to hire men when you can get the same labor at 73% of the cost?
And when your entire workforce is women, you can jack the thermostat up and save on energy. A win!
Or, is it you waste more in the winter heating the place, so hiring the more expensive men is the more economical way to go?
Nope, most office buildings generate so much waste heat from the bodies and electronics they still need to run the AC in the Winter, they just run it at a higher temperature than they do in the summer.
Implicit bias only applies to every color except green.
It’s not about equality of outcome, it’s not about fairness, the truth is that it is only about power. They are the priests of the new religion.
It’s about upending an exiting order they know they are unqualified to compete in. It’s the whole marxist revolution shit repackaged. Get rid of the current order and replace it with one of losers that will have to kill and imprison a large group of people that won’t conform.
How much money would you make if you shorted every company that appointed a female CEO?
“the SJW then simply say she didn’t care about facts or logic”
No. Shit.
Because of this they will lose.
Communism by other means.
It’s a thing.
They know they can’t do it through normal channels (ie the system as currently constructed) and revolution is too much work and very bloody (though I would not under estimate the potential for frustration to kick in and this gets a closer look), so they do it through the back door. A stupid left-wing policy here (like this one), take over a faculty there, push an obscene ‘equality and diversity’ agenda here and promote your propaganda through the levers of power you hold in the arts and film there and voila! Nous sommes libre!…..Sous la force de l’etat.
Notice it’s still MANdate. Ha ha ha.
I want to believe the hyper-reaction by Smith and Kellerman on the subject is a jump the shark moment.
There’s no doubt in my mind a majority of people see nothing wrong in what Woods (and Nicklaus) said. Kellerman in particular was especially obtuse. Woods holds people in ‘contempt’? The only two people who were spitting all over the place were Smith and Kellerman.
It was a pointless rant.
I for the life of me can’t understand why ESPN thought it was a good idea to damage its brand by going political. I know Le Batard likes to say it’s not true (which I find truly bizarre. I don’t know if he’s in a bubble, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or whatever because he’s no dummy. It’s ironic because his show is good and a rebel among sports talk yet he can be soooo part of the narrative) but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to listen to these guys lecture people on race, gender and wax bull shit by politicizing every single damn comment an athlete makes. And yes, they absolutely gave free passes to whoever spoke out whenever it was left-wing. There it was free speech. They did not extend this courtesy to anyone who remotely supported the other side.
ESPN needs to focus on its brand and cut all the bull shit out.
The more I learn about McCain the more I don’t care for him.
I like him more now than I did a few weeks ago.
I am with Drake
Yes, the move to Ban Palin from the funeral is completely devoid of the class, honour and statesmanship we are told were the hallmarks of McCain’s life. Even in death true colours shine through.
Why, because when he came back from Vietnam he dumped his wife who’d been in a terrible car accident for a younger model with a fuck-ton of money? Or because of his role in the Keating Five, wherein he escaped punishment by basically claiming to be too dumb to know he was doing something unethical?
No, no: he’s a national hero for scotching the Obamacare repeal.
McCain-Feingold was also heroic.
Question for everyone. Would you all be interested in a history article? Recently discovered a distant relative of mine was killed on the front lines in the early days of WWI. I don’t have much info in regards to him, but the story around his division was interesting to me. I don’t want to bother writing it up and submitting it if no one is interested.
I’d read it.
Yes, we are interested. I just submitted part 1 of a 5 part history series on something way less serious than that.
No offense, but it depends on how he was killed. Stepped on rake running across a field in France? I’d read that.
Even better if it was the 12th rake that killed him.
Well the casualty report lists him as vermißt. Which is German for missing,likely obliterated by rakes.
History is always good.
Hell yes I would read that. Write it up.
I’d comment on it.
Which side was he fighting for? It isn’t going to be a pop pop situation, is it?
Hell. Yes. I arguably find WWI more interesting than WWII. George Carlin’s podcast on it is absolutely amazing.
Question for the Glibs: Where would you “rather” be as a frontline soldier? The Eastern front in WWII or the Western front in WWI?
I have asked myself that many times whenever I run across a rough patch in my life and realize that I just need to fuck off and realize that everything is absolutely nothing to complain about.
Very true. See the 14th Century…as in the whole fucking 100 years.
Western front WWI, but only if I can be a Red Cross nurse. Or a squirrel.
Seriously, though, I’d rather just shoot myself and save someone else the trouble if those are my choices. My mind keeps flitting back and forth between which was worse, coming up with a good argument for both. But I’d probably take either of those over Gettysburg.
ee cummings and Hemingway have a sad.
Imagine the battle of Cannae. 80k dead in one day in close quarters combat?
Jesus. I really like Carlin’s take on war. Back in the day, being a soldier was reaaaaaaaally boring. Years of doing “nothing.” And then you get one day of just absolute fire-and-brimstone hell.
Whereas in WWI you could be miles away from the battle, but the constant sounds and tremors would steadily make you go mad. The footage of shell shocked soldiers is haunting.
George Carlin’s bit on shell shock is genius, hilarious, and deeply disturbing in its accuracy.
Or how ’bout just not being a Mongol in the 13th century?
Or, since I’m back on a Civil War kick, The Battle of Little Round Top. The Confederates march 20 miles in a day to get to the battlefield, and as soon as they show up, before they’ve had a chance to refill their empty canteens, they’re ordered to charge the Union line holding the hill. I was bitching about cleaning out my shed yesterday because of the heat and humidity; that would be like if I walked from my house to Largo, and then when I got there was told I had to go run up hill with no cover to assault a bunch of people with cannon and rifle who are gonna see me coming the whole way and have been sitting there, rested, for some time.
“After the first thousand miles, you get limber on your feet” -Buster Kilrain, “The Killer Angels”.
I never appreciated how horrifying Gettysburg was until I saw the terrain.
Which side would I be on?
“The leftist outrage mob goes after In-N-Out.”
[actually clicks on article]
Ah, so it’s an entire article filled with hot twitter takes from opinionated nobodies. I love this form of journalism.
Goddammit! This is supposed to be down below!
Got the fire down below.
Absolutely, I love history, I actually minored in history in college. Please write it!
I minored in criminal justice.
History would have been more interesting.
Write it. I’ll read it.
Researchers 3D-print a prototype bionic eyeball
The New York AG is investigating to make sure it isn’t a firearm.
Someone could conceal a laser beam in it.
If I had to get bionic eyeballs, I’d be disappointed if I couldn’t get the irises to glow red.
Be useful when talking to a feminist. “This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.”
I would be disappointed if they didn’t.
This is going to destroy Blind Culture. Won’t anyone think of the Braille printers?
This absolutely needs to be stopped now.
In NM the DA is elected. In NJ appointed. I’m not sure which is worse as both have significant issues. But in this case the DA will have an interesting story to tell the electorate.
From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Um, the camp was built on the wrong land — is that sufficient for some kind of warrant?
Forbes goes into detail on Rimini FC (Serie C) being bought with cryptocurrency:
“…According to Pablo Dana, a partner at Quantocoin, the purchase will be the first of many that his firm wants to make in the industry. He believes cryptocurrency offers a unique opportunity to fight corruption in a sport which has been rocked by a number of high-profile scandals involving cash, such as the accusation that Qatar bought votes as they won the right to host the World.”
It was also 27 years ago today that Mike Powell set a still-standing world record with a Beamon-esque long jump. And speaking of Bob Beamon, it has been almost 50 years now and Powell’s jump is still the only one longer than Beamon’s former record.
The France v Britain scallop war goes much deeper than Brexit with nets
Forty French fishing boats attack five British boats in the Channel. Stones and smoke bombs are thrown. Rude words are exchanged in two languages. The British retreat.
Similar incidents have been happening for 15 years – or arguably for the last 900 years. The rights and wrong are complicated. Yesterday evening the French boats were undoubtedly the aggressors. They put to sea not in order to fish, but to harass the English and Scottish boats that had entered “their waters”.
It was foolhardy of the French fishermen, but they do have reasons to be exasperated. The latest outbreak of the Baie de la Seine scallop war should be seen in the context of Brexit and the deep uncertainties and exaggerated expectations encouraged by simplistic and vague UK plans to reclaim “our seas” and “our fish”.
When I was in England this year I had a dish of scallops with black pudding and chorizo. It was not bad.
scallops with black pudding and chorizo
The black pudding sounds like a good way to ruin scallops.
Eh there were small pieces crumbled about, it was spicy and tasty. It did not overwhelm the scallops.
“the deep uncertainties and exaggerated expectations”
Creating ‘ever closer union’ amongst 20+ mature states that have spent centuries fighting involves no uncertainty and exaggeration, of course.
Wonder how Max Bernier intends to deal with this…
Classic Liberal Doublespeak
How do Cytotoxic and John Titor feel?
If you pass a law banning firearms it cannot impede the lawful use of firearms because you’ve just banned them.
Gee Winston, I don’t know.
Titor is a Liberal and Cytotoxic was certain that Turdeau jr. Was a crypto-libertrian…
Fun times.
No one ever, in the history of the world, wanted you to be defenseless for your own good. Don’t believe it? Ask the Russians. The Germans. The Cubans. The Cambodians. The Venezuelans. Any Eastern European. The American Indians. The Jews. The list goes on. Every country that dug mass graves has at least one thing in common.
The wrong people were in charge!
Facebook pulls post by Anne Frank Center after seeing only nudity in a photo of the Holocaust
This is what happens when you have historically illiterate morons acting as censors.
SJW warriors judge everything by their warped standards. Historical context is for idiots. They must tear it all down and make it meaningless and bad so the sheep adopt the marxism they peddle.
Are there any other kind?
I am sure they will blame an AI for this…
These people are every bit as evil as Nazis. The only reason we aren’t in camps is the 2A.
That’s right. Never ever ever ever give up your guns. If they try to take them dont hole up in your house and shoot at cops that dont make laws. Don’t be at your house. Be at the house of the people that wrote and passed the law.
Why do you think that they are so desperate about removing that right from us.
When looking at tits is outlawed, only outlaws will look at tits.
24 would make an excellent future ex-Mrs. Q for catching me with 26. 28 can then ruin my life as a rebound.
30 and 65 because I’m not greedy.
A review of the role of solar ultraviolet-B irradiance and vitamin D in reducing risk of dental caries
Large geographical variations in dental health and tooth loss among US adolescents and young adults have been reported since the mid-1800s. Studies in the 1920s and 1930s noted that vitamin D and ultraviolet-B (UVB) irradiance reduced caries formation, the proposed mechanism being improved calcium absorption and metabolism. This paper reviews the history of studies of dental caries with respect to vitamin D, geographical location and available solar UVB doses. In addition, data on mean dental health rank by state for US servicemen from three periods, 1918, 1934 and 1943
Texas and Arkansas had best teeth, New England worse. So take you D vitamin, New Englanders
One thing I find annoying about the whole “low trust society” is how the fact that these high trust societies did in fact have to fight to eliminate low-trust elements. Scandinavian countries for example were hotbeds of social strife in the past.
Also the Chinese really trust their trust their government apparently.
The biggest recurring pattern in chinese history is of big, centralized authority and totalitarian bureaucracy. It has deep roots there.
If said government keeps something lie a social score on you that can destroy your life or simply can pick you up and throw you in jail for speaking ill of it, I suspect the motivation to kow-tow is something other than trust….
That wouldn’t be the only fake data the Chicoms are spouting if the rumors are true.
I have read that Scandinavian’s supposed happiness levels may be due more to social conformity than reality.
“That wouldn’t be the only fake data the Chicoms are spouting if the rumors are true.”
I suspect we will find out their entire economic success story of the last 3 decades will turn out to be fiction, but nobody wants to call them on it because they all would suffer from the consequences.
From what I hear, there are entire ghost cities built for the sole purpose of showing activity. No one lives in any of them, but they were a boon for the construction industry, which was still growing.
Someone is going to have to write off those loans….
Either the Party member is in good standing and gets bailed out, or the knives come out.
I don’t think so, unless you’re looking at the situation in the same sense that the US is presently an economic success story sitting on well over $20T in public debt. I think the success is overstated and propagandised to a degree, but there has been a fuckton of frankly careless capital investment in assets and human capital over there from all over the world, for many decades, into a jurisdiction without meaningful rule of law. This is undeniable.
Yeah. There’s 1.3billion people in China, if they doubled the GDP per capita (so something like Greece) or got to half of the US GDP per capita (Italy range), that would still be tremendous economic growth.
Alex Jones/Infowars is back on Facebook and Twitter.
Last week there was a segment on his show where he had a phone or a tablet, and when the cameraman showed the phone Alex had forgotten to close all the tabs. One of the tabs had an ad or a video of tranny porn.
If Alex Jones was taken back by them because they didn’t want to attack a fan of trannies, then Alex Jones is a 4D Chess Master.
Nah. Alex is probably just into trannies. Which, of course, is fine.
Alex Jones is one of those assholes that tests my slavish devotion to freedom of speech, but even gaping assholes like him get first amendment protection.
Check it out for yourself. It’s not radical. It’s boring.
I’ve read it. I’ve also watched his YouTube videos.
He’s scum. He has the right to be scum, but he’s scum.
It is unpopular speech that is most in need of protection.
Salami strategy and that German priest come to mind…
He’s mentally unstable and managed to monetize his nuttiness. There are much worse people out there that test my patience for free speech. I’d start with the people that want to shut down my free speech. That ain’t Jones, no matter how crazy he is.
If I could have mad money doing the crap he did, I’d be all over that.
I imagine quite a few people think we are scum.
They would not be wrong.
But he warned us about the coming tsunami of amphibian homosexuality!
Wait, he wasn’t talking about the French?
Oh C’mon JB, the guy is a performer. His whole thing is an act. Dude has made millions trolling the hell out of people.
I think it got overblown because it was funny. Just because an ad for something pops up does not mean the recipient is into it.
I check his site regularly since he got booted just to give him the clicks. Nothing there especially offense. Milquetoast conservative stuff.
Exxon tells the NY AG’s office to put up or shut up with their “you lied about climate change!” probe
What facts are the AGW cultists gonna produce? All the fakes shit that that entire movement is predicated on? These days they lack the preferential support government gave them in the hopes to use this movement to garner even more power over the plebes.
I wonder if anyone has pointed out that PubSec unions pension funds are majority owners in Exxon. If it is such a crappy investment then they should sell, but they aren’t, are they?
I’m not in NY, but it might be interesting to show some of the environmentalists around here what percentage of the funds in their 401ks (or 403b in my case) are made up of energy stocks. Speaking of putting your money where your mouth is, how many of these renewable energy folks are willing to bet their retirement gig as a Wal-Mart greeter that solar panels and wind farms will replace petroleum in thirty years?
None of the renewable energy folks want to pay for any of that with their money. It’s why they demand government force it on the rest of us productive people they rob…
Demonetisation drive that cost India 1.5m jobs fails to uncover ‘black money’
Gurchuran Das, an economist and author, said the positive side to the exercise was that money stashed at home had been injected into the formal banking system.
“Now all that money can be tracked and it goes into the formal economy and people who have deposited it back have bank accounts and become future taxpayers,” Das said.
“It has helped India move faster towards a digital economy. It will result in India actually skipping the branch phase of banking.
“But this was not the way to do it,”
But new notes could not be printed fast enough, and the policy sparked a months-long currency crunch that left tens of millions of Indians cashless or standing in line for hours each day to retrieve small sums of cash.
The only thing the poor in India have to sell is their time. Good job squandering the last thing of value they have.
Why the War on Drugs Feels More Like a War on Chronic Pain
The War For Chronic Pain?
This is pretty much the most succinct encapsulation of the situation that I have seen to date. The War on Drugs is such an abysmal failure that the bureaucratic process resorts to attacking low hanging fruit because they are impotent in accomplishing an impossible mission.
More properly stated as a war on the sufferers of chronic pain.
I hold out hope, naïve perhaps, that shit like this will get more of the populace to see how immoral the WoD is and reconsider it as a whole. Also, if she lives in an MMJ state, I’d recommend that to her.
Sometimes I just don’t know, I hope so. You and I are both old enough to remember the whole crack epidemic. Miserable disaster. We watched the same bullshit and tired arguments accepted at face value about prescription opiates get recycled again, and this is the wholesale conflation of completely legal, medically purposeful substances with illicit ones.
“this is the wholesale conflation of completely legal, medically purposeful substances with illicit ones”
This is the difference maker to me, coupled with a unique spot in time when MJ is gaining mainstream acceptance. The crack epidemic was all about poor blacks using something that had no medical application. It was easy for the soccer mom set and politicians to scapegoat them. Heroin specifically has been attacked before, but they’ve now decided to go after “opioids”, a huge class of drugs that has myriad legitimate uses and millions of people that need them to function.
Cynical/realistic me thinks it probably won’t amount to anything and will just put more people like the one in the story above on heroin or other black market solutions. Gotta fill up those prisons somehow.
I’m given to understand the impetus for the crack crackdown wasn’t lily-white suburban soccer moms but urban blacks sick of the degeneracy and crime it brought in its wake.
There is some truth to that even today in inner-city neighborhoods. Not re: crack per se but in general. But you won’t hear about it in the MSM.
This completely misstates things.
It’s ALSO a war on people with colds, given the hoops you have to jump through to get some goddamn medicine (and woe be unto you if you have several family members who are sick and need to buy several types of medication).
(Seriously, I know I’ve said it before, but my mom has MS and fibromyalgia and can’t get proper pain relief because of these assholes. I want to stab them all in the spine.)
At a meeting some docs last week, one of them mentioned that there are new non-opioid classes of painkillers being developed that looked promising. Downside: they are at least five years out due to the FDA, so you can add that as another front in the war on people in pain.
While we’re at it, where’s my no-consequence, hangover-free alcohol substitute?
News you can use:
“Brits start mass brawl on Easyjet plane after woman ‘gets her boobs out and starts giving lads lapdances’ on delayed flight”
Gimme some of dat!
Seems promising. Video is useless because it doesn’t show the girl.
Being kept from this information, I am unable to determine the call on the field.
“Video is useless because it doesn’t show the girl”
This. Must see said boobs to make a determination how I feel about this.
Something something British smile.
“I’m sorry sir. Boobs are for premium cabin passengers only.”
“I’m not paying the upgrade costs unless I know if they’re quality or not.”
Libertarian moment!
Was planning out part 2 of my 5 part series (part 1 is in the queue, it has been scheduled) and I realized there is gonna be a part 6.
Just make sure they aren’t published GRRM style.
Part 1 was 1.5 pages in Word, so hopefully I don’t run into the same problem.
Is this convincing to you?
“I will love a women”
I’m convinced.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I laughed my ass off when the preacher gave him a c note.
I had to rewatch until the end. That’s classic.
Viagra + Vagina = Cured!
That bowtie ain’t foolin’ no ones.
RE: In-n-Out.
“I’ve successfully boycotted fast food chains before”
Congratulations. You didn’t eat at a fast food restaurant. In the dictionary next to the definition for slackivism is a copy of this tweet.
I resolved to cook more meals myself – does that mean I’m boycotting the places I used to eat?
Just be careful about running a trade deficit with your grocer.
They refuse to buy anything from me. I’m looking into sanctions.
“Republicans will never take back the state, no matter how many Double Doubles they sell.”
Never is a long time and pride goeth before the fall. Not that it’s going to happen anytime soon; but remember that the Titanic was unsinkable.
Of the three ships in the class, the Titanic famously hit an icberg and sank. The Brittanic was torpedoed by a U-Boat and sank. the Olympic is now firmly on dry land and refuses to sail anywhere.
I successfully boycotted Canada all my life.
There were some really nice gentlemen’s clubs in Windsor, Montreal, and Toronto that made me cheer Canada a lot. Well, i cheered the Canadian ladies..
I’ve been boycotting Taco Bell my entire life, though I have no idea what their politics are.
Taco Bell is owned by Yum Brands. The last time information I can find (2014), 90% of their contributions went to Republicans.
Time to boycott Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut too! Rabble rabble.
OT: Work status update
Well I got drunk last night… and managed to sleep most of the night. But I still feel this Sword of Damocles hanging over my head.
To recap: IT Manager and Project Manager are retiring. We hire a new project manager, a woman of relatively unknown skills. ie – so far she seems to talk a big game but she hasn’t actually done anything of note, which is hardly surprising since she’s only been on the job for 8 days. I hear, from the retiring IT director – the guy I current;y report to – that I’m going to be reporting to her. I say “If that happens, I’m resigning. It’s a slap in the face to me, since I’ve been here for years and I have better technical skills.”
Him: “Well don’t do anything you will regret.”
So I end up talking to his second in command, who was also my old boss. He ended up emailing the VP a list of reasons why this is a bad idea. I also tell him I will resign if this fool plan happens. He doesn’t want that to happen since it would really hurt the company – bad, eg I have knowledge of several critical systems that no one else knows.
Really I’ve wanted to quit this job for a long time but had no idea it would come to a head like this. I can screw them over bad by resigning right away, or the more reasonable method, start job hunting before I leave. The latter is the safer route, but not one I really want to do – it’s a pride thing.
We had a retirement breakfast for the IT director today and the VP was there too. I was steaming pissed and almost walked out – but I didn’t want to come off as “immature” and didn’t think it would help my cause.
Sorry for my ranting – it’s been, needless to say, on my mind a lot.
Why would anyone not in project management be reporting to a project manager?
This woman was applying for the IT Director job but was considered too inexperienced for the position. So she got the project manager job instead. The only thing I can think of: they decided to compromise and give her a single employee as a sort of sop or negotiation. And they picked me since outrknowledge overlaps in several areas.
Get out the door, fast.
^^^This. The company doesn’t respect you. You owe them nothing.
How long can you survive if you drop out now without another job lined up?
My wife makes okay $$ – not quite my level but maybe enough to see us through with a tight budget. I also have a small reserve of money, and an even larger stash of $$ in 401k, land, etc or I can ask for loans from the old man if necessary. Not something I want to do.
Last time I looked for work I had three offers within two week so any unemployment – hopefully – wouldn’t be too long.
My advice is for you to line up a job first. Hot market or not, you been skilled enough to quickly land a job or not, the answer here is not to let your pride get in the way of you making a rational decision LH.
My advice also. Start looking hard, now, for another job. DO NOT QUIT your current job until you have your next one in the bag. An unbroken history of employment is a huge asset in a job search. Plus, you will be asked why you are looking. If you say you quit your last job because you disagreed with management, you are fucked. If you still have a job, your options for answering that question are much better.
I would follow RC’s advice.
Actually, I WILL follow RC’s advice because I can see the writing on the wall at my current job. Just hoping I can exit gracefully before the next layoff – I hear the severance packages here are insulting.
Sorry to hear that.
Whatever you do, don’t make threats you won’t keep.
And if you intend to resign, just do it. Don’t hang around.
That’s the plan. I’ve decided I’ll go ahead and resign. I’ve been meaning to quit for years but the job does have a high amount of flexibility which has been great for my wife’s law practice and our special needs son. I would hate to lose that.
Best of luck Lord, hopefully as you said above you won’t have to deal with unemployment for too long. Sorry about your job and may you have a much better next gig.
A high degree of flexibility is a huge perk that I view through the lense of compensation, and is fairly rare. I compare it with my friend in Seoul that works for Hyundai: 60 hour work weeks all the time because his new ladder climbing boss is a dick. Consequently his son is merely a friend
Bacon. Was there bacon at the breakfast?
Blow steam away. I would do the same. In fact, I did.
The usual best practice is don’t totally burn bridges… then again…
I don’t break up very well 😉
Are you off labor day? Maybe take tomorrow off too and spend the weekend thinking about it. It would also buy you some time to look around before making it official.
Also gives them some time to rethink. They might get the hint too if you call out “sick” tomorrow.
I’m off labor day… and taking tomorrow off so I can have a 4 day weekend. My old boss is supposed to keep my updated on their decision so I’ll have some time to think about my
If it goes against me – I’ll probably (chicken out and) take the less drastic route and start job searching and then quit within a few weeks. It won’t be as gratifying as “Take this job and shove it” but it will still hurt ’em.
My point of view on this is that you could have your cake and eat it too in this regard. In theory you could secure new employment weeks down the road and resign without notice, as you are not obligated to do so.
Personally I would just swallow the pride and not burn any bridges, as Pie says. I gave up giving a shit about taking things like this personally when I explicitly realised that if I don’t have any equity stake in an enterprise, why get so worked up if others within the organisation are not interested in acknowledging your concerns and/or input.
Or just take a week off and do nothing except job hunt. The job market is crazy good right now – but it’s always less stressful looking while currently employed.
Get your resume in order, and at least look at what else is out there.
Definitely. LH has a family, so that complicates it a bit.
How’s the job market in your area, and how many months survival cash do you have in the savings?
Savings? Not much but my wife works – self-employed, so we could squeeze by for a little bit. The LH family “ie – Dutch Mafia” would make sure I don’t lose the house or anything like that.
Well, thanks to Obama’s economy, you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a new job.
Seriously, good luck. It sucks when your boss(es) leave and get replaced by incompetents.
It’s easier to say by way of vicarious fantasy, but fight the power
That sucks, man. If you’re interested in advice, and take this for what it’s worth, I’d say you should try to take your pride out of the equation, take the high road, and look for another job immediately. Nothing that you do right now to assuage your pride is going to hurt them enough to make the damage you do yourself worthwhile, and it’s definitely not going to help you. On the other hand, you can go to a new employer looking like a valuable, loyal employee whose previous employer clearly took for granted. It’ll make you look very professional.
I know… I know… I’ve swallowed my pride several times at this job and it’s hard to do it again. For someone of my rebellious, curmudgeonly nature it is difficult being the nice guy, especially when I feel like I’m being taken for granted. But I’ll most likely go your route for my family’s sake.
Never turn down a paycheck. It’s OK to check out mentally and perform the minimum to get by while you look for another job. But don’t give up the paycheck until you have a firm offer.
This is what I did when I was looking at my last job. I even had to go through a review during it (and the self-review). There’s a certain sense of joy that comes from watching people make a terrible decision that you won’t be around to clean up.
kinnath is wise
You might not want to hear this, but in today’s world most of us will be seen as replaceable cogs in the machine, even when we are anything but. It’s the sad reality. When you start taking some of this shit personally it will only harm you. Unless your beef with these people is about compensation (they are paying you way less than your work effort is worth), it might behoove you to just swallow your pride. That having been said, if this place is as problematic for you as it sounds – especially with the nonsense you are dealing with now – what you should do is keep your cool and exit on your own terms. That means not quitting just to make a point or sate your ego, but finding a (better) job so you don’t end up having to even worry about finances, and then leaving with a smile on your face. If you are as valuable as you seem to be, they will feel the pain, but you won’t.
Just because you’re necessary doesn’t mean you’re important.
>>what you should do is keep your cool and exit on your own terms.
good advice but hard to take. It’s like the grieving process – anger, denial, etc. I’ll feel more level-headed once I have some time to think it through.
My advice LH is that when you get angry you try remember that this is about the pay check and what it brings you and your family first, second, third, and every fucking other number that can follow. An employment gap can be problematic. Even if when asked, in my case, you tell them it is there because I can’t talk about the job I did without ending breaking my NDA, and pound me in the ass prison is not something I am looking forward to because I am sure they will not give me the same legal treatment they gave Hillary, if I divulge details.
It is 100% about the paycheck. If you maintain this perspective it will both temper your actions/reactions at work and drive you to look for a new employer. Then you can leave with a smile on your face and in your exit interview point out that you simply felt this company was shooting itself in the head with SJ policies and you wished them well with that strategy if you really needed a parting shot. The thing is you get to leave without worrying about money, and that is a huge thing.
To add to Alex – if you want to use a reference at your existing place for a prospective job, they might come down hard on that person and you really don’t want to burn one of your references.
Play it cool
FWIW, I had an episode at work last year that made me absolutely furious. Without getting into detail, I got jobbed by my management for reasons I still don’t quite understand, and it was shady enough that I considered getting a lawyer’s input on the matter. I spent probably four months actively and vocally looking for another job. I was able to play a little bold because of the nature of my position; it’s part of a grant, and rehiring is an enormous pain in the ass before you even start talking about the fact that 90% of the web properties we deal with are based solely on my development, meaning the spin-up time for someone new to my position would be significant.
Anyway, the job search actually helped me cool down a bit, and in the end I decided to stay for another few years. At this point, I’m milking the position for benefits and have no loyalty to the organization whatsoever. No more extras, no more late hours, if I’m going to be dealt with in bad faith I’m going to give exactly what I’m paid for, no more, no less. It’s not what you’d call an ideal situation, but it makes it tolerable until I’m better positioned to move on.
Revenge is best served cold – don’t make a decision when you are hot under the collar because they won’t feel the same way. When you are cool and quit with another job lined up, then they will be pissed.
Run away. As fast as you can.
I’m kind of in the same boat as you. The company I work for has been skewing increasingly woke over the past few years, and fairly recently we got our first diversity hire. She is almost exactly as you describe – talks a good game but possesses no discernible skills related to her position. Her days are spent taking personal calls, giving tours of the office to friends and “working” from home. She also has a penchant for taking credit for other people’s work. In a sane world, she would be called a grifter.
The advice I would offer is something I actually need to work harder to heed myself – keep the job until you have another lined up. I say this knowing full well how aggravating the experience can be. If anything, document all of your work and take every precaution to ensure that the consequence for any fuck-ups she’s responsible for lands squarely in her lap. People like this are also keenly adept at making others take the fall for them.
There is always the opportunity to privately put the thumbscrews on your new boss and become their de facto boss. The problem with an affirmative action hire is that they have a high trump card to play.
But I have worked for idiots who ended up being OK because you could tell them to fuck off and leave you alone. If they didn’t like it, you would tell them that the only real work being done was by me. If I decide to mutiny, nothing will get done and they’ll get fired too. But if they leave me alone they can keep going to their meetings and giving office tours and everyone will be happy.
I had one boss who was so bad that I ended up using him as a weapon. If outsiders tried to give me assignments, I would say, “Well OK, I guess I could do that, but we’d have to set up a meeting with Ross to approve that.” Ross (the manager) was such a horrible meeting lizard that no one wanted to have even one meeting with him so they’d drop the request.
But you do have to subsume your ego. From the outside you will look like a loser who is working for a loser.
I’m going to come down on the side of a) lining up a new job first and b) exiting like a pro.
Here in the Twin Cities area, the IT world is pretty tight. Burn too many bridges and it is hard to get a new gig. People do talk.
It will also be good to line up a new job without the pressure of needing a job. If you are employed you can be choosier. Find a job you will like and will pay more.
My problem with blowing out of old gigs is that as enjoyable as it might be to flip management the bird, it won’t be them staying late every night for the next six months scrambling to figure out how to replace you. Nope they will just tell some poor schlub (probably some worker bee that you liked) to “Make it so”. So the only real person being fucked is the worker bee.
The idiot managers will never pay for their stupidity. Other managers will just shrug and say something “like what can you do about those stupid non-managers?” None of them will ever say “dude, if you hadn’t treated him like shit, he’d still be here.”
Karmic justice never seems to hit the person who deserves it. That is why I have learned to try to find happiness in finding a new gig that I like working at.
It will also be good to line up a new job without the pressure of needing a job.
I can tell you that when I interview, the best interviews are almost invariably people who have a job. The people who don’t have a job generally have a certain desperation about them.
Plus, why not just keep taking their money for awhile. Think of it as your current company funding your job search.
Take the stapler and burn the place down.
I don’t have anything to contribute except I feel for you, and hope you find a better situation.
Thanks everyone – I’m hotheaded at heart. I’ll see how I feel over the weekend. I won’t make any direct threats but on the meanwhile I’ll start the job search anew..
Now you are talking.
This is a headline I never thought I’d read.
“I had no idea what to do.”
That is what she gets for dating a beta. When a real man starts jerking it next to you, you might as well just let your wimpy boyfriend keep on sleeping because he won’t be able to do anything.
There’s no description in the article, but my guess is that this was an over-the-pants sneak spank. This is bush league shit. A real man would have dropped drawers and given the full shaft a proper workout starting slow and giving a slight twist on each downstroke.
In-flight masturbators are such pussies these days.
Gotta admit, I’m impressed at the efforts that United is making to get my airline travel business. I like that they aren’t a bunch of whiny bitches that are going to call the cops on me if I decide to engage in a bit of harmless self love.
“When the plane doors opened, Dixon said the man “bolted,” aware that he had been reported. Another passenger blocked the alleged masturbator so United attendants could detain him at the gate.
A flight attendant allegedly told Dixon that law enforcement officials had been contacted and would meet the man upon exiting the aircraft, Dixon said in the Buzzfeed interview.
According to reports from other passengers, law enforcement never showed up. They had reportedly not been called.
Chicago police confirmed to Buzzfeed that they had received a 911 call from a citizen, but not United. When officers arrived at the scene, the man had already left.”
Buzzfeed, Chicago Police, and United Airlines. Those are some solid sources.
When the plane doors opened, Dixon said the man “bolted,” aware that he had been reported.
Or maybe he had a connection to catch?
Christ, what an asshole. The guy was jerking it in an aisle seat. Everyone knows that to take a window seat if that’s your in-flight entertainment.
Drugs are bad, hmmmkay….
5 kids, desperate crack addict mom. I bet that GoFundMe blows fucking up.
“He reportedly told police that instead of going to the store to buy a pipe, he cut the brakes while trying to find a piece of metal to use.”
Are the police going to charge him with murder? Because that sounds like bullshit.
“Sheriff’s Dept Brags About Largest ‘Fentanyl’ Bust in History, 3 Arrested—But It Was Actually Sugar
A sheriff’s department claimed to have made the largest fentanyl bust in the state’s history, however, they were wrong and the substance was just sugar.
Wilmington, NC — In July, detectives with the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Gang Task Force raided a home and arrested three people for what they called one of the “largest seizures” of fentanyl ever made in the state.
The substance found in the home tested positive using the infamously faulty field drug test kits. However, after holding the three people in prison, an actual lab test found the substance to be nothing other than sugar.”
They need to use the dip and lick method the TV detectives used in the ‘70s.
“Tecumseh police sergeant arrested after allegedly choking son at Shawnee restaurant
SHAWNEE, Okla. – A Tecumseh police sergeant has been arrested after allegedly choking his son following a heated argument at a Shawnee restaurant. It happened Friday night at the Buffalo Wild Wings.
“They were there eating dinner and having some alcohol,” said Cpl. Vivian Lozano with the Shawnee Police Department.
Lozano said Sgt. Jesse McCord, of the Tecumseh Police Department, was at the restaurant with family and friends. They were enjoying dinner and drinks when things took an unpleasant turn.
“They were having a conversation, which ended up heated, and an argument started,” Lozano said.
According to a police report, the “subject turned to marijuana” and that’s when things got heated.
McCord is a veteran of the Tecumseh Police Department and was officer of the year in 2017.”
Was his son selling loosies?
For anyone who likes their music on the more uh, Viking side – check out Ivar Bjørnson & Einar Selvik, especially the album Hugsja
Make way for the Queen’s Guard!
Hellz yeaz.
“Now I’m in America! Now I’m in Australia! America! Australia! America! Australia!” *PUNCH* “Here in America we don’t tolerate that kind of crap, SIR!”
“Fantastic News! CNN Announces Infowars To Be Reinstated To Facebook, Google, YouTube, And Apple”
Why would you believe CNN?
Sounds like somebody finally checked with their legal department and got an earful about “conspiracy in restraint of trade” and “blocking content in bad faith”.
I hope Jones still sues these fucks. He deserves a payout. And that will be the one thing that will force all these woke fucks to actually back off their crusade to bring marxism to the masses.
This would be a classic “process is the punishment” lawsuit. What these companies need to be afraid of isn’t losing and paying damages. Its the discovery process, which for restraint of trade and bad faith would be prolonged and extraordinarily painful. And what would come out could well set off a crapload of tag-along lawsuits.
damnit! my being sick too long has ruined a planned story. damnit!
“For those wondering about the crisis in #SouthAfrica my documentary #Farmlands is now available in English, German, Dutch, French, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak and Spanish!”
Why sully our pristine language by translating into all those mongrel tongues?
It would be great if in the On this Day section, the year that each event took place was included.
It was CURRENT_YEAR, shitlord.
I like to assume that adjacent ones are the same year as I read them. It makes amusing combos sometimes.
“Dean of @BrownUniversity pulls research on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria from its website. Reason? Because it may “invalidate perspectives of the transgender community,” and the uni is committed to “diversity & inclusion”.”
Diversity and inclusion means giving hormone blockers to children and mutilating their genitals, whatever the evidence says.
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
I believe that is classified as, “I want in on this shit to”.
Seriously, if I had a kid who started spouting this bullshit, I would set up an appointment with a surgeon to talk about the surgery, exactly what it would entail, with pix of what kind of “genitalia” they could expect to have when it was over. I might also try to line up an endocrinologist to describe, in excruciating detail, what the hormone therapy really entails.
IOW, call their bluff.
“Look at me!” works too.
Wait so you mean that teens and young adults are adopting marginalized identities out of peer pressure?
Hmm, who was it that said there was power and value in being a victim?
A degree from Brown used to mean something. Well, I guess it still does, in a way.
It’s a letdown for sure.
The embrace of Lysenkoism continues apace.
Stan Musial, 3630 hits.
Griffey Jr, 2781 hits.
Griffey Sr, 2143 hits.
Steve Filipowitz, 40 hits.
You would think if you were from a small town in Pennsylvania and you made the majors, you would be in the top 3 outfielders your small town produced.
But, no.
Those are the only 4 major leagues born in Donora, PA.
My dad was always my coach.
The Griffey’s back-to-back homers absolutely makes my skin tingle.
I’m not sure there’s a more American father-son moment than that. How much fun that clubhouse must have been. Positively buoyant with paternal pride.
This is the end of a dying thread, but I’ll still put this here RE: Aaron Rogers. As a Packer fan I’m happy they keep him happy. In general this whole “X is now the highest paid at position Y, therefore the next position Y needs to be paid EVEN MORE.” Driving bubbles for certain positions means less available to allocate to other positions, unlike the economy the NFL has a cap and is a fixed pie. I think smart team could pay each starter a higher salary and draw talent to all the other positions and perhaps get a better QB at a lower price because the rest of the talent would be so much better and give the team a better chance to win.
I was talking with the local Packer Backers yesterday and most of them were happy but resigned. Happy because Rogers is a stud and it is nice to have him, but resigned because it means that they won’t have money to build a decent team. It will be Rogers or nothing.
We all got a glimpse of the team the Packers would be last year after Rogers was lost after a perfectly clean hit hit that injured him. Without all that money for free agents, that defense isn’t going to get better.
And they have a ton of money wrapped up in an injury prone diva linebacker as well. The only hope is that the kids on the rookie contracts can actually step up.
That is one of the things that has kept the Pats on top for so long. Brady has repeatedly reworked his contract so the team would have the money to go after more talent and then the team actually did it (there have been more than a few instances of players doing this only to have the team fail to sign new talent) . Brady has not been in the top 10 highest paid QB’s since 2012, and this season is only the 22nd highest paid QB at 15 million a year.
For comparison Brady is in his 18th season, Manning played 18 seasons. Brady’s career earnings are $197 Million, Manning’s are $248 million
That is on average an extra $5 million a year the Patriots have had to acquire players than the Manning lead teams had and it is likely a significant part of why Brady has been to 8 Superbowls to Manning’s 4
Much as I dislike Brady, I have to respect that he has left money on the table so he could play on a winning team.
I honestly don’t get why more guys don’t do this. I get grabbing everything you can in your first Free Agent Contract but if you are anywhere near a top level QB when that is up I don’t see why you wouldn’t look at it and say “I’ve already earned over $80 million, no matter what this new contract is going to put me into the $150 million in career earnings range, what is worth more to me an extra $5 million a year, or the team having enough money to have a solid offensive line and 3 good receivers to throw to?” and then choosing the better team.
Heck leaving money on the table like that won’t even cost them all that much in the long run as it will make them even more popular and generate larger endorsement revenue as a result.
“I honestly don’t get why more guys don’t do this.”
I get it. Don’t say I agree with it, but I would want to make as much money as I can get paid. Winning a superbowl might be a great thing, but it is still a game of chance. Given the choice between maybe getting a superbowl ring and getting paid, I would much rather get paid. Especially considering careers can end at any point due to injury (even self inflicted ones like Kaeprnick did) and most of these guys are neither cut out to make money doing a regular job or TeeVee.
More guys leave money on the table all the time. Look how many greedy businessmen refuse to maximize their profits by still hiring men, even though they have to pay them 30% more than competent women?
Easy to do when your wife is the breadwinner.
To quote this morning’s sports talk radio guys, “Well, hope you like the wild card.”
“Peggy McIntosh, creator of the concept of ‘white privilege,’ was born into extreme social advantage: growing up in a neighbourhood which had a median income 4X the national US average; she simply reclassified her class privilege as racial privilege.”
They can trace “white privilege” to one person? I figured an idea that stupid had to have been born from a series of meetings.
Nope, a worthless person who felt she didn’t deserve what her parents built for her and turned to racism.
What is worse is that while there have been extensive articles and think pieces written supporting it since then there has not been a single piece of actual research to back up any of it’s assertions.
Julian Assange isn’t American. Every time he leaked American data, he was a foreign power interfering in American politics.
If it’s never prosecuted, is it really a crime?
The answer is yes. When someone on the wrong team does it. The last time the Dems did it, it was either swept under the rug or they were defended by the DOJ.
Hey, has anyone checked on what Jonathan Chait has been up to lately?
Oh, well. One day he might get it.
Projection isn’t just for movie theaters.