Find out what you were doing wrong previously
A while back there was a post where someone referenced the Digital Time that was proposed by the French Revolution. Well, arguments about our calendar are really useless.
Or are they.
Your calendar: Year One is the Year of Our Lord and all years previous are Before the Year of Our Lord
Status: WRONG
This has bugged me since I can remember. BC? AD? BCE? WTF? Herod1 died before he was born?
It was one thing that really interferred with my understanding of history. “Third Centruy BC”. Was that the 300’s? The 200’s?
Then I stumbled upon the Holocene Calendar. And the whole thing started to make much more sense.
The Holocene marks the latest inter-glacial after the Pleistocene and is dated at starting roughly 11,700 years ago. After the african migration of 60, 000 years ago it marks the dividing point of the Neo-Litic (New Stone Age) and the Paleo-Litic (Old Stone Age). Human agriculture which lead to permanent cities and “civilization” is usually dated to this period. Why not start the calendar at this time?
All of human civilization has occurred in the past 12,000 years, much of it in half that time. Outside of astronomical events, every single human historical event that can be traced to a specific date2 falls into that period. As a user of the Gregorian Calendar I am a bit prejudiced but it seems that we could eliminate all of this BC-negative year stuff by starting the date accounting of Mankind at the beginning of the Holocene, call it 12,018 years ago. Simply add 10,000 to the current year.
Suddenly, there is no more BC/AD adjustment. There is theoretically a Year Zero but it doesn’t matter since nothing is dated before. According to modern research, no one dates the first birthday of Jesus to 1AD; consensus seems to be that He was born around 4BC or born before He was born. So, born in 9997 and died in 10030. Does that take away from the basic message?
The Copper Age begins around 4000HE. Things start to come into position. Four thousand years from cultivated crops to refined metals, marking the end of the Neo-Lithic, the end of the Stone Age.
The Bronze Age begins around 6700HE
The first pyramid was finished in 7390HE
The Iron Age began about 9200HE
The Roman Empire was from 9974 until 10476. I think my four year-old granddaughter could even subtract those numbers.
All of history can be represented by a continous number line. Later events are represented by a larger number. Years between dates are a simple arithmetic operation. We’re living in the CXXIst Century (121st). How cool is that?
Other calendar systems could be adjusted because the date of the start of the Holocene is rather arbitrary. This year is 5778 in the Jewish calendar. Adding 10,000 years pushes the start date of the calendar back another 3760 years. Or the date in the Arabic calendar is 1439 so, again, adding 10k years pushes Year Zero up 579 years. Same for other calendars.
The one monkey wrench in this is astronomical dates. There are known dates of some events such as eclipses that would have to me mapped to the new calendar but -5,000HE is not that much different from 15,000BC/BCE. The addition of a Year Zero helps in calculations.
I can’t help but to be an engineer whose job is to “fix things.” Here’s a fix for something that you never knew was broken.
Now get off my lawn.
1. Nothing special about him. Pick any other person born BC died AD.
2. Like April 2, 2842 BC or something.
I like it the way it is, except for Daylight saving Time, it should be that year round like AZ
That would be wrong. Kill DST totally.
^^^This with the force of a thousand supernovae.
you cant kill DST it’s always been like this
I want the clocks to always be set so that the sun goes down at about 9 o’clock each evening.
what about the polar winter? think of the northerners
They will figure it out. I have faith in them.
That’s cold man… almost as cold as December on the lake. Just for the record, I pulled up Sunrise/Sunset for the shortest day. Sunrise at 7:49, and sunset at 17:00.
It’s simple. Sunrise is defined as 6am. sunset as 9pm. The length of the hours in between are variable.
You’re defining the day as being 15 hours long and the night as 9?
I forsee issues with shift work differentials.
Blame Lachowsky. Especially when nine hours covers three months…
Check you sun privilege, Nephi! I looked it up for my house.
Sunrise 8:18
Sunset 16:38
16? Are you currently in the military?
No, I was keeping with Nephilium’s choice of 24hr clock. For consistency sake. Something I would have thought you’d be in favor of.
What is this, A Fiddler on the Roof revival?
Ante-Meridiem and Post-Meridiem are ample delimiters.
Do I have to spell them out like that? That looks like work. I’d rather just sit around listening to music on my favorite Frequency Modulation channel.
For some reason, I still remember how phase modulation works, even though I’ve never used this knowledge.
But, no, you are permitted to abbreviate AM and PM.
AM/PM work fine, but people are lazy, and leave them off. Supporting 24 hour call centers, no it isn’t clear which 7:15 you’re reporting a phone problem at.
And everything North of Cleveland is basically Canada…
Here we get 8 hours 23 minutes of daylength around winter solstice. 07:54 to 16:17
7:17 to 16:35 for 9 hours and 19 minutes here Not Heaven (only Iowa).
Fuck em.
*narrows ga…*
Kill DST and use GMT everywhere.
No chance in hell.
Time zones are stupid.
Which is why you should all be on Eastern time.
I agree. Plus, we’re the only ones without some kind of dumb fuckin accent. Not counting the coastal states, or the south, or anything north of Michigan.
It’s the time zone of the Founding Fathers, after all.
Fuck this holocene calendar noise. I’d sticking with my ‘arbitrary mid-roman year’ metric.
I think of that last century BC as the time that the Roman Republic failed completely after a pretty nice 4 century run.
I was always taught that 1 AD marks when Jesus is 30 and begins his mission. I never heard the argument that it marks the year of his birth. I didn’t realize that was a common misconception
Like the misconception that the Immaculate Conception refers to Christ’s conception?
Isn’t that where they ruled Brady made an incomplete forward pass when he clearly fumbled.
on a roll . . . . Reception
Everyone knows it’s 17 Elul, 5778.
What are you guys, retarded?
We are not living in the Holocene we are in the Anthropocene and the world ended 5 years ago due to global warming is what is the point of a calendar while traveling the post-apocalyptic wasteland?
So I know when I get to see Liberty Prime in action?
no idea what that is.
LP is in FO4?! How did I not know this?
It’s because I sided with the Railroad like a filthy casual, isn’t it?
Why would you side with the Railroad? They’re even bigger assholes than the Brotherhood.
I wasn’t impressed with the Brotherhood’s heavy-handed luddism and less so with the Institute’s vile (and inexplicable) violent substitutions. (I’m still not clear what the hell they were after.) The Railroad’s attitude toward synths is batty and hippy-dippy, but at least they opposed murder and subjugation, so I could get behind that… I guess.
The whole three flavors of BS end-game campaign disappointed me, but at least I didn’t have Fawkes telling me he doesn’t want to rob me of my destiny… of sacrificing myself. That rankled.
Riddle me this – The Railroad thinks Synths are people, so they help them slip away from the Institute only to murder them by erasing their minds so that some other personality can wander around in their skinsuit of a body, oblivious to the fact that very dangerous people are hunting them. And yet this is somehow good?
Siding with the Raiders in the Nuka World DLC and pissing off Preston Garvey was a great pleasure.
Hey Preston – I know there’s a settlement in Trouble – I attacked it!
Well, I didn’t think they were people to begin with, so I chalked it up to the battiness of their cause (and terrible writing).
There was an interesting story to tell about human/synth conflict, but the developers seemed much more interested in their big reveal re: Shaun than telling it.
He gets super pissy and does a righteous prog sermon at you. The only time I wish I wasn’t a dirty casual playing on a console, cause changing his nokill flag to Off and gacking his ass when he gave me lip would have been the only thing to make it better.
I want to slaughter everyone but the hard drinking Irish girl and the French robot lady and keep them as my concubines.
And since the whole Underground Railroad was premised on the actual Underground Railroad, with all the connotations of chattel slavery and abolition… doesn’t that put the thumb on the scale just a little bit? Not to mentioned they developed the Railroad NPCs much more than they bothered either the hyper-militant Brotherhood or the soulless Institute.
Crimony, I forgot how much the plot pissed me off.
Commodius – my read of the situation was that Synths were not people, and given the potential for a repeat of the broken mask incident, I would best aid the commonwealth by eliminating the source and removing as many synths from it as possible. The Brotherhood had the assets in place to do this, and from their past history was shown to be capable of reform when bad ideas wander in. (Though too reliant on the whim of whoever is Elder at the time for long-term stability).
Also I find it hard to believe there is no test capable of identifying a synth. My evidence: Infiltrator within the Brotherhood is uncovered by use of DNA records retrieved from the institute. (identity withheld to avoid spoilers). This means that the BoS can still do some form of genetic testing, and it is unlikely that they remain alone in this given what was seen in other wastelands.
Second piece of information. “Father” was retrieved to gain access to uncontaminated prewar DNA for the construction of the biomechanical components of Gen 3 Synths. This implies that Synth tissues will have genetic material from “Father” and thus DNA tests could uncover it, otherwise there would have been no need for uncontaminated material. It seriously implies that none of the synths were made by cloning the people they were meant to replace and merely constructed to be visually identical.
It’s a real sausage fest in here right now.
That’s because the women are busy working and/or rolling our eyes.
Yeah, the men are, too.
What is the current star date?
*resets watch*
Can you tackle time zones next? Specifically, can you speak to the fact that CST is the only time zone that should matter?
And you continue your record of being wrong about everything.
It is 11:28 AM. Deal with it
Unsurprising that you have your clock set incorrectly, given your track record.
You’re still sore about the fact that you use to have to wait up until 11:30 pm to catch Carson
EST is God’s time.
CDT, which I live in currently, if fortunately the same thing as EST.
None of your time zones matter at all, given that you all change your clocks twice a year.
Some counties in Indiana don’t abide by daylight savings time, but then again, most of those are in eastern standard time and therefore they are already wrong
Oh, you mean the part with farmers? Remind me again why you people are doing this?
To support the war effort. Don’t you love our dough boys fighting the Hun?
It’s a misconception that farmers care one way or another about daylight savings time. The sun is a farmer’s wrist watch
I’m convinced it only exists to give petty bureaucrats yet another thing to think about while masturbating.
Bureaucrats have some weird fetishes
They’re the Dom, the whole Country is the Sub and there are no rules or safe words.
To support the war effort. Don’t you love our dough boys fighting the Hun?
War’s been over for about a century. Now what’s your excuse for allowing your state to dictate when you wake up?
I have no excuse. I was just saying that that’s why they initially imposed daylight standard time. The farmers are used as a scapegoat.
All of China is one time zone which is based on Beijing. If you are in western China it is dark night by 6:00pm.
Also Ben Franklin is responsible for the Daylight Savings mess in America
Everyone knows that the only proper time-keeping convention marks Thursday, 1 January 1970 as time zero. Everything else is just a legacy of primitive superstition.
No good, that would mean the world ends January 19, 2038.
nah, number of bits can be expanded easily.
HERETEK! You profane the dictum of the Omnissiah with such talk!
What difference, at this point, does any of that make? We’ll just roll over when it comes and be fine. No one needs more than 68 types of years.
In Deepness in the Sky (set thousands of years in the future), the current manner of keeping time was said to have started when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. One of the main characters does the research and discovers that is a myth, it just happens to be really close.
I love that. Vinge was probably sitting on that for years.
Pfff… we can’t even get brewers to agree on no date (worst option), best by date (second worst option), brewed on date (rare and ambiguous), or a packaged date. And don’t get me started on those assholes using special codes or Julian dates to label it.
Ugh…Spaten Oktoberfest.
I love it, but I refuse to buy the commonly-seen year old Ofest. And I have to convert the crappy date code every time to figure out if I am buying fresh or suck.
Coming to Hedonism II, Jamaica.
Best by date is the 2nd worst option EXCEPT for Stone’s “Drink by IPA”, which forces stores to pay attention.
Your stores care more then the ones around me. I’ve seen Drink By IPA sitting on shelves for over a month past the Drink By date. For most of the stores around me, if there’s no date on it, and I don’t know it’s a new release/packaging, I am not buying it. FFS, I’ve seen beer sitting on a shelf that hadn’t been released for 4 years, and stuff from a brewery that closed 9 months after they closed.
I’ve tried to cut a deal with Kroger/Ralphs. No dice. They just pull them from the shelves, and they disappear into some black hole.
I’d gladly drink them for another month, especially at 50% off.
If I had to guess, the distributor is buying them back from the grocery store. Even with Ohio’s insane beer pricing laws at retail, one of the regional chains runs beer clearance out of only one location (which I found by sheer happenstance). They’ll usually have something either about a month out from expiration (or years past expiration, but still good) at dirt cheap prices. I’ve gotten $3/bomber of 2 year old Victory Old Horizontal, $5/six pack of Deschutes Pine Drop, and $4/four packs of Sprecher hard root beer (for the girlfriend).
And I know that Stone requests people report out of date beer on their website, to try to avoid situations where someone decides to try something new, and gets a beer that’s way past its prime.
The “beer lady” at my Ralphs is the absolute worst. I doubt she even knows what they do with the beer.
Seriously, she’s the worst and needs to be fired or transferred.
I asked her to stock unfiltered Sculpin, and she told me “nobody likes it”. It was pretty clear she had never heard of it, and wanted to sound authoritative.
Did I mention that she’s the worst?
I asked her to stock unfiltered Sculpin, and she told me “nobody likes it”.
I hate to break it to you…nobody likes it.
It’s always the first to sell out. Not that I would expect you to have good taste, or any taste at all.
Nicole is the beer lady at your Ralph’s?
Can I still get trashed on December 31st, or are you taking that away from me, too?
Aw, hell. I’ll get trashed anyway.
It’s New Year’s on some planet.
Might as well. It’s my birthday.
… Hobbit
Works for me.
Nice work, Hobbit!
Did we ever find the identity of the cool pic on the home page?
Google says it’s the Prague astronomical clock, although the coloring looks off so it could be a replica or just filtered photographically.
It appears there are replicas available. That would look pretty sweet in my office.
I didn’t see that question last time, sorry. It is indeed a photo of the Prague astronomical clock, with color manipulation.
(If the author hasn’t selected a featured image for the front page, the editors do so.)
Thanks, SP! I’d let you select my image any time!
You’ll end up with some “My Little Pony” or “Strawberry Shortcake” pic.
No, I want the Barbie Inspiring Women Amelia Earhart doll! It comes with a bomber jacket and helmet and map! But no plane, darnit.
Open up the box, and the doll is nowhere to be seen?
Harsh, but fair.
Does she come with a navigator?
Well, first you need to write an article for the community….
Hmmm. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in analysis of trap-style defensive schemes or perhaps the timelessness of the umbrella power play?
Maybe after that you could tackle the more difficult task of explaining icing?
The number next to the current year is arbitrary so it doesn’t matter what record keeping system we use. I’m fine with what we have so as the the old saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
We should start a calendar from the first reason post that pushed enough buttons to get glibertarians started.
Or from the day lachowsky first posted on glibs. That seems like an important date…
“When Lachowsky burst forth powerfully from his mother’s womb and began his journey toward total domination”
or for simplicity just go with the start of the reign of the god emperor
Just love to stir things up!
Hope you folks are enjoying these.
Off to the dentist.
Make sure you have the right date for your appointment
Mine charges $30 if I’m late and reschedule….
My dentist tried that shit. And a $5 “statement fee” for a statement I didn’t ask for.
I called a week and a half out and told them I probably wasn’t going to be able to make my Saturday 8am appointment because of work. The receptionist said “That’s fine, make it if you can”. AND THEN CHARGED ME 50 BUCKS FOR MISSING THE APPOINTMENT.
Buh bye.
Mine only charges to reschedule.
Hobbit’s Theme for the Day.
OT: So are they hiring?
that was covered in the links
Nobody reads the links™.
They do when the word “orgies” appears.
Speaking of orgies, have y’all read this story?
OT: Blue on blue violence.
Oh yes, we mustn’t have that.
Do you like gladiator movies?
Those dudes are scammers, just like Alex Jones. And they probably make just as much money.
100K a month apparently.
How is that even possible? I’m in the wrong business.
“Why … do we hate the lib?” they ask. Because “there is a giant sucking void at the core of their being.” They add, “In place of real beliefs, liberals have guilty consciences.”
So fill that void with belligerent envy!
This Chapo shit reads like PUAs going political.
Go ahead, guess.
Warmed-over Stalinism?
I got it!
The author is threatened by the fact that his party has more in common with these dipshits than with his cultured, cocktail party ass.
Damn, I was hoping it was a Smurf MMA league.
OT: This kind of seems like a big deal…
Which is why it will get buried ASAP and the whistleblower will wake up one morning to find himself at a CIA black site.
I never know what to believe when reading political stories. This one seems plausible and would be pretty big if true, but I dont think that our government/media is very much interested in the truth. If it were, action would be taken on stories like this and many many others that have come out over the years.
That said, the witch hunting will continue until voting habits improve.
news outlets are interested in drama and not having to do any legwork.
I’ve been juicing my limes upside down.
Trying to cypher that euphemism.
Original source: Buzzfeed
Credibility score: -1
The original source is a post on Instagram.
I don’t have that kind of juicer, but the idea makes sense. This orientation points the output side of the fruit to the output side of the juicer.
Get a real juicer. Something with guts.
could hook up a little pneumatic actuation on that thing…
There is only one correct way to loosen juice.
Next: Kelvin vs. Rankine vs. Celsius vs. Fahrenheit; cgs vs. mks vs. US customary units; and dynamic vs. kinematic viscosity
a units system without HP cannot be tolerated
The metric system has already been thrashed:
kB vs. KiB
Measure in 1024, but don’t use the kibi nomanclature.
For once, UCS gets something right.
34DD vs. 75E
Would “read”.
if the band length is 75″, she’d better be at least 8′ tall
Fahrenheit vs Celsius vs Kelvin
Human history should be dated from when we started eating pork.
What is your newsletter subscription fee, sir?
Ask about the charge for sending out a billing statement.
*taps nose*
Missed a lot of good articles, but finally got caught up since I’ve been gone for a couple of weeks due to work and vacation to go to my Niece’s wedding.
In the “We have both kinds, country and western” category, for the reception there were 80 cases: Bud Light, Miller Lite, Coors Light, and Busch Light.
I stuck with Bud light and did many shots of Mango Moonshine that surprised me by being very good. (The only moonshine I’d had prior was like drinking diesel while looking at a Strawberry.)
A good time was had by all and my brother and I haven’t been that drunk in years, but cleanup on Sunday with 140 hay bales in 90 degree heat was not fun.
I hope you kept them carefully separated so nobody accidentally drank the wrong one.
Coors Light > Miller Lite > Busch Light > Bud Light
Is there a difference?
I would think Busch Light would be the worst based on memories of drinking Busch in High School.
It’s Q, I’m assuming he’s basing this ranking on their spokesmodel calendars.
Busch is a good marinade base. It doesn’t leave an aftertaste on high heat. My local carniceria uses it on their beef and chicken. 5/5 would bang again.
Bud Light has always tasted like stale cleaning solution.
Busch Light is not that bad for bottom shelf; it’s better than Milwaukee’s Best and Keystone.
Miller Lite and Coors Light are really similar.
You’re straight up river trash. Are you on a jet ski in Havasu right now?
I’m from a dairy farm in SW PA, hence the hay bales.
Coors light is for river trash, Bud light is for beach trash. I’m beach trash.
Damn ron73440, how close to Washington (pronounced Wershingten)? I’ve got family there and me and my sister used to get sent out there for a couple of weeks every summer.
West Alexander, 20-30 minute drive to Washington.
Just had to pull the address for my relatives out there… West Alexander, off of Lake Road. There used to be a hog farm in the family, I don’t know if it still is. I was last out there in 2014 for one of my cousin’s weddings.
Party time!
Gotta stay hydrated.
They were actually separated into different coolers and labeled to eliminate confusion.
Busch light is the superior one of that group because they all taste the same an busch light is about 18.99 per 30 pack at Sam’s.
^ This guy knows what’s goin’ on ^
No champagne of beers? I thought this was a celebration!
They saved the good stuff for the bridal suite.
Top of my Google News feed:
Trump slams Google search as ‘rigged’ — but it’s not
Trump Accuses Google Of Rigging Search Results To Feature ‘Bad’ News About Him
— HuffPost
Trump’s economic adviser: ‘We’re taking a look’ at whether Google searches should be regulated
— The Washington Post
Debunking Donald Trump’s latest conspiracy theory on Google
Trump takes on Google in complaints about social media
No basis there. Not at all.
No coordination either.
I’m going to go ahead and call the relentless shitting on the “respectable” media, and the ensuing and equally relentless self-beclowning by said media, the best part of the Trump presidency by a significant margin.
His ability to make the usual suspects tear off their masks has been the gift that keeps giving.
I’ve hate4d the “news” for a while, but they are really trying to make me hate them more.
I don’t watch any of them and I have even managed to get my wife to stop watching the local news.
That’s pretty funny
How do these numbers pencil out if the Earth is only about 6,000 years old?
I was wondering the same thing! I recently went past a museum dedicated to this idea. Sadly, I did not have time to stop in.
I had a fun moment on vacation with family a few years back. My (hyper fundamentalist Christian) sister and I, along with a group of kids and a couple other adults, were going to hike up a hill. At the trailhead was a sign discussing fossils found near the trail, and discussing their age. She made some remark indicating they couldn’t be that old, and I said something to the effect that the dating methodology was fairly sound, scientifically speaking. I’m so glad that looks cannot kill, or I would’ve been dead on the spot.
I once knew a very progressive girl who was not religious at all, but still had trouble accepting that dinosaurs existed. She said that she just found the story to be too bizarre and fanciful.
Stupid comes in many different flavors
The earth is young.
Abraham 4:1
Since, according to our doctrine, matter already existed and this earth was simply organized, it could be said that the bits and pieces are from other worlds in other times older than the earth itself.
I personally don’t care. If I believe in a creator deity (and I do–a mated pair, to be precise), then there are a gabillion ways it can be done and who am I to second-guess an artist and craftsman?
“a mated pair”
What do you think all that thunder and lightning’s about, anyway?
@gadianton, sorry that wasn’t meant for you. You already know all that.
Your reply button was most convenient.
Always glad to be of service 😉 .
I’m OUTRAGED. I’ll never fly TUI Airways again……
Geez… they should be happy that the stickers didn’t say Future Trolley Dolly.
Idiots. Children belong in the cargo hold.
I would also accept them riding on the wing.
Messes with the aerodynamics and costs more fuel. No way.
not for long
I’ll still call them Stewardesses. Even the males.
So they got downgraded from hostesses? Pity.
My 75 year old father is a flight attendant for Southwest (it’s his retirement career). I call him a stewardess every chance I get.
That’s a pretty sweet retirement gig. Free travel.
I’m pretty sure that’s why he does it. Plus he stays out of the house (and the reasons why *that* is a good thing have nothing at all to do with my mother, but it’d take a Ken Schulz-length post to explain). Mom actually worked for SWA for a little over 10 years as her retirement gig, so she flies free as well. Unfortunately that benefit does *not* extend to children (just parents), so I’m SOL.
Facebook is really fucking with my news feed. I have a grand total of 53 friends. Facebook is now showing me two, count’em TWO, items in my news feed. It tells me I need to add friends if I want to see more in my new feed.
Or, I could just fucking quit. What an amazing business model they have created.
They unpersoned a whole deck of cards (you being #52 for associating with those 51 deplorables)
How does that work?
1 news item per 25 friends?
My news feed has slowly been shrinking over the last several weeks. Today, it’s blunt. Sign up more friends or we ain’t showing you shit.
They are doing you a favor. There usually isn’t more than one or two things worth looking at at any given time.
I’ll bet they’re not showing him anything worth looking at in the 2 items.
“I could just fucking quit”
This. This. This. This X infinity.
“I could just fucking quit”
This. This. This. This X infinity.
“I could just fucking quit”
This. This. This. This X infinity.
Okay, I LOLd.
Glad to be of assistance.
Better one
That’s awesome!
Maybe all your friends quit, so there is nothing to report?
Or FB sucks.
Or both.
I’ve long been angered by the fact that I can’t see what I’ve opted in to see on FB.
Twitter’s been going that way, too, picking what it thinks I want to see that is hours and days old, right at the top of my stream.
I’ve been shilling books but now both those platforms have rendered themselves irrelevant. I’m moving to Instagram, following a musician friend.
You have bad taste in news.
Taste has nothing to do with it.
It’s normal to see lots of stale news, because no one has posted recently. Facebook is now blocking all that history. Can’t get to it. Period.
They are saying “get more friends or see nothing”.
Delete your account block derkbook and all derpbook cookies on other sites. Say ‘bye bye zuck’.
The fundamental problem is that several of the social organization (clubs) that I am in have dumped message boards and email lists for social media.
I am willing to pay the price (ads) for access to the “free” service.
Now Facebook is fucking with the deal.
Find new clubs. Or follow your old buddy Q and become a full-time misanthrope by dropping all clubs and only interacting with other people when in can’t be avoided.
Well, the beer club is important.
There is actually an interesting article to be made out of this.
Facebook became big by being the place where you could go to keep up on distant family and friends. Then they did what no other social media platform had ever managed to do before, figure out how to monetize a user base with targeted advertising.
Now in the chase for ever more advertising revenue and data to compile and sell they are rapidly killing off the viability and usability of their product because they don’t want you to waste your time seeing grandma’s post about the bridge game she plays in, they are too busy feeding you target content either for profit or to drive what they see as engagement. What they are not seeing is that they have made their service fragile and highly susceptible to disruption by a company willing to forego some advertising revenue in favor of a more user focused feature set.
It is Tuesday.
Mondays are okay for me. It’s always Tuesday that has been my nemesis, and today is most definitely Tuesday.
/extraneous rant
gone in the wind
fucked it up
And yet close enough that it kept me from making the same comment. Thanks for nothin, man.
Sounds like the opening lines of a haiku.
gone in the wind.
Fucked it up again
Haiku sounds off
It’s gone in the wind
kinnath fucked it up again
Q should bring him tits
I don’t know if that helped or depressed me even more…
Good deal on tacos, though.
But you can’t call it Taco Tuesday. And Taco John’s now has an outpost on I-71.
Huh. Whole Foods definitely had a sign up that said “Taco Tuesday”.
I guess they’re too big to bully.
I have no idea on their Tacos, but Old Fashioned has excellent cheese curds. And breakfast. And a great beer list.
I’ve never heard of Taco John’s. You lose, John.
The Roman Empire was from 9974 until 10476.
I think you mean 11453.
Nah, that last bastion was a bunch of Greeks culturally appropriating Roman-ness, so they totally don’t count.
OT: wut
First comment: “White Identity • a month ago – And men still want chaste virgins of their own race without tattoos to build a family with, not an experienced slut-walker covered with ink. Yes, most will ‘slum’ with that type, but impurity always makes you second class at best.”
OK then.
I mean, I wouldn’t have held chastity or virginity against a woman in the day, but if we’d have been dating for more than two weeks and hadn’t hit the skins I’d have been done. No harm no foul, but from 14 to when I got married I wasn’t interested in chastity.
I wasn’t interested in chastity until I got married either.
Then again, you married one of (((us))) so the guy from the comment would label you a race traitor or something.
Yeah I think the percentage of guys who value chastity or virginity is MASSIVELY overrated and pretty much limited to pua manchildren and religious fundamentalists
UCS’s comment about FO4 reminded me of local news that just makes me shake my head.
THIS has got to be the one of the dumbest things Ive read in a long time:
“The proposed location for the Central State Institute of Medical Marijuana is a building on the far north end of campus that has “a variety of natural and man-made defenses,” according to the application. The institute will share its western wall with the CSU police headquarters, “which protects the institute from any attack taking place on that side of the building,” the document reads.”
Is it 5 o’clock (EDT) yet?
Ohio potheads must be really violent.
How heavily armed do they think the crazy potheads are?
I like that they’re already planning for a potential “attack”. While I don’t use that particular product, most of my friends are burners. And I’ll be the 1st to say that they’re neither likely nor capable of attacking anything. Other than food.
Well, thankfully THIS isn’t suspicious .
“All food-related studies are garbage except for this one! This one you can believe!”
NB: Coconut oil works much better as a sexual lubricant than as a cooking oil.
While it can be used it either, it should never, ever, ever be used as both.
“Harvard nutrition professor gave coconut oil about the worst label you can give something edible: “Pure poison.”
That sounds really truthy.
That suspicious comment is supposed to be HERE.
Yes, I’m an idiot.
Bitch, play Tres Cool’s theme song:
Iggy always helps me regain my center.
I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t stop. I don’t know why.
Her ass. That’s why
The Stooges are the best thing to come out of Detroit since the MC5
+1 Kick Out The Jams
No love for the Funk?
I didn’t realize they were from Detroit.
If great bands were a source of economic growth, Detroit would be the richest city in America. Unfortunately for them, none of that stuff matters
@Say’n: Flint
@Hyper: I love you, man. 18 year-old me considered The Red Album the greatest musical triumph ever.
… Hobbit
Now hit his mother f’ing theme music!
*runs away sobbing to ‘safe space’*
I can never understand why people steal shoes. You’re just asking for a foot disease.
Pretty decent article, minus the copsucking.
So you’re saying that the expulsion of deplorables from the party of all that is right and good in this world started 50 years ago today.
Pretty much.
The policies of the Dems have long been aligned with Communist thought, but I’d say that the ’68 convention marks when it became a party of explicitly violent Bolshevik revolution.
I don’t know that I could argue against that point, although I’d say that it has been a process, not a single event. I would say not until the past, say, 20 years has that been the dominant ideological influence.
The Catholic Left is beyond parody:
And the NYT defends them against those evil Traditionalists who think that covering for rapists is bad. Stupid illiterates, the Pope talked about climate change!
In all honesty, were I a Catholic, this would probably be what pushed me over the edge to Orthodoxy.
I have been considering leaving for the past few weeks. I did see that some Italian Cardinal is putting out some accusations and calling for the Pope’s resignation. I like the cut of that guy’s jib.
This is a train wreck that will get worse before it gets better. If any more states launch investigations the decline is going to be hard for the Church to survive.
It’s devolved into a civil war if you read any of the Catholic newspapers.
Basically the former Vatican ambassador to the United States (who is viewed as a traditionalist) accused members in the curia and cardinals of knowing about sexual abuse allegations against Cardinal McCarrick and ignoring it. He said that Pope Benedict suspended the cardinal, but that his order was ignored. And then after Pope Francis’ election the cardinal’s suspension was voided.
But, since all the cardinals that have been accused are considered to be part of the “Catholic Left” (including the Pope), their defenders are trashing his accusations as being part of internal church politics. The NYT and WaPo took the same position (unsurprisingly). Rod Dreher at The American Conservative has been covering it all
Shouldn’t there be PM Lynx or something?
Yes, but if it’s Mexican Sharpshooter, being late is part of the joke or something.
I’m late! For a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!