Halep is bounced, Venus and Serena both advance, Mourinho demands respect (after getting demolished) and we are only a few days away from some serious college football. That’s the state of the sports world these days. Unless you’re concerned with overpaying a prima donna receiver who isn’t half the player Rice, Carter or Moss (fine, or Belitnekoff for the old people here) were. But the Mara family isn’t exactly known for their shrewd roster moves lately. Have fun watching that investment blow up in your faces, Giants fans.

Go team, go!
A small slate of baseball games yesterday had the White Sox beating the Yankees, the Orioles beating the Blue Jays by a touchdown, the Nationals getting to .500 with a win over Philly, the Cubs topping the Mets, the Giants shutting out the D-backs, the Rockies falling to the Angels and the world champion Houston Astros getting some big action in the 8th to handle the Athletics and give themselves the slightest bit of breathing room. Full slate of games today, but nary a day game which is a shame.
Luminaries that were born on this date include: German philosopher Goethe, golden age cartoonist Jack Kirby, Canadian PM Paul Martin, drummer Daniel Seraphine, rocker Hugh Cornwell, underrated actor Luis Guzman, Chinese activist Ai Weiwei, Canadian singer Shania Twain, actor Jason Priestly, frog hockey player Pierre Turgeon, actor Jack Black, diversity hire Sheryl Sandberg, and singer LeAnn Rimes.

A brilliant and compassionate man…that our government spied on.
Its also the date on which Henry Hudson discovered Delaware Bay, the first American-built locomotive lost a race with a horse-drawn carriage, Wagner’s “Lohengrin” premiered, overrated British soldier Montgomery became the commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, Martin Luther King delivered his iconic “I have a dream” speech, the first Subway (“sandwich” shop”) opened, Israeli PM Menachem Begin announced his resignation, Mike Schmidt passed Ted Williams and Willie McCovey with 522 homers (but still wasn’t near the hitter Williams was), and Mitt Romney (then a woman-hating racist shitbag but now a statesman throwback to a better time for the GOP according to Team Blue) won the GOP presidential nomination.
OK, with the exception of a few events, this date seems to have sucked. Oh well, on to…the links!

Crazy eyes are all the rage on the modern left.
After cutting his teeth on the basics of grifting and self-promotion, the kid is moving on to the extortion game. Pretty bold step. I see a political future for him.
Lanny Davis humiliates CNN for printing single-anonymously-sourced bullshit. Unsurprisingly, CNN are still maintaining that the story is legitimate.
I can’t possibly think of a better way to show your seriousness about extravagance and generally being out of touch with your parishioners. Way to go, Catholic Church. You really don’t give a shit anymore, do you?
I can’t tell if Roger Stone is serious or if he’s trying to jump on the gofundme bandwagon and set himself up with a nest egg. I don know he’s probably correct in guessing at Mueller’s strategy and motives though.

If its gonna make salmon cheaper, please drag your dead baby 2000 miles next time.
I hope more restaurants in the PNW take this serious step. Why? Because then with the supply flat and the demand lower, it’ll be cheaper for the rest of the world to enjoy one of the nautical world’s treats.
Hey Chicago, I’ve got a novel idea: let people open and concealed carry and these kind of things will be much less likely. Lol, just kidding. They’ll still happen as long as Indiana is so close. Note: this is not reportedly happening in Indiana.)
Sounds like people should have been doing a better job of knowing where their young kids were. I hope this asshole cooks if he’s guilty, but it brings a bigger point up: why do dumbass parents let their 13 year old daughter hang out alone with a grown man? Once practice or school are over, then its time to go home, sorry. Also, he’s on leave with pay…on the Massholia taxpayer’s dime.
Man doesn’t get pony. Quits. Au revoir, grifter. Oh, by the way, the USA has cut more greenhouse gases as a percentage than any other nation…but we’re doing nothing.
I don’t know much country, so I’m gonna go with this band today even though I’m not what you’d call a fan of theirs.
Now go out there and make the most of this day, friends.
CNN deserves any ridicule they get for believing a single word that comes out of Davis’s mouth.
“False but accurate.” I think that was the term of art?
It was “fake but accurate” from Mr. Journalism himself, Dan Rather.
They don’t care and their viewers don’t care. It really is a sad state we’re in. Pun.
I think that what we have seen so far has shown that as long as it serves the narrative, even if they know it is false, CNN will repeat it and stand behind it. They know their reputation has been ruined, but the true believers will take whatever bullshit CNN peddles and eat it up like a cheap hooker gobbles cock in the hopes of a good tip. Sad times, but fun to watch these assholes pour fuel on the fire consuming them.
And then they feign offense when they are labeled “fake news”. Hey, if you don’t want to be called fake news, maybe you should stop pushing phony stories.
They are genuinely pissed that they no longer can lie with impunity for team blue and get away with it like they used to. And it pisses them even more that the plebes are now calling them on it.
Which why they asked the social media companies to crack down on alternative media.
Yup, there is a concerted effort right now to regain the once held monopoly on news. That’s because they know that despite their best efforts to hide it, enough people found out they had not just rigged the election for Clinton, but had actually had worked with the deep state that let her off easy on clear criminal charges that would have cost anyone else decades in prison. That pisses them off, because they have managed to sway public opinion in the favor of team blue for a long time now by holding back on things that were negative and over-inflating, if not outright making shit up, to paint team blue’s narrative & agenda as good things. That team red seems to be too stupid to catch on and/or willing to go along made their life easy. Then came Trump – playing by their rules – and he is running circles around them…
OMFG, a hunting lobbyist
What? General Zaroff is a friend of the Administration.
“Only people who side with me should be heard or given access” is progressivism distilled to its essence. Its why they’re such big fans of FB, Twitter, Youtube, Google, etc banning people like Alex Jones Milo Yiannapolis and why I’ll never respect anybody who applauds such actions.
Then if you create another platform that welcomes all speech the SPLC will label you as a hate speech organization.
I wonder at what point we’ll see the non progs really start to fight back. I guess Trump was step 1.
Step two is fascism!
-progressive dipshit
The French have their version of the Izaak Walton League, I suppose.
So M. Hulot is taking a holiday?
*rétrécit le regard*
What does this have to do with his supposed distress about being an environmental leader?
Lanny Davis needs the Chipper
Tard Tuesday: White Male Rage Edition
Sounds like a bunch of superpredators to me. We should pass some sort of federal legislation to address this.
2/3 of mass shootings in 2018 so far were supposedly done by black males. Ditto the victims. What does this moron think the larger pattern is there?
In case cite is needed.
That site seems to take a lot of liberties with the term “mass shooting.”
Agreed. 0 deaths isn’t a mass shooting, but a mass missing.
Wasn’t the Jacksonville shooter Jewish? Is that white?
When convenient, yes.
So *they* are white supremacists this week?
What about Jamaican Jews?
You win the internet today.
I wonder what color the sun shines in the alternate universe he’s living in.
So if we are going to just go with numbers, should pointing out that “Over 98% Of Mass Shootings Have Occurred Within Gun-Free Zones According To FBI Stats” impact any and all of this anti-gun bullshit?
“we never discuss the problem of white male rage”
Except you never stop discussing it.
And we’ll keep discussing it until you agree with us!
Also, he’s on leave with pay…on the Massholia taxpayer’s dime.
You know, what actually is the point of doing the whole “leave with pay” thing? If the accusation alone is serious enough to warrant taking them out of the job then take them out of the job. If it isn’t, keep them at work.
Don’t you even pubsec union, bro?
Why do you assume the supply will be flat? Fishermen are not stupid, declining prices will make them look at other species to catch.
Other fisherman will pick up the slack. Always have, always will when prices rise or fall.
“It wasn’t worth it for us to fish them when they were more expensive, but now that they sell for even less, we’re all over it.”
If the price starts to go down, the volume will go down until the price stabilizes.
You telling me the volume of fish in the ocean will go down if the price goes down?
Damn, they’re smarter than dolphins!
The volume the fishermen will bother to drag to shore will go down.
You’re not this stupid.
Fewer fisherman means a higher yield for those who continue to fish the same water.
And the Chinook salmon are the only fish in those waters? You can change target species and still work in the same areas. The boats changing the balance of what they’re targetting doesn’t mean that the remaining boats will suddenly find themselves glutted in salmon they have to offload.
Serious question: have you ever been on a boat in the ocean when commercial boats are operating? Generally you drag at a specific depth for specific species. And the habitats are huge but the fish tend to concentrate in areas and are easy to catch once located. If fewer fisherman are targeting a species, those who continue to fish it will have larger catches.
10 fisherman each catch an even share of
500 tons of fish
$100 per ton
8 fisherman catch an even share of 500 tons at $80 per ton
Other math.
10 boats, 50 ton capacity.
500 tons of fish at $100/ton.
Two boats decide to go entirely for a different species, the remaining 8 deicde to spend a fifth of their time trolling for a different species, you now only get 320 tons to dock at $80/ton.
Why would they spend 20% of their time trolling for a different species when they have a single hold and would have to do two haul ins and reset their entire rigging while at sea or sail somewhere else (at great expense) to get to another fish’s habitat or feeding ground that happens to be at the same depth?
Fine, The expaned example would hold the same but be 10 boats, ten trips each, 5000 tons before, 3200 after, but the result is the same.
And some of those boat captains like ham and pineapple on their pizzas.
That being two boats spend no trips trawling for salmon, and the 8 remainder spend two trips looking for a fallback species.
It has been a long time since I was involved in the fisheries of the NW, but it is highly regulated with tight seasons and permits are not plentiful and very coveted. If a boat has a salmon permit and season is open, they are fishing salmon. At least that is what I saw.
Joy. Government went and shat on a pure economics discussion.
Yeah… between permits, seasons and gov regs… you’re both pretty far off the mark here. Just know that these idiot in Seattle are idiots. I promise.
Fishermen are not stupid, declining prices will make them look at other species to catch.
I don’t know of a single market where participants all leave until the price rebounds. There will be plenty that remain.
I’m not saying that there won’t be any, and I’m not saying the new equalibrium price won’t be lower. I’m saying the supply will not be flat, it will decline.
Supply will remain constant barring a natural disaster. The fish don’t care about demand. They’re gonna reproduce at the same rate regardless. Hence the supply stays flat.
We’ve just struck the same reef as trying to discuss land policy with Robc.
The difference between supply in the vernacular, and supply in economics. Yes, the number of fish in the sea (and the amount of land in the world) is an independant variable. The quantity on the market, which is really what matters in reaching your plate (or setting prices) is a highly dependant variable separate from that.
The quantity on the market, which is really what matters in reaching your plate (or setting prices) is a highly dependant variable separate from that.
I’d have to disagree when it comes time commodities. Orange prices rise and fall based on frosts that have no impact on oranges already on the market. Same for new oil finds, bird flu epidemics or an algae bloom in the ocean.
Commodities markets have different pressures than finished goods (or services) markets.
That is why time commodities have futures. Futures prices are how the market translates current pricing out of effects on supply that are expected in future. Effectively futures bring hypothetical supply to market.
So basically the exact argument I’m making?
Only if you’re admitting to have changed your mind.
Ok, this is econ 101 and I think you guys are talking past each other. The way you reach the equilibrium price here is that as demand declines prices drop because supply lags demand. eventually the lower price causes supply to decrease, because declining profits cause suppliers to leave the business, either voluntarily, or because formerly marginally profitable suppliers go out of business as prices drop.
Sloopy is right in the short term, supply lags demand and at first supply stays constant while demand drops.
UCS is right that eventually supply will drop in response to the lower prices.
supply =/= fish in the sea; supply =fish at the market. Supply always means amount of x that is at market.
Supply to the fisherman = fish in the sea. Some will remain and go after an easier haul at a lower price/ton and you’ll end up with the same overall supply since the tonnage per fisherman caught is increased.
Sure some will remain, some will even increase their harvest as competitors leave the business, but supply responds to demand, and eventually, absent Soviet style “Comrade you will produce the quota or else” regulation, all the following will occur:
demand will rise due to lower prices,
supply will drop due to lower prices,
an equilibrium will be reached.
Oh, by the way, the USA has cut more greenhouse gases as a percentage than any other nation…but we’re doing nothing.
It doesn’t count unless we obliterate individual rights in the process.
That’s the rub. These cretins don’t care about the environment. They care about controlling behavior. But the media ignored that because it’s filled with morons who know fuck all about how climate change occurs or what the causes are.
Marxism is the final solution, and until we have that, we are a failure..
1. George Jones
2. Johnny Cash
3. Merle Haggard
4. Hank Williams
1.Loretta Lynn
2. Patsy Cline
3. Tammy Wynette
4. Dolly Partom
1 John Denver
2 Garth Brooks
3 The Achy Breaky Heart guy
4 Darius Rucker
1. Rick Astly
2. Rick Springfield
3. Rick Nelson
4. Rick Derringer
1. Mick Jagger
2. David Bowie
3.Freddie Mercury
4.Elton John
I’d largely agree with that list, but Patsy will always be #1.
Yes, and Johnny Cash #1 also.
No, I’d go with George Jones, too. But Cash is always in the top 5.
No love for Slim Whitman?
Sure, Slim Whitman, but my personal list would be:
1. Johnny Cash
2. Hank Williams
3. George Jones
4. Merle Haggard
1. Jason Aldean
2. Kenny Chesney
3. Toby Keith
4. Keith Urban
1. Reba McEntire
2. The Judds
3. Carrie Underwood
4. Faith Hill
1. Kenny G
2. Kenny Rogers
3. Kenny Loggins
4. Kenny McCormick
Not gonna lie, I’d listen to that mix.
Robert Plant
Robert Smith
Bob Marley
Robert Palmer
1) Waylon Jennings
2) Steve Young
3) Guy Clark
4) John Moreland
… runner ups …
5) Dwight Yoakam
6) Willie Nelson
1) Patsy Cline
Steve Young – I Can’t Be Myself
He would have been NOTHING without Jerry Rice.
He didn’t have Rice in the USFL.
or at BYU.
Yeah, but that’s Little League.
Guy Clark – L.A. Freeway
+1 Dwight,
Dwight Yowkam was very good in Slingblade.
What’cha doin’ with that lawn mower blade Karl?
i do no hough too spel.
I’ve been digging Sturgill Simpson lately.
He’s on my list. My fave: Long White Line
Meh – I saw Sturgill live and loved his first two albums. And then the atrocity known as “A Sailor’s Guide to Earth” came out. The question nobody asked: “What would Waylon Jennings sound like if he made a soul album.” I know the critics and just about everyone else liked it, but a few of the hardcore fans didn’t.
1. Randy Travis
2. Johnny Cash
3. Willie Nelson
4. Garth Brooks
5. Hank Williams
1. Reba McEntire
2. Lucinda Williams
3. Patsy Cline
4. Tammy Wynette
5. Dolly Pardon
Dolly Pardon? Was she the one who sang “Stand by your Russian Autocrat”?
Are we just doing voice? Because Dolly’s song writing alone should get her top 3.
Which one is song and which one is writing?
BTW, my mom really dislikes Dolly because of her show at the We Fest (the big country music fest in Detroit Lakes, MN).
When Dolly was going to play there her advance team organized a local choir to back Dolly up. So all the local women put together a choir and practiced a lot for her show. Then when the show went on, they used a sound track for the backup voices. So Mom and the others basically stood up there and sang into dead mikes.
Mom wasn’t upset about the deception, she was just pissed that the organizers made them practice so much to not do anything.
I’m not dead!
Now that you mention it, she might have said “Stiff Mike”. I just assumed she meant dead.
I have a warm spot in my heart for Hank Williams Jr.
Not because of his music, but for the way he lived it up when he visited my small home town. Every year since 1983 my home town has had a huge country music fest. In the early years it was 7 days of shows and the performers would stay at the Holiday Inn (where I worked).
The year Hank Jr showed up, he came the week prior and stayed for 3 weeks to party. He wore the suspenders with Hank Jr on them, he had at least 3 different “girlfriends” hanging out with him during that time and his bar tab was enormous. He lived just the way a rube kid from the western prairie of Minnesoda thought a super star should live.
You’re from DL?
Yup. Moved there when I was three and left when I was 18. Great place to grow up.
Tard Tuesday: The
GreatestMost Arrogant Generation Edition” target=”_blank” >TheGreatestMost Arrogant Generation EditionI ‘tarded that up
And you talk like a fag too.
Failing to suck McCain’s decaying cock is an impeachable offense.
duty bound to
honor sen mccainFollow the flag code. And by my reading of it, which someone linked here yesterday, the flag code was followed. And I’d wager that the current president did not even make the decision for it to be raised after being down for the proper time pursuant to the flag code because I am pretty sure the White House has staff that handle that on their own.
I heard on the radio box yesterday that Trump signed an Exec order keeping the flag at half until they bury the prick.
Yes. I get an email form the American Legion whenever the flag is to be at half-staff. On Monday I received this notification:
This was updating a previous statement that it should be at half-staff until sunset, Monday.
“through his internment”, bury the prick……..potato patato
It’s sad to see all these lefties who rightly condemned McCain as a war monger puckering up to kiss his beanbag. It’s pathetic.
What a sad loser.
Man, the left LOVES this guy. I guess he’s a good Republican, now…
Because in their minds, the only good Republican is a dead Republican.
Maybe a green cruise to prove global warming is a thing will cheer up Nicolas Hulot? Oh no – stuck in the ice again.
Look, all signs indicated an open passage through the arctic. But given the vicissitudes of climate change, ice formed faster than expected and trapped the ship. You know how climate doesn’t always comport with the projections climatologists devise? That uncertainty is down to changing climate, too. When the climate underperforms relative to expected warming, that’s climate change.
Smith & Wesson hasn’t responded to requests for comment.
“We would just like to tell that Hogg kid to kindly fuck off.”
But maybe I am not the best PR person.
They couldn’t stop laughing long enough to compose a response.
S&W are the most likely to kowtow to him. Didn’t they roll over once before to the anti-gun nutters?
Don’t we already know enough about how to commit violence with a gun? Why do we need to research it more?
“Hey, you know we have a bunch of guns in here, right?”
“Canada Just Got Played”: How Mexico Stabbed Canada In The Back
The Twink in the North is not going to be happy.
So, Trump is Tywin Lannister and Mexico is Roose Bolton?
In keeping with a kind of tradition established by HM: comment about Zionism just 3 comments in. Impressive.
That was ugly. I don’t understand what about that site brings out the antisemites.
ZH has a lot of “(((they))) control the economy” types.
I’ve heard any deal with Mexico won’t matter because it has to include Canada. Why? Mexico doesn’t border Canada. The Canadians don’t have a deal with Guatemala because it borders Mexico. Seems like the US could make an individual deal with whomever they want.
Who was making that claim?
I tried to find the article I read, but all google is turning up is the latest stuff.
You must have missed the news about Google basically returning left leaning sites for 94% of any Trump related searches the other day. I tried to google that shit to link here, but all I got was left leaning articles about how this story was not true.
Do a search for Trump, take a screen shot.
Tards, Trump haters, and never-Trumpers.
Mexicans are just doing the trading that Canadians refuse to do.
Trump’s ‘cult of personality,’ thinking of past Presidents, and more: Letters to the editor
Next thing you know his delusional supporters will be saying that his mere existence is healing the environment and receding the tides.
“Ruining beachfront Property Values!”
I don’t support Trump, really.
I just really, really hate the Left. Does that count?
Bingo. And no amount of snippy, historically illiterate op-eds comparing Trump to the twentieth century’s greatest hits will convince me to take lefties any more seriously.
This is it exactly. I would be a lot more anti-Trump if his opponents weren’t such idiots.
Somebody doesn’t know what “evidence” means.
Obama wanted a cult of personality like Stalin. The only problem is, he didn’t have a personality.
There’s a lady with a phone out there that disagrees.
the ability to tell the big lie, to constantly denigrate anyone who criticizes them, to manipulate the media into near continuous coverage of himself,
But enough about Barry.
Wouldn’t just be easier to list who did not have access to Clinton’s email server?
Actually it’s easier to keep flogging the phony RUSSIA COLLUSION bullshit as a distraction from the actual criminality by Hillary and the Obama administration.
Not just the criminality, but the ineptness and lack of care for it. If anything the lesson here is that these people were more concerned with maintaining their ability to steal from the productive than to do anything to protect the country or its people.
Ixnay on the ussia-Ray! The line now is “campaign finance
violationsfelonies.”Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert said
So about as credible as Hank Johnson.
Are you saying the story is going to tip over?
Can we please put a cap size on the number of bad puns we are going to have in this thread?
Great, you’re going to start a big row, Leap.
Unsurprisingly, CNN are still maintaining that the story is legitimate.
The truth is not the truth.
I assume every competent intelligence agency in the world has a copy of everything on that server. Is it “Hacking” if you have access to the physical server in the laundromat or wherever she had it stashed?
So expect more random botched robberyies and heart attacks in the coming months?
I’m just waiting for one of the secret service sods assigned to the clinton detail to get sick of the abuse and shoot her.
Would he have to use silver bullets for that to be effective.
Personally, I think I would demand a stake through the heart before I would be comfortable betting against her being the nominee in 2020.
It’s a good idea to be cautious.
The opposite of the NFL kneeling controversy?
I’m sure someone will find a way to be offended by this.
If Police Really Put American Lives Ahead Of Their Own, They’d Hurt Fewer People
Don’t talk about… the author.
“Lucy Steigerwald is a journalist and an editor at Young Voices. Her work has appeared in the American Conservative, the Daily Beast, Playboy, and Reason.”
need a body shot, but from that bio face pic – would
They bravely
go where most of us fear to treadtake up tactical positions while a gunman slaughters school children unimpeded.They bravely go where most of us fear to tread?
Tard Tuesday: Economics for Idiots Edition
Bonus discussion by idiots
These people are so obsessed with the idea that they might one day be that commissar that they ignore the fact that commissars hurt everyone just by existing
I don’t know how you endure the pain.
German actress claims Adolf Hitler secretly romped with her mum in long lost interview
I feel like this is a “You know who also” question in reverse. It’s like Jeopardy Hitler version.
*looks up Romy Schneider*
Born 23 September, 1938.
You saying you would still? Dang you granny fucker.
She’s been dead about 35 years, so wouldn’t.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
Following Following @realDonaldTrump
Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of…
….results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!
This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!
What’s hilarious is that he doesn’t actually have to do anything going forward, the threat of “will be addressed” does most of the work for him. The tweets drive the discussion more than any actual policy
Before you know it this tyrant will be spying on the phones and personal computers of journalists and sending reporters to jail for failing to name their sources.
You’re only saying that because he’s black.
RE Astro’s girl and old dude on the right. Discretion man, discretion is needed when perving.
I think he’s old enough to safely not give a fuck.
I heard there was a local LP platform committee meeting, so I took a video camera.
I call bullshit. I didn’t see one slap fight or tinfoil hat.
Ha, you can’t fool me. No pot. No Mexicans. Buggery debatable.
I thought Lolbertarians were much fatter. There’s not a guy more than 120lbs soaking wet in there
EarthNative American girls are easy?94 Percent of Native Women in Seattle Survey Say They’ve Been Raped or Coerced Into Sex
Easily duped by glass beads, smallpox blankets and firewater.
Of the 148 women surveyed, – uhuh …
86 percent reported that they suffered from historical trauma (a term that refers to the concept that trauma from colonization and historical oppression is passed down from generation to generation); – lol
What is the exact definition used for rape or coercion ?
Lets check ENB twitter she is usually on this
1) rape & coerced sex are lumped together, w/coercion defined as sex after someone lied, “made false promises, threatened to end the relationship, wore the victim down through repeated requests, or exerted their influence or authority”
come on baby you sure you don’t wanna bang. think it over. you’ll like it – rape?
2)definition of rape here includes “any completed or attempted sex” after “the giving of drugs or alcohol to the victim” (*not* incapacitation via drugs/alcohol)
– wait if you buy a chick a drink in a bar and then have sex with her it is rape?
3) sexual assault definition includes unwanted comments & flashing
In other words, the same way they claim eight out of four girls at college are raped.
Made the fuck up..
Unwanted comments? Christ, I’ve been sexually assaulted so many time I’ve lost track!
So, most of my family is originally Welsh. Does that mean I can claim Edward I as an historical oppressor?
Where’s my reparations?
The Welsh don’t count. For anything.
Oh yeah? Well, llanwynfargelwyffynldd to you too, buddy.
By other Natives?
I think I see the angle here.
Stop now.
Oh, and way past time to disband the tribes. Form NFP’s, give the land to the NFP’s, end special funding and toss em in the Medicaid/welfare pile with the general population, who don’t get raped.
Soo much going on in your first picture selection, guys happy with the view, other girls giving the stink eye. hilarious.
Attempt to replicate major social scientific findings of past decade fails
In total, the team tried to replicate one main finding from each of the 21 social science papers published between 2010 and 2015 in Science or Nature, widely regarded as the two most prestigious scientific journals.
They found evidence to back the original conclusions in 13 of the 21 (62%) studies. But, on average, the sizes of the effects recorded were about 75% as big in the replication studies, despite these using sample sizes that were on average five times as big.
And I assume even the ones which replicate does not mean they were well designed or their conclusions interpreted correctly…
This shit goes away pronto once you pull no-strings-attached grants for science from governments, so people have more skin in the game.
But, on average, the sizes of the effects recorded were about 75% as big in the replication studies, despite these using sample sizes that were on average five times as big.
Or perhaps because the sample sizes were on average five times as big.
As soon as I see the word “social” in combination with study, science, or facts, I know I am about to be lied to.
“62% of the time we were 75% correct. Almost batting 500. What’s the problem?”
A reputable new source would link to the original journal article it is lazily cribbing from.
I think anyone who didn’t know this doesn’t understand statistics or econometrics, i.e. they fucking love science. No one study proves anything and no number generated from a regression should be taken literally. All studies should be run multiple times and updated accordingly. I’m going to stop here before I start to rant.
Curious George would have been so much more interesting if he acted like a real chimpanzee and hurled his feces at people during some of his antics.
Furious George?
The first Curious George book is pretty epic. The Man in the Yellow Hat kidnaps him forcefully. After he comes to terms with his captivity, he sits down with a nice pipe to smoke after dinner.
Erm, is that pipe smoking comment some sort of euphemism?
There is something kind of awesome about some aspects of a past era.
George has a drug problem.
How come that story doesn’t end with George waking up and his ass hurting and being covered in Vaseline like all those knockout jokes go?
Don’t forget the $11 in wadded-up singles stuffed in his pockets.
The World’s First Beer Hotel — With In-room Taps and Shower Mini-bars — Is Finally Opening
Perhaps your species may be approaching peak craft beer
Maybe, but its an asymptote, not a parabola.
Also, the key is when it stops being craft beer and just becomes beer.
Maybe its a scale thing, but Holy Grale in Louisville has a Bed and Breakfast. I don’t know if they ended up doing the taps in the room or not, probably not, knowing KY alcohol laws. But, its still a “hotel” attached to a beer garden and bar.
The girlfriend and I were just down at BrewDog. The hotel looks nice, the biggest issues are it’s about 20 minutes outside of Columbus, and there’s not much else out in that area. I backed the hotel (at a discount as a share holder), to get a weekend stay. I think we’re currently planning on taking advantage of that some time in December. The other part that was left out of that was they also put in a big sour program down there based off of one they’re running in Scotland as BrewDog Overworks. I got to sample some of those beers, and they were really good.
And they may just be the first to be an actual part of the brewery, because the Dogfish Inn has been around for a couple of years now.
You need to drink there because it’s in the middle of nowhere. (Canal Winchester, Ohio)
Thieves in Paraguay have stolen 42 powerful rifles from the police armoury.
During an inspection, officers found that the FN FAL battle rifles had been replaced with wooden and plastic replicas.
The inspection had been ordered after the rifles started appearing a year ago on the black market, where they can fetch up to $10,000 (£7,785).
*Looks around for Eric Holder*
As a gunless Romanian, are FN FAL any good? Can you buy one in the US? How can Belgians of all people make guns?
Variants of the FAL have been used by damn near every military in Europe and South America. Semi-auto variants are available in the US.
French crap.
Belgians are not French. Belgians eat mussels.. French eat frogs
I thought the French ate Snails.
So many invertibrates.
Also snail. I had snail with butter in Dijon with a nice Chablis. Not bad. Followed by Boeuf Bourguignon with a glass of the local Pinot Noir. And a cheese palate with another glass of red. Overall not bad
Indeed.. and well accompanied.
Real men eat bacon.
Belgians are made fun of by the French and the Dutch, because they are stupid on both counts.
At least the Belgians know how to make good beer.
I would love to own one some day. Iirc Lachowsky owns one.
decent for it’s day (the 1950’s) but nothing special anymore.
overpowered for a combat rifle, but not enough mechanical accuracy to make into a DMR, weird operating system too
I remember it for being the same rifle used on both sides in the Falklands war.
I would think a stickler for detail such as yourself would note the fundamental difference between the L1A1 SLR and the proper FN FAL, the lack of a selector switch on the former
*waves dismissively* yes I know the brits were using the semi-auto variant. But I don’t give a crap.
FN-FALs share a similar problem with the 1911A1 – they’re a platform rather than a gun. There are a whole bunch of outfits making FALs and clones, and the build quality can vary widely from manufacturer to manufacturer.
They’re also old, fairly heavy, they have terrible iron sights, and they’re kind of a pain in the ass to work on compared to a modern rifle.
That said, if you get a good one, the FAL is an absolute joy to shoot. A shorty L1A1 with an old Singlepoint reflex sight, circa Ian Yule’s character in The Wild Geese, is one of my dream rifles.
“Rubber ducky, you’re the one
You make range time so much fun”
Right arm of the free world.
From the story about alleged mating of an undersized mammal
“LeColst developed a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl and it continued until she turned 15 in 2005”
Hmmmm, there is math here and it is relevant to the story
What sort of “relationship” do you develop with a kid?
Well I was more curious about the 13 year delay in allegations…
There are no perfect victims, shitlord. Or very punctual ones.
A two-year one, apparently
They are starving and that is why the baby Orca died. Got it.
From the link about the Orca in that story:
Forget it, he’s rolling.
Could I bring up the fact that the Wisconsin DNR (WISCONSIN FOR DOGS SAKE) has managed to build a giant king salmon fishery in Lake Michigan entirely through stocking them.
I’m sure Washington/Oregon and British Columbia could boost salmon numbers through a similar stocking program if they wanted. Or maybe the problem is that the bait fish salmon feed on are way low, so the salmon can’t feed?
If it is a problem with the bait fish, eating salmon would be the best thing you could do. Reduce the salmon temporarily so the bait fish can rebound. The bait fish in Lake Michigan collapsed at one point because the WDNR overstocked salmon to get as much fishing $$ as they could. For a few years (late 80’s?) salmon fishing was tough.
The WDNR restricted salmon stocking by a lot for a few years and the bait fish are back. Now they have a more balanced take.
Salmon also have a 4 year life cycle so not eating fish now only impacts a few generations of salmon at best.
The big problem is mostly salmon habitat in fresh water (and access to that). Running hatchery program can inflate the numbers for a time, but it becomes a mostly open water fish pond (chokes out native subspecies, lack of diversity, disease transmission, etc.) at a large cost.
Even though I disagree with the author’s apparent philosophy (and much of the modern conservation approach), I do recommend Jim Lichatowich’s Salmon without Rivers.
Totally agree. Wisconsin has gotten pretty good about finding the balance between salmon levels for the fisherman and the native species.
We’ve had some interesting conversations with game wardens over there about the stocking programs. The charter captains are some of the biggest supporters of the limited stocking. The ones who were around for the crashes remember how bad it was and don’t want that again.
The ones who bitch about it the most are the ones who travel there from Iowa and want to fill up a cooler of fish no matter what. (To be fair, this same type of person will also bitch about the weather if it rains while they are there so they aren’t the best people to listen to).
I’ll have to check that book out.
OK, a bit of an OT rant. I went to Amazon to look for the book Salmon without Rivers that Gus recommended and what do I see?
Hardcover: 3.29
Paperback: 5.55
Kindle: 16.99
FUCK. I don’t want a real book. I love my Kindle, but how can authors/publishers be so silly as to keep their prices that high? Why not take advantage of the long tail to try to get a few more sales for this book that was written in 2001?
I know there are writers amongst the rest of you cretins. I’d love to know who can be blamed for this? Author? Publisher? Amazon?
If you look, those physical copies are secondhand. Even those that are ‘New’ were sitting around in someone’s inventory and they dropped the prices to clear them.
The eBook price is set between the publisher and Amazon. There is no secondhand market involved, and no inventory clearance pressure to lower price.
I get that there is no inventory pressure with an e-book, but the flip side is that there is also no cost to sell that e-book (no delivery, storage or other costs).
Is it just the fact that the publisher doesn’t go back through their catalog and adjust prices accordingly?I’d think some intern could go through the back catalog for shit like this and say, “why don’t we change the price to $5.00?”.
My dark horse suspicion is that this book might still be getting assigned as reading for some college courses. That would explain why the price is still high. (If I was a student assigned this, I’d totally fork over the extra money for the convenience of not having to lug it around as well as being able to use x-ray to see other people’s notes.)
I’m not convinced that the publishers actually understand the eBook market. They’re used to setting one price when they go to print, then never having to worry about it again unless they do another printing. So they may not even have anyone reviewing the back catalog to see where they could squeeze a few dollars more out of the titles by adjusting the ebook prices.
If publishers understood their market, they’d have a universal subscription service full of people not reading a book and paying a monthly fee to do so.
If they understood human psychology, a yearly subscription to the service would include a $4 canvas grocery bag with their logo (and date!) on it so all the non-reading paying customers could conspicuously show off how they are the kind of people that value reading.
Your suspicions are correct Your Holiness. I read it as part of a fisheries & wildlife class.
I find Conservation studies to be pretty depressing. My summarization: despite millions (and probably billions) thrown at it, there are very little success stories to show for it. A lot of supposed mitigation or fixes don’t work, other than widespread abadonment of natural resources (and even then, may not fix it). Lots of hubris that we can understand and control complex biological systems (in the same vein as hubristic assumptions of being able to figure out and run economic systems for specific desired outcomes), including just letting letting the chips fall where they may and deliberately kill off more or less some species.
Yeah, that’s a real pisser, and not at all uncommon.
I’m pretty sure it’s not Amazon, they basically lost a contract negotiation showdown with all the major publishers in 2014/2015 which allowed the publishers to control the prices.
ESPN does not know what a sports network is
Tiger Woods is asked something stupid about the president and gives a nonpartisan answer. That just can’t be allowed.
“It really bothers me. I’m angry at what Tiger Woods said, because it is a thoughtless statement dressed up as a thoughtful statement, and it either holds in contempt the intelligence of people who hear it, or else it’s just a stupid thing to say,” said Kellerman. The co-host argued that “having respect for the office means, principally, in my view, is the officer-holder should have respect for the office.”
“Well, we all know that,” agreed Smith.
“Tiger Woods is … being slick,” continued an upset Kellerman, adding, “I don’t even know if he believes that’s what he’s saying.”
“Well, first of all, we don’t know what Tiger Woods believes. He’s Cablinasian. He’s not black,” responded Smith. “When he got arrested, he was black. He was listed black on the report.”
Who’s racist again?
ESPN is hemmoraging subscribers and they can’t seem to learn. I want my sports news to be about grown men throwing a ball around, not the damn president.
But they want to ride that socials justice bandwagon and prove their wokeness creds!
Really sad. As a kid I woke up every morning and watched SportsCenter. Now I won’t even touch the channel except for the rare occasion my team is playing on one of the ESPN’s.
My 17 year old no longer watches SportsCenter before school. When he was in Jr. High, that was what he did during breakfast. He was a walking sports encyclopedia, but now he is as bad as I am at knowing who the hell we are watching.
Same here. I watch the MLB network summer mornings I’m home. Much better coverage, no politics, and no soccer.
With us or agin us.
So, let’s understand that, Tiger Woods, that’s the issue the African-American community has always had, because, obviously from a historical perspective, if one-third of you has a darker hue, a darker pigmentation, the bottom line is you are black and it is that simple. … So, what I’m saying to you is, clearly, you are perceived as being a black man and even though you didn’t want to disassociate yourself from your mother’s ethnicity, who is Tai I believe, the bottom line is, that’s the reason why he took that position. But black Americans haven’t respected that from Tiger for quite some time. They haven’t heard him speak on a plethora of issues pertaining to having a social consciousness on many, many occasions.
Tiger is supposed to play golf, not bloviate about politics.
Our media is ran by a bunch of toddlers. How pathetic.
I just heard that on the radio.
Holy shit what a shithead!
To the best of my recollection. Father was black with native american ancestry. Mother is/was dutch and thai.
Tiger used to say he was caucasian, black, indian, and asian. So Cablinasian.
Hold on while I recalibrate my racial identity giveashitometer…
“…Smith claimed that Woods doesn’t identify himself as black, to the disapproval of the African-American community, ”
Poor wittle little black community all upset a golfer don’t identify with them.
Jesus Christ. What the fuck?
Woods doesn’t their fucken ‘approval’ asshole.
He dared to not let them restrict him to the plantation…
‘doesn’t identify’
‘doesn’t need their’
Boy, I so remember when Tiger was unstoppable how the black community shunned him. No matter how much he begged everyone to ignore his Thai mother and let him in the black club, no one would let him in. You never saw any articles about how Tiger – a black man – was the greatest golfer ever.
When Tiger started playing as a pro, he was pretty consistent about talking about being mixed race.
Once Nike started handing over the boatloads of cash and pitching him as the greatest black golfer ever, Tiger stopped talking about his race and let his silence do the talking.
Seriously, how is ESPN still in business?
If they’re included in your cable bundle, you’re giving them money, even if you never tune in. It’s how CNN hasn’t gone under yet either.
I’m watching the US Open all day, every court covered. It’s real easy to avoid their politics – just don’t watch the “news” shows. It also helps to have zero interest in baseball, football, or basketball.
UCS, I suppose so. I would have thought the effect might be the reverse of that: I assume a whole lot of people only pay for their cable bundle to get ESPN, so I would have expected a mass departure of ESPN viewers to have knock-on effect on cable revenues. But, it’s not like I can be arsed to get any data.
I assumed CNN is kept afloat because half of the country is getting exactly what they want from it.
Come on Tiger, wear the ribbon!
Singer claims he was drugged and raped in 2010 by classical music power couple
Not important because he doesn’t identify as a tranny?
“Well, we all know that,” agreed Smith.
Sit down, Shirley. I’ve got some bad news for you.
The Challenge of Reforming Nutritional Epidemiologic Research
In recent updated meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies, almost all foods revealed statistically significant associations with mortality risk.1 Substantial deficiencies of key nutrients (eg, vitamins), extreme overconsumption of food, and obesity from excessive calories may indeed increase mortality risk. However, can small intake differences of specific nutrients, foods, or diet patterns with similar calories causally, markedly, and almost ubiquitously affect survival?
Assuming the meta-analyzed evidence from cohort studies represents life span–long causal associations, for a baseline life expectancy of 80 years, eating 12 hazelnuts daily (1 oz) would prolong life by 12 years (ie, 1 year per hazelnut),1 drinking 3 cups of coffee daily would achieve a similar gain of 12 extra years,2 and eating a single mandarin orange daily (80 g) would add 5 years of life.1 Conversely, consuming 1 egg daily would reduce life expectancy by 6 years, and eating 2 slices of bacon (30 g) daily would shorten life by a decade, an effect worse than smoking.1 Could these results possibly be true?
Could these results possibly be true?
No. Epidemiological studies are mostly garbage and not able to test causation. Next question.
Did you Glibs discuss this jewel, yet?
“NYCHA workers transformed a Bronx housing project into their own personal sex club — engaging in wild, boozy orgies inside offices, the groundskeepers shop and even empty apartments, sources said Monday.
“[It happened on] overtime, during working hours, after working hours, any day or any time of the day,” said Throggs Neck Houses Tenant Association President Monique Johnson. “I now understand why work wasn’t getting done.”
Things got so bad earlier this month that NYCHA had to transfer the entire complex staff — roughly 40 people — to another location as a result of the romps.”
Now that is what one would call a serious government benefit..
>>“I now understand why work wasn’t getting done.”
And who could tell the difference?
Things weren’t going to shit as fast as usual, and people were starting to notice.
Round here there was this joke: why aren’t government employees having sex on the job? Because they are all related
that NYCHA had to transfer the entire complex staff – what’s wrong with firing?
Government employees brah. Can’t fire them unless they are Trump supporters…
It’s not a joke. The proportion of state Employees in New York who have relatives who are also state employees (or retirees) is pretty high.
OMG, they got transferred. Who says government employees aren’t held accountable?
Does this sort of circular logic not seriously make the case to do away with FISA warrants?
The fact that we even fucking have secret courts with secret interpretation s is just yet another piece if evidence that the Constitution is dead.
You don’t remember the star chamber clause in the constitution?
Oh yeah…. It is right before the Fuck You, That’s why clause
It not only makes the case to scrap the FISA court, but makes the case that anything that came out of illegal warrants needs to be chucked and the prosecutors pursuing cases obtained through illegal actions should be in front of grand juries themselves.
I think the judges should also be held accountable for not taking their job more seriously..
So in the dystopia that is the American Empire, tech companies can openly collude to fix elections.
I wish we didn’t have Benny Hill playing yakity sax as the Empire’s Attorney General
Fuck yeah, Schmidty!
Meet the world’s smartest drug dealer
Interesting collection of weapons he’s got there.
That is weird.
The other day, i saw an Atlantic story (by noted retard Annie Lowery) concern trolling the dopers. I tried to find it again, but could not. Maybe it was so stupid they took it down.
tl;dr: [Modern] Dope is so addictive and debilitating we cannot allow it to be legalized without federal regulation on a massive scale. take that, hippies!
Do you mean weed or meth? An old man like me dope = weed. For the whippersnappers, dope = meth.
I thought dope is heroin.
Wait, I’m thinking smack.
But I’ve never heard meth called dope.
Dope was heroin way back in the day. It’s how Joe Friday referred to it (marijuana was just marijuana or “tea”)
yeah, hence “dope fiends”
noone’s a fiend for weed…
The constant smokers I’ve known are more like pot slouchers.
Wait, wait, pot pooches.
Vanesa Campos: Five charged with murdering Paris transgender prostitute
No names? Gee, I wonder why.
If you really want to see someone shred the piano. Here’s a music link for you.
Definitely watch until the 2:30 mark.
I love ragtime.
Apparently that Bishop will not be moving into the house:
San Jose Bishop Says He Won’t Live In $2.3M Home Bought By Diocese
“I failed to consider adequately the housing crisis in this valley and the struggles of so many families and communities in light of that crisis,” the bishop’s statement read. “I have heard from many on this topic and I have decided I will not move into this house.”
He really wanted to though.
“Was that wrong? Should I have not done that?”
So what you’re sying is “Bishop doesn’t take Castle”?
You are a king of comedy.
It’s not that black and white.
Do you mean weed or meth?
Marijuana. For recreational use. By civilians, with no government supervision. It’s a horrifying thought.
Oic…. Ty
I don’t get it.
Not sure if serious, but it’s in response to all the fawning over John McCain. Just a joke using the same logic used in his memorials.
I’m not being serious. I understood the context of the twit.
I do.
Ya I assumed a joke. The tweeter is actually a lefty, props at least for not being a hypocrite. The comments are full of gold.
It’s a bold strategy Cotton, lets see how it works for her:
She fatally shot an unarmed black man. Now she’s teaching other cops how to ‘survive’ such incidents.
She “survived” shooting an unarmed man.
So hero. Much brave.
She got away with murder and now she gets to teach other cops how to do that. Apparently it’s working out pretty well for her.
She’s got this one weird trick!
Next of kin *hate* it!
Seems like the cops are already very adept at getting away with shooting unarmed citizens. I fail to understand why they need additional training.
She’s training them how to deal with the public aftermath, like having to pay for that round of drinks with your fellow cops or trying not to laugh with the prosecutor and judge during the “trial” or how to instruct your fellow cops where to sit in the gallery and stare at the jury so they come up with the correct verdict.
Fun day yesterday. Wife went to pick up kid early from school, went into the office, felt lightheaded and passed out. Woke up fairly quick, school called ambulance (something something we need socialized healthcare because that bill isn’t going to be fun), went to ER, where they found absolutely nothing that would explain it (except her electrolytes and potassium being low). So now we’ve got more doctor appointments to try and figure out WTF is wrong.
And I’m supposed to be away all this weekend at a conference. Joy.
That sucks. How’s her blood pressure?
Her BP was fine. Her heart rate was fine. EKG was fine.
Damn that sucks. Murphy’s Law never fails, does it?
Make sure they check her thyroid
They are. She’s hypothyroid and has been on thyroid meds since I’ve known her (22 years now).
Good. My wife had a similar episode a month-ish ago and we learned that she was hypothyroid. Hopefully they just need to adjust your wife’s Thorazine (or whatever) dosage.
Same thing happened to my mom – at age 75 though – and no amount of tests could find anything. She was put on some anti-seizure medication which, to put it frankly, made her nuts. She got so tired of feeling awful all the time that she stopped taking the medication. The doctors never found an answer except for “possible dehydration”.
My brother passed out when he was 14, just standing around and plop. We discovered that he had replaced all vegetables in his diet with Swiss Cake Rolls. So you should check for that.
Sorry 🙁
It’s the sort of thing that’s scary with how hard it is to track down why.
Both my SO and her daughter have something similar. Feeling fine, then out of the blue, feel dizzy, hot and then pass out. First time it happened to her, we were at a restaurant. Everyone must have assumed she was drunk. Numerous doctor visits, cardiologists, and a host of other folks. Finally diagnosed as POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).
Hope she can track it down!
So I’ve mentioned before I’m a huge fan of old radio dramas. Was listening to one from the early 50s, and there was a public service commercial. Talked about how Americans should fight against all forms of prejudice (specifically “Christian against Jew, “white neighbor against colored neighbor” and “native born against foreign born”) … because that’s how the communists want us to act. The Commies want us all to fight each other (“so we will be weak and easily overcome”), so we need to remain allied.
This brings two thoughts to mind:
1. What would be the reaction if we ran the same commercial today? Modernize the language but keep the “We need to not be prejudiced against each other because that’s what the communists want”.
2. How it fits in with the modern-day left trying to re-segregate every small gender/racial/religious/national group.
The American Left is just picking up where the Soviets left off. Manufacturing strife among all the US’s disparate groups was a key part of their plan to take it down. It’s quite sad that the Soviet strategies to destroy the US outlived the Soviet Union itself.
was it Kellogg’s PEP! Superman by chance? that’s the only one I can think of (besides old AFRS broadcasts of other shows – but they were basically propaganda though)
It was an American broadcast of a show called “Tales of the Texas Rangers”.
I love that one.
could you seriously imagine “I was a Communist for the FBI” being broadcast today? or any time in the past 40 years?
IIRC, that show (and a similar TV show) was half parody done by writers who’d been blackballed by McCarthy.
Superman telling us that Jews are ok, black children are ok, and shooting a rifle to win NRA badges is ok.
Racists aren’t going to listen to an illegal alien.
Immigrant farm hand able to do the work of dozens of men for no pay by the time he’s twelve. Big city intelligentsia type with Semitic features, working in news publishing and dating a gentile. Major villain is a military leader concerned with racial purity and wears a double-breasted jacket with spit-shine boots.
He’s like an alt-right nightmare.
He also once turned Lois Lane into a black woman.
If you have a cover showing how he turns some frogs gay, that would put a nice bow on this thread.
Gay is Batman’s beat.
I just noticed that Superman is checking out black Lois’s ass.
Jungle fever.
Nothing wrong with that gents…
Clearly just dog whistles for a call to action of the pure white race to destroy all impure beings and race traitors.
Titty Tuesday.
Wow, 26 is scary in that picture. Why did she (or whoever) send it in?
Absolutely shitty day made better. Thanks Q.
Shitty day becomes titty day!
Imma interrupt your blonde misadventures with some brunette
“Don’t forget what happened to Wendy Davis”
Yep – hyped up in the news, trounced in the election. I seriously doubt that a guy who has to run to Commiefornia to fundraise can really win this race.
“Video footage has sparked more conspiracy theories that Melania Trump has a body double .
During her trip with her husband President Donald Trump to Columbus, Ohio, on August 24, FLOTUS’s clothes and hair were the center of attention for the most bizarre reason.
The 48-year-old donned a monochrome ensemble including a polka dot blouse and sunglasses.
But people on social media who believe the theories suggested her alleged stand-in couldn’t get the outfit right.”
Is that… is that news? That the president and first lady have doubles that they use sometimes? I thought that was common knowledge.
Everyone knows that members of the Illuminati have clones from which they harvest organs from to extend their lives.
I’m beginning to sound like a broken record here: would, but enough with the butt injections.
I blame Kim Kardashian for making fashionable the enormous, bulbous, fat ass. It looks comical and disproportionate.
Dam thicc, cuz.
Everyone in this story looks ridiculous.
It’s an entire culture of mentally fucked up people. What do you expect?
“Get outta my spotlight, bitch.”
It’s just weirdos all the way down. The dude is the most normal of the bunch. I don’t know, shit like that was edgy and dangerous and fun when I was fuckin’ 14 years old and hated my dad and stuff, but ever since I’ve had to pay bills and buy groceries and stuff I’ve got no time for that nonsense.
Well, you had the misfortune of not fucking an Italian model and bilking her for a $380,000 dollar payout years later, so you had to be a normal human being like the rest of us.
Definitely would have when I was 17, but Argento is a soft 6. Would NOT.
McGowan is significantly more attractive, but the massive amount of crazy radiation drops her at least 2 integers.
That, and McGowan has lost a lot off her fastball. Younger RMG, no question, crazy and all.
She’ll always be Amy Blue to me.
Okay, this has annoyed me for a while. Every so often, desktop support will reboot my work computer without my permission. When I log back in, Windows will remember that I had IE, Word and Excel open, and start those applications – but it won’t restore my browsing session or open the documents I’d been referencing. So all it reall does is slow down the boot process by logjamming the undersized lowest-bidder processor until these programs start and I close them out again. Why did microsoft think it was of any use to restart the programs when it didn’t remember the content – which is all that really matters?
You know the answer. Microsoft’s user experience team was replaced with an overtaxes pseudo random number generator in 1991, and all UE functionality has been procedural generated since then.
Out of curiosity: compared to who? MS’s UE isn’t perfect, but it is ahead of about 90% of the other shit I use, both consumer and corporate. The stuff that your average computer-illiterate dumbass can accomplish in MS Office is a pretty strong testament.
The Ribbon is so unusable that it makes any process involing office take two to three times as long. I had to switch ot Libreoffice to get a halfway decent UI back. (Though work standard dictates that I keep seeing the mess they made of it). Office products were pretty much done decades ago, and all the incessant fiddling manages to do is introduce errors and issues.
Oh yeah, forgot about the ribbon… that is just bad.
Who? Who doesn’t want to use the ribbon?
I don’t necessarily mean bad. I mean weird. I dare you to give a rational explanation for all of Visio’s behavior compared to sketchup, illustrator, or various CAD packages that do similar stuff.
*sigh* you just reminded me of how much time I spend fighting the damn connector tool just to get the lines to come out of the side of the object I want them to so that the flows are easy to follow with the eye.
Are you running a cleaning utility that deletes your browsing history on exit?
On my newer PC, it restores the pages I was looking at. If I install CCleaner, it most definitely will not.
Not with IE, which is used only for opening work applications (like our ticketing system). On Firefox (where I do my external browsing) I do, but I’m not griping about that (nor does Windows start firefox back up after murdering it on reboot)
To piss you off?
No serious organization should anything but Linux.
Windows = you’re a dinosaur ponderously ambling toward extinction (you work for gov’t, so checks out).
Mac = you work in some Millennial snowflake factory startup with a ball pit that will soon be in Chapter 11.
should use*
No serious organization should use Linux.
Solaris on Sparc or GTFO.
You misspelled SunOS. SysV can rot in hell.
I’m happy for you, but I don’t feel like employing a full time IT guy to keep up with that Linux shit.
Sooner or later you’re going to need a full-time IT person for something.
Not anytime soon if I can help it
And when you get to that point, make sure you hire some snot-nosed punk-ass bitch with a chip on his shoulder who will constantly explain to you that the system they created is beautiful and it’s not their fault your employees are too dumb to use it.
(No reflection on UCS)
I don’t deal with End Users anymore. I just try to keep things running. It’s ‘Ave Machina’ and chants to the Omnissiah most days.
Except that there are still Enterprise applications that only officially support IE (looks at the entire suite of Cisco phone tools).
I’m also one of those curmudgeons who prefers an actual application then trying to run everything through a web browser.
If they’re force-rebooting your machine without reasonable notice, then the message is pretty clear: your output is irrelevant. So what’s a few more minutes added to the reboot? Don’t you have some kind of mandated 30 minute union break after each reboot?
The reboots happen after standard working hours. they give no notice because “Nobody’s supposed to be working then.” Which is exactly why I have to do my work during those times.
Ahh, I see.
In my office they actually shut the fucking lights off at 7pm. “Fuck your productivity, out you go.”
Last three buildings I’ve worked in have had motion sensor lighting. So if someone isn’t wandering the halls every 15-20 minutes, the lights go off.
That is one thing I miss about my old job, I prefer natural lighting or the glow of a monitor, no need for bright florescents above me. The lights above my desk burned out, and I was able to convince the person doing building maintenance that it was fine. So I had a high-walled cubicle that was nice and dark.
I used to have that in my office. The sensor was behind the door so whenever i left the door open (which is pretty much always) the light would go out after 10 minutes or so. After about 2 years, I finally made them put in a regular light switch.
The best one is the motion sensor in the bathroom, which appears to be set for about 30 seconds. You can’t sit still on the toilet for very long or else it goes dark on you. And then you have to flush three times because it’s low flow.
Just be happy you’re doing your part, citizen.
PowerPoint is an absolute shitastic monstrosity from a UE perspective.
From any perspective really.
“South Africa: You have the support of Britain on land reform – Theresa May
Britain supports South Africa’s land reform program provided it is carried out legally, Prime Minister Theresa May said in Cape Town on Tuesday, adding that she would discuss the issue with President Cyril Ramaphosa.
“The UK has for some time now supported land reform. Land reform that is legal, that is transparent, that is generated through a democratic process,” May told newsmen.”
“Of course it’s legal – we just re-wrote the constitution to say we could take everything without recompense.”
Wokeness kills.
“Stormy Daniels Isn’t Backing Down
Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels, photographed in New York. Zac Posen dress. Tiffany & Co. earrings.
Photographed by Annie Leibovitz, Vogue, October 2018”
Needz moar explicit sex.
The official photographer for self-important assholes everywhere? Particularly self-important assholes from New York.
They’re really working overtime to make these people cultural heroes.
Once they fall off the radar there will be an Avenatti/Daniels porn to try and stay relevant. Mark. My. Words.
Not really news, but the chart of what Sharyl Attkinson thinks is Left vs. Right I think is interesting.
Good luck buzzfeed. PS, your core audience thinks everything should be free.
significantly less bad than many of these things I saw
I find it increasingly hilarious the hyperbole of these people.
The constant “Handmaiden’s Tale” bullshit is absolute comedy gold. Especially since they’re so desperate to dump Trump (who is about the least SoCon Republican you could hope for) in lieu of Pence (who is a massive SoCon). Not that President Pence would cause the Handmaiden’s Tale to become reality either, but he’s a lot closer than Trump.
It’s the most remarkable part of this whole shitshow.
I always say that they have to make a movie about the US becoming a religious totalitarian dictatorship because it’s so far from reality, but nobody’s needs to make movies about countries that adopt Socialist policies and then suffer catastrophic economic collapse, for instance…
I think of Socialism as a religion.
Wikipedia is not a serious source for any kind of political/controversial information and relying on it as such reveals you as a clown.
That’s not what I read on wikipedia.
Try infogalatic com
“A Brown University Researcher Released A Study About Teens Imitating Their Peers By Turning Trans. The Left Went Insane. So Brown Caved.”
Here is the study:
“Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports”
It’s like Camille Paglia said, trans is just the new, cool rebellious thing for teens to do. It’s the new punk or grunge for wokified snowflakes. The difference is that before they grow out of it, they could do irreversible damage to their bodies; which is why I’m extremely skeptical of any kind of medical “treatment” (aside from psychiatric treatment) for gender dysphoria for minors.
“I’m extremely skeptical of any kind of medical “treatment” (aside from psychiatric treatment) for gender dysphoria for minors.”
So am I, partly because it’s extremely difficult to diagnose at that age, and partly because kids are much more susceptible to pressure from peers, parents, propaganda, etc.
“The very scary reality of this is the study openly admitted it wasn’t conclusive of anything more than there are patterns that warrant more investigation. The fact that studying something is now verboten should be worrisome to everyone.”
Do you want more Lysenkoism? This is how you get more Lysenkoism.
Well, I could only agree with that if you stipulate that the Lysenkoism features in the parents are a product of genetic change caused by environmental factors, and not innate and immutable.
Not sure if serious but environment definitely has epigenetic effects and spontaneous mutation can change genetics.
Lysenko posited that things could actually change species on short time scales (~decades) based on environment.
Look man, its really, really hard to make a joke about how stupid Lysenko’s theories are without walking into epigentics and still tie it to the previous comment so it doesn’t look like a comment from left field thus revealing that I’m just trying to show off that I have a vague knowledge of what Lysenko actually thought.
Ah. Understood. For you.
Fun fact. There is a lake in Africa which shifts between one ans multiple bodies of water depending on the water level. Extended periods of drought leave the fish populations separated from each other, and scientists have observed that after the water levels rise, the populations are no longer able to interbreed. The changing water levels keep slicing the fish populations into multiple species that keep diverging from each other. Technically, this means they have changed species in short time scales, but do so with a seriously tiny population.
“That’s when we get to tell you what science is, right? Yes, we want more of that.”
Relevant to this comment and comment 60.
Notice how there isn’t a single example of Left-wing pseudoscience (for which there is a mountain of examples). They juxtapose the Soviet Union with W. and Trump. No mention of any Obama initiatives.
I got some free time.
Who is that on the t-shirt?
Cosby, of course.
“Records: Jacksonville shooting suspect hospitalized for mental illness: “… as a teenager he was twice hospitalized in psychiatric facilities and that he was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications.””
“Additionally, ATF says murderer “legally purchased.” So MD gave him qualification license, even after he was twice institutionalized for mental illness and on anti-psychotics? Did they also issue him a hard-to-get CHL?”
Oh its going to be like that huh?
If gunz didn’t exist, he would have been a perfect angel feeding starving African war orphans.
Has it been reported how he acquired his weapon? Direct purchase from an FFL? Straw purchase? Stolen from a relative? Something else?
Canada Glibs rejoice! Your prayers have been answered.
Isn’t prostitution legal in Canada?
“Rock bottom” is when you visit a sex-doll brothel located in a strip mall.
I wasn’t really interested until you put it that way.
…and you have to use a condom to protect yourself from the spunk of the previous user.
There’s long been known a statistical correlation between marijuana and schizophrenia, this study doesn’t do much beyond “people with a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia are more likely to be risk takers and substance users.”
Determining causation is *incredibly* difficult and this study does nothing of the sort.
This doesn’t even get past the almost-but-not-quite-null-hypothesis that people with similar mental functions tend to self-medicate with similar drugs in similar ways.
*glances as my stack of empty Diet Dr Pepper cans and thinks about ADHD…*
1 in 7 ADMIT to using it. Predictably, the article concludes that we need MOAR REGYOOLASHUN.