Brett requested the afternoon off. So I have the links and I must say, CNN’s Spanish site is ridiculously buggy. You know when you go to your local paper’s site and that annoying pop-up begging asking you to support “Journalism”? It’s that for every freaking link.

Still not Mexican.

Before I begin, I am nauseated by Ted Cruz as much as the next guy, but this… Beto O’Rourke arrested in 1990s for burglary and DWI It’s only funny because that whole, “I don’t think this is going to go over well with voters…in Texas,” thing keeps coming up with this guy.

This NAFTA deal has likely been discussed elsewhere but here’s the Spanish version.

Luego de trece meses de conversaciones, Estados Unidos y México sentaron las bases para un acuerdo bilateral de libre comercio. El pacto entre estos dos países resuelve un obstáculo clave para reanudar las negociaciones con Canadá en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Los presidentes Donald Trump y Enrique Peña Nieto elogiaron los términos del acuerdo, que durará 16 años y se revisará dentro de seis. Ione Molinares tiene las reacciones desde la capital estadounidense


After thirteen months of talks, the United States and Mexico laid the groundwork for a bilateral free trade agreement. The pact between these two countries resolves a key obstacle to resuming negotiations with Canada under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Presidents Donald Trump and Enrique Peña Nieto praised the terms of the agreement, which will last 16 years and be reviewed within six. Ione Molinares has the reactions from the American capital.

Maybe Trudeau will come around after being insulted by both the US and Mexico? In other news, a 10 foot long squid found washed ashore in Oreogone. No word on the whereabouts of SEA SMITH.

I will point out this is in *Shudders* Argentina and most of us are old enough to remember the rolling blackouts thing. But this puts that into a new perspective.

Con estas palabras, el secretario de Modernización municipal, Marcelo Cossar se sumó a los cruces derivados de un informe que hizo la Policía sobre zonas oscuras en la ciudad, al que bautizó “bocas de lobo”.

“Un foco prendido o un foco apagado no tiene nada que ver con que Córdoba tenga el 25 por ciento de las cocinas de cocaína que hay en el país”, disparó, además, Cossar.

“Somos concientes de que en algunos sectores de la ciudad tenemos un problema de alumbrado y todos los días trabajamos para solucionarlo, pero acá te afanan y te matan a plena luz del día, en cualquier barrio de la ciudad”, cuestionó el funcionario, muy cercano al intendente Ramón Mestre.


[T]he secretary of municipal modernization, Marcelo Cossar joined the crossings derived from a report made by the police about dark areas in the city, which he named “bocas de lobo”.

“A spotlight on or off light does not have anything to do with Córdoba having 25 percent of the cocaine kitchens in the country,” Cossar also fired.

“We are aware that in some sectors of the city we have a lighting problem and every day we work to solve it, but here they work hard and kill you in broad daylight, in any neighborhood of the city,” the official questioned. close to the mayor Ramón Mestre

That’ll work wonders for tourism….

Last but not least, it is primary day here in Arizona. Hopefully, this Arpaio guy doesn’t win, goes back to his hole and stays there….

En esta contienda, el exalguacil del condado Maricopa, Joe Arpaio, enfrenta a dos mujeres: a la favorita de las encuestas, la representante Martha McSally, quien lleva dos periodos en el Capitolio de Washington DC, y a la exsenadora estatal Kelli Ward.

Quien gane la primaria se enfrentará a un demócrata en un desafío más duro de lo tradicional en este estado mayoritariamente conservador, pero en el que los analistas están percibiendo cambios que podrían hacer que el escaño republicano cambie de manos.


In this race, former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio faces two women: the favorite of the polls, Rep. Martha McSally, who has served two terms in the Capitol of Washington DC, and State Senator Kelli Ward.

Whoever wins the primary will face a Democrat in a tougher challenge than traditional in this mostly conservative state, but in which analysts are perceiving changes that could make the Republican seat change hands.

The Democrat in question is Krysten Sinema, who I am neither endorsing nor expect to win. They’ve been saying Arizona demographics will eventually change their congressional delegation since the 1996 when Bill Clinton won the state in the midst of an economic boom. Trump won by 4 points in 2016 despite the population here being 30% Hispanic and likely insulting all of them.  Somehow or another team blue just can’t get over that hump.  Who knows?  I’ll let you decide why.

At any rate here are some tunes.  If you don’t like my music its, cool. I’m under and over it.

Need help converting it to Murican?