Brett requested the afternoon off. So I have the links and I must say, CNN’s Spanish site is ridiculously buggy. You know when you go to your local paper’s site and that annoying pop-up begging asking you to support “Journalism”? It’s that for every freaking link.
Before I begin, I am nauseated by Ted Cruz as much as the next guy, but this… Beto O’Rourke arrested in 1990s for burglary and DWI It’s only funny because that whole, “I don’t think this is going to go over well with voters…in Texas,” thing keeps coming up with this guy.
This NAFTA deal has likely been discussed elsewhere but here’s the Spanish version.
Luego de trece meses de conversaciones, Estados Unidos y México sentaron las bases para un acuerdo bilateral de libre comercio. El pacto entre estos dos países resuelve un obstáculo clave para reanudar las negociaciones con Canadá en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Los presidentes Donald Trump y Enrique Peña Nieto elogiaron los términos del acuerdo, que durará 16 años y se revisará dentro de seis. Ione Molinares tiene las reacciones desde la capital estadounidense
After thirteen months of talks, the United States and Mexico laid the groundwork for a bilateral free trade agreement. The pact between these two countries resolves a key obstacle to resuming negotiations with Canada under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Presidents Donald Trump and Enrique Peña Nieto praised the terms of the agreement, which will last 16 years and be reviewed within six. Ione Molinares has the reactions from the American capital.
Maybe Trudeau will come around after being insulted by both the US and Mexico? In other news, a 10 foot long squid found washed ashore in Oreogone. No word on the whereabouts of SEA SMITH.
I will point out this is in *Shudders* Argentina and most of us are old enough to remember the rolling blackouts thing. But this puts that into a new perspective.
Con estas palabras, el secretario de Modernización municipal, Marcelo Cossar se sumó a los cruces derivados de un informe que hizo la Policía sobre zonas oscuras en la ciudad, al que bautizó “bocas de lobo”.
“Un foco prendido o un foco apagado no tiene nada que ver con que Córdoba tenga el 25 por ciento de las cocinas de cocaína que hay en el país”, disparó, además, Cossar.
“Somos concientes de que en algunos sectores de la ciudad tenemos un problema de alumbrado y todos los días trabajamos para solucionarlo, pero acá te afanan y te matan a plena luz del día, en cualquier barrio de la ciudad”, cuestionó el funcionario, muy cercano al intendente Ramón Mestre.
[T]he secretary of municipal modernization, Marcelo Cossar joined the crossings derived from a report made by the police about dark areas in the city, which he named “bocas de lobo”.
“A spotlight on or off light does not have anything to do with Córdoba having 25 percent of the cocaine kitchens in the country,” Cossar also fired.
“We are aware that in some sectors of the city we have a lighting problem and every day we work to solve it, but here they work hard and kill you in broad daylight, in any neighborhood of the city,” the official questioned. close to the mayor Ramón Mestre
That’ll work wonders for tourism….
Last but not least, it is primary day here in Arizona. Hopefully, this Arpaio guy doesn’t win, goes back to his hole and stays there….
En esta contienda, el exalguacil del condado Maricopa, Joe Arpaio, enfrenta a dos mujeres: a la favorita de las encuestas, la representante Martha McSally, quien lleva dos periodos en el Capitolio de Washington DC, y a la exsenadora estatal Kelli Ward.
Quien gane la primaria se enfrentará a un demócrata en un desafío más duro de lo tradicional en este estado mayoritariamente conservador, pero en el que los analistas están percibiendo cambios que podrían hacer que el escaño republicano cambie de manos.
In this race, former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio faces two women: the favorite of the polls, Rep. Martha McSally, who has served two terms in the Capitol of Washington DC, and State Senator Kelli Ward.
Whoever wins the primary will face a Democrat in a tougher challenge than traditional in this mostly conservative state, but in which analysts are perceiving changes that could make the Republican seat change hands.
The Democrat in question is Krysten Sinema, who I am neither endorsing nor expect to win. They’ve been saying Arizona demographics will eventually change their congressional delegation since the 1996 when Bill Clinton won the state in the midst of an economic boom. Trump won by 4 points in 2016 despite the population here being 30% Hispanic and likely insulting all of them. Somehow or another team blue just can’t get over that hump. Who knows? I’ll let you decide why.
At any rate here are some tunes. If you don’t like my music its, cool. I’m under and over it.
Need help converting it to Murican?
Buenos Tardes!
Ahem. That’s “buenas”.
Oh come on, I barely learned the correct spelling of ‘Vaya con dios.”
Gracias, Ted 😛
¡No problemo!̉
No, it’s boa tarde.
You’re a tard!
Its a carryover from the last thread. My brain is really struggling today….just 1 more hour
I started my job at 4 and finish by 9 AM, Beer thirty!
Sup Tres!
You 2 still don’t have a room?
They actually post this on the bed together.
“They actually post this on the bed together.”
Now I get it, and they’re too busy to reply.
I don’t understand any of the languages used in this post.
I might need to start drinking.
Gute Idee
01010000 01100101 01110010 01101000 01100001 01110000 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100101 01100100?
Jesse did it again. He went back in time…
If I never have to think about that stupid discrete math class I had to take for computer science once upon a woebegotten time, it’ll be too soon.
01000110 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110011 01100101 01101110 01110011 01100101 00101110 00001010 00001010 01000001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100001
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This was a profoundly lame exercise
Get a room you 0010
Rufus? Is that you?
Way to flaunt your endian privilege, Leap.
EBCDIC, ASCII or something exotic?
Ahora toca mi madre-f’in Musica Tema! !
Tuesday T&A.
There’s something uncanny about 86. Are we sure she’s not a robot?
8. She’s welcome to bring along 24 and/or 60 if she wants.
#46, #86
1, 17, and the sexbot 86.
Um, I’m pretty sure 62 is a dude
He’s tucking.
You’re all wrong.
15 and 53, or GTFO.
Some Arizona polling places down, frustrating primary voters
Hey dumbass, if you want to vote in the primary, simply go to the Arizona MVD website, and hit the big REGISTER TO VOTE BUTTON ON THE HOME PAGE. Why is it only the team blue types that have issues with this?
How the hell can they not properly set up polling stations to be open at the start of voting?
This one time, they put the wrong date of the election on Spanish ballots.
Probably lack of funding.
Alternately, it could be Russians.
No they really are that incompetent. See?
Wait…you’re going OT in your own post? I like it!
They don’t pay him Swiss rates.
I understand you people definitely do not read my links.
Don’t feel bad, we don’t ready anybody’s links.
Not even the OT links.
“Some Arizona polling places down, frustrating primary voters”
McCain’s Ghost!
Bogus, man.
“Despair and die!”
Oh, wait, that’s what the ghosts said to Richard III as he was going to war. Never mind.
Lindsey Graham reveals McCain’s last words to him in tearful interview
I’m kidding, I didn’t read what he said.
“We’ll always have Fallujah…”
I picture something like this .
I like to think that when Graham spoke on the phone with McCain, he would secretly dress in drag with wig, pearls, and heels.
I picture Graham as someone who is far too ashamed to be open in his love for his fellow man. McCain was too much of a gentleman to ever take it.
Lindsey came from Central S Ca
Hitchhiked his way to the Beltway
Plucked his eyebrows on the way
Shaved his legs then he was a she…
Hey Lindsey, take a walk on the wild side.
I’m kidding, I didn’t read what he said.
Makes me wonder if that’s real and not just wish fulfilment.
“I will miss your sweet lips caressing my leathery sack”?
“Is This the Stupidest Book Ever Written About Socialism?
The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts and Reason lives up to its ironic title. The freshly published polemic is co-authored by the hosts—Felix Biederman, Matt Christman, Brendan James, Will Menaker and Virgil Texas—of the socialist, satirical podcast Chapo Trap House. The podcast rakes in six figures a month from more than 20,000 Patreon subscribers. It built its following on withering takedowns of insufficiently leftist liberals who serve up “thin, flavorless gruel” in the dying news media.
The book, which aims to expand the reach of “the Chapo Way,” begins with a self-consciously over-the-top sales pitch. By imbibing the authors’ words, “you’ll become an initiate in the Chapo Mindset and take control of the neurons that govern your weak, fragile emotions.” Apparently, we should take our “Ironic Left” cult leaders seriously, but not always literally.
Yet by the end of the book, it’s hard to escape the nagging feeling that Chapo—the podcast and the book—is, at bottom, an actual, unironic infomercial scheme. They make bank by selling you a candy-coated version of socialism, one that may offend real socialists even more than liberal gruel-peddlers like myself.”
This just in…
Phillip Picardi, the 27-year-old chief content officer at Teen Vogue, is leaving Condé Nast. He will be the next editor-in-chief at Out, a magazine centered around LGBTQ culture.
Picardi was 26 when he became the head of Teen Vogue, and launched Them, Condé Nast’s first LGBTQ-focused publication. He is widely known for taking Teen Vogue in a more progressive direction.
“I am super honored to be taking the helm at Out, which is a legacy LGBTQ publication,” Mr. Picardi told The Wall Street Journal, which announced the news. “I’m looking forward to reimagining what Out looks like for the modern queer audience and preparing it for the future.”
I guess if anybody was qualified to teach teenagers about anal sex, it was he.
Who will step in to assume the mantle? Who will carry the Torch of Wokeness for Conde Nast, now?
MLW for Teen Vogue editor!
I can’t even.
It’s a sign of maturity.
I’m going to take a wild guess that Out couldn’t get “more” progressive. Talk about treading water.
Perhaps the parents of teenage girls weren’t real happy about their daughters getting instructions on how to take it up the ass.
Waitaminnit. Teen Vogue actually exists?
Sexually-transmitted diseases surge for the 4th straight year, CDC reports. STEVE SMITH “NO COMMENT”
“There is a shocking increase in STDs in America,” said David Harvey, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors. “We think there is a direct correlation between the increase in the number of STDs,” and the lack of federal funding increases.”
I’m sure lack of funding is he problem. Hey what happened to the billions you were given to prevent ebola from making it’s way to the states?
What they need to do is spend some money on a marketing firm to come up with a better name.
National Coalition of STD Directors? Bah! We’re the People’s Front of STD Directors!
Why? Do you think they are not directing enough STDs into national coalitions?
“Are you going to put a condom on?”
“No baby, I’m going bareback to protest the lack of funding increases for the CDC’s STD research programs.”
“Oh, ok then.”
“Pump your infected love juice into me so you can really stick it to Trump!”
Surprisingly, Teen Vogue can only claim responsibility for two of those years.
I’m assuming the CDC lowered the bar on STD’s, like lowering the bar on sexual assault and rape.
Patient: What’s the diagnosis, doc?
CDC Doc: You have the flu. Have you had sexual intercourse in the last 3 months?
Patient: Yes.
CDC Doc: Then you possibly got the flu from that. We’ll call it an STD just to be on the safe side.
If the baiting of a bunch of scummy shit-heads into dropping their masks is the most satisfying* part of the Trump presidency, the promotion of a a shithouse weasel like Sheriff ** Joe is maybe the most disgusting.
*I can’t say best. Best is starting so many fewer wars than any other president in his place wold have.
**not actually a sheriff.
I love the picture for this post. That brunette is so adorable. And perky
Yes. That is probably my favorite picture of any on the front page.
We need more pictures of topless Mexican women at soccer games.
Q- what do you have?
I like where your mind is.
Can anyone explain to me why I was stupid enough to click on this at work? Anyone?
Only enough blood to think with one head at a time?
Only two or three of them were NSFW.
Hey! What’s with the extra soccer ball?!
The dark-haired brunette is welcome to apply for the position of my adorable soccer girlfriend at her convenience. She’s basically got the gig whenever she wants it, there’s just some paperwork to fill out.
I find the dog picture from the morning links very disturbing.
“Trump’s economic adviser: ‘We’re taking a look’ at whether Google searches should be regulated”
Don’t read the comments.
And don’t read the article, either.
How do you look at yourself in the mirror, Larry? What happened to you, bro?
Google does fuck around with the algarittums, no? Just saying.
From the sounds of it, nobody planned to…
The Googleites aren’t stupid and they had to know thos would be coming with the way they’re fucking around with everything. They want to be regulated, it’s the only conclusion that makes sense.
Does anybody know if the new trade agreement with Mexico is more or less free tradish than what its supposed to be replacing. A curious mind wants to know.
Managed trade is gonna managed trade. It’s no more “free trade” than the existing NAFTA agreement
The repeal of NAFTA and replacement with this deal will make less free and worse off financially.
So I would go with less.
I guess. In the sense that Cuba is less free than Venezuela
Can you assign gradients to a definitive category?
Of course. Getting shot is bad. Period. Full stop. Still, it is worse to get shot in the chest than the stomach, and worse to get shot in the stomach than in the foot.
Merchantilsm is bad. More merchantism is worse than a little less.
Yeah, I don’t know. People only seem to complain about changes to these managed trade deals when it’s beneficial to manufacturing. No one seems to complain about carve outs to the agricultural industry or protections for intellectual property.
I thought ‘gutshot’ was the bad bad thing. it’s a word FFS you don’t see ‘chestshot’ in great westerns and noir literature but ‘gutshot’ is all over the place, there must be a reason.
If tariffs were imposed on China because of intellectual property violations, no one would complain. However, if tariffs are imposed to protect manufacturing there is an endless assortment of complaints
I’m not saying that tariffs are right or that Trump is right in what he’s doing. The US made a concerted effort to giveaway its manufacturing in these deals in order to benefit other industries. Tariffs at this point are counter productive. It’s too late to salvage these industries.
But, I think we should drop the sham of pretending like some people support “freer” trade and others support “mercantile” trade. No one is actually talking about eliminating these agreements and just engaging in complete free trade.
Each side is arguing to the benefit of one industry over another. And that’s kind of why Trump won the Midwest. People aren’t stupid enough to buy that talking point anymore. They have eyes. They see how disproportionately the US reacts to some violations of these agreements and not others
Gut-shots are bad because it is a slow, painful death.
“It takes a long fucking time to die from it! I’m talking days!”
Just Say’n – Ok, let me be more quantitative and less qualitative. A requirement that a car be made 75% in one location is worse than a requirement that a car be made 62.5% in one location. A flat tariff of 20% is worse than a flat usage fee that goes to paying for customs operations. I don’t know how much or what changes this new proposal has in it, but it shouldn’t be too hard to say one is worse than another if we knew what is being proposed.
Hyperbole – Longer to get aid if gutshot in 2018 than shot in the chest. In the wild wild west, where the surgeon got his job because he cuts hair real good, the long slow painful death form gutshot is probably worse.
Getting shot in the leg is no picnic, either.
To Hyperbole re “gutshot”.
In the days prior to penicillin being gutshot was as sure a death as a chestshot.*
Gutshot was extremely more drawn out and painful than a quick death.
* in most cases
Do you have a source that details what will change?
Only some of the information about it has come out, but all the information implies this deal will be more protectionist. For instance, Trump wants more protection for auto markers:
What I’ve read. The changes include: auto companies must manufacture at least 75 percent of the car’s value in North America. It was 62.5 percent previously. They must also use more U.S. steel, aluminum, and auto parts. At least 40 percent to 45 percent of the car must be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour.
Mexico wants greater access to American roads by its trucks.
And Canada is holding out for a “gender equity” provision
It’s 2018. So I can’t tell if this is a joke or a real thing.
It will make those who had maximized their take under the old system mighty unhappy, I guarantee you that.
MLW for Teen Vogue editor!
Parody is dead. What difference, at this point, would it make? Who would even care, much less know, if she were serious?
“China Is Treating Islam Like a Mental Illness
The country is putting Muslims in internment camps—and causing real psychological damage in the process.
One million Muslims are being held right now in Chinese internment camps, according to estimates cited by the UN and U.S. officials. Former inmates—most of whom are Uighurs, a largely Muslim ethnic minority—have told reporters that over the course of an indoctrination process lasting several months, they were forced to renounce Islam, criticize their own Islamic beliefs and those of fellow inmates, and recite Communist Party propaganda songs for hours each day. There are media reports of inmates being forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, which are forbidden to Muslims, as well as reports of torture and death.
The sheer scale of the internment camp system, which according to The Wall Street Journal has doubled in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region just within the last year, is mindboggling. The U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China describes it as “the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today.” Beijing began by targeting Uighur extremists, but now even benign manifestations of Muslim identity—like growing a long beard—can get a Uighur sent to a camp, the Journal noted. Earlier this month, when a UN panel confronted a senior Chinese official about the camps, he said there are “no such things as reeducation centers,” even though government documents refer to the facilities that way. Instead, he claimed they’re just vocational schools for criminals.”
I thought that they were put into reeducation camps because they were Weigers, and that the reeducation was to make them !Weigers, not because they were Islamic and not to make the !Islamic. Anyone actually know?
Also, is Weiger not the preferred nomenclature any more?
That is also my understanding. China’s been oppressing Uighurs for decades. So my take is that it’s more of a Uighur reeducation camp, and the Uighurs just happen to also be Muslim.
They oppress anyone who’s not a Mandarin Han.
^This^ They flooded Tibet with Han and the native Tibetans are now outcasts in their own country.
So they even oppress the Solo Han’s?
Only if they shoot first
I read that as “Weigel” and then was OK with the internment.
My Weiger!
that’s Uyghurs, please.
All stories about Uyghurs should be accompanied by photos of Dilraba Dilmurat.
Remember, tariffs against China are bad, but trade sanctions against Russia and Iran are totes fine. Because no one actually supports free trade.
They’re just camps where they concentrate subpopulations of certain religious backgrounds…nothing to see really.
Happy camps!
Do they make them mine for gold in WOW for 12 hours a day?
To be fair, isn’t a central tenet of Marxism-Leninism (and by extension Marxism-Leninism-Maoism) that all religions are a mental illness?
Uighur please.
New Yorker hit piece on Glenn Greenwald.
Left wing journos off the record call him a bully and a troll. They’re whining that they’re getting bulled online by a homosexual commie. It’s basically saying that they know they’re dumber than he is and that if they challenge him, he will humiliate them.
The New Yorker doesn’t just sniff its own farts, it shits in bags and stores them so it can savor the aroma anytime it wants.
The problem with The New Yorker is they haven’t changed their stained ascots in years. They would be perfect subjects for a decadent Klimt painting.
Greenwald’s awesome except when he sucks which is often. Still beats the MSM though.
Greenwald is a good dude on a different team than us. I’m sure there are quotes from Stalin’s take over along the lines of “now it is very dangerous to be an honorable person” but I can’t find them. Seem fitting though.
Agreed. Greenwald is light years better than anyone in the alphabet soup/dead tree media simply because he is rational and intellectually honest. His policy prescriptions are pretty much 100% wrong, but he is not a TEAM player.
Definitely. I respect Greenwald’s opinions even when they (frequently) differ from mine, because I believe he comes by them honestly, is willing to stand by them, and will engage in civil, reasoned discussion about them.
He doesn’t accept their Russia fever dreams so they must destroy him. This is why Chomsky has only voiced his opposition to Russia fever dreams a couple of times. Max Blumenthal was put on the SPLC’s “hate list” as a Russia propagandist for not believing their fever dreams.
Everything within the narrative- nothing outside the narrative.
The SPLC retracted putting Blumenthal on their “hate list” after his daddy complained
The hardest part about the SPLC is while we mock them and their unbelievably retardation but the public at large and mass media take them seriously.
That’s depressing. Like, Fred Flintstone after he gets fired from Mr. Slate depressing.
It’s almost as sad when Jane Margolis died.
I think it’s all about that. The social media purges, it seems to me anyway, mostly target people who don’t buy into the Russia narrative.
off topic of your point, but I had a friend that was really into online pvp games, is gay, and is a jew. He really enjoyed it when people would inadvertently correctly identify him when they thought they were insulting him.
I always enjoyed when people Talk Shit about my Mom, Then I tell them I’m Old and my Mom is Dead, shuts em up quick.
The insults are probably meant to be correct identifications.
He’s right. And he could club baby seals to demonstrate how evil it is. Also. Always in ‘educate the masses’ mode, he could try and bitch slap Michelle to show how abusive relationships work but I think that would end up bad for him. Like, Lionel Ritchie weird.
I have a lefty acquaintance that vehemently hates Greenwald and referred to him as a Russian stooge even though dude fits all of their diversity boxes and is an unapologetic socialist.
I’m not going to pretend that the Right or Libertarians are a perfect group but I’ve noticed that we allow different points of views most of the time and will debate each other while folks on the Left expect you to walk the line. And Bob help you if you stray just a tiny bit. They will destroy you.
On a side note I used to subscribe to the New Yorker and thought they wrote really good stuff even if they leaned left but around 6 or 7 years ago i cancelled my subscription because most of their articles where ripe with leftist groupthink.
“Justin Trudeau could have been a contender.
Now he has Canada sitting on the outside as the United States and Mexico finalize an agreement in principle on what used to be called NAFTA.
“They used to call it NAFTA, we’re going to call it the United States, Mexico trade agreement. We’ll get rid of the name NAFTA,” U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday.
It could have been the United States, Canada trade agreement.
When Trump came to office his main problems with NAFTA were centred on Mexico. Trump was taken by Trudeau, they had chemistry.
Somehow that changed.”
“Justin Trudeau could have been a contender.
It’s not as if he ever had class.
“Trump was taken by Trudeau, they had chemistry”
Turns out Zoolander gives toothy blow jobs so Trump dumped him.
That stupid dumbass and his ditz minister Freeland decided they were gonna score some cheap faux-nationalist points by negotiating their own deal with Mexico.
That was the LAST thing they should have done and they did it.
Fucken clowns run the Liberal party.
I liked the “Mexico threw us under the bus” whine. I mean, if you can’t trust the leader of a corrupt narcocracy, who can you trust?
That stupid dumbass and his ditz minister Freeland decided they were gonna score some cheap faux-nationalist points by negotiating their own deal with Mexico.
Well, they better act fast, as the whole reason this current US-Mexico trade deal has been expedited was to get it done before the newly-elected Mexican president takes office. From what I’ve read about him, he’s far more protectionist than Trump.
Perhaps the parents of teenage girls weren’t real happy about their daughters getting instructions on how to take it up the ass.
Haha, good one, Q. As if the guy who wants to bring forth into the world a new, more strident version of queer culture gives a hoot about the bourgeois sexual hangups of a the upper middle class fuddy-duddies who just happen to be the people paying for the magazine subscriptions. SRSLY?
“Gordon Ramsay slams Worcester College after dwarf banned from cooking course because he’s ‘a health and safety risk'”
Eh, they had a sign that read “no dwarfs”.
Gordon Ramsey is a porn director?
The show is called…Kitchen Nightmares…the only way you’re getting on that show is to suck.
Isn’t Worchester College where they make that sauce ?
In all fairness, the dwarf’s entrees kept coming up a little (dons sunglasses)…….SHORT!
Honestly… I wouldn’t want a 3′ tall tripping hazard zipping all around my kitchen while I was trying to cook either.
RE: Trump making innuendoes about regulating Facegoogtwat.
This may be one of the few times that Trump has been outsmarted. Can’t he tell that they *want* to be regulated? If that happens, they become invincible public utilities. If he really wanted to fuck with them, he would have Tweeted:
“Facebook, Google, Twitter and others are fake social media! That’s why this is my final Tweet and I’ll be joining Gab! I encourage everyone to do the same! #MAGA”
Some honey pots you just can’t resist.
If he did switch, all the news sites would HAVE to sign up to report his comments and then all the other whiners on twitter would have to sign up just so they could be the first to tweet “Did you see what Trump said on Gab?”
I doubt he even knows Gab exists.
It seems very weird that the InfoWars crowd would promote this petition.
“Coulter: “When you have a total monopoly on how people can communicate with one another, we do have legal concepts like ‘natural monopolies’ and ‘utilities,’ and unless they start living under the First Amendment, I think the law should force them to.”
This is going to turn out badly. The dumbshits at Facebook, Google, and Twitter are private companies, but they are willingly, apparently unknowingly going to give up that right by claiming that they are somehow responsible for things like elections. Stupid twits are going to get the internet regulated like a utility. The best case scenario is probably is the government decides to use anti-trust to declare them monopolies and break them up like Ma Bell.
I am looking forward to filling out government forms and mailing them to the proper departments, along with my simple processing fee, in order to get permission to check my email.
Fuck her with a band saw. 1 amendment softness is a really bad look for the right.
Not literally, Preet.
*glares menacingly*
Yeah, no. not even with your band saw. necks too lanf and adam’s apple is too big. Plus that smarmy voice, no thanks.
Sometimes the Babylon Bee has difficulty writing satire:
Fess up: which one of you wrote this?
I posted this on my FB and one of my liberal friends replied with an, “Ugh.” I responded with, “I just want to see it all burn down and smoke a cigar.”
A cigar sounds good, been wanting one for a few days.
Oliva Serie V is my poison. And since I live in Lake County now, I don’t have to pay the bullshit Cook County tobacco tax.
I typically go for La Gloria Cubana Serie R. Although lately I’ve been seeking out offerings by Inch.
One of my faves.
Cigars are fairly recently acquired hobby for me. Just bought two today for the long weekend and following my rule of ‘smoke 1, buy 2’ so I can build up a collection.
You should also follow my plan of “buy some, forget about them for a decade, holy shit I own aged cigars now.” Its a plan so good people will pretend to be friends with anyone who follows it, even me.
I do like how they don’t go bad as long as you keep them in a humidor. I was given some cigars almost two years ago. A cigar article by a glib who knows what they are talking about would be fun.
Or a humidity controlled tupperware container!
I would enjoy that article, but I don’t know what I’m talking about. Don’t even smoke them. Tried it once a decade ago and wasn’t my thing.
I’ll write an “I don’t know what I’m talking about version” if someone else will write a “I do know what I’m talking about version.” might be fun.
Acid Blondies are my current favorite. Mostly because they smell so good. But really they are only one step up from Swisher Sweets Grape flavored. I only smoke them a few times a year (deer camp). They cost me a life insurance policy once (because I cannot lie)
Well, I do live in Manchester, and I do love watching the black and red ants tear each other part.
“A California city councilwoman fired back against critics who released photos of her engaging in “lascivious, drunk and drug-addled behavior” at the Burning Man festival and threatened to post more if she didn’t pull out of November’s council race.
Rachel Hundley, a former mayor of the Sonoma city where she’s running for the position on the city council, released a video slamming the threats from “spineless individuals” who tried to blackmail her with her pictures from Burning Man, an arts and music festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, where she is allegedly seen wearing only a bra and underwear.
She accused the blackmailers of “slut shaming” and insisted she never considered giving in to their demands. The recorded video addressing the situation was posted online by the campaign.”
Good for her. Don’t back down.
I mean, if she resigns, who is going to vote on the important issues like making plastic straws request-only and implement Sonoma’s carbon tax and universal healthcare which will be shining examples to the rest of the nation?
I don’t have to like her as a person to support her defending herself from bullies.
Are those her legs or is she riding a giant chicken?
Meh, for someone her age, she looks good.
OR she has a really old face… thought she was older than 35!
Oh come on, that outfit’s practically a burka at Burning Man.
I guess the didn’t get the footage of her in the orgy dome that they wanted.
Oh and, would.
The orgy dome requires you to leave your phone (and shoes) in the changing area before entering
I like her moxie. Plus she makes fried chicken for a living and likes to party, so I’d vote for her. Or at least hang out with her.
She wants to run for public office though, so still considered “crazy” until more information comes in.
Agreed. I need more photos and videos to make a judgement.
Also, going to need a sample to determine if her chicken is finger lickin’.
I wonder how she feels about Stormy Daniels.
This has been going on for years, but MUH RUSHUH is so much more important.
Also, it’s probably Trump’s fault somehow.
Furthermore, if this doesn’t demonstrate the uselessness of the UN, I don’t know what does.
“Tut tut now! If you don’t stop your ethnic cleansing, we’ll send you a strongly worded letter!”
The UN isn’t against ethnic cleansing, they are just against marketing it.
Yeah, who cares about the Kachin and Shan conflicts? It’s only a bunch of Buddhists and Christians being killed. If we pointed out that Myanmar is an equal opportunity authoritarian butcher, then we couldn’t call them Islamophobic.
Yeah. There’s also something happening in Yemen right now. You would never know by watching the news though.
No time for that. TRUMP!
What’s a little genocide being committed by a U.S. ally with weapons bought from the U.S. when we have Russian fever dreams and tax fraud cases to worry about.
“Someone threatens to murder Dana Loesch’s children. Twitter yawns.
Just this weekend we were talking about the shifting definitions of “hate speech” in the eyes of the social media giants. My conclusion at that time was that the underlying (and admitted) liberal bias among the management and staff at Facebook and Twitter was always going to leave any proposed attempt at balance looking like weak tea at best. While this is only one of an uncounted number of stories playing out each day, another example cropped up this morning. NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch took to Twitter with some screen caps of a recent set of exchanges she had. One was a tweet from a “critic” who expressed some decidedly violent tendencies and the other was the response from Jack Dorsey’s crew after they supposedly “investigated” her complaint.”
There’s no double-standard though, nope, not one bit.
That wasn’t a threat or hate speech (a bullshit concept but whatever) so far as I can tell. He shouldn’t be banned but neither should the god knows how many righties who’ve said assholish things.
This guy must be a real hit with the ladies.
Michael Jackson ?
I mean, SLD and all, follow your bliss, weirdos, but I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say that he’s gonna regret the shit out of that by the time he hits, say, 40, if not much sooner.
See the guy further down the article who had similar work done to look like a zombie… then killed himself at 32.
Probably because when you are so desperate for attention you will go to that extreme, you probably had problems to begin with. I mean, I’m all for him being able to do whatever he wants to do, I have zero problem with that. But it’s sort of abnormal to cut off half your nose to get attention.
Maybe he did it to spite his face.
With neither judgement nor comment as to how far this advice may apply, I will only say that while modern medicine is capable of some pretty amazing things, there’s no substitute for finding a way to be comfortable in your own skin.
Tha fuck did he do to his teeth?
Why does it matter, dude but off half his own fucking nose. Maybe he should of just had them sew a cow tongue on him, worked for Gene Simmons.
No, no, the nose part is crazy, but at least it makes him look like a spooky, scary, devil dude. But the buckteeth make him look like an extra from that episode of Grimm with all the beavers.
Beaver Zombie? What is more badass than Beaver Zombie?
No, no. The TV show. Cause it was set in Portland you had lots of these beaver people…
Not sure where you live, but did you ever notice how quickly you can spot a group of Portlandians? It’s sort of like a joke now with my wife and I. They’re like the Gypsies of North America. First time I spotted a group of them here in Balmer (I guess vacation from the commune), was at an Asian buffet. My wife asked me who these odd people are. I looked over the way she was gesturing towards. I immediately said ‘Portlandians’. She asked what is this? How do you know? I told her we’ll talk later. Now she recognizes them.
I live in Portland so I believe you 100% I mean, I hang around lots of weirdos and freaks but I still shake my head almost daily. It’s like living in a parody world. My own person Babylon Bee version of The Truman Show.
I know hundreds of normal, decent folk in PDX, and I’ve stepped over hundreds of addicts on those sidewalks.
What I can’t figure is how PDX and its government was wrested from the decent folk.
Don, my personal opinion is that the people here are extremely nice and are deeply invested in being nice. And progs have used that as a hammer to keep pushing things leftward. And you’re right, there are lots of normal, decent people here.
I lived downtown when I first moved here, but I got the fuck out. I got tired of walking down a city block and smelling piss and shit, and it’s only gotten worse. There are very few places I’ll go downtown any more because of the homeless/junkie problem.
“I know hundreds of normal, decent folk in PDX, and I’ve stepped over hundreds of addicts on those sidewalks.
What I can’t figure is how PDX and its government was wrested from the decent folk.”
I go there occasionally and I have a co-worker who I work with at least once a week for a couple of hours and he is one on the nicest people you could ever meet. And yet, his political view is so hopelessly left that there’s probably no way for any sort of correction. He believes whatever MSNBC or CNN cranks out, and that is it. There’s no hope of fixing that, trust me.
“Don, my personal opinion is that the people here are extremely nice and are deeply invested in being nice.”
The first thing that struck me there, being there as an adult, is that everyone there obeys traffic laws and even drives the speed limit. I was thinking ‘WTF is going on here? Why is everyone driving the same speed? Is this some alien control shit?’. Yeah, that, well you already know. Here in Balmer, if you are on the road at 5am, you better expect people in one lane, when the speed limit is 60, driving at 40 mph, while the person in the lane opposite you is doing 130. And violating every traffic law on the books here is an official state pastime.
If New Yorkers also being not nice means I don’t have step around shit everywhere, I’m all for it.
Don’t laugh, it’s real
Not teeth.
That’s his bifurcated tongue.
Go on…
Some people’s children.
It’s a mystery, it is.
The Kansas City Federal Reserve, one of the dozen reserve banks in the U.S., gathered on Friday in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, to discuss a signature puzzle of our times: How can the economy hum along, with unemployment falling for years, without wage growth? How have the gains from the economy been segregated from most Americans who do the work, instead flowing into the hands of a small group at the top? And what can the Fed, or anyone, do to reverse this?
The main culprit discussed at the economic policy symposium was increasing corporate concentration: the limited number of firms in any one industry. A series of working papers and speeches examined monopolization’s impact on various aspects of the economy, from worker bargaining power to capital investment to inflation. While the Fed isn’t singularly responsible for policing market competition, it does have the power of the megaphone, and the implications of the research unveiled last week should signal a sea change across government: either tame the corporate giants, or watch helplessly as they eat everything not nailed down.
I wonder what has been driving this consolidation of corporate power. Plutocrats, I reckon.
I remember explaining to the folks in my Senior Seminar class (Econ major) about why there are so many consolidations and pointed out that onerous regulations imposed by both federal and state governments have made it impossible for small corporate entities to survive on their own, especially when they are competing against much larger competitors who can adsorb the costs of regulation. Basically, the regulations that the Left advocates for create the very same mega entities that the Left hates.
I’ve been saying the same thing to leftist family members for DECADES and they immediately change the subject every time. They want to rant, logic is a buzzkill for them.
Gosh! With Sarbanes-Oxley, PACA, the CFPB regulations, why the hell are small businesses being driven out of business?
I think what we need to turn this around is information: we need all businesses with more than 2 employees to file weekly reports that take 10 man hours to produce detailing their sales and breaking down their labor usage into standard, detailed categories!
And reserve the right to use those reports in automatic labor disputes upon termination. And any discrepancy is grounds for immense fines. Hey, why are wages stagnant!?
Don’t forget your conflict minerals report.
For the record, I don’t really believe wages haven’t grown.
Both political sides use a propaganda stat called “real wages” that ceased being useful decades ago.
‘Real compensation” (inflation adjusted compensation) has exploded while “real wages” have remained stagnant because real wages are a measure or buying power based on a a basket of theoretical goods. At some point, people stopped buying more goods and started buying better goods. You’re comparing apples to… more delicious apples 5 times the size and saying “welp, I don’t have any more apples… I’m no better off!’
People have houses that are substantially bigger and better than they were 30 years ago, safer more fuel efficient cars, way more leisure time, etc.
It’s simply a lie that people haven’t continued getting better off.
The extreme sides of both political parties simply want you to believe that and convince you that every thing sucks now and it’s the other side’s fault.
Please understand that I’m unhappy with our ever expanding government but it’s simply not true that Americans today aren’t filthy rich and privileged beyond belief.
Include cash value of benefits, and hold family composition steady, and wage growth has been steady.
Most of the wage growth has gone to health insurance and people have used their economic power to end unsatisfying marriages (or never start them).
I’ve noticed many of my generation are refusing to get married or have kids. I’m curious if it’s because they can afford to.
I think so.
It would be nice if so much of my compensation didn’t get pissed away into other people’s over-usage of health care.
“People have…”
I think the argument is that all these better things are owned by the bank. The average person now never expects free and clear title on a house, car, etc. And since it isn’t “theirs” they don’t give a flying fuck about property rights being eroded. IOW, keeping up with the Joneses requires rolling debt that wasn’t even imagined 30 years ago. If people felt as financially secure as their parents or better, they’d be having children at the same rate. So maybe they’re choosing “better” material goods at the expense of raising children. I think people have fewer children because a) it cramps their lifestyle, and b) it exposes them to far too much government regulation.
So while I get your point – and I certainly don’t believe government statistics – I still think the standard of living has not increased much over the last 20 years. There’s simply too many things to measure to know for sure. “We’re living longer in aggregate” might be the only argument in favor of increased living standards.
I dont know if the debt is solely a matter of keeping up with the jones’
The fact of the matter is that saving money is penalized by inflation and credit has been so easy for so long that it barely makes sense to save. If we have a few percent of inflation every year and money is loaned at a rate not much higher, it makes little sense to save to buy ones needs as long as they do it within the framework of their budget.
Wife just called to ask if she should make a normal amount of meatballs to go with the spaghetti and garlic toast, or extra so there are leftovers. Because my wife is best wife.
You told her extra, right?
Well obviously
The only correct reply:
“I’ll give you some of my meaty balls. What was the question again?”
If she asks for extra sauce then you have a keeper.
Ruling of South African High Court urges some 300 000 gun owners to turn in their guns.
Oh this is going to end well.
If you turn in your guns when your government is trying to steal your land you are an idiot.
The farmers should leave now. They have no chance at all, it’s either leave or be murdered. Never mind that removing their ability to farm will result in millions starving to death, making omelets, something something.
The only thing I don’t get is, why did they express their intention to steal the land before trying to take the guns.
They’re not exactly geniuses, as you may have already guessed.
You are assuming this particular group of evil overlords is…competent?
Why not? This way when the farmers resist a) they’re criminals with illegal firearms b) dead.
Win-win for Julius Malema and his friends.
” Ah ahhh crybabies! Crybabies!”
If you turn in your guns, you are an idiot. FTFY
So it begins….
What? That’s crazy. Gun confiscation doesn’t ALWAYS* lead to genocide. Just look at Australia.
*Almost always is technically less than always.
Technically, they didn’t give up their guns.
Sorry, I was sarcastically channeling the stupid arguments made by stupid people in favor of gun confiscation.
Deep down inside…I knew that. My apologies.
Well more like *yet*
We’re going to get socialism right this time, all it ever needed was some more stealing and murder.
respectfully, the ruling is on established law
so their demise was ordained when the laws were written
we can see where democracy leads
Why do people insist on using kids, theirs or others, to push their political agenda
I try not to politicize my offspring and don’t use them to score social points with others on social media (as in there are zero identifiable photos or videos of them on any platform), but it feels like we’re the only parents in the nation that aren’t trying to signal via our kids somehow.
No morals, no principles, no self respect, no self restraint, no clue.
I always thought putting your kids’ entire lives on social media (like, say, lifestyle bloggers) have created the child’s identity for him in the world. He has no anonymity.
It’s like getting credit in your kids’ names, maxing out credit cards, and sticking them with the debt and ruined credit before they can vote.
This is why the only pic y’all will ever see of my kid is the one in my Labor Day article where she’s facing away from the camera.
My husband does occasionally post the kids’ pictures on FB to share with their grandma and cousins, but he cut back drastically after I said something. Occasionally I would blog about something small one or both of them did (I haven’t blogged in forever). But I never ever say their names online and Mr. Mojeaux followed suit. We refer to them as XX TD (tax deduction) and XY TD. I will tell little anecdotes, but that’s it.
Ditto. My wife has an insta she uses for posting pics of baby trshmnstr to interact with a few friends and family. Other than that, we keep it as anonymous as possible. I’d hate to cause her harm because I was being indiscreet on social media
I’m raising Shitlords. That’s my signaling. By the time the Others figure it out, it will be too late!
*evil laugh*
I’ve told my wife that if I ever hear our (future) children mutter the words microaggression or how the evil white patriarchy is keeping them down, I’m throwing in the car and take them to Englewood. My wife and I live in an affluent village in the Northwest Suburbs and our children despite being mixed race should never ever complain about how bad their lives are or mutter the bullshit phrase of white privilege.
I’ve always joked with my wife that the easiest way for me to turn my children libertarians is for me to have a birthday party for them and take away 40 percent of their gifts and give it to some shelter.
She didn’t find that joke funny at all.
If it’s any consolation, you can tell your wife that I think it’s not only funny, but a valuable lesson if applied.
Well, there is the annual Halloween tax.
In my wife’s family all the younger kids go trick or treating in one uncle’s affluent neighborhood. Then they pool their candy and divide it among each other roughly equally, after the parent tax, with the caveat that they can take some candy out of play if it’s a favorite kind or something. The past two years one of my nieces has gone on absolute monkey tilt because she treats it like work and hits every house according to a system, which results in her getting tons of candy. Her step-siblings goof off and wind up with like half the candy. And the reward for her hard work and planning is that she loses her candy to the slackers.
She’s really mild-mannered and sweet, but as the minutes pass and she loses candy she gets this primal rage in her eyes, until finally she’ll blurt out, “Mom! It’s not fair! I did all the work! Why don’t they go get their own candy!?” And I mutter to myself, “Yessss…let the hate wash over you…you will join our ranks soon enough…”
I noticed that with school projects.
I went to Church once and they had a guest for the homily that actually did that for Christmas gifts.
Once? Stop lying, MS, we all know if you ever entered a church the building would collapse, am I right?
He’s a mexican sharpshooter. Not only does he go regularly, he probably has a candle of Santa Maria de Guadalupe burning on the windowsill as he types.
I was too young to remember, and my father has been known to make up stories, but he often tells how one Xmas he forgot to get stocking stuffers for my sister and I and instead wrote a note from Santa about how the elves couldn’t keep up with demand and thus he had to give our toys to more needy kids who only got stocking stuffers and no real gifts. According to dad, my sister and I cried all day and wouldn’t open our ‘real gifts’ because we felt so badly about the poor kids. Thank Glob I grew outta of that bleeding heart socialist crap and into the soulless Gimme! Gimmie! Mine MIne MINE!! libertarian that I am now.
When we were between 7 and 11 years old, my dad told my brothers and I that if we didn’t straighten up he was going to cancel Christmas. We thought he was joking.
He wasn’t.
We got nothing and spent Christmas day cutting firewood for an old man who lived on the mountain. I learned not to try and call his bluff, because he doesn’t bluff.
I told my XY Tax Deduction if he didn’t straighten up and fly right, he wasn’t getting a birthday. He didn’t.
One year I was sick of my XX Tax Deduction’s attitude and got her a gift that made her miserable, namely, a very pretty day planner I expected her to use.
Sometimes the best gift is a lesson.
You’re not a mean mommy. You’re a mother who loves her children. We bitch about these so called snowflakes but they aren’t the blame. The blame lies on their parents for not dropping the hammer on their bullshit behavior allowing them to become little authoritarian shits.
These are great stories. I was just thinking about a parenting article I’ll never write for this site. /several ideas that haven’t yet written themselves up
Speaking of signaling. My family texted a picture of new nephew/niece (didn’t know the sex in advance) with a pink hat on from the delivery room. Oh, I have a niece right? Nope, nephew.
Goddam it. Those colored caps have meaning people. So the rest of the world can figure out what they are without playing twenty questions.
You know, it was within the last century that pink, specifically hot pink, was considered a masculine color as it was “too passionate” for respectable women or girls to wear. This apparently changed sometime in the 50s/60s.
Pretty sure it changed in the gay 90’s.
#insert pic of FDR in baby dress
It fucking pisses me off that people drag their kids to rallies and scare them with Revelations-style doomsday prophecies that will play out if Trump wins.
Childhood is safer than at any point in history, so stop worrying and let your kids play with Legos and ride bikes like they’re supposed to. Don’t drag them into the disgusting, depressing world of politics.
SURE it’s safer FOR THE MOMENT but just wait till Trump starts the FEMA trains rolling…!
/people who sixteen years ago said exactly the same sort of shit about Bush
My son complains about all the stress kids have today, and I just look at him funny. Let me tell you son, when I was growing up all I heard on the radio was the Vietnam war, leftists setting off bombs, and the Patty Hearst kidnapping. It was the middle of the Cold War. Inflation was running more than 10%. My parents had to wait in lines for gas. They were getting priced out of our home due to rising property taxes. You want stress? That was stress.
And yet, that was nothing compared to what my parents went through growing up. My dad was of the age where he would have been sent to Japan had we not dropped the bomb. Imagine that hanging over your head during high school. A friend of his returned from Europe without a stomach and had to crap in a bag the rest of his life. My grandfather lost his company once the war started because all the materials he needed were reserved for the war effort. On my mom’s side, grandpa was mostly without steady work during the Depression. They’d spend most of the summer in the mountains living of the fish grandpa would catch. And our neighbor when I was growing up? She was an Okie who grew up in a boxcar.
So son, you may have stress. It will always be with us, but it’s nothing like it used to be. But you also have a roof over your head and food in the fridge. So stop your whining.
Yup, when I start feeling stressed, I just remember the stories my grandparents told me of their times surviving and fleeing the Spanish Civil War or the Cuban Civil War and that shit quickly gives me perspective.
I also mention our neighbor’s Grandma who grew up in East Prussia during WW2. They had to bug out when the Russians were coming. They lost her 5 year old brother for several months in the rush. That’s stress. We have it so easy.
That’s crazy, but yeah as much as the news and stuff wants to try to keep us down and freaked out, we’re still keeping on.
So I’m watchin’ and I’m waitin’
Hopin’ for the best
Even think I’ll go to prayin’
Every time I hear ’em sayin’
That there’s no way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin’ every day
And they’re committing vandalism.
Majority of Americans cannot even name a single member of SCOTUS
But I bet they know that socialism is the greatest thing ever despite it having never worked and resulting in the death of hundreds of millions in the 20th century. We have to nuke the idea of public school from space, it’s the only way.
Of course she is.
Being she’s as old as the nation helps, I guess. Back when she was first appointed, they still taught real knowledge in public school, so there’s that.
All the woke “educated” women I know love RBG.
She IS notorious.
I do sort of respect the fact that when everyone was telling her to step down so Obama could pick another justice, she basically said to fuck off.
Agreed but to be fair, the left was telling her to hold on like grim death.
Well, she’s on speaking terms with grim death, so she could get pointers from him.
Of course they do.
Cop actually convicted of murder for on-duty shooting
He should’ve gone to the class run by the woman who got away with shooting an unarmed man.
Word to the wise. If you have several different types of carrots to choose from for the stock pot, don’t use the purple ones.
Haha, bummer. Did you end up with purple stock?
I once bought a bag of what I assumed was wild rice and tossed a handful into a pilaf. Had I read the label more carefully, I would have known that it was Thai black rice, which is actually a very dark purple. It stained the whole pilaf violet. It’s amazing how an out-of-place color can ruin a dish that is otherwise very good.
Lol! Yes, my stock has a purple tinge to it. My pheasant pot pie filling is going to have a touch of mauve to it.
Thank you Just Say’n for suggestion in the last post on the Catholic Church scandal/scheming/battle/whatever. I’m a long lapsed RC so my opinion is buckus, but this shitshow is just mind numbing.
What an absolute mess.
Thanks for the link, was meaning to look into that when he mentioned it.
So this is where all you guys ended up, huh?
Welcome aboard!
Now fuck off Tulpa
Tulpa!!!! Have a beer.
No, not from me, from the beer guys around here.
Edmund Fitzgerald in hand.
Were you on hiatus?
We announced it right around the time the “to be sures” reached a fever pitch.
I had quit reading HyR regularly for a while. Can’t remember when, but went back a few months ago and found a wasteland. Not a Wasteland; that would be cool. The wasteland I encountered was the kind they don’t put in movies. The kind that makes the living envy the dead. The kind that causes the not-fun kind of rectal bleeding.
The articles hit rock bottom about a year ago, and have gotten better lately. The comments are still in freefall.
How do we know this is the real db? Say something about guns or planes.
What about Frontier Psychiatry?
That boy needs therapy
Welcome Tulpa! Just remember to keep an eye out for STEVE SMITH and you might be okay.
You guys need to listen to Messer Chups’ “Bigfoot” right now.
Way up in Eureka
Written on a sign
“Beware of the Giant —
Don’t cross that bound’ry line”
hhhhuh! hhuuuhhh! STEVE SMITH!
Listen to the rumble
Shakin’ up the ground
Ain’t no guitar thumpin’
Ain’t no hound, that sound
hhhhhuhhhh! hhuuuhhhh! STEVE SMITH!
Lumberjack went choppin’
Choppin’ down STEVE SMITH tree
Ain’t no more lumberjack
Just a footprint by the tree!
hhuhhh! hhhuuuuh! STEVE SMITH!
Fuck You!
Got this far into the links and i laughed. A lot.
But then again I am three (four? Sure why not!) beers in and spent the last few hours watching this:
Then in quick succession this:
(From the comments: “I really can’t understand how he stands with those titanium balls”)
Then did my first binge watch of Razorfist.
Mind. Still. Processing.
Shit. Got this far: Maybe Trudeau will come around after being insulted…
He will never learn.
I did my first RazorFist binge the other day..wifey laughed and said spawn one (16) would love him.
Nice avatar.
Speaking of Razorfist, man his recent McCain vid was brutal and I loved every second of it. I really dig how concise and straight-to-the-point the guy is.
One of his best yet.
He should teach ranting classes. I’d sign up for sure.
Jeff Flake has had enough with Defense spending. I dont disagree but seems really random.
Way to go for the high priority issues Jeffrey.
TOS is in the center according to Sheryl Attkisson.
TOS is in the center according to Sharyl Attkisson.
She also has UPI in the center.
She’s going to make a good little Leftest.
The Left seems to think they can get away with this Shit, IRL Someone’s going to kick your Ass1
I think that time is approaching. People are going to hit back or go looking for vengeance after the fact.
She can use this in her college application portfolio and watch the acceptance letters roll in.
Unfortunately true
Didn’t work for David Hogg. Even the UC system said no.
Ha. Maybe he’s just stupid.
OK, stupider than we thought.
Maybe it’s Maybelline.
” David Katz: The Esports Ebitch”
Metokur is still suspended on Twitter for some dubious bullshit reason.
Can these people please get blogs?
Like, who has time read and stuff.
I noticed that the decline in blog reading/using wasn’t just because of social media, but because Google killed their reader. No good alternative has yet to be found. I use Feedly but it still isn’t what Google reader was back in the day.
I just use Thunderbird’s RSS reader. I also hate it when podcasts don’t have RSS feeds to just download the darn MP3. I don’t want to have to subscribe to some Apple or Google service to do RSS.
Or even worse, when some broadcaster wants to force you to download their app to listen to the program.
The problem, of course, is that there isn’t good RSS for smartphones.
That’s why I use Feedly.
It looks like they suspended his Facebook as well. Funny how he was able to violate the “terms of service” on three different sites at the exact same time. It really activates the almonds.
Heads up, St. Louis and Illinois Glibs. KC just got hit with a brief but fairly destructive little thunderstorm. Lots of wind gusts and fallen trees and it looks like it may be heading your way. Stay safe, kiddos.
“KC just got hit with a brief but fairly destructive little thunderstorm”
So… it’s summer?