Hmm, sounds painful. Friends, as promised a review of the pour over method and the quick guide extraordinaire, Pro/Con list.
Chemex is one of the better known brands for pour overs but I went with LePrem mostly because I clicked the wrong button when shopping on Amazon. LePrem sounds more pretentious, Chemex more nerdy, so that may be the deciding factor for you. I’m getting ahead of myself.
What is a pour over coffee, you may ask. Pour over is exactly what it sounds like. You place ground coffee in a filter on top of an hour glass shaped device and pour hot water over the grounds and fresh coffee is collected in the bottom chamber. The filter is removed and you pour the hot fresh coffee into your cup. You can also purchase a single serving brewer which replaces the hour glass vessel for a filter that sits on top of your mug.
Water temperature is the same as always, 175℉, grind should be medium, which is standard for drip coffee makers. I recommend pre-wetting the filter with hot water, then tossing the used water. This will reduce the influence of the filter on the final product. The real adjustable variable is how quickly you pour the water over the grounds. Some people wet the grounds and wait for the “bloom,” which is just the coffee expanding as it releases carbon dioxide. Water is poured in separated phase until you reach your desired volume or pour the total volume in one go if you’re making a small batch. Always pour in a spiral so as to wet the grounds evenly. That is pretty much it.
You can’t make espresso with this method and adjusting grinds doesn’t seem to change the end product much. The carafes themselves are aesthetically pleasing and are appropriate to leave out in your coffee space. Pour overs range from single serving sizes up to 1L. If you sometimes entertain or have a family of coffee drinkers, I strongly recommend the larger size if you have the storage space, because you aren’t required to make the maximum amount each time.
Filters are required for this device, but reusable metal filters are available, which I’m sure will produce a slightly less “clean” cup. The paper filters took a youtube video to figure out as the box instructions read like an origami project, but once you watch a video it is simple.
So how do I like the LePrem? The product is well made and attractive. Cleaning it can be difficult depending on what size you buy. The smaller sizes are difficult to get a hand in the collection chamber. The used filters lift straight out, but tend to drip, so I take the entire brewer to the trash to toss the wet grounds. A nice feature is a glass stopper to help keep the coffee warm until ready for use. Perpetration time depend on how much coffee you are making and how slow you want to pour. Appropriately sized devices will serve a family well and single size take up less room in a studio apartment.
Now, the really important question, does it make a good cup of coffee? Yes, you can get a great cup of coffee out of the LePrem, but I wouldn’t say it is a superior extraction method to the French Press or AeroPress. Of the devices I’ve used so far, this one is my least favorite. It doesn’t make coffee as fast as the AeroPress and it doesn’t provide the subtle flavors of the French press. It lacks the ability to make espresso (AeroPress) or cold brew (Fresh Press) and for those reasons, I can’t recommend the pour over as your sole coffee brewing method. However, if you are a hobbyist like myself, it is an attractive addition to the brewing collection.

Step 1. Place filter (thick layer over spout).
Step 2. Wet filter with hot water, discard water.
Step 3. Place medium ground coffee in filter.
Step 4. Pour hot water over grounds in a spiral pattern
Step 5. Remove filter
Step 6. Pour coffee into mug & enjoy.
- Cost – Small off brand brewers are as cheap as $7. The 6 cup LePrem was $37.97
- Ease of use – really simple and fairly quick
- Cup – if you use paper filters you get a really clean cup
- Aesthetics – I think they look pretty cool
- Volume – if you buy an appropriate size you can do without a tradition drip maker
- Consumables – the paper filters aren’t cheap. $14 for 100
- flexibility – just makes coffee.
- Cost – can be spend. $108.07 for 13 cup Chemex
- metal filter – save money, muddy cup
I have done this with a paper towel.
That’s what she said.
Let’s debate the best whiskey to add to coffee.
Powers Gold is the only acceptable answer for the original Irish coffee.
Powers or Jameson do well. Any blended should work but the coffee is what makes it.
You’re preaching to choir, friend.
Tullamore Dew was always my preference, then Jameson’s, with Bushmill’s being my least favorite.
Those will work.
Ooh yes please. I wish to be enlightened.
I made the Irish coffee in a demonstration at the flying boat museum where they claim to have invented the drink.
That’s actually pretty damn cool. Hmm so Jameson and Powers Gold are the go-tos. Thank you Fellow Florida Man!
*tips trucker cap with fishhook*
*bows head and makes lap pet gator bow head as well*
I visited Dublin this summer and had the opportunity to try multiple different Irish whiskeys and Irish coffees. My favorite of the trip was Teelings Irish whiskey. It blew away any of the Jamison or Powers single malts. It had more complexity and reminded me more of a really good scotch.
They made an Irish coffee at the Irish whiskey museum that was the best I ever had. The biggest difference between the great and mediocre ones was the way they mixed the sugar with hot water in the glass first and the shaking of the heavy cream instead of whipping it.
The bi
I have limited experience with Irish single malt whiskey, but I have had excellent bottles of Knappogue Castle single malt in the past.
Never had it. I’ll try it if I can find it.
Jameson is good in coffee.
I like Jameson, especially the black barrel. I really like Red Breast as well. So many good whiskeys in the world.
Any whiskey + Baileys
If you can find it, heavy whipping cream, brown sugar and Irish whiskey make a hell of a drink.
ha!…….I will have a look around. Might have to hit a few stores for those ingredients.
For us keto folks, sukrin good is a very good brown sugar substitute.
Sukrin gold.
Have you tried it with Turbinado?
If you are out in Vegas go to McMullins. Probably the best Irish Coffee I’ve had and its purty too
Tennessee mud
This goes into the I can’t find it category. Sounds good though.
3.5 hour one way for me. I pick up 6-8 different bottles.
last time 2) muds 2) cinnamon 1) salted watermelon 1) cherry filled shine
Usually, buy 2 get 1 so I can experiment some.
“Let’s debate the best whiskey to add to coffee”
I mean, if you’re going to be off work all day and… the next day… and are dead set on getting shitface, then I would say all of it. But I would still recommend Blantons.
Blanton’s in coffee. My friend, surely you mean Blanton’s neat on the side of your coffee.
Jameson’s for Irish Coffee, Redbreast 12y/o Cask Strength for sipping.
Redbreast 12 yr is very good. If you see it I would give Teelings a try. They were great across each of the price points.
I’ll pick up a bottle of Teeling’s. If you have the coin and access to the 12y/o cask strength, do yourself a favor and pick one up. One of the top three whiskeys I’ve ever had.
Will do. It was my go to for sipping in Pubs
coffee + whisky & sugar (C&H Baker’s) | Bailey’s + Frangelico | Crater Lake Hazelnut Espresso Vodka + half&half | fresh whipped cream
That picture implies one liter is eight cups of coffee??
Who the hell drinks such tiny cups? 🙂
The one kicked out of chef’s school?
This guy gets it.
Yeah, that always throws me off too. I have to do a mental conversion of 2 cups = 1 mug.
I do this. Except I use a stainless steel strainer and quart pyrex measuring cup.
I’m a fan of metal filters. More flavor, less expense.
I mentioned this brand to Raphael yesterday. It has a slight chocolate smell / taste overtone. Good stuff.
Cool. I still haven’t tried any Vietnamese coffe.
Vietnamese coffee with sweetened condensed milk over ice is a guilty pleasure.
Poop coffee?
Oh lord yes. I introduced my wife to these when we moved to Houston. Still haven’t found a good one in St. Pete, despite several decent Viet places.
Thanks again for the recommend btw, I’ll be ordering some later this week to test it out.
From the last thread:
“Internet Sleuth Mr. Metokur Gets “The Alex Jones Treatment”
In a similar manner to Alex Jones, Metokur was faced with an across the board social media ban. YouTube, Twitter, then Facebook. At this point his Patreon and (thank God for Ethan Ralph) the Ralph Retort podcast #Killstream were his only means of communication with his fans.
He made “legitimate news media” look stupid. Now to be fair, if you pay much attention (or at least grab crib sheets from internet sleuths like Metoku,r) you’d know that they already look kind of stupid. The quest for truth doesn’t exist, can not exist while competing with the quest for narrative control.
Metokur has mentioned previously how distasteful he finds the ghouls of reporting who, like ambulance chasing sharks or, hell, the aquatic kind for that matter, go into a vicious frenzy at the sight of blood and mayhem. Jim couldn’t resist offering his testimony to mayhem hungry journos regarding his horrific experience at Jacksonville:
“It was really traumatic. I was there with my wife’s son DeAndre, he was in the tournament. We both hid after the first few shots. Thank God my wife’s boyfriend Travarias was able to come get us. I was literally shaking the entire ride home.”
Jean Donovan, Ph.D called this “source hacking in action.” I’m sure it will be referred to as a new ploy of the alt-right under the control of the Russian bots to hack the next election.”
That guy has a Ph.D? Holy hell.
Maybe I’m missing something, but did someone open her skull up and shit where her brains used to be?
Piled High & Deeper
Nescafe Dark Roast instant, 212 degree Water, let cool for 2 minutes, awesome coffee,
I have drank my fair share of Nescafe. Nothing wrong with that sometimes. You would be the first American I have encountered who prefers it though.
I did all the Gourmet Coffee, Gold filter BS, and found that I don’t need Killer Coffee, just something Rich and Bold, Nescafe fills the billnicely.
Go Figure…..
For instant I turn to the Rolls Royce of instant and of course I’m talking about Taster’s Choice.
LOL, Tarantino “acting”.
I have no idea how he is going to survive the N-word purge of 2018.
Nescafe makes some instant coffee with powered cream and sugar that I had in Manila that does the trick. Its pretty good and tasty, but it seemed like it had little caffeine to me however.
I will outdo you in being a heretic here.
I make my offbrand instant coffee with 100% milk, microwave for 2 minutes. Delicious.
Black and Decker and I have a long relationship and nothing will cause a break up, unless Xmas changes my routing.
I’m not an evangelist. If you like your coffee, you can keep your coffee.
*steals B&D*
You didn’t brew that.
I used to use a plastic one of these that cost about 2 bucks and fits standard cone-shaped filters. I don’t even consider it any different from your usual drip maker – it’s the same coffee.
Now I’m on the AeroPress because of your previous article… and digging it – it just makes better coffee.
I’m glad you’re happy with the switch. I’m not a big fan of the pour over. You can get a good cup of coffee, but I agree, it’s not substantially different from drip. This is why I put the man hours into R&D, so you don’t have to.
Much appreciated.
My favorite kind of coffee is Red Bull.
Not Four Loko and Everclear?
*rolls up newspaper*
Am I going to have to chase you and Yufus out of here?
Ewww. Don’t lump me in with that guy.
Too late, we both live in Cali, except I live in the Sticks, and you live with Fags…..
Damn you! Tequila just went up my nose! LOL
I had visions of that jets and sharks song
Go ahead and try…. I’ll sic Tres on Ya… He’ll hit you with an empty Keystone can….
Adderall > coffee.
Yes, but it’s good to have a negative feedback loop. Caffeine is just like alcohol; there’s a sweet spot, and if you go past it, you’re gonna have a bad time.
That is why when you pass the sweet spot it is time to start drinking coffee with your beer. Never had a bad time I remember doing that.
Almost spat out my coffee, jeebus man.
I mean…sure…would
Good on her. What a great sense of humor.
As long as we’re talking about consumables, I have some carnitas (reverse fry method) that’s going to be ready in about 90 minutes.
Teriyaki Tuesday you mean……
Reverse fry method? Is there another way to make carnitas?
The “standard” way is to drop a pork shoulder into lard at 375 and brown it for 20-30 minutes before adding liquid, and then simmering until tender. It’s a great way to get a very strong pork flavor.
The reverse fry is simmering first, letting all the liquid evaporate, and frying at the end. It’s a better way to add non-pork flavors; in this case, garlic, chicken broth, orange, lime, and hints of pineapple and grapefruit juices. Should have added bay leaf too. Oh well.
That’s the way I do it. Salt and pepper, brown the pork, cover with water, add 1/4 cup milk when the water is halfway gone, let it fry in it’s own fat at the end, eat until my stomach hurts.
I’m almost there. Only got a 4 lb shoulder.
Interestingly, the most “authentic” Mexico City recipe I’ve seen calls for sweetened, condensed milk. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
I’ll take that risk next time I make it, see how it turns out.
My dad was thrilled with the carnitas I made in my cast iron skillet and bacon grease back in June.
Looking forward to seeing any unique cuisine Quéretaro state has to offer in about 20 days.
Walk around with sufficient cash. American money OK. You’ll find great food everywhere. Don’t pass a taco stand without trying it. You can throw up later to keep your trim figure.
I’ve had to cancel trips to Riviera Maya twice. I still want to get into the cuisine, but have still never been. They grill most of the seafood over Sapodilla wood (Zapote, or gum tree). I’ve been told that I would like it very much.
I understand that you blend in well with the natives with a propeller cap and have your pockets turned inside out.
I also understand foreigners are less conspicuous when communicating with locals with a Castillian lisp.
Do everything you learned in 7th grade Spanish.
In all seriousness, this state has a murder rate on par with Mississippi, so I’m not too concerned with getting fucked up or kidnapped during daylight hours, but I will be carrying around a backpack having a few apples and a straight blade knife I’ll be laser engraving with “cuchillo de fruta” to be in compliance with Mexican knife laws.
Sure about the US dollars part? Mexico has tightened their currency controls. You have to show your passport to pay USD at many places now.
It’s been a while for me. I used to have friends and hobbies before I got married and had kids.
If a taco stand turns down one of Pomp’s crisp Abe Lincolns, you’re right.
I only did them the reverse method before or in the broiler after cooking off the liquid.
I have read of the lard method. No thanks. I have done something similar to this:
and it was great. I thought I pdf’d the recipe I used, but no joy. I think the sugar in the cola aids in the caramelizing on the fry. I have also done that to regular old BBQ pulled pork with a few spice adjustments and a bit of Coke added before throwing it in the pan.
I quote the great philosopher Aerosmith: Livin’ on the Edge
Also a 40 minute blast with whatever juices and seasonings you need in the pressure cooker, followed by crisping with the lard afterward, it is hard to beat the bang for the buck in terms of time savings.
I did about 10 lbs in the pressure cooker on the 4th of July. Barely got to eat any of it. Fucking freeloaders.
Aah, I presume you used the mega sized pressure cooker for the occasion. Pro-tip: earmark a generous fistful of meat for yourself before releasing the balance to the public.
The warning label says “DO NOT PRESSURE FRY”.
I did. High five?
” It’s a better way to add non-pork flavors; in this case, garlic, chicken broth, orange, lime, and hints of pineapple and grapefruit juices. Should have added bay leaf too.”
Another way is mojo, or mojo criollo, or mojo con criollo, or however long you want to say it so the other person knows you talking about Cuban not Canarian food. Then slow cook it until it’s falling apart. If it’s pig out of its skin it will brown.
I was about to split hairs on that. If it has cumin, it’s not carnitas.
Mojo con criollo may have cumin, but it often doesn’t.
I’m approximating here. I use the stuff from Goya. I’m not burying a suckling pig in my yard. Yet.
When you make it to burying a pig stage I will be happy to come out and run the mini excavator needed if you are going to do that properly. I assume no damage liability to your pool of course.
Even though “Cuban wedding pork” is traditionally a whole pig (and it need not cooked underground, that’s Hawaii, you just need a big enough oven, or a re-purposed steel drum, or whatever). It works fine with smaller cut of pork. Never tried Goya, but the bottled stuff from Badia is crap. Fortunately, it’s easy enough to make from scratch. It just requires patience. First, the salt, black pepper, garlic mixture needs to sit for at least 20 minutes. Then the brew (the salt, black pepper, garlic, bitter orange juice, and oregano) needs to steep at 190°F (don’t let it boil) for another 20 minutes. Then it needs to cool before you put the meat in it. Mojito (little mojo), more popular with chicken and fish, is the salt, black pepper, garlic, and bitter orange juice, without the brewing.
Cumin, rum, bay leaf, etc. are optional.
If you can’t get bitter oranges, use one half bottled lemon juice and one half fresh squeezed orange juice (blood oranges work better than navel or valencia). Do not use packaged orange juice because it is too sweet. The absence of acid is not the presence of sugar.
Coffee is terrible.
To each their own. Coffee beats roasted green pea beverage that folks drank during the times of the Civil War when coffee ran low.
Still haven’t tried chickory.
The City That Care Forgot has gifted the world with many culinary delights but chicory is not one of them. The bog standard ‘boiled coffee with chicory’ tastes (to me) like one has just made regular coffee but with sea water. YMMV, of course.
Chicory blend is my daily poison.
So is this method essentially a one cup drip coffee maker or does it have some other special appeal?
Speaking for myself, I used this method for a long time because I live alone and it’s faster than the machines. But yeah, the coffee it makes is exactly the same.
Got it. It would cut down on countertop clutter in a small apt as well. You just need it an a kettle.
You can do single cup up to an entire pot depending on the size you buy. The only real difference I note is you can control the pour of the water vs drip just dumping water in the center of the grind. I can’t taste much difference, so I definitely don’t suggest replacing your drip maker. Of the methods I’ve reviewed I give this the lowest rating. It can still win in the blind taste test in the grand finale, so stay tuned.
Yeah, my coffee maker has a full size pot and a single serving k-cup/mini-filter adapter on the same machine. Much less mess/equipment/etc.
Assuming this model is slightly modified from the one I bought in 2014.
Oops – it’s actually a refurbished one ;p
Tomorrow is slow braised short ribs in a wine sauce with mushrooms. I need a beer to pair with it
Dead guy ale is my go to for fatty beef dishes. Or you could get a sour ale
What about a porter? Kind of match the heartiness, type of thing.
Thanks! I’ll just buy both
I love short ribs in the slow cooker. Throw in the ingredients and forget about them for about 5 hours. Devour when you just pluck the rib bones out of their respective meat holsters with zero effort.
Speaking of coffee…
Also, can anyone recommend a good cold-brewer? I’ve been meaning to get one because I like my coffee cold.
I use one like this. Although it isn’t necessary to use a cold brew system to drink cold coffee.
I do usually go with ‘Amazon Choice’ products and haven’t been steered wrong yet.
Oo, I missed that one. Guess it was back when I had a job.
And it looks like I said the same thing in that thread. I need to stop being so lazy and/or forgetful.
We use that too. Tea n coffee
Ha…..and her coffee maker is totally on topic and or the topic. Nice link!
Yea, she’s hawt. I mean, the coffee is relevant too, but…
I’ve only ever brewed hot coffee and stuck it in the fridge. There must be better options because that gets old fast.
Brew it extra strong and add ice?
Make ice cubes out of coffee. Then again, I’m tulpa.
That’s just what…ah, never mind.
Awesome. Thanks for that.
I like me some cold brewed coffee too. I was just dumping grounds into a growler and filling it up with water and straining/filtering it into another growler after the brew. I tended to make a mess doing that, so the wife got me this –
I love this series, Florida Man. You have tempted me to branch out and explore different methods, but after 40 years of drinking coffee from different devices, I love my Aeropress the best.
Still thinking about a getting a cold press though…
I’m glad you are enjoying it. I’m having fun writing and it gave me an excuse to buy more coffee stuff.
You should write a series on classic car replicas. Just sayin’.
I’ve cleared some hurdles. My wife says I can takeover the garage for 1 year and I can buy the kit when the house remodel is done and we have the money, so look for it around 2020.
Something like this??
Even better.
I’m planning on building a factory five mk4.
Looks nice. It’s been years since I’ve looked used to be you’d get a body, maybe a frame and then spend your days at salvage yards. That looks quite complete.
You can buy a complete kit and get the running gear from blueprint engines made specifically for factory five. The only thing you need to source is the rear end from a 2015-current mustang, but you can get those zero miles because people upgrade the rear end. Basically it’s a brand new car number to number you build in your garage. They claim 300 man hours with standard tools.
Your wife says ?
Mine usually asks.
Ah, the pour over. When I worked at the ‘bucks in the bad old days store policy was that we’d have two to three coffees (usually a dark and Pike, or a dark, a light, and Pike) and Pike decaf in the urns, but if anyone asked for a pour over of anything we had in stock, they got it. People being people, it would always happen when there were two people behind the counter and a line out the door with everyone ordering multiple Frappucinos or some shit. You’d have to dig out the Chemex, dust it off, grab whatever they’d asked for, grind it, then stand there and swirl until coffee happened. We dreaded the pour over, but a lot of the self-styled aficionados swore by it.
The only time I’d ever seen one prior was at the house of a girl I was trying to hook with in high school whose family was a bunch of academic bohemians who nevertheless were loaded. She dropped out of college to be a glassblower. So that’s my impression of pour over coffee. I’ve had coffee made with a sock, but never a pour over.
It does have a nice aesthetic, but honestly I think a nice French press looks pretty handsome on the counter and doesn’t take up any more space. The only real advantage I’d see would be that the Chemex-style makes cleanup marginally easier, but really it’s not like the Bataan death march to dump grounds out of a press and rinse the rest into the sink.
I try to be fair and point out as many pros as I can, but it was tough when you compare the other methods with pour over.
I mean, if I didn’t have a drip I’d consider one. It’s not like it’s bad, it’s just redundant for me. Also, I think it’s a good exercise in understanding the process of brewing coffee. It’s really just grind, the length of time the water is in contact with grounds, and water temp. Everything you use to make coffee just manipulates those three variables to greater or lesser degrees of automation.
I would add pressure to that. You’ll get different coffee from a press vs. drip with all those other factors the same.
That’s true. There’s a big difference when you factor in the pressure. I don’t know the chemistry, but I wonder if that effects the temperature at all or if it’s just as simple as squeezing the juice out of the grinds.
I really dislike the Pike Blend for some reason. It lacks body.
I was the only person who worked there who didn’t mind Pike. But you’re right, it’s just kind of…there. It’s the most generic coffee flavored coffee they’ve got. I was a big fan of the French Roast, which everyone said smelled like fish. I never got it until one day I smelled it, and just like those 3-D patterns that look like sailboats if you cross your eyes right, once I smelled it I couldn’t unsmell it.
Starbucks coffee deservedly gets a lot of criticism, but I’ll say this based on my time there and having had other coffee. They know what tastes they’re going for, and they get them consistently. Which is the same thing I say about Budweiser when people shit on it; it’s really, really difficult to make a beer that doesn’t really taste like much but doesn’t taste bad, either, and to do it consistently on that scale is a pretty amazing feat of brewing.
I used to use the method. Cheap plastic, cone filter. Put it right in the cup I’m going to drink out of and skip the middleman.
#metoo. I even saw someone at work doing it and considered bringing mine to work until I passed his desk one morning and saw a massive puddle of mixed coffee and grinds all over his desk and reconsidered that plan.
That’s a great camping method. They use that way a lot in Brazil and it goes straight into a thermos with a press dispenser so you can drink a ton of it all morning.
Melitta crapped up their plastic filter with the redesign. I use a ceramic filter holder now & a #2 (white) paper filter for my coffee at home.
I have been a long time user of the French press and love it save for the muddy cup. Just recently got a Pemex with a metal filter and really like the taste. I would rate the taste slightly higher than the press and it’s nice to be able to totally finish a cup. The press has it on speed though. First thing in the morning the sweet caffeine hits quicker. Pour over is good for the next three cups on a weekend.
“Here’s a new poem about the plight of women in a patriarchal world. It was originally written in menstrual blood.”
*dons a beret and snaps fingers*
Somber poetry, Edgar Allan Bro.
That’s, umm, terrible.
“You have dined upon my succulent gusset”
Well, somebody thinks highly of herself. But no, that’s not what happened. I quenched myself on your delicious tears.
“My souls is crucified on you tumescent staff.”
No sweetie, based on your poem, I doubt that’s ever happened.
LOL it’s works whether it’s satire or not
That account is hilarious:
Godfrey Elfwick reborn.
As a proud feminist I believe that there are literally no biological differences between men and women. These are all socially constructed. Except for trans people, who are born in the wrong body.
Still can’t believe that @GMB slut-shamed Madonna. This is SO fucking offensive to the elderly and the haggard.
I would say I’m in love, except for the fact it’s likely some dude behind that account. NTTIATWWT.
LOL I think you’re right about the satire.
I’ll stop after this
So great.
LOLz – I can’t tell if the people who seem to be taking it seriously are actually just playing along.
What a world.
Sadly, I’m certain 90% of the people don’t get it.
Upon further review, 90% is low. Oy.
Thanks glibs. I just went to a bar in my town with a few people. They wouldn’t let in one of the guys because he had a tank top. Meanwhile they let in girls with tank tops. So I told him to tell bouncer that he identified as a woman. And they let him in!
That’s priceless. And you need to go to trashier bars.
Seriously. I only go to bars that let anyone in.
It’s Hoboken uptown. It’s like the upper East side now
I dunno what “uptown” refers to but yeah I spent a summer there 20 years ago and it was easy to see where the place was going what with the already not being able to afford to live there and stuff.
The path area is downtown. I’m at the northern end near weehawken and the Lincoln tunnel.
This, after being priced out of Jersey city, which is a giant bubble waiting to burst
I would have thought any part of Hoboken was more expensive than anywhere in JC.
Except maybe around Exchange Place where I worked for the last five, six years and the number of condos going up is crazy. I never understood the appeal of all the worst parts of city living and none of the good parts myself.
Smart move on the bar’sp -they didn’t want to get cake baked.
I really hope it was a dude with a Budman tank top.
Side note I only come here for the MILFs. It’s not my type of place
Uh huh.
A most worthy cause.
“According to rumours, this life size thicc anime figure is haunted. The rumours spread so far that the company had a Shinto priest exorcise it.”
The exorcist had to be Heroic Mulatto.
I was in a pretty lousy mood today. Then I saw that there was a new Mr. Plinkett review. It’s advertised as the last, but that fat homo who runs Red Letter Media better be lying.
Playa! did you feel that?
sorry, this time Cali wins, I sat here and felt it, Fuck your website…..
Too Local I guess, epicenter was 8 miles away
We had one here about 4 days ago and we never have them. I guess I can’t say never anymore. It was just past 4 am and I was getting a coffee cup and all my dishes started rattling for a second or two. The USGS map had me outside of the “feel zone” but they are the government.
Yeah. Barely a wet fart.
Down the street ain’t a wet Fart, but then again, I live next to the San Andreas, you live by Fags and Tsunamis,
thanks for playing!
I have a moment frame and piles. I’m only going to know about a 6- from the noise. No shaking.
Sorry about the piles, Preparation H?
Thanks for reading. Have a great night.
You too!
Take care and thank you for the article!
Have a great night too, and thanks for writing about your coffee fetish. I have learned something new with every post.
Is fetish the right word? Yes. Yes it is.
Similar to how I make coffee. The name “Chemex” reminds you of chemicals, though, and I don’t think that is what you want to have people thinking about as they drink their coffee.
Especially Mexican chemicals, amirite?
Is’t it Cemex? they make Concrete…
It’s a filter, not a wall.
Chemtrails? In my coffee?
I’ve heard it has some effect on frogs…
I assume you meant this
No I meant this:
It has aliens.
This is all I think of now when I watch Alien.
It also messes with one’s Precious Bodily Fluids IIRC.
I like my Nespresso. There, I said it. Three-shot iced Americanos get me through the day.
For the record: I was going to get a real espresso machine but what pushed me to Nespresso was the someone’s review that went, basically: “I own multiple, high-quality ($1,000+) espresso machines, I have spent many hours, in aggregate, practicing with them and I can draw a shot of espresso that’s superior to my sister’s Nespresso about 50% of the time.”
The capsules work out to less than half the cost of a shot of espresso at the local cafes, so I’m saving money! (well, I would be if I weren’t now drinking twice as much coffee, but still…).
Won one of those things at a wedding party bingo game a couple years ago. Tried it once. Yuck. At least I won another one at an end of year party a year later. That one is still in the box in my closet.
Huh – are you an espresso guy to begin with? It’s a solid-not-world-class shot of espresso.
Not really. That may be the problem.
Yeah, they’re espresso machines – it’s, sort of, right in the name. Drip coffee it ain’t.
Me neither. So far I’m making only Americanos with my AeroPress.
Dayum. I’m going to the wrong kind of parties.
Yeah, those are some serious party gifts – not inexpensive. Mine was a wedding gift and a generous one at that.
It basically was a party gift. Everybody “wins” something. As a guest to a wedding, you’re expected to give $300 and up depending on your relationship to the couple. I dread getting invitations in the mail.
I’m not much of an espresso fan but if I were those smug commercials with George Clooney would have been a deal killer.
I don’t drink coffee, articles like this make me feel excluded. So instead of reading this pro-coffee propaganda I watched Star Wars: The Last Plinkett Review. I think I made the right choice.
Watched that earlier today. Brutal and accurate.
Wasn’t brutal enough for me. *says the guy who owns a lifesize R2-D2*
TBH, I only saw it once, in the theater the weekend it was released, and I was drinking, and I had to take my son to the bathroom like 5 times during the movie, so I may have missed some of the more nuanced horribleness in the movie.
What kind of shitlord are you? you potty trained your son? Let the state funded daycare do that! (not my thoughts, THIS IS SATIRE)
I wanted to make sure he knew how to properly exercise his male privilege by peeing standing up.
Sand Bags! Mass production!
Fig Newtons?
I like them….
#Metoo. I’m a little hungry, so I’m seeing things.
More, unpainted Fig Newtons…
Your services needed, Yufus.
Serves them right, somehow.
*Checks underfunded pension scheme*. Maybe.
I just got out of a 12 hour meditation. Haven’t seen a single comment all day. Entertain me shit lords.
What are you, like a monk or a Jedi or gay shit?
Mediation not meditation. Don’t you shitlord bro?
Fuck me. Just saw what autocorrect did.
And you fucking blame me? Blame yourself for fucking up and letting autocorrect decide what your nun meant about the basket!
Just read for awhile. Quality.
Fuck you! Don’t tell me what to think! *clicks link anyway* *meh, wanders off*
Quality satire is wasted on you people!
/hurrumps back in wing chair, resets monocle and picks up snifter of single malt
Quality satire is not lost on me.
I was going to point out that the vast majority of twitter users clearly don’t realize that account is satire… but that’s tallest midget territory.
It took me a moment to realize that is a troll/humor account. Well done.
Righting historical wrongs.
Nice. It’s a fun site.
The tram announcements were English/Japanese at one of the terminals at Seatac. The second language changes depending on which airline is departing, but it briefly almost felt like being in a Japanese subway. Except that the hang straps weren’t in my face and most of the other passengers were around my height, not 9-12 inches shorter.
Are ‘comfort women’ whores or those asian professional grievers?
Assuming you’re not joking, neither (reason #984 the rest of Asia hates the Japanese).
“The name “comfort women” is a translation of the Japanese ianfu (慰安婦),[4] a euphemism for “prostitute(s)”.[5]” Even if it was forced, that seems to be what they were.
No. It was actually more of a mass rape set up. They couldn’t say no.
How is that different from women in sex slavery? And we call those women prostitutes; the same terminology is applied to women who choose the profession of their own free will. It doesn’t change what they are.
I don’t use the term “whore” to describe rape victims. Even if her profession was whoring. Technically you could say, “A whore got raped”, but I’d go with, “Woman got raped”. I got nothing against prostitutes so I don’t think the derogatory term “whore” is a good why to describe one that gets raped.
Well, I believe in representing reality as much as I can. Saying a ‘whore’ ‘prostitute’ or ‘woman of the night’ got raped is a lot different story than an NFL linebacker got raped. The job description is not necessarily indicative of the persons preferences, but it does change the scenario and give more information to the reader. Further background information is required to make an informed decision, but when you don’t acknowledge what has actually happened, that’s when revisionism can set it.
I get the point CPRM. Many of the comfort women weren’t women of the night, however. Just regular ladies that got forced into servicing the Japanese army because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
But, to my point about language, and I’m not talking about Japanese, but english (I don’t know no japanese), there is no distinction. Women who go out because they are pistol whipped by their pimp get called the same thing as women who go out on their own free will to exchange money for sex.
Then I guess you could create a new word to describe women who are forced into sex vs women who do it voluntarily for cash. Lumping them together doesn’t make sense to me.
It doesn’t to me either, that was my point in this whole Devil’s Advocate discussion. But I don’t have answer to the english problem.
If it helps, it was the Imperial Army that named them comfort women. It wasn’t intended as an accurate description.
I’m not trying to be insensitive, but I’m guessing someone was paid for the sex, whether it was the government, the ‘pimp’, the ‘madame’ or the woman. That all still falls under the same term. Which is more a failing of our language in distinguishing terms than being an ‘ok’ of the situation.
You are missing it. These women were enslaved. Literally.
They got paid by not being murdered for refusing to have sex.
I’m not saying anything different. Fuck you guys are jumping on me like some SJWs for just saying the language needs to be better defined. Fucksake.
I have a Chemex but I’m almost always too lazy to use it since it involves measuring out the coffee and the water and standing there pouring for like 5 minutes, so I usually just use a French Press.
Or, you could just not drink coffee. That’s an easy fix.
Fie on thee, Satan!
I would say, as a pious man, only Satan could convince people to drink warm water passed through the ground hulls of beans from a tree that even the primitive peoples of the Americas threw away as trash. But go on buying the words of BIG COFFEE! SHEEPLE!
Baa Ram Ewe.
Just heard Bill Maher describe Brennan as “A true American hero”. Standing O. These people think we don’t remember their (justified) distrust of the CIA. What fucking joke.
Yes it is.
McCain’s death ripped the masks of if they weren’t already by the Brennan farce.
Yeah, Arizonans might get the chance of being represented in the Senate now.
It was “deeply felt” by me, too. Probably not the way it was meant by Sarwark.
Hear, hear. I also hope for what Gustave is saying, I believe the Arizonans are due for some representation.
This article is euphemism upon euphemism.
I just made decaf in my hotel room’s Mr. Coffee. Should I feel guilty.
Yes, decaf is disgusting.
A Suze Orman infomercial came on. What a fucking liar.
Anyone here? Times like these I wonder if I should’ve joined the Discqu chat
Good series FM, I almost consider drinking coffee after reading these, but I’ll stick with monster and Diet Coke
I tried the discord, but there were 1000 little nooks and crannies that hardly got visited and the main section was dominated by neckbearding about religion. The conversation is better here, IMO.
Oh ok. Thanks for saving me the time of downloading the app etc
I use pour over method mainly at home since I don’t need to brew pots of coffee. I need to try the french press method now though.