Before I give the scores from the weekend, I want to make a note here. I am not a fan of hie on-course antics and I don’t think he’s as good as Jack or Bobby Jones career-wise. But Tiger Woods understands how to answer a question about political figures. If only a lot more athletes, actors and entertainers felt this way, more people would enjoy their work without all the fucking social signaling and pandering that’s been deemed necessary by the mob.
Now on to scores: Of course ManUre plays Spurs this afternoon. Your other winners this weekend were: Arsenal (who finally have some points, lol), Leicester, Liverpool (who assumed the perch at the top of the PL table), Watford (who are level with Liverpool on points), Fulham, and Chelski (also level on points), draws for Everton-Bournemouth, Huddersfield-Cardiff, and Wolves-Man City. Yeah, that’s right…they drew with Wolverhampton. Also of note, during one of the matches, the advertisement boards around the field said “VISIT RWANDA”. Um, I don’t know who decided that was a good use of their money, but I’m not sure they should be keeping their job.
MLB winners yesterday were: Philly, Chicago (AL), Washington, who beat the Mets 15-0-ouch!, Atlanta, Tampa, Oakland, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Chicago (NL), St Louis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York (AL), Arizona and the world champion Houston Astros. 5 weeks left in the season and there are some good races going on. Enjoy. Also, US Open starts today. Enjoy that, tennis fans.

Dirty man’s birthday
Today we celebrate the birth of: Chemist Carl Bosch, automaker Charles Rolls, killer Ed Gein, mass-murderer Lyndon Baines Johnson, writer Ira Levin, jazzman Sonny Shamrock, the lovely Tuesday Weld, Bond girl Barbara Bach, fan-of-the-movies Pee-wee Herman, guitarist Alex Lifeson, ageless golfer Bernhard Langer, bassist Glen Matlock, designer Tom Ford, and flamboyant dog trainer Cesar Millan.
Its also the date on which: Napoleon defeated the Austrians at Dresden, Uruguay gained her independence, Mt Krakatoa erupted and killed 40,000, the shortest war in history took place with Britain defeating Zanzibar in 38 minutes, Christy Mathewson resigns as Reds manager to take Army commission in chemical warfare, the last Shah takes the throne in Iran, “Roman Holiday” hit the silver screen, the first “Guinness Book Of World Records” hit the shelves, Rickey Henderson broke the season steals record (1982), Moldova declared independence, and Barack Obama became the first black person to ever be nominated for President by a major party.
The historical events were mostly a bunch of “meh” today. But let’s see about…the links!
Who knew having kids could be such a pain in the ass. I mean, I know a lot of people who feel this way, albeit for different reasons.

He will spend more time in the Capitol after he died than he has for the last six months
The march to lionize John McCain continues apace, after it is announced he will lie in state in both Arizona and Washington DC. There are even talks of having his wife, a beer heiress who has never run for office, assume his seat. You know, because the voice of the people doesn’t matter a fucking bit.
Meanwhile, Trump gets it right and people are flipping the fuck out. Well, he got it half-right. But I don’t think a statement saying “he was a war-mongering sociopath and bad pilot with a God complex and an outsized sense of self-worth” would have been appropriate (albeit correct) thing to say. At least not for a couple weeks anyway…after his “McCain Death Tour 2018” ends in Arlington.
Some psychopath shot up a video game tournament in a gun-free zone in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday. He killed two people and wounded 7 others. David Hogg and the rest of the anti-gun mob were quick to blame everybody…except the shooter.
Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen’s personal attorney, has backed away from claims that he earlier made when he said Donald Trump was aware of the reasons for there Trump Tower meeting between Russian nationals (who were curiously given a visa for no apparent reason by the AG or someone in her inner circle) and Trump’s son.
Side note of hilarity: CNN are saying they stand behind the story even though Davis was the sole source for it.
Ah, Chicago. Where else is it acceptable for a mayoral candidate to publicly attempt to buy votes? I mean, I guess there are other places. But they’re usually consider tin-pot dictators-……oh, ooooooooh! I get it now.

Posted without comment
Pope Francis has finally found a subject he doesn’t have a hot take on. Big surprise there. I’ve seen a lot of people calling for his resignation and saying the Church needs a new pope. I’m starting to think they need a very real reformation.
As North Carolina legislators try to claw back some of their power, the governor bristles. If only our federal elected officials would have preserved some of their rights and responsibilities over the last 100 years, we wouldn’t have agencies running amok.
A three track extravaganza today! And we’re gonna move backwards… First, an ode to suburban sprawl. An underplayed second track. And the links (obviously) end with this track.
Enjoy the day, friends.
killer Ed Gein
He was misunderstood.
Yep. Dyslexia. He got drunk and wore a head on his lampshade.
“Today we celebrate the birth of… killer Ed Gein”
Seems Sloopy liked him.
I couldn’t call him a serial killer. Not when I had LBJ coming next.
Is having two serial killers born on the same day an example of intersectionality or just coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know…
Sloopy likes him because of all the weight he lost eating Ed’s pre-packaged diet food: Gein Cuisine.
“Who knew long pig could taste so good and be so healthy!”
There was a B movie about him called Ed Gein that came out in 2000. It is excellent and I like to pretend that the lead actor is Jim Varney.
Too stupid to reproduce. Natural selection works.
Just remind her, baby her more than anal.
babies hurt*
Need more coffee.
Plus she probably has an easy time taking a dump every day. Three fingers fit.
Some psychopath shot up a video game tournament in a gun-free zone in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday. He killed two people and wounded 7 others.
Weak k/d tbh fam.
Almost as if it might not be healthy to throw an electronic device at your kid constantly and refer to yourself as a ‘parent.’
Only killed 3. One himself. No wonder he lost.
*finds out it was a Madden tournament*
He played as the Bills. Well, there you go.
People not only play Madden games, but hold tournaments?
Well yeah and usually the guy who scores the most, wins the tournament.
I thought it was based upon total yardage across all games.
Usually the team that scores the most points wins the game.
Anything else is not MaddenBall
But Elections are still won on yardage, right?
Guten Morgen, Glibs!
Du bist haesslich, und deine Muetter kleidet dich komisch.
Uh, err… No Habla Urdu.
Ich bin Gummi, du bist Kleber. Was immer du sagst, springt von mir und bleibt bei dir.
Wirf den Juden in den Brunnen
So kann mein Land frei sein
Du musst ihn an seinen Hörnern packen
Dann haben wir eine große Party
What’s next? That South Park clip with Cartman marching around with a bunch of morons chanting about the final solution in German?
Totally not a rickroll.
On-topic Rickroll – NSFW
Streck aus deinen’ heinen gelockten
Streck ihn aus
Streck aus deinen heiften gelockten schwanz
Magisches Schwein
Mach es sehr schnell
Rein und raus
Magisches Schwein
Bis es spritzt, spritzt, spritzt Feuer!
Aber beklecker nicht das Sofa, Sofa!
Du gewinnst
I probably should avoid all the news outlets today. The McCain shit is going give a stroke.
The non-stop McCain beatification over the weekend was making me want to vomit.
Watch NBC’s coverage. It’s the best!
That’s hilarious!
Nice. I assume the other demon dolphin is Ted Kennedy.
Somebody noted on Twitter that Kennedy died nine years to the day of McCain. They said they hoped he was there to meet him at the gates. I just said “I hope for the sake of everybody there that he’s not driving.”
It was not well-received.
That’s awesome, I’m stealing that if the subject comes up on derpbook.
When I hear about Kennedy meeting McCain at the gates, I assumed the gates of Hell. Be a shame if they crashed into a lake of fire.
I knew a lady who came from Duluth
She got bit by a dog with a rabid tooth
This morning ABC is rambling on about dedicated family man McCain.
So dedicated that when he knew his death was imminent he chose to exercise power as long as possible instead of spending the remaining time with his family.
Dedicated enough to upgrade when his first wife broke down.
So dedicated that he dumped his incredibly faithful beauty queen wife because she was no longer beautiful.
incredibly faithful beauty queen wife because she was no longer beautiful.
He couldn’t just be married to a faithful queen. Just ask Lindsey Graham.
Somebody here the other day wondered how Razorfist would eulogze McCain. Herewith the answer:
My wait is over. This ought to be goooooood.
The best is all of my prog-leaning friends eulogizing the shit out of him on Facebook.
This morning Chuck Schumer was all over NBC talking about how great McCain was.
Is that the same McCain that you were so certain was a racist, homophobic, nazi war-monger who hated women back when he was running against Obama?
Schumer is not the only entity to call McCain Hitler when he ran against Obama only to then name him a great man when he badmouthed the guy that managed to win the election the left rigged for Hillary…
Some psychopath shot up a video game tournament in a gun-free zone in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday.
Inevitable. It was in Florida, shooter was from Baltimore, location was Chicago Pizza.
Insert [mind blown gif] here.
Colonel Mustard?
With the candelabra?
No, with the gun, bra.
Always a difficult thing to nail down, but I believe that is irony right there.
Pope Francis has finally found a subject he doesn’t have a hot take on.
Give him a couple weeks to find some way to blame it on capitalist greed and climate change.
Obviously capitalism gives priests boners for little boys.
I wish I could blame every weakness on some dude nobody likes. It’s almost as nice as being able to think that whenever someone dies they go to some happy awesome place. Yeah…. it’d be nice.
Staying quiet…kinda what enabled all of it in the first place.
Okay fellow tech people, riddle me this – why the hell to developers insist on fucking up the UI every time they supposedly patch for speed or security and always, always make it worse than it was before?
Context – work decided to roll out patches to desktop browsers over the weekend, and I’ve been fighting to get them into something resembling a usable state. It’s made me more than a little cross.
Because they wrote shit code in the first place, and when one of the rubber bands holding the site together snaps, everything comes apart at the seams.
I’m an old Fortran and Assembler guy who got as far a C when I went on to other things. So I’m far from familiar with how the kids do things today, but I wonder: Does the sheer number of different languages and platforms proliferating out there today make it really hard to get and stay competent at coding, irrespective of native talent?
No, but it limits job opportunities.
They rolled out patches to the browsers or to software? I am familiar with the usual attempts to override browser capabilities to stop employees from spending all day looking at donkey pr0n, and how they indubitably produce more problems in general than they solve, but are you referring to some rollout of custom software having the UI fubared instead?
The browser software. Changed my firefox version from the long term support version to the hot garbage quantum version.
Yeah, that is just stupid people doing stupid.
Quantum is fine you crank. Page loads are quicker, a frozen tab doesn’t take out the entire browser, and the UI buttons can be customized to be pretty much like the old version.
I’ve not noticed any evidence of A), as the bottleneck of a proxy makes it moot how fast the browser works. Never had B) Happen, and I already had my UI the way I liked it. And If it weren’t a hot mess, it wouldn’t have broken all the plugins.
Plugins are kind of a bummer, especially if you were using older ones that are no longer maintained. The most popular ones have all been ported to the new plugin architecture, but there’s gotta be thousands of orphaned ones that will never get done.
Screw the UI if you can’t handle running curls to get the API data by hand then you don’t deserve to have the data. UI’s are for wimps
Wasting time on that sort of shit proves you’re suited to work with a computer. You have been reassigned to the role of Festus’ assistant. He’ll tell you what to clean up.
Maybe they need to set yearly targets and “Upgrade usability of GUI” is usually a good one.
As a guy who was married at one point in my life, I think the LAST person in the world I would want to take over for me would have been her.
I read that as “the march to bronze John McCain”.
Maybe he’ll be mummified like Lenin.
Ah, Chicago. Where else is it acceptable for a mayoral candidate to publicly attempt to buy votes? I mean, I guess there are other places. But they’re usually consider tin-pot dictators-……oh, ooooooooh! I get it now.
In the last local elections in Romania a candidate for mayor of Ploiesti literally had a campaign promise of a municipal “pension” for the elderly in the city. Not much of a pension really seeing it was not based on any contribution, but just 500 lei a month handout for all people over 65. Not even using his money.
They never use their money. I would be less pissed if they did it that way and left my money to me.
“The march to lionize John McCain continues apace, after it is announced he will lie in state in both Arizona and Washington DC. ”
I would like to thank and honor the man for his service and sacrifices, but even though one is not supposed to talk badly about the deceased, I have to admit that I lost all respect for McCain back in the early 2000s considering his petty and vindictive nature that led to some real shitty & petty abuses of power.
I heard someone insist it’s an injunction against speaking untruths about the dead, not just speaking poorly of them… but I’ve never found a source for that.
Ancient Roman religious beliefs included serious fear of retribution from the dead if they weren’t properly appeased and venerated.
That might be a source of the superstition.
Somebody will correct me if I’m wrong and I will learn from the correction.
“I won’t say I’m glad he’s dead. That would be wrong. So I won’t say it.”
Whatever he might have done as a younger man, his decision to spend his last days mucking up senate proceedings instead of getting more time in with his family shows his true colors.
The guy went off his rockers in the early 2000s for some reason and became a petty tyrant.
His petty vindictiveness spoke volumes.
He was always an asshole. The more power he got the more it came out.
Fuck civility and formality. I’m glad he’s dead. I hope he suffered. And if there’s such a thing as eternal torment in the afterlife, I hope he gets it. Fuck his “service” too. He’d have been drummed out after his first 3 aircraft losses if he hadn’t been an admiral’s boy.
It’s not the Devil and pitchfork waiting for him. It’s Qaddafi and a bayonette.
He is gonna be Saddam’s bitch…
This right here. I cheered when I saw the news break.
Betting Odds on Trump’s Re election.
A list of Team Blue Hopefuls:
Democratic Nominee for the 2020 Election
08:00 PM 2251 Bernie Sanders +450
2252 Kamala Harris +400
2253 Joe Biden +500
2254 Elizabeth Warren +1000
2255 Cory Booker +1200
2256 Kirsten Gillibrand +1200
2257 Oprah Winfrey +1600
2258 Michelle Obama +2500
2259 Andrew Cuomo +2000
2260 Julian Castro +2500
2261 Amy Klobuchar +2500
2262 Tom Wolf +2500
2263 Joe Kennedy III +2500
2264 Hillary Clinton +3300
2265 Tom Steyer +1400
The quarter-wit says…
Anjew Komo is my favit!
Proving himself right about America.
Donald Trump
To Leave Office via Impeachment
1507 Yes +200
1508 No -300
Do these people understand that the Senate gets a say?
It’s all about getting uneducated morons that think they are woke and smart to go vote thinking they can reverse the result of an election the deep state thought it had rigged and stolen for Hillary. Most of these angry voters also firmly believe if Trump gets impeached Hillary gets the job. When you laugh at them and point out they have it all wrong, they basically freak out even more.
….and bang on the pots and pans.
True story.
Apparently not.
Even if you grant Dems take the house (not unlikely) and move to impeach, despite Pelosi begging them not to (also not unlikely), it takes some real President Bobcat logic to get to impeachment from there.
It depends on what they have on him. A lot of Republican pols are real law-and-order conservatives. So when one of their own is shown to have done wrong, they usually excommunicate them. This is why the dems were able to claim so many republican pelts in the 90’s. When a little dirt came out, they dropped the accused like a bad habit.
The dems will sometimes do this, but only rarely. It takes a lot. They stood by Bill. They stood by Barnie Frank. Heck, they even stood by Rostenkowski up until he was about to be convicted. The only one they abandoned that I can think of off the top of my head is Al Franken. And that one I was pretty sure that everyone should have left him alone on.
If he gets impeached with any evidence of actual criminal activity, the Senate will convict. Nobody likes the guy and it only takes a few Republican defectors to convict.
If he gets impeached with any evidence of actual criminal activity, the Senate will convict.
What would count as actual criminal activity/high crimes or misdemeanors is huge variable here. Technical violations of campaign finance law wouldn’t cut it, I don’t think. The reaction from the home state voters would also be important. Senators ain’t kicking Trump out if their polling tells them they will be next.
It takes 67 Senators to remove a President. If the Repubs have 59, that would mean all 41 Dems plus 26 Republicans. That’s a lot of Repub Senators. I think it would take one hell of an actual crime for nearly half the Repub Senators to vote to remove.
59? They are at a tenuous 50/49 right now. Picking up 8 new seats plus holding McCain is a bit of a stretch.
Plus, there’s probably at least a half-dozen never-Trump types that would vote to convict today, just to get rid of Trump.
Trump is no Bill Clinton. He was really popular with the base and with independents. He was easy to defend, even as credible cases for sexual harassment, sexual assault and even rape came to light.
Trump is not so likeable. But I still wouldn’t bet against him. I’ve been wrong about everything about Trump’s election chances, so I am not going to pretend that I have any better insight this time. The dude defies all rational thought.
My shorthand of this is “it’s all just political.”
A murderer can stay in office if they won’t vote him out. To that extent, RMN37 was right when he said that if the president does it, it’s not illegal.
The best man is gone the second Senator 67 thinks his seat might be at risk. Ergo GRF38.
They are at a tenuous 50/49 right now.
Not sure what the current projections are, but I think it would take a massive Blue Tsunami to keep the Repubs from getting to 55, anyway. But, who the fuck knows these days. If so, the math would be all 45 Dems vote to remove, and 22 Repubs. Still highly unlikely in the absence of something truly shocking, IMO.
Picking up 8 new seats plus holding McCain is a bit of a stretch.
Next session, there will be an appointed Repub in McCain’s former seat. It won’t go to an election until 2020. Arizona hasn’t elected a Dem Senator since DeConcini was re-elected in 1988.
Not good enough. Respecting the office means you like Trump.
You left that hanging out there, Rufus, but I ain’t touching it.
Insert [mind blown gif] here.
“We stand by our story, and are confident in our reporting of it.”
No mention that it was BS, but still the best kind of correct.
Fake but accurate.
They don’t even care anymore. They just print whatever they think will have the worst impact on Trump…still not having learned that he’s going to punch back like the team red pols before him didn’t have the balls to do.
At least the usual morons I used to have to call to task for wanting to argue that the media was not a shithole left leaning cesspool but a corporate beast no longer really try so hard to pretend their is any impartiality these days. Something good came out of them dropping the mask and showing their true colors.
Barack Obama became the first black person to ever be nominated for President by a major party.
I still maintain that Bill Clinton is the first black president.
I though intersectionally speaking hes half white.
Well to tell a family secret, his grandmother was Dutch.
Since Obama was raised in Hawaii by wealthy white people and Bill Clinton was a Southern boy, that’s probably accurate as far as being culturally black American goes.
Speaking of “culturally black American”…
I was watching “Black Panther” the other night and something jumped out at me.
At the very end of the movie, the bad guy is dying and Black Panther offers to save him. “No”, he says, “Just let me go. Like my ancestors who jumped from slave ships because they knew it was better to die than to live in a cage”.
That just dropped me right out of the movie. So much wrong in just one sentence, and I haven’t heard anyone comment about it. (maybe because I was’t listening.. who knows?
Anyway, to break it down….
1. He’s from Wakanda, a mythical African nation with super-advanced technology that was never conquered. So his ancestors were never slaves in America.
2. Even if Wakanda were not a mythical superpower, being a native African born of African parents in Africa would eliminate the possibility that his ancestors were slaves in America.
3. If he had been an American descendant of slaves, his ancestors would not have “jumped from slave ships because they knew it was better to die than live in a cage.” Because, you know… being dead and all, the ones who would rather have died and actually did die, well, they never made it to America and never had descendants. Kinda obvious there.
Black Panther just rolls with it, as if American Black culture is the same as his wealthy African royalty culture and he is steeped in the language of slavery and racial oppression.
The whole thing just made absolutely no sense at all. It was like having a couple of Japanese characters referencing Protestant/Catholic violence as if they were from Ireland.
Thank you! This perfectly reflects my own reaction to that stupid line.
“…I’m starting to think they need a very real reformation.”
As long as Protestants aren’t involved. The last guy who did it wasn’t exactly all there, amirite?
/high five.
Have you ever been in a protestant church? It’s like a classroom. A plain rectangle with a flat roof, and a lectern, and no candles, stained glass or nothing. I’ve seen hispanic dashboards with more Jesus bling. Churches are supposed to have weird echoes and smell of incense.
My church has stained glass. We bought it from a baptist church that was moving. So its been protestant all along. Roof isn’t flat either. But yeah on the lectern and lack of candles. The latter is because we acknowledge electricity. And the former is for easy moving for when the band is playing.
Sounds like some Eastern European Orthodox denomination is right for you.
My mother is Protestant. Pentecostal.
Methodist Churches are the K-Mart of churches.
Suspect in 1998 murder of Dutch boy arrested after mass DNA testing
Following recent rapid advances in DNA analysis, however, Dutch authorities appealed in May last year for some 20,000 men in the Limburg area to come forward and provide samples for a mass testing programme. Almost 15,000 did so.
Brech, who left the Netherlands in October last year and in February told his family he was on an extended wilderness hiking trip in the mountainous Vosges region of eastern France, was not among the volunteers.
But the DNA of a close relative showed enough similarities with the 1998 sample to flag him as a potential suspect. He was formally reported missing in April, and following a search of his home forensic scientists successfully lifted DNA from his pyjamas.
I mean maybe they got the guy but this method seems a bit seems a bit iffy
Send in your DNA voluntarily to the government. Good idea. Maybe they’ll give you a nifty little number tattoo and your forearm, too.
Well some of you mammals demand that everyone get a gold star.
We prefer the tattoo method of marking cattle. But if it makes your species more comfortable we can change things up…
People better get used to the fact that privacy is dead. There was some long lost murder in the US that was recently solved in a similar manner when a relative with a medical condition gave DNA and the deep state matched it to the killer. I am all for justice being served, but does anyone doubt the deep state will not abuse this capability?
That’s the Catch-22. The double-edged sword. The conundrum.
Not even the deep state. It was commercial DNA testing databases. So the deep-corporatist/statist conglomerate?
But the point remains the same. Between Google, Facebook, Apple, the phone companies, credit card companies, banks and now, the government has every detail of every person’s life. And instead of grabbing pitchforks and torches like they said they would, the left has grabbed their pom-poms and megaphones to cheer on the coming of big brother.
”But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”
The guy wasn’t issuing a warning for them…. it was a roadmap.
Suspect in 1998 murder of Dutch boy
Darn. I liked his paint.
Too soon?
Would you rather be raped by a French dolphin or listen to more McCain coverage?
Into the ocean for me!
“I issued the decree to ensure safety… Several bathers were really afraid — he even lifted up a woman bather with his snout,” Lars told the local newspaper Ouest France.
What else would he use, a flipper?
Given that Dolphins are kin to Sea Smith…
Keep your filthy blowhole away from my front hole.
This is, like, super offensive to trans-speciests who don’t have blowholes.
When you think about it, a dolphin can give two different kinds of blow jobs.
So blow it out yer ass.
Greeted by “Drug Resistant Gonorrhea Alert” billboards driving into Chicago – confirms OMWC lives in the area.
You trying to say something?
She’s saying that OMWC put up those billboards.
I thought she was saying they put those up because of OMWC…..
A nuthouse, with typewriters
At first, you think: Rich people making a difference — so generous! Until you consider that America might not be in the fix it’s in had we not fallen for the kind of change these winners have been selling: fake change.
Fake change isn’t evil; it’s milquetoast. It is change the powerful can tolerate. It’s the shoes or socks or tote bag you bought which promised to change the world. It’s that one awesome charter school — not equally funded public schools for all. It is Lean In Circles to empower women — not universal preschool. It is impact investing — not the closing of the carried-interest loophole.
Of course, world-changing initiatives funded by the winners of market capitalism do heal the sick, enrich the poor and save lives. But even as they give back, American elites generally seek to maintain the system that causes many of the problems they try to fix — and their helpfulness is part of how they pull it off. Thus their do-gooding is an accomplice to greater, if more invisible, harm.
What their “change” leaves undisturbed is our winners-take-all economy, which siphons the gains from progress upward. The average pretax income of America’s top 1 percent has more than tripled since 1980, and that of the top 0.001 percent has risen more than sevenfold, even as the average income of the bottom half of Americans stagnated around $16,000, adjusted for inflation, according to a paper by the economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
Rich philanthropists, donating their money to benefit others?
It’s a trap!
Only government bureaucrats should be allowed to dispense money to the poor (less appropriate administrative and handling fees, of course). Because private money bears the unseemly taint of profit. And besides, those icky rich people might derive some sort of depraved personal satisfaction from heir acts of charity, and we cannot allow that.
We have to steal their money at gunpoint and then take collective action so that worthless non-contributing shitstains can feel like they are part of the solution too.
And rake off the vig, too.
“Only government bureaucrats should be allowed to dispense money to the poor (less appropriate administrative and handling fees, of course).”
Marxists and fascist believe that old religion was stupid, but they demand the same worship for the state, which of course, should be the sole arbiter of whom wins and whom loses.
God, I’m not finding any interesting stories. It’s all fucking McCain is dead shit. It makes me want to puke. A massive POS that hated the American people (I’m sure we all remember that condescending hobbits comment) is finally dead. I’m not going to say I hope he’s burning in hell like someone above, but I’m not going to pretend he wasn’t a sack of shit that I’m glad is finally gone.
Okay, maybe one story. McCain died of the same thing as fellow POS Kennedy did 9 years ago.
Spreads via anal intercourse.
Good, maybe it’s catching.
Of course people will say….and? He was right!
Just look at the only comment!
McCain abhorred anyone that got in his way or challenged his authority.
Anyone a degree to his right was pure evil. Everyone on the left was a “good friend”.
You sound like one of those Whacko Birds.
mistakenly having anal sex
Her name is Good Egg.
Woman: Doctor, can you get pregnant from anal sex?
Doctor: Of course, that’s how
lawyers are born!OK, that didn’t work. Try again:
Woman: Doctor, can you get pregnant from anal sex?
Doctor: Of course, that’s how
lawyersSenators are born!Re NC amendments. Oh shit I might need to complete my voter registration, so I can vite on this
My wife dragged me out the Christopher Robin movie. Saw previews for remakes of Dumbo, the Nutcracker, and Mary Poppins.
Some real creative juices flowing over there at Disney.
“We haven’t shat on all of our company’s legacy yet!” – Current Disney corporate.
You know they are going to ruin it by making it all woke and shit…
Odds that Mary Poppins is trans this time around?
No, she lectures the children on how evil they are for daring to be born to a household able to afford a nanny.
And she then tells the chimney sweep he is evil because of CO2?
And because he’s wearing black-face. (Unless he is black – which will probably be the case as improbable as that might be in historical England).
Honestly wasn’t sure if that was, “dragged me out to the…” or “dragged me out of the…” If the latter, you gotta a keeper there, but makes me worry about your choice of movies.
How much of this is Disney trying to maintain their IP?
All of it
“I come not to praise John McCain, but because I need to take a piss.”
“This is why sex education is so important. Stay in school kids!!”
I’d like to see some history on paleo sex ed. Good thing they had it back then too, or we wouldn’t have survived as a species.
Also: Would that be considered ‘vintage’ pr0n?
OMWC would like to stay in schoolkids.
You know, because the voice of the people doesn’t matter a fucking bit.
Bro, do you even ‘political dynasty’?
The sins of the Catholic Church. It’s funny that no matter which bishop was elected to pope, they were going to have some skeleton in their closet about covering up abuse because it’s been so rampant in the church. Reap what you sow, you stale old pieces of elitist shit.
America Soured on My Multiracial Family
When my wife and I adopted our daughter from Ethiopia in 2010, we did so full of hope. In the years since, we’ve faced ugliness that has robbed us of our optimism—and left us fearful for the future of our country.
Wait I’ve got the ‘shit that didn’t actually happen’ drawer open. Would like me to file this story away?
Probably happened but not to him personally. It’s a composite encounter that journalistS are so fond of using. He had to google “alt right africa adoption wrong” then copy and paste into the article
I’m gonna go with that as well.
I’m a 52 y/o, white biker looking dude with a 5 y/o black adopted son. At first I got about three ” who’s gonna teach him his heritage” bullshit admonitions from racist blacks, then I got “investigated” for kidnapping about 4 times, thanks to concerned citizens reporting me to police. Once my kid got to be old enough to obviously be mine, it all stopped. Well occasionally i see a scowl on some losers face, but no comments or cops or anything. It helps that my kid has a huge personality and can make anyone smile or laugh.
The Victim Olympics must go on Comrade.
David French? The NRO guy?
Yes – Americas greatest cuck – and it has nothing to do with the color of his kid.
I see his play here. French knows as well as anyone else that the vocal alt-right is a vanishingly small percentage of basement dwellers with internet connections and lots of free time. He’s making an appeal to the center left.
“See? I’m picked on by the racists just like you!”
I think the moral of the story is to not live your life as an online virtue signaling presence. Just raise your kid and stop tooting your horn about how holy thou art.
Assuming there is a real Ethiopian daughter there, I fear they did not adopt her to have a daughter, but to have a conduit for signalling virtue.
Take it offline, eh?
Well we know his wife isn’t online, because he doesn’t even let her email other men when he’s out of town.
Yeah, I call fucking bullshit.
It’s sucks that the first thought that went through my head was, “Oh, so you got (or manufactured) exactly what you wanted when you adopted the kid.” God damn, I don’t want to think like that, but you gotta admit it’s a pretty high possibility.
“I pandered online for attention from my woke friends and instead a bunch of racists were mean to me!”
“…Third, American culture has long been obsessed with questions of race and identity.”
Subsets of its culture are. And the ideology most obsessed with is the progressive left. The group you’re signalling to with phrases like that.
All that love talk….
Isn’t the guy who defended the violent actions of a school cop body slamming a difficult girl in class?
“Actual racists loathe the idea of white parents raising a black child, and ideological arguments about identity raise questions about whether a white family’s love can actually harm a child of a different race.”
Actual literal racists.
I would like, for once, to see some data on this. Sure they exist, I even experienced it when I hired a Haitian woman but it was hardly rampant and find it hard to believe it would be in his case.
“…The first significant blow came from the Obama administration IRS. The adoption tax credit (a significant financial aid to adoptive families) was made fully refundable for the 2010 and 2011 tax years.”
Lol. The long, weaponized ears of Obama strikes!
I’m doing this as I go along reading. Too much fun.
“…They lifted pictures of my then-7-year-old daughter from social media and photo-shopped her into a gas chamber, with Donald Trump pressing the button to kill her. They put her image in slave fields. They found my wife’s blog and filled the comment section with gruesome pictures of dead or dying African-Americans. They made me wish for the days when “the left” came after us; at least progressive critics didn’t want my daughter to die.
We’re an extreme case, mainly because my wife and I are both writers and we’ve both offered very public (and controversial) political commentary. ”
Not a single picture of my daughter is on the internet. Not one. We’re not on Facebook and have no interest or intentions of showing how fucking great she is at making Pillsbury cookies.
“…For our part, we’ve sheltered our daughter from all these attacks. One day she’ll learn. One day I’m sure we’ll hold each other again—this time not in a pizza parlor—and weep for the hate directed at her because of her beautiful skin, a hate designed to wound her precious soul. We’ll do our best to guard her heart against those who would seek to turn child against parent, to claim that her parents’ love was somehow suspect and their faith a source of oppression rather than a source of life and hope.”
We’ll do it in a Sushi bar instead.
“We love our daughter more than we love our own lives. But the idealism of 2010 is gone.”
Woodstock 2010 was a flop.
You on a roll there Rufus..
Rufus in The Atlantic editorial board room.
Rufus (to French): Give me that.
French (hands pen over sheepishly).
Rufus (repeats with annoyance):” ….idealism of 2010….”
TA editor: Who are you?
“…we’ve sheltered our daughter…”
“We’ll do our best to guard her heart…”
Sounds like you are off on the right track!
SMH. Don’t shelter or guard her. Tell her we are not all the same (diversity!) and that some people are very shallow and only think in terms of skin color, or political ideology. Tell her the world is not perfect and conflict abounds. Jesus, this girl will fit right in to the left if she doesn’t get some better advice from someone other than her parents.
Americanevery culture ever has long been obsessed with questions of race and identity.Fer fuck’s sake, can we stop pretending America is uniquely bad on questions of race and identity? America didn’t invent slavery, racism, bigotry, or any of that. Its a universal issue for every single organization, nation, tribe, clan, whatever. There are always, and will always be, in-groups and out-groups defined in various ways, including kinship, race, sex, belief, behavior, etc. ad infinitum.
It’s not just this. We hear this about America on other issues: “The American electorate is dreadfully uninformed..” “American sports fans are obsessive…”
And as a brown person myself (I hate to invoke as-a), I get greatly irritated when I hear the phrase brown person.
I would still be that there are more lefties worried about these poor kids being raised by whitey than there are upset Klan-Lite people. Those poor black kids aren’t being raised “authentically”.
Look at the racism we enshrined in law here: Indian Child Welfare Act . Basically, if a kid has indian blood in them, the tribe can take them away from the adoptive parents and give them to an indian family to be raised.
Woods said: “No. I just finished 72 holes and am really hungry.”
They really were pissed they couldn’t get him to say something bad about Trump…
Tiger has shown the occasional lack of awareness, but in this case I think the dude realized this was a no-win scenario and just fucked the reporters up.
If Everton only draws on the road when they get a red card in the first half, they might be in good shape this year.
Then again, looks like their best player will be missing 3 games, for both a stupid move that was overblown by the ref.
EPL reffing makes the NBA look competent.
Meanwhile Bundesliga and Serie A are mastering VAR.
I just want every card reviewed post match. VAR would be great, but the willingness to have an independent body retroactively change cards in either direction would be great. Their is an appeal process, but they primarily exist to protect the refs.
What is wrong with saying, “The ref gave a straight red, but, ehhh, its borderline, and we voted yellow.” Or vice versa.
It is sort of like college football reviews. They overly go to the call on the field. I would have a 3 person panel that votes independently on what they think is the right call (not the current standard that it must be clearly wrong to overturn). If all 3 vote to overturn, you overturn the call. But each is voting more a “preponderance of the evidence” standard. If its only 2-1, stick with call on field.
That was a bad red…meanwhile, in the CP/Watford game a Watford player full on stamps Zaha in the achilles right in front of the ref, and only gets a yellow.
See, two perfect examples for my review board to reverse. Make one a retroactive yellow and the other a retroactive red. What is the problem with that?
Ah. Watford. Another English side complaining of the harsh regiments of Italian coaches.
When I was in high school I had one legitimate shot on goal. I played fullback mostly, so scoring chances were rare. I took the ball away at midfield and drove right to the penalty spot at the top of the box. I was in the act of shooting what was basically a gimmie goal when the opposing player took out my plant leg with a full-swing kick right in the calf.
I thought he had broken my leg at the time. Not only did it not draw a card… it didn’t even draw a penalty. The referee stood over me as I laid there and said, “get up son, don’t be such a pussy”.
If I could have gotten up, I would have slugged him. As it was, my coach yelled “Hey ref! Come on!” That got him a red card, so he watched the rest of the match from the team bus.
Gotta love those hometown refs.
In any event, I went to a heavily redneck school. My teammates had my back and even though we lost the match, we easily won the brawl that broke out later in the game. We kinda sucked at soccer, but we were pretty good at the fighting part. If we had been up north, it probably would have been a hockey team.
Not that I like Man City, but the Wolves scoring on a handball was another huge mistake this weekend.
True. And Chelski’s game winner penalty was bullshit.
It’s a shame that soccer coverage in the U.S. is all EPL all the time.
Holy shit, Bundesliga is unwatchable now. Way to fuck it up, guys.
When my wife and I adopted our daughter from Ethiopia in 2010, we did so full of hope.
I read that yesterday. What a heapin’ helpin’ of whiny self pity and hot air.
Illegal Aliens Commit Fewer Crimes Than U.S.-Born? Not So Fast
They’ve been peddling that obvious bullshit for years.
That Cato study also showed that legal immigrants are way more law-abiding than illegal immigrants.
Yeah, lump illegals with legals, and you sure as hell are going to be able to fudge those numbers..
So people who break our immigration laws don’t break the law? Fuck you Nick. You are truly one dumb asshole.
Why the hell is it so hard to grasp that you can be pro-immigrant and be anti-illegal-immigration.
I’m not ending that with a question mark, because I know the answer is that they are mendacious, evil fucks.
I’d wager most of us here are for significant immigration reform that reduces the burden of immigrating here legally.
Meh. I think a pause for assimilation might be in order at this point.
I’m all for increasing immigration of 19 year old bikini models. They are in heavy demand right now and carry quite a premium…. but if we increase the supply enough, you’ll be able to pick them up for a song.
Supply side economics, FTW!
If you are an ‘illegal alien’ you have already committed a crime…
Heritage links to a 2011 GAO report that provides much more specific data about the criminal behavior of illegal immigrants. According to the GAO, criminal aliens (the government’s term) represent one-fourth of the total population of inmates incarcerated in federal prison. If estimates that there are about 11 million illegals in this country are correct, that’s only three percent of the total U.S. population. Further, about one-third of inmates in state and local jail are here illegally.
I would like to know how many of them are locked up solely for immigration violations, and how many for violent crimes. I suppose that may be in the GAO report.
Do people get locked up for just immigration violations instead of just being deported?
I think you can be locked up until you are deported. Really don’t know, but if it takes, say, a month to process a deportation, that could skew the numbers.
The quote talks about ‘federal prison’ – I wonder if they’re rolling in federal detention centers which, AFAIK, is where they’d stick you while awaiting deportation.
How to impeach Trump.
That was good.
Love the last line.
“What’s a proppo?”
– Gary Johnson
I may be the only one… but I laughed out loud on that one.
Asked if he had any more to say about the state and discourse of race relations, Woods said: “No. I just finished 72 holes and am really hungry.”
My opinion of him is substantially better, now (I didn’t really give a shit, one way or the other, previously).
“No, I’ve lost enough sponsorships already.”
That squirrel on the front page better not get too liquored up.
Bad things happen to squirrels that aren’t paying attention.
That was my front yard last Friday. Drizzly day, but that hawk was very happy chowing away on that squirrel. My wife wanted me to go scare him off and get rid of the carcass. I laughed and told her that hawks need to eat too. The reality is, that when I went out to take pics, the hawk was showing no inclination to be scared of me and move on. I was a bit worried that if I pressed the hawk to move, I might add to my neighborhood legend by running up and down the street with a hawk glommed onto my head.
… fucking new proxy blocks imgur?
I was working in my yard and a Coopers Hawk flew about 5 feet above my head. The noise the wings made when flapping was pretty loud, and I wonder if he thought he could grab my head and fly away with me but changed his mind when he got closer.
Your scalp must have looked rabbity.
Like he had a full head of hare?
I angora tell you what to do, but I’d be careful about punning this early. It really Bugs Swissie.
These LARPers show Antifa how it is done!
A medieval festival in a country still stuck in the middle ages…
When I visited Serbia, I got more of the 1930’s highly nationalistic Europe vibe.
I just sent this on to an ex-coworker from Serbia. I made a lot of snide comments about how I was amazed that Serbia now has an armored division.
What if he brings in a two handed sword and starts taking down coworkers in anger, huh?
Well at least it would stop his chronic masturbation problem….
Stress management…
Couldn’t do that in the US Empire. OSHAwoukd have a say. BATF would have to inspect the weapos.
Filed into the “Things to do when UBER rich” file.
“he was a war-mongering sociopath and bad pilot with a God complex and an outsized sense of self-worth”
Sounds like something a wacko-bird libertarian would say.
House painter and pot farmer from St. Louis resisting Robert Mueller’s Russia probe
Godspeed to him.
Thank. God. This. Day. Is Over.
I think this is the most relieved for work to be “done” I’ve been in recent memory. But it’s the end of the semester and I have to write a bullshit report card for all of my 200 or so students. It’s written in English and no one translates it. It’s all just the visual spectacle showing off that the white monkey can write and show it to the parents.
I got ahead of the situation last week, but I still have finish reports for five more classes. For now it’s soju and energy drink mix. I should come up with a name for this ingenious cocktail I’ve invented. After I get a buzz on I’ll incorporate my report cards into the equation. But for now…I just need to decompress.
Hope all of y’all can attack the day rather than it beating you up.
. For now it’s soju and energy drink mix. – why do you want to continue being in pain? are you a masochist?
Goddammit it. I mean’t to use this as an exploration of the current state of my psyche.
To all you motorcycle riding Glibs. Be careful out there. Be more careful that the traffic you are navigating through. Another driver made a mistake at an intersection in ft. Smith yesterday and killed a damn good man I work with and grievously injured his wife. Be safe.
Sorry Lach, that sucks bad…
I love bikes but wouldn’t even think of having one around here.
I enjoy riding a bike as much as the next guy, but damn do I know a lot of people who have either been killed or seriously injured on one.
I dont know statistically how much more dangerous a motorcycle is than a car/truck but it sure seems like damn near all riders eventually have an accident.
That’s probably true of most drivers as well, but the consequences of a motorcycle wreck are much greater.
Some punk ran a red and hit me as I was turning left. Little fucker was going fast enough to flip my car onto its roof. One a bike (or my Triumph for that matter) I’m not here to enjoy you fine people.
Only dirt bikes in the boonies for me.
“U.S. government data from 2013 show that for every mile traveled that year, the number of motorcycle-related deaths was 26 times the number of car-related deaths”
That’s for death. I’m sure serious injury ratios are much higher, since you have so much more exposure to things like broken bones and flayed skin when a motorcycle goes down.
“You dress for the slide, not the ride.”
All you needs is one distracted fuck trying to text and drive, and you end up as road kill…
Exactly that. I decided against going for my exam years ago because of being wedged between three vans/trailers. I remember saying to myself, ‘this is retarded. One wrong move’. I saw no point in it. It wasn’t going to be my main mode of transportation and I wasn’t immersed in motorcycle culture. I would have ended up like my neighbour. A person who owns one for the look of it but takes it out once in a blue moon. He has taken it out exactly twice so far.
I have little time and it’s too dangerous. So I pulled out.
I love speed … driving fast… and a motorcycle is one of the easiest ways to enjoy both. But I also like some metal around me. If going real fast, a roll cage.
Sorry, man. Condolences.
Damn. Sorry man. As someone mentioned a while back, riding a motorcycle makes you understand what defensive driving means in a hurry. I have a bunch of stories from when I rode everyday. I love the bumper sticker, but I’m not convinced loud pipes actually save lives. Most cagers are oblivious…
Sorry to hear. One too many close calls with critters and cagers and I decided to give up the motorcycle.
Here in the people’s republic of NJ I don’t really miss it.
I am so sorry.
I had motorcycles for years. My last was a Virago 920. I stopped riding it when I got pregnant. My husband stopped riding it when he got bumped in the back tire by a car driver. We got rid of it shortly thereafter. I still mourn it.
I ride as much as I can. It’s my goal to get away from people as soon as possible. On Sat my buddy and I rode up to one of the NYC reservoirs in the Catskills. We went around a 20 mile lake without seeing more than 5 other cars. Beautiful, when no one else is is on your road.
It requires you to be extremely defensive driver that has to constantly look for potential threats (is that a deer, will this old man cut the mower into the road, is this chick paying attention or will she just charge out into the road in front of me?).
I still love the thrill and excitement, but I would never ride in the city unless I had too.
I love riding dirt, back roads, and empty highways but try to avoid city riding.
Cagers simply do not see riders so you have to ride like you’re invisible. That takes a lot of attention while around others. The bikers who died that I know of were almost all drunk when it happened.
… Hobbit
That RealDoll’s owner sure is putting a lot of effort into showing it off.
I have no idea who this is.
Thicc doesn’t age well. My then-skinny-as-a-rail sister-in-law has only gotten hotter with age. She’s 36 or so now and she’s by far the most attractive she’s ever been IMO. After two kids, too. She’s been in my life long enough to be my sister, but damn if I don’t sometimes get lost in her looks.
‘I didn’t understand the gravity of a shoot being an entire production and I guess I took it for granted,’ the mother-of-two told the publication this month.
“I want to thank the photographers, gaffers, technicians, makeup artists, hair stylists, and especially my agent for not raping me as a teenager.”
“the shortest war in history took place with Britain defeating Zanzibar in 38 minutes”
I can’t believe the British government ever did anything in 38 minutes.
Dental cleanings?
It was less the government as a whole and more the officer on the scene.
This might have been covered already, but I missed it until today:
Landmark Seventh Circuit Decision Says Fourth Amendment Applies to Smart Meter Data
“The court recognized that data from these devices reveals intimate details about what’s going on inside the home that would otherwise be unavailable to the government without a physical search”
That’s why we use gasoline powered sex toys at my house. They dont get picked up by the watt meter on the side of the house.
For you
CNN are saying they stand behind the story even though Davis was the sole source for it.
So what you are saying is that they are literally ///fakenews and are unashamed of it.
This isn’t the first time they are doing this…
These people really took the lessons from Goebbels about how to tell a lie to make it stick to heart…
Trump is not lowering the White House flag to half-mast while all of DC is?
Top fucking kek
What a perplexing mystery. How can Fox Conn staff their new facility in Wisconsin when the unemployment rate is 2.9%?
Why with a $1M ad campaign by the government!
It’s almost like they might have to compete for employees in the job market.
The horrors! Quick, get me another million Third Worlders!
Employers, as a class, really are some if the scummiest people on the planet. Sure there are good employers. Bout the same percentage as honest cops.
I encourage you to bring that up at your next job interview.
I would encourage you to start your own enterprise then, if you haven’t already done so.
What about this tidbit?
How horrible is that place that when the rest of the state is at 2.9% unemployment, 2 out of 3 neighbors are not working?
It’s almost like people are being paid not to work or something.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Foxconn doesn’t need any handouts.
I’m waiting for Taiwan to be renamed to Hon Haiwan
I wish I understood the reference.
It’s the Hon Hai/Foxconn Corporation.
I’ve dealt with them a couple of times in years past. They’re so large, it’s like yelling at a slow-moving mountain.
They’re so large, it’s like yelling at a slow-moving mountain.
I getchu. The feeling sounds very familiar (as in, being on the receiving end of big telecom throwing its weight and clout around), but I haven’t had the pleasure of interacting with them directly.
I have always despised gov sponsored advertising. If there was a push to end it radio and tv stations would scream the loudest.
They may not need them, but Wisconsin was all too happy to give them up.
On one hand, this sucks because the lefties will tell everyone that crony capitalism like this is what the “free market” is all about. On the other hand, as a tax payer, if I had to have tax money stolen and given to a crony, I think a deal like this is better than a sportsball stadium.
Finally, it sounds like a lot like another case of “not taking is giving” for some of these benefits.
the anti-gun mob were quick to blame everybody…except the shooter.
The only soundbites I have heard suggest that it is all the fault of the NRA. They apparently train people to to on shooting sprees. Or is that some other story that I have heard little about because the narrative was not suitable?
Well, here’s what I know: he’s from Baltimore, which has some of the strictest local gun laws in Maryland, a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country; he apparently exhibited warning signs of mental instability; he seems to have been on the spectrum, or at least to have had issues with mental health since the divorce of his parents. Now, when I say Baltimore’s gun laws are strict, I mean that it’s a criminal offense to have a firearm accessible by a minor–think loaded pistol in a bedside table and your nephew wanders in while you’re a room away–or to bring a firearm within 100 yards of a park, church, or school, and that includes police. So technically, if there was a school shooting even the police wouldn’t be allowed to enter or approach the building without dumping their guns a football field away.
Oh, and in order to purchase a handgun in Maryland you have to pass a test and pay for a “Handgun Qualification License”, which involves mandatory classes, supervised range time, and fingerprints on file with the state police. And the little turd apparently used multiple pistols to shoot the place up, according to reports I’ve read so far.
One more thing about that McCain beatification:
If we had term limits (4 House terms and 2 Senate terms with a max of 14 total years being optimal in my opinion), this kind of bullshit wouldn’t be happening ever. It also wouldn’t happen if the Congressman/number of people in a district ratio was what the founders intended.
Term limits wont help. Popular election of the Senate is one of the root causes of current Senate dysfunction. The states need to go back to appointing senators.
Why not both?
Both would be fine, but I really think that term limits on it’s own would do nothing. I think the other part is vastly more important.
I am going to humbly disagree. As many comments here express, the fact we have evolved into a society that has political royals is due to the assholes being able to stay in office for a lifetime. This was never intended. A state Leg could keep sending the same asshole to DC just as easy as voters.
You’re probably right about that, but I think the incentives for said asshole would be different. A state legislature appointed asshole would at least be beholden to the assholes in the state legislature that appointed him. Theoretically this should keep the Senate from usurping all of the powers of the state. It’s not perfect, but having the members of the Senate beholden to their states should help move some federal power back to the states. That’s my thought anyway.
One of the theoretical problems were that Senate seats were bought.
I suppose it’s easier to buy off a legislature than it is an entire state ?
Shit, I left that part out of my plan and focused on the House.
I think it would be perfectly realistic to assume that a McCain-type creature could be the product of a legislature-appointed apparatus as well.
Yep, party insiders and other such snakes to the front of the line.
IMO, term limits should not be on the table until the bureaucracy is reigned in. If we just graft term limits onto our current situation that will lead to lifetime bureaucrats dominating temporary Congresspersons, finally eliminating what vestiges of representation we have left in this country. A lifetime aristocrat who must continually win voter approval is preferable to a lifetime aristocrat who has no accountability to the people.
Fox News was just interviewing a McCain sycophant. She said he was “bred for combat” and I burst out laughing.
The man crashed 5 planes, torched an aircraft carrier, and spent the war in a POW camp, I can’t image anyone worse at combat.
No, he was bred for it.
There are slow thoroughbreds too.
Bred for combat… You name isn’t William, it’s Willie.
Unless she meant he was bred to combat people that wanted a less intrusive and powerful state.
So has the SMBC guys politics webcomic been discuses round these parts? He is also writing one on open borders with Bryan Caplan if I remember correctly.
Twee shit for IFLS twerps.
I was sure I had linked it. hmmmm
The daily SMBC comic is solid, I don’t have any desire to delve into his conception and explanation of politics.
He seems to be exploring libertarian thought at least…
What was Karla Marx/She Guevarra ‘s take on this. I would love this to actually happen, as it finally wold put a dent into the constant bullshit these people that use their kids as cannon fodder have been doing.
In America, there is not supposed to be a royal class. Having the corpse of a legislature laying in state reeks of political elitism.
Senators were supposed to be everymen sho took time away from their private lives to serve part time in Washington. We have come a long way from there.
Yep – this week is going to push every one of my hate buttons.
Well he’s gonna be buried at the damn Naval Academy, so traffic will be shitted right up around my house for at least a weekend. Plus, this is a guy who graduated near the bottom of his class, did not exactly excel in combat, and never made it past Captain. “War hero”? Jesus, if he’s an example of a war hero you’d think we’d have lost more often.
RE the couple trying to get pregnant. 4 years? That is incredible. That man lived the creed:
Don’t be a quitter, hit er in the shitter!
Don’t be an ass, westernsloper.
I was thinking about making a pun, butt thought better of it.
Sorry, I can’t help it, sometimes my comments are a race to the bottom.
I know there are some naive people in this world, but the first thing I thought was, “This sounds like a guy who doesn’t want kids. I’ll bet he figures his wife, who just fell off the turnip truck, won’t know the difference.”
So question to the commentariat. Has anyone had deviated septum surgery aka Septoplasty ? I have a bit of a breathing issue for the last few years and was thinking of getting one but recovery sounds quite uncomfortable. I always had it and had some issues, but no serious problems until last summer when I started to get some weird allergic things in august. A doctor recommended it another one seemed to recommend it but he would not fully commit saying it is not a vital surgery as such he does not really want to strongly recommend either for or against. I was leaning towards getting it . There is this hospital that offered a less invasive fully endoscopic one and they claim you don’t need to stay 2 days with bandages stuffed in your nose – removal of which is apparently painful.
Never had it fixed. One nostril works fine, the other tends to clog. Having someone shove a roto-rooter up there to have both convey the same amount of air never struck me as a necessity.
I was the same until last year when I got a lot more clogged than usual… The idea was when I had less air but it was not fully blocked no prob. But when it gets fully blocked I feel uncomfortable, like I have something stuffed in my nostril.
Check to make sure your blockage is not from nasal polyps. I know someone that has those and has to have them removed about every other year as they grow out and block his nasal passages.
I had my polyps removed at 14 and had an endoscopic check on my nose and they did not regrow. I do have a significant deviated septum, several doctors confirmed
I had my nose broken about a half dozen times (martial arts competitions can get that way) and probably should get surgery, but have never bothered (have a long list of other items that my doctor would call in more urgent need of remediation). But I have a buddy that had that surgery and he swore by it.
My wife had it last year. She had the new treatment and was out the same day. No pain, no problems.
Do it.
How did your wife get a deviated septum Tundra? Do you need a chinese sex manual to spell out what a “blow job” really is?
A gentleman never tells.
I’ve heard multiple things about it. On the one hand, I’ve known people who say that it made a big difference for them. On the other, my aunt and a good friend of mine both had it done, and within a year they were having the same problems they’d had before. I had an ENT check me about because I’ve got one myself, but he wound up prescribing me this stuff that’s basically like steroid mist as a sinus rinse. He said he’d be able to do the surgery if I really wanted it, but the success rate was sort of all over the place and it was a pretty painful procedure. I decided against it, and I snort the rinse stuff whenever I get really congested. It’s like spraying fire up your nose, but lasts for a good day.
The doctor told me I will not be 100% problem free as he can fix the septum but the allergy is likely here to stay… But he said 50% or better improvement in air flow through that one nostril
Mr. Mojeaux had it and got his turbinates removed, and part of his throat reamed out, including part of his soft palate and his uvula (UPPP – uvulopalatopharyngoplasty). He was a much happier camper afterward.
that sounds a bit overkill for me
I had it done (and four turbinates removed at the same time) during the Reagan administration.
The two days with the completelt-packed nose was miserable. Every time you swallowed it was like suddenly plunging eight feet underwater. Getting the packing removed didn’t hurt. For the next few weeks, I had boogers the size of golf balls.
Trump and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism
Wishing the danger would go away won’t make it so.
After these people made excuses and covered for both Obama and Hillary’s criminal and truly fascist ways, I am not gonna bother much with shit like this other than to tell them to stop projecting.
Wishing the danger would go away won’t make it so. – you know what would make the danger go away? Undermining the constitution and giving government more power. That will totally prevent dictatorship. Also the rise of Hitler and Trump are totes identical
The violent fascist mobs attacking people who hold opposing views are not Trump supporters.
Right? For some reason I get the impression that these folks aren’t as interested in protecting the rule of law as they are in making sure it’s their guy holding the gun at the end of the day.
Projection, anyone?
Call me when Trump uses the IRS to go after Progressive PACs or has the FBI conduct surveillance on American journalists.
“But I do know this: Trump is a neo-fascist, and it’s time we start saying so.”
Yeah, your cohort has shown such graceful restraint up until now.
Trump is a neo-fascist
…that constantly defers to the legislature to do their damned job while being stopped from rescinding executive orders by activist judges exceeding their own authority. “Neo-fascist”, must mean “not-fascist”.
Nuthouse, with typewriters, pt 2
Socialism means different things to different people. For some, it conjures the Soviet Union and the gulag; for others, Scandinavia and guaranteed income. But neither is the true vision of socialism. What the socialist seeks is freedom.
Under capitalism, we’re forced to enter the market just to live. The libertarian sees the market as synonymous with freedom. But socialists hear “the market” and think of the anxious parent, desperate not to offend the insurance representative on the phone, lest he decree that the policy she paid for doesn’t cover her child’s appendectomy. Under capitalism, we’re forced to submit to the boss. Terrified of getting on his bad side, we bow and scrape, flatter and flirt, or worse — just to get that raise or make sure we don’t get fired.
The socialist argument against capitalism isn’t that it makes us poor. It’s that it makes us unfree. When my well-being depends upon your whim, when the basic needs of life compel submission to the market and subjugation at work, we live not in freedom but in domination. Socialists want to end that domination: to establish freedom from rule by the boss, from the need to smile for the sake of a sale, from the obligation to sell for the sake of survival.
Those dastardly one percenters, with their willing-buyer-and-willing-seller dominion over the Earth. exchanging things of value for labor or money. It’s slavery, I tells ya!
Somebody posted that yesterday.
It’s the strongest denouncement of economic reality I’ve seen in a while.
But socialists hear “the market” and think of the anxious parent, desperate not to offend the insurance representative on the phone, lest he decree that the policy she paid for doesn’t cover her child’s appendectomy
Yeah, we already know they’re retarded, you don’t need to illustrate it for us by pointing out that they can’t comprehend how contracts work.
Much better having a bureaucrat with the NHS decide your child cannot leave the country for treatment on someone else’s dime.
Socialists want to end that domination: to establish freedom from rule by the boss, from the need to smile for the sake of a sale, from the obligation to sell for the sake of survival.
The mercy of bureaucracy instead of the tyranny of voluntary cooperation.
Ask anybody who has ever had a welfare intake interview if they felt more or less free than they did applying for a job.
As someone who was on unemployment for a month, I can tell you that it is not a socialist utopia driven by respect for human dignity and a desire to elevate the humble towards achievement, unfettered by the demands of squalid necessity.
It’s going to be either the market or the government that controls your money. I know which one I trust more.
No no there will be no money. If your kid needs an appendectomy you just go to the appendectomy tree and pick one. Right now the rich are hogging all the trees, otherwise everything will be free
Never understood how these idiotic people felt a system where everyone got ‘free healthcare” but there was no real healthcare to be offered was better than one where the ability to pay for it provided better options. I guess SJW truly believe that since the only equality of outcome that can be guaranteed is misery for all & a shitty bureaucratic system rife with inefficiencies and ineptness, that it is better to have that than a system where some can do better than others if they can afford it.
to establish freedom from rule by the boss, from the need to smile for the sake of a sale, from the obligation to sell for the sake of survival.
Yes, yes, being ruled by and forced to work for the state would be much better.
“Socialism means different things to different people. For some, it conjures the Soviet Union and the gulag; for others, Scandinavia and guaranteed income. But neither is the true vision of socialism. What the socialist seeks is freedom.”
True freedom is having the state tell you what to do, anyway..
First, unless you want to move off to the middle of no where, make your own shoes, milk your own cows, program your own internet (and good luck getting a socialist government to let you do that), you will be dependent on “markets”. You need others to do things you cannot.
Second, the argument is that you have to work for someone else and that makes you unfree. True. What the actual fuck do you think socialism is? You are working for the government that owns the means of production. The difference is that under capitalism you a) can start your own company and work for yourself and b) you can move jobs and work for a different boss if you don’t like your current one. Can’t do that under socialism.
Three, “from obligation to sell for the sake of survival”. That is a bad thing apparently, that you need to do work to live. Guess what doesn’t need to sell to survive. The government. So if for instance they decide they want to…I don’t know…starve the Ukraine for a bit, they don’t have to sell food to them. The argument is literally that under capitalism, you have to give control up to others but you can choose who, so instead we should give control up to the government from which there is no escape. These people are actual idiots.
capitalismnature, we’re forced toenter the marketwork just to live.This is their real objection, and also why their preferred system is inevitably doomed to fail.
Post-scarcity is the spherical cow of Marxist economic theory.
Curiously, I tried to access this article, but the NY Times wants me to pay to see it. Such an injustice. And this is precious:
“…from the need to smile for the sake of a sale…”
Capitalism has you down because you sometimes have to be civil to people?
What the socialist seeks is freedom.
By enslaving everyone into a collective wherein some people are required to labor for other people just because they exist.
Under capitalism, we’re forced
to do nothing. Exchange is voluntary.
voluntary interaction and exchange = “force”
while putting a gun to people heads to have them produce or else = “freedom”
The 1 percent and the working class are not economic descriptors. They’re political accusations. They split society in two, declaring one side the illegitimate ruler of the other; one side the taker of the other’s freedom, power and promise.
Yeah, whatever, Dude. Take your meds.
they can’t comprehend how contracts work.
And they haven’t a clue as to what “insurance” is.
Speaking of Hitler:
Why the Myth of the ‘Gay Nazi’ Is Back in Circulation
D’Souza lost his marbles sometime in the mid 2000’s
“Lost, lost, lost. *pause* I’ve lost my marbles” -Tootles, Hook.
Oh, *now* making derpy, hamfisted comparisons with Nazis is absurd and dangerous.
Hitler, the person responsible for modern history’s bloodiest crackdown on homosexuality, was a gay rights supporter?
I dont know if this is true or not, but I understand that there are some current regimes that continue to this day to murder homosexuals. Hitler had a pretty short go of oppressing the gays. The modern Islamic regimes have been at it for a long time.
Ernst Röhm and others in the early SA were openly homosexual. Hitler tolerated them while they were useful then disposed of them when they stopped being useful.
I remember reading there was a lot of man-loving in the SS as well, and while this was frowned upon, it wasn’t as bad as having sex with a Jew.
I sure hope that the deep state pulls in the organizers of the Paul Wellstone funeral to put on the McCain wake.
The over the top Triumph of WIll-like specatacle of eulogizing McCain is what this country really wants.
“Iowa Latino festivals postponed in wake of Mollie Tibbetts murder
Two Iowa Latino festivals were canceled this week in the wake of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts’s murder.
Hispanics United for Perry (HUP) of Perry, Iowa, announced Thursday that it would indefinitely postpone the annual ¡Viva Perry! Latino Festival that was scheduled to be held Saturday, The Perry News reported.
“In making this decision, we considered all the work that went into planning and promoting that has already occurred,” HUP President Rosa Gonzalez said. “We apologize for any inconvenience to all who made plans to attend the festival. It is hard to cancel a joyous event celebrating the Latino heritage of many of Perry’s residents.”
It is unclear if or when the festival will be rescheduled.
A similar festival to be held in Iowa City has also been canceled, KCCI 8 News reported Friday.
“This tragic event should be a reason to work even harder to eliminate gender-based violence; we are mourning as everybody the loss of Mollie Tibbetts, Sadie Alvarado and all the women that have lost their lives in a way that it is difficult to understand and assimilate,” Iowa City Latino Festival said in a statement.
The announcements follow the arrest of Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, who was charged this week in connection with Tibbetts’s murder. Law enforcement has identified him as an undocumented immigrant, but his lawyer has disputed that claim.”
I am not a thief,. I am an undocumented property distributer.
So they themselves identify with the murderer? I wouldn’t cancel an event because a white guy killed someone.
That’s because you don’t subscribe to a world-view where each person is exactly one interchangeable sample representative of a demographic class.
And nothing more. Ever.
“Where do you get off thinking you’re special?”
Here’s the lawyer’s motion, via Des Moines Register
I think I’d be trying to find another lawyer if I were him.
Our precious
bodilystate fluids!I took my grandson to the fair this weekend. I am proud to announce he is going to be a future shitlord. He has a thing for blondes. When we were in line for rides, he’d approach every skinny blonde between 3 and 30 and announce, “my name is Zagan, and I am tall enough for this ride. “. He almost fell off more than one ride flirting with the girls. He makes an awesome wingman.
Oh btw, he’s 4.
Is his name really Zagan? Because if it is he’s gonna be waaaay more accomplished than a mere shitlord.
I hear the name Zagan and I think of this; close enough, anyway.
Zăgan in Romanian is a type of bird Gypaetus barbatus or The bearded vulture also known as the Lämmergeier[a] or ossifrage, is a bird of prey and the only member of the genus Gypaetus.
Also a brand of beer
But that has the extra squiggle over the A.
That is awesome. Best part, if you do hook up with a nasty mom/daughter his dick won’t make your’s look tiny. That is the best kind of wingman.
Always seeing the positive in any situation. You are just jovial.
Make sure he doesn’t stick it in crazy.
my name is Zagan, and I am tall enough for this ride
Working the euphemisms at 4. Awesome. Did he waggle his eyebrows when he said that?
Kid’s got more game at 4 than I do in my 30s.
Crazy Eyes blames “unregulated” rideshare services for cabbie’s suicide, and this being 2018, she of course has a $4,000 Uber tab.
She’s a real peach
She’s ready for the big leagues: just like Bernie, she’s a flaming hypocrite.
You know who else made out quite well under ruinous socialism?
Hopefully She got it all in Bolivars….
It’s hilarious to me how many people I know who complain about the evils of Uber, but use it all the time. Almost like the complaining is purely social signalling, but because it’s so damn convenient, they use it. Weird that the people who want to prove their virtue by talking a big game, are completely unwilling to even mildly inconvenience themselves for the sake of their principles.
It’s not really that hard to call a cab company. I guess there are reasons that virtuous folks don’t do that.
There really is no such thing as “peak stupid” when it comes to politicians, is there?
No, there isn’t.
That’s funny, because every time I see a scuzzy-looking late 90s Lincoln Continental cut me off after running a red light I think, “Gee, I can’t understand why more people aren’t interested in taxi service.”
Great songs, Sloop!
Subdivisions came out when I was 13 and is therefore the best Rush song ever. Deny the logic!
How to make a Q.
Marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient was detected in nursing mothers’ breast milk in a small study that comes amid evidence that more U.S. women are using pot during pregnancy and afterward.
What do you think the overlap is between women ripping on the bong during pregnancy and women who get purified water in glass bottles because of chemicals in plastic?
Hey there are 5 seasons of that 70s show on DVD on the shelf
I am an idiot. That was supposed to be a text to my girl. I am not interested the influence.
But I bet you’re under it!
Day drinking on a Monday? Even I don’t do that. Well not this early anyways.
I hate Mondays and auto correct and all the bad puns.
But not rainy days?
I can’t wait until you text her your Glibs post.
Hie-larity will ensue.
Like,. Hey Sugar free, can I double fist your ass?
Like that?
Over the weekend we had a couple over, neighbors who live across the street. They love to party and drink like fishes.
We were playing Cards Against Humanity, and one of the answer cards was “Steve Bannon”. My wife asked “Who is Steve Bannon?”
Guy: “He was Trump’s campaign advisor. He runs that neo-Nazi website, Breitbart.”
Me: (a momentary pause) Uh the guy with the hobo powers.
Wife: Well I don’t have enough time to pay attention to politics.
Now I like my neighbor but this kind of thing irks me. And maybe it’s an assumption that some people (especially lefties?) make. That silence is acquiescence. I wasn’t ready to start arguing because I don’t want to hurt whatever fragile friendship we have.
Don’t hold back. Be the old guy with no shits to give.
I’m only in my 20s and I absolutely never hold back when opportunities like that present themselves.
He got a lot of shit wrong in one sentence.
Unless you would prefer not to have them over again, it usually is not worth trying to give people like this any facts. they don’t care about that getting in the way of the reality they want to pretend exists.
Odd that it’s a Neo-Nazi site since both Andrew Breitbart and their current editor in chief are both one of (((them))).
But they’re to the right of Stalin.
I wasn’t ready to start arguing because I don’t want to hurt whatever fragile friendship we have.
In any case, you’d have better luck trying to talk a door-to-door missionary out of his faith than you would arguing the subject. Sometimes it’s just not worth the hassle.
I’ve found that when you have people making dumb throwaway comments like that you’re not going to get anywhere by correcting them because they’re not interested. They’ve made up their minds, they’ve got an opinion, and they assume everyone else who matters agrees. So, if you want to keep the social relationship smooth, you’re absolutely right to just let it slide and not worry about it. Of course, it’s your call as to whether that’s a person you want to hang out with. If they’re really obnoxious with things like that, it might not be worth putting up with.
Another thing to consider is that this might be someone who lives in a bubble, as most people do. In that case, I think the best thing to do, especially if you want to maintain the relationship while also maybe popping the bubble a bit is to just be a nice, normal person while also being honest about your beliefs if asked. I’ve met a number of people who aren’t what you’d call “pro-gun” but who tempered their views after realizing that a lot of the people they know, respect, and like are gun owners.
I’d just laugh and say, “Oh, Breitbart isn’t neo nazi. Kind of scuzzy, but it’s not nazis.” That’s what I believe, so who cares. If my good natured disagreement is too spicy for him, I don’t want the nutball in my house.
Or, just open Breitbart on a browser and ask to be directed to the Nazi section or stories.
RE: Couple accidentally doing anal.
Did he later find out that his wife is actually a man?
Comprehensive sex education is invaluable. I always put a rubber on the banana.
He did, but by that time he didn’t give a shit about the deception. He was in love.
Sure go ahead and put McCain’s wife in there. Carol McCain has been a GOP activist for a long time and still live in the DC area.
It’s not like the Founders fought a war 200 years ago to break free from hereditary rulers.
The widow (unfortunately) has been a long tradition at this point. Send Melania to the funeral & put Carol Mccain in the seat. Fuck you John.
-1 Dingell clan
“Neil Simon, King of Comedy Playwrights, Dies at 91”
“White Supremacy Killed Jesus?! | The Church of Social Justice”
Has anyone here ever accepted a job offer and then had buyers remorse immediately after? Is this a common feeling or a huge red flag? Never changed companies before so I have nothing to compare this to, but the idea of a new career that requires relocation went from exciting opportunity to terrifying endeavor as soon as I told them yes. Only accepted verbally so could still back out even though that’d be a really shitty thing to do.
What’s the basis for your buyer’s remorse?
What’s the situation? Are you moving to a new state? Do you have a family? Why did you want to leave your current job in the first place?
Would be switching from a technical engineering role to a sales roll which will be difficult, moving to different part of the state, and we have twins just over a year old. The positive side is the earning potential is much higher and I’m pretty maxed out at my current employer. My wife would have to quit her job which sucks but she could stay at home with twins which she has always wanted to do. Keep talking myself into and out of this decision over and over.
I quit my job and went out on my own.
Then found out my wife was pregnant.
This is life, man. It isn’t easy, but it’s not as bad as all that.
Regarding the role, I’ve been in sales forever. Let me know if I can help in any way.
I can’t possibly say if it’s the right move or not, but if I were in your situation, I’d be pretty freaked out too. It’s a huge change and it’s affecting 3 other people, not just you. You accepted the position for a reason though and as long as your wife’s on board then I’d say go for it. I think you’re just worried about how big the change is.
Business is too important to be left to business majors,
so you gotta get over there and save them.
Here’s my sales engineering 101:
* your boss thinks that there’s a right number for that forecast; you can’t cure him; you can’t cure his boss either
* unlike blueprints, people don’t say what they mean; clarifying questions and listening to clients are vastly underrated
* you’re going to be judged by social impressions for a while because it takes time for sales efforts to roll in
* and we might be heading down the back side of the biz cycle next year….so, maybe even longer than you thought
* three bullets per slide, two slides per hour: clients can’t absorb an ounce more than that; oh, and no red or orange
* requests for help are never answered, so just assign everything; where you’re wrong, folks will howl…then you’ll know
* welcome to emotional bingo where facts don’t matter; just learn what/who everyone is afraid of
* hotel loyalty pays diddly; airline loyalty will get you a couple of free flights a year
* cheap shoes ain’t helping nothing: get quality and wear something different every day of the week
* work from your own phone; this is your identity, and these are your clients….even after you move to the next place
* so sell AmSock the solution guy even more than Widgets,Inc; I still get calls from guys I met 30 years ago
I’m not clear why you wife can’t replace her job, how that’s linked, but good luck.
good luck !
cheap shoes ain’t helping nothing: get quality and wear something different every day of the week
I’ll second that one. Good clothes, tailored to fit, make you more confident and quality men’s clothing lasts freakin’ forever – you may drop some change up front to upgrade your wardrobe, but its an investment.
Its not unusual at all for me to be the only one in the room in a jacket and tie; sales may be different in that you don’t want to stand out that much.
Learn how to shave with a double edge safety razor, soap, and a brush.
You probably won’t get a better shave, and it might take a few minutes longer, but nothing makes a man feel like a bad-ass compared to a real shave.
Also, read the book Never Split the Difference. I find the author to be a bit too much of a macho ass, but he explains the art of negotiation in a systematic, methodical way that will appeal to someone with a technical background.
I keep a matrix of where I’ve worn a tie when.
Business casual is a lie: doing a good job looks even better when you dress like a grown-up. The casual office is more mediocrity in motion: people act more casually and more carelessly when they don’t dress professionally; uniforming is step one to getting folk to behave.
Getting that knot just right and having that tie nail my buckle (-1 Drumpf) is just the first thing that I will get right and do better than the all the lazy whiners….every day.
I know there are neckbeards and manbuns reading this; good luck to them as well: I’m pretty sure I’m not interested in your womenfolk anyways. jk/notreally
I’m happier when a tie isn’t choking my neck and I’m not sweating all day. /lazy whiner
I’ll put in a good word for J. Hilburn ( if you’re hard to fit – I was very pleased with the made-to-measure shirts at a reasonable price.
I’ve not tried the various competitors, but the competition is doing great things for the prices. Funny how that works.
Every fucking time. Being comfortable is dangerous, because it keeps you in place too long.
Congrats on the new job! Leave on good terms and embrace the terror of change!
Seriously, it’s totally normal and you’ll do fine.
Wouldn’t it be seller’s remorse, since you’re selling your labor to the company?
My $0.02 – that sounds like just general “new job” anxiety, with a side-helping of relocation stress – your basic lizard brain saying “I fear change!”.
The only thing that matters is if you will be making more money or not. If you will be making more money Embrace the Fear!
Pretty much every single one.
So I actually sat down this weekend an read the entire grand jury report from the Pennsylvania Catholic Church abuse investigation. Two of my former priests were listed in the big roll-call of kiddy-diddlers that didn’t have any details provided. My mother pressured me into being an alter boy, which would have had my doing that under one of the kiddy-diddlers.
I’ve never been happier to have been a surly and uncooperative pre-teen.
One of my priests got hammered for the coverup in our Archdiocese. I was really disappointed as he was a good friend of the family and (I thought) a stand up guy.
It’s time for a revamp of the whole organization. They are toast.
I think the Catholic church is facing a though time making the argument they are the shepherds of their flock’s souls when so many priests were caught diddling the you sheep…
young sheep… not diddling you.
Nope. Never an altar boy.
Although Pope Jimbo keeps trying to get me and Leap to wear robes and ring bells…
You are just jelly because Leap looks so much better in his robe than you do.
It is also weird that you always want to wear the nun costume instead. Cross dressing like that can be habit forming.
They should be toast. But the organization will survive, effectively unchanged. I’d wager money on it. Power + a lack of shame is all it takes, and they have both in spades.
There’s always the protestant interpretation that the Whore of Babylon referenced in Revelation is the Catholic church, in which case it would seem we’re stuck with it until the second coming.
Or over.
Have we decided that all of these accusations are really true or just a subset of them?
So are you mad that the guy never made a move on you?
My uncle was an alter boy for one of the priests listed. He said that the priest never made a pass at him. “Is that good news, or bad?” asked my other uncle.
Your other uncle is awesome.
What was this prick looking for?!
That show can be amazing.
I was an alter boy for about a month. Another kid wanted to take over, so I told him I’d bow out and give he a shot if he gave me his paper route. Win for me, not for him. Priest did in fact turn out to be a pedo that was never caught. My greed saved my anus.
“greed saved my anus”
That sounds like a Ministry album.
That is a Ministry album!
Greed Is Good
Recites three Hail Geckos.
“greed saved my anus”
Didn’t work for the Chinese woman in the lynx.
“Today, the New York Times taught me that 24 is over ten times larger than 15.”
That infographic makes the baby Edward Tufte cry.
Man does Tufte ever have a scam going.
I’m with this guy:
RE: Leap’s comment above.
Thought this deserved its own thread. To the papist Glibs out there (both current and lapsed/ex): what do you think would help solve this problem? I’m not talking about the coverup (which is arguably the worst part of the story), but the kiddie diddling in the first place? Everyone seems to think that allowing priests to marry would be a panacea and take care of the problem. But what about the gay priests (which I’m sure make up a sizeable population of the diddlers)? Getting the Church to accept heterosexual marriage for priests would be moving a mountain, they’d *never* let priests be openly gay. What’s the solution?
I actually don’t buy that if people don’t have sex they become child molesters. I like to think that if I don’t get laid, I won’t start raping children. Maybe I’m a positive guy.
I think people are right though that some of this is just homosexuality, and the preisthood became a place for them to go back in the day. That will ease up as homosexuality is more socially acceptable, even if not fully acceptable in the church.
My children go to Catholic school and have for awhile, and no child is ever allowed to be alone with any adult or priest. Ever. For any reason. There are all kinds of rules and policies in place. I can’t imagine this happening there because the logistics would be impossible. This practice has been going on since the previous scandal, and is widespread.
I think this recently revealed scandal is not actually a new one. It’s a discovery of an old one.
“I actually don’t buy that if people don’t have sex they become child molesters.”
I don’t either.
Ex catholic here. I do think making the priesthood more representative of the customers they serve would absolutely help. The challenge is that kiddy-diddlers gravitate to positions of trust where they can prey upon the kids. Look at that gymnastics doc.
Some of this is on the congregation too.
I think the cause of the problem needs to be identified first. The vast majority of gays aren’t pedophiles.
Agree. I’m not trying to conflate gayness with pedophilia; and I think Tundra makes a great point that pedophiles would be attracted to positions in which they have access to children in a position of trust/authority. However, I do think it’s very odd then that we don’t see, for example, Elementary School Teachers doing this in the numbers priests are.
Elementary mostly women, priest all male. The penis is evil. Hail Zardoz!
However, I do think it’s very odd then that we don’t see, for example, Elementary School Teachers doing this in the numbers priests are.
The level of authority is much lower. You don’t have to confess your sins to your 1st grade teacher on threat of damnation to hell, for example.
I’ve heard there’s a high percentage of sexual assault/crimes by public school teachers than there is in the catholic church. Not true?
No idea.
I’ll bet it’s roughly the same.
Let the gay ones age out. Hiding under the robes isn’t as attractive an option as it once was now that being openly gay is more or less no big deal.
Allowing priests to marry wouldn’t solve the problem of pedophilic priests, but it would probably change the ratios quite dramatically. Whereas the job right now probably attracts predatory people who want to prey on children, opening it up to men who otherwise might have picked a different career because they aren’t cut out for a life of celibacy might lead to a bigger pool of applicants for the priesthood and a diminishing number of them being predatory pedophiles.
Exactly. While I am sure there are pedophile protestant pastors, there isn’t this large scale problem, because most of them are heterosexual married men.
Now, there is an adultery problem that the catholic church doesn’t have to worry about as much.
Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
I don’t think that any church policy turns non-abusive people abusive. I don’t have links on hand, but one of the assertions of second-wave feminism was that men watching porn became desensitized and sought out more extreme versions of porn, leading to rape fantasies and a desire for underage porn. This assertion was studied by non-feminist psychologist and found to be completely ungrounded. Men who watch porn sometimes get slowly desensitized, but that only means they watch more of the same stuff or watch it in more borderline locations (e.g., on a train, in a library, on a work computer) or times (e.g., when they should be doing other things.)
I don’t think too many priest would otherwise have healthy relations with adults and only began abusing children because they were forbidden by church teachings to marry or have relations with adults. After all, abusing children was just as much again church teachings.
I think it was a selection process issue. Homosexuals were pushed into priesthood. Pedophiles that happen to be homosexuals were also pushed into the priesthood – not because they were pedophiles but because they were homosexuals. Entering seminary is a decision that often happens before a person could possibly know they are a pedophile because at that point in life being attracted to a teen is normal – they are the same age as the teen.
The solution is unrelated to doctrine and 100% in the area of organizational rules. Lots of youth organizations have well-designed rules to minimize the opportunity for abusers to abuse children. Lots of youth organizations have objectively-effective training. Lots of youth organizations report abuse when discovered and cooperate with police and prosecutors.
When I was a teen, a friend’s brother was raped by a Boy Scout scoutmaster. It was as bad as it gets. On a camping trip, after a campaign of grooming, the scoutmaster physically restrained, unclothed, and penetrated the boy. The boy reported it to another leader as the first opportunity as his training instructed him to. One leader immediately performed a citizens arrest and other phoned the police. My understanding is that those individuals and the BSA organization were actively assisting the prosecutor. A few months later, the abuser entered a guilty plea. That sort of thing needs to happen every time a report of abuse is made to the organization.
Entering seminary is a decision that often happens before a person could possibly know they are a pedophile because at that point in life being attracted to a teen is normal – they are the same age as the teen.
Technically that would be ephebophilia or hebephilia. Pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Which seems to be more common among the priesthood than either ephebophilia or hebephilia for whatever reason.
Well, that’s because those people become schoolteachers instead.
Yeah, I was being colloquial. The grand jury report contains enough info to be confident that ephebophilia and hebephilia are too common.
“(e.g., when they should be doing other things.) [like working]”
Except Rufus.
You never want to hear any kind of story like that, but if it does happen, the way the BSA handled it is the best way possible. I don’t think I could restrain myself if someone did something to my kid.
I was shocked in the grand jury report that there was only one instance in which an angry father shows up with a shotgun. The “angry father uses deer hunting equipment in vigilante violence” was a powerful narrative in the Ohio Valley when I was living there. (There’s a rather good movie about it.) I’m also shocked that those judges found to have been sending innocent kids to juvie for kickbacks were’s killed within days of skating.
I’m curious if the victim had a better recovery process because he was listened to and immediate action/punishment followed. I have to believe having your rape claim buried and the rapist protected has to cause some long term damage.
I mentioned it upthread, but there was a perv priest in our church when I was a kid. All the kids knew he was a creep and my parents pulled us out of the there. We joined another church (inter denominational this time) that milked all these poor suckers for all they were worth. Guilt. Stereotypical shyster Pastor. Finally my parents found a small church with a decent guy as the Reverend. Gotta be careful with people that can use faith to get in your wallet or kid’s pants.
Ex-Catholic here, but was raised in the church. From what I remember, wasn’t there also issues with the teachers and leaders at the seminaries? If the rot isn’t pulled out, the same issues will probably come back.
funny thing in orthodox church you have to be married to be a priest.
In the Catholic Church, if you are already married and decide to become a priest, you can stay married and do both.
The celibacy thing is way outdated (so Bishops and Cardinals weren’t inheriting their positions in the Middle Ages).
I still think most of the publicity on these cases is exaggerated in order to deflect criticism on public schools, unions, universities, police departments, etc. from scrutiny. Churches are looked upon as competitors to the state and the statist wants these competitors shut down. That’s why there is so much emphasis on “the catholic church” etc. rather than the specific creep.
But it is the state at its sycophants that have created that perversion of justice. It is rare for a police department to throw a bad cop under the bus, for example. Shitty teachers get put into rubber rooms and collect paychecks instead of getting fired. IT should not be a surprise that other organizations follow the same protection procedures.
Probably a combination of what you said about the state and the fact the public education is a female heavy field. Can’t criticize da wymens.
Wait for it….
“The things Indians do for send bobs”
They cut the video too soon. It looked like his assistants were going to prop up his body ala Weekend At Bernie’s
This may have been discussed already
Doctors could be allowed to end the lives of patients with dementia or other degenerative diseases if they can’t feed themselves, as one brands medics’ proposals ‘the most chilling thing she’s ever heard’
I’m 100% pro-euthanasia. But 100% anti letting physicians withdraw nutrition from dementia patients without consent of the patient and/or their proxy.
How far up you own asshole do you have to get before “hey, lets starve this person” sounds like compassion when every hospital stocks lethal doses of pain killers and anesthetic?
I found a mauled rabbit in my driveway last year and I broke its neck with a hammer because its the only humane thing to do in that situation. These fuckers wouldn’t even do that, they’d just let it sit their with its abdominal cavity spilled out and watch to see when the lungs stop spasming.
Ceasing action and ignoring the problem is easier than actively killing someone.
Of course it is. Old Yeller isn’t a story without the boy having to put down his own dog. The deal is that doctors are given a high place in society because they do the hard, messy work that the rest of us don’t want to.
If you just want to work hard and get a fat paycheck after going into huge debt, go be an attorney.
Dementia patients can’t give consent, certainly not by the time they have feeding tubes. Its sad how many elderly in this country don’t have family who are willing to look after them or serve as their proxies, either. That leaves either a friend (which is dicey, legally, depending on the state you are in), a court-appointed guardian (highly unlikely to happen without family member pushing for guardianship), or a physician (depending on the state you live in; there are different rules). If there isn’t a proxy, the tubes are put in without consent, which is allowed in emergencies but complicates the ethical dilemma.
Bottom line: get a health care power of attorney and a living will. For awhile I thought a health care power of attorney was all you needed, but the living will actually boxes in your health care agent if they get cold feet and don’t want to pull the plug. A living will without a health care power of attorney is basically a waste of paper except in unusual situations.
One of the interesting dynamics about Tucson is that we have a surprising number of mobile home/trailer parks that are retirement communities, in which the residents really do form a genuine community and look after each other. We get a fair number of patients whose only real proxy for informed consent is a neighbor from their trailer park.
Mrs Fourscore and have our healthcare power of attorney. The question “When is life no longer worth living?” was answered by both of us
with “When I no longer can care for my personal needs” I don’t want someone else wiping my ass. We gave the power of attorney to a niece, rather than my own kids. Its not compassion to watch Grandpa/Grandma waste away.
Once again this is an area in which vagueness muddies the water significantly. Euthanasia implies the ability to consent and understand your own actions. What’s the definition of that? How do we measure it?
Of course, what’s going on here is plain old murder, cut and dried. But this is what happens, IMO, when you give doctors the authority and the option of doing things like this. They’ll do some kind of utilitarian calculation in their head, conclude that the person’s life is no longer worth living, then kill him.
Euthanasia is a tricky subject.
They’ll do some kind of utilitarian calculation in their head, conclude that the person’s life is no longer worth living,
Everybody has a point at which they will say “my life is no longer worth living”; things get tricky when you become incompetent/incapable. The decision is still there, its a normal decision, but you can’t make it for yourself any more. Somebody is making the decision to treat you/not treat you. Leaving the tubes in is a decision, also.
The question is, who makes it? The default is family (which has its pros and cons, believe me; I’ve seen people try to stretch out somebody’s dying process to keep the Social Security checks coming), but what do you do when there isn’t family? The best you can do is put down your wishes in a living will, and appoint someone you trust to be your health care agent to make sure they get carried out. A lot of people don’t do that, though, so the question remains: somebody has to decide. Somebody is deciding. Who should that be?
This is one of those places where social rules can be configured to optimize expected outcomes, or they can be configured to minimize catastrophic outcomes.
The post WWII revelations about human experimentation horrified people and the rules were configured to never, ever, ever let that kind of thing happen again. You aren’t allergic to math, so I’m sure you understand that this would necessarily lead to a reduction in average expected outcome.
Well, people don’t always have particularly long memories. Especially not Top Men who make the rules.
they see the suboptimal outcomes and they can tend to be kind of blind to the horrific atrocities perpetrated by other Top Men in history doing Top Men things (like Mengele was doing.) So they start moving away from the prevent-atrocity rules and toward optimize-aggregate-expected-outcome mode.
“David Hogg and the rest of the anti-gun mob were quick to blame everybody…except the shooter.”
What I find funny is that the Left immediately jumps politically on these shootings. That would be the Same left that tells the Right that they shouldn’t politicize when an illegal kills an American girl in CA or IA.
Well, they are dropping the story, now that it seems the shooter brought the gun from Baltimore.
Right, and if the narrative is that Maryland’s gun laws are too lax compared to Florida’s I’ve got a bridge for sale.
What’s with the term”shooter”?
Kristen when she goes to the range is a shooter.
Assholes that go around killing people with guns are murderers.
This has probably been posted before, but it’s a good way to kill 3.5 hours.
Perhaps listen to it on your commute?
Amazon post trailer for Man in the High Castle S3:
Drops October 5; hope they don’t try and become social commenters this season.
Trump in the Trump Trumple Treason Trump.
“6 months ago yesterday, I had a heart attack. The Doctor told me to lose 50 pounds, but I have a problem doing what I’m told. So I lost 51 pounds instead.”
Loses a goodly amount of weight, still insists on wearing jorts.
The hardest habits to break are the bad habits.
Jorts are how you tell the world you have fuck you money.
Seeing this in the ‘comments’ list, I honestly thought it would be in response to the church thread.
LOL. It’s a multi-tasking comment.
I’m not qualified to opine on medical ethics, but surely dressing oneself that way triggers some sort of intervention.
What did Jay have to say about that?
Which one of you is this?
Wow, what a steaming pile of shit. Confess your sins, “alcoholic”.
To me, this article is proof that having a few drinks every single day is not a “problem” in and of itself.
This is, I am certain, terribly unfair, and I don’t know the guy from Adam, but when I see one of these unasked for and unwarranted confessions, I think… what are you trying to get out in front of?
These horny dolphins are just fucking everything (up).
When a dude’s gotta do it….
I surmise the same applies to this dolphin.