So now who’s gonna spread THAT guy’s ashes….
Now hit my (Sunday night) mother-f’in Theme Music !
Awesome Sunday night theme music and video.
Sup Tres! Glimmer Twin checking in,
/Tall cobras!
You two still have not gotten a room? NTTAWWT.
Tall, low-carb, CANS!
I think he did it himself if I understand the story.
“Scott Landis, who was on leave from the Army National Guard and had previously flown military Blackhawk helicopters….”
Yeah, there’s a HUGE difference between fixed & rotary wing. Guess Scott learned that too late.
Another of our hero veterans.
Dude…he died from a plane crash. He didn’t shoot an old woman, rob a liquor store or demand a discount for dinner.
I’m with Swiss here. Maybe the adulation of vets goes too far, or is applied to broadly, but surely we haven’t reached a point where service in the armed forces is a negative. What did this guy do to deserve snark about his death?
Ya know, I agree that the hero tag is thrown around too loosely, but pulling out this “another hero veteran” bullshit all the time gets a little old, too.
Sounds like a mechanical issue, according to the article.
He had an engine out on takeoff in a single engine plane. Just about as dangerous as it gets.
Try to turn around and go back and you lose altitude quickly, finding the ground violently. Try to just go straight and there’s usually nowhere safe to put down.
You have to decide on which course of action to take, but you only have seconds to do it. If you hesitate, you aren’t going back, which would be the safe option if you could make it.
It looks like he almost made it back, but landed in a pond, which probably made for a pretty violent stop.
Dunno who but I know where.
Pilot dies after crash during flight to spread his father’s ashes
That headline gets weirder the more times you read it.
My dad did that for his aunt. Lots of ashes in the plane.
I have a friend who takes people out on his sailboat to spread ashes at sea. Most of the ashes have to be washed off the hull when he gets back to the dock.
13. Drool.
Wonder what 16 is going to do with those carrots…
“13. Drool.”
Oh. I thought you mean the kind with Parmesan.
2 and 53.
Thank you for bountiful bodacious babes as always, Q.
The freckles on #15 made her extra cute as all hell. #38 and #48 almost killed me.
Thank you for the seaworthy links and puns, Sea Smith. RIP to the pilot though, hopefully his brother ends up okay.
You know who else crashed a vehicle into a body of water in Massachusetts ?
Christopher Jones?
Black Sam Bellamy?
Piero Calamai?
The captain of the PS Portland?
The Kennedy clan is the new Hitler?
Technically, you know who else can be used for non-Hitler situations where it’s blatantly obvious who or what incident you’re referring to.
Oh. I thought you mean the kind with parmesan.
Really? Has there been a vote on this, because I’m a solid no. I mean, if anyone gives even the tiniest bit of fucks.
The East India Trading company?
The Pilgrims?
Sweet Jebus someone please dump a gallon of Clorox in that water.
I was wondering if anyone else noticed that. It doesn’t look like they have a filtration system at all. That water looks like a good place to contract cholera, giardia and cryptosporidium.
I did a job on a lake not overly far from there that was ground zero for a cholera outbreak every year. They are not big on sewage treatment plants there. I would not swim in a pool anywhere in Iraq. If the water is green, it needs chlorine.
Also less clothes would be better.
Leftist in 2008: “John McCain is literally Hitler and a super racist bigot warmonger that wants to destroy the world!”
Leftist in 2018: “John McCain is a war hero and decent, moderate
politicianstatesman who exemplified leadership, virtue, and bipartisanship, and who stood up to that dastardly Drumpf, who happens to be literally Hitler.”*sighs*
Gets tiresome, doesnt it?
The constant about faces really are tiresome. It isn’t so much having differing opinions, but the exact same guy passionately espousing diametrically opposed positions within very short periods of time, without even a nod to the prior position.
Very reminiscent of Orwellian doublethink.
You aren’t suggesting that this article would have been any less fawning if it was published in 2003, are you?
And their response to this is their new get-out-of-hypocrisy-free card:
I’ve experienced this in recent discussions with a hs acquaintance. He is hysterical about the current administration. I tried to quell this by pointing to things done by previous administrations so as to draw a comparison and give him perspective. It was futile. Based on things he has said, he is completely a slave to media* propaganda with no hope of ever seeing the light. I can’t even call out his numerous logical fallacies without getting some sort of dismissive, deflective moral preening response about how I care about calling what are, in his feeble mind, trivialities** about debate than I “care about people”. I’m as much a victim of government schools as anyone, but I like to think I overcame it.
*My conclusion is that he has a steady diet of TYT.
**It is not fucking “trivial” to try to establish a base for effective exchange of ideas and clear communication of the same. Jebus Christ…
Understatement of the Year nomination for you.
It’s almost like they are unprincipled, except for the unabashed quest for power.
Reading/Hearing stuff like that makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills or something.
They didn’t go all magnanimous when Thatcher kicked the bucket.
That’s different. She’s a woman, and they need to send a message to any other woman to stay in here place.
Which is in a kitchen making me a sammich.
Certainly not picking a fight with the Falklands, amirite ?
With no milk!
Because she was a successful rightist. McCain was a failure (or something) and thus worthy of praise in death.
More importantly, McCain was against Trump, therefore he is one of the good people.
The Left would praise Hitler if he criticized Trump (which I’m sure he would, being quite a Leftist guy himself).
“If Hitler invaded hell, I would at least make a passing reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”
Winston Churchill when questioned as to why he wanted to send aid to Stalin in August, 1941.
Thatcher never had the chance to stand up to Trump.
Having some fun with meme generator.
“This is going to be a real bloodbath for the state and the public services,” far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon told reporters in response to Philippe’s comments.
Good thing they imported millions of peace loving migrants who carry their own weight. Otherwise every car in France would burn when the welfare checks start shrinking.
Otherwise every car in France would burn when the welfare checks start shrinking.
Not much different from now.
RE Fired Florida man. That guy has talent and a really bad mustache.
Look, the veggies aren’t going to strain themselves out of the soup.
Why I don’t donate to random go fund me feel good stories.
So they paid for the junkie’s rehab that didn’t work and some of the money went to the junkie’s drug dealers.
And the story is obviously slanted in favor of the junkie. WTF
Yea, that kinda stuck out at me too. The guy is correct when he says that you shouldn’t hand a ton of cash to a recovering opiate addict unless you’re sure that he can handle it responsibly.
And you know what? Gofundme and all the idiots that donated to this can go suck an egg. WTF did they think was going to happen by promising to hand a junkie hundreds of thousands of dollars?
Meh, the guy did a good deed and people wanted to reward him. If he chooses to spend that reward on meth and hookers who am I to judge.
Agreed. The money was his. He is an adult. It wasn’t the couple’s place to play daddy.
I dont like anyone in that story.
The whole thing was a fool’s errand to begin with.
A co-worker once rolled her window down at a stop light and said to the ‘will work for food’ guy “I have some work for you!”
to which he replied “Fuck you lady. Give me money.”
If they did spend the money on themselves then they did commit fraud.
Falling Down taught me everything I need to know about bums. Well, that and 49 years of living in cities that have bums in them.
Yes, and so far all we’ve got is the bum’s say so. I’m sure this story will be revisited when all the facts are out in the open….
In my years working the ghetto, I never met a rocket scientist living behind a dumpster.
Ten bucks to see it, twenty bucks to ride.
“This photo taken Aug. 15, 2018, shows Johnny Bobbitt Jr., the homeless veteran who gave $20 for gas for Kate McClure, back on the streets with his brother. Bobbitt, who helped a stranded motorist in Philadelphia, said he is panhandling once again and using drugs, and he has no access to the money raised on his behalf.He gained worldwide attention when he used his last $20 to fill up the gas tank of stranded motorist Kate McClure in November 2017. ”
Ok, am I having a stroke, or are these sentences intentionally written to be as indecipherable as possible?
I still find it creepy that Sea Smith tells Dad jokes.
Well, Winston isnt here to provide fodder for Mom jokes.
With all that rape, he probably has a few kids.
Gotta keep the family-friendly rating secured ya know?
This crap has got to stop. It is just so stupid.
Eli Lilly pulled its sponsorship of Indy Car racer, Conor Daly, after Conor’s father, Derek Daly, admitted to using a racial slur during a live radio broadcast in the 1980s, almost a decade before Conor Daly was born…
“Our sponsorship in Saturday’s race is intended to raise awareness of treatment options and resources for people living with diabetes. Unfortunately, the comments that surfaced this week by Derek Daly distract from this focus, so we have made the decision that Lilly Diabetes will no longer run the No. 6 at Road America this weekend,” the company said in a statement. “We remain committed to our mission of supporting people with diabetes.”
Fuckin’ niggards.
Something something, sins of the father. This is utterly ridiculous.
Dad even admitted that it was an issue of not understanding what he said. He is Irish, and the N-word doesn’t have such connotations over there.
Had a friend in high school who spoke English as a second language and forgot which term was the offensive one. He said “nigger” in front of a whole class when discussing Huck Finn.
Maybe I should tell his boss and ruin his life. (I’d never do that, he is a good friend)
Even more ridiculous in this case.
To clarify, I mean the decision from Eli Lily and the Charity Organization. Apologies if I may have been ambiguous.
How could one discuss Huckleberry Finn otherwise?
The only safe thing to do is not discuss Huckleberry Finn, ever.
I’ll admit that I never actually read HuckFinn, but I am pretty sure that the word “nigger” appears multiple times in the book. And someone might want to contact the Germans about their racist language.
Fuck ’em
I will say it again: Once you go off of the rails, you are off of the rails. Ten feet off or ten miles it doesnt matter. Once your head is full of scrambled shit that is what is going to come out of your mouth.
Did they tell Conor that Trump was impeached, too?
Be careful. If a family member has bad credit or commits a crime you may pay the price for it!
What Eli did is retarded beyond belief. Assholes.
I went to Eli’s twitter account and saw these:
Tony Smith
Aug 25
Replying to @LillyPad @LillyDiabetes
All reports now are saying Lilly did not withdraw funding for the #6 according to notable NASCAR journalists. It would have been nice to hear that from the horse’s mouth so to speak. Bad bad PR move Lilly
1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
Reply 1 Retweet Like 1
Aug 25
Funding was not pulled from what I’ve heard, likely it would have been a breach of contract, but pulling their name is just as bad.
Nothings going to change until scalps are collected. Lilly should fire every single person in the decision chain that got this mess started in the first place. No hand is untainted that reached into this viper’s brood.
Sure, but the Red Guards going after any company or institution with the slighted connection to a controversy has created the incentives to fold and run as quickly as possible. Look at how many schools ditched Papa John sponsorships even after they quickly fired Papa John Prime (leaving aside the false narrative part). Waiting until all the facts come out, or standing firm and telling the mobs to pound sand doesn’t happen. Especially when large portions of your PR staff and decision makers are woke or sympathetic to the woke crap.
I agree, and my point is that until the incentives are evened out, this will keep happening more and more frequently.
So, the tomato tart didn’t go well, but it was tasty. I’ll probably write it up as an example of creating something new and how to troubleshoot.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Tomato tarts require some finesse. The first time I did one it came out a soggy mess. Subsequent attempts ended up much better.
I have cooked more things that could have been better than things that I said, “ya, that is perfect!” Actually, I have never said that.
Hardly the first time something like this has happened. It may make a good post, though.
I hear ya. There are plenty of dishes I “know” I have down to a science only to have a brain fart and completely pork the dish.
I forgot to put the bouquet garni in my simmering red sauce last weekend, 4 hours and 4 lbs of homegrown San Marzano tomatoes shot to hell, ah well there’s always next year.
I would have tried cooking the bouquet separately and then added as stock. In fact, I have done that before and it turned out….ok.
Herbs only need about 20 minutes.
This was ok,the texture didn’t work. I have a list of what to do next time. The pesto pastry was really hard to work with, but smelled and tasted great.
Things may be looking a little scary in South Africa lately, but some folks still manage to have fun.
In the 1990s, South Africa looked like it was destined to fall to a racial civil war.
Glad they dodged that bullet.
It is remarkable to me how many people in poor circumstances are wasteful and self destructive, but then I remember that they didn’t get into or stay in poor circumstances because they are wise and prudent. It is just painful to watch.
It’s an odd history. The Bantu never quite assimilated Western culture. In North America the natives were largely killed. In the Caribbean and South America, colonization and the slave trade resulted in generations of mutts. Yet, in South Africa whites and blacks remained separate. It’s the opposite of, say, Cape Verde, where pretty much everyone is a mix of African and Portuguese.
Generations of heroic mutts.
I didn’t mean it pejoratively.
Taking the idea of poor decisions, the left insists that’s not the cause, until you suggest giving people money instead of vouchers. Then, ‘those people’ can’t be trusted to make good decisions.
“the left insists that’s not the cause”
There are more than a few of their arguments that fly in the face of reality. That is the nature of the grifter, to say anything no matter how absurd as long as it serves to further the con.
Eh, they do the same exact shit in Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states. It’s more what testosterone does to the adolescent brain, if you ask me.
I had a lengthy discussion about the adolescent brain earlier today. A nephew is laying on the railroad tracks and I can see a train coming bigger than hell. He made a bad decision and is going to pay a heavy price. Absolutely nothing I say gets through. It is maddening.
Also, I wasn’t referring specifically to the spinner thing. I was thinking in general about the incredibly awful judgement I have seen people display over the years.
If it makes you feel any better, he likely very well can’t see as far as you because the part of his brain responsible for long-term thinking hasn’t fully formed yet. It’s like trying to get a dog to look at something you are pointing to; they can’t understand that you don’t want them looking at your finger.
I agree with that. People can become poor by all sorts of reasons beyond their control, but those who stay poor usually do so from their own bad decisions.
Oh, I know that is what it is. I like to think I didn’t have that problem at that age but I likely did.
This is gold: “It’s like trying to get a dog to look at something you are pointing to; they can’t understand that you don’t want them looking at your finger.”
I wish I had that earlier today.
I would like to take credit for it, but it’s from an old Buddhist story.
Thanks for that. Wife has been telling me that for a long time and it still is hard for me to grasp.
‘Why the fuck don’t they understand??”
Of particular note, from the abstract:
GABA is the neurochemical responsible for inhibition. Whereas, we might chalk up to maturity being able to take a deep breath and calm down when wanting to punch someone’s lights out, part of it was that our teenaged brains actually couldn’t calm down the fight or flight responses we were getting from our amygdala.
Some of us still struggle with that.
Calling out seafood as a shortcut to brain maturation is interesting, too. I wonder how many paranoid parents skip the sea all together.
So my son’s sushi addiction may be good for something ? Good to know. Can’t wait til it kicks in.
From the comments:
Your first exposure to Ninja and Yolandi, I take it?
Ah. You knew of them. Figures.
Well, westernloper, I fink you freaky and like you a lot anyway.
Yolandi was once described as the ‘hottest ugly girl you will ever see’. Id have to concur.
Hoever, this is a far superior example.
Afrikaner rap? And ya she is a hot ugly girl there. Fine example.
I don’t think she is ugly at all.
So you’ve never seen Chappie?
It’s not as good as District 9.
That was staaa-range.
Surprised HM didn’t find it.
I am pretty sure he has linked to them in the past.
She aint Thicc
I’m stuck reading the comments on a computer without Monocle, like a pleab. No sir, I don’t like.
I use a phone so I have no idea how Monocle works.
*cough*Eyepiece works on mobile firefox*cough*
Too dumb to know how to use it.
Space Smith?
May the future Space Force protect our rectums in space.
That is a great idea. One of you dorks needs to write up the 3 Dimensions of SMITH video game. It would be a hit!
If Trump did this to welfare I wonder what the headlines would be like.
But Macron is a sophisticated European so….all good.
Macron has been cozying up to Trump while still repeating Belgium talking points. All the while trying to implement domestic reforms, but still mouthing the same tired cliches. He may be a more cunning politician than he gets credit for
French politicians have always been like this. De Gaulle, Mitterand, Chirac especially.
On the other hand, it is France so my default opinion is: “Fuck France”.
I dunno. I’m sensing a tentative pivot and if any of these plans come to fruition he will be instantly literally-worse-than-Hitler in all the MSM.
Welfare means a lot of things but here’s a table of EU spending as a % of GDP. It goes to 2014.
France is the highest.
Here’s another:
Lol. Look at all the red for the USA.
Good. And still half or more of the budget is redistribution in the us.
A few years back a girl was helping me with a payroll problem regarding mat leave for an employee. She said something to the effect of, ‘Right. You’re in Quebec. You have the best benefits. You rock!’
I didn’t like that because my payroll taxes are too high hovering at around 20%.
Is this like the red-blue switch that the MSM perpetrated in order to deflect from what red really means politically…?
That was the first thing I thought when I looked at that chart lol
“Social protection” – yeah, that can mean all kinds of things.
This shit makes me very tired and sad.
I don’t know that person. However, I do have a lot of friends who have been saying, “Fuck you if you disagree” all over the net. Every time I see a friend say that, I think, well, okay, I guess that’s another person who wasn’t really my friend.
Wow. She didn’t drink the kool-aid, she is swimming in it. There is not one single coherent thought or truth in that. She’s trolling, right?
Did you catch her handle?
No, she’s not. These are the things that make me think Civil War II is on the horizon.
Old School Professor, first day of my freshman econ class. He walks in, doesnt introduce himself, peers over his glasses and says “Free. It doesnt exist. No matter what it is someone, somewhere is paying for it. If you use that word in my class, I dont care how well you do on the tests, I will fail you.”
We need more guys like that crusty old fucker.
When I taught, the first thing I wrote on the board was TANSTAAFL. Then I explained what it meant. Then I told them I never wanted them to write “I feel”. I’m an economist. I don’t care how you feel. I want to know what you think.
I also did experiments. I always explained at the beginning that I didn’t care about their toilet training or their relationship with their mother. I cared about how they respond to incentives.
Why do you hate Dan Ariely, Tulip?
I don’t, but undergraduates can’t deal with the nuances he brings. They are all about the feelz, which is just annoying. Gah!
Ok I will be the first…..what does TANSTAAFL mean? And I am lost with the toilet training reference. Toilet training is all about incentives if you want to get a kid to quit shitting his pants but I am not sure what that has to do with economics other than time spent.
There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. I learned it myself today and man, I love it.
There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
Rallying cry of literally Hitlers everywhere.
There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
Robert Heinlein was big about it in his books.
I chose my avatar because (1) it’s cold truth and (2) as a homage to RAH.
OK I GET IT! There might not be a free lunch, but there is numerous free educations on an acronym.
But did you know There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch?
I hate to admit it but I don’t think I’ve ever made it all the way thru a RAH book with the possible exception of Friday that my older bro gave me when I was like 14 which was 35 years ago.
You should at least read “Stranger in a Strange Land”.
I remember reading some of it and not liking it. Again, about 30 years ago.
I might be in love with you.
I hope that’s not uncomfortable.
Pay attention, Tundra. She already said she doesn’t care about your feelings.
Ah, but I’m not a paying customer! I’m just a random interweb dude!
This is just one of her experiments to see how we all respond to incentives!
Well, I’m no longer wearing pants.
So there’s that.
She wants to know what you THINK frat’.
Tundra please, think of the children.
That’s why his pants are off
Whoops, no. We’re not communicating here.
Swapped the pants for a kilt. I knew Tulip would like that.
Tundra, I think you got a mix-up; there are only like 4 women here so that’s quite a feat. Splosives is the one into kilt wearers.
“Should be”. I agree. Now what?
It makes me sad and tired too. Especially if/when it comes from people I’ve been close friends with for years.
Dubya got raked over the coals, rightfully, when he made the “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.” Interesting how people that found that type of thinking evil just a few years ago are now employing that thinking every single day, on every single issue, in every single area of life.
Yeah, I remember him getting that backlash all those years ago. This type of thinking surely can’t go wrong or lead us to bad places later on.
It almost feels personal, like a) this person doesn’t know you very well or b) they wouldn’t like you if they did or c) all those years hanging out don’t mean anything anymore.
Right? At least as you said though, you end up learning who really are you friends so that’s the silver lining.
Politics have become too polarizing. Remember the old adage about not talking politics or religion. There was a reason for that.
That was before the internet.
Quite true.
I very much apply it in meat-space, though.
I try to apply it almost everywhere I can. I’m lucky where I live, people don’t bring up this kind of stuff except once in a blue moon.
What qualifies as ‘basic necessities’?
Hand over your wallet, your bank account number, and the keys to your house and we’ll get back to you.
tampons and food and a car and a house
It makes me angry.
This person does not understand the broader implications of what she is saying. Don’t sweat it. (but sweat it a little because people like her crave power.)
The best thing about idiots is that they tend to advertise their condition.
And it’s over such stupid shit, all the time, you aren’t allowed to disagree. On my drive to work this morning I’m listening to sports radio and they’re still going on about the OSU and the host says something to the effect of that (without cursing) about anyone who disagrees with his thoughts that Urban Meyer wasn’t punished harshly enough. I mean I don’t give a shit, but not even listening to the counter arguments and evaluating them gets under my skin.
These types always start from the premise that socialism is feasible here because we are so wealthy. Gee, I wonder why that is. She basically acknowledges that capitalism is necessary to create the wealth that the socialists want to plunder. In that she is correct.
It sucks, but the pro-market responses give me hope, especially given the platform. You don’t have to fight uphill to hear dime store commies make their appeal. To be Hayekian anymore, it’s a struggle. Can’t stop the signal, Mal.
And then you get this:
Yeah… “hope”.
I’m pretty sure the only thing “literally killing the planet and humanity” is time.
Dime store commies by the dozen. And it’s costless to voice your commie bona fides on that platform. To be a true blue classical liberal takes some guts. I doubt Scott Surette has a job to lose. Anyone with anything worth losing is risking losing it by voicing support for capitalism. And yet a good many people do. That’s heartening.
That’s … that’s a bio.
Of a useful idiot. Might as well be saying “Polly wanna cracker! AAAAAAck! Polly wanna cracker!”
It is a very telling bio I’ll give them that.
I’m not entirely sure the many such bios I see are in fact real. Because if they are… *Kiff sigh*
A pessimistic view of the third world from Liberty Unbound. I knew it’s full of shitholes, but I always just kinda thought things were getting slowly better. Not so either economically or population wise.
“More important: in the Third World countries, population control has mostly happened within the relatively more educated, intellectually sophisticated part of society. In Northern India, to cite another example, the unstable, uneducated, chaotic, and backward part of the population is exploding in size. Southern India, which is relatively stable and better off, is falling in population.
With ease of mobility, segregation is picking up its pace. The economically best people of the Third World find it much easier to emigrate than to stay home and fight to make society better, or maintain it in its current state. In 2017 alone, 12% of Turkish millionaires and 16% of Venezuelan millionaires emigrated. So great has been the emigration from India that it is virtually impossible to find a decent plumber or electrician. Forget about finding a good doctor. In a survey, only 30% of Indian doctors could diagnose a simple ailment. Everywhere educated people move to cities, while the rest stay on in rural places. Segregation is real, leaving the underclass with a huge deficit in leaders.”
Having secure property rights and benefiting from that property and your labor without having it stripped from you is an incredible incentive. Success of individuals and of society increases exponentially when you increase those things. In most of the places in the world we regard as shitholes neither of those exist at all. If you try pointing that out you are a greedy racist imperialist.
I think a little too pessimistic. His argument would be stronger if he didn’t buttress it with lurid anecdotes but with more hard quantitative data about how rife corruption actually is in these countries and the collectivist values that support such behaviors. Hernando de Soto already has done God’s work in showing how strong property rights enforcement can deal with a lot of the problems mentioned in Bhandari’s jeremiad. Likewise, Bhandari doesn’t explain, to my satisfaction anyways, why China is such an exception. I would posit that many of the same benefits that he attributes to “Westernization” can be accomplished, for the short term, by “benevolent” authoritarianism in the mode of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew or Xi Jinping’s current “scraping poison off the bone” campaign.
The number of people in extreme poverty (Africa, India, China) has fallen as many governments have “liberalized” I.e. become more market driven.
It seems Bhandari’s thesis is that this economic growth is unsustainable because a market economy needs Enlightenment-era liberal cultural values behind it to function for the long-term. I am sympathetic to that argument, yet I don’t think the writing is on the wall for the entirety of the 3rd World yet..
Kinda hard to make the comparison when a good chunk of the ‘3rd world’ is connected.
They grow up so fast!
The picture he painted was quite bleak. He has some points that without property rights or confidence in law there can be no legitimate wealth creation. But there can be a lot of illegitimate wealth creation, but this requires payoffs, bribes, and security teams.
I want allodial title in the US. I am convinced that wealth production would increase 10x, the environment would become a fairyland, poverty would disappear. Leftists will never allow that as it is the ultimate empowerment of the individual.
Shut up and pay your property taxes, peasant!
Privatizing most of the western U.S. would be a start. Plus the money could be used to pay off the national debt.
Being in the West sucks. Lots of places to go, but only if you can walk or own a horse. Sell it all.
“allodial title”. My Glib lesson for the day. Thanks. Probably shoulda known it already.
Next you’ll be wanting allodial title to yourself.
Fart sniffing. Bernstein thinks the media needs to show the progression of presidential lying, from FDR through to Trump. It’s extraordinary how much more Trump lies than any other president.
“Mr. Roosevelt said at Boston on October 30: “I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.”
Yeah, FDR was a real boy scout.
That summary omits that the National Guard was mobilized September 1940 for one year (300,000+, which basically doubled the size of the active Army) , and was extended for another year in August 1941.
Why only go back to FDR? Surely ‘Wilson kept us out of War’ is a doozy of reelection slogan for the guy who got us into WWI.
Trump’s lies are more in your face style lies. I’ll give them that. What lie that Trump has made has actually cost lives?
That is some grade-A lack of self-awareness coming from the network that got caught feeding debate questions to the Democrat candidate.
He’s right about one thing….’we now live in a culture that is fact free’
The thing that cracks me up about all the press whimpering is where have they been all these years doing this hard hitting fact checking?
And I do think Trump talks shit more than any other President, (at least since I have been paying attention) but I think he does it more to troll. Obama flat out lied to get his agenda passed. Trump talks shit to piss people off and half the shit people say he said is there perception of a true statement he made such as, ‘Rapists and murderers cross the border illegally’ = all illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers. People are nuts.
Here is something more recent:
I’ve had plenty of other bullshit going on this weekend. I’ve paid much less attention to the goings on in the world and I’m better for it.
FWIW, Animal House is still a timeless classic and bourbon, ftw.
I loved Animal House. Not gonna lie, that sounds like an awesome game plan you got going on.
I admire your devotion to your hobby. How’s your wife doing?