Yay! Its not only the end of the week, its the end of the first school week of the year. Looks like Reason made it through without dropping any f-bombs or telling someone they shit their pants when they farted. And that, my friends, is a good thing. You know what else is a good thing? The US Open starts this coming week! I’m not making any picks because tennis is a crazy, unpredictable sport right now. But if I had my wish, I’d have Djoker win the mens and Venus win the ladies. I’ve always liked Venus. She’s been classy her entire career while her sister became an absolute asshole. I’d love to see her win one last major.
Well we can delve into that extreme unlikelihood next week. Until then, we’ve got baseball! Philly beat Washington, Boston blanked Cleveland, Detroit dumped Chicago (AL), the Rockies beat the Padres, Los Gigantes topped New York (NL), the Braves shut out the Marlins, the Rays stung the Royals, Chicago (NL) beat Cincinnati, and the MINNESOOOOOOODA TWIIIIIIIIINS!!!!! helped the idle Astros by dropping the Athletics.
The EPL games of note this weekend (to the libs that have cared to announce their allegiance and that I can remember) are Arsenal-West Ham, Man Ure-Tottenham, Liverpool-Brighton, Bournemouth-Everton and Man Shitty-Wolves. If I missed your team, let me know and I’ll be sure to include them. Until then, YNWA.
Let’s see who was born on this date, shall we? Abolitionist William Wilberforce shares it with mobster Carlo Gambino, writer Howard Zinn, terrorist and grifter Yasser Arafat, midget actor and everyone’s favorite droid Kenny Baker, guitarist David Freiberg, keyboardist Ken Hensley, entertainer-extraordinaire Vince McMahon, NFL’s Mike Shanahan, singer Danny Joe Brown, rapidly-expanding fat man Mike Huckabee, actor Stephen Fry, American treasure Steve Guttenberg, Ironman Cal Ripken Jr., bassist Mark Bedford, deaf actress Marlee Matlin, basketball-playing shit-talker Reggie Miller, ginger doofus Rupert Grint and the hilarious Dave Chappelle.
Its also the day Mt Vesuvius erupted and killed 15,000 people, the Visigoths sacked Rome and ushered in the fall of the western Roman Empire, the pope declared the Magna Carta invalid (suck it, your holiness!), Charlotte Bronte finished “Jane Eyre”, Thomas Edison patented the motion picture camera, Alaska officially became a territory, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the continent, “Rock n Roll High School” hit theaters, Gorbachev left the Communist Party, Windows 95 hit the shelves, Jerry Rice (one of the best receivers of all time) retired from football, and Steve Jobs resigned as Apple CEO.
I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna grab some popcorn and watch this shitshow unravel like Roy Hobbs’s first major league hit. How long before the shareholders are demanding his resignation or begging the government for a huge bailout? I give it through December at the latest.
I avoid linking Breitbart, but since none of the major media outlets give a shit about this important story, I guess I’ll have to. Hey, free association is great and all, but at what point do we start dropping the hammer on pricks like Morris Dees and his slush-fund SPLC whose influence certainly outweighs their integrity? And I mean legally through defamation lawsuits, not through government action.
“Move along. There’s nothing to see here!” – South African government replies to Trump’s tweets asking our government to look into land expropriation and murders of white farmers in South Africa. I just hope we keep our troops out of the circus. If they want to follow the Zimbabwe model and starve to death, I just hope the innocent get out of there before it happens.
Berkeley councilman thinks he’s honey badger. But at least he had the decency to expose the corruption in police contracts being voted on by elected officials (whose campaigns the police unions fund, by the way). I’m sure he will face no backlash at all though, unless he promotes free speech in that shithole town.
More money-wasting jackassery by Chicago’s government exposed. I wonder how many of those funeral homes are owned by politically-connected people? My guess is: all of them.
Curfews are meant to keep kids safe. Its dangerous to be out after them. See what I mean?
So much for conscience and religious tolerance. If you do not bow to the rules of the state, you will not be able to do good works. What a shame.
I feel like I’m doing this every time I drop Reason off at kindergarten.
Go have a good day and a great weekend, friends!
“Move along. There’s nothing to see here!” – South African government replies to Trump’s tweets asking our government to look into land expropriation and murders of white farmers in South Africa. I just hope we keep our troops out of the circus. If they want to follow the Zimbabwe model and starve to death, I just hope the innocent get out of there before it happens. – I don’t think theres any chance of a military intervention in south Africa …
I’d be willing to bet there are UN troops there by the end of 2019. That’s one year of failed crops and a starving populus.
Population control..
Funny how these marxists always end up making Darwin right.
Cause nothing beats famine like rape AND famine.
Is it still rape if you tell her she gets no food until you get some-some? UN blue helmets want to know…
Economic Freedom Fighters
#EFFMediaBriefing Malema: Only death will stop us, not Trump, not sanction, not all of them. We know the consequences that are coming.
Go EFF yourselves.
We know the consequences
But do they?
I’d be surprised if there aren’t Australian and American troops there in a couple of years to at least lift out refugees.
We need to STFO.
Did they airlift out the refugees when the white people stole their land? They need to stay there and starve or be murdered!
/Twitter grievance monger
In all seriousness though the American race baiters who are weighing in on this on Twitter are pretty scary, they absolutely believe in blood guilt and see nothing unethical about dispossessing if not outright murdering people for the presumed sins of their forefathers. With these attitudes left unchallenged we will see race relations in our own country walked back 100 years in no time.
sins of their forefathers
The race-baiters never consider that their own ancestry likely has people who are, lets say, ‘problematic’ because of things they did.
In the case of SA there’s no guilt. The place was sparsely populated by pygmies. The people there today expropriating land immigrated long after the Boers settled. They have less of a claim than the Boers. Their only relationship to the original inhabitants is having a similiar skin tone. The original inhabitants considered the land mostly useless since they didn’t farm, and it required irrigation beyond their technology anyway.
This tweet is particularly impressive, if not fake (never know with the interwebz )
The defense going around the net is that the murder of farmers isn’t so bad because the rest of SA has high murder rates, too. What a bizarre defense.
It’s not just going around the net. It’s what the AP sent out.
And of course the legacy media is focusing on inaccuracies about the murder rate and completely ignoring valid claims about the land grabbing.
Someone here who is a historian should weight in here. I keep hearing conflicting stories. So either whitey went to South Africa and murdered all the black in South Africa and took their land, or they went to South Africa and started settling and farming land that was unoccupied at the time. Which is it? Both of those things cannot be true, yet every time I read something about this, one or the other is reported as truth.
From what I remember of my history, Dutch and English colonist started farming the land and then ended up in fights mostly with each other and with people trying to raid the farms. The locals, whom constantly warred against each other and lived by raiding, were not farmers, and basically only saw the farms as easy targets to go after. The claim that the colonist stole anything is funny in that sense. Especially since both sides of the boer wars used one or more native groups as soldiers against the other side as well. The Dutch were particularly brutal in their defense and fighting of any conflict, but that was because the other side, especially when it was the local raider, were particularly brutal themselves.
FYTW clause predates all government documents.
He’s infallible because he speaks for God, except when he’s not because he doesn’t. You need the secret cipher to know for sure.
Nothing about Countdown to Impeachment?
I am disappoint.
Is there a countdown? Shit, I thought that MSNBC show got cancelled.
The Left may deserve Pence but I sure don’t.
I have it on good authority that that isn’t how it will work this time around, Hillary will be instated because argle bargle derpitydo.
Well, yea:
Trump is impeached and removed. Pence is sworn in and steps down because of his conscience he knows he doesn’t deserve it. But before stepping down he appoints Herself as vp. Her Shrillness is is sworn in and history is corrected.
And the speaker of the house goes along with it, right?
Of course!
Then she pulls out a magic wand, waves it and magically undoes everything that Trump and congress did in the last year and a half including replacing Gorsuch with Garland. Then waves it again and all the mean, horrible right wingers disappear and the progs of the land drink and dance all the night through.
Don’t forget about waving it a 3rd time and the Constitution is amended to replace every GOP in government at all levels, with loyal benevolent democrats and then suspend elections, forever. From now on, her holy majesty will appoint whoever she wants to all government offices. And they lived happily ever after in the magical utopia of free rainbow colored ponies.
“Nothing about Countdown to Impeachment?”
Something that is perpetual cannot be counted down. Call for impeachment is the recent past, the present, and the future, forever, or until a democrat occupies the whitehouse.
Meme of the week was a CNN screenshot saying Shaun King had been killed in South Africa after buying a farm there.
I can’t find it now…I have way too many memes in my computer and browsing history 🙁
Did his wife, Rachel Dolezal get out safely?
She was there with the mob lynching him…
“Hey, free association is great and all, but at what point do we start dropping the hammer on pricks like Morris Dees and his slush-fund SPLC whose influence certainly outweighs their integrity? And I mean legally through defamation lawsuits, not through government action.”
They already lost (or settled?) a defamation case. I think you could get a better case against the card carriers for citing something untrue in trying to weasel out of a contract.
Did they pay hush money? That is the crime du jour.
Because somehow it’s a crime now to pay someone off to sign an NDA and go away. Although nobody can seem to cite the actual statute.
It’s a crime not to be part of the proggie deep state machine.
Wait, it’s a crime to do it without disclosure with your own money that has never touched the campaign because your election chances improve because of the expenditure.
I still can’t believe there are rational people who think this kind of thing should be illegal: Spending one’s own money to keep something from being public knowledge must now be disclosed because a campaign might benefit from it.
May as well just exclude anybody with money, fame or any skeletons in their closet from running for office…at least those who decry the deep state.
Even that’s not true; for it to even approach a crime they would have to show that the campaign was the sole reason for the payoff, which is impossible since I’m sure Trump has paid off others to go away prior to campaigning and also would be looking to benefit his business image, his personal life with wife and kids, etc. So clearly it would be, at worst, dual use, and therefore not a campaign finance violation.
I heard that Cy Vance (NY DA) is now looking into the Trump Org and top officials re: the hush money since Trump can’t pardon state crimes.
I’m pretty cynical, but I honestly can’t believe the level of open corruption and political targeting.
I think they are just doing this to get the “Trump paid off gold diggers” back in the headlines. IANAL, but Dershowitz is a pretty good one and he sees no crime with what we’ve been presented with so far.
The problem these defenders of team blue have is that they are still playing from the old anti-team red playbook. Team red voters were big on morals and values, so discrediting & destroying a team red candidate was as simple as attacking their morals & values – whether with real charges or even manufactured ones, as often proved to be enough – and turning off their voters. Team red players, unlike team blue players whom would just circle the wagons no matter how much horrible shit came out about their guy, then abandoned said person. Unfortunately for these morons, playing this card too frequently has not only served to wise up a lot of team red people that learned about the double standard and realized they were being played, but doesn’t work with people that never put that much emphasis on this shit to begin with.
The dnc operatives with bylines have been flinging shit at the wall hoping something sticks or the morality valuing voters on Trumps side would just become fatigued and quit. Instead it seems to only energize them more. One also must remember that a lot of this Kabuki is about keeping the team blue players engaged and enraged so they can keep using them and their delusion that somehow the election results are going to be reversed/ Team blue supporters are currently undergoing a serious crisis of confidence considering they had been told that they were the wise ones for believing the marxist shit the left peddles and on the winning side of history, only to end up losing yet another election.
Agreed on everything, but it isn’t “Team Red”, it’s “Team Trump”.
Yep – The Democrats gave Gary Studds a pass for raping an underage (male) page and reelected him.
Team Trump doesn’t care – he’s just the mercenary they hired to fight back. They don’t care that he has the personal habits of a mercenary.
Already in the works.
I pray that they are massacred.
I’m sure he promised to never, ever again do this.
They didn’t prosecute a cop for sexual assault because they were afraid it would traumatized the victim*…and they let the bastard keep his fucking job? Jesus, he just wrote the entire campaign platform for the DA’s opponent in the next election.
*ill bet the traumatic part is sitting in the witness box with 100 officers in the gallery in uniform staring holes through you as you give testimony. And the same trauma goes for the jury who get the same treatment throughout the entire trial.
Don’t fuck with the state or its compliance enforcers..
Great jam Whisky Man.
I gotta get out of this place.
If it’s the last thing you ever do?
Your starting to done sound like an animal.
There’s a better life for me and you.
Sorry I can’t spare any change for gas
I think you’ve gone and let me be misunderstood.
I heard a summary that went like this: After the election the deep state sat down with Hillary and Trump and said, “Here’s the deal…Trump, you get to be President. but Hillary and Co. get to walk. If you go after Hillary, we take you down. Hillary, you don’t get to be President, but you don’t go to prison
But Hillary broke the bargain by using Cohen to go after Trump
I heard Hillary told Obama that if he let them take her down she would make sure he would go down with her, which then resulted in Obama ordering his people to go torpedo Trump. And now we are here.
I heard that Hillary told Huma to go down.
Dammit, that goes under Drake’s post
I’d file that under “Shit Top Men Do With Impunity”.
I hate how blatantly whether or not someone cares about this stuff breaks along partisan lines. Camp TDS completely ignores the possibility that there’s corruption in the DOJ that affected investigation into the Clinton campaign (and really Hillary’s lengthy history of ethical lapses, put mildly) or, worse, just looks at it as a necessary evil in the all-encompassing, all-important #Resistance. Meanwhile, Camp MAGA is either doing backflips to try to explain why Trump is the Swamp-Drainer-in-Chief while also surrounding himself with people who are the textbook definition of “swamp creatures” and giving him passes for shit that they would have (rightly) slain the previous president over. It’s absolutely infuriating. At this point we might as well just abandon the pretense that people are interested in arriving at some sort of just conclusion or objective truth. It’s just tribal warfare using the government as a weapon.
But Hillary broke the bargain by using Cohen to go after Trump
So Trump should instruct Sessions to follow the law and investigate/prosecute her. If he won’t then he needs to fire Sessions (and Rosenstein, whom he should fire anyway) and appoint someone who will.
I suspect most of the DOJ is going to unemployed shortly after the November election.
Yes. After the election.
I’m hoping Gowdy is not running for re election for that very reason.
He would make a groovy AG.
Me too. Trump will pick a high-energy warrior to replace sleepy Jeff.
After reading the article linked here yesterday, about how Comey, Hillary, Rosenstien, and Mueller have apparently been riding the deep state merry-go-round and getting up to all sorts of unethical stuff, I think the swamp needs draining much more than we previously may have realized.
Part of this is just public posturing, but it’s fun to see the mask getting ripped off of how cabinet secretaries (supposedly) work for the president. And by fun, I mean sickening.
Yesterday I mentioned that Weiner / Huma computer being disappeared – after the NYPD rumors of all kinds of classified info and nastier stuff about the Clintons.
Turns out the FBI never actually looked at the thing. They just announced that it was no big deal and hid it.
We kinda already suspected that given that they took only eight days for a grotesque amount of data.
The FBI not only didn’t look at more that 4K of the emails out of over 33K total, but made sure to hide the ones they supposedly didn’t look at from both congress and the American public. I am telling you that the deep state is on a war path with Trump and the people that elected him because they are furious that an election they thought they had rigged and a candidate they thought they could basically torpedo so Hillary could inherit the weaponized deep state Obama’s promised change to America created, managed to still walk away with that election. Not only did this fiasco and Trump’s win put their ineptness and incompetence front and center, but it basically drastically undermines & threatens the political oligarchy’s hold on power. Hence the campaign to destroy anyone and everyone connected to Trump as a lesson to others. The only reason they have so far not been able to torpedo Trump is because he is rich enough that he can fight them, and has played the game by their rules, and played it better than they have (not too difficult considering our elite credentialed class is basically a bunch of morons with over inflated egos and opinions of themselves produced by a system that has inculcated them with the false belief they are smart and great for adopting marxism as their dogma).
It’s amazing to me how anybody who isn’t a life-long bureaucrat would ever vote for an entrenched Democrat or Republican ever again – any sane person would question the legitimacy of the election results that installed an entrenched partisan into any public office after this shitshow.
This Deep State shit is SO bad it’s starting to make me give some credence to the middle eastern idea that 9/11 was an inside job. We’re seeing first hand the handling of anyone with money that questions the legitimacy of the bureaucracies – they won’t stop at just the people with money. Anyone with more than 100K in their retirement accounts will eventually be targeted for a haircut of some kind if they don’t kowtow to Deep State. They’ll simply call it “means testing”.
Pray to the tentacly gods that one of her IT people made and hid a backup tape as personal insurance. That may take decades to surface, but you younger Glibs may someday be vindicated.
That’ll be good for some grim pleasure after the Soyvolution and Imperator Warren.
Men should say ‘menopause’ three times a day to show solidarity with women, academic says
I prefer ‘Make me a sammich’
I’d be worried about what they’d put in it. Don’t ever make someone who’s angry at you prepare your food.
Make me a sammich 3 times a day it is!
I’m starting to think you guys are just trolling me with all this menopause talk…
Srsly, all us menopausal and perimenopausal women here. Menopause has been good to me. If I’d known how good it’d be, I’d’a had my plumbing yanked years ago.
Glad it’s working out for you Moj! It was (is) rough for wifey to have it done.
Sadly, I have no real advice.
My mother went on HRT and regretted it. My doctor was adamant I use it, then I rebelled (valid reasons), and I felt much better mentally and physically.
I do know that low-carb and walking do help with mood and emotional lability (not that I follow my own advice most of the time).
But that’s all I got.
No, they should say heropause, because MENopause is too patriarchal
– Steve Smith
Huh, ya know I kinda would like to see a line of STEVE SMITH and ZARDOZ motivational posters.
I have to think about trying that…
If you are really interested I might be able to dig up some of our Reptilian Overlord MWR posters.
Rufunella: Say menopause with me!
Rufus (wipes pudding from lips): Huh?
Rufunella: SAY IT!
Rufus (long pause): …….get the fuck outta here!
You are DA MAN Rufus… 🙂
Just don’t say it three times in front of a mirror, after sunset.
Or you get woke and start wearing a neck beard and red skinny jeans?
If a man says it three times does it count as a divorce?
I wish my wife would hurry up an finish perimenopause. I’m worried she is going to bleed out in the middle of the night and the cops will think I killed her. I know she’s hating it.
Is there a reason she may not want a hysterectomy? The uterus doesn’t have a job anymore and uterine and ovarian cancer are always a risk. I had planned on having one; I just never had time to take off for recovery until my body forced me into it (TMI, won’t share; just that it was not optional at that point).
Two words: Stubborn Nurse.
Actually I’m not really sure. I will have to ask. And you don’t have to share. I’ll ask the nurse what body forced me into it means. Glad it worked out for you though.
Stubborn Nurse.
Is there any other kind?
Severe uterine prolapse.
One word: stubborn. Nurses are terrible patients.
WTF. I tried to send this from my tablet and it would not connect. So I reworded two hours later, and sent a second message instead. Then it sends this one anyway.
Trying to watch MLB highlights – and a Bob Menendez ad just came on.
Holy crap, that’s my Senator.
Depending on how you say it, that statement could sound good or bad.
I was saying it out of amazement. He’s so openly corrupt, he should be embarrassed to show his face in public. Instead he will win reelection.
Yup. It’s really pathetic that people will vote overwhelmingly for this POS.
He is a democrat, so what he does isn’t bad, because the ends justify the means!
Just one of the punishments for living in NJ
Anyone want to buy a nice house? The wife and I are debating whether to sell in 2019 or 2020.
Bubble’s coming. I would just get it done.
In New Jersey? No thanks. I’m still trying to decide between Tenneesee and Texas while thinking about how to check out Wyoming to see if it’s in the running.
Come to PA. We still put our politicians in jail!
Williams, Kane, Fattah, Pawlowski, etc.
Spencer should be the next one up.
I just might. CCW shall issue, no assault weapon nonsense – right?
“Just one of the punishments for living in NJ”
I find anything beyond just living in NJ as punishment to be cruel and unusual.
Breitbart News reached out to Mastercard for comment on the issue but has yet to receive a reply.
I’ve haven’t heard back on my request for a Master Race Card, either.
Has Visa pulled any of these shenanigans yet? I don’t want to have to hunt for a new provider.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center has had their donation processing system blocked by Visa and Mastercard
In the headline. You really don’t click the links, do you?
Guilty as charged.
I’ll give you credit for being honest.
I’m forever in your debit.
This thread is starting to regain my interest.
Swiss is gonna notice, he has a chip on his shoulder about stuff like this
Some day, we will all be made accountable for these subthreads.
“Friends, Glibs, dairymen, lend me your gaze!”
Hey, it’s no biggie. You can always use one of those competing card issuers and payment processors…
Pay pal? Square? Pro-pay?
Square is worse, and I suspect paypal is in the same boat.
Importantly, PayPal, Square and Pro-Pay are just intermediaries – not independent payment networks. They still use the VIsa and Mastercard networks to process payments, so they have to abide by all of the policies handed down to them by Visa and Mastercard (and Discover and Amex, for all 500 people still using them).
Yes, but you hide behind them. Not a great strategy but it is one.
True, but the policy does trickle down. Even in relatively benign ways like chargeback policies.
There’s always crypto, but then you’re missing the critical “store of value” function of money with the volatility.
So you’re saying, “Buy Silver”?
Exactly, look how that worked-out for Wikileaks.
I’ll put this in the everywhere I look, I see what I’m looking for file.
Political analyst Bill Schneider said Thursday that white, suburban women increasingly want nothing to do with President Trump, and are “fleeing the Trump party” ahead of November’s midterm elections.
“My gut is that you’re seeing a lot of affluent, white suburban voters, well-educated, particularly women, fleeing the Trump party,” Schneider told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking.”
“They don’t want to have anything to do with Donald Trump, especially now. They don’t like him. They don’t like his attitude. They don’t like the way he governs. His signature attitude is defiance, that is what defines him, and that’s very ugly,” he continued.
Republicans face an uphill battle leading up to the midterms to defend a raft of previously safe GOP congressional districts.
I hate Trump. I’m an affluent white suburbanite. Therefor, all affluent white suburbanites hate Trump. That’s how logic works.
I know NOBODY that voted for Trump!
Citation fucking needed. I don’t put any stock in polls or care enough to follow them but my intuition tells me the press keeps repeating this so that everyone just assumes a blue wave is an inevitability. I really hope I get washed over in proggy tears like I did in Nov 2016 when all their predictions don’t come true.
You’d think that they would have learned something. What is the definition of insanity again?
They’re going to scare the shit out of the GOP base enough to get them to show up. Dumb strategy.
I think they are banking on the fact that the risk their people become disillusioned and disengaged if they stop pretending the world is gonna die unless Trump is impeached, is higher than their antics creating a larger team red turnout. The problem with that is that the team Trump turnout will be huge regardless, but now team red people that were not really team Trump, might feel obliged to go vote too just to avoid the rollback of all the positive economic and business friendly growth Trump’s tenure has brought us.
Banjos is correct here. Although at my polling place in 2016 there were several union reps walking up and down the sidewalk trying to get a word with the people walking by. That action alone made me mark “trump” instead of “johnson”.
Similarly my wife switched to Trump the day of the election when the news kept bleating about Russia.
It’s all about the narrative. This didn’t work the last election when they apparently over sampled democrats by around 8 points. I’m still convinced that the over sampling has to be even worse this time.
They didn’t learn after 2016. How stupid would you have to be to forget the biggest lesson in recent politics after just two years? Don’t overplay your hand. Remember how furious Democrats were when Nate Silver reduced Clinton’s total lock on the election from 98% to a slightly more realistic 97.5%? Lefty shills were angry that anyone might report anything but unquestioned electoral supremacy for Hilldawg. You don’t think that depressed turnout among Dems? Why make the effort if you’re assured a landslide victory? And then she lost. Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm theme. And now they’re doing it again with the midterms. Unbelievable.
In my observation and experience, women like a guy with confidence.
“Political analyst Bill Schneider said Thursday that white, suburban women increasingly want nothing to do with President Trump”
Well, it’s probably true that none of the women in his social circle want anything to do with Trump. But the ones who voted for Trump or support Trump, I’m talking about the ones he has never spoken with in his life? Meh, more wishful thinking and narrative painting. Nothing more there.
If you’ve ever been around one of these blue fanatics you would see why they don’t know anyone that voted Trump. They’re raging assholes who can’t shut up about politics. I’m not going to tell them who I voted for because I know their whole world is wrapped up in it and I don’t want to deal with their shit constantly.
They create a bubble of ignorance through their arrogance.
Well, if you can’t trust his gut, what can you trust?!
Could some of our many gliblawyers comment on whether this does/does not apply?
“Tortious interference of business.- When false claims and accusations are made against a business or an individual’s reputation in order to drive business away.”
When you own the judiciary, the specifics of the law really don’t mean a good goddamn.
Laws are for the little people.
Yes, it’s free association.
CNN: Facts
FirstSometimesMaybeMehMichael Cohen’s lawyer made a major revelation during a CNN interview on Wednesday night, saying that his client “does not” have any information that then-candidate Donald Trump knew in advance about the Trump Tower meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.
The revelation was significant because it debunked a CNN report which stated that Cohen claimed “Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton,” and that “Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller.”
CNN’s report, which cited “sources,” was used by the Democrats and most of the media to claim that there was evidence that Trump colluded with Russian government officials.
Lanny Davis, Cohen’s lawyer, appeared to thoroughly debunk CNN’s report last night, saying that “the reporting of the story got mixed up in the course of a criminal investigation.”
“So, Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians beforehand or even after?” CNN host Anderson Cooper asked.
“No, he does not,” Davis responded.
The revelation made during the interview was not promoted by CNN as two tweets on the “Anderson Cooper 360°” Twitter account that contained video clips from the segment conveniently did not include the portion where Davis made the revelation. CNN also did not publish the interview on their YouTube channel.
And they wonder why people don’t trust them.
I think they are less concerned with being trusted and more pissed that the rabble has alternate means of finding out the facts/truth despite their effort to control the news in the favor of the democrats.
Everyone is freaking out about how big this Cohen thing is. Is it really that big?
The people that live in the alternate reality where they believe Trump gets impeached (and whether a real crime is involved or not is immaterial) and Hillary then becomes president, righting a horrible wrong that happened when the election they had rigged for Hillary somehow was won by Trump showing the world how inept and stupid our credentialed elite marxism peddling class really is, sure as hell want you to believe it is.
No. Someone has yet to articulate what actual crime Trump has been implicated in. The campaign finance thing is bullshit.
Trumps crime is actually having the temerity to not only not play the part of the stooge they hoped he would be in the election they were rigging for Hillary, but actually going on to then win that election and put the weaponized deep state Obama created so Hillary could destroy the enemies of the left, in jeopardy.
He may have violated campaign finance laws depending on the version of the story. but it hardly seems an impeachable crime.
As stated above, nope.
My exposure has largely been CNN’s coverage, because my wife, but I think no, not really. IANAL, but my impression of what’s happening here is that in the worst case scenario for Trump Cohen can testify that Trump paid off hookers, and that’s about it. There might have been some campaign finance shenanigans, but nothing worse than screwing up a tax return. Alan Dershowitz, for what it’s worth, repeatedly describes the campaign finance violations as the political equivalent of jaywalking, and keeps saying that if you look at most political campaigns you’ll find such violations because the law is ridiculously complex. Of course this gives Cooper and his guests the vapors, which is a little funny.
“Everyone is freaking out about how big this Cohen thing is. Is it really that big?”
Yes, it’s big. A big pile of horseshit.
Cohen was coached, no question about it. His prosecutors traded leniency for bullshit admissions to non-crimes implicating Trump.
Nice music choice. I loved Molly Hatchet’s Frank Frazetta album covers.
Gator country!
I’ve been hearing for the past couple of weeks Mastercard/Visa were doing stupid shit like this.
I just don’t get how the SPLC a- and other progressive organizations – with its obvious bias and ignorance gets so much power and influence.
If you remember that practically all of these massive progressive leaning companies are part & parcel of the new fascist crony system that allows government to pick the winners & losers that the left keeps telling is is the failed capitalist system, and you can see how these companies feel emboldened by the actions of a deep state they now think needs them more than ever to fight Trump-Putin/Hitler, you can see why this shit is happening.
Well, then they’re the TRUE fascists.
They will tell you they are not because fascism is right win and they are not…
Well…it’s slightly to the right of the Marxists.
^This. I was thinking about making a case for this up-thread. We make a lot of noise about them being Marxist and some of their useful idiots truly are, but in actuality the Dems/Deep State are fascists. Why would they abolish a crony capitalist system that makes them rich and ensures their power?
They have no plans of abolishing the crony fascist system they have in place today. After all, their priority – despite what they pretend it is otherwise – is to keep their power, grow their wallets, and be able to choose winners & losers. But they peddle envy to the masses through the appeal to marxism and marxist ideas. In the end they are collectivists, and thus, tyrants.
Well said.
People will get the power and influence that people want to give them.
I think we may have this backwards. We keep hearing how these companies bow to the mob, but it’s looking more and more likely that they are, at a minimum, guiding the mob away from them. Similar to Trump’s laser pointer strategy. “Look at that company over there.”
Because they’re terrified of the SPLC.
Dees et al have very successfully monetized being the pitbull for the DNC by leveraging their media influence. Anyone they target gets lambasted in almost the major media outlets simultaneously. Combined with the fact that the major corporations run like little chickens from bad social justice media coverage, this gives Dees immense power to bully them into compliance.
It’s an open secret that the SPLC is Dees’s personal slush fund and that he and the DNC are joined at the hip, but the major emdia refuse to report on it and continue to publish his accounts with no questions at all.
Curfews are meant to keep kids safe. Its dangerous to be out after them. See what I mean?
It’s the only way they’ll learn.
So if I read Front Page magazine….will Visa cut me off?
I guess Gatestone Ins. will be next?
This is nuts.
Well, back after my Detroit sojourn. What a shithole of a city. And the suburbs are not really any better.
one of the best receivers of all time
THE best. No question. And I thought I’d never see a better one than Biletnikoff. I was wrong.
You talking about Huckabee?
*studio audience applause*
I did some work at the convention center last year and stayed a few blocks away. I was pretty busy, but had time to go ride the circular sightseeing train and rush back to work.
It didn’t seem any better or worse than any other American city I’ve been to. What did I miss? (And yeah, I’ve seen the pics online of the burbs becoming a wildlife habitat. I saw not a sign of that downtown. It was like visiting the ‘grocery store’ in North Korea.)
It didn’t seem any better or worse than any other American city I’ve been to-
Damn man, what cities are you going to?
In the last year or two I’ve been sent to Denver, DC, Atlanta, Tampa, Miami, and probably a few others. The part of downtown Detroit I was in (near the convention center and Ford building) was actually cleaner and nicer than most of the rest. Of course I was working 12+ hours a day and had no time to explore.
I’ll be fair. The last time I was in Detroit was 2005. I heard they’ve done a lot of work cleaning it up.
What did I miss?
The other 99% of the city. When people were trying to show me directions to get places and being, ummm, embarrassed to say why they were steering me the long way around stuff, I would say, “Hey, don’t worry, I live in Chicago and grew up in Baltimore, I’m familiar with the concept of no-go zones.”
The two square blocks around the building M$ has its office in are nice. Deaborn’s main street has really come up in the last year.That’s all I know.
Did you go Belgian feather bowling?
That was the best fun I had when I used to visit Detroit.
BTW Randy Moss > Jerry Rice
And Cris Carter hands > Fred Biletnikoff hands
::Swirls Purple Cape around and disappears in purple puff of smoke::
^^ this guy gets it ^^
Randy Moss > Jerry Rice
You screwed up the sign there, the arrow should point the other way. I can edit that for you.
If Moss had had Montana and Young throwing to him his entire career, he would have been unstoppable. The one year he and Brady played together? How many records did they set?
Rice was a big reason that Montana and Young were Montana and Young.
And just to quantify:
Yds/game average: Rice 250, Moss 161
Receptions: Rice 1549, Moss 982
Yards: Rice 22895, Moss 15292
Yards/reception: Rice 14.8, Moss 15.6 (Moss is slightly better in this category)
TDs: Rice 197, Moss 156.
Note that the other wide receivers, tight ends, and running backs for the 49ers in the same era showed good but not outstanding stats. Rice was sui generis.
Career stats, Rice wins. I’d give Moss the “scares the defense shitless” trophy, though. Never a better deep threat at his peak.
Where does the Yds/game come from? That’s too high to be much of a sample size.
Rice’s YPG was 75.6. His 16 seasons (!) in SF was 80.9 YPG.
Moss was 70.1 YPG for his career.
Rice and Moss are my all-time WRs, but Cris Carter had the best hands I ever saw. Lord he reeled in everything. The best hands guy today is Deandre Hopkins.
And Bullett Bob Hayes yet remainds the ONLY wide receiver in football history. to have forced defenses to invent a completely new type of defense and he played in an era where the forward pass was an offence’s second choice by far.
Bullet Bob invented the zone coverage because no one could cover him.
That is not true of any of those other receivers named.
Well he did have Randall Cunningham and Brad Johnson (Super Bowl winner!).
“BTW Randy Moss > Jerry Rice”
That’s just so wrong.
“And Cris Carter hands > Fred Biletnikoff hands”
Meh, Carter couldn’t even do the stickum right.
Better than Don Hutson?
^^This guy gets it^^
Seventy percent of Americans support ‘Medicare for all’ in new poll
I’m sure there was nothing misleading in the survey question. I’m guessing it was something like. “Do you support Medicare for all? If not why do you want people to die!
And 0% of doctors. That’ll work out great.
Don’t be silly, there are some providers who’ve figured out how to work the system, even if it’s not strictly legal…
Being a doctor doesn’t make you smart apparently:
5 doctors and surgeons tell us what they really think about Medicare-for-all
It’s a Vox link though, so yeah they found the 5 doctors who would oppose.
The question probably isn’t necessarily misleading. But without any specifics it’s the equivalent of asking 4 year olds “Do you support free candy?” Everybody loves Medicare-for-all until they find out that it will cost an extra 20% or so of their income, and that half the physicians in the country will quit when they can’t even run a break-even business on Medicare’s reimbursement rates, and the quality of care they get will be about like Uganda.
“Would you support paying 20% of your income in non-refundable taxes in order to pay for national healthcare coverage?”
You can phrase the question any number of ways to get the answer you want, which is why these surveys are always suspect.
And that is just the direct and obvious cost. What about the impact this would have on medical innovation, most of which happens in the U.S. because we have the least socialist system in the modern world? That, and the certain decline in quality of care that that will come about inevitably with a government takeover.
Shoot, you don’t even have to extrapolate all that far. Right now, today, a lot of doctor’s won’t accept new Medicare patients because states take forever to pay and they buck at paying for a lot of services. Now, admittedly, that’s because there are some bad actors who try to pad the bills, but that happens with private insurance as well.
This is why so many doctors went concierge after the ACA. Just think of the exodus that would occur if we got single payer. Right away we’d have a serious doctor shortage and serious rationing.
The feds would make it illegal, just like it was in Canada.
No, they won’t. That is done in very few countries. Canada has private care. It’s very expensive, but it’s there.
Well, it’s exactly like that. They support it until they learn the costs. There was a video of a guy walking around the street asking people that question. They all supported it, everyone he asked. Then he asked them what they were willing to pay. Typically they would say ‘but it’s free!’. Then he would say ‘no, it has be be paid for, what’s a fair price per month’? No one went over $100 a month. So, fantasy land stuff. Public school has totally failed us.
Everyone is for collectivist solutions (great opportunities to virtue signal) as long as they believe someone else will foot the bill. Once they realize they have to pay for it, practically all of them will only want it if they can’t afford it themselves.
Did they ask who is willing to give up their personal (employer-subsidized) insurance?
Even if they got single payer through (somewhere near impossible), there would be private care, which wealthier people will be able to pay for. The suffering will all be on the middle class and the poor. The middle class through loss of income and the poor through loss of available care and impossibly long lines waiting for life saving procedures. Single payer is the Democrat’s new eugenics program.
You have seen how the political upper class outlawed private care when they rolled out single payer, except for themselves, right?
Strange. I couldn’t seem to find the actual question that was asked. But as you say, it was likely framed in disingenuous manner.
Reuters/Ipsos, June and July 2018
Would you support or oppose the following?
A policy of Medicare for All? (When it comes to the U.S. healthcare system)
84.5% – Support
10.7% – Oppose
4.8% – Don’t know
51.9% – Support
37.4% – Oppose
10.7% – Don’t know
70.1% – Support
20.6% – Oppose
9.3% – Don’t know
So it goes in line with what Pat said. No details on a Medicare for all plan.
As soon as they see details, such as for example that they will be paying a ton more, they will balk at it. Anyone remember that lady that was whining on camera that when she supported Obamacare she thought only the rich would be tapped to pay for it and not her?
Now ask “would you support socialized healthcare?”
Good call.
Strictly speaking, a single-payer system isn’t necessarily a socialized system for the same reason that municipal garbage collection isn’t socialized: the companies providing the service are private, it’s just that their client is the government. So, contractors, essentially. And if you’ve ever worked with government contractors, then you’ll understand when I say that I’d rather just go ahead and have the heart attack rather than get surgery from the winning bidder’s sub-sub-sub-contractor.
Of course, this Medicare for all is just another play on words. No one wants what they are selling, so they just lie about what they’re selling. Look at this beautiful chocolate cake, doesn’t it look delicious? But of course they don’t tell them the cake is made of cow dung.
The fact that they don’t publish the actual question should tell you all you need to know.
Sort of makes you wonder just what they are asking in order to forecast a big blue wave in November.
I look forward to practice moving away from evidence based standards to whatever is cheapest.
Woman sues US border agents over seized iPhone
What am I missing here? Did they just take her phone on the off chance there were nekked selfies on it they could fap to, or was there some reason they decided to do this? And I hope there was a warrant to back up this confiscation?
A Muslim woman traveling overseas whilst communicating with her lawyer probably threw up red flags, so they confiscated it under the FYTW clause.
And I hope there was a warrant to back up this confiscation?
Would a warrant be necessary if she was using her phone in passport control/customs?
But I’m old fashioned that way.
It’s that weasel word “Unreasonable” that undercut the whole thing. You’ll get a lot of people who’ll agree that border checks are reasonable searches.
“Unreasonable” was understood to mean “without probable cause”, not just anything some government agent felt was appropriate.
WTF- We all know everyone with a keyboard remembers how it was understood. See: Regulated, cir. 2A
Civil rights don’t apply within 100 miles of the border.
Sounds like a slam-dunk for her.
Nevermind, the government prevails on a FYTW ruling.
I think they actually do have the right to do this. There’s a clause that was slipped in somewhere in something (passport application???). At least that’s what I was told when I checked with our friendly immigration attorney. They did this to my sisters in law when they came back from Moldova. They took their iPhones for 5 minutes, made a quick check of texts and social media, just making sure no immediate red flags came up, and then gave them back to them. No digital copies or anything. And as long as they’re not making digital copies, and the person is present in the room when the agent is going through their phone, I don’t have a major problem with it. It’s no secret anymore, and most people have fair warning that they may have their phone checked.
I will note that my sisters in law are not US Citizens, so I don’t know if that really changes anything.
They may have the power to do this, but they do not have the right. There is no clause in the passport application, and in any case you can’t override the constitution with a piece of legislature.
Yeah, sorry, no warrant no phone. That’s a hard no for me. Doesn’t the burden of probable cause apply here? Were they arguing that they perceived some immediate threat and there were, ahem, exigent circumstances? Because if the standard is now “just to check that you’re not doing anything terroristy” then why not seize laptops, smart watches, and anything else that could be used for communication? I mean, assuming that in a just and free society the very idea of doing that is unconscionable, of course; we’ll stipulate that post-9/11 terrorism is an automatic justification for subverting civil rights.
Where have you guys been for the last decade or so?
Here is a story from 2012 detailing how they can steal your phone and laptop if they feel like it. . This has been going on a long time.
Shit like this was a concern for my last company. They were worried about having company laptops or phones with trade secrets on them seized at the border when their employees tried to enter the US.
And based on an even older legal case history that the US government can inspect all goods & such, including papers, entering the country. I disagree but that means squat.
Yep. This is only potentially interesting because there could be up to 7 or 8 SC votes to prevent this practice. Gorsuch, Thomas, and maybe Kavenaugh could potentially be picked up with a sufficient originalist argument that this was out of bounds according to the original public understanding of the 4th and customs enforcement at the time of the founding. The 4 libs would likely all vote that way because its their policy preference and they have no other operating principal. Roberts might even go along because he’s a fan of digital privacy and increasing the count of any majority.
Alito or Alito + Kavenaugh would be expected to uphold this practice.
Meh I could see Kagan and RBG going either way.
Off to Ann Arbor today – extended Birthday celebrations, eh? Enjoy glibbing it up. I’m off to Make America Great Again in my Mustang. And by great I mean get mediocre gas mileage.
Zingerman’s isn’t may favorite cheese shop ever, but definitely the best in Michigan.
I love that place. If LH had come a day earlier, I was nearby and would have bought him some Humboldt Fog.
Best cheese shop ever: Mere Richard in Lyon.
Lol. Have a great time! I managed 21 mpg out to CO and back in the F-150. Thanks, Ecoboost!
Excellent, I needed someone to collect our payoff from Harbaugh for our nasty little job on Urban Meyer
Was he skin-suited as well?
No, the abusive husband. We replaced him with the reptilian equivalent of undercover drug cop. Although we have quickly swapped him back out.
Wait, Urban Myer is still alive? I thought he quit UF because he was actively dying.
Post-Tebow Stress Disorder. Apparently the cure is having ESPN fellate you for a year.
pTSD is a real thing in North Florida. Don’t joke about it.
Have a blast and HBD. We were in AA last night for the Battle at the Big House. Weather is going to be fantastic. The co-eds are back in town, but well, it’s U of Michigan so…
Stop by the Big House and pass this on:
So much for conscience and religious tolerance. If you do not bow to the rules of the state, you will not be able to do good works. What a shame.-
I don’t know. Keeping an organization with a history of child rape and child rape coverups out of the “judging who is a fit parent” game sounds like a good idea to me.
It’s temping to blow it off since the Catholic church has behaved so abysmally, but this affects all Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious organizations and also Christian, Jewish and Muslim adoptive and foster families.
I’m blowing it off because I’ve had two people close to me deal with catholic charities and from their experiences it sounds like they are a scumbag organization. The only reason they used them is they felt obligated because they were catholic. I do fell bad for the non-scumbag, non-rape covering organizations.
Are we talking about the Muslim lady with the bag over her head or the Catholics?
It can be both.
As much as it sickens me, I must stick up for the church in this instance. Banning them from adoption services because of their documented institutional abuse of children is one thing. This is something different and as noted affects other groups, including that inconveniently pregnant girl who doesn’t want her kid raised by religious fanatics.
(Hi, Eddie, I know you be lurking.)
Catch me on a day when I’m not in a pissy mood and I’ll agree. Dealing with contractors has made me bitter today, coupled with the shitty treatment family and friends have had with Catholic charities followed by yet another child abuse scandal and I’m not being very magnanimous.
Good morning, Sloopy! Meaty lynx today – thanks!
I’m glad Reason didn’t get an early vacation.
The birthdays were full of musical choices and I think you made the right call, but let’s recognize Bedford and his mates.
Elon reminds me of a douchebag I worked for many years ago. I lasted 9 months because the lying fuck changed the game midstream to the tune of 30K less for me. Pass.
Besides, someone finally developed an electric car that I would happily buy.
Total wood.
Oh my that’s one beautiful piece of work!
No. Fucking. Way. They’re making a fucking E-type? I don’t care if it’s powered by the blood of poor children, I will cream in my pants when I see one of those on the road.
Story: Mom was pregnant with me when Dad was in flight school. He came home on a nice, Alabama day in July with a brand new E-type 2+2 and told my mom it was the new family car and that since he was gonna be flying Huey’s in Vietnam in a few months, she may as well drive a nice car to the funeral. She hopped in and quickly asked where the a/c controls were. She was informed that it didn’t have or need a/c because it was a convertible. She told him to take it back. He showed up a few hours later with a Monte Carlo SS. With air conditioning.
She told him to take it back. He showed up a few hours later with a Monte Carlo SS. With air conditioning.-
That is the saddest story I’ve ever heard.
Sorry about the Monte Carlo, man. That’s a sad, sad story.
The new E type will probably be cheaper than buying a restored one. A dude I know locally has one for sale… $130K!!
They are so beautiful, though.
I’ve seen them in running condition for $30k or so. But the cost to restore that would have to be another $30-40k. And that’s probably on the low side. There just weren’t enough of them that survived the track to keep values down.
It’s certainly in my top 5 dream production cars. One day, hopefully…
I’m with you. I just don’t know how they will maintain the sexiness with all the bullshit safety features cars have to have now.
I’m leaning heavily towards ignoring everyone’s good advice and building one of these:
Haha! We were just tying to save you from yourself!!
Good luck, man. This will make a great series of articles.
It will be a few years before I can do it (I refuse to finance a toy), so I may still change my mind. If I pull the trigger I’ll definitely do a series of articles.
Hey, not everyone! Go for it man! Those are cool cars. I can’t say I would never get one if I had the means, but personally I don’t like the modern motor under the hood or the modern running gear. As I said the other day, the old stuff isn’t as efficient, etc. but I get as much out of the history and feel as much as the speed or (lack of) handling. That said, if I had a chance to drive one I’d jump at it. I love that we can have both! ‘Merica, fuck yeah!
You can get new carbureted engines, even the 427. It’s not the original, but is also 1/20th the cost.
Oh, I know. I meant more the replicas with updated components in general. The first replicas obviously didn’t have these newer components to use and tried to be more of a full on replica rather than a Cobra body on a modern chassis and a new Mustang motor under the hood. just my preference, nothing more.
I hope you get to do it!
One of my professors in under-grad (this was the early 1980’s) had a side business tuning up and maintaining E-Types. This was a Mechanical Engineering professor. The ability to keep that old mechanical fuel injection system – with mechanical points in the ignition – running properly pretty much required a dude with a Mechanical Engineering PhD.
Holy shit the left has really lost it over this South Africa business.
I mean, there used to be a time when we – left and right – would all agree that this is a bad thing. A really bad thing. But we would have honest discussions about whether or not we should get involved in a sovereign country’s affairs. That’s where the debate would be.
But that’s not what the left is debating anymore. They’re just trying to say that this is a non issue. Some are even saying it’s justified.
The mask keeps slipping, and every day its more terrifying.
Remember, Trump is Fascism and Hitler and if you disagree you’re a Nazi, but ethnic cleansing in South Africa is a non-event because black people can’t be racist and they had it coming anyway, not that it’s happening.
Oppressed groups gets granted freedom>Formerly Oppressed Group Totally Promises They Won’t Be Like Their Former Oppressors>Money and Power At Stake>Fuck You For Oppressing Me. Rinse, repeat forever.
It’s still a really small group, though. They just seem bigger because they get the media coverage. My proggies are horrified by what’s going on. They’re deluded, but not completely immoral.
Trump’s superpower seems to be unmasking them.
Newsweek called this a white nationalist conspiracy theory that Trump supports.
Well, I’m sure white nationalists are making hay from this, so if you point it out your are therefore a white nationalist.
White nationalists use white toilet paper. I bet Trump uses white toilet paper too.
Silk with gold embroidery.
And let’s not forget that Hitler was anti-smoking, so all anti-smoking campaigns are really subliminal propaganda for white supremacists.
He was also a vegetarian, which proves that PETA is a bunch of crypto-Nazis.
Tenuous guilt by association is fun. I can see why the left does it so often.
“News?” – weak.
This was kind of an inevitability once we all collectively decided to deify an at-best terrorism-adjacent communist because, hey, he’s black and apartheid was bad.
You could argue that Mandela’s greatness post-Apartheid lay in holding this sort of rubbish back – if only by a few years.
True, but the willingness to lionize him despite his deficiencies as a human being simply because apartheid was on the wrong side of history is the same sort of reasoning that leads to justifying things like this.
Yup. The desire for vengeance is understandable. It’s pretty common in history and probably a standard part of human nature. What made Mandela exceptional was that he steered South Africa away from that. I’d argue the same with MLK. It was understandable that blacks would be pissed and want to take it out on someone. Granted, if they had done that in the US, they would have lost, bigly.
It is quite amazing that this is a hill they seem to want to die on. It’s typical that they can’t learn from what the history of this sort of tub-thumping has been, in Africa and elsewhere.
I’ve been reading about Malcolm Muggeridge’s reports on the Holodomor being ‘toned down’ and ultimately dropped by the Guardian on the grounds that printing them would put the Graun in “bad company”. This rubbish about pandering to the Alt-Right is no different.
If and when reality proves the left wrong, ‘white nationalists’ will gain more credibility, just like they did when nice liberal minded people refused to talk about ‘Asian’ rape gangs.
“Holy shit the left”
There’s the magical key words. They are the left, the South African government are the left. So whatever they do is right and of course the result will be utopia again. I mean if you define utopia as the country burning and crumbling to dust while millions starve.
>I mean, there used to be a time when we – left and right – would all agree that this is a bad thing.
Yes. Engage in the culture war, and one needs to sublimate *everything* to winning the culture war. The collateral damage is one’s own rationality and morality, sacrificed to gain a little edge over some hairless apes in the esteem of other hairless apes.
I’m completely taken aback that so many on the left as saying any concern about the plight of the farmers is “white supremacy.” Friggin ridiculous.
Several years ago I was attending a student congregation at BYU-Idaho where my father in law was the bishop (lay pastor). A white Zimbabwean kid gave a talk and recounted a story about while he was on his mission in South Africa, his parents’ farm was confiscated and he didn’t hear from them for 6 or more months (if my memory serves me correctly), not knowing if his entire family was dead or alive. He was reunited with them later, but can’t any one look at the damage this has done in other countries and still think it is a good idea?
Hospital security guard charged with having sex with corpse
I’m guessing it wasn’t consensual.
Are you saying the corpse raped him?
He may have withdrawn his consent when someone walked in on them.
Is that what we’re calling it now?
I regret to report that this is the least of Memphis’s problems; apparently it’s a very slow news day.
Depends. Which one was male?
Both were stiff.
So Sam Kinison was right? Life keeps fucking you even after you die sometimes?
You know, with murder, theft, stuff like that, you can make excuses. You can justify it, or you can claim you weren’t actually stealing something, you were just borrowing it, that sort of thing. Necrophilia, though…that’s a tough one. It’s hard to make the argument that you were walking around spanking it with your eyes closed and bumped into a corpse’s butt just as the door opened.
to the libs that have cared to announce their allegiance and that I can remember
How dare you sir, how dare you!
Also, word is Lloris was pulled over last night for
drunkdrink driving. Fuck.Shit, I meant Glibs.
And I assume Lloris will play since the game isn’t until Monday.
No worries, and I hope he does, would suck to be weakened when playing a reeling Man U team.
The event did spawn an amusing line though:
“Hugo Lloris has more points than Arsenal in the 2018/19 season”
Coffee delivery drone patented by IBM
That’s what a secretary is for.
*speed dials HR*
So, ‘sugar tits’ is not an appropriate nickname, then?
Not according to the video they made me watch. Who knew?
They left out the important details – what kind of coffee will it carry, and how much bickering will it cause?
How about one that can detect when I’m sober?
No alcohol safe to drink, global study confirms
“British men by contrast, ranked 62nd out of the 195 countries surveyed, even though they also drink on average three alcoholic drinks a day. This is because the drinking levels were far higher generally among men, with Romanian men drinking more than eight drinks daily.”
Someone get Pie and his brethren a trophy.
Notice that alcohol related accidents are added to the stats to come up with the scary numbers. Take away young men binge drinking and doing stupid shit and hopeless alcoholics with cirrhosis and your’e left with a 10% increased chance of coming down with a cancer in your old age that you would have to have had a genetic predisposition for anyway. As if those last couple years on chemo would be any better sober.
I have it on good authority that too much H2O will kill you too, so based on the fact that anything and everything could eventually lead to death, especially when abused or you get fucking old-old, my advise is to not worry too much and live your life.
And if heart disease is the primary genetic killer in your family, you should definitely have a couple drinks a day.
I’ll drink to that.
or anything else for that matter.
I haven’t read the study, but most of them are single-variate: independent variable, dependent result, and some resulting coefficient of determination; they may start looking at the world, but they hinge on and report the one driver that had the strongest R^2 while the rest ends up on the cutting room floor.
People are multi-variate: lots of factors describe and contribute to risk. Even more interesting, some trends have counter-intuitive results ( eg: dying young in a combat or in a gang fight fairly well prevents cancer while going to college and paying lots of taxes increases your likelihood of having cancer ).
So, based on the data, so as to reduce cancer, I propose taxation be eliminated.
So, based on the data, so as to reduce cancer, I propose taxation be eliminated.
I’ll drink to that.
Tom Woods got in a Twitter War with some hip hop guys named Talib. Mr. July pumped this jam out in less than two days in response. Don’t like to say it, but WRECKT.
Talib Kweli’s solo stuff was pretty good in the day, but I always felt his best work was as half of Blackstar.
I don’t know what this is all about but I do know Talib Kweli’s music is horrible.
The cure for Facebook’s fake news infection? It might be these women
Woketopia is on the horizon at last.
There has been a recent slew of Facebook removing and censoring conservative and libertarian posts as “spam”, regardless of factuality.
But the fact that they admittedly are a proggie shithole has no bearing on this behavior….
Re: Chicago funeral home shitbaggery: “… because cash-strapped cities like Chicago lack the resources…”
That caught my eye too. ?
This was published on Reason’s website this morning-
Resurgent White Nationalism Needs Hearty, Conservative Rebuke: New at Reason:
They are waxing poetic for neo conservatives. I never thought I’d see the day.
Well from what I gather they are pro-intervention, open-boarders, low-tax liberals. So basically they ARE neocons at this point. Well neocons + ass sex & weed anyway.
I’d say the low-tax part is pretty debatable at this point. The majority of the staff supports some form of national VAT and carbon tax on top of the current tax regime, none of which is adequate to pay for the smaller-but-still-incredibly-robust social safety net they support.
The modern Republican Party has long faced a battle between its paleoconservative and neoconservative wings.
What is this 1978? “Paleoconservatism” was dead by the time Reagan was elected, and the final nail was sunk into its coffin when Pat Buchanan got drummed out of the party in 1992. There are no such things as paleocons anymore, except in Greenhut’s fever dreams apparently.
I have a friend who identifies as a paleoconservative. (not even a white guy in case that matters) He’s about as close to a legend as you will find in the black ops/wet ops community known there more by his various call-signs (ID used on military radio communication) than his actual name. In reality I would say he is just a constitutional conservative but he prefers the “paleo” designation.
So not bombing poor brown people is racist now?
Only when white Republicans do it.
I don’t see where “white” actually enters into those. And if white nationalism is so resurgent, why could they only get around 20 or so idiots to show up for a well-publicized protest? I’m pretty sure the racial divisiveness and racial identity politics are mostly coming from the left, and well before Trump even considered running for president.
Yeah, I think the “white” nationalism bit is a tell. It’s yelling “racist!” because that makes it worse; racism adds a certain moral umami to any other accusation. And the people who do this are typically irrational, arguing straight from and appealing to emotion. Which is why it’s a perfect article for the ironically-named Reason.
Are they even aware that paleoconservative views and what are traditionally libertarian views overlap to the point that it’s often hard to distinguish between the two? Reason has really shown itself to be daft and increasingly irrelevant.
Are they even aware that paleoconservative views and what are traditionally libertarian views overlap to the point that it’s often hard to distinguish between the two?
Very much so. The Koch bros founded Reason and Cato at least in part to do battle against the Rothbard/Rockwell “paleolibertarian” contingent of the day, which was basically ideological libertarianism combined with Bircherism. Rothbard had abandoned the label and the ideological concept even before he died, but Reason to this day still likes to corpse-fuck the issue from time to time.
By “from time to time” you mean “all the time” in order to social signal to their prog friends that they are not one of “those types of libertarians” and really just like the way progs are just a little more free markety, but not too free markety, don’t want to offend the right thinking people.
^This. That was my first trip over to TOS in a while and boy do I not miss that drivel. Seeing Dajjal and Butt-plug in the comments made me not miss it twice as much.
That’s Reason in a nutshell. Some time ago I looked Reason over and thought, “The Reason staff and I can’t both be libertarians if the word means anything at all.”
What really galls me about the whole endless debate is that, like it or not, paleolibertarianism/conservatism is a much more consistent in it’s principles whereas left-libertarianism/Kochism/whatever is always twisting itself into ideological pretzels to support/decry the social issue dejour or explain why state intervention is the best option. It’s seems to me to require a stunning lack of self-awareness.
it’s basically reflective of the classic deontological/utilitarian divide within libertarian philosophy. The Koch sphere of influence is decidedly utilitarian in its ethics. They’re not libertarian because they think it’s a moral position, they just think more freedom produces better outcomes, and to the extent it doesn’t, it can be discarded.
Rothbard was decidedly deontological.
I can respect the utilitarian view. Milton Friedman was a utilitarian libertarian and he was brilliant even if he didn’t see it in moral terms. The problem I have with Kochtarians is that their arguments increasing seem to start off as “Freedom is great, but….” If freedom needs to be set aside to achieve your outcomes you aren’t a libertarian of any stripe IMO.
The problem I have with Kochtarians is that their arguments increasing seem to start off as “Freedom is great, but….”
That’s always the risk with a utilitarian ethics. It’s unmoored from any first principle, so it easily descends into moral relativism. Even more principled utilitarians like Friedman were susceptible to that sort of thing (Friedman’s weakness being for central banking, of course). It’s a perpetual state of “We’ve already established what you are, now we’re just haggling over the price”.
I don’t agree. (non-rules-based) Utilitarianism has a perfectly fine set of first principals. Its just populated by stupid people. Any utilitarian with half a dozen neurons that fire has left vanilla utilitarianism and gone rules-based.
But you can see why some of us would like to see the Republican Party take a more forceful and public stand on behalf of freedom and opportunity for all.
That last line is a real kicker. “Of course team blue is filled with bigots, but I’d like to see team red be a little more sensitive.”
Conservatives just need to emphatically explain why they’re not white nationalists every time they speak in public, it’s a reasonable request.
Your daughter is wise beyond her years, Sloopy. 😀
Evidence that it’s resurging?
Being unable to distinguish between nationalism and “white nationalism” may be the laziest thinking I can imagine.
I somehow don’t think tariff disputes with Canada are racist. Guess I’m just not as woke as the writers at Reason are.
I’m not sure what magazine has dropped more IQ points in the past decade, The Atlantic, National Review or Reason. It’s like a special Olympic race to see which one is the first to need a helmet before boarding the short bus.
The Atlantic, actually. No question. Reason and NR have occasional good stuff mixed in.
In fairness, National Review has been on a nosedive ever since Rich Lowry took over in Buckley’s twilight years.
Let’s not forget that National Review goes to bat for neocons all the time. This is one of their more disgraceful articles and it was written by Frum (surprise surprise).
A lot of familiar non-interventionists that get trashed here.
He suffers under the misconception that the GOP or conservatives were ever really about freedom for all. Conservatism is a nebulous term in any case.
The Trump phenomenon is a reaction to the identity politics of the left. Trump gets right in their sandbox and starts kicking sand.
Do I think this is going to end well for anybody? Emphatically no, they’re playing a zero-sum game.
I’d like to say there were a hope for a return to basic principles of limited government and negative individual rights, but when the sole proponents of those positions are treated like shit by all sides across the board, I don’t think it’s going to happen. Maybe the best we can hope for is wreckers like Trump.
I was in the “Burn it down” camp for Trump, although I voted for Gary, and I recall that outlook being criticized. Not unjustly, I believe, although I still hold it. And what you said is exactly why. Neither side is going to willingly let go of the reins.
I’m not sure Trump is the reaction. Trump has a platform that is basically just Bill Clinton politics. The reaction to Trump has been to claim he’s a white supremacist, and all his voters NAZIs.
Trump of course is not a white supremacist. He talks about bringing opportunities to the black community and lowering unemployment, loves Israel, and generally just has your basic baby boomer politics.
What people have noticed is that a good deal of the democrats genuinely hate whites, and are willing to commit violence against them.
The reaction to that revelation has not come yet. Maybe it never will, but Trump is not the result of people noticing, he’s the cause.
I think reaction is a big part of why Trump won, even if it doesn’t explain the majority of his support. In the primary, it was a reaction against the mealy mouthed (quasi-)conservatives like McCain and Romney. There was a nontrivial contingent who felt that when Romney was “caught” saying that 47% don’t pay any (Federal income) taxes, he should have owned it rather than walked back from it. Then Trump comes along and says whatever the fuck is on his mind and never apologizes for it. In the general election, it was a reaction against the Obama/Clinton attitude that rural/blue collar voters are economically irrelevant and electorally replaceable, and the establishment conservative mentality that those voters are there but shouldn’t be directly catered to or acknowledged much. Trump comes along and tells them that they do matter, and that’s he going to work for them, rather than either with indifference or actively against them.
However, I think the biggest part of why Trump won is that his supporters–whether barely tolerating him or actively endorsing him–all disliked Hillary Clinton more. The Democrats’ ultimate failure in 2016, one which they still have not and may never own up to, is having made Clinton the party’s nominee.
between its paleoconservative and neoconservative wings
Aren’t these “white-nationalists” economic socialists? If so, how does it apply to either of these wings?
Maybe Reason should ask themselves why paleoconservative-leaning publications like The American Conservative are a lot more small government minded when it comes to literally murdering people overseas than themselves.
The newfound love affair between beltway libertarians and neoconservatives is a disgusting spectacle. While beltway libertarians hem and haw about Uber restrictions and tarrifs, The American Conservative has daily articles about how our government is committing genocide in the Middle East.
Big government imposing tariffs is offensive and bad, but big government murdering people with our tax dollars is unconscionable and speaks to the vile illegitimacy of the status quo.
When Bill Kristol starts re-tweeting Reason articles (which he does) you know you’ve failed as a libertarian publication
Describing our government as committing genocide to brown people is pretty much just proggy hysterics. I don’t think Reason’s problem is they haven’t picked up enough hysterical progressive rhetoric. If they join that club they will be competing with Mother Jones toe to toe.
If the final effect of the U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen is the near or complete elimination of the Zaidi sect of Shia Islam, then I think it certainly would qualify as genocide. Whether that is what Just Say’n is referring to, I don’t know.
The democrats went anti-white, the result is people will defend themselves.
Is anyone following this Elon Musk meltdown? I almost feel bad for the huckster at this point. Almost.
Great article.
Don’t watch. Narcissists crave the attention, and when they’re going down they try to grab hold of anyone they can in a desperate attempt to keep themselves from falling. And they frequently take those people they grab hold of down with them.
Nothing to worry about. Someone woke will take over the reins and soon we’ll see SpaceX making rockets shaped like vaginas. The new Teslas will run on unicorn farts.
What would happen if Trump tweeted that US soccer will not be attending the next WC in Qatar (regardless of whether or not those rubes can even qualify)?
Jimmy Carter did it in 1980 for the Olympics to protest the Soviet Union’s…. invasion of Afghanistan.
Love the music pick Sloopy. My favorite from this style/era is Blackfoot-Train Train. The intro still gets me going every time I hear it. An area classic rock station has an afternoon radio segment that uses the intro as their bumper tune, which is cool, but annoying since it gets cut off just when it gets good!
GOP Gubernatorial Candiate Has Plan for Climate Change: Do Nothing
I grew up with Jeff Johnson and am a very good friend of his. I’m taking credit for teaching him any “Do Nothing” solution he comes up with.
That’s a solution I can back.
He sounds like my kind of guy. And I can tell by his name he was a NASCAR driver before this.
I’m giggling so hard at the idea of Jeff as a NASCAR driver. Think funny laid back Felix Unger and you are way closer.
He doesn’t have a chance, does he? Poor bastard.
I didn’t think he had a chance against Pawlenty.
His upset in the primary will end up being a big boost for him this year.
One of his problems is that he is way more engaging on a personal level than he is from the soap box. I’m sure that if you went and watched his actual answer it was far more nuanced than “do nothing” but the local media is going to run run with that.
Folks who don’t pay much attention will only hear that Jeff wants to do nothing. They won’t ever have a chance to hear his reason for why.
I’ll vote for him. I think he has a better chance than we think.
I haven’t followed much this year, but I’m glad to see some new blood and a tiny bit of sanity coming from some GOP candidates in MN. Since Rick Nolan is retiring (again!) we get a fourth new rep since that asshat Oberstar retired from his ‘post’.
Agreed. Pawlenty is fucking joke. And don’t even get me started on Oberstar…
When I saw his name pop up again I thought, ‘This reboot shit is really tiresome”.
believes climate change is happening, but he doesn’t want to do anything about it
Because it is something that has always happened and always will.
I can’t even.
But 2% of Americans say it is most important! And those 2% are woke! We have to do something! They’ve even managed to turn the Aussie PM into a denier! It’s almost too late, again!
Never fear. Amanda Marcotte is on the case
Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old psychology major from the University of Iowa, was found dead near her home this week, and a man named Cristhian Rivera was arrested for her murder and seems to have confessed. Rivera is a Mexican immigrant, though his legal status is still in dispute. Even though Tibbetts’s aunt has already asked people not to politicize her murder for racist ends, right-wing pundits and Republican politicians have formed their gleeful squadrons of vultures.
But if people want to talk about the link between demographic identity markers and violent crime — especially murders like this one — than they shouldn’t focus on ethnic identity or immigration status. There is one trait that Rivera has in common with the vast majority of people who commit crimes like this, and it’s not his skin color or the nation where he was born. It’s his gender.
Common sense Y chromosome control is what we need.
“Gleeful squadrons of vultures” are bad, now? Or just when Repubikkkinz do it?
Even though Tibbetts’s aunt has already asked people not to politicize her murder for racist ends
What did she actually say?
I don’t want Mollie’s memory to get lost amongst politics
How someone this fucking stupid still draws breath may be the best argument there has ever been against Darwinism.
I love the politically hovering around new stories now.
Is he white? Is he Muslim? Gun involved? Was it legally purchased? Illegal immigrant?
Who wins today’s news cycle?
It’s fascinating that politics is all about narratives now, and not actual policies.
It’s not what you want to do to help black Americans, for instance. It’s whether you believe a particular narrative about their treatment .
It’s not whether you have an idea to fix or reduce violent crime. It’s about whether you blame the right set of causes.
It’s not about whether you have an idea to fix the latest economic disaster. It’s about whether you properly identified how malevolent the private or public forces involved were.
There is one trait that Rivera has in common with the vast majority of people who commit crimes like this, and it’s not his skin color or the nation where he was born. It’s his gender.
Bitch, did you just assume his gender? We no more know his gender identity than his immigration status until he shares it with us. I like honestly can’t even.
What if he identifies as a cigar?
Sometimes a cigar is just a Mexican national.
This is nothing but a cheap proggie attempt at bate & switch. They took something that shows how stupid one of their dogma’s pillars is and converted it into something that allows them to sell another one of their dogma’s even dumber pillars. And I am sure she feels she showed the rubes how much smarter than them she was by doing this…
So this is what Marcotte thinks men are for.
Neat. Kindly draw the causal logic between being male and committing murder-rapes, Ms. Marcotte. Or is that just like me cat-calling you?
Serious question: Does ToS care about the comments? Did it ever?
Only when they could use Sloopy and Banjos as a touching story to raise donations. The rest of the time we’re all far “too local.”
I think Welch was the only one who ever really did. Postrel hated us with the fire of 1000 suns.
Hate is a form of caring.
She’s pretty thin-skinned. I remember we made a few innocent comments about tequila and she wigged out.
She’s completely up her own ass and fancies herself some arbiter of high culture, and she deeply resents anyone who recognizes her as such and refuses to play dunce to her schoolmarm.
She called us a bunch of jerks. Although I guess we kind of can be.
Takes one to know one.
I think I was finally able to get her to admit we weren’t all bad, though.
She was either pandering to you, or it didn’t take her long to change her tune.
Here is what she emailed to me a mere three hours later (emphasis mine):
June 15, 2015 at 1:42 PM
I understand your point of view and I know that Reason commenters are a tight-knit community. That’s part of the problem, because they don’t understand how some of their banter is read by outsiders–including me. I try to avoid reading Reason comments because they often make me feel like I wasted a decade of my life working night and day at that place. When I criticize them, it’s not a ritualistic “I don’t do drugs but I respect the rights…” line. It’s personal.
In other words “This is my site.”
In her defense when I realized I’d just spent the last 30 minutes reading a Hihnfected thread I felt like I wasted my life too.
In all seriousness though that’s more than a little condescending, from what little I saw over there before I came here it was clear that the writers considered themselves the arbiters of libertarianism and vastly intellectually superior to the commentariat.
Well, sugar tits, your commentariat went bye bye and now what you have left is a pile of shit in the comments. Congrats, ice queen.
And no doubt still does.
Bailey was pretty friendly in the comments. Welch was too until one day I made some joke and he got all offended. Then there was ENB who seemed cool before she got all woke and started trying to dox college kids.
They did, when it caused them problems. They also cared when they were doing fundraising. Individual authors cared. For example, Ron Bailey would occasionally debate people (albeit as the ExxonKnew scam started to unravel he started arguing in bad faith).
But they did allow Mary Stack to infest that place for way too long.
Cavanaugh hung out in the comments even on articles he didn’t write.
Cavanaugh has recently pulled a reverse Weigel
ENB frequented the comments – a proverbial Esmeralda for the commentariat. Bailey would make clarifications, but as you note, he ultimately argued in bad faith (“I write about science, therefore I am a scientist”).
The few times when Bailey engaged me, he bowed out quickly when it became evident he was in over his head. Smart move, IMO. The “science” writing in political magazines and websites is almost universally horrible.
For me what was infuriating was his refusal to cover Climategate and ExxonKnew properly.
He would write articles that left out massively important relevant facts. For a time, I kept a bookmark of additional information to post on his articles to put in what he was consciously leaving out.
I actually returned briefly from exile a year ago to debate him one last time, and said something I’d wanted to say for a long time:
tarran! Where did you go!?!?
I blame monocle. and my browser window width: the submit link and post buttons were side by side and I clicked the wrong one.
It’s everyone else’s fault and I have 0 culpability. 🙂
Trying again:
For me what was infuriating was his refusal to cover Climategate and ExxonKnew properly.
He would write articles that left out massively important relevant facts. For a time, I kept a bookmark of additional information to post on his articles to put in what he was consciously leaving out.
I actually returned briefly from exile a year ago to debate him one last time, and said something I’d wanted to say for a long time:
damn for real.
Bailey should have been fired with extreme prejudice by submitting an article that stumped for mandatory insurance. Forget about journalistic credibility, that is 180 degrees from supporting individual liberty. I don’t expect ideological purity, but to be the exact opposite is to sleep with the enemy. For a while I wondered by Gillespie would even allow such drivel to be posted/published, but I came down on the side of “let the community understand just what side Bailey is on and let them have at him if they want.” Which we did.
Only later did it hit me that Gillespie really doesn’t give a flying fuck about individual liberty beyond childish kulturkampf, and even then he’s more often than not at an obtuse angle from liberty.
I recall some of those exchanges. I used to email him links to legitimate sources – he never responded.
Hogging all the precious hat tips for himself.
I’ve emailed/messaged Nick and Matt a hundred times if I’ve emailed them once. They routinely email me back and we’ve always had a nice and cordial dialogue. Hell, I even got Matt to side with me on a radio show he was a guest on with some proggy host.
I honestly like those two guys. They’re super-nice and responsive. But I think on occasion they tolerate too much anti-libertarian opinion deep into their staff’s work because they believe it will make the site more appealing to leftists who share a few beliefs with libertarians.
“But they did allow Mary Stack to infest that place for way too long.”
Ahh, the good old days. Mary Stack and crayon.
They used to. Just when this group left, all they had left were the trolls.
As a multiple H/T contributer back in the day, I have gotten some nice replies to my tips.
Of course, I have gotten even nicer replies when I send in suggestions here.
Tim Cavanaugh cared enough about the comments to have me banned (under a previous handle) and a whole slew of my comments removed.
They came for the pedophiles and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a pedophile…
Ouch. I think you did tell me that.
UCS: “I’m still trying to decide between Tenneesee and Texas.”
Dear Sir: This could be a solid thread/essay: how I decided where to move.
Legally, it’s a push: property rights, gun law, and cost-of-living bands fairly well overlap, and the prospects for those over the rest of our lives are identical. Women are above average, but the heights commonly achieved in the deep South are not regularly achieved in either TX or TN, so set your sights accordingly. Ergo, this boils down to a logistics, culture, and climate debate.
Even so, one doesn’t really move to a state: one moves to a place. For example, there’s much more difference between Terlingua and Dallas than there is between Luckenbach and Gatlinburg. Tennessee is at least three places ( the original reason for the three stars, a tribute of same from which my avatar is composed (stolen) ); Texas is at least five places; this is a lot more serious question than just Chevy vs Ford.
I was going to relocate to another city to improve my way of life, but then I realized that people there don’t necessarily agree with my politics so fuck that.
The three places being Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis?
I lived in Memphis a long time and loved it, but wouldn’t want to raise kids there. Not only do the schools suck balls, but the attitudes towards learning are bad enough that even if you home school your kids are going to end up being background actors in Idiocracy (you talk like a fag).
The people are friendly, the weather is nice, cheap to live and things move at a comfortable place. Memphis is definitely on my wife and I’s list of places that we may end up wintering when she gets old and decrepit.
BTW, my “Tiger High” jeers are self-deprecating: I’ve got a goat skin from there as well.
Tennessee is “at least” three places; Memphis might be the fourth. I’ve lived around the state a bit and can assure you that everyone else considers MEM a zoo, free-fire zone, and economic millstone; I can’t defend against those claims. Most Tennesseans favor building The Wall, only they would have it around Shelby County.
I love Memphis and write to you from a sand bar in the river, but I loathe the government and a great many of my neighbors. That said, I can’t overstate my joy in golfing betwixt stately homes, living in a natural, city-wide canopy of oaks, inhaling my native blues and pulled pork shoulder in monstrous proportions, all while toting a personal hand cannon and keeping my head on a swivel.
I’d argue that Knoxville and Nashville proper are the same place, but Nashville is subsumed in a larger place idea now. So the parts of Tennessee are:
a/ the hilly east including south to Chattanooga and points west into “middle TN” like Oak Ridge, Monterrey
b/ the rural south “middle TN” as well as the rural “west TN” there’s really no difference except for more limestone and cows as you go east
c/ Nashville: the metroplex including the modern, commercial out-cities ( Franklin, Murfreesboro, Hendersonville, Smyrna, Spring Hill )
d/ Memphis including all of the suburbs
I’ve never taken offense at the Tiger High jibes. I have made them myself. One of my regrets is that they changed the name to University of Memphis just before I graduated so I don’t have a Memphis State diploma.
I agree that Memphis is their own worse enemy. The petty fucking disputes in government tend to fuck up everything. The paradox for me when I lived there is how you would have vicious tribal warfare going on a the abstract level (whites vs black, inner city vs suburbs, etc.) but at the personal level everyone was cool with each other.
Another reboot no one asked for:
‘Bewitched’ reboot in the works at ABC
The new comedy series will reportedly feature a biracial couple with an African-American woman playing Samantha, per the outlet. According to Deadline, Samantha is a hardworking, single mother (and a witch), who marries Darren, “a white mortal who happens to be a bit of a slacker.”
The reboot will follow the couple’s lives as they “struggle to navigate their differences,” the site reports, adding that as Samantha discovers she is “literally magic, she’s still not as powerful as a decently tall white man with a full head of hair in America.”
You would think this would be impossible in today’s America.
That last sentence ruins it.
Samantha discovers she is “literally magic, she’s still not as powerful as a decently tall white man with a full head of hair in America.”-
Real firm grip on reality. In fact, I think they strangled it to death. Good job, Lenny.
I would never trade my tall whiteness and full hair for unlimited wishes. Not I.
Darren #2 was the first real wimpy TV Dad.
Darren #2 was the original choice BECAUSE he was gay – William Asher didn’t really want any heteros around his wife (Elizabeth Montgomery). But the delay in greenlighting the show caused Sargent to take another job. So Asher settles on Dick York BECAUSE he had a bad back and wouldn’t make much effort to fuck Asher’s wife.
But which one has privilege?
Still the white man obviously.
Yanno, I can understand why a man with pride would want to provide for his family and not want his wife to magic their way to riches (although pride could be overrated).
I could never understand why he’d put the kibosh on her using it to do housework so she can self-actualize in some other way. Even for the times, it was faulty logic.
If they were smart-woke they would have made the man a warlock so the wife could rebel and go out and bring home the bacon. Instead, the oppressed witch is going to get her way every time which means… a house full of stuff, I guess. That should be entertaining.
That would’ve been interesting. I’m still not seeing a smart black woman with a slacker white dude, though.
No, but it sounds like they’re determined to make a him total loser so there you go.
If she’s so smart how does she end up choosing a slacker?
It’s nice to see some familiar names back in action and hopefully ready to challenge you-know-who and the other you-know-who.
OK, I’m still laughing. Best PIE I’ve seen yet!
“So much for conscience and religious tolerance. If you do not bow to the rules of the state, you will not be able to do good works. What a shame.”
This is a difficult case, in my opinion. On the one hand, most of us can agree that government should be involved in removing children from abusive households, because they hold the monopoly on force. Defending against aggression is one of the few things that minarchists, at least, believe should be within the purview of government.
But, then the conflict here becomes tricky. In one regard, by eliminating religious groups from providing adoption services, the government is failing in its mission to provide for abused or abandoned children. Especially in places like Philadelphia, the elimination of Catholic Charities from the adoption system is estimated to have a severe impact on adoption services, since they are the largest providers of these services. However, on the other hand, it seems more than reasonable for the government to insist that groups it contracts with not engage in discrimination.
It’s such a bad situation with no clear right or wrong. And the worst part is that orphans, the most vulnerable in our society, suffer the most due to this dispute.
If they would allow profit motive it would solve some of the problem. The way it works from my experience is catholic charities breaks their back serving the biological mother and treats the prospective parents like shit. The way I think it should work, is the biological parents get nothing other than giving their child a better future. The adoption agency should broker the deal and get a fee. The adoptive parents cover the hospital bill, the agency fee and have to pass the background check and home inspection. If the biological parents back out, they pay all their own bills. For the most part, people that can pay the fee, hospital bill and pass the BG check are going to be decent parents. But no, profit taints everything, so we get crappy charities that get hustled by bad faith actors and prospective parents put through an emotional wringer.
Yeah, that’s a good point. The problem is, as you state, that “profit taints everything” in the minds of some. The electorate is probably unwilling to support the commodification of adoption services, even though it would be in the best interest of the orphans. So, instead we get religious non-profits that fill in the gaps and inevitably their faith will end up conflicting with the government’s secular attitudes.
Burn out is an issue with charity organizations. The workers are usually unpaid or underpaid because there are no profits to pay them. They may start their career excited to help, but over time that excitement fades and the motivation become commiserate with the pay. Adoption brokerage would be a great job. Happy biological parents giving their child the best chance. Over the moon adoptive parents having a deeply held wish fulfilled and you go home with a nice little bit of coin if your pocket. Everybody wins, even the child, but try getting the average rube to see that.
I think most of this has to do with the Left’s distaste for adoption as an institution in general. If all those damn knocked up teenagers and drug addicts would just do the right thing and get an abortion, we wouldn’t need to have adoption at all. And for the few kids that fall through the cracks, well they should be wards of the state since the state can obviously do a much better job than some religious nutbag couple who are probably Deploranazis.
However, on the other hand, it seems more than reasonable for the government to insist that groups it contracts with not engage in discrimination.
Adoption agencies are in the business of engaging in discrimination. The only thing happening here is that one protected group has moved up in the order at the expense of another. The government discriminating against religious organizations and people (this same policy applies to foster families and prospective adoptive families in most places) to prevent discrimination against gay people is an especially interesting conundrum because of the special status that religion has always enjoyed due to its specific protection in the first amendment, in addition to its later and additional inclusion in the very same anti-discrimination statutes in which sex and sexual orientation are included. This is precisely why the entire concept of protected classes is so insane and unworkable. You can’t give two mutually exclusive groups equal privilege under the same statute.
I understand your point, but I think people often confuse ‘protected class status’ with ‘religious liberty’ when it pertains to religious groups. ‘Religious liberty’ is guaranteed by the First Amendment; the no “religious test” clause, and RFRA. ‘Protected class status’ was granted to the religious through civil rights legislation. In principle, no group should have ‘protected class status’ from private discrimination. ‘Religious liberty’ pertains to government discrimination of the religious and not private discrimination.
Even so, I don’t know if a ‘religious liberty’ argument could be used in defense of these religious adoption agencies, because the government has a compelling interest in not allowing groups that it contracts with to discrimination.
Nonetheless, point taken.
Even so, I don’t know if a ‘religious liberty’ argument could be used in defense of these religious adoption agencies, because the government has a compelling interest in not allowing groups that it contracts with to discrimination.
Such a defense would never be successful in the current legal environment, but it’s still a bit of a stolen base, because the state’s compelling interest in preventing discrimination is derived from statutory protections that ostensibly apply to both religion and sex (or sexual orientation, as the case may be). That was my original point in noting the inclusion of religion in anti-discrimination law in addition to the ordinary first amendment protections. When two protected groups are in conflict one must yield to the other, and then the whole farce is put on glaring display: The state must exclude Christians from participation in public contracting in order to prevent Christians from excluding gay people from the services for which they are contracted. And this is only one of a potentially infinite number of combinations of protected groups whose ‘rights’ can easily come into conflict and force the state to pick which one is more equal than the other. The next decade or so is going to be the transgender shitshow, most likely.
The exclusion of traditional religious households from participation in adoptions is a completely separate and (IMO) far more egregious matter.
Non-discrimination laws are an abomination in any case and the way in which they’re being used only makes them worse.
I think you’re right about the conflict between two different protected classes. And, yes, the issues are only going to become more complicated moving forward.
I was only trying to identify that ‘religious liberty’ is a separate category from the ‘protected class’ status granted to religious people. ‘Protected class’ status is entirely about protecting against private discrimination. The religious should not enjoy ‘protected class’ status, just like all groups should not be afforded such protections against private discrimination, generally speaking.
‘Religious liberty’ doesn’t protect against private discrimination. It merely insists that the government must accommodate religious belief and provide exemptions when the government has no compelling interest to force the religious to abide by a law (RFRA and First Amendment); it prevents a government from imposing a ‘religious test’ as a requirement to attain higher office (“no religious test” clause), and it forbids governments from passing laws that specifically target the religious (First Amendment). I don’t think it applies in this case.
I don’t think Gary Johnson ever understood the distinction between ‘protected class’ and ‘religious liberty’ and so he frequently sounded like an asshole. ‘Religious liberty’ is a bulwark of American liberalism. ‘Protected class’ status for the religious or any other group is ridiculous market manipulation and a violation of freedom of association.
Anyways, I’m nitpicking. Sorry. I am a blowhard.
Not at all, it’s an important distinction, which I do understand, although perhaps I’m not articulating myself that well, or I’m wrong on the particulars in this case (admittedly I just skimmed the original article). I was presuming that Catholic Charities had its contract terminated because its refusal to broker children to gay parents violated the state’s anti-discrimination laws. it sounds like that may not actually be the legal reasoning involved.
In any event, I do think that cases like this are coming dangerously close to excluding religious organizations and even religious employees from participating in government services entirely, which is eventually going to run afoul of the first amendment, although I’m skeptical if it will ever be acknowledged as such.
I can’t possibly understand why women posed in this fashion is arousing.
#4 is highly suggestive of something, I just can’t put my finger on it.
Nicely done
No real need to go past 1.
Yeah, #1 pretty much closed the thread for me.
“I avoid linking Breitbart, but since none of the major media outlets give a shit about this important story, I guess I’ll have to.”
I’ll reiterate what I said a few days ago initially WRT the Mollie Tibbets story. WaPo’s take on that story just reiterated everything that was already known with a footnote of “oh by the way, the perp was on an ICE detainer”. Daily Caller reports the guy’s name, the circumstances surrounding his capture, his leading authorities to the body, along with the fact that he is an illegal. All things that an actual reporter would do.
This is why Trump is right when he calls the alphabet soup networks and legacy dead tree publications “fake news”. There’s a line between being an actual news organization with a bias and a propaganda outlet masquerading as a news organization. Places like Breitbart, Daily Caller, Townhall etc. definitely have a bias that they openly wear on their sleeve. But they are still news organizations. They actually try to dig up stories and then report the facts as they find them. They will put a spin on the story to fit their narrative but they will report it as-is either way. The propaganda outlets show no curiosity whatsoever for stories that don’t fit a predetermined Overton window and when such a story is too big to ignore (ie: Mollie Tibbets) they simply omit and ignore things about the story they don’t like. That’s not journalism.
It’s also why they feel it is imperative for them to destroy Trump and make sure everyone else realizes they will never allow a challenge to the deep state they are the propaganda arm of.
I LOL’d at this headline.
Retired Indy 500 driver Derek Daly fired from TV job for use of N-word 35 years ago
Christ, make Orwell fiction again.
We will judge all history and past actions by some arbitrary woke standard that changes daily…
It’s not like this strategy is new.
When your ideology inculcates such profound historical ignorance that you don’t even know who your own spiritual predecessors were…
You are ready to be woke and accept marxism?
I used to drive by striking teachers holding signs that said “Honk if you support teachers” while this was going on. I didn’t honk. Infact I really wanted to role the window down and say “If it was up to me none of you would need to strike because every last one of you would be unemployed.”
In other words, the cost of living there is less. How’d they let that admission slip in?
I saw an IBEW strike broken when an HR Director handed the local newspaper their pay-rates. All the supporters who had been honking suddenly realized these people were literally the highest paid people in town – and they were paying their salaries and future raises with their electric bills.
The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization is urging socialists to “take jobs as teachers” in order to exploit the “political, economic, and social potential the industry holds.”
Well at least they are honest about their desire and need to indoctrinate the youth.
They been doing it for the past 30 or so years, and based on the stuff I am exposed to with the younger generations, they have been incredibly successful at creating a bunch of emotionally fragile know-nothings that think they are super wise and owed a ton because they were born…
Granted, a lot of parents contributed to making these snowflakes what they are as well. Usually when you find the exceptions, you can thank the parents for fighting the indoctrination machine.
I’ll add Marshall Thompson, one of the original Chi-Lites, to today’s musical birthdays. And he’s still performing at 76.
I guess “counter manipulation” = censor any content to the right of Stalin.
Because everyone knows the “Russian meddling” was really just people having access to more than one viewpoint.
Just so I have this straight… Facebook ads are election meddling, and spending your own money to manage your reputation is also election meddling. But only if it benefits a Republican or Trump in particular. Did I get that right?
Give this man a cigar.
Sorry, Q – I didn’t see this when I linked below.
No prob. I’ve done it 100 times.
Never apologize.
MikeS is a disgrace to this website and I demand a doxxing campaign and effort to get him fired.
now Hillary will be President.
Not like this ever stood a chance of getting on the ballot, but it’s a pretty good troll.
Also a reminder that there are plenty of good Californians living behind enemy lines. We should build an underground railroad or something.
The underground railroad is called “Texas”
That’s ME Tomorrow, I think I’ll sign up!
You move tomorrow?
Tech companies are meeting to discuss midterm strategy – I wonder what the agenda looks like?
unless their midterm strategy makes it easier for parents to share pics of their kids with high school and college acquaintances, then it’s outside their wheelhouse and a sure money loser.
Last week it was Alex Jones. This week it’s Michael Cernovich and Sean Hannity. Next week it’s Andrew McCarthy.
Basically they are treading in dangerous territory where they will eventually be declared a political entity. This is beyond dumb. As far as what it looks like, it looks just like the internet version of the left media. I’ve been saying for a long time that the left must have complete control of the internet and well, now we’re just beginning to see their attempt at a takeover. They can never win in an open marketplace of ideas, so it’s time for the ministry of truth to get to work censoring and spinning. It’s not over until every opposing viewpoint is silenced. Then we finally get utopia, which everyone supports, or else.
It would be ironic if they succeed – then end up being hunted for sport during the ensuing revolution in meat-space.
Or, if the revolution succeeds, being the first ones lined up in front of a firing squad. It’s always the collaborators and accomplices that get liquidated first because the true Elites can’t abide someone knowing too much or having too much influence.
It’s funny how much she looks like my college ex – if she had spent hours getting made-up and dressed like a hooker.
Your ex or Demi?
Not saying I wouldn’t, but again, enough with the butt injections.
John McCain to discontinue medical treatment
Okay, so retire. Now.
Before he gets to torpedo Kavanaugh’s nomination?!
This is so ridiculous. When is the last time that he as been seen in public? If he is unable to even release a statement on his own (this was put out by his family) then how the hell can he perform his duties as a senator? SMDH
He can’t.
Edith Wilson disagrees,
I wonder if something very similar isn’t happening right now.
Sure it is.
That should shock no one. I just don’t understand why they are waiting for him to die. Well, I guess I understand, I just hate it.
That none of the other 99 senators -or apparently anyone else in the public eye- has enough balls to dare question whether he should still be a sitting senator pisses me off to no end. Fuck. Them. All.
He and RBG can rule the USSA for all eternity.
I think he’s already basically retired in that he’s not able to do the job. He won’t retire. We’ll get another special election that the democrats can spend a trillion dollars on.
Only the good die young.
Our first cryogenic Senator. He will surpass Obama’s record of voting “present”.
i bet he has his grandkids wheel him into the Capitol on a gurney for his last vote.
you read it here.
Without knowing a single clinical detail, this translates as “John McCain is now in a hospice program”, and I predict he will die before the end of September.
In Arizona, a vacancy is filled by appointment from the Governor.
I believe McCain being absent from the Senate while still a Senator has the same effect as voting “no”. Senate votes are decided on the basis of affirmative votes – if you don’t get 51, the legislation or appointment fails. I suspect this is why he hasn’t resigned; he hates Trump so much that he wants Kavanaugh to lose the vote, and this is how he helps that happen.
Look at me!
Look at me!
Alternate headline (works for both stories): I am a tedious failure desperate for likes on my social media.
my friend had a yes/no ratio that was boobs:waist but he kept running aground. his explanation after years of failure was that, just like friction isn’t taught in high school physics, he did not account for belly fat.
The Daily Demi link is up above.
I wonder what that blond bimbo would be doing if she wasn’t hired as eye candy for ESPN’s male viewers?
Maybe she is onto something. I think I will go tell my employer that I am no longer going to keep up with Amazon’s cloud services because I’m not fond of Bezos. So don’t bother me about anything AWS related because I’m not paying attention to that shit.
I don’t think you’re cute enough to do that.
“While it does not outright censor expressions of conservative views, Twitter has admitted to using a complex and opaque Quality Filter algorithm that has the effect of disproportionately restricting the voices of conservatives under the guise of limiting harmful or abusive users. Many Twitter users refer to this throttling as a “shadowban.” Rather than policing content per se — which would open Twitter to credible accusations of explicit viewpoint discrimination — the company focuses on accounts with certain behaviors that would trigger attention.
To some extent, this makes sense but, as always, the devil’s in the details. The Quality Filter algorithm consists of nearly 1000 behavioral signals about each user, regardless of whether the user has any actions considered by Twitter to be “abusive.” Many of the behavioral signals we know about are often used against conservatives in deliberate silencing campaigns. For example, far-left activists have long organized mass-blocking campaigns against conservative Twitter users using a tool called Blocktogether. While we don’t mind anyone blocking on their own timeline, a user being put on several popular blocklists counts as a serious Quality Filter strike against his account.”
“Many are, we believe, rightly supporting an effort by some lawmakers to require transparency and an internet “bill of rights” that would prohibit massive and ubiquitous tech companies from throttling the free expression of their users for ideological reasons.”
Basically what it’s coming to is that, as a private company they can block whoever they want. But they are of their own admission becoming a political entity who want to influence elections. So, Congress will just give them a status as such and demand transparency. First of all, let’s see those words your algorithm is using to find inappropriate behavior. I bet I could guess at least a few of them ‘free speech’, ‘second amendment’, ‘conservative’, ‘libertarian’.
In the end, these guys are boneheads, all of them. What they’re going to do it get the internet regulated by the federal government.
So is this going to turn into one of those “equal time on the air waves” type of things? Because all I keep seeing is that no matter which side prevails over the other the government ends up winning more territory and more control via the regulatory state.
Remember: “all lives matter”, “classical liberal”, “meritocracy”, “pro-life” and “gun rights” are all hate speech and will be filtered.
While it does not outright censor expressions of conservative views,
the effect of disproportionately restricting the voices of conservatives
I suppose there is a distinction between simply deleting conservatives from Faceplant, and restricting distribution/visibility, but at some point its not enough of a distinction to matter.
For example, far-left activists have long organized mass-blocking campaigns against conservative Twitter users using a tool called Blocktogether.
Any reason conservatives couldn’t use Blocktogether also?
My guess is that they have jobs and don’t have time for this bullshit.
I suppose there is a distinction between simply deleting conservatives from Faceplant, and restricting distribution/visibility, but at some point its not enough of a distinction to matter.
We are slowly approaching the point–although we haven’t arrived there yet–when the actions of Twitter and Facebook will be irrelevant by comparison. If all the hosting providers, service providers, network operators, payment processors, and other pieces of infrastructure necessary for people to use the web as we understand it today are in lockstep dedication to keeping “far-right” voices off the Internet, shadowbanning people will seem like child’s play. It is one thing to ghetto or remove videos on YouTube, tweets on Twitter, or posts on Facebook. While alternatives to those services may not succeed for various reasons, they can at least be fairly easily set up.
It is another thing entirely to refuse to register domains, serve DNS records, allow packets to transit networks, send/route/receive email, process payments, provide accounts, etc. In isolation, those things too can be dealt with. But when done across the board, that greatly restricts the options and substantially complicates the process of setting up alternatives, eventually to the point that no alternatives can practically exist. Sure, you can set up alternative DNS servers, route around intransigent middle-man networks, build data centers, run your own email servers, and use cryptocurrency or even cash to do business, but all of those things are to one degree or another “forking” off the main web. Each time such a step has to be taken, it drives off non-technical people who can’t or aren’t interested in taking the steps to access them, winnowing down the user base to oblivion.
Good WSJ article on bigger, better wind turbines:
Some of the world’s top manufacturing companies are embroiled in a fierce competition. The contest: Who can build the most powerful offshore wind turbine?
From General Electric Co. GE -0.20% to Siemens AG SIEGY 1.07% to MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, industrial giants are racing to build skyscraper-size turbines that can generate 10 megawatts apiece or more, a symbolic threshold for the wind industry. The more powerful the turbine, the cheaper it can generate electricity from a single location, generally speaking.
The prize in this engineering derby could be dominance over a multibillion-dollar offshore wind market that is set to boom in coming decades—notably in the U.S., where the Atlantic coast beckons as an ideal location for large-scale wind generation.
10 MW?!?!? I don’t even get off the shitter for less than 40 MW
+1 kinetic bombardment
The prize in this engineering derby could be dominance over a multibillion-dollar offshore wind market that is set to boom in coming decades—notably in the U.S., where
the Atlantic coast beckons as an ideal location for large-scale wind generationhandsome government subsidies and maintenance contracts beckon as an ideal revenue stream.FTFY
The Atlantic coast beckons, unless somebody well-connected objects to their views being affected.