Five plus hours of grinding out SQL and JSON — repeating each about 3x for each bleeding step. There’s a part of me that says, “oh just write a text automation script that generates all the documents, it can’t possibly take as long as just grinding.” This is a trap. This is always a trap. Although I was getting pretty good with search-and-replace by the end of the day. Next time is the time to write the automation. You want to be lazy, but optimally lazy. Never automate before it is time. Anyhow, I burned through most of my focus already. But MANY OF THE THINGS!! are working automatically now. That is good. When most of the hard problems are solved, and you can just grind it out, that’s fun for the first day or two.
Apparently, the Russians have never watched ROTJ. Deploy Ewoks to Poland!
Speaking of another disaster of film with too many muppets: The Happytime Murders is being panned.
Jim Brown doesn’t give a damn about what you think. He’s rooting for Trump.
Lots of people leave yoga balls filled with carbon monoxide in the trunk of their wife’s car, right?
When someone kills a police dog, its murder, right? We all know its different when a cop does it.
And this one is for my brother, who is having a birthday today. Someone has to be a 311 fan.
I constantly struggle with the cost/benefit between grinding something out that is tedious but I know how to do easily vs. putting in the necessary time to write a script that will do it for me.
What’s the opportunity cost? What if the script takes longer than I thought it would? What if I make a mistake?
Yep. Brutal experience has taught me to never do it under deadline or the first time I have to do text transforms of a new type. Both of which are the case here.
Although I was getting pretty good with search-and-replace by the end of the day.
You know if you invested time and energy into learning how to use vi and the regex search/replace functionality that goes with that, it would pay itself off big time.
At my first job, I worked for a guy who was the greatest vi user I’ve ever known and I learned a ton of stuff from him. I can’t tell you how useful it has been over the years. The greatest payout though was at my last job. I was sort of kicked upstairs into management and the kiddie developers didn’t recognize my skillz and doubted my kungfu.
We had a semi-crisis arise and we had to modify a shit ton of yaml files quickly. When I ripped through them with vi, they were amazed. They almost respected me for about 2 minutes.
I’ll look into that.
Super painful to learn, but worth it. I like it because I can do all sorts of shit without needing to use the mouse. Also, once you learn how to create regex expressions, you will never go back.
I won’t use any IDE that doesn’t have a vim emulator plugin that I can use.
Word of warning: To change from edit mode to visual mode in vi you hit the <esc> key.
I can’t tell you how many Outlook messages I have lost over the years because I finished writing my email of wisdom and instead of clicking the send button, I hit esc and that dumps the message into oblivion.
So there is a downside to vi.
Plus, you’ll never make time with any of those smokin hot emacs groupies.
I never found a decent IDE. They were all slow and clunky and forced me to use the mouse. Instead, I papered my cube with an emacs keybinding manual and made copious use of macros.
You should have fired one of them, the rest would respect you for weeks.
I did fire one of them. That didn’t work. Of course, the person I fired completely deserved it and everyone was super happy it happened. Maybe I should have fired someone competent.
*cough*emacs is better*cough*
M-x M-y C-M-blow-it-out-your-ass
emacs is awful. VI FOREVER!
Real programmers use butterflies.
I am so glad that flame-war was before my time.
Everybody wants you when you’re vi
This is one of the reasons why I fucking HATE HATE HATE agile bullshit.
Sure it has it’s advantages but they are nowhere near as big as the proponents claim they are as they only ever compare a perfect agile implementation (that exists as often as perfect implementations of socialism) to ridiculously bad waterfall systems but it also has it’s disadvantages that no one ever wants to bring up.
I have a boring difficult repetitive task that I know I can automate out of existence, problem is I do not really know how long it will take me to automate. In the long run automating it is clearly the correct decision but with a 2 week sprint commitment and other things I need to work in in that 2 week period the “right” time to take the risk and automate the task never comes up because I can never guarantee to get it done and still meet the sprint commitment. As a result things that should have been automated long ago never get automated and we keep dumping points into doing them manually every few sprints.
This is a real problem, but I don’t know if it is specific to Agile and sprints.
I always tried to build in enough time for my team to take on projects that they initiated. You get some amazing stuff that way. One of my developers figured out how to write a code-built web interface. Ok, doesn’t sound fancy. But that was in 1997. He found some stuff people were trying on the internet and built a little layer to go from VB to CGI. Then we built a parser to assemble HTML from SQL and VB code and templates.
That stupid project turned out to be rock stable and we ran our main CRM on it for about 3 years until the commercial tools caught up.
We also built a de-duplication and archiving program that used hashes across the entire network to store single copies of all documents. It had a database front end to allow multiple paths and filenames for duplicates (duplicates were a big issue on our network, as was document retention).
There were dozens of other amazing things my team built because we gave them some room to maneuver.
The “automate it” stuff you are talking about is what we called being “creatively lazy”. You stay up all night automating that stupid thing so that you never, ever have to do it again.
My best story about doing that was an old terminal system back in the mid 90s. The terminal servers would lock up from time to time, requiring a trip to the box to push the reset button. The servers were hidden in pipe traces, so that was a pain in the butt. So I figured out how to connect a little program that checked the servers for responses and if they were down it sent a signal through the serial port to close a relay. The relay ran down a pair of wires to the reset switch on the servers. Boom, problem solved. If they locked up, the computer would automatically push the reset button. Dumbest thing ever, but awesome nonetheless.
Apparently, the Russians have never watched ROTJ. Deploy Ewoks to Poland!
Looks more like something for moving material than fighting.
Apparently, they haven’t seen Robocop, either.
They are full of shit. It’s a mockup. It’s about as real as the space shuttle they displayed way back when.
Even if they eventually make a working model it will have about as much combat usefulness as a roller coaster.
The Square Cube law is a bitch and there are about a dozen different ways it says that the optimal shape for an armored combat vehicle is roughly the shape of any modern tank. Low the to ground, wide bodied, long, and with a tracked propulsion system.
Tall, broad, and thin with the weakest armored point being located at the front top is pretty much the opposite of what you want
I was under the impression that the Buran did in fact fly once. This thing looks like a crappy version of one of those Japanese Gundam statues.
Five plus hours of grinding out SQL and JSON
Rubbing it out would have been easier.
repeating each about 3x for each bleeding step.
Methinks you rubbed too much.
Out of all of the changes in the original Star Wars “special editions”, the worst one, even worse than Han shooting first, was the removal of the Ewok song from the end of ROTJ.
Not replacing dead dad’s only screen time without a helmet or makeup on?
That’s the special special edition.
And no. The removal of the Ewok song was worse.
(look, I was 6 when ROTJ came out. Ewoks were awesome.)
They’re midget Wookies WHO NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN INVENTED!!!!!!!
I don’t really care though, that shit’s for nerds.
*loads up Ewoks’ movies into the queue and hands JB a juice box*
and didn’t they replace him with Anakin from II and III?
Yes, he looked like a glowing child molester.
I actually liked the song they replaced it with — it was a better fit for the emotional ending than “Nub Nub”.
“Jedi Rocks”, though, can burn in hell.
I did see a clip of that on YouTube, and good fucking god, it sucked. Straight up cringeworthy. The CGI is just so “in your face”. CGI is like makeup – it’s supposed to enhance the beauty of whatever you’re adding it to, not hog all the attention for itself.
I liked the original UNEDITED trilogy, but as far as I’m concerned, no other Star Wars movies exist.
I have no idea what you are talking about. In neither of the two Star Wars movies does Han fire first. And the creatures performing the only scene where music is played, the cantina scene, were all of the Bith species.
Also, there were never any sequels to The MatriX, and the 1980s animated Transformers Movie was the only movie about Transformers ever made.
And for some reason, star trek only had even numbered movies that ended abruptly with First Contact.
Search for Spock was pretty damn good.
Someone has to be a 311 fan.
*Looks around*
Nope. Happy birthday to your brother, though.
Was it on the radio after grunge ended? If so, then IDGAF.
When I was a wee lad, there was an urban legend that 311 was a closeted white supremacist group and that the “11” stood for the 11th letter of the alphabet and so they were cryptically saying “kkk” (3-11s).
I remember thinking “man, white supremacists are real pussies. 311 sucks”.
No offense to 311 fans
I heard that one too. I owned a couple of their albums. Because 10 cds for the price of one!
311 always struck me as a band that desperately wanted to be Sublime, but they also sucked so that kind of ruined it for them.
Eh, they both kind of suck(ed)
I realize thinking Sublime kind of sucks is heretical for a beach kid that grew up in the 90’s
>No offense to 311 fans
Extended, uproarious, uncontrollable laughter.
When I was a wee lad, there was an urban legend that 311 was a closeted white supremacist group and that the “11” stood for the 11th letter of the alphabet and so they were cryptically saying “kkk” (3-11s).
This sounds like the conspiracy theory that the 182 in Blink-182 is in reference to the number of times Al Pacino says ‘Fuck’ in Scarface. Which is silly, because he says it way more than 182 times.
I haven’t heard that one. Is there a similar dumb urban legend about the group Sum 41 (which I despiiiiise and is fronted by Leonardo DiCaprio’s deformed attic twin)
Alpha numeric bands generally suck. It is known.
Except for this one.
Tundra is correct.
Shorter: No. No there are not.
“Humanoid puppets ejaculate silly string”
Now I *have* to see this movie.
Just watch the red band trailer, see that stupid joke and realize it’s probably the funniest thing in the movie, and then you don’t have to pay $10 at the movie theater. Trust me, you’ll be better off.
What is a red band trailer?
The “give Momma the carrot” shot was pretty cute, but I got the feeling that it was one of the few funny moments.
A red band trailer is one that’s only certified to appear before an R rated movie. As opposed to the more common green band trailer which is certified to be appropriate for all audiences.
Sometimes Grinding is the only way to get the job done, so get Crackin’
And sometimes…
Nice one, Thanks!
Hell yeah.
Continuing the discussion of South Africa, I thought it would be interesting to see exactly what Malema is pushing for as the minority partner in the SA Parliament.
Etc, etc…
Ignoring the civil war that this is going to provoke, it’s a surefire way to starve.
Carrying over from the midday article, I adore the (((angle))) they’re putting on it now.
This can’t get any better.
I’m guessing I don’t want to look to see how ((we)) are getting blamed here.
“They will kill us for that. There’s a group of white right-wingers who are being trained by Jews in Pretoria to be snipers…
Here you go.
Here is an African blaming (((Q))) for his addiction:
It’s almost an exact reproduction of the persecution of the Kulaks (and the resulting famine that occurred afterwards)
At a loss to the small farmers of course.
Jesus. Prog-commie heaven.
I’ve heard this argument before. When western relief organizations come to the “rescue” and bring in tons of supplies from abroad they crush the local market and anyone who was sort of getting by ends up losing everything because you can’t compete against free. So you can go from dysfunctional conditions to nonfunctional even though you had the best of intentions.
The real moral of the story is this: No matter what rules are put in place, there will be winners and losers in any market. You cannot create rules by which everyone is a winner. (SLD: By losers, I mean people who would have done better under other rules or who were forced to sell/buy under current rules).
That seems to fly in the face of free traders arguments that overseas governments subsidizing their products help consumers and allows producers to move into higher value products. Granted the U.S. can adjust more than say Haiti.
I have the same argument with do-gooders who fly to Nicaraugua or some other poverty-hole. Your two grand for airplane fare, new work boots, western style food, etc. – for which you spend two weeks badly building a cinder block building for the local clinic – could better provide several months work for local masons, carpenters, and electricians.
They didn’t have good intentions. They wanted to make people dependent on them.
With Top Men in charge of allocating all the resources, paradise is just around the next corner!
Also: major difference here is when Zimbabwe pulled this shit, whites only made up about 1.5% of the population. In SA, it’s 10%. This is going to get ugly.
The EFF’s whole premise is that Mugabe fucked up by offering to buy out the white land owners under the Lancaster Agreement. Therefore, just taking it by force is the correct answer.
I dont know how many SA’s are like the ones I have known but that 10% might turn into 100%.
The AP went ahead and fact-checked Trump’s tweets on South Africa. Turns out that the killing of farmers is within the normal scope of murder for the country, and they’re not aimed at whites.
Of course what the hell do I know. I’ve never been to South Africa.
“TRUMP: “I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.” — tweet Thursday.”
I don’t see where Trump said “white”.
“THE FACTS: ….experts say white farmers have not been the target”
Well, if an expert said it, it must be true.
“TRUMP: “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” — tweet Thursday.
THE FACTS: No land seizures have taken place in South Africa, although President Cyril Ramaphosa and his ruling party, the African National Congress, have stated they intend to expropriate land without compensation.”
Oh, they aren’t “seizing land”, it’s expropriating land without compensation. That’s totally different.
Ah, but Trump said “now seizing”, and teh commies said “intend to expropriate”! HE LIES!
Black People Time
Why is it too much for Trump and his advisers to get the facts right so his statements would have the same impact yet don’t allow the media to scream “liar?”
Right or wrong, they’re always going to label the statements as a “lie”
Because that’s too much like work.
That’s his method. He often includes an incorrect detail in his tweets. That forces the media to “fact-check” his statements; in the process of finding a technical problem with Trump’s statement they routinely bring up the topics they would rather bury. Like that the ANC intends to expropriate land without compensation.
Melema doesn’t give a damn because he’ll be well fed no matter what happens, at least until he’s put against the wall by his comrades.
Ah ahhh, crybabies! Crybabies!
What an evil human being.
Maybe the Chinese or Arabs will take over next.
Heh – that would get them to stop whining about European colonization.
Oh, so you’ve seen Wolf Warrior II already?
I saw part of the first one. My reaction: “Holy shit, people are still making propaganda that heavy-handed?”
Then I saw a clip of CNN reporting on Trump. Yes, yes they are still making propaganda that heavy-handed.
The second one has Celina Jade in it.
Land is just the starting point it seems….
I like how they state elsewhere that all of this will not impact foreign investment.
The best part is they’re going to starve to death even faster than Venezuela.
Meh… starving is for little people.
Yes they are. Who will the EFF blame first when it happens?
Commanding heights? That’s straight up Lenin. Just historically ignorant.
It seems SA is determined to sink down to the mean of African corruption and poverty. It’s as if they are determined to prove every racist everywhere correct.
What’s going to happen to the SA refugees?
The innocent black ones or the evil white ones?
Misguided dope prints out and leaks one lousy classified document and gets more than 5 years in the slammer. Hillary gives away the entire corpus of secret US government activity to bad actors, then covers it up and skates.
Anyone who thinks that there isn’t a two tiered system is delusional.
To be fair, Winner knew there was a two tier system. She was just wrong about which tier she resided in. “I’m going to play that card being pretty, white and cute, braid my hair and cry and all.”
You gotta be pretty & cute to play the pretty & cute card.
Based on a quick image search, it looks like she’s got one of those faces that can be made to look clean and fresh with just a little bit of work. Or, when subjected to Uncle Sam’s hospitality, looks like roadkill.
Hey Leap, I finished the Quran last week. As far as a “must read” I’d pass. It repeats a lot of stories from the Old Testament (Abraham, Noah, lot, job, Joseph). If you want to better understand Islam and get the story straight from the source it’s worth the time. It took me maybe 2 weeks to read.
Thanks for the update. I never realized how short it is. The audiobook is only 5 hours 30 minutes. I might do it just because its so short and it’ll be nice to have it done. I was assuming it was a doorstop like most religious texts.
Nope, pretty quick read. Some of the Suras are only one page. If you want to save time you can skim past the 9th time they take about Moses & Pharaoh.
Doorstop? It’s more like bathroom reading.
Approximately the same length as the New Testament. Knew a guy back in my Uni days (fellow PoliSci guy) who was Muslim, and wanted to attend one of the ME/Arab Unis. He had to memorize the entire Quran in Arabic, and part of the entrance examination involved him regurgitating all of it to an examiner. In Arabic. Which he didn’t understand, BTW.
‘Course, I also knew people who memorized the New Testament just because, so there’s that.
Damn. And here I was feeling all impressed with myself when I memorized Kubla Khan by Coleridge…
I do remember reading that there were people among the ancient Greeks who could recite the entire Iliad and Odyssey.
Damn. And here I was feeling all impressed with myself when I memorized Kubla Khan by Coleridge…
At one time I could faithfully recite “the Walrus and the Carpenter”, “The Yarn of the Nancy Bell” and “The Shooting of Dan McGrew” , ah wasted youth.
I memorized “The Cremation of Sam McGee.”
Which, I just realized, could be a great Pornhub title: “The Cream-ation of Sam McGee.”
That was different, you shitlord!
Sort of related: the Hillary email investigation was a sham (but we all knew that. A long and good read:
I distinctly remember that the speed with which that massive email file was reviewed by the FBI was questioned, and the answer was something about sophisticated algorithms or somesuch. The concern had been that the FBI wouldn’t get through it before the election.
So they didn’t even look at most of them, just rushed out a statement that Her Hilarity was totes OK, nothing to see here, move along.
The speed that Huma / Weiner’s laptop was disappeared and never heard from again – after the NYPD of tons of classified info on it – was also impressive.
WTF is up with this place and Private Internet Access? I can never get here when connected to the Florida server. This morning I was connected to the New York City server and it worked, but this afternoon it didn’t, I reconnected through the Atlanta server, and it’s working.
“You want to be lazy, but optimally lazy.”
The wisdom of a good programmer. Say this to a bad programmer and they have no idea what you’re talking about.
Apologies if this got posted earlier elsewhere, but it looks like the Russians weren’t trying to hack the DNC the other day. Turns out, the DNC was trying to hack the DNC.
“Dude, somebody resetting their password isn’t a “hack” of your network.”
I should read US newspapers the same way Jews read Der Stürmer.
At this point, the DNC wants to be hack b/c TRUMP!
If the Russians were going to interfere this year it would be for the Democrats to keep the country divided or at least gridlock the government.
Banana republic.
Talking pools earlier:
The Twenty Dollar Swim
TLDR, he estimates his sister’s swimming pool over an 18 year period works out to be about $20 per swim.
Of course, the real benefit of a capital purchase is the reduction in transaction costs per use, and that’s not factored into his analysis. My backyard picnic table isn’t valuable because it costs a penny per use, its because I can walk my dinner plate out the back and be eating outside with 0 prep work while walking it to the park involves packing a basket and walking a block away.
Sure, but he was already being generous in the amount of times it has even been used over the last 18 years. Flawed analysis? Yes, but thinking in terms of cost per use is interesting.
Interesting. This summer, my family had the opportunity to take advantage of an older couple-from-church’s pool, which we did. They regularly book it for parties just because they want it to be used. (Another doc down the street has a bigger pool, which we are welcome to use, but it’s in the shade and very mosquito-y.)
Two friends are using our pool for swim lessons. I use my pool as another place to drink whiskey.
He arrived at the number by estimating if the original cost had been invested instead, incredibly specious. They could have just as easily used the initial $30k to renovate their home, go a few grand vacations, or blow through a general increase in spending.
In the FIRE community, saving in a Target date fund is always the alternative point of analysis. And usually that is the actual alternative too.
Absolutely. I factor every major, and even most moderate, purchases into what that means for being able to save towards early retirement. That’s my mindset.
I don’t think it’s a valid premise to retrospectively assign that mindset to a different person 18 years ago.
I don’t want to know how much my pool costs me. I doubt a cost-benefit analysis will result in a net positive, even with the supposed $10k it adds to my home’s value.
No bikini pics?
A pool is a luxury item. Just like a convertible, fine jewelry, expensive clothes. The cost per use is probably not worth it. But there are some times where it’s more than worth it – the convertible on a sunny day that’s not too hot. Your wife showing off that fancy jewelry at the party that makes the other women jealous, etc.
My Lord and God the comments in the Jim Brown article.
And boy people really believe Obama created the strong economy? Wow.
They’re drunk with hate.
Believing Trump created it is just as stupid and lots of people around here fall for that.
Frankly both the Obama and Trump partisans biggest mistake is in thinking the current economy is actually strong. Yes the economy is “hot” right now but there are 2 reasons an economy could be hot, it could have really strong fundamentals or it could be in an inflationary bubble and anyone who looked at how they “fixed” the Great Recession should be able to see that it is the latter that is happening here.
Now, I get the Obama fans not seeing that. What I don’t get is the libertarianish Trump fans not seeing it. People from here or TOS should be be giving Trump credit for the good economy because doing so ignores the fact that the economy is not healthy and a major crash is imminent and when you give Trump credit for the “hot” economy it means you also have to blame him when the crash hits which will definitely be within the next 3 years.
Every one of us should be immediately pointing out that we are in a bubble when someone tells us that the economy is strong.
I mean, we could pretty much always make the same argument you just made. But Trump isn’t responsible for that. What he is responsible for is slowing the growth of the regulatory state, even cutting it around the edges some, and the tax cuts. And those tax cuts directly led to a pay bump for many. Not just in terms of getting to keep your own shit, but also from employers.
If the Light Bringer were still in office, everything you said would still apply. Only we’d also have layers and layers of crippling regulations being added on top along with higher taxes. And less growth.
“Believing Trump created it is just as stupid and lots of people around here fall for that.”
I’m late to the party, but if you really believe a 50% cut to corporate taxes has nothing to do with it, I’m calling bullshit on that. The effect of that on the economy is going to be huge, bigger than anything we’re ever seen, it’s already happening.
Today’s rhyme: Some T&A for a shitty day.
Too many fine choices to list them all, but 12 stands out. Hopefully she used a lot of sunscreen.
Oddly, I pick #51
For you hockey fans. Particularly Michigan St, Red Wings, Hawks and Oilers.
The sad story of Joe Murphy. He suffered a head trauma after a hit by Aaron Burr – so it’s alleged in the video. Next thing we know, he’s living on the streets.
Shawn Burr.
He’s not the only one with head trauma.
Aaron Burr would’ve shot him.
Alexander Hamilton was a hockey player?
Why don’t you go and say that to Joe Murphy, eh?
No, not since I too have been shot by Aaron Burr.
Forget it, guys, it’s Canuckistan.
Jesus, that was brutal. I really doubt it was that single hit, but who knows.
The bit with his daughter was especially hard to watch.
I remember Murphy very well. Fast and great with the hands.
pretty crushing to see your dad falter mentally.
Seems like some kind of CTE or maybe side effects of drugs.
Sounds like it but they present it as ‘the hit led to him using’.
I am busy working, but had to share this meme my son-in-law made of my dog. I expect polite chuckles from everyone!
Needz moar labelz.
Ruff life?
Have you been grouse hunting?
ps. I just heard from my secret source out in Newtown, ND and he says the birds are almost non-existent out west this year. Are there any grouse or pheasants out your way? My source has no idea why the population is down so much this year. He basically told me to save my money this year and skip my usual hunting trips to your state.
Keeping more for himself?
There are some pheasants around, not really a huntable population, but if a guy was desperate you might be able to road hunt some. There is a covey or two of partridge up around my farm. The upside to that is you could keep your beer in my fridge and I would keep a sharp eye on it for you.
They have been working on restoring prairie chickens around here, with some success. You could look into that, too.
It’s been dry as a popcorn fart in most of NoDak this summer. Maybe that hurt the birds out west…they are even drier than us. I always thought the best pheasant area in the state was the SE corner…maybe they are doing better down there? I think they’ve been getting more rain than the rest of us, too.
One of the highlights of Newtown is that it has all sorts of game near by and is the home of my secret contact. The secret contact is known and loved by everyone so he can get us access to almost any land we’d like to hunt there.
The other great thing about Newtown is that the local indian casino provided good food and rooms for dirt cheap. My kids laugh that it must be one of the only casinos in the world where people regularly tramp through the lobby with guns. There is a big sign in the front asking hunters to case their shotguns and rifles before entering the casino. (NoDak is a civilized state that allows you to drive around with your gun uncased – but no shell in the chamber).
I’ll let you know in a week or so. Least years winter really knocked the hell out of the grouse and pheasant population. Hopefully this last one was mild enough to let them rebound in the spring.
You in NoDak, spud?
Didn’t realize ND was the specific location.
Uffda. Sounds like someone is trying to back out of a promise he made.
Oh trust me, if I pop a bunch of grouse, you are going to hear about it.
These euphemisms.
That would be great. We usually start the year around Beach, ND with a trip to hunt sharpies and huns.
Ain’t been no grouse ’round these parts since the damn fools cut all the popple trees and planted pine.
*Sensible Chuckle*
Atta boy!
The ruff part is Busch.
National Enquirer CEO David Pecker Granted Immunity By Feds To Flip On Trump
In exchange for immunity, Mr. Pecker, CEO of American Media, Inc., has met with prosecutors and shared details about payments Mr. Cohen arranged in an effort to silence two women who alleged sexual encounters with Mr. Trump, including Mr. Trump’s knowledge of the deals, some of the people said. Prosecutors have indicated that Mr. Pecker won’t be criminally charged for his participation in the deals, the people said.
Apparently, the charging documents in Cohen’s case were aided by information provided by Pecker. Cohen contends that Trump told him to violate campaign finance law; Pecker could help attest to the communications that occurred between Trump, Cohen, and Pecker regarding use of the National Enquirer to buy the rights of and then bury the stories of Daniels and McDougal.
This is bad news for Trump — if Pecker has information to provide. Right now, the crux of the case against Trump is twofold: that he knew he was violating campaign finance law through use of the National Enquirer; and that he didn’t pay women off for their silence regularly, but only with reference to the election. Pecker could have information on both those matters.
Criminally charged for what?
They don’t have to charge him. They could just turn his whole business and personal life upside down.
It’s not witness tampering when the prosecution does it.
Yep – They got a guilty plea out of Flynn by threatening his son. Do anyone think he couldn’t beat a lying charge with Andrew McCabe as the sole witness to the crime?
They are now LITERALLY using Fake News as their basis.
Hasn’t the Enquirer been better after the Carol Burnett case? They were after all the ones to break John Edwards’ affair.
Democrat officials show up at hospital where Seth Rich was taken according to this video.
I have no idea what the heck is going on. It also alleges an investigative journalist looking into Clinton raping kids was found dead.
At this point the best we can hope for is some deathbed confessions from people who actually know the truth.
Donna Brazile seems to know some skeletons in the closet.
We won’t hear from the inner circle loyalists like Brazile. Our only hope is the people who knew too much and were intimidated into silence. Or the deep staters who want to die with a clean(er) conscience.
And if it’s only one or two, they will be painted as a nut-job with a vendetta and the media will play right along. Threat neutralized.
Wow, that thing is almost as convincing as the Iranian super stealth assault fighter jet of merciless destruction. I’m trembling in my boots.
Hope they have it roped off in case someone is tempted to lean on it.
I said it before – high center of gravity and high target profile make this thing a bad joke as a military asset.
Also, flat surfaces normal to incoming fire all over the place. Its transparent exercise of trading cash for headlines, nothing more, and frankly not even that interesting. If it would have been made out of bakelite and rivets, now that would be something worth talking about.
That’s a lot of windows. I’m pretty sure a group of Ewoks could take that thing down.
Working with wood, grinding one out… any other euphemisms we want to make? I like ‘shaking hands with the mayor of Jacksonville.’
I’m fond of punching the clown. Jacksonville, FL?
Tap that adze.
This is the pun I’ve been waiting my whole life for, but have never know to axe for it.
Ever since you met Tundra IRL, you’ve been nothing but a chip off the block…
Cleave me alone Jimbo, I’m notch in the mood.
What is up with this joint?
Uffda. Who’s the bad guy here? Knot me!
It’s like the puns are just ingrained in this place.
Shit, I’m not good at this game
Switzy will be lumbering in any moment to join us with his narrow gaze.
Shit, I’m not good at this game
I’m still laughing, if that helps.
Don’t feel bad J-Sayin. Penis can be a kind of wood. We saw where you were going with that joke.
Right, like the Pope says, you almost nailed it.
I just watched that movie! So damn good.
@Tundra, total classic. I can probably recite that movie from start to finish.
“This is Jesus, Kent.”
Interested in any Glib takes on this …
I have my own opinion, but will wait to see others first.
You can’t own space, man.
Yes, and RBS’s point below is well-taken, too.
I can. But that’s because I’m not a penniless hippie.
I think this part is important.
He should fill it with asbestos.
Target practice for the new Space Force.
I say go for it.
WTF? You expect to me to give my opinion without knowing what you (and the rest of the Glibs) think first? Is this the Democratic Underground filled with rugged individualists? No! This is a libertarian hive mind where we agree on everything from the best eye to wear a monocle in to the best way to flog an orphan.
A green forsythia switch.
Not that I would know anything about that…
Right eye. Just so you know.
What? Fucking Left Eye Lopes. Has to go burn down one house and ruins things for half the libertarians out there.
What you did. I see it.
Both eyes
Ask Adrian Peterson.
Hey! Now that he is playing for the Redskins, he has upped his non-PC quotient by a big chunk.
Child beating, bigot against native americans. He really needs to work on adding some misogyny to his portfolio though.
…the best eye to wear a monocle…
Opposite the dominant hand, of course.
Zero fucks.
1) 95% of societal strife is caused by improperly alignment between property rights and moral intuition. This is one such case.
2) Every time an artist asks us to ‘reconsider our views,’ we would be better off shooting that person into orbit before they can perpetrate their art on us. This is one such case.
I think you just changed my mind – if the guy had just said “I think it will be cool” I’m with it.
Good art can generally only be made because the artist is absolutely incapable of not producing the art. “I think it would be cool” is one type of way of saying that. So yeah, if he was the kind of artist who would say that, I’d be more interested.
Every time an artist asks us to ‘reconsider our views,’ the correct reply is “Fuck You, pay me!”
“Fuck you, I’m ready to order my dinner now.”
I’ll have to reconsider my view that said artist wouldn’t spit in my food.
I can’t read the headlines any more. Either it’s the media being irrational or Trump. I honestly just want to Trump to resign. Then when the media spits out garbage Pence might actually have a reasonable response instead of the stupidity coming from Trump.
Pence becoming president will be Trump’s greatest troll.
Trust the plan.
I wish it didn’t come down to that, but yeh.
I, for one, enjoy the entertainment supplied by and triggered by President Twitter Rant.
You don’t think Pence would bend over and grab his ankles every time the media speaks in the grand tradition of eRepubs?
I enjoy Trump shoveling shit right back at them and chipping away the media’s credibility each time. If nothing else, his use of Twitter created an end run around the story-telling monopoly the media thought they had.
I honestly just want to Trump to resign.
Two reasons:
1) Every time a president resigns in disgrace, a puppy gets its wings.
2) Where Trump chastised the SJW’s with whips, Pence will chastise them with scorpions.
OTOH, Pence is a monster who chastises people with scorpions, and it’s probably better that he is walking around the naval observatory in his slippers.
1) Fair point.
2) Pence strikes me as a go-along-to-get-along DC creature, more in the mold of W. I see no reason to believe he will chastise anyone, but seems more likely to decide he needs to “heal” the nation with “outreach” across the aisle.
Trump’s resignation will signal the final victory of the Deep State. This whole kerfuffle shapes up for me as the Deep State v. everybody who doesn’t bend the knee to the Deep State. Fuck that. I’ll take Trump over those assholes.
I largely agree with you with one proviso:
1) I believe the deep state will eventually defeat Trump. Even if he wins reelection, I think that they will outlast him.
2) I sincerely believe that the U.S. government is doomed. It is a house of cards one shock away from collapse. It will happen within our lifetimes. And when that happens, our nomenklatura are going to find it very, very tough going because the beneficiaries of the collapse will see them as enemies who have nothing to offer in exchange for employment.
So the deep state will eventually win, and in doing so will ensure their destruction.
Certainly, the Deep State will still be there when Trump’s second term expires, and that will be a victory of sorts. The victory I want to deny them is defeating Trump in a pitched battle, because that will send a very different message.
What I can’t quite believe Trump and Sessions haven’t appointed a mirror-image special counsel to look into the Hillary campaign. There is an ample predicate, and I’m sure they could put together a legit team of prosecutors to do it. Maybe they are thinking going after the loser sets a bad precedent, but shit, at this point, it would be a drop in the ocean of bad precedents being set by Mueller and the Deep State.
The Deep State in Russia (KGB) survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.
I concur. A resignation would also signal the end for the Republican party, and that is something the stupid party has yet to realize. The Resistance + Deep State will simply move down the list of new Repub targets.
Yep. Rand Paul would be next to feel the wrath.
Next? They’ve tried to kill him twice in the last year.
The Republican Party needs to die. Maybe it’ll come back as something worthwhile.
I like Glenn Beck’s idea, give people a real choice, the Republicans go full libertarian, and the Democrats go full socialist.
I don’t think a democracy with a government with such expansive powers could survive such drastic swings in policy. The divide would be too great. The beliefs too strong. That’s how you end up with politics becoming life and death shit.
Do you believe the same for the Democrat party?
How many Polish ewoks does it take to stop a Russian droid thing-y?
One to hold the lightbulb and two to turn the ladder? No, that doesn’t make any sense.
Just one… with a bottle of vodka and American cigarettes.
I think it looks more like the Robocop mech, which means stairs are it’s enemy.
One to hold the lightbulb and another to dig the hole for the ladder.
I just realized that polack jokes are exponentially funnier if you randomly mash up two punchlines and leave out the joke part. I’ll be damned.
Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?
So….no, he didn’t.
IANAL, but 10:1 odds says nothing materializes in court but will all somehow make it in a tell all book + Netflix documentary.
These guys make me sympathetic to Trump. I’m not going to go to the barricades for any politician (in my opinion we’d be all better off if they decorated the walls of their bedrooms with their brains). But this bullshit about paying people to not talk as ‘influencing and election’ is hilarious. Remember when they demanded that news organizations not publish the damning evidence of Hillary Clinton’s collusion with CNN & NBC to promote Trump’s candidacy? Remember when the news organizations hired Clinton loyalists and paid them salaries to publish pro-Clinton propaganda? These people have no concept of anything but what benefits them in the next 15 minutes.
Since everything from the Left is projection, I’m wondering who Hillary paid not to talk. The Clintons usually have a more reliable and permanent way to shut people up.
I’m sure you’ll appreciate this:
Well, they couldn’t give it to Obama because of its name. And they’ll change the name if Tim Scott ever becomes President.
This is funny. I did a FOIA or two while I was at the VA. Most of what they ask for they can find online simply by looking at the website. The rest requires concurrence from central office which takes however long it takes.
In short, I am sure…. some of those they are talking about were filed when Trump wasn’t the president.
Trump: I want to buy a better tupee because I think it will help with my campaign and my optics. Make sure you use my money and run it through that corporation so it’s harder for the news to track down.
Fixer: Sure thing, but could you speak more clearly into my lapel?
According to the news, a candidate farts and blames someone else it’s to benefit his campaign
In case Hobby is here and not in the last thread, in answer to his question:
My apologies. I had to run to the store and just now see you. There is mention of that subject I think in the next issue but it works like this, in a nutshell.
The heavier the bullet the lower the velocity will be. Also, the heavier the bullet the longer the bullet will be in relation to it’s diameter.
Ever spin a child’s toy top? Notice that when you first spin it will wobble for a second or two and then stabilize so that it looks motionless. As it slows down it will begin to wobble again before stopping. The taller the top is in relation to it’s diameter the faster you have to spin it to get it to stabilize. A bullet behaves in the same way. As it exits the barrel it’s spin is wobbly for a bit, it stabilizes and then if it is still in flight long enough it will slow down and begin wobbling again. The speed that it spins is determined by the twist in the rifling. The faster the twist in the rifling the longer a bullet it can stabilize. That means heavier bullets.
The ‘ideal’ bullet weight for any chambering is determined by the twist speed in the rifling, not the caliber. All rifles of the same caliber do not have the same speed twist. The users manual should tell you what your particular rifle has. Most manufacturers producing general purpose guns make the twist middle of the road speed. Have a 30-06? Bullet weights go from 90 grains up to 220 grains – a wide range.
Your gun may be able to stabilize those 220 gr monsters, mine may not.
I hope that made sense and not too rambling.
Also, barrel length. There is a trade-off of momentum between rotation and velocity, given the mass remains constant.
Although, in some cases it seems as though it’s fashion or tradition. There is no reason a 22 LR would need a 24″ barrel, but almost all 22 rifles do.
I guess it could be for sight radius.
Hobbit, not Hobby. Geez. Is the Vodka kicking in already?
Your most trusted name in news
That’s fantastic.
Get the fainting couches out of storage. We need them in Minnesoda! Minnesoda Supreme Court rules in favor of plebes. Recent ruling will let thousands of people have their convictions for refusing to take a DWI chemical test tossed.
What is the over/under on MADD staging a huge protest at the capitol to change the law somehow?
Good. Drunk drivers are a menace. One put me in the hospital for a week once. But an unchecked government willing to ignore the rules for a good cause is worse.
Reckless driving is reckless. The “cause” of the recklessness isn’t really any of the government’s goddamned business; otherwise they’re saying some recklessness is better than others.
*ding ding ding*
We have a winner!
This shall not stand! Minneapolis city council is trying to close iconic dive strip bar BJ’s.
I haven’t been to any strip club for over 20 years, but in younger days did go to BJ’s on multiple occasions. It was on a block with some of my other favorite dive bars that I frequented in my younger days (Irv’s and Stand Up Frank’s). We’d to to BJ’s to play pool and look at a few naked ladies (most of whom should have kept their clothes on).
The original owner seems to have died and the kid doesn’t seem as excited to keep it open as he should be.
What killed me is this bit of the story:
It really urinates me off when churches are allowed to pull this shit.
* When I first read the story, I thought the church was fucking with BJ’s, but on re-reading it I now think the church torpedoed the attempt to open a completely new strip club. Still bad, but not as bad as I first thought.
The place with the meat raffle? Say it ain’t so.
Yup. We now know where our next Minne-Glibs meetup will be. It is only a matter of when now.
BTW, Fourscore sent out some details about his Honey Fest (for an old timer, he’s pretty hip to these euphamisms) recently. If you are interested let me know and I’ll give you his contact info. My wife and I are planning on going.
p.s. Since you are a Johnny-come-lately to our great state, you don’t remember how great that block used to be. There was Paul who ran the Jug liquor store across the street from BJ’s. Irv’s was about 20 yard away (motto: “3 COLOR TV’S!!”) and just around the corner was Stand Up Frank’s.
I heard from a bartender friend that Irv’s used to allow smoking for almost a year after the smoking ban went into effect. The cops got several complaints about it, but just laughed at the caller and said “WTF? It is Irv’s. Stop bothering us.”
I think they finally sold out to the fancy architecture firm who rebuilt on the spot.
Fall Down Frank’s was the best. I used to live down the road a bit and stumbled out of there more than a few times.
BJs has always been a dive. With awful strippers.
Council members sided with a religious group, which said the club was too close to its church.
Separation of church and state, bitchez. That means the status of a facility as a religious facility should have zip, zero, nada consequences for anyone.
Why would they care? Churches and strip-clubs are rarely open at the same time.
It also doesn’t make sense to be against both abortion and employing single mothers.
It’s just the ol’ statist belief that you should somehow “have a say” in what people do with property that they own. Same reason that Lefties ban gun stores within so many feet of a school (as if the problem of youth violence is a matter of physical proximity to a gun store).
Speaking of strip clubs, I’m throwing a bachelor party for my BIL this weekend. My suggestion for a weekend of heavy drinking and deep sea fishing were ignored. There will be a strip club to top the night off.
Funny story, my other BIL actually ran into a coworker on the pole when I took him to the same place for his. And yes, I bought him a lap dance from her.
Good to know professionalism isn’t dead.
All I know is that if she works her day job like she worked that pole, her clients must be very satisfied.
I think we’re gonna need pics
Either way, you’ll need a couple of days to wash the fish-stink off.
well played
The problem is the church is too close to the club.
OT: What are some career ideas that 1) don’t require a shitload of schooling, 2) are low stress and mostly 40 hours a week, and 3) relatively safe from being automated or outsourced away in the next ~40 years? And I’m totally open to blue collar trades.
I know full well that there’s no wonderful, magical job that fits all of these criteria to a T, but I’m just looking to brainstorm here. My ultimate “dream job” would be a freelance writer of sales copy and fiction (maybe even a political book of some kind) but that requires a lot of time to develop those skills and make contacts in the business, so I need something in the mean time that does not require shitloads of overtime and/or turn me into a fucking ball of nerves who can’t focus on anything else during off-hours. That’s been the problem with every other job I’ve had.
And I can’t stress enough that I’m not asking anyone to name some perfect job for me… I’m just trying to weigh all the options out there with their pros and cons. I’d appreciate any suggestions.
manperson?Why do you have to other non-person sentient beings like me??
Are you hot? Because housewife may be an option.
Uh, low stress??
And not outsourced away for 40 years…
Haha well, I’ve lived alone my whole adult life (except for those sensual, tumultuous, and ultimately disastrous two weeks back in ’08) so I’ve gotten pretty good at cooking, ironing, and sewing.
I’m pretty fucking lazy when it comes to vacuuming and dusting, though. I bought this house four years ago, and I’ve never dusted anything ever.
Wow. Dude, learn to swiffer.
Even like every two weeks…
4 years? Yikes. Does a little dust cloud surround you and follow you everywhere you go?
That’s a pretty high bar. Have you tried getting empregnated by a rich man?
Auto mechanic comes to mind.
Call center? Though that can be stressful at times.
And very easily outsourced. If on the outsourced side, easy to loose a contract.
Depends on the company. People really, reaaaaaally hate talking to a call center in India.
Only racists hate yelling at “Robert” from Mumbai.
And labor is cheaper in Sioux Falls than Seattle.
That’s true.
Funny story from my current job:
My work is related to medical claims. I called the insurance company to try and get them to pay for a bunch of medications. I get some nasally voiced doofus, and he asks me to read off the meds for him. I had to spell almost every single one because he was apparently completely unfamiliar with medications. When I said “levothyroxine”, he repeated back in the most confused tone, “lever-thyroxine??” Then I listed hydroxychloroquine and hydrochlorothiazide, and he said, “Those two sound like the same medication!” Well, they’re NOT, dingus. What the hell is that guy doing working in the claims department??
If your goal is to not pay claims, he sounds like an ideal person for the department.
Some kind of courier / logistics driver? Lot’s of these kinds of jobs f you are reliable and do what you are supposed to do.
My next door neighbor retired into a 30 hour a week job with USPS. Low stress. Set hours. It’s the government so it’s not going away anytime soon
And I get the impression that finding reliable people with clean driving records isn’t easy.
Just don’t do too well and get promoted to supervisor.
Retired guys make up a ton of couriers here for that very reason.
Another retired dude I know drives a hearse. He fucking loves it!
Ha! My retired broth-in-law does that too. He also goes over with the crew to pick up stiffs. Good money – he’s got a dark suit in his car at all times in case he’s called.
Sounds like a soup-er guy.
Auto correct is kicking my ass today
This. I’ve often considered how stress free life as a FEDEX driver must be. Drive around, hand out parcels. Drive back.
A buddy of mine sold his landscaping business and now drives for UPS. He digs it.
My bestest job ever – only for a large metro newspaper. Got to drive a truck around. Just enough exercise to not turn into a slug. Park the truck in the barn, clock out and forget it. And sweet union wages with double time overtime. I was actually a Jimmy Hoffa teamster for awhile.
I third getting an Mrs degree.
In all seriousness, working for the gov ticks off all three of the those, especially if you find an opening in your local town/city. I know I know, that’s the belly of the beast. But it’s also a chance to do some good, especially if local.
Also, if you don’t mind traveling (or prefer it), monitoring clinical trials is good money and not too difficult besides the travel. Remote monitoring is becoming a thing, but risk from the FDA ensures an onsite monitor for trials will exist for a long time.
Community organizer
Sounds perfect – no qualifications, high pay, whatever hours I want, and no performance requirements or even any concrete job duties. Sign me up!
Not to mention the opportunities for advancement!
Heavy equipment operator.
Boom, winner
House painter?
From when I’ve hired these, apparently being drunk is a job requirement.
That’s how it checks off the low stress box.
Plumber. Electrician, or auto mechanic. Medical technologist?
1-2 year tech school and some OTJ training for a few years.
Lineman for the County?
Does he live in Wichita?
RIP Glen Campbell
(although I like the Wade Hayes version also)
The man did melancholy better than anybody else I can think of.
Shit or shocked. Choose your poison.
HVAC, anywhere in the World, good money,many different aspects, long lasting
Poop scooper in SF?
Used hypodermic needles and human poop. What could possibly go wrong?
Data Center NOC.
Cartoonist. Bil Keane does jack shit and look at how well he’s done.
Just sent the set of plans off for plotting. Here’s a peak at my super professional big boy work. Hopefully they won’t need too much by way of revision, ‘cuz I’ve taken an awfully long time getting them this developed…
Looks good.
Tomorrow we are having a meeting about a set of drawings that finally got numerical measurements put on them. The horizontal is specified to the 1/8th of an inch. The vertical is off by 8 feet. 8 fucking feet.
The Apple spaceship is notoriously over-specced with door jambs that are supposed to be within tolerances of 1/32″.
It ain’t a phone people.
That is a really stupid bit of Apple hubris.
That said, I don’t work construction, I work with textiles. Spec an 1/8th inch tolerance on a 30 foot piece of canvas and mean it? Welp… you need to give me parameters of relative humidity and temperature and… fuck off. It’s absurd and stupid and impossible, and doesn’t matter one way or another. Just dumb people at the computer repeating the numbers the machine spits out.
The 8 fucking feet, however.
But if they can pay for it, then let them pay for it, huh?
See, that’s the shoe I’m waiting to drop. It’s not a major problem since this is a non-professional project, but it’s the first I’ve done outside the classroom and I’m flying by the seat of my pants even without the following conversations:
“We want it 15 by 30 feet.”
“Okay. 15′ from where?”
“From the side of the house.”
“From the outside edge of the wall or the inside? Because you’re tying into that frame.”
“Um, inside, I guess.”
And the site plan I had to mock up going off a copy of a copy of a page that had at some point been faxed… mother of God.
Its okay, the tradesmen will fix it for you.
If I counted correctly, you had a 1/2″ from the old outer part of the existing structure, 14′ 1″ on the playroom, and than 6-1/2″ for the outer wall. Where’s the other four inches?
Inside of the original 3 1/2″ wall, measured from finish.
I’m guessing what you’re reading is 5 1/2″, not 1/2″, but it is pretty illegible, if thats what it says.
Your leaders should not overlap the dimensioning text, and your dimensioning text should be clear of any linework (like that dotted line)
I’ll correct that!
*opens image with phone*
Is that a home for ants?
Exhaust fan for the Bathroom, unless that window opens,
Good call.
The house I’m moving into at the end of the month doesn’t have a fan… I need that white noise, damnit.
Just run the sink broseph.
20″ Lasko less $20 anywhere:
I hate using CAD… structural details and stuff are fine, but when I have to do site plans it just sucks the life out of me.
Nothing more boring. Wish they’d never done away with the draftsmen at my work.
I miss the lettering. I started too late to learn it but I used to work with people who could write that beautiful script as their ordinary handwriting.
[looks around, sees sloopy still isn’t here]
Fuck tOSU.
Fuck Urban Meyer.
Thank you for your time.
It’s the end
Black women aren’t looking at white men who are slackers. That is not the point of dating white men.
That’s going to suck.
And they are not going to find someone more gay to play Uncle Arthur.
Well, I guess her relatives would be black too.
Setting up for the double-whammy culture clash.
That sounds like a barrel of laughs.
Christ on a fucking Popsicle stick. I thought you were exaggerating.
Really? Because I used to work in a factory with a ton of decently tall white men with heads full of hair who didn’t seem to be very powerful at all. Heck, there was even a tall white man with hair who I’d see begging on the offramp every day.
I think Leftists have a hard time understanding that an average does not mean that every single item in the group will conform to that average.
This will never end as long as there is still one single black mom witch less powerful than some slacker white dude somewhere.
“math is like, literally hard”
I really hate middle school textbooks.
“Energy is the ability to do work or cause change.”
“Simplify the following problems.” (Meaning solve)
The books are riddled with horribly phrased and sometimes just incorrect statements. It’s no wonder kids get confused.
I distinctly remember reading a social studies textbook in 3rd grade that contained the sentence,
“Many of the roads in Africa are dilapidated or nonexistent.”
What the fuck kind of phrasing is that? Why mention them if they’re nonexistent?
But muh roadzzzz!!!
You should read what Richard Feynman wrote about his term on the textbook committee for California.
In other news, everyone is Werner Herzog
According to the Wall Street Journal, go long on dick jokes
Paul Krugman just blew his load.
What does Paul Krugman have to do with it?
He loves the Top Man socialist underpinnings of the Foundation series.
“I didn’t grow up wanting to be a square-jawed individualist or join a heroic quest; I grew up wanting to be Hari Seldon, using my understanding of the mathematics of human behaviour to save civilisation.”
Christ, what an asshole.
So nature over nurture?
If he advocates application of science, then nurture over nature.
What is it with these people who are always wanting to ‘save’ something? There is a lot of that shit going around. The only way they feel any worth is to be some kind of savior? Funny how they always seem to imagine themselves such without having to sacrifice much and end up with power over others. Creepy.
Reminds me of the Twain quote – “Cemeteries are filled with indispensable men.”
10 parts? might fill up 2 books, maybe
That’s gonna suck donkey balls. Foundation is a great book series, but it would make an absolute shit movie or TV series. Way too little consistency (plot and character wise) across the parts and the books.
Obviously Trump is the mule.
You knew this was coming.
“”While Pence may have cited convicted Watergate conspirator Charles Colson as a “dear friend and mentor” because of the religious conversion Colson underwent in prison, the authors assert – without substantiation – that it’s “just as likely that Pence was drawn to Colson’s lingering aggressive tendencies.”
They comment on Pence’s favorite movie by noting that he loved “The Wizard of Oz” “despite the feminist power of its main characters.”
And Pence’s trademark “extreme niceness” is not benign in the authors’ eyes. Instead, Pence has “weaponized” his niceness as “a tool of persuasion and deflection.”’
From the road to hell idea, NZ supermarket voluntarily bans plastic bags…wait until you see what happens next:
Hmm, not supposed to be a reply. Sorry.
Being a bureaucrat means never having to admit you fucked up.
“The U.S. government said an Idaho family is to blame for any injuries it alleges a boy received after he was doused with cyanide by a predator-killing trap that a federal worker mistakenly placed near their home.”
Figured I would mistakenly reply to your mistaken reply.
I’m not sorry.
Well played, sir, well played.
Use the Force, Kiwis!
And Pence’s trademark “extreme niceness” is not benign in the authors’ eyes. Instead, Pence has “weaponized” his niceness as “a tool of persuasion and deflection.”’
I’m getting really sick of this bullshit.
You just weaponized your displeasure with this bullshit
Pretty straightforward from here: Trump resigns
Pence resigns after NYT uncovers that he once had dinner with a woman alone
Paul Ryan commits suicide rather than assuming the presidency
President Cocaine Mitch
“First you end the filibuster. Then when you end the filibuster you take the presidency. Then you get the woman”
– Cocaine Mitch
*let the hate flow through you, media*
Pence illegally used his niceness to influence the election!
For those of you who like parliamentary-style government intrigue, keep your eye on the news from Australia where there’s a pretty good chance the Liberal PM is going to be fired by his own party.
No confidence vote forthcoming?
PM precipitated a leadership spill two days ago and was re-elected. Led to more, not less, upheaval, leading to some members of his party to demand another vote today (Friday Oz time). Could be a 3-way contest (or more). Added to this is that is main challenger may not meet the citizenship requirements to be an MP (that’s a whole other ball of wax).
This is all over the “Dingo Ate My Baby” bill, right?
“Could be a 3-way contest”
“No confidence” means new election. Well, technically, Governor-General or whatever Australia uses could try and offer another party a chance to form the goverment instead, maybe. In Canada, that was sorted out in the 30s in lovingly named King-Byng Affair, not sure how Aussies do it.
Firing the PM just means a new PM gets voted in the Parliament.
One is a Parliament-level action, the other a strictly party affair.
I’ve watched “Yes, Minister”.
In retrospect, the “Party Games” special (one that leads into “Yes, Prime Minister”) shows this – Hacker gets the job without a new election!
My favorite political system is the French Fifth Republic. The quasi-presidential/parliamentary system. Leave it to the French to blatantly copy the Americans and then throw in some other crap so they can pretend like they didn’t just blatantly copy the Americans
Never been a successful no confidence vote in Australia and even if it was, it does not require resignation.
The government has been dismissed by the governor-general once, in 1975:
The g-g retains the power to dismiss the government but, given the shitstorm that took place in 1975, it would have to be something extraordinary for a g-g to do so.
Toxicity [System Of A Down] Drum Cover by A-YEON
Your welcome.
Here’s a sensible chuckle for everyone:
ok it’s a year old but I just saw it today so screw you guys
Is it a Millennial joke? I hope so, cause fuck those punks.