Today is a celebration day. Papa L was born on this day many long years ago. I am very fortunate to be able to take my sons to have birthday dinner with my father. He never got to do that. Happy Birthday, Pops.
Now, let’s get onto the WTF and outrage. I was working pretty hard in the Morning Links to line up President Pence and a bunch of you didn’t want to play. Come on! Its going to be a blast. We all know The Donald isn’t going to go quietly. We NEED impeachment so that the whole sorry spectacle plays out for months and months and ruins pretty much everyone who touches it.

Nehemiah Scudder is that you?
If you commit bank fraud, you get the Paul Manafort treatment. If you steal a bunch of data from Congress and take it to Pakistan, as well as committing fraud you get…. three months probation? What in the fuck?! Are you kidding me?! Its fine to commit fraud as long as I some of it to build a women’s shelter?
I’m sure Sloopy will be along any minute to tell me that Duncan Hunter and his wife were just trying to have a nice life as private citizens.
Prosecutors said the Hunters spent more than $250,000 on personal expenses that they concealed as campaign-related gifts, donations and travel.
Dude has dirt on DNC. Like does DWS trim, shave, or brazillian.
NOW…….hit my mother-f’in Theme Music !
Sup Tres!
Talking about DWS nether regions… that’s a paddlin’
Dude, that’s as kinky as her hair.
I’m not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure discussing DWS pubic hair violates the Geneva Convention.
It does. Especially when it’s obvious that she goes au naturel.
Do you think it could be any worse than the hair on top her head?
Only one way to find out!
Isn’t motorboating a breast thing?
I think he’s using the motorboat to escape, like Bond does.
It can also be a butt thing with an ample derriere.
I…I think you’ve been doing it wrong.
violates the Geneva Convention
Hauge Convention. Legal/Illegal weapons of war are regulated by the Hague Convention.
Common Article 3 relating to non-international armed conflict
Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:
violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;
taking of hostages;
outrages upon dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; and
the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
I suppose DWS muff can be used for torture/dignity crimes.
It’s probably an 8th Amendment violation as well.
Tres, there are just some things man was meant not to know…
And Happy Day to your Pops, they are nice to have around…….
If Xi wants a “clean and righteous” internet, he should try some sort of ancient chinese secret .
Have to use an abacus to enter your passw….pass number
Here’s how I stay clean and righteous:
Every so often the proper stimuli will cause the parasympathetic nervous system to trigger a cascade of nitric oxide dilating smooth muscle tissue while simultaneously contracting some strategically placed valve-like muscles.
Number 7 oh yes indeedy.
Xi Jinping does not approve.
Heinlein reference for the win, Brett.
Happy birthday to your pops.“>China’s Mass Internment Camps Have No Clear End in Sight
The choicest paragraphs:
The PRC may have left behind a Communist-style economy in favour of a fusion style market economy with heavy prerogatives to intervene however and whenever, but they certainly haven’t abandoned their preference for heavy-handed next-level, 20th century style police state.
Who cares? It’s just a bunch of MOOZLUMZ anyway.
Progs would love to do that to those they see as deplorables.
Never give up your guns
Why didn’t that happen? Quite a few people, even many libertarians, thought that a freer economy would inevitably lead to the end of the police state but that doesn’t seem to happening.
CPRM blamed it one US Trade Deals, somehow.
Gee, I don’t know Winston.
They are literally Trump.
I remember flying in China and browsing through one of the in-flight magazines. There was an article about how the Commies so generously brought freedom and peace to those guys. Yeah, make no mistake, they’re still the totalitarian assholes they always were. Don’t believe the shiny, happy face they’re trying to put on it.
I don’t why Pence would make women dress like that, but I’m sure he has his raisins.
Its fine to commit fraud as long as I some of it to build a women’s shelter?
Depends on your Party affiliation.
The Deep State likes the Dems while they hate Trump. Simple as that.
Anyway the Democrats have been the party of the Deep State since Clinton’s time and Trump has made this more obvious. The Deep State loves it some free shit which the Democrats are quite happy to give it whereas there are some Republicans who might actually reduce free shit ever so slightly. I mean those reductions are usually not what the glibs are asking for but even a 25.9% spending increase instead of 26% is too much for the Deep State.
The Deep State doesn’t give a shit about party. They care about protecting their precious bureaucracy. ALL main stream politicians won’t touch that part of gov (fuck you cut spending). Trump is a loose cannon who might encroach on their domain, so he must be made an example of. The in club gets probation, the out club gets 3 felonies a day. I’ve never been in more sympathetic to the an-caps than right at this moment with the DWS shit.
I didn’t deny that. Just saying that right now the Dems are more willing to grow the bureaucracy and give them new powers and bigger pay raises than the Republicans are at this time.
Because the GOP is busy rescinding the Patriot Act? Not likely.
This is about the two parties and the permanent bureaucracy protecting their turf.
The GOP is not going to miss Trump if he’s impeached. I’ll bet Mitch is celebrating the Cohen deal as we speak.
Mitch’s wife is a cabinet member, but assuming Pence stays no change on that front.
No the point is that the Dems love of free shit is closer to the desires of the Deep State than phony Republican fiscal conservativism since the latter leaves open the possibilities of lower spending increases.
Yet despite that the hatred of Republicans run Deep in the Deep State…
Exactly. Anyone who think Pence will fight the Deep State the way Trump has is naiive or delusional. He might continue using a machete on the federal register of regulations, but he will suck FBI/CIA cock with vigor.
Well, shit. No vodka.
I found… Kahlua and Evan William Cherry.
I think there’s a reason these are still in the house.
Oh well, they have alcohol.
5% ABV? This isn’t even Kahlua, it’s a Kahlua-mixed drink. Where’d I put the bourbon?
Pour the bourbon into that mixer. I mean, your alcoholic drinks are already pretty trashy, you might as well just go full tilt.
Hey UnCiv,
I left some gibberish in response to your question on the other thread.
To clarify: with gasses, concentration doesn’t matter as much as partial pressure. So on earth, if a lethal CO2 atmosphere is 100,000ppm, that is ppm of a 1 atm atmosphere, or a partial pressure of 0.1atm (76 torr) CO2. On your hypothetical atmosphere, that lethal dose would still be 76 torr, regardless of what the total atmospheric pressure of the atmosphere on your alien world would be.
Yeah…..Happy Birthday to Papa L.
It was about a year ago that Tres Sr. went under the knife for a surprise 3X-bypass at age 78. It was an anxiety-laden, traumatic, stressful, time. For the nurses that had to treat him.
He’s back in action 100%, smoking 2 packs a day. The staff that cared for him, however….I dont think they pulled through.
Bomb threat at Arlington National Cemetery.
Isn’t everyone there already dead?
It has a monument to Robert E. Lee, so it must be purged.
Seizing his property wasn’t enough!
Although technically it wasn’t his, it was his son’s. After winning the court case that it was illegally seized, George Washington Custis Lee turned around and sold it to the U.S. government at ceremony with Secretary of War Robert Todd Lincoln.
I did not know that. Interesting. I think what Lee Jr. did was the right thing, taking the long view.
As his dad (and Grant, for that matter) did when he surrendered at Appomattox.
If anyone happens to go to the arcade at Santa Monica pier I have the high score in Galaga.
I beat that last week. You snooze you lose sucka!
*checks scoreboard*
Yep, Q’s story checks out.
I thought Q’s nom de game would be BEWBZ.
Man both of you don’t remember that you only had three characters to prove you were the Old School Master? Q would be TIT. Or T!T.
All that and a broken link too.
I thought of that but was following RCD’s lead, plus it’s a great song.
Is this recent?
Recent enough!
Great. Now I need to stop by the pier and “accidentally” unplug the Galaga machine.
He can save it! All he needs is a car battery and a dolly!
Hawaiian Glibs? They survived the Pizza Purge?
Some of us don’t put fruit on our pizzas.
This is unfortunately one lazy hurricane. The most recent NOAA report has it slowing down some more. (Down to 8 mph from 14 mph) That means a longer time drenching and wind contact. It is losing some power but Oahu will be in the dangerous quadrant. I don’t know what I’ll be spending Friday and Saturday doing. It is only a few mph more and a few miles less from the eye that changes your time from rum drinks and watching the storm to “Oh shit”.
This morning the state theme song was from CCR. This afternoon it is:
The people that had lava cam now have a Honolulu cam…weather looks gorgeous! Anyhoo, Weather Channel is saying Oahu will feel effects tomorrow
Just another great day in the tropics. I’ll be helping some friends secure their boats after work. The only downside to a tropical storm out here is that you can’t just grab your most important stuff and drive away hoping your other shit will survive.
Yeah, that’s gotta be a little nerve-wracking.
“Play has become a four-letter word.”
So says Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a psychologist at Temple University and one of the authors of a new paper about the importance of play in children’s lives. The clinical report, published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends that pediatricians write a “prescription for play” at doctor visits in the first two years of life. Years of research have shown that play is an important part of a child’s development, assisting in cognition, memory, social skills, and, to a lesser extent, maybe even mental health. Yet, according to the paper, children in the United States play less, and have less free time, than in decades past.
Years of research, funded by the government, no doubt. You can’t have too many behavioral scientists.
Otherwise, who would point out inanely obvious things about human nature?
It’s always nice to have empirical data from psychology researchers to combat the education researchers who have reduced recess to 5 minutes so kids can spend more time on the Common Core.
I’m constantly amazed/disgusted that:
Anyone gives a flying fuck about this enough to “study” it
-That we have people retarded enough to fund it
-Don’t we still have cancer?! Why are these people getting one cent when there are so many real problems in the world
-Arrrgh (Cathy face)
I’ll see your study and raise you this pillar of scientific insight.
I would hope that the person who lost more than 20% of their weight would have at least 2.5 the benefit of the person who lost 5%.
In-N-Out using campaign funds? Really???
If you eat as part of a campaign trip doesn’t that count as an expense?
30 tequila shots
I’d be curious to know if Hillary’s prodigious booze consumption while campaigning was charged to the campaign.
Why wouldn’t it be?
This sounds like good governmenting to me.
New nephew arrived this morning!
And boy are his arms tired?
Cool! We need more Men!
As if we didn’t know they were going to go there.
What a dumb argument
So this means that we can unseat Obama’s picks? Fantastic. President Pence can pick 4 new justices as soon as he takes office!
Basically, what they are saying is that if you are a Republican, everything is a crime and no proof of a crime even existing is necessary. All that needs be done is convicting the wrong thinker in the court of lefty opinion. On the other hand, if you are a loyal democrat or socialist or whatever lefty affiliation, nothing is a crime, it’s all good, nothing to see here, move along.
Just as a prime example, the lefty media are calling for Trump to resign because Paul Manafort was convicted of some tax evasion. This is how insane it’s become.
Senate Democrats are using Tuesday’s guilty plea from President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen on fraud and campaign finance violation charges to advance another fight: delaying the confirmation process of Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
The bottom line: They argue that, because Cohen implicated Trump in a federal crime by stating he directed payments prior to the 2016 presidential election to women who claimed to have extramarital affairs with him — it is inappropriate that Trump be allowed to select a Supreme Court justice.
Barry had to pay a hefty fine for FEC violations. Are his nominees and their subsequent actions void?
Senate Democrats are using Tuesday’s guilty plea from President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen on the advice of Hillary Clinton’s lawyer
I still think that’s an important detail.
Trump getting impeached and then Pence becoming president will be Trump’s final troll of the Left.
It’s 32 dimensional chess
Pence would be more effective than Trump since he knows how government works. He’d provide less opportunities for pointless outrage over tweets. I could see him doing a scorched earth socon policy since he’d be unlikely to be elected for a second term.
Yes. And it will drive them mad.
Well played, Trump
He could be more effective. The one thing about Trump is that he’s not afraid to take action. I don’t see an establishment Republican doing that.
First of all, not going to happen. 2nd of all, Pence is fucking awful. You think he’d do any of the dismantling of regulation or tax cuts that Trump is doing? He wouldn’t. He’d team up with Sessions to get potheads and try to make being gay illegal. The left would continue their assault right on to Pence, unabated. Pence would lose to whoever runs as a dem, instead of winning like Trump will. Then we will get 8 more years of Obama, only much worse.
If you think anyone will ever be able to be president as a Republican, ever again, without this going on 24/7, you are really kidding yourself. This has nothing to do with Trump, it’s about the left grabbing total power by any means necessary.
Yes, but they will be trolled.
Check and mate
If you think anyone will ever be able to be president
as a Republican, ever again, without this going on 24/7, you are really kidding yourself.FTFY
Nah, the next D prexy will be a superhuman natural elite, whose perfect beatific plans just keep getting sabotaged but those deplorable rethugliKKKans.
It’s like you didn’t watch television between 2009 and 2016.
I didn’t. I don’t even have a television (he smugged) but I listened to talk radio back then because I have self-loathing issues. And unless I’m mistaken FoxNews existed then as well.
Fox News is just one channel that the MSM dismisses as Faux News and doesn’t have the ear of the Deep State.
And the MSM doesn’t much like Right-wing Talk Radio much either…
In case you didn’t realize the MSM would love to shut down talk radio and this very website for that matter…
Nah, I think they would use this website the same way the right uses Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters.
Molon labe, mofos!
I am constantly amused by the circular definition of ‘The Media” or the MSM. It has nothing to do with popularity or reach but as long as “they” behave the way one defines “them” then “They” are it. Very useful.
There have been plenty of “non-mainstream” outlets that have some popularity and reach.
Also by MSM it generally means the likes of the traditional Print Media WaPo, NYT, Boston Globe, etc., the old tv-networks, the Hollywood movie studios. All of them have business connections and share the same personnel and are leftist democrats.
And in the days before the “non-biased” there were an openly partisan newspapers. If the media was open about their political connections then I suppose the right would have used different terms.
By different terms I mean terms like “government media” or “state-run media” or “leftist press” since in other countries they are generally pretty open in self-identifying with those labels. I mean the US does have state-run media but they do not become Republican mouthpieces when the Republicans are in power
Also by MSM it generally means the likes of the traditional Print Media WaPo, NYT, Boston Globe, etc., the old tv-networks, the Hollywood movie studios.
And yet 9 times out of 10 the person using that term is linking to CNN or HuffPo or Slate or MSNBC…etc… It’s an effort to frame an ‘us against them’ (and we’re the woefully outgunned and bullied underdogs) scenario, regardless that ‘we’ have the most watched cable channel, biggest radio presence ..etc..
Another of my favorites is ‘They aren’t reporting this!” and yet you’ve* heard of it somehow, and plenty of outlets are breathlessly harping on it, just not the ones you* have defined as ‘them’.
*not you you, the royal you.
Yeah, the Dems’ strategy for the foreseeable future is to elect the first female, openly gay, transgender, Hispanic, illegal alien, intersectional bingo candidates, so any criticism of xer will be de facto bigoted, racist and whatever-phobic.
When Trum leaves office he’ll be imprisoned for some minor tax code violation. No outsider will ever run again.
Was America ever great? Campusreform asks college students.
Yes the answers are what you’d expect.
So they agree with our shithead governor.
Talk about low-hanging fruit.
The relevant question is “compared to what?” Compared to the rest of the world the US has always been great.
Exactly. They’re comparing it to a fictional socialist/communist utopia that has never and will never exist.
Yup. Perfect, no. Great, yes.
The Hunters were spending campaign funds on personal expenditures. That’s about as similar to Trump using his own money to pay a settlement as an apple is to an orange.
a $250 airplane ride for the family rabbit
Anyone spending campaign funds on plane tickets for rabbits is ok in my book.
I had a girlfriend back in the day that had a, ugh, rabbit. Let’s just say she was fun. The ears did all the work for me.
Pakistani IT
Diane Feinstien’s Chinese Spy driver/aide
Los Vegas Shooter
Three of the most crazy under covered stories I’ve ever seen and they all happened in the last year or so.
My vote for the next POTUS.
I prefer this arrangement of Peaches.
I prefer this Peaches
Ligami peaches.
Peaches are life, yes?
Yeah POTUS the band sucks.
SJWednesday: Leftists Will Rise Edition
Fuck you, I’m ambidextrous by force, Right Handers are Handicapped
I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
What you did, I have seen……..
I’m right handed but do somethings left handed: boxing, surfing, batting, bowling. I shoot and golf right handed. I’ve got some messed up wiring in my brain somewhere.
I shoot Right, Bat Right, Throw both play guitar Right but Piano Left, it’s hopeless
???? I don’t remember having a dominant hand WAAAAYYY back when I played piano.
I golf right, shoot left, throw left, but also prefer to catch left handed.
I may start playing golf left handed for fun. See if I can develop better fundamentals if I start lessons from scratch playing that way. Might be an interesting experiment.
Cross eye dominant?
No idea. I just do what feels natural.
Yep – makes shooting even more fun with the spent cartridges being thrown into your face
My oldest son is. I just found it easier to teach him to shoot left-handed.
Right there with you. Right handed but I dribble a basketball way better with my left hand and ride goofy on a snowboard and surfboard. I just view it as a sign of superiority.
I was born left-handed, but after breaking my L arm twice, I was kinda forced to learn to do things with my right.
That arm spent a lot of time in casts.
Didn’t your mother warn you?
I was constantly falling off the things I was told to not climb.
For me, the actual activity determines left or right handed. There’s very little I can do with either.
consider myselfidentify as left-handed but the only things I do lefty is write and draw. Though necessity and practice I can do many things ambidextrously but my natural tendency is righty for everything else.Which hand do you use when you look at Q’s pics?
That falls under the necessity and practice clause.
These euphemisms…….
I broke my right arm in the sixth grade, so I use both for different things.
I’ve got two kids who write lefty, but do a lot of sports stuff righty. The other kid is mostly righty, but is ambidextrous enough that he has always been a better than average athlete.
My side of the family is pretty heavy on the ambidextrous gene. My wife has a bunch of leftys, but being Korea, they were all forced to learn how to write and do shit right handed for some reason.
Same in Germany. And I bet, a *lot* of other places.
I make fun of my wife for it. I tell her that if leftys really are genetic defects, the Koreans aren’t helping clean up . the gene pool by forcing the weirdos to blend in with the normies.
They should let them go on be stupid so they can’t procreate. I also make sure to make it personal by noting how many leftys are in her family and why did I marry into such a cess pool of genetics.
My mother, a lefty born in 1924 right here in ‘Murica, was forced to write right-handed under threat of ruler-swatting. It never took, and her hand-writing was atrocious.
I caught the lefty gene from her.
My grandmother wanted to “change” me, but my parents refused.
Handedness isn’t binary more of a bell curve. A few are really lefty and a a few are really righty. Most can do a litte of each, but since except for sports most folks find little utility in using their left hands – there’ no need for them to adapt.
We lefties are the superior race.
Yes. So superior even you cannot decipher your handwriting.
A master race with ink and graphite smudges on the left hand.
I taught myself to write right-handed for exactly this reason. Plus, I do everything else right-handed anyway.
I should add that I can’t draw right-handed for shit. So, I often switch hands while I’m writing. PITA
A master race only with Arabic or Hebrew.
I’ve been reading these Oh, the Poor Lefties articles my whole left-handed life. Yeah, there’s stuff we have to deal with and – we deal with them. Big Deal.
Except for scissors! Scarred for life by fucking scissors. I was the only kid in my kindergarten class that could read. I was also the only one that couldn’t cut out a fucking mimeographed bunny!
I was also the only one that couldn’t cut out a fucking mimeographed bunny!
That’s why We Rule! We adapted……..
Trump is a Lefty ain’t He?
You found the smell of mimeograph ink a turn-on, didn’t you.
Got to help the teacher once make a bunch of handouts. It was my first high.
My goodness that was a glorious smell. I miss it.
*sobs silently*
lol. I went through the same thing with the scissors. I still cut like a kid who had a lobotomy.
Also, I had to play baseball wth a right-hand glove in gym class. You would think the gym teacher would have rectified this issue but nope.
I was the only kid in my kindergarten class that could read.
Not much of a humble brag when you factor in that you were 16 at the time.
Left-handers are sinister if you ask me.
OK Dexter,
Hence, in Italian they say ‘Sinistra’ for left.
I still remember the day my mother was furiously insisting I use my right hand until my father said in Italian, ‘enough! He’s a lefty!’
Crazy shit to remember.
And gauche.
The patriarchy has nothing on handism in the domination of society.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that some greivence mongers would latch onto something like this now.
down the road. They saw a biker doing something unusual
Florida man, now you’re just showing off.
Copy paste error
“A mother and son were driving down the road. They saw a biker doing something unusual.”
My first thought was: that’s gonna leave a mark when he hits a bump.
“Reporter asks about Mollie Tibbetts
Elizabeth Warren: I know this is hard for her family, but they have to remember that we need to focus on real problems like illegal immigrants not being able to see to their kids”
Christ, what an asshole.
Boy, that was a fuck up. Is it amateur hour?
That is so unreal that it’s actually funny.
That was like the Daily Show caricature of a Republican, only it was an actual democrat.
If the GOP had any brains or balls, they would play this when she runs for office in 2020.
It cannot be stated enough how much I loathe Warren.
Way back in the mid 90’s I had a notion to go to the GOP and raise money to build a media database – every clip of every news show and interview, with transcripts. The point being to immediately respond when someone spins some BS story. My motivation began with Stephanopolis and the 4 broadcast news shows telling me contradictory versions of the Clinton draft story every other week as new revelations came out. There was complete complicity from the major news networks, so you would have needed to actually buy political advertising time in order to get the message out back then, but I figured if they were spending the better part of a billion dollars on a presidential race, they could afford a few million for a rapid response team.
I still think it is a good idea, even though the alt-media has moved to fill that gap over the last 25 years.
Yeah, we could use a few more iterations of MEMRI out there capturing the constant clips of other garbage. Those folks do the Lords work!
Eh, to be fair, her office’s statement on the matter was more diplomatic:
“Chief Hiawatha know pain. Great spirit mourns your lose.”
God damn it, Warren can’t even spell check her office’s statements
I read the typo as “your” versus “you”:
Great spirit mourns YOU lose.
What’s with everyone eliminating their pictures? Did you get doxxed as the reanimated corpse of Heinlein?
Some change to the site and everyone with an “instant” avatar went ghost. My theory is that SP unfriended us.
Only you, RAH. I don’t know WHAT happened to those other folks.
Posobiec could have made his point without incorrectly reporting Warren’s statement.
As I argued in the last thread, for thinking people, mendacious sensationalism only hurts one’s cause.
But we’re talking about the American electorate.
Speaking of mendacious sensationalism, I replied after the thread was pretty much toes-up.
Yeh, I noticed that too. Strange. He didn’t need to do it since she did it perfectly fine on her own.
Is there a link to the transcript of her statement?
“One of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are,” Warren said. “Last month, I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers, I met with their mothers who had been lied to, who didn’t know where their children were, who hadn’t have a chance to talk to their children, and there was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children.”“I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don’t think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources,” Warren continued. “Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer.”
And then she did an impromptu rain dance which, frankly, was a little uncalled for
Which hand did you use while you watched her dance?
Let’s see. I was raising my right hand in a gesture of saying “how” and then my left hand was against my mouth as I made a “waah waah waah” sound. So both hands
I’m pretty sure she’s lying about the “no plan to reunite”. A mother who agrees to return to her home country will get her kid back on the way out.
Every TEAM BLUE member running for office should be tarred with that, the way TEAM RED got tarred with Todd Akin in 2012.
Of course, the media won’t do that.
Well, obviously every Republican was the same as Todd Akin no matter how much they disavowed it.
She’s worst than an asshole.
She’s an evil, dangerous cunt.
Giving her the benefit of the doubt (yeah, I know.) I can see this as her saying we shouldn’t make policy because of a tragedy. Not that she would follow that prescription herself. See gun control after a mass shooting or for that matter every bill named after a person.
Given her track record?
You’re a nice guy. Too nice maybe?
/slips dinner bill.
*Pays it without even the hope of a hug goodnight.*
You don’t get the benefit of the doubt when you say mama, children, babies that many times.
Her faux-folksy bullshit is reason eleventy-million she’s awful.
Bullshit. The goal is keep the Communist Party in power. Everything else is a smokescreen.
“Clean and righteous” means supporting the Communist Party. Commies do this all the time. For Example you have Free Speech providing that you don’t advocate anything illegal or undermine the political system. And guess who decides what is illegal and will undermine the political system.
Sounds like pretty much the opposite of the internet we have now, then. Good luck with that, commies.
Just like here.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the PM of Canada like you’ve never seen him:
Douche extraordinaire.
I couldn’t get past #5. I loved the look on the black guys face with The Twink In The North hit the canvas.
That made the video.
So much – if not all – of what Trudeau says and does is cringeworthy. Now however he’s may have crossed the line and shown his true colours by having his RCMP security detail attempt to detain a woman who (crudely perhaps) dared to publicly question him. The Authoritarian apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Lol. I saw that. He’s an asshole and the RCMP officer was out of line in my opinion. All she did was heckle and he responded the only way a douche knows how – with politics of the emption and sending an officer to muzzle her.
However, it’s also worth noting some of the terms ( ‘de souche’ of the roots; as in the old stock Quebecois) she was using are often used by hard core Quebecois nationalists.
She’s right of the ‘pure laine’ it looked like to me. Those people generally are xenophobic and racist. Still. She had a right to speak.
‘Irregular migrants’. That’s new one from this idiot.
Rufus, do you live in a heavily Liberal riding (at both levels?)
It swings but overall? Yeh, liberal. But there are parts where it’s always PQ for the most part at the provincial level.
To be sure, she’s probably racist and a bad thinker…
Was that Tyrone Biggums?
“Ben Shapiro: Justin Trudeau is a Teenage Girl”
Jebus Christ. I didn’t realize he was such a prick. I mean I got the lazy, rich, sjw wuss vibe but he is actually at a whole other level.
Making up just 10% of the population, left-handed people are forced to get by in a world that is largely catered to the right-handed. But, do they deserve a social justice movement?
If the vanishingly small portion of the population with gender identity confusion syndrome deserve a social justice movement…
Elizabeth Warren: I know this is hard for her family, but they have to remember that we need to focus on real problems like illegal immigrants not being able to see to their kids
She’s just some white girl from the waste lands; who gives a shit?
“Donald Trump’s Long History of Paying for Silence
The president denies paying a porn actress not to speak about an alleged affair, but he’s often linked payments to confidentiality agreements in the past.
Breaking up is hard to do. A pile of money and some crack legal help can’t heal a broken heart, but they can go a long way to guaranteeing that whatever bad feelings emerge from the relationship don’t make it to the public. At various times in the past, Donald Trump has struck deals with women in his life, or formerly in his life, exchanging money for silence.
The suggestion of hush money is easier to credit because it fits with a pattern from Trump in the past. Faced with the prospect of damaging revelations about his personal life, the otherwise parsimonious Trump has often paid out. As part of his 1992 divorce from Ivana Trump, the developer agreed to divide assets, but imposed a sweeping gag order on his ex-wife:
When Trump’s marriage to Marla Maples, for whom he left Ivana Trump, crumbled, she too, signed a confidentiality agreement, as he revealed in 1999, when he floated a presidential run and she told a British newspaper, “If he is really serious about being president and runs in the general election next year, I will not be silent. I will feel it is my duty as an American citizen to tell the people what he is really like.” Trump withheld an alimony payment.
Trump’s affection for non-disparagement agreements extends beyond his personal life. Earlier this month, his lawyer threatened former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon with a lawsuit for comments he made to author Michael Wolff, citing a confidentiality agreement. Other former Trump aides were also made to sign agreements, including Corey Lewandowski and Sam Nunberg, whose NDA was briefly at the center of a lawsuit in 2016. (Trump’s affinity for NDAs is somewhat ironic, given his propensity for oversharing about his personal and professional lives.)
There are, of course, other ways of buying silence, as the Journal reported late in the campaign. In that case, Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model, agreed to sell the story of her own alleged relationship with Trump to the publisher of National Enquirer for $150,000. But the company never ran any story, in what the Journal reported is a common tabloid technique called “catch and kill,” in which a publication buys the rights and then sits on the story. The company is owned by David Pecker, a close friend of Trump’s, but Trump’s spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Trump had no knowledge of the arrangement. He also denied any sexual relationship.”
One can only pay for silence if the other party agrees. With one exception: the American Left has enabled selective silence from the mainstream press without paying them a cent.
That could actually be used as part of his defense. He wasn’t trying to impact the election, he’s been paying people for silence for decades.
The former FEC guy, Hans Spakovsky (Sounds Russian…..) made this exact point yesterday
BIngo. This is pretty much the death knell for any argument that these payments were campaign expenditures. If he had no history of NDAs and hush money, it would be easier to argue that the ones during the campaign were solely because of the campaign. When its just business as usual, there’s no chance they can be campaign expenditures.
“I always pay off my whores” probably would have been a good first statement on this point, because no one is not going to believe that.
Instead he denied it at first, to which all of America thought “Oh yeah, he did this”. Then he said, if it happened I didn’t know about it, to which all of America thought “Oh my God, does he really think we believe he’s above doing something like this?”. And now his statement is back to, I don’t know anything about that, to which all of America is right now thinking “Does this guy want to get impeached? What is wrong with him? We all know who we elected. Stop lying about it.”
In reality, though, most of America isn’t even paying attention because they were promised Russia fever dreams and now they got a campaign violation. Lame.
Did he really deny it at first or was it a spokesperson (caught unaware) that denied it?
Or did the MSM say he denied it when he refused to answer? Because if there is a NDA, he is contractually bound to not answer even if the other party breaches the contract.
“Chelsea Clinton’s twisted argument about abortion and economic growth
The former first daughter spoke recently at a “Rise up for Roe” event in New York City, one of a series of meetings organized by NARAL and Planned Parenthood to oppose the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In the course of her remarks, she suggested that one way to strengthen support for keeping abortion legal and readily available is to emphasize what a boon Roe v. Wade has been for the US economy.
“American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy,” Clinton said. “The net, new entrance of women — that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973.”
As Clinton sees it, the freedom to destroy unborn children has been a powerful economic stimulus. Her argument is that by legalizing abortion nationwide, Roe freed more women to go to work unencumbered by motherhood, and those women over time have added $3.5 trillion to the US economy.
As a matter of history, economics, and — above all — morality, this is a singularly wretched argument.”
She forgot reduction in crime as well. Too bad the arguments against abortion aren’t utilitarian ones.
The Clintons seem to be fully devoid of morals in any case. Utilitarianism is all they have.
There is a utilitarian argument against abortion though: all those people would have boosted total productivitiy through the roof.
I am not making it, but it exists.
Do you know who else thought liquidating undesirables would lead to a better society?
Bear Sterns?
Bike Lock Idiot?
I think Chelsea Clinton is making the argument that since her mother is a net negative on society that she should have been aborted.
My little Steam Machine is Beating the crap out of my Dirty Stove, No scrubbing at all! Blast and wipe, I’ll never complain about cleaning the stove again.
Next is the Toilet bowl ring…
How is it for removing dead
call girlhooker blood from trunks?/asking for a friend
Michael Cohen is your friend?
Michael Avenatti most likely.
It would work well, I…. have experience
Just call the DNC. They’ll make it look like a robbery.
These euphemisms.
“Blast and wipe”
These euphemisms!!
LOL- CNN is not self-aware
The difference is of course that the Left uses mass shootings to go after law abiding gun owners, while the Right is using the murders committed by illegal immigrants to call for the deportation of illegal immigrants.
You’re a terrible woketarian
Observation: Friend on the left was complaining that Fox News, rather than report on the Cohen plea, was wasting time covering the “alleged” murder of some white girl by an undocumented immigrant. Two things: he would never in a million years watch Fox, so how does he know what they show (I see this across the political spectrum. People who never watch Fox/CNN somehow know exactly what stories they covering at all times of the day). Second, if the perp leads you directly to the dead body, we probably don’t need an “allegedly” qualifier.
That’s all. I’m out.
MSNBC said Fox was ‘obsessing’ over it.
How the left gets a single white vote from normies I’ll never know.
The contempt they hold for some Americans is amazing to watch.
Yeah, how dare Fox report on news that supports their narrative and ignore news that hurts their causes. What? DWS was involved in some shaddy shit. Who’s Imran? Never heard of him. Hey, did you know Russia is running a phishing scam? It’s super important.
“MSNBC said Fox was ‘obsessing’ over it.”
Yeah it’s the old, “Republicans seize” bullshit.
Someone had a tweet earlier showing the NYT headlines following mass shootings.
Obama didn’t “seize”, he “invoked” and “called for”. Because he was just better.
I watched a lot of Fox today essentially to avoid the excessive Cohen/Manafort non-sense elsewhere. I didn’t see any obsessing over the Tibbetts case and they carried interviews with Lannie Davis, former Obama DOJ and economic advisor interviews.
Fox did carry the Rivera arraignment live – so perhaps that is obsessive. That POS has a privately retained attorney.
Gee, I wonder who’s paying for the illegal alien farm hand’s lawyer?
That is the million dollar question.
I guess that’s it. MSNBC tells its viewers that Fox is “obsessing” over this murder and they take it as gospel.
The Tibbets story was a fairly big one for a month before the perp was identified.
Uffda. Minnesoda Man can be quite em-bare-assing at times.
DNR arrests a couple trouble makers cruising around the lake naked on some jet skis in Minnesoda. Minnesoda Man a) had his life jacket on (but no trunks) and b) had been drinking in moderation.
Barney Fife would be proud.
I believe him. I’ve lost my trucks on some epic water skiing wipeouts. I wasn’t drinking moderately however.
Lost your “trucks”? Sorry to hear that.
The euphemisms around this place.
Son of a… you guys are bullies!
It works better to use a powerboat to tow the waterskiers
Happy Birthday to Papa L. It also happens to be Mrs. TOK’s birthday. After this nightmare of a work day ends, I’m going home to have a Mexican feast with her and some friends.
Does that include pot and ass-sex?
Why do people on the Left always use the phrase “full stop” when they want to emphasize a point in their writing? It annoys the shit out of me. Full stop
There’s a lot there to unpack, but it will be a teaching moment when we do.
I just think that we should have a dialogue about this
I’m sure the intersections will be enlightening.
Let that sink in.
It’s a technique used to give the impression the intellectual line ends with them.
Minimum wage is good for the poor. Full stop.
We need carbon tax because the science is settled.
The the editorial equivalent of clap emojis.
Um, “It’s the editorial equivalent of clap emojis.”
WTF? Clap emojis?
Kids today are so fucking lazy they demand special emojis because it is too tiring to type out “Hey, I just got some test results back, you should get yourself checked out at the free clinic.”
Is there a “please clap” emoji?
We need a middle finger emoji. Or a ‘suck my dick’ one.
It’s in the standard, believe it or not.
I don’t know how to type emojis on this thing to give you an example.
I figured out how to do it with another app:
Taxation ?? is ?? theft ??
If you’re using Windows, it’s “Windows Key” + “.” or “;”
if it annoys you perhaps you should answer back as if it were a communication via telegram stop
as it happens they probably dont know where it comes from stop
it is not like western union realized 100 years ago people dont use the telegraph anymore and updated their business model stop
as you can now see this is equally annoying stop
sometimes mockery is the best way to get your point across fullstop
Because they think they are the captain of the ship and are in command of the bridge. Yelling full stop informs us plebes in the engine room what we should do.
Is this the next Watergate? Considering how that was because the MSM and the Deep State didn’t like Nixon rather than the things he was doing persay then the comparisons to Trump is quite apt. And we all know how Watergate lead to the reduction of the size of Government…
“Jilted woman, 27, sobs in court during murder retrial after cellmates say she shot dead her lawyer boyfriend after he dumped her for Miss Ohio 2012”
She seems a big clingy.
Wow. That dude was living the life…was.
Hell yes he was.
Oops. I thought those were two different women he was going out on a date with. It was captioning two pictures. Sue me.
He went outside the hot/crazy matrix tolerances. She went right past bunny-boiling 101 to the grad-level courses.
Hey, she’s cute. Are prison pen pals still a thing?
1st girl was cuter… if obviously more evil.
“‘I should not have to VALIDATE my queerness’: Nico Tortorella’s wife Bethany Myers reveals she was branded a ‘disgrace to the gay community’ because she is bisexual
Nico Tortorella’s wife Bethany Meyers has revealed that she was once called ‘a disgrace to the gay community’ because she’s bisexual. The painful remark prompted Bethany, 28, to open up in an honest Instagram post about her ‘terrifying’ coming-out and the struggles she has faced to embrace her sexuality and gender identity. Bethany, a fitness instructor in New York City, also wrote about her 12-year relationship with Nico, 30, who plays Josh on the TV series Younger and who, like Bethany, identifies as gender-fluid.”
That is like the entire story of the Millenial era in one paragraph.
Wouldn’t it be easier if someone just said, “Hey maybe there’s no ‘community’, and we can all do just what we want?”
*bemused chuckle followed by knowing nod*
I am so fucking sick of politics.
Too bad the politicians are not sick of controlling you.
That sounds like a real crisis – a politician will be along shortly with a solution (more government).
Mark Steyn observes that DWS’ Paki spy got probation. Meanwhile George Papadopoulos apparently didn’t make up enough exciting stories about Trumps so Mueller wants him to do real jail time for telling the FBI fibs.
Judge Tanya Chutkin gave Imran three months of supervised release.
TShe sn’t even an American. A fucking g jamaican. Fucking affirmative action hires. I will put ten bucks this stupid bitch isn’t so lenient on white men.
Did Trump hijack your account?
It’s shocking how when I read a story about a judge letting some Democrat politician off with no actual punishment, that they are always judges appointed by Democrats.
“We lefties are the superior race.”
At 10% of the population, you lefties are the LGBTQ of eye dominance.
We NEED impeachment so that the whole sorry spectacle plays out for months and months and ruins pretty much everyone who touches it.
I’m opposed to impeachment proceedings, regardless of the outcome, because impeachment proceedings are a win for the Deep State, regardless of almost any possible outcome. They don’t care about damage to the politicians; they care about sending a message that they are the arbiters of who will be permitted to take office. Inflicting damage on the political class, even if it doesn’t result in Trump’s remove or even impeachment, sends that message loud and clear.
Unfortunately I have to agree.
And need I remind you that the Deep State hates us?
I know that dbleagle is Hawaii based. Not sure if any other Glibs are.
Hope all is well there.
Another struggle session success.
Verizon admits their “errors” and begs for mercy in the court of public opinion. Fuck everyone in this story. The fire department procurement officer should be nailed to the wall for procuring goods and services that were insufficient. The fire chief should be nailed to the wall and burned alive for failing to supervise his procurement officer, approving the purchase of insufficient services, and whining like a little bitch when his own and his department’s free choices caught up with them. And screw Verizon for capitulating to the mob.
Anyway Trump. The guy is too blustering, arrogant and thin-skinned to defeat the Deep State but said behaviors are the only reason he goes after them in the first place. Great!
I don’t post much, but here’s a rant which clocks in at 481 words for you all.
Every now and then people wonder why the right can’t get a viable alternative to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. off the ground. Those same people often tend to argue that network effects and the leverage of the incumbents are the main reasons. While these are true, I think there’s another explanation.
The right, by and large, doesn’t support each other. Most people on the right on individualists – they believe you should be able to make it on your own, succeed on your own merits, and not rely on others’ support to get moving.
The left, on the other hand, goes out of the way to support each other. They are collectivists who actively prop up others in their collective while excluding anyone who isn’t part of their tribe. They’ll keep propping you up while you fail until you stumble upon a way to succeed. Sure they’ll turn on you viciously the moment you transgress, but knowing that to be true keeps those people they’ve supported in line.
It’s why guys like Comey and Strzok can raise half a million in a few days to support their (presumably forthcoming?) legal battles, while Trump’s former associates who are being railroaded have to go deep into debt and sell their homes to pay their legal bills. The right presumes their people should be fine in the long run and, since they’re innocent, will prevail on their own merits. The left presumes their people need the support of the collective and every dollar they can muster, then they all feel collective jubilation when something goes their way.
This also explains why any organization not explicitly right-wing eventually becomes left wing. Once any left wingers get in, they go out of their way to support other left wingers. This grows their presence in an organization until they dominate it, because right wingers don’t have similar tribal loyalty – it is allowed to happen because the right wingers presume the hires will succeed or fail on their own merits without accounting for the fact that the leftist collective will protect their own, so the presumptions only really apply to those who are apolitical or right wing.
So, why can’t the right create a tech titan? Because they’re money losing propositions for years before they reach critical mass. Left wing investors will prop up these organizations while they lose money for the explicit purpose of making them dominant so they can be used to support their politics, even if there’s no profitability in sight (see Twitter). Other investors expect the service to succeed and post profits in much shorter time frames, so they don’t get funded.
It happens in every industry that has the potential to wield influence over the masses. Publishing, media, tech, etc.
It’s very annoying.
End rant.
I’ve long noticed that the left move in lockstep even when they don’t agree on all the details. They’re playing the long game and it’s working.
It’s easy to move in lockstep when you’re a committed member of the church. There’s no real questioning involved.
Leftists believe in politics as praxis. There is no separation between the personal and political. The current generation has adopted their politics as religion.
Why do they dominate tech? Probably has a lot to do with the socialist belief that Utopia can be engineered. I think it also has to do with free money. There’s a bubble in tech and it engenders a belief that everyone can succeed and losers shouldn’t exist. Take a look at the relative economic politics of the Big 3 automakers in their prime as an example. They were under the false impression that they couldn’t lose, and as such they overpromised to their employees
So you’re saying in thirty years the Silicon Belt will be full of disgruntled software writers upset that their jobs got offshored to Indonesia, and they’ll vote for the outsider candidate with ties to China?
30 years? I’d give it no more than 10.
I’m just trying to follow the (rough) timeline of the auto industry.
Ah. Carry on!
But yeah, a lot of the grunt work is already offshored.
Strzok set his up such that it also would compensate him for ‘lost wages’, if he’s smart he’ll just pocket the half mil and buy a Maserati (if he doesn’t already have one).
We also know Trump’s associates *are* crooked (even if no more crooked than average), but the left doesn’t care that Strozk and Comey both deserved what they got because TEAM.
Well, I’d say they both deserved to get a lot more and harder.
Maybe, but compared to the suggested punishment of a suspension and demotion (for Stork), they got off worse than they expected.
Should they be in jail?
The people I know on the right could be fairly described as authoritarian collectivists who happen to love god and country. I would call very few of them individualists.
Good rant. Would read again. The right is more individualistic. You can’t get libertarians to agree on anything. It is like herding cats. And conservatives are cowards who won’t even defend the the ladies restroom.
There is infogalatic instead of Wikipedia, gab instead if Twitter and duck go duck instead of Google.
“University Bans Snowball Fights and Water Guns
Delaware State University has announced that it is banning snowball fights, water guns, super soakers, and most masks that cover the face out of concern that they could present “potential harm” to students.
Now, the school is claiming that it has enacted the new rules in order to create a “safe space” for students. But I think a truly safe space is one where you are allowed to experience the joy that some of life’s simplest pleasures have to offer.
Let’s face it: Snowball fights are pretty much the only good thing about this particular form of precipitation. Snow, after all, is generally terrible. It’s basically just chunks of freezing cold death that fall from the sky, which eventually melt and turn everything they’ve touched into mud. You’re forced to walk around cold and wet — and then cold, wet, and muddy — when all you’re trying to do is get to class. Sure, there are some people who get excited for things like the first snow, but I personally am not one of them. In fact, the moment I see those formidable flakes falling from the sky, I immediately start praying to God to save me from what is assuredly going to be four to five months of pure, shivering hell.”
Isn’t the whole point of college getting fucked up and doing stupid shit?
Thats called rape culture and toxic masculinity now.
I want to hit this person with my snowboard.
Snowballs I could see (maybe) — a wet one can get rock hard and do damage. But water guns and masks — what kind of harm can they do?
The idea of a mask attacking someone makes me think of Jim Carrey in The Mask.
Today would have been my Ma’s 77th bday. I miss my Ma. Go call yer Ma (unless she’s a raging bitch, I guess)
Or unless she’s dead.
My mom was raging, although I don’t know that I’d use the term bitch….
Awww. Happy birthday, KK’s Mom.
Lost my Mom 4 years ago (I know, that was careless!), and it’s still very difficult. When I’m having a stressful time, I dream about her. Not sure if it helps or hinders. It just is.
Sorry, SP 🙁
I haven’t had a mom dream in a while. It’s fine by me, because the ones that I had were kind of torture.
I dream about my mom (gone 10 years) all the time. Usually not “emotionally” or anything, just – she’s there. You spend that much time around someone, it’s bound to happen.
The missing part never goes away, SP and KK, the fond memories remain. That’s the good part though.
My dad’s birthday in 4 days, he’d be 125, were he still alive. He’s been gone nearly 50 years and I still miss him. Hard to believe, he was from the 19th century and I’m still here in the 21st.
Wow! That’s a mind-bender. I have one family member that I knew in person who was born in the 19th century (my 2x great aunt Hattie).
I know I won’t stop missing my mom. I’m to terms with it, as I’m sure you are. The memories are good ones for the most part.
My grandfather remarried and the new mother-in-law was still alive until I was about 7 or 8. She would have to have been in her 90s, since Grandma (technically step-Grandma, but I didn’t know Dad’s biological mother) was born in 1908.
I know the feeling. Six days ago would have been my Mom’s 97th birthday — lost her a little over 6 years ago.
Now it can be Told….
The Wife messed up Her one good foot at the Resort, so We bailed Home and took Her to the E.R. They admitted Her on Sunday night.
After a Minor surgery She certainly can’t put any weight on it so off to Convalesce at a rehab joint for the next two weeks. Fortunately it’s 4 blocks down the street from my house, so We won’t be lonely, and I can walk Bella over to see her Momma.
That sucks, how’d she hurt it?
Climbing out of the pool, She wrenched it sideways and opened up an old Wound, and we weren’t taking any chances with Swelling or infections, last time She lost her foot. HEY ALL YOU DIABETICS! Take care of yourselves
Well, take good care of her (not that you need me to tell you that), hope she’s feeling better soon.
And KK, my Mom would have been 77 in January last, I feel for ya
Back atchya
Sorry to hear that. Pretty shitty way to end a vacation.
Thanks, better a crappy vacation than not having anyone to vacation with at all.
I hear ya. Hope she comes out of rehab feeling better than ever.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry to hear that. Hope she gets better soon.
Thanks guys, i’ll let her know, She thinks we are all nuts here, but I’m happy, so She digs the Glibs
Sorry to hear it, Yusef.
Andrew Klavan’s Leftese Dictionary: G is for Guns
She’s the one who just reached the age where she notices that guys are all looking at younger women.
She seems quite bitter about it
This is why you never give in to their bullshit.
When they start doing equal work we’ll pay them equally.
Jackson’s Valley Campaign 1862 => A strategic overview of the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862. A classic campaign of maneuverability and a text book example of how to defeat your superior enemy in detail.
This should come in handy in future Total War campaigns I play.
As a taxpayer you already paid for this one (and a host of others) so download it for free.
This was a fantastic use of maneuver and operational level surprise which is still studied today. Even Sherman thought Grant was biting off more than the army could chew.
Check out the “Staff Rides” page for a host of staff rides and atlas materials. All available to you for $0 additional dollars.
“Drunk seductress, 36, who forced herself on a 14-year-old boy then falsely accused him of rape when he reported her is jailed for more than four years”
Sounds like someone who needs the noose.
Dershowitz thinks Trump didn’t break any laws, even if Cohen did.
I just had the opportunity to post this relevant movie clip in another thread the other day.
Ron Fucking Silver. Had to track this down to watch again. It’s a fantastic movie.
Moar retarded posturing
In the wake of Michael Cohen’s allegations that President Trump directed him to violate federal campaign finance law, Democrats are seizing the opportunity to state that they will not even bother to meet with Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) explained:
A president, identified as an unindicted co-conspirator of a federal crime – an accusation made not by a political enemy but by the closest of his own confidants – is on the verge of making a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. A court that may someday soon determine the extent of the president’s legal jeopardy. In my view: the Senate Judiciary Committee should immediately pause the consideration of the Kavanaugh nomination.
None of this makes any sense. Even if Trump were impeached or resigned, his vice president would then take over; Mike Pence would simply renominate Kavanaugh. The entire goal here is to prevent a vote from taking place on Trump’s pick at all. Now, Democrats have every right to try to stall Kavanaugh. But this is the latest intellectually dishonest excuse from Democrats, who killed the judicial filibuster years ago, and began the process of Borking Republican nominees decades ago.
*Standard disclaimer about Kavanaugh*, I still think they should go nuclear and confirm. It is what would be done to them of the tables were turned.
Remember that Schumer has never held a real job in his life. He went straight from law school to the NY Assembly, and then the US House and Senate.
“Celebrating the Manafort and Cohen verdicts…topless, naturally”
I feel sorry for the dogs.
Like she has anything to showoff…
Also, gross.
I’m not clicking that.
You can’t see the goodies. That would violate Twatter TOS. Possibly Geneva/Hague Conventions.
for a certain value of “goodies.”
Well, if I say “baddies” people are going to think I’m talking about video game villains…
What a weird fuck.
I hope you folks don’t mind me calling on the power of glibs for a financial question (I know the normal disclaimers).
I’ve had a bad habit historically when it comes to impulse buying, self control, etc. I’ve paid off and built up my credit card bills a couple times over the years – and currently I’m looking at about $25k or a little more (two cards). I think I’m finally in a better position location/career-wise – and slowly maturing (at age 37…..) to address this more directly.
I’m looking at the best/efficient option to take care of them and before taking the dive, wanted to see if anyone else had different opinions.
At the moment, I’m strongly considering a personal loan from my bank – USAA. I’ve previously bought and paid off a car with them in addition to two other personal loans – 1 x $25k, 1 x 5k (I’m about 3 payments away from finishing up the 2nd one).
I’m strongly considering a third loan from them to consolidate and pay off my credit cards – looking again at $25k for 5 years (depending on available interest rate). Thinking a $500-$600 monthly payment would be significantly faster and less painful monthly than my current credit card bills and vastly less interest (unless I’m missing something else). Should also rebuild my credit score from some other articles I’ve read.
Obviously, until I check on the site calculator and call them once this current one is completed, I won’t have a perfect idea regarding time/rates – but I think this would be manageable for the most part – I’ve still got 6 years left in the reserves in addition to my normal job.
The goal for normal work from here on out would be to pay off both cards completely (save the big USAA one for emergencies/special cases, and use the smaller Amazon Chase one for all gas purchases – paid off in full every month and then the occasional Amazon purchase) – and just use my debit card/checking account for everything else. I expect to be here for at least the next 2 years – although moving expenses, etc at that time could be a potential problem – but not necessarily.
Any thoughts here?
“At the moment, I’m strongly considering a personal loan from my bank – USAA. I’ve previously bought and paid off a car with them in addition to two other personal loans – 1 x $25k, 1 x 5k (I’m about 3 payments away from finishing up the 2nd one).”
How are you going to get this loan from the bank (meaning are you telling them it is to pay off credit cards and reduce your interest rate??)? You require collateral for loans that large, and most banks will deny you the loan even if it is not their credit card and thus they then don’t risk a serious loss of interest money? Most credit cards are over 15% and personal loans vary but are between 5%% and 15%. More importantly, if you were to get the loan, would you be OK if the bank told you you would not be allowed to now have a credit card?
Not sure either way. USAA has been pretty flexible to date. The first $25k one was the “New officer” special they offer (5%). They didn’t ask for a reason for the second loan – which was a 24 month $5k that I needed due to short term moving needs when I got off active duty.
If they ask, I’ll tell them – but I don’t plan on volunteering it unnecessarily. Having to give up one credit card would be doable if I paid it off at the same time.
Collateral? Is this an 80’s sit-com?
Get rid of your credit cards, theres probably a way to put a hold on the accounts, freeze your own credit (after you get the bank loan at a lower rate, if you can) so you can’t take out more credit cards.
Pay everything you need cash, if you don’t need it, don’t buy it.
Maybe look into some sort of counseling for compulsive behaviors? That is a very destructive way to treat your finances, what makes you think you won’t backslide again?
Reasonable consideration. I’ll look into it. I’ve been talking through some things with my therapist already and I think I’m getting better – again…for me stability in location, etc (as opposed to constant moves, etc) will help I think.
Regardless of what you do, get rid of the cards. If you really feel you need to keep one for emergencies, take it out of your wallet and lock it up.
^This, can’t pay Cash? You can’t afford it
If you have a 401k, take the loan from yourself, and then pay yourself 5% interest.
I could probably do a TSP loan – I know one of my sailors did it on my last ship a few years ago – I’ll check on the requirements for that too! – Right now that’s probably doable but Reserve pay is kinda weird. I’ll have to see if there are any options to pay separately/additionally since I don’t necessarily have a drill every single month.
Hmmm….this would also be a lot cheaper in terms of interest (and the interest goes back to my account)….good suggestion. I’ll probably work on this – also doesn’t look like it’ll have any “early payoff cost” since it’s going back to me!
All I know is what I hear on the radio and apparently “If you owe more than $5,000 in credit card debt, don’t let the credit card companies trick you into thinking you owe the whole amount.” So sounds to me your best option is not to let the credit companies push you around by wanting the money you borrowed back, just tell’em to DIAF.
Spend every penny you make.
Borrow as much as you can.
Die young.
Too much left to do 🙂
Then I guess you’ll have to pay it back.
Well, as someone who has carried my fair share of loans and personal debt, I have to ask why not just pay it off without a loan? It takes discipline but it’s the only best option. Getting loans for these things can be tricky. If you have a mortgage you could throw it in there.
Just ear mark an amount you feel you can dedicate to paying it off and stick to it. Let’s say $700, you can have that paid off inside four years. Not bad. Don’t fixate too much on the interest rate it’ll depress you and you can’t do much about that. Just reign in your expenses and get the payments under control.
I’m notoriously disciplined and pay things down very quickly.
My wife and I are both impulse buyers with terrible financial discipline and enormous debt. We’ve finally started to get our financial house in order over the past couple of years by adhering to a budget strictly but flexibly (sort of the same philosophy with successful diets and exercise routines), and by having a plan for paying back our various debts. In our case, the plan is to pay off one of our credit cards entirely and get the second one down to around a third of the credit limit. As I understand it, if you have bad credit, maintaining a low balance and making regular maintenance payments is the quickest way to get your score back up.
That doesn’t sound like your problem, though. In your case, and take this for what it’s worth, I think it would make sense to take a consolidation loan out if a.) the interest was significantly lower, and b.) you can change the way you think about credit so that you’re not just putting yourself right back in the same position, but this time with a loan payment on top of your credit card payments. If you’re not confident in that, and I know I wouldn’t be, you might be better off making minimum payments on one while making aggressive payments on the other. So if your minimum is like $100 maybe pay whatever you may have spent that month, the minimum, and tack like $200 on top. Yes, you’re going to lose money to interest charges, but the alternative–having a big loan payment AND then having to make payments on a card because an emergency came up or whatever–is worse.
The problem with consolidation loans it sometimes (always?) comes with the caveat of having to declare personal bankruptcy.
I could be wrong but it’s what I was told and knew someone who went through it.
Don’t be like me -it took me 23 years before I bought a new bike for cycling – but you get the drift.
Jeff Gordon Or Brad Paisley?
I was thinking David Hogg.
I thought it was Roger Federer for a second until I did a google search.
My vote for the next POTUS.
Well, they can’t be any worse than what we’ve had already, right?
Cynthia Nixon bringing the shade
It’s a little gross how many people in the comments (is that what they’re called on Twitter?) are looking at Cuomo as the selfless savior of New York from the Devil Trump, and the money he accepted from Trump was like Cuomo’s way of turning his evil against itself or some shit. Not just that Cuomo’s just another bog-standard career politician who may or may not have principles as an afterthought.