Well my daughter didn’t get sent home from school yesterday. So that’s good. And her teacher had a lot more energy and excitement about her when we dropped her off, which is also good. So my hopes are improving…unlike Orioles fans, whose hopes for avoiding a 110-loss season keep taking hits. They lost to the Blue Jays last night. Other winners were: Atlanta, Cleveland, Chicago (AL), San Francisco, Tampa, Milwaukee, Oakland, and St Louis. And Liverpool beat Crystal Palace 2-0, although the penalty called for the first goal was admittedly weak.

Genius taken too soon
The birthdays we celebrate on this date include: gangster Bugsy Moran, band leader Count Basie, animator Friz Freling, hockey legend Toe Blake, (better than his son-)sportscaster Jack Buck, sex-master and top five basketball players of all time Wilt Chamberlain, country musician Kenny Rogers, the late, great genius Joe Strummer, bassist Glenn Hughes, drummer Steve Smith,actress Kim Cattrall, French cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, billionaire Sergey Brin, killer Amy Fisher and world’s fastest man Usain Bolt.
Its also the day on which: the Mongol civil war ended at Xanadu, Nat Turner led a slave uprising, the Venetian blind was patented, William S Burroughs patented the adding machine, Babe Ruth hit his 600th home run, “Bambi” hit theaters, Hawaii joined the union, Romania adopted their constitution, Rollie Fingers became the first pitcher to record 300 saves, Latvia declared independence from the Soviet Union and Randy Weaver’s son was murdered by FBI agents.
Now to…the links!

Idiot 1
Ever the attention whore, Madonna goes full asshole during the MTV Music Awards tribute to Aretha Franklin. There was some other social signaling, as expected. But I only know because I read it this morning. Its not like I wasted my time watching that festival of the absurd.
Looks like the left have returned to one of their standards: destruction of property rather than a reasoned debate. The statue, erected 105 years ago, was pulled down as police stood idly by and allowed the mob to do what mobs do. But I’m sure these asshats will quit when thy get what they want and it won’t spiral out of control…like its done throughout history.

Idiot 2
A portrait of the artist asshole as a young man. (With apologies to James Joyce.) This sociopath is in for a long and unhappy life unless he unscrews his head from his sphincter. Because eventually the media will get tired of him and then he’ll just be another douchebag with delusions of grandeur who probably resorts to strangling puppies as he slides further into mental illness.
Yeah, it might be hypocrisy, but Harvey Weinstein still might want to sit this one out. I mean…yeah, he might want to sit this one out.
Looks like the Almeda County (CA) Sheriff’s Office has some explaining to do. Just kidding. The taxpayers will foot the bill for this and nobody will get much more than a few free weeks of paid vacation and overtime to supplement their income as they rotate through “training”.
Yeah, I’m wondering who the fuck thought this was a good idea. I’m hoping their explanation of their HR Dept being hacked is accurate, because if not, they may as well start shuttering the building because they aren’t going to be in business very long.
I applaud these officers for their restraint. No, seriously. I do. This could have ended in bloodshed and miraculously it didn’t.

Idiots 3 and 4
In their defense, they’re probably really tired after beating up teenagers all night. Or all day. I’m not sure what shift they were working. A police spokesman said “Officers will face discipline”. Yeah, I’m sure they will.
States move to put the genie back in the bottle. Best of luck with that, dickheads. We’ve got it published here. Feel free to send me a cease and desist.
One song won’t do today. Because this guy was so diverse. So I played three. And I’m sad I never got to see them live.
Go have a great day, friends.
I’m sitting here hitting refresh. I want to avoid being first. But too much time has already passed. You people have let me down. Perhaps for the final occasion.
To be fair, the links are early.
Plus you didn’t comment on the links so technically not a first.
Easy player, you’re humbleBrag is showing
YOUR A MORON /grammar pedant
Some of us work you know
Ooh look at Mr. Humility here
Oh, no. I’m sure we will let you down again.
If you’re really talented, you’ll get a first, second, *and* third on the same post.
“The statue, erected 105 years ago, was pulled down as police stood idly by and allowed the mob to do what mobs do. But I’m sure these asshats will quit when thy get what they want and it won’t spiral out of control…like its done throughout history.”
Why do conservatives think they need guns when they also think police will protect them?
So when it comes down to it, the cops will stand by as the mob comes and rips you apart, or they will be the ones loading you on trains. Either way they are worse than useless.
I’m curious as to why only part of what it said was quoted.
The other part said “the real reason we’re mad is because this guy rebelled against the Almighty Federal Government” and that kinda takes away their holier-than-thou credibility.
A world without white supremacy. Yeah. Thinking that we live in a world with white supremacy because the US had slavery once and Jim Crow was a thing until about sixty years ago is kind of the same mentality that calls the MLB championship the “World Series”. Seriously, go tell some South Africans about white supremacy and privilege today.
*Rolls eyes and thinks about not commenting but decides I absolutely must in order to once again destroy this bullshit*
Baseball is played in many places. The best players *in the world* play in the MLB. It is the highest venue for the sport, hands-down-bar-none.
So the World Series represents the pinnacle of competition for the sport in the fucking solar system and beyond. The fact that a bunch of loser countries don’t play baseball for cultural/historical reasons does nothing to impugn the level of play demonstrated during the World Series.
Ok. What are the two leagues called again?
The “League That Plays with 9 Men on Offense and Defense” and the League that Doesn’t Follow such a Basic Principle and Plays a Poor Facsimile of Baseball.”
The MLB represents the best baseball in the world and the teams don’t give a shit where the players are from. It’s Broadway and the Gold Theater. It’s Wall Street. It’s Hollywood. It’s where every child wants to be in the bottom of the 9th with two outs in Game 7 when they’re playing whiffle ball in the back yard.
Soccer is diversified. England, Spain, Italy, Germany etc. all have top tier teams in different leagues. In baseball, the best players *all* aspire to play in MLB. It’s the universal peak of the discipline. That’s simply not true with other sports (save NFL, but that really is a distinctly American sport).
When all the best on Earth strive to play in one (ok, fine, TWO) specific league(s), it ain’t bullshit to call it the World Series, regardless if 97% of the teams play in the US. The demographic make-up of the teams is more diversified than ever before.
Play the best. Be the best. And that’s *here* the world over.
Um, the NBA called and would like a word.
I see your point, but I leave you with the following quote from Eddie Izzard:
The World League and the International League, why do you ask?
You know who else thought they were on the right side of history…
Every jackboot thug ever?
Quasi religious righteousness is why this collectivist shit always ends with death camps, misery, and more death. Be it the usual communist (which today’s commies tell you was not the real deal or had the wrong people in charge) or fascist (despite the propaganda by the left to make people forget the fascists were socialists) shit, people die, misery reigns supreme, and it all is bad luck or something.
“We are part of a long tradition of civil rights in this country”
I didn’t realize property destructing was a civil right.
You’re 23 years old. You just started shaving. Are you even from North Carolina? You’re part of a long tradition of jack shit, son, unless you count young idiots pitching fits and being full of themselves.
C’mon guys. Give the kids a break. They are so desperate to LARP as Freedom Riders of the ’60s that they have to manufacture some sort of racism to be against.
Our country has let them down. We could have doubled down and kept denying basic civil rights to minorities, but no….. We had to go and let MLK and others convince us through argument and persuasion that the country needed to change. We didn’t even think of how that would fuck up the kids of today. The fucking bastards even swapped around on gay rights in record time.
Don’t these assholes know the damage they are doing to these kids? How can they prove that they would stand in defiance against the majority for the civil rights of all if the goddam majority is also in favor of civil rights for all?
What tickles me in a strange way is the fact that these dolts mindlessly joining these violent mobs pretty much proves that they would have joined the majority mobs back in the day against segregation.
They are joiners not thinkers.
They now would like to get a chance to kick your ass for outing the truth about them, Jimbo…
::hides flag::
All the good fights have already been fought, and won! Who do we get to sucker punch indignantly?
Reminds me of my favorite Ken M post.
I know I’m late to the party (as usual), but:
There’s a black national anthem? Is this a thing? Were the non-black people allowed to sing? It seems kind of divisive to me, but what do I know.
Destroy the Four Olds!
Nuh huh. They will leave the Constitution Alone despite the fact that slaveowners wrote it.
Looks like the left have returned to one of their standards: destruction of property rather than a reasoned debate. ”
By “reasoned debate” you mean the left gets it’s way right? because if it doesn’t it immediately resorts to destruction of property.
“We blame global warming. If it was cooler, they wouldn’t be so violent. And corporations are the cause of global warming. Corporations made up of white people.
Therefore, kill all white people.”
-white people with the free time to do this LARPing
I bet you that if we were to dig into the details about your usual antifa douche, we would find out that they are all kids of well off families with a desperate need to feel their lives matter.
Not all are wealthy, many are middle class, you nailed the desperate need to find meaning in their lives. Almost all of them are nihilistic atheists with no families and few skills/ hobbies/ accomplishments. Most were neglected by their parents and grew up without any values being instilled into them or any solid accomplishments to give them a sense of self and meaning.
Someone should recommend they just go play GTA and stop their LARPing.
Go to the gym, learn some marketable skills/ get a real job, and settle down and start a family.
Yeah, these dudes think they are above that routine shit. They are special….
Fat, drunk and leftist is no way to go through life….
Ever the attention whore, Madonna goes full asshole during the MTV Music Awards tribute to Aretha Franklin. There was some other social signaling, as expected. But I only know because I read it this morning. Its not like I wasted my time watching that festival of the absurd. – I mean Aretha is dead she don’t need publicity. And anyhoo sales usually go up anyway when a singer dies. But Madonna is alive and has not had that much publicity lately. So it makes kinda sense.
It’s nice to know that some things will never change.
The kid and I managed to flip by that channel right as it was starting. I watched the whole train wreck.
1) What the fuck was she wearing? I figure the only reason she isn’t being hammered for cultural appropriation is because it was so ugly no one wants credit
2) The transcript doesn’t do justice to how stiff her delivery was. Hostage videos have had more natural delivery
3) Yeah, it was all about her. It is sort of fun to watch a narcissist who built a career on her sex appeal thrash around on stage as an old woman that no one wants to see naked.
Yeah, I’m wondering who the fuck thought this was a good idea. I’m hoping their explanation of their HR Dept being hacked is accurate, because if not, they may as well start shuttering the building because they aren’t going to be in business very long. – I do not think they would be stupid enough to do it, so either hack or employee who wanted to hurt the company.
Or it’s another version of the “racist scrawl on a receipt” scam.
I’m embarrassed I didn’t think of that.
They kept her overnight?!
There’s a difference in being sent home and being picked up.
-out-pedanting a pedant
Funny you mistake jokes for pedantry.
Can’t it be both?
Sloop didn’t have his jokes reading gloves on.
Are you trying to say Sloopy reads comments in Braille?
::opera applause::
“States move to put the genie back in the bottle. Best of luck with that, dickheads. We’ve got it published here. Feel free to send me a cease and desist”
So these states arguing that they should dictate how the state department works? Specifically that the state department should not reach a settlement because if reasons that don’t touch on the state departments authority (namely limiting export if weapons). It should be noted that the state department tried this with PGP encryption, and lost on free speech grounds. This was a losing fight for them.
But they need something to fundraise off of. Won’t somebody think of the poor campaign staffers?
Because that’s all this is about.
Leftist brings wrong flag to protest gets beat up by Antifa
All’s well that ends well
“Liberals get the bullet too”
I said it last night and I’ll say it again: homeboy needs to get woke and take the red pill, because Antifa beating someone for flying an American flag tells you everything you need to know about their motivations.
You know he was a real leftist and not a plant because he actually lost that fight.
He is the only win in antifa’s fight record. Sort of like how Texas is the one win Mexico has.
Texas won that one at San Jacinto. Unless you mean the Alamo or Coleto Creek which were battles that Texas lost before winning the war.
I was snidely referring to the Alamo. When I was in the Marines, I could always get the Texans revved up by telling them that they were the one win in Mexico’s record.
They’d go crazy and rant about how they won the war and how amazing the defense at the Alamo was.
I only did it when I got tired of them doing the usual Texan bragging bullshit. Texans and Hoosiers were always the most insufferable two states. Citizens from either refuse to acknowledge Minnesoda as the greatest state evah!
Mexico also won a pretty large battle against France you know.
Although the Mexican general was born in Texas…
I only did it when I got tired of them doing the usual Texan bragging bullshit.
Well, it is the only state that used to be its very own nation, and it did win its very own war of independence, so there’s that.
*tips cowboy hat over eyes, leans back in rocking chair*
California and Hawai’i disagree.
California? I thought the US took it from Mexico.
Hawaii? OK, maybe, but I’m not sure it quite got to the nation-state level.
The Republic of California still existed, even if it was mainly a vehicle for annexation, and the Kingdom of Hawai’i had formal diplomatic regcognition from the US and Europe. If anything, the coup and new constitution for the Kingdom were illegitimate and we should never have annexed Hawai’i.
If I knew that about Ha’waii, I had forgotten about it.
Death by junkfood…
Who could have though that is not the natural food of alpacas?
Florida man sure did…
The village bicycle of alpacas?
Aw nuts!
The funny thing is that the only natural food he dumped is what killed the dumb animal. The junk food didn’t do shit.
I went to a fiber art thing this weekend, and there’s animals for sale/ show there. It’s like a combination 4H – yarn store – vendor thing. Anyway, there are always alpacas there, and I have always wanted one.
I want a couple llamas. For no rational reason. They are really cool, though.
Same here. That, or an angora rabbit. But then we’d have poop everywhere.
You have watched too much Napoleon Dynamite brah.
Real cultural revolution shit. And what the Red Guards destroyed did have some nasty history too…
Exactly. Stuff like this is the test balloon of radical groups that want to see how far they can push before the nightsticks start swinging. This has zippy to do with protesting racism.
In their defense, they’re probably really tired after beating up teenagers all night. Or all day. I’m not sure what shift they were working. A police spokesman said “Officers will face discipline”. Yeah, I’m sure they will. – I mean getting a round of drinks at the bar counts as discipline
Rand Paul Is a Russian Stooge Because Russia Is the Libertarian Wet Dream Come True
TW: the cake eating article and the comments
You can’t expect them to understand how principles work.
They are, however, great with principals.
Solipsism & Projection?
These morons would not know how to use facts, logic, or reasoning to make their way out of an outhouse and are likely to be the types that think putting an elevator in said outhouse would be a great idea.
Leftists say they want maximum equality for everyone but that’s a lie. What leftists actually want is a society where the party apparatchiks control everything; the money, the power, the government.
Not going to click on the link, but just from what you quoted:
“Libertarians say they want maximum freedom for everyone but that’s a lie”
Technicality, we want peaceful society, which would result in no one stressing on others. But not a lie.
“What libertarians actually want is a society where the ultrawealthy control everything; the money, the power, the government.”
Not what a libertarian has ever stated, but ok. Its easy to argue when you stipulate your opinion as facts. But in my view a libertarian society would have less power, and less incentive for the concentration of that power.
“As a happy byproduct, this “freedom” just happens to also place white heterosexual men (which libertarians overwhelmingly are) at the apex of society ”
If you want to take historically ‘libertarian’ societies, only the British and to some extent French communities count. But that is drawing the wrong conclusions.
“with women, minorities, and everyone else that the right despises reduced to vassals to the ruling class.”
That’s why libertarians were the only group fighting for gay rights, while the last Democratic president campaigned on keeping marriage between a man and a woman.
“The rich live exactly how libertarians dream life should be: Completely free from all legal, ethical, and moral constraints.”
The old you think you are free to do anything.you ‘misunderstad’ the philosophy.
Final score:
Argumentation: 5year old
Logic: Fluke Worm
Heroic Mulatto?
In other words, libertarians want an oligarchy with the presumption that they’ll be one of the oligarchs, or at least one of those elites chosen to enforce their will.
Nailed it.
Because these communism peddlers never think they are going to be anything but members of the oligarchy and are just going to be part of the masses suffering nobly, I bet, huh?
Russia Is the Libertarian Wet Dream Come True
I had a co-worker who visited Peru tell me how Peru was a libertarian paradise because lack of roads, road maintenance and traffic enforcement. Words have no meaning to leftists.
Sure, it’s an oppressive police state
IOW, not “libertarian”, but you know that.
Should He Ask His Girlfriend To Have a Threesome With His Ex-Wife?
I’m in a relationship of five years. My girlfriend is great. We got together during my divorce. My ex-wife blames her for our failed marriage but she actually left me before my girlfriend showed up. My girlfriend has always been a bit possessive when other femails are around but I made it worse by cheating on her with my ex-wife two years ago and she understandably has trust issues when I’m around other women—or worse when I talk with my ex-wife, which we have to do. (We have kids.) The thing is I have vivid sexual dreams about my ex-wife regularly and often think about getting with her. We text daily and often flirt. Sex between us is very very good for the both of us and my ex-wife wants an ongoing sexual relationship with me. I don’t want to hurt my girlfriend but I’m getting weak. I’d love to involve my ex-wife in the bedroom with us. If it were to happen I would want it to be on-going because my girlfriend is bi and wants to fulfill my MFF fantasy but not with my ex-wife although my ex-wife said she’s down.
Go for it! ::chortle::
Yeah, this is gonna play out well.. That is, if it is even real.
isn’t it more fun to pretend it is real?
Yeah, 99% chance that’s someone’s made up fantasy. 1% chance there’s an actual big enough idiot to try that out there.
If Jerry Springer has taught us nothing else, it’s that all things are possible.
Sounds like if he just got rid of the girlfriend he’d pretty much have the perfect marriage.
Pfft.. There is no such thing as a perfect marriage.
Mine is.
/angling for funtimes since wife reads the comments
You owe me…
Perfect with a shelf life measured in the weeks left before SP hits the big One Oh.
George Costanza agrees.
My ex-wife blames her for our failed marriage but she actually left me before my girlfriend showed up.
How often is that a shit test to see if you’ll try to make it work once confronted with the end? If you meet another chick during the shit test, your ex is going to blame her when you fail the shit test.
I feel like he’s taking the easy way out here. Take it up a notch – do either or both of them have sisters?
Dear Penthouse…
…I’m 80 years old and this had never happened to me before…
Back to the discussion on YouTubers last week: why don’t people like Rubin? Is it his goofy voice? Simplistic takes?
I actually like the guy. He’s goofy and agreeeeeees with everyone, but he has a good selection of guests. The others around here hate him cuz he’s a fag. I’m not a bigot.
Mostly the simplistic takes and his obnoxious self promotion. I remember when he was screaming all over social media cause he was not included in an article about the ridiculous IDW
I don’t dislike Rubin, I just find him boring. He rarely has anything interesting to say or add to the discussion.
wait don’t like is not necessarily dislike, is it? dislike implies caring about an issue…
He’s like a Mormon used car salesman. There’s nothing identifiably dishonest or slimy about the guy, but Youtube is the used car lot of desperate online self-promoters. At least Shapiro subs in for terrestrial radio shows.
liberal in the US sense values are not really values as they are unprincipled and change depending on the need.
Principals over principles..
I mean say what you will about the tenets of national socialism…
Bam. Hit the nail right on the head. The left in this country is not liberal in any sense of the word.
That’s not liberalism, that’s prog rock.
So, does he continue in this manner or is this just the build-up to “desperate times call for desperate measures” ?
No idea where it’s going, but so far it’s painting hippies as the inheritors of Trump’s America, because progressives got too hidebound and shrill.
Actually, that’s the end of the essay. I think the third-to-last paragraph re: liberal puritanism (which is as good a description of progressivism as any), is the best in the piece.
I jumped in about half way down and then read to the end, it was a pretty good read. As you already noted, the author kept to his theme and didn’t veer off into “oh well, we can’t afford any of those liberal values in Trump’s America”. I enjoyed reading about Kitten Holiday and her realization that her liberal friends only valued her curiosity and non-conformity up until the point where she went off the reservation into Nazi-town.
Who wants friends like that? Who could stand to spend more than a few minutes with someone whose amity is wholly contingent on what cable news network one watch, or who one follows on Twitter? Who would want fans who feel it their prerogative to dictate one’s craft to suit their political preferences? Who wants to belong to a political community that turns the guns inward and rabidly polices its borders against defectors? When your vanguard is beating one of its own members bloody because he showed up with the wrong flag, does one stop to question whether the movement has lost the plot?
The permanent state of outrage must be exhausting, but the vicious misanthropy has to be deadening.
When life is meaningless and politics is your identity, this shit becomes necessary to provide purpose/meaning. That’s why these proggies get so bent out of shape as well. If you tell them about the failures of their ideology, you are calling them failures. It’s personal.
I cannot. I have had internet friends for years and years who are screaming things like “If you’re a Trump supporter, you are scum,” never knowing that people they care about might, in fact, like Trump. Is this really what you want to do to people you purport to care about?
I’m tired of knowing that if my “friends” knew what I REALLY thought, I would be discarded like trash. And so I quietly unfriend them not because they hold opinions counter to mine, but because they see people who hold opinions different from theirs as scum.
Same here; my friends list has dwindled considerably. First it was all the “patriots” with war boners, then it was the copsuckers, now it’s the TDS sufferers.
I think I’m most offended by the idea that Madonna represents my “race”
Douchy whore?
I might be white, but I’d be hard pressed to use a color as a verb/ I don’t really care.
Do you want me to black out the comment then?
*golf clap*
Man, there was some racist shit in those tweets. I’m glad that we’ve come to a place in American history where the wokest Twitterati of color can drop the equivalent of “watermelon-eating spear-chucker” all over the place and then yell at you because black people can’t be racist.
speaking of alpacas
Aussie bikies accused of stealing alpaca and having sex with it
I’m trying to imagine the social club meetings where it’s being discussed.
“What are we doing this weekend?”
“I’m really jonesin’ for some sweet sweet alpaca love”
So this guy is on a ship that goes down in the tropical pacific, and while he is the sole human survivor, he manages to save a bunch of animals. Being a real handyman, they guy proceeds to set himself up with lodging, a steady source of food, and even some creature comforts from what he manages to salvage from the wreck and from the stuff on the island inhabited by some wild game that he lands on. Months go buy and he starts ‘jonesin’ for some lovin, and one day decides the one cow he saved will have to fill the roll. Weeks goes buy as he plans, executes and fails at every attempt to get the cow penned up so he can get some. One day he is sitting on the beach when he spots an airplane in distress that drops into the water. He quickly swims out there and manages to save one of the passengers. A beautiful and curvy woman of incredible attractiveness. When she regains contentiousness she is so happy to see she was saved by a bronzed guy now in great shape from natural living that she offers to do whatever he may want to repay him. The guys doesn’t waste a second to demand she hold the cow so he can plow it.
Sure it was something like this that made them Aussies go for the Alpaca.
I really think its cute that they call biker gangs “Bikies”.
I didn’t know there were so many Virginia Tek alums in Australia
The cop’s title is Strike Force Raptor Acting Sergeant? They have a Strike Force Raptor? To investigate alpaca sex? When reality becomes this surreal I have to wonder if maybe I’m actually in an asylum somewhere and everything I remember about the last 30 years is just a long sustained psychotic break.
It’s clear which pill you took. Or is it?
I can’t decide if the author of that piece likes him or is trying to subtly ridicule him.
Tater, the family terrier (allergic to grass but fond of tangerines and bananas),
Now I even hate that prick’s dog.
Holy shit, the narcissism on that little prick is monumental.
That’s an understatement…
That kid has the lust for fame of a school shooter.
“It is remarkable to watch — Hogg with his stoic poise, his David Byrne cheekbones and wide-set stare, his grave expression and small impatient nods of understanding, narrating the day’s atrocities.”
Jesus Christ this country needs a hero.
Pajama boy didn’t suffice?
I know, right?
I figured ‘stoic’ was toxic masculinity. Funny how they show him in a strong, silent, understanding way, almost like a…father. I need a manual for this shit….
Did you get the movie reference?
I got the whole staged marxist dictator reference for sure.
There is that, and honestly it is similar mentality, but I was referring to ‘Young Guns’.
We don’t need another hero….
That’s when he lost it, alone in the car, screaming “Fuck!” again and again at the top of his lungs and hammering his fists on the dashboard.
Big deal, I do that when traffic rolls to a stop on the interstate.
>>regulation-skeptical views
::dies laughing::
Instead, libertarians should hope for a left-Democrat caucus strong enough to extract concessions (yet, ideally, too weak to determine the party’s economic agenda). – Is this naive or stupid? hard to tell. I don’t know what make one think left-Democrat are in any way good for freedom.
Ask Terry Michael, he would know.
Oh, how I hated that mendacious fucker’s pieces at TOS
Weed, Mexicans and Ass-Sex.
Libertarians can trust good faith from the Democratic Socialists who, unlike the Republicans, openly call Libertarians and their policies evil.
I don’t know where you come from but Republicans do call libertarians evil.
Fair enough. My point is that Republicans treat libertarians like shit despite some libertarianish rhetoric while the DemSocs don’t even bother with any libertarianish rhetoric and if anything think the GOP is too libertarian so I highly doubt the DSA is going to honor any “compromises” they make with libertarians.
Whose definition of “Compromise”? Are we talking “both sides give something” compromise? or “give me half of everything I want and get nothing” compromise?
The latter most likely…
“so I highly doubt the DSA is going to honor any “compromises” they make with libertarians.”
Nor will the GOP or DNC or any other party.
You only need to compromise with people able to challenge you.
True. Not helping matters is that Libertarians are shitty pragmatists and don’t have enough influence.
Wanting to be left alone and leaving others alone are not common traits. Most people want to control others.
Indeed, as a Democrat-voting libertarian
Does TOS know one of their staff is moonlighting for Harvard’s paper?
The process of elimination is powerless in this case.
So, on that inspiring note, let’s suspend disagreement on marginal tax rates. Let’s bring together everyone who agrees that people who weaponize state power to enrich themselves or rip families apart should not blissfully carry on at Mexican restaurants.
Yeah, I mean, that’s appropriating peasant culture. Go to the steak house like every good oligarch.
Remind me who’s in charge in the places with the most police corruption?
Are you implying that Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit are NOT Republican strongholds?!
I don’t know if Detroit has enough cops left to make a meaningful contribution to police corruption.
I am more inclined to believe the story about the guy that wants a threesome with his ex-wife and new girlfriend than the pile of shit written by this marxist douche.
Well given that threesomes have in fact occurred and that Leftists have never in fact supported liberty…
It’s the Democratic office holders who are weaponizing state power to enrich themselves.
or rip families apart
They are still going with this even though it is so patently out of context? Jeez…
I’ll give it to Nader, that old libertarian-progressive rabble-rouser
Lol. You are not a serious person.
drummer Steve Smith
I went to my favorite local fried chicken place yesterday and the young lady working behind the counter was named Morgan, so naturally I made a Tombstone reference. She didn’t respond, so I mentioned the character from the film.
She had never seen it. Instead (she explained), her mother had named her after a character on the TV series Boy Meets World.
The classics are lost to kids these days, I tell ya.
Who hasn’t seen Tombstone? I think TNT plays it every other weekend.
Who has cable?
Arthur Zimmermann?
What’s a TNT ?
Trinitrotoluene. Goes boom.
It’s dynamite!
It’ll win the fight!
It’s the power load!
Not Morgan La Fey?
also the damn music kids listen to these days
I tried to bestow the nickname “Turkey Creek” on my son. Alas, it didn’t take.
Dude, cowboys are apex shitlords. Nobody under 30 has ever seen or heard of one.
I’ve seen Tombstone and wouldn’t get the reference. It’s not one of my quotable quote movies like Real Genius and Labyrinth (Shut up. I’m a girl.)
Speaking of Labyrinth, a spousal hire women’s studies professor I know saw that movie as an adult and was laughing about its David Bowie sausagefest and completely missed the whole female-self-empowerment coming-of-age sexual-awakening hero’s-journey themes. Professor. Women’s studies. Missed the entire point.
To be fair, though, Dave’s packin’ in that movie. Every woman I’ve ever heard talk about Labyrinth mentions, at some point, David Bowie’s package as a transitional moment in their development.
Also part of the point of Sarah’s sexual awakening, and that of every girl who saw it at about that age (including me). It wasn’t some horny costumer’s whimsy that he’s on explicit display. [Insert gushy film frame-by-frame breakdown of themes and motifs.]
I have always been impressed that the male writers wrote a woman-child so well it was spooky.
I suppose it can be both symbolic and, you know, real, real literal. Like cover my kid’s eyes literal. Like tell my wife to unpause the scene already literal.
I will not deny that I have paused on the scene where he is in the tunnel right before the cleaners go barreli–
I may have said too much.
You know, I always wondered why my wife is so attached to that movie, and I had never considered this angle to it.
We didn’t GET IT then. We just knew it was RIGHT.
Bowie’s package?
The best performance in that film is ‘the bulge.’
It’s not one of my quotable quote movies
A proper gent could express himself reasonably well for his entire life using only Doc Holliday quotes from that movie.
You’re my huckleberry.
Tombstone not quotable??? Well, bye…
Can you hammer a 6″ nail through a board with your penis?
Ha! We just watched that last week and I forgot about that scene. My kids (15 boy, 14 girl) both look at me and start laughing hysterically. My wife just rolled her eyes.
Not at this moment.
A girl’s gotta have her standards.
Unfortunately now, as I have aged a bit, I can only do a 5 inch nail…
You could shoot a lucky star through that gap in her teeth.
They’re borderline donkey-sized.
Take a bow. That was a good one.
Easy, we don’t want to turn Scruffy into a pre-Madonna.
I really thought we were doing Madonna puns here, I am very disappointed.
*kicks pebble*
Every State AG suing for an injunction against Defense Distributed is a pile of hot garbage. Donating to SAF yesterday was the easiest legal/political contribution decision I have ever made. Tax deductible too!
I’ve seen any number of lefty sites using the Mercatus Center report as an a-ha! See, Medicare will be cheaper!
Fact checkers have a Medicare-for-all problem
In their dreams.
Even if it was an amazing as they paint it, they are still forcing the burden of paying for it on to the economic producers. Also, what are you going to do about the millions of unemployed insurance workers? The doctor shortages resulting from doctors going private or quitting? And so on…
Nobody in the medical profession will quit. The state will make sure of that…
Not sure why Sessions doesn’t round up all these assholes under RICO for Civil Rights violations.
Letting these assholes do what they are doing is better IMO because it allows people like that Bernie bro they beat up to get a dose of reality while showing everyone how fucked up these people are.
I bet that isn’t the lesson the kid will learn. He’s more likely to turn into one of his abusers.
I was going to say the same thing. He’s going to be more radicalized. ‘It was his fault for bringing that flag there’
Then I hope he gets his ass kicked again and again.
Somebody would have to wake him up and explain the whole thing to him. Doesn’t seem worth the trouble.
Weinstein is still fingering actresses. I bow to his chutzpah.
/lights the Swiss signal.
Today’s example of the media trying to help save the Republicans and DRUMPF from themselves. Trump Is Dooming Republicans By Feeding Red Wave Delusions.
You mean like how the media continues to insist there was RUSSIAN COLLUSION with zero facts to back up that claim?
Trump continues to insist that a “red wave” is coming with zero data or election results to back up his claims
Wasn’t that the prevailing orthodox on November 7th, 2016 as well?
Lol. Nate silver: being the least wrong means you are right.
How many people will be rushing to the polls just so they can get a second taste of the tears they guzzled in 2016?
Yeah, it isn’t backed up with real news facts like THE BLUE WAVE!!!!
Cop was supposed to arrest woman. They had sex instead, prosecutor says
Either a conspiracy nut just died of natural causes, or a reporter got too close to the long rumored truth of pedophilia in the Clinton circle.
I know a lot of it is six degrees of separation type of stuff that gets overblown, but it really is remarkably the number of people in the Clinton sphere of influence who have died under strange circumstances.
When there is this much “circumstance”, one might be excused for wondering if there is something there…
If Trump had this many bodies in his life he’d be under arrest. I have no idea if there’s anything to claims that the Clintons have had people whacked or if there’s a “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” thing happening, but I’m just saying if there was a roller coaster on which every tenth rider or so died, nobody would ride it. What’s most suspicious to me is how much the mainstream media ignores the Clinton’s passive kill count.
The sleeping cops story reminds me of an amusing episode when I was deployed to Uzbekistan. The USAF had some AC-130 gunships based there. AF security forces guarded the flightline as a result of that. On our drive out to our radar site, we would pass by the gate where the AF guys would sit in their Humvees. One night we passed by and noticed that they were asleep. One of our guys was inspired, went back to our tents, and got a bar of soap. He used it to write “SHHHHHH WE’RE SLEEPING” on the windshield. In the drizzly rain that was frequent in Uzbekistan in the fall, the writing would show right up. Then we took pictures. I wish I still had them.
Airbnb property owners in France face discrimination claim
Several French holidaymakers are preparing to file a discrimination complaint with France’s rights watchdog, claiming they were refused holiday rentals on online booking sites on the basis of their north African names.
The French journalist Merwane Mehadji told a France Inter radio investigation that discrimination was happening when bookings were made. “I wanted to book an apartment or house in Marseille on Airbnb or Abritel,” he said. Twice, the booking and payment went through but then was quickly cancelled by the homeowner for no reason.
“Two or three days later I saw online that the dates I had wanted to book were available again,” he said. “Something didn’t seem right and people around me were saying: ‘It’s clear … you gave your first name and surname.’”
Mehadji said he asked a friend without a north African name to book the same dates for him and the owner replied within half an hour that those dates were free. “You realise that, in fact, discrimination is at play,” the journalist said.
I feel sorry for people discriminated about name, but them be the breaks. And it is quite possible for some owners to have a reason to rent to whom they want.
So i don’t get to decide who I want to rent my property to? Fuck that.
Hey now, the penis has a front hole too! /othered
And we’re done here.
Last one out, turn off the lights.
Only do anal and you don’t need to worry about front holes or lack thereof.
What a back hole
Shit hole is gender inclusive.
Fuck that asshole. Anyone who suggests that children should be taking mind and body altering hormones to ameliorate their “gender confusion” (or their parents’) ought to be shunned from society. It’s abuse.
If adults want to mess with their own body, that’s on them.
Microsoft claims win over ‘Russian political hackers’
What sorcery is this? I thought the Russians were an overseas annex of The Federalist Society?
“Microsoft claims win over ‘Russian political hackers’”
Microsoft rocks!!
“Russian attempts to launch cyber-attacks against US conservative groups have been thwarted, Microsoft says.”
Fuck Microsoft./liberals.
Protesters were apparently working behind the covering with ropes to bring the statue down, which happened more than two hours into a rally. It fell with a loud clanging sound, and the crowd erupted in cheers.
“Protesters”. Anyway, you know who else toppled statues?
UNC had installed surveillance cameras and spent $390,000 on security around the statue last year.
Money well spent…
American revolutionaries?
Also, I did not see any mention of who Silent Sam even is and why the student craptivists were outraged in the first place.
Confederacy. White. What more do you need?
Oh, found it.
The statue was funded by the University Alumni and the United Daughters of the Confederacy. It was erected in 1913 as a memorial to the Confederate alumni who lost their lives in the American Civil War and all students who joined the Confederate States Army.
It’s to honor the fallen soldiers who attended the school, but we can’t do that because Confederate automatically means teh evul. Historically ignorant people are dangerous.
Cypress Springs teacher to be sentenced for sex with 15-year-old student
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lets gooogle…
Hmmm probably would after a few beers
Not a chance in hell.
Not even if it was when you were 15?
We need a national conversation about young teachers and studentss. It’s not like every 17 year old has a 23year old teacher. Some get stuck with 57 year old married woman.
Over my entire K-12 experience, I had exactly 1 teacher that was very attractive and 1 other that was even remotely worth considering if the opportunity had arisen. (Not counting 2 smoking hot student teachers). Guess I should have gone to school in Texas or Florida, where apparently all the teachers are NFL cheerleaders looking to deflower 14 year old boys.
There’s a hole in her story.
A front hole?
Always Sunny has this covered:
Morning Glibs. Hope all is going well.
anyone named Yleem D. S Poblete is clearly an alien. Hey Mr. Lizard, is she one of yours?
Here’s some more https://www.npr.org/2018/08/20/640359221/health-dept-director-in-flint-michigan-to-stand-trial-for-involuntary-manslaught
Let the lynchings begin!
I hope that the State continues to be held accountable for the State’s decisions.
That’s a helluva thing for a mayor of a Michigan city to say.
“This is a good step on the road to recovery and healing for the people of Flint. I hope that the State continues to be held accountable for the State’s decisions.”
Missing from this? The EPA… You know who had also known about this issue and helped keep it quiet. And the city of Flint officials who also knew…
America’s Invisible Pot Addicts
More and more Americans are reporting near-constant cannabis use, as legalization forges ahead.
>>In large national surveys, about one in 10 people who smoke it say they have a lot of problems. They say things like, ‘I have trouble quitting. I think a lot about quitting and I can’t do it. I smoked more than I intended to. I neglect responsibilities
well then… better lock all the users up
…with some even warning that the country is replacing one form of reefer madness with another, careening from treating cannabis as if it were as dangerous as heroin to treating it as if it were as benign as kombucha.
I used to get scorched routinely at Reason for raising the same issue. There is almost nothing quite as fucking insufferably annoying as a pothead with a pubmed executive summary proselytizing for marijuana’s unique properties as both a floor wax AND a dessert topping. You can be a responsible adult or an irresponsible jackass regardless of what your choice of buzz happens to be.
Marijuana, the coconut oil of schedule 1 drugs.
It does seem rather unfair and inconsistent which drugs people are allowed to advertise and which drugs they can’t. For example, I think it’s legal advertise liquor on cable, but not broadcast TV.
NFL helmet rule has players perplexed.
I don’t get it. Players have been bitching and suing the league due to CTE. The league responds by trying to limit contact with head. Players hate it…
Just ban the thing already. Basketball is much more entertaining anyway
Basketball is just above baseball in “worst sports” category.
The NBA is absolutely unwatchable, the NFL is not quite there yet.
I hope that means something different over there, like Football does. Because the NBA is terrible to watch.
It’s not entertaining to see the same two teams in the finals every year?
That sport where the only skill is being tall?
Think I’m wrong, consider Shaq – one of the all time greats – who would routinely show up to camp out of shape and never bothered to learn to shoot free throws or develop an outside shot. He’d park his fat ass under the rim and drop it in the hole. Good enough for:
The 1999–2000 MVP award, the 1992–93 NBA Rookie of the Year award, 15 All-Star game selections, three All-Star Game MVP awards, three Finals MVP awards, two scoring titles, 14 All-NBA team selections, and three NBA All-Defensive Team selections. He is one of only three players to win NBA MVP, All-Star game MVP and Finals MVP awards in the same year (2000). He ranks 8th all-time in points scored, 6th in field goals, 15th in rebounds, and 8th in blocks. Largely due to his ability to dunk the basketball, O’Neal also ranks third all-time in field goal percentage (58.2%). O’Neal was elected into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2016. He was elected to the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2017.
Imagine if he learned to shoot free throws and ease up on the Big Mac’s over the summer break. He’d be the undisputed GOAT.
After a rocky start, the NCAA seems to do a decent job with the rule. It’s one of those rules that’s hard to define but you know it when you see it.
Sort of like the difference between the cheerleading squad and the “dance team”.
I can’t wait for the new pro league to start. They’re supposedly getting all the players to sign releases of liability and it’ll be a lot more like the 70s and 80s than this generation of football where rules are arbitrarily enforced and nobody knows how to tackle or hit someone from week to week.
I’m not that interested and frankly haven’t paid much attention to the new league. We’ll see about the rules, but I would like to watch a game where they tackle properly as well, instead of launching themselves like a missile using their head as a battering ram.
They would have to downsize the pads and return to leather helmets. I’d much rather watch rugby (the real thing not 7’s or that weird stuff they do in the some of the UK leagues).
I’m fine with that. I am in the camp of removing the face mask first. I think that would get them most of the way back, but possibly going back to helmets without a hard shell and significant padding. I am not the fan the NFL is looking for anymore though. Most people (it seems) like high flying, high scoring games. Not me. The game has shifted from featuring the big uglies to featuring the little guys on the edge, and I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking 3 yards and a cloud of dust, but as was mentioned, the NBA is unwatchable, mostly due to lack of defense IMHO, and the NFL is headed that way.
I’m a born and bred Packers fan. No other teams interest me. I get dish during the season just so I can watch them, but that is fading. I’d love to see the Lombardi trophy come home again, and I think it will, but there is a decent chance that once Rodgers is gone, I will quit watching for good.
I was a Patriots fan long before they were very good. I loved the ’78 team that set the all-time team rushing record that will never be broken (they would have been in the Superbowl if Al Davis didn’t buy the Championship game refs). They ran and ran and ran with John Hannah leading the way – then threw bombs to Stanley Morgan.
That was classic football to me. Today it looks like an arcade game.
I like football, but just realized I’m not a huge fan anymore when I had an auto fantasy draft and didn’t recognize two of the players on my team (and they’re not rookies).
I have my draft next week. When I received the notification I was mad at myself for forgetting to drop out.
At this point I’m a High School football fan, I like college football, and I’ll occasionally watch the NFL if I have nothing better to do.
It’s a violent sport in a world where only liberal POS are allowed to be violent.
I’m amazed how quickly the NFL is being dropped by the USA.
Good morning, Sloopy! Happy that Reason enjoyed day 1!
Strummer was brilliant. Here’s a fun one with the Mescaleros
Love Kills.
My absolute favorite Joe Strummer song. And the video is killer.
Fantastic choice.
I would love to topple these ladies’ monuments.
49 needs water wings.
49 needs water wings.
I mean, there’s plenty of flotation devices there…
33 is cordially invited to boil my bunny (IYKWIM(AITYD))
Meh, I don’t like anything bigger than a C cup
I once saw a chick wearing a shirt that said, “These get me out of trouble”, and it’s absolutely true. Maybe it’s the shitlord in me, but D-cups and above put me into a trance. Hell, I started dating my wife because I met her in a hot tub.
Welcome back!
30 wins. Not even close.
British Airways flight attendant suspended for posting video where she sniffs her tights
The video was uncovered by the Mirror and the unnamed staff member has since been suspended by BA. – top level journalism right there
Jesus what’s wrong with these assholes? People aren’t allowed to be raunchy? It’s not ok to have a different sense of humor?
Corrected for accuracy.
Where are you Andy Griffith? The nation needs you more than ever. Or at least most of the sheriffs do.
Andy Griffith? google… One of those things where you have to be American… and like really old.
You wouldn’t say that to Barney’s face.
He also was in the best movie about the military ever made.
How can you forget Spy Hard?
But he’s got a great dental plan…
It was the best thing Seltzer and Friedberg did though…
You are now batting 50/50 on your movie reviews OMWC.
That movie is fantastic. All it was missing was a shark for Andy to fight as part of his permanent latrine orderly job.
Ha, memories. One of the bar exam crammers I had used Barney Fife and Andy for every hypothetical . . . and he didn’t care that almost no one in the class knew who he meant.
My wife grew up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, about an hour south of Mount Airy, NC, which is where Andy Griffith grew up and is the basis for Mayberry.
The Andy Griffith Show was on every afternoon on one of the local channels there, and is still on every afternoon to this day.
I thought it was Joe D’Maggio that the Nation turned it’s eyes to.
Isn’t there some organization of sheriffs that are actively fighting for preservation of the constitution? Can’t remember exactly the name, but one of the members was interviewed on Tom Woods a year or so ago. Stood up to the EPA.
Face in the Crowd: the great movies predict trends before they happen, and Kazan nails so many things:
* the yokelization of mainstream entertainment
* the muddy mingling of entertainment and politics
* the corrosive effects of unbridled alcohol and drug consumption
Griffith is my people, was the perfect choice for this movie.
Can you eat that with ranch dressing?
Is there anything you can’t eat with ranch dressing?
BTW I made a fantastic deep-dish pizza this weekend. Still half of it left. AND YES, IT IS PIZZA.
Why do people bend to the tyrannical pressures of social media? Let’s get real
Instagrammability is now the No 1 consideration for millennials when deciding where to go on holiday. When did everyone lose touch with reality?
I have to be relieved I assumed that I did not once in my life think about the complex concept of Instagrammability
For myself, I’m relieved that I’ve never used Instagram in my entire life.
If true, that is fantastically pathetic. Amazingly, awesomely pathetic.
Shit, not you, Chipwooder. The millennials.
/people who thread fail are pathetic
Do I need BLM’s permission to listen to Aretha Franklin? Is there a cultural appropriation check list I must fill out before I do so?
Sorry, it’s all cock-rock all-the-time for you, shitlord.
This BLM acronym is terrible. Depending on what I’ve worked with last I either think of Bureau of Land Management or Black Lives Matter.
My last was a mountain bike podcast about access to national areas out west so I’m think what has Land Management have to do with music.
I’m just glad I have similar feelings towards both. Makes it less troublesome than if there was one group I liked and one I did not.
True dat.
I don’t think anyone here is crazy enough to need this warning but do NOT buy Tesla stock-Tesla has stopped paying some of their suppliers:
I don’t know.. seems like sicke should go up. Not having to pay means more profit./Tesla Investor.
How is it that Tesla is a shit pile and Space Z is doing awesome.
I don’t see evidence of stopping payment – they are asking for rebates and extending payment terms to improve cash-flow. I hate the practice (one of our clients just f’d us by issuing an invoice payment extension), but this is standard.
You are correct, but in the WSJ article they interviewed smaller suppliers who aren’t getting paid at all.
I think it’s a matter of time before Musk either has to sell Tesla to someone who can reorganize it into something profitable in the long-term or he has to declare bankruptcy. The bubble’s damn near burst and I don’t think he can sweet-talk his way into any more capital.
He made the classic mistake of not recognizing his market size. Too many entrepreneurs think their whiz-bang gadget will create a market through sheer coolness.
Absent governmental force, electric cars are a niche. End of story.
Bye, Elon.
I think you’re right about the market size. It’s totally a niche, and existing car makers already filled it because they can afford to use them as loss-leaders for their other products. I don’t know that electric cars will vanish, because I think there’s some appeal and as the technology develops further they’ll become more interesting to non-environmentalists, but they will never replace conventionally-fueled cars and I think the market share for people willing to spend luxury car prices for a gimmick because it’s electric is way too small to support a business.
There’s always the government-fleet market. They don’t care about price, either.
That’s true, and the CNG/ethanol fleets speak volumes about that.
And there is always the Nissan Leaf and the Ford Focus for that. You don’t need a $120k Model S or a roadster.
I don’t know that electric cars will vanish,
They won’t, and I expect their market share to increase slowly over time. There is a niche for them as a commuter/errand only second or third car. But until there is a truly massive breakthrough in battery technology that increases range and (mostly) decreases recharge time by an order of magnitude, I don’t see them as anything more.
If I can’t get 500 miles potential range within a few minutes of connecting to an energy source, it’s not really competing with filling my gas tank.
Watching electric car owners unplug each others cars to charge their own, and the resulting arguments, is the best thing about electric cars.
If the Repubs ever manage to drop a testicle and get rid of the tax subsidy, Tesla will be done in a matter of months.
I believe Tesla’s subsidy is already over. Once they hit a certain number of cars, it automatically went away.
I thought the Repubs kept it in their last tax reform bill. I see you are correct (nearly) – its being phased out soon.
Remember when I said it won’t be long before the left begins to accuse Trump of killing people without due process? It started yesterday. Heard through the Howie Carr show some MSNBC idiot say it.
As for clearances, Barry did it first. Bigger too.
Clapper didn’t mean his own though…
That being said he was right at the time, not nearly those numbers of people need clearances.
Next time one of the douches starts ranting about how they are entitled to a security clearance, maybe someone should bring up the constitution and remind them that we don’t have a noble class and security clearances aren’t a doG given title.
The Constitution is dead. Get over it.
So why do we keep calling ex-senators, presidents, governors, judges, and even military (ret) by their old titles?
I don’t. Who’s this ‘We’?
Nazi labor camp guard caught by ICE, deported to Germany
ICE is a shit organization and Customs should never have come under DHS.
But abolishing ICE would change … nothing.
I’m skeptical that the Deep State would actually want to abolish a government department even as a middle finger to Trump.
This assumes that ICE “abolition” won’t just be a renaming/reorganization of it.
“We have gotten rid of ICE. Its functions were redesignated as Re-homing Aliens and Tariff Enforcement. RATE is already fully staffed from transferees from the former ICE.”
Abolishing ICE would just, I assume, revert us to the separate Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Customs Department, which is the way things were until 2003. Which we really should do. But most people who say “Abolish ICE” probably think nothing will replace it, the borders will be open and nobody will be deported ever again.
Sounds quite likely then…
I mean it was just a bit of snark since they’re deporting a literal Nazi while the entire left is calling for this abolishment because they are ostensibly literal Nazis. Whatever replaces ICE will be pretty much the same, as it was when ICE replaced INS, and INS replaced whatever we had before that.
Took them 15 years to finally deport this ass, and it was done by Trump under orders from Putin!
The only thing the USSR and the US agreed on was the Nazi’s.
That’s not true.
We also agreed that actually burning up in Nuclear Fire would be a bad thing.
I mentioned last week that I bought an Accord after our Chevy Equinox crapped out. This weekend when I sold the Equinox back to the dealer I asked for the service record on it, so I could double check my records. In 65,000 miles it went through 3 camshaft actuators and the solenoids (all but one covered by warranty), a timing chain, timing cover gaskets, piston rings (oil consumption half assed recall), and the nail in the coffin transmission. So I have a question for the car gurus. The equinox has a known excessive oil consumption issue that they didn’t technically recall the vehicles for, but issued a free fix for cars affected by it. Is it possible the oil consumption issue is what cause the car to burn through 3 camshaft actuators? There is a class action lawsuits regarding the issue, so maybe in 30 years GM will settle and a lawyer will send me a buy one get one free pizza coupon for compensation.
I’m an old OHV engine kinda guy so what do I know?
What year is your Equinox? My dad bought one a few months ago to use as a city-only runabout. Base one with the 1.5L turbo something another engine. Not a fan based on my minimal passenger time. But I really hate stop-start cars … and automatic transmissions… and CUVs… and almost everything that GM makes these days.
2011 LT 2.4 L 4-cylinder.
My ex had one of these back the second year they rolled out (2006 or 2007). I never had a car that caused so much grief as that one.
First off, IANAM.
A lot of newer cars use oil. As weird as it sounds, this is normal. The culprit is looser rings and valves – which is intentional by the way. Manufacturers are throwing everything at these engines to try to eke out another mile per gallon. Direct injection, turbocharged fours, etc.
I doubt there is a case here. Actuators are in a pretty vulnerable place and can get fucked up by gunk and debris. This new trend of 5,000 – 7500 miles between oil changes probably doesn’t help.
Wow, I dodged a bullet there. I was in the market for a car and was considering an Equinox. Turns out my in-laws (may the sun ever shine gently on their sweet, kind, loving faces) are giving me their “old” F-150 Lariat. About five years old, low mileage, new fuel pump, used as their company vehicle before they sold the business last year. Have I mentioned that I love my in-laws?
you fortunate bastard.
Not unless the oil level was reduced low enough and long enough to cause damage, or if the reason for the consumption was the actuators themselves and they were not properly lubricated, but I’m like LH, not really sure of the details of this part… As Tundra says, the consumption is likely other reasons and many manufacturers allow for up to (or over) a quart per 1000 miles. Sounds like your vehicle was more than that.
Missed this on Friday, and I’m not sure it’s been discussed, but
The US would naturally block this in the Security Council, but it again bears questioning why the fuck we still bother with the UN.
Why does the Secretary General hate the Palistinians so much he wants to send in the rape patrol?
That’s completely unfair. UN “troops” do far more than that.
Sometimes they just start a cholera outbreak that kills 10,000 people.
We need to evict them and turn the building into a hotel/casino.
I would prefer a whore house. That would do more diligence to keeping the same theme it has today to the building.
Perhaps some sort of Mandate for Palestine…
well played
I think you get the UN to agree that it needs a Final Solution.
Will Guterres volunteer himself to be a blue-hatted human shield?
Sunday Morning links, with my usually snarky commentary.
There was a fifth proposal.
-Invading Israel with peaceful UN troops and installing Hamas as its government.
Fast forward years later once accomplished.
UN official: “We always thought Hamas behaved that way because they didn’t have access to water. Turns out they really truly were nuts. Oh well, It’s a shit hole now and there’s not much we can do since the Jews are all gone now”.
“Except for a couple years during transition, this policy brought about unprecedented peace in the region.”
The US would naturally block this in the Security Council, but it again bears questioning why the fuck we still bother with the UN.
The first part answers the second. They wouldn’t stop with Israel either, if the US wasn’t there.
Best thing to do is shrink the UN down to a receptionist and a neutered Secretary-General with an unplugged camera facing the assembly hall podium.
Mollie Tibbetts, missing Iowa college student, found dead
This just broke.
Sad, but not really a surprise.
I know this is cold, but every time I saw here family claim they knew she was alive and out there and they just hoped whomever had her would let her go, I thought to myself that they would really be floored when they were told she was dead and probably abused before (and maybe after) too.
I hate these stories.
Merit and virtue are easier to measure when there is only one political party with a unified set of moral and political viewpoints.
Proggies swoon for the Chinese oligarchy’s power and way of doing things..
Absolutely. There is nothing for a Progressive to dislike about the Chinese government. Since Deng they’ve effectively been a government of technocrats, now that all the old revolutionaries have died off, which is basically what Progressivism espouses–a government run by area experts making policies based on “science” rather than in response to popular will. In China the central government is the ultimate authority, there’s universal health care, the economy is tightly controlled all the way down to requiring people to apply to move to other parts of the country, and the government is paternalistic, “taking care” of the people as a whole and disregarding any individual rights if they get in the way. You’ve got people in this country calling for a government agency to regulate online communication on the basis of whether or not it’s “true”, for chrissakes. Elizabeth Warren has a political career. We’re like one more Obama administration away from China at this rate.
The left is about top down rulership, no matter how implemented. They truly believe that a system with experts up top following some 5 year plan will be better than the chaos of a free market system because for these people a system only works if it can choose who wins and who loses. When I point out that there is very little distinction between either the fascist or communist system with the old serfdom system of the middle ages, leftists really get pissed. They think it it totes different if they are in charge (and they all always believe they personally will be part of the oligarchy because).
The Russian maker of the AK-47 just unveiled a new AK-308 rifle with a large 7.62 mm NATO round
Now we gotta spend another 20 years getting all the gun control crusaders transitioned over to the new name.
So it’s a Saiga 308
Why would the Ruskies buy a .308 when they already field 7.62×54mm weapons?
It’s for the export market.
Can I print one at home on my computer?
The girlfriend has recently started working as a substitute teacher at some local High Schools. One of the classes she had was a film class, so she asked them about some old movies they enjoyed. She got upset when they were calling The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, and Sixteen Candles old movies. I had to point out to her that for some of those kids, they were talking about movies that came out almost 20 years before they were born, and for her, that would be like her calling a 70’s movie old.
Getting old sucks.
It beats the alternative.
Sometimes I wonder Tundra. Going out in a blaze of glory seems to get more and more appealing as I age and have to deal with the limitations it imposes..
I get that, but I still find life just as interesting as I did when I was a pup. I like watching my kids grow up. I like seeing places I’ve never seen. I still enjoy Q’s girls.
I wouldn’t mind not being the tin man in the morning, though.
I’ve said something similar before, but my kid is pretty impressed by movies from the 80s. She particularly loves War Games. As for the 90s, I introduced her to Kill Bill. She went as Beatrix for Halloween and even some of her classmates recognized the costume.
I’ll stake out that teen comedies peaked in the 80’s. Predominantly due to John Hughes and Savage Steve Holland. Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Better Off Dead, One Crazy Summer, Plains Trains and Automobiles, etc.
Perhaps some of the youths here could correct me with some more modern comedies that can compare.
John Cusack in Better off Dead…
+1 perfectly good white boy.
It taught me that everything was better with raisins.
Not to forget Ricky speaking the language of love while his mom drank that kick ass liqueur.
“Gee, I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky”
American PIe was probably the definitive teen comedy for people my age, so…
I’m so sorry.
That’s one movie, but the 80’s had piles of great teen movies. And I wasn’t even a teen during the 80’s.
I meant that more as an example of how shitty the teen comedies of that vintage were.
Some others I remember from around the same time: Can’t Hardly Wait, She’s All That, Bring It On, Eurotrip… it wasn’t exactly a high point in cinema, even for teen flicks, which aren’t exactly supposed to be high points in cinema.
I’ll go one step farther: the 90s and early 2000s was a golden age of film (not necessarily the best *koff* Deliverance *koff* Easy Rider *koff*). I have seen trailers for very few movies in the last 15 years that looked remotely attractive, and then half of those let me down. Whereas I was hitting the theaters in the 90s and would do day-long marathons of what turned out to be really good movies.
It doesn’t help that most movies these days are poor remakes of older better movies, and the need to proggie preach in movies has made a lot of them real shitty because of the cognitive dissonance.
As an old comic book geek, I’ll cop to loving the current glut of MCU films. You tell pre-teen me that there was going to be movies that include Ant Man, Captain America, Falcon, Vision, Iron Man, etc… and that they would be better then Batman and Superman movies, I wouldn’t believe you.
Also, with the long tail of Netflix and video-on-demand, there’s a lot more fringe films being made now then back then. Look at Ex Machina, It Follows, Moon, The Babadook, Polka King, etc. Now mind you, I tend towards horror and sci-fi, but there’s a lot of really good stuff coming out now still.
Pre-Teen me would not recogize the codenames ‘Ant Man’, ‘Falcon’ or ‘Vision’. And I’m iffy on whether I’d heard of Iron Man before becoming a teenager.
I think right now is the golden age of TV. If you can’t see a movie in a theater because it was never meant to be seen in a theater, I don’t think it counts.
I saw a lot of arthouse films back then. Strictly Ballroom was one of them till it caught fire and went mainstream. (However, when I told my parents to go see it, I did have to tell them to endure the first ten minutes.)
Sidebar: I do not believe there has ever been a remake of 1922’s Nosferatu.
There was a comedy set on the set of the 1920s Nosferatu based on the premise that the guy playing the vampire was actually a vampire. I think.
The blonde haired antagonist in Strictly Ballroom was based on an actual person (whom I know). I also took some classes from the flamenco guru (Antonio Vargas), who’s about 5’1″
Shadow of the Vampire is the movie you’re thinking of.
I am so jealous of you right now I almost can’t stand it (the flamenco, not the blonde).
Yes, Shadow of the Vampire with John Malkovich as Murnau and Willem Dafoe as Max Schreck. I’m not sure I’d call it a comedy though.
Flamenco is not really a tall person’s dance. But once you get the hang of the rhythms, it is cool.
Embrace of the Vampire is the one you’re looking for…
Strictly Ballroom is the nickname I gave my lounging sweatpants.
My ex did flamenco. She was plump and short and stamped out the beat to her castanets with something approaching malevolence. Fun to watch, but not as fun as watching her lither counterparts…
Yeah, yeah. irredeemable shitlord status confirmed.
I loved Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Then. Now I see him as a douchebag, but warm fuzzy nostalgia keeps it in my heart as beloved.
I didn’t see it until I reached an age where his behaviour pissed me off. So I see the title character as the main villain of the work.
You’re not wrong.
The son likes some the 80s / 90s cheesy action movies with Stallone and Schwarzenegger.
Who doesn’t?
As for the 90s, I introduced her to Kill Bill.
Whoa now, Kill Bill came in 2003. ’90s Tarantino is Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.
I think the Gimp’s sleepin
Oh crap. My bad. I was on a film binge in the 90s and 2000s so it’s all a blur.
Still waiting for that talkie craze to die out…
This ‘radio’ fad is almost dead, maybe the moving pictures will follow suit.
UCS is still pissed about the violations of the classical unities.
Personally I am pissed that the stage retired the “tied to the railway” and “tied to a log but cut up by a buzzsaw” scenes.
I understand her frustration as those are films from our generation but….they’re old. Well, numerically anyway.
It’s all a state of mind anyway.
/gently applies bitter orange marmalade on bread with nostalgic thought.
Being a manchild in his early 30s who still plays online FPS games, I have moments like that almost daily. One of my Steam buddies thought I was trolling him that there was a Counter-Strike prior to CS:Source.
Hrmm.. I was going to snark about the little known singleplayer CS game (whose name eludes my memory but I owned and completed), but I wandered down the lane towards “The reason I don’t play multiplayer games” before I realized there was one I did.
I won’t play Counterstrike anymore (quit
yearsDecades ago) but I do occasionally play MechWarrior Online. I think it’s because there’s more opportunities to tweak my machine to fit my playstyle. Funnily enough, my best record is in a Raven (ECM, 2 ML, 1LL, LRM5), but my second best is in a Mad Cat II (which is pretty much as opposite a beast as you can get from the Raven), now that I’ve gotten a loadout that suits me (Twin AC/5, 4x ERML, twin LRM20).Moving from games to music, my classmates were astounded when I told them Motley Crue’s “Smokin’ in the Boys’ Room” was a cover. I was surprised they didn’t remember that because it was a staple on our childhoods’ radio, but they didn’t.
You think that’s bad, there’s an entire generation of people who hear the piano riff from Werewolves of London and think of Kid Rock instead of Warren Zevon.
That’s what happens when things are repackaged and rolled out to new generations…
Which is sad. Hell, I bet Kid wouldn’t even want that to be the case.
What is sad is that the generation that hears a Police riff and thinks of a rap song are now telling people to get off their lawns.
Hey now, even when I was 11 I had the good taste not to listen to Puff Daddy.
For many years, one of the things that would send me into a murderous rage was when I’d be listening to “Corona” by Minutemen and someone would say, “Hey, I love the Jackass song!”
I won a $1 bet with the CEO of my company on who recorded that first. I pinned it to the whiteboard in his conference room and just wrote ‘Ask Steve’ next to it.
Hey, now, some of us manchildren are even older. I remember when Team Fortress wasn’t cartoony.
I was still a console peasant in the TF Classic days. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64 pretty much wiped out 3 years of my childhood.
Rocket jump FTW!
Conc jumping is where it’s at.
#BattleMedics Forever!
Is this the ultimate glibertarians play?
The VMA’s went as you would expect.
Hart stated, “At this game, you guys can kneel. You can do whatever the hell you want. There’s no old white man that can stop you.” He later stated, “You never know what’s going to happen at the VMs. I mean, beefs pop off, bad language, people sending out crazy tweets. It’s basically like your typical day at the White House. In your face, Trump – suck it!”
That wasn’t the only anti-Trump moment. Logic sang his song “One Day” while wearing a shirt saying, “F*** The Wall,” accompanied by immigration advocates wearing shirts reading, “We Are All Human Beings.”
It was fitting that Michael Avenatti attended the VMAs; Stormy Daniels’ lawyer has transformed himself into a presidential candidate solely on the basis of his vocal attempts to target Trump.
All of this actually helps Trump.
Yea, no shit. They should do more psa’s while they are at it.
I’ve said it before, but I find it genuinely disturbing how casual racism has become perfectly acceptable among the left, provided it’s targeting white people. In 2018, it shouldn’t be the case that someone can be applauded for using “white” as a pejorative verb while someone else is fired for quoting someone else who said “nigger”. I can’t help but feel that this isn’t exactly healing the divisions in our society, if you see what I mean.
Oh, shit, we’ve lost Logic? OH NO.
*hits google to figure out who the fuck Logic is*
OK, I have a legal/automotive question. Bear with me for the whole story:
I bought a new truck early this year. The cruise control would cut off at 81-82 MPH and you had to park and turn the truck off and back on for it to be reengaged. SO I took it in. They did a diagnostic and found nothing wrong but reset my computer module for the cruise. It didn’t work
I took it back in and told them to take it to 82 MPH and engage the cruise and they tried and caught the failure that timer. They reset the module again and installed some patch that they said should fix it. It didn’t.
I took it back in and they said they’d need to replace the instrument cluster to fix it. It didn’t.
The dealer told me they had exhausted their efforts and for me to call the OEM. The OEM said they talked to the service tech and that the manual says the cruise will work until 89 MPH but that 82 MPH falls within normal variances and that they will not repair it. They refused to show where it was published what their normal variance is.
So I called the dealer back in June and the service tech said he’d try to figure something else out. I emailed him 2 weeks ago and he didn’t respond. I emailed him Friday and he said he “needed some time to get more information” and would get back to me when he found something out (this was 8 weeks after I brought it to his attention again). He emailed me yesterday and said it wasn’t covered under warranty because the OEM said it was within normal variances and that I would have to file a claim with them again. I told him I wanted the service manager and/or general manager of the dealership to call and explain to me that if it wasn’t covered by warranty, why did they try to fix it on three occasions, going so far as to replace the instrument cluster? And then once their attempts failed, they merely decided to tell me that since they couldn’t get it to work properly, and as described in the owners manual, that it wasn’t covered. I’m waiting on that call.
My question is this: once they took it in to do work on it, doesn’t that acknowledge that it isn’t working as it should be and is therefore covered by the warranty? And if the operator’s manual says it will operate until you are going 89 MPH, that it has to operate until you’re going 89 and that if it consistently cuts out at a lower speed, it is not operating as designed and advertised? And should I raise hell? This is Texas, where there are a lot of speed limits at 80 MPH and some even faster. I want my cruise to work when on those roads, as the owners manual says it should. This is a pretty big inconvenience.
We were screwed by a local Toyota dealership over their having overtorqued lug bolts while rotating the tires, causing damage that eventually led to the bolts snapping and the rear passenger side wheel flying off the car while driving. Their service department’s policy once they realized they were at fault was to disavow all knowledge. We actually pursued some legal action against them but wound up dropping it because we couldn’t afford to go to the mattresses over it at the time. I mention this simply to say that, yes, you should raise hell, but expect them to dig their heels in and fight you every step of the way.
Then I’ll have to go small claims…unless one of the legal eagle glibs want to take it on a contingency and try to not only hammer them for the warranty, but to hammer them on the false advertising and go for some of those sweet, sweet punitive damages.
If it will cost under $10k to get it replaced.
I’d start by contacting the regional customer service manager for your truck’s brand, unless you want to chat with the dealer service department manager instead of the tech first.
From Ford’s warranty guide
The tech told me to reach out to Nissan North America directly after they refused to do anything else after the instrument cluster replacement didn’t do anything. They’re the bastards that told me to pound sand and that it fell within “normal variance” for the cruise.
My follow up to her was that do they accept that the speedometer could be up to 8% off at 82 MPH or that their cruise sensor could think I was doing 89 when I was doing 81? Because either one, to me, seems like a pretty big error to be acceptable for a car manufacturer. 8% inaccurate shouldn’t be good enough for the NHTSA when we are talking about speeds at or around the posted speed limits. I’d think a lot of people would be getting tickets in Nissans if that was the case and would be demanding they tighten up their speedo/cruise control development.
Software issue. Why the fuck are they replacing instrument clusters?
Dammit. When you said OEM, I thought you mean the OEM for the cruise control module itself not the truck brand.
No, to Nissan.
I just tweeted it.
Maybe that will do some good.
Retweet away if you want…
Much obliged.
Damn near ten percent is “normal variance”? Are these the same engineers who designed the brakes?
more likely that was specified with generous support from Legal
Mr. Mojeaux has found that publicly shaming them on their Facebook page is a quick way to get to the Top. Men.
my lengthy replay was just eaten by squirrels
* sorry for the clipped answers….no tone intended; my guess is that you’ve got a problem and I’ll probably be on your side
* I don’t know your details, but I’ve been close to the design, service, and warranty of such systems, so I’m probably close
They did a diagnostic and found nothing wrong but reset my computer module
* if the OBD didn’t throw a code, there was nothing for them to find
* they reflashed the PROM….basically updated the code on some module somewhere
They reset the module again
* sometimes an older software gets uploaded; maybe they flashed with the latest rev
* still doesn’t mean they even worked on the correct module, though
they’d need to replace the instrument cluster
* doubt it: the IC are usually dumb annunciators; my guess is that the code in question lives in the ECM which has all the data and does not look to the IC for anything
82 MPH falls within normal variances
* this is probably confused language; the variance is between control design and actual performance so they’re not liable for your 85 ticket when you were set at 79
* if the ECM thinks you’re doing 82, it will engage…the question is: does it think you’re doing 82
They refused to show where it was published what their normal variance is
* because see above
* they’re losing their ass at this point and need you to go away: they get paid by the book, once
this was 8 weeks after I brought it to his attention
* they still need you to go away
I would have to file a claim with them again
* the DSM is probably the only guy who can wrangle these calves at this point
why did they try to fix it
* follow the money: that sweet, sweet factory cash
once they took it in to do work on it, doesn’t that acknowledge that it isn’t working as it should be and is therefore covered by the warranty?
* not at all: warranty is only for defects in materials and workmanship; until they see it and work on it, they have no idea who is responsible (eg: suppose they spent two hours looking before they found where your daughter had cut a wire with Mom’s nail clippers)
it is not operating as designed
* very probably you are correct
should I raise hell?
* yup: figure out what the Nissan equivalent of a DSM is
This is Texas
* OT: where for some reason it is still not legal to shoot people doing five under the speed limit in the lefthand lane of I-35
* where others from Beaumont to Brazoria are having the same problem; your DSM has already heard this one and is the guy who can tell whether your store’s garage is incompetent, can ensure warranty, is happy to get it done
hope that helps
Thanks for the point-by-point reply.
Maybe I wasn’t clear with this though:
once they took it in to do work on it, doesn’t that acknowledge that it isn’t working as it should be and is therefore covered by the warranty?
* not at all: warranty is only for defects in materials and workmanship; until they see it and work on it, they have no idea who is responsible (eg: suppose they spent two hours looking before they found where your daughter had cut a wire with Mom’s nail clippers)
I was referring to the actual work they did. Sure, they need to do the diagnostic, but once they start replacing parts like the instrument cluster, they’re acknowledging a defect in workmanship, are they not?
tacitly….maybe so….but it’s materials and workmanship all the way down
in other words: they’re only guessing the IC was the problem; and the replacement’s working is only post hoc “proof” that was the defect; if the IC R&R didn’t fix it, it would merely mean they don’t know what the root cause is; that’s the problem with cars turning into computers: they’re no burnt points or grimy carburetor to point to anymore, so even a good tech can get over his head in a hurry….I hate this shit and argue against fancy, non-intuitive solutions and do-dads but generally get laughed out of the design debates (Don! just fucking build what I design)
without root cause, they still don’t know who’s paying; without knowledge or insight, all they can do is swap parts and flash PROM
I grant ye this much: if they don’t find a smoking gun with your fingerprints on it at some point, they own it
Does your state have any general-purpose car lemon laws that you might be able to leverage, vs focusing specifically on the warranty question? In MI I think if you report a defect in the first year of ownership and they are unable to fix it in four attempts, you’re entitled to a replacement vehicle or refund.
My first question was: How do you know it’s not supposed to work like that? Semis have governors on them. Maybe Nissan is saving you from yourself.
The manual says its supposed to operate until 89 MPH. If you go faster than that, it will deactivate and you’ll have to turn the car off and on for it to work again. 89 =/= 82. There’s a big difference between those two relative to normal road speeds and highway speed limits around here.
That’s almost a 10% variance, which should be completely unacceptable to quality control. Makes me wonder what else they allow that kind of variance on.
I am implying that they are lying.
My sarcasm meter is also apparently only working to 92% of its factory-designed specs.
“manual says the cruise will work until 89 MPH”
makes sense
Just in case you needed another reason to drop Facebook from your life
We traced the call Tessa, it’s coming from inside the house.
Facebook is great for posting pics of your kids so your high school acquaintances can like them and you get a little boost of serotonin. Facebook is not good at anything else.
exactly…and it’s free.
I use it for this and have zero opinion about the rest of their business
Hmmm. I wonder what my meowmeowbeans score is?
“Facebook developed its reputation assessments as part of its effort against fake news, Tessa Lyons, the product manager who is in charge of fighting misinformation, said in an interview.”
I’m sure Tessa thinks her job is super important, and she’s not an overbearing hall monitoring policing catty seventh graders.
er… hall monitor.
Look at these puppies. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/lara-trump-sparks-controversy-photo-puppy-shelter-cages-think-kids-separated-families-170420658.html
At 2:30 on February 14, David Hogg was not yet a spokesperson for radicalized young America or a renowned media savant or a resistance fighter or, to some, the encapsulation of everything terrifying about where the country is going, but a high-school senior crouched in a dark classroom while a gunman with an AR-15 ranged beyond the walls of his hiding place, slaughtering 17 people in six minutes. In the quiet aftermath, when the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School had stopped but before the SWAT team had given the all clear, the 17-year-old debate geek did what first came to mind: He detached himself from the situation by turning on his phone’s video recorder and, in a perfect simulation of the news correspondents he had watched in his bedroom for years, narrated the events that had just taken place.
Is any of that even… you know… true?
One would think he would have played that all the time.
Unless, of course, it showed that he was nowhere close to the action and was pissing his pants.
It’s “not uncommon for people to tell us something is false simply because they disagree with the premise of a story or they’re intentionally trying to target a particular publisher,” said Lyons.
Like so many young men in so many foxholes before him, Hogg discovered in himself a powerful drive not to leave this Earth without making a mark.
Aaaaaand done.
I did get a kick out of picturing David Hogg in an actual foxhole.
With a big piss stain on his crotch, no doubt.
I’m just gonna drop this here.
How do they prove it?
Oh. Brilliant.
And yet these guys are going to be known as sheep fuckers rather than cinematographers…
Can they be both? 🙂
I wonder if they made any money on their farm pr0n.
Wait, wut? There is a market for this stuff other than to make fun of people?
Pretty sure there’s a market for everything.
You don’t remember the Great Farm Pr0n Crash of 1998?
One of the first pr0n genres to be monetized. It was huge, but then other (free) pr0n started to become available and demand plummeted. The people who had invested all their money in it lost everything.
Motto: If you want to bring home the bacon, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Especially if customers can get their milk for free without having to buy the cow.
Nicely done
I thought it was going to be that a K-9 unit alerted on the accused dick because it smelled like bacon.
Don’t really see a victim here…
p.s. I’m trying to figure out who was the slowest runner in that group. The one who always had to fuck the leftover animals. “C’mon guys, let me fuck the pig for once! It isn’t fair that I always have to cornhole the goat.”
My first sentence had some extra pseudo markup that was supposed to say </one-true-libertarian> after it. As in I was JOKING (well maybe only a little) about there being no victim.
+1 “The National Anthem”
I see your dog, horses, cow & goat and raise you a sheep and a turkey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Granger
A turkey?
His actions were cloacaed in secrecy.
Had to be said.
I always thought it’d be the Japanese who’d take us over using bipedal mechwarriors, turns out it’s going to be the Russians.
These things look formidable so long as they stay away from the Forest Moon of Endor.
Them plexiglass windows tho. This thing would be an embarrassment if parked in front of Lockheed Martin or Honeywell. Unless they got Uncle Sam to shell out 9-digit dollars for it.
Meh. That’s just about the weight of an Elemental. Let me know when they build an Atlas.
Atlas was the first 100 ton mech, no? man that takes me back.
Nope, that was the Mackie.
Only 4.5 tons. Lol, the headline said 45.
I’m disappointed.
It was a golden age for all mankind. Using the incredible exoskeletons called E-frames, we had successfully terraformed Venus and Mars, and were now poised to move on to the Outer Planets. Suddenly, it all ended. We were pressed into a nightmarish war on a scale previously unimagined. We were attacked by our own creations, the Neosapiens, a race of artificially created humans. Led by Phaeton, they had seized control of Venus, Earth, and Mars. This is Lt. J.T. Marsh, member of the Exofleet, leader of a small band of E-frame pilots dedicated to freeing humanity from Neosapien rule. We are… the Exosquad.
Hands down the best early morning children’s cartoon ever made.
Formidable? that thing looks like it would lose to Marshal Mud. It’s as if the Russians don’t know their own history.
Potemkin mech.
* thunderous applause *
I don’t see any weapons on it.
High center of gravity and high target profile are both generally bad ideas for any weapons system.
As a proof of concept piece, OK, sure. As a viable weapons platform? Not a prayer.
Schummer and Pelosi are going to propose this so they can help people better virtue signal sooner than later.
We’re not even going back to Twilight Zone or Outer Limits anymore, we’re just looking back to last season of Black Mirror. (Which is probably mentioned in the story, it was mentioned in the several other stories I’ve seen talking about the social credit).
I loved that episode, but still like Community’s Meow Meow Beans better.
Pshh. Community did it first. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/App_Development_and_Condiments
Among other useful things they can do with it.
Our London Glibs being industrious?
the thousand child slave thing sounds at first glance like bullshit
I read that as ‘cannibal farms’ at first.
Do we have Glibs that eat kids?
Paging OMWC . . . .
Only on special occasions.
Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts has been found dead, just over a month after she was reported missing, CBS News has learned. The 20-year-old was last seen July 18, jogging near her home in the central Iowa town of Brooklyn.
Her family reported her missing the following day when she didn’t show up for work. Her disappearance set off a massive investigation and weeks of fruitless searches.
^for the joggers in your life
This is why I don’t jog. Too worried about rape.
Stop going into STEVE SMITH’S woods?
yup: no one ever raped a .38
High maintenance, but I might also recommend this.
Fuck the knife.
Sig P938
i know i know. gun > knife but no jogger will bother running with a pound of steel tugging on their drawstring.
fanny pack or dead. simple choice.
Body-hugging midriff holsters, imo. Hell, people carry weighted backpacks, what’s a couple pounds cinched to your sternum?
a sternum jogger holster seems to make good sense. women could carry just under their boobs. then tuck fetal when attacked to conceal the draw.
and there’s a very tempting deal on a 938 with laser for $529..
This is dumb, but I had forgotten boobs.
*turns in Q-card, sobs into soy latte*
To be fair, you were discussing women who jog.
a pound of steel tugging on their drawstring
Life emulates The Onion: Karla Marx visits former employer, a coffee shop, on its last day of business: closing due to high rent and $15/hour minimum wage.
Yes, the minimum wage your now-unemployed former coworkers enjoy will surely make living easier. How many cups of coffee does $0 buy?
“The fact that
paying people enough to liveforcing businesses to close is considered a ‘radical, far-left’ position says more about the current state of our nation’s politics than it does mine,”Indeed it does. And for once, what it says about our nation’s politics is not bad.
Remember when companies that couldn’t afford to pay employees whatever arbitrary wage leftists proposed deserved to be shuttered, because they were obviously mismanaged or weren’t providing a necessary service? Remember when leftist proudly stood behind their bankruptcy model of business ethics, and didn’t mentally disconnect the causal link between price-setting and failure? Remember when progressives didn’t just acknowledge the disastrous outcomes of their policy preferences, but extolled them as necessary consequences of moral imperatives? When did progs get so obtuse? Did Obama do such a number to their heads that they can no longer think in terms of intended consequences, let alone the unintended? It’s like they’ve transcended underpants gnome-models of the economy and embraced freeform wishcasting beat poetry in place of policy theory.
Yes, Karla, it’s a real shame that everyone can’t just have ponies and live in magic castles and eat ice cream for every meal. Here’s some crayons. Go have a juice box and a color and let the adults worry about this stuff.
Proud member since 1963.
Widening gyre: “the replacement’s working is only post hoc “proof” that was the defect”
Is quoting oneself allowed? I move this here to keep from gumming up Sloop’s perfectly useful thread above; his problem hits close to home: I know my brother industrialists have let him down, and I feel a little queasy about the general state, the relationship between client and supplier. Everyone is letting everyone down in little ways: obvious defect, clear inadequacy, or subtle bait-and-switch seems to color every transaction and relationship.
Living through the design, prototype, test, tool, build, ship, service, warranty loop, you learn a lot; closing the loop professionally is something companies don’t keep many of us around long enough to accomplish anymore. A couple of times I’ve ridden the product life cycle from womb to tomb, and you can’t imagine how much I’ve learned about communication, human nature, problem solving, documentation…..tons I learned from watching mechanics struggle with things I helped design and build years before. The happy assumptions from those early days when we thought we were so smart, so professional, so experienced….they are proven laughable as the scales fall from our eyes and the parts show up.
In all things there is arrogance: in the doing and later in the second-guessing. Forgive me; I know Yeats was not thinking about automotive engineering, but he’s apt:
“Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”
post hoc ergo propter hoc: if they swap a part and the problem goes away, the part was defective; that’s the corner we put a mechanic in. He’s a gyre in a system; he didn’t design the car; he can’t see the electrons or read the code….the metal looks fine, no problem. “Evap freezing; replace Tstat, evap, TXV, recharge; checks good.” “Rejected: Tstast, TXV, evap returned and found good; root cause probably low refrigerant.”
Sorry for the ramble; just imagine how many thousands of warranty repair narratives I’ve read, how many claims I’ve rejected for faulty analysis! Often, “defective” parts are returned for analysis; always, always, 1/4 to 1/3 of them are perfectly good. The mechanic just doesn’t have the tools to do his job anymore; the systems are hopelessly complex.
This is a scary situation to ask someone to invest half a year’s salary in.
* ramble over *
my neighbor’s a mechanic. he rants all the time about how many computers are in cars nowadays. something like 80+ whereas his from 12 years ago has only 4.
that level of specialization can’t help the lifecycle cost.
Don’s Law
the longer a ramble you post, the more likely a new thread will be started elsewhere
I enjoyed it. Seriously, it would make a great TED-like talk.
TED!? I only trust this fine crowd with Yeats.
If I recited that to the general public, blood would run from ears and uninoculated infants would burst into flame.
You know your colleague’s life/marriage sucks when he’s on Slack during his Croatia vacation alone with the wife.
I was going to say maybe he’s just multi-tasking, but … male.
He better multi task me up a coupla these things when he’s on his way home