Catch up on all the Omaha Beach Diorama posts
We know the story, it’s D-Day, and white men will die, but what’s going on right here, right now, with this Company? I needed a way to get the Allies past the initial obstacles, and it needed to be legit, so why not a few large craters?
Due to the tide, it’s already wearing away. At least 40% of the men are expected to make it to the wall. We shall see.
Water: My undercoat turned out smashing IMO, it blends well from Midnite Blue to Light Grey, with a neat little surf line, ending in a dry sand beach head, check it out.
There are still many details to come before I can pour the water such as…
Army Men: Tedious is a polite way of putting it. Painting little boots and faces is hard on the eyes, but it must be done, so I do my best and carry on.
Remember, at least 40% of the men I paint, I will kill, burn, drown, dismember, and otherwise mentally fuck up, before I can pour water.
It’s good to have a selection of different types of troops, even if they aren’t “D-Day” troops, for example, I have some U.S. mountain troops that have some horses, the Germans used horses a lot so they get them. The U.S. guys leading them with bridles will end up in the water hanging on to ropes from the Higgins boats. Repurpose anything you want/can is my motto.
The pieces (meaning all the machines, not the men) themselves are all cut into the board to sink them below the water undercoat and must be completely sealed before pouring the acrylic water, every nook and cranny has to be filled with tiny bits of foam and then layered with Elmers Glue. After that they must be sealed with water effects to create a nice blend with the water when it comes in.
Water ‘Splosions: I have yet to do one, but the idea is quite simple, some clear silicone caulking on some sprue, drug out with a toothpick, but I’m going to try for some small arms fire bullets in the water stuff as well. We shall see….
Effects: I have a few…this is just the beginning of my madness.
This is going to be good!
Gotta have Dragon’s Teeth
Where there’s smoke, there’s smoke
For all you water guys, it will be a month before my first pour, be patient. I plan on at least 4-5 pours, each 1/8 of an inch at a time, to 1/2 inch depth total , but the results will be smashing, I tell’s ya!
Until the next installment, here’s the latest album. Put on some WAR music and play it as a slideshow!
Great looking so far. I love the smoke.
Yusef. Here is a Drug Against War
20 year old me thought this was the coolest…45 year old me still thinks so.
YEAH love that song
Whoa. Not my thing, but that was pretty sweet!
Ah, Kylie Minogue Fans Don’t Masturbate….
I’m not so sure.
Will you use colored gelatin or silicone to make the water?
About 5 bottles of this,
an Acrylic that dries smooth as glass, then you add the Water effects product to bring out ripples and waves. And I am tinting it to match the Blood in the water, got a syringe ready to inject it where needed
That is bitchin’
Thanks, SP jumped on this one fast, and I thank Her, I’m already way past this stage, you will dig what’s coming next.
Dig it like a foxhole?
Yea but it makes Me want to watch the Video instead of the Slide show, great Song!
Wasn’t thinking this But YES! Eric Burden is a vocal Hero of mine,
I hate “Low Rider”.
Burden was gone by then..
Eric Burden is one of the greatest rock singers of all time, and probably the most underrated.
Dammit, this is what I get for being late to the party. Someone beats me.
Fuck it, Another War song.
Great. I haven’t seen this in a while.
I don’t have the patience or ocd levels to do this myself, but I enjoy reading about you doing it.
This is from a Glib Request, TBH and I thought what the Hell, i hide out in the Office in summertime anyway, as long as there is interest, I’ll post every Week or two, and the end won’t look like now, not at all.
This is all just so cool. The subject, the scene, and all the clever work that goes into it.
I like your posts and I like your models, but your random capitalizing frightens and confuses me.
That AC in the background, I saw it.
I think the thermostat needs replacing…
AC? I’m more concerned about the mange ridden O’possum in the cat tower.
Wha? That’s Kittah, my 19 year old Cat, she’s famous around here, or at least known, She Purty….
/Take that Back! (Kittah voice)
For some reason I find irony in an HVAC/R dude having a window unit.
Irony? it’s Dead, I’m using a Portable unit on wheels that sits behind my head, one we give to customer til we install a new one, That’s Irony
/Tall Cans!
I found mold in my window AC unit that cools my bedroom. While I was cleaning it out, I thought to myself, “I wonder if Yusef does this for his customers and how much does he charge?”
I charge 0$, go buy a new one, it’s not worth remediation, A central system with Mold? Same thing, toss it, it can’t be Guaranteed clean, ever.
Thanks for the advice.
I will never, ever undertake something like this, so I appreciate you, Yusef.
All is needs is a dead Tom Hanks slumped against a wall while MATT DAMON struggles to conjure up one of his three acting expressions.
I have the entire Band of Brothers in my first one, even Col. Taylor, so I think I can fit them both in, an Easter egg, come find them……
I think it was Dorothy Parker who said about Katharine Hepburn, “She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B.”
Awesome Ted!
So you’re a “friend of Dorothy” ?
Can’t stand Judy Garland’s singing.
Based on your recommendation last night we watched “To Be or Not To Be” on TV.
The most amazing part is that this film was made contemporaneously in 1942, in the middle of WW II, and yet it was able to do a comic “Hitler goes to the theater” better than “Inglourious Basterds” 70 years later.
But I thought it would be much funnier given Benny’s presence, given the raves I hoped for at least mediocre Marx Brothers, but not quite. A few good moments, however — the recurrent “so they call me Concentration Camp…”. and Carole Lombard’s very racy (at least for the time) dialogue.
It did keep our attention, though, not always a given for my wife, she lasted until the end and said ‘that was good.”
What I found really amazing was the super-young Robert Stack, seeming nothing like the character he later became, but a bright-eyed young military pilot instead.
dead Tom Hanks slumped against a wall
This could only improve modern American cinema.
Wilson has a sad.
In a kind of response to R C Dean, I reread my post again, and it seems to be all over the map, but I am working on a dozen different things simultaneously, Building, painting, prepping for the next step, and I write nothing down, except material lists. So I refer to my pictures to help tell the Tale, and therefore my writing is all over the place, and I can’t write for Shit.
About how many men are you going to need for this one?
Your writing is fine. This is a visual thing, and you let the pictures do the talking with just enough commentary.
I will dive into that next week, let’s say 250 is probably the saturation point once you add in ‘Splosions, Debris and what not.
I have 221 men so far, in various stages of paint, but the U.S. troops in the water are a priority, and I have 20% paint on 36 of them, then i can pour, maybe.
Great job, Yusef. This is a terrific series so far. Looking forward to seeing the completed project.
Thanks, I was kind of concerned that no one will want to see the Sausage part, but you guys dig it. It is going to be very Nice, I see it already….
Jesse wants to see the sausage….
Well, It will be here til I finish, He knows the URL
I just saw the news, clicked on Glibs and saw picture of giant explosion. Thought this would be an article about Manafort and Cohen. I was pleasantly surprised it was a diorama from Yufus. Awesome stuff.
Yeah, but did you hear about all the Russian collusion they uncovered?
Oh wait, I just received word that it was “campaign violations” and that it’s now conspiratorial to suggest that fever dreams were just a ploy to find some crime, any crime, to overturn the results of the last election.
Just close your eyes and repeat: “CIA coups are good”
Guess “peaceful transition of power” is a dead concept.
Some Top Men are claiming the revocation of security clearance is violating the time honored tradition of peaceful transition of power….never mind it occured 2 years later and has nothing to do with it
Well, Yusef, if you ever think your hobby is pointless, just look at what some people do with their time:
“Woof”? I try to keep up I really do. But WTF is this? Nevermind, and don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.
In case you change your mind:
Thanks Spudman, but I’ll pass.
Excellent work!
It’s labor of Love, (just keep telling myself that)
Looking great, Yusef! Even when I was building models as a kid, I never had that level of patience.
Thanks, I never could have done this as a kid, I built Models, but this is a bit more than a model. If you ever decide to start something like this, be ready to spend lot’s of time on research and lot’s of money on materials, i’ll be lucky to get finished at 500$.
/Sunk Costs
I’ve seen your work.

How did you know I had a Beach House?
Getting those legs even was not easy.
Looks like crawl space of a house I once rented.
Teacher’s notes.
I’m impressed that isn’t popsicle sticks.
I’ll show you what you can do with Popsicle sticks….
Have Jesus Christ surfing?
And tap-dancing…..
Oh Jesus Christ!
Sup Tres!
“‘Jesus was a Palestinian, Jewish rabbi, he was a person of color that was killed by white supremacy’ — This progressive, inclusive church doubles as a brewery to raise funds for Planned Parenthood”
If Jesus were alive today, he would turn that beer into water. Then he’d smack you in the nuts.
And Flip over your Table….
Yawn. That’s like halfway down the progressive victim stack any more.
I’m an agnostic, and I find that absolutely heretical.
“Jesus was killed by white supremacy”
Holy fuck, could you possibly be any more ignorant while simultaneously virtue signaling to non-Christians who don’t give a shit about Jesus.
Jews=White Supremacy. Now everything makes sense.
That’s the derpiest thing I’ve seen all week. I’m guessing there isn’t one person in attendance that actually believes a thing about Christianity. My guess is the parishioners show up to one or two services and swill a couple beers so they get to feel confident in their “No true Christian” ad hominem when they pwn the deplorables for daring to calm Jesus wouldn’t totes support resettling refugees and women reproductive rights. Clowns.
They aren’t even attempting to make sense with the white supremacy nonsense anymore. “Jesus was killed by noted racist Roman legionary Gaius Flavius Hitlerus”
Just totally freaking cool. Nice!
This is great. As a lad I’d cut the top and one side of a box off, fill the bottom with dirt and dried vegetation and make dioramas with tank models and army men. I’d use my woodburner (doubt you can still get those) to create bullet holes and other battle damage. I’d admire the work for awhile and then take it into yard and go at it with my BB gun. Don’t forget the burning globs of glue.
Today that mikey would be carted off by CPS.
I use my Soldering Iron with a shitty tip for Shell holes, You can get a woodburner.
We stole My buddies Dad’s primers, put them in a Tank Model, filled it with Ronson Lighter Fluid, and then put out my Garage Before Mom came Home,
/Fire Bad!
(doubt you can still get those)
You can! I bought Spawn 2 one of them for a project.
TFW a 72-year-old hillbilly wins the internet.
She Won Way before the Internet, the World isn’t a Giant Fucking Computer!
The Matrix lied to me!
You should have Taken the Black Pill……………
You’d be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap.
o Dolly Parton
“I don’t mind when people call me a dumb blonde. I know I’m not dumb. And I know I’m not blonde.”
– Dolly Parton
“I’m glad I was born a girl. Otherwise I’d be drag queen.”
– Dolly Parton
Dolly is one of those people I would sincerely like to meet. I couldn’t give a fuck about celebrities, but she has always cracked me up.
Yeah, she’s at the top of my “famous people I’d like t have a beer with” list. She’s a real sharp broad.
Luck Buddha Beer…eh. Left over from when we had friends and its…blah
Late to the party. But, this is pretty kick ass, Yusef!
Thanks 1138, We’re just getting started,
“Occupations and Their Ideologies”
What separates left from right-leaning businesses/occupations? The further left your job is the less you have to be worried about violating the laws of physics. IOW you don’t have to worry about anything actually working.
I was going to go with “profit-seeking” but there you have Apple, Google et al. on the far left and I don’t know what to make of that.
I reject the idea that the left hates profiting because they are damn good at it. They profit off of envy and deflect attention from their own avarice. It’s not about not profiting, it’s about the right people profiting. They really are facists at heart as much noise as we make about socialism/communism.
The more your business model depends on government largess, the more likely it is to lean left.
Finished day 2 of graduate orientation. Now for some demographic observations. In the math department, about 2/3 of the students were African. There were no African Americans in the group. There was one Asian, 4 white guys, and the rest were Middle Eastern. There was one woman in the group who was also Middle Eastern. We had TA orientation for the entire University today and the demographics changed quite a bit. For physics, the majority of students were Middle Eastern, for Biology, there was a larger representation of white people and women. Outside of STEM fields, such as COMS, Journalism, English, and Fine Arts, the majority of the students seemed to be white women. It is interesting the number of Africans in the Math department. I wonder if our program has a strong outreach program in Africa or if this is common across math departments.
Well OK then, now FUCK OFF!
/Welcome to the house
Hi Tulpa!
Where is your University?
There We go again, scaring off the Newbs
39° 19′ 26.40″ N
-82° 05′ 38.40″ W
I was told there would be no math
MMW=man’s material wealth
HE=human effort
NR=natural resources
solve for G.
If MMW = HE + (NR*T), then
G = 1 + NR + T
Am I missing the joke?
Barely a four-year school.
It’s within commuting distance. I don’t have to worry about room and board costs.
I realize your comment was a joke. I just detest the idea of going to an elite University. I’d rather save money and stay close to family while I still can.
Hmm. Reasonable. Sensible.
I suspect a mole.
Lol!!! Welcome.
And fuck off, Tulpa.
Does it start with an O?
All people are misplaced Americans merely waiting for their Social Security paperwork to make them official… official citizens in the most racist, intolerant, murderously apartheid country ever.
I’m listening to Raspberry Beret, I’m a Racist,
Trump needs to exercise his right to pardon that guy who did absolutely nothing wrong. Of course I’m talking about the 95 year old Nazi.
Just heard on Fox, “Cohen’s plea bargain is a victory for Republicans. Trump paid hush money to a pornstar and a Playboy model which shows he has better taste in women than Bill Clinton.”.
Who said that? We need pics of the ladies paid off by the Congressional slush fund.
One of the guest talking heads.
Other than Gutfeld, I can’t imagine one of the regulars saying that. Good *Zing*.
That’s something Playboy could have done back in the day – “Paid off Capitol Slits”
I just saw Manafort got convicted today of tax evasion and bank fraud. This may have already been covered, but my thoughts-
I doubt manafort is anything other than a standard issue DC swamp critter who is no more or less guilty of crimes than the vast majority of his peers. He got caught mostly because he spent some time supporting an unpopular candidate. I weep no tears for him. What I do want to see is him spill the beans.
I want Mr. Manafort, now convicted, to start the process of exposing the corruption of all the others in his circle. That would be an optimum outcome.
He may do this. I dont know, but if I was a dirty DC swamp critter doing dirty DC swamp critter things, and I happened to be the only one who gets to go to prison for doing the same shit as everyone else, I would be pissed enough to start exposing every bit of corruption that I was aware of. And I’m sure I would be aware of a lot.
Maybe you should read this.
I can dream can’t I?
Shit. Every one of us could probably be clipped for tax offesnses. It’s the weakest, shittiest ‘criminal’ thing there is.
I have no idea what Manafort did and frankly couldn’t care less. None of this substantiates OMGSTOLENELECTIONRUSSHINZSTORMYNAZIS!!!!
I’m bored and wish to move on.
Trump has a point that none of it has to do with Russian collusion.
And keeping Manafort in solitary seems a bit extreme.
I largely agree. I dont care what he did. I have had a working theory in my head for a long time though about the nature of the DC political machines.
I believe them all to be criminal. Everyone of them. I also believe they all know they are criminal. How could they not know. It’s very rare that one of them gets tried and convicted of anything. I think that it is rare indicitates an unwillingness of the opposing factions to go after one another out of fear of their own criminality being exposed.
I hope that one day, they get over this fear and start going after one another because they are all guilty and once they start talking, there is no telling how far it could go. I see this as an opportunity to actually drain the swamp.
You can’t just drain on side of the swamp and not expect the other half to not fill the space.
I could see it going both ways at once. That would be nice. It would be nice to start seeing DC political grifters getting charged and convicted on a regular basis. More of this stuff might wake people up to the criminality of our ruling class.
I see it this way. We live in a neighborhood controlled by one gang and the next neighborhood over is controlled by another gang. It sucks being shaken down every once in a while, but if they take too much or get too agressive, we can move to the other neighborhood. Trump is a new gang in town. They’re all guilty AF, but making the creeps compete is better than one gang having full control. That’s when you get Khmer Rouge stuff.
The analogy is apt. I like it, but I dont see too many people in one gang going down without bringing down people in the other gang at the same time.
These two gangs put on a huge display of hating one another, but in all reality, they rely on one another. Gang A can’t keep members of there is no Gang B ro fight against. A drop in gang membership would be bad for gang business.
Selective enforcement, disproportionate sentences, fishing expedition. This whole shitshow is a travesty.
I find it particularly disgusting that the jihadist who killed at least one child, and was starving and brainwashing ten more into killers, is out there walking freely, while some guy tagged for tax fraud has been spending months in solitary and will now be in prison for, possibly, decades.
Justice? fuck no
“I find it particularly disgusting that the jihadist who killed at least one child, and was starving and brainwashing ten more into killers, is out there walking freely”
I have no idea what the fuck is going on there. It makes no sense.
The judge is a former public defender from San Francisco.
But Trump is President. Hold him on federal charges.
New Mexico Jihad
This isn’t gonna end like these fuckos think it is.
I really dont understand the new Mexico thing. It makes no sense. Neither does the Las Vegas shooting. What the fuck is going on out west?
They’re all in it together and the rewards are too great no matter if your team is in power or not. That’s why they are so afraid ot Trump. He’s not part of the their scam and doesn’t need them.
h/t Razor: “Manafort gets prison time for not paying taxes. Al Sharpton got 80 visits to the White House and a TV show.”
Now wait just a minute here. How can Trump be “literally Hitler” if he can’t keep his own Justice Dept. from taking down his guys?
Usual totalitarian template is for the party assuming power to start taking out the opposition. Is Trump and his toadies so incompetent that
they let their enemies (Hillary, et al) skate while they go down for corruption that makes them pikers next to all the other grifters the swamp has harbored?
Yes, according to the narrative he is the dumbest person alive and also colluded with a foreign government to overthrow the US government and hypnotize voters with facebook ads and hacked voting terminals to pull off the largest coo in history.
You’d think to pull off the largest coo in history would involve one massive stool pigeon.
Perhaps one that flew the coup? 😉
I think that’s about right. Although there are certainly tiers of Scumbag in the lobbying world, and he’s high up there. He lobbied for Mobutu Sese Seko, the Marcos family, etc. That’s A-class scumbag.
I agree he’s been targeted because of Trump; but i don’t think others are let off simply because of political-connections (see: Tony Podesta) – i think once DoJ got the ball rolling w/ the Trump circles, anyone w/ dirt was going to get swept up.
I don’t think he’s going to dish anything. I don’t think anyone cares outside of whether he can dish on Trump. And unless Trump did something (i think paying off Stormy Daniels is the ‘best’ they’ve got, and they’ve got Cohen for that), there’s nothing to dish on.
He can say Trump met this one guy once who had a Russian accent. BANG. They got him!
No. if he had any real Trump-related dirt, he’d have offered it in a plea-deal. Now that he’s been convicted, there’s no more negotiation: its just sentencing.
He’s not spilling anything. Cohen, on the other hand, might.
Sentencing is yet to cum (socialists squee with JOY)
I can’t see this entire thread just now, but I don’t think this is entirely correct.
As to convictions, there is still time for prosecution to make recommendations before sentencing, so there’s still time to negotiate. The chance to curry favor by saving the AG the trouble of prosecution has passed, which is usually the motive for a deal, but that’s not the motive at all here as I understand it… talk is most welcome: they still want him to squeal.
As to hung verdicts, there is time to negotiate whether to re-try the case, so they’re essentially at ground zero.
As to other indictments yet to be prosecuted (some tax stuff down in DC, methinks), there are exactly at ground zero.
Sorry if I mistakenly interrupted more a learned exchange.
Clearly you haven’t met me. I’m CPRM, the guy that makes Trump’s Hat talk to his Hair in funny cartoons.
Who also lives in Wisconsin.
Just sayin’.
Perhaps. Im not a lawyer. but i think the dynamics of negotiation narrow severely regardless: prior to conviction they have the entire world of potential consequences to consider. After conviction, its a far-narrower range of potential outcomes, and he can’t get less than minimum penalties required by statute.
basically, he (manafort) already decided he’d take the penalties rather than play ball (if there was anything to play); it seems unlikely that there is anything significant prosecutors can offer re: sentencing discretion than they offered in the past, even if there is theoretically some wiggle-room.
Also, keep in mind manafort’s team didn’t even present a defense. They just sat through the whole proceeding and offered no witnesses. Which means they always thought the case against them was weak and that the best outcome would be arrived at by passively letting the system work. If he were desperate for leniency or wiggling out of consequences, they didn’t show it.
Well jeeze there Tundra, I was tryin’ ta make myself sound like a bad guy, but den yous go throw dat compliment out der.
It’s why I’m here brother.
That puts me in such a nice mood I won’t even ask about how my arraigned marriage with your daughter is coming and will instead link some Cusack.
Look, Podesta testified against Manafort, and by osmosis Trump, that means he didn’t do nuffin wrong. You right wing wackos just don’t understand science.
I mean, that fact has been so buried that it’s baffling.
Historians aren’t perfect and most are left leaning. But 50 years from now, this entire episode is not going to be looked upon favorably. Like, it doesn’t even take more than an ounce of objectivity to call bullshit on what has happened. The facts that we already know are overwhelmingly in favor of Trump.
These are blatantly political prosecutions. And Hillary was let off for political reasons that were nakedly transparent at the time, but become even more so. Comey got in front of the country and talked about precedent and what sort of case a reasonable prosecutor would take up. Then we get this shit from Mueller where he played the typical game these scumbags always play. They’ve twisted the law and set new ground to get prosecutions where they want it.
I mean, it isn’t even about Trump. This is the exact shit libertarians have been talking about with the feds and prosecutions.
Civil libertarians on the left are an endangered species. You can’t have identity politics and robust protections of individual’s rights in the same party. Greenwald is the exception that proves the rule.
Look, Trump broke SOME LAW at SOME POINT, therefore he’s Hitler and can’t be president. You right wing wackos act like this could be used against any other candidate, it can’t; unless the Right people want to. It’s fucking easy to understand. You’re a bunch of conspiracy theorists.
i think the double standard is explainable tho. Obama’s DoJ expected Clinton to be in the white house the following year. The mandate was to make the problem go away. A Special Prosecutor is pretty much the opposite: a political attack dog who has sole mandate to fuck with president in any way they can.
Why people in Trump’s DoJ decided a special prosecutor was warranted is a question i don’t really know answers to. I think the russian ‘hacking’ (it wasn’t) may have been sufficiently unusual (imo, it wasn’t) that they thought it needed ‘explaining’, but obviously a special prosecutor is a terrible tool for that sort of thing.
It was the media narrative, not actual facts. Just the way they planned.
I don’t mean to be a dick, but you had the exact opposite take on Mueller when he was first appointed. When we start asking why (supposedly) Trump people appointed him, it’s not hard to understand. Even if we don’t have every bit of information at our disposal.
1. Trump mistakenly gave way too much credence to GOP insiders. Most of whom had bet against him and wanted to see him lose. He let them pick his people in most instances. Trump upset the apple cart too much. They were never his people. The Clinton’s made a point of bringing people to Washington close to them. Trump was more deferential to insiders, despite talk about draining the swamp. He’s learned more since, but the damage was done.
2. The media ratcheted up its rhetoric exponentially after the Trump win. The fifth column applied its pressure.
3. Trump caved and fired Flynn. It added fuel to the fire when combined with number 2. Never give them a scalp. It was his biggest blunder and egged them on when if he had stuck by Flynn, they never would have had the balls to bring charges.
And you made it clear that you think politics influenced the Hillary investigation. So one way or the other, we aren’t talking about rule of law. If anyone even really believed in that notion anymore, particularly in terms of the feds.
I’m impressed you’d remember. I can’t. I’ll take your word for it.
I would guess in 2017 my belief was that DoJ was going to do some very quick investigation in russian hacking, and russian hacking alone.
At the time no one knew anything about dirt w/ Manafort or Cohen/Stormy; and it would have seemed wildly unrelated to “Russia”, which was 100% of the screeching was about. There was some peripheral shit known about Flynn, and allegations about firing of Comey…. but the idea that it would be an open-ended-witch hunt was less 100%-certain.
Some smart people at the time had similar suggestions: that “restoring DoJ credibility” was more important than witch hunting.
Obviously that hasn’t been the case, so if my perspective has changed, its because facts have changed. I don’t know if that’s necessarily contradictory.
Yeah, here’s what i said (and we only talked about it once, apparently, so good memory 4 U)
So, pretty much what i’d have expected. Not sure that’s “The opposite” of what i said above. I was more sanguine, sure, but i had reason to be.
More of that conversation
and more
Again this goes back to my initial point: re, Sessions recusing himself, and Rosenstein picking Mueller… I don’t know WTF they were thinking.
It was speculation on my part based on “surely they can’t be this stupid and inviting trouble on their own heads”
It remains something bizarre to me.
There is no age limit to playing with army men. Good stuff yusef. I approve.
“There is no age limit to playing with army men.”
Those splosions and smoke look great.
A Lach and Raston, Yep, I’m having a ball without the Kids to drag me down, time enough……
/I love my kids though
I watch CRTV and just noticed they bleep all the bad language. At the end of Gavin’s latest GOML, he riffs with his sound guy about what has to be censored and says he’ll get in trouble if they don’t bleep “fag”. I guess it’s the socon s.
Tell em, Fuck Off for me……
I love how she’s wearing six wristwatches.
There’s a sound technical reason for that.
I’m reminded today, what with all the talk of impeachment, that when Comey didn’t charge Hillary for her emails, he cited precedent and said no reasonable prosecutor would take the case. But they’re trying to get Trump on…campaign finance violations. Ones that usually only have administrative penalties. Cohen may do time, but it’s going to be for more of the tax fraud BS. Not the campaign finance issues related to the payoffs of porn stars. Don’t expect the media to make that distinction.
Nothing Manafort was charged with has anything to do with Trump. And Podesta was guilty of all the same shit. Literally all of it. Strangely, no charges were brought. He was, in fact, allowed to go away quietly in exchange for some info.
Trump’s only chance of survival is going to be at the ballot box. So he should spend the next few months campaigning like hell on that.
Don’t Worry, we have a Trillion bullets and they don’t know which bathroom to use….
I’d be really curious to see a hypothetical camp for a progressive army. The latrine arrangements. The chow hall offerings (can’t appropriate any cultures here). The segregation by race, gender, and sexual identity with the black Muslim transgendered individuals with disabilities getting the most luxurious living arrangements. Any white males would probably have to carry their gear for them. Wait, who am I kidding. They’d be doing all of the manual labor.
First night in the new house… not that we’re moving in just yet, the new bathroom isn’t even plumbed yet, let alone framed. But I got it in my head that I’d left the garage door open earlier when we knocked off, and I have a modestly nice bike stored here, so around eight paranoia got the better of my clear memory of hitting the garage door switch and I drove back down to check. And of course it was closed. But I figure I’m down here anyway, I may as well spend the night and break in the new bed. Except paranoia got the better of me, so I’m camped out in the couch waiting for my car to get broken into, or the back door to be kicked in…
What kind of neighborhood did you move into?
No kidding. I haven’t used my bike lock in months and I ride it everywhere.
If you said that around here, I’d assume you mean you lean your bike up against a tree and walk inside for a minute. Sure, maybe nobody takes your bike in the ninety seconds you’re inside. But come on, would you leave a bike unchained for the ninety minutes you’re in class?
He lives in Japan.
Absolutely. I leave unlocked in the bicycle parking lot from 8 am to 11 pm, three days a week. It sits outside my house unlocked all night.
That’s just because to them you tower like Godzilla.
I don’t pay the tolls.
Well, we have a bike thief problem here… But if I’d left the garage door open, that’s a dumbass me problem
And I probably (!) I vastly overrate my likelihood of being robbed, but after the fact, are you really going to quibble about statistics?
TBH, my bike cost less than $200. It’s become a social experiment at this point where I want to see how long it takes before it gets swiped. Six months and still there.
class, what are you a JEW!!!! (I kid, or did I?)
I haven’t locked my house in years and all my vehicles sit in my driveway with the keys in them everyday.
You’re like the drug king pin in 70’s New York. That or Vlad the Impaler. He’d place a golden chalice in the town square unguarded all day and night. Nobody touching it was a perfect reminder of his power.
Nah. People just dont steal from each other in my neck of the woods. My neighbors are good people and any outsider would be noticed.
I never lock my house, got robbed once…even though the front door was open the they broke in though a window and stole a typewriter…I live a strange life.
Aw, I’m making fun of myself. I hate change. I’m deeply suspicious of new places. And I’m a little drunk. It’s a nice neighborhood, some shady apartments a couple blocks away, but nothing like the transient thoroughfare I had going through the old neighborhood… and even there I never had a window broken out, like I did in the ritzy part of town. Hope that motherfucker enjoys my cheap headphones and textbook on construction as much as I enjoyed replacing my passenger side window.
Haven’t taken my boots off… have to dart out after the motherfucker who busts out my car window to steal the fast food napkins from my glove box. Any minute now. Can’t sleep, of course. That’s when the motherfuckers get you. It’s not so much the fast food napkins, you understand. I can replace those. It’s having my car window busted out, that’s the real motherfucker.
Do you live in a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode?
I think you need to drink more, or less. I’m not sure which one, but it is one of them.
More is always better, you can save some for later……
Definitely less.
Funny thing, swyping “definitely” yielded “soberly” four times out of three. Soberly mostly yields “felt”.
I leave the Blue Kia unlocked for that reason, take the Stereo, leave the windows please….
Real libertarians make their dwellings into compounds with motion sensor lights and beware of dog signs and don’t tread on me flags flying at every pole. Do you even have a fence?
Barb Wire.
So, you’ve been to our place?
Barbed wire fence on a defensible peninsula flying the Autobot flag. I know how to libertarian.
I’m banned from being in 100 ft of any child. Not because I like them in the way OMWC does, though.
I have a Molon Lobe, is that good?
/And Maybe I have some guns………………
The guns are separate from the dwelling. I mean, you should have several unregistered guns on your person at all times. And hidden in every piece of furniture. But the things outlined above are common sense preventative measures.
i don’t own any Guns, I just talk Shit,
Or Do I?
I don’t have interest enough to do it, but I’d like to see someone go on all the left wing blogs and comment quoting Hitler but replacing ‘jews’ with either ‘the one percent’ or ‘white privilege’ where appropriate. I wonder what the responses would be.
Be the change you want to see in the world, CPRM.
Meh, I don’t give enough shits about this culture war bullshit. But some people on here seem to. So, just throwin out ideas.
Not it!
Yes you are! TAG! you’re Tulpa!
Sounds like a fun project, but i already have too many lined up,
When doves cry… EEEH!
I mean, people have done this before basically. Maher actually did it the opposite way. He quoted Obama on race. His audience booed thinking it was from Trump I believe. It was actually a line about black folk needing to be more accountable. Then he said that, no, it was the Light Bringer. Awkward silence. And then you have the whole Stormfront or SJW game.
You’d probably get more traction quoting Mussolini.
He made the quotes run on time, right?
Speaking of WWII:
Imagine that Death….. and they rebuilt the Ship! amazing? no
That’s actually pretty cool.
Hope they get to keep it.
We are the Government and will help you with all that heavy lifting, oh and we are keeping it, FYTW…..
end of story,
Have I mentioned how much I hate the gov?
Did Kennedy learn interviewing skills from Gillespie? I watched 10 minutes of her show and her guest had incredible trouble finishing a thought because she kept talking over him.
Same school of Mouth running?
Did she keep talking about millennials and independents and while making no actual points about libertariansim?
I never really paid that much attention to what she was saying.
She’s really pretty.
Like this chick.
That’s my Gen X or not shibboleth.
That’s good Tundra. I never made that connection but you’re right.
In that video I’m seeing Borderline Personality Disorder in Lisa Loeb’s eyes.
Now I’m going to have to pass on her as a result.
I first new I was a man when I had a dream about having sex with Lisa Loeb…but I don’t get the Kennedy connection other than glasses, if that’s the case then I guess Harry Carrey is up for grabs.
Lisa Loeb, maybe , Lindsey Lohan, oh fuck yes, Ill take the STDs
Yes to the last part. The discussion was about security clearance revocation. There wasn’t an obvious way to shoehorn in her favorite demographics.
Ticking, check out what passed for Photoshop back in 1974, the cover is hilarious,
The poor bastard was cut in half before getting glued back together.
I have that shirt. Doesn’t fit, but I have it.
I’ll buy it, really, that’s right up my Stage craft uniforms,
Billy Joel – Piano Man, this video actually tells the Tale, it’s pretty cool,
When I was about ten years old, it was the “Piano Man” album and Steely Dan’s “Aja”, that got me hooked on music. Over the decades, I’ve always envisioned a much more melancholy scene for that song.
I’ve always viewed the people portrayed in the song as representatives of the “human condition”. They can see, touch, feel, the American Dream but they’ve not yet achieved it. The setting, the music, all help deal with reality that they’re not there yet, and may never be.
‘Night Yufus.
From the same era “Twin Sons of Different Mothers” was a guaranteed chance for additional bases on date nights.
Here is one from the same era as Piano Man that is what people thought (and many still think) about America.
Looks like He wants to FUCK America!, in a good Way..
Cool start Yusef. Have you checked the various WWII “then and now” sites? They’ll give you a great idea of what engineer defenses the beaches had and how the Wehrmacht defenses were painted and camouflaged. The beaches had lots of obstacles including logs with Teller Mines on top planted at angles into the expected travel of landing craft.
Good work on the explosions. Bright Hollywood explosions are rare and most are much closer to what you portrayed.
Thanks to you and Spud, i use a lot of Wood for the German defenses as you will see, and they used very few Sandbags, but some….
@Spud, ” I’ve always envisioned a much more melancholy scene for that song” , I agree but it’s a good video, a story, and I like stories
Good Night Glibs!!
One more horribad! Nancy Sinatra! bang Bang, What?