Its back to school day at the Sloopy household. And that means Baby Reason goes to kindergarten today. Should be a tearful affair…for her teacher. But if that lady’s level of enthusiasm from meet the teacher night is any indication, the woman will probably sleep through half the year.

A metaphor for the entire season
Speaking of sleeping through the year, the Orioles got shut out by the Indians last night. They’re on pace to lose over 110 games this year. Yikes. Besides the Indians, the other winners were: Tampa Bay, New York (AL), Cincinnati, Colorado, Miami, Pittsburgh, Chicago (AL), Milwaukee, Texas, Los Angeles, New York (NL), Arizona and the world champion Houston Astros, who regained sole possession of first place in the AL West after blowing their huge lead.
Across the pond, your EPL results were: Cardiff and Newcastle tied, Everton won, Leicester won, Tottenham won, Bournemouth won, Chelsea beat Arsenal, Watford won, Man With annihilated Huddersfield 6-1, and Brighton humiliated Man United 3-2 in a game that was nowhere near as close as the scoreline. Liverpool play Crystal Palace today.

A true example of the American dream.
If you were born on this date, then you share it with Antarctica discoverer Fabian Gottlieb von Bellinghausen, Naval genius Oliver Hazard Perry, president Benjamin Harrison, author H.P. Lovecraft, Italian Salvatore Quasimodo, boxing- and self-promoter Don King, musician Sneaky Pete Kleinow, libeetarian-ish politician Ron Paul, Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic, smooth-voiced Isaac Hayes, vocalist Robert Plant, rocker Paul Lynette, once-fat weatherman Al Roker, rapper KRS-One, “singer” Fred Durst, lovely actress Amy Adams, and whack-job Demi Lovato.
Its also the date on which the following happened: Hungary was established, the Civil War was officially declared over, Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture opened in Moscow, the dial telephone was patented, East Germany began erecting a physical wall, LBJ signed the shitty Economic Opportunity Act into law, and NASA launched Voyager 2.
Lots of musicians born on this date, that’s for sure. Well anyway, here come…the links.

#metoo Asia Argento #metoo
Harvey Weinstein accuser and ex- of Anthony Bourdain has some explaining of her own to do. She’s the first to end up on both sides of the #metoo circus.
Wait, three of them at a peace picnic, no less? Did somebody misspell it on the flyer and people thought it was a “bring your piece” picnic? What a train wreck of a city.
Al Sharpton is a colossal dumbass. I’m sorry, I mean he’s a D-U-M-M-A-S-S!
This is what happens when you let electric companies and state governments set up monopolies. Congratulations, Virginia. You got taken for a ride for your own protest.
Wow, talk about being a deep sleeper. Also, “faces life in prison”… that can’t be right, can it? Either way, he’s gonna be deported as soon as he serves his time. Anyway, weirdness all around.
Even if they didn’t pull the trigger, why did the cops feel the need to “question” the person at all? Sounds like he was minding his pwn business. And anybody in that city that doesn’t arm themselves is a fool.
Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen under investigation for $20m bank fraud. I wonder if the case they present will be as leaky as the one against Paul Manafort?

Tearful reunion after more than 50 years
And here’s a heartwarming story I hope we get to see a lot more of in the coming months and years.
Today wasn’t an easy day to choose a song. And it could be debated I even chose the right person. But there you go.
Now go out there and have a great day. I’m gonna walk my daughter to school for the first time…and probably get a little weepy.
Kindergarten already? Damn time flies.
Tell me about it. It seems like just the other day we were selling the rights to her middle name.
How much did Pornhub fork over?
Ha! Actually Nikki paid a bunch and we donated it to TOS.
Congratulations, Sloopy and Banjos. Give ’em hell, Reason.
>>She’s the first to end up on both sides of the #metoo circus.
It’s completely different when a woman does it, shitlord!
Assault is not just assault, it is assault plus institutional privilege. Women can not assault men
The way it’s described has gotta raise some eyebrows. “The Times said that the alleged assault happened months past his 17th birthday in a California hotel room.” I honestly don’t understand why they’re counting the months.
Or why’s it’s just ‘alleged.’ If anyone even whispers about Cosby or Weinstien it’s just another victim spewing facts.
I honestly don’t understand why they’re counting the months.
Because AOC is 18 in California.
Does it matter if he’s 17 years and 11 months old or 17 years and 1 month old according to the law?
So they want to get her off on a technicality?
Article doesn’t say what happened. “Sexual assault” is pretty much meaningless.
Asia Argento played her sexual assault accuser’s mom in film, called him ‘my son, my love’ on social media
Ain’t no crazy like Italian crazy.
…enter the north. I see they weren’t letting the Northerners visit the south.
“Its back to school day at the Sloopy household.”
If it’s Kindergarden is it actually “Back to School” time?
Yes, since she was in a preschool program last year.
We dropped the middle kid off at NDSU this weekend. He’s rooming with two yokels from the Devil’s Lake area of NoDak. Who knows how badly that will end up.
(Actually he and his buddies seem a lot more focused on their schooling than I was at their age.)
president Benjamin Harrison
I like that you’re rocking his barbatuoisity.
>>Its back to school day
hey, hey – my son is so happy to go back to school. When I was his age, I felt sick to my stomach on the first day.
But good news – he is going to be on the rowing (Crew) team.
Wow. I assume he’s a shitlord?
Crew is a great way to get some free college as well. U of M couldn’t find enough rowers and were grabbing girls volleyball players with no rowing experience and giving them scholarships. I guess there is a lot of crossover in the muscles developed in both sports.
Title IX, for the win!
What? Pshaw. I’m sure males with no experience get $250,000 scholarships all the time.
Don’t they edit anymore?
PeacePiece Picnic.*golf clap*
“barking dogs and shooing police”
There’s a t missing in there.
Rudy Giuliani, Stable Genius
TODD: You believe that this is on them, that you guys have not delayed the interviewing, delayed the negotiations with Mr. Mueller?
GIULIANI: Yes, yes, each time by three or four days so we could write a letter in response. They have taken two to three weeks to get back to us. What I have to tell you is, look, I am not going to be rushed into having him testify so that he gets trapped into perjury. And when you tell me that, you know, he should testify because he’s going to tell the truth and he shouldn’t worry, well that’s so silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth. Not the truth. He didn’t have a conversation about –
TODD: Truth is truth. I don’t mean to go like –
GIULIANI: No, it isn’t truth. Truth isn’t truth. The President of the United States says, “I didn’t” –
TODD: Truth isn’t truth? Mr. Mayor, do you realize, what, I, –
GIULIANI: No, no –
TODD: This is going to become a bad meme.
GIULIANI: Don’t do this to me [imitates Todd’s physical behavior].
TODD: Don’t do “truth isn’t truth” to me.
GIULIANI: Donald Trump says, “I didn’t talk about Flynn with Comey.” Comey says, “You did talk about it.” So tell me what the truth is if you’re such a genius.
TODD: Don McGhan
GIULIANI: Don McGhan doesn’t know. If that’s the situation, if two pieces of evidence – Trump says, “I didn’t tell him,” and the other guy says that he did say it, which is the truth? Maybe you know because you’re a genius.
TODD: Well, at that point, you’re right. No, you’re right. I don’t read minds on that front. Let me ask you this final question.
GIULIANI: No, no, no, let me finish. We have a credibility gap between the two of them. You gotta select one or the other. Who do you think Mueller’s gonna select? One of his best friends, Comey, or the president, who he has been carrying on a completely wild, crazy, unorthodox investigation [on].
TODD: Is it possible he makes a conclusion based on who’s been more truthful over the years?
GIULIANI: It’s possible that he’ll make the conclusion on which of the two statements is more logical; which of the two statements has more common sense. Yeah, it’s possible he can do that.
I think Giuliani is a tool, but one would be remiss to point out that with the left – and this isn’t a recent thing BTW – the truth is whatever the left wants it to be.
Giuliani acts like a coke fiend, but it’s disingenuous in the extreme to pretend that Mueller is a disinterested, unbiased seeker of truth and that in the history of independent counsel investigations, or testimonies for that matter, no one has ever been pressured to say something that winds up being false based on evidence uncovered after the fact, or misspeaks based on not understanding the question, or what-have-you.
Will no one rid Donald of these troublesome lawyers?
For a full pardon?
They just keep betraying Him. Doesn’t anyone you pay off stayed paid off anymore?
Wouldn’t it just have been easier to say “I don’t trust them not to twist his words, given their track record so far”?
Look, did you rally New York, and by extension the entire world, after 9/11? Did you? I didn’t think so.
Yeah, this should have been an easy lay-up and Giuliani went out of his way to step on his own dick instead.
“TODD: Is it possible he makes a conclusion based on who’s been more truthful over the years?”
A self important real-estate mogul/reality tv star VS. A career federal cop.
Which one has been more truthful over the years? Which one?
Um. That’s not all Amazon. If they could only peel that onion just a bit more and explain why energy costs have gone up the past decade.
Nothing to do with the Obama admin people deciding they would force costly, inefficient, and simply non-functional alternative energy schemes and scams (Solyndra, stop big coal, and so on) that would enrich a connected few while fucking over the plebes, I bet.
Oh Brennan you fucking douche please, please, do this. I would love for the defense to be able to cross examine your lying ass.
So I’m getting my clearance back?
You have Infrared Clearance.
-Friend Computer.
Paranoia RPG?
Smile when you say that!
Unhappiness is Treason!
I get the feeling that Brennan sings this to himself every morning.
Shit, he is so bad that he is scaring the other crooks & liars.
I doubt he became Director of National Intelligence by “speaking his mind”. The whole point of those positions is to lie your ass off.
And to protect the most corrupt administration this country had in my lifetime. The criminal shit that went down in the Obama admin would frighten anyone not part of the hardcore team blue zombie cult that is stupid enough to think their loyalty would protect them against the weaponized bureaucratic monster the collectivist that promised to change America created.
the hardcore team blue zombie cult that is stupid enough to think their loyalty would protect them against the weaponized bureaucratic monster the collectivist that promised to change America created.
So basically Democrats and John McCain?
Pretty much man.
The point was made over the weekend that if Brennan knows that Trump colluded with the Russians and committed treason, then pick one of the following:
a) He has illegally received classified information after leaving office
b) Has withheld vital information since being in office
c) Is lying his ass off.
He’s pretending like a) is true in order to do c) and collect that yummy pundit money and avoid prosecution.
Watch as TDS overwhelms one of our former CIA overlords who totally doesn’t make money off of his clearance and access.
Trump’s election – after they rigged it for Hillary – basically represents a challenge by the plebes to our oligarchy and it’s power and world order. It’s a rejection of the globalist movement that allowed a few people comprising the ranks of the corrupt, inept, and feckless credentialed elite cunts that have been running things for a decade or more and have basically put us on course to collapse the world economy and plunge mankind back into a dark age (while they still retain power, wealth, and protection, allowing them to stay on top), to get stinking rich while destroying the middle class and corrupted everything they touched. These overlords, top players in that cadre of credentialed elite scum, see their ill gotten gains threatened by the Trumpist movement, and they are not going to just let it happen.
Tyrants and their central planning. The means always justify their ends.
That was great.
Nice, that’s a good one.
So that’s what it looks like when a parasitic spook has a meltdown.
He looks like an absolute sociopath. He’s like a seriously vicious dog snarling over his food bowl.
He got called out as a crook and tried hard to use legaleze to avoid admitting he was raking in the cash while trying to virtue signal, so he had to put on that theater hoping to convince others he wasn’t the shitbag he is.
I think this is a more a reaction to the threat of the ending of the revolving door than it is to Trump. These guys make extremely good money coming in and out of government and are not accustomed to having their livelihoods or the ethics of what they do questioned.
His bio
It occurs to me that government types love to fellate each other with awards even more than Hollywood does.
Even if you’ve never watched the show before, the “Doing The Honours” episode of Yes, Minister gets the government lifer’s reaction to the threat of a non-lifer in power calling them on their shit.
The only difference is that Hacker is more corrupt than Trump so the civil servants can usually get him to bend over for them.
You’d be pissed to if your understanding of how the system worked got yanked out right beneath your feet when the payoff was supposed to take place.
“Excia” would be a great name for a political “consulting” firm.
Well, that, Fed benefits, probably a pension, a healthy paycheck in the low to mid 100s I’m guessing, and let’s not forget the revolving door with the various consultancies that pay Feds with connections and, you know, active security clearance, by the bucketload. Which is likely corrupt as hell, because while there’s nothing inherently wrong with being hired because of your experience in government by private companies that benefit from it, I absolutely refuse to believe that there aren’t people in government doing a little bit of horse-trading for companies interested in having somebody on the inside in exchange for paying that person as a consultant for a few years after they get out.
Has anyone mentioned the movie that sold less than two tickets per theater on opening day?
I did in overnight links. But that is the beauty of not being in America.
How the mighty have fallen….
I had a hard time believing that number referred to thousands of dollars at least. Nope. Most of my shoes cost more than the movie made on opening day.
Grossed, not made. It almost certainly cost more than that in electricity to run the projectors, never mind the per screen share of labor, equipment amort etc.
Oh, I’m sure $126 doesn’t cover the cost of toilet paper for a day of filming. That’s got to be some kind of record.
I guess when you have had enough of the god damned contractors not actually finishing the work on time, this might not be the way to handle them taking a three hour lunch. But then again, WTF do I know.
Defense lawyers seen asking around in the courthouse “So which Judge has had major work done on his house recently?”
Venezuela crisis: Brazil deploys troops after migrant attacks
Brazil is sending troops and extra police to the border town of Pacaraima where Venezuelan migrant camps were attacked and set ablaze.
President Michel Temer held an emergency meeting on Sunday as regional tensions rose over the numbers fleeing crisis-hit Venezuela.
Venezuela has asked its neighbour to ensure the safety of its citizens.
Fear not, the new petro bolivar will make everything well
Despite opposition efforts to remove President Nicolás Maduro from office, he was re-elected in May’s poll. An apparent assassination attempt on Mr Maduro earlier this month has raised tensions in the country even further. – I like how not even a small note about how rigged the elections were
I see a music video crossover of Pac-Man and the Macarena.
“Heeeeeeeyy… wakka wakka…”
Fozzy Bear?
The elections weren’t rigged. His popular support is so high that a lot of people even voted for him twice.
Who cares who the people voted for? The only important thing in that election was the vote counters and their loyalty to Maduro…
State Capitalism is the worst.
Just because it could be, doesn’t mean it should be. Great choice.
One of my favorites, too.
Nice job, Sloop!
North Korea has shifted to diplomacy in recent months. Leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, a son of North Korean war refugees, agreed to resume the reunions during the first of their two summits this year in April.
The SF Chron managed to write this entire article without a mention of someone. Hmmm, something has changed, hasn’t it?
It started under Obama!!
*Ahem* Dennis Rodman.
OOhhh… A fancy racist!
For Fancy Racists, Classical Liberalism Offers Respect, Intrigue
A new, old idea is bubbling up at the nation’s cocktail parties.
always functioned as a respectable intellectual veneer for authoritarian politic – always and forever. every single time. Hitler called him,self a classical liberal. So did Stalin.
I thought for sure that would link to Jacobin…..
HuffPo…..close enough.
I swear a decade ago HuffPo was just moderately left wing. Maybe I’m just imagining it…
The corporate radio gurus of political theory ― Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman ― popularized the notion that these thinkers represent a coherent, libertarian-esque school of thought in the 20th century.
Nah, being political theorists with extensive academic and popular publication they had a comprehension of contemporary and historical political philosophy a little deeper than the version you copped from the wikipedia summaries, hon. They just came up with a new term to make it easy to differentiate liberalism as it was understood from the late 18th century until the 1930s from your batshit transmogrified version that involves a lot of people lining up against walls.
I wish classical liberalism had actual power
Just as you should avert your ears from any band in the 21st century calling itself “classic rock,” so too should you be alarmed by today’s purveyors of “classical liberalism.” ”
Is there an actual argument here does the progressive intellectual think insinuating someone is a racist is all that is needed?
“respectable intellectual veneer for authoritarian politics”
This person is certifiably retarded.
Well, let’s look at his bio:
He previously worked as AlterNet’s Economics Editor, blogged about economic policy at Campaign For America’s Future and served on the steering committee at Americans for Financial Reform.
AlterNet? Yep, he’s retarded.
Being the ‘AlterNet Economics Editor” is probably akin to being the ‘Klan’s Director of Diversity’.
Whatever classical liberals say about their ideas, in practice they have always functioned as a respectable intellectual veneer for authoritarian politics.
So you are saying freedom is slavery?
Nothing says authoritarian like letting people do what they want as long as they don’t hurt someone else.
Alex Know says:
What the right wing criminal trash really represents is “Classic Libertarianism”
Best defined as:
“I’m alright Jack because I inherited a bundle (but don’t tell anyone – try to hide this fact) and if you didn’t, you’re a loser and should be forced to pay for it. Since I’m a winner (and “intelligent” enough to be born rich) I shouldn’t have to pay much in tax and besides, I should get it all back and then some through government subsidies.
The easiest ways for me to keep and increase my family’s wealth are well… the easiest ways: speculation, insider trading, corrupt practices, tax evasion and outright theft from those who aren’t “intelligent” like me.
Any government that tries to stop this is upsetting the natural order. I have helped to pay for thousands of RepugliCON politicians (and many Democrat too) to agree with me.
This guy has it all figured out. Over/under he’s 22 and in college? Or a a failed 52 year-old who hasn’t evolved intellectually and never actually read a book about classical liberalism?
I mean, this idiot does understand the modern West is based on classical liberalism and that by liberalism we mean in its classical form, right? If he has a problem with that, and he certainly does, and rejects this notion then he’s nothing more than a progressive with Marxist leanings.
The latter, but he’s read plenty of articles on Vox and all of Salon’s “I used to be a libertarian but now I’m a progressive” series.
Zach Carter, Senior Political Economy Reporter. Senior reporter. Senior.
Now THAT’S a shitlord, baby!
For the high school paper?
That’s a lazy, stupid article, with a worse headline. It doesn’t even try to show how any of the people it mentions are racist.
Speaking of which, it has gotten so bad that you now have of all countries Argentina, filing a crimes against humanity charge against Maduro. WTF is Moore or Penn these days to tell us how freaking awesome socialism is, huh?
They will now insist that it’s not real socialism, and anyway the US purposely wrecked it, somehow.
With these fucks it is always someone else or something else’s fault that socialism, given enough time to use up all the other people’s money, works out the same way every time it is tried, huh? I tell socialist douches complaining that the wealthy have power under a capitalist system that only the powerful have any sort of wealth under the system they peddle, only to get angry incoherent spoutings about how it was not the real thing or was sabotaged.
Maduro loves the people he increased minimum wage 3000%
The misery index went up by 5000% at the same time…
Impossible. We were assured all the leisure of not having a job would allow people to cultivate their minds and realize contentment.
Not without gulags, bro…
Libertarians are no better than commies. They want to take over and force people not to force people to do stuff. See? They want to control people, too.
The poundmetoo movement just keeps getting better and better.
I can’t believe I’ve not seen “poundmetoo” written out like that before. Elegantly brilliant!
A Kickstarter campaign I’m sure you all will want to donate to. I mean, who among you wouldn’t want to honor a war hero and principled senator in this way?
If someone can promise me that this mural will honor him posthumously, I’ll donate.
I tried to donate but my pallet of cash fell into ISIS hands.
I’ll kick in $100 to anybody who draws a giant dickbutt on it after it’s finished.
I’m sure it’ll just fail spectacularly when it matters and in it’s failure be rewarded for the attempt, because it’s the thought that counts. A true testament to that critter.
Is there a stretch goal to install one of those outdoor urinals on it?
Would YOU walk out on a sexless marriage? Father reveals his wife’s low libido means they haven’t had been intimate for SEVEN years
Is he allowed some action on the side?
At this point he should demand it.
Demand it? Sexist!
Absolutely. Sex is it!
This man is clearly a rapist. That woman should leave him for trying to get her to do things she’s uncomfort with. /Feminists
But if he does, she gets all of his money and the children… because… reasons.
When I had kids, I was committed to staying until they were grown. I’d say he’s free to run like hell the second the kids hit 18.
I disagree. Just think of how many more children you may have had or the years of life you may have been more happy. If you want to make it about the kids, what kind of example did you set? Would they have been more healthy with happier parents?
One of the best things my parents ever did for me was get divorced.
Ordinarily I believe in sticking to the vows you made, because that’s what vowing to do something means. Unless yours included, “…so long as its reasonably convenient and I still feel like it and no better offers come along”, then you deal with the “…or worse” parts. But, I also believe that shit is a two-way street, and if your better half isn’t living up to his or her end of the bargain, all bets are off. If kids are involved, I think there’s a legitimate argument to be made that you should stay together at least until the kids are out of the house, assuming the relationship isn’t violent or toxic, but otherwise GTFO and go play the field.
I’ll get biblical here.
1 Corinthians 7:3-5 New International Version (NIV)
3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
This. Deprivation is on the same level as adultery. She’s in unrepentant violation of her vows, and it’s up to him to decide how much time to give her to shape up before he formalizes the separation.
I was in that position. Six years without sex. I couldn’t cheat. I made, what I viewed as, a binding contract. My son was young. I knew the kind of gamble I would be taking if I ended the marriage. So I stuck it out. Year after year.
Oddly enough, it would be her having an affair with another woman that would end it.
Spent the next few years making up for lost time. Hell, I would have made Caligula blush during that time.
I’ll never put myself in that position again.
He should leave her. She should pay him alimony for wasting his life.
I’m surprised Sharpton got that much right. I’d figure he’d spell it, ‘R.I.S.P.I.C’.
Didn’t Bourdain tweet what an amazing person Argento is?
His taste in women was so terrible I question his taste in food.
He was entertaining to me but obviously not the most well adjusted of people…
Still true, just not in the way most people probably took it.
Harrop: Good Republicans can vote Dem. We need more sensible Republicans like John Kasich! But not right now. Right now, we need Dems to stop that horrible, evil DRUMPF! Smart, sensible Republicans should vote for the Dems this year. Then they can retake their party at a later date.
Lord, grant me chastity and continence. But not yet.
“Exploding deficits” are definitely something electing Democrats will fix.
I’m happy to vote Dem. all I need is a Democrat who doesn’t want to curtail constitutional rights to gun ownership, free speech and expansion of the Federal government. If your that Democrat, speak up! Let’s hear from you.
Right. There you go then.
I have voted Dem in the past — in the 70s, in Missouri, when and where there were actual conservative Democrats.
I love that its not even a thought to maybe vote for the fiscally conservative Libertarian nominees. Nope, just vote Dem anyways.
Korean families reunited.
Not a single word of praise or props to Trump.
Instead, I have to listen to a local sports show and its ‘Trump’s loser of the week’ bit.
The shallowness of people is something else I tell ya.
Rand Paul and Donald Trump met on a golf course this weekend to discuss their latest Putin orders!
Rand is the man, but can he take a normal picture?
They are both Russians agents……this is known.
Also this reminds me of when John McCain accused Rand of being a Russian agent for opposing bringing Montenegro into NATO. That traitorous bastard needs to hurry up and die already.
Commentgutter gem:
Hard hitting stuff.
He confusing Paul with Bob Menendez
Watch ‘Il Divo’. Those sexual escapades in politics/business are probably more the rule than the exception.
Not sure what people think of people in power. The closer to the eye of power the more ferocious and avarice human nature becomes.
One involves a swinger party involving Paul, Roger Stone and their wives
The revolution that will not die
1968 was a revolution that shaped our age, but it’s 1968’s counter-revolution that is killing us today.
It seeks to restrain democracy altogether to protect a ‘pure’ market economy of ‘makers’ from the voting power of ‘takers’—the ‘grasping masses.’
The nerve of those people! Thinking they have rights that can be defended!
And wanting to decide for themselves what happens with the money they earned! The nerve!
Fucking makers. Who do they think they are.
I had copied that exact piece of text into my buffer to reply. I assume from the context that I was supposed to view that phrase as somehow negative.
Wahhhhhh, two rich sugar daddies with doctrinaire Chamber of Commerce conservative values infiltrated the billionaire activism club and started half a dozen organizations that advocate for their interests. WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Still citing Nancy MacLean as a credible source, eh? Grimm’s Fairy Tales are more grounded in facts than her shitty book.
Cafe Hayek (amongst others) devoted weeks to explaining why Nancy Maclean was full of it.
It needed to be done, but it was always clear that lefties were going to ignore any criticism and pretend her lies had the status of ‘proven science’.
The libertarian’s ‘stealth revolution’ was not exactly a secret
Then it wasn’t a stealth… aw, fuck it. These people are so stupid I feel sorta bad making fun of them.
Historian Nancy MacLean and journalist Jane Mayer
As soon as I read that, I knew the link would not be worth reading.
Harvey Weinstein accuser and ex- of Anthony Bourdain has some explaining of her own to do.
Is it just me, or is there some sort of unwritten requirement for celebrity that you be one of the most repulsive, sociopathic people out there? How many celebrities are there out there who aren’t just genuinely terrible excuses for human beings who no one in their right mind would ever want anything to do with?
My theory is that acting by and large draws narcissistic/histrionic personality types. Put a bunch of people together who’s core motivations are fame and adoration above any real virtue and it’s not surprising that it’s such a cesspool.
Of course it does. Normal people don’t spend their lives wearing costumes and shrieking “look at me!” They are completely self-involved lunatics. Prior to the age of electronic media, they were properly viewed as scum by the general public.
Prior to the age of electronic media, they were properly viewed as scum by the general public.
They were actually below prostitutes on the social scale.
Prostitutes perform a valuable service and put in a lot more hours of work.
It is not just you Bill.
Charles Bronson?
Bronson made some great movies.
Bronson was what – like 51 years old when he made that movie. Man stayed in shape.
The guy was a badass.
He’s supposedly part Tatar – descended from the Mongols and Huns.
Sounds like a good enough sort of guy. Must have slipped through the cracks. He’s been dead for 15 years, though.
And, to be fair to my point, Bronson always struck me as more of just a famous actor than a celebrity.
Most of the actors in that generation were Veterans and started out as bit players in Westerns. Eastwood, Lee Marvin, Lee Van Cleef, etc… seem like grounded normal guys. If they hadn’t been actors, they would have been normal guys with normal jobs.
Bronson was a tail gunner on B-17s during WWII. You’ve got to have a pair hanging to continue functioning with in-coming Messerschmitts blazing all guns at you.
I have a fellow attorney I see regularly – he’s an immigrant from Poland, sounds and looks like Bronson, minus the hot bod. And he’s a pleasure to work with, to boot.
Think about the incentive system at work and it makes sense. How many normal people want to be the center of public attention all the time, living their life under constant mass media scrutiny with little privacy, in order to receive validation? It naturally attracts crazy narcissists with weak egos.
Of course there was Lee Marvin (and his time fighting in the Pacific):
Now that’s brutal…Zardoz approves.
Where the white womenz at, Cleavon?
Great article. Loved the end:
That’s gold!
Trump warnings grow from forgotten Republicans. Has been, lefty Republicans whining that they aren’t relevant anymore and that people actually like Trump, since he’s doing things they like which they never did. Oh and of course, references to non existent racism and white supremacy.
These are mostly guys who spent the last 20 years touting their ability to “reach across the aisle” and “find common ground”. Oddly, they can’t seem to do so with Mr. Trump.
Of course. That’s because they have common ground with the Dems. Not so with Trump.
He is threatening their gravy train. Why would they want to work with someone doing that?
Trump doesn’t understand that it’s the Republicans job to take the horrible ideas of Democrats and operationalize them. Social Security, various welfare programs, and now healthcare. They aren’t supposed to roll stuff back, just figure out how to make them semi-workable.
So, cucks?
Waiting on the doors to open. Daughter just asked another kid’s mother if she can speak English.
This might be a long school year filled with calls from the teacher.
Well, can she?
Eh, poquito.
You didn’t teach her about microaggressions yet? You are a terrible parent!
I’d say he taught her how to microaggress. Good on him.
That’s kind of a catch 22 question. Future public prosecutor there.
“When did you stop speaking English?”
kids say the darndest things. Ha haah
* awkward pause *
Jello brand pudding, anyone?
America’s new opposition: the women standing up to Trump. The brave wahmen standing up to DRUMPF!
Because Trump was attacking them somehow? What exactly are they standing up to?
So, left-wing women don’t like Donald Trump. Color me shocked.
Without the nanny state covering for them they might actually have to do the heavy lifting themselves, and most of these women that are in your face about how independent and though they are tend to be the ones most in need of someone else to pay for their shit.
I feel kinda bad for women that the only representatives of their gender that ever win anything nowadays are guys dressed up in drag.
Female retired marine gun grabber running for US House in NH.
She represents herself as having ‘fought’ in Fallujah. And by ‘fought’ she means worked in a supply depot. This level of mendacity should be enough to get her a loose at the polls, but lets face it, anyone voting gun-grabber could give a shit about someones actual military service history.
well, I screwed that up
Chicago: Five people shot dead and more than 50 wounded since Friday night
Think of the carnage if guns were not highly regulated/restricted in Chicago.
These yoots need more range time. That’s a remarkably poor ratio.
I wonder how it compares with Chicago cops.
Pistol training in prison?
Probably easier to get a gun in prison than in Chicago, so sure, why not?
The closing argument from the article about the sweetheart power deals Amazon gets killed it for me.
“Amazon’s got all the money they ever needed,” she says, shaking her head. “They don’t need any more.”
You just lost me.
+1 Barry’s palaver.
God save us from sociopaths
As much as Warren’s proposal is about ending inequality, it’s also about saving capitalism.
The conceit tying together Warren’s ideas is that if corporations are going to have the legal rights of persons, they should be expected to act like decent citizens who uphold their fair share of the social contract and not act like sociopaths whose sole obligation is profitability — as is currently conventional in American business thinking.
Warren wants to create an Office of United States Corporations inside the Department of Commerce and require any corporation with revenue over $1 billion — only a few thousand companies, but a large share of overall employment and economic activity — to obtain a federal charter of corporate citizenship.
The charter tells company directors to consider the interests of all relevant stakeholders — shareholders, but also customers, employees, and the communities in which the company operates — when making decisions. That could concretely shift the outcome of some shareholder lawsuits but is aimed more broadly at shifting American business culture out of its current shareholders-first framework and back toward something more like the broad ethic of social responsibility that took hold during WWII and continued for several decades.
Democratic socialism comes to the boardroom, courtesy of that renowned egalitarian and friend of the working woman, Elizabeth Warren.
Warren wants to create an Office of United States Corporations inside the Department of Commerce and require any corporation with revenue over $1 billion — only a few thousand companies, but a large share of overall employment and economic activity — to obtain a federal charter of corporate citizenship.
Surely no billion dollar company would ever just move their headquarters to one of 90 or so other countries on this planet where they can operate their business as a private enterprise.
Or split into a bunch of $500 million dollar companies owned by an international conglomerate.
The companies won’t be state owned, they will just have to answer to the state. Like a bureaucrat will now make business decisions. Totally not socialism.
It’s been said over and over and over and…..over.
Matthew Yglesias is an illiterate and ignorant dumb ass.
Plan to save capitalism. /slap!
You empty-headed shnott head.
Cram the sophistry up your ass.
and not act like sociopaths whose sole obligation is profitability
It’s “sociopathic” to have a sustainable business model. . .
to obtain a federal charter of corporate citizenship.
So, literal fascism.
Warren’s proposal is the textbook definition of 1930’s style Italian fascism. State control of privately owned companies.
Mussolini would approve.
Textbook fascism. I also see the phrase ‘fair share’.
The state is the only entity qualified to pick the winners and the losers in the pursuit of social justice!
It’s only a few thousand companies now, but don’t think they would raise that billion dollar floor to match inflation and growth.
The charter tells company directors to consider the interests of all relevant stakeholders — shareholders, but also customers, employees, and the communities in which the company operates — when making decisions.
No rational conception of citizenship in a free society imposes such constraints on citizens. Hey, Matt, how about we require every decision you make in your life, from whom to marry to how many kids to have, subject to a public veto by “all the relevant stakeholders”?
You cheated by inserting the word “rational”.
I took business ethics and this is basically what they teach. They’ve been brainwashing generations into this idea that we are all “stakeholders” in the companies around.
I did my best to shitlord it up but most people seem to buy that bullshit.
Business ethics 101
1. Turn a profit.
2. Don’t steal.
Actually, I got pretty lucky in my business ethics class in that the prof spent a lot of time talking about the more practical aspects of not getting in trouble.
Basically, the lessons I learned in the class were
1. Being a whistleblower is no fun. Basically, it sucks. Most of your friends will abandon you and your employer will definitely turn on you.
2. Never trust a company attorney to protect you. Their job is to look out for the company’s interests.
3. If the crap hits the fan, most companies will look for someone to deflect blame onto. That definitely includes you.
Lawrence Garfield summed up my thoughts about the “stakeholder society”.
Manafort judge says he’s received threats
What was the argument those outlets used to try and get the names of the jurors? I’m not being snarky. I don’t see any reason why you’d release their names, especially in a case like this.
And especially before it’s over, and extra especially while they are deliberating. (I believe it wasn’t requested until deliberations started…I may be wrong on that)
I’m guessing “We’d like to harass these people until they vote the way we want them to” wasn’t the explicit legal argument they used, but…
I say give out the names, then arrest a bunch of people for jury tampering…
The number of concealed carry weapons (CCW) permits is soaring to new levels despite the rabid anti-gun activism following a slew of school shootings over the past year.
Issued CCW permits increased approximately 275 percent over a ten-year period, from 4.6 million permits in 2007 to over 17.25 permits in 2018, according to a study released Friday by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC). The number has been increasing year over year and is forecast to continue trending upwards.
The most notable demographic increase was found to be among women and minorities. During the aforementioned time period, CCW issuance jumped 111 percent faster for women than for men. Moreover, compared to white individuals, permits for Asian and black individuals spiked 29 percent and 20 percent quicker, respectively…
The study also found that CCW permit holders are “extremely” law-abiding citizens. For example, in Florida and Texas, two states with the largest number of permits issued, permit holders are convicted of misdemeanor and felony crimes and one-sixth of the rate that law enforcement officers are convicted.
It’s like having consequences for your actions matters.
A lot of the blue states have been hard at work making it as difficult as possible get one of these. Be it in the number of hoops you have to jump through as well as the cost you have to foot.
In some blue states you can’t get one at all.
Oh, the connected and the criminal elements always can. It’s the rabble they want to make sure can’t protect itself or fight back.
All 50 states, plus DC, have a legal means to get a concealed weapons permit of some kind. There are a few states where it is very difficult in a practical sense, but you can make it happen with the right combination of money and paperwork.
“permit holders are convicted of misdemeanor and felony crimes and one-sixth of the rate that law enforcement officers are convicted.”
Cant be said enough. I would also like to know how many of those convictions involve violence or property crimes. My guess – permit holders = DWI
Cops = domestic violence
In my state one guy was suing because he pointed out the state, which gave others a pass for the stuff he was nabbed on, went after him specifically to remove his permit. I can’t find the link but there was some reporting on it before the media chose to bury the story to protect the usual blue pols.
Interesting. Funny that you don’t hear the gun-grabbers mentioning that. I see the opportunity to inject some internecine feuding.
“I had no idea this case would excite these emotions, I will tell you frankly,” he said.
I’m surprised the jury wasn’t sequestered.
Sure seems naive at best, malevolent at worst.
Occupations and Their Ideologies
Occupations are strongly sorted by ideology. Political scientist Adam Bonica has produced reliable and consistent estimates of ideological placement for a huge number of individuals, politicians, and organizations. As he writes here, he was especially struck by how extreme are the mean ideology scores for various occupations:
I note that the industries with long term capital asset management issues are more to the right. While those that are purely services (and quite often extraneous and available because we have an abundance of societal wealth) are to the left.
The long march through the institutions has made it effectively impossible to be employed in most of the better-than-median-pay occupations unless your political orientation is slightly to the left of Bernie Sanders (or you’re apathetic or desperate enough to fake it). I don’t know who the fuck they polled to get physicians on the right of that graph either.
They’re out there. They just keep their mouths shut.
My Dad.
I’d reinforce the range shown for each occupation: some of them are larger and run fairly well all the way from the heart of the red to the heart of the blue.
I’m a professionally data-driven guy; I’ve spent my life listening to what people say and then measuring what they really do: these things are only tenuously related. Spending does get my attention: putting your money where your mouth is speaks volumes.
Still, politics is extremely hard to classify. For example, Republican fiscal conservatism is largely talk, for example, so, if one contributes to or supports Republican candidates, it doesn’t really imply, correlate, or “prove” fiscal conservatism on the part of the contributor. This is not as easy as hit/miss scoring; the data look like neat little bits, but just remember that Reagan and Specter didn’t change who they were when they switched teams…what does a contribution made to the Democrat Reagan mean?
The only real trends I think I’ve noticed is folks know which side their bread is buttered on. That government contractors are in favor of whatever slop fills their trough surprises none of us, and some of that self-selects: the most militaristic buddy I have (bomb Iran vintage) just wrapped up a career entirely focused on military aircraft; he went where he belonged and felt at home when he got there, projects his own believes onto all his coworkers, that sort of thing.
I often hear that engineers are conservative, but I think the smear is five times wider than most folk think. The engineers I’ve worked with were, it must be said, painfully predictable: Texas reactionaries, European flakes, Michigan pro-labor populists, rudderless Oregonians, classically lefty New Englanders. That all these guys are engineers says almost nothing: they were products of their environments, almost all taking root in the shade of their parental tree units.
Yes, yes, and yes.
It may (or may not) be the last time this season it happens, but Everton is above Liverpool in the EPL table.
I just want to enjoy this 48 hours.
I was looking at the schedule, and noticed that Everton plays almost all the top teams on the road the first half of the season and the bottom teams at home (then it flips, duh). Could make for a wild ride.
This morning NPR ran a report on how German schools have a glass ceiling for students with non-German (read Turkish or Arab) last names. Those children consistently receive lower grades and are steered towards non-uni track schools. Remember this the next time some prog yammers on about how much better and more enlightened they are.
The American retards who prattle on endlessly about free college don’t seem to realize that in the sort of places that have free college you don’t get to spend $125,000 of the government’s money spending 6 years getting your undergrad degree in underwater basket weaving.
All European countries reformed their higher education systems abut a decade ago. Before that reform you had an entire class of people devoted to the pursuit of being an eternal student. Government paid for housing, food, healthcare, and education, and these people hated anything that actually required work/effort, so they basically pursued degree after degree to stay on the dole. You could fail, and fail, and fail, and still stay on the dole into perpetuity. That all changed, and did so quickly and drastically, when the cost of keeping too many freeloaders simply became unbearable for even these collectivist bastions. These days students have to actually pass their classes and graduate – on time – to keep getting the handouts, and they are responsible for a big chunk of change (compared to paying nothing in the past, but nothing close to what the idiots attending school in the US usually pay for degrees that leave the unable to work in anything but coffee shops and fast food services), while doing this. The “free education” days are long gone, and there will be even more changes to these systems to tighten things up as it simply becomes impossible to pay for people not likely to succeed at this effort, and the state decides to no longer pay for them.
This would be an interesting read in article format.
My writing sucks and is limited to technical stuff and bitching online, but someone should do this…
A much smaller share of the population in Europe goes to college too. If something is free to the consumer, you will need to ration it in some other way.
No way could it be happening because those kids are dumb. What Germany needs is lots more really dumb kids with meaningless college degrees.
Is this a real glass ceiling or an imagined one because preferential treatment is not afforded those less likely to be able to earn it?
The grading is almost certainly because those are earned grades. Germans are as whipped as any people on earth and would love to give their brownskies jobs in engineering. Arabs tend to be considerably stupider than Germans though, and Turks aren’t that much better.
Sometimes you can’t let the guy who can’t read run your factory even if you really want that diversity street cred.
Arabs tend to be considerably stupider than Germans though, and Turks aren’t that much better.
Cite plz.
Men’s fixation on young women is another sign of masculinity in crisis
Men like young women, strange new development…
And I really doubt that study… It only covers 4 large cities and the methodology has downsides. That being said I do not doubt many men find hot 18 to 20 year old attractive.
I figured the Week in Patriarchy would be more akin to one of Q’s posts.
Can I just remind you that 18-year-olds are teenagers, and so this study is basically saying that straight men don’t find women attractive; they like girls.
In that case can we take away their driver licenses and voter registration cards? You know, since they’re just girls and all?
The new orthodoxy on the left advocates extending the franchise down to sixteen year old children. Since they don’t see the contradiction in that I think they’d fail to get your point as well.
How would she explain the epidemic of thirty something women screwing 14 year old boys then?
They are fighting the patriarchy!
LOL sure it does.
The divide by 2 +7 “rule” is old and was created for a reason.
My Dad violated it, he was 27 and my Mom was 18 when they got married.
33 still seems too young for me.
I don’t know, Gal Gadot seems just about right to me.
I mentioned this in another post – I’ve reached the age where I find the majority of women in my age group unattractive. Their are, of course, exceptions to this. And I’m sure I’m not getting their engines started either.
But I’m also at the age where I find young females attractive, but can’t stand to hear their opinions on _anything_. Oh please, tell me all about politics. Or music. I’m sure your opinion ::yawn:: will be so insightful.
Most women in my age group are just unattractive, and the ones that are but still single, tend to be nuts. And I agree with you that while I find younger women attractive, I am ready to blow my brains out after 15 minutes of exposure to their insanity.
I mean here’s a little inconvenient artifact of the last couple million years of human evolution: Men’s reproduction doesn’t have an expiration date. Women’s does. That’s had implications for sexual selection that the last 20 years of wokeness hasn’t quite managed to undo yet. Men still find un-knocked up young women attractive. This is the sort of thing that it would take an intellectual to be able to disregard.
Because in evolutionary terms for hunter/gatherers, young woman with older man has the best chance of producing the greatest number of viable offspring that will survive long enough to propagate their genes into subsequent generations. Because young woman = long term fertility and older man = status and resources.
This does not happen to me. As I get older, I do still find the young women attractive. But the range of older women I find attractive grows as well.
It’s actually kind of awesome.
Is chicks’ obsession with experienced, capable, reliable men discussed?
It’s not my fault that younger ladies know what they want.
So now I have to masturbate to pictures of trannies or octogenarians?
Newhalf, futa, or bishonen?
I am guessing Arwa is 30 or older. Thems the breaks Arwa.
*Disclaimer – I married a woman older than myself. I went through over a hundred of them before I found a good one, age was not a factor*
Perhaps younger women don’t pen bitchy op-eds that both state the obvious and still manage to get inflamed about it?
Btw, I just realize I have a song for this
Shocking. Women in peak reproductive years attractive to men. Men in peak years as caretakers are attractive to women. We are in the dark ages. Discovering things known by the simplest cavemen.
Another little nugget od wisdom from Matty:
Most progressive ideas tend to be either cheap, but therefore small-bore and a little weird, or bold and clear but expensive, in a country that remains averse to taxation. Warren’s corporate accountability initiatives would have huge economic implications but zero budgetary cost. At a time of low levels of public trust in institutions, Warren’s proposals don’t ask anyone to have faith that government officials are going to make good use of resources.
No secondary revenue effects from Warren’s little experiment in social justice? None at all? No decline in profitability? No plunge in share values resulting in tax liability reductions?
I am not doing the football posts this year as I couldn’t keep up the weekly rate, but I have my preseason ranking. It is B1G heavy (boo), but due to the team at the top, I had to post, just for Sloopy.
Note: before anyone comments, this isn’t how I (or my computer) thinks the year will end, but assumes everyone will win out the rest of their games, so is basically a measure of perceived strength of schedule.
1. Michigan
2. Florida St
3. Northwestern
4. Michigan St
5. Nebraska
6. Purdue
7. Oregon St
9. Pittsburgh
10. Ohio State
11. Iowa
12. Minnesota
13. Illinois
14. Maryland
15. Indiana
16. Penn State
17. Kansas
18. North Carolina
19. Wake Forest
20. North Carolina St
21. Notre Dame
22. Duke
23. Utah
24. Georgia Tech
25. Arizona St
No Georgia or Alabama in the top 25. Your prediction is poppycock.
Alabama can be explained in two words: The Citadel.
If they go 12-0, every team on this list, if they also go 12-0, should be above Bama.
The difference is, none of these will go 12-0, so Bama will move right back up there.
If every team on this list and bama went 12-0(a statistical impossibility, I know) then bama would be #1.
Look, I hate the tide, but it is what it is. They are #1 until proven otherwise. And not just because of last year. A decade of dominance can’t be ignored.
Yes they would be, but they **shouldnt** be. I am measuring the latter. My computer knows nothing about history (other than using final standings last year to help calculate SOS at this point).
If two teams have the same record, the higher ranked team is the one with the better schedule.
One of the advantages of computers is they don’t have historical bias.
I would agree than in most cases, history doesn’t matter in sports. However, bama is a special case. They turn over their roster every couple of years. For almost every team, that means a huge drop off in talent.
The fighting sabans have proven themselves to be a huge glaring exception to this rule.
I notice there isn’t an SEC Team on the list. They still going with the “we’re awesome because we play each other and beat the crap out of FCS teams” thing?
Bama opens with louisville…
At home – they don’t do home & home series.
Then they have big non-conference games at home against La Lafayette and Citadel.
Contrast with USC that starts at home versus UNLV, then travels to Texas Sep. 15th and finishes the season at home against Notre Dame.
Neutral site, actually.
What is Saban’s problem where they refuse to schedule non-conference games like any other team? USC and Texas had a great championship game a while back – so they scheduled a home and home series. Washington is doing a home and home with BYU…
He doesn’t have to. It’s one of the perks of being on top.
in Florida.
Georgia, Auburn, LSU, A&M, I suspect are pushovers who will contribute nothing to their SOS.
They don’t play uga.
LSU, Auburn, Miss St, Louisville pull their score up.
The Citadel, LA-Lafayette, Ole Miss and Tennessee were the negatives.
Every team has positives and negative that pull into their ratings score comes in balance. Usually the negative are losses, but at this point, with the assumption of 12-0, the negatives are the weakest teams on your schedule. And The Citadel is a big negative.
I have a general rule of thumb: if you are going to schedule FCS, schedule a team that is about equivalent to you on the FCS schedule. So Bama should schedule ND St or James Madison or Jax St or someone else who thinks they might win FCS.
Not a team that would love a .500 record at FCS. Let UT schedule The Citadel.
I have a rule of thumb. If you want to be taken seriously, schedule non-conference games with FBS teams.
I get it, it that’s not always so easy.
Michigan is paying arkansas hundreds of thousands of dollars right now because they scheduled a home and home series with us that should have started this year. They backed out to play ND instead.
Also, there ain’t a whole lot of title contenders who would like to play bama to start the year. It’s a huge risk to fuck up your season that early.
Actually, Jax St would love to play Bama, but Alabama won’t schedule an in-state FCS team.
Neither will arkansas. Arkansas state has been trying to get the hogs to play them for years. Arkansas wont do it because there is no concievable benefit in a win and huge detriment if they lose. It makes perfect sense if you are the university. No university wants to lend credence to another in state team. That’s bad business.
USCe and Clemson regularly play Wofford and other in state FCS schools.
GT plays Ga Southern. We tried to schedule a game AT Georgia State (which is across town, so no big deal) to replace the UCF game that the hurricane cancelled last year. I think we play Kennesaw St in a few years too.
The Carolina and Virginia schools do it too. VPI lost to James Madison and few years back, but it really hasn’t hurt them any.
“who would like to play bama to start the year. It’s a huge risk to fuck up your season”
It’s always funny when we have voting and systems. If we didn’t have subjective humans voting on things, losing to the best team would mean zero….it would be a free game.
I’m data driven and think ELO is probably the best way to think about NCAA football. I recommend this site:
I didn’t find it, but he’s got some season-to-season correlation which is pretty fun: about half of a team’s performance can be predicted by the previous season.
We watch PTI on the couch with a cocktail after work, and I usually enjoy the Wilbon/Kornheiser repartee. Wilbon’s refusal to acknowledge deGrom’s deserving the Cy Young because the NYM have not delivered run support baffles me. In sports, as in politics, everyone gets a vote, no matter how mindless they are.
I have some (minor) problems with ELO, but it isn’t a big deal. Of the big name computer systems, I prefer Colley. For one thing, the algorithm is open, and makes a lot of sense.
I have nits to pick with it too, which is why I created my own.
I have a much less silly looking version of mine (actually two). They end up in the same place, but make different assumptions early in the season.
One of them makes no assumptions, like Colley, and thus has everyone tied at this point.
The other looks too much like the end of 2017 results (although it has Ohio State at #1, for some reason), so I like posting the more fun and obnoxious one.
See, not nearly as much fun:
1. Ohio State
2. Notre Dame
3. Clemson
4. Oklahoma
5. Wisconsin
6. Georgia
7. North Carolina St
8. Alabama
9. Southern Cal
10. Miami FL
11. Michigan St
12. Penn State
13. Central Florida
14. TCU
15. Washington
16. Northwestern
17. Boise St
18. Auburn
19. Oklahoma St
20. Stanford
21. Wake Forest
22. Memphis
23. Iowa
24. South Florida
25. Virginia Tech
USC did it a few years ago with a new QB and it did fuck up their season – but they played and coached their way out of it like a football team. I would have loved to have seen a rematch a year later when Dartnell was playing well.
Lol. Gophers at 12. Someone is smoking something.
Only way it could be worse is if my hogs snuck in there somehow.
Figured that was a test to see if we actually read the list.
Did anyone read the note?
Yeah, I read it.
Gophers should have been left off completely.
Kansas at 17 is far worse than Minnesota.
I did, still don’t get it.
Michigan has the easiest schedule or the hardest schedule?
Hardest. If they go undefeated, they would never need to move off the #1 line, no matter who else also goes undefeated*.
*subject to the preseason perceived SOS lining up with the actual SOS, they could drop off if their SOS isn’t really as tough as it looks.
Basically, every B1G team besides Wisconsin.
You really think Harbaugh is going to beat the Buckeyes? LOL ROFL
Oh I see. It’s just a SOS ranking. We’ll see.
And the actual SOS will be different from the preseason preceived SOS so they B1G will have to prove the high overall rankings on the field.
Heck, maybe the Citadel will make a run at the FCS title and won’t look so bad for Alabama.
I’m gonna re post this from last night, because I’m grateful for ya’ll input last week.
I went to the meeting this past Wednesday with the beurocrats who wanted to help the schools with their industrial controls curriculum and I was pleasantly surprised.
The people who were putting together the curriculum were actually a private company, and they were the only people I interacted with. There were three of them and they had a curriculum outline that they had been developing. There were about 15 of us from different manufacturing plants around the region. We were about half and half department heads and technical grunts. We went over a ton of material, and the guys we talked to seemed to really want and value our input. I could tell they actually wanted to know how to and what to teach. Its was worth going to, and I got a chance to meet and talk with other guys like me, which is always nice.
Thanks for all y’alls input last week.
How likely is it that they will actually take the advice the people that know gave them?
Meaning the private company or the govt? The consultants are likely listening very well, how far it goes once in the hands of the govt is another story.
“Meaning the private company or the govt? The consultants are likely listening very well, how far it goes once in the hands of the govt is another story.”
Who is paying the private company? What do they want? That’s what’s going to happen.
What stillhunter said.
I have no idea. The reps from the company seemed to know what they were talking about and listened very intently to what we had to say.
Their job is to sell this to the beurocrats who then push it on the schools. How much will be lost in that process is anyone’s guess.
As an aside, there is a huge untapped market here. If I were a more ambitious man, I could build a school in my shop and teach this stuff.
It is nice to be able to contribute to something that has the potential to improve a situation. I tend to be pretty cynical in the grand scheme, but on the micro scale, I’m an optimist, and believe little victories are the most important to actual ‘progress’ (increase in efficiency, knowledge, etc. not proggy progress). Hopefully that is the case here and actual improvements are made.
Diversity was brought up by the guys asking us questions. I could tell that it was a question that they didnt want to ask but that they had to. Not a one of had anything to say either way on the subject. They quickly moved on.
That seems encouraging.
When the only criteria is talent and effort, diversity happens organically.
As if by magic…
No kidding. I work with a black cajun named thomas brown who hails from a part of Louisiana that is south of suthenboy.
I wish like hell I could understand more of what he is saying because he’s brilliant at what he does.
My brother (civil engineer) had to go to one of those once. When i asked him how it went he asked if he could borrow my Saiga 12 the next time he had to go to one.
I see a lot of technical/usually honest people fall prey to this often. Manipulative people with the gift of gab tell people what they want to hear to make them happy. Afterwards the manipulators just go do what ever they want.
From the Amazon link: “Other companies, including Google and Tesla Inc., have taken advantage of the power industry’s hunger for growth and the relative secrecy that followed its 1990s deregulation in dozens of states.”
I love how leftists always use rent-seeking as an example of the failure of the free market. I was reading “Immortal Irishman” by Tim Egan (good book by a noted idiot) and he was using the British mercantilists refusal to allow imports of American grain to Ireland as an example of the failure of laissez fair economics. Like you said; “Palm meet forehead.”
A crony capitalist system – what everyone that has historical context would label as a neo-fascist system – is not a capitalist system. No matter how hard the marxists want to label it as such so they can peddle their evil ideology.
Crony capitalism is still capitalism, and in fact all capitalism is ultimately crony capitalism.
But true communism has never been tried and socialist shitholes aren’t really socialist.
Oh, and National Socialism wasn’t socialism, it was just Adolf Hitler co-opting the sterling reputation and immense gravitas of socialism in the early 20th century.
This guy gets it.
The “Nazi’s weren’t socialist” bit is my favorite stupid argument. As near as I can tell, the core of the argument is that Nazism isn’t socialism because Nazis are bad. Sometimes someone will offer up as evidence the fact that the Nazis fought other socialists, but by that logic then Lenin wasn’t a communist.
but by that logic then Lenin wasn’t a communist.
I’ve heard that one too. No True Scotsman gone full reductio ad absurdum. It’s a fallacy layer cake.
I get furious at people that call Nazis right wing. they were socialists. The difference between a communist and a fascist is in the words used to describe the unholy power a few abrogate to themselves in the name of running a just state that is anything but just.
Crony capitalism is to capitalism what Scientology is to science.
I’m in an area pretty devoid of a lot of the idiocy we see in the news, but I’m always amazed at how little thought people put into their arguments. People you know are pretty smart and actually tend to be pretty logical otherwise, but they just can’t seem to put two and two together. They have no If-then calculus. I tend to ask a lot of questions and really dig to the root cause of a problem, but many just look for a band aid, without considering the consequences. It leads to a lot of this kind of thinking, I believe.
Most people give no thought to unintended consequences from my experience. “X policy purports to address this social ill/economic problem/etc; I like the purported outcome therefore I support this policy.” It’s as if they are only capable of single-step logic when it comes to politics. It’s understandable when children fall into this mode of thinking, extremely frustrating and sad when intelligent adults do. “A mile wide and an inch deep” as it were.
Being able to reason from A to B is fairly common. Reasoning from B to C…not so much.
That was a profoundly shitty day at work.
Thank the dear lord it’s over. Up next is some soju and my chicken tortilla soup I whipped up for the Lady and myself over the weekend.
Good luck out there, ya bastards.
Today is also the 9th anniversary of Usain Bolt’s final individual world record, a 19.19 in the 200 meters (which was also the one year anniversary of him first setting the record at 19.30.)
Dudes a gazelle.
Isn’t it racist to compare him to an animal?
Well I’m sure it’s racist for me to talk about him at all even if it is to compliment him.
the world’s single worst workplace team building activity: Compulsory co-worker cuddling sessions in special tents. There’s even multiple cuddling positions, including some for conflict resolution
It’s actually a novel strategy to avoid lawsuits since it implicates every employee equally in sexual harassment.
There is absolutely no way that’s a situation rife with possibility for sexual harassment. No way at all. Nope. Nosirreebob.
Gross. I only work with old dudes.
So not sexual harassment for you! That’ll larn ya.
Fuck you, I quit.
Dude, I get uncomfortable having to sign cards for co-workers who I don’t know…
No. Hell no.
Where is your sense of adventure?
Compulsory co-worker cuddling sessions
Oh, hell no. As in, “I’m not working for a company that does that. You can either cancel this unimaginably stupid plan, or fire me. There’s no middle ground.”
I have to believe the only reason they are doing this is because their lawyer never registered an objection when he heard about it, because he stroked out.
It’s really funny how hard lefties work to delude themselves that Robert O’Rourke has a prayer of winning. ZOMG HE’S RAISED LOTS OF MONEY ALMOST ENTIRELY FROM PEOPLE NOT IN TEXAS!!1!!1
And by the way, we need to get money out of politics!
Texas is a majority-minority state, therefor according to the Democratic narrative it should be flipping to blue any day now. The longer it goes without flipping, the less grounded in reality the narrative of a coming permanent demographic-driven Democratic majority looks for the nation as a whole. I think uneasiness with the possible falsity of this narrative is what drives the overly-optimistic view of their chances in Texas (this isn’t the first time they’ve held such misplaced optimism). If they were forced to face facts, they’d realize they’ll have to work for minority votes and can’t just rest on their laurels.
Even in Texas, the biggest losers are those who don’t vote. Texas might be 70% “Republican,” but something like 4X as many folks didn’t vote for Trump as did.
The cities except Fort Worth are Democrat; Texas is not one whit different from Oregon or Detroit in this regard.
The question: will urban Hispanics be a large part of leading state-wide politics that will be attractive to suburban/rural Hispanics? I’ve always wondered if the taking it back one bambino at a time faction will ever find a voice and home in the blue or red tent.
It’s an interesting place. When Reagan was elected, the governor was a woman Democrat. I submit we should watch and see when the Dems make a play, whether Hispanics ever turn into the sort of middle-class, Dem-voting Catholic such as have mattered in elections in OH, MI, and PA.
In terms of presidential elections Texas isn’t 70% it’s:
2004- 61% Republican
2008- 57%
2012- 56%
2016- 52%
That’s a trend.
Hispanics in Texas voted 61% Clinton, compared to 66% Clinton nationwide. Hispanics in Texas just are not that different from anywhere else when they vote.
What makes Texas red is that 69% of whites voted Republican last election compared to 57% nationwide. That’s a much bigger difference over a much greater number of voters.
We need walls — walls around all the deep blue cities.
Texas isn’t really special. While Hispanics vote around 70% democrat the math still works out that a 30% hispanic vote and a 60% White vote is sufficient to stay red. Especially since Hispanics have low voter turn out. But the Democrats plan remains solvent. As whites are reduced and Hispanics increased the state will turn blue.
Unless you are betting on Hispanic voting patterns changing. There’s no evidence to support that belief though.
If I’m not going to pause to watch your video rather than diving into the article, DON’T DROP IT INTO THE MARGIN WHEN I TRY TO READ THE ARTICLE. Crimony.
Right?! Why the hell is it so important to them that I watch the fucking video?
Look, socialism just doesn’t work in the real world. I bet you can’t name a single socialist country that successfully defended itself from being violently destroyed by the imperialist capitalist powers.
I love the replies to this guys tweets. Also socialists cant meme
I’m trying to avoid giving Twitter any clicks.
Socialists arguing over the definition of socialism because not one of them has ever actually read Marx. It’s like an open world RPG based on Poe’s Law.
Socialism has never been given a fair chance you fucking hater!
Come for the link, stay for the guy in the replies arguing about how wealthy North Korea used to be.
It was those damn Afghan imperialist s that did the USSR in.
When is manafort decision?
They need to keep investigating for 6 more years.
You mean they aren’t skipping right to sentencing Trump?
When you learn to use articles, Russiabot!
I’d assume today or tomorrow. Either the jury understands the case or is completely baffled. That should mean they throw up their hands and just go with what everybody else is saying. Tough call. I’m thinking lesser violation guilty verdict.
I believe he’s actually guilty of much of what he’s been accused of.
Wouldn’t have even be investigated, though, under normal circumstances.
Also, it’s total bullshit that Gates gets a pass.
Land confiscations begin in South Africa:
Bigger Zimbabwe, here we come.
Yeah, I don’t think that’s how they’re going to see it.
Christ. That’s going to be ugly. I know a guy whose mother owns a farm near Lesotho. He is, you might guess, not a fan of the ANC, or communism generally.
I hate to sound cold, but at this point white people in South Africa have to know what’s in store for them. If you don’t see the obvious signs and leave, it’s hard not to consider you foolish.
I get the feeling that a lot of them are at that “this can’t really be happening” stage. It’s fucking 2018 and SA is a developed nation.
But yeah, take whatever pittance you can get and gtfo.
I guess they bought into the idea that SA was different because it didn’t speed directly into this stage at the end of apartheid the way nations like Zimbabwe did, but they have to realize now that there’s almost nothing they can do to stop this now that it’s started.
It’s fucking 2018 and SA is a developed nation.
And it was once 1933, and Germany was a developed nation. The real question for SA is what will happen if the farm seizures result in economic calamity and the government needs a scapegoat.
That’s victim blaming but you’re 100 percent correct. Lots of people will choose to go down fighting though which seems nuts but who am I to judge?
I’m not blaming them at all, and I have all the sympathy in the world for them, but reality is a motherfucker. Once the people in power feel emboldened to simply steal land from farmers, which is a point they have apparently reached, it’s all over but the crying, as they say. I don’t want that to happen to them any more than they want it to happen…..but it’s going to happen regardless of what they or I want.
People are just dull and unresponsive. They need some game theory. Why not leave?
1/Because my family has always been here.
Your family is going to die there.
2/Because I can’t sell/lose all I own.
You have as much now with which to start over elsewhere as you will ever have; waiting only makes you poorer.
It’s like playing for a tie, playing not to lose, or my favorite bit of stupidity: benching your best basketball player because he’s in foul trouble. You can’t take that last foul with you, deposit it in the bank, or lay it up in heaven.
Absolutely right. I sympathize with the feeling that they’re just as African as anyone else, they were born there, their families lived there for generations, etc., but it’s time to face facts. You can fight a revolution against the government and likely die a violent death, you can protest, and likely be ignored, imprisoned, and possibly executed if not just killed by a mob, or you can cut your losses and leave. But the status quo has ceased to be an option. Besides which, if you could stay, you wouldn’t want to live in the South Africa of twenty years in the future, I’m guessing.
I more than sympathize and this ain’t just lachowsky talking big on the internet either.
If the government wants to come and take my or my family’s land, then they will have to take it violently. There aren’t many things things worth fighting for, but fighting for what’s mine is worth it.
For sure, but like you say below, I’m not super familiar with SA’s gun laws but I’m pretty sure these guys are going to be limited to sharp sticks and harsh language. This might be one of those times when the smart move is to fight a tactical withdrawal. Lose the battle but win the war, so to speak. Dip out, take what you can, and after a generation passes and the ignorant mob that chased you off your farm is starving to death begging you to come back, cut a deal from a position of strength.
I think it’s the other way around: SA tradition and history means that there are tons of well-armed Dutch and British folk. The problem is numbers and logistics: getting everyone together to form a sustainable perimeter.
My guess is that it just doesn’t matter: I expect a result that is equal parts Chosin Reservoir and Alamo. They’ll be surrounded, outnumbered, and the survivors will tell stories of melting down their barrels as the masses kept coming.
Little known fact: The reason for all the white rocks at the site where Custer was massacred is that the Indians kept coming and coming….
Exactly. I get giving him a quick break to settle down and not do something rash, but you gotta get him back on the court.
The 2nd amendment is important. Look no further than this for proof.
Reason #2 why lefties want it repealed. #1 is to punish gun owners for being in the out group. #3 is because violence and all that stuff. But it’s mostly about punishing gun owners and taking their stuff.
Nos. 1 and 2 are directly linked. Gun owners are the out-group and must be punished…but they’ve got guns.
I disagree.
#1 an armed populace is not possible to control.
Forced collectivism, the holomador, the holocaust, the killing fields, the cultural revolution.
None of those happen with an armed populace.
My Books
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
“So you think you can go toe-to-toe with the world’s biggest and best-equipped military? What’s your peashooter going to do against a Predator drone, tuffguy?”
^supposedly a good reason to unilaterally disarm
What’s your peashooter going to do against a Predator drone, tuffguy?
You might want to google V I E T C O N G.
Or perhaps A F G H A N I S T A N.
Somehow, some way 3rd world peasants with AK-47 rifles have been winning wars against the U.S. government since 1964…
We’ll set aside, for the moment, the unbelievably idiotic idea that the US military would ever, EVER, be running combined-arms operations against domestic American civilians.
That aside, drones have pilots. They have support and maintenance staff. And to paraphrase Edward Abbey, all of those people have names and addresses.
All those farmers have guns. Christ this libertarian effort to twist every fucking event to fit some bullshit ideological frame is stupid. They are vastly outnumbered and outgunned. They can go blend in in take pop shots guerilla style but that requires losing their land anyway.
And for the claim of Afghanistani’s “winning.” They had their country taken over. Their entire political class serves at the behest of the US government. They routinely get slaughtered at rates of probably 500-1 in engagements. They are only “winning” in the sense that they survive on the margins in caves with their weapons. In that sense South African farmers can “win” if they are willing to live a survivalist lifestyle waiting for their families to die off.
They lost at apartheid. A tribalistic majority population took control of a first work government and turned it against the people who don’t look like them. It’s not even a unique situation. We’ve seen it before. People wondered why they had apartheid despite the whole world attempting to intervene. It’s because they were smarter than all the people who tried to end it, and knew the results. They’ve been proven right.
So much this. You get Zimbabwe, South Africa, Venezuela, and Brazil, just to name a few examples, as soon as people lose the ability to make tyrants pay.
I read a blog post by a South African farmer a few weeks ago and can’t find it now.
When he thinks they’re coming for his land he’ll:
– Sell all the livestock
– Plow under all crops in the ground
– Sell all the equipment
– Tear down all the fences
– Stop payment on the mortgages
– Generally burn and wreck everything else
Whoever gets their new free farm will have to start from scratch. They’ll need to borrow money for seed, livestock, and equipment from a bank that is rapidly going broke. They’ll have to repeat all the hard work and planning that whitey did to make the land productive.
The coming war and famine in Africa is going to be pretty horrendous.
I sincerely hope he also has a plan to get out alive before they catch on.
You know they will execute him for defying the state.
The plan is to kill them either way.
The problem with that approach-
One never knows when the political winds will drastically shift. One day a man is secure in his property and the next, he has state agents at his property evicting him. It’s not possible to plan for that
If he has an exit strategy after liquidating those assets, and that’s his real intention, he should probably get started immediately.
I’d think he’d need to have started that process; figure out how quickly you can get out. Then start maximizing the amount of value you can suck from it by reducing its capital assets as quickly as possible based on that timeline while paying the absolute minimum amount of the expenses. Hell, I’ll be honest, I’d be thinking about ways to try and leave the land salted so nothing will grow there. Fuck ’em. You want to take what’s mine? I’ll burn it down if I can rather than let you have it.
He should have started years ago. The market is blown right now; he’ll get pennies, would be my guess.
Probably his best option to get any real money for it would be to approach some well-connected Chinese firm and sell them the whole thing as a going concern. Better deal for them than waiting for the SA government to seize it, which will certainly reduce its productivity and value. That way, maybe he’d get nickels on the dollar. Downside: no salting the earth.
The same thing that happens everywhere there’s black rule?
Oh boy, might as well get it over with and drop some kind of figure about race and IQ while you’re at it. I mean fuckit, obviously Capo Verde is as successful it is, is due to the infusion of Iberian genetics.
That’s a real shame. South Africa was positioned to not be a typical sub-Saharan shithole. Oh well.
How many years (months?) until famine sets in? Then we can all get treated to Trapper John (the crappy one from Trapper John M.D., not the funny ones) and Gloria Stivick on the television telling us all about “Oh, those pooor peeeeeople!!”.
As far as I’m concerned, let the Chinese “bail them out”.
Well, if the funny one was on TV that would be pretty creepy too.
This being the same constitution that RBG thinks is so much better and more modern than the US Constitution…
Stupidity or hatred? They could do whatever passes for eminent domain over their and give them at least token payments with printed up money. Mandela’s promise was that they wouldn’t steal land.
Instead, they are declaring open civil war.
I see nothing that would change her mind
Are we going to call for a boycott because racism?
Full steam ahead shithole
^^^This. It is Apartheid with the colours/sides reversed.
Weird progs and Reasonites aren’t clamoring to take in refugees from there.
I wonder what characteristic those refugees have that somehow makes them not worthy of their compassion?
With regard to the Warren proposal-
Its textbook fascism. There is no arguing that. However. Our mendacious friends on left have done such a good job of perverting the meaning of words that the majority of the country will not see it as such.
The mainstream understanding of the definition of fascism is now so distorted from it original meaning, that the average American can’t see actual fascism when it’s looking them in the face.
This piece likened it to feudalism, which is also a good metaphor without as much baggage.
That’s an Interesting article. What I draw from it is that feudalism is not too much different from economic fascism. Both systems start from the government being the sole owner of property which is then gifted to entities with the understand that those properties can then be co-opted by the government if the owners of said property dont comply with government mandates.
21st century america has corporations that enjoy special legal protection granted by the government. These protections are upheld as long as said corporations submit to various regulations. We have a soft racism ar the moment. Mrs. Warren wants to convert that to harder fascism.
KDW on Warren’s “batty plan”:
Is there very much difference between South Africa’s plan to right historical wrongs by starving itself, and Warren’s plan to put a cap on American prosperity by driving out businesses? You know what’s liable to hurt a little more than the peanuts they promise to resume pilfering from your paychecks? Watching your company fold up and redomicile in another country because President Warren is a pig-ignorant commie.
Ah yes, the legislative solution to her bill being passed and companies fleeing the united states is simple-
Make it illegal for companies to relocate overseas.
National socialism for the win!
And shortly thereafter, China-style capital controls.
Looking forward to the return of Obamasplainers that those weren’t “real” jobs, they were “McJobs,” that will have to be replaced with good, stable, federally-subsidies jobs assembling turbine fans and installing polyisocyanurate foam board on aging homes.
Nothing says stability like a job secured by the promise of unbacked federal subsidies paid out in perpetuity, or until another Congress decides otherwise.
Compulsory co-worker cuddling sessions in special tents.
What’s the worst that could happen?
Unplanned pregnancies?
From the article:
Nothing brings an office together like simulating a good-ol’ fashioned orgy or hate-fuck.
For Minnesoda’s Nothing Left To Cut file
A glowing report on an agency that exists to help homeowners fix up their houses. No fucking idea why this exists.
$19M in giveaway money. They seem to quote multiple directors so I’m sure that the budget for this department is pretty hefty too.
Such a waste. How the fuck did those properties become ‘blighted’ in the first place?
Like that Section 8 we were talking about that starts to deteriorate about three days after it’s done.
Sounds like gentrification to me. Racists!!!!11!!
And you can be sure that the outcome will be the opposite of this.
Jamie Oliver’s ‘jerk rice’ accused of cultural appropriation
He didn’t need to add it to the recipe, he knew the jerks would insert themselves.
Proper response: Go blow it out of your ass
After eating it? No problem!
Fuck, I can’t imagine the kind of loser that gets off on this kind of criticism.
I remember some of the people I went to college with and think to myself “Yeah I can imagine them being that kind of haughty douchebag”
“MP Dawn Butler asked the celebrity chef”
She’s the MP for Brent Central which includes Stonebridge & Harlesden. The former “suffers from high rates of violent crime. In 2015 it had the highest recorded gun crime of any ward in London” while “Harlesden and the nearby Stonebridge estate, witnessed a high number of murders and became a crime hotspot. It was done by several rival yardie gangs. It turned Harlesden into one of London’s main crack cocaine trading centre, and one of the yardies’ strongholds.[6][7][8] By 2001 the area had the highest murder rate in Britain.[9] There were 26 shooting incidents that year alone.[10] Crime rates were significantly reduced in the late 2000s.
During the nationwide riots of 2011, some shops in Harlesden were attacked by looters”
Brent Central suffers from “severe deprivation.”
So, maybe Ms. Butler, there are other things you could be working on?
Jerk is Chinese/Hispanic/Indian fusion put together by English-speaking people of African descent living on a Caribbean island.
OMG, the cultural appro . . . oh, “people of African descent”. Never mind.
So apparently someone shot at the U.S. Embassy in Ankara yesterday. That shithole needs to be kicked out of NATO.
NATO is a coalition of countries who joined together to provide a counterforce to the Warsaw pact.
There is no longer a Warsaw pact. There shouldn’t be a NATO either.
I agree with that, but Turkey should not be in it as long as it still exists.
And Turkey is definitely not a friend to the West anymore. Then again, many traditional NATO members could be said to be unfriendly to western ideals these days.
Yep – and we should withdrawn all our troops and equipment pronto.
ENB on Kamala Harris. She’s right, y’know.
Why so sexist, ENB? And racist.
Which particular dimension of Harris’s multivariate repugnance prompted the tweet?
I’m going to guess backpage
+1 gored ox
my first guess was her crusade against Backpage which destroyed a transparent/safe marketplace for sex workers.
And, I can’t say that Brown is wrong in the least about seeing Harris as a monster based on that.
Bullshit. Harris liberated those women to pursue STEM degrees so they wouldn’t need to debauch themselves catering to the needs of men no better than rapists or pedophiles.
Where do all the perverts go now that backpage & craigslist personals are no more? Why doesn’y anyone think of the perverts and their needs?
Harris’ tweet:
ENB’s first response:
I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.
So identify as a man already. Geez.
This is Kamala “We can’t have prison reform because it would rob the state of valuable slave labor” Harris talking about women in chains.
If it’s Trump/Harris 2020 I’m rooting for SMOD. I mean, more than I usually do.
If Trump has Harris as his VP, I think I will emigrate. I understand South Africa has some real bargains on farmland.
We’re going back to 18th century rules where the runner-up becomes VP.
I wonder what Trump’s life expectancy would be if Harris was the VP.
Progressives in a decade: Wanting to live anywhere other than our intersectional utopia, our shining city on the hill, is seditious and you’re a traitor.
The last major party candidate I voted for was in 1976. I’d guess that 95% of the posters here weren’t even their daddy’s boner then. SMOD is the only logical choice and I’m likely to endorse it again in 2020.
I would have voted for Whitlam in ’75 & ’77 but was a few years too young.
Harris shared her favorite sandwich recipe with some gossip magazine?
“This is the sandwich that I used to make for Willie Brown”
The sex work infighting is almost as fun to watch as the TERF/intersectionality imbroglio.
From what I can see, sex workers and their allies are pretty united in their hatred of Harris.
Those are the icky type of sex workers. If they got their shit together they could be classy sex workers and have a great life.
By classy, I mean they could sleep with powerful men like Willie Brown and launch their career.
In case anyone thought the house of cards known as the EU was getting better…
Greece fucked itself, but I have some sympathy for them as they should be able to declare bankruptcy and move on. Thereby creating the future incentive to not loan money to socialist shitholes. However, Germany isn’t having any of that.
The Greek economy has shrunk by a quarter since the global financial crisis began.
If you back out government borrowing and spending before doing the math, I wonder how much the real economy has shrunk?
Probably impossible to discern. As I understand it, a very large portion of the Greek economy is cash under the table.
Wouldn’t that also make it impossible to discern that “The Greek economy has shrunk by a quarter since the global financial crisis began”?
Of course
Yea, there’s been some interesting articles focusing on this in the WSJ lately. Apparently, the tax rate is through the roof and applied at every stage of commerce (probably a VAT). It’s so crippling, that after non-tax costs, businesses are finding their entire profit is due to gov as taxes. A good number have moved offshore, to I think Cyprus, while others just went under or moved to the gray market.
Tax evasion is the national sport of Greece. The rates are crazy because they must confiscate every drachma of the few that are reported.
I have some sympathy for them as they should be able to declare bankruptcy and move on
Defaulting on a third of trillion dollars, at least, of loans apparently isn’t an option.
Apparently, the old saw that if you owe enough, you have leverage over your lenders isn’t necessarily true.
It’s always an option. The EU was terrified of it because it would have brought down the rest of the PIGS as well, thereby ending the EU project. God knows what they did to stop the Greeks from going that route.
Re South Africa: I follow a guy on Twitter whose father emigrated from South Africa because he saw the writing on the wall. He talks about it sometimes.
I work with crane driver whose parents brought him over 20 years ago. He hasn’t had an appreciation for why until recently.
An acquaintance of mine came here as a teenager on a sailboat with his parents. The father wrote a book about it. Good read.
@sloopy, you MUST post that photo of Reason that you sent me.
Is her nickname at home TOS?
We usually just say “stop!” and she knows its her.
The others answer to “dammit” and really?”
Its like a Bill Cosby skit here. Without the drugging and sexual assault.
This is the face of the evil yet to come.
If I said the camera lover her, I’d be lying. She does not take good pictures.
Are you kidding? That is seriously perfect.
I agree. That’s exactly what you want!
Congrats, Sloop and Banjos! What a great day!
The only things that kid is missing are: (1) a tophat and (2) a Snidley Whiplash-type costume moustache to twirl. I assume she’s got the “muah ha haaaa!” laugh already.
Is she shopping for orphans there?
Looks like she’s getting ready to make some orphans.
One of my nieces used to be impossible to photograph well. She grew out of it.
Hey, RC, I heard third hand that you’re coming our way. If Swiss hasn’t contacted you yet, drop me a note at omwc at protonmail with dates and availability.
That is a wonderful picture. She photographs well. That expressions says it all.
I foresee a life time of jokes:
“Daddy, why to you ……. so much?”
“Honey, you are the reason.”
Somewhere some little boy is running around without a care in the world. Not realizing that his doom is out there and starting kindergarten.
Great pic!
I have no idea who this is.
“According to the notice to sue, Bennett had been taken to the hotel by a family member, but Argento asked them to leave so she could be alone with him.
She then allegedly gave the young actor alcohol and began kissing him. Bennett claims she pushed him onto the bed, removed his pants and performed oral sex on him. She climbed on top of the 17-year-old and the pair had sex, according to the notice of intent.
The age of consent in California is 18.”
The preference of some women for younger men is hugely problematic and demonstrates the existence of toxic femininity.
It’s seriously funny that she was hoisted up by her own petard, but honestly I see nothing all that wrong here.
The poundmetoo movement has allowed me to master my doublethink. I am able to simultaneously think she did nothing wrong and also think she deserves to get the full basket of negative consequences this can bring. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Yup. “Do unto others” is a two-sided principle. “As you do unto others, so may they do unto you.”
To she who has sex with an underage partner, more will be given. From he who does the same thing, all will be taken.
gone to the next thread >>>>>>>>.