Immigrant lawyer doesnt get visa, gets deported.
I love irony.
Now hit my mother-f’in Theme Music !
Not a big Eddie fan, but this is good. And it’s his best.
You’re not a fan of Eddy?
I thought of this
Rats, Eddie
The original Eruption
How’s keto going for ya?
Glad you asked. I havent seen my pile of flab melting away, and I think it took a bit over a week to get my errant stored carbs out, but my blood sugar has plummeted from reading in scientific notation to something more “normal”.
Which was a nice surprise. Im gonna hold off for another week or 10 days before I treat myself to a OG-3X-OG chicken sammich (with bun) from BK.
SLD- Im walking 3.5 miles/day, and doing 20 minutes on an elliptical I call Big Punisher.
*checks phone
4.7 today and it sucked brutal balls but I am scheduled for a hip replacement in a few months so I hope that helps. My kingdom to be able to do a squat.
God dammit. What lead up to a hip replacement?
Using it too much when it was new? Genetics? Poor life choices? The stars? Falling on my right side and fracturing 7 ribs a couple years ago? That one time in Bangkok? Premature arthritic aging? Not drinking enough milk? Using Roundup to kill my weeds? Coffee? Who knows. Doctor had no answers and just said there is no cartilage left in the right hip joint. Live with it or replace it. Living with it sucks.
Actually, shoulda been this.
Now we’re talkin’!
Sup Tres! re: Ecuador, Ain’t it fun watching the Brown people turn on each other?
Third! Second loser……..
Ecuadoreans hate Peruvians. They’ve fought a few wars against each other.
Chileans figure in there somewhere historically as well I believe, and Mexicans Hate them all,
Yeah, they and Argentinians don’t like each other.
Bolivians don’t like Chileans because the Chileans took land from Bolivia in some war.
Also look up the Chaco War and the The Paraguayan War.
Do South Americans hate each other the way Asians hate each other? They all look the same to me. //jk
Yes, and I’m not kidding, see if you dress them in a silk shirt, put on some Gold chains slick their Hair back , add Cologne and Bingo…
All I know for sure, is that Mexicans love to denigrate and make fun of Guatemalans, who are apparently short, lazy, dark skinned heathens. Brazilians do the same with Bolivians and Paraguayans.
Asians seem to hate everyone, especially each other.
A mother and daughter are fighting for their lives after a stranger ‘smashed them in the head’ and left one’s ‘face hanging off’ in an unprovoked hammer attack.
If they had the Gift of the Gun….
If only I had read the rest of Zardoz’s comment.
You and me both. Or even read the whole link.
I actually read the Daily Fail article. I just didn’t read all of what Zardoz wrote.
That’s a paddlin’…er, cleansing.
So, I guess Zardoz isn’t going to vomit any guns my way?
Mr. Lizard’s buddy sure looked Sexually Frustrated in that video, not enough Shore leave I guess,
Ya and notice those mammals throwing sticks while running away from the water like a little bitch.
Concern trolling about not enough state funding for schools in New Hampshire
There is no elevator at Russell Elementary School in Rumney, nor any other method for a person with a physical disability to get to the middle school classrooms on the second floor.
When one of the school’s 106 students was on crutches for a portion of last year, Principal Jonann Torsey had to switch the entire class to a different room.
“If we had a handicapped student or teacher we would have a really big problem on our hands, to be candid,” Torsey said.
There are also no fire sprinklers at the school, which serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade. The alarm systems throughout most of the building are inadequate, some offices can’t be used because they lack secondary fire exits, and several of the exits that do exist aren’t in compliance with state rules.
If something doesn’t change, Rumney Fire Chief David Coursey said, he will have no choice but to shut down the school.
When I was in 3rd or 4th grade (mid 80s), a girl in the grade bellow me broke both of her legs falling from the jungle gym on the playground. I remember the principal and another teacher having to carry her up and down the stairs in a wheelchair for a few weeks.
I don’t think that has anything to do with anything, it’s just a random memory you triggered.
It’s relevant if it didn’t lead to newspaper editorials whingeing about money.
No offense, but How do you get Whingeing out of Whining? I see it all over the place and wondered if it is auto correct or something,,,,
It’s British. Link
I’m a product of Catholic school.
We had kids in crutches in my old high school. The kids, and a helper, got to leave class early so that the kids in crutches could navigate the stairs without inconveniencing other students and get to their next class on time. No elevators.
There was a girl in my class briefly in a wheelchair when I was in grade school. She had broken her leg. Getting in and out of the classroom required going up and down stairs. Someone had to have carried her and the chair, but I don’t remember who.
The roof over the caf at my old high school would leak during extremely heavy rains. The staff just closed off those parts of the caf, and we were a bit more “cozy” during lunch.
Neither my grade school nor my high school had sprinkler systems.
Sports facilities at my old high school were ad-hoc additions to the original building and except for the basketball gym and football stadium, it showed. Sports teams when I was there sometimes had to rent outside facilities for games/practices.
And yet, we were “privileged”. Privileged to pay for the local shitty public schools while paying tuition to go to Catholic school. And no, not everyone that went to my old schools were rich.
Thanks your union neighbors for making it impossible to build anything at a reasonable cost.
New Hampshire has no prevailing wage laws, but, yes, they don’t make things easy.
So what you’re saying is your destitute union neighbors all live in cardboard boxes down by the river, right?
Sounds good to me.
Hmm…. I think most union members in New Hampshire work for the government, so while I’d like to see them in cardboard boxes down by the river, they aren’t.
Well, the pulp and paper mills where I grew up closed and were replaced with prisons so I guess they went from a private union to a public one.
Saw my union baby down by the river
Knew she’d have to come up soon for air
Just to let you know, someone here is old enough to get that.
Even if the voters give them more money, they have zero incentive to fix those things. After all, if they’re fixed, how will they convince the voters to give them more money?
There are inexpensive alternatives to new buildings and expensive remodels to handle needs of people who can’t manage stairs.
The government high school I attended in the 90s was built around 1930. It was 3 floors and no elevators. When I was there in the 90s there was a student who was incapable of climbing the steps. They had a special wheel chair that could climb the stairs for her.
Any time a student had broke a leg that student and another student to help out would be dismissed from class a few minutes early so they could get to the next class on time.
They replaced and demolished the building in 2012 even though voters rejected issuing bonds to rebuild it several years prior. Yay government.
I’ve had about enough of this shit. NH ranks near the top in terms of per pupil funding of schools (14k/pupil per annum as I recall), but somehow the private school I send my daughter costs basically half that figure with far better outcomes.
Wasn’t there a lawsuit which forced an increase on state funding of schools? I’ve been out of state for a long time so don’t know the details. They did pull the same shit out here in WA. The teachers demanded a pay raise as soon as the education budget was increased.
Yes. The Claremont decision.
No fire sprinklers though – and non-compliant fire doors? That does sound like a problem – who would sign off on that being ok vs making modifications/upgrades over the summer (however many years ago).
Went to one school budget meeting where I lived. Was mainly told to SFTU and STFD as I had no children in the school district. Never mind that I pay lots of local taxes to the school board, and this meeting is about spending tax dollars that I contribute.
Afterwards, the head of the special needs program spoke with me and said that she got less than 1/3 of what was in the budget. My guess is the rest is graft and they put it in that part of the budget so that anyone who complains can be vilified for hating special needs kids.
Another good one: A friend gets a job and moves to my locality. His wife joins the PTA and becomes treasurer. She asks for receipts and change for moneys disbursed for official expenditures. She is promptly is removed from being treasurer.
The Press As Enemy
On a daily basis, the news media focuses on stoking the outrage machine against the president at the expense of other news. They often get the stories wrong. Remember the president’s campaign receiving advanced notice of Wikileaks releasing emails belonging to Hillary Clinton and John Podesta? CNN, CBS News and others reported it. It turns out they were wrong.
CNN’s Evan Perez reported Republicans funded the Christopher Steele dossier against Donald Trump. Turns out that was not true. The Washington Post reported reported the CDC would be banning the use of a host of words including “fetus” and “transgender.” That was wrong, too. Writers like Becket Adams have exhaustive lists of everything the press has misreported about President Trump since his inauguration and the list keeps growing.
The press is not the enemy of the American people. But they are their own worst enemy. They are increasingly insular, live in leftwing bubbles, and are prone to lash out at criticism. They also, thanks to this editorial coordination, have given new ammunition to the president.
My Own Worst Enemy
And recently, the “ICE arrests man driving his wife (in labor!) to the hospital, forcing her (while in labor!) to drive to the hospital herself’, when it turned out she wasn’t in labor (they were going for a scheduled c-section), he was arrested while they were stopped for gas, and oh yeah, he was wanted for murder in Mexico.
The press wants the “gotcha” against Trump. Trump lobs them so many goddamn softballs and they STILL manage to fuck that up.
Sleepin with my Clothes on……….
Hah, I just sent a letter to the local rag saying much of this. They joined Boston Globe in editorializing of course. Bet they don’t print my letter.
I played a league in which our team name was “Moe’s Bail Bonds”. Nobody got it until we played the video.
Aug. 17 (UPI) — A group of boaters in Zimbabwe captured video of a crocodile attacking their unoccupied boat while it was tied up next to the shore.
So what you are saying is that it is prudent to always have a rifle of at least .30 caliber on hand.
Lever action, works well with short barrels.
Why did Freedom Group have to trash the quality ofMarlin?
Because they’re assholes?
Although, for two or three times that money you can buy a Brockman.
I think I would do my own custom for money like that. (price listed doesn’t include rifle)
Once or twice a year there are gator sightings in the lake my house backs up on. Just a consequence of living in America’s Australia.
I’m pretty sure even my gf knows this…
15 Year Old Girl Cleanses Brutal
Knife-wielding dog
The only way a dog could hope to best a cat, all other things being equal. Cats are superior animals as well as superior pets. There, I said it.
My cats have recently defended the house from (*covers Mr. Lizard’s ear holes*) snakes and salamanders, let alone the daily quota of mice, rats and other rodents who would love to take up residence in our house. Since becoming outdoor cats, they have become super friendly, and their main annoying trait is trying to get inside to sit in our laps and be pet.
In contrast, the dog, in his excitement, nearly ran away when I was at the battlefield today, pulled so hard during the first half of our walk that he made himself sick, and spent the second half of our walk shitting pure liquid every 30 steps. Ever since getting his hair cut on Friday, he has gotten his mojo back and can’t help but be underfoot. I’ve kicked him at least 5 times in the past 2 days, and only one was intentional (half kidding). His most annoying trait, besides shitting on the floor at random, is trying to bully Baby trshmnstr’s snacks away from her.
Right now, I’d take cats over dogs anytime.
Cats will just suck that baby’s breath away. The science has been settled on that.
Hear Him Hear Him!!!
Ha-ha. Let’d do a quick internet search for “dog saves owner” vs. “cat saves owner” stories and see if your theory holds up.
Well, there’s this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TS-HK1H2zWY
Oh, I’m not saying it never happens (and it’s damn cool when it does), I’m just saying let’s just tally them up and compare.
I don’t hate cats. They have their place and they are (usually) damn good at their jobs.
A good Mouser is a joy to have, they also take care of the larger insects that might invade the House, Kittah is a good thing….
Speaking of larger insects, my cats did successfully play with and kill a large roach that got in to the house. I know this because I found the roach lying on its back, dead, one morning.
Love to eat them mousies
Mousies what I love to eat
Bite they little heads off
Nibble on they tiny feet.
Ok, try this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sgDZ-OqDEEw
Dog saves cat
Yes, lets do that.
Good kitteh! Y mas
Their was a reason that little Timmy, prone to falling down wells or getting into cave-ins, had a dog instead of a cat.
I once remodeled a kitchen for a family with a two-legged pig, they had a special wheelchair-thing built for his missing hind legs. I remarked that they must really love that pig to have a rig like that made up. They told me that a few years earlier they had a house fire and that pig oinked and squealed his way around the house alerting everyone and that they all just barely made it out. I asked if the pig had lost his legs in the fire and they told me, “No, but when you own a hero-pig like that it’s rude to eat him all at once.”
I love my cats but I swear to fucking god if I ever have more, I will never have two at a time again. The constant turf wars and the hissing and spitting at each other and the beta being too afraid of the alpha to even get to eat her share of food are wearing on me lately.
You also just described most bridal parties and/or RuPaul’s Drag Race.
Yeah, I only like drama when it’s confined to my television.
Mine don’t do that. I have male that is about 4 yrs old and a female that is about a year old. They get along famously, as they like to cuddle, groom each other, and play with each other. On the other hand, my parents cats don’t get along well. They have a female that is around 8 and a male that is around a year old and they have issues with one another. The most annoying thing my cats do is wake me up in the wee hours of the morning 1) earlier than I need to be up to get ready for work and 2) way too early on the weekend when I would rather sleep in.
The whole alpa/beta thing among canines was later rejecting by the person studying wolves who came up with it. I don’t think it ever applied to cats. Because they aren’t even pack hunters.
They are still extremely territorial. Believe me, it’s a thing.
Funny thing is, they got along great when they were around 1 year old and I lived in a studio.
Second, larger apartment – they got along OK but mostly just ignored each other.
Third, also large apartment – constant battles. There’s a spray that negates the turf markers they spread around by rubbing their face on everything – either it doesn’t work or I didn’t use it conscientiously enough. It’s supposed to stop this shit and help the get along. Need to look into it again.
Sometimes aggression is borne out of boredom. Once I sent my alpha outside, the aggression toned down about 90%. He spends more time chasing bugs than the other cats.
My cats were both males, same age, same litter. One died of old age last year, but up until then the dynamic was that the skinny one was dominant in all regards but food, in which the fat one called the shots, naturally.
In my case it’s two females and the fat one is the beta in every way including at the food dishes.
Put them into a pillow case together until they work it out.
Wasn’t that an episode of “The Shield”?
My AmStaff, Jack, is bordering on morbidly obese, doesn’t like temperatures lower than 65F or higher than 72F, won’t walk on damp grass, and seems to be in the midst of slowly releasing a fart all the time, and yet he routinely catches more mice in one year than the cats have ever caught in their lives. Which is to say that, while I love the cats, they can’t even out-cat a dog.
Sure, Jan.
And then you grow the fuck up. Well, most of us do.
“I can signal too!”
I feel bad for the guys in her life. You’d be safer entering a fukushima reactor than her.
Still would.
“Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Andrew Gasser shares ‘FAKE NEWS’ message on government marquee
On Friday afternoon, Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Andrew Gasser used the road district’s marquee to share a message attacking the Northwest Herald:
A lawyer who co-wrote the handbook for township officials in Illinois said Gasser’s use of the marquee is “ridiculous” and constitutes an improper use of government property.
“That appears to me to be political speech,” said Keri-Lyn Krafthefer, an Ancel Glink attorney who co-authored The Township Officials of Illinois’ “Laws & Duties Handbook.” “That’s an improper use of public property.”
The Northwest Herald tracked down Gasser to ask why he used the government marquee to criticize the free press.
“I put it on there because you’re fake news,” Gasser said, then turned his back and lumbered across the parking lot to his office. “I just don’t want to talk to fake news.””
Sounds like an opportunity to go back to the olde days when every town had multiple news outlets with different politics.
““Libertarian” isn’t supposed to mean “I spread my asscheeks to take in a two dozen corporate dicks and ask for seconds because at least it’s not the government.” If you’re calling yourself one and that’s your outlook, you are hopelessly mindless.”
He has a point.
It’s like people who think pro-market means pro-business. It doesn’t.
“Socialist social media platforms are out here trying to seize the memes of re-election and conservabros and lolbertarians are just like… “free market my dudes.””
I thought that gab.ai was supposed to fix that problem. Not my fault you guys fucked up the opportunity the free market gave you, Cassie.
It’s not a free market when the government plays favorites.
So, you’re with me in opposing all tariffs?
Seriously, though, what exactly are you referring to?
I’m largely referring to to tax breaks, subsidies, and regulations.
Does Twitter get any special bennies from the government? I’m asking because I really don’t follow news about it.
Gilmore seemed to have the best analysis regarding Twitter. But Facebook & Google definitely do.
The whole point of the free market is that I can tell a company to fuck off if they do something I don’t like.
The only businesses that can actually fuck you are the ones that have gotten in bed with government enough times to get a legal monopoly status. Electric companies, sewer/water, some telecoms.
Everyone other business has competitors that you can go to if you dont like the deal you are getting from the one you are currently with. Divorce government from business and this problem largely goes away.
And MasterCard.
Oh for fucks sake!
She’s a goddamned idiot.
Breaks my heart she used to be so lovable.
Also LOL:
Beat me to it. Damn, that is some serious stupid, right there.
I’ll never understand a movement that considers murdering babies a core characteristic of femininity.
Ya, that one kind of throws me too.
What an ass clown!, Would NOT, never stick it in Crazy, and Her crazy is a complete turn off
– Girls outperform boys in K-12 and are more likely to get a college degree
– Female life expectancy is higher
– Women are vastly underrepresented in homicides, suicides, incarcerations, workplace deaths, and homelessness
– Women are not required to register for the draft
– Abortion-on-demand is legal in all 50 states
– Women statistically receive lighter sentences than men who commit similar crimes
– There’s a strong social injunction against men hitting women but not vice versa
– Many corporations and government agencies have “diversity” initiatives that place women in jobs that they are not otherwise qualified for
– There is a huge political infrastructure centered around “women’s issues”, but even mentioning “men’s issues” would probably cost you huge points in an election
– Men have been accused of rape and kicked out of college, dismissed from their jobs, and hauled into court on a woman’s mere say-so
Can someone PLEASE give me some evidence of how the US is turning into The Handmaid’s Tale?
My last girlfriend said the only thing keeping us from becoming the Handmaids Tale is the Democrats. Take that you shitlord. (ya she kind of TDS’d a bit. I havn’t talked to her in awhile although every time I drink too much I almost call her but I havn’t got that drunk yet)
If there’s a worse way to die than this, I can’t think of it.
Warning please, Jeez…
You stuck around after reading the title?
I thought I did…?
A company you’ve never heard of has unveiled an electric pick-up truck in Manhattan, because what better target demographic can there possibly be than people who live in New York?
Maybe the target demographic is one of the 19M people in the region who don’t live in Manhattan, and showing them off in a central location was convenient.
Speaking of cats; meow
Will it have enough range to actually be useful?
Neither of those are electric. They’re both series hybrid, which is the superior form of hybrid.
And you still plug it in, and its charged by……
Electricity generated at a fossil fuel burning power plant.
Communism powered by estrogen. Duh.
Uh hello it’s charged by electricity. From the socket on the wall. Duh. /rolls eyes millennially
I am friggin’ stuffed. Tostadas tonight. Refried beans for glue, organic ground beef sautéed with chiles, onion, garlic and chile powder all grown in our garden, garden salsa, fresh guacamole, extra sharp cheddar, a little shredded lettuce, and a Pelican Bay Kiwanda Cream Ale.
I may explode like the dude in Aliens.
Awesome. I gotta get back into gardening. I was lazy/busy this year and didn’t plant anything. Now it’s probably too late.
I’m about to make a curry of coconut milk, chicken, peanuts, and all the usual spices.
Thai curry? My favorite curry in the world. I could alternate daily between that and stone bowl bibimbap for the rest of my life.
Mmmmmmm beef
How does one organically grind beef? Mortar and pestle?
I actually do prefer “shredded” beef to ground in dishes like that.
I like to stew a piece of chuck or something, then shred it apart with two forks when it’s tender. This is also a great way to do beef for chili.
I’ve probably got 50# of ground beef in the fridge that I need to get through.
Masticate, regurgitate.
The signalling re: cooking on this site is becoming insufferable – apparently, everyone uses a sous vide stick, smokes, organic, home-cures, self-flagellates, etc.
I am about to go retrieve my Great Value Supreme thin crust frozen pizza from the oven. Some times some of us are too tired to cook.
Great Value FTW.
I’ve run restaurants and I’ve never done any of that.
If it makes you feel better, I ordered a pile of grub from Dominos today because I couldn’t be bothered.
Been there, done that. Being the sole cook, there’s been a number of times my plans for dinner have been, “which pizza do you want delivered?”.
We usually have 2 days of cooked meals, 4 of leftovers, and 1 night out per week. It can be the most delicious thing, but I’m sick of it after eating it for lunch 4 days in a row.
*Leftovers includes new meals from the old ingredients.
I repurpose a lot of leftovers. Wasting food bothers me. Throwing leftovers in a tortilla for a quick lunch is a favorite.
Not me. I’m doing well to be frying an egg.
The self flagellation is usually a result of Q’s links.
More like Mr. Creosote.
Nice green salad with balsamic vinaigrette, caprese, and shortly we’ll be having your nightmare (roasted seitan loaf) in a white wine sauce.
You don’t win friends with salad.
You don’t win friends with Satan Loaf, either.
I had to look that up… – Oh my God.
Is that made from ground babies?
No meat. Baby shit.
Grey Poupon?
*golf clap*
No Grey Poupon, but there was Colman’s, as it happens. I slather it over the loaf, then bread it for the final bake.
“bring me a bucket fo’ me fro-up!”
Why would “organic” be celebrated?
No hormones and the pasture it came from belongs to a friend of mine about five miles from here. I know exactly how the animals were treated and it shows in the end product.
I could care less about hormones – I’m having an Annette Bening moment. But, if it’s a “local pasture” that belongs to a “friend” I guess that makes all the difference.
If the product is high-quality – great. Otherwise, no need for the romance BS – I expect that crap from a proggie site.
I don’t buy organic at the store. The designation is meaningless.
It’s pretty meaningless in and of itself, but I’ve found that when it comes to stuff like produce or meat it’s sometimes a shorthand for generally higher-quality stuff. At the grocery store we usually go to, for instance, the difference between organic carrots and the cheapo bag of carrots is significant in terms of quality. Generally, if I’m buying something as a secondary ingredient I’ll get the cheapest that isn’t terrible, but if I’m buying something where the flavor is going to stand out or the appearance matters I’ll buy organic or free-range or whatever.
True. The organic carrots simply taste better.
Cool! Get it on video!
Whoever recommended the pizza screen, thanks! I screwed up my wife’s pizza in a fixable way, but my crust was as good as I’ve ever made. Now to get a second one so that I can prep one pizza while the other is in the oven.
I’m a big fan of parchment paper.
You are welcome, It’s about time I start receiving recognition for my mastery of all thing pizza related.
I’m on day 9 of Project “Get Up At 6 AM Every Single Day”. It’s noticeably easier to get out of bed now, and I have more free time. Today, I got the lawn mowed and finished my jogging by 3 PM. Previously, I wouldn’t have even been out of bed before noon. My only fear was becoming extremely fatigued, but this has not happened.
I did have a strange dream during a daytime nap, however:
I was jogging near a dirty, brackish creek. The sky was clouded over with yellow/brown clouds, giving the whole scene a toxic, apocalyptic ambiance. I jumped in the water to cool off. Then, I woke up from that dream and walked around the house for a bit, realizing that I still had to go jogging since that was only a dream. I saw a colossal (8+ inch) beetle on the kitchen floor. I ran to get my bug spray, but it ran into the living room and somehow got underneath the carpet. I saw the lump moving across the floor towards the wall, so I stomped on it. Then, I woke up from THAT dream. I had a dream within a dream. This has never happened before. Not sure if it’s related to the sleep thing or not.
All that we see or seem…
That Poe dude knew his shit.
I’ve never had a dream within a dream. However I have had a lot dreams where I am fully aware that I am dreaming, yet can’t control what’s going on in the dream. Those are usually pretty horrible dreams. There is usually something I really really need to do, yet am unable to.
I’ve had those.
You could look into lucid dreaming. The danger is, if you become extremely good at lucid dreaming, you might mistake reality for a dream.
I have done a little bit of reading about that and it does seem interesting. I’m not sure that it’s a path I’d like to take though.
You brought the beetle in from swimming in the creek and dreams and life are connected. If you swim in the brackish and not pure waters of real life you will find beetles in your living room. And the Beatles sucked.
Is your wife a doctor who practices medicine?
Unless that’s some serious BDSM shit you are doing to yourself on the orders of your mistress, that’s the worst idea I have ever heard.
There’s a 6 in the morning now!?
Sounds like someone took “9” and flipped it around.
I blame Big Dyslexia.
What’s the point of 9 without 6 to go with it?
Yes, and it’s when I start work.
Back when I was hardcore into yoga I got up at 4 AM — the hour of Brahma.
Good for you, but aren’t you just trading time in the evening for time in the morning? I’d think in order to get up at 6 you’d need to go to bed pretty early. I guess if you just like mornings that’s not a problem.
My problem was that I tend to sleep for 12+ hours if I didn’t set an alarm, and I’m also prone to staying up way too late. I’d roll out of bed as late as 1 PM, and I’d usually be hungry since my last meal was around 8 PM the night before, so I’d have to have breakfast. Then I’d have to wait for that meal to digest before I could go jogging, so I was lucky to get back from jogging before 4 PM. Plus, all that oversleeping made me groggy and lazy, and I’d just fuck around on the Internet instead of getting any housework done or doing productive things like reading or writing.
Also, I heard that you’ll get out of bed easier if you do it at the same time every single day, and this has proven to be true so far.
Finally, my job requires me to put in some extra time now and then, and it’s far easier to go in at my normal time on a Saturday if I’m up early. I can be off by noon and just resume my weekend as normal.
BREAKING: Peter Strzok announces plans to leave the FBI and open a motel.
Dear Zardoz,
I submit that it is not the penis that is evil. It is the womb. THAT is where baby brutals come from.
BBQ Smoking with Alternative Fuel
Western is pretty much the Ford Fiesta of wood products.
Sorry, that came across as snarky. I used to use their products until I found some of higher quality and consistency for about the same price. As for alternative fuel sources, my current electric uses chunks. I do use chips in he side box on my grill.
Jeebus guys. I have worked in the same plant for about 5 years. The first 4 I worked in the rolling mill/bar finishing dept. For the past year, I have been on the melt/cast end.
Tonight, I’m covering a shift with my old crew in the rolling mill area. I have been here for an hour and a half and have already gone through and fixed 3 issues that have been giving my operators trouble for months and haven’t been resolved. It’s been pretty simple stuff, if you know what’s going on down here.
It’s kinda stupid that I have to come down here and do this stuff. On the other hand, damn do I feel secure in my job.
I’m more than a little jealous of all the cool stuff you get to do at work.
We are hiring…
I can’t obey orders, nice offer if you meant me…………
It’s a bit of a commute….
What is that avatar? Is there a larger size?
Like XX?
I imagine you’d struggle as much with the jet lag as the commute time!
Land is cheap here. Just saying.
It’s a bit of a commute….
Your rotary engine will seize before you make it that far.
The current one has over 300 hours of race time on it. I’m building a replacement this week since the compression is dropping, but I think it would make it.
That’s hilarious considering that Mazdaspeed beat the pants off of everyone at Le Mans in 1991, so much so that next year they banned rotaries.
Old Man, it’s Job Security, You know your Machine (the Mill itself) You will go far with your attitude,
Kick Ass Lach!
Work ethic is a hell of a drug.
I love hearing about what You Young’ns are doing with your lives, it gives me great Hope for America and Western Civ. overall.
Get off my lawn, Yusef.
This Saturday I officially become a Senior Citizen, so get off MY lawn,
/55, going to a nice resort, Yippee!
Happy early birthday!
In Cali, 40 is child and 45 is senior citizen, am I right?
I do not Recognize the Authority of the State of California, so I’m going with 55, and i ain’t no SC, Wanna Fight?
/i kid
I hope it’s not an alpaca farm.
On work days I toil in autocad and often spend time trying to figure out why a drawing that was working the day prior all of the sudden had a meltdown. On days off I have to find the motivation to execute tasks to maintain my household. In short, I work at work, and I am lazy at home. But I know what I need to do to maintain my home. So I do that which is necessary, despite my at home lazy nature. I am a millennial and we are the worst.
Also, get off my lawn. It is overrun by weeds and such, but at least it is green.
You’re only hearing from the glib young’ns yusef. We are a bit different from many of our other millennial brethren. Don’t get your Hope’s up too high.
I went to the meeting this past Wednesday with the beurocrats who wanted to help the schools with their industrial controls curriculum and I was pleasantly surprised.
The people who were putting together the curriculum were actually a private company, and they were the only people I interacted with. There were three of them and they had a curriculum outline that they had been developing. There were about 15 of us from different manufacturing plants around the region. We were about half and half department heads and technical grunts. We went over a ton of material, and the guys we talked to seemed to really want and value our input. I could tell they actually wanted to know how to and what to teach. Its was worth going to, and I got a chance to meet and talk with other guys like me, which is always nice.
Thanks for all y’alls input last week.
My 80s public high school sci/tech curriculum was largely the result of money & feedback provided by private companies in the area – Kodak, IBM, Bausch & Lomb, etc. I doubt you could get away with that NY any more.
Because corporate money or something stupid like that I presume.
It makes an enoirous amount of sense to teach people the skills companies are wanting to hire for. But what the hell do i know. I’m just some redneck.
That’s because NY doesn’t have the businesses to do it any more, thank you Andrew Cuomo.
Twitter summed up in one image.
Factcheck: true.
That Tweet will be the Rosetta Stone in a thousand years when archaeologists try to figure out WTF people were saying on Twitter.
The defense of Brennan going around the tubez goes: He voted commie only a protest because he hated both parties. I hate both Pepsi and Coke. Should I drink brake fluid to protest?
Everyone who hates Trump is great. /progs
It’s very revealing that the the MSM has all banded together to defend the honor of piece of shit like brennan.
Meh, a 21 year old in ’76 voted for a commie, while not exactly the summer of love that time was still pretty Hippie dippy, I think it’s a good stretch to go form dumb college kid votes for a commie to “avowed communist.” He may be a lying jackass but the commie smear seems over the top to me.
I agree with you. Who gives AF what a kid did that long ago as long as it was legal? I’m just pointing out the defense of his actions is silly. Point being that people won’t just say, “Yeah, I was stupid.” It wasn’t a protest vote as much as it was a vote based on historical ignorance.
Seems like the commie smear is unnecessary when the guy is guilty of literally providing arms to terrorist groups in Syria. Seems to me like that would be good enough, but hell, he may be a commie too. Either way, fuck that guy.
To me it’s a signal that the person talking doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about, You get halfway through a rant I might otherwise be listening to and then throw in “and he’s an avowed communist’ you’ve just lost me. Similar to someone making reasonable arguments about Trump, call him a white supremacist and I’m no longer listening. It belittles your opinion in either case, leave the talk radio bullet points behind and I’m a lot more likely to listen to you whether you’re coming from the left or the right.
#MeToo shocked!
I somehow find myself rarely shocked by a whole lot of things that Drudge seems to be shocked about
I’m just glad that our Hollywood betters have decided to take time away from their constant raping of one another to preach to us rubes about the dangers of sexual predators.
Been busy lately, so maybe covered. Kevin Spacey film ‘Billionaire Boys Club’ takes in just US$126 as it flops at box office.
Distributor spiked it?
More like The Producers.
Hot Milf does outdoor cooking
I was at a dinner get-together today, and one of the people there was just completely TDS . “Trump this” “Trump that”, and man it is tiresome in person. I keep my mouth shut because these kids go to school together, and there’s no profit in saying anything, but good grief, get a clue that nobody cares. But the worst part of it, was in the midst of bitching about Trump and FoxNews and corruption (because you know Democrats NEVER are corrupt *rolls eyes*), was the most blatant casual racism I’ve heard in ages. Just such a lack of selfawareness. Anyway, thank God that’s over. I’m supposed to have them to my house, but I’m gonna have to think about it. Maybe after the midterms when it might be bearable.
I ran into that a few times this Year with some Customers, they sound Tin Foil Crazy if you let them rant, I just smile and nod,
/Aren’t you Special………
“sorry, we don’t abide racists in our household.”
I dont know that the mid terms are going to make it any better. If the Rs come out ahead, expect the #resistance to triple down. If the Ds come out ahead, all the talk will shift to impeachment. Trump lives in these people’s heads.
unfortunately I’m sure you’re right. It won’t actually help. But I keep living in hope that ‘it’s gotta die down, eventually, right?’
Worse, I have the impression it’s not even Trump. If he died tomorrow, the whole machine would just pivot against Pence, without skipping a beat. Maybe — MAYBE — some of the NeverTrumpers would stop being so insane, but for others it’s pretty clear they were lefties all along and this was just their excuse.
Yeah, GW Bush was literally Hitler, then John McCain was literally Hitler, then Mitt Romney was literally Hitler and now Trump is literally Hitler; and besides the R beside them on the ballot none of them ran a campaign that was even close to right of center. To his credit though after election Trump has done a few things that are actually right wing, the HORROR!
My sister suffers from TDS. Conversation before the election. Me: “I hate Trump with the heat of a 10,000 suns.” My sister: “Yeah, he’s just terrible.” Me: “Oh, and I hate Hillary with the heat of 10,001 suns.”
I wouldn’t start the political conversation, but at some point I couldn’t restrain myself in the face of doucebaggery (either left or right).
Most times I’ll start out playing dumb or using a Socratic approach until the numbnuts goes so far out on a limb that all the other
listeners are against him/her.
What ever happened to not talking about politics or religion?
To be honest, I think its a symptom of something greater. TDS is just the latest manifestation.
Lack of accountability due to anonymity of the internet. I think the culture was developed online and has only recently been migrating into real life, which doesn’t bode well.
To elaborate, pre-internet, if you spouted off about whatever crank conspiracy or political bullshit you believed in, youd be considered a nut and treated dismissively if not eventually ostracized. These days, you’re not only immune to the social consequences of your outspokenness, but there are thousands of other nuts there to tell you that you’re the only sane ones out there.
I definitely think internet culture plays a big part of it. I even remember when a “flame war” was a big deal.
But enough about Glibs…
I have a McLuhanist explanation…..
Maybe I’ll write it after I write the yoga article I haven’t written yet.
Or you could combine them.
“Why the fuck do people talk politics and religion at yoga class?”
It’s a direct result of the growth of government and the subsequent increased importance of every election and law.
Used to be, lots of people just said, “oh, i don’t care about politics “, and that was fine. Now that govt controls your healthcare, sends your kids to endless wars, want to control college, taxes you for breathing, etc, how do you NOT have a strong opinion on the outcome?
If we followed the constitution, who wins every couple of years wouldn’t be a big deal.
I’m not sure about that. Government has been growing for a long time, and even during the New Deal, it was still considered a core value of politeness to not broach such personal subjects, in which people can hold radically differing opinions in good faith, in public.
My family would join in a ridiculing of any public figure. It just had to be funny. Not anymore.
Not sure about the religion part, but as far as politics-
Government has gotten too big and intrusive to be ignored anymore.
Oh. Looks like Hayek beat me to it. And said it better.
As I’ve pointed out, this is nothing new. Still, it seems people are defining themselves by political ideology in a way that that haven’t before.
*Said with full knowledge of the forum in which he is expressing said sentiment.
Emptiness? It is completely alien to me. People here have absolutely no desire to share what team they support. For the most part. They don’t tell you who they vote for, don’t pound you over the head for wrong think and will give you a blank look if you try to brow beat them.
That might have to do with 和. In Thai, a similar concept is “greng jai” which literally means “avoiding heart”. In short, anything that could potentially cause conflict in interpersonal relationships is to be avoided at all costs.
I believe at one time in American culture we had a similar concept in so far that it was recognized that one couldn’t count on one’s neighbor to have the same religious or political views as one’s self as there was no one monoculture. Thus in order to have community these differences were minimized in the public sphere. The Founders remembered shit like the English Civil War.
“Greng jai” sounds a lot like the concept of Murahachibu (村八分). If you do or say something outside of socially acceptable behavior you get ostracized from the village. Murahachibu means that you are excluded from 8 out of 10 aspects of village life. The remaining two which you aren’t excluded from are fire and funerals. Come to think of it, didn’t we talk about this before?
IN the US we used to say “It’s a free country” to explain away a number of actions which somebody might be objecting to. I have not heard that phrase recently.
As said above. The internet probably has something to do with it. There is much more information available now than ever in the past. Having access to that information can allow people to solidify and be more confident in their views. One confident in their views is one more likely to wish to Express them.
Maybe, I actually dont know.
I’me very confident in my views, but I’m not an assbag, so I try not to push my views. I think we just have more assbags than ever before.
Or perhaps they aren’t confident. I’ve found the most confident not vocal about their views at all because they don’t have to.
Real gangstas don’t flex nuts because real gangstas know they got ’em.
Damn it feels good to hear that song [inside my head]!
Have them over and serve Trump Steaks. No other political statements, just that. See how it goes.
That’s the plot to Titus Andronicus.
That cut off too soon. Try again.
Not a fan of Chef Boy ArOden and Marilyn Manson Loki.
Oh, I thought you meant this Titus.
Burnt to a crisp with ketchup?
and head of the table gets two scoops
okay, now that might be worth doing for the lolz!
And maybe, for the fukin fun of it make a MAGA hand puppet and have it loaded under the table, then after serving the two scoops put your hand in and raise it and play some audio from the Hat and Hair Cartoon.
I’m sure Sloop
Well, that was a fuckup. Here’s another try
’twas supposed to read “will be all over this tomorrow.”
You okay? Looks like you might have pulled something. Lol!
Apologies if this has been posted.
Isn’t there some sort of machine that can turn tree branches into mulch?
“Both men agreed the so-called Deep State was the best hope the U.S. has right now.”
Ah yes. Nothing better than a cabal of nameless unelected beurocrats to be the ones running the show.
Well, I would have preferred a Senate appointed by the legislatures of the various States of the Union, but the fucking late 19th and early 20th century Populists fucked that up with the 17th Amendment.
That would be a good start.
It was fucked up before the 17th too. 33 out of 46 states were already using elections to select the candidate that was “elected” by the state legislatures according to wiki.
Yeah, Andrew Jackson’s (Trump’s hero) Democratic party started pushing states for popular election of Senators, but at least it wasn’t mandatory before the amendment and would have been easier to fix.
Even if it wasn’t mandatory, Baker v. Carr would’ve accomplished a similar result.
Unless you have a nuance in the case I’m not getting, Baker V Carr was about redistricting, which doesn’t apply to senate seats because they are state wide.
At the time, state legislatures could be non-proportional in one or more houses and easily end up with US senators that weren’t favorable to the majority of the state’s population. Post-Baker, all statehouses had to be proportionally elected, so you’d end up with direct election of US senators at one remove under that.
Proportionally elected state houses doesn’t equal popularly elected senators. Believe it or not, people make different decisions in different races. Wisconsin has an R house, an R Senate and an R Gov, 1 R Senator and 1 D Senator. Voted for Obama in 08 and Trump in 16. Not everyone votes party line all the time.
But, the biggest thing is Senators now ‘buy’ votes by bringing home the pork to voters, where as if appointed by the states they would vote in favor of the states, not in favor of giving pork to voters.
I don’t think much would change. In the era of mass media, they’d still try to bribe their eventual electors, just as that pork they bring home today is often laundered through state and local governments.
Until the Overton window moves away from free shit, I don’t think anything would change.
Well, that was poorly edited. Time to pack it in for the night.
And that is perfectly acceptable. It drove the “democratic” portion to the State level of that’s how the people of that state chose to do so.
The 17th was a slap in the face to States’ Rights and made the Senate an extension of the House, rather than a separate voice.
You could twist Hoppe’s helicopters to fit that.
Ayut. That dude is still one dangerous sonofabitch.
What is a good photo sharing site? One that is not run by google or microsoft. One that I can use to
brag aboutshare some of my projects here.Pornhub.
HM for the win.
postimage.org doesn’t make you create an account, so on that level it’s anonymous, tracking wise I don’t know.
Today I saw someone wearing a t-shirt that said “End the Electoral College” and it got me thinking — the next time I hear someone say that, I’m going to respond “great idea!” And then say “you know what, that will likely mean we should eliminate all the concept of separate states, too. Let’s just have one government for the whole country, where everyone can vote for the ideas they like best and whichever idea wins 50.0001%, that’s the law nationwide! It would probably mean a lot of things would have to change here in California, you know, like no more legal pot and probably the end of safeguards and benefits for undocumented people. But hey, it’s worth it — we want every person to have every vote count, so getting rid of the electoral college would of course have to mean that individual states are meaningless! Thanks, keep up the good fight!”
It’s only a good idea when it supports lefty’s preferred outcome. Also, what are unintended consequences?
“Also, what are unintended consequences?”
A Boot on the neck?
Fucking Sign Me up…….
But, of course you miss the point that each D vote should count as 2 votes and every dead person also counts as 2 D votes. And if that still doesn’t work there are always votes ‘found’ in the trunks of cars and if that doesn’t work the RuzzIAns HackEd ThE LectTIon!
well, I guess but ROOOSKIESS!!!!!!111!11!!1!11
The UN Security Council, too. Popular vote across the planet. I’m sure that wouldn’t lead to mass theft of property.
And to end the weekend, my son just came to me and said:
“Dad, did you hear about that famous actress who cut her own throat? Reese somebody.”
“No, with her knife, Dad.”
Extra last!