True story from yesterday: I went to a grocery store near my office to pick up some Beyond Burgers (make fun all you want, they’re delicious, at least when you can find them) that have a marketing gimmick of being placed in the meat section of the store, rather than with the other veggie burgers. As usual, I couldn’t find them, but I spotted a store employee unloading some meat into the case and asked him if he knew where they were placed. “I never heard of it.What are they?” I explained that they were some of the latest generation of fake meat. “Oh, we keep all that shit over in the frozen foods section.” I told him that I had checked there, no they weren’t there, and that I usually found them right about where he was standing. He said, “Huh. lemme check with someone who might know.”
He walked around the corner and spotted a rather tall, thin woman also unloading meat into a refrigerator case. “Hey, Natasha, this guy is lookin’ for something called a ‘Beyond Burger.’ Ever heard of that?” She replied in a thick Russian accent, “I go in back and see if it is in cold room and bring back.” She disappeared into the back of the store, and I casually said, “So she’s gonna bring back Moose and Squirrel?”
Totally blank look.
He did have his revenge, though. Natasha brought them out, he looked at them and read through the ingredients, shook his head sadly, and handed them to me. I said, “Seriously, these aren’t the usual hockey pucks, they’re really good, and my wife swears that they’re almost indistinguishable from high quality hamburgers.”
“I tried some of that Boca shit a few years back. It was shit.”
“Yes, Boca is shit, but this is different. Try them.”
He grinned widely and said,”Ahh, no thanks, but hope you enjoy ’em.” Then as I walked away, he yelled to another worker, “Hey, Frank, this guy wants me to eat some burger thing made outta seaweed!”
Ahh, Chicago!
In anniversaries and birthdays today, there’s a very special one to me: it’s the 60th anniversary of the publication of Lolita. And perhaps not coincidentally, the birthday of Roman Polanski. Also photobombing congresschimp and all-around comedy relief Louie Gohmert.
I see that this story has now entered the Grovel Cycle. At some point, someone who is a more clever writer than I am will set down the equivalent of Kubler-Ross for politicians whose careers are in the death spiral.
“I humbly apologize to Representative Chang, her husband, Mr. Gray, and to the broader Asian American community for those disparaging remarks. In the divisive age we find ourselves in, I should not contribute further to that divisiveness. I have reached out to Representative Chang to meet with her so that I may apologize to her in person. I pray she and the Asian American community can find it in their hearts to forgive me.”
Of course, an hour later, she wanted to slur Chang again.
If you’re like me, the Outrage Machine is a source of amusement. SP is not as amused as I am and gets angry about this stuff, but she’ll outgrow that. Or maybe not. Today’s hilarity is, as is has been for the past two years, TDS at its finest, as The Donald had the temerity to say kind things in memory of Aretha Franklin. HOW DARE HE!!!!!
When Trump says Aretha “worked for him many times,” he says with the arrogance of a slave owner…
SP’s point, which is 110% true, is that Trump does so much actual stupid shit, and gets away with it because his opponents are busy screaming incoherently and reflexively about unimportant or (in this case) non-existent shit.
Did I ever mention how much I hate Teams?
And one more Sign Of The Times. Goucher College was a pretty prestigious school back in the days when I lived in Maryland. Apparently they feel they need to work hard to make sure that they’re no longer taken seriously as an academic institution.
“A small college can’t just keep adding majors,” President Jose Bowen said in a statement to the Baltimore Sun. “Sometimes we need to move resources from one to another and subtract too… We believe [scrapping programs in math and physics] is an opportunity for existing programs to come together in new configurations that speak in exciting ways to Goucher College’s ideals of social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and international studies.”
Math is haaaaard.
There’s sexual kinks that I truly do not get. Sloppy seconds is one of them. And sloppy seconds at gunpoint will get you some time as the guest of the state.
The woman was one of four victims who spoke at the sentencing for Powell who was convicted in March of 60 counts, including 24 counts of aggravated sexual assault, in connection with forcing his way into motel rooms and forcing the couples to have sex at gunpoint, then locking the men in bathrooms and sexually assaulting the women.
Won’t it be fun having this guy as your cellmate?
“Make no law” seems to be a very difficult concept for Team Blue, who have gone into full frontal assault against the First Amendment by… making lots of laws. This one from Maryland was so stupid and transparently unconstitutional that even the Team Red governor refused to sign it. it was passed anyway and, inevitably, is now in the courts. Impeachment of the state legislators doesn’t seem to be on the table, alas.
The challengers argue the law infringes on free speech because it requires them to publish information about political ad buyers. The newspapers also say the law includes onerous requirements for them to make data on ad buyers available to election officials on request.
“Russian meddling” now seems to be the new universal excuse for Team Blue to use the constitution as toilet paper. In a just world, there would be a long row of woodchippers in Annapolis to reduce waiting time.
Old Guy Music! And a bit less avant garde than last week’s selection. This week, we have Detroit’s finest guitarist, Kenny Burrell, accompanied by my favorite jazz bassist and drummer. This is some fucking great playing.
”Ahh, no thanks, but hope you enjoy ’em.”
It’s happening!
There’s sexual kinks that I truly do not get. Sloppy seconds is one of them.
That’s because you’re into people too young to have done it before.
If you get off on seeing a guy have sex with his own partner, does that make you a Ckuc?
Isn’t this just run-of-the-mill porn?
SP’s point, which is 110% true, is that Trump does so much actual stupid shit, and gets away with it because his opponents are busy screaming incoherently and reflexively about unimportant or (in this case) non-existent shit.
Magician *throws smoke bomb*: Presto!
Audience: Hey, how’d that elephant get on the stage?
Greetings from the hot humid heartland, where I will be mostly incommunicado for the next week or so.
Carry on as best you can in my absence.
I’m in the hot and humid tip of America’s Wang this week, in case you were wondering.
You should really get that checked.
We don’t need free speech we need better speech
Nobody needs 23 kinds of speech.
Here – I’ve prepared your state-mandated talking points. Stick to the script.
… that I and my political compatriots worked hard to create.
I take this as a good thing, woudn’t want people to think this place is an actual institution for learning.
They appear to be making that clear as day. Maybe they can start advertising their easy A program. Everyone who comes to class gets an A for showing up.
Supporters of the measure said it was the first of its kind in the country because of the powers it gave the attorney general and elections officials.
That’s probably exactly what opponents of the measure said, too.
Isn’t that a chilling fucking statement?
These people are deranged beyond belief… TOP MEN syndrome in it’s finest.
More power to curb the rise of excessive power. What could go wrong?
Once we find the right people and give them all the power over everyone, things will be perfect.
Was telling my wife the other day about how all the screeching about the 1st amendment and how Trump is trashing it is just cover for them to do exactly what they accuse others of.
Kind of like how liars think everyone is lying and cheaters think everyone cheats.
Old Guy guitar music
A great way to annoy classical musicians is to refer to the orchestra they play in as “an oldies cover band.”
I’m filing that for later use.
Brilliant! I wish I had that yesterday when I met with the music faculty.
OT: Fourth-biggest religion
In 2018, I would’ve gone with Beta.
Made the cut Didn’t join the team.
So, campaign ad season has kicked off down here in Florida (we have a primary on the 28th). There was a flurry of them last night during dinner. I mostly avoid them (as I do with all commercials thanks to modern technology), but there was an entire break that we didn’t skip that was exclusively political ads.
One of the candidates has decided that running against Trump while race baiting is the way to go. I don’t even remember the candidate’s name, but he’s running as “Trump’s worst enemy”. He says he’s going to stop Trump. (I thought you were running for governor…. you do know that the governor of Florida doesn’t get to defeat Trump, right?)
Anyway, the entire ad is “Fight Trump’s racism (show picture of black family looking poor and sad)”, “Trump mistreats women (show disheveled woman looking sad)”, “Trump hates immigrants (show Hispanic family and Haitian family looking sad)”…
It was a pretty awful hit piece…. 30 seconds of uninterrupted race-baiting… but it made me wonder what this guy thought he was running for. If anyone votes for governor because they want him to go and fight Trump, they are an idiot. Who wants their governor spending state resources and time battling the President. We’ve got our on crap to do down here.
It doesn’t matter what that guy thinks he’s running for. It matters what the voters think he’s running for.
Which is why I try not to think about politics. Because I’ve met voters.
-aside – my first real, visceral encounter with this was back when Jeb was governor of Florida and his brother was in the White House. My soon to be sister-in-law was a school teach in Palm Beach county, which is entirely controlled by left-democrats. That means she worked for a school board entirely populated by even lefter Democrats. The teachers were going on strike because they had not received a raise in several years, and were pushing for a 5% bump.
That’s not the visceral encounter part.
This is: She was railing against George Bush for not giving her a raise. No lie. This is what her union bosses were telling her, that it was the evil George Bush who hates kids and education and wouldn’t pony up for their raises.
So I pointed out that the president has absolutely no control over her salary as an employee of the West Palm Beach County School System.
So she pivoted to Jeb Bush. It was that Bush’s fault. …. uh…. so I pointed out that it was not the state that pay the bills either.
So she dug in deeper and said it was all those damn republicans….. so I pointed out that her school board is entirely controlled by Democrats. The school board raises their own taxes (via a property tax millage). The school board controls your salary. They are all democrats.
She was flummoxed. It never even occurred to her that her entire world view was skewed and incorrect.
She has a college degree from a good school – a private university even. And a masters degree. And can’t follow simple things like “who is in control of my employer”.
Yet another moment where I realized just how much of an outlier I and my fellow libertarian travelers are.
You could’ve just chucked a rock through her window and said, “Tell me who’s paying for that.” Bastiat explained this years ago, public choice theory explained why it happens and reality have given countless examples of all of this. Yet we keep going round and round in the teacups of stupid, thinking someday we get to leave Disneyland.
I’m assuming she had a Masters in education, which is worth approximately the same as toilet paper.
I can live without a masters in education. I can’t live without toilet paper.
Fair point
Nah… they invented the bidet for that.
Worse, mental health counseling.
Who wants their governor spending state resources and time battling the President.
Apparently, my fellow New Yorkers do.
Yes, I’ve seen a bunch of Cuomo ads about abortion.
Andrew Cuomo is filing the copyright charges against this guy right now.
I guess they’re banking on the “no one went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public” theory, but as you say, interesting the campaign staff judges this more effective than say, talking about ideas, policies, or legislation.
When both the facts and the law are against you, pound on the table.
Campaign ad season in DC was the worst, every commercial was a campaign ad from VA, MD or DC.
The best ones in the last day or two have been hammering on one of the Democrat candidates because he…[drum roll]…holds Puerto Rico government bonds. Which makes him single-handedly responsible for destroying the Commonwealth. Or something. Anyway, it’s proof of his evil nature. There was a long article about his profiting off of others’ misery. When I hear “Puerto Rico bonds”, profit is not what comes to mind.
The only think that indicates is that he’s not fiscally wise.
That’s what makes it so funny. The left is painting him as a ruthless profiteer and citing as evidence his holding of govt bonds from PR. And…Argentina.
Hawaii just had their election, uhhhhm the democratic primary. Really it is the same thing here. The governors race featured the incumbent. A man who kept the state on panic for over 20 minutes over the false report of incoming nuclear missiles because he forgo his twitter password so he couldn’t say false alarm. His challenger was a woman, a sitting member of the US HoR, who said as governor she would fight to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court because of women’s rights. It didn’t really matter who won since we are screwed either way. (He did.)
I say, seriously, get rid of universal sufferage. Say you have to own property and pay xyz amount of taxes before you can vote. Or a veteran.
+1 Starship Troopers
+100 every republic and constitutional monarchy before 1900.
It seemed like every primary ad in CA contained an anti-Trump reference, even if it was for some minor statewide, not federal, office.
Predictions on the Manafort verdict? If that is too difficult, answer this question.
Of course you can; the question is whether you should.
Got it.
Based on the poster’s name I assume they’re trying to troll and failed because no one took the bait (at least not in the way they wanted).
I am guessing no one bit because fruit just cant hang that low.
You should see how I’m hung.
Dude. Get over yourself. You are a double amputee. That is why you are so “hung” that it drags on the ground.
Gave it my best effort.
I created a column in the school paper in response to the “no stupid questions” aphorism.
The only one I remember was “If Oil of Olay is for sunspots… how do you get it up there?”
I was just being a smart-ass proving a point, but it became so popular that we turned it into a weekly feature for a while.
Q: How do bullfighters get rid of age spots?
A: They use Oil of Olé.
I hope you don’t keep it with the other ones.
Real, or parody?
The fact that it’s difficult to tell is interesting in its own right.
This Kroger News almost made it into links this morning, but it ended up in the practice squad of the comments.
“don’t be Florida, don’t be Florida, don’t be Florida, Click…. Michigan!!!
Yeah, take that mitten state!
Either way it was funny as hell. Raisins and Ramen… LOL…. that guy knows comedy.
My personal experience with Goucher from 30 years ago probably is not representative of what it was like during the Civil War or whenever it was that OMWC was around there, but my recollection of it is that it was not that impressive in the intellectual arena. It was, however, very impressive in the drunken chick arena.
When I was there, it was still a rather tony all-girls’ school. Yeah, it was fish in a barrel for my fellow UMBC physics majors.
The Princess, the Nazi and the Prostitute: Unlikely Righteous Among the Nations Revealed
Village idiot not so stupid, eh?
Its a tough job but someone must do it
Well (((of course)))
Incognito works.
Thanks for a great selection of both links and comments. I laughed over several of them.
SP says I amuse myself far too much. I *think* she’s talking about my posts rather than masturbation habits, but with her you never know.
With Facebook and Twitter banning people and the story in Maryland and others like it, now we see the consequences of lying about Russia. They knew the age old axiom of ‘if you say it enough believe will believe it’ would eventually work. Keep talking about it enough it becomes it’s own truth.
Of course, once they realize the monster they unleashed they won’t admit their part they played.
Funny that they immediately went to “Trump is a Nazi wanna-be dictator and will totally censor people who disagree with him” the moment he got elected… and then pivoted to “we gotta hurry up and censor all these people we disagree with!!”
All projection, all of the time.
And of course, the main story on the CBC radio news this morning was two non-cops were shot to death, but we don’t give a shit because two cops were shot in the same incident.
They started this shit before the election results. Several months before. Before Russia hysteria was anything more than a yawn, they were using the fake news narrative. You had Obama talking about how news needed to be curated and calling for Google to do it. They lost control of fake news so entirely that they barely even mention it.
But if you go back even right before the fake news narrative started, you had lefty media bitching about mystery algorithms and how social media, particularly Facebook, was engaging in editorializing with it. They were calling for more control (ie favoritism for themselves to save their dying business model).
With Russia, the left has been able to really find the perfect angle to bring themselves together and achieve what were always long term goals. They have a cudgel to not just go after Trump politically, but legally, as well. They can call for common sense censorship that they were already calling for/silence their critics. And they get to protect their near monopoly on determining what is or isn’t legitimate information as they get more control over the tools that are upending the media industry.
It is amazing how quickly they forget.
And it isn’t like they forgot what some random person was saying. They forgot that they were the ones saying it!
I can understand forgetting some detail or other, or forgetting what some obscure guy said…. but if you can’t remember what you were saying 3 months ago, you have issues.
And I actually believe they don’t remember saying those things. I used to think that people were just being mendacious when they did stuff like that… but years of dealing with “team think” situations leads me to believe that people actually believe the unbelievable in furtherance of Team. What I mean is, Orwell wasn’t exaggerating or using hyperbolic metaphor… he was describing how people actually think in furtherance of the team.
I noticed this in the 91/92 election season with Clinton’s draft record. Every other week there would be a new revelation, and every other week the same national news anchor would tell me that this was nothing new. At the time I was amazed that they were so blatant in their lies that they thought I wouldn’t remember hearing them say “he never received a draft notice” as they told me “we have always known that he got a draft notice… but he didn’t get a second notice…”. Now I’m not so sure. I think they just believed their own lie.
Like the OJ Simpson trial. There was a huge chunk of the population who believed he was framed. And then a year later, nobody believed it anymore. And they don’t remember ever believing it.
TLDR; people are strange.
Letters to the Local Rag: I Think There’s A Youtube Video For That
Letters to the Local Rag: Keepin’ It Classy
His ass must be real itchy
Dang, that was funny, Pie.
I get it! Hahahaha!
Throwing myself onto the mercy/knowledge/assistance of my fellow travelers.
20 some-odd years ago there was a musical group from Madagascar which had a few flash-in-the-pan hits and (as far as I know) receded from history.
4 days ago I heard one of their songs which has ear-wormed itself into my consciousness. I cannot recall the name of the group.
Any hints?
This one??
Thanx, but no. This was a band that was actually from Madagascar – the island. Not the animated movie.
That was the joke…
Meh… my genius is lost on these plebes.
(rule one of bad comedy – it is never you, it is always the audience that didn’t get it.)
+1 Obama
This guy gets it…..
And now I can’t properly reply to Ted S. below. I mean, that post about Tarika is just begging for someone to post:
“Oh yeah, I remember them, their hips don’t lie!” because, you know, Shakira and Tarika are such close words and… well, now I can’t.
Was the group Tarika? That’s the only big match that a search engine search reveals.
Thanx. I’ve been googling this for days. Looks like too much has happened in the decades in between. Difficult to drill down to a specific year I guess.
I’m going to guess that you can’t dredge up any of the lyrics to the song….
I’m pretty bad with pop lyrics, so I’ve figured out that you can’t google “Yeah, yeah…. we all something, something… Ooh, yeah….” and expect to get the right result.
The problem is that the lyrics are not in English or any language I have a toehold on. All indigenous, local language. I used to have the CD – long gone.
Last.FM made a list of all artists from Madagascar for me.
It is a long list.
Thanx. I looked through them all. Nothing there that strikes my memory.
BTW, did we ever find out what the crest was on that guy’s holster was?
Not sure. But I had a follow on story to your story about seeing your dad and brother on a tourist poster for San Francisco.
Back when I was in high school ROTC we had all the most recent field manuals for current small arms which we were supposed to learn about. There was something about the manual for the 1911A1 45 caliber pistol which just seemed too familiar to me. The hands in the illustrations seemed too familiar to me.
A couple years later when I enlisted we had the same manuals and I had that same weird feeling.
40-some-odd years later I was talking with my dad – who had spent most of his career as a Department of Defense education/training specialist. He was a PhD’d psychologist who guided the US Army training programs. We were talking about 1911’s when he mentioned – for the first time to me – that back in the late 1960’s he was tasked with a young Captain to re-write the manual for the issue handgun of the time. He laid out the format and the text – and for some reason his hands were the hands in the photographs used to show how to manipulate the firearm.
So finally I learned why those photos seemed so familiar. The hands holding the pistol were my father’s hands.
That’s a nice “Small World” story. It comes around at the oddest times.
There’s a song in that story.
Letters to the Local Rag: We’ll Get Right On That
I can’t imagine why legacy dead tree media is losing popularity.
I dunno…. that’s some pretty good comedy, right there.
I mean, unless it was unintended. They had to do that on purpose, didn’t they? It’s just too perfect, with two impossibilities juxtaposed like that. Nah, that was a joke.
It’s Williamsburg, ground zero in Virginia for elderly retirees from New Jersey and New York.
I believe that was absolutely sincere.
It sounds like the only audience they have left are the retarded and deranged.
Sex pigs halt traffic after laser attack on Pokémon teens
No it isn’t about cops.
When I saw Sweden and animal sex I was reminded of the swedish farmer who noticed unusual behavior in his flock of sheep. He put a surveillance camera in his barn and discovered a dozen ‘immigrants’ were sneaking in his barn at night to fuck his sheep.
There was a time when I thought Sweden would be a good place to visit.
Was it immediately after you read that article?
Go to Norway instead. You don’t want to surround yourself with a bunch of stinking Swedes.
/guy who grew up among the Norwegians
After much cajoling, I gonna got my Finnish coworkers to tell me what they thought of Swedes. A woman popped up with “They’re all gay.”
Finally got
Sweden does look like it’s teabagging Denmark.
Finns are even worse. They won’t even admit that they are Scandinavian.
Well, the Finnish language is distinctly different from the rest of Scandinavia. Closer to Hungarian or Mongolian even.
Somebody had fun writing that
*eyes roll so hard I can see my brain*
That stood out to me as well.
If the crime exists only in the mind of another person, how can it possibly be a crime?
Either screwing in public is a crime, or it isn’t. But if you have to ask around to find out if anyone found it offensive, you have a broken criminal code.
I love this story just because of “Fat Leonard”
I suppose most people wouldn’t know that the Navy base for the 7th fleet – Yokosuka, Japan – is run by the ‘Filipino mafia’ (Filipinos in the Navy and retired now working US gov’t jobs on base). So this Fat Leonard is and or was part of that network.
Had no idea… But I can easily believe it.
And yet people think John Brennan should get away scot-free with leaking security clearance information.
They no longer teach the classics in schools.
Best Cold War cartoon show, ever.
More Cold War cartoons
They truly don’t. Every year in class, while we’re talking about medieval Islamic mathematics, I put up a still of Bullwinkle holding up the Ruby Yacht of Omar Khayyam. They don’t get it (a) because they have never seen Bullwinkle, and (b) they have never heard–AT ALL–of the Rubaiyyat. SMDH
When I got to middle school and was taught about it, I immediately remembered that episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle, because it was so obviously a punchline and I had no idea until that point what was supposed to be funny.
Yeah, see, you were taught about it in middle school. I have a class full of juniors and seniors IN COLLEGE who have never heard if it. On the other hand, they do know about Maya Angelou (not her work so much, just that she is an oppressed black woman and should be admired for that) and Terry Tempest Williams and Rachel Carson.
I once wrote a rant about how the abolition of the literary canon and the focus on contemporary authors was an attempt to isolate each generation be ensuring there were no cultural references that crossed generational lines.
I only half-believed it then.
I introduced my kid to War Games and she introduced her class to it via last-day-of-school movie watching. It would’ve been rated R now for language, which is telling, but her class loved it as much as she did.
Her teenage friends also know Pink Floyd, Rush, Hendrix, et al. Those are the ones whose parents started having kids late, like me and Mr. Mojeaux. I regularly watch 80s movies with my kid, so she gets some of the references. I started my kids on Rocky and Bullwinkle when they were young, but it didn’t hold their attention like it did for me. I had to explain Valley Girl. I was surprised she asked me what it meant.
Mr. Mojeaux and I went to Rush’s Snakes and Arrows tour concert and the audience was mostly middle aged fat people like us dragging their teenagers along as some sort of educational field trip.
I wouldn’t say they’re completely lost, so long as they are exposed to quality and want to share with their friends. There is still hope.
I do the same with my kids.
My son just started middle school and has been a metal fan since the age of 6 months. I used to sing AC/DC and Van Halen to get him to go to sleep. (if you want to claim you are a real singer, I dare you to try AC/DC or David Lee Roth a cappella. )
Middle school has started steering him toward contemporary pop/hip-hop. He used to have impeccable taste in music – and now his mom just took him to see Imagine Dragons for his first real concert.
Meh…. it is a right of passage, I suppose…. listening to music your parents don’t get. In his defense, he came home disappointed.
I sometimes have to yell, “Turn that whiny emo shit off!” Then I blast “Dr. Feelgood” to set their minds right.
I liked the joke so much, I bought the company.
I was in the checkout line at Walmart and the Russian cashier lady was relating a story about how squirrels got into her attic and made a mess. I had a real hard time keeping a straight face until I left the store.
Netflix cancelled Michelle Wolfe’s (you had probably already forgotten her) show.
She should have tried telling jokes. It may have been a better idea than joylessly scolding and shaming her audience. There’s a limit to the self-flagellation even the modern white prog is willing to endure.
The real problem is that she’s not funny.
Which one of the late night comedy guys openly admitted that he was no longer going to try to be funny? Trump really is living rent free in their heads.
I didn’t forget about her; I never heard of her.
Her voice alone should be enough to get her canceled. It’s like fingernails on a chalkboard with water dripping in the background.
She has that blank expression that would work well if she had any half way decent material. Instead that light is on but nobody is home resting face she rocks is only reinforced when she speaks.
Yesterday Mrs. Suthenboy had the TV on. Some laboratory was solving crimes and their electricity went out. One of the enterprising, clever young lab rats went to their display case in the lobby and retrieved an ‘antique’ microscope to use. The characters referred to it more than once as ‘ancient’ and ‘antique’.
I had one identical to it when I was a kid. My parents bought it new for me. Great.
Should we get off your lawn?
What made me think of that is the moose and squirrel story. I sometimes am surprised by how young people are ignorant of things I think of as common knowledge or common cultural experiences then something comes along to remind me of my age.
Like economics?
Ignorance of economics is not restricted to the young.
A middle aged guy I work with made a Fast Times at Ridgemont High reference at a staff meeting this week and everyone under 40 looked at him like he was from outer space. Made me feel old…
+1 Phoebe Cates
I was more of a Jennifer Jason Leigh admirer myself but I wouldn’t kick Phoebe out of bed for eating crackers.
Why not both?
Hey, you’ve gotta be Mike Damone cool to pull that off and I’m afraid I just don’t have that in me.
“Isn’t this great?”
I’ve noticed that whenever I meet a kid in his 20’s that gets references to 80’s or 90’s movies that he usually is a shitlord and I pat him on the head accordingly.
Or, God forbid, 70s movies and by that I mean Blazing Saddles.
You just described my son perfectly. He grew up watching the old cartoon channel and some channel that played old tv series. He is most definitely a shitlord. He told me wednesday that he is preparing to open two more branches for a total of four.
He is at 700 customers now at two branches and is shooting for 1000.
Hell. I’m about to retire from the Army reserve. I first enlisted into the Marines before any US troops wore camouflage outside of a combat theater. Polished black boots, polished brass buckles, starched and ironed uniforms. I was stationed overseas when phone calls were too expensive for enlisted or even junior officers – letters were what kept us connected with people back home.
Sometimes I feel like Highlander. Like I’ve survived eons beyond my generation.
The worst part of getting old is the increase in the number of funerals you have to attend. I said that once to a friend who is in his late 70’s and he agreed, said he was having to attend one every week nearly.
said he was having to attend one every week nearly.
I’d run out of friends in less than a year.
More like a month for me, but this guy is a politician and knows everyone in the state.
I only have three friends left from grade school. Maybe a half dozen from my high school days.
My mother once told me of her tiny farm-town high school class of 1944, which consisted of eight boys and four girls. By one year after that graduation, four of the eight boys had been killed, two in the Pacific and two in Europe.
A couple of years before Dad died he told me he had to stop reading obituaries in their local paper, because everyone mentioned in them was younger than he was. He made it to 94.
My first army boots were brown and made from leather…
So you must have gone in sometime around 1980? Damn that is a time warp.
I did Boot Camp in ’89. Still had some Korean War studs walking around.
Hell, I retired in 1976, basic was ’56.
Some are too young, some are too old. I’ll have to ask my kids “What’s a Fast time at…..”
This one is for you Suthen. More for your “They lie” file.
Former Gun Control Candidate Charged With Shooting Her Campaign Treasurer
Protect the community. Uh huh. Diane Feinstein is a CCL holder and packs all of the time.
No one ever wanted you to be defenseless for your own good. They are lying sacks of shit. If we ever lose our second amendment protections it will be game over. The republic will be gone in less than ten years.
The 2nd protects the 1st (and all the others really). Get rid of that and we’ll look like a more violent England.
We will look like Chicago.
The second must’ve been asleep when the tenth was getting cornholed.
I saw that the other day. How perfect.
Told you Minnesoda Gals were special.
Sometimes their unicorns need a bit of help though.
The interweb is a harsh mistress:
“Should have let them die.”
Fish lake. It’s that near Water lake?
They have so damned many they should just number them.
The thing is, they name anything bigger than a puddle. “Minnesoda, land of 10,000 lakes; 8,237 of which most people call sloughs or ditches.”
You try dragging a giant ax around the whole damn state. See if you do any better.
Envy isn’t a good color on you. Maybe if you weren’t such a h8er your avatar would look nicer.
We have tons of duplicate names for lakes here.
10 Most common:
Mud, Long, Rice, Bass, Round, Horseshoe, Twin, Island, Johnson, Spring
Until PC got going, I bet Squaw lake was up there.
I think we have four or five Pelican lakes. That’s more than we have actual pelicans!
Well, I’ve seen pelicans flying over my place when I lived in Arizona so I’m sure those muthaFkrs can be found lots of places you wouldn’t expect.
If you want to see them around here go to a catfish farm. If you want more amusement ask the farmers about them. They lose their shit at the mere mention of pelicans.
It used to be called Virgin Lake until those women went swimming in it.
A virgin lake is a lake so remote that no woman has ever swum in it and the fish don’t smell…
Now it’s filled with suckers and leeches.
For you
I have a “Lolita” tattoo. It’s a flaming heart, with a banner across it and LOLITA in a serif font. Over my heart. Lolita was my kitty cat. I think the lesbians downstairs poisoned her. Ahhh fun times and intrigue in Bloomington, Indiana circa 1991.
Why would a lesbian want to hurt a pussy?
So save it from being abused by a perpetrator of The Patriarchy, ‘natch.
Regardless of the wisdom, or lack thereof depending on your views, of the govt. getting involved in the social media ban frenzy it looks like it’s going to happen:
Remember, Trump: Publisher, publisher, publisher-if that’s the intervention he has in mind I have no problem with it.
I think they have stepped over that line. They are no longer forums.
The problem it seems is that these media giants are led by young bazillionaires who are really just basement dwelling nerds with very little real life experience. They fell into their wealth because they were clever computer geeks but they are completely unqualified for the positions they hold now. Good grief, can you imagine a more naive company motto than ‘Don’t be evil’? That is something a virgin college freshman would come up with.
In any case they are killing themselves and dont realize it.
They pushed it too far and were too brazen, makes me wonder what the hell they were thinking.
They’re on The Right Side of History™. Why should they have to operate in secret?
I’m surprised that this take has been relegated to the fringe.
It was the very first thing I thought of when they started in with the “fake news” stuff back before the election and Facebook was talking about promoting “true stories” with their PC infested truth commission.
I wish I could buy stock in shadowbanning.
Enh, if they’re not really into serious studies they’re probably doing everyone a favor by not attempting to fake it. Leave those things to other schools that will do it better. Win/win.
I just got back from a week of moving my son to college and taking my daughter on several college tours. It was enlightening and helpful for the schools to let me know exactly what they were all about. Apparently one of them wanted to make my kid a ‘global citizen’.
Hard pass.
Did the boy end up going to Mines?
Yep. He starts bright and early on Monday. He’s pretty excited.
That’s awesome. Good for him. What’s his major gonna be?
They don’t declare until after year 1. Mechanical is what he is thinking, but they make sure the kids get a taste of a bunch of different areas. Shit, he may end up a petroleum engineer or something. A true shitlord.
They are truly doing God’s work.
Mike, they have an explosives club.
Literally a club on campus where they learn the fine art of blowing shit up.
/jealous as fuck.
*considers going back to college*
they have an explosives club.
My dad and brothers were in town last weekend, and we ended up at the local shooting range. My little brother shot circles around us. Upon further questioning, he’s been a member of the college shooting club for a couple years.
I knew the shooting club was still around when I was on campus because I could hear them shooting 22s in the armory. I figured it would’ve been banned between then and now, especially since there had been a shooting on campus in the interim.
Military parades are always political theater, but this one was purely a rhetorical game — set up and won by Trump.
Actually pretty funny. These people don’t seem to be catching on…
Gotta hand it to him, he is the master troller.
He’s deft at baiting traps. He is a master baiter.
Damn, EDG, al that weight loss makes you look a lot like Johnny Thunders.
Gotta be honest, it feels pretty good. I’m about to go to the mall today and buy a new wardrobe. My old clothes just don’t fit right. 10 miles a day and a keto diey seems to work.
That’s awesome, brother!
Well, everything except the mall part…
South Coast Plaza is a cathedral of capitalism. Cocktails and retail.
That is fabulous!
He’s trolling me with that response. FY, CS.
He played them like a fiddle once again.
I haven’t looked at her blog in ages.
Reynolds links to her with some regularity.
“These people dont seem to be catching on…”
They really aren’t. Yesterday I complained about the lily white antifa guys screaming ‘white supremacist!’ at black cops. Earlier cyto told about his SIL who insisted that R’s were to blame for her problem when literally everyone in charge was a D. Back to ol’ Bezmenov : “Once they are demoralized they can only see one thing”. Reality is invisible to them.
Of course he is going to keep it up with the laser pointer and like cats they scramble frantically after it.
I’m surprised out how easily most people are stirred up by obviously manipulative nonsense.
This isn’t a left-right thing… the moral majority can be manipulated just as easily. The fraction of people who don’t get swayed like that is rather small. I suspect that it is a sign of some mental illness…. a deficit in the adaptations that make us such good social animals and leads to our tribal nature.
Mostly that deficit seems to pop up among libertarians and survivalist hermits.
“I tried some of that Boca shit a few years back. It was shit.”
“Yes, Boca is shit, but this is different. Try them.”
I used to like Boca burgers. Then their price doubled for no apparent reason.
…no apparent reason.
Psshht. Well…yeah…but what else?
It doesn’t seem to be. From what I can tell they are way less popular.
There’s something in the flavor across their product line that distinguishes them and revolts me. I bet RAHeinlein could guess (or know!) what it is, but some flavorant used across the board. So I get totally distracted from the cardboard-and-stale-bubblegum texture.
I’m just wondering why mass-produced (Boca is a a subsidiary of Kraft) frozen pucks made from inexpensive ingredients would be so expensive.
The average person who eats veggie burgers is such a rube that I could take an empty bottle with the label ripped off, fill it with toilet water, and sell it at a stand on the side of the road to them as natural homemade spring water at $10 a pop. These are people willing to pay a premium to feel smug and superior.
Like Tundra said, demand.
I don’t know. Maybe another two weeks of daily spreads in the “news”paper will help me decide.
Troubling and shocking! People are voluntarily helping one another out instead of being forced to do so by government!
It’s troubling and shocking to me that some asshole gets taxpayer dollars at a public institution to blatantly push a political narrative.
The worst thing for a proggie is to find so many examples of the inherent generosity of people.
I am too lazy to look it up but the stark, dramatic difference in the amounts given to charity between conservatives and progressives is very telling. Most proggie shitheads give almost nothing to charities and openly say that charities, being non-government, are bad.
It is always about force with them. They absolutely dont want people to have options.
Gofundme goes out of its way to say they aren’t a “substitute social safety net.”
The story itself is Dem-op propaganda disguised as news. It’s not based on anything current or newly revealed. Just a story by a zealot who thinks healthcare is a winning issue for Dems and a loser for the evil Republicans.
*in falsetto and with grandiose gesturing*
Progress because of the ACA. That is funny.
Health insurance is not healthcare. What the ACA did was dramatically reduce the amount of healthcare that people had access to, dickhead.
I can’t speak for “people”. But it certainly had negative impact on my family.
So this isn’t your truck?
Just saw the tuffgai Sean “I will swing a baseball bat at Trumpkins” Maloney commercial for NY AG. Twice.
I’ll blindly speculate that this probably makes him no more an asshole than any of the other candidates.
Richard Painter already won campaign ad season. The rest shouldn’t even bother.
I… No, Is that a real ad? No, can’t be. Please tell me that’s not real.
It’s real.
And yet he won’t allow us to defend ourselves with guns.
WTF Minnesota?
I would have banned her too.
We used to revoke citizenship for immigration fraud.
If you check enough grievance boxes, anything goes!
Even marrying your brother…
In a sane world, national exposure might bring her immigration fraud to light. Oh well, at least we’ll have the endless comedy to look forward to.
Now she can be one of 536 idiots to actually vote on immigration laws.
I can’t help but wonder if she will become an albatross for the party. Between her and Occasional Cortex I expect to hear some zany stuff.
Take that, Trump!
At the risk of engaging in whataboutism, this has been nowhere to be seen in the local Bay Area media. Same with Keith the womanbeater. But that lady who faked her diploma was covered. I wonder why.
Wow. The “comicsgate” indiegogo books just keep coming. The next one is by Doug “Earthworm Jim” Tennaple – (great music video ;p)
A bigfoot who wears the kraken as a super suit – apparently also featuring a unicorn named “Judgy”.
Great live stream (long but funny) intro with Ethan van Sciver, Nerkish and others:
It looks like the kind of title that would have been a shoe-in 15-20 years ago for Dark Horse or someone else, but not anymore. OTOH, from what I’ve been hearing on some vids, the profit margins direct to the creators this way are astronomical compared to traditional Image, etc. And after the initial sales, there’s always digital, print on demand, etc.
“As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extremism which inspired my abusers
Grooming gangs are not like paedophile rings; instead, they operate almost exactly like terrorist networks, with all the same strategies”
Sounds like Ella Hill will be going to jail soon.
Most of the article is an exercise in moral relativism, so she should be safe. Well, from jail at least.
It’s actually amazing how she feels compelled to go out of her way to defend Islam and attack the right there.
See my comment above. She is to-be-sure-ing to stay out of the pokey. England has thrown people in prison for less.
Eventually that situation is going to come to an all out war.
Ten years ago, if you had told me that blasphemy would be illegal again in Europe in my lifetime, I wouldn’t have believed you. If you had told me that it would be for offenses of Islam, I would have thought you were utterly insane.
Anyone still peek in at TOS lately? Have they gone full prog yet?
I went and looked myself. That was a mistake.
I used to visit from work on weekdays before I was sacked. Pretty sure it’s a ghost town + Hihn on weekends.
Wait, you were sacked? How did I miss this?
Long story short, the company that acquired mine a few years ago doesn’t want to pay NYC wages for experienced IT developers when there’s cheap labor available in their home town. All I can say is “good luck with that”.
So Andrew Cuomo priced you out of the labor force.
Well, first he priced my job to NJ and then that new “progressive” they elected priced it to Ohio.
Oh, and they suffer from a bad case of Not Invented Here syndrome. I just spent six months working on a project that I know will never be finished and already has an off-the-shelf solution that will be cheaper in the long run – a solution that was working fine at my old company – but they would rather throw a bunch of twenty-somethings at it who don’t what they’re doing. So all that cheap labor isn’t saving them shit.
Sorry to hear that.
Thanks. But I’m thinking it’s a blessing in disguise.
I just glanced over a couple of articles. Plenty of open borders, TDS, and mild collectivism.
The comments are awful.
This new age of “trust the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.” is not a good color on libertarians. We’re supposed to believe the organization that headed COINTELPRO? We’re supposed to trust the people who overthrew every other government in South America? They lie all the time, even when the truth would suit them better.
I’ve been commenting there a bit. I wouldn’t say that. For example, Baylen Linnekin’s post today critiques the Monsanto verdict and urges it to be overturned on appeal (trust me, it won’t be overturned even though there’s no causal link between glysophate exposure and cancer).
However, in that same article, there is obligatory “those who don’t believe in AGW are anti-science” argument, too.
While that case has an extra side of sticking it to the environment-destroying evil megacorporations, it fits the “sympathetic litigant, deep-pocketed defendant” dynamic of the American courts just as much. While we are piling new dysfunctions on at an alarming pace, that dysfunction has been a serious problem of the American courts for a long time.
Yep. And because the jury gets to decide the facts and the credibility of experts, and because it is possible that what that expert said is true, the appellate court will find the jury had a rational basis for finding that glyphosate caused the plaintiff’s cancer. The most Bayer can expect is a reduced judgment in the form of remittitur. But the merits (demerits?) of this case will stand and lead to more bullshit cases like it. What a farce.
And you know what? I’m gonna come out and say it: fuck the plaintiff. Your pain and suffering from cancer does not entitle you to state-sanctioned theft.
I’m also wondering why sarcasmic doesn’t drop by.
He called Glibs a bunch of snobs at TOS.
That’s sad. We may be jerks, by snobs goes too far.
Christ, what an asshole.
But at least there is this:
Love it, and the guy deserves to have the logical conclusion of his premise thrown in his face. But she should be cautious. That is definitely defamatory.
Good Lord, what a shitshow.
Seriously. I don’t how anyone can wade into that for more than 60 seconds.
You misspelled “asshole,” Twitter’s rife with them.
White supremacist Claire Lehmann.
Claire Lehmann in Penthouse:
I am disappoint.
Articles in Penthouse? Who knew?
I fapped anyway.
I never believed that would happen to me.
She is right. This is going to destroy not just google but Facebook and twitter as well and they are bringing it on themselves.
Where is an open borders libertarian to go? I’m thinking that as the US Empire disentigrates, it will be Spanish Civil War style. And I’ve read in the SCW, you had to take a side. So, the only place for open border libertarians is with the left.
I just cant understand the OB libertarian position. No borders will result in a flood of millions of people that have no belief in property rights, are very socialist minded and a large number that want to impose a theocracy or outright slavery. It is not a liberty friendly position. An open borders policy would result in the death of liberty. Sometimes I wonder if that is not what they really want. There seems to be no small amount of America-hate amongst that crowd.
Step 1: Set up a Libertarian Utopia with universal franchise
Step 2: Invite every Third Marxist, Muslim, and free-loader into the country and let them vote
Step 3: Paradise
The forced theocracy “refugees” want to kill us for real, not just liberty. Liberty is not part of their think.
The open border left thinks the theocrats are useful and won’t kill THEM.
Open borders with no welfare state and a requirement that only 2nd generation native-born citizen net-taxpayers can vote might work. Want to move to Libertopia? Welcome aboard, but you’re on your own and your grandkids or great-grandkids will eventually get to vote if they’re actually paying taxes.
I believe that open borders is, generally, the best policy in peacetime. The question of whether we are, truly, in peacetime is a different one. But regardless, the government subsidizing certain people to move in and directing them to take the property of others is not open borders. Anyone who can casually conflate the two, whether right-leaning (anti) or left-leaning (pro), is not getting the point of libertarianism.
As for which side to pick, I’d sooner choose the one that believes in limited but generally free migration (the non-nativist right) than the one that believes in displacing people and propping up illiberal cultural attitudes and practices (the woke left).
I think the balance of my support on this issue would probably favor the left if, and this is a very important if, they weren’t suppressing free speech or treating Muslims as a special class under the law. People should be free to say whatever they think, whether it be tempered criticism of Islamic extremism or all-out invective-laden spittle-flecked racist diatribes, and the law should be applied equally without regard to “cultural differences”. While I don’t endorse colonialism, Lord Charles Napier’s attitude should be guiding our legal system in these matters:
That’s a great quote.
“But regardless, the government subsidizing certain people to move in and directing them to take the property of others is not open borders.”
The reason it gets conflated is because that is exactly what would happen with open borders. Either the left would do it right off of the bat as they have stated they would or it would gain popular support after enough non-assimilated immigrants arrive and begin voting. What country has a culture of no free stuff? This one. That’s it. Every other country in the world has a much more collectivist culture.